Friday, November 30, 2012

Discussion Page 1 for Review: S05Ep02 - Kody Begs For An Answer



Sister Wives Sneak Peek: There's a New Polygamist Family in Town—Meet the Dargers!

It's not every day that a group of teenagers meet up to discuss their polygamist families over milkshakes!

The Brown family children will do exactly that in Sunday's all-new episode of TLC's hit series Sister Wives, when they catch up with their polygamist friends the Dargers, who are finally making their first appearance on the show.

You can read the rest of the article and view a short video of the Brown kids and the Darger kids here:


  1. It's hard to say just where the show is going at this point. The producers are apparently relying on old and out of sync footage to set the stage for...what ??
    A no go on the houses? Or.yes, got the houses?
    Uterus rental or not ?
    Doesn't seem to be much else left of any interest or potential higher ratings for KodyWorld.

    Kids will grow up, graduate, have dreams/goals and go to college or trade schools. Nothing earth-shattering about that news.

    However one thing is obvious, part of this week's coming "script" is to puff up the Dargers for whatever their agenda turns out to be.

    1. I agree Amused...
      One thing I'm definitely not looking forward to during Sunday's show, is ALL the overly nauseating tweets that will be going on between the Browns & Dargers. Then of course, U know the Browns are gonna try to out do the Dargers & decide to be tweet friendly to the world...**eyes roll**
      I can just imagine, the extra courteous tweets exchange, & then of course will be a complete opposite reflection on what they're really discussing among

    2. Yes, yes the agenda of TLC...Dargers upcoming series, maybe polygany done right?

      We have already seen the sneak peeks that seem to show the Dargers in some superior light. Christine says a blurb about competetion and Kodty gets warned not to be late. It will all be interesting to see.

      Since I haven't been on the blog for a while, I love seeing so many new voices and as always am very grateful for the wonderful platform provided by Mister Sister, Cynical Jinx and their crew. Great review as always CJ...the KODY-pendants was the best name ever! Perfection!

    3. The Dargers show is only a one-off at this time...guess we'll see what happens.

    4. I have a great idea to breath more life into the show: Kody could get a real job!!! Imagine what that would be like!!! Just picture him making a fool of himself during job interviews. More than likely, he would have to cut off his scraps...Oops!! I mean cut off his hair(s) and shave his scraggly goatee. Those two things alone could make for interesting TV. Just think of the emotional turmoil that would cause him!!! He would have an absolute meltdown.

    5. He would have an absolute meltdown...

      Oh my gosh, there would be rogaine soddened hair, greasy hair extensions and bits of hair plugs scattered all over from his head exploding at the thought of having a 'real J.O.B.'.

    6. New Shoes - I just flashed on the film Step Brothers where Will Ferrell and John C Reilly are forced by the dad to go job interviewing and do their best to muck it up. Specifically the scene with Seth Rogan as the interviewer ready to hire them

    7. Maddie is so cute though and so upfront about everything. Same with Logan. Janelle raised some good kids (with Christine's help). but why is Tara there? Maybe they are trying to get her to marry one of the Dargers since Logan doesn't seem interested.

    8. Taralyce and Madison are actually good friends. They have some pics together on facebook and a little back and forth dialogue.

    9. Showing Taralyce with the Brown kids would just amp up the ick factor if Kody were to decide to date her.

      I'm on the fence about whether Robyin would push her little sis as 5th wife. Yes it might give her some control, but also risks a huge, younger competition for Kody's time. Not so certain about this....

  2. Cynical Jinx - just wanted to say I just found your blog and have enjoyed reading everything on it! There were parts to the show, the houses/money that didn't make sense to me and I had to try and dig for answers. I am rooting for a spinoff show with Christine, Janelle and their kids too as mentioned by others! Thanks.


  3. Going off topic for just a moment, but tis the season, & I just wonder how the Browns will be celebrating this year? Another big house rental? All the wives pooling their bill $$ to buy Kody an expensive & ridiculous gift that he doesn't need? I just wonder, how many times Kody has actually had the time to go out & use that arsenal weapon, besides when his brothers were in town??

    1. Probably depends on whether tlc is gonna put up the $$$ to rent another giant ugly house for some artificial holiday cheer! Maybe they'll do the whole Bing Crosby Family Show thang, except this time...Kwanzaa!! Wooooot!

    2. SERIOUSLY... dont the lesser-crazy ones live just blocks away from each other? meri could go stay in her corner but i dont see why the other 3 couldnt have a few streets over...idiots

    3. Well, they could all gather at Meri's wet bar for some holiday cheer. Oh wait ...

    4. Got to Get me a Sausage TopDecember 1, 2012 at 1:04 PM

      Oh yes.....what says Christmas .....peace on earth......goodwill to all men..... more than a fu----- arsenal weapon!!???

      What is wrong with these people!

      This year how about a nice week at Boot Camp US military style, from the happy sister wives....kick some sense into the sorry butt of his. Now that would be a gift! At least one I would like to watch.

  4. Wow!! I just watched a snippet of the Jeff Probst interview, & Kody said it's like being married to the 4 elements!!! What an effing dumb ass douche!! Seriously??

    1. Maybe he thinks the 4 elements are greed, narcissism, codependency and exhaustion.

    2. Caramel Brownie (I get hungry every time I see your name, btw): The "four elements" comparison reminds me of when Hugh Hefner had four girlfriends and he said he felt the number felt balanced, like four legs under a table.

  5. NachoLove- I wasn't saying that what they did was admirable. I was saying that it wasn't digusting/gross in the way that wearing and returning clothes is. Yes, I bought and returned a few books during college. I didn't do it to be cheap. I put myself through college by working and bought and returned a book or two when it wasn't available through the library and I really didn't have the money to spend on a book I needed for one day. Am I proud of it, no. But I'm not really sorry either. I needed that degree so I could have a decent job so I could work to support my family. I'd rather the Dargers bought and returned it than bought it on credit and each filed for bankruptcy.

    1. Rhetorically speaking, would it be safe to assume those books you returned were not on ethics?

    2. They were not lol. But I certainally don't belong on extremest cheapskates or something. Doesn't make it right but I'm certainly not the only person who has done it when unable to afford a textbook. Broke college kids have done worse than "borrowing "books.

    3. And on this note, this topic is now closed...

  6. Just following up on a response by Kim in AB on a comment I made regarding the Browns' purported career as paid speakers - motivational or otherwise - I am aware that the Browns say on their website that they are available for speaking gigs and have their friend's name and # to contact. However - just because they are putting it out there doesn't mean they are getting paid gigs...and if they WERE getting public speaking gigs, you can bet they'd be tweeting about it AND whatever organization booked them would be advertising online to sell tickets to the gig/lecture/whatever. So bottom line - they're not making a red cent from their "speaking" career.

    1. Hi DakotaJustice: sometimes the payment for speaking gigs can come from sources other than ticket sales. For example, colleges have large funds for bringing in speakers, but the students and public often do not have to buy tickets to see the speakers. The college's funds come from student activity fees and/or alumni donations. Also, a corporate sponsor can pay for a speaker who will appear at no charge to the public. For example, Tyson Foods pays ex-gymnast Mary Lou Retton to speak about the importance of "lean protein" in one's diet. She charges up to $30K per appearance, and she makes a lot of them. There is a lot of money to be made on the appearance circuit.

    2. I'm actually a novelist and make a decent bit of my income from public speaking. I am not a SAG member and I do not use a speakers bureau, although I do have a literary agent and some things do go through him.

      I doubt the Browns made a huge amount of money from their book (even a best seller has surprisingly small sales) but I don't think a high five figure, low six figure sum is unreasonable. They probably did do a variety of interviews for nothing more than the publicity (although travel expenses would have been paid) but most academic speaking engagements are paid. Again, not large sums, but something, and many speaking engagements are for organizations that wouldn't be open to the general public.

    3. Interesting, but as far as the Browne are concerned re public speaking, and based on what we know of Kody in particular, IMO if they were public-speaking anywhere, they would've tweeted about it, I'm sure.

    4. Pretty much what I figured based on research - probably $1.00 per sold copy, nothing for promo copies.

    5. Stardard royalty rates are 10% on first 5-10 thousand sold, 12.5% up to 10-20k sold, and 15% after that. Literary agents will take 15-20% off the top. All promotional copies do not count towards royalties, and some contracts have different prices for electronic sales. (I tried to do some research on their literary agent, but couldn't find much, which makes it more likely, not certain by any means, but more likely, that they do not have as good a contract as they might have recd with a NYC agent or someone who does this for a living. But that might be my inability to find info. Still, it was a little odd.)

    6. That's very interesting! Is the royalty based on the listed retail price of the book (which I'm sure few people actually paid) or the wholesale price that the publisher charges to the store/amazon/etc?
      I can't remember the last time I paid full retail for any book.

    7. Depends on how the contract was written. My contracts give me retail price regardless of the way the book was purchased, and a good agent will insist on that. But someone who doesn't know the business may not get that, so wholesale prices or dufferent prices for different types of sales aren't unusual unless you really have someone negotiating for you who knows what they are doing.

      And as I said, I'm not convinced that the Browns have that. A literary agent is a very specific skill, and I couldn't find a well known/established one tied to them. Not that there isn't one, just thought it unusual that I couldn't easily find it.

    8. Kody strikes me as the type who would insist on being his own agent - to save the percentage that a professional literary agent would get. Just like on Property Ladder - you have these yokels hellbent on doing everything themselves thinking they are saving money, but it takes them forever and/or they manage to muck it up and meanwhile they're paying thousands a month on a mortgage they never thought they would have to pay since they were convinced that they'd fix and flip the place before the first payment. I would be willing to bet that the "representative" on their page is a friend and getting paid little or nothing, but of course knows little or nothing...

    9. Yep -- and that's a classic mistake that a lot of people make. My agent more than pays for himself with every contract. My first novel, which came out a decade ago, for instance, has a clause in it that says I get retail royalties for every book that is sold electronically. It's almost impossible to get that clause in a contract today, because electronic rights are often more valuable than the printed version in today's world, and often sold at greatly reduced priced. And ten years ago, before anyone knew what they would be worth, most agents didn't bargain for them, so authors just gave the away without knowing about them. But my agent figured that if they were worth putting in a contract, I should get them or sell them for the highest price. It's meant a big difference for me.

      Literary contracts, like any kind of entertainment contract, are very, very complicated, and they aren't there to protect the entertainer at all -- it's all about the company that's producing the product. You can tell by the strike throughs what the original contracts look like -- and they are there to basically rip the artist/entertainer blind. Given that I cannot find a reputable agent to for the book contract, it makes me wonder who is doing their entertainment contracts overall. Which makes me wonder if they aren't being totally ripped off on every level to 'save' their commissions.

    10. Oh I'm SURE if that's happening, Kody is cocky enough to do it!

      I prefer electronic/soft copies myself, I can make the print the size I like, and easy to go from one book to the other. Also there's that whole instant gratification thing of course. :) I love reading on my iPad!!!

  7. New to this blog, but really enjoying all the views and comments. I was origionally drawn to SW show as an interest in the "plural" family and actually enjoyed the show, but the changes since Robyn came into the family are disgusting! Mari has lost her mind, and how Janelle and Christine put up with the crap is beyond me, and have show so little respect for your wives and children since you have become obsessed with nitwit Robyn, I am truly appalled.

    1. Got to Get me a Sausage TopDecember 1, 2012 at 1:17 PM

      I think what you are describing is actually what goes on in these plural families. Yup - Robyn is the new meat right now....pretty soon she will be shoved to the back burner with the others when the new piece of meat comes along.

  8. I would have to agree. Watching Kody have a meltdown over finding a JOB would be more interesting then what we are seeing right now.

  9. I am watching the Steve Harvey interview now. OMG! Sobbin needs a filter. More of the same BS from yesterday, sadly I was hoping for something new. Same old lies, BS and fluff.


    1. Where did you find it? Google not being my friend!

    2. Oh, Sorry - I DVR'd it when it was on NBC. I looked on NBC website and they do not list his show for full episode watching. I checked the Steve Harvey TV website and they didn't have any video's either. Sorry.


  10. Off subject but Robyn just tweeted shipping at mysisterwifescloset is now more affordable. Now maybe this will help with the mortgages. More sells from loyal customers.

    1. Yep, they're now shipping with USPS instead of UPS. It's still a courier rate for the insurance and tracking but it's definitely a better rate.

    Nothing ruins a face so fast as double-dealing. Your face telling one story to the world. Your heart yanking your face to pieces, trying to let the truth be known. Jessamyn West, novelist (1902-1984)

    note: this thought came in my e-mail and I right away thought of the faces of Kody and sister wives. (Niether wives nor sisters, eh? But let us pretend.)

    Cynical Jinx,
    I especially enjoyed the fine shot of Logan recieving his diploma. I'm looking forward, as always to your coming installment of Sister Wives Blog. As other's have said, your writing is juicy and more satisfying than the film. *S*

  12. It will be interesting. Of course, the words will not match what is seen. Kodettes (CJ) will laugh at Joe being so "structured." What a way to slam - work on grace Sister Wives.

  13. Loved Maddie's understatement of the year: 'Brown chaos is a special kind of chaos!!' Could not agree more!

  14. I'm hardly the Browns biggest fan (and not a fan of polygamy at all) but it doesn't seem unreasonable that one style works in one family that wouldn't in another. If my religious beliefs required another wife, I would prefer an arrangement where affection was shown only at certain times. That isn't because it's right or wrong, but because of who I am, and what kind of family I would want. I'd prefer my own kitchen over sharing. But if another family did things differently and that worked for them, I'd think that was fine - sort of the way I respect a lot of different parenting/monogamous styles that aren't like mine.

  15. I'm not sure what happened to my earlier post, but I am fairly certain that Robyn's sister Taralyce is sitting on Madison's left in the video clip.

  16. Re: The Sneak Peak from the Darger Visit: Yes, YforW, that is definitely Taralyce sitting between Maddie and Logan. When Maddie said that 'Brown chaos is a special kind of chaos", Taralyce gave a big head nod. Why would Tara be part of this get together? I find it a little odd and hope and pray she and Logan aren't 'courting' or something. Because if they were that would mean Logan is going to be a plyg and I think he is way to young to get married and veer off the path he is on. I think the only Brown kids in this scene are Maddie, Logan and Apsyn. Didn't see Mariah or Hunter or Mykeltie. I will say as a plus that all of the teenaged kids shown were dressing like most teenagers and again, don't seem to be afraid to speak their mind.

    1. Well...I'm not going to automatically take Taralyce sitting with the kids as anything other than hanging out with her own age group, she was still in her teens - who else is she going to hang out with when she's visiting? I'm guessing Logan is seeing at least one girl at UNLV - he's good looking and has a great personality. IMO. This isn't "Swiss Family Robinson" - there are lots of cute girls out there you know. :-)

    2. I think it's obvious that the producers intentionally made sure that Taralyce was part of the group and sitting next to Logan...for speculation purposes...

    3. You know, DJ, I wouldn't be surprised if Robyn wants Taralyce to hook up with Logan. 1) It would make her more in the family if Logan became her brother-in-law as well as her son-in-law (good grief, I just realized what I just said...) 2)If Logan started dating Taralyce, she would automatically be off limits for Kody to court. (Yep, I just can't let it go that Kody wants her for wife #5).

    4. I don't doubt that Robyn would like to see it but...other than the age and the family connection, I don't see it. The Logan thing I mean. She certainly didn't look really intelligent - I would hope Logan would be attracted to more...intellectual girls.

    5. I was mentally drawing the family tree. If Logan married his mother's sister- that is his 'aunt.' Like you said that would make Robyn his sister in law and 'mother' And that would make Kody his brother in law and father.

      I realize that they aren't any of these things genetically, but from my perspective the familial relationships seem to get convoluted in polygamy.

    6. I don't see Taralyce as a wife for Logan; he's just starting college (where he's much more likely to get laid) and has shown no interest in marriage. If anything, Taralyce is a potential match for Kody. Having Taralyce as the fifth wife would give Robyn an ally other than Meri.

  17. I've been folloing Kody's twitter feed and most of them are nauseating. I feel like there's something off about the ones to his kids where he replies to something they tweet and signs off with "-Dad". To me, these come across not for his kids' benefit but so that he can show everyone else what a great dad is and how much he loves his kids... without having to invest any actual energy in the relationship.

    For example, there was one a while back where he replied to one of his kids saying that they needed to talk. To me that would have been better said via text message, not twitter because that kind of thing should be private.

    There was another one where his reply to one of Aspyn's tweets was "You are cute, Aspyn!" Maybe the world has changed and teenagers love to hear how cute they are, but it just seems weird to me.

    Speaking of the kids, there was a discussion recently about Madison liking to stay at Christine's because it was ok to go out late at that house. It occurred to me that another reason that she could get away with going out late was that Kody wouldn't be there to tell her no.

    1. How must his kids feel that their Dad's 'private' conversation with them is on Twitter? I think that is AWFUL.

      They all seem to say inappropriate things to each other via Twitter. Calling each other lover, for example. Ick. They don't flaunt their time with each other? Really? Looks like they flaunt it in front of the other wives AND the world. :-/

  18. Hmmmm. I am thinking that Terralyce and Logan would probably be encouraged by the family. Anyone know how old she is?

    1. She turned 20 on the 27th of November...

    2. Are you sure that was T? She looked a lot bigger then the girls introduced a few episodes back

    3. Are you sure that was T? She looked a lot bigger then the girls introduced a few episodes back

      That's definitely Taralyce seated between Logan and Madison in the video.

    4. I thought she looked chunkier too, compared to her FB pix.

    5. I don't think it would be encouraged. Also, I hardly think Logan is Terralyce's type. After all, didn't she just profess her love to tattoed rapper artist Chris Brown? Hardly makes sense for her to want to hook up or marry (!!) a nerd like Logan. Sorry, I'm sure he is a nice person but he is hardly a teenage hearthrob!

  19. No Logan, RUUUUUNNN!! Surely he is meeting lots of interesting girls at college. Or heck, one of the cute Darger daughters (would not have to be plyg but would imagine they would understand where the other came from). Is that a cold sore on Logan's lip?!? ;)

    Had to giggle when the Darger son mentioned his "Poppa Joe". So very old fashioned.

    1. I agree DJ, but at least the Darger teens seemed a bit more confident in their dad & family as a

    2. True dat. I liked the oldest one - Caleb I think?

    3. Geez, everyone HAS to stop w. the 'herpes' & 'cold sore' references. I've been getting cold sores since I was a child, got'em from my GRANDMOTHER. Hardly anything salacious. It does hurt a little when people make fun & constantly point them out. Trust me, we're fully aware of them.

  20. On the Steve Harvey show, the Browns stated that their Utah neighborhood was monogamous families so they were unusual. Didn't someone post that their street was full of plygs or did I misread that? Please help me clarify.

    1. I haven't watch the Harvey show yet but when I was doing research on a news item (concerning the prev owner of the Browns house) I found that at one time or another 5 of the houses adjacent to the Browns (and down the street) were the property of the AUB. If you look at the houses to the left and right of the Brown old house, you'll see similar construction - multiple entries, lots of cars in a "parking lot". There are only 8 houses total - so (including Browns) 6 of the 8 have plyg connections. Maybe he's trying to "not" out his old neighbors but that's definitely a plyg neighborhood.

    2. Which means that they (and the childen) likely had comfortable associations with their neighbors and classmates. And that would explain why the older kids were so upset about leaving.

      What is confusing, though, is that the girls on the Jeff show said that doing the SW show was good for them because they didn't have to hide their sibling identity any longer, suggesting that they did in Utah.

      *The girls all looked very pretty on that show.*

    3. What is confusing, though, is that the girls on the Jeff show said that doing the SW show was good for them because they didn't have to hide their sibling identity any longer, suggesting that they did in Utah

      Things are so convoluted with those people! First the kids were homeschooled by Christine. When they got older, they went to public school. I think it was Christine who said (season 1) that when the older kids were in public school they had to hide they were plygs. She said that Logan defended one of Christine's (or maybe Mariah) girls by saying something like Stop bothering my sister. He got upset because he thought he had just outed the family as being plygs.

      Somewhere along the line the kids went to a school run by the AUB - but by the airing of season 1, Kody was demanding the kids go back to public school. It was Mariah who was most upset - on one hand wanting to go to the AUB school but also wanting to get into Annapolis. Kody told her she had to go public school for Annapolis. I think she continued at the AUB school until the move to Vegas. When Kody announced the family was moving to Vegas, one of the boys said "what about Mariah?". She did not want to leave her school.

    4. Their stories are so layered, that one version contradicts another.

      Even eventually when the show ends, it is doubtful that their true story will ever be known or verifed.
      They just seem to be set on creating shadows and illusions.
      One wonders why?

    5. Regarding Annapolis, I really doubt that Mariah could get the security clearance needed to become a military officer. You can be denied a clearance simply for having a relative who has a substance abuse problem. It may sound unfair, but it's true. Mariah's relation to this group of charlatans will he a serious glitch.

    6. I think Annapolis was just a pipedream for Mariah if it was true at all. In fact, I can't see her as a doctor at all.

      I'm watching the Harvey show right now...when one of the Kodettes is talking Kody always look like he's hearing what they are saying for the first time.

      Sorry, but Robyn just mentioned the that was a stupid thing to say, really. Oh, it was JANELLE who was the first to say they lived in a 'regular' neighborhood. I can't believe they flew across country for that interview, and it aired AFTER the show's premiere!

    7. I watched the Jeff Probst interview and the Steve Harvey interview. I got the impression that neither one new anything about them other than Kody was married to 4 women and they lived in Vegas. They didn't seem to know any of the back story of this family

    8. I haven't seen the Jeff Probst or Steve Harvey interview in full length. Is it available for free yet. Please post a link if available I'd really appreciate it! :D

    9. Oh, Annapolis is a total pipe dream for any of these kids. As per the West Point admissions page: "You apply to West Point by requesting and completing a PreCandidate Questionnaire and by obtaining a nomination, normally from a United States Congressman or a Senator. Fill out the reply card on the back cover of this brochure to obtain a Prospectus and a PreCandidate Questionnaire. A candidate file will be started after you return the PreCandidate Questionnaire, preferable in the spring of your junior year of high school.
      What US Senator or Congressman is going to nominate Mariah for admission?
      Plus, you can't be married when are at West Point, so Mariah would have to put off her polygamist dreams.

    10. That's interesting about West Point! I wonder if Mariah even knows all that...?

      I'm learning so much through this blog - about IVF, Annapolis, and through my own research about SAG, royalties, etc. from everyone here. What a varied group we have :-) DJ

    11. I think it is very unfair to punish the children. If Mariah wants to go to the Naval Acadamy, she should try. I think it is a courageous goal.

      As for clearances, it could hurt her chances. But I think she has a better chance then being a member of a secretly polygamous family.

    12. I doubt Mariah even ended up applying to them. She has said before that she wants to go to school back in Utah. And on Twitter she showed her applications to a couple schools like BYU and also called another school in Utah her "dream school". She is probably realistic enough to know that she can't get into Annapolis with her background. Also of all the kids she appears to be the most religious and would have the most desire to head back to Utah.

    13. And being a doctor is a pipe dream. She has no idea the dedication, money, intelligence, time, ANYTHING involved with minimum 7 years college then residency after. Kind of like a 10 year aspiring to be President- I think it's another example of her immaturity/lack of exposure that she would say doctor at her age. Course, it probably also gets her more attention from her parents.

    14. Hi WineInTheWetbar: while it may seem unfair that security clearances can be lost due to family behavior, it's true nonetheless. The Man does not mess around with security clearances: you can lose one simply by failing to report a parking ticket that you paid immediately.

      In Mariah's case, her problem isn't just her family's polygamous status. She has been on television multiple times indicating her plans to participate in the same illegal conduct.

    15. Even if Mariah does get into a military academy and becomes a doctor, she will owe the military a significant amount of service time for paying for her schooling. Even though its possible for a woman in the military to have a family, it's not easy, and I doubt it would be in line with her religious beliefs. I can't see a polygamous man staying home with kids while his doctor wife is deployed half the year or longer. (At least not a man like Kody.) Sadly, I also agree she would have problems getting clearance because of her lifestyle, which is too bad because I'd love to see her make positive contributions to society and not become a burden on it. I hope she does go to medical school if that's what she wants, but I can't see it happening through the military.

  21. Have you seen this Rules for Joining the Brown Family photo gallery over on TWOP? It is hilariously funny. :)

    1. OMG !!! Very Very funny !!!

      That piece hit so many of the same things discussed here on SWB.
      Am still laughing.....

      My fav....
      "Buy Extra Bed Sheets"
      You can thank us after you deliver a baby in your own bed.

    2. Hahaha....thanks for the link Chantelle!
      I had a couple of favorites.....

      "Learn Brown Math"
      Ratios do not exist in the world of Kody's Sister wives. Everybody gets an equal sized house, even if she has significantly less children than the rest. Arguing otherwise means that your insensitive to another fertility's problems & that your not a logical person who can do basic math"

      "Money is not an object"
      Kiss your financial troubles away when you become a sister wife, mostly because you dont' have a choice to do otherwise. The Browns frequently go on vacation despite being in the middle of buying 4 houses & opening 3 businesses, so get used to being unprepared"

      Love the snarkiness of it all!! :D

  22. I watched the clip and paused when they were commenting that you don't think you will be polygamous until you are courted by a man that already has a wife and some of them were nodding.

    Seems like that is an issue in some circles, but I've got to say - it's never happened to anyone that I know. If you don't want to marry someone that has another wife then don't marry someone that has another wife!

    Is it me?? Am I the crazy one? I'm starting to feel like I am... :-|

  23. All the speculation about Robyn being preggers or not...Maybe the times that she loooked pregnant during filming she may have been on her period & she could've been bloating + the cameras adds another unflattering 10lbs... I know for me personally, I cramp really bad & bloat like a bull frog & it ain't Just very uncomfortable & even when I try to wear a bigger shirt, I tug at it esp when I'm out in public.

    1. Word - plus she's not exactly great at picking out flattering clothes. The only one who is, is Janelle. Probably from years of having to work in an office environment?

    2. I think Janelle or kody once mentioned Robyn has stomach issues.I have crohns disease and a flare means bloating and even looking pregnant. It could also be that. Now that she's a "business woman" I'm sure she relies on the convenience of fast or premade food which can do a number on your intestines,etc.

  24. Just watched the Steve Harvey. What a waste of time. I am still recovering from the shock of Steve asking Kody how he supports 4 wives and 4 homes. They all talked at once and Kody replied that they all worked and pooled resources. What job other than TLC and selling green juice is he talking about. Steve nor Jeff did their homework. I sent them an email to enlighten them. Not sure if they really read their emails. Both shows were a waste of time. All it did was promote polygamy and how wonderful it is. IMHO Kody is not following a religious calling or following his faith. I really hate to call someone out on their faith or their beliefs but I find it very hard to believe anything Kody and the wives say. Just saying. I think the real calling is for money. Kody can take a page from Honey Boo Boo. A dollar makes me holler.
    Robins comment that Kody does not get the cookie until they are married. News flash Robin. You are not legally married. A spiritual wife is not the same as a legal wife Robin. You gave up the cookie to a married man. Technically you are committing adultery. Just saying.

    1. Any Las Vegas people going to the Expo today? I'd LOVE to see pics of the Browns right now....

      I'm loving this 'cookie' stuff. I'll never look at cookies the same again. Sigh.

    2. Just finished surfing around on Pinterest for the cookies to contribute to a Cookie Swap and zipped over here to read this about Robin's meaning for "cookie."

      Eww. Eww. Eww. Ewwwwwww. YUCK. I do NOT want to think of my Nutella Crunchies in this way.

      Although there is a joke somewhere with the phrase "cookie swap" here on Sister Wives Blog, LOL

    3. Oh puh leeze, he was making a 4-5 hour trip to see her and spent the night at her house. He was getting the cookie. We are all adults here, it's Ok. Also, we are on to the fact you were not a virgin when you got married. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

  25. Hello, I just wanted to follow up on some of the infertility stuff that was discussed on the previous thread. I totally agree that the Browns just don't know what's involved and haven't thought about how the ethics of it jive with their "lifestyle". But I wanted to clear up a couple of things as unfortunately, I am somewhat of an IVF expert. There is actually no way to tell if an egg will be more or less likely to fertilize other than it being "mature" at retrieval. Immature eggs are immediately discarded. And a gestational surrogate (one who is not donating a gamete but is only carrying the baby) does not have to do injections of any kind. They will just do estrogen and progesterone supplements which are done orally or through vag suppositories. Sometimes progesterone is still done as intramuscular injections in the butt but doctors are moving away from that. And you always have a choice in how you want to do the supplements. Also, a doctor cannot "implant" an embryo. They transfer embryos. Only nature can decide if the blastocyst will implant (burrow) into the uterus and begin to grow.

    So there's your IVF lesson of the day, lol. Feel free to ask me anything if you have any questions about the topic. :)

    1. Thank you! Helps us to understand.

    2. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hate it when embryo transfers are described as "implanted".

      IVF sucks--Run, Meri, Run! You have no idea how difficult the process is going to be until you're in the middle of it. Blood draws, hormones, vag ultrasounds, the actual egg retrieval (No one warned me how sore I'd be!! Or about the bleeding afterwards), the bloating...the hormones, the hormones, oh yeah, and the hormones!

    3. Picking up on that last note: the hormones. I actually wondered after last week's show if it is possible that Meri has already made a decision and has begun the necessary hormone therapy for IVF. That would certainly explain her repetitious crying over almost anything. Just speculating. . .

  26. Hi all,

    I am new to commenting. But have read occasionally since the beginning. I am now reading here pretty regularly so I thought I would start commenting.

    I know I have read that there are commenters here that attend the Browns old church in Utah. How does the church feel about families collecting food stamps and welfare? Also, how does the church feel about debt and bankruptcy? Does the church have an opinion on those topics?If you do not want to answer, I understand. :)

  27. How about we all chip in and help the ladies with their new homes? I know Mare is hooked on her wet bar dreams, but what each lady could really use is a bidet!

  28. On MSWC site, the christmas ornament is out of stock... LOL what a business woman !

    1. That's what happens when you only have 12 in stock...

    2. LOL !!!! But it's such a big job, Robchin has to get a babysitter and go do her nails.... Snif! Snif!

    3. Hahaha. 12 in stock...I have to remember not to eat or drink when reading SwB - SPLORF went my iPad!

  29. I think the Browns have either slipped and are only 'worthy' of D list talk shows like Probst and Harvey because they don't want any hard hitting questions. They continue to put on this "we are a big happy family" face on these talk show visits but anyone who read the book or watches the show regularly knows that's not the truth. I would hope the interviewers would have done some research (or had a staff person do it) but this is why they are D list shows I guess. I prefer the Natalie Morales type informed interviews. The Brpwns will never do an interview with someone like her again. I am enjoying that the teens are becoming more of a focus...however there is a cynical side in me that says they are bringing the teens along so as to 'buffer' some of the questions (i.e. how could you talk about welfare fraud with our children here?"). Oh, and Robyn totally ruined the word cookie for me forever. ICKKK

    1. Totally agree with you. The Browns must be a total nightmare for TLC's publicity department. Did you see on twitter last month they were on some Las Vegas sports radio show? Since they've apparently lost Rosie when she lost her show on Oprah's network, maybe Ellen will ask them back. Until then, they get to make the pr rounds on those 3rd rate syndicated shows. Let's see, Access Hollywood Live, Steve Harvey, Jeff Probst, the Las Vegas sports radio show. Not looking too good when the Dargers get interviews with the BBC, ABC, Al Jazeera, NPR.

      I think the talk shows are asking for the kids now because the parents are soooo predictable and boring in their answers, except for that horrible cookie reference by Robyn. Who in their right mind would think it would be acceptable to use a vulgar term for a woman's anatomy on TV no less. It shows just how dumb that broad is.

    2. That 20/20 show a couple weeks ago - were the browns even mentioned in it?

  30. Hello
    The Darger episode will be interesting to me, curious to see more of them in action. Why?
    Because I believe there is good and bad in many religions, and that you can not think your church is the ONLY church to have favor, but that it's your calling to be in that church or tradition. You have to show your true convictions to the world by your behavior and actions. If you are repelling folks, and submitting to TV format like they have, how are you calling others to it? They very well may go to heaven, but for mainstream America to turn to Jesus through them, not so much. I am interested in if the Darger's present a family unit that is more in tune with Bible based beliefs. We all are off in some way, we all sin, but will they present themselves in a more religious manner? If not, they too will fail. Polygamy is a bad word in America. In the bible - you can read it as the NT says one man and one woman, but that could mean many things to many people. In other words, they need to be beyond reproach to dispel the widespread beliefs in the world today.
    Not poor behavior and strife and lies like the Browns have shown for money. True believers that are on a show based on their faith need to present a good one.

  31. LIV party at Meri's Tuesday night! If only she had that wet bar to mix up those seaweed(whatever it is) cocktails they serve to their followers!

  32. Frankly with the Dargers, I just can't wrap my head around the sister or cousin having sex with the husband. I can't see how a religion justifies this all. Watching the Dargers brings up all of these questions and thoughts that frankly gross me out. Maybe I'm just still a little immature (and I'm 43), but some things seem wrong. I mean, I guess watching any polygamy family bring these thoughts, but seriously the same family? It's like incestuous to me. I never could see my brother-in-laws in that way. Does any one else think this way? The Browns refuse to talk about sex but it's like a huge elephant in the room. I wish they could all talk to a therapist to answer questions like this.

    1. Long time reader, first time poster. Love this site!

      I totally agree about it being incestuous. I went to school with a family that were polygamists and the man had married sisters. It was something we all knew about but really didn't talk about. Later the dad built a huge compound where he had the children homeschooled.

      One of the women left and has quite the story to tell! I'm on my phone and can't get it to work right to paste a link, but if your interested in looking google Combs,polygamy,montrose.

      The dad owns a business called Honeycomb Industries. (It's a vitamin business! Imagine that!)

    2. While I do feel as you do, that it is quite strange and a little gross, I understand 100% where the Dargers get their reasoning. While in the New Testament, and at times in the Old, there are suggestions that one man and one woman is what God desires, he nonetheless suggests polygamy in certain circumstances. For example, in the Old Testament if a woman is widowed and left with multiple children, it is suggested that her husband's brother marry her, whether or not he had wives already is not really an issue. Unfortunately I can't seem to find the verse, but I think it's in Deuteronomy.

      Anyway, on the other hand in Leviticus it says: "And you shall not take a woman as a rival wife to her sister, uncovering her nakedness while her sister is still alive." Then elsewhere in Deuteronomy it states: "And he shall not acquire many wives for himself, lest his heart turn away, nor shall he acquire for himself excessive silver and gold." ... When Soloman took many wives (he had 700 wives and 300 concubines - so many polygamists use him, as well as King David as examples - it says that: "He had 700 wives, princesses, and 300 concubines. And his wives turned away his heart." (1 Kings 11:3). The dangers, then, of polygamy, like excessive gold, is that it turns one's heart from God.

      Polygamy was practiced a lot, especially in the Old Testament, and was even beneficial in that women who were uneducated, illiterate and without income were provided for. Hardly ideal, I realize, but in that time it would've been far better than the alternatives, such as slavery and prostitution. I believe that God never desired polygamy and that monogamy is certainly ideal and what works best. I think that, in the times of Solomon and David, polygamy had more benefits because of the status of women, but now... women have jobs, are educated and literate and don't need a man to provide for them or protect them anymore. So, the benefits of polygamy as they would have been in the Bible are no longer there. The reasons which polygamy was practiced are no longer valid in today's society. Solomon had many wives because he loved women - he was wise and a godly man, but his weakness was woman and he lusted after them. Hardly a valid reason to practice polygamy.

      I realize that the third wife in the Darger family came out of an abusive marriage with several children, and she was actually approached by the Dargers to join the family - I actually think this is a really loving gesture. She was out in the cold with several children, no one to help her with them after having suffered an abusive marriage. While I don't agree with polygamy and would never want it for myself, I don't deny that there can certainly be love in polygamous relationship and I don't see it as being inherently wrong. I just think that, for the most part, polygamy doesn't really make sense in today's society as women no longer need the protection that polygamy offers. At least not in most societies around the world.

    3. Eww...just the idea of sleeping with my brother-in-law is GROSS. I think that because this "community" is so small, there are fewer choices of mates and sometimes there is inbreeding. Yuck.

    4. Yes, agree with anon. If my sister were out cold with kids because her husband had abused (or really for any reason) I would let her stay with me and could stay WITHOUT having to pay rent au natural to my bf!

    5. Anon 3:50, as a Christian, I have to say that yours is one of the best summations I've read. I happen to agree wholeheartedly. I think that these modern-day polygamist men are just using the practice for their own personal, physical gain, while in the OT, it certainly had a more practical purpose for families.

    6. Let's also keep in mind that in biblical times, women were Property. Nothing else. They were something that men exchanged for power. They belonged first to their fathers, and then to their husbands. That isn't something at all we want to emulate in any way today. I don't care what any prophet comes along and says.

      And I will say that despite anything else the Browns say or do, I see nothing in any of their shows, their book, their body language, their children's attitudes, etc, that makes me think that they treat their daughters with this attitude in any way. We know other polygamous groups do, so there is that to say positively about them.

  33. Did anyone else get the impression during the home discussion with the builders that Meri will actually get a home that is bigger than the other three? It seemed that Kody was telling the builders that originally they had all decided that the only equitable way was to give each wife the same budget, but that NOW Meri might need more since she could only get the wetbar with a bigger home. The whole conversation with the builders present seemed a little weird since they spent the entire episode saying that they had decided for each wife to have the same budget, but then Kody needed to bring the issue right up front that Meri needed more and that it wasn't because she was first wife.

    1. Maybe because she is his only legal wife. The others are at best glorified girlfriends. And I have a question as to how they keeping saying this is illegal, if they never register their marriage, but simply how have a ceremony how is what Kody doing any different that some one in an open marriage and having multiple girlfriends and having children with them. Yes they call themselves wives, but that is just a term, not a legal definition because they have registered a marriage license with the state. I have been wondering that for a while now.

      Love this blog!!!

    2. I believe early posts to this blog stated that the Utah law concerning polygamy includes "married and living as if married in a plural arrangement" as being unlawful. The Brown's arrangement is Illegal in Utah and probably any state that still recognizes "common law" marriages. Other states' statutes must not be as specific as Utah's??

    3. Yep she is getting her wet bar

  34. I just got home from visiting the craft fair at South Point (only 1 mile from my home). I love going to all the craft shows this time of year - best part of living in Vegas! Anyway I knew the Browns would be at this one so I made sure to go. So here is my experience:

    I walked around for a bit before spotting them in the corner and casually started to make my way over when I realized the camera crew was there. I started to get nervous (I sometimes get anxiety with being put on the spot and wasn't expecting the cameras to be there- I mean footage of a craft fair? Really?) I really didn't want to be filmed. Then I realized the camera crew looked to be taking a break off to the side so I figured it was as good a time as any.

    Their booth wasn't crowded with people but there was a nice turn out to the craft fair in general. Everyone seemed to be minding their own business. A few were looking at their display of jewelry and other just took a quick glance and kept going. There were no gawkers per say but there was obviously plenty of people slowing down as they passed by their booth. I overhead one lady explaining to her friend "they are the ones with the show where they are all married to the same man." The other lady responded with something like "Oh ok yah I've heard of them."

    The display had "SW" stickers, jewelry and their book... and of course the fab 5 themselves (well actually 4 - more on that later).

    I can't lie I was nervous! haha So weird because I'm not a fan but I sure am a religious viewer! I guess I was nervous because I know so much about their lives and I am just another onlooker in their eyes; a complete stranger to them. It almost put it in perspective that it is such a weird situation. So anyway, moving on.

    Christine was not there (maybe she just stepped away for a minute) and Robyn was on her phone off to the side while Meri, Kody and Janelle were on the frontlines. Mariah (?) was sitting in a chair in the back of the booth. I didn't have to wait or anything for them to acknowledge me. Meri said hi as I looked at the famous jewelry in person. SHE WAS ABSOLUTELY SWEET!!!!! Even my poor husband (who begrudgingly came with me said "wow she is so nice!" he even mentioned she seems very motherly the way she talked) She seemed soooo different without the show she had to put on. She began to explain the concept of the jewelry to me describing the ring concepts but for some reason it didn't seem fake and dumb like on TV. I told her kindly that it was out of my price rang but thank you anyway for showing me. Of course I did not have any intention of buying it, as it is not my taste. It was a nice way to be able to get to actually speak with a few of them though. It was a quick interaction, less than a minute and at one point Kody even chimed in and said hi. I didn't want to take up any more of their time because after all I wasn't going to buy anything.

    I would have loved to speak with Janelle or Christine if I could have and probably could have stuck around longer if I really wanted to but I didn't want to seem creepy and again didn't feel comfortable soliciting. In the past I have made it clear in my posts that even though I don't agree with much that this family stands for, I don't think that is reason to be nasty. If I did have a chance to speak with Janelle I probably would have said something simple like "I look forward to your story line when I watch." I didn't want to be fake and say anything I didn't mean like "I love you so much," so what I would have said would be genuine and simple. Maybe next time they are making an appearance I will take the opportunity to speak with them a little more (maybe a forum or something would be a more appropriate place to ask questions or state opinions).


    1. Thanks for letting us know...I'm sure they aren't as bad as them seem on TV, because in real life you tend to see who they really are. I enjoyed reading your entry.

    2. Very intresting!! I think all us viewers sometimes forget that TLC probably likes to portray things a certain way and perhaps that the more intelligent parts of the "how to distribute discussion" was cut from the final edit. Also, even though Meri, in my opinon if it is such as portrayed, is selfish and way out there in her wetbar demand, that doesn't make her a bad or mean person. We all have our things. One bad act doesn't define the whole person. I suspect they are all probably really nice in person, because truth is most people are!

    3. Don't forget, though, that the Browns are becoming more and more PR savvy. They know they are being watched, and if they read these forums (which you know they do or at least people who know them read them and go back and report what they read), then you know that they are aware that there could possibly be "spies in the camp."

      Meri probably is actually a nice person, but I don't doubt for a second that PR has something to do with the way she interacts in public.

    4. Well it's probably like my sister - she's a total nagging beyotch to ME and always supercritical of what I do and how I live my life... But when my friends meet her - they LOVE her and thnk she's sweet and funny! And she them.
      I always say - 'cos you ain't related to her. (And she's my BABY sis yet!!) lol

    5. Abreva, I was also at the craft fair. I went on Saturday when Janelle and Christine were working. I also had that anxiety when I saw them and the cameras. I don't know how these reality show folks can stand having practically every move filmed. It made me nervous just walking in front of their booths. They did film some people having conversations with Janelle. No way I was going to do that.

    6. I just read your post about your experience at the craft fair. I am so glad someone can relate to the "nerves." You don't realize it until you see them face to face just how nerve wracking it must be for them to be on camera all the time. Thanks for sharing! I was hoping I wasn't the only one on here who went!

  35. One last bit on the jewelry. I was looking at the rings in particular because I had a hard time understanding how the SW thing fit together and worked. At that point Meri explained (again in a very calm sweet way) that Christine and Robyn have had "trouble with them" which I assume to mean the little part that sticks out probably breaks off????? So they added the "Strong woman" band to the set you can buy (one for you and one for another strong woman yay!) and that way the little tail of the S wont break off. At a great price of $220 I had to unfortunately pass that sweet deal up.

    1. Abreva! Thanks for the posting. It was nice to hear that Meri didn't come off as bad as she does on TV. I really liked reading your post.

      Now get yourself and invite to Meri's house on Tuesday for the green goo meeting!

    2. Very interesting, Abreva. Thank you!

    3. "Now get yourself and invite to Meri's house on Tuesday for the green goo meeting!" -Sadly

      HAH! No thanks!

      Yes, It was actually a nice conversation (besides my nerves). Why was I so nervous?! There was moment where Kody was looking for something and asked out to whomever was listening. Meri sweetly replied "I think it is over there." It sounded how I speak to my husband - just natural but kind hearted.

    4. Abreva, thank you SO MUCH for sharing. I'm so curious about these people and obviously don't live there. Way fun to read your perspective and how it was going for them!

    5. Abreva, thanks very much for sharing your interaction with the Browns.

      What did you think about the jewelry after seeing it in person? Did it look as cheap as it looks on the website? Did it look in any way as if it is worth what they are charging?

      How did the wives look? They weren't wearing the baby doll tops were they?

      Okay, yes, this is very superficial but these are the things I would love to know. I HOPE they looked happy and as if the weight loss I noticed on TV is actually visible in person!

      Thanks again.

    6. I did notice a difference actually. It is a lot shinier in person but sill way overpriced and like many on SWB, it is just not my taste at all. I guess some people like it though.... right?

      No baby doll tops and they look about the same weight. They were business casual today.

  36. One thing that Darger and Kody have in common is that most women would find them unattractive and yet they have several women fawning all over them. What the heck is that all about?

    1. "Fame is a powerful aphrodisiac"...Graham Greene

    2. Excellent point CJ - reminds me of a drummer my hubby plays with from time to time. Back in the 1980s the guy was in a "hair metal band" that was very popular - had a couple top 40 hits and so on. Even back then, this guy was not a looker in the least and what's more had a serious drinking problem (which the last time I saw him, apparently still exists). But he got plenty of "tail" back then and although he has not aged well AT ALL still has a small fan following...yup and women too...some of whom weren't even born when the band he was in was at its height...yikes

    3. Yes, I think that some women are attracted to men with any sort of fame or power or position, no matter how limited its reach is. That's why everyone fawns over celebrities. It doesn't matter what kind of character they have or what they look like, it's just the fact that they are famous. And goodness, don't let them be good looking on top of that! It's unfortunate that this is the kind of world we live in. Even if Kody and Joe are only famous for being Z-list polygamists, they will still have women lining up to be with them.

  37. "Our Dad is just big, bald and intimidating." LMAO, that sums it up pretty well. The Darger children seem nice and well-mannered, but somehow I get the impression they're not fully on board with their Dad's stuff either.

    1. When he said that I heard "Our Dad is just BIG BALLED and intimidating". Seriously!!

  38. "Our Dad is just big, bald and intimidating." When he said that I heard, " OUR mommies know their place!" From the commercials they SEEM a little more submissive than our favourite four. ;-)

    1. Or maybe not quite as used to the limelight...while the Darger fam has been in the media, it's mostly been Joe and the SWs rather than the kids. I got kind of a Cowsills vibe from them (without the mom of course...)

  39. Found this blog last week- first time contributing to this discussion.

    Im addicted to the show, and just could not believe Meri's insistence on needing a wet-bar and 5 bedrooms. Most of all, I couldnt believe Kody actually tried to justify it. There is no justification for it- it's an absolute waste of family resources and is literally robbing food and opportunities from the younger children for an imagined lifestyle of 'schmoozing business colleagues at the wetbar' or 'entertaining the family for one meal per year at the wetbar' or whatever it is that makes Kody & Meri so damn preoccupied with having one- despite it costing 20% more than the other homes that actually have to house 8 people!

    I think the way they split their budget is appalling and detrimental to the younger children. The budget should be split equally depending on the percentage of mouths to feed/clothe/house. I think that Janelle & Christine have just wearily accepted this ridiculous way of budgeting to keep the peace and also because they have become so accustomed to unfairly sharing Kody. His time is also shared 'equally' regardless of the number of kids he is seeing. Eg- 2 nights with Meri & 1 kid, vs 2 nights with Janelle and 6 kids- there is no way that each person can have the same amount of meaningful individual quality time with him. Again, Meri and her barren womb ultimately come out on top. (I do have sympathy for people with fertility problems, but she uses hers as a weapon against the other wives and her so-called bonus children).

    I wish Janelle would run away, she deserves so much more than that piggish asshat of a man and that selfish cow Meri as a 'sister wife'. I cannot believe she would give up her inheritance for Kody & Meri to legally claim and throw away, and now given up her 401K so that Meri could have a giant rental home. All that family ever does is take, take, take from her- and when she sat at Logan's graduation with tears in her eyes Kody didnt make one remotely affectionate gesture- a pat on the back, a squeeze of the hand, a peck on the cheek, a kind word- he is such a tool. Then Meri chimes in repeatedly with glee 'janelle misssed it, janelle missed it!'. B1tch!

    When I first heard the quote "our dad is just big, bald and intimidating" I thought he said "big-balled and intimidating"! :O *cue Christine gaping jaw face*

    1. FJ - i just spit out a huge wad of sourdough bread when i read your last paragraph! it is truly a SPLORF day today :)

  40. I am 15 mins into tonight's show and all I can think is can't wait for this review!

  41. Anyone else watching now?? Kody needs to take a hint from Joe & go bald with some dignity. I'm not saying he needs to shave his head & polish it to a shine, but come least get rid of the page boy cut!

  42. I am watching the show now what religion are they, they said the were a different religion... and the wedding dresses in the picture looked cultish

    1. The Dargers I think are not associated with any church. They are independant polygamist I believe. The dresses looked apparently homemade in my opinion. After all they planned the wedding in 2 weeks. Not a lot of time to make your own dress.

    2. They indicated they belonged to a church and have the mormon theology of eternal marriages ...also seem to come from a culture that practices polygamy

  43. Sounds like the Kodetts like Joe..and why not he actually like he is a husband and father not just a once a week bed partner..

  44. This is a damn shame..These women have been brain washed for years..So sad all of them can be so weak. All they do is cry,fight and say they are sorry..Why would any woman put herself though this crap..Women like them are one step away from the stone ages..Its so sad a grown woman would sit on tv in front of the world and let some control freak husband demands to know if she will have another child with him..Look lady grow a pair of balls..all these women should not be on tv. None of them set any kind of strong example for young females. All they show is how to be submissive whores with a wedding bands..Can't believe this crap is on tv

  45. On the couch, Robin in the black-and-white Paisley, she's pregnant.

    1. Did you see the way they looked when Robyn said "Just in case I have more kids" (regarding number of rooms)...they both had smiles...ear to ear smiles.

    2. People just saw her at the craft show and said she wasn't. Layering 2 shirts can make you look bigger.

  46. Joe's wives seem great but Joe himself seems very controlling. They do seem much classier than the Brown clowns.

    1. absolutely ...but if you really believe you are an "eternal plural family" how will kody manage that? Seperate god castles for each wife??

  47. Well, if people are bound and determined to live in a polyg family, the Dargers at least live up to the hype. One house, one kitchen, wives being kissed daily... a Dad that trys to prevent chaos. However, a little Darger goes a long way. Hope these folks don't get a show becuase the 'ick' factor is even worse than with the Browns. At least the Browns are good comedy.

    Several points:
    Did the various Brown TV episodes with the crappy cars and the breakdowns on every trip finally embarrass Kody enough to make sure his wives have dependable cars? Not one breakdown between both families on this trip.

    Meri, dear, when you apologize for years of being abusive, try not to make it all about you and how your personality was misunderstood. Janelle, quit understating how badly you were hurt. Meri doesn't respect you and that is why.

    Finally the family admits they will never go back to a single home.

  48. I don't know if it's safe to discuss tonight's show on this thread, but all I can say is the Dargers make the Brown's look bad!

    Oh and the preview for next week show looks good. I really cannot wait to see the next episode. It should be really interesting.

  49. So the Darger cousins got married on the same day??? Like, did they flip a coin for the honeymoon night or did he spend one hour with one and another hour with the other? And then he married his sister-in-law later? And they all act like this is just natural.

  50. Some notes from the most recent episode...

    Well, Kody said it: they were pre-approved for their home loans. That's not at all the same thing as *actually* being approved for a loan.

    Joe's and Meri's chins look like they were destined to be together.

    The Dargers are much more organized than the Browns. I'd always thought the Browns - especially Kody - were a bunch of bumbling clowns but seeing them next to the Dargers - especially Joe - made it painfully obvious just how inept the Brown's really are.

    Part of the reason the Dargers were so organized was that Joe, as leader of the family, has the ability to think ahead, make plans, and then execute those plans. Of course the wives have a lot to do with the family being organized. If the wives didn't get along as well as they did, Joe wouldn't be able to take charge the way he does.

    Honestly, polygamy isn't for me. But if I was a polygamist, it would make sense to me that as many wives as practical would share a house so that the kids could grow up together. It would be tricky for 16 wives to live together but four certainly can, if they work at it and learn how to compromise for the sake of the family.... which Meri can't do, and neither can Robyn.

    If the Browns worked on their jealousy and trust issues (hello, counselling!), they might actually be able to be openly affectionate the way the Dargers are and they might actually be able to share a kitchen. I don't believe that the family had more problems sharing a kitchen than they've had since they moved to LV. I think the move to LV made their existing problems worse.

    The Brown wives are so angry and bitter towards each other and so hell-bent on getting their own way that they wouldn't dream of compromising or doing what anyone else - even Kody - wants them to do. To each of the Brown wives (and especially Meri), how they decorate is more important that raising children together.

    Meri DOES abuse the other wives. I do think it was her intention to abuse Janelle, not because Meri was outspoken at the beginning but because she is passive-aggressive and manipulative and a queen bee bitch. Witness the fact that Janelle was trying to respond to Meri's statements and Meri kept talking over her about how so very sorry she was. Meri's crying and telling everyone how sorry she was to have "appeared" to have abused Janelle was more important to her than listening to what Janelle said. That's queen bee bitchiness in action right there.

    Kody wasn't actually serious about finding a 25-bdrm home in LV, was he? Not even he would be that stupid, would he? Could he possibly have been trying to paint a more harmonious picture for Joe? Joe would have known that such a house wouldn't be in LV and I can't imagine him looking up to Kody after that. If he ever did look up to him, that is.

    1. I agree with your post.. so how do the dagers do it? How man bedrooms in their house? Seems to me what they are spending on 4 homes could rebuild the set up they had in Utah ..I think I remember each wife had a small space of her own with a kitchenette.. how do you raise kids to be are you a family at all in 4 houses with a once a week visit from your dad/"husband"?

    2. I'm hoping the SME's here explain a little about the diff between a preapproval and an actual approval. (I know i could look it up, but I always enjoy the explanations here more :) especially since they come from the Voice of Educated Experience :)

  51. Let me preference this by saying that i am whole heartedly against polygamy. Ok, now that that's out of the way, based on this week's episode, it was actually nice to see that the Darger's (appear) to have their stuff together. Well, at least in comparison to the Browns. Granted, the Darger's have not aired all of their dirty laundry like the Browns, but they really seem to have their stuff together. Most importantly, they actually seem HAPPY. The wives are strong, caring, and not to mention articulate! Joe is eons better than Kody. And I especially liked that the wives mentioned the importance of sharing one kitchen/house so that their children would see each other each day and grow as siblings. I respect them (ick factor aside) because of this act of selflessness, and doing what parents are suppose to do: PUT THE WELLBEING OF THEIR CHILDREN FIRST.

  52. I have so much more respect for the Darger adults and the way they raise their children than I do for the Brown adults. I appreciate that the Dargers sat down togther from the start to communicate why they are in this relationship and what they want out of it and how they want to raise their family. I can relate to that. I feel like the Dargers better represent how polygamy should be about family- I saw three wives who sacrificed and compromised for the benefit of their children. Valerie and Alina and Vickie care more about rasing their kids as siblings and being one family, than how they decorate their house or even just the kitchen. And Meri can't see the point in sacrificing a wetbar or a few extra bedrooms so that Janelle and Christine can get some extra money in their budget for their many more kids.

    And I liked the preview for next weeks episode- I can't wait to see how that trip goes. I certainly don't think that the Browns are on the same level as some of the FLDS groups but I agree that they are not as happy as they make it out to be.

  53. I enjoy reading this blog so much and never posted before. But I went to the South Point Casino Craft Fair just to see the Browns on Saturday, and I thought I'd add my experience to Abreva's that I read earlier. As soon as I walked in, I saw the cameraman at one of the booths on the end and figured it had to be the Browns. I walked over and immediately spotted Janelle. She looked really pretty in a turquoise blouse and nice slacks, she has lost weight, and is only about 5'3" which surprised me. She was manning the Sister Wives Jewelry booth. Christine was in the next booth where the green drinks were and would occasionally walk over to Janelle's area. She was wearing a pretty skirt, boots and sweater and she also looked nice. They both seemed pleasant and friendly to the people who stopped in to take a close look. The camera was recording it all, so I stayed back for a while until they stopped. I would have liked to have told Janelle how much I enjoy her on the show, but it seemed weird to do that, so I didn't say anything. Next I saw the BFFs, Meri and Robin, come around the corner together, with Mariah, Solomon, and two of Robin's other children (her son was in a white hoodie sweatshirt, with his face practically hidden...he looked uncomfortable to be there...probably didn't like all the people) and one of her daughters. They were dressed casually and seemed kind of subdued...Robin didn't look pregnant and I didn't see a newborn anywhere, just a stroller being used for Solomon which I think Robin's sister was pushing. They were going around and looking at the other booths together and even stopped at Santa and had the kids sit with him, while they took pics with their cell phones. I guess maybe they were splitting up the duties of manning the booths and maybe Meri and Robin had the duty on Sunday. If not, then Janelle and Christine were doing all the work. I slowly circled around and finally spotted Kody talking animatedly to a guy in the booth near the green drinks. I thought he was dressed young for his age in a paisley long sleeved shirt (80s look), blue jeans that looked to be almost bellbottoms, and heavy black shoes. I circled around again and came back for one last look before leaving and they had all congregated in the booth where the jewelry was, with Cody standing in the middle talking to the camera, Christine and Janelle on either side, with Meri, Robin and Mariah sitting off to the left. It was all being filmed with 2 cameras and 2 microphones, so I guess we will see it on a future episode. I noticed that most people would slow down and take some long looks as they walked by, a couple of people asked to have pics taken with Janelle which she obliged with a smile, and then would slowly wander off. No one gushed over them or asked for autographs or anything like that while I was there. I didn't really see any sales going on, either, so I'm not too sure how successful it was. They also had their book for sale and I noticed one of the camera or sound guys had one next to his backpack in the corner.

  54. Currently watching tonight's episode. I'm not all the way through it yet but let me just say, I think this episode is easily the best episode I've watched in a loooong time (way better than this season so far and the last season). Today I was contemplating cutting myself off from watching Sister Wives and reading SWB because I just could not stand the most recent episodes. Normally I love a good train wreck, that's why I started watching and reading this blog but the first 2 episodes of the new season just lacked that spark to keep me watching.

    However, tonights episode so far is good. I'm only about halfway through but it is quite entertaining to see how the Browns' reactions to the Dargers and how the Dargers do things. I'm definitely not a fan of polygamy but it fascinates me and I enjoy learning how people do it. I gotta say that the Dargers are definitely interesting! (IMO)

    Also, I think Christine should leave Krody and marry Joe.

    1. I think Christine would leave Krody for Joe!! Loved the way she slammed Krody by complimenting how Joe does things and organizes his family....Krody cannot even organize the hairs on his head!!!

    2. At the close of the show, I thought the anger, resentment and bitterness among Codys wives was very clear, I wondered if that was the result of seeing what a loving functional polygamy family looks like...I had to LOL at how Joe had floor plans for the rental and a plan for where people would sleep.. left to cody they would have been there days with no plan..he is a jerk

  55. The new ep airs on the west coast in 19 minutes but I like hearing the spoilers because i know what to look for. :)

  56. Ick factor not withstand... they look healthy, happy, organized and gainfully employed. I have to say - that is just about everything I like all in one package. But don't worry I picked up Church of Lies by Flora Jessop today so she is going to get my head screwed on straight ASAP! ;-)

    I watched with my 21 yo daughter. At the end she turned to me and said- he's making a plan NOW? It's like he is standing the tsunami wreckage and saying I think I'll build an earthquake proof house!

    I did like that the wives all seemed to put the kids first- all living together so they can have access to each other, etc. It's not everything, but it is something!

  57. I can't believe that Kody said that he would be having more children so he didn't care if Meri didn't want to try for more. Cripe; besides being incredibly insensitive, just how does he feel he needs to have more than 14 of his own biological children? Does he think he's Adam and needs to populate the world? Does he have the resources to clothe, feed, shelter and educate more children? And I was just taken aback when he mentioned that he didn't like the stereotype of all plygs abusing welfare. What about bankruptcy there Kodester; isn't that abusing your creditors?

  58. This episode was jam packed with Plyg chat and Plyg details. It was refreshing...until of course, there just HAD to be tears *again* from the Kody Kouch.

    Since the main focus was obviously on presenting the Dargers for future public consumption, a few things were very apparent.

    1- The Dargers, Joe and his three women, seem to "live" the principle. They all seem to be fully vested in the lifestyle. No complaints, no whining, no "it's hard" banter from them.
    *At least not yet*.....since surely they are putting their best faces forward for the would-be viewers should they get their own show. It does appear that the wives have been thoroughly *trained* in their process in living in a plural marriage. And they all seem to be quite savvy in the PR game already. Their demeanor is more mature and more controlled than the Browns have ever displayed.

    Where the Browns still seem to be "trying" to live it somehow, someway. Apparently even the Browns consider their calling card to be their blissful "chaos"......and how many times did we hear that term, "chaos" describing themselves with even their children reflexively using it ??
    Unfortunately proudly proclaiming that as their main claim to fame really translates to inefficiency and a lack of responsible thought and action.

    2- Not sure the if producers have thought this premise through in comparing the two families and possibly having both on the air.
    Realistically, the Dargers are pretty normal in the general sense of a big family with loads of kids managing to care for all the children.. Nothing wow at all about that. Nothing to keep ratings. It's been done already, first by the Duggers and then the Browns.
    The only dicey and different part of the Dargers is the ever present major ick factor of twin sisters and a cousin sharing one man... one man having sex with two sisters and their cousin under the same roof.
    That fact alone would probably get initial viewers. However, unless it was woven into the show regularly for shock value, I just don't see the Dargers having any real staying power. It would be like watching the same show, the same script every week.
    Unfortunately, their "normalcy" as dedicated, responsible parents won't get prolonged ratings.

    It is because of the Browns so, so obvious flaws that people have watched for 3 seasons.
    It is because they are caricatures that they have lasted. The Browns are so clueless, literally clueless about how and what to do as adults, and that is why most people watch.

    It is *very* apparent that Joe Darger is Master of his world !! He is master in a way that he would never allow himself or his harem to look as foolish and inept as KodyWorld.
    And that is a good thing for all their children.

    1. I'm sorry, I could not watch the Dargers. Joe Darger comes across as way more of a pervert than Kody to me, and I don't know whats up with the women. I think they are attracted to his take charge personality and of course they were brought up in the community. I just, how did they do the honeymoon period? You know when a man and wife can't get enough of each other when they're first married? He had double the pleasure and the women shared their time with him? It's just, just wrong.

    2. I wouldn't say pervert...I think he looks much less creepy now, bald, than he did with hair. I think his wives are more secure in their relationship than the Brown wives are. And while marrying family members isn't really common in our society, lots of societies still keep marriages within the family to keep wealth in the family. I think it's less creepy that Joe married women who are related than if he would have married someone that he is related to by blood. I mean it's legal even in some places in the US for first cousins to marry. And I also think that many women are attracted to a man who can be decisive and take charge and be responsible and organized. My husband is very much like that and I appreciate it. I certainly could not deal with being married to someone like Kody; he is unorganized and rarely has his priorities in order. Brown chaos might be a special kind of chaos but it's still chaos.

  59. If the Browns are so stressed fir money, how can they afford to take a nice vacation to the beach? Seems to me if money is so tight, a vacation is really stupid!!! How fake

  60. OK, first blush at reaction: Meri has FAR SURPASSED Robyn's ability to cry on queue. Kody is COMPLETELY DEFENSIVE about how Joe Darger can lead a family but not him, and kudos to Janelle for sizing DOWN on bedrooms while Ms. "must have wet bar..." sizes UP!

  61. Dargers are clearly living it. The browns are so divided its getting less entertaining and more sad. When your in a family its sacrifice, poly or not. These folks cling to self so hard its hurts to watch. I am ex-mo and have some understanding of "the principle" and even though I 100% dont believe any of it I agree the Dargers are living it and the browns are making it up as they go. I think Kody needs to man up, make decisions and stop worrying how the world views him. Janell I love you for saying you will do it but dont think it will make a difference when it came to the family mission statement! She knows that it wont work like it did for the dargers. Why, I say because it takes self sacrifice and none but Jannell has it in the Brown family!!

  62. One obvious thing to me was Joe Darger appeared to first want to help his sister-in-law after her bad marriage. Kody doesn't seem to have that as a reason for marrying Robyn. I think his was just for variety.

  63. Ok, so I'm totally looking forward to CJ's review b/cuz she has lots of new juicy stuff to work
    Oh Lawdy, where to begin??...LOL I loved how Meri & Christine were gushing over Joe..& U could tell Kody didn't really like it b/cuz IT WASN'T ABOUT HIM!!...LOL Seriously Kody, joking or not saying to Meri, Fine I'll just leave U alone & precede to get up off the couch...Whatever!
    Also, it's not gonna help the Brown chaos any to establish a mission statement for your family. Even Janelle was like, Ok, I really don't see the point, but I'll go along w/ whatever....Haha
    Also, Kody blurting out, Where are my slaves?? WTF?? Saying this as he was trying to round up his kids to help load the cars. Also, check out Kody's shirt was drenched in sweat by the time they were done loading
    Seriously, Robyn wasn't trying to modest at all at the beach w/ her boobies practically flashing everyone, esp when she was in the water....ughhhhhh!!
    There's a lot more I plan to comment on too.....

    1. I'm with u CB. This is gonna be a good review when CJ is all done. Can't wait!

      Next week's looks like it's gonna be a good one too.

  64. Wow, I did not expect to like the Dargers. I actually like this family. They def seemed to be more concerned about actually walking the walk. I know we haven't seen enough to learn all of the hidden stuff that's surely lurking, but I am impressed. Still not a believer in plural families, but at least they try to live it.

    Christine kept cutting Kody down. She does that a lot, not that he doesn't deserve to be put in his place. She is so used to being the spoiled plyg princess and I guess this is her way of getting back at Kody. Then she goes on the talk show circuit and is always the most vocal supporter of the joys of plygdom. Which is it Christine?

    Joe seems controlling ... and apparently it works. He had his whole family in check. I hope it's respect they have for him and not fear!

  65. While Joe was completely organized & had actually taken the time to look up the homes floor plans where they were staying...Kody chimes in, I don't assign rooms, I just rock, paper, scissors it....What an effing dumb ass douche. Besides Kody, U really don't run anything at all. If anyone does, it's Meri, only b/cuz she's ur legal wife & she pretty much gets what she wants, bully style or 1st wife status style....smh

  66. Oh one other thing, the Dargers have definitely taken on a more polished, classy look. In their old photos, all I saw was FDLS. I do not see that from old photos of the Browns.

  67. They could be getting a same priced home. It's not just rooms but finishes that add cost to a home in a new home division. I actually think the entire thing is unfair to merri. I mean the arent going to have a home substantially smaller on the same block or subdivision. I hope janelle gets the home she wants. I think since she grew up LDS she has a bit more sense in all this. She obviously isn't LDS anymore but I think that sense of what is a need and what is a want is clear to her. I think if she had her way none of them would be on that street, but a more modestly priced subdivision or a lot with something built like in Utah. In Utah she had 2 stories. Don't know if she had more square feet? Meri had a fire stove or something unique if memory is right.

    It was uncomfortable and has been uncomfortable for one or two to have a discussion and apology and the other 3 just shut down. I imagine if they were effectionate openly the same thing would happen, the other 3 would just shut down until it was over.

  68. To me, the two families are polygamous apples and oranges. Two sisters (twins) and a cousin would come from a completely different place than would four people who hadn't even grown up together. For instance, I could easily share a kitchen with my sister and my first cousin, but I had a hard time doing it with college roomates. There is no one on earth I'd trust more with my children than my sister and I adore my cousin and trust her in a way I couldn't many others.

    It just wasn't a fair comparison. Personally, I'd rather spend eternity cast out into utter darkness rather than tied to a Joe Darger type husband. I wouldn't like being told as and adult which room I was going to sleep in or which car I was driving or who was riding with me. He may be organized and have a plan, but that would never work for me as a personality.

    I've read extensively about polygamy going back to the original Mormon journals of the 1800's. There isn't a "right" way to do it, any more than there is one right way to be married. This show sort of made fools of the Browns, but it also made me feel they were unfairly put in the wrong.

    (And I'm not Mormon, just someone who has a huge interest in American religious history. I'm equally obsessed with groups that practiced celibacy!)

  69. Some comments:

    1. Joe Darger is a twisted phocker for marrying 2 cousins, then a sister in-law. These plyg men must feel like such big studs, kind of like the whole mindset of "I'm such a stud, I bagged some twins." Only a woman who's very broken deep down inside would marry a man who's married to her twin sister, or her cousin. The brainwashing runs very deep. I also get a sense that his children aren't too crazy about him. When the 2 families' kids were having milkshakes it seemed clear to me from what was said (and not said) and body language of the Darger kids (particularly teen boys) that they think their Dad is a big controlling know-it-all bully.

    2. I've never considered Mormons to be "Christians" simply because their core beliefs/tenets are not in any way in line with Christianity --- and maybe I shouldn't compare the Browns but what kind of God-fearing people would go on TV and tell lies?....exploit their children on TV?...have no qualms about declaring bankruptcy so many times and leaving their creditors "stuck" for money they owed? What kind of ROLE MODELS are they as parents to their children - with respect to paying off your debts, not living beyond your means, being responsible with your money, etc? Shameful.

    3. On tonight's episode it showed Grody driving around from house to house to discuss the plans with his harem and he seemed to be driving a pretty nice fancy new tan/taupe colored convertible (thought top was up).

    4. Their jewelry is totally FUGLY. Who in their right mind, unless you're part of this 'man serving cult' is going to wear a piece of jewelry with "SW" on it? I don't care that it could stand for "strong woman"'s still tacky.

    5. I have no respect for Meri. She is a selfish cow who enjoys playing the victim and I think she deep down ENJOYS crying about only having one kid because then she gets sympathy AND she can use it to exploit and guilt the family as a whole. What a selfish wench to think she needs (more like DESERVES/HAS THE RIGHT TO) a 5 bedroom house. That is just sheer greed and selfishness. All for a wet bar? Wow, I didn't know she was such a big entertainer. I thought they don't drink alcohol so really what would a non-drinker need a wet BAR for? What a big phony

    1. You know what fasinates me is the fact that the two women (the cousins) both were chasing after him! Then agreed to date him and marry him at the same time. I wonder how they decided who got to say their vows first and be wife #1 (Everybody always wants to know about the sex but I want to know how they decided which wife they were) Oh and speaking of sex, they have said before for anyone who has not heard it, that on the honeymoon night he spent the night with only one wife. He did not say which one because according to them it is still a sore subject (since one woman spent her entire wedding night alone) I really wonder why he didn't marry the woman he had persmission to marry before the other woman's father gave persmission. It just seems like they would want their own special days. Maybe they really did want it to be all 3 of them in it together, who knows. I'm not a polygamist so I won't even pretend to undertand this logic.

      You know you would think having a man married to your family would have more of an ick factor when it came to public affection but clearly I'm wrong. I don't get it though, Meri & Kody were affectionate in front of Janelle for a long time when it was just the 3 of them but now it's "off limits" I wonder if it's because Janelle isn't very touchy feely anyway so Meri wasn't bothered by it until Christine came along. Christine is touchy feely, and I bet it bugged the crap out of Meri so she put a stop to any form of love in front of her.

  70. This may be totally off topic, but looking at the picture of them on the couch above and I think to myself, does Meri ever look in a mirror? I mean take the babydoll tank off! She would look much better if she stuck with the pink sweater alone. Her version of the layered look is all wrong most the time. It is not cute! Also I think she needs to grow her hair back out, made her look a little bit younger, then again it could be she is just looking old these days regardless of her hair cut.

  71. You know I just thought of something else. The way the Brown's talked in tonight's episode it's as if they are not and have no desire to really be one family. They rather be individual families who work together. They hide affection from one another so each relationship is individual (I understand that one wife cannot hang all over the husband while the others watch but a hug, what's wrong with a hug?) It's almost like they all want to pretend the other's don't exsist or have a relationship with Kody at all. Like out of sight, out of mind. That doesn't seem to be the "sister wives" way to be now does it?

    Oh and I love how the show always potrays it as Janelle and Meri who don't want to live together yet if you read the book you would know it is Robyn and Meri who are most against living in the same house together.
