Friday, September 6, 2013

Review: Sister Wives Polygamy Questions Answered

Kody showing a little more scalp than usual

Before I recap, let's talk about Kody's hair. Well, maybe his lack of hair.

 Okay, so we all know Kody's going a "little" thin on top...but...DAMN!

You would think he'd do something about it, like maybe getting hair plugs during the off season, or whatever miracle hair solution men are using nowadays.

Anyway, at the rate he's going, he will soon have the mother of all comb overs, probably even rivaling The Donald's!

So how does one recap a half hour Q&A session with the Kody Brown Klan?

Beats me, but I can guarantee you that some of it will be entertaining...kind of...maybe...

Aspyn just being her perfect self
My favorite moment?

When Kody asked Aspyn to answer the questions: Which mom's the strictest? Which mom's the easier?

She flipped her straight golden hair and deadpanned: "I haven't had anyone be strict with me because I'm perfect!"

Alright Aspyn! You get a Hyrum for your perfect answer!

Another moment would have been a favorite, if Kody hadn't ruined it. Anyway, when Kody asked Paedon "Do your kids want more brothers and sisters..." he replied "Honestly, I don't think we need any more. Seventeen is hard to deal with."

Big brother (or half-brother) chimed in "I agree with Paedon. I think we have enough kids."

In my opinion, these were wonderful answers that prove SOMEONE in the Brown Krew was capable of rational thought...

But of course, Kody, showing a little bit of jealousy with a LOT of insensitivity tells his sons "You know what? Good thing you don't get to decide. I get to have as many as I want!" Guess that means Robyn is going to be very very busy, unless Kody brings in his 5th fertile Myrtle into the cul-de-sac.  I'm sure Meri will give up Sol's and Truely's room under the stairs for her to sleep.

I'm giving Paedon and Hunter each a Hyrum for their honesty (even though it might have been scripted.)

Kody get's a Uncle Art raspie for being a first class a$$ (dollar signs intended) to his boys.

Doesn't that wall art look like a crown on Robyn's head?
Leave it to Hunter again to answer the question on modesty (posed by Robyn, the Queen of Modesty, Purity and whatever virtue she can lay her hands on at the moment) " would you want a girl you might like to dress like?" "If it looks good, it looks good!" , he replied. And when Robyn pressed him further by asking " if like her bum's hanging out of her pants..." to which he replied "You know, some times it might look good!"

Aww...from the mouths of babes...

Hunter gets another Hyrum for answering Robyn, the semi virtuous Queen's questions with a smile.

The Semi-Virtuous Queen gets a raspie, for proving even a usurper will have their day in Uncle Art's Raspie court!

So for the next segment, (which made me wonder who in their right mind would pay Kody and his Kodypendents any attention, let alone enough $$$$ to own four McMansions) the adults take over the Q&A. So long candid answers from the teens, hello scripted responses that you'd have to be crazy to believe they were being truthful in their answers.

Let's delve into the question supposedly from a viewer (but not from Sonia Frompa): What was the most embarrassing or awkward moment for each of you on the show. Now, I thought about this and to me, as a viewer, I thought in terms of what was the most awkward moment for me. You know, watching something that would make me shake my head while murmuring softly "what the hell?"

Kody about to yank that kid out with just one hand!
Now, Robyn claimed her most embarrassing moment was giving birth to Solomon and having the process filmed for the show. Somehow, I don't believe she was embarrassed one little bit. Remember,  Christine also gave birth to Truely on film and showed almost as much thigh skin. The only difference was with Christine, a doctor pulled the baby from Christine's nether regions.  Robyn, however,  had KODY pull the baby out.

In fact, Kody was shown lasciviously coaching a moaning Robyn as Sol made his way down her birth canal. GROSSSSSSS!!!

So surprisingly enough, I have to agree with Robyn. Her giving birth was extremely awkward to watch, and Kody being a super a$$ mugging for the camera  multiplied the yuck factor by about a hundred times.

Christine's about to blow her top!
Christine said her most embarrassing moment was when she stormed off the set when Kody announced he had chosen Robyn's wedding dress.

Ok, I can see how that could Christine could feel that way, however, in my opinion she had every right to storm off. If it had been me, I would have punched Kody and his biatch Robyn right in their snot lockers first, and then stormed off the stage, driven home, collected my children and called an attorney. But that's just me.

Christine describing how Presbyterians are sharks!

Anyway, from the viewer point of view, I think the most awkward and extremely embarrassing scene was when Kody and his Krew spoke with the Presbyterian minister about their teen program and Christine went crazy,  talking about protecting her children from sharks. And there wasn't even a toaster in the room!


How awful to be weighed in public...

So what about Janelle? Her most embarrassing moment was having Trainer Bill (remember him?) blurt out to the world and her sister wives how much she weighed. Yeah, that was pretty awful, so I'm going to give Janelle a break and agree with her from my viewer point of reference.

Now, for Meri's most embarrassing moment, I had to laugh. In fact I'm still chuckling. I think if I were to look up delusional in the dictionary, Meri's picture would be right there. Her most awkward moment? It was at Big Bear when she yelled at her bonus kids that they better start accepting Robyn's kids or else. Of course, Robyn thought this was Meri's finest hour. I have to disagree...on both counts.

For me, the most awkward moment was watching Meri being hoisted out of a Mexican cave and showing a LOT of cleavage.

The words "Coming Up..." were prophetic. Something was coming up all right...I think it was my dinner...

Meri, Meri, Meri. What happened to that saying Modest is Hottest? Well, at least she wasn't that  horrid oompa loompa orange color.

Last, was Kody's awkward moment, from season one just before he tied the spiritual knot with Robyn. It was his anniversary dinner with Meri. You know, when she asked him how would he feel if she had brother husbands.

Anyway, I find that Kody thinking this was his most awkward moment kind of ridiculous. I mean, if we were to catalogue every dumb Kody moment on Sister Wives, the weight of the books would stop the rotation of the Earth. Or maybe, if placed end to end the books would reach past the moon.

For me, the most awkward moment was when he laid a big kiss on Meri, just a few feet from the bedroom where Robyn was laboring away. What is it with this guy. He sucks face with Robyn while Christine is giving birth, and then he sucks face with Meri while Robyn's giving birth.

Something tells me this type of behavior is not religion-based.

Sorry Browns. Even though the Q&As with your kids was fun, the rest of the show with you adults sucked eggs. Or rather, blew raspies. Big juicy one.

So I'm giving this episode one big fat Uncle Art Raspie for being a concocted mess. Like the rest of the episodes.

Oh, in case anyone is wondering when this show was taped...

And now a personal note: This will be my last review on Sister Wives Blog. I've enjoyed my tenure here, but unfortunately, it is now time for me to take my leave. Take care, everyone!  Cynical Jinx

Cynical style, as with the obits, no comments of other than about the review

Cynical always wanted her privacy, and we will give it to her now. She is off for a big exciting vacation. We enjoyed her time here, and wish her the best. 

We have some new blood coming in that I think you will really enjoy. As always, if you would like to write a post, please send it to us.


  1. "...if we were to catalogue every dumb Kody moment on Sister Wives, the weight of the books would stop the rotation of the Earth". I laughed out loud at this!!

  2. I wonder if Hunter's and Paedon's comments about there already being enough kids was scripted? That would give Meri the "out" she needs to decide not to try for another baby. (since we know she doesn't want one anyway)

  3. I think if Meri is so modest, she could have worn a t shirt or tank top over her swimsuit. If they can wear a swimsuit one day what is the difference if she wore a tank top the next day if it is hot outside.

    I think Robyn's birth of the baby was staged and not the actual birth.

    Good for Christine to walk out, too bad she couldn't have slammed a door too. She was told an outright lie and I don't blame her for being hurt. She has no need to apologize.

    There was no need to announce Janelle's weight...he could have said something encouraging like with a good workout I will help you lose some of those pounds.

    I really can't stand Kody and everything he does is annoying.

    1. I agree with u it was staged. She just wanted to show her stuff on TV.

    2. You are probably right. I have NEVER seen a woman react like that to giving birth. Low, quiet moaning? That was quite different.

    3. Lots of women, including myself, are pretty quiet while giving birth. I internalized everything to the point where I didn't really even talk out loud to anyone else, only to myself in my head.

    4. i, too, had 3 natural childbirths including a home birth. My first one was not natural and was basically a disaster for me emotionally and physically. So, i was determined to have a completely different experience the next go-rounds.

      i'm extremely quiet during the whole process as i'm focused on breathing and calming meditation techniques. it works so much better as most trained midwives will testify. the loud screaming, etc. that a lot of women do actually decreases their pain tolerance level and stresses them to the point that actually hinders the process where the calmer method can actually speed it up. it's all in the mind over body attitude - but it does take some practice, training and mindset preparation before the actual labor/birthing event is happening.

    5. I do not like Robyn. However I gave birth naturally to 4 beautiful kids. I was very quiet. My husband got the idea that giving birth was really nothing. LOL. I will say my reason was because when I was in nursing school I had a rotation in Labor and Delivery. The nurses were making fun of the laboring Mothers. I determined there and then I would never make noise when birthing. I also decided I would not work in L&D. Sad really that nurses would be so cruel.

    6. Well I didn't scream like a hyena, but I didn't moan like I was doing the wild thing either. I read where Robyn later was talking about crying through the birth. We sure didn't see that. That must have been the real birth, not the staged one.

    7. I think this was staged because just the way she looked. Her hair for the middle of the night looked ok (her never looks great), she had make up on, and wouldn't you be sweating? I mean even if you were quiet I would think you are still working and would not look your best. Just a thought. I for one did not give birth naturally, c-section, so maybe I really do not know what I'm talking about. I just really feel that it was staged.


  4. That look on Christine's face just makes me feel so bad for her. You can see she is completely shocked by what she's hearing and she did not need to apologize for it! She had EVERY right to be angry. I would still be mad about that if I were her! (Luckily I'm not her because there is no way I would live that lifestyle)
    don't worry about it deserved to be angry about that and a million other things that have happened to you!

    1. It made me sad that she beats herself up for being hurt. Of course, the douchebag will never get it. It will always be someone else's fault.

  5. I agree. What the hey is wrong with these women that they not only feel they deserve just 1/4 of a man, but also that their feelings are somehow wrong ?

    I also think with no 5th wife coming soon, they are out of story ideas. I think they can squeeze 1/2 an epi out of Kody shaving his head. It would be filler, but much of the show is nonsense anyway, and I think he'd look better.

    1. Hear Hear Chris - well said! I would like to know why it was ok for Kody to lie about shopping for the wedding dress, but God forbid if one of the wives lie to him...


  6. Aside from Janelle, if those are the other SW's most embarrassing moments they haven't been watching the same show I have. Meri's intense wetbar obsession, Christine's Presbyterian shark attack, Robin performing her tale of "Purity Lost" (and found). There are just so many cringe worthy examples!

  7. I think kody's & Christine's most embarrassing moment should be the same. When Kody told Christine digusted him. I will miss CH hope she comes back.

  8. If I were Kody my most embarrassing moment would have been when I "sweated" my pants. Talk about gross, seriously GAG!!!!!!

  9. I agree that Christine need not be embarrassed about her reaction to learning that Kody and Robyn were keeping secrets. Her reaction was appropriate and honest. Now, on the other hand, Kody and Robyn might have listed this as one of their most embarrassing moments since they jointly conspired to commit an act that would certainly be viewed by the other wives as dishonest and inappropriate. For Robyn, it is tells a lot about her character and really shows us who she is. As one of her first acts as a sister wife, she allows Kody inappropriate access to a facet of the wedding planning that very rarely involves the groom. She did not need his input on her dress. And then, she gives him the last word, thus overriding the input she previously received from her soon-to-be sister wives. In addition, she conspires with him to keep this information from the other wives. Way to build trust, Robyn.

    1. That scene was pivotal in changing my opinion of this "family." ANY positive thoughts I might have had about Kody when right down the toilet when he proclaimed "I picked the dress!!!!" like it was something that everyone would think was a wonderful thing.

      Those 4 women went together - supposedly - to shop for the dress as a bonding experience, as a way of welcoming Robyn into the fold. The fact that she went back alone with Kody after that was a big slap in the face to the others. "I don't care what you think. I pretended to be bonding with you, but all I care about is worming my way into being Kody's favorite."

      She may have succeeded with Kody, but I think that was the first wedge between her and the other sisterwives. I'm amazed they are civil to her on camera. I wonder what it's like when TLC's crew is not around.

    2. I need a little clarification. Did Robyn go back later and let Kody help choose the dress, or did he help her choose before she let the others waste their time? Either way it was a very rude thing for he and Robyn to do.

    3. The inference was that Kody went back with her later, but with editing the way it is, who knows? Either way his, "I have a bombshell to drop. I PICKED THE DRESS" was a real slap in the face to his other three "wives."

    4. What a terrible moment!!! What was the point of him making that announcement? I think it was to stake his claim on his territory. It was like, no matter what you three say, I am the king here and I will make the decisions! What a terrible, cringe-worthy AWFUL moment. All for Kody, not for the women. What.a.douche!

    5. If Kody hadn't said the 'I have a bomb to drop', Christine might not have reacted the way she did in the first place. His wording just flat out said that he knew the women would be upset, and he just didn't care. If he had said 'Robyn wanted me to see the dress and I just didn't like it, so we picked another', Christine would have been ok.

      Of course, this was after Christine found out about the engagement kiss, so maybe not.

    6. Kody has the maturity of Peter Pan and probably always will. He doesn't have the tools nor the emotional i.q. to be able to put into practice if he did. He's proven it time and time with his ineptness in his relationships w/his wives as well as his kids. i, too, have gotten the strong impression he's really a confused repressed gay and that is huge in a developmental stumbling block emotionally.

  10. What bothered me most, was that at the end Kody commented: "and no one asked about sex!", smack like that!!! It is like he ENJOYS people asking that (though he acts annoyed), and it bothered him that "people" didn't ask him about it....... and it was GOLD when production showed he can not read: silviafrompa... LOL

    1. Yes, Kody LOVES it when people make a big deal out of the whole "S-E-X" issue, only to inform the inquiring minds who want to know that he and his family are above discussing such things. *rolls eyes*

  11. a little of topic here, but the episode where Cooty was digging the hole for the family to bury that treasure chest, did anyone else here when he said MY SONS ARE DEAD TO ME, when he was out there alone playing the big man to the camera...
    I thought this was a HORRIBLE thing for anyone to say BUT for COOTY a religious man...
    any thoughts

    1. As a mom to a bunch of sons, saw it as playing to the camera, too. I also saw it as a joke. A REALLY BAD joke. I would hope no other dad would say such a thing! However, Kody doesn't think. He is too busy trying to think of what cute thing to say next. On the couch scene right after that, didn't the wives kids him he was good at digging holes for himself? I am not for sure, but think so.

    2. You are so right, he was trying to play it up, what a ....someone please fill in the blank haahah

      Kooty is a.......

    3. Self centered cookie addict.

    4. Back to Halloween costumes, I think that Kody should be the cookie monster from Sesame Street. and Meri and the spirit wives could be cookie trees.

    5. Then check back, I've got a cute Pic Twisted sister made in a future post, I think spoilers, with a cookie monster.....LOL!

    6. They could wear cookie costumes with a purity ring.

    7. Kody just needs to be a peacock for Halloween. preferably w/touches of glitter i'm sure. Each and every year. that is all.

  12. I don't think Christine is "embrassed" about it. I think it probably hurts her to continue to watch it over and over again. Kody just looked so pleased with himself and that probably kills her to watch it over and over again. Hence the salt in the wound comment. I think that was one of the first major rifts between kody and Christine. Does anyone seriously want to relive the worst fights they had with their partners/spouses again and again???

    1. I think the whole Robyn situation put a rift between Christine and Kody. Kody was leaving for a few days to see Robyn in St. George which cut time between the actual wives.
      Kody and Robyn sealed their engagement with a kiss and again when Christine was in labor.
      Kody picks Robyn's dress after Robyn made it seem like some Sister Bonding Time by taking the wives to shop for a wedding dress.
      Robyn has a big wedding.
      Robyn and Kody had an 11 day honeymoon which Robyn said she needed.
      Kody didn't kiss Christine until they were at the altar.
      Kody didn't care what Christine wore.
      Christine did not have a big ceremony. Neither did Janelle.
      Christine and Janelle did not have long honeymoons. Their honeymoons with Kody were a couple of days.
      It frustrates me that Christine feels the need to apologize for it.

  13. Meri SHOULD have been embarrassed about the episode where they put the dog to sleep. She came across as completely heartless. And Kody digging that grave while the dog runs and plays in the background...the dog clearly wasn't all that sick. I really hated that whole episode. It made me angry.

    1. OH I did not see that episode, I am REALLY TICKED off now...HOW dare they...LORD I CANT STAND these people!!!

    2. I forgot about poor Drake! Turning the death and burial of a sweet dog into a storyline for Kodouche's return to Utah was disgusting. Between the dog & the time capsule I've totally had my fill of watching him dig holes and bury things.

    3. I don't ever want anyone to think I'm defending Meri, but . . .

      We had our beloved Yorkie put to sleep 3 weeks ago. Summer was 13 and it was obvious to us she was deteriorating. She was arthritic and had dementia. There were days when she would run around like a puppy, but then when the humidity got to a certain point, she was obviously in pain in all of her joints. And with the dementia, she started snapping at us if we would go to pick her up, even when she was asking to be picked up. It got to be a matter of concern after she bit my husband really hard, and he hadn't even touched her; he just reached toward her as though he were going to pick her up and put her on the couch.

      If you didn't know her, you'd look at her and think she was fine. But as I read in many places when trying to decide if it was her time, if you love a dog, it's kinder to have them put to sleep one day too soon than one day too late.

      I've read a lot of comments online about the fact that Duke was running around. In my opinion, he was probably glad to be able to run free in the woods, as we would not have been able to do in Las Vegas. Besides, no reputable vet will put an animal down unless there is a valid reason.

      I just can't judge the Browns on their decision about Duke after what we've been through.

    4. Wasn't the dog peeing all over the house because it was elderly? I thought that was part of the concern. Weren't they about to move into rental houses that probably wouldn't accept dogs? Just speculating. We had a 16 year old dog we put to sleep once that walked into the vet's. She had multiple strokes but we had brought her back to "life" each time. She got to the point where she could not control her bladder at all, would walk into rooms and get confused, had a vacant look in her eyes like she didn't recognize us anymore. If the dog was truly experiencing something similar I can understand their decision. If it was merely for convenience sake because they were moving to rentals, then no. I don't get it at all. There are rescue groups that accept senior dogs and re-home them. Anyway.. the dog is gone and they don't seem to have gotten another dog (for now) so without knowing more maybe we should not pass judgment.

    5. Very sorry to hear about your dog. You made the kindest decision possible in your case.

      With Drake though, there was no telling of the medication they had tried or anything. They showed him jumping up on the children, wagging his tail, and playing and running around in the woods while his grave was being dug. Meri's only concern seemed to be the dog's peeing issues. I thought it was a very heartless and irresponsible episode.

      Vets will do whatever the owner wants. They really will.

    6. Anony, The dog, Drake, had been living in LV with the family. We all can have our opinions here, so you are more than welcome to have your opinion. Please don't pass judgement on others that have a differing view. thanks!

    7. Also, Christine and I think the others too were appalled because Kody showed no interest in their weddings. I think something was said about that too.

    8. I disagree about her being heartless over putting the dog to sleep. The night that episode aired, I was bawling with my dog on my lap (sort of--he was 110 pounds) because we were taking him to the vet the next day to put him to sleep. He couldn't stand without help anymore, and that weekend we "just knew".

      I never trust TLC in how these episodes are put together, and we are NOT told what they have tried up to this point. First thing I always suspect that TLC is doing their famous creative editing to stir up controversy.

      The clip that I could see online, the dog is walking around in the background, but I didn't see running and playing.

      My boy was wagging his tail up to the very end. He tried to run to car when I told him it was time for a car ride, and if TLC was filming it, would they have shown how his back leg dragged and the marks in the snow on the drive way? Would they have showed him tipping over? Would they have showed him crying at night because he was stiff and couldn't change positions without our help? Or would they have filmed it to make me look heartless.

    9. I think we can all agree TLC could have handled the "putting the dog down" episode better.

    10. Well either way, I wouldn't have wanted that episode aired if I were the family. And it looked to me he was playing in the woods while Kody was digging his grave. The fact is, there was no mention of any medication being given to this dog at all nor any mention of measures to make his life more comfortable having been taken. Who digs a grave for their dog when he's running around in the woods before he's dead? It's weird to me. And that's my opinion. To me, they just wanted an idea for a show and putting their dog to sleep brought the drama for them. It disgusted me. I've had to make this heartbreaking decision and I never in my life would have been digging my dog's grave first.

    11. Maybe that was just a story line and they didn't really put Drake to sleep. Maybe the incompetent film crew (the same one that had Robin in the audience watching while she was supposedly speaking to the family) forgot to put the dog in the house so that he wouldn't be romping around while Kody was digging his grave. Just a thought. I am becoming more and more skeptical of a lot of the adult drama that goes on-whether it's authentic or not.

    12. I didn't see that episode (and now really don't want to) but have noticed that the episodes are aired out of order of filming. The footage of the dog running and playing could have been from another day (hopefully)

    13. I have to toss my two cents in here. My daughter worked for a vet. They will put a dog down whenever the owner decides, it's not up to the vet. They certainly can't rescue every unwanted pet. They might not agree to it, but they will do it. There was a woman who decided to put a perfectly healthy poodle down because it no longer matched her decor. They asked her to place the dog with the human society or advertise it on the net, but she refused. She didn't have the time for that. So they euthanized the dog.

      I watched that episode a couple of times (even though it hurt - I am a dog lover) and I paid close attention to Drake. He did not appear to be at the point of needing to be put down and I call bullshit on Meri. I think he was an inconvenience to her. I lost my english bullie suddenly in March, and I'm still reeling. I currently have a 17 year miniature poodle mix who is still going strong. She is just now having incontinence issues. I'm keeping her off incontinence meds for that as long as possible. The way I manage it, is to put her in her kennel (she likes it, it's got her favorite toys etc. inside) when I have to leave the house for work or shopping. It's working out fine. She's gotten to the point where she likes her kennel and will go in there on her own to get away from her antagonistic younger brother the Boxer. ;)

      I'm sincerely sorry about your dog AZ and I'm sure you and your family made the right choice. I'll do the same when my old girl's time is here - but not a second before. I love her, she's loved us and we're family. You don't kill off family you love, just because their body starts to fail.

    14. This link is from the London Daily Mail. It's Sarah Silverman's obituary for her beloved dog Sorry about the OT, but I thought it was wonderful.

  14. OH lord that picture of Meri's cleavage, PLEASE for the love of GOD put a shirt on, NO one wants to see that.

    1. A t-shirt over her suit would have gone a long way to protect her modesty...and our eyes.

    2. Wasn't that the big deal they made with the teens?

    3. They can pole dance,so they should consider a wet t-shirt contest too. White tee's for purity though. Keepin with the hottest is modest theme.

    4. Yes, she certainly could have used a frumpy tee-shirt

    5. Maybe Twisted Sister can make a t-shirt with Meri wearing a shirt under her bathing suit! Ha!

    6. Modesty has different expectations depending on the activity.

  15. finally seeing realitySeptember 6, 2013 at 7:59 PM

    The worst and most disgusting thing I have seen on SW was Robins speech about her purity in front of her children. How can a mother do such thing. I call this emotional abuse, and I don't understand why their father does not intervene in the situation. I understand Kody's obsessiveness out purity of his wives, I think it is stupid but that us Kody. If they want to believe something a stupid as purity being restored that is their private business, but to share it with her children is beyond horrible. I really thought I can't wait this show any more, but this blog and the fact that I want to see when the train wrecks, keeps me viewing. This show is getting beyond boring.

    1. What gets me about Robyn's purity being restored is that they believe it, and their children will believe it, and their grandchildren will believe it and then 100,000 people will believe it and so on. Meanwhile us normal people scratch our heads and just don't get their thinking. You are either a virgin or you are not. My grandson said to is half raining outside. I told him is either raining or it is not raining.

      Just like the polygamy in the Mormons started with just a few and now there are hundreds of thousands of the FLDS and AUB etc. It is like you tell two friends and they tell two friends and they tell two friends and it is never ending.

    2. Pity Party,
      Everyone has different faiths. Some have none. I only speak for myself, but the only thing I can come up with is this.
      In my faith, I guess you could say...(not that anyone would, mind you-I'd say this is a pretty common sin)

      "I feel as though I sinned by giving away my virginity. Since God forgives us of our sins if we ask, I am set free by this!"

      Not a bunch of crazy baloney to confuse her children. Can you imagine? So I am right there with you.. my grandma used to say, "If you can get someone to repeat it 20 times, it becomes real" talking about lies. I am right there with you on your thoughts.

    3. MS, I like the way you said that, if only Robynn could have said something like that to her kids. I can imagine how confused they were, heck, I was confused by her rambling about the two people.

    4. Mister Sister, that's how I see it too. I think when the Browns are talking about it, the "I got my purity" back thing doesn't equal "I got my virginity back." It's more of "God forgave me and forgave my sins and now I'm clean again."

    5. Isn't a shame they can't articulate better? My thoughts too, but how in the world do you translate that mess? Confusing enough for a child. Much less crying and throwing hearts on the floor! If I had done that, my kids would have been crying, too, out of FEAR Mommy had lost it.

    6. The whole purity thing was about forgiveness from King Kody, not from God. Just so that she could join him in his sin.

    7. Today I watched an interview with Rebecca Kimbel ( also from AUB )and she was talking about how they were always indoctrinated to believe that you should protect your purity with your LIFE. As in it would be better to die than have premarital sex. Because of this, she thought she deserved death after she was raped at the age of ten only because she didn't die and survived the attack. This brought a whole new level of meaning for me to Robyn's purity talk.

  16. Meri's cleavage! Thank you for the great picture. She should have worn a shirt under her swimsuit lol.

  17. Robyn's worst moment to me was when she missed Logan's Graduation because she left the house late on purpose and then got lost and needed directions. Because of her being lost Kody almost missed Logan's graduation too.

  18. Are you going to being doing spoilers this Sun for the show? that has been so much fun to read! I have not posted, but may join in this week, should be a good show.

  19. Oh yes we will! And we will updates, spoilers, and a review as always!

  20. I quit posting a long time ago bout would come to read. Now I can post again. It was as if many of us were on a bad list. You were not even here at the time, I believe you were sick. Glad to be free to say what I want. Looking forward to the "new blood" can you tell us who?

    1. I agree Anon 9/6 10pm, I quit posting a few months ago by choice, but kept reading. Didn't make "the cut" a few times, and then also was disappointed that some comments I considered "mean-spirited" particularly about Mariah), did make the cut. I respect Mister Sister a lot, and am going to participate again....happy to be back!

      Hey there, Pity Party Closet! You used to be Slept into Debt, right?!

      PS Who are "the activists"?

    2. I am glad to see happy folks!

      I am looking for helpers in many different ways.

      For example, not only writers, but say you are one that can go to FB and Twitter several times a day, check for me and save them - that's a big load actually.

      Someone that will make a google alert list and then send me the good ones, etc.

      Video sleuther!

      Lots of things!

      Give me a few days if you email me, for this is the season ender and a blog overload, which we LOVE - but please don't think I am ignoring you if you email, I will get there. Flying solo this week so it's busy!

      I had received an email about folks not happy with their posts not showing up. It was addressed and taken care of.

      I can't promise that EVERY post you write will come in, but if it doesn't I will sure tell you why. It would only be, for example, if it was too graphic in describing someone, .something I am getting ready to post, etc That's why it's good to have a name!

      Let's have a great night tonight, I really want to hear what you guys think. Posting will be EASY tonight.

      Any concerns or joys, just email me.

      Love to all,
      Mister Sister, or who in the heck I am going to beLOL!

    3. Sinister, I am going to delete that post. I think I know who it was and it was meant to in mean spirit. By By mean poster!

  21. I laughed so hard at the picture above of Kody kissing Meri. It's so distorted from sizing his shoulders look like the Incredible Hulk! Now that is about where his ego is.

    1. It does! I've made some doozy mistakes cutting pictures before. It happens pretty easily when you can't really tell it, for you've looked at the picture 100 times! Actually, I kinda like it- since he does think he's the Hulk, so we'll leave it!

  22. If I could've listed their most embarrassing moments they would've been:

    Meri: orange face. Enough said

    Janelle: I agree with hers. If someone had announced my weight in front of other people (especially the queens of passive aggressiveness) I would've been horrified.

    Christine: during the "tell-all" interviews and they brought up the chili cheese nachos. I was more embarrassed for her, than at her during that whole episode.

    Robyn: If I were Robyn I would be begging for forgiveness everyday for the comments about Hunter. She thinks Meri's proudest moment was yelling at all the kids for not including their new siblings, yet time after time Robyn found ways to tell a TV audience how much a one of her bonus children was hurting her feelings. Let us recall how upset Janelle was during one of the recent episodes where she talks about how Hunter was depressed after the move. God forbid Robyn see past her own selfish needs. She should be downright ashamed of that. Maybe Meri should've taken Robyn behind a building and yelled at her for not accepting all the bonus kids. Rant over.

    And finally Kody: definitely the kiss while Christine was in labor. The one with Meri was ookie enough, but Meri and Robyn have a "strong" sister wife bond and Robyn wants to share her uterus with the 2 of them, so I doubt that was a big deal. But Christine admittedly had the hardest time with a new wife coming in, and was very vocal about how a girlfriend/fiancé shouldn't have the same privileges as wives. Yet Kody goes over to Robyn's house and REPEATEDLY kisses his girlfriend, in front of the little girls and the cameras, and then decides he can go be back at his laboring wife's side. Let's also not forget that Christine had suffered a pretty serious miscarriage before Truly, but hey her feelings don't matter right?

    Ok, I feel better now.

    1. I totally agree with you about Robyn's worst moment(s). Can you imagine a grown woman behaving that way?

      I also don't like how she talks about sexual questions to Logan and now Hunter. She does not have the relationship with either of these boys that would make her dating and sex questions appropriate and if I were Janelle, I would have a real serious problem with it. For a group that talks so much about modesty I find her jokey tone with these sexual questions borderline Mary Kay Laturno-ish.

    2. That's a very good point Patty.
      My family is pretty open and close. But if my eldest daughter, who is great, (and much older than my teens) decided to take it on herself to talk about s%x with the younger ones, well, they would be creeped out. Esp. out of the clear blue sky. Leave it to mom and dad. She's only been there a couple of years! I bet those older ones are like... get me out of here!

  23. Personally, Kody Brown would look much better if he cut his hair, much like his brother. I say cut it cut cut cut cut.

    1. I say one of us sneaks into their culdesac and cuts it while he sleeps. Or maybe we could bribe a cameraman to do it. They could even film it with night-vision. Think of the ratings!

    2. i don't think Kody will cut his hair until he's no longer still scouting for another wife. the kind of women he wants in his harem would have to be attracted to his plyg version of Fabio sexy hair - as ALL of his current wives are!

      and Janelle commenting to the teens how they LIKE his tight jeans was just ICK!! especially with their constant preaching to the teens about dressing modestly. very creepy hypocrisy for a teen to hear from their mother about their dad - especially knowing that he's always on the lookout for attracting the next victim to mate with.

      i hope Mariah's the only one who repeats her parents' cycle. She seems up for the task due to her excellent first wife training and example from Queen Meri.

    3. I used to work for a surgeon that did hair restoration. They basically cut a slice of hair and skin from the back of the head where the hair is thickest. The slice is usually about 4 inches by 1 1/2 inches. They suture up the gap and then we would cut the tissue into 1,2,and 3 follicles. Then the doc would poke holes in the bald spots and place the plug. From what the patients said ,it was pretty uncomfortable and depending on how many follicles it could be a very long procedure. Also it was very pricey and cash only. I am sure Kody could go on his show and ask for donations. I don't know how they would get him to sit still for 12 hours tho.

    4. Anony 9:35

      Wouldn't it be interesting for the cameras to follow Mariah when she did marry! Of coarse it would be a lot more entertaining if she was the second wife!!!


  24. Guess what? For now, no more of those pesky verification words. YEAH! Still will be moderation, but for now at least, no words!!!

    1. That's great. I sometimes had to go through 3 sets of letters and numbers to find something I could actually read! You're the bomb!

    2. Yes, Yes, I sometimes also do the pesky words three times. On the ipad sometimes they go up too high and I can't see them. Don't mind the numbers but some letters are atrocious. Thank you, thank you, I'm going to try it now.

  25. Here's hoping the Brady Bunch is more interesting.

  26. I feel pretty sure that the "Brady bunch" will be more similar than not. Their positive PR campaign is specifically written as a reaction to disgruntled SW viewers.
    If they intend to be more honest, why did they not divulge that pretty much the whole crew are inbred and closely related--rather than specify that 2 of them are first cousins; why do some of them change the spelling of their names for the show (like they didn't know we'd catch that)or that almost all of them are related by either blood or marriage to all the Browns. And if they have left "The Work" aka Allred Group, why do they still live in AUB land? This show should be called "Sister Lies, Part Deux".

    1. I respectfully disagree on some points. First of all, the word inbred is very distasteful and harsh to me - let's not use it in this forum. You have to remember that they didn't choose what religious group they were born into. They have left the church, but that doesn't mean they will just can all their loved ones!

      Let's sit back and see what happens. I'm watching with an open mind. In fact, I'd like to see for myself before I judge.

      I've spoken with many folks from the AUB group and they say that she has always gone by Paulie, so I don't think there is any big story as to the name mystery. As far as the genealogy goes, as always when I have it done I will post it. It will we genuine and factual and not here-say.

      If you built a large home and put alot of money into it, would you just walk away? I've seen pictures and read up on it, they may just be in a flux.

      I am excited to have a new show. It will be interesting to see how they are managing with the change of church. And they all live in one house, which for now seems refreshing.

    2. Sam Franklin and Tiger the DogSeptember 7, 2013 at 8:35 AM

      I also respectfully disagree with Linnet and am like Mister Sister,

      Bring it on, I am ready for a different view into the world of polygamy!

      I remember when this blog was very positive of the Browns themselves, but still brought up and gleaned light of what they were not truthful about. The Browns brought than on themselves by being...well them.

      "Their positive PR campaign is specifically written as a reaction to disgruntled SW viewers."
      Well good! I'd say they will have a large audience here!

    3. Sorry but in personally studying and researching and and all things polygamous for the past 5 years, i've only seen two "different views" - 1) sad and emotionally damaging and 2) nightmarish hell involving emotional, physical and sexual abuse w/both sexes and starting in early childhood.

      so nope - i'm not even cautiously optimistic any longer and don't expect that this new plyg flavor of the month being featured is finally going to show how "joyous and blessed" the plyg life really is, even without their former religious affiliation they've distanced themselves from.

    4. Three of the women in the "Brady Bunch" are first cousins as I remember - Nonie, Rhonda and Robyn. They all share Marvin Allred as their grandfather. Nonie and Robyn share a Jessop grandmother (Edith) while Rhonda's grandmother was Catherine Jessop (Edith's sister) so they are pretty closely related. It was a known problem in AUB, that if you were an Allred, it was difficult to find someone you weren't related to marry (or fake marry). Unions with first cousins are not unknown.

      As to why this man and these women are still living on AUB land--there is no mystery there. All the homes are owned by a trust (like the FLDS' UEP). There is no private ownership of homes. Brady built two huge houses for these five women and children to live in (allowing another AUB family to live in the upper half of one). Since there is no way that they will be reimbursed for these houses, it makes it very difficult to just move away. Maybe they will make enough money to move if TLC takes this up as a series.

    5. Oh Goody! Does that mean we will get to see more people moving into McMansions! Seriously, if they move, I hope it is into a house where they can be a family together.

    6. So AUB owns the land where the Brady Bunch live....why do they let them live there if they are no longer practicing members of the "church?"

  27. I find it weird that the kids who had fears and sadness with moving are fine that they moved, but why is Mariah leaving the the state to go to school if she is glad they moved?

    1. That's a good question. Could be many answers.
      My guess is that she feels the most comfortable with or around folks of her own faith.

    2. As has been noted before, Mariah does not seem to have the same "one for all" bond that the other older Brown kids seem to have.

      Whether because she was the only child in her immediate Mom/Dad world, and also for the last 3 years has been living apart from the others, perhaps her "only" status is now even more ingrained.

      Or she is just philosophically different from the other teens and now needs to mingle with her kind.

    3. Mariah's pretty set on following the plyg route of her momma and "dad." The odds of her finding that mate are much much greater in utah and slim to none in vegas. i imagine that's why Meri's so accepting of her college choice and leaving her all alone for now.

      Get busy baking those pastries Meri for all your "bonus" chillun's to fill that huge empty void Mariah's left in your big old cheap quality and ridics house.

    4. But how can she be Sooo glad they moved and then leave the state within the year?

    5. I left the state I grew up in to go to college. I loved my state (living close to family and friends) and moved back when I could. It had nothing to do with how I felt about where I lived and everything to do with I loved the school and what they had to offer.


    6. Mister Sister, do you think Mariah's school is full of plygs? Remember how Kody asked the admissions director if there would be any issues for plygs attending the school? I thought she looked a little flummoxed and then said something like "all faiths are welcome here."

    7. No. However she is only 30 miles from her home in Lehi, where all her friends were from. I'm sure that she can attend church while attending school, visit with grandma, lots of cousins, relatives, and be able to socialize within a more comfortable setting for her solid religious background.

  28. Hi. I have been up all night reading this great blog. I am so glad I stumbled onto it.
    I personally like watching the show "Sister Wives" and hope the new show "My 5 Wives" learn from the Brown's mistakes and not lie to the audience. PolygamyUSA is ok, but I like the others much better. People like Michael Cawley is almost to real, too creepy.
    This blog is hysterical and informative. You are my new obsession. Love it.

    1. Has there been any internet buzz about Rose Marie? I wonder if she has found a husband.

  29. My first post here...been reading and catching up for a few days. It is interesting to me how Janelle's children seem the most vocal and outspoken. In my opinion, they have seen how Kody treats Janelle and don't approve. None of Janelle's children seem to have even a little bit of interest in living the polygamist lifestyle.
    I think Kody is going to LOVE being an empty nester with Meri, while having more kids with Robyn. Janelle and Christine will continue to be single moms and an afterthought.

    1. I welcome you Jennifer!

      I agree, Kody will like one home with no responsibilities. Someone else can have more kiddos with Robyn, then I predict sometime down the line another one.

      Hope to see more of you!

    2. I think if another wife comes aboard, Christine will jump ship! And I can't blame her!!!

    3. I agree, but I think she will wait until the money from TLC runs out. It is her only livlihood. Before this she had to save "grocery money" to visit her dying parent. All this while feeding six of Kody's kids. He did not see fit to find money to feed the kids while she took on a truly human necessity. She does deserve to enjoy the money coming in right now. She has an example in her mother, who I believe divorced her father after the kids were grown.

      Run, Run Christine....on your own timetable.

  30. I disliked everything about Robyn's purrrrity sermon, but what got to me the most is that even when she tried to cover her ass on the couch and say that Day-un was her salvation during those nine years, there was no mention of the two girls being a positive from that same situation. I am a man, but the male-centric culture and minimization of females other than for breeding in polygamy sickens me. Way to make your two little girls feel worthless, Robyn. Quality parenting. The only tears you shed from now on should be tears of shame, and they should be constant.

    1. Welcome! It's so nice to hear a male's opinion on females in polygamy.

      BTW, I luv your screenname! lol

    2. I agree Bunz. It's great to read a man's opinion of females in polygamy. Welcome!

      I luv your screenname! lol

    3. Agree wholeheartedly. Robyn's girls are desperate for attention and marginalized when they try to get it. Very sad. Does not portend well for their futures.

  31. The first thing I always notice is meri's muddy makeup and awful haircut. Sooooo...spoiled Mariah stamps her feet over having to drive the van (love how the wives drive junk while Kodster drives sporty girl-cars) because meri is going to pay someone to do that to her hair. Mmmkay.

    Sickening how Robyn is so obviously #1 while Janelle has so obviously given up. Tired of trying to be convinced that Robyn is deep and pure, we all know she is clueless and the thing she has going for her is that she looks like the man Kodster longs to be with!

    Props to Hunter, he keeps it real!

  32. I think this show has been the best thing for Janelle. She's extremely popular with the viewers, and I have seen her self confidence blossom since the beginning of the show. Good for her! As far as Kody is concerned, Robyn can have him all to herself.

  33. Du-Wat I so agree about Robyn! I believe someone who spends so much time trying to convince the viewers she is so deep in her religion and pure means she is trying to convince herself too! Yes I think she fake, along with Meri and Kody!


  34. I wonder how many gay people would like to be in this religion and have multiple "spouses"?

    Just call me Sunshine
