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Friday, July 29, 2011

Sister Wives - Jive Turkey - Shyster Vibe - The Concubines of the Cult of Kody Brown

This is an oral radio show w/pics of the Browns - and the way Paul READS his commentary we have on this blog is hysterical! He also left the last part of I didn't care for.
It's funny! Watch - Think he has Kody's number?



  1. I always wondered if the hardcore efforts to fight off prop 8 from the Mormon's was more about gay marriage probably leading to polygamy than about gay marriage itself - mind you MSM removed polygamy by practice but not by belief as polygamy is part of their after life system.

    To remove polygamy altogether would be to remove their religion altogether. Rumors are still heard today on polygamous marriages in the Temple so who knows!

  2. Doh! that comment was for the post before this about Gays perhaps not being happy with them being referenced in this lawsuit. Not sure how the heck that happened I must have clicked wrong! Sorry about that.

  3. What a HOOT! This guy is hilarious!
    And, he made perfect sense. Just has the balls to say it.

  4. Cool, but I bet I wouldn't agree with his other politic, it was funnier than reading it.

  5. It was funny when I read it, but a scream to hear him. I wouldn't want him on my bad side, though!

  6. Wouldn't you LOVE this guy to do summaries of the show?

  7. I just love, "The Concubines of Kody Brown" Jive turkey, it was sooo worth it!

  8. HEE HEE Did they get the best goofy pictures of Kody? They must of looked hard to find a couple of them.
