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Thursday, July 21, 2011


We had 1559 hits yesterday! If anyone would like to post an article, please let me know. Hannah, would you like to write one? Marischo5, we miss you writing,  and Cynical Jinx, we need you!


  1. I say put the word out, tell your friends, pot it on facebook and my space, etc., tell people about this greatsite!

  2. I wish they'd come on here and talk to you. The gals from Mob wives do on their site, and it's not all roses. If they did, folks on here would see things different. I encouraged them to do so!
    It would make their rating go up, and gather more viewers. Come on guys, I told you to talk to them, they won't bite!

  3. Sure, I'll write you one and give you facts, not stupid lies people make up in their heads about how whiney Robyn is. Sure. What do you want to know?

  4. Hannah, I thought you were griping because Ms wasn't snarky, now it's MS is mean. Write a post, email it to her, and I am sure if it is not as mean as you are, she'll put it up! I'm assuming she thought you wanted more snark.
