Sunday, September 22, 2013

"Polygamist Marriage Therapy"s04e10 "Sister Wives"1

Have you bought your T shirt yet? Come on, for the team! All proceeds go to where Kollene sees the need (charity)

"Polygamist Marriage Therapy" s04e10 -Synopsis: Kody and his four wives confront their relationship issues at a couples retreat, which includes a meditation session that helps them get to the bottom of their internal conflicts

Funky Town, SWB tech gal and resident spoiler updater, has put the tweets in flipbook format for you! You can stop the book at any time to view a tweet longer or enlarge to full screen. Enjoy! Be here at 8 tonight to chat with everyone! 

Kody, joolry? jewellry? Spell what you sell my man!

(TY MonogamousApostate)


  1. Got a cute story for you.

    At the panel, Kody got off on a rant about how he was a successful businessman. On and on he yammered, getting totally off track of the discussion.

    Growing tired of this, Willy Steed, in his southern drawl, very loudly proclaimed "Well Con-Grad-Gee- Lations!"
    It got the biggest and loudest laugh of the whole day!
    Kody got mad and wouldn't look at Willy after that!!

    1. Kody can't stand another rooster around him.

    2. I wonder if the rant is what he meant when he referred to his "melt down."

      Ann C.

  2. And it's coming on~! funky town, are you there?

  3. I am. You got the pictures in the movie form yes?

  4. I love Willy!
    Also, jewelry, jewelry, jewelry! I just had to spell it out to make sure Kody's misspelling wasn't killing off my brain cells.

  5. This retreat is in Sedona, AZ. It's such a gorgeous area but it seems as if they aren't happy to be there.

  6. Janelle says she's not that invested in the family thing...

    1. That was the biggest "duh" moment of this show. Janelle wants out and will once she sheds the weight and the show ends IMHO.

  7. Oh good...this show looks like a disaster already.

  8. We find out they've been seeing someone called Pat that is a marriage counselor that specializes in polygamist marriages. They haven't seen her because she's in UT.

    So Pat found them a counselor in Sedona. The Sedona therapist is Nancy but she has no experience with polygamists so Pat is going along to Sedona also.

    1. Pat just said she had not worked with polygamists until the Brown family...since they said she has experience with polygamists, did she become an expert with just them? When they met with their new therapist, they were reluctant to trust her (Robyn's words) since she had no plyg experience...seems to me they can't keep their stories straight. You don't have to live the lifestyle to counsel people on how to get along/communicate just like you don't have to have children to relate to or counsel them.

      Also, when Kody gave Robyn her necklace, she was 'nervous'...why? He later told her she was like a phoenix rising into a ...goddess. Yuck!!

  9. Do I have to keep refreshing, ou will new comments populate automatically.

    1. I believe you will have to refresh - blogger doesn't have auto.

  10. They asked their marriage therapist from Utah to refer them to someone in Nevada? How long have these folks been in therapy?

    1. Whatever else I think about them, I actually think it is great that they have gone to therapy in the past and recognize the need to go again now. They clearly have numerous communication issues which would benefit from help, as well as a number of underlying mental health issues (E.g., depression).

  11. I think the Sister Wives need to learn to listen better. They may very well be happy in their relationship with Kody, but it's very difficult for monogamous women to understand how they are OK with their husband sleeping with other women, and to give him all the power in the relationship.

    The marriage counseling is going to be interesting.

    Ann C.

  12. Kody doesn't want the therapist tellinghnim that he has to do all of the work since he is the beneficiary of four wives.

    Christine wants "a mission statement."

  13. They're still working on that stupid mission statement? Sheesh.

  14. They should be in therapy every single day of the week and their kids too!

  15. Kody is worried Nancy is going to say HE needs to improve because he's the beneficiary of having 4 wives.

    Mary wants him to improve on communication.

    Christine (banging my head on the computer) wants a ...wait for mission statement set up. Kody thinks the mission statement should be part of a commitment ceremony so this is important.

    Robyn says she's cautious because Nancy needs to earn her trust.

    1. Did you all catch Kody's comment about a highly educated female in a profession has to be a feminist? And that is a bad thing? Did he forget Mariah wants to be a doctor?

  16. The big deal with Mariah was based on data months ago. She had not yet left for school. so...nothing new there.

  17. Ugh....not more Mariah. Don't they have other kids? Aspyn is going to college too....

    1. Mariah got hers paid for. YES! What about Aspyn!

    2. I hope we're not going to have to hear her whine for the next hour about this.

  18. I am so sick of hearing about this stupid mission statement.

  19. Watching the tweet-show (great job, FunkyTown!). Janelle looks so much smaller in that photo from Guilt(which I keep trying to type as Gilt). Good for her--I know how hard weight loss can be.

    1. I thought she did too. I tweeted Sean because he tweeted congratulating her and I asked for an updated picture. He said do you open Christmas presents before Christmas? You have to wait!

  20. Uhoh Mariah's scholarship was a LOT less than they expected and they're discussing how they're going to afford it.

    Big drama that we already know works out. Oh Kody wants Meri to take money from HER money to pay for Mariah to go! *whistling, kabam, fireworks going off*

    1. Oh no!!!! Meri has to use HER money for her kid??? Never heard such a thing!!!! *eye roll*

    2. And Meri just about had a fit. All of a sudden the fact that the family has paid for Logan and SHE doesn't know how much is somehow awful. As if LOGAN's cost is anywhere near what Mariahs will be. I knew it, I knew it!

    3. Maybe he shouldn't go out and buy each wife a piece of jewelry or go to their retreat. Or hey better yet quit having kids so you can afford to send to college

    4. So I suppose the other mother's are supposed to step up and chip in to pay the college bill for Meri's daughter....because why? Because Meri can't bear to part with her own personal money? Because Meri can't live within a budget, or frugally? Give me a break! Just like the houses, Meri shouldn't have gotten the excess house at the cost of the other mothers. They deserved more bc they have larger families. JMHO.

    5. 17 kids and you never thought about tuition...really?

  21. Why is there always a husband and multiple wives? Why is there never a wife and multiple husbands?? Kinda twisted don't u think!

    1. It is a religious mandate from Joseph Smith. Crazy.

    2. Kody doesn't even want to think about the vulgarity of it...

    3. I've wondered the same thing--where is the one woman/multiple husbands reality show? I know they're out there.

      Ann C.

    4. I would be happy to do a show about it - if they would provide me a couple of husbands.

  22. If we have to hear about this stupid mission statement one more time!!

    And this Mariah going to Westminster.. STOP STOP STOP.. many people can't afford to pay for their child's college.. it's called go to JUCO work.. and work your way up!

  23. Here's a novel idea: how about Mayi gets a job?

  24. "I need to be able to retire" I I I I I. Gosh that man is soo self absorbed. Kody, sweetie, it isn't all about you!

    1. He should have thought about him, him, him, him and all his wants before having all those kids!

    2. What I heard between the lines was that he doesn't really care if his kids go to college, as long as he is comfortable. I can't believe they haven't ever discussed college as a family.

    3. And he says he has to think of his retirement while they are sitting in Meri's big McMansion with a bunch of empty rooms...seriously Kody?

  25. Poor Mariah. I hope she gets a scholarship

    I don't think it would be fair that everyone pay for Mariah's college. Especially when the other kids go to unlv

  26. Kody says that he needs the money for retirement and can't pay off her tuition for 30 years. Where is he retiring from? Why didn't Janelle's retirement matter?

    1. I will worry about that AFTER my kids get through college.

    2. I can't believe he actually said that out loud.

    3. Probably because Janelle is a woman. That's what I think. Plus it's going to be Kody's planet, ya know.

    4. IMO Kody needs a REAL job before he can talk about retirement. LOL.

  27. They're saying Mariah's job won't pay nearly enough and of course she can't have a job during the school year because she's studying pre-med. Well the first 2 years is NOT pre-med. It's the same basic courses everyone else takes.

    Kody walks out on the discussion when they can't agree. Meri said Mariah is going, Mariah says she's going and Kody leaves.

  28. So basically Kody has never thought about money for his kids to go to college. Great! Oh, and way to leave and slam the door when someone questions his thinking.

    1. And that college is 38 grand a year. no UNLV for MARIAH! 1st two yrs could easily go there. No she's whining about being there.

  29. Meri tells Kody, you weren't around when Mariah and I were busy filling out scholarship applications. Of course he wasn't around, he is never around.

    1. At least it appears she got the college scholarship forms in early enough, unlike the paperwork to close on her house by Christmas.

  30. They also said that they had never had a conversation about how to pay for tuition. It's a little late - with one who finished his first year, and two starting this year, and possibly 14 more down the road. At least one kid is in JROTC, so that may cover tuition if he sticks with it.

  31. What is with the totes in the background? You would think that with all her extra space Meri could find a spot for them in another room. I keep focusing on them, wondering why they are there

  32. Kody leaches b/c he has 16 other kids and 3 other wives to deal with. Mariah has had her 15 min.

  33. maybe if they didn't have 4 huge fancy houses they could afford to send those kids to college.

  34. Of course the local state college isn't good enough for Meri's kid. Yeesh.

  35. Old Mare didn't like the idea of taking Mariah's college money from her budget, despite her still getting the whole 1/4 and having no children (sans Krody) in the house!

  36. Must be nice to disagree with your spouse and just leave and go off to your next wife on rotation. Good grief. The hubs and I get into arguments and we have to work it out...These people apparently have no clue how to relate to each other.

    Kody can just walk off and then come back what? 5 days later and act as if nothing happened. Real loving and grown up.

  37. But in another show Meri said that the families believed that sending the kids to school is the job for all of the families, now tonight Kody says that they ahve never talked about this subject.

    1. And she immediately jumped to what they are paying for Logan. Hmmm, Logan's school is way less than Mariah's. Kody said Mariah's is 4 times what Logan's cost. Meri close your mouth about the cost of UNLV.

  38. Oh here comes the iconic jooolery for all the wives!

    Poor Kody, he's so nervous because his wives can be so finicky. Poor Kody. Comparing things between the wives makes him 'want to poke his own eyes out'.

  39. Please poke your eyes out!!!

  40. Kodouche is handing out his iconic, ugly joolery to the wives...they get misty.

  41. The quote of the far.....

    Kody says, "I've got something SPECIAL !!!

    Uhhhhhhhhhh !!!!

  42. Gag me!!! She lkes me being the king.

  43. No, Kody--Janelle IS an independent woman, and you're NOT the King.

    Ann C.

  44. "she (Janelle) is independent but she likes having me be the king". You're just eating it all up, aren't you King Kody?

  45. Replies
    1. Probably because she's like a goddess according to Kody.

    2. I know this is going to sound really crude but Robin's looks like a hairy out of control "cookie". I am not even sure if this will post but that is what I saw. It was crude looking to me.

  46. Meri Brown ‏@MeriBrown1 5m

    Preview with @realkodybrown saying he wants to poke his eyes out, immediately followed by a pen commercial? Lol!

  47. They also said that they had never had a conversation about how to pay for tuition. It's a little late - with one who finished his first year, and two starting this year, and possibly 14 more down the road. At least one kid is in JROTC, so that may cover tuition if he sticks with it.

  48. Is everything in these women's lives "kool" !!??

  49. Wow, looks like Robyn laid down the law and demanded that Kody let Mariah know that he, being her father and she being his future planet population, was NOT going to help her with college if it infringed on his retirement!

  50. Janelle likes hers because Kody said even though she's independent, she likes being in a marriage where Kody is the KING!

    Robyn's is the phoenix because she came out of a marriage all beaten down and now she's reborn "sort of like a GODDESS".

    Christine does NOT like her pixie heart because the etching makes it look harsh. Now he's making her feel bad that she doesn't like it. She was his inspiration for this. *sigh*

  51. Christine only likes half of the necklace, she doesn't like the etched side. He undersgtands, but she'll inspire hin to do more. She liked the pixie side.

    1. SHE is his inspiration. Why can't he get inspiration from one of his kids? Most men I know are more inspired by their children than wife. But, I guess us dirty monogamous people are very bad.

  52. Funky, don't worry abt tweets until later...

  53. Christine - OMG! Are you serious? How immature.

    1. If she doesn't like it, she doesn't like it. I don't think she should pretend she like it.

    2. Oh come on, who looks at a gift and says "I don't like it" My mom taught me better than that! You say thank you very much and move on. It was immature and just plain rude.

      And, ya, I thought Janelle's tree was idiotic and Robyn's is hideous, but still--you smile and say thanks and then only wear it on your anniversary or something.

      Dude, I really cannot stand Christine!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. The opening scene oft his segment is the obligatory Kody-runs-through-the-cuddle-sac-in-his-street-shoes. I think that Mariah and Meri must have worn out his 4 pairs of running shoes in their daily jogs.

  55. Did Kody say they liked him being King?

    1. I think he was talking about Janelle. Paraphrasing with my impression: He said that even though she likes to act like an independent woman, she really likes having him as her king.

      Ann C.

    2. I'm not sure if he was referring to just Janelle or all the wives. I'll have to watch it back to see.

  56. They've been in therapy for 5 years and they still asked Robyn to be a 4th wife? Robyn missed her? She probably barely met her before they fled for LV.

    1. Probably because they all should have been together from the very first day? Or maybe it's sort of how Robyn answers for all of them whenever they are questioned about anything. I think it's how she makes herself feel relevant and important. JMO

    2. I still say Robyn was for the show, taking a hit for the team with a new wife.

  57. Why are their pants so tight?

  58. I swear, therapist said they had angry voices. hmmm marriage therapy while in Utah. SO HAPPY. Got nothin on Phil Robertson!

  59. Pat, the old therapist, is worried about going to Sedona because not all the family members are excited about starting over with a new therapist. *Robyn, Christine, raise your hands*

    Kody evil eyes in the coming next bit. The ad after that? Lysol to kill germs! Hahaha

  60. The preview shows the new therapist telling Kody that "you kind of put Meri down the way you said that" and then Robyn has to hug her cause she's crying.

  61. Backtracking to Mariah....
    Seiously, *no one* ever asked ot knew Logan's tuition/expenses.
    BS !!!

    1. They probably left it to Janelle to take care of. Kody certainly wouldn't worry himself about the bills. Now that it's Meriah's turn to go suddenly Meri cares.

    2. It is just a reality show, but it really burns me up that Mariah gets all the perks over the rest of the kids.

    3. To even compare the two is in no way reasonable. She just had to grasp at something because she was angry that Kody said Meri had to pay out of her budget. Logan and 3 more kids could go to UNLV for what Mariah's school is costing. No comparison Meri.

  62. ChristineWearsHuggiesSeptember 22, 2013 at 8:23 PM

    Christine's necklace was the prettiest. The etching is nothing compared to her own ungracious harshness. I have HAD it with her!

    1. It probably was TLC scripting that made her say that.

    2. I thought her necklace was the ugliest and obviously the one that has no meaning to him.

    3. My Husband always tells me he wants my honest opinion. Im am thankful for that. Im glad that Christine doesn't feel like she has to lie just to make Kody happy.

    4. ChristineWearsHuggiesSeptember 22, 2013 at 8:35 PM

      Graciousness in the face of a gesture is an act of class. My husband has given me things I don't necessarily like or think we needed to spend the money on. However, he put his thought into it. THAT is what makes it special. Not that I am a Kody fan, and I do think he likes her the least. It's just manners. She knew she was on camera as well! This was one of the few times I appreciated Kody's reaction to her dislike.

  63. Why do the parents get a retreat and joolery, and Mariah can't go to the university she earned scholarships to! Can't these adults sacrifice? Sell a car or something! If my sons get a scholarship, I'll explode from happiness! I live in a row house because I paid for autism treatments (IBI), but now I have a son who can talk. I gave him the best start I could. These people make me want to smack them!

    1. Adults sacrifice. Good parents give their children what they need. These people qualify for neither title.

  64. Such Iconic.. Joolery. It looks like the crap you can get in those machines at a truck stop..

  65. Poor Christine. How embarrassing. How sad. Christine, God didn't create you to be so disrespected and unloved.

  66. Janelle is looking great!

  67. Starting out with a meditation on the red rocks so they can feel the beauty and see why so many people go to Sedona.

    Kody loves that they are "like hippies disguised like cowboys". He was looking forward to the "hippie experience". Meri looks very unhappy.

    Kody's take on meditation, "it's all about peace in whatever poop storm you have going on in your life". WOW

  68. Christine does not seem to be live tweeting the show...interesting, no? The other 3 have all chimed in about their joolries. Christine is listening to music(as of an hour ago).

  69. What did Kody say? Meditation was great for whatever POOP space you are in? bwahahahah

  70. I think he said the word "hippie" 5 times in the last 10 minutes...and flashed a peace sign.

  71. What? No qualified therapists in Vegas who use meditation as part of their process?

    1. Sounds like a palm reader more than a therapist.

  72. Oh look. Robin is Sobbin. That didn't take long..sympathy tears for Meri...

  73. Robin and Christine are already going into this retreat with a lot of negativity. I'm sorry but Robin I think is one of the major reasons why this group is so screwed up!! Not that they had a perfect group before her but its so much more dysfunctional since Robin entered this group!! Also I think that Christine was so immature in her reaction to the necklace. You are allowed to not like a gift but I'm sorry she totally acted like a child!!

  74. Personality test results:

    Meri, marked 8, she's a reformer, compulsion to speak the truth. It's not a bad trait although sometimes she might be brutal doing it. She has a strong intensity that is almost overwhelming. *boy this new therapist pegged her*

    Meri is crying now because she has to make it more comfortable for everyone in the family. It's so hard to do.

    Kody's arguing with the therapist. She thinks he should takes the parts of these women, feel what it's like to be the other person. Robyn feels it's aggressive because Meri's crying.

    1. She got Meri right. Kody was afraid of what she would tell them about him. And, just what made him think marriage theraoy was fun? It's hard work.

  75. Jody looks like Charles Manson. crazy eyes.

  76. Oops...head snap and eye flash at the therapist from Kodouche. He's not happy.

  77. Why are they all barefoot, with their feet on the couch during a therapy session?

  78. Aggressive. yeah well Robin I hate to tell you this but the Therapist was just calling your Priesthood Holder on his crap

  79. Robyn says "we're cordial with each other, but we're mostly invested in our relationship with Kody".

    Janelle tells Nancy she is a team player but she's not really "that invested" as far as the group.

    Poor Kody is doing all the heavy lifting in the family which he just doesn't have the stomach for.

    1. Maybe Kody shouldn't have married 4 women?

    2. If he couldn't do the heavy lifting then he shouldn't have gotten involved. Just like with children. Parents can't pick and choose which time they are involved.

    3. Finally Janelle admits she just wants Kody and her kids. She doesn't want to be a 'group'.

    4. What did Kody think he was getting into with 4 wives. Marriage is WORK, sweetie--it's not just about the sex!

  80. They are so freaking fake

  81. Ignore the marriage therapy and go have fun. Kody you missed the point. Therapy isn't supposed to be easy.

  82. Pulllezze !!!
    Someone stuff a sock in Sobbin's mushmouth.
    She talks in never-ending circles.

    Whether in the session or cut to the couch chat....she just never shuts up.

  83. Oooooh upcoming is Janelle explaining how she had to get used to Meri's personality and when Meri is pressed on it she tells Nancy this is stupid.

    1. I have to slip in a tweet: Janelle says Kody is a renaissance man! He can build a deck, fix a car and design jewelry.

  84. So, they are cordial to each other...what happened to the we're into this for the realationship with each other...the girl support....the love.

  85. Wow angry kody just seems to be front an center tonight... He just always look angry and the part with christines jewelry was painful. It was not her and she seems so apologetic when its not her fault. Broke my heart. Love love live the therapist so far.

  86. The reason robyn talks so much is cause they all say she brings this emotional maturity to the relationships...argh! she is mature.

  87. You know what I would like to see? Doris Hansen with these women.. or Dr Phil.. yeah Dr Phil is bogus.. but he isn't afraid to ask questions... and call people on their crap.

    1. That would be amazing. But I doubt his words would hit home because they will feel like they are being attack and get defensive.

  88. Oh my gosh! Oragel is advertising a cold sore remedy.

  89. Interesting...we get a few seemingly honest moments where Robyn admits they are only cordial, and Janelle says shes not invested, then poof! A walk, and family pictures! Look we're connected! And don't get me started on Kody saying he carries the weight of the emotions or something like that. He's so emotionally detached

  90. Therapy is difficult and we all know Kody and Christine hate for things to be difficult. And Robyn needs to listen and not talk so freaking much.

  91. Replies
    1. That's exactly what my mother and I said at the same time!

  92. If Sobbyn is pregnant I will go irate.

  93. Robyn missing day #2 because she's "nauseous" per Kody...?

  94. Who's betting sobyn is preggers and that's why kodouche said no to Mary?

  95. Robyn pregnant...nauseous????

  96. Robyn can't come to the 2nd day of therapy because she's feeling nauseous. Did she already get pregnant after hearing the womb-for-rent wasn't going to be used?

    Kody says he's in the weirdest religion that anyone can imagine so when people seem like hippies to him, he is tolerant of that.

    Pat has been worried about the Browns and said being in Sedona was a "delicious" experience for her since she knew they needed support.

  97. when was this filmed??

  98. Robyn, if you're pregnant, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    1. Yeah, sick in the morning...hhmmmmm

  99. Just realized that the show needs to have an off-camera voice setting the scene....
    And NOT Kody doing it before each clip in his Mr. Roger's delivery.

    He is SOOOO annoying.

  100. Janelle says she is committed to the family and no doubt she is going anywhere. I truly think she is perfectly happy in this hot mess

  101. Jump, janelle, JUMP,

  102. Their relationship with the Utah therapist is so inappropriate. They hug and kiss her hello and goodbye, like they're long-lost friends. She was not much more than an observer in the group sessions, and there seems to have been no transfer of files or background information to the new therapist, who, as we are constantly reminded, has no experience with polygamists.

  103. They like Pat because she totally validates what they believe. She probably gives in to them a lot and they want someone like that!! Anyone that disagrees with them or questions them they disapprove of.

  104. ROFL. The mission statement. hahahahahaha. Janelle called it drama!

  105. Nancy is going to speak with all of them separately.

    Janelle first ~ she says she is committed to the family and is NOT going anywhere. She explains she can't be that honest with Robyn & Meri. Some of it is Meri's personality that they are "still working on".

    Meri's hardest part is trusting that everyone really WANTS to work on their relationships.

    Robyn said she chose plural marriage for a reason, but as close are they are in the cuddle-sac, they could just be on their own. She didn't sign up for that.

    Mission statement Christine. They don't seem to accomplish anything and she doesn't feel she should write anything down yet because they all need to get together and "start". Hmmmm? Start?

    1. Robyn validates herself by competing with others. She can't get that drama if they are separate. If there isn't drama then Kody will see her for what she is and not his "defender".

      OR maybe she thinks monogamy failed once so she doesn't want anything to do with it again. Either way, unhealthy all around.

  106. Robyn has on a pretty gold medallian necklace. I don't think it is from the closet.

    1. I think they better have a session on why they don't wear the iconic jooolery they want us all to buy.

  107. Janelle tells therapist that mission statement is drama!

  108. So they love the lifestyle, it makes them all better blah blah blah, but they're all bummed that it's work.

  109. Recommitment ceremony = jumping the shark

  110. Per Kody the mission statement is leading to recommitment.

    Meri's thoughts on the mission statement - she is very hesitant to "speak her voice too much". Asked what would you do if you spoke too much? She told Nancy it's stupid but eventually says she's "afraid of overstepping her bounds".

  111. This episode is at least interesting and somewhat truthful feeling!

    1. I hope it is really truthful and not just scripted by some intern at TLC's writing department. It does have that felling this time.

  112. watching Mari pretend she doesn't run the show is funny....

  113. So much that Mari is NOT saying. . .

  114. I thought the exact same thing others pointed out. The Utah Therapist was inappropriate and way too touchy feely involved with these yahoos.

    Aren't therapists supposed to be impartial, detached? Patient/Doctor boundaries apparently don't apply when you get TV time..

  115. Kody does make a point - if something happens to him, what becomes of the wives? Will they still remain friends/family?

    1. Well chances are they will remain neighbors. :)

    2. I think Janelle might finally tell Meri exactly what she thinks of her and then pack her stuff and go!

  116. Meri's one-on-one with the therapist is in her hotel room. Robyn recovered from her nausea to meet outdoors.

  117. Just invited my hubby to see what's going on at the blog since he's asking all these questions while I'm trying to type.

    He says, "Oh, no, no, no I certainly don't need to do that!" *laughing* I said, "You have your laptop up, here's the address."

    He replies, "I'm busy playing Word With Friends, I'm really sorry." HAH sure!

  118. did anyone catch Meri sucking in her gut during the photo shoot? And letting it out again? Guess the green goo isn't that great at weight loss!

  119. Meri is the only one that recognized there is a camera in the individual sessions, and acts accordingly.

  120. So what this show is telling us is that all of this "we are a big happy family" meme was and still is a lie?

  121. *shrug*
    Just another hodgepodge of disjointed clips and bits....tied together with sappy music.

    Nothing new or of value except the old SW/TLC standard closeups slipped in when a statement is being made by someone else. Tears will be plentiful. Noses are getting red. Kody is yammering away, beady, rodent eyes shifting.
