Monday, August 5, 2013

TLC Videos: Janelle and the Scale, A Visit to the Old House, Dog Paw

More videos for you to watch while you continue discussing this week's episode!


I've noticed some discussion about the LDS Seminary class that Mariah attended at her high school. For those of you who want to know more about it, here's a link to a Las Vegas Review-Journal article from 2011.

Students see benefits in rising early for seminary class

And for a quick review of Mormon fundamentalism, here's a link to a Wikipedia article.

Mormon fundamentalism

Also, so far I know of three readers having problems seeing comments past the 200 mark. I think for now I will turn off comments at the 220 mark approximately until the situation stabilizes.

IMPORTANT: There's a change in the posting guidelines so please take a few moments to review them. And please, less is more when using ALL CAPS. I mean that...seriously.

SWB Posting Guidelines


  1. I wish they had more interesting story lines. It feels like so far everything is just stuck in the same old stories. Getting in their new houses, making the business work, losing weight. How does it get renewed and shows that are actually entertaining don't?

    1. Not to mention the broken up seasons and loooooong waits in between. I really wonder if TLC wants Sister Wives to fail.

    2. I think what it comes down to is that some families are just not that interesting.

      Granted, the premise of a polygamous family had a lot of potential - but when push comes to shove, a train wreck is still just a train wreck. We've seen what "reality tv" has done to the Gosselins and the Roloffs. This is just more of the same.

      While I think I'd like to hang out with Janelle, and maybe Christine, trying to maintain a productive relationship with Kody, Meri, or Robyn just wouldn't be worth the effort it would take. That's kind of why the show is probably failing. These are not likeable people, and those of us who have had to really WORK to pay our bills are a little tired of seeing welfare cheats with a sense of entitlement hit the jackpot.

      I know, I need to step up and say what I really think about things. LOL.

    3. I wonder if the producers are just having some ratings-driven fun messing with viewers heads. Nothing makes sense in how this show is formatted or how the episodes are released. It is ridiculous that all this footage, all this drama, is simply old, stale made-for-TV Kodyworld nonsense.

      Last week's epi had Janelle telling Sobbin that she was bailing out of the Closet. At the end, though, Janelle was back having a private sisterly chat with Sobbing telling her that she was recommitted back in the closet, and also how to keep manage Christine and keep her involved. Janelle seemed to really enjoy doing that scene.

      Yet THIS week Janelle is again bailing out on poor sad-eyed Sobbin with her usual "gotta pay the mortgage" song. Which is it, Janelle??

      Last week Janelle is gushing about how smart it was to get the 5th bedroom since Logan is moving back "to save money."
      But this week he is telling Mykelti how great it is to live on campus and to see more of the world??
      And...that she should live on campus "too??"

      I agree that these college bound kids should be doing whatever they can to supplement the tuitions. In our family, we all had part time jobs during high school for just that purpose. My parents struggled and did the lion's share (and God bless them for it), but we all were expected to help too, along with applying for whatever potential scholarships or grant monies were available.

    4. I just checked...F8Films produce Sister Wives and Jon and Kate plus 8. I think I'm seeing a pattern, AZ.

      The move to Las Vegas obviously was needed because the Browns and Lehigh made for a boring half hour show. So Kody (in search of continued fame and fortune as a "tv star") moved his families to Las Vegas.

      And the show is STILL boring. How can Kody Brown make Las Vegas boring? By focusing mainly on him and his obsession to live in a cul-de-sac in 4 separate McMansions. Next in line would be Meri and Robyn with the will she or won't she let Robyn be her surrogate.

      Janelle and Christine are overlooked for the most part, with a scene or two of Kody occasionally patting their offsprings on the head before he runs off to Meri's or Robyn's houses.

      And don't get be started on MSWC.

    5. Yeah, please AZ, don't sugar coat it.

      And I agree 100% with you. At this point, I expect to see them trying to sneak a peek at their script and dialogue notes during filming.

    6. So . . . pattern . . . I guess they'll be having that recommitment / vow renewal episode soon. Probably in some exotic place that they can't even spell.

    7. As many of you have said, it's the same storyline every episode. Christine and Janelle don't want to be in the business, then they want to be in the business, then they don't want to be in the business. The mortgages are approved, then they aren't really approved and (as we all know since they've all actually moved into their houses) they are approved. They visit the houses every episode and something is wrong or they need to change something. The McMansions are just stupid -- I think the Browns may have watched too many seasons of Big Love and want the same living arrangements as Bill and his wives. I don't understand how this will make Kody's life that much easier -- won't he still have to keep stuff at the different households? Or will he have a box of stuff that he brings with him every time he rotates wives?

    8. I think an interesting story line would be watching Kody try to get a job. Like, actually go job hunting and do interviews and whatnot. But I doubt that's going to happen, since Kody seems to avoid doing any actual real work.

    9. The big love homes were not that big.

    10. And the houses on Big Love weren't in a cul-de-sac. They were situated next to each other in a way they could share a common backyard. Another big difference was Bill Henrickson had a job, along with 1st wife Barb. But 3rd wife Margene did start a jewelry business which was quite lucrative.

      Check out some other comparisons between Big Love and Sister Wives here on SWB:

      Big Love and Sister Wives: Comparing Bill H. with Kody B.

      Big Love and Sister Wives: A Brief Comparison Between the Family Matriarchs

    11. The reason it keeps getting renewed?? IMO look to the right of this page. Over 6 million page views, while MSWC probably has just a fraction of that if they're lucky.

      You can't tell me that F8F isn't bringing this site (along with TWOP Forums) to TLC and saying LOOK - People want to watch the train wreck so let's keep it going for another season...or six shows or whatever.

      and they're smart about that, because I for one want to see the implosion.

    12. Well, unfortunately their ratings aren't as low as I expected them to be. As of last week, Keeping up with the Kardashians got 2.83 million views, and Sister Wives got 1.97 million views, down from 2.5 million on their premiere according to Reality Tea. Those are some pretty decent numbers, especially when you compare how famous and all over the news the Kardashians are. I believe the Duggars get about 1.5 million viewers per episode and they are still on TLC so...

      Congrats on 6 million page views, that is awesome! The Brown family needs to thank you guys for helping to keep them relevant!

    13. The Duggar's will unfortunately keep going because one of them (now just Anna) will keep having babies. That itself seems to provide enough of a story line to keep the show going without the family having to have a major implosion. Those people are boring to me and have only kept their show because the oldest kid and his wife are popping them out just as fast as Joe Bob, whatever his name is, and his wife did. I couldn't believe how much they exploited the miscarriage she had. It was depressing and actually made me really mad.

    14. Thanks Cynical Jinx for the Big Love link! There certainly are a lot of similarities between the two families. I completely forgot about Margene's jewelry business -- too funny. From what I recall Margene was way more successful. We just need Kody to get into the casino business now.

    15. It's boring because it's basically watching 4 single-parent families with a part-time father visiting every 4th day. It originally was somewhat interesting because the wives actually lived together and interacted with each other. I found it sad when they showed clips of their time living in the Utah house and the kids seemed so much more connected and happy. It's evident when you see the teens on the couch that they actually like each other and behave as siblings. The younger kids will never have that even if they live near each other in the cul-de-sac. Sad.

    16. Canadian Ginger hit the nail on the head. The show is boring. It is boring because it is the same story line, a part time father visiting every 4th day. I hope the producers read this. SWC is fake, they are making a living with the show and product placements. The drama over the surrogacy is getting boring. Kody running around between them is boring. The only interesting story line is Janelle and the weight loss. I'd like to see her Flip Vegas or do a Love it or List it, or even do a Selling Vegas type episode. At least we'd get to see some houses. It is fun that she's losing weight and they showed Meri eating a chocolate at the end of one of the trade shows.

    17. YES Anonymous 11:12 -- a What Not to Wear episode for all the wives and Kody!

    18. @AZChristian: I think Robyn is likable. I would be her friend. Yes, she cries a lot and whines and that's annoying on TV, but IRL i'm sure she is a very sweet person to be around. And to be honest, if I were in her shoes, married into that situation and stuck because anything else would mean eternal damnation I would be crying a lot to. When I think about it, probably more!!

    19. At least the Duggars show what's going on with their kids and what they're involved in. Whether the older ones are going on a mission trip or the younger boys are painting their backyard clubhouse, it's a part of the show. And they do many things as an entire family unit. When was the last time the Browns did that? The plygcation w/the Dargers?
      I'd rather watch a family bowling night than Robyn trying to hold back tears during a MSWC mtg or yet another walk through the McMansions.

    20. I think Kody and F8F have a Big Love checklist they're working from.

      Marge WAS successful at her jewelry biz but she wasnt designing it - she was working with the wife of the chief of the reservation their gaming company was affiliated with. Turquoise jewelry is fun! And Marge was cute, sweet, endearing and funny. Which Robyn and Meri are not.

  2. I wouldn't want to work with them all day. Craft Service table alone would be a bear to keep full with all the mouths to feed constantly.

    These people are despicable. An insult to good hard working Americans.

  3. I am not sure what is worse--- Sister Yawns OR Breaking Amish L.A!!!! Something has gotta give to make this show more interesting!!!!

  4. It was rather interesting to hear Meri say that they had others kids college educations to worry about paying about.

  5. Just want to say, as the mother of a rising senior, many small liberal arts colleges (like Westminster) often do go out of their way to put together a financial aid package comparable to that of a state school. It's quite possible that given Mariah's grades (she is at least in NHS) that her college costs could be on par or even less than that of her siblings going to UNLV.

    And I'm sure that they are taking out at least some loans, and I really don't see what the big deal is about that. Sure, it's unreasonable to spend 200K on a medieval history degree, but a college degree is still the best economic indicator of sustained financial security we have, and MODEST loans to do that aren't a crime. They have been the best way for plenty of kids to strike out on their own. Maybe Logan doesn't WANT his parents paying because with money comes responsibilities and manipulation. I'd rather take on debt than have to be indentured to that family, but that's me.

    1. IIRC, the only one of the adults with a degree is Janelle. What a coincidence - she's the only one that had obvious employment for most of the years of the "family's" existence.

      I wonder if the Browns know that student loans cannot be discharged through bankruptcy. You can lose your house by defaulting on mortgage payments, but you're NEVER going to lose those college loan costs. Given their history of walking away from their debts, this may be a rude awakening for them.

      Yes, let's pass that financial irresponsibility on to the next generation!!!

    2. I think the Browns are in for a LOT of very rude awakenings when the TLC choo choo has left the station for the last time.

      They need to take a hard look at what's happening with Teresa and Joe Giudice of Real Housewives of New Jersey. Bankruptcy fraud, mortgage loan fraud and Joe not filing tax returns for 4 years while having an income of approx. $1 million. Those two are looking at 30 years with the deportation of Joe if convicted. Who will ever forget watching Teresa carrying a wad of cash that could choke Kody Brown (or at least cause him to faint away in ecstasy), peeling off a huge chunk of $100 bills to pay for furniture at a store on camera that 1st season!

    3. And watching Tersea on Celebrity Apprentice as she tried to convince the other celebs that she really did have class and taste amd status.

    4. For the first time, it is not always worth getting a college degree if you are paying for it all yourself. It is so important to pick a viable, in demand major that will ensure you a job after graduation, otherwise you may be wasting time and a lot of money. Student loan debt is a burden I wish on no one. I am in my late 20's and most of my friends are college grads. However, there are no real new jobs out there for college grads these days. Any of my friends who are using their degrees either went into the medical field or left the country for employment. So many young Americans are left with thousands in student loan debt. Debt that you have to pay back regardless of whether or not you use your degree, and debt that you can't negotiate down or walk away from.

      I hope the Brown kids choose their degrees wisely and don't get too into debt. Just think if their parents had built reasonable homes how much more they could help with tuition?

    5. Well, most of the people saying that it doesn't pay to have a degree actually HAVE a degree. People were saying the same thing when I was graduating in 1992 (with a degree in philosophy) when unemployment rates for graduating college students were comparable to what they are today, and would remain so for the next five years until the tech boom turned them around. It's great if you can apprentice to a journeyman electrician or plumber, but those fields are difficult to break into due to the building collapse. I'll definitely be telling my child to get a college degree. Working overseas for a few years actually sounds great to him.

      But again, ask yourself if you would rather have people like the Browns pay for your education and almost certainly have strings attached, or would you rather pay yourself (even with loans) and be free? That's the question someone like Logan is asking himself. Even if they have the money (which I'm betting they don't) would you take it if it meant you had to stay entwined with the family to an unhealthy degree?

    6. College degrees are soon going to replace high school diplomas as the minimum threshold to enter the workforce. Sure students need to be smart about what degrees they pursue but they also need to attend credible universities. Attending a credible university = better job prospects. Also student loan debt is good debt. It's not the same as credit card debt, aka Victoria Secret debt. I think it's a good thing that the Brown kids are at least being realistic about their futures by trying to pursue college.

    7. @anonymous 9:09, tell someone with over a hundred grande, or heck, 20 grand in student loan debt that it is good debt. It never goes away, and interest rates on the loan have only increased over the years.

  6. Do we not do recaps anymore? Boo!

    Anyway, I thought it was pretty telling when Meri made a big point of saying Mariah was her only and she'd be an empty nester. These women are far from polygamists. They're just single moms who share a baby daddy. That's clear as day.

    1. Sorry but I had PC problems last week so my gameplan is to combine the two episodes into one posting this week.

    2. They are definitely more like single moms. Mariah is the epitome of an only child. I don't say that in a derogatory way, but you can tell that Meri has raised her as an only child and with all the perks that come along with that. I think Mariah is a smart young lady, and I hope she achieves her dreams of being a doctor or at least working in the medical field.

      On the flip side, Logan is the perfect example of a first son with 5 younger siblings. I am so happy he is staying away from his family and enjoying independence for the first time.

    3. Yes, I doubt he is going to use that 5th bedroom anytime soon! They, meaning KODY, pushed so much of the household chores on Logon. And by household chores, I do not mean his MOTHER's house chores, but ROBYN'S (ESPECIALLY ROBYN, Christine, Meri, and then, maybe, Janelle..).. I don't doubt that Logan, if he saw Kody/Robyn and/or Meri coming his way, that he did a run and duck manuver-to avoid doing THEIR WORK! Some of those younger kids, again, Robyn's, seemed more attached to Logan, then Kody. He, at 18, should not have been a father figure for any of them. SHAME ON KODY-as usual. If he so famously could not MULTIPLY his 'LOVE' than he should not have expected his oldest to pick up the 'father'duties... Nope-kodouche should have kept it in his pants....

    4. I'm really proud of Logan for trying to spread his wings and grow up on his own terms. what an awesome young man he seems to be. Yay for Logan!

    5. Maybe Logan will move home for the summer months and then back to the campus for the fall semester. That would save a few bucks when he is not in college in the summer. It is good for the kids to move away from home and meet new friends and become part of the college crowd and learn how other families live. We see how their family lives but they also need to see how most people live.

    6. We'll never know, but I wonder if,during the Lehi days, Kody made his kids breakfast on his mornings with Janelle and let Logan sleep in. My guess is a big NO!

    7. Ugh - computer problems suck!!!

      I am also anxiously awaiting the recaps, but til then the comments are fun and interesting to read :) I know it'll be worth the wait :)

  7. I thought someone's sibling and his plural wives were renting that house from them? The selling the old house thing just seemed like fundraising to me. Everyone can see that they need the money and I agree- why not free up that cash for whatever they can get for it.

    I know people won't agree, but I was proud of Christine for speaking up and saying no to real estate. She doesn't want to do it and honestly, I don't think she is necessarily suited to it. But if she can stand up for herself on this maybe she has a chance for making other choices that are good for her in the future.

    It's not Keep Sweet and it looks good on her.

    1. Yes, Meri's brother was renting the house, so we have yet one more example of the Brown's playing fast and loose with the truth. I suspect that just that one portion of the house was not being used, but seriously doubt that they were keeping it ready for Mariah to live in while at college.

      Yes, they need the money, but rumor has it that they owe more on the Lehi house than it's worth. So that makes FIVE houses that they live/lived in that they can't afford to keep.

      Sometimes, the light at the end of the tunnel is the headlight of an oncoming train. Like now.

    2. Yes... Christine was smart to realize that real estate isn't a good career choice for her; however, it's dumb that she had no inkling that real estate requires long hours and weekend work. I know plenty of moms that make it work, but they do sometimes have to sacrifice weekends and evenings for showings. You sometimes have to be available 24/7 if you are waiting on an offer or waiting for a response from your offers. Seemed strange that Christine wouldn't know this and I suspect that she did know and the "surprise" was just another staged scene for the show.

    3. But the time to learn about the major time commitment required to be a realtor is BEFORE you pay the $ and take all of the time to write (and re-write) the exam and waste Mona's time......not after. What kind of dingaling doesn't do a little research PRIOR to plans to pursuing a particular job/career path? And it's not like she had nobody to get info from, she had Mona to ask a million questions to. Sorry but I think she's a flighty ditz.

    4. What Christine is saying in these episodes filmed nearly a year ago is not jiving with the fact that she is listed as a "Real Estate Sales Professional" on the TMI website, but I'm guessing in the last ep they'll come up with some huge revelation that she's going to be allowed to work part time and/or from home. Although personally, I don't think that Janelle OR Christine are in fact "working" at TMI per se.

    5. Agree !!!
      How *could they be "working"* beyond being just celebrity names on the TMI website.
      All of this passionate, heart-tugging talk of Janelle wanting to make a go of real estate to pay her bills.....WTH !!
      What the hell has she been doing then (or any of them)...since almost *a year* has passed since all this phony drama was filmed !?!?

      All of these "new" episodes are yesterday's news and scripts.

    6. Hi all, I'm a licensed realtor in California, so I looked on the Nevada Department of Real Estate websight.
      Christine Brown, has a valid NV real estate license that is active
      Janelle Brown does as well, both got their licenses on January 17, 2013, I bet because of the publicity of the show, they both can make a decent living at it, even with the bad real estate market in Vegas. My question, they both have the names Brown on the license, we know they can not legally have those names unless they legally changed their names to Brown, the two of them are not legally married to Kody, I find that very interesting that their licenses are in hat last name. Wonder how?

    7. My question, they both have the names Brown on the license, we know they can not legally have those names unless they legally changed their names to Brown, the two of them are not legally married to Kody, I find that very interesting that their licenses are in hat last name. Wonder how?

      Janelle, Christine and recently Robyn have legally changed their last names to Brown.

    8. Although I think Christine is just as irresponsible as the rest of the adults, I love that she is the only wife who calls Kody out on his crap. She is not making life easy for Kody or Robyn right now and I love it!

      As for their work, Christine and Janelle should market themselves and start working on selling some houses while they're still semi-celebs. If I was looking for houses in the Vegas area I would totally use either of them as realtors. Especially because they're working for Mona, and somehow she got them into houses with terrible credit.

    9. On one hand, I can sympathize with the lack of real-world knowledge these "Sister Wives" may face now that they have left their fundamentalist community. I, too, was part of a strict religious community and, when my parents kicked me (at the age of 20) out for wishing to join another church, I had a lot to learn. Nevertheless, there is NO REASON Christine should not have known-- or at least have come to learn through her own research initiative-- exactly what being a real estate agent entailed.

      I think Dakota Justice may be right about the upcoming 'grand revelation.' I hope so. It would at least make some sense out of all this 'plot' chaos.

      I find it more fun to see whether or not posters on this blog are right about their predictions for subsequent episodes than simply watching the show for its own sake. Without this forum to rant / vent, I would have given up a long time ago! :-)

    10. finally seeing realityAugust 5, 2013 at 8:41 PM

      My opinion is that Christine pursued Real Estate thinking it would be easy money that would not require a lot of time and days work. They all want a way to make easy money except maybe Janelle and it just doesn't exist. Christine told Kody that she wanted to just be a mother. Unfortunately that doesn't pay a huge mortgage. I also don't understand buying houses and after the fact trying to figure out how to pay for them. Seems crazy to me.

    11. I'm sorry but if I lived in Vegas and was looking to buy a home, I would not use Christine. Maybe Janelle. I would want someone with more experience and knowledge. Just because they act like they are celebrities does not mean that they will make good realtors. Is it fair to the other realtors who have busted their butts to sell homes and then have Janelle and Christine waltz in for a quick sale.

    12. Like I posted last night in the other thread, if you look through all of TMI Realty's current listings, not ONE of them is listed by either Janelle or Christine. Also, if you look at their 'agent info' on TMI, they're the only so-called agents with no cell # listed...and their agent photos seem to be rather cheesy glamor shots (whereas Mona doesn't even have one).

      And as I mentioned last night, if you check out Mona's Facebook page, she has "Brown" in her name Mona Brown Riekki. Related to Kody's clan? I know it's a very common surname but still makes me wonder if there's some connection which then lead to them being able to buy their McMansions.

    13. What person on a nationally televised Tv reality show would be so dumb to make their cell # available on a website?

  8. This is my 1st time commenting on a tv show. I use to think polygamy was gross until I watched this show. I UNDERSTAND IT NOW. I may not agree with it but I do understand that not all poligamists are like warren jeffs(puke). from what I have seen Christine & Meri seem to be TRUE to their religion but im not so sure about Janelle & Robyn. To me, Robyn seems like another child and Janelle is just plain mean!! and if your one big happy family why cant 2wives share a to help cutback costs????? I TRUELY don't understand that. They often complain about money but I have yet to see any sacrafices? Put 2wives per household and that would cut off 2mortgages! If each wife wants their own home then maybe polygamy isn't for you! im not trying to be rude or an asshole but I really don't understand that!

    1. Actually Kody Brown may not be as bad or as extreme as Warren Jeffs but he and Meri courted an underage girl for a few years after they were married and also before they married Janelle. The complete ick factor is there with this group you just have to scratch the surface to find it...

    2. I agree with the last part of your post, Anon 6:10. The first season of "Sister Wives" was so much better with regard to faith and family. A better example of polygamy caught on film might be "Polygamy USA," about the fundamentalists living in Centennial Park. Have you seen it? I just purchased the series on iTunes last night. Thus far, it seems to be a much better representation of a normal, everyday community of people truly seeking to live out their faith in the Principle, etc.

      I am neither LDS nor affiliated with any fundamentalist group of Mormon ties, but I find the latter's faith communities to be a fascinating study of both religion and psychology.

      In the case of the Browns, it is unfortunate that fame (if not fortune ;-)) has helped to tarnish the close-knit, fun, loving family with who we were presented in the first season. If only Meri, as well as the rest of the adults, would listen to her line in the show's intro and get back to their roots... Then the show might be worth watching-- for more than its "train-wreck" factor. :-/

    3. Anon 6:10, I agree with you on the wives sharing a home, especially Robyn and Merri as they seem to be besties. Merri did not need that big house! I understand that she could not have any more children after Mariah and I know that isn't her fault, but that doesn't change the fact that she only has one child - she did not need that big of a house! Why couldn't she have moved in with Robyn to save some money, if they are as truly concerned about the well being of the family as they claim to be??

    4. Because that would have meant that Meri was not on equal footing with the rest of the wives. And, she can't have that as she has plainly showed. Even the money must be split equally regardless of that fact that Meri has a 2 person household and Christine and Janelle both have 7 person households.
      Plus she would have ended up abusing Robin in the kitchen.

    5. I don't think there would have been any kitchen abuse. Remember, Robyn is "too beautiful to cook".

    6. Anon 8:04- I know that Meri and Kody courted someone else before they married Christine because she talked about in the their book. Where did you hear that she was underage? That's really interesting...

  9. I think this season will be the last for them. Once they show them moved in, there really isn't much more there. I live in Vegas and all the homes except Meri's closed before Christmas, hers closed a few days into the new year. It should be interesting to see if they show how it all actually played out.

  10. I really wish TLC would do a Q and A from audience members like us... it is just getting too frustrating to continue watching them make such poor financial decisions and ask "why" with no answers.

    Does anyone know how much they make per episode?

    1. I think it would be interesting if TLC did an episode where one "lucky" female fan got to come out and live with the family for a week or two... Sort of like "Wife Swap," but without the swap. :-)

    2. Great idea PlygKoolAid but I would love it if one of the wives DID get swapped out.

      I would pick Christine :) No sisterwife bull sh*t, just a few kids and a husband (who had time for her even). I think it would be an eyeopener for sure.

    3. Amy -- My husband hates the show but, if he had to pick a favorite wife from the four Sister Wives, Christine would probably be it. She is so down-to-earth and go-with-the-flow. However, I would not offer to trade lives even for a day. Granted, it might be for a good cause-- my beloved has an A+ in the art of being a husband and ALL the wives could really use his example--but, in my book, jealousy issues over sharing my spouse is not an ideal opportunity for me to grow in holiness. Nor would I trade my beloved for Kody. :-)

  11. IMHO, I thought the LV move was to add spark to the families.
    Being a glitzy town, one trip thru LV to critique the area
    would show that the girls definitely need some personal updating, from personal makeup, haircuts, clothes, education and skills. In the two yrs of residing in
    LV shows minimal changes. In addition to UNLV no doubt there is an AVTS, a junior college, various trade schools to either update or acquire a new trade.
    Ones appearance is paramount when dealing with the public. As LV is tourist
    oriented, they could scout out jobs noone else is interested.
    Twenty yrs ago, after a move and as a senior citizen, I did relief nite audit at three different motels until I could get the so called lay of the land.
    Keep the Lehi property for backup in case the mcmansions go under.
    Does anyone actually know what their income is? Are they paid per epi or on an annual basis? Is it evenly divided by 5 or 20 where each family member receives an equal amount? Should Kody get an even amount when he has few expenses by cohabitating?
    It appears that Janell is the knowledgeable one who realizes total expenditures.

    1. Does anyone actually know what their income is? Are they paid per epi or on an annual basis?
      Frankly, the only people who know how much the Browns make are the Browns and their least I hope they have some kind of professional handling their money.

      I think of it this way. If they had a lot of disposable income, they would not have financed their window blinds, dishwashers, etc on their mortgages for 30 years, and Robyn would have been able to pay her delinquent bills (including a hospital bill that is now a lien against her McMansion). They also would have had backsplashes in the kitchens with more expensive looking granite. I'm still wondering what the heck that $450K purchase price included.

    2. "Frankly, the only people who know how much the Browns make are the Browns and their least I hope they have some kind of professional handling their money."

      CJ - thanks! I needed a good laugh!!!!

    3. Oh man CJ you have an eagle eye! i wouldn't have even noticed no backsplashes. damn that's shoddy.

      My thought is these houses are like Rent to Own - you pay a very small payment but in reality you are paying many times more than you normally would for an item. This is totally rent to own, same type of gamble.

      When the Browns default, the builders will turn around and sell the houses to someone else. dang, kind of reminds me of "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair...the shoddy houses that are turned over and over multiple times.

    4. Seriously, with the prices of homes in Vegas for the past couple of years I think it would be hard to spend almost half a million dollars on a home that wasn't on a large lot, came with a swimming pool, and was immaculately built. I don't see how these houses cost them more than 250,000 each. Frankly, they aren't that fabulous for what they paid, especially considering the area. Also, the builders seem to be cutting quite a few corners and making simple mistakes. I would be concerned about the quality of work.

      Agree with CJ, if the Browns had expendable money, they would pay their darn hospitable bills and buy cheaper appliances on their own. If they can't even pay a hospitable bill, they must really be hurting. They may not be in these houses for too long because they can no longer play their old game of choosing to just not pay their bills.

  12. Thought: Janelle's new career may not end up being real estate, but that of Motivational Speaker. She markets herself with Weight Loss Story of how I did it, and cook book to go on the "frumpy website" and gets paid motivational fees for speaking? Let's face it, she's doing a great job on the weight loss and people want to see her story. She's may be able to pay the mortgage and send some kids to college on that.

  13. Besides being so sick of them all. Can't someone get a job in Walmart? Denny's ...I mean it's Vegas...things are open 24 hours... Besides that the episodes are do choppy and contain no real meat. Same shi& different day. And those mansions kill me. I'm done.

    1. It is good to see that the kids are all working at least. Logan worked at the school during the year and is doing construction during the summer. A few of the older girls were working at the mall, and I am sure they "get" to watch their younger siblings a lot. Why is it so hard for the adults?

      I think Christine and Robyn should think about opening a daycare together. They have experience with kids, seem to enjoy being with children, and it would enable them to both stay home with their own kids. Meri could help make the snack and get some use out of her wet bar too!

    2. I loved the part when Janelle said that she was going to have to break away from My Sister Wife's Closet and Robyn got snippy with her, and Janelle shut her down. Janelle kept her cool and calmly explained that $700 from the expo between 5 adults wouldn't even pay her electric bill. Robyn started stammering about how it takes time to built a business and Janelle bluntly said she doesn't have the time to invest or waste anymore. You can tell Janelle has lots of experience dealing with illogical children because she talked to Robyn like she was a child and was very patient with her. I would have snapped and told Robyn exactly how dumb and what a waste of time the jewelry thing is.

      Sometimes I wonder if Robyn's mom and dad were really brother and sister. How is this woman so dumb? She has 4 kids to support, no husband to share a real income with, a history of bad credit, outstanding debt, and now she has a half million mansion to pay for that she already managed to get a lien on. I want to believe she is the genuine person she portrays on t.v., but there is something strange there. I have never seen a grown woman cry as much as she does. If she doesn't want to end up back in a trailer, she better get a real career going for herself real soon or at least get a day job.

    3. You are so right Freya, Janelle was calm and it was like she was explaining something to a child. Robyn should just do the jewelry business herself. If the others want to be involved then they will at their own level. It seems like a forced thing. They said that they wanted it to be about empowering women but then Kody is so heavily involved and directing their meeting. Robyn does seem like she hasn't got a clue, one thing we can count on is that she will start crying about everything. Is she behind that cheap jewelry that they added to their web site? It looks like truck stop jewelry. I am still trying to figure out why the others let her join their family, did they just want to make Kody happy? Did he really need another wife? She brought a ton of baggage with her, debts, children, then got pregnant immediately thereby bringing in more responsibilities. She doesn't seem willing to actually get a job and work, why is she there?

    4. Remember last episode when Christine and Janelle were saying they didn't want to be any more involved with MSWC than they were. Kody jumped in and said something and Robyn told him that she wasn't asking him to sell jewelry she was asking him to support the situation. I think she was being manipulative, what she was really saying was she wanted Kody to make the others participate and be involved. Like tatling to Daddy. Can you imagine what it must be like to deal with her regularly? She and Merri both seem like they are very manipulative and sneaky. What exactly did she mean when she said that to him?

    5. Robin's role is to have more children. Kody should have found one a bit younger though, because with the nice long breaks she likes to take she will only have about five more.

      That, and sad comic relief, is the only value this brood mare has.

    6. I think Janelle laid it out pretty clearly for Robyn and if Robyn had taken her advice Janelle would have stayed in and worked on plus size modesty workout wear. There probably is a bit of a niche market in that. I don't know if there is actually enough that they could pay a designer, have inventory, etc. etc. etc.

      I think Janelle has enough experience with the real world that she has flashes of sanity, but most of the time I think she just juggles and moves money around all the time. I also think she's done it so long that it feels normal to her.

      I watched the last two episodes together yesterday and started wondering when the last time any of those women have seen a Dr and I don't mean for a fertility consult! I mean a full checkup. A visit to a dietician might be beneficial, too... you know... if someone is looking for plot lines. :-)

  14. I think it's time for me to check the tv guide for Sunday night shows. I've been more interested in reading my book while the Sister Wives is on :(

    Like stated again and again, this blog is the best part of watching Sister Wives!

  15. I just couldn't watch all of the show last night! I dvr'd it and went through it like it was a one hour commercial. I was excited at first for them getting new homes but now all I see is greed and new homes they can't afford and colleges they can't finance. We, the viewers are paying for these things!!! Do they even pay any taxes to help out with other people's needs???

    1. Do they even pay any taxes to help out with other people's needs???

      Let's hope so, otherwise Real Housewives of NJ won't be the only show with a reality star/personality indicted for income tax evasion!

  16. Maybe I am just crazy but who would want "their" logo, unless you were a polygamist family, with 4 wives yourself? That just makes no sense to me, of course the tacky jewelry doesn't either. I just can't imagine that I am going to see a lot of those logos floating around my city.

    1. No, it's not just you.

      I think it's fine if the paw... oops, I meant "the 'iconic' abstract figure of four women"... is the MSWC's own personal logo. However, it should NOT be front and center when it comes to jewelry, 'frumpy' t-shirts, 'frumpy' skirts (way to go, Christine! LOLOLOL), etc. that is meant to be marketed to mainstream society.

      A notable exception to this rule might be coffee mugs, calendars, Christmas / holidays ornaments... IF the logo was meant to refer back to their TV show / family and had something unique-- like their signatures on it. (Think: mass-produced, autographed sports items.)

      But, other than that, you're sooooo right! Who wants to purchase--much less wear--an abstract symbol of four sister wives?!

      Sister Wives, you've said that your boutique revolves around womanhood, sisterhood, best friends, family, and so forth... Great!... Now market your products to the general public instead gearing them towards the polygamous lifestyle! Have a survey on your site. Find out what your potential customers want and LISTEN! This is the only hope MSWC has for getting off the ground! I actually want you ladies to succeed. I really like the idea of a unique boutique for women.

  17. To AnonymousAugust 5, 2013 at 1:17 AM on the previous thread (which cannot accept more comments) who wondered about a new hire with TMI Realty names Rebecca Brown: Mona's own surname is Brown, so, while I originally wondered a few months ago if she was related to Kody & clan, I assume this Rebecca is a relative of Mona as opposed to them. When I floated the idea of Mona being related to Kody & co, I didn't hear anything from anybody in reply, so I figure it was just a coincidence.

    1. @OpenMinded, I get so confused because I follow a couple of other blogs about this show...however, I'm fairly positive that in one of the comment threads somewhere on the vastness of the internets, someone claiming insider knowledge said that Mona was not related to the Browns.
      Whether or not that's true, I do not know.

  18. I was not going to watch a new season, but even though they're boring, they just fascinate me. Like, what's wrong with them? One point I'd like to say is good for Logan. He's getting the heck out of Dodge. Kody's like, "Yeah, it feels like Logan has distanced himself from the family." After you're a part-time dad to the kid and make him raise his siblings, what do you expect, Kody? Seriously, I'm happy he's choosing to live away and hope he never goes back.

  19. I ran up to my neighbors last night and watched the show for the first time in at least 2 years. Was amazed at the auto! I didn't think peoples hair looked as bad as everyone here has been saying. Robins hair is really long and honestly didn't think she looked ill like some have been saying. The kids sure have grown up. It is amazing that Mona can walk in gravel in HIGH heels. I always try to see both sides and at least they are encouraging their children to attend college. At least they go with them to look at schools. Logan probably had the best dialogue last night I found him refreshingly honest. I did notice many reruns (even thought I had not watched in forever) and minimal content really by the time they recap and foreshadow the content in the middle is minimal to say the least.

    Just call me Sunshine

  20. The writers of this show seriously need to step it up, this is SO boring! They just recycle the same story and beat it to death, and not in an exciting way. The houses, great, they got them, they all got whatever they wanted, Merri even got her precious wet bar that will surely help her cope with her empty nest, lets hope that she has an industrial strength blender and a mini fridge and cupboard with a lock in case her step/plyg kids try to utilize it. Super cool! The jewelry business, ok great, not unique in any way shape or form to polygamists. Not even a very cool jewelry business at that, we've all seen it and most of us passed on it. The children are interesting, they are the most exciting part of this show. Why are they not featured more? Did Mr. and Mrs.' Brown go and sign up for a reality show thinking that their stories and lives would be so interesting and fascinating that they could sustain it? Didn't Kody Brown see what happened to The Girls Next Door once Bridgette, Holly, and Kendra left? Hef thought that everyone watched to see how one man could juggle so many hot girlfriends, Hef was mistaken though and people weren't watching to see how he did it, the girls were what drew in such a big audience. I am not saying that the Mrs.' Browns are as interesting as The Girls Next I am speaking to the writers. Involve the kids more, show the real dynamics with the wives, the fighting, and the making up if you want, but come on..Do you want this to fail? Either that or recast with another plyg family, or a collection of them. I've already suggested that they get, and E Harmony, there are probably many others, as sponsors and help at least one wife escape. Christine, she owns her own home now, her kids are getting older and going their own way, she is starting a new career (supposedly) and Kody doesn't seem to treat her as well as he should. Find her a new man, one that will treat her right, love her, love and accept her kids, actually spend quality time with her and her adorable little Truley. It could be like a modern day ex plyg style Brady Bunch. And with them all being neighbors in the same gated cul de sac, oh the drama. The ratings would be fabulous!

  21. Where is Robyn's sister? Is she still living with her? We've not seen/heard anything about her so far this season, while last season she appeared in a couple of episodes. Maybe she was only there to raise King Sol until he started walking....

    1. In real time Robyn's sister has been long gone. I don't remember her past plyg-cation with the Dargers. I doubt she was there when Sol cut his first tooth let alone taking his first steps!

    2. I think when Meri saw all the comments online about the little sister looking like wive #5, she was shipped back to Utah PRONTO. Meri would never allow that.

    3. From her facebook it seemed like she didn't know what she wanted in life. I think it was a temporary thing to get her feet on the ground. That is what family is for. She is now living in Northern Utah last time I checked.

  22. finally seeing realityAugust 5, 2013 at 8:53 PM

    I have serious concerns about the ability of this clan to manage MSWC in a profitable way in a business sense. I have a Masters in accounting and do know I have extensive knowledge of business, but I think Robin should take some basic classes in business. One of the basic rules of a profitable business is to keep inventory as low as possible, keeping in stock what you need to fill orders but not unneeded stock. Inventory is the most expensive cost of doing business. I can't believe they will ever even sell 100 pieces of each piece they sell. An unnecessary expense if you ask me. I don't think they can ever make a lot of money with this site unless they get in touch with what people want and are willing to buy. they could have a profitable business if they did this.

    1. You are correct! Having a high level of slow-moving inventory will kill a business very quickly! And, their inventory does not seem to be moving very quickly! I can't imagine this business will go very far. I think Janelle realizes that and thus wants to pull away from it to pursue real estate, which would give her a shot at making a good income for the family!

      I know that MSWC is Robyn's dream, as she seems to be the one who is more emotionally vested it in. But, I do think that Robyn's dream could use a healthy dose of reality. She needs to take some basic business!! Otherwise, her business will fail and she will end up saying it was because none of the other wives supported her...

    2. I have been thinking repeatedly "BUSINESS PLAN." They don't seem to have any projections that they are measuring their results against. Robyn, anyway, seems to be just flying by the seat of her pants in ordering inventory, booking expos, adding new merchandise to the site. This should all be planned. It might be adjusted as they move forward, but they should have planned a first year with mostly outgo and little income and then have benchmarks for the second year. They need these defined goals so they know if they are turning the corner toward profitability or if it is time to pull the plug.

    3. I watched the episode on my dvr tonight and thought the same thing. Robyn is clueless.She wants to make money by doing as little work as possible. She needs to get at a least a basic knowledge of business management.

      I really think the whole premise of MSWC is just silly. Those pieces mean nothing to anyone but the Brown wives. I just don't see this being profitable.

      Oh. .. did anyone else laugh when Meri said wet bar? I'm so sick of hearing about that wet bar lol.

  23. Why can't TLC find better story lines for these train wrecks? I would much rather watch story lines involving their kids.. does anyone know why the kids are rarely featured? They were on much more in the beginning-were they picked on in school? Or, did Kody want the show to center on him? Or are there laws in Nevada, as opposed to Utah, about the division of monies for reality shows?

    Some posters are right when they point out that the story lines are just redundant-Janelle and Christine do not want ANY involvement with MSWC.. then, next week, both do.. then.. they don't. Are these shows filmed out of order? Or is this all in one day? (last week was a 'few weeks' before Christmas, yesterdays? 6 weeks.. confusing). I have been looking about these properties they bought, and do not understand a lot of it. If they stated the truth, and very little was put down.. there is NO WAY they are going to hold onto these houses. On another site, someone stated that the people on reality shows get 'paid' 1/10 of what it takes to produce their show. This was posted a few years ago, and the poster stated that it costs between $200-400k to produce '19 kids and counting' Produce ONE SHOW of that duggar show-so, if they, the Duggars, get paid 1/10 of production costs, they were getting paid between $20-$40,000 an episode, depending on the costs to make the show. The Browns, NEW to Reality, would have a 'smaller' deal. And, lets face it, it costs MUCH LESS to produce one of their shows-WHY? The Duggars normally DO or GO somewhere on their shows. Even if it is a trip across the county to a farm... THE BROWNS? They drive to see their houses. Or go to a 'FLEA MARKET' to sell their garbage. Hardly high production costs. The only driving up factor? UNION COSTS are MUCH HIGHER in VEGAS as opposed to ARKANAS. While Jim Bob Duggar is a lughead, at least some of the rest are entertaining. THAT cannot be said of the Browns..DULL STUPID DULL AND STUPID.. AND BORING. Bringing on the kids might give them another season or two, but Kody's ego probably keeps producers from doing that.. and his ego will probably see those houses, starting will Christina, and Robyn, being put up on the block FIRST.. (would Janelle and Meri take in the others....?)

    1. Meri Quite ContrariAugust 5, 2013 at 10:13 PM

      A great story line would be for Kody to do a real job search, get a job, and keep it. I'd watch that! That would go far in redeeming this group of lazy grifters. As it stands, the storylines are weak and boring.

    2. I think that Kody will be on Celebrity Apprentice. he Donald would have a field day with him and Kody could show off his skills whatever they are.

    3. Just what I've been wondering Luna Midden, the wives recap their same story then go through it again and again. It's great that Janelle is working out, we're all happy for her but its still the same old story line that we've already heard and seen. Merri can't decide if she wants more kids even though she already decided this and we already saw all of this, they keep recycling this story. Is this what it is to be a Polygamist? You go back and forth and back again about wanting or not wanting more children. Ok, next, there must be more. Or are the Brown's really this boring? The writers need to either infuse some drama and excitement into this show or re cast with another family group. The older kids must have a lot to say, the teens. Especially the older teens, how are they with polygamy? We see interviews where they say I want to live it, I don't want to live it, why? What are their reasons? Is it because their parents don't want to share the paycheck with the kids? They've shown a lot of the baby Sol, we never see Truley even though we saw her birth. We seem to see a lot of Mariah. The parallel with the Duggars is a good one, they are not this boring. They heavily involve all of their kids, they all get screen time. They show what goes into making meals for so many, they show their laundry room, they explain how they do it. When they travel they show everyone what it takes, they are pretty open and viewers love them for it. I read somewhere that the Brown's are making 75-100K per episode per adult, this seems pretty high to me. IF they are making this kind of money why are they even financing the homes, and why can't Robyn just pay her bills? I wish the Brown's were more forthcoming about finances, they don't have to share everything or even specifics but it would be interesting with respect to the show to elaborate a little more. When they were in Utah they vehemently denied ever taking public assistance, I read though that they were getting assistance. Just be honest about it, show us how this Polygamist lifestyle really works and is possible. This show seems more like the Kody Brown show, and the Mrs.' Kody Brown show, not so much really about how modern day polygamy works, is a positive lifestyle choice, etc. I could write story lines all day long for this show...Writers, infuse some excitement or PLEASE RE CAST...

    4. 75-100K per episode PER adult sounds extremely high! Like wayyyyy to good to be true high! If that were the case than they would be able to pay off the houses after this current season. Than again I'm also not sure what kind of taxes are coming out of those reality TV checks to begin with.

  24. Did anyone see the Sister Wives on Access Hollywood this morning with Billy & Kit? Kit asked the final question "Kody, which wife do you visit when you're feeling frisky." To which is replied "I'm not answering that.

    Janelle was sitting next to Meri on the sofa, and Janelle has lost weight, but she still has a ways to go. Janelle has a much smaller frame than Meri though, so even though Janelle, appeared rounder, her frame was smaller than Meri sitting on the couch. So I think she may be in the low 200's now, which is probably about what Meri weighs too, she just carries the weight differently.

    It was a basic interview to tote the new season. I wonder why they didn't advertise that they were going to be on Access Hollywood on any of their social media formats. BTW, no kids were shown on AH.

    1. This must have been a re-run, because they said it is "premiering", it has already premiered. So much for Access Hollywood "Live". LOL

      The interview was very telling though, in the fact that Krody really doesn't know anything about his wives.

      Also, I have noticed that when anything vaguely sexual comes up, Robyn has this giddy look on her face, like she thinks she is always the secret forerunner in this department.

    2. Good news. Rooting for Janelle!

  25. While watching a few of the older videos of the family on the TLC website, I made an effort to watch Meris reaction during the couch interviews, while Kody or the other wives were talking. Well, one video, Robin was pretty far along in her pregnancy, and they were all entering a hotel with luggage, etc. Not sure where they were though. Anyway, it showed Kody getting out a box from Robins luggage, as he explained that Christine had asked several times, or suggested, that she wanted a watch set, with different colored watch bands, etc..and I do remember an episode where she stated that. Anyway, he had bought her that watch set, hid it in Robins luggage for the trip, as she was a part of the surprise for Christine. He went to Christines hotel room, and was very excited, and he said he bought it for her just because. Because he loved her, and he knew she had been down and it may cheer her up. Her reaction made me cry. She was genuinely surprised and so happy he thought of her! She hugged him several times, and during the couch interviews, they both explained their joy and happiness from that moment, and I kept my eye on Meri while they both talked, and she looked so angry! I mean, I don't know what other expression to call it. She sat there looking straight ahead, never once looking at Christine or Kody, and she seemed so unhappy by what they were saying. I just found it so odd and so obvious. Christine was so happy, and you could tell Kody was happy he bought it for her. I thought to myself, maybe Robin had a hand in coaxing him along to buy it, I don't know. Maybe he DID think of it on his own. But it sure made them both happy, for different reasons. Why was Meri so grumpy looking? I suggest someone go watch the video, to see what I'm seeing. Just wanted to share.

    1. The video was discussed here on SWB. Here's the link for those who'd like to see it!

      Sister Wives: A Special Gift for Christine

    2. Wow, she doesn't look at a single person. It was obvious that she did not like this one little bit. Janelle and Robyn both smiled and looked at Christine with affection. I often think the dynamic of that family would be much happier if Meri were not connected to them anymore. She just brews so much greed and jealousy. She manipulates Robyn and Kody, and she hates Janelle and Christine because she cannot manipulate them. I think the days of manipulating Robyn are coming to an end, now that she cannot hold Robyn's uterus hostage anymore, Robyn will most likely be announcing a pregnancy any day and it won't take too many more of Kody's kids in Robyn's home before Meri hates Robyn too. It's really sad, to have that much strife in your body all the time. It's not healthy at all.

    3. Thanks for posting the link. I don't remember seeing this before. Jewels, you're absolutely right about Meri's reaction. Janelle just looks kind of disinterested - (maybe figuring the camera wasn't on her) - but Meri looks angry! There's no other way to describe it. Robyn looks happy for Christine. I wonder if that's because she was in on the secret - possibly even in on the purchase of the watch and bands?

    4. Oh my Meri-Meri Quite Contrary looked mighty pissed!

    5. She probably wanted that watch! She was probably pouting, or wondering why she wasn't given one too...But their lifestyle is "so worth it" what is it that she says? "It makes everyone better" or something to that effect...She also seems like she is mean to the others kids, last night when they were recapping the recap and they showed her unpacking a box and she flipped out at Christine's daughter because she felt her shirt was too revealing, she was mean, why not just ask Christine to handle it if she wasn't responsive at first? She is such a treat! See why don't the writers use this, they have a tea kettle that seems like its always on the verge of exploding in Merri Brown, and we see contrived jogging, tank tops on top of long sleeved shirts, orange face, and pouting...write some drahhhhmaaa! ;)

    6. Wow... I watched the clip of "A Special Gift for Christine" and read the associated comments. One poster (Go Goji!) made me crack up... "He talked to her like a dog when he was giving her that watch. Wow. 'Are you a good girl? Do you like a watchy watchy?'"

      Kody doesn't treat the others much differently. Maybe now we know where the "paw" logo REALLY comes from.

      Yes, Meri looked absolutely ticked. Here I have to agree with starbugary. If their lifestyle truly does make them better people, then Meri's got a lot of 'practice what you preach' work to do. Not just back then, during that episode, but especially now with her Castle McMansion, the altar of idolatry that is her wet bar, and her curious "privacy" issues.

    7. Thanks for posting. I don't remember seeing this clip either.

      I have never liked Kody - he seems so creepy - but in this clip I really like him. On the couch, you can see real joy in him that he made someone else happy. I also really like Robyn in this clip - to me, she has always seemed really sweet to the other women, and I believe she is genuinely happy to see Christine happy.

      Meri is obviously pissed off. I can believe she is unhappy to see Christine happy. I feel sorry for Meri. I hope she can get a divorce and find a first rate licensed therapist to heal from this abusive marriage. In my experience, talk therapy can help in recovering from a situation of long-term stress and emotional trauma like this. Nobody should have to sit by and keep sweet while their husband has children with other women.

    8. What about brother husbands?August 6, 2013 at 2:52 AM

      Wow, Meri looked so furious in that clip. Janelle gave a little smile, but Meri looked like she was about to shoot laser beams from her eyes! That woman is scary. If she wasn't in the family I bet they would all get a long so much more. She is the weak link, she only provided one child for the family. If she had 6 kids like Janelle and Christine, Kody probably wouldn't have needed to marry Robyn.

      Wait til Robyn pisses her off over something trivial and all hell breaks loose. It will be epic.

    9. WOW! Meri's face is priceless! What a bitch! Stone cold face for the whole clip.

    10. Hi PlyKoolAid, I hadn't see the clip about the special gift for Christine. Holy cow you are right! Meri does looks like a stone faced cow. Otherwise I liked the clip. It was a nice thing to do and it looked like to me that it was important to Kody to make her happy whoever thought the idea up.

  26. My hackles go up every time Meri refers to herself as an empty nester. From the beginning, she (and all the wives) have harped on the point that all the children belong to all the mothers. So, even with so many of the teenagers on the cusp of flying the coop, there are still nearly a DOZEN children to be parented (and probably will be a dozen when Robyn decides to pop out another). So actually, Meri, according to your own purported beliefs--the one of the fabulous perks of sister wives!--you are NOT an empty nester. Shut up and babysit.

    1. lolol redwood curtain too funny meri has no relationship with christine and janell the kids would probably tie meri to the wetbar

    2. Aynon 12:09 -- Don't even suggest such a thing... It would probably backfire and make Meri one very happy plyg camper! ;-)

  27. I think the Browns are counting on 4 more seasons. I'm sure they think they can pay off two homes with the income they make from TLC. My thought is Robyn's house gets paid off first.

    1. Counting their chickens before they hatch? TLC needs to say Adieu to the Brown's and find a new Polygamist family...

    2. >> My thought is Robyn's house gets paid off first.

      My guess is Meri's home is first. Legal wife. Do either Kody or Meri have their names on Robyn's mortgage?

      In fact, Kody made what seemed like a snap decision to sell the Utah home. How will Janelle handle this? I wonder if he'll tell her before she views the show? Is he just taking it for granted she's OK with him considering the decision with Meri, before consulting her. Wasn't this home purchased with Janelle's inheritance money?

    3. What about brother husbands?August 6, 2013 at 2:55 AM

      Oh no, each wife is taking her own cut and so is Kody. If anyone's house gets paid off first it will be Kody and Meri's house. I still don't think Kody appreciates that Robyn has 3 kids with another man. Once she stops being a breeder she will be another Christine to him. Janelle might be able to keep her house, seeing as she actually has worked before and wants to find a real job now. Christine and Robyn have no chance of keeping their homes.

    4. finally seeing realityAugust 6, 2013 at 3:23 PM

      I doubt if there is another season. This show has gotten very boring. When that happens they houses will go into foreclosure and the Brown's train wreck will crash. This is the only reason I still watch. I also don't understand the kids feeling like they don't have a home because they live in rentals. As a single parent I lived in a rental and my children had their own space and always felt it was home. I believe they are getting this information from their parents, which I feel is a disgrace to the children. Home is were a family lives together and love each other.

  28. What this show needs is some courting for a fifth wife. Not just a quick marriage, but some shopping for one so they can cycle in some new characters. I can't believe they haven't at least tried to string the viewers along with hints of that. Think of the drama! Also, if Meri is so worried about her privacy; she should have just stayed in the rental house, but that would have blown the fake story line that they all wanted to be together. And they keep talking about needing these big houses so the kids will come back - it sounds like most of the teens, even Mariah, can't wait to get out of the house and probably won't want to come back for extended periods.

    1. If they court a fifth wife, is there room in the cul-de-sac? Or maybe she can move in with Meri since she's an empty-nester.

    2. Yes, bring on the dating. Show us how that works exactly for a polygamist with four wives. The story line about the houses has been beaten to death...having four houses close together isn't going to magically fix their family issues. The older kids would come home to any house, its about family right. They could all be living in a trailer park and the older kids would still come "home" to visit. They all went to Wyoming to see their Mom, Mom, and Dad right, did it matter where they lived? How nice the house is isn't why kids come home after they've left for college. This is just another weird story line for this show.

    3. its becuase they want other people to pay for the houses..because other people have paid their bills by filing bk and welfare as a history. these people wont change//they do have people buying their crap..i see on FB people complaining about getting the jewelry 3 weeks after ordering it. customers are being charged for it and not receiving it for weeks..bad business practice

    4. What about brother husbands?August 6, 2013 at 2:58 AM

      How old is Robyn? She doesn't have much longer to make enough babies to satisfy Grody's needs. You know Grody is aiming for a fifth wife and more babies. Maybe this time he will find a wife more like Janelle, one who actually knows what work means and doesn't cry at the drop of a hat.

      A fifth wife or courting a new wife would keep the show around for a few more seasons. I think they have a couple left now, but not much longer as it stands.

    5. Anon 12:06, not only is charging well before shipping "bad business practice" but it's specifically against the regulations for both Visa and MasterCard, and a cardholder could file a chargeback against MSWC. The merchant may obtain a pre-authorization for the amount up to 7 days prior to shipment, but they are not supposed to charge the card until the date the merchandise is shipped, except in specific situations, and this is not one of those situations.

    6. I agree Starbugary. I don't know why they are acting like it takes McMansions for the family to be unified and for the kids to feel like a family. That is so lame. The adults are using that incredibly stupid excuse to justify these homes. My thing is, if you just want a big house and feel like you deserve it, just say that. People are going to talk regardless, so you may as well tell the truth and be free inside. Blaming your greed/selfish/poor financial stewardship on the kids "needs" is so not cool. As others have said, the only reason the kids are repeating that bull is because the parents keep telling them that. They could live in Lehi and surround those kids with love and those kids would be fine. A bigger building won't change things miraculously. When the newness wears off, they will all still have to face all their issues!

  29. Is it just me or is anyone else mad about the way they plan to use the choice of schools to blackmail Mykelti? I mean how can any parent say I want you to be better and in the same breath threaten what might be a great opportunity for this kid?

    I'm not a mom but it seems counter intuitive to me.

    Meri finally got to see her wet bar.... all I have to say to that is mine is bigger than yours. Oh and of course mine is paid for. I guess that's what you get when you have work ethic. I've managed three jobs at one time. That might be more than the Brown adults combined.

    1. I'm not sure if it's blackmail, but it isn't a very effective parenting technique. I understand telling your 16 year old that there will be expectations/rules if you are going to be in an environment with older teens/young adults,but it seemed like they were expecting her to misbehave. Much better to lay out the rules and then IF the child breaks the rules deal with it then. Saying that Mykelti is a wild child, etc., probably isn't great for her self-esteem and probably makes her want to prove her parents right. After all, if you are going to be cast in the role of a misbehaving child, you might as well do it. Mykelti seems to have a good head on her shoulders and has goals in life. She's just a bit more outspoken than some of her siblings and there isn't anything wrong with that.

    2. What about brother husbands?August 6, 2013 at 3:00 AM

      I hated how Christine made a big point of saying that Mykelti is more trouble for her than all her other kids combined. Meanwhile, could Kody even name two of Mykelti's best friends, her favorite subject, and her birthday? I doubt it.

      Maddy was always my favorite of the kids, and Mykelti seems a lot like her too. Except I am thinking Mykelti might be the wild card of the group, we may get the future tell all book from her. I can imagine she is not too pleased about her dad's treatment of her mother lately.

    3. finally seeing realityAugust 6, 2013 at 3:28 PM

      They have no idea what a real wild child is, I thought my daughter would be the death of me as teenager. She has grown in to a wonderful adult. Labeling a child can cause them to accept that label and act in that manner. My opinion is that she is outspoken and has different opinions than her family. Health teenagers do this, it is apart of growing into their own person. Good for Logan separating from his family. College kids do this and it is healthy in becoming their own person.

  30. If you KNOW people think your logo looks like a (stupid) dog paw wouldn't you change it?

    Oh wait. Forgot who we were talking about.

    1. I admit to having watched a couple of other TLC shows at times. It hasn't really bothered me that they might have been filmed months before, because I usually didn't have any reference to the family's actual time line. With SW, we have *known* for several months that they got the houses, and were able to celebrate Christmas in the cul de sac, but TLC is still trying to string the audience along. Here we are, more than 7 months later - *knowing* that they are in the houses, and *knowing* that two of the girls have graduated from high school - but we're still seeing that hoked up drama.

      I think they should have opened this season with moving into the houses, and brought it up to date with the graduations. I'm tired of only getting old news. Also, as others have mentioned, I *hate* the way they show "previews" of what will come in the next quarter hour, etc. By the time you actually see the full presentation, it is the 3rd time of seeing at least a minute or two of it in a single hour. BORING!

    2. Bad production company...I wonder if the Brown's are involved with that aspect? There must be a better production option out there???

    3. I think I read somewhere that there are only 6 episodes this season...? I might be wrong on that, but if I'm right that means we're already 1/2 way thru this season. yikes!

      I would not be AT ALL surprised if the families weren't moved into the McM's yet at the end of this season - the cliffhanger will be WILL THEY ALL GET APPROVED? Remember when we were following the move, that Meri's house was the last one to be finally approved a week after Christine's? I'm guessing the next round of Brown crap will start up again in January after the holidays, like last year...

      Not much of a bloody cliffhanger when the family has been tweeting their asses off about it. there is absolutely no suspense whatsoever, except to see what nonsense comes out of their collective mouths.

  31. So no one has touched the whole scale thing yet that I can tell so I am going there! :) I have always read that it is important to weigh yourself everyday so I just think it is crazy that Janelle's trainer had her destroy it...does that seem right???! And on another note, my husband was sitting behind me when I was watching the "dog paw" clip and he was cracking up. "Excuse me miss, do you sell dog products? Are you sure you don't know where I can get a new leash/collar for my dog??" He cracks me up.

    1. No, I disagree. Every time I consciously try to lose weight the scale means nothing. What is more important is my energy level, how toned I feel and how my clothes fit.

      If I get any positives on those I know I am doing the right thing and keep at it. To agonize over what a scale tells is counterproductive for me. But then again I was raised in a house with no scales so that may be a part of it.

      Scales only tell one aspect, listening to our bodies so important.

    2. I disagree to. Muscle weighs more then fat. Janelle should get out her measuring tape and measure her waist, hips, chest and so on on a regular basis. Her trainer should suggest this.

    3. I weigh in once a week at the same time each week. Used to do the daily scale thing, but that would drive me completely obessively crazy.

      Sean is right - I bet Janelle was weighing herself every morning. Weight can fluctuate daily for any number of reasons. I'm sure he still weighs her regularly, but at most once a week - I still don't care for his tweets, but I am liking him more and more because he is the best type of trainer for Janelle - offering positive encouragement with a sense of humor. Trainer Bill was like a humorless statue...Janelle has little enough fun in her life anyway so why not have a good time during her workouts?

    4. I actually agree with the trainer on this one,at least for me. At one time, I was very overweight (after having my children). I became so obsessed with the scale, that I was weighing myself 3-4 times a day. Now, I don't even own a scale. I know that if my clothes start feeling a bit tight, etc. that I need to step it up with my workout, etc..

    5. My favorite part was when one of the older ladies at the jewelry show called Kody "a hunk." I almost fell of my chair gagging.

    6. I enjoyed Trainer Sean this episode. He has recognized that Janelle is very passive and I'm sure the reason we are seeing her push back on the MSWC is a result of the life coaching she is getting from him. When she was smashing the scale to smithereens...I thought of her punching the punching bag last week, and telling us she imagined faces on you think she was smashing those same face on her scale? Go Janelle! Make it about you and your health, you are a strong woman!

    7. Having battled weight issues for the better part of my life, I can say that I agree with Dakota Justice. Like Anon 9:54, when I start obsessing over daily weigh-ins, I kinda go a little crazy. A gain of 3/10ths of a LB sends me over the edge and then I start trying to starve myself, which leads to an eventual binge/purge backslide. It's just not good for my mental or physical well-being. Now I weigh every Sunday morning.
      I think Janelle enjoyed sledge hammering the **** our of that scale; kinda like she enjoyed hitting the punching bag.

  32. Wow. I have been waiting for the new season to come out, and it seems like there is 5 minutes of re-hash of season 5 and 1 minute of new footage. It's maddening to sit through.

    I'm not sure what Robyn was talking about, I had to play the video over and over, but right at the end, with about 3 minutes to go I could have sworn that she said they are "making money for God" with her Jewelry business. Janelle cut in with her concerns about pulling enough money out to pay the light bill, so it's hard to catch. I do hope they have a good accountant, it made me cringe to hear her say how she "minuses the cost of the jewelry" before stating what her 'profits" are. But are those profits, or the real profits? Wow. I would not want to be her tax preparer come tax season!!

    I also have the feeling this season that they have really shut down filming on the kids. There used to be so much "family time" on film, and that is why I watched in the beginning. Now it's endless couch sessions of the same subject over and over. Can you really talk about these homes 24/7 for more than a year? When my husband and I bought our home, yes, it consumed our conversation for some weeks, but not years. I'm sure there are better, more interesting things going on in their lives.

    It also gives the feeling that the filming happens over a week, and they just splice some redundant, repetitive, conversations together and call it a "season."

    1. Agreed -- the endless rehash is so boring! I enjoyed seeing Logan and anything about the kids, Janelle's weight loss battle but I am so sick of the jewelry business and the tedious stuff about the houses. Aaargh, just want this show to have less rehash going forward. I'm starting to feel like my own life is real whirlwind by comparison lol.

    2. I doubt she took out taxes. I doubt she considered mileage to the show on all the cars. I double she considered pay for the adults who were there and their time. I doubt she deducted the cost of the props and table to stage the products.

    3. Rose I think differently - they film for weeks, get hundreds of hours of video and this is the best they can extrapolate from the mess...

  33. Does anybody know if Kody and Robyn's honeymoon special is available to view for free? I know it's on Amazon and iTunes, but I don't want to pay for it. Weird too that Netflix has all of season 1 but not the honeymoon special.

    1. Gawd, I haven't seen that ep in years.

      It must be considered the same as the two interview specials, not part of the regular series per se. that doesn't make sense to me!

  34. TLC: Please fire the editor who thinks we need to see the same scene four times per episode. You really don't have any more film to show? Nothing? I rather watch Kody brush his teeth than watch/listen to the same clips over & over & over & over during the show. This is a major production failure. I know these people are whiny and have repetitive stupid issues and at this point, the only reason two or more of the wives appear to be hanging in their farce of a relationship is to collect the television money, but please edit like you care just a little whether or not the viewing public is interested enough (I'm not going to say entertained - that ship already sailed) to continue to watch. Sheesh!

    1. Preach it sista! I'm so damn tired of repetition. I literally read while I'm watching and I don't miss anything. I'm not sure I'll watch any more when I get the whole thing from here and I can YouTube anything interesting.

      I was actually more interested in the tiny clip of Meri shouting at Mykelti for her shirt and the Logan snippets than anything else. I also thought it was interesting they actually wouldn't let Mariah tour UNLV because of her rude attempt to wear a different school's sweatshirt there. Until that moment, I thought none of the parents were ever involved with parenting, especially Meri and Kody. Actual parenting and the kids' activities are so much more interest than "ohmygod will they get to buy their McMansions?!?!".". Oh wait, that was a year ago and yes they did. NEXT!!

    2. Amen!
      You can watch the first 5 minutes and know the whole episode. I walked out of the room when I came back I had missed nothing. The editing sucks!

    3. Soon, the episodes will all be trailers and splices from previous episodes, followed by dated footage that will be inserted for filler. This program needs to be treated like MTV's Teen Mom 2, new families each season with special update episodes thrown in.

  35. Kody and each wife should be obligated to earn an income every year based on their education and experience - unless they are taking care of little kids like Christine. What Robyn is doing is ridiculous. By all means work on your jewelry business, but she should also be flipping burgers at night or on the weekends to make the money she’s obligated to contribute to her family.

    1. Robyn is too emotionally attached to this business. She's not applying any business sense to it, much less common sense.

  36. I know I'm a couple episodes behind, but I thought Mariah already had her "own" car? Wasn't she tweeting last year that she had the best parents ever or something like that?
    Switching gears on this recent episode when Robyn was at an expo thangy to peddle her iconic junk. When she was holding up her checkbook & was basically complaining about having to worry about finances I seriously just about lost it!! R u eff'ing kidding me??...smh Well I guess that's what happens when ur living waaaaaaayyy above your means!

    1. Welcome back CB! Missed hearing from you.

      Also Cynical, how's MS? Haven't seen her post in a while or maybe I overlooked it. Miss her too!

  37. Who uses a check book anymore? Seems like the Sister Wives always have theirs out!

    1. "where's the wallet?" LOL.

      Noticed that Christine was using a Square when making a sale last night. betting that they didn't have that in St. George.

  38. My favorite moments of this episode:

    - when Robyn told Kody to put on his big boy panties, which I'm pretty sure is fundemental mormon talk for "grow a pair"! :) I like that Robyn in this and the last episode doesn't just go along with what Kody says all the time, but actually has her own opinion.

    - the very last scene, when they end the meeting and Kody said he has other work to do!! What work? TLC this is what we want to see, what "other work" does Kody do? LOL - joke of the day!

    1. I don't check Twitter very often, but I was on Robyn's Twitter momentarily last night and she responded to a tweet admitting that at the LV expo which was on this week's ep, that Kody was working their LIV booth next to the MSWC. I'll have to check the post that CJ had when they worked that expo - I don't recall if it mentioned two Brown booths. but shilling a MLM isn't what I consider "working" that's just me though.

    2. DK- yes that is true. I went to that expo and there was a LIV booth set up right next to the MSWC booth.

  39. I think some of our complaints can be put at the doors of whoever is editing this program. The family is filmed but others decide when we see all the scenes.

  40. So I watched the show last night... Yawn! It is so hard to know if it really was a new episode because 90% was footage I had seen before. Also, they keep showing 50% of an upcoming seen two to three times per episode, wasting precious airtime and it is really boring!

    Did anyone notice Kody (trying to) make a joke? He said to his teen girl (Mykelti IIRC) who was wearing a Centennial tennis hoody: "with this hoody I don't have to pay for your college".... ouch

    This episode was soooo boring! The only thing funny was how Meri's skin tone switched faster than a traffic light during the episode, even within scenes!!!

  41. I have been keeping track of the bargain boutique or whatever they want to call it and every week after a new show airs they sell around 100 of the BE necklace a week. I think that is the best judge of sales since people need to buy that to buy the other pieces. 100 a week plus the other pieces to go along with it isn't that bad for their business in comparison to what they were making before. With just the BE chain that is $1700. Clearly not enough to live off of but the budget line is doing MUCH better than their "Custom" (but not really custom) line.

  42. Who "hired" the women to gush over the Browns during the Vegas expo? Kody is a "hunk"? And who really believes that Robyn deducted all of the expenses before announcing their 700 dollar profit? Again, I was aggravated by the peer pressure for the adults to "support Robyn's dream." Does anyone else in that family have a dream? As a mother of high school children, I focus on supporting my childrens' dreams. I would be really angry (take a sledge hammer to the wet bar angry) if I had to put my children second to another adult (and that is what will happen if all energy is placed into the Sister wife's closet--loss of homes, no college funds, etc). I thought Robyn's dream was to be Shera (or whatever that hero name was from the book).
    On a side note, on her date in last week's episode, Robyn said she was happy for the time to just be "Robyn, no mom." She has so many personalities!

    1. I was thinking the same thing about the women gushing over Kody - how much did they get paid?

  43. Noticed yesterday that there are some folks on the official Sister Wives Facebook page who have formed their own board called "Sister Wives Fans." With over 200,000 people who have "liked" the SW Facebook page, so far only six people have joined the new group.

    Yep, six fans. That's about maxxed out.

  44. I am proud of Janelle, but I know an even quicker way she can shed 180 or so pounds...dump the faux hubby. She'd have even more energy and "woman power."

  45. Did I hear this right? When Kody, Meri and Mariah were introducing themselves at the college, did Kody actually say Brown Sullivan? I watched it about 5 times and it's hard to catch, but I swear he said that.

    And poor Hunter - he sat on the couch zoned out like his mother.

    I would love to see a tell all book from one of those kids.

    1. I just watched it too and that is what it sounds like! That is beyond weird...

    2. I think what he said was "I'm Kody, Mariah's father".

  46. Maybe someone needs to come up with a reality show about how reality shows corrupt their stars. After the first season of these shows the money changes them and you are not watching the same family any longer. Haven't we seen this over and over again? Jon and Kate, Little People Big World, etc...? The appeal of SW the first season for me was to see how they live under one roof (albeit with separate apartments), how Christine budget cooked in bulk, how everyone in their family had a productive role to play that contributed to the well-being of the family. Now it just seems so UNREAL - people living off of TV money in circumstances most of us can never aspire to achieve (nice vacations, dinners out, big new homes, multiple new cars etc..) Maybe these reality shows should only run for 1 season with money being paid to the subjects in a lump sum AT THE END of the filming. There has to be something between the greedy consumption of SW and Honey Boo Boo. Sadly, it seems like whenever these TV families get paid for being on the tube the lifestyle you were interested in watching is no more - corrupted by the bucks.

    1. I've been watching HCHBB (Here Comes Honey Boo Boo) this season and it is so much more interesting, even though it's a little crude, to watch. Mama June agreed to a commitment ceremony w/Sugar Bear and she is insistent on staying within a budget of $2000. That's right folks $2000 for everything. I applaud her for her thriftiness. The Browns could learn a lesson from them.

  47. Article from the LA Times about the money to be made by reality stars endorsing products.

  48. Did anyone see the preview for next week with Meri crying over being "dead last" to get in to her house? Uh, maybe you should have stopped sewing and worked on getting your credit in line?!?! What will the family do without serving Christmas cookies on a wetbar? A regular ol table at Christine's? GASP... the horror! Maybe Meri is just upset that she won't be able to "see what the other wives are doing with Kody". I swear, if I were Janelle or Christine, my head would implode!

  49. I think a news documentary about what happens to reality TV families after the cameras have left would be a great idea! Of course one would have to start with the Gosselins...

    as far as HBB, I don't think June ever said (unless I missed it) that she puts ALL the money in trust (I don't follow the show, but it seems like they're going on a lot of vacations lately - I'm sure they're getting some sort of deal but I doubt ALL of their expenses are covered). But even if she has been putting 100% in trust, where's the proof? I'm convinced that TLC requires their 'stars' (participants) to sign a non-disclosure contract regarding the financials. A year or so ago, a friend of Jon Gosselin's wrote a tell-all book about Kate and included info on how much the G's got paid by TLC. The book was quashed by (I assume) Kate's attorneys and I'm also betting TLC.

    TLC has an interest in keeping the facade of "reality" going as well as the mystery which keeps people like US tuning in.

    We'll find out when the kids (Gosselins and Browns and Boo Boos) come of age and can talk about it - I doubt the non-disclosures pertain to them at that point.

    1. If there are trust funds though, the kids will keep their mouths shut or the money flow will stop.

  50. Doesn't Robyn's house also have a wetbar? I know she mentioned needing a hobby room, and I think that is included in the plans with a wetbar and 5 bedrooms.
    I looked up these houses on the NV taxation property search. OUCH!! The taxes are over 4K a year!
    I laughed so hard when Meri walked in and saw her precious wetbar! I'm sure when they lose these homes, she'll beg one of the sound guys to disconnect it and load it into the van...

  51. I think a great game would be to have a drink every time someone on that show says "I want." The booze would have to be watered down though or someone would end up with alcohol poisoning.

  52. Taking in to account our Utah drawl...What the Baby Mamas and the King Douche are really saying in the opening credits:

    Meri: This lifestyle just makes us BITTER

    Janelle: This TLC money rolling in is really something special. I wouldn't want to try and make money any other way.

    Christine: I was raised to want the family, not just the man. But I don't think they meant this man!

    Robyn: Im going to say that its like we all should have been together from the beginning because I don't know how these stupid people ever survived without me.

    Kody: Plain and simple, I am a god and all women should worship the ground I walk on just because I exist. I will father hundreds of children to prove it.

    Remember the rumor about someone moving in with them? It will be five years from now before that ever airs so honestly I doubt it ever will. Wonder what happened there?

    1. That was very clever! There are some talented commenters out there!

  53. DakotaJustice here's the article about June Shannon and the trust funds she had set up for the kids. Apparently she doesn't touch any of the money that they get for the shows. TLC deposits the money directly into the trust funds.

    In her defence, June is an extreme couponer. I coupon and cut our monthly spend from $1200 to $500 at the store. I'm sure she does the best she can and those one dish meals she makes can't be that expensive. Roadkill is free!! Ugh

    An episode I'd like to see is June and Meri wife swap. June would tongue lash Kody into working. Meri wouldn't be orange any more she'd be green from dealing with the noise and craziness of the HBB kids and road kill cooking.

    The HBB family might live in a house the size of Meri's wet bar but they're so happy. Sugar Bear is a real man. Kody has a lot he could learn from Sugar Bear.

    1. Also to add to Sandy's point....I think I read somewhere (maybe even on this site) that June turned down an offer from TLC for a new home not located right next to train tracks. I think while I don't agree with the cussing in front of children, overall June is a better parent then the Brown clan. The kids are obviously her focus and the Dad's. They may be overweight (but lets face so is most of America) and June has lost a significant amount of weight which is a good example to set for her daughters. I don't see the Browns setting many good examples for their kids. Except maybe Janelle losing weight.

      Other then that the example they set is:
      1. Live above your means, don't worry a bankruptcy will erase it away.
      2.Go ahead boys, father numerous children and spend minimal time with them. 3.Go ahead boys, treat your wife(wives) like crap when you are finished with them (Kody/Christine).
      4.Girls your main goal is to push out a bunch of babies. If you don't you will be sad and spiteful like Meri.
      5. Boy babies are more important. (Sol/Truley)

      I agree with sandy haha. Kody could learn a lot from Sugar Bear. Maybe they are redneck, but he clearly loves June and those girls. Did anyone watch the episode where he proposes? At least he bought a ring he could afford..and it was very pretty. June will get to keep her ring a few years the Browns will be packing up outta their houses!

  54. OrangeMeri Whine,
    Loved your translation!!! Spot on!!

    If their bargain-basement bling is now selling after every episode that just proves how effective their "alms for the poor" routine is going for anyone sappy enough to swallow it. Obviously those fans are decent but gullible folks who are obeying Kody's directive to "open their wallets."

    BTW..Did anyone else notice the resemblance of Janelle's trainer to Phil Collins of Genesis. If his training gig ever goes south, he could be a celeb impersonator.

    The best part of this show and this family is now down to just how bogus and absurd they and the show are....and all thanks to *SWB* !!!

  55. This is OT, but I do want to know: Janelle was married to Meri's brother. Does anyone have any information on him?

  56. OMG! Meri just tweeted a picture that says "Road trip the San Francisco!" and every single wife is in the car, all together. Holy crap! Oh Sol also happens to be in the car, but all 4 wives in one car. Now that would be some great footage to watch.

    1. That's what the show should be about - the Wives and their interaction, not Kody.

    2. They heard that the love times three crowd were on a road trip and didn't want to be one-upped? :-)

  57. why would Cooty want more kids he does not even pay attention to the ones he has, so sad...
    as for Meri, she is one scary woman, I would not want tick her off

  58. I think it's interesting that the only ones worrying about paying their mortgages are Robyn, Christine and Janelle. I don't think I've ever heard Meri say one word about it. Or perhaps, if she has vocalized it, her concerns have been edited out?

    In another thread, an anonymous poster wrote that Meri and Kody will qualify for financing as a married couple (therefore she can rely on his income) while the other wives will be considered single mothers. Mona (I think?) said as much in one of the episodes. But Anonymous also wrote that these initial years in the homes will be privately financed by the builder; after that period of time the loans must convert to conventional financing, otherwise whoever doesn't convert (or pay off the outstanding balance in full) will lose the home. I hope I'm relaying that correctly. So it's no wonder Robyn, Christine and Janelle are worried about creating multiple "streams of income". But I don't think I've heard Meri give any input when they mention creating these different streams of income. I've also not heard her give input on MSWC, other than to say that she's on board and fully supports it. I'm thinking Anonymous was correct. And, consequently, Meri is just along for the ride. She doesn't worry about creating income or paying a mortgage because Kody will do that for her.

    1. Robyn doesn't want multiple streams of income. She wants five adults relying in her business to feed the entire family and support the lot of them.

      If others were free from hassle to do other things, besides the show which is temporary, I think people would be generally supportive of her effort.

      What kills me is there were three wives and a husband before Logan came into the picture. These folks should have been working and hoarding to pay outright for housing.

  59. I've mentioned it before that I help run a business via the internet. We also go to trade shows as well. We also have part time jobs to supplement our income. The business only takes a couple of hours per day to ship and answer emails. When we do trade shows on weekends we make it into a fun road trip. I don't understand why they're complaining about it if they are selling that much when the show airs. Maybe they're fabricating how bad it's doing so people will feel sorry for them and buy more of their tin trinkets.

    If they're reading this here's a tip: keep your sales pitch short and sweet, ask the buyer questions about what THEY are looking for, and answer any questions they may have. We also cut deals during shows to sell more. For their kids' sake, I hope they can pull it together and design better stuff.

  60. LOL!!!! I thought the same thing FreeChristine! "Kodex" is that much of a nimrod to think for a second people would believe he holds gainful employment. They should be thanking SWB for giving them any type of chance in keeping their charade and the $$$ flowing. Laughing stock but like a good portion of America they have no pride in working hard and earning their own way. Lazzzzzy with a capital L!

  61. Westminster tweeted out today about being on the show and welcoming Mariah. It is possible that they gave her a scholarship (she is a smart cookie could have gotten it on her own) for being on the show. It seems like she will be going there this fall. Good for her.

  62. Forget about prices, and design, shipping and website crashing for a minute, I think it is so odd how they explain what my sisterwives closet is on the website!

    "My Sisterwife's Closet is a store that will feature the very different styles and tastes of us four sisterwives" and "We hope you will look through our "closets" and find something that you can't live without!".

    First: Different styles?? They all wear the same! Except Janelle... will be interesting to see now that she is becoming skinnier if she'll join the babydoll posse...

    Second: Closet? Where are the clothes? Who referes to were they keep the jewelry as a closet? It makes no sense. It should be "my sisterwives jewelrybox ". In fact, since there is no difference in the styles of the four woman, and the jewelry is all in the same style as well it should be just "Sisterwives' jewelrybox". That makes sense, and that is what it is. A store that sells the sisterwives jewelry. And nothing else.
