Friday, July 19, 2013

UPDATE!! New Season of Sister Wives Start On July 21st on TLC, but ....

watch it NOW on for $1.99 ($2.99 for HD), TLC OnDemand (check your cable provider) and FREE on ITunes.

That said, this morning I went searching on TLC's website for the two previews that are available on TLC OnDemand. I came up empty handed.

I mean, this show's new season premieres in less than a week, and the two previews aren't on their website? What gives?

Now, I wasn't shocked to see a plethora (Thanks, Meri) of stuff on Honey BooBoo, after all her show does premiere 7/17/13 on TLC. But nothing except old crap for the Browns...well, OK there was a video of the younger kids wishing their moms Happy Mother's Day. But nada on anything more recent.

So what am I supposed to do about this? Well, for the peeps who haven't seen the first episode yet, I will show you a few pictures of what you'll see.

The intervening months (heck, we are talking almost a year!) have not been kind to the sister wives.

Kody's looking kind of ragged, too.

Christine and Janelle look like they are only half-interested...(wink, wink)
The McMansions: Meri's and Janelle's (to the right)

A construction worker on top of Christine's McMansion

Kody and his Kodettes (plus Mona the real estate lady) taking a tour of one of the McMansions. Since no construction was going on, they didn't need their hard hats. Kody's hard hat couldn't fit on his big ol' head, anyway.

Can you guess what this business meeting was about?
 Robyn: It's called My Sister Wives' Closet, not Robyn's Closet! This is for our fammmleeeeesssss! (sniff, sniff).

Christine: I'm sorry, but this isn't what I signed up for.

Janelle: I'm sticking with real estate...thank you very much.

Meri: Robyn, I guess it's just me, you and Kody...

Kody: Ah....this sounds like work, count me OUT!

Meri and Robyn working on the MSWC sign at the Women's Expo

The family celebrating Sol's 1st birthday...I wonder if Truley got the same kind of celebration on her birthday?

And now from the ridiculous, to the outright nasty, I HAD to include some videos I found front and center on TLC's YouTube channel.

Warning, watch at your own risk, especially if you sensitive to sugar and butter overloads. I think even Christine can cook healthier than Mama June! Oh look, Mama June's kitchen is just as big as Meri's McMansion kitchen!

UPDATE 7/19/13

A few days ago, an anonymous Sister Wives Blog aficionado wrote:

...I am obsessed with Sobbins watch in the scene where she tried to sell the whole necklace set to a girl who (wisely) never came back. If anyone can identify it's make/model. I'd be appreciative. Also if anyone has a good screen shot of what I suspect is Koduchy Rolly I'd love to see that as well.............Thanks

Well, I used to have an eye for Rolex watches, but now my powers are kinda rusty. But I do agree with you that the watch Robyn is wearing is impressively big.

Here's some pictures:

So does anyone care to comment on the makes of these fine watches Kody and Robyn are wearing? And for the record, Meri, Janelle and Christine also were sporting some rather nice gold watches, too, so maybe Kody invested in some gold bling for all the wives.

Needless to say, those watches will not be making an appearance in the MSWC online catalog any time soon...

We are getting close to 200 comments, so please continue your discussion HERE.


  1. I have my DVR scheduled to record season 3 of Sister wives which airs starting 1pm on TLC. Not sure if it is the whole season though. Wish I knew for sure. At the time it aired it was split up. Like 3 and 3.5

  2. can we separate SW and HBB? I only come here for SW. To be fair it is called Sister Wives Blog. I don't watch or even care to read about HBB. if I did I would go to a blog for that.

    1. You know I hear what you're saying...


      I just spent a lot of time looking for those previews for Sister Wives and I needed a break. The videos not only grossed me out but still made me smile.

      As with any topic you don't care to read, feel free to skip the section after the words 'And now from the ridiculous..."

    2. Oh and I forgot the most important's to let everyone know this is a FREE DISCUSSION posting!!!!

      Thanks for your understanding!

    3. I enjoyed the sidetracked break thanks!

    4. I didn't watch the HBB clips, but I do appreciate the irony to which CJ is referring. Remember 3 years ago, SW was Top Dog at TLC, now it's like they've been pushed to the wayside while HBB gets THE BIG PUSH. They aren't idiots - TLC is using their formerly-popular show as a lead-in for the real stars of the show, at this time that would be HBB - there were TWO long promos for HBB on the Comcast OnDemand showing of the SW ep.

    5. No worries CJ, I'm sure that TLC will post the previews for this season at some point in the future. Like 2015.

    6. omg - Mama June and those non-stop constant sneezes make me lol every time. But i could have done without her schnoz-sucking sounds throughout the rest of the clip. ugh

    7. Those cooking videos are a hoot. I had to laugh when the cameraman asked her if she needed to put the tuna noodle casserole in the oven to bake. Nope, she said, she serves it just like this!

      Mama June sure knows her shortcuts!!!

  3. I find it telling that Meri's house is front and center in the cuddle-sac. Like, it's the first thing you will see when you drive up. I'm sure she has the best view of all of the other wives too, so she can watch them "coming and going." Weird.

    1. I think she wanted it that way. Remember when they were choosing the lots she specifically asked for lot #7 because Mariah supposedly didn't want the sun waking her up in the morning? That was just her way of getting the house with the best view of the rest of the wives' comings and goings. And you are right about the house position at the end of the cuddlesac to be the most impressive for future guests.

    2. Like meri needed a house that size for just her is ridiculous and selfish . I personally love how the dargers can live together and share a kitchen and don't need seperate mansions :)

    3. These houses are obscene. What did they need to build such huge houses for again? They just may alienate the rest of their audience when they see these houses. I would stop watching too if it weren't for this blog.

      It is very telling that TLC has no advertisements for the show. I have noticed a lack of ads too while watching TLC. I work out watching TLC shows, and they advertise for HBB, Cake Boss, Family SOS, and Breaking Amish like crazy, but I have only seen 2 advertisements for Sister Wives in the past month. I wonder if they really pissed someone at the network off, or if their ratings just aren't that great.

  4. I read on the Darger's blog (linked on the prior SWB entry) that people are going in droves to visit Centennial Park. There are people stating on the Darger's blog that they are meeting with CP's Brethren and even moving there!! I wonder if Uncle Art had any idea the craze they were going to start!!

    1. I read from a different source that the so called "Welcome to Centennial Park" sign was taken down due to the number of tourists wandering the streets of the town. It's kind of scary when you think about it....Who knows what kind of people CP has attracted because of Polygamy Usa show.

    2. People like that creepy guy who had dinner with his two wives at Isaiah's house. Stan I think his name was...

      You just KNOW there's gotta be some dateless creepsters that watched that scene and thought "hey if THAT guy can get some 18-19 year old to shack up with him, then *I* should move there and get me some young tail..."

      I mean. why would that girl fantasize about Stan?? Ew. (IMO that's what these "visions" the girls have are - semi-sexual fantasies) and I don't even want to think about doing the nasty with him. ugh.

    3. Hey, the CPs are missing a golden opportunity - or at least the Cawleys are. Forget about using the shipping containers for his Righteous Royal Seed - open up a B&B instead for all those tourists and offer the containers as rooms, including drinking water all the way from far off Colorado City. LOL

    4. omg! LOL - and i thought it'd be horrible to stay at the Bates Motel. i think i'd even rather do that than at the CREEPY CRAWLER CONTAINERS!! either one - i'd be up all night and no showers, thank you very much!

    5. i'll edit my name above for the Cawley B&B to the CREEPY CRAWLEY COMPOUND! (bring your own water) :)

    6. Anon 8:15 - As I live in Centennial Park I can attest that we do not have people here coming in droves to visit. We do have a few visitors who come to the community, especially to church, usually once or twice a month but thats it. Yes I also read on the Dargers blog that ONE couple is coming to visit CP in Sept. to meet the community and Brethern. While they state that they want to live here on their blog, I am sure that their visit here will be the deciding factor in that.

      CJ - There has never been a "so called "Welcome to Centennial Park" sign " at any time here. There was a sign just before the turnoff to here for Mt. Trumbull, the Airport and Centennial Park but it was taken down by ADOT when they repaved the road about 2 years ago and was never replaced. Back in March, ADOT finally put up a new sign up the airport only. We do have a large sign in the middle of town right out front of the Academy and church building but it depends on which way you come into CP as to whether you ever see it or not. Yeah, we do not have tourists wandering the streets of the town. CP is not a tourist attraction like Zion or the Grand Canyon which we happen to be located between. This is the high desert of northern Arizona, we are isolated from just about everything. Even I had an adjustment period of a few months when I moved here from the Salt Lake Valley. Now we had some tourists before 'Polygamy USA' aired because an ex-FLDS member tried to start up a polygamy bus tour company around the same time as the YFZ raid in TX. The tours lasted less than 2 months before it fizzled. And YES, it is kind of scary to think about what kind of people may be attracted to here because of Polygamy USA. We are a community of like-minded people living the gospel of Jesus Christ and edifying one another to do our best by Him and Heavenly Father. Living polygamy is a tenet of our religion. We are NOT practicing polygamy for polygamy's sake. But I have yet to see the cars of people lined up to get here like in the movie "Field of Dreams".

      DakotaJustice - actually there has been a B&B business plan developed by one of my BILs. But because of our water situation, Mohave County will not let the plan continue on farther than the development stage. We as a community have all the resources to let it happen, it is the bureaucracy of it all thats stopping its progression.

    7. rain,

      Thanks very much for the information about the lack of tourists, etc. I have been through CP many times for work. Just needed to be on that road to get where I was going. I can absolutely believe moving there had to be an adjustment!

      I appreciate your take on living in CP. I hope you return to join our discussions in the future :-)

  5. Okay, I have to know if those of you who watched the premiere episode early on On Demand, as I did, if you also watched the two, 3 minute clips of the housing situation, and the business situation. (they both had a title about both subjects, can't remember exact)...anyway, my Meris talking head interview, on one of these clips, (she was alone on the couch) she stated that she wonders, how when all the sisterwives are finally moved in, and are so close to one another, how they are going to react when they can just look out their window, and see what the other sisterwives actually do day to day, something to that effect, and she said it very strange.Then she said with a smirk/smile, and that's all I'm going to say about that for right now, another smirk/smile. I don't remember her exact words, but something strange about it! As if, some of the women question what exactly the others do on a daily basis, do they keep busy as they say? Do they stay inside and stay lazy all day? Does it have to do with Kody? If someone has watched this, and knows what I'm talking about, and maybe can explain better than me, please respond. It just struck something in me, like, why would she say, "and that's all I'm going to say about that right now"...?????

    1. I'm assuming it's because Kody will find any excuse to spend more time with Robyn and now she'll be able to see it for herself out the sprawling window of her master suite.

    2. What is that woman's problem? Like Meri does anything of value all day either. She is the only one with one adult child now, what is her excuse for not completing her degree and having a full time job? Really, what does she do all day? Clean her wetbar?

      It probably was something to do with the fact that Kody spends more time with Robyn. Somehow I think Meri and Robyn's friendship is going to take a very ugly turn. These people never should have moved next to each other, they cannot stand each other. I will never understand what motivated them to buy these mansions they cannot afford, and all right next to each other. In Vegas they could have bought 4 decent houses within a few blocks of each other for what they paid for one of their houses.

    3. As self-proclaimed "victims" these people feel "entitled" to these oversized/overpriced/over-their-budget homes. that's all. The rest of the wives are no different than Meri's self-centeredness and neediness imo. (just to clarify - i'm by no means a Meri Fan. not a fan of any of them - including Janelle.)

  6. That is pretty much how I remember the clip which is why I was searching for it today. What is clear to me is Meri sounds like she is up to her old behaviors she had with Christine and Janelle...which could mean maybe she's put 2and 2 together and sees how Robyn may be spending more time getting her hair and nails done instead of working on MSWC. Since this isn't the Spoiler post I won't say anything more except it makes sense why MSWC is failing.

    1. CJ, I apologize for posting, I just read on the previous post someone had already posted on there twice, about Meris comment. I read and re/read this blog everyday, and go back and read the replies, to make sure I don't miss a thing, and that I don't repeat a question. I just read the other post this afternoon, and no one had commented! lol I am sorry, I guess because it bugs me when others do it, I always yell to my computer, read everyone elses posts first!!! Am I obsessed with this sight? Possibly. But the way you run this sight, and how much time/energy is spent on posting, finding clips, etc...just know I for one appreciate what you all do on here, so people like me can come everyday for a laugh, or to get a new tidbit on on our fav plyg families. Or Mama June! lol Thanks CJ.

    2. No problem, Jewels! Thank you very much!

    3. Aw Jewels, you are too cute! I love this place as well, thank you to all who contribute. :)

    4. Thanks Jewels, I hadn't bothered to watch those two 3 minute clips until I read your post. Verrrrryyyy interesting! Meri's cryptic comment, if I had to guess, was directed at Christine and maybe Janelle. Since she is bff's with Robyn. BUT, I think several months ago, someone noticed that Meri "unfollowed" Robyn and maybe Janelle on twitter? And they unfollowed her, too. And then at some point they re-followed each other. I don't know because I'm not on twitter. But I wonder if, after the move to the big houses, there was trouble in paradise between besties Meri and Robyn.

      I also had an "aha" moment, with Robyn's odd expectations of everyone re the jewelry business. I think she is being manipulative. She is setting it up, so that if (when) the business is a failure, it's everyone else's fault for not putting in more time on it.

  7. As much as June and the rest of the HBB clan generate a major ICK factor for me...a major one...these videos of June cooking are hysterical.
    They are ....*shrug*!!!!!

    Wondering if that is her official "June is Cooking" outfit or were all four videos made in one filming?? June is certainly no slave to fashion.
    Also wondering if salad is a forbidden food in that house, along with veggies and fruit?
    Oh, wait, forgot...there *was* the cranberry sauce.

    Yeah, Meri's claim on that location with the excuse that Mariah needed a room without morning sun was beyond ridiculous. Especially since the layout of the houses had FIVE bedrooms to choose from.
    Good ol Meri has her agenda, always.

    1. Actually mama june has lost more then 100lbs in the past year

    2. Her weight loss was very noticable.

    3. Oh lord, that's a lot of butter in the barbecue chicken and rice recipe!

    4. i did notice Mama June's weight loss - not sure if it's over 100 lbs tho. But the sad fact remains is that ALL the rest of the family - including Sugar Bear have DEFINITELY put on a bunch of weight since we saw their last season.

    5. I read somewhere she said her high was 306 lbs. She's definitely lost some weight, but she still definitely weighs WAY more than 206 lbs, so I call BS on the 100 lb claim - IMO.

    6. I used to weigh 310, I now weigh 207. Nobody guesses my correct weight. Each woman carries her weight differently than the next. I wouldn't be surprised if she lost 50 or even 100 pounds.

      Nobody believes me that when I weighed 183 lbs, I was a size 10 either!(in 2008, post pregnancy)But, I was. And at 207, I am a size 14.

  8. Honestly I don't hate June's cooking. Sure, switch out that margarine for real butter, but how many dishes do you see at a family get together or pot luck that are under condensed soup... Usually a lot! What I love is that she cooks at home, her kids see her cooking, and she tries! She isn't settling for frozen food or fast food (which is more expensive, too). I just hope she finds more easy recipes with new variety- and a crock pot with those throw away liners!

    1. since she's a huge coupon queen, i imagine she gets all her throwaway aluminum pots/pans for free. she said she hates "warshin'" dishes so she always uses stuff to cook in that she can throwaway and also mix it up in to begin with. I imagine it's the same w/paper plates, plastic cutlery, napkin/paper towel usage as well. remember the tons of toilet paper she has? (including the scene where they wasted a bunch of it.)

      likewise, i imagine the foods she makes are all coupon freebies or next to nothing in cost in her coupon shopping trips. the foods that coupons are for are invariably for highly processed foods. i'm not so sure she always "cooks" like she's shown here but would imagine she also has tons of the frozen and processed boxed foods she uses alot as well. It's obvious by the size of all of them that they don't eat healthy and June's recipes shown above are VERY unhealthy and fattening. omg - that cranberry lasagna w/3 layers of sugar seriously made me gag.

    2. Plus, it's been stated and shown on the show before that the girls walk to the convenience store next door to them pretty much every day to buy their sugary and carb snacks at convenience store prices. another very unhealthy habit as well as poor economical choice that adds up in a month's time for sure.

  9. After watching the episode, and the two 3 minute clips on On Demand, I re/wound them until I came upon the homes, and paused and got a good look at at least 3 of them, hard to tell if I actually saw a 4th one, the exterior colors look much the same on each home. That being said, I did see a good look of Christines, as she is the only one remember, who has brick on the façade, and I actually quite like it! It gives it texture, as opposed to just the mustard yellow/brown color of all four homes. Also, I noticed each home has a somewhat different driveway, and landscaping. Wondering, were the driveways and landscaping another option for them? Or just depends on how and where the homes are placed? Because Mona did say, that unfortunately, (her words) the Browns had been in the homes several times making changes, therefore delaying the time of completion.

    1. I'd be willing to bet the HOA for the development has specific guidelines on exterior paint colors. Many do.

  10. Why aren't they drinking anymore of the green goo?

    1. Look closely at what's sitting on the table next to Meri's left hand.

    2. And the very first scene with Kody and Janelle it is prominently displayed..

    3. It's not exactly advertising though. We here at SWB notice it because that's what we do :) (I also noticed at the beginning of the show when Kody came back from his jog or whatever, he had one of those bottles and *gasp* actually rinsed it out in the sink! was that his good deed for the day or was he trying to get it on the show...?)

      And if they're marketing it as a weight loss nostrum, next to Meri's ever-widening derriere, well...

      Janelle is just drinking coffee. I think J & C have checked out of the LIV MLM choo choo train.

    4. Oh and also I noticed that it's a Starbucks coffee cup. So let's see, at least at the time of the filming they were home all day, on a limited income and could certainly make their OWN coffee. but she's paying $3-4.50 for a cup of Starbucks (that's a venti cup). so much for being thrifty. those $4 cuppas daily add up...not to mention that I would bet she DRIVES to Starbucks and goes through the drive-thru to get her cup, so there's another expense. It doesn't look like they live within walking distance of any type of retail. but I don't know the area.

    5. Interesting that Janelle's drinking coffee. I thought that was against AUB rules?

    6. Dakota, their homes are at least 1.5 miles from any retail stores or Starbucks. I work at a store near their homes, so I'm hoping for a sighting in the near future.

      Also, I think AUB does allow coffee drinking and wine drinking. I guess they just discourage showing your upper arms.

    7. Thanks Vegas Mom!

      I think they pick and choose whatever rules they wanna follow - thought that all along actually. I don't blame them for not wanting to show their arms...I doubt there's any muscle definition in them, even Robyn's (or Kody's for that matter).

  11. The Brown's were tweeting today to watch them on Access Hollywood today, anyone see them?
    Thanks for the Mamma June, she is always good for a laugh.

  12. I would love for someone who lives in/near Vegas to give us an estimate on what the bills would be per month for each of those houses....

    1. I live in Las Vegas, but we rent a very modest 2-story 3 bedroom house with a loft. We only have 1 air conditioning unit, so our monthly power bill during the summer is less than $200 a month. My sister in-law has a slightly larger 2-story 4 bedroom house w/loft with 2 air conditioning units and she said her power bill last month was close to $300.

    2. I live in a house about the same size although in NE Indiana. This week it is in the 90's and only gets to the 70's at night. Last year we had a horrible heat/dry spell for most of July. Our cooling bill (2 units) was over $500.00. This was only set at 78, as the humidity here makes it feel hotter and coming into 78 degree home after being in the 100's feels good. We do have a basement that is very cool in the summer, but since cool air sinks, doesn't cool our upper levels.

  13. I thought it was funny that one second Robin was complaining that no one was "helping" her with the jewelry business-- Then in the next segment Christine & Jenelle offer up suggestions of offering cheaper pieces of jewelry, coming up with some non-plyg pieces and changing the name from "Sisterwives" Closet to something that related to more people. Of course Robin just rolled her eyes and started the waterworks so I'm sure nothing will come of the suggestions. So in reality she doesn't want them to work as equals she just wants everyone to fawn over her designs and do the work that she doesn't feel like doing.

    1. Sound like decent suggestions to me. This is exactly why people think Janelle is so smart, she looks like a freaking genius when put next to Robyn, Kody, and Meri.

      Legit question, do you think they want My Siterwive's Closet to fail, or are they just this dumb? Or do you think Kody and Meri are setting it up to fail for a storyline to keep relevant and Robyn is clueless?

    2. If MSWC was going to be a money maker (and I'm not even talking BIG BUCKS, I'm just talking breaking even or maybe a tiny profit) it would have happened already. If they wanted to cash in on their 15 minutes of fame, they missed their window of opportunity. Big time.

    3. The idea for MSWC was apparently launched in December 2011 during the Christmas episode. We, as the viewers, got this several months later when we saw the episode. They had their prime opportunity THEN and THEN ONLY to get their business off the ground. Free advertising on TV - what more could they want? So, all of us loyal viewers went and checked out the site and the prices were outrageous and the shipping charges were nonsensical. Now 18 months later, they still think they can drum up some interest? Not going to happen. The business failed right then and there when they weren't prepared for their potential customers. The Browns need to move on from this failure and Robyn and Meri and Kody need to get salary and benefits type of jobs. (I have not yet watched the episode so maybe they talked about this?).

    4. Oh and Carol, don't forget how the website would conveniently crash anytime a new show aired, and Robyn or someone would tweet on how their servers couldn't handle the crunch. I totally call BS on that, personally.

      It seems more and more obvious, at least to me, that MSWC is nothing more than a sham business and they have never intended to sell much merchandise. They have intentionally priced themselves completely out of any realistic market for their (shrinking) fan base.

      Meanwhile, the latest Honey Boo Boo book which was released a week ago, is climbing the Amazon charts and is retail priced at $19.99 (of course being discounted from that). kind of interesting I think...

  14. Hhmm...I must have missed that part with Christine and Janelle offering advice. Also, I have read here several times from posters, that Robin is constantly on Pinterest during the day. Is there a way of knowing when one logs on and off of Pinterest? Just curious as to how many hours she spends "surfing" the net, when it could be spent responding to fans on FB, or the Sisterwifes Closet. (geez that cannot be the correct spelling of that. Just typing sisterwifes isn't natural) Seems one of the ladies, or even Kody for that matter, could be responsible for keeping up on that sort of thing. I will never understand why the man of the house, the king of this plyg family, does not hold down a weekly paying job to help support his children. Meri? What is your excuse? Kody doesn't even seem to help his wives watch the children. He goes running every morning, ok, that's normal for a husband, but why not come back and ask his wife of the day, "would you like to go have alone time too? to jog, walk, take a hot bath, something that YOU enjoy my wife, since I get to leave and do something I enjoy everyday, why don't you take time for yourself too my love?" When do they get to just take off for an hour and he watch his children? My husband shared all duties, working a job, taking care of our home, yardwork, bathing children and putting to bed, laundry. Does Kody do any of these things I wonder? I wish we really knew the reality of their reality. Seems they are starting to get to me, I have posted three times in one day. So unlike me!

    1. What's Robyn's user name on Pinterest? I'd love to see her boards.

    2. Jewels - I think the Chanukah episode from a couple seasons ago showed EXACTLY what Kody does.

      Christine is busy trying to make dinner, clean the house, and mind the kids including a very active Truly...while Kody takes a snooze in the La-Z-Boy recliner.

      And that one ep where he was supposedly watching the kids - supposed to be helping Dayton (who is developmentally disabled) with his homework - what does he do but plop the boy into a room by himself and just forgets about him.

      In the end, Kody is all about Kody.

    3. Ahhh, I just realized I have been calling it My Sisterwive's closet this entire time, but it is My Sisterwife's. The name is terrible, especially because they aren't selling clothes but jewelry. Why isn't it My Sister Wife's Jewelry Box?

      Robyn should listen to Christine, all of her suggestions for the business were dead on-too expensive, the name is terrible, and the selling point needs to change.

      I also noticed Robyn dropped a customer while talking to them to gush over her dad and Sol when they came by the expo. A real salesperson would never turn away from a customer like that without excusing themselves, if they actually wanted a sale.

      I also cannot believe Robyn was crying after they only sold 20 items in the expo and was upset no one wanted help out in the business and said all businesses have to "scrape by in the beginning". Robyn, you guys have 20 kids to support, 2 million dollars in houses, and 5 adults, your family cannot afford to lose any money on a hobby business right now. Give it up.
      Everyone besides Robyn looked irritated to be dealing with the jewelry and knew it was a lost cause. Even Kody thinks it is a drain. Meri's tone when talking about it said a totally different thing than what her words were saying, she wants no part in it. I can't believe Robyn is still pushing it. I wonder what kind of wedge this is causing behind the scenes.

    4. Robyn's pinterest name is the same as her twitter handle. LuvGvsUASuperiorityComplex or whatever.

    5. Anon 4:05 - I've always been kind of surprised that "My Sister's Closet" hasn't filed a cease and desist motion against the Browns, but then again that would probably give them added publicity. However even with that, I don't see a lot of people ponying up to buy their crappy overpriced jewelry and tacky aprons.

    6. If you Google her full name and Pinterest it will come right up. You'll know when you've arrived... Be warned- it's a little like going down the rabbit hole.

    7. lol Anon..4:17p.m. LuvGvsUASuperiorityComplex....made me laugh out loud. Oh Robin Oh Robin. "I just want you to have a choice" "Every woman should have a choice" "I wasn't trying to push you into having a child, I just wanted you to have a choice"...o.m.gosh. Drove. Me. Nuts. She wants so badly to appear "smarter", full of wisdom, and she tries so hard to form sentences to sound important to her other wives, and she comes off so silly! Janelle has a way with words, is very book smart, and it comes off in her talking heads. I think Robin is going for that. Not working sista!

    8. Dakota Justice, you are spot on about Kody's detachment from anything resembling a man invested in being a true father and husband. As for Robyn's Pinterest - I took a peek and she's pinned a mammoth sized "lazy river" for her backyard, with the comment "Kody would love this!" Hmm "lazy" paired with "Kody" - very apt!

    9. i've said this before and i'll say it again now, i would LOVE a book list from these women - re:their most recent reads as well as their current ones.

    10. Anon 4:17 LuvGvsUASuperiorityComplex... That was freaking awesome. Thank you for that.

  15. I just watched the footage from Access Hollywood. Whooo Boy! Lots of interesting stuff to munch on there. Hopefully, CJ will be able to show/link some of it here.

  16. The very best thing about this show is this blog!! As CJ says this is her living room and some comments don't meet the posting requirements. Well the miserable Browns are not fun anymore. Nor is a scripted reality show very interesting. I'll be booting them from my screen time and out of my living room. I have really appreciate the talents and dedication of so many who run and post on this blog. I value what I have learned about unrealistic finances, emotional deprivation, and general misery felt by these women. What a warning to get a better life and not settle for this circus! They are not happy now and this is before the TLC abandons them. The unfairness of sharing a husband has been made clear to me! These women appear to feel unworthy of the total love of a husband (of course any Kody is pretty gross and unbearable). I am completely against polygamy as a legal family structure! Decriminalizing it wrong both because it might lead to leagalization and it offers more 'bleeding the beast' opportunity. As a member of a democratic society, I have a right to express my views as to what this society should allow. Kody's frustration with this society disgusts me. That may be the last straw, I can bear in terms of respecting anything regarding the Browns have to say about non-plyg reality. I hope all these polygamy is entertainment shows will cause a backlash whereby the government doesn't turn a blind eye so much. I'll be checking this blog and news looking for updates on FLDS and other troubled polygamous cults. I wonder with tourists and 'converts' visiting CP if more truth will be aired about this group. I remember a clip of Rose saying the even though she's not real smilely she woundnt be happy living any other way. I think these women are horribly brainwashed into believing they must have babies and care for their brood and shared husband or be damned. I think Meri's great anguish over the rent a womb situation is that she has to publicly (even just among the adults in their family) reject the faith of spirit babies not being allowed to be born by her choice. She sees the struggles of the other 3 single moms in the marriage and knows its a great burden to bring another baby into this family, but she cannot (easily) publicly reject the opportunity to add a baby. The way she toys with the idea of IVF seems likes she looking for a way to publicly try for her larger brood but with high odds of failure. Is IVF less likely to result in a live birth than surrogacy? That's my understanding but I don't know. I think some of her pain is real about her secondary infertility. I think it's spirtual pain and cultural due to her polyg upbringing like RoseMarie's 14 year old sister spontaneous crying about possible infertility in her future. The woman's worth is so concentrated on procreation and care of the husband and children. They seem to have no other worth in their society. To have no worth beyond men and babies seems to me to be enough of a reason for rejecting their beliefs and 'calling' as really just a way to demean women.

    I typed this on my phone and hope it's coherent. I'm so feed up with this entertainment-polygamy as well as appreciative of the information and viewpoints I read here.


    1. Heck I'd go one step further and say that the show would have been cancelled a season or two ago if it weren't for THIS BLOG.

    2. I agree DakotaJustice, TLC owes SWB some money!

    3. I just wanted to say to Kody while he was whining about being a victim and people not liking them, "polygamy is illegal, you are breaking the law". While I don't necessarily care about polygamy's legality, it is still illegal and I would like to see Kody pay back the government for all the food stamps and other freebies he and his wive's have taken.

    4. DJ - I agree that this blog actually increases viewership of ALL shows on plural marriage. I hadn't even heard about Polygamy USA until I saw it on this blog. So I watched it and loved it. And I certainly would not have known that Sisterwives was coming back if I had not seen it here. There has been very little in the way of advertisement for this show.

  17. i just watched the new SW epi for free on itunes. meh ... It's def on its last leg. Nothing inspiring, thought provoking or new. Just the same old "we're victims" and "we need your support and money to make us happy and our chosen lifestyle workable." *yawn* These people have just simply made themselves not likeable in their marketing to the public. Sad but overall, no one really cares about them so much and just feels sorry for all their kids in this dysfunctional mess for the most part. I, myself, at this point am only interested in a 10 year "where are they now?" update. (including kids update)

  18. I'm watching the new episode now on iTunes. I find it very interesting how MAD Kody is getting when he talks about the general public not accepting them and their lifestyle. He obviously thought that if he did the show everyone would love them. He is so narcissistic that he doesn't realize that not everyone loves him. Ugh. His rant made me sick. "I'm tired of asking for your acceptance!" (or something close to that)

    1. " His rant made me sick. "I'm tired of asking for your acceptance!" (or something close to that"

      I hear you !!
      But he never tired of asking nor expecting the public's tax money for all their unpaid debts and welfare due to his unwillingness to take care of his "wives" and horde of children.....did he?

      And now he is gets pissy on camera because his fans aren't "opening their wallets".....
      What a Guy !!!

    2. What got ME was - since WHEN has he EVER asked for acceptance??

      He ENJOYS being different. Anything for attention. Remember the Mexico trip with Meri and her boobs? Apropos of nothing, he announced to the tour guide that he was there with his OTHER wife and then "I HAVE FOUR WIVES I'M A POLYGAMIST" (she looked less than impressed actually).

      If polygamy ever did become accepted or people became indifferent or would drive Kody bananas, because then HE wouldn't be DIFFERENT.

      That's one reason you don't see the Browns living in a more liberally-minded place such as San Francisco - IMO not only would most people not give a crap, but they'd see through his grifting right quick.

      The only evidence that Kody has of being "persecuted" is the trumped up lawsuit. and it IS just that, trumped up. I almost hope that Utah steps up to the plate and provides evidence to show the REAL reason (at least the reason I believe) that Kody lost his job - because he's a SLACKER.

      The truth will out eventually...just give it time. meanwhile, after they lose the LV houses, they will quietly retreat to the Lehi house that THEY NEVER SOLD and I highly doubt the Lehi PD will be waiting to arrest them...

    3. "He ENJOYS being different. Anything for attention."

      Oh, too too right !!
      His ongoing MO and agenda is all about "Look at Me"..!!!
      Even his HS classmates validated that he was an attention addict as a teenager.

      Yeah, "acceptance" my butt.
      Kody's version of acceptance is having people think he "is cool" while they get to pay for his coolness.

      This is why I have no respect for ANY of the Kodettes. If they are ethically (or lack of) willingly in his camp of entitlement, then they are no better than he is.

    4. The thing that was very telling to me was when Kody was saying how he just can't stand working with his wives. He goes on for a minute about it and says something like he just wants to run away.

      How often do they all "work" together? I mean really how many work days with all 5 of them go into keeping MSC in business? Even with just Kody and 1 wife or 2? With the lack of business how could it take much of their time?

      Janelle really hit the nail on the head that there's no way MSC can ever support all the kids and adults in this family. When she was saying that, others just seemed to ignore her. The truth isn't going to conveniently going away yet they just don't pay attention! They should NOT sink another nickel into this unsuccessful business and instead sell off that junk for what they can get. After that they all need to find jobs to pay the mortgages.

      I also don't understand why Robyn thinks doing a family business is important to keeping their family together. Other families - most I'd say -have the spouses working at different jobs and they stay together. She has an odd take on things IMO. It's almost as if she wants them to live in each other's pockets or something. Very strange stuff in that episode.

    5. I think what's happening is Robyn wants to be the wife that brings home the bacon...exactly like what Janelle did in Lehi. The question is...has the production company captured reality or is all of it just manufactured drama to eke out one more season on TLC. I'm thinking it's the latter.

    6. CJ, definitely manufactured drama. My suspicions are that when they have a "work mtg." It's to review their scripts that Janelle wrote for the coming film crew. We will see the drama this season, but it will be fake.

    7. " .....The question is...has the production company captured reality or is all of it just manufactured drama to eke out one more season on TLC. I'm thinking it's the latter."

      I'm thinking you are exactly right !!

  19. which "lifelong honeymoon marriage father" is this one of Robyn's? he looks like he's the same one that's been spotlighted in the past as her "stepfather." but nonetheless, this one's not only divorced from her momma but so is Robyn's biological dad. So, again - i've been reminded about her lying statement when she said she wants her marriage to Kody to be a lifelong honeymoon marriage just like her own parents. HAH! Divorce is pretty dang common among all the various plyg communities as I've discovered in all my readings.

  20. Well if you were watching the episode it said he was Paul, Robyn's father. Robyn never said the honeymoon marriage as you call it was suppose to last forever. She just said she wanted it to last for years and years like with her parents. Maybe you should take this up with the film editor of Sister Wives because I don't see where Robyn was lying.

    1. Okay, I'm stepping into this "fray" now since there are a couple of comments that were extremely argumentative and, unfortunately, will not be published.

      I've found a lot of websites that define the word "honeymoon". Here are some of the results.

      Wikipedia: "This is the period when newly wed couples take a break to share some private and intimate moments that helps establish love in relationship."
      3. any period of blissful harmony: Their entire 60 years of marriage was one long honeymoon.

      So, I will agree with all of you who said a honeymoon can last for a period of time. I will also agree with those who feel a honeymoon is not meant to last "forever".

      We don't need to get into a discussion about the dictates of logic, lying by omission or commission, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Bottomline is...Robyn called it a "honeymoon period" not a honeymoon marriage. So maybe some of you are reading a little too much into Robyn's use of the word honeymoon. Please refer to the episode Season 3 Ep 4, The 4 Lives of Kody Brown.

      For the record, it does appear that Robyn's "father" Paul (who apparently has helped her through some really hard times in her life) still maintains a relationship with Robyn's mother, as there was a picture she tweeted last year showing Kody, Robyn's girls, Robyn's mother and Paul at a school dance together.

      Thank you to all that participated in this particular discussion. Let's move on to something else.

      SWB Posting Guidelines

    2. I very much appreciate your diplomatic moderating. Thanks.

  21. I just went to their facebook page and I can not believe the delusion! Most of the comments are praising Kody and the wives for their ability to take care of their children and financially being responsible. WHAT THE HELL? Their fans also think that any negative talk about them is because of their lifestyle. I couldn't care less about their lifestyle, it is their lack of money management that angers me. GET JOBS!!!!

    1. I noticed that the fan base seem to be shrinking a little on TLC. There were quite a few negative comments after TlC posted a pic of Kody on his motorcycle. Usually it is just lovefest but I think a few groupies are getting wise.I think this could be the last season.

  22. Christine and Janelle seemed a little exhausted by the facade they have built of their "happy" family. It was refreshing to finally see some eye-rolling and snarky comments, which we all know is the real truth behind their sisterly relationships.

    If they want to keep the TLC gravy train going, they should take a page from Kate Gosselin and climb into bed with the paparazzi and unleash the drama.

  23. Gosh the size of that massive house for JUST MERI makes me sick to look at. We all knew she was selfish, but I'm just really flabbergasted to actually see it sitting there now. Mariah will be gone to college. Kody is only there part time. I'm so baffled that the rest of the family allowed her to get away with that. That house is going to be so huge and empty and lonely.

    1. Christine and Janelle are still justifying Meri's right to have equal split of the dough. Why I will never know. They are short changing their children for the sake of not pissing Meri off.

    2. If each adult gets their own paycheck, then the only way that Meri is getting more is because Kody puts his check into Meri's house.

      So Meri gets twice as much as the others.

    3. Meri had to get the large house, because TOGETHER they chose that subdivision and with THEIR choice they ALL bought into it. I no longer pity Christine or Janelle, nor do I loathe Meri. They are equally idiots. Kody is a puppet, being told by all of them what to say. He uses the "patriarch" position to get what he wants, and they are in it TOGETHER! Robyn probably thought they were a catch, due to their griftiness, and her intelligence....Ha!

      Be careful what you pray (prey) for!

    4. Yeah it was pretty annoying to see them picking out all the mistakes, as someone that built my house through a developer, it felt heavily scripted and instead of creating tension made them come off as very entitled.

    5. I still think Meri will not be alone in that house for too long. Another wife (or 2 or 3) will eventually join the Brown clan once Robyn stops birthing children. IF they are still in the McMansions, Meri will be joined by a few more wives (and then their kids). One more reason she insisted on the wet bar. She will be soused every evening.

    6. Why does Kody gets his check? It is not like he does any parenting. Yes, those kids are all his but he doesn't do any active parenting, he doesn't buy them anything. Heck, he doesn't even have to pay for a place to stay at, a bed to sleep in, a plate of food or a load of laundry for that matter! He hobos between the houses of his 4 babymomma's.

      They are so dumb, really. They think that once they sign those contracts and move in, those houses are *theirs*. They seem to forget that ittybitty detail that if they don't actually PAY every month, someone will come in and take the house back....

    7. LOL Darlene - without checking, if memory serves Robyn said in the book that the first time she visited the Brown Compound in Lehi, she was very impressed by all the NICE CARS parked out front. Ummmm maybe she has double vision, because other than the Acura, all the cars we saw in the show in the first couple seasons were pretty much beat up shitboxes with bald tires...

    8. Darlene,

      "....Be careful what you pray (prey) for!..."

      Ha !!! Good One !!! Perfect!!!

    9. And how interesting that Meri made sure to say in the interview posted above, that although the children all hang out at all of the homes, they all have bedrooms in their own mothers' homes. Meri wants to make sure no one even thinks about boarding one of their kids in her mansion.

    10. There were a range of number of rooms and floorplans in the subdivision. She didn't need a hobby room along with 4 other bedrooms upstairs. One of the empty bedrooms could be the hobby room. It's the wet bar that necessitated the one extra room. Why oh why couldn't she install it after the house was built with the on else's room in it?

      The woman can sew. I can her wanting a room for that. She had that in the other home. What she could do since she is out of Utah is make some homemade blankets and kids clothes and sell them at craft fairs or on etsy. She shouldn't do real estate. Others are in that. She was working in Utah. In Nevada there should be more tolerance for her to do that work again. Most the public want the wives working so they have a means to leave.

  24. Here's my take on a typical Meri Day:

    If Kody is staying at one of the other houses:

    7:00 am - Wakes up, grabs phone, sends a text to both Kody and whichever wife he's sleeping with just to annoy them, then goes back to sleep.

    11:30 am - Wakes up, gets out of bed, goes downstairs, turns on TV, turns on A/C, opens the fridge, and starts grazing.

    11:45 am - texts Kody again, who's just waking up.

    12:15 pm - Makes a giant snack and heads upstairs to the Room We Will Never See on the show, which is empty except for a high-powered telescope. Begins her vigil, starting with the house of whereever Kody is staying that day.

    1:00 pm - hears Mariah finally waking up, goes downstairs and gets out the cereal and bear claws. then heads back up to the Telescope Room.

    1:24 pm - tweets some inspiring message about forgiveness that she copied and pasted from a motivation quotes site. Then answers the fans who are asking when the new season will start with a curt "ask TLC we aren't allowed to say".

    1:48 pm - text from Robyn - they actually got an order from MSWC! *pandimonium ensues* It's an opportunity for Meri to work. She sighs, hauls her ass out of the chair, heads on down to the garage, opens up the plastic bin, pulls out an ornament, throws it in a bubble wrap envelope, and realizes she doesn't have the mailing address.

    2:15 pm - on her way back up to the Telescope Room, grabs some more snacks including some pastries, Mock Tapioca, and Peanut Butter Fritos from the wet bar, plus a bottle of green goo.

    3:00 pm - after 45 minute vigil at the telescope room, realizes that 1) she's out of snacks and 2) she forgot to ask Robyn for the mailing address.

    3:04 pm - texts Robyn for the info, however Robyn is currently at the nail salon getting a mani/pedi and can't respond. Sighs because she works soooo hard and makes a Fluffer Nutter Sandwich.

    3:15 pm - realizes that it's her night with Kody, so starts tidying up the McMansion.

    4:00 PM - needs more food, so gets the car out and heads to WalMart to buy dinner fixings. Fish Stick Tacos anyone???

    5:15 PM - Kody shows up from his jog or whatever, slugs down a quart of green goo, and asks whats for dinner, then informs Meri they had Fish Stick Tacos at Robyn's the night before.

    6:00 PM - still in a quandry over what to make for dinner, meanwhile Robyn calls to see what Kody is up to, and asks Meri if the ornament went out as the customer paid an extra $27.49 for the fast shipping upgrade, on top of the regular $10 shipping charge.

    6:05 PM - meri looks out and sees that the mailman just left. and tells Robyn that shipment won't go out till the next day "at best".

    7:00 PM - Janelle sends group text to all wives (not Kody) and advises that their credit card processor informed them that the one claddagh necklace they sold the month before was purchased with a stolen credit card and the issuer has filed a chargeback against them.

    7:30 PM - Meri goes up to the Telescope Room and pulls out the bottle of wine that Marleen from CP sent her as a gift, and starts drinking heavily...

    1. LOL! Thanks for the laugh DakotaJustice! :)

    2. Brilliant !!!

      My fav......."5:15 PM - Kody shows up from his jog or whatever, slugs down a quart of green goo, and asks whats for dinner, then informs Meri they had Fish Stick Tacos at Robyn's the night before."......
      Which could be a metaphor for just about any night for a plyg harem master.

      Reality check.....
      These Plyg guys move night to night, from wife to how different is any "dinner" from last night's dinner ??

    3. Brilliant Dakota Justice!

    4. Gawd that was funny DJ! Thanks for the lol

  25. Meanwhile, back in Robyn Land.....

    8:00 pm-Robyn text's Meri, reminding her of the womb for rent, just in case romance is in the air.
    8:30 pm-Lover puts a hand on Meri's knee, and Meri puts down her pastrie pot pie to remind lover that he needs a fifth wife to get into the next realm of plyg afterlife, then starts crying about spirit babies.

    9:00 pm-Robyn goes in to her secret telescope room, sees that her MAN is not sharing Meri's bed, smiles and doodles new superwoman costumes, then tweets her MAN that she has a brand new business venture, won't he come see it?

    9:30 pm-Robyn gets a tweet from Janelle, telling her they have to pay the credit card company back for the fraudulent purchase, Robyn says she will take care of it, and logs into her computer so she can pin more superwoman costumes on her boards, maybe some kitties and hearts too.

    10:00 pm-Kody responds to Robyn's "awesome business idea" tweet, calling for a business meeting tomorrow at 10am, telling her to tweet those other two, what were their names?

    11:00 pm-Robyn is in her superwoman costume, takes pictures of herself, and tweets them to Christine and Janelle, telling them thy need to sew 890 costumes just like hers to sell on her new site, "Sister Women of Wonder," as she will have it up and running in the morning, and the fans will easily pay $489 for her outfit.

    11:30 pm-Meri tweets Robyn that the paw necklace the customer ordered super express mail can't possible go out for 2 more days.

    12:20 am-Robyn prances around in her costume, and text's Kody that he needs to come over RIGHT NOW and see her in it.

    12:30 am-Meri intercepts the text, puts down her frito's with caramel dip, and texts Robyn that LOVER is asleep, he was so worn out from supporting the family all day and fulfilling his priestly duties to his women's, and the order can not possibly be shipped for 4 days, way too much going on.

    2:00 am-Robyn is exhausted after being so creative and helpful, coming up with a whole new business in one night, and falls asleep in her telescope room.

    1. Omg!! I like yours better than mine :)

    2. They are both hilarious!

    3. "telling them thy need to sew 890 costumes just like hers to sell on her new site, "Sister Women of Wonder," as she will have it up and running in the morning, and the fans will easily pay $489 for her outfit" Love it!

  26. Meri's comment about knowing what the other wives are doing if hilarious, pretty sure the others are raising children alone. No job, 2 million dollars worth of houses, 20 kids and this is her concern! SMH

  27. Mama June's recipes: Well I appreciate that she prepares food for her family but none of the recipes sounded very appetizing---but each to their own :-)

    1. I can't imagine subsisting on a diet with so little fiber, and really, taste. all that sugar and salt and no spice or veggies to jazz it up. except for the cranberries. my entire digestive system would totally shut down. but that's just me :)

      even the SWs eat better than Mama June. I've been seeing a lot of iceberg lettuce as the veggie of choice at chez Brown.

  28. Christine's "if I show up and don't roll groan, roll my eyes and leave early..." quote is in a league all it's own.

    But besides that one, my favorite quote of the episode is from the lady at the Expo who said, "Polygamy is not a religion, It is a domineering creepy way for old men to marry young women."

    Yup, that's pretty much it. Especially in the context of the Kodster and his Kodettes, since they're basing it on the teachings of a man who created the "doctrine" about it for exactly that purpose. Ewww, ewww, ewww. And so very, very sad for so many innocents.

  29. An anonymous poster tried to comment on the Spoiler posting about tweets between Robyn and a Fan... To clarify this conversation, the Fan apparently was watching a rerun of the season 3 episode when the wives went out on the town and visited Fremont Street in downtown Las Vegas. The fan mentioned how funny it was watching a monster stalking a pregnant woman. Robyn responded by saying the guy did scare her...a lot.

    Again, this relates to Season 3, episode 10 titled "Sister Wives on the Strip". It was taped prior to Robyn giving birth to Solomon. A picture of Robyn being stalked by the monster guy can be seen HERE

  30. Just watched the season premier and the two extras on On Demand, and the thing that annoyed me most was NOT the over-the-top houses or Robyn's constant whining and complaining but the thing that probably matters the least... the builder. Would anyone hire that company to build a house for them? Every house they toured had something wrong with it, and not just little things, they screwed up a whole room. I wonder what happens when the construction is not being aired on TV. And, I hate to defend the Brown's but I find Mona's comments, rather complaints, about the family asking for changes (really what they asked and payed for in the first place) outrageous. Sorry for the off-topic rant but I work in construction!

    Also, I find it funny the expo was called "What Women Want" and yet no one wants their jewelry!

    1. I wondered about some of the rather egregious floorplan errors, too, but then I wondered if the builders know some of the many special requests the Browns made for their homes, don't make much sense and would make it tricky if their purchases fell through, and the homes had to be marketed to others. From what we saw of the planning meetings, the Browns had a ton of very specific personal modification requests, that went beyond custom fixtures and paint colors, etc.

  31. Just watched the new (scheduled for July 21) show-- where Kody walks into Robyn's master bedroom and says in response to the builder's comment the window is a little smaller,[approx. 7:22 in the film] "yeah, it seemed a little dark in the room."

    Dark!? Duh!? The entire window wall is OPEN to the outside. If he thinks its dark now just wait until there is a **wall** surrounding the window. )

  32. Quick thought on the new episode, it was a complete waste of man hours and resources for all five of them to go to the expo and probably deterred custumers. Why is Kody designing? That's not indicative of 4 strong women, but whatevs I feel like there's something going on there. Will you be posting and reviewing the huffington post interview they did?

  33. In one of those three minute promo spots On Demand, the realtor said "The Browns keep coming in disrupting construction and asking for changes. It's slowing things down". The very next clip is Meri crying about wanting to be in the homes by Christmas.

    1. oh man oh man now I really gotta watch the promo clips! Haven't done so yet.

      BrownLover - at least the Titanic had survivors...not sure about the Brown sinking ship. I keep remembering what CJ said last year when we were ruminating on whether they were actually gonna get the houses - "Come on TLC - we WANT the Browns to get into those homes! WE WANT IT!!"

      it's mean but that's the way I feel, so we can see the implosion...the collapse of the flimsy house of cards we call the Brown clan. I do feel bad for the kids, but I don't really think they'll "suffer" all that much. In the end, they'll retreat back to Lehi and their friends, most of the teens should be in college (or almost) by then, so it won't affect them, and I'm sure that the kids will be happier...back to normal life.

  34. Thank you so much for the heads up on the free show on ITunes. What a painful episode!!! They all look soooo miserable. This show is sinking quicker than the Titanic.

    1. I am a LONG time lurker. First time poster. Just wanted to add my thanks as well for the heads up on ITunes. I'm in Canada so I don't get to watch HULU or alot of other online video services.

      I was able to download and watch the train wreck - I mean free episode last night.

    2. I also watched it for free on iTunes and somehow STILL feel ripped off.

  35. Just kind of responding to the post about wanting to know the family's favorite books as well as a post on the almost-full previous thread where the screwup in Christine's home layout was mentioned. I just remembered Kody saying in his stupid ass Game Show Announcer voice that makes me want to slap the crap out of him - "why don't we make this...a LIBRARY!!!" and of course Christine kisses his ass and bows before him in his wisdom...

    um does Kody actually read? I think what he really wants is a room to sleep in his La-Z-Boy recliner away from everyone else while the cleaning, cooking etc is going on. Kody doesn't seem like he reads anything other than commission checks.

    1. LUVeachother2DEATHJuly 20, 2013 at 1:45 AM

      Dakota, the La-Z-Boy recliner / library idea might indeed be a welcome thought in Kody's mind, but I don't get the feeling that Christine is the kiss-anyone's-rear type of gal. She is up-front and sassy, and certainly didn't take crap from Kody during a Huffington Post interview where he ribbed her about the "GOOD support" comment. :-)

      BTW, I'd totally love a library in my house, too. I'm glad for her sake that she is happy about the construction mistake. Christine has an awesome, "no big deal" kind of mentality in general. She's my fave sister wife.

  36. If you want a peek into Robyn's mind, her Pinterest account is very revealing! One pin is from and shows a blow up paddling pool with blankets and pillows inside, with the comment "Night under the stars. Use a blow up kiddie pool and fill with pillows and blankets. No itchy grass, no ants crawling on food!" If she's planning an outdoor sleepover with Kodouche in her backyard, she'd better watch out for other the women in their telescope rooms!

  37. Like I said in my post above - I'm a long time lurker. I just wanted to thank all of you, the comments on this board have always been more enjoyable than the show. In that I shouldn't be watching this "garbage" but I just can't make myself stop type of enjoyment.

    I have to say the only people I feel for now are the kids. I used to hope that Janelle would see the light and escape one day but I see now that will never happen.

    I am waiting for TLC to throw the Browns under the bus the same way they did when they were fed up with Kate G.


    So funny! I have to be careful not to read this blog at work due to spontaneous LOLZ!

    I'm no good at this, so I really need someone to post one for Kody. We need to know what he does all day (and night).:)

    1. I figure Kody is like the drones (male bees) in a beehive and doesn't do diddly squat other than sleep, eat, evacuate his bowels, try to get free stuff like guacamole at "their favorite Mexican restaurant" and order everyone around. LOL

    2. My guess is that Kody's day begins when he drags his lazy ass out of whichever Kodettes's bed he crashed in the night before.

      Then he heads for the bathroom (master bath for sure) and fires up the blow dryer to separate those straggly strands, then piles on the thickening mousse as the curling iron heats up. When he has curled and fluffed his highlighted balding mess sufficiently, he then finishes off with colored hairspray to cover up and fake his ever-receding hairline, both in front and on the crown.
      (Kody, we are on to you)

      Then he shuffles on down to the kitchen and grazes while wifey number whatever tries to convince herself that she had a wonderful night with "lover."

      After that, Kody checks to see if any "appearances" or TLC filming are on the schedule.
      If so, he breaks out his best rumpled shirt and jeans and re-does his hair and gets ready for action.
      If nothing is on the schedule, he either drives to the nearest strip mall to tell anyone with ears that he "has four wives" ....
      Or he just stays put, finds the nearest recliner, watches reruns of Dukes of Hazzard, and relaxes until it is time to put on his running shoes and head out across the compound for his next booty call.

  39. When Janelle said that she was proud of Kody (after his rant about the "cool" polygamists in the Bible), I lost a bit more respect for her. Maybe that is as articulate and as passionate as he gets...

    1. Underfunded I agree with you. I found that statement by Janelle to be very telling and its what struck me the most about the episode.

      If she found Kody's ridiculous "Kewl guys in the bible" statement to be impressive she isn't the brilliant woman they try to make her out to be. She is just best with their money because she knows how to use a calculator to add and subtract.

    2. Janelle in the past has been in a checked out place, maybe this makes her appear more intelligent...but is she really? Look at the company she keeps. Even tho TLC keeps running the segment when she lets us know she has thought about running away, she has also said she would absolutely do this again!

    3. Janelle is in LOVE with Kody. They always try to play it off like Kody and Janelle have a platonic relationship. But hello, they have 6 kids together and Janelle must be crazy about Kody if she joined this lifestyle for him, has already left once because of abuse from Meri and came back, and shared her inheritance with the group.

      I do think Janelle has the most common sense and idea of what the "real world" is like. However, she should be the smartest because she is the only wife who grew up in the mainstream church and wasn't brainwashed from an early age for this lifestyle. Therefore, because she is in this all on her own, she may be the dumbest. The other wives never really had much of a chance.

  40. Hey longtime lurker also, I too find immense enjoyment in this blog lol. I'm off subject with my comment so I apologize but in the CP video two posts back Marleen I think it was said Isiah had his own bedroom and each of the wives come to his room on her nights with him. Does anyone else find this disturbing!? I mean each wife is sleeping in the same bed that the wife before her slept on. All the children conceived have been conceived in the same bed!!! For some reason this realization just hit me today and it just seems so wrong. Say what we will about the browns but at least they have different beds. Can you imagine king Kody with one big bed!!!!! Lol sorry for the subject change but I had to say it.

    1. No, that is super creepy. I mean,do they change the sheets daily? I wouldn't want to sleep on the same sheets my sister wife possibly made love on the night before. Gross. Someone mentioned that the 2 wives may have been fighting over who got the master suite, so he just took it. It makes sense, but it is still weird.

  41. 6:00 a.m., Janelle’s alarm goes off, she shuts the alarm on snooze.

    6:05 a.m., Janelle’s alarm goes off again, she gets up out of bed and gets dressed.

    6:16 a.m., Janelle walks to the kitchen and makes herself some coffee. She also begins making breakfast for the kids. Frozen French toast sticks from Wal-Mart and Mrs. Butterworth. She freshly squeezes oranges to make her brood orange juice (healthy). She herself has some yogurt, half of a wheat bagel, and of course that coffee.

    7:00 a.m., the kids are up and having breakfast, and they clean up their own plates. Madison is kind enough to wash the dishes her brothers and sisters have used.

    7:15 a.m., the kids are up and playing inside and outside. Janelle interacts with them as much as she can but she has to *go* to work. She asks her older children look after her younger children since it’s summer vacation and of course Meri spends her days spying in the telescope room and Janelle doesn’t trust Robin to watch an imaginary friend let alone an actual child.

    8:00 a.m., as Janelle is getting ready to leave Dayton shows up at her house to play with her kids and says his mom is dancing around the kitchen with King Sol, er baby Sol, in a Superwoman She-Ra costume. He’s afraid. Janelle hugs him and asks her older ones look after Dayton and make him feel like “one of my kids”.

    8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.: Janelle is at work, making money, and she has a Starbucks coffee. Big spender.

    5:30 p.m., Janelle checks her text messages on her cell phone before driving back home. Five texts from Robin asking her to figure out a time when Janelle can actually meet and discuss My Sisterwive’s Closet. Janelle rolls her eyes and wishes she had taken up smoking earlier in life. Instead, she eats a jelly roll she found under the passenger seat. Thank God she brought Meri to get wet bar groceries in the van last week – leftovers!

    5:45 p.m. – Janelle’s air conditioning in the minivan goes out – she wishes she could drive in one of the “I’m balding and over 40” cars that Kody has…right about now.

    6:15 p.m. – Janelle walks into her house, greets the kids, and starts making dinner.

    7:00 p.m. – Janelle throws away Kody’s “favorite running shoes” that he left at her house, mainly because she can. Passive aggressiveness with extra cream.

    7:15 – 8:30 p.m. – Janelle washes and folds a load of laundry, and then checks Craig’s List in Las Vegas for possible homes for rent. She’s just about ready to get outta the Kodependents once and for all

    8:30 p.m. – Janelle readies the children, and Dayton who is begging to spend the night, for bed. She reads the younger children a children’s story. She has them brush their teeth, even Dayton. She keeps an extra toothbrush there just for him.

    8:45 p.m. – With the children in bed Janelle texts Christine, “Sweetie I found us a place and we can check it out and talk to the landlord on Friday. We’re almost done! Hang in there!”

    9:00 p.m. – Janelle falls asleep with a smile on her face.

    1. Since Janelle has already said that she doesn't like being at home taking care of the children, I think the timeline above is a little unlikely. Remember how she made her oldest son surrogate mother AND father. He was the one who got the kids ready for school and made them breakfast in the mornings. And freshly squeezed orange juice? - for the lady whose favorite recipes include some sticky gooey messes, I don't think so.

    2. We got a great thing going here! Our timelines are 100% better than the show (which i quit watching last season.)

  42. Hey you guys, about my note above. I know that they have all voluntarily joined this cult-de-sac (Cul-de-sac get it?) but honestly the only two "adults" in the entire family seem to be Christine and Janelle. I think Christine tries to be the funny one because Janelle is more serious, and this makes it easier for people to like Christine but I feel so sad for both of those women. Meri is a hopeless mouse of a woman who can't be anything but passively agressive and cruel to the other housewives and indifferent to Robin ("She's a paleface mealy-mouth ninny and I hate her!" -Scarlett O'Hara). Robin is too pathetic to consider at all, constantly crying as if her tears will fix all the wrongs in the world. She reminds me of that girl from Mean Girls who says, "I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy. [about to cry]." <> And that's all I want to say. I just wish they'd all wake up and see that Kody is *not* an person anyone should want to tie themselves to for eternity. He's got bad hair, a bad attitude, and he's lazy. He considers watching his children babysitting? What father says THAT?

    1. "I just wish they'd all wake up and see that Kody is *not* a person anyone should want to tie themselves to for eternity."

      This may be one of the truest statements I've read on this blog. Most of us (at least those who have an ounce of common sense) can't wait for bad times to pass. These women are putting up with all this crap so that - according to their beliefs - the crap will continue FOREVER???


    2. Amen! I couldn't imagine wanting to spend one day with this family, nevermind an eternity.

      I don't know what I would do if I had to pick between them or the Crawleys. Ugh, these poor women.

  43. Kody's life - ANY DAY OF THE WEEK -

    9:30 a.m., Kody wakes up in cul-de-sac bed confused as to where he is. Which wive’s night was it? Tuesday is Tatter Tot Hotdish night at Janelle’s and he can tell from the lack of heart burn and smelly gas that he didn’t eat that dish last night. He vaguely remembers asparagus which is a vegetable, and he’s pretty sure it was fresh – so that knocks Meri and Christine out of the picture. Robyn, crying all day and night Robyn – that’s who’s house he’s in! He quickly realizes that Robyn must be attending to his bonus children and King Sol, and decides, “Hey I don’t have a job – I can sleep in.” Back to slumberland for the Kodster.
    11:00 am.. – Kody wakes up, raids the fridge at Robyn’s, and decides on a bottle of King Sol’s milk. He forgets he’s still breastfeeding.
    11:30 a.m. – Kody consoles Robyn, who’s perched at her laptop pinning everything she can find that has a butterfly or a mention of “date night” on her Pinterest. She’s upset because she just read her e-mails and she had no new orders from My Sisterwive’s Closet, and this is her nail doing money. Don’t people understand she needs acrylic nails STAT? Kody assures her that if he had a job or an ounce of dignity he’d find a way to get “nail money”. He says he’s going for a job.
    11:30 – 12:30 p.m. – Kody jogs around the cul-de-sac with what’s left of his hair blowing in the wind. He decides that today he may look at new sports cars to further hide his receding hair line.
    12:30 p.m. – Kody returns to Robyn’s house to shower but he refuses to wash is glorious mane. Wet hair makes it appear…thinner.
    12:40 – 1:40 p.m. – Kody takes a leisurely nap in the Lazy-Boy that should’ve been MARKETED and named after HIM. Zzz.
    1:40 p.m. – 2:40 p.m. – Kody grazes at Robyn’s and decides he better pop over and play dad at the other homes of his baby mamma’s.
    2:40 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. – Kody visits his children with Janelle and quickly leaves. Her kids are reliant.
    2:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Kody visits his daughter with Meri, he realizes he cannot stand her overly positive attitude and needs coffee. Besides Meri is sitting on the wet bar giving him the stink eye and he thinks he can ACTUALLY smell it.
    3:00 – 3:30 p.m. – Kody graces Christine with his presence. He looks at all of his children but refuses to give hugs or speak to them. He pushes Truly away with his foot…she is no King Sol. He drinks the entire pot of coffee that Christine made. He promises her nothing and she convinces herself he still loves her.
    3:30 – over night – Kody and Robyn coo at one another and think of hair brained ideas to spend the money that they don’t have. They design jewelry that looks like little feet and over price it by two hundred percent, add it to My Sister Wive’s Closet online store, and decide that they really are awesome. They laugh at the other poor wives. Robyn goes to close the curtain in the bedroom and realizes that Meri is watching from her window through a telescope. Robyn gives Meri the falcon sign and giggles. Kody is a lucky, lucky man.

  44. Has anyone noted, by the way, that it seems Kody is using "miracle hair" on his mane? It looks fuller than before.

    I forced myself through this episode and it was very hard.

    1. I just noticed that something was weird about his hair from watching the HuffPost video. It looks like it's frizzy or something, like I would imagine an over the hill surfer dude who's spent too many years in salt water and sun would look like.

    2. On the interview his hair looks fried, dry, frizzy etc. Just like Meri's (though she seems to use something to smooth it out like a serum). It looks like he & Meri share shampoo! They both have dry, frizzy, dead ends and roots with a lot of build-up that look greasy (it looks to me that what Meri uses is pantene which is well known for that).

      On the show it looks like he uses the miracle hair stuff to make it seem fuller.

    3. I think it may have been the humidity. Haven't they thought to install water softeners in their new homes? Their hair needs a good hot oil treatment.

    4. Does Ronco still make that hair in a spray can stuff? You know, the kind one uses to hide bald spots? Hmmmm...
      (Back in the early 90's I dated a guy who had a case of that stuff...he had very long hair but was losing it in the

  45. A day of Meri, Kody and others in the Cuddlesac.

    8:00 a.m. She wakes up from the noise that Mariah is making. She always has been very noisy, the darling. She hears her getting ready, blowdrying her hair and popping a bagel and a few waffles in the toaster. Meri doesn't wanna wake up just yet. Why would she? She is famous and living the famous life. So she decides to clothes her eyes again and stay in bed.

    8:21 a.m. She hers some zooming. Checks Kody's phone (he himself is still deep asleep). Three text messages from Robyn. She turns off the phone. He is mine and I am not letting her ruin our morning. She turns around and spends a nice amount of time looking at Kody. She softly strokes his hair. She says to herself, you are the love of my life you have no clue how much *I* have to suffer for you on a daily basis.

    9:00 a.m. Kody is still fast asleep, Mariah has long left the house and Meri covers her expensive Victoria's Secret baby doll with an expensive flannel robe and matching sensual expensive flip flops. I have expensive taste. I deserve this for all I have to go through when it comes to sharing my man, she justifies herself. She fries up some bacon, makes egg and cheese omelettes, makes tropical juice in the blender. Makes some waffles with homemade buttersauce and jelly. Finishes the yoghurt and fruit parfaits. Puts it out nicely on the wetbar. "Time to wake up Lover".

    9:25 "Lover, time for breakfast". Kody opens his eyes. Then he realizes he's at Meri's and here he doesn't have to serve himself storebrand cheerio's with milk. Here he gets Real Breakfast. He hops out of bed, wearing a college tee and boxers and goes downstairs. "Thank you Lover for making my fave breakfast. You are the coolest wife I have". He serves himself a nice plate of breakfast and goes for seconds. They sit and eat their breakfast romantically and peacefully together (nevermind the chaos of his other children, next door). There are still some waffles and some eggs left, but Meri can finish that later.

    9:53 Meri closes the blinds and makes sure Mariah locked the door. She takes off her robe. Allures Kody into making sweet sweet love. Though they have been together since forever, Kody knows that only Meri knows how to pleasure him in a very specific way. She is by far the best. So even though he doesn't think she's sexy or attractive, he lets her do her thing because he enjoys it.

    10:42 Shower time. Kody hops into the shower, washes his hair (and doesn't use conditioner. The hairdresser told him to use conditioner but no cool dudes use that. Especially not surfer dudes. So no conditioner for Kody!).

    10:57 Kody steps out of shower and takes a nicely folded towel. By now he feels the energy and excitement of the new day and isn't in the mood for Meri's overbearing care anymore. Dries himself quickly and goes to his closet, picks out a satin shirt, jeans and running shoes. Meri is still in her shower (the guest shower) thinking of spending the morning with Kody, but when she steps out of it Kody is long gone.

    11:03 Kody steps out of Meri's house while she is still taking her shower. Crap, my cellphone! So he sneaks back in, walks up the stairs to his night table to pick up his cellphone. He hears the Mare is still in the shower. Phew. Then he realizes the phone is off! He turns it one and by this time there aren't just 3 text messages from Robyn but there are five! And a voicemail message from Christine. Robyn has been needy with her messages so he is _NOT_ into that. He wants to avoid her for the day. He listens to Christine's voicemail and Truly is sick and should see a doctor. No doctor for that child.

    11:10 Off goes Kody in his LIV-mobile. Stops at the Walgreens drivethrough for some baby Tylenol. Drives back to Christine's.

  46. 11:29 Brings Christine the tylenol. Honey, truly really needs to see a pediatrician. "Tylenol will work just fine." Kody stands in the library wondering what an encyclopedia is and how you pronounce the word when he looks out of the window and realized Meri is sitting there, munching in her room checking up on him.

    11:49 Kody starts to regret the cuddlesac and wants to get away from these annoying women. Jumps into his convertible and drives towards the strip.

    12:15 Has lunch at Micky D. Annoyed the cashier didn't recognize him and didn't give him a free meal. Goes through a gossip mag while eating his big M and two servings of fries.

    13:30 Leaves his car at Mickey D and decides to walk the strip to get "spotted" and raise his ego.

    14:58 An older, not that attractive woman recognizes him and they make small talk. They end up in her hotel room. The groupie ended up being real bad. He gave her a fake number and promised they'd meet again soon and a warning to not ever go public.

    16:21 Walks into a gentlemen's club to get rid off the bad experience with the groupie.

    18:00 Walks into Robyn's. "What's for dinner". Tater tot casserole. Yummy. His stepdaughters hang all over him. He is tired.

    18:40 Robyn gives Kody a back massage and tries to romance him. The kids go bazongas in the other room. Sol is already in bed.

    19:30 Kody puts his step daughters in bed and read them a story. "They are the only kids that truly love me. And they aren't even mine".

    20:00 goes to Robyn's master's to watch tv. Checks out local news and TMZ. Robyn comes in and whines about bills coming in and not having money to pay. "Not MY responsibility".

    21:10 Dozes off but gets a call from Janelle. Logan needs Kody to show up and pay tuition. He promises he will take care of it, turns off his phone and falls into Robyn's arms and goes ZzzZzzz

    1. I almost forgot about tater tot casserole! I gotta make some now!

  47. I just watched the episode, totally boring of course, but I noticed in the last scene at the birthday party, Meri wearing a chunky watch that resembled the junky jewelry at the booth beside their's at the expo. Meri, you're not going to be making much money doing trade shows if you're buying other crap while trying to sell yours!

    1. Just watch that episode too. I agree with everyone's assessment of it. Did anyone notice how unhappy and cranky they all seemed visiting their houses? The builder certainly was not shown in a good light. He made lots of mistakes in the construction And the Browns were bitchy and cranky the whole time!

      Helen in nj

  48. Another Pinterest gem from Robyn "There's always gonna be that one girl who is prettier than you, you'll just have to find that one boy who doesn't care." ????? Isn't that an argument for monogamy?!

  49. Christine:
    6 a.m. Christine up out of her bed filled with little sleeping bodies. She goes in the kitchen where she makes 7 dozen eggs, puts toast on a cookie sheet and makes some juice. She douses her face in water at the sink, no time for a shower.

    630 kids start coming in the front door shuffling through in their pjs from their other moms home and sit to eat with Christine. She feeds all 17 of the kids as Logan is home from college. Robins son and daughters who are entertaining sol say mama went in the bedroom last night and they heard Kody and mommy jumping on the bed, which is not fair because they are not aloud to jump on the bed! Mama locked her bedroom door so they came to Christines to eat. Mariah said, yeah that happened at her house the other night too!

    7 o clock all kids fed, dishes loaded in the dish washer and Truly sitting in the kitchen sink to be bathed with Christines home made soap.

    730 Christine able to jump in the shower and put on a fresh clean long sleeve shirt with baby doll top over it.

    8 runs the children to the library, takes them swimming and chats with the other moms in the pool who stare in disbelief that she has 11 or a dozen kids with her that are all blonde and look alike... could they all be hers?

    10 drops the kids at home takes two of the larger ones with her to the grocery where she buys 3 carts of food. Drops her food stamp card by accident and the kids ask what that is? ohhhh just my credit card she replies and pulls out 3 others to finish paying.

    11 a.m. home and prepares lunch for 20.

    12 p.m. Robyns kids come back over still in their pjs with jam on their faces and say mom STILL wont come out of her room and they KNOW she is JUMPING on the bed AGAIN! Christine says, OOOoooooo well we all do that sometimes. Sol jumps up and down gurgling and Christine changes his really wet diaper and looks for some of trulys clothes to change him into. Sol wears a pink short set and eats his lunch.

    1 oclock dishes done, children playing, laundry started and Christine is vacuuming while listening to plyg station on the radio. Keep sweet, keep sweet ye women of faith one day your gonna go home. Keep sweet ye women because we dont wanna hear you groan. She sings along to the music when Meri comes in. Hey Christine she says... I tried to text Kody like 15 times because tonight is our night and I want to make reservations at this restaurant on the strip. Do you know where he is? Christine replies, ummm I heard he was still at Robyns. Meri sniffs tears dropping from her eyes. Christine comforts her saying well, the honey moon will wear off SOMEDAY. Make Kody feel guilty and drop a hint you want to go to Mexico again to heal your wounded marriage. Meri wipes her tears and says well, I did want to go to the pharmacy there as there is no prescription needed and pick up some prozonc and some anti anxiety meds so maybe that is a good idea. Kody is always in favor of another vacation!

  50. 2 pm Kody comes to Christines for breakfast. She makes him steak and eggs and he takes a shower at her house complaining that he was scared to take his clothes off again at Robins because she is in attack baby making mode. Christine says oh she understands and just to let that water wash all his worries away. She dries him off, rubs his feet with lotion, trims his nails for him and applies balms to other areas. Kody says geeeee Christine your the best! She smiles and he kisses her on the forehead.

    4 pm Kody shuffles out the door, stops and weeps on Christines shoulder... I have to go to Meris now and I am scared she has big plans... I am so tired! Ohhhh honey! Just take her out to dinner, order her multiple drinks and talk of Mexico and you wont have to put out tonight!

    6 to 10 pm Christine makes dinner, bathes children, shows home movies to who can count how many children. Tucks hers in beds and the others reluctantly shuffle their feet on their way homes.

    1015 Christine feels guilty when she takes some ME time before pushing the kids over on her bed and dropping off to dream land where she meets a man who takes her away from this life.

    1. WOW! This is FANTASTIC!!! And probably all true!!!

    2. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 21, 2013 at 9:33 AM

      More truth here than not! Well done!

  51. Hard to say about those watches pics.
    There are a lot of good Rolly fakes out there. Plus the clunky, bling-loaded, women's watches are everywhere too.

    And remembering how delighted Kody and Sobbin were in giving Christine that "now shut up and stop whining" watch w/assorted rainbow bands in season 2, I doubt that Kody would spring for the real thing. besides, would he even know real from fake ?

    Unless, of course.....they conned someone to gift them all.

  52. Okay everyone, you are cracking me up here in Indiana with your timelines! BRAVO BRAVO!!!!! BUT..... trimming the Kodsters toe nails? YUCK, JUST YUCK! lol I got a visual with that one, not pretty! Also, several comments on Janells true feelings for Kody, my take on it/her is this, I believe in the beginning, partly due to her comments in interviews and talking heads, she was attracted to him right away, due to his boyish charm and good looks, (have to admit, he WAS a lil cuter back when his hair was shorter, and he had more of a boyish look to him), and when he had approached her, and she found that he was interested in a marriage with her, for whatever his reasons, she could not believe someone as cute as Kody, would even consider her for marriage. I feel she had low self esteem even then, and was a little heavier, and she probably never dated much anyway before her marriage to Meris brother, let alone dated someone as cute/good looking as Kody. I feel she was "smitten" by him, and wanted to be with someone like him, and just couldn't pass him up. I truly feel she fell head over heels in love with him, even knowing he didn't feel the same. It/he made her feel good about herself, to be able to be married to someone as cute as him, (I'm talking for her, I really feel she fell for his looks.) I think he did fall for her "smarts", as she was probably more book smart than Meri was, and he knew she would be good for the families income, but I also think he may have even "liked" her a lot, with the potential of falling in love with her, and I think Meri saw that too, that Janelle had the possibility of turning that like into love real quick with her "lover", and it bugged the crap outta her, therefore she turned on the PDA and sat on the couch with Kody and loved all over him in front of Janelle, as if to say, see, I'm the one he's truly in love with, never giving Janelle and Kodys physical relationship a chance. I DO believe Janelle is still very much in love with that little charming Kody that she married years ago, and I believe if it were not for Meri and her jealousies, that they too could have had a very close bond. I think they bond now, yes I do, but not in the physical way he has with Meri and Robin. A shame. Christine? hhmmm...I think her personality won him over a bit, she can be charming and funny, and she seems to be the most positive one of the bunch, always trying to be upbeat and she's a terrific fun mom! She probably made him laugh, and if it were not for her weight maybe, and the nachos incident, maybe he would have more of a physical with her as well. Although I'm just guessing on all of this, I just see it more clearly with Janelle, and I'm just not quite sure about the truth on Christine and his marriage. I believe the book says he was hesitant about marrying her on the wedding day, I wonder, was it her weight? I'm just not sure the truth behind him getting with her, or not having a good relationship with her now. Seems he doesn't want to be bothered with her, EVER. She seems like the one I would want to be friends with, her and Janelle. I think Christine would be a fun, trustworthy friend, and Janelle as well, trustworthy. I think it takes another outgoing person to get Janelle to come out of her shell, her seriousness, but then she would be just as much fun as Christine. My opinions here, just stating. The marriages of Janelle and Christine to Kody have always intrigued me, made me wonder more than the other two women.

    1. I agree with your version of the story of Janelle, it's sad really. My question is did it really happen that Meri cuddled etc. with Kody in front of Janelle? If so that is a terrible thing to do. I know that when you're young you do things selfishly however most of us know when it becomes something mean and abusive. Its a terrible thing this jealousy they've subjected themselves to. I also wonder why everyone thinks that Kody and Meri have such a physical relationship? Am I missing something?

    2. My question is did it really happen that Meri cuddled etc. with Kody in front of Janelle?
      This is an excerpt from their book Becoming Sister Wives where Janelle talks about how she was treated by Meri and Kody:

      "I didn’t know when I married Kody what a struggle that first year would be. I moved into the house with him and Meri and lived in their guest room. I felt like a long-term visitor, an eternal houseguest instead of a wife. Meri and Kody were still very much in love and they had no idea how to incorporate me into their lives. I had no idea where I fit into the marriage. When we watched movies they would sit on the couch and hold hands under a blanket and I’d sit in my own chair."

      Brown, Kody; Brown, Meri (2012-05-01). Becoming Sister Wives (pp. 45-46). Simon & Schuster, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

    3. Oh my... that is a sad and terrible thing. It immediately makes me question Kody and Meri's "calling" from God to live the lifestyle if they so clearly didn't know how to behave. Wow what a horrible situation. He really is Kodouche.

    4. Why did she stay then? Janelle is so insecure! And if Cody really was a plyg due to religious reasons he wouldn't have done that (hand holding under blanket). He would have had Janelle at his other side!

  53. imo, that watch of Robyn's looks like one of Kody's. ya know, like in high school how we used to wear our boyfriend's letter jacket or oversized school ring ring wrapped in yarn? anyway, i love my hubby to death but don't want to wear one of his watches nor look like that's what i'm wearing. i'm not impressed with the "fashion statement" of it. meh ...

  54. Just read the interview @ Radaronline...same old Browns, same old drama. I did notice Kodouche looks a little tired and cranky. Must be all that romping through the backyards during "wife" rotation that's wearing him out.

  55. On a positive note, Mona looks great! She has lost some weight, too.

  56. I have my DVR set to record the SW season 3 marathon on Sunday. Just a heads up if anyone is interested

  57. Robyn was wearing Kody watches early on when she came into the family i noticed. She would have one on in several episodes. Kody gave Christine a watch with Robyn hiding it in her luggage on the Boston trip. I thought then that Christine was jealous of Robyn wearing Kody all the ladies are wearing oversized watches..Robyn started the trend

    1. yeah, i can't tell from the pics that it's a ladies oversized bling one. it does just look like a man's watch she's wearing. not a fan. to each his own in re:to fashion statements as well as marriage ones. :)

  58. I just watched this clip online.

    Robyn says, "We're way in the back, and our booth is in the 800s, so there must be at least that many booths."

    Well if she'd EVER worked in a restaurant (or even in an office), she'd know that locations are usually numbered according to what ROW they are in. And there are NOT 99 booths in each row. So in a restaurant, booth 803 would be the THIRD booth in the EIGHTH row.

    I've never worked in a restaurant, and I know that.

  59. I probably like them more than most of you, not that I'm a huge fan, but still. Anyway, that being said, I still don't understand their expensive jewelry. Come now. Aren't they the ones who said, (when picking out a ring for Robyn), "How can you say it means more because it cost more?" and that the one they chose was cheaper but had more "detail" then many of the other choices. So they should take a lesson from their own experiences and make more affordable pieces. They would probably at least be breaking even now if they had.

    1. "How can you say it means more because it cost more?" I thought the same thing why does their jewelry has to be so expensive.

  60. Ok, I just looked at their site and I see that they have released a bunch of new pieces that are a lot more reasonable. Fashionable? No. But I could see more people purchasing that.

    Also, has anyone else ever noticed how often Robyn says, "sit there", when she's talking about something? My name should heretofore be sit there.


      Interesting to compare the the "be"s.

  61. i have noticed that. in fact, i'm wondering if she has ever stood, lived or moved about anywhere, ever. i have considered a 'sister wives'-drinking game but failed to come up with good rules; however, robyn 'sitting there' should certainly be worth a swig.

    1. As would "wet bar" . . .

      We must make it a rule that we can't take a drink whenever Meri or Robyn "pretends" to cry. We'd all be snockered by the first commercial.

  62. All I can say is those houses are F#%>€€G HUGE!!!

  63. Uh, yeah, saw the new inexpensive jewelry pieces...the "be" being a good idea to snag people into buying the stacked word charms. However, "faithful"! Really? As in don't cheat on your wife with a girlfriend you call a sisterwife coz we all know you can't legally marry said sisterwife so she's just a girlfriend and you're cheating Cody. You're not Uncle Arthur. You're not old school. You're a man with a huge ego and lots of problems.

  64. I am sorry, late to the game seeing the charms Cody designed. All in all I thought they were the best yet (you know if you want over priced ICONIC jewelry representing a lifestyle you may or may not support!) FAITHFUL!!?!? Two of them read FAITHFUL!?!? This is so wrong on SO many levels!

  65. Just watched. First episode ever saw krody meet people without saying how he has four wives. Maybe he should always have that siste rwives closet banner with him.

  66. Just watched the episode! I wasn't totally disappointed, but it wasn't great. I have been looking forward to this premiere forever and I wish it had more answers/something new. I would be very concerned about the walk through of the houses, almost everyone had a "boo boo" that's def a worry to me. The sisterwives closet is kind of a bad idea because it's not relatable at all!Robyn def looks preg, but I have thought that before, maybe she just never lost the weight. She looks really stressed out and pale. She seemed a lot happier the first 2 seasons. Meri, OH Meri! Make up your mind about the surrogacy!! She has until Christmas to make up her mind and they better tell us at the end of the season! I know she won't do it but it's an annoying story line to drag on. We didn't really see much from Janelle. I love Christine. I am proud of her for sticking up for herself and her interests. Lastly, if I see Kody get that blank stare when the wives are talking on the couch one more time....ugh it's like he totally spaces out...

  67. Sorry, no way I would put that cheap metal in my ears. I strictly buy sterling silver earrings because they are CHEAP and they don't irritate my pierced ears.

    Also, how can Meri continue to sport the Oompah Loompah complexion? Does she not see the contrast between the tone of her face and the tone of her neck?

    That said, I find it totally iconic that Kody is now in the sisterwife's closet.

  68. Okay, so I looked on each of the wives twitter accounts, because I was trying to figure out which piece of jewelry Kody designed for each wife, as the website doesn't say which wife they are for. So, I think I got it right, but can anyone tell me if he has ever explained why/what each piece means to him for each wife? How he came about the thought process for each symbol, for each wife? (if there was a thought process)....sorry, usually not snarky, but they just don't explain things about their business like they should. I used to have a small business online, I know how it works, it's not that hard, but you have to keep lines of communication open with your customers/lurkers, because the lurkers could be potential customers. Also, would be nice to have an explanation on each piece. Would be sentimental to read I guess when looking at each piece. Anyone know?

    1. In the video above Robyn in wearing the Pheonix and Janelle is wearing the tree.

  69. One of my favorite creators of knick-knacks is Jim Shore. I'd gotten notification that he was going to be on QVC this morning.

    So my mind went to "What if the Browns were on QVC?" It would be the first time in history that five people would be on camera with the hostess, but there would be NO sales to report. Lots of fans would be calling in to say how much they luvvvvvve the Brown Family, but when the hostess asks, "Wonderful! Which pieces did you buy?" the replies would STILL be, "Oh, I can't afford to buy any of them, but they are SOOOO beautiful, and the family is so wonderful."

    And still, Kody would be saying that they're being discriminated against because of their beliefs.

    Their beliefs (which I consider to be an intentional twisting of the Christian faith they claim to follow) are something they will have to answer for. I do not "discriminate" or think badly of them because of their "religion." For me, it's because three of them are hypocrites and scam artists; the other two just don't have the resources to walk away.

  70. I think the "faithful" charm is referring to faith, as in faith in a religion, etc. I think this because they take a lot of things from the LDS Church and there is a popular talk from a leader about the 6 be's. Be grateful, be smart, be clean, be true, be humble, be prayerful. Then the LDS have made that into things with bees. So basically, they just took that and made it "their own".

  71. Jewels, you're so sweet. By the standards of this blog, you're never snarky.
    Anyway, the 'Tree of Life' design is Janelle, she posted it on twitter, as you noticed. 'Phoenix' is Robyn, 'Pixie Queen' Christine and Meri is 'Fidelis'.
    To the best of my knowledge, they've never explained the exact meaning of the pieces, but to my mind, it goes something like this:
    Meri has been faithful ('fidelis') to Kody in more ways than one, she has stuck with him all this time and he does truly love her. They're a perfectly matched couple, albeit it one that I would never want to spend any time with, hence the heart.
    Janelle has provided Kody with a only semblance of stability, she represents his roots, so to speak. Also she has given him four sons, including his eldest, which is what the heart-shaped crown of the tree could be read as.
    Robyn survived an allegedly abusive marriage and being 'a single, working mom', as she is so fond of saying. If you squint and turn your head just so, that kind of makes her like a phoenix arising from the ashes.
    As for Christine, I have no idea how she is a 'Pixie Queen' and can only speculate. Either she's a princess, impish like a pixie or something or it's because two of the original three (now five) 'pixies' (the little girls except for baby Truely who's still a baby, according to Kody's section of the book) are her daughters.
    Obviously, I'm only guessing, but this is my take. I'd love to hear other people's thoughts.

    1. I was also speculating on the pixie queen... I've given it a lot of thought. Maybe too much thought! =8-| But if I start to question my motives then this whole thing unravels! =8-P

      Pixie queen... is is a grown up 'little girl' (pixie) Is she the fun mom (all the pixies follow her...)

      I kind of think it is a combination of the two and think that in a lot of ways Robyn replaced her. She was the younger, bubblier,fertile wife until Robyn came along...

      Personally, I wouldn't find it a compliment to be called a pixie queen and I wonder if Christine does... I think she is used to getting crumbs, though, and any attention or gift feels like something.

    2. Thanks to bored, and Kim, I meant to type in each necklace for each wife, as I'm sure not everyone on here gets on twitter, or knows what he chose for each wife, so thank you for doing so. And for your take on it. Robins and Christine's threw me off the most. A Phoenix? Robin? And Christine seems strong to me, yes she has whiny days I guess, but she doesn't let Kody get away with his crap, she calls him on it, and she has stood strong in raising most of Janelle's and her own children. Plus, I think she handled Robin coming in with at least being as positive as she could. Yes, she signed on for possibly another wife, but still, has to be hard. So I guess the lil pixie to me, seems, childish, more girlie, and would represent Robin more so than that darn Phoenix.(The Phoenix seems strong, and I don't look at Robin and see strength. I see needy. It seems so masculine for a woman's piece too. The tree and the faithful, I get, I like, and could go for either Meri or Janelle. As you remember, Janelle left, then came back. She kept her faith and her faithfulness to her family. So, I could see her getting that one too. Oh well, just my take, wish he would explain how they came to be.

    3. The Phoenix seems strong, and I don't look at Robin and see strength

      The first thing that came to my mind was that Kody must see Robyn as rising from the ashes of her first marriage when she married him.

    4. CJ - that was exactly my thought. She arose from the ashes of her ex.
      Like she wasn't "new" when she "married" him (nevermind Kody with who knows how many women). Kind of reborn, or recycled.

    5. Well, in the Harry Potter books, the tears of a phoenix have healing powers. Maybe they're using Robyn instead of traditional medical treatment. Goodness knows she "appears" to shed enough tears to keep the whole brood healthy.

      But wait . . . that doesn't make sense, given the unpaid hospital bill for someone in her household.

      But wait . . . it's the Brown clan, so nothing HAS to make sense. Silly me.

  72. I think the problem with their jewelry business is their designs are a little "out there" and not really practical for everyday people. Also, the expensive ones. I would pay $200 for a diamond necklace but probably not on a tree. Why can't they sell cheaper ones? Maybe everyday designs that they can make for $1 and sell for $15. I admit that I have grown weary of them, but I do watch for the drama and nothing else to do LOL! I just finished watching the first episode. Why would they go back to Utah for the expo when so many people hate polygomy there?? They need cheaper designs they can sell for $15-30.

    As for the surrogacy issue, I think at this point they are doing it for drama. No one takes this long to decide to have a 2nd child when they are 41 years old! If she wanted another one she would do it or go for invitro. I think it sucks she wasn't able to have any more children but at this point she doesn't seem very invested in it. Robyn will probably have at least 2 more children and She and robyn are close so I am sure she could spend a lot of time with them.

    As for the other ladies not being invested in the jewelry thing, i think robyn and meri could take that on and do it and then they could also make income with real estate. It works they are all doing what they want. They obviously have to pull money out of somewhere because those houses ain't cheap!!!!

  73. My comment is on Mama June's clips

    I watched her "cook" for the 1st time today and I was shocked at not only the kinds of meal she prepares. What I find even more incomprehensible is the kind of cookware she is using. So she's preparing a casserole in an ALUMINUM casserole and serves the food on PAPER plates? Is this what's happening in many American homes?

    As someone from Germany this is a completely new concept for me. Does she do it so she doesn't have to do the dishes afterwards? What a BAD BAD habbit. Has she never heard of the environmental effects of behavior like that?

    Please, please, please - if your're doing the same thing - read up on the way aluminum is produced and how the rainforest in South America is shrinking every year becuase we overuse resources. And I won't even start on the fact that all the trash goes in the same trash can, making it impossible to at least recycle the plastics and the aluminum.

    It takes so little to do your part in saving energy and resources, if not for yourselves then for your kids. Plus china is so much more classy :-)
