Sunday, September 22, 2013

"Sister Wives" "Tell All" s04 e11 Spoilers, Gossip

Funky Town put another great flipbook together of last weeks clips!


  1. CRAP! They're replaying clips that we've already seen a bjillion times.

  2. I think this was a while ago. Janelle doesn't appear to have lost much weight.

    Tamron Hall wants to know why getting out of rentals was so important. Janelle feels it's different when you own the home. It's a sense of permanence and community. Brought up the Christmas deadline for homes and how Meri didn't get in on time. Seeing old clips of Mona telling them who got their homes. *sob, sob* Meri is saying how Mariah doesn't want anything for Christmas but the home. Meri is discussing that with Tamron Hall.

  3. I think it's time to let go of the family mission statement. I'm sick of hearing about it so I'm sure the rest of their family is sick of hearing about it.

    I'm also not shocked by Christine's reaction to the piece Kody made. He had stories about every wife except Christine. It's like he just slapped something weird together.

    1. Especially when he said on tv that the pixie/fairy is like Christine because they can bite.

    2. That is so bizarre to me because in the very 1st episode he called Gwendlyn his pixie. Now all the little ones are, and then call Christine that? Weird.....

    3. I didn't like Christine or Mary's either one. And he just said there were no queen bee's but he gave Mary a necklace with a heart and crown on top.

  4. Now they are discussing that some of the wives might see what is 'going on' in other homes with other wives. Meri says it "is a possibility and we might all have our emotions".

    They are using examples of Kody pulled Meri's weeds but not Robyn's. They say we're just saying.

    Tamron Hall says "NO you aren't just saying. Now that you're close to one another you might be afraid that jealousy will rear its head."

    Christine says she's seen Kody elsewhere and then feels jealous that he's not with her.

    Kody feels being in business together is much different than anything in their lives.

    We're seeing old MSWC clips. *sigh*

  5. Wasting way too much time on clips.

    1. It's as if they think a new group of viewers will magically appear to watch this episode without knowing anything about Kody or the wives. So, they must summarize with a clip.

  6. Kody asked for his "big boy panties" so he can be in charge again.

    Tamron wants to know if he owns big boy panties. Kody says he's wearing them now .

    I. cannot. listen. to. the. baby. decision. drama. again. Coming up next....

    1. For a man that has just told us he has 65 years of marriage experience, I'm not very impressed at how he handles marriage.

  7. It's the same old stuff. There is no tell-all because they won't tell it. We will get the tell-all from one of the offspring years from now in a book. Which child do you think will be a writer when they grow up?

    1. Aspyn maybe? She wanted to go to the panel discussion so she could hear what was being said. Maybe that means she'll continue to keep up that interest!

    2. I would read any and all books from these kids.

  8. Did anyone else catch where Robin was rubbing her hand after the big boy panty debacle?

    1. They are twittering asking if we are watching. I so badly wanted to respond, "Yes, I'm looking for Kody's big boy panties." But they would block me.

    2. Ha! Triple dog dare you Funky LOL

    3. I know I saw that and was like, whaat?? Eew!

    4. Not only was it an inappropriate place to put your hand on a t.v. show, it was extremely disrespectful to the other wives.

    5. I think Robin was marking her territory with the rubbing. I think she was feeling jealous that
      Kody was sitting so close to Janelle that their legs were actually smacked together & Robin couldn't stand it. She kept scooting over to get closer to him.

  9. Fluff interview...where is Nancy Grace with those tough questions when you need her?

    1. I want Natalie Morales back, she sure pissed Kody off!!! Didn't hold back!

    2. Natalie was great- I'm sure they banned her after that interview!

    3. I think they should be interviewed by Dr Phil. I bet he wouldn't tip-toe around them. I can just hear him now asking... What the hell were you thinking? lol

  10. I've got a headache now. Two hours of the Browns is an exercise in masochism. But I can't stop rubbernecking the trainwreck.

  11. Can I just say..."embracing our diversity" wasn't the most nonsensical block. Robyn, of course. You are the opposite of diverse...go to college.

  12. Why not be a monogomist? Because they couldn't get to heaven in their religion

    1. BUT..their kids can make their own decision and the "parents" are OK if they choose not live plural marriage which equates to eternal damnation?

  13. All for Tv and the almighty dollar. They have huge homes but night not be able to fund college for Meri's daughter?

  14. They showed the Danny the builder clip of how Kody gets along with all his wives. Kody is laughing. Robyn was thrilled to hear the honeymoon bit about herself.

    They all think Danny was correct. Tamron asked Meri what she thought about the comment from Danny that Kody just 'accomodates' Meri a lot of the time.

    Meri just wants her & Kody to be honest and loving all the time. She does not like that Kody just feels he has to do what Meri says all the time.

    Tamron wants to know if the wives fulfill different romantic and functional needs. Kody is now explaining the "dogma of monogamy" to Tamron and how his "square peg" won't fit in that round hole.

    He feels he could be fulfilled in monogamous but when asked why not be monogamous he feels that question "shows a sense of discrimination".

    1. Does he really have a "square peg?"

    2. Ha, ha! I just got that.

    3. Lol those poor women!!! No wonder they cry all the time. Ouch!!!

  15. I think Robin pregnant .. She was sick on the trip... He made a point of saying how robin was throwing up!!

    1. I caught that too! I guess Meri will be crying....again!!!

    2. Honestly she acts like a needy whiny child! I really feel like he favors Robin. I think Christine is really unhappy and Janelle is more independent and doesn't ask for or expect much!

    3. I was thinking that also, but maybe it was just a red herring.

      BTW, Kody has 4 wives. 4 of them!!

    4. There were pictures of them from Friday night and she did not look preggers.

  16. Robyn really needs to quit interrupting. I think she just talks to hear herself talk. Ugh!

  17. Buzz words. We've had dogma, destiny.

  18. Kody says there's not a "queen bee" and Christine objected to that. Tamron asks if they're friends. All answered but Meri. Tamron had to ask Meri separately because she was slow to answer.

    Tamron is not convinced that they are all friends. She asked who is Meri's 'best friend'. Meri says she's not going there.

    Christine is explaining that what they need on any day changes who their best friend is on any given day.

    Here comes the baby stuff. Picnic clips.

  19. The show you love to hate. Don't like Meri & Robyn. They seem to be a tag team against the other two.

  20. Ugh.. I cannot believe it is flashback clips AGAIN. Do they think people are watching the show for the first time - thus they need constant recaps?

  21. Dogma...square peg...round hole. This man is an idiot.

  22. Kody and Christine have both been channeling the late Farrah Fawcett.

  23. Host is doing a better job of asking direct questions this time. Wonder how long this went on before Kody walked off?

    1. I almost wonder if they had a list of questions beforehand. I have a tough time thinking Kody came up with words like "the dogma of monogamy" on the spur of the moment. JMO obviously.

  24. Everyone has on too much makeup...Kodouche included.

  25. Dear God not this again. Mormons do not believe in in vitro. 2 and 1/2years later?? Please no no no

    1. And not the purity again! Geez louise!

    2. We've got to talk about the purrrrrrity of course! We might get to see Robyn throw it on the floor again!

    3. Robyn just told someone on Twitter that the big boy panties comment came from HER MOM. She says it all the time.

      Hmmm, Robyn, SWEETIE, many moms say it all the time. I don't think your mom invented it!

    4. Kody just refuses to say "because of our religion"...interesting.

  26. Tamron calls Meri on the clips. She says it's not a mutual decision that she saw. Meri says (duh) you can't go into having a baby one-sided. Tamron mentions they'd gone over and over it. Meri says she didn't feel a for sure yes but thought they might want to look into it more.

    Tamron asked Kody if he jumped the gun when Meri said she might be interested. Tamron wants to know what all this is about. She still can't decide if she wants to be an empty nester. Kody explains Meri doesn't need to be an empty nester and discusses the bonus children.

    Tamron wants to know about emotional impact if Robyn gets pregnant while Meri's an empty nester. Meri said she was always happy for her sister wives when they got pregnant and happy for the family but wishes it had happened with her.

    Oh here comes the purrrrrity conversation with Robyn.

    1. Didn't Kody once say that he leaves the choice to have children up to the wife?

  27. They are going to ask the other wives if Robyn's story from "The confession" concerned any of them.

  28. Not more baby talk. What a joke. Kinda old to be having a baby. Drop it already

  29. Up next appears to be a re bake of Robyns cookie. The horror, the horror.

    1. Maybe we should all chip in and send Robyn an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas. Or Hanukah. Or whatever they decide to celebrate this year. That will make it easy for her to renew her cookie again and again again.

    2. That's awesome, Turtle, I love it!


  30. Sounds like Robyn is pregnant again. Robyn is Kody's favorite "thin" wife.

  31. I'm guessing Robyn's going to throw her ex under the bus again. That seems to be this seasons recurrent storyboard theme.

    1. Yep, baby was winding up so we had to have something new.

  32. Kinda surprised that Robyn isn't pregnant yet? Anyone else thinking that also?

  33. TLC has a habit of announcing pregnancies during couch end of year interviews.

  34. Kody's telling Meri "to sit on the no" and Meri's not moving into her McMansion by Christmas were supposedly the two of the worst experiences for her this past season. So, the producers relived them with the tired flashbacks in this last segment. Yet, Meri wasn't nearly as weepy as usual in watching them or speaking to them. And, Kody stayed on the other side of the couch, with Robyn.

  35. Janelle is the only real person on this stupid show!

    1. I am Team Janelle and always rooting for her to have success and happiness in her life and health.

  36. I'm so tired of this purity crap. The state of your hymen does not determine your self-worth.

  37. Dang it the cookie is about to be thrown on the floor again.....

    1. *having a tantrum* I didn't get to see it fall on the floor today! They stopped the clip!

    2. Thank goodness they did too. Wouldn't want to have it restored again and how that process is achieved.

  38. Tamron asks if finding out about Robyn's story while they were courting concerned any of them.

    Kody saw a "pure woman" when they were courting.

    *sigh* Chaste Robyn was missing out by not adding the physical to her relationship as a young girl.

    Crying! Crying! Oh Tamron Hall CRIED when she saw that.

    1. Not necessarily. Maybe she was just saying that to be polite...

  39. No please not Robin's story again. I cannot stand it. Thowing her ex under the bus again. Ugh

  40. At least their hair is clean and combed tonite unlike last week.

    1. And they aren't doing the layering tops! That was so passé!

    2. Meri's hair doesn't look like straw tonite. It actually looks really good.

    3. And they aren't doing the layering tops! That was so passé!

  41. He did not deserve and she sold herself short...says the woman who shares a "husband" with three women. Way to inadvertently hurt your own children Robyn.

    1. It does sound as though she believes any that came from her first husband is "less than." He wasn't good enough for her, so.....

  42. Yeah great message to send to young girls, Robyn. "If you have sex with the wrong person, you are worthless. Try to fix it by getting married and hope he's not an asshole."

  43. They have all had these conversations with their kids ~ topics: purrrrrity, drinking, drugs etc. They have decided to have them when their kids start asking questions.

    Kody explains his shotgun is loaded because Mykelti is boy crazy. Tamron wants to know if boys think Kody might be easy on them because he has 4 wives.

    Kody gets called a pimp.

    They all agree group dating at 16 and individual dating at 18 but Christine says just please don't individual date.

  44. I can't believe Christine just said her daughter was boy crazy. Why can't they respect their kids privacy?!

    1. They are so hard on her...she has picked a passion and focused on it and started taking college credit high school. Give the child some encouragement and praise!

    2. MyKelti is a NORMAL teenage girl. They all think about boys, and boys all think about girls. I so hope all these young adults go off and make their way far far away from this group.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Can't stand Robin and her DRAMA and her damn PURITY!!!

  46. Janelle is the only real person on this stupid show!

  47. Sounds like Robyn is pregnant again. Robyn is Kody's favorite "thin" wife.

  48. Don't give away yet purrrrity or you might be haffen ta fix it yet whole lifes!

  49. Sounds like Robyn is pregnant again. Robyn is Kody's favorite "thin" wife.

    1. She is not looking like it - she would be by now.

  50. During this commercial I would just like to say that I love Tamron's hairstyle!

  51. It looks like we will see a clip of when Kody lost his temper at the discussion panel from last week. He apparently yells at Krystyn Decker that he is nothing loike her past husband.

  52. In one of the earlier seasons, they spent a lot of time talking to their older children about dating. The children then went on to explain how dating is serious in their religion and that it is done in contemplation of marriage. Kody then had to be the alpha male, challenging any hypothetical boy who may date one of his daughters.

    Now, the parents are saying the children can group date at 16 and individually date at 18. Their stories always change.

  53. Oh brother now poor them on the terrible way they were treated on the panel...glad we know the truth!

  54. I hope Kody get a 5 th wife and has a baby with and pisses ROBIN OFF!!

  55. OMG I had to share this tweet:

    A woman says she's finally figured it out. Posts a picture of Anthony Weiner and Robyn side by side and says RELATED? They both have HUGE chins.

    1. I saw that and started cracking up!

  56. So now they are showing parts of the panel we didn't see. Only the parts they want to see. We know the TRUE STORY

  57. The little negative head shake that we have seen Robyn giving in the clip of "Are you guys friends?" really shows up when they are discussing the debacle from last week's show.

  58. Christine thinks that Kristin is supposed to lay down for her, her neice and give up her own opinion. Seems like the neice should be respecting her aunt.

  59. Kristine you are not normal! Plural marriage is not normal.

  60. Oh "make- up coated Christine" get real!!!! Your Aunt loves you...stop being a bad actress!

  61. Another buzz word, validate.

    1. Well, it's only good on their side. Because they sure didn't like ti when Meri's boss and his clients, and Kody's clients validated their own opinions.

  62. Willy told me no one was afraid of being arrested. They are not the norm.

  63. Seeing clips from the UNLV panel discussion.

    I hope Tamron NAILS them on this. They are all laughing. LAUGHING about the clips from UNLV.

    Christine is asked why she was so nervous. Christine says her aunt is so against them and Christine is just trying to show we're "normal".

    Tamron asks Robyn why she felt she'd be ambushed. Robyn says people that left polygamy aren't there to find answers, just there to say Kody Krew is wrong and should break apart.

    Robyn says "they" validated that "these kids" had a hard time. (I didn't see a lot of validation from the Browns myself.)

    Christine felt Kollene's visit last summer was something of a positive experience but seeing Kollene there meant her heart is still breaking.

    Janelle feels they validated the anti-plygs experiences but the anti-plygs wouldn't validate the Brown's positive experiences.

    Now they are saying how scary and hard it is to be open. Meri was fired, Kody lost accounts, all before, in Meri's words, we were FORCED to leave for Las Vegas.

    1. Christine just doesn't get it. Child abuse takes a very very long time to move past. Furthermore, abuses in cults takes even longer because of the lack of resources available to victims. Former cult members have little sense of what was normal and what wasn't in their childhood.

      Lastly, Kollene is 19. Christine was way out of line.

  64. It looks as though all of the women are wearing the necklaces Kody had made for them.

  65. The cult lifestyle has made them afraid. Fear is of the unknown and they are afraid of the things they don't know.

  66. Who had the panelists back? It was a panel discussion pro/con. they approved the panelists, TLC set it up.

    1. If I hear validated one more time tonight I may be

  67. You've been public for like 4 years Christine. Please shut up.

  68. Kody why should anyone have your back? Selfish guy

  69. Koko is still hurting because what she went thru is a devastating soul shattering experience. She was brave to come in there and say what she had to say and Christine had no right to put her down or make her feel bad. Grrr Christine makes me so angry! I don't know you Kollene (SP?) but you are someone I admire greatly and I am praying for you.

    1. I totally agree! Kollene is going to carry that hurt a long time, just like the others will. I guess Christine and the others think you wake up one day and decide it's over.

    2. They think that Kolleen should get over it right away but Robyn can keep up her stolen purity story indefinately.

  70. Robyn you weren't ambushed by the panel. Christine stop lying about your aunt and implying Kollene has some anger issue. What is wrong with these women?

  71. Now Freshpet is advertising dog food. They may have missed the message that Duke told.

  72. Can Robyn please shut up and let someone else speak. She even sits forward as if ready to speak when the question is directed to one of the other wives. Or she is petting and praising Kody for his inane comments.

  73. The host seems more happy about interviewing the kids than the host.

  74. Very strange they would move from utah to vegas where there are few polygamists. Strange thing where your dad conducts your church service in your home. Smacks of being a cult where one guy calls the shots. The kids seem pretty open minded and I am glad to see that

  75. Well, I've been posting on the wrong thread. So are a lot of other people.

  76. Hunter, Aspyn, Logan, Mykelti, Mariah and Maddie are there.

    Tamron asks Mariah about why the house thing was tough. Tamron said it was hard to be happy when your sister is in a sad situation. She should have turned it around and asked why Mariah couldn't be happy for her brothers and sisters.

    She asked Logan if college allowed him to spread his wings. Logan said he distanced himself somewhat from the family, he wanted a chance to do things without parental guidance for a while.

    They all claim they are not dating anyone.

    Tamron called Mykelti on why her mom loses sleep over her. Also mentioned it doesn't help when you say you want a totally pierced and tattoed body. Tamron wants to know if Mykelti will have a piercing or tattoo next season. She said no, not until at least 20.

  77. I like this show. It shows the lives of a plural family that is very grounded n takes their family life very serious.

  78. Mariah looks very nice in the couch session this evening. That hair style really suits her.

    1. Yes, it really does. She seems more laidback than usual also.

  79. Aspyn is so pretty...

  80. Being discussed now about Kody coming out into the open. The move, acknowledging each other, etc. Logan says it's cool to walk down the street and be confident in knowing they're accepted and 'normal' in Las Vegas.

  81. Poor kids getting drug out to "have kody's back"

  82. Christine's hair looked really pretty on the "tell all".

    I'm still stuck on the original counselor referring to the Brown's as "delicious"...bleh...

    1. Yeah to me that delicious comment smacked of a therapist that had gotten way too close to her patients. Therapists are not typically there to be your friend and when the relationship heads that way, you are usually told to find another therapist as that is considered malpractice in a lot of states.

    2. That delicious comment was really strange.

  83. Mariah is the only one that said she wants to be a polygamist.

    Aspyn is searching for where she wants to end up so she doesn't want to say. She's searching.

    Mykelti wants to fall in love first but if she falls in love with a person that wants polygamy then they can decide that together. Same if the person wants monogamy.

    Hunter hasn't thought about it. Logan thinks monogamy. Maddie (I think it was her) said monogamy ONLY.

    1. Mariah won't last. As soon as she sees the reality, she will run home to her mom.

    2. I think she will if she's the first wife. But if she's not the first wife, I can't see it happening. She certainly wouldn't like to be treated the way Christine and Janelle have been.

    3. I was struck at how mature Mykelti responded. That was very well said. It will be the decision between her and her spouse.

    4. I also noticed how Aspyn referred to it as her "parent's religion" so I wonder if the older kids are drifting away from the AUB since the move.

  84. I just have one question for everyone..if everyone dislikes the show and the Browns so much, why do you watch the show?

    1. Don't paint us all with a broad brush please.

    2. nicely done Anon 9:52

    3. We all LOVE the kids and watch to see if they are happy. We also watch for the train wreck that is surely coming for the adults

    4. It started out as curiosity...and I don't dislike them all. But there is a huge amount of dishonesty and favoritism with the adults.

    5. Waiting for someone to "wise up"!! If these people are so happy why is there so much crying? There is nothing "normal" about any of these people!!

    6. Well done Anon @ 9:52!

      To Anon @ 9:50: I started out curious and hoping they could really make this work, but you can very easily see that these women are not happy. There's too much crying, too much discussion of feelings crammed down inside them, there's obvious jealousy and dislike between the wives.

      So this is not a good thing. I do like a wife or two and love the kids and hope they get through having all their dirty laundry aired on TV.

    7. I will be honest: I love watching a train wreck...and hope to catch them telling the truth or non truth. Really.

  85. I think that Aspen, MyKelti, and Hunter are all leaning toward monogamy. Glad Logan has finalized his plans. Hunter sort of back pedalled a bit. I think they get more grief from their parents (other than Janelle) on this topic than we see. Janelle is open toward people practicing any religion that feels comfortable to them.

  86. I watch the show that I can keep up my part of the snark. Without this site I would have dropped these characters long ago. Wouldn't it be awful if we found out that this blog was secretly hosted by TLC. Just a joke, because I know it isn't.

  87. Logan's remarks were disingenuous. First, they lived in a polygamist community in Lehi. They were not the exception, and they were not in hiding. Also, he went off to college and planned on very few weekends home. Yet, he said something to the effect of that it's nice to see the family where it's supposed to be. He played the role that the jewelry designers did in the last episode. There is always some alleged neutral who "validates" or attempts to legitimize the Browns' polygamy.

  88. he's got to take another wife for more babies. Robyn is no spring chicken

  89. Robyn: "sweetie you have no idea".

    1. Thank you!! You took the words right out of my mouth!!!

  90. If Robyn says sweetie one more time. Also, the wives have daggers in their eyes. It's kind of crappy that you can see the dislike.

  91. On one of the previews it showed Christine saying what the worst part of the retreat was...what was it? I wasn't paying attention...zzz...hard to stay focused...

    1. never mind :) they never did the sculpture...

    2. actually they did. It was just them standing in relationship to everyone else indicating where they thought their position to the family was.

    3. I thought it would be more like the game Twister.

  92. Wonder if Robin was sick because she is expecting.

  93. Spoken in her Valley girl voice.

  94. 5th wife question. Clip of crazy Kody discussing flirting with a woman or "giving them attention" like wanting to sell them jooooolery and how people think he's sizing people up for a 5th wife.

    Christine says people always ask if they can be the 5th wife and it's not okay because it "disrespects" the work they've put into their relationships and the family they built.

    Christine says it cheapens them. Robyn says these relationships are eternal. Robyn says she wants to say "SWEETIE you have no idea". Robyn loves that sweetie word.

    Christine says Kody's evading the question which makes her nervous. Kody doesn't go "looking for it" meaning a 5th wife. Kody answers seriously and says no.

    Marriage therapy comes up and they talked about sculpture therapy. Clips of what we just saw.

  95. And Robyn just said sweetie in a disrespectful manner.

    Another buzz word.

  96. Mister Sister/Funky Town, this thread is different than the one I was posting on with others---??????

    1. Mr. Spock I think the other thread didn't get closed, accidentally through all the excitement of tonight and there was confusion. Sorry about that.

  97. Yeah right if Kody dies they would never speak to each other AGAIN!!

  98. Tamron asked about commitment ceremony. Lots of talking about dresses, formal, fun, etc. No real answer. OVER>

    1. Trying to keep folks interested for the next season...big party with fancy gowns!

    2. I wonder if there will be a fight or if Kody will pick out everyone's gown?

  99. All the wives look beautiful this evening on the interview. I really like Mary's hair that color. As for the necklaces Janelle and Robin's were my favorites.

  100. Will they have momma June come show them how to do a commitment cerement? They had the highest ratings ever. Browns aren't dumb.

    1. OMG too funny, and Duck Dynasty did it too

    2. Four camo bridal gowns with orange sashes! I would love to see that!

  101. I just can't take show serious anymore!! Wait a minute.... Did I ever take this how serious??!!! ;)

  102. That was two hours of my life I'll never get back! ! McKelty is my fave Brown

  103. I hope they all go on "yes to the dress" for their recommitment ceremony. Or Four Weddings! They could invite the little people, Honey Boo Boo and the weird Amish people and have a big scripted party where they tolerate others.

    1. Say Yes to the Dress would be fun to see! They seem to have tons of money so surely they could fly everyone to NYC so they could all have an opinion. I would enjoy a show like that!

    2. Somehow I don't think the Duggars would show up...

    3. The Duggars would probably decline...

  104. Robyn actually makes me sick. I used to tolerate her but I think she is cruel and manipulative. Shame on her for how she spoke to Kolleen.I am 35 years old and a 19 year old in my eyes is still a child in some ways. For a grown woman to talk to a young person that had been through what Kolleen has been through in such a harsh way is ridiculous. Grow up Robyn.

    Oh I forgot to slap "sweetie" on the end of my statement. My bad...

    1. Preach! She was just awful to Kollene.

    2. Thanks. I am to the point I may stop watching altogether. I honestly hate supporting Sobyn by watching this show. I can find at least one positive thing about everyone of those people except her. I think she may be the downfall of their family.


  105. Well said. I'm going to have weird dreams tonight.
