Friday, August 2, 2013

Discussion Page Twitter: Kody, Mariah, Aspyn and Janelle...oh yeah, Robyn too

While I'm putting the finishing touches on my review of last Sunday's Sister Wives episode, I thought it would be fun to check out what's happening on the Sister Wive's twitter.

You know, if Robyn sold her MSWC junk to her family members, she could make a lot of money. Kind of like Girl Scout Cookies, family members are reluctant to just say no. But something tells me it's  the stuff made out of scrap metal that she's taking.

What is Kody going to do when ALL his hair falls out? Can you imagine Kody wearing a toupee?

Where do I begin? Judging from that dark furniture cabinet in the background, I would venture to guess this pic was taken in Robyn's house. And folks, that's most probably over $3000 in home theater couches in that photo. I dunno, but who would want that ugly mess in their house? And the couches suck eggs, too!!

Wow...leave it to Trainer Lifespeed Guy to gross people out. Well, at least he didn't parade 50 pounds of simulated fat in a wagon like Oprah did many moons ago.

Aw....That's such a cute picture of Truely and Sol!

Ah yes... the pleasures of a TV marathon, snacks, and a laptop. Life is good....


I've noticed some discussion about the LDS Seminary class that Mariah attended at her high school. For those of you who want to know more about it, here's a link to a Las Vegas Review-Journal article from 2011.

Students see benefits in rising early for seminary class

And for a quick review of Mormon fundamentalism, here's a link to a Wikipedia article.

Mormon fundamentalism

Also, so far I know of three readers having problems seeing comments past the 200 mark. I think for now I will turn off comments at the 250 mark until the situation stabilizes.

IMPORTANT: There's a change in the posting guidelines so please take a few moments to review them. And please, less is more when using ALL CAPS. I mean that...seriously.

SWB Posting Guidelines

Please continue your discussion HERE.


  1. I have to say, Janell's post just motivated me to lift some weights!

    If the Brown's raised money to donate in exchange for Kody cutting his hair, I would actually donate. That would be a worthy cause.

    Truely and Sol are super cute, I wonder if they will be the next Maddy and Logan, snarking and surviving the family together? As for Mariah, I really hope she meets a nice LDS man at college and chooses monogamy.

    1. Mariah is the only child of the first wife. I don't think she has a realistic view of polygamy.

    2. I am pretty sure Mariah is always talking about wanting to have sister wives, as long as she gets to be the first of course. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...and that is all I have to say about that!

    3. I'm on board for the fundraising for Kody to cut his hair. That is a worthy cause, IMO.

    4. Mariah says she wants to be an M.D. and I think it would be difficult to be a successful female, polygamist Doctor. Just doesn't seem realistic IMHO.

    5. As long as she has only one kid (like her mom) and have that kid raised by one of the other wives and have the other wives do all the housework she could.

    6. Man...I wish she'd pursue it. Her undergrad classes in biology, sociology, psychology, etc. would be very eye opening. I think she would not come away from a real medical education feeling polygamy was a wise choice.

    7. Although it might be hard to combine being a dr with being a sister wives, I think it's great that Mariah has some ambition! It would be sad if she let go of her dream because it might be difficult to combine with other things she want. Besides, if she works as a general pysician the hours aren't so bad. If she pursues gynocology - imagine all the polygamist patients she would get who appriciates the non-judgement and/or don't want to be checked by a male dr...

    8. I agree with FreeChristine, and would like to add that at least she is thinking about having a career actually working. Maybe she is learning from watching her family on TV. If one sister wife was a MD they could support a whole family, several wives and all. (saves on medical bills too) She could deliver all the babies at home if she became an OB/Gyn

    9. There have been successful polygamist doctors.. see Ellis Shipp. Amazing story, especially considering the time period.

    10. Cute picture, but is that one of the moms spaghetti strapped tops Truely is wearing as a dress?

    11. I love Ellis Reynolds Shipp! She is one of my ancestors and I love telling my children her stories. She was a strong, talented wonderful woman!

  2. So who was the guy watching SW with Kody?

    1. According to his twitter, he is from Lovell, Wyoming. I'm guessing he is family.

    2. It is summertime, maybe Kody is actually in Wyoming with his family. They have had a recent loss (Kody's brother), which I know is not to be used in any snarky way (he seemed like a really nice person on camera).... but maybe Kody is spending some time with his Dad as a result?

    3. How can Kody watch the show with anyone?? If I were any of the Browns I would watch in a darkened room under the covers. Lol that must have been an awkward family moment.

    4. Based on the fact that he (guy watching w/ Kody) is from Wyoming and the tweet said, "Good to meet you," I'm guessing that he's a friend of an extended family member.

  3. well...not that I'm trying to defend Trainer Sean or anything, but that fat vs muscle graphic (there are also life size replicas available) are pretty standard fare in the industry to help folks realize the difference in how much room fat takes's meant to look yukko.

    also put me down on the "hating the probably overpriced couch" vote. Maybe they're in a furniture showroom or a casino or somethin', that was my first thought after "Who DF is that guy in the shorts??" It wouldn't surprise me at all, Kody watching the show in a casino lounge area. Think he'd be dressed a lot more casually otherwise...

    1. I don't think it's any of the 4 wives houses. I think it's probably a neighbor's house.

    2. I don't think Kody ever dresses casually, I just watched some of the first season and when he goes camping with Janelle he brings 2 button down shirts lol. Remember he's way too cool for shorts like the rest of us!

    3. I agree Dakota - I find that picture super motavating to! And it's true, and very illustrating. It's been all over pintrest for years.. Speaking of pintrest, Robyn pinned a photo of a Sister Wives t-shirt she and Kody saw at SLC airport today, guess the bedroom wife has won a vacay!

  4. I'm still Team Janelle! As someone who has really struggled with weight issues, I am so pleased for her to exceeded her short-term goal. I loved it when she made the comment about visualizing people while at the punching bag. LOL.

    I finally saw Christine's "roll my eyes" clip and I have to say that she made me laugh. That one comment went a long way in restoring her in my personal view.

    I would much rather watch a spin-off show with Janelle and Christine in their first year of real estate. I think if they worked together as a team, with Christine doing the hand-holding of the clients and Janelle crunching the numbers, they actually could do quite well.

    Can we all chip in and buy a freakin' Flowbee for Kody?

    1. TurtleGirl93 - ITA, TLC should do a show with Christine & Janelle in their 1st year in real estate - (even 4-6 episodes like how they do a few of Little People, Big World, I also remember one network doing a show around 1st year vets - loved that!) So many of us have commented that we'd like a show with the 2 of them, why not try it?


    2. I would love to see a show with just the two of them, and their kids, (love their kids.) No Kody, no Meri, Meri so very contrERI, or Sobbin' allowed. I was disappointed in tonight's episode when Christine offered to be more available to MSWC. My only hopes in that, is it puts a wedge between Meri and Robyn. I'm still irked that Meri brought Sobbin into the family, and if Robyn and Christine get close then it will really tick Meri off and backfire on her. I know Christine said she was done having kids, but imagine if Christine and Robyn both got pregnant and had babies together. Meri might turn green instead of orange. Of course that would require Grody to do more than argue with and ignore Christine.

  5. Robyn probably has to donate the budget jewelry just to get rid of it. The Closet isn't answering any of the potential buyer who keep asking what's the metal & what's the actual size of the pieces.
    Wonder if Kody's iconic sterling designs are flying off the shelves at $150-$200 a pop? I'm thinking no.....

    1. after tryng to re brand them as fine or custom..since iconic didnt work, their lack of jewelry terminology and research is hurting their efforts

    2. With charms like "Faithful," maybe they'd hit the jackpot if they started calling their jewelry "ironic" instead of "iconic." ;-)

  6. Kody, instead of kicking back and chillin' in your oddly child-free man-cave watching your own life play out on television, perhaps you might consider spending time with those two adorable babies of yours before they grow up and move away. Just a thought, dude.

    And is it just me, or is it really odd that Kody not only re-tweeted but responded to the person asking him to cut his mop? Why would you want to draw this kind of negative attention to yourself? Oh, wait - never mind. It's Kody Brown we're talking about. "Attention" is his middle name.

    1. People probably ask him to cut it all the time so by answering him by quoting him it answers everyone and doesn't have to answer each person individually. And he was trying to be funny with his answer.

    2. Many stars ( not saying Kody is one, just for comparison sake) answers rude comments like this. I don't think it's generally an attention thing, just a way to stand up for themselves. Because as ugly has Kody's hair is, it's his hair and the only thing that matter is what he thinks. If someone had said that to me, I probably would have answered " EHHH.. noo!" to..

  7. Did it really take Christine a year to realize that Realtors work nights and weekends? How is that possible?

    And I think I might be a show or so out of sync... I'm sorry if this messes up the flow. In my defense: this show is so totally boring at times, the shows all pretty much run together as it is.

  8. Remember 2 years ago they were frugally picking out furniture at the second hand store, that also had new stuff available? How far they have come.

    Mariah is a kid. She may be first daughter of first wife but he isn't the oldest. Which is why we see Logan making breakfast for 5 sibs after his mom goes off to work before school a few years ago. But I do think since she is a kid she can sit in front of a the tv on a weekend and watch HP. She is taking more classes than required and passing them.

    I don't know why she would pick a college where everyone is going to get her to become lds. Where she is in seminary with everyone trying to get her to become lds.

    1. Probably because if she went to any other college, they'd just try to get her drunk? And since she has to go to *some* college, this may as well be the one...

      Anyway, I do agree that she's a kid and should get some leeway. *However* she's either an older child in a group of seventeen and so part of a larger organism (should be helping out with the siblings, for instance) or she gets to live like an only child and sit around all Saturday. (I'm not a teen, I'm a responsiblish mother of three - and if given the chance, I'd sit around all day, too - so I'm not judging).

      I think it's mostly shocking to see a selfish (read: typical teenager) in a large family like that - that's just not standard. And to hear her say she wants plural marriage grates on me, like so many other posters here, because she has no real idea of what it's really like. She has an idealized view. I pity her. But I'm sure that she'll change once she's out in the world.

      Or she'll marry an flds kid next year.

    2. I don't know why she would pick a college where everyone is going to get her to become lds. Where she is in seminary with everyone trying to get her to become lds.
      This was previously discussed on SWB

      Westminster College is not an LDS school (like Brigham Young University). You can read more about the college here:

      I'm inviting you to read about the article about the LDS seminary class Mariah attended while in high school. Remember, her religion is still Mormon - just like the LDS (without the polygamy). And non-LDS are allowed to attend, too. The link is above.

      Which brings me to an interesting point. I remember reading that Rulon C Allred wanted to keep communications open between his fundamentalist AUB members and mainstream LDS members. Since the Browns are AUB, maybe that's why Meri allows her to attend seminary and to have Mormon friends. Even though Kody made such a big deal against Logan attending Mormon church services as suggested by Janelle, but Mariah is a girl and I think that's why she's allowed to have Mormon friends and attend seminary.

    3. Also, Mariah has been much more interested in 'religion' than Logan. She was the one child in the family that left the public school in Lehi to go back to the church school. Janelle wanted Logan to go to anyone's church youth group for the SOCIAL aspects. Mariah is most likely attending for the RELIGOUS aspect.

      Personally, I still think that any of them that want to should be able to attend the LDS youth groups, or the Protestant ones. IT's more exposure to Christ than they are getting now. Even though this 'lifestyle' is supposed to be a religious based one for them.

    4. Your college experience is what you want iy to be. At any university there will be kids that want to get drunk. That includes religious schools. If you don't want to drink, you don't have to. There will be plenty of non drinking friends to hang out with if you choose. (I have spent the last 40 years at secular universities as a student and then an employee:)

    5. Westminster College is affiliated with the Disciplines of Christ which is a pretty middle of the road Protestant denomination. I used to attend D of C church here in Dallas and it was a racially mixed congregation and also had a sizable number of gay members. All were accepted and it was a very nice atmosphere. They seem to be very live and let live.

    6. It's selfish for Mariah to "sit around?" How ridiculous. It's not her job to tow the line, it's the five grown adults that created that family who don't get to sit around. When I was a teen I hung out with friends, went to school and slept.

    7. Perhaps I'm the odd man out here, but I didn't think the car thing was such horrible behaviour on Mariah's part. It's not like she demanded to use it, Meri told her she could borrow it and took it back. When I was a teen, if my parents had said I could borrow a car on the certain day and then took it back that very morning because "they needed to get their hair done" I would have been upset to. They had a deal and Meri broke it. Why does that make Mariah entitled? Kids borrow their parents things all the time...

    8. I don't think Meri broke a deal. It seemed obvious that Meri had said that if she didn't need her car, Mariah could take it instead of the other car to which she already had access (lucky kid - more than many have access to...). It turned out, Meri needed the car. Meri's the adult and she gets to use her own car. And Mariah can choose to react disappointed but still feeling grateful she has a car at all or she can react whiney and bratty and entitled. She chose the latter.

    9. First, C.J. you are correct, Westminster is not an LDS school and in fact is considered to be the most liberal college in the state. I was surprised that Mariah would even consider it, not only because of it's liberal reputations but also because it is the most expensive school by far in the state of Utah (even way out-pricing an expensive education at BYU). It is a small school, and therefore hard to get scholarship monies. And while it may or may not be important to her, Mariah will be hard pressed to find an LDS man there and certainly not an AUB one.

      Second, I do have to disagree with you that Mariah is Mormon. She is not. While the AUB and the Mormon church share some ideology, they also differ on quite a few improtant tenants, one being polygamy. Mariah is a member of the AUB.

    10. Second, I do have to disagree with you that Mariah is Mormon.

      I respect your opinion. Let's agree to disagree and move on!

  9. CJ, I agree with you about the 200+ comments being to much. Thank you!

    On another note I was watching some old season 2 shows on Netflix today and it was really depressing. This family actually used to care about one another and work as a team. Even Meri used to be a really involved "Mom" to all the kids and really helped a lot. Kody used to actually care about his wives and kids and felt responsible for them and their happiness. It's really sad what has happened to this family. I think if they watched the old episodes they would be shocked by how much their views have changed.

    1. Not sure that they are really that much different now. For me, it's possible to read between the lines, even in those old episodes when they were far more aware of being ambassadors for polygamy - which was their original stated agenda.

    2. They were acting then and now their real characters have been exposed. These people don`t have the brains or the energy to keep the happy polygamy family fairytale alive. The Dargers seem to be the shining example of that. Kody picks and chooses the parts of the lifestyle that suit him and then forgets the rest.
      My feeling from the start was that Kody and Meri were dishonest and lazy and decided to bring other women into their lives as servants. The addition of Robyn was a plotline for the show to use her as a surrogate baby mama for Meri.
      I hope Janelle wakes up and realizes she had been used by these losers and deserves a much better life. Maybe as the weight comes off she will have to face why she blimped out in the first place - trying to please and support a selfish boy who doesn`t love her and his silly wife who loathes her.

  10. Mariah seems like a typical teen - what teen wouldn't want to lay around watching videos and eating junk food!

    I think she identifies as an only child more than as part of a 17 child organism because of the parents. They identify the kids as Meri's kid or Christine's kids, not as Kody's kids.

    Similarly,they don't view the rentals as home because the parents told them they deserve better. Kids tend to view wherever they live as home. Most kids feel lucky to have access to any vehicle, unless their parents apologise and tell them they are entitled to more. They are cheating the kids out of security and a close relationship with each other by passing on their bad attitudes.

    I think Mariah wants to go plyg to please her parents. She's going to be on for a rude awakening if she actually does it. She won't be the speshul snowflake her parents have taught her she is.

    1. It drives me nuts! "want me to take christine's kids home?" I would flip if my husband referred to my kids by my name only. Yuck yuck yuck. I'm not hard on this family like a lot of people here bit this point really gets to me.

    2. It's clearer now why Mariah wanted her mom to have more kids. She doesn't think she has any real siblings because she's just Meri's daughter. The women take care of their own kids out of their allowance. They mostly look after their own kids interests. They want to make decisions and discipline their own kids. They function as 4 family units and no one encourages them to see themselves as one big family. It explains why Meri thinks she finally got her boy with King Sol, ignoring the older boys I. The family.

      This is a huge failure in leadership - and it is mostly Kody's fault.

    3. I expect Mariah was so hopeful her mom would have additional kids for multiple reasons. I do think she sees that the full siblings in the family all have special connections and relationships she doesn't share in or have for herself. And that must be hard. I also think she gets a lot of special treatment and attention because of her position, but it might be harder for her to see that difference. But I'm sure the other kids have seen it.

      I also have to think the importance of bearing children in their religion plays into it. She seems quite religious and I expect would want her mom to be fully living that part of the religion. She talked in one of the one-on-ones about praying that her mom would be "blessed with another child"; that suggests she thinks it's somewhat god's choice. How hard to think god is choosing not to bless her with another child, especially while watching baby-after-baby-after-baby be born into the family.

      Being childless-not-by-choice (whether infertility or life circumstances) is hard for anyone. It's even harder when you're surrounded by children in an extended family or other aspects of your life. It must be unimaginably hard when you're surrounded by a polygamous family where your own husband is having children with other women and you not only have to live with it and near it but are also expected to celebrate and actively support it and the kids. Meri gets on my last nerve for other reasons and I'm not sure I'd like her if I knew her in person, but I really can't imagine the pain she's suffered over the years. If you're a couple going through infertility at least you go through it somewhat together and can choose to focus on other things together. She has gone through this entirely alone and had to watch her partner celebrate birth after birth after birth along the way.

      I'm sure Mariah has seen that pain up close more than anyone else. Sad.

    4. you can see a totally different dynamic when the it's just Kody, Meri and Mariah at Meri's house, to me they seem like the only 'family unit'

  11. Meri Quite ContrariAugust 2, 2013 at 11:08 PM

    Here's my take on Seminary (and thanks CJ for the informative article.) Mariah is attending to meet boys. She is mysterious to them being AUB. This gives her a lot of currency. Further, IMHO, there is an element of passive aggression in attending flaunting her AUB status among mainstream LDS who try to separate themselves from followers of "the principle." Also, if Mariah is the only Kody-sired child attending Seminary, could this be another passive aggressive maneuver by Meri?

    1. Mariah going to a seminary class fits with her history, though. She insisted on going back to the AUB school when the others started public school while still in Lehi. She was upset when they moved to LV that they would be isolated from their AUB coomunity. She was upset and refused to come downstairs when Kody was going to allow filming of their makeshift church services the first weekend in LV because that would never have been allowed back in Lehi. She was furious when she thought one of her brothers had been drinking. Mariah has a lot of maturing to do, but she obviously takes her faith seriously. They haven't shown or mentioned the family having their family services since the Dargers were around, so it is possible the family has gotten lax there. She may view a seminary class as one of her only options for the religious connection she craves.

      As far as Meri is concerned, allowing Mariah to take this class may not be a passive-aggrssive maneuver, but letting everyone know she takes it could be.

    2. I'm not sure it's anything quite so devious. Mariah certainly seems the most religious of the kids, so it's not surprising she'd want to be involved in religious education of some sort. And since there aren't any AUB congregations near them, this seems the next best thing. There seems to be enough overlap btwn AUB and LDS to not be a big deal. And back in S1, Mariah was the only one who continued at the church school after all the others began going to public school. Given how adamant she's seemed about staying in polygamy as an adult, her parents probably feel its unlikely she'd be lured away by a LDS boy. Actually, maybe they're hoping to expand the gene pool by having her lure some (foolish) male into their world. Maybe it is quite devious after all!

    3. You can't say why Mariah is attending the seminary class. She never stated why on the show, or tweeted about it as far as I am aware of. I think you are going a bit extreme to say she going to manipulate people or for them to manipulate the family. I am much more along the lines of Anonymous and saying she goes because she loves God and wants to have a more solid relationship with God. Plain and simple.

    4. "Mariah going to a seminary class fits with her history, though...She was upset and refused to come downstairs when Kody was going to allow filming of their makeshift church services"

      Actually that was Mykelti who didn't want to attend Kody's service because it was being filmed. Refer to S03Ep01 "The Announcement" that aired on 9/25/11.

    5. Bleh -- There was another episode where the Brown family filed a home church meeting. It think it was the episode where Kody has a guy's night with a couple of adult members of his family ("Kody Climbs Into the Ring").

    6. Meri Quite ContrariAugust 3, 2013 at 9:18 PM

      Why is Mariah the only one who goes to religious education?

    7. We don't know that Mariah is the only one going - she's just the only one they've mentioned on the show. But if she is the only one going, I'd expect it's because she's the only one who wants to go. The Browns actually do seem pretty open-minded about letting their kids choose their religious focus and dedication-level at a certain age.

    8. PlygKoolAid, I remember they have shown multiple family services (the other episodes were before the one with the Dargers). But what I meant is they don't discuss their religious habits the way they used to. When they were in Lehi, it was obvious they were involved with their congregation, you saw evidence of family prayer, they discussed their beliefs on camera. And when they first moved to LV, it was obvious they were trying to keep a religious atmosphere, again it was shown and discussed. But now all we hear about is the materialistic side of their lives and how dysfunctional their family has become. Perhaps it is just edited that way because they think people are more interested in the drama than the religious side of their lives. Or, as is common when people move where they do not have access to regular religious activities, the Browns have lost a bit of focus. Either way, it was refreshing to see evidence of at least one of the family members focusing her attention in that direction.

    9. Bleh -- Ah, okay. Now I see what you mean. :-) I agree with you that since moving to LV, the cultivation of a religious atmosphere has largely been missing (at least on camera). I miss the old Brown family of season 1.

  12. Um...what's up with the very extensive line of "Ever Feel Like You're Herding Cats" ??

  13. What exactly did Kody say (while sitting on the interview couch with Christine beside him)regarding the jewelry? Christine responded with an embarrassed looking grin and she tried to cover her face. Did he say the jewelry was junk? I couldn't understand what he said. Christine pulled her hand away from her face and said something like "Okay, done".

    1. I would like to know that too. I think it is coming up on tomorrow's episode. It is probably just a quote taken out of context to draw viewers in but I guess it worked!

    2. I think he said he didn't want to have the budget jewelry on the website. He wants to stay with the high-priced iconic stuff, because he probably thinks that everyone buys expensive stuff, whether they want it or not. Especially if it's iconic.

    3. He is probably addressing the apron that Christine and Aspyn are modeling on the website, but maybe it's the hideous SW pendant she any rate, he shows his ornery side to her much too often.

    4. Kody says to Christine, on the couch, "I don't like cheapening our website with frumpy, marketing pieces." I still had it in my recordings, and I went to check to see myself.

    5. Yes Jewels, it was "frumpy." And I'm guessing it's about the apron. If I recall Christine designed it, so that would explain why she reacted the way she did.

      He's such a jack*ss. Especially to Christine.

    6. He is a jackass, but I have to agree about the apron, it is hideous. Like many others have said numerous times, they could have designed something really pretty and modern using actual fabric and people would probably buy them. But that craptastic thing they came up with it horrible.


    The link above is posted by the Dargers (Alina, about SW and it was tweeted by Kody. The newspaper article the post refers to and the reactions of people to both are also interesting.

    CJ,as I live in Europe, I will not be able to see the new episodes of SW for a while. Thanks for your interesting reviews!

    1. Holandesa, I am a Western expat living in the Middle East, but I also travel a lot. I feel your pain. You can purchase the season pass for Sister Wives on iTunes, or buy a single episode. Netflix uploads the new episode the day after it airs in the United States.

      iTunes is the only program that has worked for me... Amazon's "Instant Video" has not been helpful either in the Middle East nor in Europe.

    2. PlygKoolAid: Are you saying Netflix currently uploads new episodes? I've never seen anything past the first 18 episodes on Netflix...???

    3. Anonymous, I'm sorry. I meant to say "iTunes" instead of "Netflix." I'm not sure where "Netflix" came in... Perhaps wishful thinking by my typing fingers (who had a mind of their own)? lol... I wish Netflix had the updated series, now that the country in which I live has access to Netflix. It would save $1.99 an episode.

  15. The first time I heard the herding cats phase was last month when Toby Keith was describing the organizing the tornado relief concert in OK to reporters.

    It's different and how true it can be.

  16. Thank you for starting another post when there are more than 200 comments. I have difficulty loading them on my tablet.

  17. Kody made the herding cats comment when they moved robyn to lehi and they were all getting into vehicles and the big truck. Yes i think kody is nasty to christine..just watched first season and she was so devastated by kody marrying robyn

  18. Robyn is very smart to stay out of the sun and preserve her perfect complexion. You all say she's pale, but that's just her natural coloring, and she's not going to be carrying around creases at her eyes and mouth cause she is staying out of the hot sun. Look at Meri with her face tan is going to be the opposite.

    1. Perfect complexion? Really?

    2. I don't think her complexion is "perfect" at all. And close-up pics of her show major, major crows feet and frown lines in her forehead that you could house a small family in. Looking anemic or ghostly is not the picture of health.

    3. You're right about the health benefits of staying out of the sun. But we can't say she won't have creases - she already does. It's partially hereditary and there's not much you can do about it!

    4. Perfect complexion? Yeah, she isn't going to have as much sun damage but her skin is awful! She looks older then her years and those forehead lines indicate a blocked colon. None of these women look healthy and I am not just talking about their weight. They all look miserable and nutrient deprived. Is that green goo they are selling doing anything???

    5. I don't agree that Robyn has a perfect complexion. Janelle has a very pale complexion, but to me hers looks smoother and healthier. During the MSWC smack-down meeting, Robyn simply looked unwell...her skin wasn't just light, it looked almost gray and she had a lot of bumps on the forehead, shadows under the eyes, and her hair looked greasy. She said in their book that she doesn't have great eating habits and is perenially anemic...she LOOKS anemic, to me, and is developing the same lines on the face that the rest of these stressed out women sport.

    6. Robyn has stated in one of her blogs that she and her daughter Breanna are hypoglycemic, which means she has a blood glucose disorder. In persons with the disorder, they must eat plenty of foods high in carbs and dextrose to prevent a low blood sugar crash. I also think it makes her look ill.

    7. I personally feel that she has more than just hypoglycemia. That is usually a symptom of something more severe. I think she probably has celiac or is at the very least, gluten intolerant. She said most foods repulse her and she never feels hungry, but she knows she should eat. If you feel like crap immediately after eating it is usually because you are having an actual physical reaction to the ingredients you just ingested. I hope she can figure it out sooner rather than later, because it sucks to feel like crap all the time and not know why.

  19. I re watched the first season last night and she looked like such a child and laughed like a child..she seemed intimidated by janelle. That whole thing really hurt was hard to watch her pain..i also figured out the robyn coming into the family story was already going on before filming so the last part of christines pregnancy she was dealing with heartbreak.

    1. I get the feeling Christine was (or thought she was) the favorite wife prior to Robyn's arrival. As a willing adult in this crazy marriage Christine knew another wife was a possibility. All I can feel for her and Janelle when they look defeated or heartbroken is pity. I hope they find strength within themselves to some day go off on their own and start anew. Preferably without a man until they heal and regain a sense of who they are and what they deserve in life and love.

    2. After 16 years I suspect Christine (and maybe Janelle) felt another wife was a very remote possibility. I don't remember from their book, but did they "court" any other potential wives during those years? It's almost as if Kody and Meri had a joint mid-life crisis and solved it by getting a new wife, at the expense of the rest of the family. A plyg doesn't have an affair, he brings in a new (younger, "prettier") wife.

  20. These people should build 1 large home like the duggers.i can see them coming apart.If they are one family then act like it and support that family. Kody Is some kind of guy,losing his hair,he needs a hair cut. It is not in style.All the children need to live in one house.It would be a lot cheaper,If they are all married to kody then act like it. they are now 4 families that are falling apart. May God Bless each and everyone.

    1. They can't finance the building of one large home. Also, they already own one large home back in Utah.

  21. I looked at the article about the Browns on Love Times Three and all that caught my interest was that whoever wrote it needs to review the use of apostrophes----three times the article mentions "the Brown's." ARGHHHH! It should read "the Browns." That kind of error drives me bonkers! Also, why isn't it Love Times Four---since there are 4 adults? :-)

    1. It's the same reason why Sister Wives is really all about Kody. Joe Darger is the center of his 3 wives universe. It must be some kind of macho polygamist thing.

  22. I love Christine and Janelle. It makes me so upset the way Jody treats them, especially Christine. And am I the only one bothered by the fact that in almost all pictures you see Solomon but never Truely. I get the impression he doesn't want wife number 2 & 3.

    1. I think we have seen more pictures of Kody with Sol than with all of his other kids combined, except Mariah. When the next kid comes Sol will just become an afterthought as well. Kody is all about the moment. If he ever gets a fifth wife, Robyn will be an afterthought too.

    2. It is quite obvious. Sol is a boy. Truely is a girl. Boys have much higher status in this culture, and are more worth celebrating.

  23. I also watched the first episode from season 1 last and it was so sad, I believe in the beginning they either faked it good or sincerely cared about the family. Kody told everyone goodnight, saw Janelle every morning before she went to work, kids running back and forth from apartments and they had dinner together at least 3 times a week. I am not really sure if it was the move or Robyn that changed so much of this family but truly saddens me for the kids

    1. I think they were on their best behavior for the first few eps...that said even Kody seemed to have more natural energy, he's never been my cuppa tea but in his first ep showing him driving to work, talking about his job, he had a real seemingly genuine enthusiasm that's been missing for the longest time. I wonder if he realizes that they were happier back then...?

    2. The move from Lehi and Robyn entering the family was the beginning of the end for them. They were happier in Lehi, they had their own spaces in the house but they also were closer to Kody daily. Robyn entering the family has brought jealousy and hard feelings as well as 3 extra stepkids, taken time away from Kody, strained their finances, and added her bad credit. I really don't understand why the wives agreed to her joining the family. I bet Christine wishes she could turn back time and reject her.

  24. I agree with not posting negatives about the children even if they are done with high school, etc..

    I love the ideal of a spin off Janelle and Christine real estate endeavour!
    Also, it was nice to see aprons on their web site. Cute pic of Christine and her daughter.

    To keep the ratings up, I wouldn't be surprised if Kody added a 5th wife. Personally, I wouls rather he invest theeffort to reconnect with Christine. They need some time to themselves minus everyone else.

    1. in re watching season 1 when meri was talking about robyn and "the big announcement" meri states that she was looking forward to having a close relationship with a sisterwife, that she had never had that..HELLO shes had sisterwifes for 16 years..which made the whole intro to their show yes it was fake it till you make it with christine and janell..janelle just finding her original wedding ring set recently..seems these ladies never did get along..meri had a bigger apartment even in lehi so i believe she always got more than the other wives...

  25. It just occurred to me that Robyn didn't identify the "worthy cause" she donated her budget items to.

    1. Since she said it was related to a family reunion, I'd guess maybe a family member suffers or suffered from a disease for which they're raising money. I think it's a nice thing to do. Good for her.

    2. I doubt they'll ever be able to sell that budget joolery. They won't disclose the material and they don't tell the size. They look so small and just one tiny charm of mystery metal is $12.99 plus shipping! That's not a bargain...shame on them.

  26. What happened to the family mission statement?

    1. They haven't figured out a way to sell it on their website yet, so it's a low priority.

    2. How about, "just open your wallets" for a good family mission statement?

    3. Brown family mission statement = "Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme!!!!"

  27. The sad thing, is for the cost of one of those McMansions they could have majorly updated their Lehi house to accommodate all of them very comfortably. for 450,000 they could have totally redesigned that home and only have the one mortgage. All each apartment needs is a kitchenette and then have an industrial style main house kitchen like the Duggars have. I can't help but believe their opportunities for "regular" employment are much better in Utah, because Polygamy is so common there.

    1. I agree with you, bamaview. Those homes are nothing more than money pits for the family. Either they are in denial about where the money is going to come from or they know that it is just temporary so they will live the life while they can.

      I know somebody mentioned the property tax on each home being around $2,000.00/yr. I live in LV and our property tax comes to about $2,000.00/yr on a much smaller, much less expensive home. I went to the Assessor's website to see what the exact amount is on each home and it's actually $5,300/yr per house. According to the Assessor's page, they will each owe $1,340.00 for property tax as of Aug. 19th. $1,340.00 doesn't sound too bad until you figure they have to multiply it by four and really owe $5,360.00 in total.

    2. I just watched the sneak peek on TLC's website of tonight's episode. Kody, Meri and Mariah travel to Utah to tour colleges and stop off at the old Lehi house. Kody says he's ready to move on and sell it.

      So does anyone know? Is the house actually on the real estate market?

    3. Do you guys think Janelle, Meri, and Kody who are all on the deed from the Lehi house are going to share the money with Christine and Robyn or just split among themselves if they do sell it?

    4. My understanding is that they are upside down in IF they're able to somehow sell it (maybe a short sale?), I doubt there will be any money for anyone to split.

    5. Anonymous 6:27 -

      I'm the one who made the guesstimate on the taxes, based on the district they live in and the taxable value of the houses that I saw on the assessor's website. However, figuring out taxes is NOT an area in which I specialize (it involves NUMBERS) . . . so you may well be right. I thought the $2,000 figure was low. We live in Phoenix in a house that's worth less than half of what they paid, and our taxes are about $1,600.

      Whatever the taxes are, it seems like they're going to be hard-pressed to pay them, unless they have resources that are not evident to the rest of the world. People who have money to pay their taxes don't forgo car insurance or paying hospital bills.

    6. Is there state income tax in Nevada? In Texas there is not, so school districts are funded by higher property taxes. A $450,000 house would cost close to $15K in property taxes each year in a home located near a metropolis area, in the country the taxes might be half that price, but still a big chunk of change.

    7. This ep was filmed almost a year ago. I've not seen any indication of the Lehi home on the market.

      Score another one for Kody talking out of his ass, yet again.

    8. There is no state income tax in Nevada. From what I know property taxes are not exorbitant by any means (we rent our home, so I have no idea what the actual property taxes are in Clark County). The money from the casinos supposedly offsets the loss of Nevadans having to pay income tax.

    9. Property taxes aren't cost prohibitive in NV, providing that a home owner buys within their means. If a owner/buyer can, realistically, afford two million dollars in property, then they should be able to afford the property taxes on it/them (about $21,000/yr in the Brown's case). However, the Browns (IMHO)never should have qualified for the homes in the first place based on their income and credit history.

      Just what LV needs, four more McMansions going into foreclosure.....

    10. I talked to someone last week who's spouse is ex-FLDS and was told that the church has probably helped with the house purchases. I know we've all speculated on how they've managed to get these 4 homes with apparently no income outside of the show and that makes a lot of sense to me. Now is this reality? I don't know.

    11. My guess is that TLC must be buying these houses. There is no way they can afford it. Its just part of the show.

  28. Does anyone believe that these women, any combination of them, would or could go back to living in the same dwelling ?? Be it Janelle and Christine, Mari and Sobbin or all of them together?? I don't see it ever reversing.

    Once they left the combo house in Lehi, not only the women, but also the children, had their "own" house. I don't think any of them could go back to communal living.

    They knew that leaving for Vegas was to be about splitting up, whether it was rentals or the McMansions. But they did it anyway...maybe even deliberately.
    Whether for a plot line for the Show or just because they were not as happy and love-multiplied as they presented for the show's opening bit, they have created their own spin.

    As many here have said, Kody and CO. call themselves devotees to the "Principle."
    However, Kody and his wives have their own version, and they make no explanations for their departure from the usual Plyg process, beyond saying when pressed, "we miss our closeness." ???
    Apparently, living across the driveways in their many-roomed McMansions is to be their new normal for closeness.

    1. No, I do not think they will ever go back to living together as one big family, not the 4 wives at least. Maybe Janelle and Christine would live together, but I don't see them living with Robyn. I don't think Robyn and Meri could make it if they lived together either. I could see 3 of them possibly moving back into the Lehi house together, but Meri won't have that. Meri is going to live on her own for the rest of her life.

      As for the wives sharing THEIR paychecks in the future, not going to happen. I believe it is each wife for herself now. Janelle might help out Christine for all they have done for each other in the past, but does anyone see Christine or Janelle giving their money to Robyn or Meri in the future? I sure don't.

      What happens if Kody takes a fifth wife, as I believe he plans on? Is Meri going to share her house? The future God is not done having kids, and at most Robyn is only going to give him 4-6 more. He probably thinks he needs at least a dozen more.

      Most importantly, I really hope that the kids are getting a cut of the money from filming this show. The parents better not be taking all of the money. They have portrayed some of the kids in a less than flattering light, and they deserve to get paid for having their privacy taken away from them.

    2. "They have portrayed some of the kids in a less than flattering light, and they deserve to get paid for having their privacy taken away from them."

      Very true. Can only imagine the resentment that is stirring even now but likely will surface later on for some of these kids.

      And Kody is not the only one culpable in this. The mothers have been there all along too.
      I was thinking that when seeing the pic of Kody watching the episode with that other man. Did he have even a twinge of guilt watching his sons portrayed like that? Or was he clueless about how his sons would feel having the world's camera in their bedroom for that situation. Not to mention Kody watching his own utterly useless demeanor.

    3. As far as renumeration, from everything I've read about reality families on TLC the whole family gets a lump sum. I doubt that the Browns are any different.

  29. Dargers tweeted that the women are on a road trip and Joe is at home with the kids. Can you imagine the Browns doing this? It would make for a couple of interesting episodes.

    1. That's because the Dargers are REAL sister wives, and Joe is a REAL father.

  30. Amused, I agree I don't think they ever "want" to live together, but what happens when they can't pay for these big houses. Do they go back to separate 3 bedroom rentals where each wife goes out and gets a normal 40 hr a week job and lives like the rest of us single moms. I'm sure Robyn will keep pumping out babies for a while so she won't have to work, you know daycare will be more than she makes so Kody will have to devote his paycheck to Robyns household and upkeep. Even if these Mansions were paid for, after the show goes off the air, they are going to have a hard time just with monthly expenses on 4 of these houses.

    1. Wouldn't it be so typical of them all if the plan is to keep this wretched show going right up to and including when their private financing runs out and they DO lose the houses??? Made-for-TV drama.

      That way the TLC/F8 money would keep coming, and even though it wouldn't cover paying the debts AND maintaining the houses, it would be enough for down-sized rentals again. And for more drama.

    2. Robyn will keep cranking out the babies until Cody gets wife No. 5 when Robynne hits the dredded way too much over 30 line. That would be some interesting episodes, especially when Cody moves the new wife into a home with one of the other wives. :D

      I really came here to find out if they have actually moved into these homes. Does anyone know if they got them, and if so, did they get all four? What happened to the wet bar for a non-alcohol family? :D Ok, that last question was meant to be ridiculous.

    3. Each household is going to need an average of $8,000 per month for mortgage and living expenses, and that's not including college tuition, medical expenses, MSWC expenses, and other extraordinary expenses. Possibly Meri could do with less, but given the mortgage expenses and utilities, I think $8,000 per household is a conservative estimate. If I'm right, that's a minimum of $32,000 per month that these families will need. No way will the jewelry business turn that kind of profit per month anytime in the near future.

    4. Yes, they moved into the houses the week before Christmas. All four of them.

    5. Yes they got the homes by the skin of their teeth apparently and I think 3 of the 4 were able to move in by Christmas.

      On tonight's episode Meri gets to see her beloved wet bar and I about peed my pants at her reaction. She says "oh my wet bar!" I have a feeling her wet bar may have made her....well, ummmm....wet. I could be wrong.

    6. OMG Vegas Mom! That's so wrong, but so funny!

  31. I think both Meri & Janelle have said it will be hard for them just living on th cul de sac. In the same house, don't think so. Robyn never did live with the SW. Kody is a joke, move on? He never had any intention of moving back to Lehi.
    I hope he doesn't take another wife or have more children. The family he has need more of him, not less

  32. Just curious - how can this group of yo-yos even call themselves Plygs anymore considering they are all going their separate ways, living in their own homes, it doesn't seem the wives share in the community workload (meaning, one wife helping another with childcare, etc), Cody is hopping from bed to bed and is not able to spend quality time with his brood of children on a regular (daily/nightly) basis. How can this show even continue? They don't live like true "sisterwives" who live under the same roof and work TOGETHER to SHARE the roles of child care, childrearing, cooking, cleaning, etc. They're not even on the same page when it comes to selling their iconic joolery. So their Plyg lifestyle doesn't even exist any longer. So what is the point of the show continuing?

  33. It was unrealistic for Christine to believe she could every be successful at selling real estate. Anyone with a brain should know that most of the work (selling/open houses, etc.) needs to be done on week-ends and evenings. All of a sudden she had this five o'clock surprise. OMG, I can't work those hours, I'm a mom and I need to be home with the kids. This makes as much sense as wanting to be a brain surgeon.

    As for that closet crap, this is too specific to their live style (not religion). If it were more generic, they might have more of an audience for the stuff. Robin wants to be a surrogate for Meri so she won't have to work. As far as only having 3 dates with Kody without Sol how may ordinary couples get away for dates, not to mention dates without a kid.

    Meri should count her blessings that she will have more freedom after her kids goes off to school (and she won't have to share the wonderful Kody with anyone on her days).

    Pull the plug already.

  34. poor christene.. a touch of powder or omething..the red nose is so distracing..allergies? im surprised tlc lets them go on camera looking like that..watched the natalie morales interview after season one last night and all of the sister wives had beautiful makeup. christine find some powder..janele is so pretty with makeup..they dont give anything their all anymore.

  35. Christine has a bad attitude and so does janelle about MSWC because they think of it as robyns business and they dont like robyn..shes kodys favorite and it shows..
    Christine could give a rats ass about robyn and i know gina wilson was maufacturing their sure the cost of goods went down with her but the browns did not lower the price as a result..robyn is trying to gain a relationship with her sisterwifes thru this business and they could care less.

  36. SWC is Robin's baby. I don't feel any of the wives should be pressured into supporting that business. If Janell has a passion to do something else, perhaps she will thrive and be more successful with something of her own choosing.

  37. It is so frustrating to watch Robyn pressure them into doing what she want's to do. Why can't she and Meri go off and work on this together and strengthen their odd relationship. It is just so unrealistic to think they will survive off of the jewelry business with 2 Million dollars worth of homes, wake up and starting living in the real world people, come on! Jenelle go and become a realtor and leave this crappy situation you have gotten yourself into and take Christine with you please! Great for Logan getting away from his family and trying to find himself, I hope more of the teens follow his path which is seems like most are except for Maraiah which I'm sure Meri is thrilled about. Did anyone else get the feeling that she was mad that Jenelle got an uprade in her house and that she did not? Omg and when she saw that wet bar I thought she was going to throw herself on it lol. I was so hoping that they would of screwed up and not added her stupid wet bar but we all know she wouldn't of let that happen.

    1. Meri caressing the new wetbar was so bizarre...she's obsessed with that extra counter & little sink. I think being on tv and having some cash has driven them all mad.

    2. I'm wondering if Meri even has any idea what a wet bar is supposed to be used for. What does she think it is, a place to get a drink of water or something? Why did she really want it? I'm truly puzzled by her obsession. She has an empty nest basically, perhaps she should try getting a job instead of adding another baby.

    3. I don't understand why they need 5 adults for such a small business. Apart from sourcing a new jewelry maker, frumpy t-shirts and aprons, what exactly needs to be done? If they need to package up the jewelry to mail out, there are a multitude of kids old enough to help out. It makes no sense for everyone to abandon their own job prospects for a tiny home-based business. Five adults wasting a whole day and selling less than 20 items is unproductive and stupid. They seemed to have things better organized when they were in Lehi. Meri, Jenelle and Kody worked and Christine did what she does best -- take care if the kids.

    4. Meri 'says' that she does a lot of entertaining (yeah right!) and needs the space that the wet bar offers to put things like pastries on Christmas. LOL
      Figure out that logic.

  38. these people need some new mortgage payments yikes..i wish i had a tv show to beg for rent..thats all they ever do..the negative begging schtick is old news...try buying a house that dosnt require begging...its so pitiful

  39. So...Mariah wants to go to a small private school where she will also pay out of state tuition. (They have lived in Nevada for 2 years....she is considered out of state). That is insane and just shows you how out of touch this bunch is. Kody was actually making sense trying to get her to look at UNLV. It's in state tuition and she could live at home for free! You know she will have to take out student loans because this family is more concerned with keeping up with the jonses than saving for their children's education. She needs to choose wisely to avoid a lot of debt. I really feel sorry for their kids....ALL of them.

    1. Maybe she can get a dorm with a wet bar. :D Seriously though, she may just want to get away and get back with her friends.

    2. Whether you live in state or out of state, tuition is the same for private schools.

    3. She will have to pay room and board for being out state, but she could do that in Nevada. Private school is much more expensive than public but there is no tuition difference based in residency. For a public school there would be. If she wanted to go to a public university in UT she would pay more than a resident of UT. She would pay $24,000 for the university of Utah because she is in vegas. Tuition and fees for the private school is $28,000. Room and board for both places. It's a wash. If she went to state school in nevada shed spend $6,000 in tuition per year. Medical school is hundreds of thousands of dollars before she is done. I doubt that the family is going to foot the bill. In the LDS world, which they are not, it's common for university students to marry before school is out and to establish a family. There might be savings for college done by the family and the student themselves, but it's not the norm for parents to cover tuition and living throughout the college years, at least for all of them.

      Robyn has no business sense. Even if it takes off for a few years they will have sold everything to anyone who is going to buy the stuff off their few years of fame. This isn't long term. It's a fine side thing for her. But it doesn't require 5 adults living and breathing it. It would never be popular enough for 5 adults working on it full time. Her responses to the others remind me of the playground in elementary school. The popular girl only happy if they are getting their way. Intent on making those uninterested on their side or bullied. It's not rude to say its not profitable enough for 5 adults to depend on this for their main income. It's math. Why are they afraid to get typical jobs? Is it cause your creditors could garnish your pay?

    4. Private schools don't usually have in and out of state tuition differences. Don't know for sure about this school...

    5. Tuition at Westminster runs about 30k per year, with no out of state tuition premium, and housing is around 8k on top of that. They offer many different types of scholarships that help a little, and it sounds like Mariah did well in High School, so she should qualify for something. It's a good school, and I hope things work out for her.

      That being said, I wonder how the kids' education will be paid for when the show is cancelled? My husband and I have 5 kids in college, and we only pay half of their tuitions ( we think they should be personally vested and pay the other half thru work or scholarships), and it sets us back around 17,000 per semester. They could potentially have more than five kids at a time in college. Good luck with that!

      I was disgusted with the attitude that Cody, Meri, and Mariah showed toward their Lehi home. Granted, it doesn't compare with the views of the shiny stainless steel appliances and granite we saw in the McMansions, but it is a home I would be proud to call mine. It's certainly a step up from the mobile homes or subsidized apartments that await them in the future.

      I live in beautiful Suncrest, Utah, which is literally 5 miles up the mountain from Lehi, Utah. I giggle at the things you find strange that we see here every day. For one, because of the modesty issues inherent in all versions of the LDS faith, it's very common to see layered t-shirts under other blouses. People really do speak like Robyn ( hell=hail, fell=fail, fillings=feelings, etc.). And you would be astounded how many blue eyed blondes live in Utah County. No surprise to me how much Kody and crew look alike.

      My hubby wandered through as tonight's episode was wrapping up and he commented that my "fun was over for this week." With SWB this week's fun is only beginning....mmmwwwwaaahhhahaha!

    6. I think Mariah should stay in Nevada, enroll at CSN and take courses to be a medical assistant. She could get a job in a pediatrician's office (that's her dream, right? To be a pediatrician?)after working there for a year, she'll realize how much work is actually involved and GASP! maybe seeing some really horrific things in the process, I guess she never considered that before? They are so just so naive and they're passing it on to their children.

    7. I wonder how the kids feel knowing that their parents won't pay for college but will build 2 million dollars worth of houses for themselves.

  40. I think that if they lower the prices on their jewelry they would get some sold.I feel sorry for the girls all they want to do is put their kids thru school and have a decent life like the rest of us.I feel sorry for the girls I know people will disahree with me but these women and family are a big inspiration to me not only in their faith but family.

    1. What exactly is it about them that inspires you. We must not be watching the same show. I have nothing against this family but they do not inspire me one bit. I could care less that they all sleep with the same man. If they want this gross lifestyle I don't care. I just don't feel that they are being honest. Their little fame has gone to their heads. It is hard to respect this way of living. I am sure that what we see on tv is designed for drama. They are only in this for the money. I would never subject my children to this nightmare. We all know that they moved into the homes last Christmas. Why do they continue to make it seem like they just had to be in the homes by Christmas. I am sick of their whining. Their crappy jewelry will not pay for 4 homes. I doubt if it could pay for just 1. Robin is delusional. What planet is she on. I see nothing about this family that inspires me. Please enlighten us to the qualities you see in these women. Hell, they don't even like each other.

    2. How can you feel sorry for them? They chose their lifestyle, it was not forced upon them. Maybe they didn't realize how difficult it really would be, but come on, to feel sorry for them? Not realistic.

    3. Have a decent life like the rest of us? No, they seem to want way beyond what the rest of us have. But they seem to have the impression it should just be given to them. Most of us who watch their show do not have houses like that. Or manicures and tropical vacations. Nothing wrong with wanting those things. But usually people have to WORK for those things.

    4. They don't work, overspend, have had multiple bankruptcies, welch on their creditors, pay for lavish lifestyles (manicures, trips) while refusing to pay their current debts, bought four McMansions they don't know how to pay for on INTEREST ONLY loans, yet want scholarships so that someone else covers their kids' tuitions. Kody has man toys (motorcycles, convertible sports cars, guns etc) while his baby mommas are driving on bald tires. They have been TWO years in Nevada and none of them has gotten a real job. And Kody pays ZERO attention to most of his 14 children. What exactly do you find admirable about this crew?

  41. To "AnonymousAugust 5, 2013 at 12:22 AM" ---- what inspires you? Their past history of several bankruptcies?.....or the wives (not legally married to Kody) scamming the system for food stamps under the guise of being a "single Mom"?.....or the fact that they've chosen to bring this many kids into the world but never had the forethought to save for their childrens' educations years ago?...or the fact that their children have had NO SAY about having their private homelives broadcast on national TV?...or the fact that the kids have 5 parents who collectively don't have the business or financial smarts to provide a secure steady income for their large family? (what happens when TLC cuts their show? as you know it's not going to go on until the youngest is graduation from high school). I would be mortified if my parents went onto national TV and whined about mortgage payments on huge McMansions and how nobody would buy their tacky overpriced jewelry. None of the wives truly love one another. Kody is like the big goofy uncle who pops in from time to time to roll around and goof off with the kids. Sorry but what is there to be inspired by?

  42. The more I watch the Browns' unrealistice lifestyle, the more convinced I am that a good part of it is part of the storyline to keep up the interest in the show. Are we honestly supposed to believe that children who grew up on welfare don't consider the beautiful rental homes they're now in a home? If they don't, it's because their parents keep pointing it out. And as far as the adult not working, they all have a high paying job--it's called being a reality TV star! They may not be the Kardashians yet, but I'm sure they fully expect to be in the near future which is why they feel the need for the McMansions that have over 1,000 sq. ft. of living space per person at 7,000 sq ft each! When the TLC gravy trains ends, they're going to have to close off most of the house in the summer and winter as they won't be able to afford the utilities otherwise.

    1. I think the kids felt like the rentals weren't home because their parents kept saying so. The parents go on and on about wanting to be in the new homes with desperation in their voices. The kids have just picked up on that. I don't think they don't like the rentals. I think the kids have just come to think of them as temporary.

  43. I think they should charge mariah rent. Fair is fair. Meri sits alone in the biggest house of them all. Now mariah takes the old house. Kids dont matter.

    1. I don't think they had decided she was going to live there, I thought they decided to sell it. I thought it scripted drama, oh I miss the house and my roots so much, but we moved on?

  44. Just went to the TMI Realty website. And though Janelle and Christine are listed there as Agents, I searched through the 3 pages of listings that TMI has and neither of them have even ONE listing. So it would appear that there's something sketchy here. And I see what appears to be a new realtor, Rebecca Brown. Related?

  45. I just finished watching the new episode.

    Honestly, somebody in production has GOT to be reading this blog. So many of the things we comment on, lo and behold, appear in episodes.

    - How's Logan doing at college?
    - Kody never seems to be involved with his kids.
    - Why don't they focus more on Janelle and her weight loss struggles?
    - Kody never seems to interact with Christine unless he's putting her down.

    All of these things were addressed in the new episode.

    Now, I REALLY think the Browns should get a pet elephant. LOL.

  46. Has anybody ever noticed or brought up......that realtor Mona's Facebook page shows her name as Mona Brown Riekki? Think she's related to Kody Brown? I know Brown is a super popular surname but just wondering if she's some kind of relative and as such she was able to pull some strings for the Kody Klan so that they were able to build/buy their McMansions?

  47. Do Fundamentalists drink alcohol? Wet bar obsession is strange.

    Logan seems put together. Real estate in Las Vegas is not that expensive. Maybe $250,000 for each house.

    1. It's public record. The houses cost about $450,000 each.

  48. I think individually each of the women on the show is a nice person (a bit debatable about Meri), but basically if you knew each of them separately and outside the context of the show, you might want to be friends with them. Their desire for the best for their kids is genuine, I agree with you anon 12:22. But when you put the women together, it's a cocktail that doesn't work well, and it hurts the kids. And it's hard for many of us to understand why they don't disengage from the cocktail. That's why some of us will probably disagree with you, anon. As for their faith, I wish they did a better job of explaining it on the show. I try not to be judgmental of their choices, recognizing that they make certain decisions out of their faith. But I don't really know what their faith is or why their faith leads them to make the choices that they do.

    1. I have met Janelle, Christine & Kody. I was in the same room as Meri, but she was very stand-offish and didn't really mingle with people in the room. She seemed very self-conscious.

      I chatted with Janelle at a LIV meeting and she was very nice and personable. I spoke with her and Christine at the expo they showed on tonight's episode at the South Point in LV. Christine was lovely and chatted with me and my daughters for quite a while.

  49. I loved hearing from the teens in tonight's episode. Hunter didn't say anything but was there to support Mykelti on the couch session. I agree with Madisson and Aspyn, Mykelti doesn't seem as much of a wild child. And good for her for getting focused and persuing her dreams now! Aspyn is such a lovely girl. She never comes across as too judgmental, she's just going to do her own thing, wherever that takes her. I really don't see her picking up plural marriage. No doubt she doesn't want to say the wrong thing on TV that could upset her mother. I just think all the teens, Logan too, have so much class.

  50. I cant wait for the Browns to get their "frumpy line" out. I really want a frumpy shirt, a frumpy skirt and maybe a frumpy bag too.

  51. Well, it looks like Wolfman Kody says something in next week's episode that makes Janelle cry.

    I've got some great ideas for t-shirts for MSWC. How about this: "See Kody loaf. See Meri bitch. Run, Janelle, run." or just a simple "Free Janelle!"

    I'm still hanging on to the theory that Janelle will bail when the kids are grown. Maybe then she can hook up with her nice personal trainer who gives her more support and encouragement in a one hour training session than Kodouche has probably given her in 18 (?) years of "marriage."

  52. I wonder how smart it is to tell the world where their children are going to school. The whole are fundamentalists accepted at this school was unnecessary. If they were concerned then don't broadcast where your daughter is going. Kody just made it harder for any of them to have a normal college experience.

    Asking the lady at the university did she know what fundamentalist are... so stupid. Unless she has been living under a rock, being from Utah... she knows.

    No matter where he goes or who he meets, Kody has to broadcast his life style. I believe he does it for "shock" value, not because he wants to enlighten people.
    Boring episode.

    1. Well said!!!!! You have me laughing at this post!!! You nailed it!!!!

    2. I honestly wonder if the Kodster isn't hoping that the schools will offer some "extra" funding for his kids in exchange for the free publicity they are receiving from the show.

    3. There was no reason to bring it up polygamy at the college other than to get attention for Kody. If he was really concerned about Mariah, he wouldn't be on national television discussing his sexual arrangements. I have been working at a university for 30 years and I can say that the parents' sex lives are a non-issue.

    4. Soooo....they have to get permission to film these people, i.e. admissions counselor, climbing instructor, and disclose the show is called "Sister Wives", but I'll bet they just think its a show about "besties" who buy each other jooleree. Whaaaat? Polygamists? No waaaaay!

    5. So artificial and staged. The Director of Admissions would never meet with a potential first year student -- of course she would have known who they were and would have met with them for PR purposes and to ensure that what was said would be non-controversial. Asking on camera whether a school has a problem with their religion is also dumb. No one would ever publicly say that they discriminate against a religion, gender, disability, or ethnicity. Anonymous 1:59 -- I also have worked at a college for almost 30 years and I agree no one's sex life is discussed or factored into the admissions process. Shouldn't have even been brought up. I enjoy watching the teens checking out colleges/universities, but I wish they would cut the crap.

  53. Meri acted like a spoiled child when the teacher came over and dared to mention to Mariah that if she is a pediatrician she might have to deal with a child who dies. I know it isn't a happy thought and none of us want to think about it but he just wanted her to be realistic and it was like Meri didn't get it at all! And Mariah certainly doesn't!

  54. I thought this show was the most boring ever!!! Same oh. One week Logan is thinking of moving home, the next not. They can't even get these stories straight. Robyn, shut the f$&@up!!!!!

  55. I find this season to be a bore!!!! Next weeks episode looks better, a possible jealousy issue between the wives after Kody tells Sobbin she is too beautiful to cook- what a loser he is!!! I wonder who his favourite wife will be once Janelle loses all of her weight.

    1. And next week more bore about the houses and mortages. Broken record.

    2. Yes!! You are right!! Wishfull thinking on my part for something exciting to happen!!
      Thankyou for the reply :)

  56. I’ve been having a tough time with depression, weight gain, and some health issues (I have a “simple cyst” on my right ovary and found out I have a benign fat tumor under my right rib cage. This blog cheers me up and I need the snarkiness. I’m hoping I can get my weight under control and lose the needed 80 lbs to feel healthier, and nip the depression in the rear – but I just wanted to tell you all thank you!

  57. If the "I want to live at home to save $" doesn't come right out of Logan's mouth, then I don't believe it for a minute. I can envision the scenario as it probably happened:

    Kody or selected wife who has a vested interest in Logan being there to re-assume his role as Mr. Nanny says to Logan with a heavy sigh "your brothers and sisters MISS you and NEED you to be here all the time, and we got this BIG ASS house and made sure there would be a bedroom *just for you*." (i.e. playing the passive-aggressive guilt card)

    (At this point Robyn bursts into tears, Christine sniffles, and Janelle maintains a stoic silence. Meri's nowhere to be around since she doesn't have a need for a babysitter and she's scrapbooking her wetbar anyway.)

    Logan says just to stop the nagging: "But I'm really enjoying being on my own and having my own space and making new non-plyg friends...(sees look on faces again) Well...maybe I MIGHT consider living at home to save a few bucks...mmmmmmaybe..."

    Kody and wives smile, tears magically disappear because they consider that an absolute positive YES - that Logan IS MOVING BACK HOME to be in his own room, and oh make sure he comes home RIGHT AFTER HIS LAST CLASS because Robyn has a standing nail appointment and needs someone to watch Sol and her other kids for a couple hours...and Kody is happy that they will have Logan around to lend an additional plot line and keep their tired series cranking for another season or more...Janelle is on the fence because she misses her eldest son but she is happy to see him on his own but...

    and inwardly Logan rolls his eyes and sends a prayer to Yahweh to get him out of this crazy family...

  58. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Janelle wanted girl power for the closet when she talked to robyn last week..remeber? she didnt want kody in the business because she wanted a strong woman presence. and then she puts an apron on the web site? how empowering is that? the contradict themselves constantly and it shows in how they fumble the website

    2. Kody didn't bow out, so she had to go with it.

  59. The thing is we all still watch to see if something new is going to happen, which in turn gives them a high viewer rating, even though we are all checking in to see a train derailment.

    Can also just add:

    - Wow, that builder is getting worse by the week...who is overseeing the construction? Mickey Mouse??

    - Funny how the kids live a short drive from UNLV, yet want to live on campus...even though some amazing houses are being built for them to live in.

    - Why can't they just let Jenelle do her own thing with the Real Estate stuff???

    - Kody's hair is a riot!!!! His stylist is frizzing it out to add volume...sorry buddy, you are going can see that little patch in the front....growing it long doesn't mean you have a ton of it, it just means its long.

    - Of course the drama of them not sure if they get the houses is obviously for the show....cuz we all know they do...silly writers should have known these people would be tweeting pictures and making comments on social media, they need to get over it and on to the "Polyg Life"... I think we got the whole house idea!

    - I hated Christine surrendering to the MSWC pressure....holy cow, you took a step to a REAL business that would actually help your children and your future and threw it away.

    - I love Jenelle staying in the Real Estate biz, and throwing out there..."I still have my clothing line" :)

    -'s over, the only sure money is "Sisterwives TLC" money.

    - comment. My mama always told me.....etc.

  60. Perhaps you will see this comment and get yourselves a laugh. I initially a few years ago watched your show to look into polygamy that didn't resemble what I saw on the news. Now though I watch because there is such awful programming on TV that I can find nothing of value put out by Hollywood. Thus I sit like an idiot watching to see whether you guys got into at least one house for Xmas and pretend I'm watching entertainment on TV.

    I do have a question though. Had you not been fortunate to have gotten yourselves a successful show how would you have educated that large brood of kids? Even with scholarship help parents without a great deal of money cannot put the scholarship kids through school these days. And these are parents with normal sized families. I can see how the money from the show will help pay for the houses you are building but put what is it, 17? kids through college, wow that would be quite a lot of money.

  61. This show is getting more and more painful for me watch. During last night's show, I had an eye-ache from rolling my eyes at Kody! He is such a doofus and I will never in my life understand what Janelle and Christine see in that man! Maybe once upon a time they thought he was their knight in shining armor, but his armor rusted a LONG time ago, and now he's just a balding aging man, trying to hold on to a fantasy that only exists in his own mind! Surely they must see this because it scares me to think they can be THAT naive!

    Also, Robbin is too needy to be in a plural marriage! Period!! It seems like she can't decide which shirt to put on in the morning unless someone confirms for her that she made the right choice! She really needs to be in a monogamous relationship because she craves/needs the attention/affirmation.

    Merri just puzzles me. I wonder what the heck she does all day long, other than eat snacks and visit the tanning salon?? Also, since she and Robin are such good friends and since Mariah is on her way to college, why didn't they save a few hundred thousand dollars and have Merri just live with Robin? They could have even had an extra bedroom or whatever to make it work. I thought their whole lifestyle was supposed to be about doing what is best for the family, but that is not what is depicted on this show. This is a "dog-eat-dog" family where each wife has to struggle for her place in Kody's monarchy, and it is just STUPID!! I honesty look forward to the day this show is cancelled!

  62. So Janelle - who never cooks if she can help it - designed that awful apron-like thing. And someone overpriced it. Proof that NO ONE in this family has a clue about how to run a business.

  63. Is Kody auditioning for a moonlight gig with one of the Amish shows?
    Or is he just going for the look?

    In this episode his fluffed up, pageboy hairdo with that blue, long-sleeved, button-down shirt and dark vest looked right out of Amish country in PA. All he needed was the straight-brimmed straw hat.
    But then again, the Amish men do NOT get highlights put in their hair like our Kody/boy does.

    Finally figured out what is so different about Sobbin beyond her usual woe-is-me look.
    When her sister lived there, Sobbin's eyebrows were meticulously waxed and arched.
    Not so any more.

  64. thats right anon 1:59 and she wanted the website to be woman power business..they have no clue what to sell..they dont know who they are or what to brand themselves as other reality stars have done with success. Their ideas are flung out there with no research or really shows with the jewelry..they are mis representing the stuff in the fine jewelry category as it is not fine jewelry. Makes me so mad on that one as they didnt drop prices just re labeled. They have no original ideas
    and will have squandered this opportunity by spending it whinning over 4 over priced house with emotional deadlines..

  65. I don't understand and want to know why it took TLC 10 months to air this footage? They had to have shot this stuff in Oct2012, or early Nov2012 so why did they wait til the end of July to air it? It absolutely makes no sense and I can see how much it confuses some people by some of the comments. Try to remember everyone that the show they are watching is almost a year old from today.

  66. In response to all the comments regarding the Browns not paying for their childrens' higher education, I have to say...I'm not convinced that children are owed college tuition from their parents. Ya, I'm sure it's lovely if your parents can afford to pay for you to go to school. But, a lot of parents can't, no matter how hard they work (mine), and some parents think that the child should take ownership of their educaiton at the college level, as adults, and work/get grants/scholarships/loans to fund their education (or at least partially). So...I waffle as to whether I villianize the Browns if they are (most likely) not going to be able to fund 17 college educations.

    As a parent, I would certainly assist my child w/ college over having a wet bar, but those are MY priorities... Just not sure the children are OWED this particular thing. Idk, I knew my parents couldn't pay for my education, so I worked hard in school, got full scholarships to both undergrad and law school, worked part time for running money, and that was that.

  67. We all have opinions of this family, we've all made comments negative and positive about them. The adults leave me wanting to bang all their heads together but the kids, the kids just make me want to hug them all and tell them that things will get better once they leave. Can you seriously blame Mariah for wanting to be in UT and so far away from the chaos that is her family? Yes she might be Meri's only child but she's not an only child. She's one of 17 other kids in a massively disfunctional family that's on national TV for everyone to see, warts and all. Can you imagine the pain those older kids feel at reading and hearing all the comments made about their family? None of them had any control about going public but they have to live with the fallout from that bone headed decision. From what I've seen, I don't think Mariah is any more spoiled than my kid. I think we all need to try to see things from the kids points of view. They should all go to the college of their choice. How they pay for it is their concern. Parents don't owe their kids a college education. I had to pay my own way but it made me stick with my classes and not drop out of fail.

    Last nights episode showed more of the MSWC meeting from last week or the week before. This just proves to me that none of us really know what's going on. TLC just edits the footage for maximum entertainment value. I really think if any of us spent a day with a wife that things would be more harmonious than presented by TLC. Conflict has greater value than harmony with these shows. Don't we all know by know that reality tv isn't real?

    1. Great points, Sandy. I agree with you that reality tv isn't real, but there is something really off with the producers of Sister Wives trying to sell their form of reality to their audience. The manipulations of timeline (almost a year after the fact), ridiculous storylines long past their usefulness (Meri and surrogacy, and the McMansion saga) and the MSWC fiasco makes me wonder what the hell are the producers thinking about?

      Do they want viewers to lose interest and move on to the next flavor of the month reality show?

  68. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
