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Monday, August 1, 2011


Warren Jeffs: Polygamist Leader Says God Demands Judge's Removal In Child Sex Assault Trial 

SAN ANGELO, Texas — Polygamist leader Warren Jeffs was unsuccessful Monday in a third attempt to remove the Texas judge overseeing his child sex assault case – this time based on the claim that God demands a change.
The head of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints filed a motion purporting to quote God as saying state District Judge Barbara Walther should "step away from this abuse of power against a religious and pure faith in the Lord."
After a short recess to assess the motion, Walther ruled the trial would continue under new Texas Supreme Court rules that went into effect Monday. The new standard no longer requires an immediate hearing to recuse a judge after evidence in a case has been heard. Walther said a hearing would be held later.
Jeffs is accused of sexually assaulting two underage girls he took as brides. His church is an offshoot of mainstream Mormonism that believes polygamy brings exaltation in Heaven, and followers see Jeffs as God's earthly spokesman.
The 55-year-old fired his attorneys last week and has representing himself. He gave a speech defending polygamy Friday, then read a statement he said was from God. The statement promised "sickness and death" unless what it described as the persecution of his religion ceased.
Monday's filing included what Jeffs said was a revelation to early Mormon church leader Joseph Smith Jr., dated July 12, 1843. Jeffs also filed what he said were 29 orders from the Lord when they spoke last week, including one in which God sent "a crippling disease upon (Walther) which shall take her life soon."
Walther contracted polio when she was younger and walks with a limp.
"I, your Lord, say to you, I shall bring to light your evil intent now, before all people, to destroy my church on earth," Jeffs wrote in the filing.
Jeffs went through seven attorneys in the six months leading up to the trial, and prosecutors accused him of changing lawyers just to stall. Walther denied a request for a delay after the last firing, saying allowing another postponement would be tantamount to giving in to manipulation of the court.

(Courtesy of: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/01/warren-jeffs-polygamist-leader-god-demands-removal_n_915002.html) (Video from ABC.com)


  1. Can we say CREEP? I watched some of this unfold, and then quit. I guess I need my catch up course. I shudder to think my child might have to marry him. Now, I disagree a bit on the AUB letting you marry who you want. If so, on a post a few ones down, they said Kody couldn't marry a 4th because he was too poor. And I BET he had to get approval for Ro-bun. They are just a little sneakier, that's all.

  2. Yes, Kody had to get approval to be married or "sealed" to Robyn. He also had to ask permission to court her.

  3. Hmmm. I KNEW IT! I thought they were FREE to marry whom they wanted. Every time I think I have the rules down, they change! Seriously, is there a rule book on marriage somewhere on the internet?

    What is interesting to me is that whoever decides these things, must know the people very little, for they don't go to church, per say.

    If we had a drinking contest for every lie they told, we'd all be drunk by the end of the show! (Although, I don't drink, so you guys would!LOL)
    Anon, send me a little email with the details so I can make a post- so many miss the good stuff by not coming back and flipping through the comments to see if there are any new ones.

  4. I should add it's been a long time since I've read anything on Jeffs, shouldn't this guy be evaluated for Psych?

  5. As long as the guy understands the trial process, he is fit to stand trial. I think that Jeffs has some emotional problems, but I think that his mental faculties are unimpaired. He has been leading his church from jail! Many judges deal with defendants in criminal cases who are emotional and antagonistic and it doesn't stop the trial.

  6. Just because he totally & seriously believes God told him to marry little girls, that doesn't make him crazy in the eyes of the court.

    **Every time I think I have the rules down, they change!**

    This made me laugh! I kind of feel the same way about football. As for LDS/AUB/FLDS, we gentiles are never going to get the rules down because it's not a sin if they lie to us.

  7. Warren Jeffs already had two psychological evaluations - both said that he is fit for trial, and that he is only depressed.

  8. But, God talks to him. Strange.

  9. Why doesn't he just have God flood the courtroom? Oh, you say, God's not talking to him? DUH

  10. No wonder he's depressed. He's locked up and can't marry any of the new 12-15 yos in his cult. Plus, after years of having everyone around him bow down in awe when told his prophecies, the judge just ignores them. Oh, and the judge is a woman! His fate is being decided by a heathen woman. That alone would be enough to depressed a minor soon-to-be god like Kody Brown, it's just unfathomable for super-god-in-the-making Warren Jeffs.
