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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sister Wives Video: Robyn's Relationships


  1. Kody said a long time ago that there was an "ick factor" about the idea of getting involved with Robyn. Quite obviously he didn't like the idea of a woman who had slept with another man. He got over it though!

    1. So your new wife slept with one guy. He sleeps with 3 all the time..

    2. Is there a difference between lawful and civil marriages? Like was Robin married to her ex like Meri is to Kody? If so, maybe that is what he meant...?

    3. Randi - Janelle also was legally married to her first husband and is not to Kody. Same difference as Robyn. The ONLY difference is that Kody didn't father the 3 kids that he also got when he won the booby prize of Robyn.

    4. I honestly don't get this whole "ick factor" which Kody never mentions having with Janelle; but I guess no children were born of that marriage, he could happily pretend that Janelle and her ex slept in separate beds.

    5. This sounds so mean, even as i am typing it. I'm going to say it anyway.

      Adam Barber is UGLY I mean very UGLY; their marriage was also very short. She also seems like the sort of person who is unlikely to point out Kody weaknesses to others (even her own mother is too close to the situation to confide in). I think when K married J, he felt like he was such a step-up that she would be eternally GRATEFUL that she was blessed enough to get someone as awesome as he.

      On the other hand. . . DPJ is a nice looking guy and "Plyg Royalty", though he alledgedly is a depressiv and distant (maybe even verbally/ psychologically abusive--per gossip) guy. Marrying into that family gave her some clout in their backward society. The Jessops run everything: religion, business, and municipal offices. With all that money she spent on VS, she must have been rocking his world and vice-versa. They were married for years and have 3 kids which may or ay not be loyal to Kody in the long run. I'd imagine K felt like R actually had something to which she might compare K--and with big mouth, she might confide any deficits to her mom or a friend.Her kids might also air their dirty laundry when they go back to visit (which apparently they did for most of the summer last year). That also explains why K might fawn over these kids.

    6. Good comments linnet. I agree. I've always thought it was just more than an ick factor for having sex with someone else and I think you've nailed it.

    7. Love love love this blog but I wanted to put my 2 cents in on one recurring theme. It is often referenced that Robin ran up a huge tab with VS and it seems everyone is thinking she was buying sexy undies, etc. I think it's more likely she was buying actual clothes (layered tees, babydoll tops, khakis) from the catalog. Not that it matters - just a thought,,,,, ;)

    8. BTW on Adam Barber's FB page, he has pictures of his 3 absolutley adorable children, which all result from his monogamous marriage. He seems like a very nice man. Having virtually no reliable information about him, I think maybe Janelle should have stuck that one out instead of boarding the Titanic. I sort of wonder if she was pressuring him to become polygamous. . .perhaps at the behest of her sister-in-law, for example? I have no reason to think that--it just sort of occurred to me. Just pondering.

  2. He had to get over his negative feelings about marrying a divorced woman??? He's such a flaming jerk...I guess having a wife, 2 celestial girlfriends & 13 kids at home isn't considered baggage in Kody's mind. Oh, that's right- the sister wives and bonus children are a blessing!

    TLC please make him go away!

  3. Didn't you already posts this vid? LOL Or is she having more "relationships?"

    1. One can never have enough of the Kody and Robyn show!

    2. hah! Cjinx is right, the Kody & Robyn show is classic and timeless. The deep thoughts, the thoughtful introspection, the mutual adoration. it's almost like seeing Adam and Eve puzzle out whether or not to eat that fruit.
      ..............naw, it's just fun to smack talk about these idiots because they want us to talk about them. (really they want the suckups to talk about them but life isn't fair all the time)

    3. LOL I was starting to think I should play it backwards! :D

    4. Good idea Pilio & U might even hear the devil himself speaking or trying to subliminally send a message....lol

    5. Cynical Jynx -- I realize that you likely don't care about my opinion, but this recap was really good. Concise. Smart. No name-calling. Nice. Enjoyed reading it. Thanks!

  4. - So, in Robyn's mind, apparently, you "pay your dues" as a new sister wife by adding a biological baby?
    - Well, Kody, of course you cannot validate your wives, they don't seem to have a real value to you! They are simply tools that you gladly use to pursue YOUR own desires, whether you call it a TV show, a number of children to brag about (as if it's something to brag about), four houses in a cul-de-sac, or the path to Heaven!
    They certainly are made for each other...like we say in Spanish: there's always a dirty sock for a stinking foot.

  5. Is emotional manipulation all this 4th wife knows? Gross...

  6. She has no idea how to have a relationship with her sister wives. Meri friended her to make the others jealous (they didn't care they don't have to bother with the witch). Kody don't lie in this clip saus he don't want to work in a relationship or a job. What does he do all day? decide which to go to that night
    What a life

  7. Deep Thoughts By Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber

  8. How the hell does he get away w/talking about his big hurdle was getting over the fact she'd been married to another man?? HELLO, you doofus. You've already been there done that w/your SECOND wife who was divorced from your brother-in-law! It comes down to the fact that it's her kids that aren't from his hot little loins.

  9. I been thinking they should open a gym for fattys instead of juice bar they could sell twinkees, chips, milk shakes and all kinds of junk food. For exercise they could watch tv (sister wives) and eat bon bons.

    1. I think in his mind he knew Janelle better because they were best buds first. He knew what went wrong in their marriage. Robon was he just met & they were getting married, he didn't get to know her till after they were married. Pretty scary if I think like him. Thats why they took such a long honeymoon when christine was preggo.

  10. So ridiculous that these words are even leaving his mouth since JANELLE was divorced....and not only divorced, but divorced from Meri's brother. So if you subscribe to the theory that when you sleep with someone, you have slept with everyone they have slept with....you get where I am headed!

    1. Yes, but Janelle didn't have children that prove she banged someone else. She also didn't bang someone more important than Kody (a Jessop!!).

    2. He had no sexual attraction to Janelle, so he didn't care.

  11. 5th Wife-yeah, what does Kodster do all day? I'm sure it takes quite some time for the curl over hairdo. Christine is pretty handy with the curling iron, maybe she does it for him. Maybe HE taught HER how to use that curling iron.

    RoBUN really looks exhausted here. The multiple layers of makeup cannot hide the dark circles under her eyes. All of their lives look really exhausting to me and they don't even have jobs. It always seems like someone is yelling and running and yelling and bitching and tracking down King Kody. They all seem like emotional vampires sucking the life out of each other. Janelle does seem to be somewhat calm but maybe she has some Valium.

    But to the actual content of the video clip: I really don't understand why Kody didn't get that "ick" feeling when he thought about marrying the divorced Janelle. Super ick actually since it's kind of an incest sort of relationship even though it's not a blood relative for Kody. Maybe the children by David make it ick as they are proof that RoBUN had sex with someone besides Kody.

    I kind of understand that if RoBUN divorced the first husband, who's to say she won't give up on the Kody marriage, too? Of course I don't think she will, but I understand what Kody is trying to say there. Problem is how do you know that answer, especially in the whirlwind courtship timeline? Oh wait, I'm sure RoBUN SAID she tried everything and that David was at fault. Silly me, I should have just known that RoBUN of course would tell the truth and that divorce wouldn't have been her fault. I mean after all, we know she knows how to spice up a marriage(Victoria's Secret) so I'm sure the divorce was not her fault. I'm sure her divorce had nothing to do with those hounds of hell children of hers(again, I flashback to the wedding episode where that Tasmanian Devil daughter locked RoBUN out of the van.)

    I really am surprised that their religion allows elective divorces. I meant the prophet didn't come and reassign the wife in this case. They prolly would reserve that as punishment for the worst husband to be-he gets Robynn and the hounds of hell. I guess I would have thought that once you're married that you're married, especially if you want your own planet.

    I'd like to know if Robynn and Meri are not as happy with each other as they once were or if that's just editing for the show.

    TLC-the show is called Sister Wives so please don't let Kody talk on the confession couch all of the time. It's not all about him even though he believes that. Throw a hairbrush or chew toy and he'll run after it while you film the sister wives on the confession couch.

    1. Peanut Butter FritosJune 18, 2012 at 1:30 PM

      Eh, I think her kids behave exactly as I would expect with a genius mother of the year, and after a divorce, and having to compete for scraps of attention with a million others, like mommy. They certainly didn't ask for this, poor things.

    2. Just found this today and its' cracking me up. I have been all wrong on my perception according to what I am learning here.....

  12. Peanut Butter FritosJune 17, 2012 at 3:20 AM

    Wow, this guy is sleeping with 3 women, and he's acting all superior to Robyn??? Because she got divorced????? Boy, nobody is ever good enough for this slug. That planet is going to be great for eternity, eh?

    It looks like Kody has aged in dog years since he's been a star.

    1. I don't know why anyone would want this guy around for eternity.

    2. This is totally off topic, but I have to ask. What is the significance of peanut butter fritos people refer to? I don't alway's watch the show, so I've obviously missed something. Could someone please enlighten me?

    3. Janelle's Peanut Butter Fritos (as featured on Sister Wives)


      1 cup corn syrup, like Karo Syrup
      1 cup white sugar
      1 cup peanut butter
      1 large bag Fritos scoops

      1.Spread fritos out on a big jelly roll pan turning them so most of the scoop sides are up.
      2.In a sauce pan combine corn syrup and sugar and stir gently.
      3.Cook only until little bubbles begin to form. Do not cook too long or it will get too hard when it cools.
      4.Remove from heat and mix in peanut butter until it melts. Pour over chips on pan. Good to eat immediately. Sometimes we melt chocolate chips and drizzle over the top.

      Bon Apetit!

    4. Thanks CJ! No wonder most of them are morbidly obese.

    5. so PB and Fritos alone isn't enough fat/High Fructose Corn Syrup? They need to add basically 2 extra cups of sugar? yuck. At least there isn't an extra stick of butter.

      I hope this is the worst "treat" in their diet.

    6. If I'm completely honest: in the darkest throes of PMS, I have pondered trying Peanut Butter Fritos. Hangin' my head in shame. . . :| Disclaimer: I did not actually make it, just pondered. LOL

  13. They look so pathetic. Kody with his ´im thinking deep now, about bikes and guns and religion´ look and Robyn with her face thats screams ´i wish i hadnt show him my VS underwear.. i need to sleep bullcrap´.

  14. If I'm nice to her, she won't leave.
    She won't leave as long as she's on the TLC gravy train; as soon as that well runs dry, she'll be out of there.

    I know she did everything to save her marriage
    And she has the unpaid bills from Victoria's Secret to prove it.

    They all seem like emotional vampires sucking the life out of each other.
    Yes, this.

    1. Funny how poor abused little Robyn couldn't afford a crib for ANY of her kids until KING SOL that is BUT she had plenty of pretty little bras & panties for HERSELF! Selfish Lying Bitch!!

  15. The lack of quality education is so evident every time one of the adults speak. Their "best selling" book states that Christine home schooled the children in the early years. Thank goodness they are in public schools now.Basic grammar and arithmetic are not the adult's strong subjects. Janelle is the only one that seems to have attended a real school. I'd sure like to hear what David Jessop has to say on Robchin and their divorce.

    1. I wouldn't assume that Christine's homeschooling was that bad. Honestly, when I have seen her "in the zone" in different clips or when public speaking, she seems like she might have been a good teacher. I'm not saying she should be teaching Trig--or even basic arithmetic (LOL). Home schoolers usually use packs of materials, and the lessons are pre-constructed. They probably got a better education at home than they did in the private church school that they later attended. The kids are ALL much more articulate than their parents.

    2. it takes a lot more patience, talent, and hard work to stay at home and be the primary caregiver for that many children (feeding, clothing, cleaning, schooling, etc) than it does to work a 9-5 job. i only have 2 children, ages 1 and 3, and staying at home with them is a helluva lot harder than what my life was when i worked.

  16. What the hell does he mean they "validate" each other? What do they do, sit around and give each other manicures? Me thinks Kody learned a new word.

    1. By "validate" I think he means "ego stroking."

    2. It's really easy to validate people that you no longer actually live with or in Robyn's case, never lived with.
      I would bet my PB Fritos that the ego stroking and fabtastic validation would be non existent if they lived under one roof.
      Funny how the move Vegas eliminated so many potential landmines that filming could have caught.

  17. Now I am starting to take it personally when she starts talking about how I have to understand how it is not just about the male/female thing but the sister wife thing. I'm not a dimwit, Robyn, I got it a long time ago, and I can think of much better examples than you people to illustrate the point. It is you folks who are unable to live up to the ideals of a cooperative extended family relationship---obviously.

    1. BC- i would NEVER be able to give Robyn the credibility needed to even be able to be insulted by her personally. She really is a dimwit in the most basics of plain logic. Bless her lying little heart tho! ;')

  18. Actions speak louder than words. All we've seen so far is POLYGAMY SUCKS.

    1. I think the Dargers are good examples of polygamy.

    2. I am sure the Dargers would agree with you. For me their union reeks of Stepford Wives. And think if faced with the scrutiny and cameras we would see the cracks.

    3. Except that whole twin sister/cousin thing is more than a little sketchy.

    4. In all my studies and research, I've yet to see any good examples of emotionally healthy/happy religion-based polygyny (which is the form of polygamy we're talking about here.) That would most definitely include the Dargers as well. I know I would never wish it on my daughters nor my sons.

    5. I haven't seen anything that indicates sister wives aren't a good example of polygamy. Now if you are looking for an example of good polygamy, that I have yet to see as well.

  19. I'm having another 'I'm not being a mature adult for spending time on this train wreck' moment because this is definitely another BFO (blinding flash of the obvious) but I have to say it or my head will explode. (Clearly, someone needs more coffee).

    I think it is very telling that there is never any mention of Robyn's kids visiting their father. A well rounded mature adult would want their children to maintain the relationship with their father. But there is no sense that it is even on the radar.

    I'm really tired of listening to them talk about their relationship. Frankly, I'm just tired of the show, other than the occasional comedic interlude (where they think they are being intelligent and smart but really not).

    1. Im sure they spend as little time as possible. I cant just picture Kodouche's face all red, his hair all frazzled, thinking of Robyn talking to her ex and the kids spending some actual one on one quality time with a parent. He would be too jealous.

    2. In their religion, the kids are now kodys. It's common to not keep ties with the bio dad.

    3. That may or may not be true. DPJ may just opt not to keep physical custody of them. On one of those blogs of their home-town haters, someone said that most of the men in their town who are divorced don't want physical custody of the kids when they are younger, but want them back when they are older (old enough to start grifting on their own?). Since Robyn has commented before that DPJ Jr/"Dayton" can choose to go back when he is 13, I think that might be the case. Again, this is just deductive reasoning--no confirmation. Also, on the topic of DPJ Sr., He will never spill the "truth" because he and all the extended families of this grew are of the same ilk. Even the "non-practicing" plygs among them will never betray them.

    4. I'm curious about DPJ Sr, too. If not religious reasons, maybe he doesn't want to have too much contact for his own sanity. I do recall it being mentioned that they spent time with him maybe last summer? Maybe he threatens TLC so they edit out any mention of him?

      I assumed 13 years old meant what it means in my state. At 13, the opinions of the children can be considered by the judge in a custody dispute. Robynn presents it as a choice by Dayton/David but I doubt legally it really is. I think that was just a manipulation by Robynn. She said it when she was whining about how Hunter and the other kids were supposedly acting towards her son. It was something like, "Boo-hoo, poor me, poor kids, the other mean wives' mean kids are picking on my poor boy David, I mean Dayton, and he'll go live with his dad because they're all horrible to me I mean horrible to my son."

    5. LOL @SA! I think they don't mention him in any detail for the same reason they don't mention that Christine (his cousin) is both an Allred AND--even worse--a Lebaron, or that Meri is his bonus cousin. He is too closely related by blood to Christine; by marriage to Meri; (and probably one or both, somewhere along the family wreath, to Kody). The courts "back home" are all pretty much controlled by the Jessops, too, from what I gather. And also, the nae Jessop is NOT what the Browns want their rabid fans to google--since they claim to have nothing to do with all the infamous polygamists--who are all part of their inbred gene pool.

    6. So, if they get divorced does that mean they're still cousins? ha ha ha ha

    7. Yep! And he and Janelle will still be step-siblings.

  20. I have a few questions. If Meri were to pass unexpectedly, would Kody make it legal with the next wife in line?

    That leads me to my next question. A few months ago I watched a special on the National Geographic channel on the different religions. They profiled the Poly man that lives up in Canada (Can't think of his name, but I had seen clips on this man on other channels) that has over 100 kids, etc.. He is well known, and they live very conservatively like they do in the compounds seen with W.J. before he went to prison. Anyway, they showed one of his sons getting married. It was a wedding a lot like Kody's and Robyn's. They pointed out that the son and daughter in law were signing their marriage certificate, so they took that as a sign they would NOT be entering the poly lifestyle. What is the purpose of not signing the certificate? Is it so that there is not a paper trail? That way they can't go after the man? So are they legally married if the marriage certificate isn't validated? If they aren't going to sign one, do they even get one? I just found that very interesting and wanted to know if anyone knows the reasoning behind it?

    1. That's Winston Blackmore. They don't legally marry *any* of their wives, that way they can never be investigated for bigamy, since that's being legally married to one but claiming marriage to more. This way they're equally shacking up with all of 'em...

    2. I watched a documentary about the Winston Blackmore group some years ago. His first ex-wife(legally married to him) had something like 8 children with him and divorced him. He had to pay child support and maybe alimony. Blackmore vowed that he would never marry another woman legally in that TV program. LOL Guess that was a good thing because Warren Jessop ex-communicated him from the FLDS when Blackmore resisted sending more money while Jessop was "on the run". Blackmore said he wouldn't support Jessop was because of the child brides?? At any rate, in the last show I saw about them, Winston said he gave his wives a choice to leave him because of the ex-cmmunication and about half of them did. So much for close and enduring family ties, eh?

      I believe that Canada is now prosecuting him for polygamy and that some of the "boys" have a civil suit claiming they were forced into child labor and got no education. It will be interesting to see how those cases turn out.

    3. Anonymous...
      I wondered if that was the reasoning. Since they made such a big deal of the son actually signing a marriage license and such. So is Kody and Meri's marriage rare then that they are actually married? Or is that more of the norm? I haven't read up enough about poly families to know what the norm is.

    4. Posts we have about Winston Blackmore:



    5. Thank you Anonymous 6:10. Boy, it's so interesting. Thank you also, Mister Sister. I will definitely read those links. Years ago I read a book about the Mormon church when I was living in AZ...and wanted to understand it better. I wish so badly I could remember it because it was really an eye opener. It was written by a daughter of one of the Big guys (for lack of a better term....I don't remember his title) and she had left the church and it was chilling. She described meeting him at a hotel in the end (if I remember correctly).

    6. Winston Blackmore is being prosecuted for tax evasion and is a a big bag of self-satisfied hot air. The kids in his community are exploited for cheap and unpaid labor. As to legal marriages, it's the norm in AUB for a legal marriage before taking on a string of girlfriends.

    7. BakergirlOK,
      I don't think Kody would marry Janelle (she's more buddy buddy with him rather than romantic- I get a together for the kids vibe from them)and he can't stand Christine. I think he would make Robyn his legal wife.

    8. Bakergirl OK - are you talking about Martha Beck - Leaving the Saints? She was Hugh Nibley's daughter. He was a historian/apologist for the mainstream LDS church. She's appeared as a regular on Oprah as a life coach.

      or you might be talking about Fawn Brodie's "No Man Knows My History" about Joseph Smith. She was the niece of President David O. McKay - 9th president and prophet of the mainstream mormon church.

      They're both very good books.

  21. My personal gut feeling re: the repeated interest expressed here in wishing to hear David Jessop's opinions/story is that we would be no more impressed with his shady character traits than we are with Robyn's.

  22. Once again "Kodouche" makes a GIANT ASS of himself. He 'doesnt want to work real hard" - Come on Kodouche! You didnt have to tell us! You are one of the most selfish, immature, lazy pieces of #$%^ out there! We hope you are not 'working' on Robyn, especially since you cant give Christine the 'work' she needs and she has to medicate and suck it up. I have to admit I cant stop watching this train wreck, but it infuriates me all the same.

    1. Totally agree. Remember to be sweet. This man is so full of himself. He doesn't like to discuss the small details. Keep it simple stupid. TLC claimed that they would answer the viewer questions honestly and not be rehearsed. Lies. Notice how they would not answer the question about what Kody was taking in order to perform. He is on something. LMAO.

    2. I can't remember Kody's exact words,(someone plz help me out :D...
      He said, "they exploit the good & ignore the bad in their relationships".. WTF??? Really? How are you supposed to work thru the issues, if U can't talk about problems, etc?? Why even bother going to counseling for that matter? So basically no nitpicking & complaining that Kody is spending way too much time at Robyn's, right?...smh

  23. Why can't Robs pronounce her T's? Important becomes imporent, Dayton becomes Dayun, etc. And she pronounces "real" as "rill".

    It's driving me nuts. And Kody's an ass.

    1. That is just the infamous "Southern Utah Accent". I grew up in Nevada and live in Southern Utah now, so I hear it a lot!

      The whining and sniffling...that's just her.lol

  24. Why can't Robs pronounce her T's? Important becomes imporent, Dayton becomes Dayun, etc.

    Not to go all CT on you or anything, but notice how the unpronounced "t" is always in the middle of the word. Lower case "t" resembles a cross. Robyn can't pronounce this: it's her tell that she is, in fact, a child of Satan (or as she pronounces it "Sayun").
    Actually, it's quite common in Utah for the "t" sound in the middle of word to be elided over. My poorly educated cousins do it all the time. Also, apply above CT.

    1. OMG, don't make me pee my pants from laughing so hard! This fits right in with my theory that her children are The Hounds of Hell. They behave like wild Satan spawn.

  25. Robin now has that same tortured look as Christine. I think Kodouche and MeanGirl Meri have been busy driving the newbie insane. Good thing Kody knows how to handle celestial wife psychosis...a fine set of watch bands should do the trick!

  26. Not pronouncing the "t" in the middle of a word is a result of watching entirely too much TV- it's a New Jersey accent. Maybe they could move to New Jersey next.

    1. I'm from NJ. We don't talk like that.

    2. Anon 11:29am you must be from north jersey. south jersey/SouthEastern Pa (Philly to about York) do often have that glottal slide "intermediary T". Sometimes my own sister sounds like nails on a blackboard to me. Also the inability to say an L in the middle of a word. (Phiwadewphia, Pennsywvania)

  27. Been on the road for work....but have been reading SWB when time allowed....

    Kody was concerned about whether Robchin could be "faithful" to him. Really???
    What colossal, hypocritical horse manure !!!!

    He routinely beds THREE other women and he has the unmitigated gall to make that statement ???!!!!
    This is utter bs.

    These TLC clips are nothing more than *come-ons* to keep people chatting...and watching..and maintaining the ratings.... which is TLC's ONLY interest.

    Just for the record....
    This brief glimpse of Spermy and his chin-challenged princess contained.... *7*....."impor-ent"s. !!!
    Robchin and Spermy, perhaps it is time for a new favorite, over-used word.

  28. Replies
    1. Peanut Butter FritosJune 17, 2012 at 11:04 PM

      Kody is really en fuego in Mexico; that goatee is AWFUL. They've only been on two years, and time has not been good to Kody. He looks like he has been doing hard labor on the compound, only without the physical activity/weight loss part. Those flashbacks really show the difference.

    2. Especially the receeding hairline. Ever since last week's ep when TLC showed (oops!!! not!) that Kody's side head is becoming classically bald, it's more and more obvious (to me anyway) that he has REALLY lost most of his hair on each side of his head. he's lucky he has that center island going on. At this time anyway. "A follicle restorer" = Rogaine. sheesh. Kody for once, just tell the truth and face facts...

  29. Since you are having such a hard time finding 4 houses, why don't you just by land and build a house like you had in Utah so that u can all live together again.

    1. I have wondered that myself. It would seem the logical thing to do.

  30. Can someone please spoil me. My husband came in and changed the channel before Meri gave Kodumb her answer about the surrogacy. WHAT did she say??????!!!!!!!! Please I can't wait until this episode re-airs!

    1. No for now...she's undecided & can't 100% give them an answer right now! She says that she is emotionally conflicted & at this stage of her life, she's in a different place. She also said, that, she would just rather it to magically happen on its own, w/o doing the invitro, etc...
      Kody says that the decision is totally up to her. He wants to know, if she'll at least go in & do the tests to see if her eggs are viable. She said, that she would think about it.

    2. I personally don't think Meri has EVER been interested in IVF to begin with. Robyn is the one who has a bug up her butt about it, and now she's passed that on to Kody.

    3. Thanks guys. My husband wanted to spend time with me and CAN"T STAND SW so I caved and let him change the channel.

      I saw just enough to see Kodouche pressuring Meri to have Robyn..., the BEST birther/moaner be the surrogate. It seemed like he was desperate for this to be a Sister Wives season finale hook to me. What a JERK. He didn't care about Meri's feelings at all.

  31. Just watched.
    Can;t wait to read what you all say!

    How many times did the need to show the woman asking what Kody was taking to perform in the bedroom?
    And how about Rob being THE ONLY wife who doesn't expect all 17 kids to go to college?!
    Why does Meri NEED another baby? Why not get a job, get some training, go back to college herself? IVF is pricey.
    And can't wait to see her wanting her big house next week..I think she needs to share a house w/ Rob.

    1. I'm not one to defend Robyn, but she's actually being realistic. I thought all of the other wives, agreed as well. Janelle was saying even if its a trade school or education training of some sort....
      Kody was the one being all high & mighty & saying No, they all have to go to college. Robyns response to that was, well U can't control or have a say in what they do when they turn 18....Haha, I loved that, bcuz that is true.
      BTW! Kody where did you go to college & earn a degree? Oh yeah, that's right, U didn't!
      All of us as parents, can really only encourage our kids to go to college, or trade schoo, etc.... Honestly, big universities isn't for everyone. So, community college, on-line courses, trade schools, etc...are other options. But then again, it's really up to the individual to take charge & pursue their education.

    2. Peanut Butter FritosJune 18, 2012 at 1:55 AM

      Just because they are quasi-employed, sexually deviant, and didn't go to Harvard, doesn't mean they don't love their kids. Of course they want all their kids to go to college, just like you do.

      Passing down polygamy is trickier, because it's obvious who wins in this scenario -- plus they have to hold the party line that polygamy is best, which is a tough sell for anyone who has seen one episode of this show.

    3. i think Robyn figures Day-un will not be going to college. I think that's where she was coming from on that reality remark.

    4. They kept showing and showing that woman's question about what Kody takes to perform, and then when they finally get around to it, the family acts all shocked and says "we aren't answering that question".
      Oh pleeeeeeeze spare me, then why even bother showing the teaser multiple times...of course I knew that would be Kody's answer. They won't even talk about BIRTH CONTROL for god's sake.

  32. Kody has beady little eyes and he is an ego freako. These women make me crazy. Their commitment has nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with low self esteem and denial. Denial that their "marriages" are real, denial that Kody isn't loving having 4 women cater to him, denial that life would be better if they left. On tonight's show, Kody spends the night with one wife the night before heading out on a trip with Mary, ICK!! Why do I watch? It makes me currraaazy!!

    1. that reality icked me out, too. it made no sense other than someone had to have their sex time with him before he left on a sex vacation the next morning with Meri. it had to be Robyn.

  33. So I call bullshit on janelle and the whole real estate thing. Justwent on nevafas real estate licensing website and the only janelle that is an agent got her license years ago. So either she really didnt pass or she didnt go thru with all of the licensing reqs. Totally misleading at best. But then again,this is sisterwives after all. What did I xpect? the truth? Ha!sillyme!love love love this blog!

    1. I think they went the on-line route! Even so, Janelle still has to get a job with a real estate company, unless they decide on a whim to open their own real estate company(eyes rolling) & then actually start selling properties in order to make commission. I'm not sure exactly how the real estate world works, so I do wonder if they are guaranteed a base salary to start? I'm guessing every real estate company is different.

    2. My brother in law is a realtor here in the Bay Area. Back during the bubble (2004-2007) a good realtor could make bank, but now its a struggle, and our part of the Bay Area was not as affected by the bubble burst as other parts of the US. I think most realtors work strictly on commission only, but don't quote me...

    3. In order to open your own real estate agency, you have to be a Broker, which requires you to be a Salesperson for a minimum of two years. There are a lot of background checks involved and you need to provide income statements/tax returns for several years back and be able to prove your solvency. Then there are the issues of passing the strenuous Broker's exam, having all the necessary insurance coverage, and on and on. Not a chance in heck that any one member of that family would qualify to own their own RE biz.
      BTW, nobody in RE gets a base salary - in most cases, you have to pay a broker as office usage fee just to be able to hang your license with them. Also, I'm in Vegas and we have thousands of "leftover" agents who joined the biz when the economy and housing sales were going crazy 04-05-06. There is not nearly enough business to go round, and with housing prices having fallen to circa 1992 prices, commissions are dismal.

  34. This episode has a happy Christine, a zoned out Janelle, a crying Meri & a morose Robin...I think the Sistas have been mixing up their psych meds. Of course Kody is his usual twisted, icky self.

    1. I wonder if Janelle is self-medicating.

    2. Prescription drug abuse is rampant in Utah, esp. pain meds which are pretty easy to score in Vegas. It's quite possible that Kody's squirrelly-manic behavior/nervous energy is fueled by Oxy's or Vicodin.
      Off topic but in response to previous comments - I saw and interacted with the Browns recently and Robin did not look pregnant. ps Christine is the nicest.

  35. I seriously could've done w/o the boob shots of Meri o_O
    Modest my ass! & this wasn't just around Kody either. She was w/ the tourist guides as well & of course the TLC filmcrew. So, that still boggles my mind, why they can't wear shorts or short sleeves in public. They make an exception everywhere else, so I don't think that short sleeves will keep them out of heaven or their bare arms won't turn men on either...

    1. Peanut Butter FritosJune 18, 2012 at 1:50 AM

      I almost lost my Fritos. Nice rack, I guess, but this is a family show, right? The sinful bare arms shocked me, and then the shoulders just threw me into fits, but that was a seriously insane amount of unnecessary cleavage.

    2. That was certainly a side of Mary completely unorthodox within the realms of their "faith". Totally contradictory!!

      I was going to wait for cj for a review before I commented but I COULDN'T WAIT. If viewers didn't the douchness shine through tonight, than I don't know.

      Ass sweat. Side effect from the green juice?

      Robyn who can't stfu.

      My distaste for this swamp ass has increased 10 fold. He's a pig, not a plig.

    3. Hahahahahahahahaha!!! OMG, Loveisblynde, I totally forgot about Kody's ass sweat O_o & he was owning it too!!...lol

    4. I too was wondering why it is o.k. to show your boobies and arms when on vacation but not at the grocery store. I guess their religion, (or the way they practice it) is pick and choose, time and place.

  36. I keep thinking about what it means to "pull rank." That conversation was actually pretty scary when Kody shut it down and pulled rank on the entire freaking couch segment. That is so completely not how my family operates. It's bizarre that absentee sperm donator dad can "pull rank" over mom (or bonus mom) in 2012. Wow.

    My father was certainly in control in our religiously strict home, but he knew that decisions were joint and that my mother had most of the influence most of the time. Maybe that's the gentle, teacher-ly spirit of my dad I am remembering on Father's Day who wanted so much for his little girls, even if it didn't match his faith. Seriously, Kody is such a sack of something I feel bad for those kids.

    1. I know right? Goji, I'm w/ u on the "pull rank" shutdown...smh. But he couldn't pull rank when his son's were fighting in the Chrismas episode or with Hunter in the camping episode?

  37. So next Sunday is the 2 hour finale...the clip they show, is a bit dramtic, but I think its still misleading. They have Kody saying, if one of the 4 houses sells, then their dream is over (eyes rolling)Which a few of us agree, that's his "hail Mary" excuse to get out of this story line, etc...
    Newsflash Kody! U do have other options! Try living within your means, & look at properties/homes that ya'll can actually afford!

    1. I can't believe the season is ending already...the show was only on for what, 6 weeks? I have a theory but I'll save it for my review...

    2. Oh, I know U do...lol Looking forward to it! :D

    3. CJ - maybe TLC is doing the same thing scheduling wise as last year -showed some eps (focused on the Vegas move), then took an extended hiatus and continued with the focus on Robyn's pregnancy. According to Wiki, all those eps are considered S2. Ugh hopefully NOT another pregnancy!!
      Looking forward to your review. I seriously wanted to slap Kody silly a few times...eating out of his kids' bowls ugh just like he took a bite out of his mom's breakfast burrito in S1 - if he did that to me I would have just given it to him or thrown it out. And again with the BRAGGING about having multiple wives just to get a reaction. Zzzzz.

  38. Why oh why do I keep getting sucked into this show? Soooo maddening. My daughter asks me why do I keep watching if im just going to keep cursing at the tv? That said,the whole real estate thing really bugs the crap out of me. Maybe I just take it too personally cuz I and my ex make a living out of it? And let me just say for the record janelle, real estate is a tough tough way toake aiving. Absolutely brutal. It just irritates me how she said they havea large family so they need different income streams...true,butto truly be succesful at it,u have to be extremely dedicated. Especially on this market. And with there track records, I jist dont see that happening......and good grief I wanyed to jump through my screen and slap the curl off of kodys locks during the talking head segment... Was it just me or is he truly that clueless? did he really just ask out loud what is different between them and other families trying to send there kids to college? Uhm, let me think on that one kodster, could it be that most families dont have 17kids? Good grief! Just so mich wrong with these people

    1. Let's see the way I heard it is that he wants to run his kids' dating lives until they're 21, but as for financing college...they're on their own. Ugh swine....

    2. DK--Bleeding the Beast, Academia-Style

  39. Did no one understand the reasoning behind Kody 'pushing' Meri for an answer as far as the 'Robyn offer?' He cant have sex with Robyn until Meri makes up her mind , the reasoning being in his tiny little brain ..what if Robyn get pregant by ME and its NOT Meri's child??!! So until Meri's decission Robyn has um 'pulled the bedroom plug' and Meri is not stupid (although she does a great job pretending to be , and even borrowed the tears from Robyn). Meri KNOWS what is going on in the bedroom of Kody and Robyn and she is sucking it up (no pun intended)...anyway that was what 'I' read between the lines , maybe wrong but i think its dead on..

    1. I was thinking the same thing Deet :D ... it kinda sounded like he was talking in a demanding tone. I'm thinking, Robyn, was constantly in his ear about getting an answer from Meri.

    2. Peanut Butter FritosJune 18, 2012 at 11:50 AM

      Girl, nobody is fooled. There's no IVF. This is all producers upping the ick factor and buying some time, and boy is it effective. They just need to play this out for when Robyn gets pregnant and they can't figure out whose baby it is. Gross.

    3. The IVF saga is a plot line, pure and simple I think. IF Robyn is already pregnant, obviously they weren't abstaining or preventing conception until a decision was made.
      IF Robyn is pregnant, all these tear jerking sessions are entertainment and they are all liars. IF she's pregnant, how can there be the dramatic 'who's baby is it' cliffhanger when it's clear that they haven't been going through the intense IVF program? Are the non SWB fans that dumb?

      I don't care how much money (ok maybe for millions) that they're being paid I don't see how anybody would have such low moral values to drag out a fake IVF storyline and to show your kids that for money we'll say and do things that really tarnish our religious integrity. Moral of this, IMO they had very little integrity to begin with, religious or otherwise.

  40. I must say I was impressed with Meri climbing that steep pyramid and that rickety ladder. But there are more modest bathing suits for the full-figured woman.

    These trips to Mexico appear to be vacations from their religion. I wonder how that affects their heavenly futures (or maybe God looks the other way when one is on vacation).

    1. About her bathing suit - I don't think anyone but a stick-thin model would look good from those angles. I just wonder why she was wearing all those layers in MEXICO for pete's sake... once you get out of the breeze, Cancun is still frickin' HOT... (And I've never seen someone sweat their pants like Kody did; weird.)

    2. Ellen - she wears more at home and lives in Vegas, which is pretty hot.

  41. I always and im not sure why try to find something i canrespect about these people. Like when swumming in christines pool both her and kody are fully dressed ok over the top but i can respect modesty. UNTIL we get to mexici wtf?????? could meei have revealed any more?? Another thing that got me the tapioka that looks a lot like the creme of wheat my granma use to make us eat. Do they not have enough dishes?? Or does kody always grab his kids bowls and slurp up have its contents ugh disgusting. I dont think ill atch the finale cause i already know whats going to happen. Meri refuses the offer if serrogacy. They cant find/finance 4 homes. So they decide to return to lehi and robyns pregnant. So the move and the nre baby will be the basis for season five oh im sick if it but cant stop watching..........

    1. Oh lizbethice, I'm with you. I'm so sick of these people but I can't stop watching this train wreck. What's up with Kodouche and MGM exposing so much skin? YUCK!!!!! Those poor dolphins having to lug those fat asses around that bay. They should be charged with cruelty to mammals!

  42. What struck me about the Meri going down the ladder bit was how much footage was used to prove ..what?? To have Kody later say that he is 'just' realizing that Meri is adventuresome??
    20 years later and that's his revelation?? Stupid, stupid crap!!
    Agree about the ample cleavage...plenty of tops/bathing suits could have been more "plyg" appropriate. Assuming of course that all their layered attire is *really* part of their 'religion.' That episode suggests otherwise.

    Sounding like a broken record...sorry....but calling crap on the surprised look of the guide couple about Kody saying he had multiple wives. TLC cannot just record any conversation with the Browns and others without prior permission to film it...and to film any additional footage with those people. Nothing they film with outsiders is "spontaneous."
    Just like Meri didn't 'know' what the special beach-side dinner talk was to be about and therefore was brought to tears discussing it???
    Wouldn't you think *if all this is legitimate* the subject was being discussed between the two of them ongoing. And how many 'normal' people would want that discussion in front of cameras for the world to discuss too?
    Wait, what am I thinking???...stupid question on my part.
    These are the Browns...attention for them, on ANY subject, is akin to oxygen.

    Finally figured out why Kody's beady eyes bother me...they are like a rodent's.

    Happily waiting for Cynical Jinx's review !!! :-))

    1. Yay, can't wait to see what CJ has to say! I'm with you, Kodouche looks like a rat face with those eyes and MGM has a pig face (beady eyes and pig nose).

  43. I wonder why Hunter was not in the Q&A. Is it because they are scared of his honesty?

    1. I noticed Hunter's absence too. I think he's one of the kids who's fast becoming tired of the circus, and opted not to participate.

  44. I can't stand watching MGM turn on the waterworks, she's such an "ugly" crier. Unfortunately it looks like we're going to be subjected to it again next week when the girls ask why MGM gets the biggest house. These people are just so delusional!

  45. When Robyn said college might not be for all the kids because they would have minds of their own at 18, I thought she was hinting at the girls marrying at 18.

  46. Oh no, I missed the dang show again. Maybe I can pick up some of it later in the week. I did see a clip of the Faux Tapioca and Kody standing there having a big spoonful out of all the kids' bowls. Yuck and super yuck. I know a lot of people eat stuff off of other's plates and drink from other's glasses or bottles, but I don't and I don't allow others to do it to me. A lot of people think I'm nuts. Let 'em. It major disgusts me even if it's mental illness on my part. Leave My Food and Drink Alone. It's Mine. Get Your Own. Period.

    1. He ate from his mother's plate when they visited the ranch. *That* was disgusting!

  47. Yeah, totally grossed out by Meri's cleavage; I had to look away. Poor camera guy, lol. During her couch scenes with Kody, she has quite the possessive grip on his arm, doesn't she? And BUTT SWEAT????? What, did he forget his pads or something???

    Kind of creepy the way Logan was sitting next to Robyn during the Q&A; please tell me I'm just reading too much into things, but I couldn't help but think of Barry Williams and his crush on Florence Henderson for a moment. Hurry and get to school, dude...escape! LOL

    So glad to see Janelle passed her realtor exam. Kody is such a douche that he can't even tell their voices apart on the phone. You can tell Janelle's used to it, but it just makes me sad, because it shouldn't be that way.

    I am definitely Team Janelle. I think she's cute and smart*, and could totally leave this toxic "marriage" and do alright on her own. Keep hanging in there, Janelle!

    *and no, I'm not looking for a sister wife, lol

    1. what is this obsession w/TLC to make Kody appear to be a man's man every episode now? there's no way in hell all that was manly man butt sweat. wth had he done that he was dripping with that much sweat just on his butt but nowhere else? he was spanking it and it was practically splattering everywhere. so super-staged and so insulting to viewer's intelligence.

      anyway - we get it already. Kody's TOTALLY NOT GAY. yeah, right. lol ... i believed that before you started trying to convince me so hard now on every episode. Go look up the kinsey scale and educate yourself a little TLC.

      ALSO - it's gotten really annoying w/all their bringing up everywhere they go that they're polygamists and then feigning surprise at people's reactions to it. Get over yourself already. People are only wondering why you feel it necessary to point that out to them when it's none of their business and has nothing to do with what's going on. No one cares and you look like high schoolers thinking everyone must know about your awesome sleeping arrangements which you feign privacy policy about whenever you set yourself up for being asked about the obvious inner workings. How many strangers do you run into each day that immediately feel the need to let you know they're monagamists Brown Family? Or even better yet, that they're blatantly breaking the law and they want to make sure you know that about them right off the bat? lol - you people are ridiculous.

    2. I beg to differ with all the opinions of Janelle's higher intelligence; just because she can add and subtract along with a slightly larger vocabulary does not make her a "smart" women in my book. I personally see her as a slow, sullen,lazy obese woman. A "smart woman" not raised in polygamy would never choose to believe the actual tenants of getting to a celestial kingdom where a women's work is still never done..servicing her shared man & having those babies (how tiring to think of doing this same shat on their next plant!)..but Janelle did. Janelle's idea of romance is to walk slowly through a canyon in the midday sun with her shared man and point at a rock formation and say "Look at that"..how utterly romantic. I do think she went off the deep end moving to Vegas because she was actually at home with her kids 24/7; this was entirely too much for lazy Janelle..she was in heaven with Christine raising & feeding her kids while she spent most of her daily hours at work! I think living in her own home as been overwhelming for her to step up and be that single mother to her children..she does not have the smarts, energy level nor the drive to do it well. I believe this is why she is fearing the leaving of Logan..he has been the major parental figure in their unit for many years. I'm a first time poster long time reader..love this site!!!

    3. Why-oming,
      I do agree with you on many points that you make: 1) Janelle wasn't raised polyg but she accepts the tenets that are so degrading to women. The truth is, in all religions, women get the shaft. Preachers, Rabis, Priests, and others have often pointed to the passages in the bible that tell women to be submissive…blah, blah, blah. In addition, even Paul, who most religions base the majority of their beliefs on, says that women have no place in church and must be covered. So, I don't agree that she has made the best choice, but she and all of the polyg women are on a little worse off than non polygs when it comes to how women are treated in most organized religions. 2) I don't think she is liberal arts smart; however, I do believe that she does have a more rational thought process than the other wives and cameltoeboy. I think she likes routine and likes contributing more than her fair share to the finances. Some women cook, some provide conversation, some bounce around in bed like a bunny rabbit, and others, like Janelle, are good working outside of the home. I do agree that being a full-time mom has made her life miserable. I don't know that I would stereotype her or any obese woman as being a slow, sullen, lazy woman. But, it is clear that she could do more to bring her weight down. 3) Janelle's idea of romance is walking through the canyon in midday sun. I have to admit, that before my husband lost his eye sight, we spent a lot of romantic days in nature. I don't know if Janelle lacks romance because she never connected to cameltoeboy in that way or because she has some form of asperger syndrome that makes her more detached. Even though she seems to love her children, I don't see her doing a lot of touching/feeling kind of parenting. 4) I suppose her fear of losing Logan is understandable. Even though he does do a lot to help her, I think her fear of losing him is grounded more in the adult companionship that he offers. I suspect that the nights that she is alone, Logan spends time talking to her and that provides a much needed connection on a level the younger children cannot provide. Even though she is obese--super-morbidly obese, and even though her choices are not what I consider wise, I still root for her over the other three. Her desire to support her family is apparent and the other wives do not seem to have that drive. 5) her intelligence is still leaps and bounds above the others. I hope she does end up taking her kids and getting a new life.

  48. Logan can't help it. They were squished together and young men are supercharged at that age. Doesn't mean anything other than that he has healthy hormones!

    1. Yeah, he can do better, lol. Loved the parts where his sisters were reminiscing about how brave he was.

      can't wait for CJ's review! :)

  49. A few things I noted ...

    - Why did Robyn have to be all snug under Logan??? Ugghghgh
    - Aspyn is really cute. I've never noticed that before.
    - Mariah is definitely a product of her mother ... enough said.
    - Love Maddie.
    - Now Meri cries as much as Robyn and Kody.
    - I'm so sick of them acting like it's so incredulous that people would be interested in their bedrooms. A guys with four wives ... come on, it's bound to come to most people's minds. Get over yourselves.
    - Why is Janelle the only one that tries to work? What's wrong with the rest of them? With that many kids, all five adults should be working on somebody's job (and not TLC only). Having small kids is no excuse either. There are plenty of people with little ones who still work, especially when they made the decision to have so many little ones and continue to apparently want more.
    - I'll just say it ... if these people were black or Hispanic, there would be no show. The double-standard is incredible.

    1. I think Logan was trying to 'cover' for the pregnant Robyn....she is very puffy looking and has a perpetually nauseated look on her face. They can only hide it until the season finale...she is definitely pregnant.

      Aspyn and Maddie are both really cute! Major props to Maddie for best transformation this season - she is beautiful and has a great disposition.

    2. Aspyn definitley got the looks in the family. Poor Mariah, homely, homely, homely just like her mother Personality wise, Hunter and Maddie are two of my faves. Who's Aspyn's mother? Christine? I would still like to know what the heck are peanut butter fritos?

    3. Forget the peanunt butter fritos question, again. CJ clarified it for in an earlier post.

    4. Hi pinksugar!

      I gave an answer to the peanut butter fritos up thread. It's a snack apparently enjoyed by Janelle, a lot!

      While I'm here, I just want to remind everyone to try to be positive when writing about the Brown children. Thanks!!

    5. I thought the exact same thing about Aspyn! She's very pretty - I've just never taken note of it before. And I do adore Maddie - her spunk and facial expressions make the show a bit more enjoyable!

    6. If these people were black or hispanic it would be an even better show since their religion embraces institutionalized racism. LOL

  50. The scripted/forced scenes with Kody talking to his kids is painful to watch. You can feel how uncomfortable he is trying to talk to the kids...he has no idea how to interact with them.

    His daughters are getting bigger with each episode. From the back Meri looks like a line backer. These people are eating themselves to death.

  51. As always, the blog is better than the show!! I couldn't bring myself to watch both shows. I'm not sure I can sit through another clueless answer and question episode.

    Butt sweat? Really? I've spent my time in gyms and don't recall butt sweat ever! And what was the point of swimming in the cave? And of course, they couldn't have planned ahead for a snorkel?

    And the teaser about the real estate exam....did anyone seriously think Christine passed and Janelle didn't?

    I agree with everyone...Robyn wanted another kid and needed Meri's answer to get going. Big surprise..another kid and a move back to Utah for next season.

    Oh, and in response to a previous post...I think this is season 3 although it certainly feels like 5 because it has become so inane.

  52. "...I think this is season 3 although it certainly feels like 5"

    I number the seasons the same way as itunes and amazon to avoid any confusion. So even though TLC may call this season 3, on the blog it's season 4.

  53. And for Kody's butt sweat...how can they possibly think we would believe that...whos butt sweats like that? What I think makes more sense is that Kody ate a bad taco and tried to pass gas and instead passed watery caca...did anyone notice if there were flies buzzing around his ass?

    1. That's hilarious! And nasty! Will look for flies when I watch the episode.

    2. Lilly Pad...I nearly spit my soda out when I read that! (I was thinking the same thing 0_0 LOL

    3. And the winner is Lilly Pad! I have lurked here since the beginning and have smiled, grinned, laughed, and yelled while reading this blog and have never responded. Usually before I can make a half way intelligent or thought out reply, someone else has said what I was thinking or feeling and usually better than I could. But Lilly Pad you made me get up and walk through the house laughing so hard that the family is convinced that I have completely lost all control and reason and I was laughing so hard I couldn't even explain what was so funny. Thank you for starting out my day so wonderfully. Even the housework and errands now seem bearable.

      And to CJ, thank you for all your hard work keeping the whole thing going and balancing all the responsibility. However, I may have to bill you for a housecleaning service because I am so addicted to this site that I don't seem to be getting everything done that needs to be done.

    4. Lilly Pad - warn your froggie not to eat those nasty kody ass flies no matter how hungry he is!!

  54. Lovely romantic dinner by the sea.

    No better time than that to bring up a painful subject. *idiot*

    BTW, Meri, not to pile on, but sweetie when it comes to reproduction "no decision" is a decision. You're 40. Accept your lot, enjoy your life, get ready for grandchildren.

    And who decided to play that video question WHILE THE KIDS WERE IN THE ROOM? What an asshole move by that producer. Of course, why bother sending the kids out of the room if your only answer is “no comment, out of line”. That’s the sort of answer the kids should be around to hear, if they’ve already been exposed to the question. Assholes and morons in front and behind the camera.

    1. He probably just wanted to get rid of kids, maybe he though robin was getting turned on by Logan or he got tired of looking at them.

  55. Kody did a lousy job disguising his contempt for his fans on all those questions. Acting all shocked and prudish is getting old when HE is the one who went on TV to let us all know he's having sex with a harem. Isn't that the whole point of the show? Hello, it's why people watch!!

    Sex is a big problem in many marriages, with just two people trying to work it out. I'm with that nosy Vegas tourist. I'm not sure if it is possible to satisfy four women at once. Now, to validate them, whatever that means, maybe.

    1. Plus the staged dismissal to get the kids out of the room and they all have the ick factor that their Dad's going to answer such a disgusting question . ONlY to clear the room of the teens so they could give the same old "none of your business" answer. So lame TLC.

  56. KodysUglyKonvertible JanellesNewMinivanJune 18, 2012 at 11:54 AM

    This week, on a very special Sister Wives....

    * Kody wets his pants at an ancient ruin.

    * Meri goes down a hole and has a near "nip slip"

    * Janelle looks like she OD'd on Valium, wants to eat chocolate but still manages to pass a realtor exam

    * Christine manages to fail the exam mentioned above

    * Robyn doesn't cry

    1. Yeah, Robyn did cry when Aspyn told her how much she loves Robyn's kids. BUT there were no tears shed nor love shown when Meri was crying and choking through about her sister's plyg wife raising her deceased sister's 4 kids. ;')

    2. Hysterical!!!!

    3. oops! sorry, i called her the wrong name. It was actually the dyed red-head Mykelti (sp?) that was fawning and emotional all about Robyn's kids and made Robyn cry this episode. Has Robyn ever NOT cried at least once every episode?? i don't recall that EVER happening.

    4. KodysUglyConvertible JanellesNewMinivanJune 18, 2012 at 8:39 PM

      Actually, I was only recalling the first episode from last night. I don't think she cried in the first episode. She did cry about the Mykelti/Brianna bond, but I thought that was in episode 2 last night. I could be wrong. I am immune to her tears by now! Did anyone notice in episode 2, there was one question asked that Janelle and Christine laughed at, but Meri and Robyn only faked a half smile? Does anyone remember what the question was?

  57. Last season it was Robin's thigh, this season it's Meri stuffed into a bathing suit...yuck! Remember ladies that according to Christine "modest is hottest".

    Please oh please put some plyg layers on before we all go blind!!!

  58. "Poor camera guy"????? I can't speak for men in general, but most of the men I've encountered enjoy breasts and love cleavage with little concern to whom they're attached. That may not have been the most flattering for her, but I can’t pity the camera guy here.

    It reminds me of Tim Minchin's song “Confessions” (on YouTube). The line going through my head right now: *F* I love boobs though, I just really care for 'em. They're equally fun when they're 21 or octogenarian. They're just so flappy They make me feel happy.

    It’s a song worth listening to. If you don’t laugh, I’ll pay you back. (it’s free, btw)

  59. I lost track of the times I wanted to throw the remote at the TV last night or reach through and throttle Kody! I have no words for a man who sits in a puddle of water and has to pass it off as "butt sweat."

    A few things that really stuck out in my mind:
    Nothing says romance more than getting away with just one wife and then totally talking about the other wives (his other Mexico trip with Christine and of course Robyn's uterus). I knew they were going to talk about infertility in Mexico, but I thought it crass that Kody actually named Robyn repeatedly when talking about the surrogacy. Guess it really is "Robyn Robyn Robyn" all the freakin' time. Loved the commenter above who guessed he had to pressure Meri for an answer so he could be in the clear to do the nasty with Robyn. I hated his strong-arm approach. It's not his decision whatsoever. He might get to pull more weight in the decision making if it was a traditional marriage and he'd be around to actually help raise the kid, but the whole conversation and his mannerisms and how forceful he was in wanting a decision really made me uncomfortable and I actually found myself feeling sorry for the sister wife I like the least!

    Reiterating once again that the "We're polygamists...I have 4 wives" shtick is getting reeeeeallly old. He wears that like a badge of honor, doesn't he, but I'm not sure all the wives really do anymore.

    Lame lame lame that they got all modest and prudish during the couch session when one woman brought up Viagra. Puh-leeese! While I think this was a not so clever way to get the teenagers out of the room, their whole family life is based on sex, so why the shock and horror? I'd be so embarrassed and disgusted if I was one of their kids. It's hard enough growing up knowing (and trying never to go there!) your parents are having sex, but to think that your Dad is flitting around with 3 other women than your mom must be something you repress so deep inside.

    All the women, especially Christine, were working overtime keeping things sweet on both couches this week, eh? The comments from the other three while Kody and Meri were in Mexico were nauseating and I really, truly wonder just how happy they all were about that mini getaway. This show has become nothing more than a platform for them to justify every decision/choice they make.

    I thought the filming timeline seemed screwed up as Robyn has miraculously lost gobs of weight from last week's episode and Janelle is looking very haggard and unkempt lately. I, too, wonder if she's on some serious meds or the stresses of lack of income coupled with 4+ start-up business ventures are catching up with her.

    Finally, I'm not holding my breath for drama in next week's season finale. Going on past previews, TLC has a way with editing clips that either never air, or are taken totally out of context. Of course, I'm hoping that Meri gets called out on the carpet, but I highly doubt we will see anything of substance.

    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Looking forward to your review, CJ--I don't envy you having to sift through all the crap to recap it, tho. Thanks for taking another hit for the team! :o)

    1. "Of course, I'm hoping that Meri gets called out on the carpet, but I highly doubt we will see anything of substance. "

      When I saw that preview, my mind went right back to #5: first wife bitch power overrides all other wifes' bitch power LOL

      If this religion/lifestyle/planet-obtaining-endeavor is supposed to be about self-sacrificing, then you'd think choosing to live in a smaller house (or even sharing with another wife) would be the way to score heavenly brownie points.

      ...also, it would be sensible, so maybe that's what it is :P

  60. I know I am sick and tired of them whining about living closer to each other. My husband and I have a suggestion. They need something they can afford to live in and we think that they should get 4 trailers right by each other... They don't need big fancy houses...

    1. Great idea Laurie but this is not about the Brown family anymore, this is about the Brown celebrities. They fancy themselves movers and shakers. The multi faceted dinette table business people who get free food, have a film crew, they have fans now...trailers, modular homes are way beneath them. It would taint their image, might even make ppl. think polygamy.
      Their version of polygamy is upscale, bedazzled for their TV audience. They like the ooh and ahh of having four homes and convertibles with one manstud on rotation. In their version they don't want to give the impression of living together because it's so old school plyg.

  61. Hmmm...Robyn says during the Q &A that when Christine had Truly, Robyn went over and cleaned her bedroom, bathroom, did the shopping for her, etc. In fact she stated she was the "everything wife" at that time. It seemed like she was going to say the bedroom wife to, then stopped herself and hid her face and stated she was done with the question.

    HOWEVER, she wasn't a "wife" at that time. Also, didn't they insist that they didn't do anything sexual before they were "married"? Many didn't believe them. Did she just let the cat out of the bag? Hmm...

    The look on Christine's face when she was telling that story wasn't one of gratitude. She had a funky look on her face. I wonder if she was expecting the same treatment when she had SOL and whether or not she got it.

    1. Hmmm, Baylor...that's an interesting catch about Robyn being the "everything wife" when it's possible she wasn't married yet to Kody. This family always talks in generalities, never specifics, so I suppose that Robyn could have cleaned house and all that jazz after she married Kody and came home from her 11-day honeymoon, but the blushing and body language just might suggest otherwise.

      Just like that weird photo of all the wives together where Meri has really long hair, Janelle's hair is very dark and even Christine doesn't look as "polished" as she does now. It's clear to me that Robyn was not only introduced to this family way before the show started, but who knows how long the actual courting was. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that TLC edited this storyline to be that Meri and Kody knew Robyn for awhile and then they really introduced her to the family at the start of the show. That picture of the 4 women together totally contradicts that. They clearly had make-overs/hair cuts before the show started and I don't really remember Robyn entering the picture for awhile. Again, please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm starting to think that what we saw on TV with Robyn's introduction to the family and the courtship was all baloney. She'd been introduced to the family and "engaged" before filming even started. Oh my heck, maybe they were even married prior to the show starting and then everything had to be recreated and that's why Christine is so mad. She had to relive all the pain of and attention to the new wife again...

    2. The very first episode was the big announcement of Robin possibly joining the family. I would hope they knew each other before inviting her into the family. In that episode they ask the kids "You know Robin? How do you feel about her joining the family? They said in the beginning of the season he had been courting her for four months at that point and that it was a long time. It was during the "Because they are ok with other wives, they aren't ok with girlfriends" I giggled at that. Does that mean if you are not ok with other wives that you are completely ok with girlfriends?

      In the next few episodes Christine mentions when it started Meri and Kody were excited about her but she wasn't sure because she hadn't met her yet...but given the way she acted at the announcement..and that there are videos a few episodes later of them at a birthday party for Robin with Meri with long hair I think that was all within a short period of time and edited strangely.


  62. Great comments on here already about Sunday's episodes...and I'm anxiously awaiting what I know will be an excellent recap from Cynical Jinx! So agree with the comments about this family getting over themselves with bringing up the polygamy issue with strangers!! So lame...but maybe that's what TLC wants them to do so they get reactions.....also TLC, if you have someone monitoring this site to see what's being said, don't even bother televising a question (how does Kody 'take care of' all 4 wives) if they refuse to answer it, just don't go there, especially when their kids are sitting right there....talk about an 'ick' factor...yuck...
    Also, we've heard more than enough about the concept of 'marrying a family, not just a guy' and 'we need to live closer'....have your interns think up some new ideas, OK?
    These have been talked about to death already....

  63. There are a few things I just don't get. #1, I've heard of swamp a## in men, but how in the world would Kody's but sweat that much. I would define that as a definite medical condition. I mean, he wasn't sweating anywhere else that I could see. Next thing you know we will see Kody at the Doctor's office getting botox in the rectal sweat glands (if there is such a thing) and then he can start having "at home parties" for botox. That could be his next "get rich quick" idea.

    On a serious note though, I have a hard time understanding why in the world, Janelle would be going into Real Estate if they need to be bringing money in "right now." Anyone who knows just an inkling about that profession knows that it takes awhile to prove yourself in the industry. Most people in today's market want to go with someone who has a proven track record. I feel for Janelle because she always seems to have zero emotions. Something isn't right. I understand different personalities, but she seems to completely checked out at times. With that kind of attitude, I wonder how that would translate in the competitive market of real estate. Not to mention all of the other obstacles in that industry at this time.

    Why not go work for a bank? When I first got married, I started as a teller without a degree, and worked my way up to assistant manager (being offered branch manager before I left to start another career). Not only is it a great job for a mother since the hours are good, but she could work in the accounting department, have the weekends off, have benefits, and a lot of banks will pay for some schooling if she wants to advance her education. Why do they always choose the hardest way?

  64. One more thing: why, oh why, do these women tend to wear 2 shirts at a time, as Meri did even in hot and humid Mexico (I have been to Mexico, been to Coba, and I remember sweating just standing there! But not in the same area that Kody allegedly was!) but she lets it all hang out in that unfortunate swimsuit she wore...WTH???

  65. Hey! The Browns' lawyer who helped them sue to legalize polygamy is all over polygamy! Looks like he might represent the banned vodka that makes fun of polygamy! FIVE WIVES VODKA!


    Dear leader doesn't like the jokes. Especially jokes about polygamy. And especially when they have more wives than him! In fact, I don't think I've heard any adult ever tell a single joke, which really wouldn't be a bad deflection method for invasive questions. Sad.

  66. Did I miss something or has king sol gone mia these last few episodes? I thought he was supposed to be the great brown family unifier? Lol.....ok back to the real world for me...anxiously waiting for cjs hilarious recaps....hopefully up on my lunch break. So look forward to the comedic relief this blog gives me. Thanks cj!

    1. I’m interested in the location of Truely when they went to lunch together. Sol was there in the car seat (we assume), but none of the other kids; they’re likely in school. So where’s Truely? If the kids aren’t there because they’re at school, they’re not watching the toddler. Where is she? And why wouldn’t they address that at the lunch? The locations of my children are always forefront in my mind and when I talk to my husband on the phone, I let him know where his children are and what they’re doing whether or not he’s asked.

      So why not an aside, “MyKelti’s home sick and watching Truely so we’ve come to lunch…” or something like that. No, we’re not the parents, but we’re watching this to see family dynamic, yes? So where the hell is the family?

  67. They are always talking about the benefits of having sister wives and the help they get from the other moms...but rarely do we see them do anything together or helping one another...when Meri hurt her leg sking I didnt see any of the wives there helping her out...

    They also do not want to share houses with one another...yet want us to believe they enjoy having sister wives...doesnt make sense.

    I think 2 wives per house and the kids need to share bedrooms with each other...they want to live seperatly in large houses but none of them work...

  68. Speaking of the next week's 2 hour season finale...

    It is likely going to be a mind-numbing, want-to throw-the-remote-away, whole first hour of nothing but recycled clips of what has already been shown. Also likely containing recycled clips from even previous seasons too just to eat up airtime.

    Then, hour two....
    1- Will Meri say Yes to the Dress..uhh, baby??
    2- Will Janelle be a realtor extraordinare??
    3- Will KodyWorld pack up the tents and popcorn/cotton candy machines and move the circus back to Utah ??

    If there is another season, will Kody then have to return with a Trump-style comb-over??

    1. I'm betting we see the "uterus offer" flashback again. There's hardly been an episode this season where that one hasn't been dragged out...with subtitles just so we can understand WTF Robyn's talking about.

    2. I feel like the majority of this entire season, if you can call it a season, has been jumble of recycled and edited clips. It's confusing and then they always slide back into the ongoing dilemma routine. Rarely is there a resolution to the dilemma de jour but a recap of the prob, a recap of the tears about the prob, some totally unrelated recaps and for comic relief a date night or something...with some reclaimed clips in there also.

      And the couch/question scenes make me feel like I've gone through a worm hole or something. The same crap over and over....

    3. thank goodness for tivo. i've fast forward each time in every episode the second i see Robyn on the screen giving her "serrgit" offer to Meri again and again ad nauseam.

      I noticed that Meri actually says surrogate correctly but Robyn and Kody were say "serrgit."

  69. I love this blog. Thanks for having it. Okay, how many times did they preview the sex question last night like the Browns were really going to answer it? It was so insane. Are they saving the good stuff for when the wheels have really fallen off this cart of a show? I know they say they will never answer that, but just wait, when the ratings are getting lower, all the juicy stuff they have not revealed will start coming out. The stupid thing is they should reveal that now to gain more of an audience. If they were smart they would just start making up crap to attract more people to their freak show. TLC paid Jon and Kate way more money once they started making the cover of The National Enquirer. Scandals bring ratings.

  70. Come on folks if no one else wants to say it i will. Kody ate some spicy food and had no barhroom in the middle of rhe forrest. He sh&% his pants who sweats from their butt? Also we dont need to call the kids names. They have cell phones they van easily read this blog. They hqve enough to deal with i think they are all attractive in different ways, but they are still kids. Lets leave them alone. Unlike their .moms they were born into this they had no choice.

    1. lizbethice...
      I had never heard of sweating from the behind either, until I heard some of my male friends talk about it. They were even talking about it on t.v. the other night...and it's call "swamp a$$". Urban Dictionary has some quite comical examples! :)

  71. Loved how Robyn just had to call Kody while on a 2-day trip w/Meri (that Robyn wasn't jealous of) to give him the news about Janelle and Christine. She took control of that whole conversation.

    Why isn't it simple courtesy off limits to not infringe on another wife's time w/their shared Grody Boy unless it's a dire emergency?

    fave parts - Maddie laughing through the whole session time with the family. That girl knows her whole family's a joke to the world let alone to her.

    AND the little boy who showed no respect to Kody and just laughed at his lecture and "punishment." He wouldn't even repeat the word, "Dad" back to Kody. HAH! No wonder Kody loves Robyn and her worship/adoration. He can't even get any respect from the youngest of the young'uns. lol

  72. BWAAA! Everyone twittered happy fathers day to the spermanator EXCEPT Christine..hmmmmmmm

    1. well, she did let him know she was mad at him again or STILL. (that he acted clueless about.) and he's got the honey badger mentality about her now anyway. and maybe she's letting him know she doesn't give a shit either.

  73. WHERE WAS HUNTER?? (probably out toking up with his football buddies... ;')

  74. I think that the "butt sweat" was Kody's feeble attempt at humor. It looks like he sat on the wet pyramid step. He is very immature. I felt like the whole do-you-want-to-have-another-baby talk was a set up so that Kody could tell us that Meri's worth to him is not conditional upon her having more children. Surely a wife of 20 years would know that, or not, and Kody wanted the audience to know that because ALL of his actions speak to the contrary. He was really offended when Robyn questioned whether or not he could handle another child. He clearly wants as many kids as he can get. It also seemed to me that Meri is getting sadder and more distant from Robyn all the time, and that Robyn is now trying to be besties with Christine. Well, that is a good move, because Meri might shove Robyn down the stairs in a Baby Jane moment soon.

    I am going to give Kody a by on not recognizing Janelle's voice. Cell phone reception up his own butt, especially when it is sweaty, is probably not that good.

  75. wasn't janelle divorced from Meri's brother? why all the fuss over robin or the ick factor of her being with someone else?
