Thursday, November 29, 2012

Review: S05Ep02 - Kody Begs For An Answer

Last week, we learned  that despite Robyn's really bad credit, her visit to the Harry the credit repair guy was successful and all the Kodettes qualified for financing of their McMansions.

This week, we get to see Kody and his Kodettes finalizing their McMansion floorplans, meeting their bonus children's teachers, attend Logan's high school graduation, and finally, Kody's ultimate ultimatum to his "lover", Meri.

But I just have a couple of things to get off my chest.

Kody before the home videos
First - why was the continuity so screwed up in this episode? In the first 5 minutes, Kody goes from a Hamill Wedge (1970's chic at its best) directly to Kody's old surfer dude with ugly stringy hair. It boggles my mind that production didn't catch this not so subtle change in Kody's appearance.

Second - It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure out how stupid it is to intentionally leave late for a venue when you apparently have no idea where you're going. Four guesses which of the Kodettes was more than fashionably late to Logan's graduation ceremony.

Kody after the home videos

Since this episode sort of showcases the teenage Bonus children, it begins with old videos of Kody and his baby krew. Okay, I'll admit it was cute, and how darling was it when Aspyn (?) took her pacifier out of her mouth to kiss her daddy, then quickly put it back into her mouth when done. And the picture of the kiddies in a tub was so precious. Seeing this kind of drove home just how much the Brown family has changed for the worse since the move to Vegas. Gone are the close sibling relationships the children enjoyed in Lehi. And no matter how Kody tries to justify living in 4 separate houses in Las Vegas, you realize even in a cul-de-sac, the children will never have that closeness they enjoyed in the Lehi big house.

Back to the present, we find the Brown Parental Units preparing to meet their teen's teachers. As Kody frets about his appearance, he decides to wear an out of season jacket because he is determined not to be out-dressed by mere teachers. Earth to Kody: You may be wearing a jacket, but I bet the teachers have BETTER HAIR!!!

Soon the BPU's are seated in one of their many vehicles, on the road to their parent-teacher conference. Of course in the kouch interview, Kody has to make it all about him (Hey, I'm a polygamist and you're not). When he asks "How many times does a polygamist family come into your school and all the mothers of the children actually go in?" You just want to scream at him - I don't know - it depends on how many cameras are there filming you walking around like some kind of rock star. Let's be real, would Kody still go to a parent-teacher conference if there were no cameras? Something tells me...Hell no!

The Browns are a unique breed...even Christine feels that they are probably the only polygamist family these teachers would ever meet. Well, being that Robyn's mid-wife said she had plural wives that attended her birthing classes, you might be wrong about that, Christine.

As the Kody and the Kodettes walk through the building, something is wrong. Where are the people? The campus was empty. And it didn't help to hear Meri's monotone voice recite "...whenever I go into a public thing like this with all of us, I still am a little bit hesitant." Hell yeah, especially when it looks like zombies are lurking in the cafeteria, ready to EAT YOUR BRAINS! Now if you follow twitter you  know that the reason the school was totally empty was because the principal at Centennial High School had ixnay the Browns from filming on campus. The school scenes were actually filmed at another school - the Las Vegas Day School to be exact.

So much for reality. I still want the zombies...

You are probably thinking the Browns will meet with ALL of their teenager's teachers. Well, that wasn't the case. Only four of the teachers were present. So rather than bore you with a blow by blow, in depth version like was on the show, in honor of high school dayz, you are going to get the Jinx' Cliff Notes version.

First teacher up was Ms Hess, who is Mariah's (Amarilla) and Maddie's (Zorro) Spanish teacher. It's funny how Meri mentioned in her talking head that she thought Ms. Hess didn't know where to look. From what I saw, the teacher focused her attention on the person who was talking. That's how people carry out conversion in polite society. And poor Christine looked like she had never been in a classroom before, let alone a Spanish class. !Ay Caramba!

Christine reacting to Meri's "I'm not Christine!" comment
Next was Coach Alia, Aspyn's PE coach. OOPSY...seems Aspyn has been ditching PE class (so THAT'S how she can go to Disneyland all the time). Christine doesn't understand what the big deal is - Aspyn always makes up her work (snort, like how do you make up a PE class?). Now Meri doesn't like Christine's ummm...lack of parental guidance because Mariah sees Aspyn ditching and now she wants to ditch too. But Meri understands the value of education, and makes sure Mariah knows SHE IS NOT CHRISTINE! Well, she got that right....

And Kody just looks befuddled, as usual.

Dr. Guido is  next; he's the study skills teacher for Hunter and Madison. All the teens love Dr. Guido, who says  the Brown teens are respectful, and Logan maybe has said one or two words total for the whole year. Janelle let's Dr Guido know that Logan has picked up a few more words since the move to Vegas - curse words. Or as Christine puts it, he has excellent F-bomb dropping skills. Logan explains it this way: "This issue of what language I use is not a big deal in Vegas. Everyone swears. Everyone curses. I just happened to pick it up really easy." I have a feeling Logan is going to get along just find in the real world. To make Dr Guido feel a little better, Janelle tells him "You're like a rock star at our house."

The final teacher is Mrs. Reuel, who has Mykelti in her the Family Consumer Science class. I believe we use to call it Home Ec back in the day. Mrs. Reuel is Mykelti's favorite teacher. By the way, Mykelti wants to be a world famous fashion designer some day. Here's hoping Robyn hires her to design clothes for MSWC.

While Kody and his Kody-pendents pat each other on the back for a good parent-teacher conference (even though it was totally fake), Janelle mentions how it was kind of nerve racking for her to meet her children's teachers. Of course Robyn, the only mother present without a teen in high school chirps "I'd like to be a fly on the wall when they go home at night and talk to their wife or husband, though." Let's hope when Robyn metamorphosizes into a fly on a teacher's wall, that Carly Simon's "You're So Vain" is playing on the stereo while the teacher takes a shoe and ...well, you get the picture.

Oh dear, Mona just emailed Meri. Seems Meri will have to go with the 5th bedroom after all, if she wants the hobby room and the pantry. Just like Candy Spelling, Meri not only needs a wet bar, she has got to have a hobby room. And why does she pronounce it like hubby?

Look Meri, when Kody moves wife #10 into your house, guess who's gonna be sleeping in that hubby room? Yep, the 10th wife!

Of course we have to endure the umpteenth couch sessions where Kody and his wives rehash why Meri does or does not deserve a big house. I'm so glad this krew refrained from discussing this in front of the builders. Look, it's a cul-de-sac people, and the HOA has it standards! All houses must be at least 4200 square feet. No two bedroom 1100 sq ft. homes need apply. Meri loves to entertain, though I wonder exactly who she will be entertaining. At least Kody can be assured her guests will have room to roam around and admire her wet bar.

By the way, was it just me or did the builders have this tickled pink, thank god we just sold 4 houses at $450K each to these suckers, look on their faces?

It's now Logan's graduation day. Let me just say Kody is a fool, and Robyn is no Rocket Scientist.

Robyn, in her infinite wisdom, decided to leave late for Logan's graduation. That's right, on purpose she left late. She says it was because she thought the ceremony was going to last for 4 hours and she didn't want Super Sol to get super testy. Yeah, right. Anyway, she explains that she frantically drove around the UNLV campus, looking for the "auditorium". She couldn't find it, and the students she asked apparently didn't know what she was talking about. Could it be that the Thomas & Mack Center is a sports arena and not an auditorium?  How much you want to bet she went up to those students and asked "Where's the auditorium?"

Where's Waldo Kody?
While Robyn was frantically looking (split infinitive I know) for the biggest building on campus, Kody was fretting that his woman wife was MIA. I kind of wonder if he was really concerned for Robyn or was he concerned for baby Sol? How about Kody being concerned about making a spectacle of himself by rushing out of the Center to find the love of his life Robyn in a sea of cars in the parking lot. What a fool. He leaves Janelle and risks missing his first born son getting his diploma to find Robyn? What a complete fool he is. Did I mention Kody was a fool?

Somehow Kody comes to his senses and returns to his seat. As tears stream down Janelle's face, does Kody tenderly touch her hand, or give her a little kiss and say "You did good bringing our son into this world". Nope. He just sat there, looking preoccupied. Acting like nobody was paying enough attention to HIM.

Robyn contemplating her error in judgment
We learned that Robyn showed up 15 minutes after Logan got his diploma. We can only hope that she has learned her lesson about leaving late, and will make it on time for her own children's graduation.

We are now at the point of the show where Kody begs Meri for an answer - Is she or is she not going to try to get pregnant.

I'll make this short. Watching Kody badger that poor woman was obscene. Kody was acting as if he was some big bad sales motivator - like Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross. I expected him to pull out a pair of brass balls while reciting the ABC's of making a sale (Always Be Closing for those of you who never saw the movie).

Kody you are no Alec Baldwin, that's for damn sure. Anyway, Kody let Meri know that he WILL have more children, so if she wants to add one of hers to the bunch, she better get on the ball. And she's got til the end of the year to make her decision. Which means, another cliffhanger, folks!


  1. The giant floating head on a stick in the background of the picture of Janelle at Logan's graduation is cracking me up!

    1. I'm looking at Kody's face (especially his face in the head on a stick shot) - I wonder if he's been botoxed?

    2. Could that be it, CJ? I noticed something different about his face, but I couldn't put my finger on it. That's probaby because I was too fixated on the new fullness of his hair.

    3. I think it's funny and a cute way for the child to see where his parents are, and them to be proud!!

  2. I sense that one of the wives wants more kids but, is scared to get preggo because of Meti.. Kody is ticked at this and that's why he's a prick to Meri.

  3. "Kody-pendants." Love it.:)

    If Robyn could find a baby-sitter to watch Sol while she attended the parent-teacher conferences of her bonus kids, why couldn't she find a sitter for Logan's graduation ceremony?

    I was enraged on Logan's behalf. There is no excuse in the world for any adult member of that Krew to have been late for this very important day in Logan's life. NO. EXCUSE.

    1. Robyn claimed that she was late, because she was bring Sol. I couldn't understand why Robyn needed to bring Sol to a graduation in the first place. I thought the reason Taralyce was living with Robyn was to help with the kids. Why didn't Robyn just leave the baby with Taralyce? Even if she is still nursing him, he's got to be eating solid foods and drinking juice by now. It's not as if she'd still be nursining him every three hours at this point.

    2. Bad Storyline.... ??

    3. Bad Storyline.... ??

      Absolutely! I don't know if Figure 8 intentionally wanted to make Robyn look bad (which I feel they succeeded) OR they have an inept story editor who thought it would add drama to an already over-dramatized reality show.

    4. New Shoes - probably for dramatic reasons - since Truely wasn't there so obviously there was SOMEONE who was available to take care of the little ones. However I think this also shows that perhaps Taralyce isn't there full time, but just comes to visit from time to time. It's easy for the show to be spliced together to make it look like she's living with Robyn permanently now.

    5. Aha!!! I think you are on to something, DJ. I need to be reminded that much of reality televison is the the furthest thing from reality. LOL!!

    6. So Robyn was babbling about the ceremony taking 4 hours and she was worried about Sol being fussy. Let's unpack that steamer trunk of idiocy.
      1. Their last name is Brown. First, there are the A's, and then come, you guessed it, the B's. Obviously, Logan was going to be on the front end of that 4 hours.
      2. She thinks that Wyoming starts with a "Y".
      3. My hypothesis is that Robyn doesn't know the alphabet. You saw it here first.

    7. I bet Robyn is fuming that she looked so bad! Remember in the book, Robyn said she told the producers to stop making her look so bad?

      I wonder if Robyn lets any of the other wives(when they're available) watch Sol. This time, I still believe she intentionally brought Sol to remind Kody that Sol is his little king and NOT Logan.

      I think as she stated that she intentionally came late because of Sol and not for F8F contrived drama. It's just that she's dumb and didn't think it would be rude to anyone else and that it WOULD be that long. I doubt she's been to many graduations let alone one that size. Do you really think she'd let the producers make her miss time that Kody was spending with the other three? I think it really was her own plan, which makes it hilarious. Maybe even Janelle or Christine tried to say, hey, it's not appropriate for a baby, it's 4-5 hours long, so Robyn who was hell bent on bringing Sol, thought this was the way to weasel him in.

  4. I truly believe in this individual family, they have set rules for showing affection..poor Janelle, in this episode and some of the other episodes, looks so tired and emotionally drained. You can see the bags under her eyes.I just wanted to hug cannot be easy, despite their beliefs, to know, your husband loves other women, has sexual relations with them, holds, kisses, and has children with them. I also believe if Kody shows he favors one over the other when they are is not allowed, but when they are on the couch as individual couples, they hug..touch each is looney..but in their own minds seems sane..Reality television will soon bring their relationships to an end...On another note, why is Meri grinning slyly when Koty starts talking to her about having a child? Like she's just eating it up, that he is giving her attention..weird..

    1. Yes I noticed that little smirk she had on her it was an inside joke

    2. Oh yeah!! If there is one thing we can count on is that reality TV is notorious for marriages ending in divorce. Just think of how many reality TV marriages have dissolved...John and Kate, Jessica and Nick, Hulk Hogan and his wife...

  5. Haha! Another review worth waiting for!
    Query: did anyone else notice the "head on a stick" behind Kody in the pic of him and Janelle at the grad? Lol.

    Reading CJ's review after watching the ep again last night - pardon my French, but the fuckery never ceases to blow my mind...

    Here's hoping that the Darger ep is more interesting and less contrived...

  6. knowing Kody and clan for over 15 years I can say this is typical KB behavior. He'$ creating drama,like he has before the show, but now it'$ about money. He'$ $mart that way; and the producer$ love it. He'll use anyone, family, friend$, $tranger$, to get rating$ up up up and keep the show alive His "claim" to give transparency to "polygamy" is bunk. Almost everyone in the community begged him not to get into bed with TLC. He is cut off from the community with 400 miles between us. We all say, stay away, keep your drama, stop acting and when the wives had had enough of your insult$ and game$; at least they'll have enough $money$ to not fall back on us to support them!!!

    1. So you think the show is mostly fake right? Do people in the community still talk about KB?

    2. Haha, I'd love to hear some old KB stories! I'm not the least bit surprised that he's always been a drama queen!

    3. very Interesting!!!

    4. Very interesting Anonymous 9:07 AM. However, what you say is not accurate. I know for a fact that the AUB leaders were fully on board this project. So while the basic congregation might be against it, be assured that the Group is happy with the arrangement.

    5. want to hear more from people that knew them!

  7. Did you notice, however, that Meri was actually smirking during most of the baby conversation? There was actually a smile/smirk on her face, right up til the end, when she managed to force some tears. (Don't know if they were real, or she finally realized tears were more appropriate to the situation than a smirk, so she worked some up).

    1. I totally noticed that too! When Kody was saying they need to find a dr, drop some cash and do whatever they need to in order to bring this baby into the world, she was definitely trying hard to hide her smile. Don't get me wrong, I don't think she was smiling at the idea of possibly having a baby, but I think she was abolutely loving all the attention Kody was lavishing on her. And of course it didn't bother her in the least that dropping all that cash would mean taking away even more money from the kids the Browns already have.

    2. Meri does not have a good poker face. She had that same ridiculous smirk on her face when poor Mariah was talking about praying every single night that Meri become pregnant. It's like an amused look or something. She looks like the producers said "ok, last cut, Meri, look concerned or something but just quick laughing"...

    3. You're right CAP Carol.. She had that face right after Sobbin Robyn had Sol and she was offering up her uterus.

  8. Could it be that the Browns do have money tucked away for future house payments? Really, I can’t believe they haven’t thought of how they would finance these properties after the TLC train leaves the station. If the Browns did finance through a bank or mortgage loan company, wouldn’t that company want to be assured that the monthly mortgage payments would be met? Would the family have to show how they will keep up with the four loans? So I’m wondering if they have a benefactor who is taking on all this debt for them…

    Taralyce, on FB, posted about Chris Brown…is he related to Cody?

    Someone mentioned that Robyn may have another four kids just so she has more with Kody than she did with her ex. If so that would make 7 kids... One more than Janelle or Christine.

    What is the difference between a lifestyle and living by religious guidelines? To me a lifestyle would be living in a cabin in the woods with no electricity or running water. Or using only public transportation. Or being very thrifty and a tightwad. Meaning living a bit differently than others, being unique and doing what makes you happy, but not because of religion requirements. I see this family as just wanting to live one husband and four wives because they want to. That’s what I see. Where is the religion in all this?

    1. Well said anom 9:37am..Your statement, (I see this family as just wanting to live one husband and four wives because they want to. Where is the religion in all this?) Really sums it all up...sooooo true..there's no way their religion supports all of this materialism..looks as though that is exactly what they are worshipping, MATERIALISM.

    2. Well that AND the fact that they have nothing to keep them busy anymore. Now that they have seemingly endless money and time on their hands, they just worry about stupid things like wet bars (even though their religion forbids it). They wouldn't worry about this if they were working full-time and back living together like they were in Lehi. You see, the more people connect through love and friendship the less they need physical objects to make them happy. I can't imagine how lonely and unfulfilled these women must be. I wouldn't be surprised if each of them were on ant-depressants.

    3. There's no freaking WAY that TLC/F8F is paying them enough to support the lifestyle we now see on the show. Even if they had stayed in Lehi...I'm sure that if they were smart, they would have paid off their upside-down mortgage, built an addition (they have a HUGE lot) for Robyn and her fam, and still had enough to live on comfortably but not extravagantly - given that they have 21 mouths to feed, clothe, insure, drive, etc. etc.

      I'm sure LV is significantly more expensive, cost-of-living wise.

      And the fact that Robyn couldn't even pay off that past due credit card bill (and it's no one's responsibility except HERS - it's HER debt) that to me speaks VOLUMES.

      IMO they are living on lines of credit, credit cards, etc. Livin' large. We've ALL seen it I'm sure - during the Real Estate Bubble when so many people were using the inflated value of their home equity as a giant ATM. Without a doubt the Browns have lived this way in the past, and now are doing so again, with no thought for the future.

      but that's okay because to them, "God will provide". They'll walk away from the homes if the snowball's chance in hell turns out that they get them, once they get behind - they will stop making payments and squat until forced out. and then we'll really see the crocodile tears as they blame the big bad mean bank or whatever lender was silly enough to give them the loan to begin with...

    4. Taralyce, on FB, posted about Chris Brown…is he related to Cody?

      Probably...unless she's talking about the OTHER Chris Brown...lmao!!

    5. CJ - I don't want to repost, but I posted this on one of the earlier pages and it seemed relevant:

      Oh my holy - everyone, it's Taralyce, Robyn's little sister, 20th birthday, and she posted on her Facebook page:

      Taralyce: "Ok Chris Brown we can get married now :)"

      Ie, Chris Brown, the pop star who assaulted Rihanna. Given my opinion of Chris Brown, THAT was bad enough...but then...a friend commented:

      Friend: "I guess gettin hit by him would be worth all that money lol"
      Taralyce: "haha oh (friend's name)! if that was even true i would love to be hit by him :)"

      What in the hell is WRONG with these people?! Has abuse in all its forms really been so normalised by the polygamous culture that this woman thinks it's ok to say something like that?

    6. That is absolutely shocking, Open Minded. I don't even think that it's appopriate to joke about such a thing. However, it makes me more convinced that physical abuse is more common or acceptable in this lifestyle than we can know. That could explain why Taralyce thinks it would be worth if for the money.

    7. Unfortunately there are a lot of teen girls who have crushes on Chris Brown and joke about being abused by him. They say stupid and ignorant things like "oh i would love to be hit by him!" because they have no idea what the impact abuse actually has. It is not product of abuse being something they have experienced, more of a culture of celebrity worship and their own ignorance. I work in a high school and you would not believe how flippant teenagers have become about violence in all forms, especially sexual violence. The word rape is thrown around so often. Please parents, talk to your kids, they need YOU to pad them against the outside world because media now a days is shit. Sorry to go off like that!!

    8. Chris Brown has 25 million fans on FB...and still a very successful artist.

      What he did in 2009 was reprehensible, but not unforgivable. Provided he learns from his experience and moves on, which I think he has....and I think that Rihanna and CB are dating again too.

  9. Wonderful recap! I seem to remember an episode last season (or the one before) when Kody assures Meri that her worth is not diminished to him if she decided to have no more children. Now he is badgering her (as did Mariah in an earlier episode) to do it. It really saddened me to see that and that an underlying creed in their "faith" seems to be that women should procreate, no matter how much they all deny it. My heart went out to her and I hope that whatever decision she makes, it will be for HER and not for everyone else. Meri, it's ok to have an empty nest and do something for yourself, like finish that degree you were working on back in the first episode ("at-risk youth"). Just don't take the same classes as Logan! Don't want to cramp his style. On another note, I am still quite perplexed by the whole gym thing and why the girls all still look so heavy. Having struggled with weight issues myself, I understand that it's not easy and weight loss doesn't happen over night. But shouldn't they be showing SOME progress by now? My heart ached when Janelle could barely get out of the student desk in one of the conferences. Go back and watch; you will catch it. Of course, there is always the excuse that Kody likes his women "curvy." It will be interesting to see them interact with the Darger wives next week!

    1. The ladies do seem as if they've lost weight though, in the short clip of them appearing on one of the shows that was posted the other day.

      That is more current than what we're seeing on the SW show right now. The SW show is currently only up to last May/June (2012) when graduations were held in Las Vegas and the TV shows are now. So I think they have lost some. I hope, for their sakes!

    2. I think the school/desk episode was filmed quite a few months ago. Recent pictures of Janelle show a significant weight loss, and she's rocking some totally blond hair.

    3. He's badgering -- or "girding his loins" same thing, LOL...bc he and Robyn are ready to procreate and Meri needs to either put up her earnest money to lease Robyn's womb, or exercise her right to first refusal and get out of the way. Ugh. Totally just grossed myself out and threw up in my mouth.

    4. Does it really matter if Meri agrees or not? What difference does it make if he knocks up Robyn right now? Why is he giving her any kind of timeline or ultimatum? I thought that was the whole premise of their "lifestyle" (ahem, cough, cult) to push them out like bunnies.
      As someone else mentioned, in the polyg world, he is a success because of the # of wives and children he has. They really don't analyse when is a good time (like the rest of us) to have another child, or if they can $$$$afford more. It's quantity not quality.

  10. Love it !!!

    Thanks Cynical always, a perfect synopsis.

    Especially love "Kody and his Kody-pendents"
    LOL..brilliant !!

    1. Yes, the name Kody-pendents is genius! Way to go, CJ!

  11. I, too, thought Kody's gaze was one of perlextion instead of reflection. I do believe he is perplexed that all the wives (even robyn who chose to be late) and the cameras and audience members were watching the kids graduate and inspite of his running up and down the aisle, and making text after text and phone call after phone call, no one was looking at him. He needs a lake of water to gaze at his own reflection so he can get closer and closer as he tries to kiss the thing he loves most and Echo err I mean Meri will yell across the valley, Lover, Lover, Lover. Yeah, this all pretty much sucks of one sided love afairs, narcissm at its height.

    1. I loved everything about your post! The truth and the literary reference! Made me laugh. It's so true though. SO true.

  12. I'm a first time commenter, but a long time reader. I absolutely love your reviews as they point out the insanity of this show.

    One thing that really struck me about this episode was Meri's comparison to Christine's parenting, referring to the fact that "I'm not Christine!!" Did anyone see Christine's face after this? Why does Kody never stand in and man up? I understand wives need to sort it all out on their own, but they need a referee.

    1. Welcome Christenka!

      My bad! I forgot a that the look you were referring to?

    2. It seemed like bad editing. Maybe there was more to that exchange since Christine looked so appalled at Meri's comment. I wonder if it truly ended there.

    3. I agree I also felt that was edited on there

    4. Christine looks pretty darn appalled....I think Meri must have said "and guess what, my poop doesn't stink either"

    5. @CJ...actually a school bus with Kody driving and Robyn in the passenger seat and the other 3 wives under it would have been appropriate too! It just seemed to me like this was "The Tattle Show" or "Who gets thrown under the Bus Show"

    6. Bad editing...or bad acting? The big gaping jaw drop seems so...contrived and artificial. Do people still do that in real life?

    7. Most likely both with this krew, DJ. I think children still do, but like my mom told me once - close your mouth before a bug flies in. That was enough for me. Yuck! Nowadays I just tilt my head slightly downward, and raise my right eyebrow.

  13. Thanks Cynical Jinx for the review. It's worth the wait every week :) When I heard Kody tell Meri he WILL have more children I wanted to jump through the screen and punch him in his face. I do not see what any of these women see in him.

    I think TLC should hold a contest and let one lucky viewer host the next season end review show. I would so love to be the host and ask all the questions we all want answers to, like how the heck they are going to pay for these houses, and if Robin is trying to turn Kody against all the other wives !

    1. The reviews are more entertaining than the show!!!

  14. Great review!
    Kody, Kody, Kody, those teachers have something you don't, and it is called a JOB. You can dress however you want, but it will not make you look better than any of them. At the end of the week, your children's teachers are the ones who are taking home paychecks and benefits. So you can take your out of season sport coat and shove it!

    1. I am quite sure that Kody thinks he does have a job, called "Sisterwives"...yet the sisterwives all have to have ACTUAL jobs, so that they can "qualify" for their own homes....that he will run in and out of the front door and through tbe backyard!

  15. OK if Robyn were wise -- not only would she realize that she can get great suggestions and input from all the kids -- but that there could be a tremendous revenue potential with Mykelti's fledgling designs.

    They could engage fans, solicit feedback, moving into a lower priced teens market. Mykelti could hone her talent, really decide whether she wants to design, get a leg up on admission into a great program.

    And Robyn were really wise -- she'd sign up to manage her fledgling bonus child's design career.

    But what do I know? Only that Meri is disgusting and despicable. She is being so utterly ridiculous to demand a house with five empty bedrooms.

    She chose to live a life contributing to a communal lifestyle -- focused on the greater good, not a self serving material lifestyle. (GET A JOB!)

    She is taking FINITE resources away from babies and young children.

    Meri: you are playing the wrong hand in this card game. Your four empty bedrooms and HUBBY room, will soon make way for a NEW WIFEY room. And you will have missed the chance for a cozy, reasonable, secure home where you call the shots.


    1. I can't agree more. The show is crazy to me, but I can't stop watching it. Not sure how much is fake, real and edited, but in all it is entertains and intriguing for me. I have watched the show from the beginning and Meri was my favorite. However I believe she is being really selfish regarding the home. She doesn’t work to my knowledge per the show and her daughter will be moved out in a year...why the big home? I feel for Janelle however why does she stay? She has proved it once that can make it on her own. So why stay...she is obviously unhappy and I don't blame her. Robyn...she is an air head and try's way to hard. Christine is jealous and a brat. Sorry...but keep it up ladies...I watch it all for these reasons. Note: I have nothing to say for Kody...he drives me nuts.

    2. regarding using Mykelti's designs: IMO

      It's one thing for the Browns to have a jeweler copy her "designs" and make those crappy rings on a small-scale as-needed basis, but quite another to have clothes made that way especially with an eye to keeping them "lower priced". There's a reason that Forever 21 can offer clothes at such cheap prices (well quality too, but that doesn't seem to be a concern for the Browns based on the jewelry).

      Furthermore, while Mykelti definitely shows promise (from the little I know) based on her drawings, she still needs training as a designer - to be able to make a pattern from the drawings, knowledge of materials, and being able to "cost" it out - all part of being a designer. So I don't see the clothing becoming part of MSWC anytime soon. IMO.

    3. Oh and if Mykelti was wise, she'd find someone with actual experience to manage her career, or better yet apprentice under an established designer. NOT Robyn.

  16. There was a point where Kody said "I know it's hard Mare" and Meri wails "I don't think you doooo!" I could practically here her frustration screaming "I don't think you do! I don't think you do know how hard it is to get older and older, your only child about to graduate and move away while your hiaband visits once or twice a week during rotation. I don't think you do know how hard it is to hear your husband tell you he will have more children and watch him create new families with other younger, slimmer and (somewhat) more attractive women.". It makes sense that Meri is so particular on her house, she feels like this is the only thing she can control. Like the control with her decision to have a baby. Meri needs to leave. She is not meant for this lifestyle.

  17. I went through infertility. I am grateful for the two kids IVF allowed us to have. However, the time between deciding to have a child and giving birth to one was a horrible time in my life. Even though it was not certain what the problem was, I felt broken. Meri has to feel some of that given her husband has had many children without her. And it would have been intolerable to be truly alone in the process. Being told by my husband that he would be having children w/ or w/o me would have sent me to an even darker place. As a much healthier/happier person I want to tell Meri to send "her lover" packing.

    I wanted 2 kids and I ultimately got them, so my outlook is biased, but if we had only been able to have 1, we would not be doing the home addition we are now planning. How large your house is should be based on need and income. that said, it appears real estate in the form of their homes might be the only savings they are capable of.

    And one more vent, I know it is already addressed, but the "Christine raised Janelle's kids" had me spitting mad. "Christine played a great role" or "helped" would have been fine, but working parents also raise their children (can you tell I work outside the home??)

    I am not sure I buy that everyone was happy in Lehi. I thought I remember someone saying statistically sister wives do better with more autonomy? maybe I made that up.

    1. yes, i think they were all happIER in Lehi but not necessarily happY. they were filing bankruptcies, on food stamps/etc, and Meri was unhappy enough to go looking for Kody another bride to "please him" as well as to get a sister wife/friend she could feel connected to like Janelle and Christine were with each other but not with Meri. In comparison to Vegas, they definitely had a better quality of life in Lehi. This show and Robyn all upset the apple cart and added more problems to the mix of the ones they already had but were more manageable.

      The whole dynamics of this family was unhealthy in Lehi but has been taken to an even sicker level w/the show and all the unintended consequences it has delivered to them.

    2. Meri thought, I think, that she and Robyn would be besties; however, Meri is too selfish to be besties with anyone. Robyn came into the family budding up to Meri and once she figured out that Meri has nothing on her, she pulled away. Robyn tries to stay loyal to Meri but it is painfully clear that Meri is her rival.

    3. (formerly Adopted and Proud. This is much easier!)
      Good point, Anon. 3:38. It makes me wonder if Robyn may be wishing she hadn't made the offer. No good deed goes unpunished, and this one could have consequences none of them are clever enough to foresee.

  18. Thank you for this blog. This is seriously the only place to find relevant info on Sisterwives dating past 2011. Clearly you are making more of an effort toward the success of this show than either the Browns or TLC.

  19. Thanks for the review!
    Meri's "hubby room" made me chuckle. When Robyn got to the graduation she said she was walking down the "sturrs". This made me laugh out loud, and I myself have an accent.
    I always thought it was very telling (and unsurprising) when they all went back to Kody's hometown and his high school friends said he always liked being the center of attention. I thought the parent teacher conferences just highlighted that even more. It's just disgusting to be me how much he (and Robyn, and Meri to some degree) visibly enjoys the shock value and seems to enjoy it if it makes people uncomfortable.
    Also, thank you for catching the part where he says he wants to be dressed better than the teachers. So typical. My husband, who watches with me with lots of moaning and groaning (it's a trade off for NFL being on all day on Sundays) was more annoyed by that than anything else in the episode.

    1. Even though they want the shock value of announcing multiple wives and children and throwing around we're polygs and our kids are polyg kids, the sad truth is no one gives a crap. Polygamy isn't novel and folks these days are not intrigued by multiple anythings. We have seen a woman have eight babies, one with two sets of multiples and everything in between. We've seen big fat gypsie weddings, hoarders, and little girls slutted up to prance around sexually. So, a middle aged balding fat man with three obese and one fat wife is not is sad. Very very sad and sometimes comical. The visuals that we try not to see of big fat man and fat woman and the possible diseases that can go from one to another. Can you imagine four wives going to the pharmacy to get yeast infection medication, herpes medication, or bladder infection medication all because kody didn't wash good. YUCK>

    2. I appreciated the fact that none of the teachers displayed any surprise or "shock" whatsoever, feigned or otherwise. Meri had to MAKE SOME UP - as CJ so eloquently pointed out.

      also I recall on a past blog a day or so ago an "anon" poster who apparently has children in the same HS as the Browns stated that no one wants anything to do with them or wants to sit next to them (the adults that is). After reading that I noticed that the Browns appeared to be off by themselves a bit in the auditorium...except for the head on a stick of course... or maybe that's what i want to see?

    3. This episode was really annoying from start to finish. It really bothered me that all five of the Brown adults were at the conferences. Robyn did not need to be there. I thought the teachers handled it really well, though.
      At one point Christine had been home schooling the kids, I was under the impression the children had been attending public school for a few years now. I was just wondering about that, because Kody and the Kodettes acted as if they had never been to a parent-teacher conference before.

    4. Anonymous @ 3:42, I don't know about diseases shared by the Brown family, but Flora Jessop's book, Church of Lies, does talk about that issue. According to her, FLDS families bathe and change their underwear just once a week, as doing so more often would result in massive water bills. This means that the sister-wives can get vaginal infections, and the husbands spread the infections between the wives.

    5. They all look like they need a good bath! I'm sure they make a monthly trip to the "yeast" Doctor...

    6. This show is definitely scripted because I can tell you, after putting 3 kids through Clark county school district, that we do not have Parent teacher conferences after the kids leave elementary school! The only child that we meet with the teachers for is my son who has an I.E.P in math. And even then, all the teachers meet in one room, all together to discuss his progress. I'm actually disgusted that the teachers even agreed to such nonsense. This school district is failing miserably so I think their time could be spent in a more constructive way, such as preparing all of our children for success!

  20. how exactly do they make their $$$? does tlc pay a ton per episode? if robyn's credit is so bad her debt has to be consolidated, DO NOT BUY HOUSES U CANNOT AFFORD, and do not keep having kids u cannot support! Stop. Do not pass go. Do not get the wetbar.

  21. Thanks CJ for another great review! The ‘Meet the Teachers’ was so staged, why did TLC even bother? Did any of us really learn anything new about the family from this staged event? We aren’t totally stupid, TLC, give us the real drama not a phony staged event. Did anyone else feel Meris’ weird trip to her sister’s for wisdom about another baby was also staged and awkward? Meri wasn't going there for a heartfelt conversation...she just wanted a trip to Utah. As a viewer, I know some things are ‘recreated’ for dramatic purposes but it feels like they are just making things up and it’s insulting to the viewers. I like the much more juicy and interesting stuff like their couch talks…they could just do that for an hour and I could spend tons of time just analyzing the body language and Janelle's side-eye glances and hey, Christine is starting to do that, too. Or a full day with Natalie Morales would totally be the best Christmas present ever!
    I know we all have an opinion about “wetbar”-gate but I agree with the contributor yesterday who said that Kody wants that so he can entertain ‘customers’ at the house like a ‘hotshot’ (I can see Kody thinking all businessmen conduct business at wetbars). Due to HOA restrictions (like CJ mentioned), they can’t just build a 2 bedroom cottage next to an 8 bedroom McMansion…but again like CJ pointed out, Meri can have her hubby room and her wetbar and her ‘equal square footage’ but in reality in 10 years, there will be at least one new wife living with her and a bunch of kids (that she didn’t choose to give birth to). To Kody, it’s not even insulting that he told Meri he IS going to have more children (kind of like Mariah IS going to have sister wives) because their faith calls him to fill the earth with as many children as possible to enlarge the kingdom. There will be more wives, there will be more children. I know we think they are financially irresponsible (they are!) but in the plyg world, they are doing well. I am not quite sure if Kody will decide to take on Wives 5 and 6 while still filiming the show or if once they have faded from the airwaves he will just accumulate a few more wives and start the breeding process all over again. In fact, all of their houses will some day have additional wives and kids as the original Brown/Sullivan kids move out and start their own families. The wives now are paying for houses for wives of the future and I think they know that. They probably just hope they can stay in the houses long enough for their kids to graduate high school and then resign themselves to the guest room down the hall.

    1. Mary's house will probably end up being the retirement home for all the current wives once their children have grown gone to college and moved out. Then the other 3 houses will be for the new brooding mares, I mean wives.

    2. I predict that in 10 years, Meri will be totally soused at the wet bar every evening and have to be helped to her room by her 20-something sister wife.

    3. The dire need for a wetbar makes to me sense now. I think you hit nail on the head, CPA Carol. Kody would think that business men need a wetbar to give the appearence of success. LOL!!

      All this time, I have been perplexed as to why it is so important to them to have the McMansions. After all, Meri's daughter will be leaving home soon. The other wives teenagers aren't that far off from moving out either. Until you mentioned it, it never occurred to me that the Kodster might be looking at these homes as a investment to house his future wives and children. Kody has always come across as a fly-by-the-seat-of-his-sweaty-pants kind of guy to me. Is it possible that he could think that far into the future? Could I have misjudged him?

    4. Just a thought. Mariah is graduating from HS this year and is very devoted to the faith. They seem to marry young. Wasn't Meri 18 when she married? Maybe Meri is making room for Mariah and her future family.

    5. Baaa Haa!! Great point! Meri's house will become the home for the retired brood mares and they will all hang out at the wet bar cursing the Kodester and getting plastered ;)

  22. People frequently comment on the accents of the wives, though mostly Robin. And it IS obvious she's"country" though I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But the accent I find the most strange is Christine's. She enunciates so precisely I find it kind of grating. Particularly her "t"s. I like Christine, but where is that accent from?

    1. I noticed that, too. I just thought she had some kind of strange speech impediment.

    2. I've noticed that too, it's almost British sometimes. Maybe it's her "teacher/mommy" voice? It sounds strongest when she's explaining something to the cameras.

    3. It's a Utah accent.

    4. Robyn talks like she has a mouth full of cotten.

    5. *cotton...oops sorry

    6. Here in the Idaho/Utah region, we refer to it as the "Mormon Twang," or "Utahnics."

  23. How much more does a 5 bedroom cost then a 4 bedroom

    1. The builder has 2 options avaliable the BASIC 3 bedroom starts at 400,000 the other option is a 5 bedroom (with a wetbar option) starts at 525,000. So for Meri to get the extra rooms and wetbar will be atleast 125,000. Thats without taking into considerations extra upgrades.

    2. finally seeing realityNovember 30, 2012 at 3:54 PM

      The wet bar would be considered an upgrade if it is an option, and probably an expensive one. Robin's speech sounds like someone who is uneducated to me. One thing I notice about their followers who love them uncondionally is that they all sound ignorant and uneducated, not likely to be able to afford the Brown's expensive costume jewelry.

  24. This family is nucking futs! Meri Meri Meri... barf! God I really want to like her too. I totally loved her in season one and two. In fact I loved all the wives until Robyn came along. I think she ruined the whole dynamic of it all but then I guess it wouldn't make for very good television. Eh?
    Robyn is pathetic. A complete nincompoop. You never leave late. And why did she HAVE to bring Sol? None of her other kdis are there. In fact none of the smaller kids are. Plus doesn't she have a live in nanny/sister that's suppose to watch him? I don't care about the houses or who gets a wet bar or whatever. I want to know why Robyn can't seem to fit in or even TRY to fit in. She pulls this stuff on purpose. Karma will have her revenge. I think Robyn is a slug on this family.

    1. I love that the slug of the family hahahh..

      as for Sol...why is he so special...what about the other little ones, why is it always about him...

      there are other kids around KOOTY

    2. I think the "Sister" is brought in for TV or maybe the new Wife Drama...I agree. Robyn is something else. She shares cutsody of her children w/ her X. Where is he? I would love to hear his side of the story. Robyn is a female version of Kody for sure...

  25. Actually, Kody's closing words were, "we'll wait until we move into the new homes and then make a decision." Soooooo - it appears Meri's NEVER going to have to make that decision. ;'p

    1. Hahahahaha! I love it!

    2. Or not until she gets her freaking WET BAR anyway.

  26. do you know really bothered me the way Meri was being so snotty to Janelle about missing HER son walk out on stage, how rude she was. HOW dare she be like that to Janelle. I really feel for her...I wish she would take her great kids SHE raised and get the hell out of dodge...

    1. I thought polygamy was suppose to help them overcome their jealousies. Meri, Janelle, and Christine have been together for almost 20 years. It's clear to me that Meri and Janelle truly despise each other. Janelle strikes me as the kind of person who could get along with just about anyone. Therefore, I lay the blame a Meri's feet. Every time I see the clip of Meri saying to Janelle something to the effect of, "I'm sorry if you felt I was taking something that belonged to you...", I just want slap Meri silly. The anger she has towards Janelle is palpable. And, yes, I agree that Robyn through off the dynamics of this family. She does give the appearence on not trying to mesh with the rest of the family. Meri and Robyn are a lot alike in the sense that they are both attention hogs. They just go about it differently.

    2. Who thinks there's something with Meri and Janelle not being told? I bet Kody was telling each of them the other's secrets. I have two aunts who pretend to get along but really don't like each other. I joke to my husband that their beef is probably over some guy from back in the day - lol. Meri said in the book that she didn't see the marriage to Janelle coming. Maybe something went down that they've agreed to never publicize! Oh well, I'm just thinking out loud. Just seems weird that they are so distant after 20+ years ...

    3. finally seeing realityNovember 30, 2012 at 4:02 PM

      If I had been Jenelle I would have told Meri that, yes she did take something that belonged to her and had for years! Janelle paid the morgage and household bills for along time while Meri spent her income on herself and Mariah. A earlier episode showed Meri saying that Mariah got pretty much what ever she wanted. Meri's rental was also aquired with Janelle's 401k. So yes Meri, you did take something that belonged to Janelle.

  27. wake me when ur doneNovember 29, 2012 at 2:32 PM

    Boring. Same old stuff, different day.

  28. We know this show will end soon; what I am looking forward to is the updates 10 years from now.

    Kody will have new wives (he clarified that with the statement about having more children). I believe he will always look for a wife to be in child bearing mode. How will the Kodettes feel with the young wives coming? They get less and less time & less money for their households. I just don't see a future for Meri, Janelle, or Christine with Kody once new wives come in. Robyn will stay for now, but she won't like being replaced as the new young wife.

    Financially, the whole klan will be screwed up and perhaps either leaning on their kids or their kids will be as messed up as the folks.

    Some kids will follow the "faith". Some will leave, likely the younger ones who are not getting the "blessing" of the sister wife unit like the older ones did.

    I really look forward to seeing where this family is 10 years from now.

    1. hmmm well see, that's KODY'S plan, but he actually has to find women who are willing to get involved in this whole deal. Especially after the TLC money train has left the station.

      and not only that - if he wants to do it "the right way" according to his church which he professes to still belong to, he has to get permission from the AUB head honchos, right? otherwise, it's just shacking up. And from what he said in the book, he barely got approved for the Robyn sealing/marriage/whatever you wanna call it as it was, because of his lack of ability to support the wives and kids he already has. Especially if there's no TV Show Money coming in and as he ages, why would any woman even partially in her right mind agree to be part of this?? yikes!

    2. he actually has to find women who are willing to get involved in this whole deal

      All Kody has to do is mine the women who tweet him and comment on the 'family controlled' FB fanpages how much they love him and want to be his next wife!

      He won't have any problem at all finding a new young one either. And as an independent fundamentalist, does he still need the ok from the AUB? (let's hope he is still tithing if he does)

    3. I dunno CJ, once the show is done all those crazy fans will pipe down pretty quick I think...

    4. As gross as Kody is, he will have no problem finding some new wives who probably have very low self esteem. Have you ever been around someone with borderline personality characteristics? They make you feel special, they focus all their attention on you for that time, they make everything seem exciting and like an adventure, that is until you piss them off or they get distracted(squirrel.).

      Kody has proven that he can attract wives even when he only has a dirt farm. He can lie and say some new money making scheme is on the horizon. When Robyn no longer stays sweet since she says she does not argue with him to keep the honeymoon or can't pop out more pups for the litter or Kody needs more attention from TV, the new wife will come. Last time he "stooped" to a divorced woman with children. Maybe the church has lower standards on marriages if Kody picks a bride who is undesirable to better church men?

  29. Cynical Jinx: First, thanks for the Blog. Second, I've been going back in time over past postings, picked one at random (can't remember which one--but I think it was Terrasola posing questions to each SW) and I think I read that you had done a book review of the SW book. Is that true? Is it somewhere on the Blog? Thanks!

    1. Hi MrSpock!

      I think I read that you had done a book review of the SW book. Is that true? Is it somewhere on the Blog?

      Here are the links!

      Becoming Sister Wives: Prologue and Part One
      Becoming Sister Wives: Part Two
      Becoming Sister Wives: Part Three
      Becoming Sister Wives: Part Four

    2. I'm telling U CJ, U should do a SWB Marathon w/ video clips & ur old reviews starting w/ Season 1. Or just do the Best of SWB...which would be hard to choose since they're all :D
      Why not? TLC has no problem serving up overdone & rehashed BS...hehe

  30. Great Review!!! I LOVE the intelligent, witty banter!!! THANK you for doing it synopsis style, so imteresting. Where's Waldo hahahhaha

  31. The title of the ep itself is a misnomer IMO.

    "Kody ***begs*** for an answer"? Didn't sound like "begging" to me - it's more like a demand/threat: "I'm going to have more kids anyway, with or without you."

    I know, I know its for (whackadoo) religious reasons but WTF Kody? why is it so necessary for you to spread your (ugh!) seed?

  32. You forgot to mention that in Kody's talking head moment about Logan's graduation, he basically insulted Janelle by stating something to the effect of "any credit to her as a mother has to be shared with the other moms". WTF????? I understand that Christine stayed home to babysit while Janelle worked, but don't child care workers do the same thing and watch kids so moms (and dads) can work? That doesn't take away from the mom's role in raising her own kids!!

    Kody says such disrespectful things to Janelle (and Christine!) that it makes me wonder why they stay with him. Seriously ladies, put on your big-girl panties, make the tough decisions and either stand up to Kody and insist that he treat you with the love and respect you deserve, or if that doesn't work, then pack up and move on. And do not....DO NOT...have any more kids with him! Let Robyn and Meri have that loser...ugh.

  33. My thoughts on baby-gate: I don't think Meri wants another baby at this point,I also think she knows that if she shared that info with Kody, Robyn would get knocked up that very night. I think by prolonging the "decision" she has control over the situation and temporarily stops the breeding frenzy....

    1. Agree with you totally...but I know behind closed doors they have schemed all of this up. They are probably laughing about all of the fake couch sessions and crying jags.

    2. That's exactly what I've been thinking. I honestly believe that's the core of her reticence to try it. That and she get's a lot of attention and sympathy. I've been shocked that robyn and Kody have waited this long I'm sure they're both anxious to conceive again.. gross.

  34. Oh CJ, you are a delight!!!!!!!! LOVED the review!

  35. Watch the talk show today. They said that Janelle received an inheritance and shared it with the other wives. Guess that is how Meri got her wet bar.

    1. Hmmm Kody mentioned an inheritance in the book - did they say how long ago Janelle received that windfall - recently or some time ago?

      I can see what happened if it was awhile back:
      1) Janelle separated from M&K, happily in her own place and raising her kids on her own, but still seeing Kody regularly.
      2) someone dies and leaves her $$$.
      3) Kody finds out about it and starts scheming as to how to get Janelle to give it up.
      4) finds the Lehi plyg house, and talks Janelle into using her windfall to put as a down payment on same house and coming back to live with the rest of the fam.
      5) Janelle does so, so she gets a bigger portion of the house since she financed the purchase. Making Meri pissed off.
      6) Somehow, Kody talks J into adding him and Meri as co-owners on the home.
      7) they immediately open a HELOC and start using their house like an ATM.
      8) Real estate bubble pops, now the mortgage is upside down big time.
      9) Kody starts courting Robyn.
      10) TLC comes a'knockin'.

      and so on.

    2. I just don't get it. Janelle always draws the short straw but shares her inheritance? Crazy. If the family members who had ever left me anything thought I'd shared it with such a group of parasites, they'd have risen out of their graves and beaten the hell out of me! Since she wasn't raised in this cult, I'm guessing her benefactor would really be sad to see it, as well. I wish she'd wake up, but am afraid she is a true believer.

    3. Ok, Dakota, that was too funny! U r a mess (and probably right ;-)

    4. Awww! I've still yet to see the interview - got my DVR set for the airing at 3 AM later tonight. Did they actually state WHEN Janelle rec'd an inheritance? It must have been from her dad, since her mom is still alive. I'm guessing I'm not far off the mark either - they might have needed her proof of income and good credit (I suppose) but the inheritance windfall probably also went a long way towards getting the house as a down payment.

      It makes total sense...IMO

  36. sad to say it but Meri is making even Robyn look good

  37. I noticed the same thing about Kody's hair. Very weird and sloppy of the producers.

  38. CJ or MS maybe you can answer this. Typically with in vitro, multiple eggs are harvested and fertilized with then only x amount of them being implanted. The extra fertilized eggs are either frozen (while you are paying for it) or disposed of. Since I am under the impression The Browns believe life begins at conception, wouldn't the process of in vitro be prohibiting spirit babies to come into this world and even to a certain extent be considered having an abortion? (I probably have just opened up a can of worms with this)

    Having watched the 20/20 special last Friday night about breaking polygamy, I am also curious about the AUB's (isn't that what The Browns are claiming to follow?) view and even the LDS view on miscarriage. I would like to say I was shocked, when I heard Warren Jeffs excommunicates women who miscarry in his cities, but that man is an utterly sick and twisted individual.
    1 out of 4 pregnancies end miscarriage for various reasons. Miscarriage is a terrible thing that does happen, and rarely is discussed, mostly out of shame in my opinion. Having experienced 2 miscarriages, I understand the emotional and physical toll it takes on your body and your marriage. My heart does reach out to both Meri and Christine who have both experienced the same as well (this is probably the only time you will hear me sympathize with The Browns).
    But from what I can tell, their beliefs do not support in vitro. Then why on earth would they even discuss or pursue this?

    1. Y for Wyoming, you and Masengill have my favorite blog names on this site. They make me laugh each time I see them.

      Now, as to your reproductive musings, I think you make some excellent observations regarding possible hindrance or destruction of "spirit babies." I am a person who believes life begins at conception, therefore, I am not an advocate of in vitro, freezing embryos, etc., etc. (I know many disagree with that viewpoint--and I'm not trying to start any arguments here---just letting the blog know my worldview on the issue so any of my comments on the subject have some context. I just believe we are each "fearfully and wonderfully made" as it says in the Bible.) Returning to the subject at hand---whether the Browns would go ahead with in vitro---I wonder if they have thought it through like you have? Perhaps not, but maybe they will.

    2. As a member of the LDS church, I can say that miscarriage is not anything like in the FLDS church for us, I have even read a few articles by our leadership about healing from a miscarriage emotionally. I have experienced 3 and the only thing people in my church would tell me is "I'm sorry for your loss". Warren Jeffs is psycho. As for IVF, I have plenty of LDS friends who do it. While we generally believe life begins at conception, it's not looked at differently. All children are regarded with great love. I think the AUB is the same for miscarriage, since Robyn said something to the lines of "each child has the right to choose its body" when she had the miscarriage scare. Not sure about IVF for them, though.

    3. Y for Wyoming, as an evangelical Christian who also believes life begins at conception and as a mother of a child conceived via IVF who is now 11 there are a few things that we available 12 years ago that I am sure have been refined and developed. We were given the option on how many eggs would be fertilized, based on science and odds we came up with a number of fertilized eggs that we could accept as live births. There was also a technique were the eggs were tested to see which eggs were most viable to result in a fertilization, I don't pretend to understand all of this, but what I know is that firmly believing that life begins at conception we went into IVF and had 3 eggs transferred in the first round and that was a healthy baby, the 2nd round the remaining embryos were transferred and unfortunately that baby died before birth. The result of that loss was the GIFT of adoption for our youngest child.

      What I can tell you being thru the process is this, the shots and the hormones are atrocious on the moods and the emotions that run with the entire process are beyond anything that I have ever experienced. It's not a fun thing.

      Being over 40 you need to find a REPUTABLE Dr. that would do the procedure.

      If using a surrogate or gestational carrier that person will also endure the dreaded shots in the tummy.

      It is an expensive, all of nothing, emotional, experience that does require spousal support (or SOME support!) and a true love and desire for a child. Not a way to hang on to a husband.

    4. Personally I don't think Kody or any of the wives know what the procedure entails...he just knows it results in a baby :)
      Otherwise I don't think they'd use IVF and surrogate in tandem.

    5. Mr. Spock, thank you for the compliment on my name!

      I love Mister Sister's name too...and Y for Wyoming is funny too.

    6. Mr. Spock, live long and prosper!

      In vitro, no matter what your beliefs are, can bring up a lot of ethical questions. I agree with Dakota Justice, I don't think they have thought this thru. If Meri does have viable eggs to harvest, most likely they will harvest as many eggs as they can now and freeze them for later use. As harvesting a few years from now for another baby, might not be an option. But I agree with others, I do not think Meri has any interest in having another baby, and uses this as a way to ensure Kody still visits and a way of controlling the family.

    7. OMG Julz - I must admit I don't know much about IVF - I know more about embryo transfer in horses, but not that much more. I would bet that Robyn doesn't know about the tummy shots or anything about the procedure. that would probably stop me right there, as I am notorious about needles - just ask my dentist and the techs at the blood work dentist has to give me a Valium before I have any work done, just because of my fear of needles. :( Yup I'm a wuss.

    8. DakotaJustice, I laughed at your wuss comment! My husband passed out cold at every visit we had, it got to the point of when the Dr. walked in the room he looked on the floor to see if hubby was with me. It's definitely not for the faint hearted. The tummy shots are self administered and bruise like crazy, if Robyn has those wonder how he will like that on his nights, not to mention, GULP, you need to abstain from extra curricular activities prior to the procedure being done. NOPE, just can't see the Kodster going for it.

      BTW: one of the first things checked for with IVF is STDs....hmmmm

  39. It seems very unprofessional for the teachers to be on TV discussing their students grades even with the parents permission we can only assume that the math and English and history teachers didn't find the performance of the students worthy of being on TV these parents do not get what harm they are doing to their children

  40. You know, I am unsure how their faith stands on this, and then in Kody world, it may just be a lame storyline, or already in the process, who knows?? I would also would be curious to find out.

  41. I am new to your blog....I absolutely love it tho! All your comments are great! Not sure who started it, but thanks! I am still trying to figure out why I keep watching their darn show - they annoy the living you-know-what out of me! I originally started watching because I was very interested in learning about polygamy, not because I would ever want to do it (NO WAY), but like a lot of other people, I was just curious about it. I truly feel so sorry for the women and the children, well except for Meri and Robyn - they drive me nuts! How sad to be so alone so much.

    How in the HECK are they able to get those houses??? It just baffles my mind! What ever happened to people working for what they get in life? My husband and I sure worked like heck for everything we ever got! More than likely TLC is helping, but it looks like they're running out of good story lines. Whatever will they do when TLC's money stops? Certainly not count on their jewelry they're selling. Is it just me or is the show starting to get boring?

    Anyhow, thanks for letting me vent! I do that to my hubby and he's like "then why do you continue to watch it?" Until next time! :-)

  42. Woo Hoo, what an insightful and entertaining review!
    Thank you for pointing out the abuse in the review. Planned or not, it still was abusive, just like the cult they are in. Did you know they don't put the bible first? If you are going to believe in God, that is a awful thing to think his Bible would not be a perfect book.
    One thing about the PT conferences. Teachers have notes and speak much more about specific points about the student. Parents, most often the in tune ones, ASK specific questions. Now, dropping the F bomb has nothing to do with his school work. I would expect questions about socialization, college prep, tips, not a preamble of LOOK AT ME, vanity is a sin of mine! They had no discusiion of what they were going to ask, only poligamy vanity

  43. Meri is the lesser parent of the whole bunch. Christine by far has more parenting skills. Not perfect, but yet, Meri makes me sick with her self righteous slam. sweep your own doorstep. Your child is boo hooing about your fertility, when I can see her married and pregnant asap.

    1. I would have thought that too, until recently. Letting Aspyn miss school just because she wants to, and today on Jeff Probst show, Maddison said she likes to stay at Christines because at home she has a curfew but Christine doesn't care if her and Madison leave in the middle of the night, and Christine just smiled and said "I trust them" How many drunk drivers do you think are on the road in the middle of the night in Vegas.

    2. Seriously? Letting teenage girls leave the house in the middle of the night in Vegas? Drunk drivers would be the least of my worries. Christine is the one Mom most in agreement with Kody about the teens not dating or 'kissing'. She's just not very bright sometimes. I think she gets polygamy mixed up with communes from the 60's.

    3. I really don't have a problem with letting the girls leave in the middle of night.I do not have children yet. I am 26 so perhaps that will change as I mature and become a mother.

      My parents let me leave in the middle of the night the summer before my senior year. I just had to leave a note or tell who ever was still awake. And I had to come home, no spending the night out. I often would leave around 11pm when my friends got off work, and we would go out for snack at the 24hour Diner. I was a good kid, no underage drinking,drugs, partying etc. My parents could trust me. They also went to bed early so they didn't mind letting me go out without waking them.

      I didn't grow up in Vegas, but I did live in the suburbs of a major city. Often my city would set up sobriety checks around the bar scene and even in parking garages so if you wanted to leave you had to talk to an officer. Idk how well LV is policed but it may be safer then other cities since they have a ton of income from the gaming tax.

      Is Madison the daughter featured with her friends saying they are against partying? Maybe Janelle "lets" Madison stay at Christine's b/c she can trust her to go out at night but doesn't trust her other bio children to be responsible.

    4. Christine knows she's the fun, cute, easy parent. That role is probably all she has and she sticks to that script, sometimes unwisely. I think she exaggerated her dumbness because she thinks it's cute. Listen to her accent when she was on the JP show. She sounded like an airhead and I think it's on purpose. Also, did u guys know she's had some college? I was snooping on FB and she listed having attended a community college.

  44. After reading some of the comments, I feel like I need to say a few things. Christine did raise Janelle's kids for a while. They lived together and Janelle worded long hours to support the family. There is no doubt that Janelle loves her kids, but she said multiple times that she had no patience for little kids. Also, she really struggled emotionally at that time because of "Kody and Mary Stress" Mary often used her inability to concieve as a way to manipulate time with Kody. There were even physical altercations. When Christine came into the family she became the peace maker. Christine has really been through a lot and sacrificed much for this family. Janelle also. This family has never been a great example on a plural situation. Kody is too caught up in himself to be of good to his family. I think this show is like watching a train heading into a mountain. You know its going to crash. It's the kids I feel for because they are at the mercy of the "adults".

    1. But what I think is telling is that when Mariah was added to the Honor Society, it was all Meri and Kody and no recognition of the woman who actually homeschooled her in her early years. Double Standard much? I think it takes both Janelle and Christine to balance out Meri and then Robyn is just trailing along behind trying to fit in.

    2. Whether Janelle worked long hours or not, or had patience for small children or not.... her children are not anything like the other children. That comes fromm Janelle. Christine did nothing more than many stay at home aunts or Grandma's do every day. If Christine was the greater influence, all the kids would be polyg activists, and Janelle's are definitely not.

      And I agree with the comment about Mariah and the NHS. There was not one word of thanks to any of the other Moms.

    3. That's a good way of looking at it Mythoughtis. I hadn't thought of it that way. That is so true. Props to Christine for being a loving nurterer, but seeing their mom make her own choices separate from most of her family, get educated, go to work everyday, move out when she had enough - all those things have to play a part in those kids appearing to be so different and much more strong-willed than the others.

    4. With the exception of Sol, we have all seen how uninvolved Kody is with his children. I see Janelle and Christine as co-parenting the children. Janelle played the roll of the breadwinner. (Call me old fashioned, but I believe that the role of provider is, at least on some level, born into men. Kody should have been busting his butt more to provide better for the brood he insists on having and expanding.) Meanwhile, Christine was the primary caregiver to hers and Janelles children.

      I suspect that what appeared to be a lack of interest in Mariah's induction into the honor society by the other wives has less to do with any partiality than it does the family dynamics. The way I understand it, Meri only worked part-time, intermittently. And, Meri, only having one child, would not have needed the "exta set of hands" to help care for Mariah. Therefore, Christine would not have been acting as Mariah's primary caregiver in the same capacity as she did with Janelle's kids. I think this is really evident in how the kids interact with each other. Christine's and Janelle's kids really seem to mesh. Mariah just seems to be on the periphery of this group of siblings. I think it was Logan, who said something to the effect that Mariah holds herself to a higher standard than the other children do. Honestly, I don't think he meant it as a compliment, even though, he pulled it off that way. (wink) Let's not forget who Mariah's mother is. LOL!! And Robyn? Forget her. She seems to have her hands full just caring for Sol.

  45. I remain dumbfounded at the stupid things they say and do. Honestly offend that they think their viewers are so dumb. Do they or the producers think we can't put 2 and 2 together. I see no unconditional love, security or happiness here. Hate that I can't stop watching.

    1. Hmm. Maybe the producers do know what they are doing.

  46. Anybody other than myself wonder if Kodester would really like to add a Brother Husband to the mix? If he wasn't married to 4 women I would really wonder if he was gay. ('Not that there is anything wrong with that!' ;)

  47. About 20 years ago I sold children's products via a reputable multilevel marketing company. My upline manager would give us cassette tapes of motivational seminars to coach us and learn sales techniques, including mini-scripts to "close the sale." I would guess that the Browns' MLM venture has such coaching sessions and materials because the same type of language, IMO, seemed to be coming from Kody during the couch "begging" segment.

  48. Entertaining review CJ, esp since you had to work w/ overdone rehashed
    Now I know some people keep saying 10 yrs from now the houses will be used for other wives. Hell, IMO, I really don't think they'll still have these homes in 10 yrs b/c they won't be able to keep up w/ not only the mortgages, but property taxes, utilities, & didn't someone point out a private neighborhood type of fee too?? They're so financially irresponsible & they always have been & it just seems they continue to live WAY ABOVE THEIR MEANS!!

    1. Yes, the home owners association fees are $135/per month, per house. For a grand yearly total for 4 homes= $6480!

    2. Wow, $6480 sure could buy lots of groceries,clothes for ALL the kids, toiletries, cleaning supplies, & go towards Graduation costs/fees!!
      Thanks for the info Y for Wyoming :D.....

  49. I wanted to add my 2 cents in about Robyn bringing Sol to the graduation? WHY?????? When she finally does get there she automatically hands the diaper bag to Kody & Sol to Meri, while Robyn throws her disgusting pity party!!....smh I mean, it just makes no sense! How can she justify bringing him along everywhere, when Truely didn't get to go everywhere when she was a baby! Dang, she sure knows how to find a babysitter when she wants to go get her nails done or have alone time w/ Kody (BLAHHHHHH)

    1. So true! She is a narcissist too. She may have had her little pouty spiel about how bad she felt, but that whole thing happened because she wanted it to happen. When you are late for anything (she probably is always late) it tells others that "I" am more important than "you". Bringing the baby everywhere gets her the attention he craves. And Kodouche got up to look for her like a chicken with his head cut off because ALL EYES WOULD BE ON HIM, the camera, his wives, the crowd. He's always "ON"

    2. You are so spot on, Anon 8:27 am. Robyn is all about Robyn. I've said it once and I'll say it again. She is an attention whore. Remember what she said in one of the the earlier episodes, when she was dating Kody? She was talking about how his 'courting' her was breaking the wives hearts. And then, she tearfully said she had no idea it would break her heart, too. Give me a break!!! She used his other wives pain to get sympathy for herself. That is really low. Being habitually late is definitely a sign of nacissism.

  50. Going off topic of the ep itself - in an earlier comment made within the past couple of days or so, someone stated that the Browns are making $$ off public/motivational speaking. Really? The only times I know they've done anything close to that is the UNLV talk (which I'm guessing they weren't paid for, since it cost nothing to attend) and the Boston talk (filmed, so I'm guessing that they did it gratis)

    At most, for talk shows such as the Probst show today, they might have each received SAG minimum rate - however I don't think the Browns are SAG members, and these are basically promotional appearances so I'm guessing all they get is free travel.

    The only other times I've seen them promote appearances is at craft shows and their MLM meet and greets.

    The Kody Brown family isn't listed on any of the motivational speaker sites, nor could i find anything about them being public speakers. so how are they making $ at something they aren't doing?

    1. They can be booked via their website. I think if you click contact us you get taken to a form and there is a person's name there that books them. I don't know if they are being paid or not, but they do seem to have a booking person.

  51. I can't imagine them living in the Lehi house again. Now that the wives have each had a large (rental) house to themselves I don't think they would/could co-exist in such small quarters. Also it took a while for the older kids to adjust to Vegas and make new friends, I just don't see Janelle uprooting them again and making them move back to Utah. This might be the reason Janelle would break away from the family. I know it would make Meri happy, right up until Kody took another wife to fill the vacancy. On another note we never see them eating anything healthy. Why didn't they plant fruits and vegetables on the Lehi property?

  52. So Meri is very selfish and she needs a reality check! She doesn't need a big house or a large household budget like the other moms do. Also, Robin offered to carry their baby so quit using "I can't have more kids to fill my house card" its bullshit. She's lazy and wants all the perks. Janelle and Christine deserve better. Cant wtand Robin after she purposely left late to the graduation. It was about Janelle and Kodys son and his dumb ass left to go find robin? I would haveflipped on his ass. Ugh

    1. meri has admitted this- she made some comment about wanting the house but not the stress and emotions and work that comes with it... the same with kids, and im sure any weight loss, her marriage...anything in life that requires work basically. lazy ass

  53. the comment kody made about teacher's was so appalling...theyre teachers so i dont want them to be dressed better than me?? get your head out of your ass and get some abreva while youre at it K-DOUCHE

  54. During the couch interview, when Kody was giving Christine credit for raising Logan b/cuz Janelle was working all the time...I really wish Janelle would've turned to him & said, Ya, well someone had to work a real job so we could have steady income coming in. Also, it sure did benefit the many trips/vacations that you & Meri took too!!

  55. I loved it when Jeff Probst asked Kody what he did for a living. He paused and somehow the subject got changed. Kody dodge the bullet on that one.

    Also, I wish someone who knew how to read body language would tell us what they think about all of them today. I noticed that Aspyn kept playing with her earlobe. I remember hearing that it meant something. I believe it's something that people do when they aren't telling the truth but I could me wrong.


  56. One other little rant...what was all that krap Robyn offered for the builders that sharing a kitchen would be torture for at least two of the wives? Why? Hmmm. Let me see....1-Meri elbows her way in so that she can make an incredibly healthy dinner for ONE since she has MUCH BETTER EATING HABITS than everyone else, while... 2-Janelle decides it will be peanut fritos for the main course tonight....3-Christine is already working away at the entire family's dinner she planned and prepared from pantry (no snark)...and then 4-ROBYN says that Taralyce MUST get enough elbow room to prepare TONIGHT'S special order, dinner for two that she and Kody will enjoy by candlelight, after kids in bed?? WTF? But, yes, explains it for me. TORTURE....rolls eyes

  57. I think the kids "labels" of each other pretty well summed it up. Their description of Mariah was that she thinks she's always right. JUST like her Mean Girl Mother Meri!! I loved how smugly proud Mariah was for them describing her that way - like it was a GOOD thing! hah!

    I pity the fools who will be Mariah's sister wives. Hope she gets a Sobbin' Robyn in her pack, too! ;'p

  58. Just wanted to say "Thanks" for the above link to your book review. I have just recently started reading SWB and am loving it!!

  59. Late comer, want to say "thanks" for above link to book review. Glad I found this blog, love it :)

  60. Watching my DVR'd copy of The Browns on the Jeff Probst show - Kody says there's no hierarchy between his wives....really? Hmmmm I think there is. Mary is definitely queen bee in my opinion, she gets what she wants, the trips, the wet bar, etc.

    Noticed also that Jeff Probst seems to think, according to him, "This family was DRIVEN out of UT." Evidently not a lot of research has gone into this or if there was research, it was him watching the Sister Wives show and not checking to see if they were really driven out of UT or if it was a handy excuse to get to Vegas which is all Kody wanted.

    Not impressed with this interview so far....

    1. Steve Harvey show - Robyn told Steve "we don't give him the cookie til we're married" OMG

      They obviously have problems with the word sex...

    2. ...since Nos. 2-4 are NOT married to Kody in any legal sense...I guess they are all still waiting...for the "cookie"...

    3. ...well, obviously, Nos. 2-4 did NOT wit: progeny. :-)

    4. Robyn sure manages to make a lot of sexual references.

    5. "cookie"??? Seriously've been married, are a mistress, have 4 kids, gave birth on tv and you can't say SEX? Guess the fertility doctor would have more luck asking Meri how often she had cookies with Kodouche 'cause she couldn't handle the word either!

      Immature loons!

  61. Darger comment: I was kind of shocked someone would admit to this scam on their blog!

    They needed a toy wagon for a family picture so they bought one. After they used it, they then returned it to the store to get their money back. Um, it wasn't a rental, they PURCHASED it, USED it, then got their money back, then admitted to it! They should be ashamed. Did they think this made them look frugal?

    1. It's better than people who wear clothes and leave the tags on so they can return the item...

      Back in the times before Kindle, if I needed a book for a one time class or something than I would buy it and return it after reading. It's not like they broke the wagon and returned it. Not a lot of places around have wagons to rent by the day haha. I don't really think it's a big deal to return something as long as it's in the same condition you bought it in.

      And I think the picture of the boys recreating their toddler poses was a really funny idea!

    2. I agree Sadly. If I am purchasing something new, I want it to be new, not something someone has returned and "tried on for size" before me. After working in retail when I was younger, I can't even tell you the horrible stuff people would do to items and then return them. Trust me, you wouldn't want to be buying one off of the shelf!

    3. Oh, dear, Bellarina, I'm with Sadly Addicted on this one. If it is an item that isn't going to work for us, then it should be returned in its unused, pristine condition---that is only fair to the merchant and a future purchaser.

    4. DISQUISTING. With Sadly addicted

    5. To be clear, I was saying that dong something like wearing clothes with the tags on them so you can return them, is gross and wrong haha. But come on, it was a wagon, they opened the box, took a picture, and put it back in the box to return it. No harm done. It's not broken or in bad shape. It would be no different than opening the package of something in the store to make sure it's what you want or need. Obviously if you are going to return something it needs to be in the condition it was in when you bought it. Was it something she should have admitted to in a blog post, probably not. But I hardly think it's disgusting.

    6. Bellarina, as a former shopowner I will say this: I hated "customers" like you. We called them grifters.

    7. There was a women who used to buy an expensive cocktail dresses to wear at an event, then the next day or so she'd return it for credit claiming it didn't fit. This went on for years, the saleladies suspected what she was doing but was powerless to prove she was doing it. One day, she tried to return a dress and the department manager told her sorry, the dress had been worn. The women started to put up a fight until the manager showed her the society page of the newspaper - there in black and white was the woman wearing the dress she was trying to return.

      I have shopped at high end stores that stopped accepting returns because too many people were obviously wearing the dress and returning it the next day.

      And maybe, if people wouldn't buy an item (like this wagon), use it then return it, you wouldn't have to be opening boxes to ensure all the parts are there!

      When I buy something, I expect to be purchasing an unused, unopened, unadulterated in any way shape or form item. Otherwise, the store should discount the price as USED.

    8. Besides when I want used or 2nd hand items that's when I go to thrift stores & garage sales!!

    9. Here's a scenario, Bellarina. One assumes you have some kind of job, or have had at some point. Imagine you're someone who produces a product and relies on the income from it to make a living. Maybe you're a text book publisher. Maybe you're a wagon maker. Now imagine someone buys your product, uses it, and returns it. You get no money for having done the work, they get the use of it without paying for it.

      What you're describing is a form of stealing. I think the only reason you don't think what the Dargers did is wrong is because you have personally done worse. Buying a book, using it and returning it is a scumbag move. Buying anything with the intention to get use from it and then returning it, is a scumbag move. It's not frugal. It's theft. You're taking advantage of someone else's work without making any contribution to the concern that keeps them in business.

      Much like the Browns take advantage of bankruptcy and social security systems, passing the cost of their lifestyle onto people who do pay taxes and debts, using products without paying for them is passing the cost onto the people who do pay for them. You're relying on other people who do buy the product to keep it in circulation so that you can use it and return it at will. It's a really, really scummy, leechy thing to do - and I'm surprised you can't see that.

  62. I am obsessed with the train wreck that is the Brown family and I have no idea why!!! Maybe its a "real life" soap opera. Anyways Janelle tweeted that they will be at the craft fair at South Point this weekend. I wanted to go to the craft fair anyways and South Point is across the street from where I live in Vegas. So maybe I can catch a glance of them or a picture anyways.

    Something else that has caught my attention is the sub division that the McMansions are supposedly in, is advertising a "Grand Re-Opening". What does that mean? They werent successful in seliing huge ass expensive homes the first time around? It looks like only a half to a third of the lots are built on. Is it possible that the Browns are not paying full price on the homes? Maybe some free advertising from the show allowed the builder to cut them a deal.

    1. to me that means the Browns didn't buy them, so the homes/lots are back on the market.

      I think people tend to overjudge the value of the quoted "free advertising" on these shows...

  63. At what point did they know they were not going to get the McMansions? Do you think they knew it all along and created the wetbar/equality debacle(sp),and the other wives disgust to string us along? I mean it is so outrageous could it be true or a ruse to keep us viewing. It was discused a lot here. Could they possibly think they would be able to get those houses. Even the teenagers didn't fall for that one.

  64. Even though I don't think this show has too much more life in it, I do hope it stays on the for a few more seasons just so I come here to read CJ's reviews. I look forward to that more than I do the show itself!!

  65. So nice to find so many fellow-obsessives here. I, too, can't stop watching this train wreck. And I LOVE the recaps and discussions here.

    I'm willing to pitch in the first $1 to treat Kody to a trip to a barber shop for a makeover. Anyone care to join me?

    1. Nope....only bcuz he would prolly just pocket the $$ & have Christine or Meri snip off a few
