Sunday, July 21, 2013 : 'Sister Wives' husband to critics: We're not 'pushing' polygamy on others

Ree Hines
TODAY contributor

July 20, 2013 at 10:43 AM ET

The fourth season of TLC's "Sister Wives" is about to kick off, and that means there's more drama on the way for the Brown family.

Even though Kody Brown and his four wives — Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn — have been open about how they live their lives for some time now, there are still those who have big problems with the polygamous family and aren't shy about saying so. In fact, on the upcoming season premiere, the family travels to St. George, Utah, and find themselves in the midst of some of those unwelcoming faces.

It's no surprise that there are some in St. George who have a particular problem when the topic of polygamy comes up. The community is located close the FLDS headquarters, a base for a group of Mormon Fundamentalists who embrace polygamy and have been embroiled in many scandals involving child marriages, child abuse and incest. St. George is also the town in which FLDS president Warren Jeffs was once tried and convicted of being an accomplice to the rape (a conviction later overturned) before going on to be convicted of two counts of sexual assault of a child in Texas. (Jeffs is currently serving a life sentence for his crimes.)

While the Brown family practices a very different sort of polygamy than that seen in Jeffs' church, it's a difference that's lost on some. That's why Robyn felt so much trepidation about returning to the area, as she explains in this clip from the "Sister Wives" premiere that TLC shared exclusively with

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"I remember in high school, actually, teachers would make derogatory comments about polygamists," she said. "I kept my nose down and I hid who I was because of this." The family actually encountered a wide range of reactions on the trip, as the full episode will reveal on Sunday night, including one very negative reaction. recently spoke to Browns about that and asked them how they felt about encountering such rejection. "I just feel like we live in a world of diversity, and we've chosen how to structure our family," Kody explained. "And we are not pushing it on other people. We don’t even push it on our children." It's a live-and-let-live attitude he'd like to see from others. "We kind of anticipate that we'd really appreciate the same kind of tolerance," Kody said. Things are much different back in their new hometown of Las Vegas. There, the family has found tolerance. Read the rest of the article HERE.
How not to run an online business...
Hey Robyn, if people can't get into your site they can't buy your "iconic", overpriced, costume jewelry!
I'm finding this hard to believe. Well, maybe not if she bought the servers from the same company that supplied the Budget Boutique trinkets that look like they are the cheap prizes in one of those claw vending machines.

Please continue your discussion HERE


  1. *just shaking my head*
    What tripe, what Bullsh*t !!!

    From the clip of Sobbin being showcased with the usual downcast, pity-me eyes right on through to the absurdity of Sobbin explaining to her sista-wife *in the parking lot of the expo venue* when asked what was wrong, that she was upset because they were in St George.
    WTH !! Are we really to believe that her co-Kodette sistawife didn't know this fact until that very moment???

    Are we to supposed to forget that at their scripted/sham of a business meeting held back in LV before the road trip to St George, that Sobbin's angst was already discussed.

    Are fans really thought to be this stupid and gullible to not figure out that the St George trip was nothing more that a chosen plot and destination to rev up ratings....that seeing Sobbin whine and sob *again* was all by design ??

    However, as long as the media is willing to push the phony bullsh*t which the Browns and TLC hand out, there will be those duped fans who will be sniffling right along with Sobbin.

    They won't even think to ask themselves...
    If St George is a known *Anti-Plyg* place....
    with even Sobbin herself saying it....
    then would the Browns *really* go *There*....
    to sell their Plyg junk jewelry if any of this was real??
    Or will it occur to them that this is just another made-up, pushed-through phony drama for their TV show?

    One can only hope that a few die-hard fans start ..."to think."

    1. I'm sorry but Sobbin Robyn is soooo stupid. I love your name for her. I hope you don't mind if I borrow it. Is she trying to sell their beliefs. Or is she trying to sell jewelry. If she's trying to sell jewelry. Then she need to think "smart." She should leave the cutesy background story out of her pitch and all she need to say is that "the jewelry represents unity, love etc. among women." Point, blank, period. It's not that complicated.

    2. Peanut Butter FritosJuly 22, 2013 at 1:58 PM

      I was SO SO SO hoping that they just got what they wanted and got arrested the minute they rolled into Utah after the big mean sheriff was coming for them after they admitted to being felons on TV and then swore to being felons in court. I actually got a little excited about the possibility of Kody Kuffs at the expo, but then I remembered CJ would have already told me.

      That means mouth-breathing Kody called Utah's bluff. I mean, they already have the lawsuit! Why not just freaking arrest him already??? Makes their fleeing look a little stupid though, don't you think? And yet they keep trying to milk it?

  2. Robin doesn't look good lately. Pale, tired, her whole countenance has changed. I think she struggles most to raise her children. I think she would be happier with just a husband, no sisterwives. She seems to have a co/dependent personality. I for one hope they show all of the homes with a tour inside each room, during one of these episodes. Not just a few rooms. I would like to see how big each room is, and how each woman has decorated her home. Anyway, I have already watched tonight's episode, but will be watching again if my hubby allows, lol just so I'm watching with everyone else. Maybe I missed something. Doubt it. Hope everyone has a great Sunday.

    1. Robyn doesn't look good lately. I don't think this lifestyle is everything she thought it would be. I also don't think Kody is as enamored with her as he first was, in fact I think he is tired of her. Of all the wives, I think Robyn would have been best off in a monogamous marriage, she seems like she is too needy to have a husband/father around every 4 days. I hope she can get out before having any more kids with Kody.

    2. Robyn is totally co-dependent and the fact that its so obvious that she is struggling is really pathetic because I thought that was one of the "benefits" of having sister wives. You know so they're not raising children alone. I want to see the rooms too lol, and I'm excited for tonight because I haven't watched it yet!!

    3. As petty as it sounds, Robyn looks terrible for her age and I think she may have some health issues or something. Isn't she in her early 30's? While her style is young with those headbands and frilly shirts, her face is quite aged. Okay, I know I sound terrible, but yeah, she just looks sickly and it is not due to her weight. I am a scrawny 32 year old but I know I've got some "life" in my face.

    4. First and LastWifeJuly 21, 2013 at 10:10 PM

      Robyn tried monogamy and apparently it was a very unpleasant experience for her. I doubt she would ever do that again. Like it or not, Kody is stuck with her. Especially now that she has a child with him. In response to Kody being sick of Robyn, I get the feeling that if he's sick of one, he's sick of ALL! He constantly looks like all four of his wives makes him want to pull his surfer dude hair out! But what's a guy to do when you have what? 15 biological kids with four baby mommas! Put up or shut up & pay up!
      As far as Robyn's health is concerned, I too agree that she appeared to be very pale and sick looking. I'm sure part of it is stress but remember that she did say that food makes her sick. She doesn't eat right or often so that could be a contributing factor. Also, remember that this is not real time. Its like 8 months ago.

    5. Robyn does not look well on the shows or interviews. At this point she's about 36. She is a high anxiety person and the stress has probably gotten to her. She doesn't seem to be a strong enough person to deal with the different issues that must come up from living In the Brown household. Now she's trapped and there's really not much she can do.

    6. Robyn will be 35 this October. She's two months older than me.

  3. Robyn's family LIVES in St. George! Good God. She is such a drama queen. Yes, she is co-dependent and very selfish. She needed a hand out when she met Kody, not a home! The family may have been hanging on, but having Robyn come in with 10+ years of baggage has ruined the dynamic. Granted it "reaffirms" Kody- reaffirms who he really is. - Dragonfly

    1. Totally agree that Robyn coming into the family ruined them, even if it isn't her fault. The move from Lehi,one less day with their father/husband, meshing of 3 extra step-kids, Robyn's neediness, Christine feeling replaced (she was the one shining light that kept the family going) and the added stress of the t.v. show. He should have stuck with the three wives that he had, it had been too long to add a new wife, especially one with kids and so much extra emotional baggage.

      Remember when someone who went to the same church the Browns went to said that the elders didn't want to let Kody marry Robyn because he wasn't financially stable enough, but finally relented to their marriage? They should have listened to the elders, this marriage was a great idea for the show, but a horrible idea for the family.

  4. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 21, 2013 at 5:09 PM

    What a load of hooey! Robyn is such a bad actress. Where are the violins?

    1. Peanut Butter FritosJuly 22, 2013 at 2:00 PM

      It's also possible that she is really that dumb. I think she really needed four people and a man-child to run a website and sell a few pieces of jewelry.

  5. Between Meri and Robyn whining and crying all the time and that creepy Kody flipping his hair like a woman, how much longer can this show last? It seems the only ones with any brains are Janelle and Christine. I doubt there "love" for Kody is going to last very long. It looks like lying Robin has put a wedge between everyone in the family. Why didn't Truly get a big 1st birthday party like Solomon did? Something is brewing and it is not anything good.

    1. Who says Truly didn't get a big party? There are over 20 people in the family, they can not make a tv show out of every single one.

    2. While watching the marathon of the show today I noticed that it showed Kody holding Sol a lot more than I ever saw him hold Truly. It may be because he is a boy or because he is Robyn's kid, but it is very obvious that Sol gets more attention.

    3. First and LastWifeJuly 21, 2013 at 10:15 PM

      I'm sure she got a big party. These "seasons" only last about six episodes! And for only a part time of the year. Maybe her birthday doesn't fall around the time of filming. Or perhaps edited out because it didn't pertain to the storyline of that time.

    4. I agree. Robyn is co-dependent. You can tell she is not an emotionally healthy person. She is trying too hard to kiss up to Meri. Those two against the other two. Janelle and Christine are the most emotionally mature. They would be so much better on their own.

    5. Well, be that as it may, I do believe that Kody, for all his faults - which are legion - does love Truely. She arrived after five years of no babies, though she was upstaged by Robyn. Before she was born, he referred to her as 'Tru(e)ly Scrumptious' and when she was a baby, he often called her 'Scrumpy', which I found very cute. We haven't seen him holding her or paying attention to her since Solomon was born, maybe because it hasn't been filmed, maybe because his limited attention span can only deal with one baby at a time.
      On the question of Truely's first birthday party, I have no idea, but the family was in Vegas by that time and Robyn was pregnant, so I am afraid attention may have been elsewhere.

  6. It is SO SAD to see this trash...and I feel so sorry for Meri. There she sits, the one true legal wife of that putz (whatever his name is), and she looks so miserable. Why she puts up with his shiott I will never know. The other "sisters" are a friggin joke, especially Robyn. God why won't that silly bitch have a seat and spare us the sound of her whiny ass?? Her act is transparent--she thought she would swoop in and steal the show because she THINKS she's younger and thinner and hotter-NOT! But unfortunately for her, her plan backfired because this man will never change. He will always prey on women with weak self-esteem to boost his own overinflated ego. are too classy for this train wreck. Run, don't walk, from this mess. And slap the hell outta Robyn's ass on your way out PLEASE! !

    1. This life is what the one true legal wife wanted, so she has no one to blame but herself!

      And that is not Meri's miserable look, that's Meri's pissed off look. One of the other sisterwives has pissed her off about something.

    2. You must have forgotten--his name is LOVER! (I wonder if Meri is the only one who calls him that?)

    3. Yes, in a literal sense you're right, it appears Meri did choose it but why? That's what I mean. I think she "chose" under duress. Do you think she could've kept her husband if she had stood her ground and said hell no? I think it's an act on her part and yea she probably is pissed at one or all of the other wives or sisters or whatever the heck they are.

      Just my two cents....

    4. Anon, 6:24, I agree, as Robin would say, "wholeheartedly". It's Meri's pissed off look. She has that a lot, wouldn't you agree? :)

    5. MizWatz - I would suggest you read the book they all wrote. Meri's no angel...I don't feel sorry for ANY of this bunch, least of all her.

    6. Dakota Justice- I wasn't aware of a book but I'll certainly check it out! I guess that like all reality shows, there's a lot more going on behind the scenes. But I still say Meri looks miserable or constipated at the very least. I just completely fail to see how any self respecting woman could take part in such a farce...

    7. MizWatz - I don't think any of us can understand how any self respecting woman could be involved in polygamy. It has not made sense to me from the first time I heard of it whenever that was.

      Their book is called Becoming Sister Wives and I'd recommend you try to borrow it from a library or something. The people that I know that spent money on it felt like they got ripped off. It's so full of baloney compared to how they behave that it's like you're reading about another family.

      I think it was on the other thread, the one just before this, where the story of when Janelle joined the family was posted. It's very cruel on Meri's part and was actually in the book. Good luck with the reading if you do read their book. I think it was CJ, someone did a review of the book here too or maybe I should say recap.

    8. It's a bit difficult to envision Meri as someone with "class." She claims to have expensive taste, but she never finished school, she came from a working class polygamous family and married into polygamy as a teenager. She's filed for bankruptcy and collected public aid. She's never had resources of any kind. I'm having trouble seeing Meri as someone better than everyone else. I'm not really a Robyn fan, but when she talks, although she's a bit hysterical, she comes across as well meaning when it comes to the best interests of the family relationships. Even Janelle gave her credit in the book for helping the family communicate better.

      So when Robyn says, for example, that she asks God for help in communicating with Kody, Janelle, and Christine about the business, I believe she's genuine. Robyn isn't swift enough to implement a master plan to steal Kody from Meri, if that's what you're saying. Robyn seems to be needy, but she's also pretty simple in the way that she thinks.

    9. Yes Meri did "choose" polygamy, and here's the choice for women in Mormon Fundamentalist groups - live polygamy or be destroyed by God. Maybe this will give everyone some insights into why these women stick with this horrible way of life.

    10. Ok...I just finished reading the book the Sister Wives wrote and all I can say is OMG. I feel even more confused. Why on earth would these women want that life?
      I will say this though--now I see what the other posters mean about Meri. Her mean-spiritedness clearly shows. It's all about her. And the way the others cower to her! It defies logic.

      Grody Brown is no gentleman and he is damn sure not husband material. And I am beginning to think the wives leave much to be desired as well. They deserve one another...

  7. AZChristian, you cracked me up on the other thread, it's full now, but your take on Robin's tears, lol lol. Funny! I agree with all of you, I think they all were maybe, shall I say it, "happy" in their Lehi home, before Robin. The way the house was set up, Kody would just walk up and down the stairs to each wife's home, he could see all the kids daily, wives could see him daily, even if it wasn't her night. I remember the wives going to and from each others places to borrow sugar, or to talk quickly, or even things like eating all together, and planning parties, it was done all together most of the time, since they were all connected. I loved watching them back then. They seemed so much more of a family. And, best part for the wives..a.k.a. Meri, they didn't even have to share a kitchen! They had their own space, privacy, and their own kitchen. It still bugs the crap outta me that she is the reason they can't share a kitchen. I remember her saying when Janelle came on board, she felt like the way she organized and handled the kitchen was just more convenient and "made more sense", her exact words, then Janelle's way, so that is the main reason they have separate homes. Because Meri is a control freak. Period. She couldn't compromise or share with the second wife, because to her, no one could do it as well, and after all, she was there first. Irks me every time the subject comes up. Wish Janelle or Christine would just call a spade a spade, and call her out on her control issues and the kitchen scenario. One more thing, when the Dargers were at their house last year, and the subject of not sharing a kitchen came up, Kody explained, and I'm sure someone here can quote him, I cannot remember at the moment, the reason in a round about way. Meri got soooooo defensive. Her look, attitude, and talking head, she was not happy she was being blamed for it. But it's true! It embarrassed her that the Dargers might think she was the problem with the kitchen issue. And I don't for one minute think Janelle would have had a problem at all, nor Christine. It was all Meri, and her control issues. I'm done now.

    1. Agreed. They should all move in together and get Meri an apartment somewhere. They would probably be fine

    2. They definitely seemed to work better before adding a 4th wife. The money on these mcmansions could have bought land and built one big house for all to live together, share dinners together under one roof . Meri surely didn't need a house that size and all the utilities that come with it. I don't feel the love is there that once was with kody and any of his wives.

    3. And once again (cough cough Jon and Kate) another nice family is ruined by TV and fame.

    4. Funny, but I can imagine myself having a rough go of having to share the kitchen with another woman (and my husband's affection and body, but...different topic). When I was married to my first husband, we had strongly defined gender roles and the kitchen was MY domain--I liked it that way. When I married my now-husband he liked to do some cooking, would spontaneously start cleaning out the fridge, etc. Good times, right? But I struggled. That was my territory and I wanted it MY WAY. :) That said, Meri was raised in polygamy. She saw sister wives in the kitchen, she had that dynamic modeled in her home.'s all well and good to believe something IN THEORY. Actually trying to make it work, to be the sacrificial, one-big-happy-family wife isn't so simple, though. Meri's quite proud of her control-freak ways, as evidences by many episodes that required packing, etc.

  8. I tried to get to the web site for the collection of jewelry of the sisters wives closet and I am not able to get to it...huge writing comes up saying" Service unavailable".... hmmm is it not in service anymore?

    1. I just tried and so far the website looks like it is ok. Perhaps the problem you are having is with your ISP.

    2. I just looked at the jewelry site. Things are nice, but not really my style.

    3. I heard it was down earlier, but seems okay right now.

      Can someone explain to me why a website/store called "mysisterwifescloset" has a "Coming Soon!" featured collection called "Kody Brown Designs"? Many of us have suspected that Kody has been "in the closet" for some time now. So is coming OUT of the closet to announce he's IN the sisterwifescloset?

      As CJ wrote below, the husband does "as little as humanly possible" to help out with the finances. Did he finally realize that the women were doing even less than he was, but managed to LOOK like they're working and decided to join their "business endeavor"?

    4. First and LastWifeJuly 21, 2013 at 9:53 PM

      Nope. Its not okay for me. Still says service down. I checked the MSWC Facebook page and it looks like nobody can access the site due to high traffic. I guess it shouldn't be any surprise since this happens ALL of the time! Its funny how every time they make a mass announcement to the world that they have something new out for the closet, EVERYONE flocks to it! In fact so many that their site crashes for hours. Yet they still can't seem to sell anything! Hopefully the new stuff isn't so cheap it turns people green.

    5. I just tried a bit ago and could not get one. Probably the show airing has caused an influx of visitors to the site.

    6. I was incredibly disappointed in the show tonight. I cannot believe they are still towing the line with the same bait. The houses, will we get them? Will we be in by Christmas? Will Mary do in-vitro, or take Robin's offer to be a surrogate? Will SWC make enough money to support 21 people four McMansions and college tuition? I think Meri has been holding the surrogacy decision for so long because she can hold Robyn's uterus hostage that much longer if Robyn has to keep it open for the maybe baby. Enough of that twisted situation. I would love to see Christine and Janelle to go into real estate together, call it Brown 'n Brown, leave Cody and combine households and raise their kids together. Every other weekend Meri will have to open up her house to all Janelle and Christine's kids when it's daddy's weekend. Then Meri and Robyn can cry all they want, and work on their hobby and Christine and Janelle can marry real men.

    7. I'm glad I looked at the site yesterday before it crashed. Actually, I went to the MSWC Facebook page and the pieces are right there under Social Store. I am glad they finally listened to their fans/followers and designed some very reasonably priced pieces. I'm sure they will start to sell like wild fire now. Good for them. I want them to succeed, for their childrens' sake.

    8. AZC I think it has more to do with trying to make money any way they can more than whether Kody is gay. I don't think he is. He's a narcissist for sure.

      If they can make money having "Kody Brown Designs" (somehow I doubt it...but whatevssss...) then they'll give it a shot. they're all about the fast buck you know.

    9. First and LastWifeJuly 22, 2013 at 3:15 PM

      Haha!! "Kody Brown Designs"! It just sounds so damn funny to me! Why would you name a collection that? Lol

    10. @Landgomama YES!!! I totally agree that Janelle and Christine should do their real estate and leave Cody and the train wreck and embrace the functional, intelligent women that they are!!! Yes yes yes!

  9. To me it looks like all of the women are making some kind of financial contribution. What does the husband do?

    1. What does the husband do?

      As little as humanly possible.

    2. ROTFLMBO!!!

    3. Snort!! THanks for the laugh CJ!! LOL!!

    4. Bahaha! Kody busy listening to Meri and Robyn sobbing about something and packing to go from house to house! Actually, Kody is a bit of a cry baby himself. He trys to appear loving and sensitive, but he's really narcissistic, vane and a dirty geeky man. Even if I was into polygamy, Kody wouldn't be my pick.

  10. Not long now...let the crying and whining begin!!!

  11. 8 minutes into the new season and Meri is complaining, Robin is sobbin and Kody is being an adolescent in a 40-something body....welcome back Browns!

  12. Robyn must be just humiliated that a lien has been put on her home. After all the fuss about how important these houses are, for her to get a "lien on the dream" must be gut check to her. Her past is still haunting her.

    1. There is no excuse for Robyn to not be working 40 hours a week and running the closet website to start paying down on all her bills. This woman is ridiculous with her excuses about why she can't pay her bills, we haven't seen her hold a real job since she has been on the show.

      Wonder if Kody regrets marrying her? She must take up so much extra energy, along with her kids with her ex and has bad financial baggage. I love seeing the scene where Kody tells Robyn that she is making drama over nothing.

  13. I've been watching the prior season off and on today and have a few observations.

    1. Meri and Robyn- blah! All they do is whine and cry. They use the tears to manipulate and it's getting tiresome. I really wish one of the other wives would tell them to grow up already!

    2. The same clips keep being replayed over and over. The same story lines keep getting recycled over and over. How many times do we have to hear about Robyn having Meri's baby and the wet bar! UGH!

    3. The teenagers are delightful to watch. We need more of them. All of the "adults" could learn from them.

    4. Meri- please wear clothes that fit. Also, layering a tank on top of a long sleeve shirt is not a good look.

    5. Kody- Why does he always need to announce that he has 4 wives everywhere he goes? Is it his way of proselytizing or is he just that big of a douche? My guess is the latter.

    6. I don't think it is fair for everyone to have the same budget. Everyone's needs aren't the same.

    7. The jewelry is overpriced and cheap looking. No wonder people don't want to buy it. DUH!

    I'm sure there will be more to come, but that is all I can think of at the moment. This show is kinda like a train wreck. I know I shouldn't look at a tragedy, but I just can't help myself.

    1. You said a mouthful! I totally agree. It seems that there is a division brewing between the wives. It wasn't like that before. They all seemed to work together. Nice job Robin.

  14. I am LMAO! Just watching the new episode now, theyre all sitting around the table discussing MSWC and I'm shocked and confused about how some of them (Grody, Janelle and Christine) are complaining about and commenting on HOW MUCH WORK MSWC is. Say what? They must be a real lazy lot. What could possibly be so much work?

    AND...why on earth would they CHOOSE to attend an Expo in St George given their obvious AWARENESS of this town's views on Polygamy? They are clearly, not a one of them, the sharpest tools in the shed.

    1. Wonder is Kody still thinks the joolery is iconic? Noticed he designed a nifty little pixie heart pendant on the website...oh my.

    2. I was amazed that Meri thought it was a good idea to drive 4 HOURS to be there for half hour to an hour to set up!! It doesn't take much of a brain to realize that it's a waste of time and gas!! But Robyn NEEDS her there!! whine whine whine!!

    3. Also if you noticed, Meri was "needed" to put the finishing touches on the way too fussy (my opinion) booth design. She had to move something just this little bit and that thing a touch this way ~ give me a break! More of her control issues. She cannot even let 4 other adults figure out how to set up a temporary booth without her help. *smh* Pathetic.

  15. I love how they think that people might not buy their joolery because they are polygamists. Couldn't be because they have shitty, overpriced material? Nah, they are being persecuted.

  16. Guess they didnt pay the bill for their is still down..lots of complaints on their FB page

    1. No, it's the same problem the site had last year...their server can't handle the web traffic.

      Robyn talked about this problem last year. Getting a better server should have been a priority. This will be addressed in my review.

  17. Oh dear...

    It seems that because of the new season of Sister Wives, SWB is getting some rather irate comments.

    If you think SWB should keep our mouths shut if we don't have something good to say, or that SWB should turn off the show and watch something else, perhaps you should follow your own advice and leave quietly.

    Here, let me help you. Should I call a cab or will you be able to find your way back home without help? I don't want you loitering in my yard any longer than what's necessary.

    Thank you for dropping by...

    1. "Should I call a cab or will you be able to find your way back home without help?"

      You DO have a way with words, Cyncial Jinx.
      And so politley. :-)

  18. Meri's sceeming ways revealed! She is dragging this baby thing out to the point she is going to get Kody to be the one to say he dosnt want another baby with her..thats been her plan all along..she always turns it back to him.

    1. I for one am so sick of the baby thing. Meri doesn't need a baby she is one. She did do a good job of making sure Robin didn't get pregnant again for a year. She seemed so reluctant to tell Robin she didn't want to borrow her uterus. I don't think for a second it was because she was afraid of hurting Robin's feelings, then again, boohoo, perhaps she was a bit afraid.

  19. I saw Koko on the preview for next week! I'm pretty excited about that. :-) I hope she swings by and tells us all about it...

  20. Right now I'm watching the very first SW (Pilot) episode, since I've already seen the "new" ep several times. what a difference.
    Even Meri seems like a much nicer person. They are still doofuses, especially Christine, but they seem like fun people. And Logan is amazing :) In retrospect, I wonder if they were REALLY like that or was it an act for the cameras???

  21. Where do they get the money? Robyn has her nails done, their new homes are huge! I don't get it:/ they drive newer car's a lot of kids. Come on! When I list my job my husband and I cut way back, I just dont see how they do it, unless TLC is paying them big bucjs.

    1. Kristen - they don't pay their bills like we do. They have a lien already against one of the houses for not paying a hospital bill, and there are all kinds of fines against at least one of the kids for multiple police stops, which turned up that they had no car insurance.

    2. AZ Christian, the kids were stopped without car insurance? How many of them drive now?

    3. I thought it was determined that the lien was against someone with the same name but a different address? I can't remember if that was discussed here or on another site though.

    4. I thought it was determined that the lien was against someone with the same name but a different address?

      The medical lien is in the name of Robyn and her ex husband, filed against her McMansion (verified). Some posters were trying to include some HOA and water liens but those were for another person and filed against a different property entirely.

  22. Do "we" know for sure that Kody tells Robin she's creating drama? I have seen and heard the clip several times now, but it never shows him actually saying it, or to whom. Just wondered if I missed something. Meri and Kodys decision on the surrogacy issue, was he was allowing her to wait until they moved into the new homes, so she could decide if she wanted to start a new family all over again.She said she thought living in the new home would help her decision. I remember the teary, drama filled convo with Kody on the couch. Yikes. Why the house would help her decision, I don't know, but that was what she is/was waiting for. Anyone notice Kody telling Robin, she's so beautiful, that it doesn't matter if can cook or not? In the previews for next week. Yes, I too saw Koko. She rolled her eyes a few times, and Kody and Robin didn't look pleased with what she was saying.

    1. Just saw the preview for next week and it is Kody saying it to Christine. It looks like they are sitting on someone's bed talking when he says it.

  23. Is it possible that any of the sisterwives (Christine, Janelle or Sobbin) are receiving any kind of government assistance still?

    How the heck does this large brood afford everything? There must be something shady going on. It would takes thousands of $'s a month to pay their mortgages, property taxes, utilities, groceries, car insurance, home insurance, gas for the vehicles, etc etc. Is the Joolery thing just some kind of "front"?

    And who is Koko that someone mentioned earlier?

    1. who is Koko that someone mentioned earlier

      Kollene Snow, who appeared on a previous episode of Sister Wives. She escaped from the Kingston group of polygamist cults.

      Review: S05Ep04 "Polygamist Cults"

  24. I am kind of tired of hearing that they have no money. Why build such massive houses then? Drive cheaper cars then. Quit whining. TLC must be paying them well. Just my opinion.

    1. Oh my gosh me too! It's not our responsibility to buy their crap so that they can pay their bills. I can understand frustration that your business isn't as successful as you were hoping it would be, but to constantly say things like, "We need this to work so that we can pay for our new homes" just sounds so incredibly out-of-touch with reality. You don't go buy new homes like that without already having a steady income flow. It's backwards. Kody says he's so sick of asking people for their permission to live his lifestyle - I'm so sick of their entitlement attitude! Nobody owes them anything! When the kids were saying they hate their rental houses because they can't paint the walls - seriously??? Be grateful you have a freakin roof over your head!

    2. So agree with you, Anonymous!! Their 'business' isn't successful because the 'joolrey' they offer is overpriced and ugly!! Get a clue, Browns!! The government (and by government I mean, we, the taxpayers, who pay our taxes by getting jobs that aren't 'fun' and that we might not like, to pay our bills and taxes) has already subsidized this 'family' with food stamps, bankruptcies, etc, and now Kody is upset because we are not playing his game of spending our hard-earned money on the 'joolrey' so that Kody and his Kodettes can pay for the over-priced, over-sized McMansions??
      How delusional are these idiots???

  25. In Robyns April blog about body issues and weight she talks about how food grosses her out and shes anemic and her hunger berometer is broken and basicaly has ill health. If all of this is true then how would she make a good surrogout? sorry about the spelling its late

  26. If they have no money, that's exactly what they deserve. That's what you get when you have multiple wives and dozens of children, multiple vehicles, 4 half million dollar McMansions mortgaged to the hilt and not one single full time decent job between them. Losers.

  27. In the previews for the season it looked to me like Kody was telling Christine that she was making drama where there is none, but I am not too sure. It would be great if he was telling Robyn but it will probably end up being Christine. I think I remember Robyn saying something about being anemic at some point. Maybe that is what is wrong with her and why she is so pale? Anybody remember that? Not sure if I am making that up in my head!

  28. I love the show and the wives. I think they seem to be really good people and are doing better than most do rasing their chidren. I hate that people judge their lifestyle, its their personal choice and it works for them. There is a lot worse things happing in the world than someone having multiple wives. Love the and hope for many more blessing for them. :)

    1. Most people here don't care about the lifestyle aspect, it is the fact that they have lived off handouts their entire relationship. Each wife has claimed bankruptcy (yes, that is 4 bankruptcies between this family!) and now when they get money from TLC they purchase 4 brand new gigantic houses? Give me a break.

    2. Yeah...yeah..."if it feels good, do it."

    3. You realize polygamy is "illegal" right? Do you also turn your head on other criminal acts because the "people seem nice?" Stand for something or you'll fall for anything (like this).

  29. I got to thinking a little bit today, now I don't know that much about bigamy laws and what not, but maybe Kody would have been better off not legally marrying Meri or any of the wives? He could just be one of those guys with lots of kids with lots of baby mamas and they all just happen to live together like as roommates (in Utah) or next to each other (in Vegas. If that were the case would he really be doing anything illegal? Just a thought.

    1. The Utah constitution supposedly reads something to the effect "married or living as married" is illegal. Winston Blackmore of the Canadian branch of the FLDS said he would never marry another woman legally after his wife divorced him, moved to town and sued him for payment of child support. LOL Of course, that didn't keep Winston out of Canadian courts. I think some of his sons have sued him over poor "home school" education that precluded them from working anywhere but Winston's fence post factory where the sons started work at some ridiculous age like 13. Reality seems to get skewed to whatever the latest self-proclaimed prophet is selling!

      I couldn't believe it this evening! After watching a bunch of Sister Wives reruns and requiring a glass of wine to get through anymore, I fell asleep in my chair just as the group was leaving for St. George!! Did catch the rest of the program on the later broadcast. It occurs to mr that Sobbin' is as manipulative as Meri--if waterworks won't sway the rest of the wives, try guilt. "i don't know how to reach Janelle and Christine..." Bet those other two are immune to that manipulation!

    2. Some states there's common-law marriage. Where that is the law, a spouse can request a share of the common assets accumulated during the years (I heard 7years but that may vary) together.

    3. In states that recognize common law marriage, it doesn't matter if the man and woman are "legally' married, as long as they meet the requirements of the common law marriage statute. In Utah, you have to have lived together for a certain period of time (I would have to do more research on how many days per year you have to co-habitate to constitute "living together" and quite frankly, I don't care enough to do so), you have to consider yourself married, and you have to represent yourself to others as married. In Utah only, you also have to have your common law marriage administratively recognized (not the same as a marriage license) but you still have to do more than just live together. IF you manage to make yourself married via common law in Utah, then other states recognize that marriage through a legal theory in which states will generally recognize a union that one state considers legal, even if they don't recognize common law themselves (different for same sex marriages, however). So, if they have been married by common law in Utah, moving to Nevade, where they don't have common law marriage, wouldn't change the fact that the state would recognize them as married. However, as far as I know, they never took any steps in Utah to have their unions administratively reocgnized, so I would say based on what know that they were not considered to be married by common law in Utah, and thus are not considered so in Nevada.

      Common law marriage statutes were origially enacted to protect women who lived with men who wouldnt' marry them. However, with the whole women's lib movement, most states have abolished their common law marriage statutes (I think only like 7 or 8 states still recognize common law marriage these days).

      However, none of that means that Kody is any less on the hook to support the just means that Robyn, Janelle, and Christine are left twisting in the wind if anything happens to Kody. At least if you're married, even by common law, you can collect social security death benefits, you have a right of inheritance, etc. As it stands now, if Kody were to die, every single thing he owns would go to Meri as the living spouse. Only if Meri were to predecease him would anything go to the children.

      Anyway.....enough lawyer legal rambling for this time of morning...hope that helps answer your question. (:

    4. Anon 1:43. HILARIOUS that you fell asleep. I literally Lol'd

  30. The turning point for me and this family was when I found out about their financial past. As soon as I realized what scammers they were, I saw them in a totally different light. The praise they get on facebook about them being so great and responsible angers me because my family has been effected by financial struggles and we have always cut corners and picked extra jobs. I admit that I struggle with jealousy towards them when my family has had to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps when we could have just ran up credit cards and scammed the system. Sorry for the rant, just had to get that out.

    1. Join the club Anon 12:49! I think that is the point of this blog. There are many reality shows out there that are all sorts of messed up and fake but Sisterwives takes the cake! This is a lifestyle that not only is horrible for the women who live it but also screws over every tax paying citizen. Just the other day my co-worker (from Utah) was complaining about the polygamists using food stamps to buy their groceries and claiming they are single mothers. We all know now about Kody's families past financial schemes. When Kody cries "I'm so sick of people judging us blah blah blah," believe me, it bothers us all. I believe those who support this family are the ones that have not taken a clear look at what dirty business they are really up to or possibly just turn a blind eye. It makes me wonder if they believe their own deception as innocent?

  31. Does anyone know if you can be charged with being a polygamist if you are not all under one roof? Maybe that is why??? How much time can he be possibly be spending with his poor kids if he is not in their home everyday. Kids have school, homework, friends. Do they have to fit their time with their dad around his schedule with their mom. It just seems so awful to the kids. They never really address the real issues. It is all about the houses,the surrogacy. What about the poor kids you already have Kody.I tried to be objective but this thing with the home just threw me off the rails. Mortgage payments are for up to 30 something years.Do they really think TLC is going to follow them to the retirement home?

    1. In states like utah you can be charged for simply cohabitating. Because that is what they do to get around the law.

  32. What gets me is when I was on their facebook page if someone says something about not buying the jewelry and supporting an illegal lifestyle it's like a war of words begins. I don't think they should be allowed on fb because in essence, they are promoting breaking the law.

    1. They are also known for removing any negative comments on their FB page. I know they used to monitor it obsessively and quickly remove what they didn't like. I'm not sure how well it's monitored now so maybe the negative stuff is staying. But if you aren't a fan that thinks they can do no wrong, you're pretty much harassed off that page!

  33. I have to seriously shake my head when I read the gushing comments from their "fans" on their FB page. Sorry but I don't get it. Are these people just completely daft/a little thick between the ears? There is nothing about this family that is worthy of admiring them. Their lives are all about them. They don't do anything for their community, they don't "give" they merely TAKE. Multiple bankruptcies, social assistance scams, bringing more children into this world than they can clearly properly provide for, no secure careers or futures, no health insurance, no retirement plan, mortgaged up the hoohoo for 30 years and scraping by only because of TLC. They lied about their need to leave Lehi, they had their dog put down because Meri felt he was merely an inconvenience, they've taught their children that it's the norm for a man who have a harem of wives/lovers. What on earth is there to be a fan OF? I read people singing their praises about what a "good Christian family" they are when real Christians, sorry to say it, don't consider Mormons/FLDS or any variation of that sect/cult to be in anyway Christian. You have a man who's fathered 20 children who is more concerned about his car and his thinning hair than spending quality father time with his gaggle of children. He hops from bed to bed and home to home and these poor kids have nothing but dysfunction and chaos, and 4 miserable Mothers who are a collective mess of manipulators/passive-aggressive/lazy/codependent/needy/delusional/competitive, etc. WHAT is there to admire? They can't even be bothered to ever RESPOND to any of their "fans" on their FB page (but boy they're sure happy to take their money). What a sad world we live in when these are the kind of people that some people look up to/aspire to be like/worship. So totally farked up, IMHO.

    AND -- who wants to make a bet that a 5th wife will be on the radar soon? My guess is they'd pick one who had a great career and could help lighten the financial load of these lazy buggers? That would also be a surefire way to keep this scam of a Reality TV show going on for at least another season (cha-ching $$$).

    1. I agree, I have yet to see them give back to the Las Vegas community, which welcomed them with open arms. It would serve their image well if they participated/volunteered at any local charitable institution. There are plenty, like Opportunity Village, Three Square food bank, etc.

    2. Reading what the "fans" post of their FB page scares the sh*t out of me...the fact that people can watch the same show I watch (at least, one can assume, huh?) and get that these people are happy, functional, etc. completely blows my mind and, did I mention, scares the bejeebees out of me. The fact that this many people can be fleeced is...well, not to be repetitive, but...scary as sh*t.

    3. Anon 2:10, you voice my frustrations. Very well (and angrily) expressed. to compare. I actually learned something out-side of my world view watching Polygamy USA (on Natgeo), as I have reading books on the topic of religious polygamy. Sister wives is a tv show about a bunch of whining welfare queens.

    4. Thank you Anon 2:10. You stated exactly how I feel. I also cannot believe the love fest their fans have for them. Am I missing something. Their fans are CRAZY. Are we watching the show. They see wonderful parents who are great with money and taking care of their kids. They think Kody is so smart. I guess he is smart in some ways because after all he has gotten his adoring fans to help keep them in their mansions. It just makes me mad when people sing their praises. I want to throw up. I really don't care how they live their lives. I do care about how they manage to get it. There are hard working people out there working 2 or more jobs to take care of their family and they struggle. Then you have the Kody clan. They are crying in hopes their fans will bail them out. We need to sell this jewelry to pay our mortgage. Well boo hoo. Who flipping cares. I am sick of the water works. TLC enough about the surrogacy story line. They have enough kids already. There are so many women out there who cannot have a child at all. They are really dragging this topic past its expiration date. Why does this man want to keep producing. It is going to take. 5th wife with money to help pay the bills. According to their FB fans, there are plenty of them to choose from. Just grosses me out. This man goes on national tv promoting sleeping with multiple women. They are pushing polygamy down our throats. They need to go away. Their fans are now saying that we all should learn from this family and live like they do. The world would be a better place if we lived like the Browns. They would be honored to have them as neighbors and friends. OMG, the Browns don't give a damn about their fans. They never respond on FB. This blog validates my sanity. I am not alone in what I observe watching this show.

  34. I like watching sister wives but I cant understand why they would go to a place to sale there jewelry and they now them people dont like how they live their life.

    1. I agree. I am wondering if TLC told them to exhibit in St. George ... in order to create some drama for the show.

  35. Budget Boutique

    Nowhere do they list what type of material these earrings, etc are made from. Many, if not all women get irritated ears from cheap metal earrings and will not wear them. I don't see this stuff selling any better than the overpriced silver stuff.

    Are they really even metal? or just plastic with a metallic finish? Were they extruded from a 3-D Printer like an up-scale play-doh factory creation and then painted with metalic finish from Michael's? There is better looking stuff you can assemble from the jewelry section of Michael's, or even just get the jewelry clay from Michaels in pretty colors and run it through the play doh factory extruder and cut it into slices for flowers and stars and hearts. I'd much rather wear some homemade Michael's bling than plastic looking words that will flake off their metallic finish leaving a trail of toxic bits before the third wearing, while irritating my ears.

    I think this is the poorest excuse for a crowd-sourcing effort I've ever seen. Give me Jim and Tammy Faye any day. At least when Tammy Faye cried yo got some good mascara run going on.

  36. You know.....I don't believe in Polygamy, don't feel it benefits anyone but the man with the harem of wives (slaves), but to each their own I guess. I do think it's sad that innocent children are born into these kinds of lifestyles because as in the case of the Browns, I just don't see how the kids can possibly get enough 1:1 time with their parents, or NOT feel like just another kid in the long line of kids.......but IF the family is truly all on the same page about working together as a team for the good of the family, then fine....but these Browns are a bunch of shysters. All about big fancy houses (material things) they can't afford, clearly NO desire to live as a Plyg family because then Witch Meri might have to share a kitchen, or a wet bar. They don't seem like a family at all. It's more like a scenario of a married man with a primary family and 3 mistresses and his offspring who live closeby. There isn't even anything authentic about this bunch of clowns. The wives don't help each other out at all. It's all a farce if you ask me. So why does this farce of a show even get air time? Why is TLC supporting this group of materialistic lazy frauds? This "show" has strayed so far away from its original intent/premise that it's laughable.

    And their "fans" must collectively be several fries short of a Happy Meal to defend and adore them as they do. Many claim to "love them" which is well beyond disturbing. I read some woman's praiseful diatribe, claiming that the wives were such "role models" to her. OMG. It's these coneheads that probably spend their kids' lunch money in order to purchase the "iconic jewelry", thereby support this group of frauds. And TLC only perpetuates the sham. Hard working Americans should be outraged by this group of halfwits who wouldn't know hard work if it hit them in the arse....who are scammers and users and players and setting that example for their brood of children who (at least most of them) will carry on the tradition. To me they're like a bunch of Romi Gypsies, scamming their way through life and reaping rewards they haven't earned. It's beyond shameful and I will never ever understand their faithful "sheep" who seem to worship them.

  37. I just was sad to see it... I was in your last clip and was shown as the excited customer who didn't buy anything... truth is I did come back an hour latter after that and did buy the necklace for my best friend for christmas. You all signed a card for me and everything. The experience for me was fun and my made my friend feel special. Unfortunately, last night put a sour twist to the fun of it all. I came to the expo not to shop just look around so I really didn't have any money on me. I know that you can make whatever out of the clips you all take, I knew it when I signed the paper, I just didn't take you all as... well harshly put liars. Wish I bought her something else because now I'm on TV as a liar saying "I'll be back" to save face. Thanks for that.

    1. This sounds like true-to-life confirmation that TLC and the Browns will use anyone who crosses their path, if it serves their own needs - even REAL customers.

      Have you put this on their Facebook page? Their "fans" need to know that they, too, would be put in a bad light if it helps make the Browns look like victims. These people are shameless grifters and con artists.

    2. Wow, I saw this and was thinking who among us hasn't done the same thing so we can get out of buying something, so I don't think anybody watching would look at you in a bad light. I think we'd all just laugh and say good for you. I see what you mean though about it being put on TV and showing you and everything and then editing it to make you try to look bad.

      You should know though that the sisterwives don't manage this site. This is where we, the informed public, go to comment on what we really think is going on behind the scenes. Most of us think they are not so great, to put it mildly.

      I also want to add on an unrelated note that Meri is so fake. She is still trying to pretend that she is Robyn's BFF, knowing she can't stand sharing Kody. IMHO, she is the main divide among this family. Her bitterness has really affected everyone.

    3. Doesn't surprise me one iota. They did the same thing during their trip to Nauvoo last season when they out and out said they were banned from a history museum "because we're plygs". Which of course turned out not to be true - dont remember the exact reason offhand but not only is the museum not even Mormon, but it was because they can't handle large groups unless they have a reservation, I think. They might have also been closed that day...?

      By "they" I mean the Browns, the producers, and even the tour guide was in on the lie. They couldn't even be bothered to apologize for their lie.

    4. Sister Blister WifeJuly 22, 2013 at 11:07 AM

      I haven't seen the episode yet, but I am sorry that you were shown in such a light. Were the cameras present when you returned?

      I don't know how much editing control the Brown actually have, but it's likely they had a working script for that episode.

    5. That is crappy of them, for sure. Sad, but not surprising. Good for you for coming on here to tell what really happened. They are just showing whatever they want, to add to the poor me story line. Nice, Robyn. Way to do business. Trash on your customers.

    6. Do the Browns think that by portraying the business as not doing well they will garner sympathy and extract more sales? That is a poor strategy...Their disorganized approach is a turn off and it showed in the early stages of the business. Sorry Annon 8:03 am for your experience..we know Robyn lies well.

    7. When I read your account, my first thought was, "Sure, of course, they used that footage of you to their advantage."
      This is just another incident of the unethical behavior of these Browns.

      And like you, I really dislike that they have your money and got to use your words dishonestly, and all you are left with is their over-priced junk and a bad and *knowing* reality taste about them all.

      They either outright lie and/or twist a story, or they allow the use of disjointed pieces of footage to ramp up the drama in any plot du jour.

      Please do post your story on their FB page !
      And if you do, don't be surprised if they try to re-spin the incident again to their advantage.

    8. You are a nice friend! You spent a lot on a friends Christmas gift and probably because you love her. The women probably have little control over how TLC cuts the clips. But, just a thought ... why dont they have one of those visa card portable little things that go on a cell phone or something of that sort? I was at a garage sale and said I needed to go to a ATM and would be back. The lady puts out a two inch cube and says I can swipe and pay right there! Would have maybe kept a few customers from using that line. LOL... I think it is free even on the internet.

    9. "The women probably have little control over how TLC cuts the clips."

      Possible but doubtful, since there have been too, too many blatantly phony bits, yet they still go along with the fiction long after the airings, allowing the bits to then be replayed and replayed.

      However, if it is the case, they then could have and *should have* posted the accurate version on their FB page.

      Not only is it a really shitty, disrespectful way to treat a fan and a would-be customer, it's stupid and bad for future business.

    10. Portraying the business as doing poorly is really the wrong strategy! You want to look like your product is so desirable that it is flying off the shelf. People don't buy stuff out of pity. Especially not expensive stuff (or ugly stuff)

      I think Robyn wants the other wives to buy into her dream to bring them all together, with her as the heroine. It would validate her. They sure don't need all those people to run an internet business.

    11. Ouch, that was cheap of them to portray a customer like that. I am sorry that happened to you. Didn't Robyn make a point of saying she never saw you again? What a liar. Thanks for coming here and stating the truth. I know the Browns are even bigger liars than I previously thought.

      Also, I hated how they had that one lady talking about polygamy and how she doesn't like it and they totally edited her words to say that she hated the Browns when clearly she meant she hated polygamy and more specifically the Warren Jeff's of the world.

      This is why I am so leery of ever being filmed for t.v., they have a way of twisting what you say to support their agenda.

    12. It was Robyn (or Christine?) who did the voice over that said "...and then she just left and never came back..."

      so I call BS that the Browns weren't in on how that was edited. Totally.

    13. Anon @8:03 am: Like the others, I'm sorry that happened to you! I do think you were a kind, generous friend to get your friend one of their necklaces for Christmas. I know you feel used and I don't blame you.

      This blog is for people that realize that their is nothing real about this reality show and we discuss what happens on the show, what they post on their FB page, what tweets, just everything and anything about the Browns and polygamy in general.

      Please, if you feel at all moved to do so, stay around, read more and join us in our discussions. This blog has covered women leaving polygamy with and without their kids, the move from Lehi to Las Vegas by the Browns, the National Geographic show called Polygamy USA and many more topics. Welcome.

  38. Did anyone notice that the junk joolry boutique has the amount of each item in stock next to the item. Seems they started off with about 250 of each junklery item and they have sold on average I would say 15 of each :/. Why, is beyond me!

  39. TLC supports them for one reason - they're making money from them.

  40. I just checked out the "Budget Boutique" and want to know where the "BE SWEET" charm is?
    IDK, but I'd like to know who's doing the actual design for that over priced stuff?

    1. Be sweet ... That is too funny and sad at the same time. They could make a killing off of that one in Colorado City and Centennial Park, sadly. And oh yeah, off of Christine too. Seems like she wants to burst, but she's reminding herself to keep sweet.

    2. Gina Wilson is designing the other necklaces for each wife

  41. So, from what I have read on this blog, Kody and Krew's "budget" joo-le-ry--the "be" this or "be" that--is a rip - off off of a mainstream Mormon idea, and dthat these kinds of charms are already being marketed. What a suprise! This is just like the Claddagh ring. And does anyone really believe that Kody actually "designed" the four women's pendants?! The "creativity" of this family is totally underwhelming, but Sobbin' still likes to pretend that she is SO artistic.

  42. I don't know why I watched the show last night as I was doing laundry. I am a vendor at the What a Woman Wants expo at the South Towne Expo in the Fall and Spring. I actually empathized with their nervousness, anticipation and worring about selling enough product to even make the booth rent. I knew when the first person never came back from the "ATM" that their prices weren't "what women want" at the expo. I too sell jewelry and have learned that woman at the expo want a deal and a steal. I too was interested after the show to see the jewelry they sell and went to their website. First, I have to say that Kody has always totally creeped me out. Why? I can't put my finger on it but he is creepy. I looked at the jewelry and it made me sick to hear the descriptions, "Kody designed this for his wife..." Who cares? They aren't celebrities that people want to emulate, people watch the show because it is a freak show. I watch murder mysteries because they are interesting - I'm not going to wear a "gun" necklace around my neck. Second, the "clothing" section? Are you serious? These woman are as "Molly McMorman" as they come! What exact fashion sense do they have? 300 pounds wearing a cotton t-shirt over a long-sleeved t-shirt? Third, that "Be Sweet" saying on the jewelry makes me ill. That is what the FLDS tell their females from the time they are born. "Be Sweet" meaning don't think, be passive, just accept the pathetic life you were unfortunately born in to. Prepare to be married at the age of 11 or 12 to your relative and become their property to be used and abused in every way imaginable and remember "Be Sweet." Don't report the abuse, don't try to leave, just do as your told and multiply. Yes, I am LDS and live in Utah. Polygamy is a scar on the face on Mormonism. All Mormons today hate the history of polygamy and disagree with it. When instituted in 1852, it was meant for the purpose of a single woman (especially woman with children whose husband had passed) to be married to a man that could support her. All good intentions aside, it was extremely abused and instead turned old men into "cherry pickers." Old men marrying young 11 years old virgin girls. Anyhow...the jewelry made me as sick as the show. Kody has no business sense other than turning the illegal act of polygamy (yes, it is illegal in the State of Utah where they resided) into money. I'm afraid there is no way this jewelry is what woman need - let alone want. Good luck ladies. I hope you get your homes paid for before TLC cancels your "freak show!"

    1. You are right that Kody is creepy, and that they better try and pay of those mansions before their show is cancelled.

    2. Anon@9:34 a.m.: I agree with your take on their prices and What Women Want as well as how the mainstream LDS church members feel about polygamy. All of us are here because we see what the Browns truly are, how they've existed by using public assistance, bankruptcy (all 4 of the wives) and how they jump into "businesses" that are not standing a chance of being successful.

      We discuss all things polygamy here, books we've read, etc. Please feel free to join us. This is not run by the Browns.

  43. I was actually wondering where the following "BE" charms were:

    And so forth. Closer to the truth.

    1. You forgot,
      I could go on and on!

    2. BE

      Passive Aggressive
      On benefits

    3. As usual, our SWB "sisters" have made me laugh. LOVE the "be" ideas!

  44. So I just watched the premiere of "Sister Wives" On Demand. Frankly, I was more interested in the "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" trailer that aired at least five times during the show. Mama June in a go-cart? She's much more entertaining!
    One word for this premiere: YAWN.
    It doesn't take an MBA to know that they lost money flogging their overpriced, ugly jewelry at that trade show. Christine and Janelle have the right idea -- get the hell out of the Closet!
    I don't know about the rest of the Sister Wives Blog posters, but I would rather see more of the kids this season. The rehashed scene with the kids out at dinner where Maddie and Logan are filmed saying, "They'd like us to all go to UNLV and live at home, but that's not going to happen," is gold. Even they think their parents are nuts.
    And the most eye-popping moment of the episode? When Meri said she was 32. Girl, you need to stay out of the sun!

    1. Maybe she said 42 cuz Meri is DEFINITELY not 32!

    2. She said "I'm 42, almost!"

  45. First of all, I want to thank everyone who made more "timelines" in the previous threads - I find them all hilarious (and probably very true)!

    My absolute favorite (by Mrs. Precious Wife): "2pm. Kody goes to Christine's for breakfast." Loved it!

    Second - I'm really confused (nothing new when watching this show, but you know...) At the Meeting of the Minds for MSWC, Meri clearly stated that she didn't have time for the nonsense of traveling all the way to the Expo with Robyn because she could only stay for a half-hour (after driving 4 hours to the Expo - did I even hear that right??) Then after the meeting, Robyn proclaims to be frustrated with the lack of support from her sister wives, but says "Thank goodness I have Meri on my side." I was all, ?!?!?!?!?!! I fail to understand how Robyn could not read the faces and/or body language of her fellow wives at that meeting - not one of them, including Kody, seemed capable of showing any interest whatsoever in Robyn's Closet ('cause that would mean, you know, WORK)...not to mention, it's just laughable that Robyn thinks for one second that the Closet is the answer to their nightmare load of debt...however, no one else seems to have any other brilliant ideas on how to bring in money (without actually having to WORK). Not to say I'm on Robyn's side, but...I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. This show makes my brain hurt.

    Thank goodness for this blog!!

    1. And if MSWC is their business, what was Meri doing that would supersede that? In the real world, WORK gets the priority in our scheduling, and we make other appointments around that. And if our JOB has a high-priority need for us, we don't plan on getting our nails or something done instead.

      Real world / Brown family. Probably two phrases that don't belong anywhere near each other.

      I loved the line in the preview where Janelle says, "If we have to, we'll get three jobs to pay the bills." Well, Janelle, your "family" would hear that as, "Janelle has three jobs, so that means two of us don't have to work at all."

    2. I think Meri said her daughter had a "thing". I don't think I would waste all that driving for such a short time at "work" when my daughter needed me. I get the impression that the other wives think that MSWC is Robyn's hobby, like the wet bar pastries are apparently Meri's hobby.

    3. I was laughing about the three jobs comment as well. Yeah right! Maybe Janelle would but none of the others. I also remember Robyn saying at one point "I will do ANYTHING to get these houses! I won't be the one to hold everybody back" And I was thinking - Oh like maybe get a job??? No, not ever that!

    4. "At the Meeting of the Minds for MSWC......."

      And was that really *a real* meeting, or was it just another set-up film shoot for the show? It certainly looked scripted and forced.

      Besides were there any *real* specific business issues, such as $$numbers, costs, production, inventory, etc, etc discussed.
      Wouldn't ya think at least Meri would have taken off the pumpkin carriage centerpiece that was taking up half the table if they were down to serious "business talk?"

      "Janelle says, "If we have to, we'll get three jobs to pay the bills."

      Uhh, hmmm....that would have been a very good idea from the moment you all landed in Vegas *2 years ago.*
      And why didn't you all do just that?

    5. Thank you Laurakaye... lol. After I finished I thought of all kinds of other stuff. I left Janelle out of my timeline. She was at work. They Meri and Robbin are making sure everyone knows they are the two doing MOST the work. That way when the business fails they can blame Janelle and Christine for not putting in their energy and labor. It is about putting blame on the two who want to work on their Real Estate careers instead of peddle over priced jewelery. I watched the show several times Robbin uses her fake voice when trying to make a sale...the baby talk one as when she talks to Sol. Your not supposed to change your voice and baby talk to your children. That kid is gonna start talking and sound like Micky Mouse!

      No one caught this and probably leaving kids out of it all but Meris daughter (old enough to be married with a couple kids) stated the rental homes are not like homes. Some one needs to educate her that she just made half or more of the US families living in fake not real homes. A home can be a shack, a apartment, condo, traylor or house. But, it is the family and the love in it that makes it a home. Not the price tag or ownership.

    6. Personally, I think if the business was doing well, they'd all be trying to claim it as a family business. But because it sucks, no one wants to be associated with it. That goes to show you they don't support each other as they should, and Meri is only pretending to support it because the other two do not. She likes to stir the pot.

      What this polygamous family needs is Papa Joe.

    7. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 22, 2013 at 3:22 PM

      That comment about a rental home not being a home really stuck in my craw. Where did she hear that? Her mother? Yes, home is a physical place, but most importantly, home is in our hearts, created by the loving people around us. On the other hand, it is confusing being a teen. Going from being isolated and home schooled in the boonies to the big bad city with mind-boggling diversity, could mess-up your thinking.

    8. I'm pretty sure Meri said she couldn't attend the 1st day because Mariah had some sort of banquet thing for school. Also, it is a 2 hour drive there to St. George and 2 hours back, so it wouldn't have made sense for her to go the 1st day just to help set up. But apparently they managed the set up just fine without her. She even admitted "all I did was move a few things, change the angle, etc." If the poster above purchased the entire claddagh necklace, then she spent a pretty penny. In the preview for next week Janelle says they only made $500 at that trade show.

    9. Apparently, EVERYTHING Sobbin' Robyn does is for the family. I am so fed up with her saying that. If everything she did was for the family, she would demand that Kody make his relationships with his other wives and children better because that's how their family should work. Instead, she demands that everyone bow down to King "Solly" and support her dream.

      Meri doesn't have many good qualities, but at least she shows how much she doesn't care about anyone but herself.

      Someone mentioned a drinking game to the Brown family sayings on a previous thread: we definitely couldn't use anything about "for the family" or "by Christmas" in it. We'd run out of alcohol before the recap/preview at the beginning of the show was over!

      And is it just me, or does their website look like someone blind designed it? The least they could do is make all of the font the same size and align the text. It looks tacky, and having the font that large under a picture that small detracts from the product. I don't have much business sense, but if I were running a joolery-foolery business like them, I would at least group the items by type and not have 6 necklaces then a pair of earrings, then 14 charms. But that's just my simple mind trying to make sense out of this nonsense.

  46. If the Jewelry is simply not selling, then why is Sobbin sobbing about her "sisterwives" not putting more effort into it? What does she expect Janelle and Christine to do...go door to door hawking this crap? From what Ive seen, there isn't enough to do for even one person. I used to sell on ebay and there is no way I would want other people on my account, that would be ludicrous. So what exactly is she whining about? SHE is creating drama where there is none.

  47. Someone suggested the Brown's might try for a fifth wife who had a good income. My question is, what would the Browns be able to offer such a woman? The woman would not actually be married, she would only get 1/5 of a narcissistic boy/man, the other women would resent her and drain her income.

    There are way worse things than being alone. Being with these drama llamas would be a good example.

    1. There's got to be dozens of women wanting to be Kody's 5th wife. At least that's what it seems on their Facebook pages. And the chance to be famous and on TV too. Don't underestimate those lonely wealthy women who think Kody is a real catch!

    2. I can imagine a financially desperate woman (like Robyn) wishing to latch on the the TLC gravy train. But a wealthy woman? All I can ask is WHY?

      As a "wealthy"(compared to the Browns) single woman, there is
      NOTHING that would make me consider becoming wife #5. I have NEVER been lonely enough to make their situation look good. Why would you use your money to buy your way onto this sinking ship? Why would you want them to "marry" you for your money?

      Make some female friends. Get a boyfriend if you want one. One you don't have to share sexually. Get a hobby. Get a pet. Do things you want to do. Enjoy managing your own money and your own life.

    3. I have NEVER been lonely enough to make their situation look good.
      Anon 4:13 I think you have answered your own question. YOU may not have been lonely enough but there could be women out there who ARE lonely enough (or perhaps enamored of the life style)to want to be a plural wife.

      There was a show about non-religion based polygamy called My Three Wives that was on TLC about 10 years ago. The prospective 3rd wife was older, had money and desperately wanted to join the family. Her money saved the house from foreclosure. She even gave money to the 2 other wives to buy food and gas BEFORE she moved into the house. Only when she was rejected by the 2 wives to enter the family as the official 3rd wife did she realize how much the husband and wives had used her and her money.

      The family name was Wachtendorf - shortly thereafter the legal wife divorced him, wife #2 left him and the proposed 3rd wife refused to speak about what happened for a followup interview. The husband remarried and is now a confirmed monogamist. Oh yes, he's also a practicing psychologist.

    4. The name of the series was My Husband's Three Wives, not My Three Wives.

    5. I'm speechless.

      My friends and I are there for each other. We celebrate together and mourn together. We watch each other's kids and and pets and houses, help each other after surgery and during tragedies. We travel together, we go out and have fun. All for free. And we don't share lovers.

      Isn't this normal?

  48. TLC seems to be on a mission to introduce drama based on the first episode and previews. I could just see them all discussing with TLC whether bringing in a fifth wive would help ratings. It would be pretty hilarious if they did bring one in and Mary had to share her McMansion ... meanwhile stirring the drama pot is going to really start putting a strain on relations, which are already strained.

    1. I agree. I think so much of the drama is fake, but I really do think they all severely dislike each other. Also, I love your user name!

  49. After re-watching the first episode, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the Brown boys...Logan, Hunter and the lot. Can you imagine being any one of those boys and watching tonight's episode and hearing your "mother" Meri say that Sol may the one chance of having her son she always wanted?!?! I would be DEVASTATED to hear that if I were any one of those boys. What a pitiful excuse for a woman she is...SMH

    1. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 22, 2013 at 3:15 PM

      What about Meri's daughter, Mariah??? Gee, mom really wanted a boy all these years. Maybe a girl isn't good enough? If Meri had a boy(s), she could advise them on selecting sister wives!

    2. I think it was a passive-aggressive dig at Janelle or Christine. Janelle did have the first child, and a male child-which is important in that culture. Meri didn't get pregnant until Christine was in her 2nd trimester with her first child (according to the book). From the book, Janelle and Christine may not have given Meri the authority over the children which Meri felt she deserved (one of the other wives thought she was being too harsh in disciplining the kids, IICR).

      Perhaps Robyn is more controllable, and lets Meri have more say in Sol's parenting?

    3. Yeah, you may have nailed it SheilaAnn....Meri probably feels it's her right to nose in and have a say in the sisterwives' parenting styles....sick.

    4. MONO...Oh, my goodness! I didn't even think about that. Honestly and truly. Wow. Wow. Wow.
      I don't even know what to say to that.
      I wonder if they would ever do an interview where they answered accusations such as that.

  50. OMG - when Kody said where are the wallets - who wants to buy jewelry from women with a man behind them who's supposed to be "godly" crying "Show me the money"?

  51. Kody's tree and phoenix necklaces are a little creepy looking for the hefty price of $200- wonder which wife he designed those for? The Cracker Jack/Budget Boutique is just a sad scheme to sqeeze more money from fans with limited finances. I think it's high time Kody stops yapping about being persecuted and gets a JOB.

    1. His supposed designs look creepy indeed. The tree and the phoenix seem like they are too masculine. The heart looks like a tattoo that I have seen on a biker. I must admit the pixie queen is cute. A perfect gift for a young girl or teen, not so much IMO for an adult. - Lynn from Delaware

  52. The watches they are wearing look like Invicta's.

  53. I think Meri would have been a very different woman if she had had the kids she wanted. She might even have been able to be friends with Janelle and Christine. As it is, she feels inferior to the other women and has been treated as such by the community she lived in and by Kody and the family. Her greed is an attempt to maintain her status as an equal wife.

    At this point the damage has been done to her psyche. I don't think having another baby now would make any difference. The scars are too deep.

    Not that any of this is an excuse for her behaviour.

    1. Anon 4:25 this is very well said. You're right in that it doesn't excuse her bad behavior, but it does help explain. Now if she would just admit to all of that, ask for forgiveness and move on, she could be so happy and so free. There is nothing like being free inside and having the peace of God. That is what she is missing.

    2. Another perk of being in this lifestyle, right? I do feel badly for her, I think she would have been a much happier woman had she been able to have more kids. She would have been MUCH happier if she was the only wife and didn't have to compete with other wives about things. If she was the only wife her and Kody would have been able to afford IVF or look into adoption.

      It is a sad situation these women put themselves in. The saddest part to me is that Meri and Kody would most likely have had a happy and satisfying relationship if it were just the two of them in it, they seem to get along really well. A shame their religion warps them into living this lifestyle.

  54. First of all WHY ON EARTH CAN'T MERI AND ROBYN DO MSWC ALONE!!!!! I don't understand what the big deal is.

    I also cannot stand it that Meri has that ridiculously sized house all to herself, I just can't get over it, I mean if I were Janelle or Christine I would be absolutely enraged all the time!! And someone else mentioned somewhere that Kody was saying he retreats to Meri's...uh yeah I'm sure he does because there are no kids there. For someone who wants to pro create up until the second he dies, he seems to dislike kids.
    There seems to be a serious divide starting to take place between the wives, I for one hope Janelle and Christine join forces a little more.
    Also did anyone notice the strange blank look on Kody's face whenever any of the wives were talking on the couch. He was looking down at the ground and seemed almost angry.

    Ok, one more thing lol then I'm done, did you guys notice Robyns phone at the expo, I only caught a glimpse but it looked like a really expensive Samsung one. Just another example of their financial priorities.
    OK I'm done :)

    1. I only caught a glimpse but it looked like a really expensive Samsung one
      I think all of them have expensive "toys" a $60K Lexus that seats only 2,a motorcycle, assault rifle, Kody's rarely used MAC, 4 McMansions, bling watches, numerous vacations to Disneyland A MONTH, personal fitness trainer, oh yes, and hair salon visits...don't forget those mani/pedis for when Robyn is feeling overwhelmed with work each week.

  55. I wonder what Robyn really expects? Does she honestly think that her poor excuse for a "business" requires 5 adults to drop everything and spend all their time on her stuff? And for real, there is no way, even if it was a success, that it would pay the bills for one, let alone FOUR of those big houses....wowza...deluded, much?

    They should have done the math on how many units they need to sell in order for this to support ANY of them BEFORE they spent any time or money on it....

  56. It really bugs me when Kody complains that people have no right to judge them. Well, last time I checked, only one of the wives was legal, so I'm fairly certain that they rely on the government for assistance, if for nothing else, for healthcare and I know that some have received food stamps. IMO, that gives us the right to criticize, since we're helping to support them!

    Also, it bugged me how he kept saying that people should open their wallets. Christine had the right idea when she suggested that their stuff was overpriced. IMO, it's way, way overprice for the "quality" that it is!

    1. I don't see people JUDGING them. I see people giving their OPINIONS. that's totally different. And Kody and the wives are ALL guilty of doing the exact same thing. How dare Robyn insinuate that all monogamous marriages/relationships have affairs going on...please.

  57. Janelle posted on twitter: "In our family of 5 working adults we maintain several streams of income." What a load of crock.

  58. I am actually starting to think we are all being played about their financial situations. We have discussed what they probably are making from TLC and I think most of us agree it’s not enough to live in $500,000 houses and pay for cars, insurance, etc. I have to think if Janelle or Christine were taking the real estate world by storm, we would have heard about it (CJ is awesome at digging up things like this). We all know MWSC is unlikely to break even, and will certainly never provide an income for this family. So that leaves me (the accountant in me), wondering where are they getting the money? We know their credit is shaky so I doubt they have enough credit to rack up large credit card bills. Ok, I know Robyn had a lien put on the house for a medical bill but who knows if that wasn’t ‘intentional’ as well? We also have seen countless tweets about the teenagers going to Disneyland which is not an inexpensive excursion and they seem to take a lot of road trips. So I am beginning to think they have a benefactor (or two) that are providing a generous lifestyle so that the Browns can be ‘the face of polygamy’. Like some rich AUB family or something to advance their political agenda. I am just starting to really question as to whether they really do have financial problems or if it’s all just made up for the show. It’s possibly just another way the Browns and other polygamists can “bleed the beast”.

    1. Had to laugh. There are no rich people in AUB. Their all poor.

    2. I think the Brown's days as the "Faces of Polygamy" ended when they became the wannabe darlings of the Las Vegas strip. They lost all credibility, even skipping an appearance in the Utah court for their lawsuit, which was attended by Papa Joe Darger and wives instead. And now with Polygamy USA, we are seeing polygamists who can articulate why they want decriminalization without the drama. The faces of polygamy (for the people that matter and not those rabid SW fans) are now Joe Darger and Centennial Park.

      As far as a rich AUB benefactor bankrolling the Browns' extended Vegas vacations - nope, not seeing it because they are more of an embarrassment to the AUB now.

      Finally, the only thing I find intentional about the lien against Robyn's home is the fact that if they had money, it would have been paid. The Browns are living in a financial house of cards, which is about 2 cards from tumbling down. Think Slade Smiley from Real Housewives kind of financial reality - it's all a flimsy façade based on an income from a reality show.

      The lien is just the tip of the iceberg.

    3. CPA Carol, I really wonder where they are getting their money from too. It is so mysterious. Agreed that they aren't getting enough from the show to bankroll these 4 houses and their current lifestyle. I doubt the book brought in that much money, so where?

      I thought they might have a rich benefactor too, but that doesn't make much sense either. Not because I don't think there are no rich people in AUB, I think there is some money in the top members, but they are an embarrassment to the AUB.

      As out there as it is, maybe one of them got an inheiratance that no one has heard about yet? I don't believe they were so stupid as to get 4 huge mansions with no way to pay the monthly payment, they couldn't have been that stupid. They must have reason to think they can make the monthly payments and had some money to put up front to get into the houses. It is a mystery I guess.

    4. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 22, 2013 at 7:43 PM

      CPA Carol, kudos for you insightful theory about AUB benefactors. Another thought -- royalties on the reruns are probably boosting their income too. They probably made a fortune from Sunday's pre-season debut marathon. They'd also make money when episodes air on iTunes and pay-per-view venues. I think there may be more cash coming from TLC than just one-shot per episode. The gravy train can keep going for years after they stop filming new seasons. TLC could also be paying them for any extras they do like the Today Show and Huff Post video interview. They'd also make money when episodes air on iTunes and pay-per-view venues. I think there may be more cash coming from TLC than just one-shot per episode. The gravy train can keep going for years after they stop filming new seasons. Heck, TLC may start paying them to interact more with the fans to make the Sister Wives property more valuable. I noticed Christine, in particular, tweeting during last night's debut. She even engaged fans in tweet conversations.

    5. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 22, 2013 at 9:02 PM

      Sorry about repeating myself @ 7:43.

  59. Janelle and Christine are now listed in TMI Realty's website. Have they been on it for awhile or is this new?

  60. It seems like the Brown's are finally taking some of the comments on this blog to heart. They have finally listened and created "bargain" items that are not polygamy or Brown themed. Just like has been suggested here time and again.

    Just a few hours ago Janelle tweeted "In our family of 5 working adults we maintain several streams of income. We have to. Teenagers are expensive!!!" "Christine and I are of course still involved in real estate - My Sisterwifes Closet is the business we do together."

    It sounds to me like Janelle has taken notice of the numerous comments on here questioning their ability to pay for their lifestyle and homes. Unfortunately in doing so she brings attention to the fact that Kody, Meri and Robyn are doing nothing besides My Sisterwifes Closet. Seems to me that Janelle and Christine are the only ones actually attempting to do something that could create some sort of income stream.

    1. Don't forget the MLM scheme that Kody and Meri are hooked up with!

    2. Okay, so they have "streams of income." Which way are the streams flowing? From what we see on TV, it looks like the income is streaming AWAY from them. Lots of money being spent, but nothing obviously coming in.

      It sure doesn't look like they're doing any financial planning for their futures. It's all $pend, $pend, $pend.

  61. I think the closet web site is purely a plot device for the TLC show.

  62. No offense but I can't see Christine being at all successful as a realtor. I find she's very spoiled, lazy and used to being coddled. She's admitted on the show how stressful and foreign it's been for her to have to remember to pay her own bills (as Janelle used to be the one to do this for the family), she's acknowledged that Scary Meri and Sobbin have a close bond and that she wishes she had that but admits it's a lot of/too much work to attain. When they lived in Lehi, she was the stay at home Mom for all of the kids. She's never seemed very organized, her house in Lehi looked chaotic, not very clean and cluttered. To be a successful realtor you have to be willing to give your all, 100%......and you have to be a real go-getter, available pretty much 18 hours a day (on-call), on the ball, able to multi-task, on time to do showings and meet clients, etc. She's always struck me as the "princess" wife. Janelle, however, I can see being very dedicated and successful at anything she does. I find her to be smart, articulate, organized, analytical and very dedicated. Just my 2 cents.

    1. To tell you the truth, based on realtors I know personally, I don't see either ONE of them being very successful at it. One essential element neither Christine nor Janelle have a lot of - charm and charisma and "salespersonship". (okay that's three elements but you get my drift). Neither one is really all that outgoing, and Janelle is accustomed to working a admin desk job. while Christine hasn't even worked at all before I think.

      Plus - they are in an area that is filled to the brim with EXPERIENCED RE agents and still recovering from the housing bubble + employment shortages. Definitely what I'd call "swimming with the sharks".

      I also have my doubts about "Janelle being successful at anything she does". While she was working and held down a job - I believe it was the SAME job, a government job, where she just went in and did whatever paper pushing she was getting paid to do, without trying to advance. She was just comfortable in that job, is all.

  63. It is debatable whether Janelle and Christine are active RE agents.

    ""Christine and I are of course still involved in real estate -"

    That seems like a very understated, lukewarm description of what they are actually doing at Mona's office. They have been there in whatever capacity it really is since last year when Mona signed them on very conveniently right before they were "approved" for the house loans.

    What they actually do is still a mystery because if they were actually selling and making money, you know that they would blast that info from the rooftops. Or would they?
    Perhaps it is more to their advantage to have a failing business, tax-wise and to continue their "alms for the poor" routine.

    Janelle does seem to be the family's appointed voice for how "poor" they are. Meanwhile, she, like the rest of them, continues to be officially (as in a W-2) jobless.

  64. Everyone bringing attention to Meri's oompa loompa complexion got that song stuck in my head so I composed a sister wives version. Lol I hope you guys likey...

    First part Meri
    Oompa loompa do ba de doo
    I have a house big enough for two
    Oompa loompa do ba de Dee
    Come to my wet bar and have a pastry

    Second part Christine and Janelle
    What do we get for having this brood, a balding man boy that's totally rude
    Why does he not say goodnight to our crews, because its up to him to choose
    It doesn't seem likely

    Third part Robyn
    Oompa loompa let me join the team
    Waa Waa boo boo but its my dream

    Fourth part Kody
    Come on people open up your wallets
    Cause we want all that we can get!

  65. Is it my imagination that while Robyn and Meri are schmoozing it up they are giving Christine and Janelle the stink eye. Whining Robyn is a little trouble maker while Meri is just plain nasty to Janelle and Christine. Someone needs to slap Janelle and wake her out of that fog shes in. She is talking about trying to put bread and butter on her table and in the same breath talking about how she is going to pay her mortgage. Kody had no reaction when she said this, like he didn't care how she was going to feed HER kids, not HIS & HER kids. Robin is definitely a leach. I think Christine is fed up with Meri and Robyn. She should be confrontational to that lazy bastard she is " married" too. Janelle is in her own world. I am glad to see she is working out and losing weight. I hope it gives her the confidence she needs to realize she can be a beautiful independent woman making her own way in the world. Same for Christine too. They need to break away and let Meri and Robyn alone to drive kody nuts with their whining and complaining. I wonder if Janelle realizes she is feeding Robyns kids from her first marriage. By the way , Thanks for this site. I really enjoy reading all your comments.

  66. Best. Blog. Ever. Thanks for the fantastic read. The blog is, in fact, far more entertaining than the show.

  67. I think Robyn wants the others to be part of her business so she can be the heroine who brings everyone together.

  68. If it's just me - then say so! I know you guys aren't shy! ;-)

    First - I have never asked anyone to approve of me or my 'lifestyle' I live my life the way I want and people can approve or not. I couldn't care less. But I'm not breaking the law so maybe that is the difference? :-|

    Second- Robyn! What is her DEAL? Is it just ME or does she seem desperate to be their saviour somehow? She wants to save the family's finances through MSWC and save their interpersonal relationships the same way. They all HAVE to work together because she's always wanted that... :-? AND she wants to save Meri from her childless state. She did seem upset to me when Meri said or hinted that she wasn't interested. Is she just really co-dependent? Is she just really used to getting her own way?

    Maybe this is a polygamist cultural issue that I just won't ever understand?
