Thursday, July 18, 2013

HuffPost LIVE: "Sister Wives" Interview 7/15/13

I'm 8 minutes into watching this far it's the same old same old. In fact, even Christine has reverted back to that weird "too happy, too loud" personality we haven't seen for a while. Robyn is still Robyn and Kody is Kody. I like how Meri claimed her spot sitting next to Kody on the loveseat.

So here it is. I've got a stove to finish cleaning.



  1. Thanks for posting this! I just watched it and the only thing that shocked me was that Kody said that Meri's dad was a police officer. A (polygamist) police officer that was breaking the law, say what?!

  2. Ugh...found myself jumping through the repeated questions and answers, but some of my thoughts are:

    -So now its just "Dabble in Business"...thought Kody was quite the business man!

    - You say goodnight to your kids when you "choose" to say goodnight (I believe that's what he said)

    -No Hobbies Kody? Riding that motorcycle would be considered a hobby...since you don't ride it TO WORK.

    According to this video...they are so happy, content and love all the people in Vegas and their support of them...OK.

    I was really hoping for a good juicy question from the lady at the end, especially when she said she was a blogger...rats.

    1. You know, it's really bad when I would rather clean my grimy stove than watch another minute of this video...but thanks for the concise summary, you guys!

      You and Plyaddict deserve a medal of honor!

    2. I was also quite taken aback when Kody said "when I choose to say goodnight". WTH? What kind of father wouldn't want to tell every single one of his children goodnight and that he loves every single day of the week if he had the opportunity? What a joke!

    3. Vegas mom, that made me sad too. As someone who grew up with 10 siblings and my father never came upstairs to our rooms to say goodnight/ tuck us in I can testify that it sucks. I never got individual time with either of my parents and I have a feeling that it's gotta be worse at the Browns' house...

    4. That comment struck me as harsh too... "When I choose to say goodnight". When my kids were young that was a pretty big thing around here. "Good night, I love you, had a great time today doing XX with you.."

      Never thought I would see the day when Janelle was smaller than Meri and Christine but go girl, you have the spunk to get it done!

    5. My daughter died 4 years ago. I would love to say GOOD NIGHT every night, dammit Kody. Just for that I won't watch the show anymore.

    6. so sorry for your loss. thinking of parents like you makes kody look like even more of a jerk. even worse, if you walked up to kody and told him this, i doubt he would find it in himself to show contrition.

    7. LUVeachother2DEATHJuly 20, 2013 at 1:21 AM

      Myelin, I am so sorry for your loss, too!

      My husband and I have been married for 7 years and have been trying since day 1 to have a child. It just hasn't happened yet. I can't imagine a father who is so blessed not to at least WANT to tuck his precious little ones in each night. Even if circumstances were such that Kody couldn't say "goodnight" to al of his kids 365 days a year, a real dad would at least desire to do so. Maybe he just "chose" poor language. I hope so!

      Does anyone remember the episode where Kody ran around to all of the housing lots, simulating saying "goodnight" to all of his wives and children? That was sweet. Hopeful. Inspiring. What changed???

    8. I don't know about anyone else but as I watched the video, I couldn't help but feel like its a love/hate relationship between Kody and Christine. I don't know it just seemed like he was always making snide comments toward her. I feel bad for Christine because I think she really loves him but the feeling isn't mutual. I'd tell him to go to hell and sock him heavy on child support. What an idiot!

  3. I was actually really surprised. I saw a little bit of the "Old Brown Family". When I say that, what I mean is that they didn't all seem to hate each other. There may just be a chance that these overpriced houses might do them just a little bit of good after all.

    I appreciated that they showed the clip of Christine saying that she had no plans to be any more involved in MSWC. I wasn't surprised that Robyn looked all sad in the clip, nothing new there.

    Janelle looks so great. I can't believe how much she has lost. I'm so proud of her. I hope she keeps up the good work.

    Is Robyn preggers? I think she was perfectly positioned behind Kody so you couldn't see her bulging belly.

    1. I thought Robyn looked very pale and tired. I couldn't see her belly, but she definitely looked ill.

    2. When the camera focused in on Kody, I noticed Robyn constantly moving her hand. As if to say, look at my beautiful bracelet.

    3. I kinda thought maybe she was playing with Kody's hair or rubbing his back. Could you see that? She also had two rings on that hand,wonder if she got a new one and was happy with it?

  4. and another thing...

    I really wished they had said that they eat dinner together, weather it is at ANY house....I realize they have teenagers that are coming and going (I completely understand that) BUT they have 10 children that are not teens and those kids could all be gathered around a table for dinner....not running from house to house to find out who is having what.

    They just don't talk like they are a FAMILY...more of "my kids" "their kids"

    Even if they said something like "Well we do get together 2 or 3 times a week FOR SURE and have a BBQ or a big family dinner" That would have been nice to hear.

    1. I agree! I wish they had said they actually eat dinner as one big family at least twice a week, or ever. It would have shown us viewers how committed they really are to being one big, happy family.

    2. I would say that they don't do anything together now that they have the 4 houses in the cuddlesac. It is like 4 individual marriages, people living on the same block, only difference is that the husband is the same. LOL!

      If that is the way they like it - who cares.

      Robyn sure thought she would be getting more help and support looking after her brood and baby Sol. Surprise Surprise....nobody is interested, now that their children are older. The others have had enough of "baby time" in their own lives. I get it totally.

  5. Is Kody wearing TWO watches? Or is one a bracelet?

  6. CJ, You are a real trouper to look for these things.
    Thanks, as always, for starting and managing this blog. And oh yeah, we have said it and Mr. Sister deserve an ongoing administrative fee from TLC. From the Browns too, but we all know they don't pay their debts.

    The opening question about did Kody ever think he would live in LV and he responded with a big, dramatic "NO!!"
    Huh....what ?????
    Am I delusional?.....Or didn't one of the Kodettes in a segment last year when asked about their infamous move from Utah to LV, one of them SAID that "Kody always wanted to live in Las Vegas?" Does anyone else remember that?

    I got that far into the video and back to the rest.

    1. The question was when you were a kid growing up did you ever imagine living in Las Vegas. He said no. So both questions are right. As a kid no he didn't but when he grew up yes he obviously did.

  7. That stinky finger thing was so awkward. Gross!

    1. I cringed hard at this and had to run and tell my husband about it. Gross, indeed!

  8. 15:07 stinky little finger "where has it been?". Did you see Robyn's face? It made me laugh I watched it several times.

    1. I think Robyn knows where that finger has been LOL

  9. I feel really petty for bringing this up, but Kody seems like he is really aging, while the ladies looked good. Maybe it was the humidity making his hair frizzy?


    1. His hair looks like $HIT! He looks like Al from Back to the Future.

    2. I mean Doc from back to the future. I don't know how my iPhone ended up with AL.

  10. 1. Christine looked like the odd one out to me. Her mannerisms, tone, and even just body language seemed different.

    2. Janelle seemed really happy. Maybe being in the homes is doing her some good or it is the weight loss. She is definitely no longer the largest wife.

    3. Robyn looked different from her usual self.

    4. Is anyone surprised Meri was sitting next to her husband? She is the only legal wife after all. And was her wedding ring on?

    5. Kody looks worn down.

    1. I think the reality of all his wives living together in a cuddlesac is finally sinking in for Kody. Spending fifty percent of his time with Robyn, thirty percent with Meri and the rest between Janelle and Christine has become a lot harder since they all can see where the convertible is at. Spending time away from his for wives has become very difficult (while it was a breeze before). Also spending a night away from his for wives has become completely impossible!

  11. jenelle comment that your life partner makes you happy was so sad to hear we have to be happy individuals content by ourselves our life partners only enhance that

  12. Christine's new word - lamb-blasted!

    1. and Robyns mention that the kids conglomerate at different house...hello Robyn, they congregate!

    2. Does Christine always talk/yell and over annuciate like that? Maybe I just never noticed before.

    3. Does Christine always talk/yell and over annuciate like that? Maybe I just never noticed before.

      That's vintage Christinespeak that's been missing for a while. When she talks like that it's like she is trying way too hard and it isn't pleasant. Dr Drew rudely cut her off with a dismissive "Yeah, we know" when she was gushing on and on about how much everyone just LOVED Robyn (who was too pregnant to travel to be on his show).

    4. Thank you CJ :) I haven't been a faithful viewer. Just here & there. I can't take much of Kody. But I LOVE this blog. You guy's do a wonderful job.

    5. I think Christine is miserable and hides it by loudly proclaiming just how wonderful things are. Like, if she says it loud enough it will convince everyone (and herself) that everything is just GREAT in her lala land.

  13. I wanted to vomit when Kody was talking about the stinky finger and could not back himself out of the corner. Just give it up, man! Disgusting and embarrassing!

  14. Kody - I didn't know that "policeman" had a "bedside manner"???

    1. Lol I did not understand that one either....

  15. Poor no-hobby Kody ... busy with his wife and kids (though he says goodnight only on occasion, and is at "home" as a parent-couple every 4th? day?) I wonder, if the mom's special night is one the family eats together so at least they can speak to Dad at the dinner table, or if she hopes for alone time and "date night".

    Somehow these couples remind me of the Barbie dolls the "pixies" played with when Robyn first came into the family. Except Robyn provided the four Barbies and Ken with *one* house. Now the real-life Barbies each have a Barbie mansion, and their own Ken runs between homes.

    Oh, yes ... running is not only a health choice but a hobby. A pair of running shoes in each home speaks to the importance and probably time invested in this sport.

    So far I see ... .

    Motorcycles (his own expensive cycle? leather jacket ... etc.)
    (thanks for the mention of this in a post above-- forgive my bad memory of your name.)


    Gun collecting

    Marksmanship (gun range practice)

    Reading (guessing on this one, since he shows excitement about his own library in Christine's home-- though he's not mentioned specific authors or books).

    Wrestling (kudos on this one since he shares the interest with his sons).

    TV-- is he a fan of a favorite show? LOL! I guess you can say, Sister Wives Blog, and it's accompanying show is a near hobby of mine. :)

    At any rate, I thank you all for **hours** of fun!

    I'd be interested to know if anyone's noticed other Kody hobby's.

    1. Reading - I don't think so. He is not the brightest bulb in the box and seems very illiterate. So no I don't think he reads (other than Twitter). You can also tell by the way he writes. (Yes my own English isn't perfect but it's also not my native language)

  16. something was realllllly off about Kody's appearance. And Janelle dropping six sizes, wow! She's doing great. She's so poised and graceful

    1. Kody looks a mess. Aging, middle aged spread......goofus hair flipped and gooped up with the same junk that is in Meri's hair. Both looked horrible.

    2. Janelle does look great ! But I think she looks gread at any size. It's because she is an intelligent person ! She is a good person with a high sense of self esteem and a fantastic mom ! Go, Janelle !

  17. All of the adults seemed a little run down to me, except for Janelle. She was energetic, perky, and so much happier with herself. (Six dress sizes? Awesome! You go, girl!)

    Robyn was very quiet at the start of the interview, but quickly became animated as she continued to butt into the conversation. Usually, Robyn's sweet nature shines through, but I wish she would work on more graceful ways to join in a conversation. Also, it didn't look like she was trying to hide a 'baby bump.' Early on, she can be seen half-sitting on the back of the couch and her stomach isn't hidden. Maybe she is pregnant, but it isn't really showing. As a side note-- why does is Robyn's accent so different from the others? She sounds like she is from Minnesota.

    Meri seemed more 'put together' in this interview. I know some on this site have given Robyn the nickname "Sobbin," but I think Meri has deserved the title more lately. I feel for her infertility issues, but I wish she would make her mind up one way or another and be at peace with her decision. As for the size of her house, I know that the wives received an equal budget, but I hope she does enough entertaining (her justification for having a big house) to make it worth both the size and the cost.

    They have all come a long way since the first three wives shared a single (albeit segregated) house, no?

    Of all the wives, Christine is my favorite. I just love her spunky and sassy personality! It seems that she is going through a lot with the addition of Robyn into the family. After all, she was the last wife for all of those years. She had not yet deal with the specific jealousy issues and relationship re-arrangement dynamics that come with adding a new sister wife into the mix. I truly hope she finds peace.

    As for Kody, he seemed less arrogant and pompous in the interview than in the first episode. I was really offended by his rants (SPOILER) about his being fed up with society and his comments (SPOILER) about wanting the people at the expo to open up their wallets. 'Society' has made them famous. 'Society' has helped to finance their government assistance. It seems that he could be a wee little bit more grateful about the society in which he lives.

    I also found Kody's comments about his 'choice' in putting the children to bed to be odd.

    The new pieces of jewelry are lovely additions, and far less polygamist-specific, but still overpriced! Yes, we have all been saying this. In the future, I look forward to seeing other items in the shop besides silver trinkets.

    Anyhow-- I'm a long-time 'lurker,' but now a first-time poster. This is a really neat blog. :-)

    1. Well they did advertise on MSWC facebook page the other day that if you purchased anything over $50 (so pretty much anything on their website) that you would save 20%. That's a small improvement I think, but I'm still not buying anything.

    2. Robyn's accent is typical of Southern Utah-Lahrdy, Dahr-thy, that's a Gahr-jis, Ha-range, Farmal==translates to Gee, Dot, that is a pretty peach prom dress.

      Minnesota is more oo's and uu's than Ah's and ar's

      In Saint "Jahrge" one might hear about a fast, red "sparts core" but a green apple "kar".

      Look "at fahr the par chi-old in the sah-rah-fool ha-range sharts"--translates to --look out for the poor kid in the pitiful orange shorts.

      A rather charming dialect, if you look at it that way.

    3. I find Christine's accent bothering me more....just a little. Sometimes she sound like she is "British" and I heard it on this interview.

      Since you were talking about their accents, I thought I would throw that in...not that I want to pick every little thing about them apart...BUT...

    4. LUVeachother2DEATHJuly 20, 2013 at 1:12 AM

      Thanks for the comments to my original post.. :-)

      I decided to adopt the screen name "LUVeachother2DEATH." The Browns speak about being "one big happy family" and, given the previous seasons (and having grown up in a huge family myself), sometimes its those you love the most that irk you to no end. ;-)

      About the accent -- I'm originally from the Midwest. Robyn's accent sounded familiar to me and so different from the other wives. Very charming, indeed.

      I'm grateful for iTunes. My husband and I live out of the country now and, while we get CNN International, TLC isn't exactly making an appearance on Middle Eastern TV. It would be interesting if it did. Polygamy is legal in this country, though not common practice amongst locals.

    5. she does sometimes sound a bit british, or at least how many americans think brits sound. also, her habit of calling kody 'love' is very british. anyone know why that would be?

    6. LUVeachother2DEATHJuly 21, 2013 at 3:15 AM

      In one episode especially, they were calling each other "lover" quite a lot. I call my husband "love" as well, and we are not British.

  18. How much time could they possibly be spending on their business? Me and my partner run a business via the internet, and it takes us a maximum of two hours per day. This includes answering emails, shipping out product, and possibly re-listing. Any other time on top of that is designing new products and dealing with the manufacturer, which isn't an issue once we've finished the initial process. Between 5 people, that is more than enough time to take care of their flock of children and marriage(s?)

    1. Well Christine did mention that it took ALL DAY to get a design approved through the other wives. Apparently, she was designing something for MSWC and was getting the run around from the other wives. It's such exhausting work, isn't it?

  19. I can't see the video on my droid. Just blackness. Am I doing someting wrong? The posted vids always worked for me before. Thanks

    1. It is probably better "in the black". Not worth watching.

  20. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 19, 2013 at 11:29 AM

    I was impressed with the staging of the interview. All of the sister wives maintained a pleasant expression and looked at the wife who was speaking. As a group, they were remarkably non-fidgety. No surprise, Kody did not seem interested in the comments of each wife -- he did not make an effort to look at them. Granted, two were behind him.

    I wonder how they find the time and the childcare coverage to all go to one child's parents-teacher conference? Guess they must schedule several for the same day.....

    Interesting that they all have held jobs as employees. I was surprised that they all had work experience since we've never seen it and they don't refer to it, unless selling junk through a pyramid scheme is considered being an employee.

    1. Our expectations as viewers are so low! We are impressed when they aren't fidgeting and actually show normal reactions when another is talking. LOL

    2. LUVeachother2DEATHJuly 20, 2013 at 1:14 AM

      Oh, Carol-- So true!!!

    3. They don't need childcare when they have 5 teenagers at home.

    4. Actually in the first season Jenelle and Kody were considered the bread winners and Meri also worked full time as a counselor but apparently her money didn't go into the "pot". Christine had never worked outside the home and who knows about Robin who had 3 completely different names listed on her credit report and a good explanation for that was never given.

  21. Christine seems to be back to her 'regular' self which I think is good. I did not like the depressed, groveling, apologist Christine. So it seems she has her spunk back. Janelle is still the mouthpiece of the group, steering the conversation where she thinks it should go. And you just know Meri plopped down on to that loveseat and insisted in sitting with Kody. Like her house position in the culdesac, she must be front and center. I did like Kody talking about Meri's dad. Gives some insight as to why Meri is so bossy, sounds like her dad was bossy, too. Don't you know Meri went to her dad and then dad would give Kody a good talking-to. Very telling!

    You know, they don't want to be stereotyped as polygamists...ok well then why do they CONSTANTLY make assumptions that monogamous families are goofing off with their hobbies or (not in this interview) that men have affairs. We are not all alike either, Browns. Show the same respect that you ask for.

    A man's piece for MSWC? Seriously. Because the women's pieces are selling out so quickly? They really need to stop the nonsense with this business, it is never ever ever going to provide them with a steady and reliable source of income. Ever.

    Anyone catch that Meri was VERY FIRM that kids might 'visit' but their bedrooms are at their mother's house. In other words, she is NOT having Super Sol over for sleepovers and special time like she had promised. Meri should seriously take all of Robyn's kids for a night so that Robyn can have 3 hours to herself. That was kind of pitiful.

    And as a business woman in the corporate world for a couple of decades, I have never heard of the stinky finger. I guess my business sense is much less sophisticated than Kody's.

    1. Great post, CPA Carol. Good points all around.

      I *never* heard of the stinky finger in any corporate setting either.

      The only place I could imagine that reference ever happening is *maybe* in a daycare with bored, silly 3 year olds.

      Kody is SUCH an ass.

  22. What is up with all the jewelry on everyone? Bling for Vegas?

  23. The captions for their names in the video had Robyn as the 3rd wife and Christine as the 4th.... ha

  24. OMG, Meri is huge. I think she found the six sizes Janelle lost.

  25. Anon 3:19 - In physics we call this the conservation of matter--Janelle loses the weight, it has to go somewhere. I think it went to the wet bar.

    1. OMG that is hilarious, she is so materialistic and the wet bar demand defined her as a person.

  26. Does any one recall the season they moved to Vegas they talked about how their dream was to own their own business and work together as a family? Now when Kody discovers how much work it is running a business, he wants to RUN AWAY from his wives....

    1. He just wants to be able to say he has a business (like you know Joe darger has a business) and have money FLOWING in, but he doesn't actually want to lift a finger or tire his head with a business. That's why he probably went into that MLM pyramid thingie.

  27. Regarding the jewelry Meri just posted that they have several new pieces that are more affordable. They will be available for purchase on this Sunday. Also, did anyone notice how dilated Kody's pupils were?

  28. Actually it looks like Kody and Janelle have lost weight while the other three have all gained it. Meri was very subdued this time. Christine seems to have gone back to her hyper self and I saw Kody grimace more than once when she started talking. Definitely no respect for wife number 3. "Choosing" to say goodnight or not to your children is just vintage Kody, self-absorbed, arrogant, irresponsible, it's probably women's work in his eyes. No hobbies?? How about taking your boys fishing or to a (sports) game or spending time with your girls at the movies or swimming or whatever. I am sure the wives would appreciate some respite. I still want to know how they pay for those houses. I have nothing against this polygamy thing they live but I am against some of their attitudes around child rearing, materialism, and a good honest days work for a good honest day's pay.

    1. "Taking your boys fishing" or "spending time with your girls at the movies" are not hobbies. That's called parenting.

  29. I would love to be at one of their meetings where they decide how to price this jewelry and how they justify the pricing. That line Christine added in the interview
    about designing and texting and it taking all day was silly. We all know Gina Wilson is designing and manufacturing this stuff not them or Kody.

    1. Thanks for the video. Am happy to see Janelle's weight loss. Kody looks terrible, he has aged considerably since their last show. Meri is HUGE. Was refreshing to watch them for more than 5 minutes without Meri or Robyn sobbing. I do agree with an earlier poster that Meri cries more than Robyn lately. Kody really should keep his mouth shut and let the ladies talk. I have less respect for him than ever. Christine seems back to her cheerful self, glad to see the depression gone.
      I think they believe their own BS, just one big happy family-NOT.

    2. LUVeachother2DEATHJuly 20, 2013 at 1:36 AM

      Anonymous 12:17-- I'm the one who made the comment about "Sobbin" vs. Meri. I struggle with infertility, too. It really is a hard thing do deal with.

      In Meri's defense, I might just break down into tears on camera if I were in her shoes. But not every single time the issue came up. And I would at least DO something about it, as I am in my own life, instead of waffling on whether or not I wanted another child. Sure, the question takes time, but Meri has had at least a decade to seriously think about it. How old is Mariah now?

      Sometimes I want to hug Meri; at other times, I'd like to slap the indecisive, melodramatic, hormonal teenager out of her and advise her to grow up!

    3. The return policy and re stock fees and gouging on shipping and Kody comments about opening up wallets confirms their greedy attitude towards this business. They thought the money would just fall in because they had a tv show to promote it. Customers know when they are getting gouged and thats why their online business is failing..they set out from the start to gouge.
      Meri wants to be compensated for re stocking an item? crazy,, online shoppers are savvy and not inclined to be taken advantage of. They have the most stringent and off-putting retail policy i have seen online.

  30. I kind of like it when Christine speaks up, this time, about the jewelry. She was, in my opinion, telling the truth about it taking so darn long just to get Kody and the other three to look at, and comment/or agree upon, I'm unsure, her design. Seems like a lot has happened since this first episode, and possibly they are working with Gina, and also if they have an idea they would like to share about the jewelry, they can. She seemed frustrated to me that it took all day to just get one small thing accomplished. I for one, am glad she tells it like it is, you could tell she was frustrated a little, and she has in the past told stories like that, of the not so happy times, but you can tell by Kodys reaction especially, that he doesn't want the "truths" to be told, no matter how small. He dissed her several times in this interview, bugged the crap outta me, since he didn't diss Robin for anything she said. Kody made fun of a few words Christine said, but Robin can say "conglomerate" instead of "congregate" twice, and he doesn't say a word. He's mean to Christine, and he does not think before he speaks, nor do I ever see him trying to change. They call him out on it, I have seen them. He sure did like it though when Janelle told him how proud she was of him, to say those things about the men in the bible, and how tired he was of people putting him down for his beliefs, you could tell he loved the compliment. Put his head down, and said thank you, but you could tell he was all puffed up inside.

    1. to me, it's pretty obvious that designing this "iconic" jewelry is not any of their passions - including Robyn's. when you have a burning desire to succeed and are passionate about your business, you literally get lost in it and the hours spent aren't measured. so, Christina complaining that it took "ALL DAY" to get one design piece approved by all of them working it in to their chaotic day is actually pretty telling. i think they all expected it to be so easy and just be manufactured and flying off the shelves just because of who they are and not about the product itself. but they're finding out that no one cares to drop those kind of bucks just to walk around advertising for sister wives or polygamy itself nor what the jewelry personally means to Robyn. they're clueless.

      i also think Christine got her major dig into Kody on the "me time" question when she joyfully stated how she has "me time" 3 nights out of 4. well, OBVIOUSLY, she still has a ton of kids around those nights but just NO KODY and by the look on his face when she said that - he got her message about their relationship loud and clear. AGAIN. Nothing's changed. They're still emotionally divorced but just go through the motions of marketing their wonderful plyg lifestyle to the public. Christine has always said, "she wanted a FAMILY and not just a man," so i think she's comfortable w/the fact that this is as good as it gets now for her. Of course, she was happier w/her situation before Robyn came in and upset the balance of it all for her.

    2. If they live *right next door* to each other, then why did it take Christine all day of texting with them to get consensus on her design?

      Is it just me? Why would she need to send text pics all day of the design to them all? Wouldn't it have been a lot easier *and logical* to just walk across the driveways and show it to them?

      Are they now that estranged from each other that communication between them is only electronic?

    3. Jewels, it just made it so very apparent how (emotionally/verbally/psychologicaly) abusive Kody is. If he behaves like this on an interview (where he wants to be seen on his BEST behavior of course), imagine how things are when there are no cameras or outsiders. Poor Christine. She probably doesn't even realize she is being abused. She needs help ASAP.

    4. You guys are all right, Christine and Kody seem to dislike each other very much. It was telling and upsetting to see him diss her so many times. The worst part I think was when he made fun of her interview about the business and Robyn laughed out loud, making a big show of being defended by Kody. Janelle seemed like the peacemaker of the whole situation. I definitely noticed a lot of tension between Robyn and Christine. One more thing, that stinky finger part was brutal and Robyn is by far the one who made it the worst!!

    5. Robyn did make it much worse! Had she kept quiet, it would have gone by without notice. As far as Kody being mean to Christine, he acts like a spoiled little boy who can say whatever he wants 'cause he is entitled to be "king". And IMO all the women let him by constantly making excuses. They are certainly not giving any of those teens good role models.

  31. On facebook they promoted budget friendly stock coming out on their premiere of the show. I hopped on over to their store page and it is already up and horror of horrors!!!! They called it BUDGET BOUTIQUE. Now, I know I am cheap! Again with the charms! Charms for 12.99 that fit on a 16.99 necklace with earrings also offered at additional cost of 23.99 that match the charms. Ok then lets start adding this up if I want earrings and necklace together about 53.97 plus shipping! Budget? This is junk jooerly. It does say that Kodys designs are coming soon! Whew weee I sure can not wait!!! Still no tshirts or other things and I do not know why they only focus on the jewelery. They have poor taste of those who have been dirt poor their whole lives and design stuff you could buy at the local mall trinket shop for 3.99. For 30.00 I could get sterling necklace and earrings on amazon or ebay easily. Might even have gemstones in them. Still I want to buy something but, still nothing that I even think is kinda cute! Ohhh well, loosing interest quickly.

    1. Just checked out the "closet"... ouch! That cheap stuff is so hideous. Doesn't seem so different in "quality" from the expensive stuff. So hideous! Definitely something an 8-10 year old would wear but not much beyond that. If this is their taste, they have incredibly poor taste. Why they went into joolry is beyond me. Yes, you can make nice money off of it but it has to be reasonably priced and it has to be tasteful, attractive, classy & pretty!! If they sold fashion according to each wife's taste (plus some cheap SW merchandise), for a reasonable price they could have made a cute little side income off of it. It is like they really do not want it to be successful.

    2. Oh my...If that's the best that new consultant can do...oh my. Horrible stuff I wouldn't give to an enemy. I agree with you Lobotomized and Mrs Precious Wife. That stuff is worse than what you'd find in those cheap trinket booths at a county or state fair. Pay $13.00 for that stuff? I wouldn't pay 13 CENTS, it is that horrible.

      It's obvious the Sister Wives have no clue what their brand is or who their customers are. It's an insult, actually. Sad, what a waste of money. But on the bright side, maybe they will probably sell a couple of hundred of the charms with the Fleur-de-lis to their fans in New Orleans, if the website doesn't crash.

    3. I just checked it out myself. At least, they did modify the return policy a bit.

      I notice one of the earring choices is pumps (shoes). actually all of those "budget" pieces don't look like they designed them - they look like they bought them from for like maybe a buck apiece (if you haven't been on - check it out and you'll see what I mean). Notice the pieces on the budget boutique don't state that they were designed by the Browns...? it's because they WEREN'T. They are SO very generic. The new "consultant" I'm sure didn't design them either. She picked them out from Alibaba. They aren't even saying they're "silver" probably because they AREN'T. they maybe cost a buck apiece at MOST. more like 25-50 cents, or less, depending on the quantity they ordered.

      PUMPS? WTF? since when have we see ANY of the Brown wives wear effing PUMPS? jeez.

      Ugly ugly ugly. I would much rather wear the Cookie Lee jewelry my best friend's very well priced AND fun and fashionable. I loathe jewelry that tries to make a statement like "FAITHFUL". GAG me.

    4. The budget friendly charms look like similar charms I've seen at the craft store. They actually sell 10 of them in one package (for CHEAP) and are often used for children's activities. They are very cheaply made because they really aren't meant to be worn by adults. They are the "joolery" you pick up for your 8 year olds birthday party and hand out because it will make the little party guests feel special, but if they lose them then it is no big deal.

    5. Have been browsing a bit through the web (alibaba and similar) and though I haven't found the exact same pendants, have seen very similar stuff. Probably ordered through the contacts of their new in-house designer. Very obviously from a catalogue of childrens joolry. 1500 pieces for like 400 dollar, imho. Though I wouldn't be surprised if their new "friend" paid 400 for it and charged the browns like a 1000 LOL.

    6. I know that there are some jewelry suppliers on Alibaba that work on concepts. Which means you tell them what you want and then they make something for you. So I can see the Browns say something like we want charms that say Faithfulness, Fidelity, blah blah...and we need them within x number of weeks and here's our Visa card...blam there you have it.
      Damn I must say again they're very ugly.

    7. There is an "attitude jewelry" website out of florida that has charms virtually identical to the "Fine Jewelry" line--in sterling silver--for $7-19 per piece. Pieces identical to the "Bargain" line can be found all over the place for $5-12 each--BUT IN STERLING SILVER, NOT BASE METAL(like MSWC).

  32. Peanut Butter FritosJuly 20, 2013 at 6:22 PM

    So glad the McMansions are helpful for "If I choose to" say goodnight to my own kids. What a pig. At least he didn't say anything about "babysitting" his own kids.

  33. Revealing interview! Christine says it's wonderful having all that time to herself, because Kody only comes around one night out of four, but by the time Robyn chimes in, it's clear that they are up to their ears in childcare etc. so they don't really have what they love calling "me time" at all. I found Christine loud and obnoxious (just trying too hard), and I was amused at the way they tried to downplay polygamy as just one of their MANY beliefs. I think it's really interesting that they have focused on polygamy, because their religion teaches that something called consecration and the United Order is equally as important. This usually means living in a community of like-minded people, and handing in a large portion of your earnings (on top of the one tenth tithing), as well as spending a lot of time doing work projects for that community. Seems like polygamy is the main thing after all for Kody and his concubines. I don't see them giving up their new found wealth any time soon.

  34. Not buying Christine's cocky assertion that one of the GREAT things about a plural marriage is that she pretty much has "me time" 3 nights out of 4. Christine, you're not convincing anyone, darlin. That's not me time. That's being a single mom three weeks out of every month. I love having a little time to do things by myself, but not having my wonderful husband to snuggle and chat with every night before we fall asleep and to exchange sleepy good-morning kisses with every morning would SUCK. (And I've known the man for 43 years; we are NOT newlyweds...) If your relationship with your husband is such that you LIKE not having him around, that is just SAD.

  35. Couldn't agree more Anon 4:41AM. Polygamy creates a situation where women are basically on their own when it comes to parenting (and often when it comes to finances in many cases). All this "happy, happy" is a big sham too. I remember Christine being honest on one occasion and saying that she felt like a single mother, and complaining that wasn't what she signed up for. Unfortunately Christine, that's the reality of polygamy for most if not all women.

  36. Show Idea!
    The Browns should invite a "fan" to join them for a "day in the life of..." episode.
    Maybe each wife could choose a fan to join HER for HER day and make the episode about the differences between each house/family. :)

    I'd also LOVE to see a "Brown Kam" a "live Kam" plugged into each house for a set time each day that we could watch whenever. I would like to know what Kody DOES during the day time. Like...right now...what is he doing? Sitting on the couch reading a book? Playing catch with the boys in the cul-de-sac?

    Whatdya say? Good idea?? :)

    1. OMGosh I'm on board Jamie!!! I would love to go, even though we all know everyone would be coached to be on their very best behavior, Kody included. We wouldn't really see the true day to day, but I would like to hang with Christine, because she gives me a laugh, and I like her energy, would like to see more of her interacting with her kids. Janelle, I would just like to sit and talk to her really, get to know her a little more. Meri, I would probably just end up watching her clean her house the entire time, in between looking through her binoculars to see what the other wives were doing. Robin, um, yeah I'm sure I'd be asked to babysit so she could go work on the closet, I mean pinterest, or Kody, one of the three. I would LOVE to follow him around for a day, just follow him. What would we do?

    2. well tonight they're presumably watching the "premiere" (lol) and tweeting with their fans (actually on TWOP a poster pointed out on the SW thread how the Sherman Helmsly of the Jeffersons TV series (1970's) didn't refer to 'fans' but used the word 'viewers'. That really hit home for me.

      So most of us here are not fans - we're viewers. or better yet, voyeurs because an ever growing contingent here on SWB don't even bother watching the show anymore they just wait to see CJ's synopsis/viewpoint (WHICH I AM EAGERLY AWAITING MYSELF!!!!) .

      Those freaky deakies on FB - they're totally fans. I read comments on a SW posting today on the TLC SW FB page and the FAAAAAANS there were saying how skinny EVERYONE looked. Um. No. Janelle yeah. Kody maybe. Christine - not sure, she looks bigger in some pix than others...Robyn and especially Meri have definitely gone up in weight.

      I'm looking forward to seeing a LITTLE of Logan. I believe that being on his own can only do him good. And IMO he's really a Utah mountain man type of guy I always thought. I think he might have been happier at the Utah university with the mountains and the snow and the change of seasons but since they are LV residents it's cheaper for him to go to school there - I hope he remains in his own dorm and not moving back like Kody obviously wants.

  37. I am fed up hearing them whine about money. It is all FAKE! This show was taped more than six months ago. In the last six months, the Browns have paid the mortgages and utilities on four extravagant 4,000 square foot homes, sent their children to Disneyland countless times, and sent Mariah to Europe. They are NOT hurting for money.

    I am beginning to think that they complain about money deliberately to CON their audience. They want their audience to feel sorry for them and buy that ugly jewelry. I used to like Janelle, but now I am starting to see her as a typical Brown grifter. How will she put bread on the table, she moans, if MSWC doesn't sell more?

    I find it offensive that they live so far above the means of the typical American family and still complain and expect sympathy.

  38. LUVeachother2DEATHJuly 22, 2013 at 3:08 AM

    Ewww: Perhaps since the taping of this latest season, Janelle and Christine's real estate business has taken off? Other than the TLC checks, I can't see how they could afford all of the expenses you mentioned...

  39. im watching tonight's show, and as usual Mary's daughter is being a brat. and mary isn't much better. so they have to wait a little longer to get in their house. stop acting so childish mary and tell your daughter to GROW UP! just like the four older girls making breakfast, rather than her daughter just say yep I was wrong, you were right, should have put the water in the pan and go on. OH NOOOOOOO she had to cry like a baby and leave the room. and by the way maybe if you called your jewelry something other than "sister wives closet" like The Four Sisters" it may sell (if you come down on the prices) a lot of people are offended by "sister wives" im not because I say live and let live. But I would not have choosen that for a name of my jewelry line "just sayin"
