Wednesday, November 28, 2012

VIDEO: Kody Brown 'Sister Wives' sideshow to Jeff Probst

Just a short tidbit, but Kody, his Kodettes and teens Mariah, Aspyn, Mykelti and Madison will make an appearance on the Jeff Probst Show Thursday, Nov. 29th.

Some interesting quotes from the article:

  • The family that sleeps together apparently swells together too. Even the new wife is getting bigger.

  • "They think that we're weak willed women," says Christine. "They also think Kody has this great life and he honestly is in the dog house pretty much most of time with somebody," jokes Janelle.

Read the rest here:


  1. I really want to make a pot in regards to the latest episode.
    I am seriously angry at Meri, Kody and Robyn, really I am.

    Meri talks so much about these bonus children and entertaining, yet we have never seen her entertain, and the kids are rarely over the her house.
    5th bedroom? Wet bar? Really? Why can't she use the other TWO spare bedrooms as a craft room? This woman makes my blood boil. The kitchen is massive, there is no need for a wet bar anyway.

    I think both Meri and Kody are unreasonable and selfish, the whole splitting the budget equally, is really selfish and if she were in the other wives shoes, she'd be throwing a fit if they were to get more than she did. Definitely playing the 'first wife card'. She says she doesn't "need" the 5th room, but still she wants it because she wants the ridiculous wet bar...

    How the heck can they not know when the graduation is? I mean, ok the other wives fine, but with KODY, what's your f-ing excuse/ Your his father, he is your first son, stop blaming his mother!!!

    Robyn - where the heck is our babysitter/sister? Why does your baby need to be at the graduation? Why does Robyn need to attend anyway, she's known Logan for 3ish years.

    The way Kody acted at the graduation - I am embarrassed for Logan. I'd be so ashamed if my father acted in such a way. Instead of enjoying his first kids graduation, and enjoying that special moment with Jenelle, he goes looking for dumb Robyn.

    Get it through your thick head KODY, MERI doesn't want anymore kids.

    We know you will have more kids, no need to say it, scabby-mouth-Roybn will gladly have more with you, and of course her sister.

    1. Agreed! As a mother who recently had her eldest graduate from High School, my heart ached for Janelle and the lack of support and love from her 'husband'. Why was he not there that morning to help his son and family get ready? It's a big day! I don't care if it's Janelle's night or not, somethings take precedence. I also can't believe that douche didn't know what time his son's graduation is! Plug in to your children's lives a**hole. But what really upset me was Kody noticed Janelle was crying during graduation and didn't offer her his hand, or put his arm around her or offer her any love of any kind. That quick moment, along with running out to find ADULT Robin while CHILD Logan was preparing to receive his diploma spoke volumes about the depth and caring of this man. He is selfish. He is unloving and unempathetic. He should be ashamed. I am truly sorry for Logan when he sees that episode, although I am sure he is more than aware of where is fathers affection lies.

    2. "How the heck can they not know when the graduation is? I mean, ok the other wives fine, but with KODY, what's your f-ing excuse/ Your his father, he is your first son, stop blaming his mother!!!" --Anonymous 8:20am

      It's been awhile since my HS graduation, but I recall joyous plans, shopping, and spontaneous conversations preceeding the event. Could Kody possibly be at the dinner table and miss all this? Was he with Logan at all? Didn't Kody see the tickets?

    3. It also really bothered me that even though it was Robin's "night" she couldn't just just tell Kody that Logans day was more important and give up her night to Janelle & Logan. Really, how selfish can one woman possibly be? Did she really need that night with Kody so bad that she took him away from he oldest child graduating? I also think she planned on being late and caused all the drama wth Kody to make sure that it seems like she is more important to the balding freak than any of his kid's with his other wives. I feel so bad for Logan when he sees this footage. I hope he encourages his mom to leave.

    4. I hope the kids start to see they really dont have a father...never have..sad really

    5. You know, I don't think Janelle even has a night. There's absolutely no intimacy between them, why would he waste a night sleeping on the couch at her place when he could be at Sobbin' Robyn's?

    6. I really felt bad for Janelle too!! My son also graduated in May this year & it was a really big deal for our family. We had family members fly & drive in just to see him graduate. So, I let my son pick one of his favorite restaurants downtown/Bricktown(b/c that's where the graduation was held) so the family could meet that afternoon for graduation lunch/dinner & then we had a graduation reception at the house after the graduation. I had ordered him a graduation cake & got him a nice graduation bouquet of balloons. We served cake, ice cream, bbq pulled pork sandwiches, pasta salad, potato salad, & chips, took lots of family pics, & he opened his gifts & cards that he received. So it was great family memories created that whole day that we'll always cherish.
      I just feel bad that Logan in a sense got short changed & in a way Janelle did too b/cuz dumb ass Kody would rather be concerned about his booty call later....

    7. I also wanted to add, that Meri could've taken the opportunity to plan something special for Logan at her place. Nothing big or fancy, but w/ all her entertaining space, they could've easily had a graduation reception just for their family. She wants to always take credit in raising him & being his "mom", well she should've stepped it up a bit, IMO. I'm really surprised they didn't. I'm sure she'll have a get together for Mariah & Aspyn too(only b/cuz she's graduating w/ Mariah)....Guess we'll find out in June 2013 via twitter...

    8. I was really irritated that he neglected Logan prior to his graduation, too. I just don't get how he justified that in his mind and beyond that, as someone mentioned, how did Robyn justify that? When I was single, one of the biggest, quickest turnoffs was a bad, neglectful father and I wasn't even a mom yet at that point of my life. I cannot fathom how a woman can encourage her husband to be a louse and skip out on an opportunity to have father/son time with his oldest child on his graduation eve...I know now I dread the day my kids fly the nest and I would think any sane mother would feel the same way, so how could she be okay with having Kody at her house? Knowing how limited and precious these moments are? I never understood the physical attraction any of these women had toward Kody but chalked it up to different folks, different strokes. However, for any mother to stand idly by as her husband acts like a big craptard dad? Maybe even encourage that behavior? Gross. If he were my husband and he dropped his son to come over to try and bang one out with me, he would be flying solo with some hand lotion and a Cosmo magazine, lol. Hell no. I wonder how Robyn will feel when this comes around and it's her turn to get Sol ready for his graduation and Kody is off with his younger, newer wife. I hope she doesn't think this is an isolated thing that Kody would NEVER do to her or Sol...because the fact that he could do it to Logan and Janelle speaks of a major defect in his character that isn't going to fix itself, especially not when it's enabled and nurtured by her.

    9. I just want to rant on Meri as well. What is the saying? "Pride goeth before the fall."

      Meri can only her own selfish goals and has no compassion or sense of responsibility for anyone in that family.

      She is (truly) worse than Kate + 8 just before her downfall. When the gravy train stops -- Meri should realize she did the most damage of all.

      Of course, she will never see how hollow and shallow her behavior is.

      I have no respect for her. Did at first -- now -- really contempt.

    10. CB - I think Janelle said they had just returned the day before from vacation so maybe that's why Meri didn't have a party. But oh yeah, u can bet that when Mariah graduates, there will be a party and it will be documented for all to see!

      Also, I was just really hot that Kody acted like it was all Janelle's responsibility to inform everyone of the grad details. Dude, you're his dad ... U have just as much responsibility in this as mom. With the way this show is edited, it makes Kody appear very uninvolved. The responsibility of the kids rests solely on the moms and they act like they (the Moms) don't have a problem with this at all! It's hard to feel sorry for them, especially since they so PROUDLY chose to live this way.

      Kody seems to be very affectionate with Meri's daughter and Robyn's kids. I hope it is just editing and that he really is the same with them all. We can only call 'em like we see 'em!

    11. This episode was sickening to me. It made me absolutely detest Robin. There was no reason to be late over Sol. I didn't see any of her other children. Why bring him? I felt she caused the entire scene on purpose. Meri should have gone to find her instead of Krody. Jenelle and Christine deserve better than what they have in Krody, Meri, and Robin. They seem like the only true team players in this entire arrangement.

    12. Glad to see I wasn't the only one. I've moved toward being horribly embarassed for these kids. I simply could not believe Kody ran out of the arena to "go find Robyn" in a sea of cars while his son was about to graduate. Unreal. Have they ever heard of cell phones? I was on Team Meri for a long time until the latest couple of episodes with the absolute necessity of the wet bar. Here's a tip - save the cash, and instead of living completely alone in a 5 BEDROOM HOUSE when Mariah goes to college, why not whittle down the budget and live alone in a 3 BEDROOM HOUSE and spend a comparitively miniscule amount of money and BUILD a friggin' wet bar. Yes, I feel bad that Meri only had one child when she wanted so many, and that she had to watch the other two wives have 6 children each AND the bonus wife show up with three of her own and begin reproducing immediately. But as much as I know she loves Mariah, it must at some point hurt her that her mother cries constantly about not having more children. Even so, it doesn't make sense that in the name of equality, Janelle and Christine had to make do with the finances they had, even describing their pre-TLC financial situation as dire, so that Meri could have just as much money and space for two people as they did for seven, minus Kody, of course. Fairness is not always the same thing as equality, and I could not, in good conscience, demand a huge house when my sister wives and their children are having to struggle. No, it is not fair. I'm sorry she couldn't have more children - I really am - but putting a financial bandaid on it that ended up hurting 14 members of the family so that Meri didn't get upset is ridiculous. While I'm at it, the family has been fractured by this move. They all lived together in a big house and seemed happy. Instead of spending two million dollars on four homes, why not BUILD a huge home like the Duggars did and all live together again, only with more space than before. AND save a few hundred thousand while you're at it. This financial gracy train isn't going to last forever, and I wouldn't want that mortgage when the show tanks, which will probably be after this season, unless Meri decides to rent Robyn's uterus, Janelle leaves or Robyn's ex shows up to give us a reason to keep watching.

  2. Glad to hear his children have a sense of security that most children do not have! Whew! ?I must tell all my friends and family in our small community, all their eyes were not enough! Even when you KNOW the entire town. heehee.

    1. By sense of security.... what is he talking about? Is he implying the fact that his children grew up knowing that their parents were participating in criminal activity with both polygamy and maybe even welfare fraud and the security was that if their parents ever went to jail, social services would step in and make sure they were taken care of? Also I'm sure it was a real sense of security you provided your children with when you told them that you all needed to flee Utah as well!
      I do not live near any immediate family, but my children are very secure in the fact that both my husband and I love them. We have also built a strong network (neighbors, church members, friends) who love my children as well. My children know they are loved unconditionally and very secure in themselves. I think making sure your child knows that he or she is loved, safe, and secure is the goal of most parents. Please Brown family do not put yourself on pedestal!

    2. Y for Wyoming, I was reading your post and saw....By sense of security.... ................. Is he implying the fact that his children grew up knowing that their parents were participating ////
      Particiapting made me stop and think, hmmm, someone taking up for them? interesting, read on..... IN CRIMINAL ACTIVITY!
      I was laughing out loud. I am sure Cynical feels about the same way, when you've read as many posts as we have as quick as we can, sometimes you assume it's going one way, and the I have a as Oprah says, "A HA Moment"..... or HAHAHHAHAHAHHA in my case. Bravo.

    3. I'm wondering what this "sense of security" he's talking about, too. I guess when they were in Utah and lived in one house, the family was happier and Kody was there with the kids so they might have felt the security of knowing they were loved by their parents and bonus moms.

      That isn't true now, of course. Whatever sense of security the kids might have had back in the day is gone.

    4. Without seeing the video... what kind of security is there is all the situations those kids have been in growing up? The various bankruptcies, the crappy cars (remember the ill gotten trips to Wyoming and Las Vegas), the various trailers and hovels they lived in prior to the Lehi house, no medical insurance, etc.

  3. FYI: The Sister Wives appearance on Steve Harvey show is Friday Nov. 30.

    1. I just set both the Jeff Probst and Steve Harvey shows to record on my DVR. *eyeroll* I think I'm an addict.

  4. I don't think Meri ever wanted Kody to marry other wives. I think she wanted him to tell her that loving her was enough for him, he didn't need other women in his heart or his bed...I think she's still waiting for that and I think that's why she's so passive aggressive. I think if Kody wants to get a 5th wife that'll be the end for Janelle, Christine and maybe even Meri.

    1. I think Meri is the only one he truly loves and I say that even after I caution myself as to whether he loves anyone in the family other than himself. She is the only wife I have ever seen him be affectionate with in a meaningful way. He has never even said anything loving in a husband type of way about any of the others. I really HATE how he treats Jenelle and Christine and all the children.

    2. Could it be that the Browns do have money tucked away for future house payments? Really, I can’t believe they haven’t thought of how they would finance these properties after the TLC train leaves the station. If the Browns did finance through a bank or mortgage loan company, wouldn’t that company want to be assured that the monthly mortgage payments would be met? Would the family have to show how they will keep up with the four loans? So I’m wondering if they have a benefactor who is taking on all this debt for them…

      Taralyce, on FB, posted about Chris Brown…is he related to Cody?

      What is the difference between a lifestyle and living by religious guidelines? To me a lifestyle would be living in a cabin in the woods with no electricity or running water. Or using only public transportation. Or being very thrifty and a tightwad. Meaning living a bit differently than others, being unique and doing what makes you happy, but not because of religion requirements. I see this family as just wanting to live one husband and four wives because they want to. That’s what I see. Where is the religion in all this?

  5. Jenelle and Christine look like they have lost quite a bit of weight. Meri on the other hand still looks like a lion. Good job Jennele and Christine!

    1. Meri looks BIGGER! Wonder what happened to the 'healthier than Christine's diet' and swimming?

  6. Swimming with the SharksNovember 28, 2012 at 9:40 AM

    Janelle looks like she's lost a lot of weight in this video. Christine looks like she's lost some too.

  7. Love, love, love the family that sleeps together swells together. Ouch! You know, I'm not convinced that when one of the wives and Kody are fighting the other wives have her back. I just don't see that relationship bond between those four women. What I see is that Kody bitches to each wife about the other and in some cases is giving one or more wives ammunition to use against the scorned wife. I don't buy it...not at all.

    And, I don't see any benefit from their sisterly relationship. None of them are close and the bond that Janelle and Christine had is seemingly gone. Even the kids are more like weekend visitors to each other. What this show demonstrates is how one man is married to one woman and then he moves in three other women into his bed so that he can have a variety and more chilren. What I don't see is mutual love or respect between him and the wives or the wives with each other or, for that matter, the bonus kids to their bonus moms and bonus siblings. It's a poor representation of happily ever after and definitely does not represent the polygs well at all.

  8. Did you notice, but I think for all 56 seconds of this clip Robyn manages to keep her mouth shut!!! A true Sister Wives first! I do find it interesting that the article points out that even the new wife has put on some weight. And "weak willed women" is not the best marketing strategy for MSWC Strong Women pendant. However, Christine looks gorgeous and maybe she really did loose the 25lbs she tweeted about a few weeks ago.

    1. oohh, I am sure she will open her mouth.....

    2. That's prolly the longest Robyn Has been without saying anything at ALL...

    3. Agree,Roxy! She needs a good attitude adjustment!I would LOVE to see what her Ex has to say about how she is raising his children. The girls are obnoxious like their Sobbin Mommy! Kody is a Narcissist in every sense, Meri is SELFISH! Look in the mirror Meri..put a fork in you..your DONE...My sympathy goes only to Janelle, Christine and of course the children. TLC, this "show" needs to be off the air.

  9. why does my mouth still drop when Ko-jerk says something??? I've watched (sporatically) enough to know that when his mouth opens it's going to be HIS way! That show is an embarrassment to women. Not only does he think he hears God telling him to marry again and have more babies...he thinks he's God's Gift to Women...paleez...he flips his hair from side to side more than Cher did.
    I work hard for my money and health's these stupid reality shows that give people bucks for signing on the dotted line to show us how ridiculous they really are. This is NOT entertainment. and yes, when I've had enough I do turn it off.

    1. I know,right? It's like I have amnesia. Even when I know that Kody is going to say something stupid or inconsiderate, my mouth drops, too. But, I know I'll watch it tonight. I can't wait to see the Dargers.

  10. DO THEY EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE SAYING WHEN THEY SPEAK! This is driving me crazy!! "Oh, if one kid can't do it at one house, then they go to another house and do it there"! REALLY!! Your kids have learned how to manipulate all the mothers and figure out who's house they can get away with things!! UNBELIEVABLE! Sorry, I don't think that's a plus in the Ol' Polygamy "lifestyle". And really are these kids AUNT also...I believe that my sisters AND sister-in-laws would tell me if my kids were somewhere they think they shouldn't be...THAT IS NOTHING DIFFERENT! Now if you are telling me that you all contact each other EVERY time you see one of the kids somewhere...then all I have to say is... those poor kids.

    1. I agree. Seriously, this is no different than our nosy nextdoor neighbors who used to report to our parents everything they saw us kids doing when our parents weren't at home. That's not security. That's espionage. LOL!!!

  11. Define "being in the dog house". I doubt it bothers Kody all that much, unless of course he's in the "dog house" with Robyn. If one wife is upset with him, he probably stays away from her - easier to do now that they all live in separate homes.

    1. According to comments Robin has made on the show.... she tries to just be nice to Kody the entire time she is with him, so that honeymoon period will last forever. So doubtful he ever realizes that Robin is mad at him

    2. I wish I could give you a 'thumbs up', DJ.

  12. The security comment is funny! He is an absentee dad, I'm sure that makes the kids very secure!! On a different note, Janelle looked great!!!! We may not have seen her lose much weight last season, but I can sure tell now!! She looked wonderful!

  13. "Swells together"?? From the picture/video all the wives are looking pretty good.

  14. On a positive note: I think Janelle looks beautiful! Glad to see her take charge of her appearance.

  15. The wives all look so much thinner in the Jeff Probst interview. Compare the interview to the picture on the thread below. It looks like they all lost weight.

  16. I have been blocked from Meri's, Christine's, and Robyn's twitters. Sigh!

    1. This is how I feel about addressing them on Twitter, Facebook, etc. I don't believe in harassing them. After all they ARE human beings. Even though their greediness and questionable actions are horrendous, I don't believe in going out of my way to make their lives worse than they already are. If they want to know peoples opinions than by all means they can come on blogs such as SWB or TVWoP (not that they care what people think of them obviously) and see what people have to snark about. I know they are "out" and exposed but that is no reason to go on Twitter and give them a piece of your mind. I am sorry if this offends anyone who has been blocked from them or disagrees but harassing them is just as bad as anything they do that we disagree with. Trust me I am against practically everything they do and snark plenty here on SWB but I draw the line at contacting them about my opinions. Telling them what they are doing wrong is like pushing against a teenager. They will just retaliate and be worse than ever.

    2. I totally agree, Addicted.

    3. I also agree with you Addicted. I think it's one thing to snark on them in a forum and another to actually go after them and attack them on Twitter, Facebook, or in email. It really freaks me out when people cross the line and try to contact them on a more personal level. It becomes too stalkerish imo.

    4. i agree, too, and don't blame them for blocking people they consider rude and hostile. It's a form of bullying to me when you're doing that directly to them in your anonymous state. Not clever nor very adult. Yes, i do snark and vent here w/the best of them but would never do it to them directly on a tweet or even their FB wall. What gets accomplished by that really?

      I agree w/the poster above that if they're interested in what people are saying behind the scenes, they know where to go read. ;')

    5. I don't post on Twitter, but if they use it as a way to promote their show or their jewelry or to generate sympathy, it's all fair game. I do NOT think we should post on the childrens' pages, though. But as long as they use their personal accounts for "business"(ha!) purposes, people should be able to comment on their "business."

    6. I agree with Sadly Addicted. They put themselves out there in the first place, and can't have it both ways. As taxpayers who wil inevitably be paying for the Brown's choices, I can understand how people might feel justified in making less-than-favorable comment, and I am not as inclined to be sympathetic when I can't speak freely. If you can't take the heat...

    7. The truth hurts HUH???? LOL! Let them block whomever. Can't hide the truth...

    8. I can tell you that they block people that ask them questions that they don't like, even if they are in no way harassing, offensive, or snarky. They block you if you tweet them and aren't sufficiently adoring. It's really kind of funny. Grody's the worst, by the way. Very, very sensitive to the criticisms of others, even though he pretends not to be. His ego can't handle ANY type of criticism. It makes sense, though. It's hard to maintain your delusions if you let reality seep in, even a little bit.

  17. What, where is the Steve Harvey show??

    1. Check your local listings...and be careful, 'The Steve Harvey Show' is his sitcom. 'Steve Harvey' is his talk show.

    2. ANd Family Feud is where he acts shocked at the dumb answers.

  18. Janelle and Christine look great!

  19. Has anyone notice how Meri is always next to Kody???

  20. I never thought of the wives as being weak-willed... but I don't think of them as being strong-willed, either. Mostly, I think of them as having varying degrees of selfishness.

  21. How can a child feel secure when they see the misery of their mothers? Children are especially sensitive to their mothers' feelings and knowing that mom is sad, is jealous, is feeling left out cannot be good for the kids. How can they be secure when they admit that they don't believe anything their parents tell them. They didn't get excited about the houses because they said, they are always telling us stuff that never happens. How can they feel secure when they are moved from their home in the middle of the night; they're entire life is put on TV for friends and teachers t critque; their secrets are not their secrets.
    Browns, you guys are a crock of brown doo doo.

  22. If they get the 4 houses I've been wondering about re-sale value. Let's say they decide that this particular arrangement (the cul-de-sac) isn't working out---I think it would be really difficult to try to sell all 4 houses at the same time, right in a row (semi-circle) like that. It seems like a real albatross around the neck for the future, even if the housing market booms again.

    Actually, their whole housing situation seems very impractical. If they bought an apartment complex (a four-plex?) as some have suggested---well, that seems hard to sell. A giant house? How many people can afford or want that? (But, I suppose if it is built in the right area where other polygamous families live, the idea might work.) Maybe two duplexes? Again, zoning laws can often stand in the way of housing plans.

    Glad it isn't me who has to figure it out and live with the long-term consequences.

    1. So glad to see this, Mr. Spock---just saw this older tweet from Kody (*blushes* I've stooped to checking out their twitters)that Janelle retweeted:

      Janelle and I really squabbled about the bedrooms. How many needed was always a disagreement. Wait and see who is right!

      Suggestive that they actually are getting the houses, or at least feel/felt secure enough to make a statement like that?

    2. Could be. But, if that is true, the future re-sale (if that is needed) of all 4 houses just isn't anything I would like to face.

    3. I bet that they did get the houses...and as far as re-sale...they shouldn't EVEN think about selling them any time soon. This is something that will not happen to them again (the way they manage things). I think they are going to need to figure out how to hang on to them when this all ends for them.

    4. There is always bankruptcy if the houses go ...

    5. finally seeing realityNovember 30, 2012 at 1:59 PM

      You can't declare houses in bankruptcy, and my bet is forclosure will happen when the TLC money is gone. My hubby and were looking at a $300,000 house and even tnough I had a good job I knew on only my income I could not afford it, so we did not get it, and I know they could not be making much money at their other indevers. They could make money with a cleaning busness like the Darger's have, but the Brown's would not want to work that hard. They want quick easy money, and this does not happen when you are self employed.

  23. The other thing I keep wondering about is their future vis-a-vis money, Social Security, death benefits, etc. I wonder if they've discussed their situation with a knowledgeable attorney? For example, wives 2-4 would not get any benefits from Social Security should any be due---nor would Robyn's three children who aren't Kody's---unless he adopts them. Wives 2-4 seem to be in a very precarious financial state. Hopefully, they have sought legal counsel and drawn up wills for their own protection and the protection of the children.

    1. Don't the wives just get placed with a new "husband?"

    2. Even if that is true, Anonymous 1:47, (and I have no info one way or the other), the same issues will exist.

    3. Only Mari would get his social security.. seeing he does not work it will not be much , Janelle will have more social security than wife 1 because she actually works...

      Polygamist are well schooled in welfare.. food stamps , etc.. my guess is that without the TLC show that is what Christine and Robyn would be doing right now ..and giving Kody some of that money ...

  24. I have to chime in...Janelle looks fabulous! Christine looks good too but Janelle looks wonderful.
    Run, Janelle and Christine, Run!

    Anon 12:55 PM, I had that thought recently when I was rewatching past seasons. Meri certainly seems to log the most 'sit beside Kody' time. Of course, she is the legal wife so I'm sure that is her right.

  25. To the moderators, I would love to see a side by side of Meri and the Cowardly Lion from Wizard of Oz!

    Kody saying that there is more security in polygamy is ridiculous!

    Janelle and Christine looked absolutely beautiful!!! Keep at it ladies! Meri did look a lot less orange. Maybe TLC should use similar lighting to the Probst show when they do their couch sessions for Sisterwives. It is much more flattering to them all. I think it is clear that Robyn is not pregnant as well.

  26. I wish Jeff would show the graduation ceremony and ask Kody why he was more concerned about Robin, an adult than being present at his sons graduation AND how he could look at his wife crying and not even put his arm around her or console her or have a shared moment, like we did this! That should have been a shared moment for Kody and Janell, as well as the wives to put arms around her and say good job Janell, your a great Mom!! Instead it was all about poor blind/stupid robin who couldn't see the Thomas and Mac center, and couldn't google it and couldn't get a sitter. ect.... I like BRAVO because no one escapes Andy's couch, lets have a real interview with some real explanations.

  27. Christine looks fabulous!!! Absolutely beautiful and she has definitely lost weight. She appears to be smaller than Meri now...I wonder how Meri feels about that since she seemed so proud of the fact that she was thinner than the other wives in the first season (before Robyn).

    Oh and I don't want to leave out Janelle, because I think she always looks beautiful :-)

    Can someone explain why Meri and Kody are slowly morphing into one another? I mean it's not just me who sees this right? Pretty soon they're going to be clones. Someone shave that man's head!

  28. Hey guess what everyone!?!?! I contacted figure 8 films yesterday via e-mail and they actually got back to me today. They said, that "My 3 Wives", the Darger family would be premiering in December. Here's the e-mail exchange. The date change hasn't been updated on their website yet.

    "The premiere date is now December 18th, it has been reflected on the website. Thank you.

    On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 12:59 AM,
    To whom it may concern:|

    Is the tv series, "my 3 wives" going to begin on tlc and if so when? I saw that it was listed on your webpage as existing tv shows. I also saw that the dargers will be on tlc with the sisterwives soon, so I was just wondering."

    So there it is bye bye dysfunctional browns! :)

    1. Excellent job, vxx! Thank you for sharing with us, we appreciate it!

    2. So the premiere date is on a Tuesday. not on Sunday.

      I don't think this necessarily means the end of the Browns - is the Darger show an actual *series* or is it a one-off special? After all the Duggars and the Bates have both been on TLC.

  29. The Darger family just got back to me on facebook. Here's what they said.

    "We don't have a series, only a documentary. It keeps getting moved and is not yet complete with editing. When we get a for sure word we will certainly post about it. We hope to have a new website to give backstory to it. Thank you for your interest."

    So basically, their documentary may turn into a tv show like the browns did but maybe not as well. This should be very interesting.

    1. The Dargers responding shows way more media savvy like CJ & other have pointed out, than the Browns!! At least it's not some response like ask TLC??....Lol

    2. I have to say I have no interest in watching a "family" that includes twin sisters and their cousin boning the same man. And calling it celestial marriage. That makes me sick. Sorry for being crude, but that just crosses a line to me.

    3. I agree..the Browns are sick..but the Dagers are far sicker... sharing your husband with your sister???

    4. Ditto, ditto, and ditto. Something about Darger is even creepier than the idiot. To be fair, I haven't seen as much of him, and am basing my opinion....oh hell, he's just creepy. And the twins and first cousin angle is grossness to an incalculable factor.

    5. Based on everything i've read and seen so far, ALL religion based polygamy is VERY dysfunctional and emotionally unhealthy for everyone involved. Including the men. I certainly don't believe in that God they all claim who requires it. thank god! ;')

    6. As creepy as it is, it's not really uncommon for sister wives to be biological sisters or cousins. Irene Spencer, as well as others, have written about this in their books. Does anyone remember Tom Greene? He was married to sisters. He was also married to the daughter of one of his wives. Ewww. Actually, I think he went to prison for marrying the daughter when she was underage.

    7. finally seeing realityNovember 30, 2012 at 2:09 PM

      The Darger's are much more functional than the Brown's, according to the reasearch I have done. That is as functional as a poly family can be. They are really good about responding to questions given on Twitter in a timely manner, and I have never been ignored. I would be much more interested to see how polgomy works from their prespective.

  30. I don't know if this was cleared up in the last thread or not but Heavenly Father and the Lord are two different personages to Mormons. They use both. I'm sure it's the same for the AUB peeps as well.

  31. Thanks for the Steve Harvey show info. Not familiar with him.
    Re the housing: Since the Utah place was considered home and
    adequate - why not tweet that floor plan to include the 4th apt,
    then build on a rural property that doesn't carry those extra fees.
    Why not return to Utah - it's also a large metropolitan area with

  32. Kody's hair somehow, almost INCONCEIVABLY, managed to get worse each time he appears on television. He ought to go buy a pair of wooden clogs and pose for Dutch Boy paint cans, or go hawk Amish furniture on the side of the road somewhere.

    1. Hahaha. One of the things I noticed in that clip is that he IS wearing clogs. You hit the nail right on the (empty) head!

  33. They all look really nice on that show.

  34. Love Jeff Probst's "hhhmmm" response to Kodys "Our children have a sense of security" Jeff is so like "Right....." after so many years hosting Survivor, Jeff Probst can see through a phoney faster than you can say "the Tribe has spoken!"
    Why oh way isn't anyone nailing the Browns with the hard questions? Why does every interviewer let thm off sooooo easy?

  35. I've seen several comments that can't understand why Cody wasn't over at Janelle's helping her prepare for Logan's graduation. Let's get real-Cody wouldn't have been help-it would have been like having an extra child needing attention and trying to get ready. I can picture it now-ughh!

    1. I agree. He is portrayed in this show as a terrible husband, boyfriend, and bio father. I say it that way because they don't live like one family and I don't really see them as one family and I'd be surprised if he even knew all of his kids' names without having to really think about it. He would have been no help at all for Logan's graduation even if he had gotten his priorities right for a change. I really like Janelle and Christine but at some point they are going to have to wake up and make a better life for themselves or I can't muster any sympathy for them. I think they seem like pretty nice people though. People I'd like to know IRL. I feel bad for them that they think their eternal salvation is tied to that narcissistic loser.

    2. I am usually not one to defend this family. However, we weren't there the whole day, so Kody might have been out getting things ready for Logan's graduation party (if they had one). I know when I graduated, my dad was running around setting up tents, grills and coolers and would have gotten dressed at the last minute before going to graduation. You all are most likely right though, he probably did not help at all.

    3. Being as Kody had NO IDEA what time the graduation was, and never told Robin how to get there..... I doubt he was involvedat getting anythng ready.

  36. Janelle looks great, that hairstyle really flatters her. I think Christine looks really nice too, although I have always thought she was the most naturally pretty out of all of them. Too bad she doesn't have a husband who notices such things.

  37. Christine looks fantastic! You go girl! And Janelle's hairstyle is very flattering.

  38. Can't stop laughing about the "Kody in the doghouse" comment that Janelle made...(almost as funny as the "strong women" line they use to describe themselves)!

    He's the celestial alpha dog- he calls the shots and they do what he says. So what if he's in the doghouse with one wife? He has 3 other wives/homes to
    go hide out.


    1. I'm willing to bet Meri is the Celestial Alpha Dog!

      But yeah, goes to show how 'keeping sweet' practiced. Kody doesn't like what one of the lowlier wives says, off to another's..

  39. lemon Mormonism the 1st wife had to permit the other wives.. granted it is emotional blackmail that majes them say yes or to "suggest it" but he had mari's blessing

    1. TAR, you are right about the emotional blackmail and also sometimes abuse. Did you watch that documentary linked earlier on this blog about the Iranian polygamist family? The first wife looked so sad and beaten down and flat out said that she didn't want him to have other wives but he beat her until she said it was okay. And I guess that is consent. Smh. So sad.

    2. I am not sure Emma would agree

  40. Wow, they look so much better though Christine still looks so tired. I like that they have moved from baby doll layer shirt looks to jackets and blazers. Wonder if they had help with clothing and makeup for this appearance? Whatever, keep it up ladies and I love the weight loss on Christine and Janelle.

  41. Utah is mostly LDS which are hostile to those practicing polygamy since the world sees them as being the same. I don't think moving back is sensible. Their being out and with church family would draw attention to their church family members. This would be a problem too.

    Meri worked for a time. She was also in school or taking classes. Did she finish? Maybe she expects to be employed from the fruits of that degree once the TLC gig is over. I really hope there is more to then than TLC and an online store.

    The boys were sent to the ranch in Montana to work in summers. I hope they have income from that for school.

    Maybe Robyn is expecting? Janelle must be going nuts not working in the traditional sense. I love Madison's sense. Get trained to do hair and then use that income to get the degree and become the owner of a business. Get a skill in something marketable that doesn't take eons and then do the degree. You do get certificated and licensed in hair. But Mariah is not going to have a possible job for decades with her plan. What if she is needed at home? Can she devote that many years to education? I do like that all the older kids have goals.

  42. Wasn't it posted a few months ago about a new Brown family trainer?

  43. I'm surprised everyone has forgotten that they have written a book that they are most definitely making money from and that they get paid for appearances. Do you think they really go do interviews for free?

    1. The book - how many copies do you think are being sold at this point? That was a flash in the pan, and at most they are getting maybe a buck per SOLD copy. Which they probably have to share with their book agent.

      Those promo interviews on talk shows - probably they get travel expenses paid only. The UNLV appearance - I'd be shocked if they were paid for that. The MLM appearances/meetings/whatevs they only make $$ for the suckers they get to sign up.

      Going back to the book - at BEST probably made $250k in royalties. And I think that's being generous. JK Rowling they ain't. Someone on TWOP reported already seeing copies of the book show up in their local dollar store...

    2. On the subject of those "sales", I remember reading one of those top 50 lists (was it NYTimes?). Anyway, there was always this asterisk next to title Becoming Sister Wives. The asterisk pointed out bulk book orders - perhaps for free book giveaways. No other book on the list had the asterisk.

      I don't remember the Browns EVER going on a book tour like other reality stars - for example Teresa Giudice (from whom Kody can learn a lot about self-promotion and just plain making a buck "legitimately"). Even Andy Cohen (exec producer of RH franchise) made the bookstore rounds. The Browns could have increased those sales and made more money by book touring. They weren't doing anything else of note (besides that MLM green drink)

  44. Sorry to b a bit off topic but..i am just now watching season 1 on net flix....the difference is just wow!!! 1sy episode vs today to me seems like back then it seemed more like a the scrpting is so glaringly obvious! Just wow! I mean, i knew the whole lets move to vegas, uhm, i mean escape! To vegas was a farce..but to see the diffrence is so offputting to say the least.

    1. Yes it's shocking when you re-watching season 1! The wives seemed so close and happy.

  45. Regarding the fact that Meri seems to sit next to Kody the most; I agree. BUT, in this particular interview I think it is very obvious they are sitting in order of 1st to 4th wife with (strange enough) Kody NOT being in the middle for once but on the way left side, I found this interesting. Did anyone else notice this? I think the producers obviously had them sit like this because they would never sit like that on their own volition.

    PS I have changed my usual blog name from "Addicted" to "Abreva Anyone?" because there is someone else that goes by a similar name (Sadly Addicted) and I just don't want people to get confused so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to use my clever new name!

  46. Weird question they check for STDs when a new wife is coming in? Because I'm sure they don't use condoms.

  47. As many posters have mentioned, this family has changed since season 1. I hope most of it is scripted, too much of a train wreck and very said for all involved otherwise. All of the ladies look very nice in this clip. I hope they are banking the money from these guest appearances. Their persona on SW is that of total financial irresponsibility. For the sake of the kids, I hope they are laughing all the way to the bank. If not their actions border on child neglect.
    I love this blog! Embarrassed to admit being hooked on this show.

    1. I doubt they get paid for these talk-show appearances, maybe the network pays their travel expenses, but at most, they would get SAG minimum rate which is, if I'm reading correctly, $842 per person, but that i think would only apply if the Browns were Screen Actors Guild members, which I don't believe they are. Basically even if they ARE getting paid, it's not all that much considering...but i think it's considered promotional since they are promoting their show after all, they don't go on the talk show circuit otherwise.

  48. Armchair psychologistNovember 29, 2012 at 10:06 AM

    Because I keep hoping Janelle and Christine will make a run for it, I've been rewatching episodes but keeping an eye on their body language. I think Janelle smiles too much at stuff Kody says to be the one who leaves him first. While Janelle may be miserable in her situation, I think it's more misery with the other wives - mostly Meri - than with Kody himself (unfortunately). For sure she doesn't smile at Kody all the time, so maybe we're just getting a glimpse of the feelings she once had for him (I hope). However, in my opinion, Christine detests Kody as well as Robin and obviously she detests Meri.

    I'm putting my money on Christine to leave first. If she makes a plea to their religious leaders in Bluffdale, isn't it in the realm of theological possibility that they could unseal her from Kody and find her a new husband?

  49. Watching the Jeff Probst show now. 7 mins in and a bunch of lies. Even time with each wife! Ha!

    Janelle looks amazing!

  50. I find myself FF thru most of the new episodes, to much BS. I'm waiting for the newest reality show...the Amish Mafia...roflmao. Guess they think we are all gullible.

    1. TLC is getting really bizarre. I saw a snip of the shoe Extreme Cougar Wives and it seemed to me they looked for the grossest couples out there. I am not sure why they think any "learning" value comes out of that.

  51. First time writer long time reader. I wanted to write today because I actually watched this show morning. I was excited to see them because I do to unfortunate financial circumstances in my family my husband and I did the responsible( are you listening browns?) the responsible thing and cut our cable because it was a luxury we could no longer afford. So now this blog is sadly the only connection I have with 1 of my favorite guilty pleasures the Sister Wives. Firstly I wanted to say that Jenelle and Christine looked fabulous. I'm hoping that the stress of the moves finding jobs and income and finding a permanent home for their very large unusual family is what has been stressing these women out so much. Even though I am NOT a fan of Mary or Robin. And definitely not a fan of Cody I hope that TLC's editing of the shell is what is making the other 2 wives looks so emotionally abused. They did not directly talk about purchasing the 4 houses on the col de sac but they did say that they were living in 4 houses that were far apart making life more stressful for everyone. Both Christine and Jenelle looked like they're old selves from the first episodes before the move to Las Vegas. I agree with what many people have posted on this blog that Janelle and Christine are treated very poorly by there other sister wives and their husband. However I do not believe that either 1 of these women would ever leave permanently do to their religious believe especially not to Christine. I hope for the sake of these women and their innocent children that eventually everything can be squared away and that they can go back to being the happy family that we first saw. In the past few months in my own life I have realized that dwelling on negative will never help anything get better so I am only going to think positive thoughts and well wishes for the Brown family that they can be happy again.

  52. Love the name Abreva..anyone? hee hee! But that does bring up a great point. I get cold sores 1 or 2x a year. I am soooo careful not to kiss my husband (or....) I never kiss my kids when I have one. I am sooo careful to not share a glass with one of them either! Beyond being embarrassing, they hurt terribly! The STD question is interesting. At a certain point in your life when you are in a longterm relationship/marriage, you don't even think about that kind of thing. "They don't do weird!" Thanks Meri!! But yet, they are all sleeping together in a sense of sharing a man, could be sharing alot more!!

  53. Well now I don't like Jeff Propst either. lol. How many of these talk shows are they going to do where they say the same ol lies, while smiling and laughing?? and then the host tells them how wonderful they are? Sorry I watched it. I can't even seem to write an interesting post about how much I disliked this show!! So much that annoyed the hell out of me. The women do look better when a show stylist/makeup artist/hairstylist is involved though, that's one postive.

  54. Just watched the JFK show. I thought it was intresting to hear that Janelle received an inheritance. Jeff asked about how they managed money and it was said she shared the money with all. Now I would like to know when this money came in. Only because the shows theme was oh poor us how are going to get approved we have debts and bad credit. Oh oh no how will it all workout. Leaving us totally blind about the money from the sky. These people who put them out on a "reality show" with all their truths then get exposed for all the lie's are really getting me mad. I'm not just talking about SW. There's many out there now a days because networks would rather pay 25k a show per person then 1 million like the cast of Friends, two and half men etc etc. I get that but let's not call it reality. What also is really really bothering me now is the fact they left UT because they were under investigation Not new news but it didn't bother me before as I felt bad for them. ( they had me sucked in) but when I think about what example it shows to the kids ie if u get into trouble Run, run fast and hide. Ya that's a good feeling of security Koodie. You shud get Dad of the year. As well love the new label not polygamy is plural wives. Ya that's trickery They should have made sure the kids new the new branding as a few of them kept referring to polygamy. One more rant and I'm done. Robyn's comment at wink wink school interviews. " I'd like to be a fly on the wall when they go home and talk about us". Really funny how the bedroom talk is the one thing these SW don't talk about and is sacred but Robyn not only thinks others talk about them in their bed rooms that she "wants to be there". Yes I know I'm taking it a bit out of context
    but it just really irked me that she/they are so self centred and wud admit to that. Kody wanting to dress nicer than the teacher just speaks volumes of his character My children I hope to God have an inner peace and know true love that they give little or no thought to how others think of them because we've raised them to know good from bad, when a mistake has been made to own up to it and take responsibility and to know they are loved. That's why my kids feel secure. Well now we know where the money is coming from things make a bit more sense. Janelle and Christine will never leave kody IMO don't know why I can't show my name is Anne

  55. Man....why did I just want to scream at the TV (Jeff Probst show) and say "SHUT UP ROBYN!!!!"

    1. Oh I actually DID yell just that at my tv! Scared my poor dog! Also when JP was asking why all the parents had to be sitting in the front row when he was interviewing the four girls. Adults were giving various answers but Robyn cut everyone off and had to explain and get the last word in (NONE of those girls are hers) Again SHUT TFU ROBYN!!! yes, I yelled it at my TV.

  56. Okay, I haven't seen the entire interview, but I saw a segment where Jeff went down the line asking what each "wife" brought to the group: Robyn (the person people go to for moral support or something like that), Christine (cooking), Janelle (accounting), Meri (organization)---but that's where it stopped. Jeff, to my knowledge, did not ask Kody what HE brought to the table. Or , if he did, I didn't see it. Anyone?

    Have any of you wondered (or is it in their book?) whether Kody does any yard work, housework, laundry, diaper changing, cooking, or similar such activities?

    1. Spock, he probably just chills at each wife's house. He probably helps with Sol and Robyn's kids, but that's probably it. The other wives want him to be able to relax and just hang out. They don't wanna put too many pressures on him because he will just move on to the next wife's house. This is just speculation and I could be totally wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me if this is how it goes. The older boys probably do the chores you mentioned.

      When Logan talked about going away to college, he mentioned his family always needing him for something. I'm thinking he did a lot of what should be dad's work.

  57. I had DVR'd the JP show (yeah I'm hooked too) and just wanted to chime in on the kids. The parents clearly wanted to monitor what the kids say, which u can't blame them for that since they're all underaged. All of the kids act like their respective parents and the kids pretty much confirmed that.

    Mariah is like her mom and always right; Maddie has the most sense out of all of them IMHO; Aspyn seems a bit dingy but really sweet and cute. Jeff pointed out that they were all watching their parents while they answered. U know the parents were sitting there praying the kids didn't tell any secrets - lol. They looked kinda scared when Mykelti said she thought it was normal for some to be treated better than others in the family. I think she was referring to among the kids though. Mykelti also said she was too young to know whether she wanted to be a SW, which basically means she doesn't - lol.

    Anyways, they'll sharpen their PR skills in no time and pretty soon all the girls will be proclaiming how they can't wait to be SWs (well except Maddie, that is!)

  58. Wow, I went over to Jeff Probsts FB page and there is nothing but good comments about the show and people wanting to join the family. There were people stating that there is so much love in this family and that Kody is a wonderful family. Comments that these women loved and respected each other. I threw up in my mouth. I made a comment and someone called my comment ignorant. I replied that they were the one ignorant. It just makes me sick that the Brown family go on these talk shows and lie. They do not answer the tough questions. Kody did not tell Jeff what he did for a living. They want people to think that their lifestyle is all peaches and cream. Are we the ones being duped. Is what we see on tv just an act to create drama. I want, no I demand to know the truth.

    1. I didn't watch the show but after reading your comment sewcrafty8 I cannot believe there are still people out their watching this and thinking this is GREAT?? Are they blind and deaf? Its almost impossible to stomach at times..and yes I have shut off the tv. I actually watch praying that one by one the women will up and leave.

  59. I have to admit, after the train wreck that their show has been recently, it was nice to see them in a different setting where they were acting more like they did in the first season. Now I think most of that was just acting, but still better than the couch sessions for the show. Plus, they seemed to focus more on Janelle and Christine so that made me happy too ;) I really did want to yell "Robyn! STOP TALKING!" multiple times. I really think she's just one of those people who gets their jollies from hearing their own voice...kinda like Kody. Ugh...

    The way all the adults were staring at the girls while they were being interviewed was super creepy. It looked like they were trying to telepathically send them the "correct" answers.

  60. OMG-the Jeff Probst show was all the same answers and fake "Happily Ever After" crap we always see. However the Browns have never looked more like a story book seated on the show in order...

    Kody-the scarecrow, if he only had a brian
    Meri-the cowardly lion, scared to lose Kody
    Janelle-Dorthy, all work
    Christine, the tin man (she ultimately has the biggest heart)
    And Robchin, the wicked witch of the north

    1. Score for Lisa! Brilliant :)

    2. Thanks MJ, but if I weren't dyslexic I would have spelled BRAIN correctly, of all words to mix up...LOL

  61. I'm watching the recording of this now and Jeff asks them all "are there jealousies?" All the wives were like "oh yeah!" And kody is laughing and has this disgusting smirk on his face. He loves all of these women being jealous over him. He is such a pig.

    1. I think he enjoys it, too. It makes him feel oh so studly.

  62. Well, the STEVE HARVEY SHOW was a complete bummer and waste of my time. It was the same old same old. All they did was talk about how they all chose the life and how they wanted to live polygamy, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah... There was nothing new. What's wrong with my brain? Why did I think it would be any different? I'm embarrassed to admit that I rearranged my schedule just so I could watch it.

    1. I think Merri should live with another sister wife. There is only two in her family. She is so selfish.

    2. Anybody watching. It seems as Kodyman is getting jealous.
