Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sister Wives on "The Real" "Kody say Janelle is Romantic" Video

Don't forget to join us tomorrow night to discuss the show, spoilers!

Grabbed a video we talked about but don't believe we put up. Kody says Janelle is romantic! It's worth it to catch her turn his way with a smile.
LOVED the question asked: "When You Gonna Get a Black Wife!"

If this isn't a testament for Kody to cut his hair, I don't know what is. Wait till you see Kody's Cream of the Crop Do. 

 He looks like a mix of  a scary clown and Jane Fonda.

Look it's Kody with a Magic Hat! Where's his seer stone?

 Kody's Personal Shaggy Style

      Is that ShagKodyDo running from house to house in the cul de sac! Where are his tennis shoes at tonight?

Watch ROBYN tell us how her mom would NEVER EVER EVER be a MONOGAMIST and how in-de-pend-dant she is. Why she's almost a sovereign state! Wait a minute. Robyn didn't seem so self-contained with the business, now did she? Or paying her own bills? WELL... since she brought up monogamist again........I'll show you TW's new creation! Visit her store!

Enjoy! The Brown Family come on at abt. 21:18 and runs around 5 minutes.  Jul 17 2013


  1. So, Janelle is getting more and more romantic after 20 years. I wonder how that relates to Kody's view of her after her weight loss. New bed needed for that wife.

    Of course Meri is the one to break the bank. There is no news there.

    I wish that the interviewer would have pushed for an answer to the "black wife" question. I also wonder if she realizes how deeply taught racial fear is in the religion of American Polygamists.

    1. Wondered that too. It deserves an answer given the history of their "faith."

      And notice, Kody nor any of the Kodettes made any move to answer it.
      They were probably very relieved when she quickly went on to her next question.

    2. Joseph Smith himself was not a racist and actually bestowed the priesthood on some black men. Brigham Young was a HUGE racist and you can google to find out so many racists teachings and doctrines he proclaimed. He would not bestow the priesthood on black people - who were cursed with mark of Cain.

      That finally got changed by the mainstream mormon church in a "revelation" in 1978 which was actually a financial decision the mormon church had to make or lose their tax exempt status as well as college football teams were boycotting them based on their racism.

      You can read the FACTS re:the 1978 overturn on under "blacks and the priesthood" section. It's very informative and would explain why the fundie plyg sects still do not accept them as their equals. The fundies do not recognize all the myriad "apostate" changes that mainstream mormonism has implemented.

    3. Also here on the blog:

    4. I remember Kody saying that when he and Janelle tried to "get romantic" that it was awkward.

      Is Janelle getting more romantic or did Kody get his butt kicked for saying something like that about Janelle on national television? I think his singling Janelle out as being so romantic is him trying to atone for publicly humiliating her about their sex life.

      At some point, didn't Janelle say that she and Kody were more like buddies?

    5. I heard that remark in a different way....I took it as Kody saying it was awkward because of the 2 twin beds that Janelle had . ???

    6. I took it the way Funky did until after the bed shopping scenes. Kody's narration goes on to say that the shopping wasn't awkward at all. So now, I don't know what he meant. Nothing different there. Personally I think shopping for furniture is the least romantic thing I can think of.

    7. I'm glad she's getting some self esteem. May her freak flag fly!

  2. Gee - wonder how disgusted he was by the cleavage showing on one of the interviewers.

    1. Ha !!!
      AZ, I had the very same thought.
      Especially if he was actually ogling it, his wives couldn't see him doing it.

  3. Oh my gosh! Good Good Morning to you too! Kody's hair was a complete mess. But the picture of the clown wondering where his seer stones were, GREAT.

    I wonder why the women started talking over Kody.Can't he answer on his own? I agree Janelle was giving him a look. a look look. Stella's got her grove back! Good for her.

    AzChristian, I too wish she'd pushed the black question. Obviously the gals hadn't done any homework of how much this was a no no issue. Tht reminds me of a old post here, where Mister Sister had picked Madea for his new wife.

    Does Christine always have to go into her speech?

    Robyn is about as independent as a 2 year old. Makes it sound like she's having a party when he's gone. She should be with her children, which she did not mention.

    1. How lovely: when her husband is gone, she can make mac and cheese for the kids!

      Um, first, when my husband is here, he can make mac and cheese for the kids. See how that works?

      Second, is she saying she can't make mac and cheese for the kids when her husband is around? Sign me up for that marriage.

      Third, does nobody in this family know how to eat? Poor growing kids!

    2. I didn't think of it like that. My kids can make their own Mac and Cheese in the microwave (those ready bowels) if they are that darn hungry hah ah ah

      Really, all but Sol is big enough too! Add a little butter and, now that's good stuff! Get it, good stuff? Like the umbilical cord!!!

    3. Robyn's response was hilarious: my favorite part of being a polygamist is that I rarely have to see my husband. Well, Robyn, my favorite part of being a monogamist is that I do get to see my husband all the time. Isn't that the point of getting married... wanting to spend time with your significant other? I'm not saying that you have to be together every minute, but Robyn seems to like only having a husband once a week.

    4. I finally found time to watch this video. I had to laugh out loud with Robyn. What an A C T! She's the one, hanging on Kody while she teaches her daughters to hang on their older "brothers", and even when the other wives are around she monopolizes his attention and kisses his ass at every turn.

      She's independent and likes her alone time!!!??? What a riot. How long did she have to stand in the bathroom rehearsing that in the mirror so she didn't either laugh or burst into tears??

  4. I am sure the family is paid quite well for these publicity tours. Maybe Kody will be able to afford some Rogaine and quit showing his pate.

    1. I believe he said early on in season 1 he already uses it. Which means he was buying that expensive stuff when Christine was on food stamps. Oh, and couldn't visit her dying father. Nice.

    2. Ms,that pizzed me off too. She's the designated family cook but has to pinch pennies by saving grocery money. Grrr.

    3. Oh that really got me too. Sure, Christine is an actress. She also has what I would describe as a "hurt temper" that without reservation blurts those emotions out.

      Not being able to go see a dying love one, or to comfort her mother is sad for 10 hrs roundtrip gas? Wasn't he spending the same load as froggy go a courtin?

      The Wedding dress showed it there.

      Kody labels her a drama queen. What is Meri? A drama queen and a money grabber.

    4. there's 4 adult drama queens - including Kody! the one exception is Janelle of course who just bottles it all inside and shuts down emotionally. and if Mariah's now considered an adult at 18 - then yeah, there's 5 of them now.

    5. "Ms,that pizzed me off too. She's the designated family cook but has to pinch pennies by saving grocery money. Grrr."

      I don't understand how she was supposed to save grocery money when she was on food stamps.

    6. Anony 2:19, I generally try to think the best of people until proven different. I hate drama, and will let many things go before even getting upset. I always want to see the good in people. But some folks just slap you in the face with their lies and deceit. Kody is one of those!

      With Kody, I saw his drama when they ran from the police.

      But the kicker were all those tears, and this video clip:

      They almost laugh like, oh that was nothing, and say they moved for business. This interview was right after the episodes aired. I think this was a turning point for many many people. He never ever (hahah like Robyn said) owned up to it or acknowledged this snafu.

      We were more than fooled. Sad, but he blew it. Did he not know that his viewers were upset by this? I doubt it. Sadly, he can't see past his own greed and need.
      He NEEDED to kiss Robyn before a birth, (well to be fair, she chased him out the door) he NEEDED to do the same with Meri. (I'd say that one was staged)

      The face of polygamy - the failed their group trying to have that title.

      I think at times this group is incapable of caring for each other or others.

    7. CHRISTINE is the drama queen?? Perhaps he knows you can't say a *real* drama queen's name on tv...

    8. Anon 2:32, I would assume Christine only got food stamps for herself & her own kids. So if she was/is the cook for the entire brood she probably had to come up with cash for the extra groceries,unless another wife shared.

  5. One of the early Mormons seer stone was black. It's hard to follow all there magic, it seems to me to be not much more that trying to be a medium or fortune telling, which the bible says to stay away from. Notwithstanding, I believe that all people from all religions that do the basic request from god, will go to heaven, It breaks my heart that so many people believe such stuff and constantly feel they are going to hell. Very sad.

    That being said, the hat is brilliant. What is up with his hair. I think we need a petition for Kody cutting that hair off.

  6. Kody's hair looked like someone tried to thicken it with an over abundance of "product" with the end result being it was just straggly, dull straw.

    He needs to go back to the highlights and curling iron and hair spray.

    But either way, he looks like he a direct descendent of the Flintstones.
    Beyond the hair, there is that protruding forehead and beady eyes.

    1. He DOES look like Fred Flintstone!

  7. In some clips I`ve noticed Cody`s hair looks strait I wonder if he uses Meri`s flat iron?

    1. I've noticed that too. In season one when he was blowing out his hair, it seemed like it had just a tad of curl. I think it is fairly straight, with a little curl so he has to use the flat iron to have that strait look like you said Tami, or Meri gets out the curling iron on him as seen in the clip.
      My man has a thing about his hair, but no way would he go out looking like Kody does!
      Bless him, he has his ego all tied up with a few locks. His brother Curtis was a very good looking man and had his head shaved. Kody would benefit from this.

    2. Curtis didn't practice polygamy and therefore didn't have the need to add to his harem w/his faux Fabio hairstyle. I think if kody had thicker hair - he actually would grow it out even longer. it probably just kinda stops growing at the quasi surfer dude point he keeps it at tho.

      obviously, kody didn't have that hairstyle when he married the first 3 BUT Robyn obviously saw that right off and was smitten and thought, "oooh, i want me some of that!" LOL

    3. Kody is taking his example from Samson in the Bible ('cause he's so religious and down with the kool dudes in the Old Testament who practiced polygamy). He's afraid that if he cuts his hair, he'll lose all his strength.

      Where's Delilah when you need her?

    4. OOOO OOOOooooh, that's Mister Sister's new name!!


    5. Rose, I think that's a great idea! Or at least a great starting about "Delilah's Sister"?

  8. As usual, Twisted Sister gets the joke and makes us proud. Very creative there.

  9. Don't hang me - I so want to like this family. My dislike of them has nothing to do with religion or polygamy. It stems from their plain bad behavior.

    As usual, Robyn tried to dominate the conversation. Remember when she had been in the family like, 2 days and was suddenly spokesperson?

    Christine is trying to regain her power in the interview.

    Janelle and Meri, crickets.

    It's funny that Kody was to answer the questions, and the wives ran all over him! I had to laugh. Make me curious as to how much power or say he really doe or doesn't have.

    When you going to marry a black wife-
    Watching the whole crew get that taken aback look was worth the clip!

    I like seeing them in action. Wish to the heavens these people with talk shows would at least have a flunky intern do 20 minutes of background work before interviewing them. If they can have a talk show, then we all would be stars if we tried.

    Love those pics of Kody's hair and haircut. You could also clearly see his bald spot.
    I guess it give him more attention. Is 4 wives and 17 children not enough?

    1. a lot of fundie plygs have 30-40 kids average from 4 wives. Kody's quite behind on populating his planet. He should be grateful for Robyn's "ick" factor she brought to the table w/3 kids to help his numbers catch up.

    2. And where was his "ick factor" with Janelle who had been married to his first wife's brother? Now that is ICK!

    3. Don't forget that Janelle is also Kody's stepsister!

    4. I kinda give that a pass...Janelle's mom went to MT to see what this religion was all about, what her dtr was getting into marrying Kody, and married ole Winn Brown right then before Janelle could marry Kody! So it wasn’t like they were step siblings before they started dating. TRUE YES. But, a pass from me.

  10. Yipee! It's double layer day! Too bad Meri didn't have a frumpy t shirt to be modest is hottest in her b suit. Take a good look at abt 22:11. Christine has also slimmed down quite a bit. Janelle has too. I am also a fan of Janelle. go girl! get your romantic on! Christine will be so happy then *laugh. Well, Christine would be happier if Janelle was than the other two.

  11. There's a problem with the long shag haircut.
    There's no "holes" in it. ha ha ha

  12. More details about the layout of the Williams home - separate abodes connected by the laundry room. They eat together on Sunday nights.

    1. I've had that article for so long hanging on to it, hoping for more! I do believe they have now possibly built another home that they rent part of. This article is interesting, done in 1995, before they left the church. Good description of the house. I am excited to see a new family.

    2. sounds like the Browns again - to all have separate kitchens. Must have had some ugly abuse that rendered that a necessity like it did for the Browns. I know the Creepy Crawley wives sure appeared to have "control issues" with each other regarding their shared kitchen. and groceries. and differing opinions re:feeding hungry kids.

    3. Here again, at least the family members can roam from home to come by just walking trough a room. I'd say with that large of a family, that's good enough. Sharing a large family room is a great idea also.
      Personally, I can't wait for the special. Don't let us down Williams family.

  13. Their body language says so much in these interviews. Anyone notice this?
    I'd be interested in hearing what you thought.

  14. Meri has really porked out. Give Janelle another month of weight loss and Meri will be the fattest wife.

    1. This is a sign that maybe theyey did try fertility and maybe it didn't work. I would actually wonder if they filmed it two ways cause who wants to announce it failed? But with the hormone treatments and stress a lot could happen to her body.

    2. Anon 3:05 - Kind of a rude way of putting it, but you're absolutely right. The last episode I was looking at them and noticed Janelle isn't much bigger than Meri or Christine at all. In fact, she might even weigh less, but because she is so much shorter she looks bigger. Anyways she looks fantastic, and it's no wonder Kody is feeling more romantic with her.

    3. AnonymousSeptember 7, 2013 at 3:05 PM

      Do be careful of your wording, thanks!

  15. I hated seeing Meri apologizing for not being able to have more kids. So sad. Mariah is just an amazing sensitive and kind child, isn't she? Puke

    No woman should have to apologize for being infertile and disappointing everyone.

    1. I totally agree, K.
      Are you new here? Were you formerly kms?
      If new, I sure do welcome you!

      As she stated before, they tried several treatments and they never worked.
      Meri had reached the point of deciding it's over, and then this surrogacy! Staged, probably. Still hurtful underneath, oh, you bet. You have to say ENOUGH to build your guard up about the subject.

      I've been on both ends of the spectrum.
      Barren and seeing others seem to get pregnant if they sneezed.
      Being pregnant and very careful of my friend.

      To "act" like this surrogacy thing was real (if stage) must of been a silent nightmare. Every birth would be a secret reminder.

      Having to apologize and see your husband have children with another, I can't imagine that pain. I've given Meri 1000 passes for that very thing. Enough is enough.

      Sunday's show will be either a great show with a surprise, or a maddening show like Robyn's Secret. Either way, should be a great spoilers talk!

      I'll be shocked if Meri says anything but no Sun. night.

    2. I totally agree K, I have never been able to get pregnant. And I feel bad b/c I am on only child. I wasn't able to give my mom grandkids. It does bother me. Especially when people aske me if I have kids and I tell them no. I am sure they wonder if I am a crazy cat lady. I do feel for Meri especially in her "Lifestyle". But on the other hand she needs to be thankful that she at least has Mariah. Not all ogf us are that lucky!

  16. I am no supporter of Kody and his "wives" but the question asked about when was he going to take a black wife was just plain ridiculous---as if because you are a polygamist then you have to have a "rainbow" harem. The question was stupid and only designed to get some applause from the equally stupid audience. The hosts of that show think they are so, so "cool"---and they are not.

  17. So ratings are down. Viewers feel the story lines are boring. I am tired of Kody, Meri and Robyn having the majority of the air time. If the show does not make some drastic changes, the show will be cancelled. Does anyone know when TLC makes these decisions?

    1. I think overall they are on very solid ground for at least another season for sure, maybe two. We will see, I know that they probably are not happy about the new show!

    2. I agree with MS.
      Yes, they are a re-fried show now, but even that fact has secured a loyal following.

      Half of their viewers are still guzzling the BS, hooked on the illusions; and the other half are simply entertaining themselves awaiting the inevitable splash as the shark jumps for good.

  18. I watched the very first SW episode on Netflix last night ... Wowza! What a difference! It was everything we're hoping the new Brady show will be ... one family, one house, working together (Kody and Janelle working outside the home, Christine as chief cook and stay-at-home mom, Meri going to school and helping Christine), everyone getting along, discussion of how the rotation works (and, yes, they talked about sex). The question is ... did the cameras and/or addition of Robyn change them, or are we now seeing what was always their true reality?

    1. I think both. Hows that for complicated?
      There was much more discource in the home than we saw, but as a whole, hid it better from the kids.
      They had many of the kinks worked out.
      Still think Meri got off scot-free even then.

      I think the glamour of $$ changed them and they needed Robyn to make the show. They had already filmed the pilot when he started dating her at the end of July. She was chasing that money. She told us that Kody told her he would make all her wildest dreams come true...would she married him if there was no money? No.

      Truth is, like it or not, the show, the $ the fame has turned them all worse for wear, except for Janelle. She was always fiercely independent. A tired, overworked, had 6 kids in a row TIRED.

      Look at her now, rollin great. Taking care of herself. And yes, too saw her somewhat leaning in when Kody was talking. Not like, you better say me, but more like, we had it so great last night, I know who he's gonna say.
      I'm thrilled for her health, and for her happiness. She's out making new friends, having a blast.


    2. @#Team Janelle--you would really enjoy seeing the clip on TLC they are showing now "Favorite Things About Are Parents" I think it's unaired footage from the Q & A episode last week--Aspyn states that her favorite thing about Janelle is how she has pushed them all to go to college and Aspyn gives Janelle all the credit for Aspyn being enrolled in college full-time. It is great to see Janelle receiving credit in front of the other adults and kids for doing INTELLIGENT things!

    3. We've got the video right here.

      Favorite Things About Out Parents

    4. I think the addition of Robchin and the cameras both contributed to the negative changes in the family. Also, lets not forget that in Lehi they were a 3 wife and 12 kid family *until Truly was born, of course*. Since then, they've become a "family" of 4 wives and 17(!, oh my!) children. I think that by itself, would strain the family dynamics, even if Robchin weren't a 'destroyer'.

  19. I've got a valid question for all my friends here.

    If Robyn doesn't give one blessed purity bead as to whether Kody is there with her or not, why does she cry the most?
    Oh, she left her home, state, dragged poor Dayton into a huge family, fake married a man, all so she can howl her eyes out more than any other? yeah I didn't think so.
    Lie # 99, 234.22

  20. I've never seen this show before. So many new talk shows, I can't keep up.

  21. Layers Layers Layers. I don't get it. They have shown more bare skin on TV than I ever would, and I'm in shape!

  22. Let's try to think of some - different route.

    Layers? LaylaLayers?

    Mock Tapioca?

    No 1/2 a man for me!

    1. I vote for LaylaLayers!

    2. Trainwreck Watcher

    3. Try 1\4 man. Kody's no spring rooster, he's got to be spread thin. Running back and forth accross their new compound culdasack like an old roostet with his head cut off. There's were the entertainment lies! I'm supposed to be at house of wife 1, or this part of the week am I supposed to be at the house of wife 4. He needs a fulltime personal assistant just to schudule where he resides from day to day!

  23. I work nights and need to unwind when I get home. I found this blog and I love it. Watching SW from the beginning, it never ceases to amaze me about how Robyn cries about everything. As my Irish mother used to say, "She always has a streesh on her face. The spelling is wrong but my mother spoke Gaelic and she was always throwing words like that into conversation.
    Speaking of my Irish heritage, it really rubs me the wrong way that the Browns have made the Claddagh ring and design their own. When I first went on the SC website to view that horrible,expensive jewelry, it was apparent that they stole parts of the Claddagh design. I for one, never want to associate the Claddagh with these people.
    I gave them the benefit of the doubt because I thought at least Kody supports his family but I have found out from all of you that they get aid from the state. Kody plans on having more children for the state to support? Don't get me wrong, the kids are great except for the spoiled, self centered brat Mariah who has a lot of her mother's traits. I was done with Meri over the house issue, she had to have a huge home and mortgage, putting even more of a drain on the budget. Why couldn't she have an inlaw apt. in one of the houses. Robyn's, maybe. Her best bud, although those women really don't like any of the other wives. It's so transparent. Christine's tell is when her nose gets really red when she's upset about Robyn, Robyn cries and so does Meri. Or Meri just hangs her huge mouth open looking like a dolt. Janelle just looks like she can't believe that she signed up for this. She's the only one that I have some respect for.

    1. As someone of 100% Irish ancestry, I agree wholeheartedly, Dollface! It offends and infuriates me that the Brown's have used and abused the claddagh!

    2. Are we really surprised that the Browns would be culturally insensitive? Remember when they decided to celebrate Hanukkah? They probably don't have a clue that the claddagh is Irish.

    3. I thought that was strange also.
      Did they even have friends there of that faith? I can't remember...

      and remember the "friends" dinner, the friends they never saw again?

    4. Polygamy or Bigamy, that is the question? It is illegal to marry more than one woman in all United States of America. The question is did he legally marry Meri? Do they have a marriage license? If so then the other three are just kept mistresses, that is if he financially supports any of his so called wives and their 17 children, hmmm? We have got to remember that Meri is his only legal wife, doesn't she at least deserve to have a house equal in size and grandure to the other so called "wives"?

  24. Mister sister do u like kodauch concubine, thought I sent it earlier guess I didn't.

    1. It's up there 5th wife, I was just posting them all! Thanks!!

  25. Twisted Sister, the Cookie Monster is BRILLIANT! you guys really should copyright it sister wives blog or something before it's taken people will take it, it's amazing. Let them remember where

  26. I have never understood why Kody needed a bag to go from house to house when the lived in the rentals. Didn't he comment once that he had four pairs of running shoes?(one per house). Wouldn't it make sense that he also had clothing, personal items etc at each house??? If he no longer needs the bag then where does he have all of those things that he needed the bag for??? Sounds like he has his own "space" somewhere now.

    1. Couldn't agree more Maggie Mae.

      Like couldn't he plan ahead like you would if you were going to travel. With his attire not that hard. Let's see a shirt and jeans? That about covers it. Could he not have socks, undies, etc at every home? Wait, then the storyline wouldn't be about him! *gasp* it might be about his kids!

    2. I also agree. Something doesn't add up. Regardless of whether the four houses are in the same cul-de-sac or spread out, he would either have 4 toothbrushes, clothing, and (of course) hair products at every house or have to carry it with him depending on where he is sleeping. Nothing really has changed. Unless he actually has one home base (cough, cough, at Meri's or Robyn's), then he still has to bring a change of clothes and other necessities with him as he works his way through the wife rotation (i.e. runs from house to house with his hair blowing in the wind).

    3. Absolutely...this premise is utter BS.

      So what are we to believe?? That Kody is some kind of traveling booty-salesman who shows up with his duffle bag of undies and deodorant (and a maybe on that one) and shoes?
      Does his duty and is then off again, like an random sperm spreader.

      Only goes to show how their version of Plyg life is ridiculous !!

    4. Amused... EWWW. Love/hate the traveling booty-salesman visual. You're too funny. You're right, the Brown version of Plyg life is ridiculous. It's really more like a guy with a bunch of babymamas/booty calls that he rotates through. This is not a family.

    5. Let's be objective. On their oft-mentioned "tight budgets," there's no way they could afford 4 sets of all the hair products Kody uses. That's all that's in the bag.

    6. Yeah, they look like the are suffering financially. Have you ever seen so much junk? What is it about this polygamy lifestyle, can't a girl get into the action. I wouldn't mind having a few husbands girls, how about you? Does Kody the egomaniac have the market cornered on "variety is the spice of life"? The sad thing is, what's gonna happen when the latest wife gets older and as Christine put it, refering to Robin, "Kody deserves to have a young, pretty wife". Will he eventually deserve another? Is he financially supporting all of these wives? A few well chosen brother husbands would help with the finances!

  27. Breaking News! Dear to Kody's Heart...Wrestling has been reinstated as an Olympic Sport. Wouldn't it be nice if we saw Hunter there one day.

    1. Sam Franklin and Tiger the DogSeptember 8, 2013 at 7:44 PM

      Yes it would! hunter was in that sport too, wasn't he?

      They called this show "the real" yet have no idea what they are talking about!

  28. Just re-watching last weeks episode. Quote from Kody, 'One two three all eyes on me"...duh. All about the Kodster once again, front and center!

    1. When dealing with a lot of children that phrase "One, two, three, eyes on me." is quite useful. It's used by teachers. The answer is usually, "One, two, eyes on you!" When you have so many little ones, you need something to direct them to pay attention.

    2. My daughter is a pre-school teacher. She uses that phrase daily. It is now ruined for her; she will not be able to use it without thinking of Kody :(

  29. Watching now. Will she or won't she have a baby. I say no way.

  30. Thank God, Cody is a man of reason! Best decision ever made on the show, Bravo!.In my opinion Meri & Codh's life is right should be with a grown daughter vetting ready to go to college soon. This is the right time and phase for their relationship! Meri don't listen to those jealous sister's, they aren't at the same place as you! Remember your the senior sister, you have earned this phase in your life and your Cody's relationship, one on one. Relish in it. Besides how much better can another child be than Maria. Last but not least, there's a high risk for you and the child at your age. FYI: Meri if you hsd a child within the next year you'll be 61 years old when the child turns 18. Don't let the sister's or the children make you feel guilty or inadequate, because yiur amazing, my favorite!

    1. Same person, please excuse my misspelled words in my previous blog above. I have something to add. Meri, don't let the family affect you emotionally anymore! OK, we get it, your one big happy family, but from my perspective, the mother's (sister wives) have autonomy, also the four families are still somewhat seperate family units. Most importantly, the individual intimate relationships between Kody and each sister wife is personal and private, therefore, there are some things that are and should be just between "man and wife". Whether or not to or not to have a child is one of them. I think Robin should have stayed out of it from the gey go. How selfish of Robin, offering to be the surrogate mother. Would the pregnancy, and the birth of the baby have been about Meri and Kody or more about what Robin is going through and doing for them? She is so selfish and self centered, she always needs to be the center of attention and needs a lot of if not all of the attention!

  31. Most embarrassing moment for Meri (although there have been many) should’ve been when she was freaking out about getting into her McMansion for Christmas and setting a horrible, selfish example for her daughter. Also another one would’ve been when she was crying and carrying on about how she deserves such a big McMansion (and wet bar) because she couldn’t have all the children she wanted to fill all the rooms. She clearly doesn’t want another child or they would’ve made efforts and steps sooner, she’s over forty years old now and it’s risky to continue with this “will Meri have a baby or not” phase of their “plot line”. Not a good idea past 40 years old, I’m sorry.

    Most embarrassing moment for Janellle should’ve been when she back pedaled on her original opinion and told Robyn she *wanted* to be involved with My Sisterwife’s Closet (that’s so grammatically incorrect it drives me nuts to type it). Stick to your guns and stop getting run over by Kody’s “favorite” pet.

    Christine’s most embarrassing moment for me, and probably for her, was when she took Robyn to lunch and ate crow and told her how sorry she was. Are. YOU. Kidding. Me? Honey, you don’t owe the newest manipulator any apologies. She and Kody went and picked a wedding dress together after you and the other sister wives had helped her pick one, she went on a long honeymoon with Kody, she kissed him while you were in labor and he was with her at the time, etc. You don’t owe any apologies to her. When does she ever apologize to you or stick up for you? STOP TRYING TO BE NICE TO SOMEONE WHO ACTS THE WAY SHE HAS TO YOU.

    Robyn, you yourself are embarrassing. First, that entire purity business in front of your children was monstrous. Your children have a father that isn’t Kody and you were married before. I don’t understand why Kody, other then his small mind and little boy syndrome, needs to alleviate that by restoring your purity so that he can be your one and only, etc. Come on, what an ego problem that guy has and you just played along to continue being his favorite. You are constantly crying and manipulating to get your own way and maintain that you are the “most loved” wife. It’s really sad and sickening. We get it, you’re his world – above all others. Well let the other ladies move on with their lives and leave them alone.

    Kody you should be embarrassed just on how you treat your children and your wives in general. You clearly, clearly favor Robyn. You go out of your way to act like a child in general (what you said to your sons about them not being able to decide how many children you have is case and point, what respectable 40-something old man would act that way to their own children?), the fact that you call your own kids “Janelle’s kids” or “Christine’s kids” and say things like “babysit” when referring to caring for your own children (not that you do that often), etc. You’re an absentee parent and your kids don’t respect you past the age of maybe ten years old. Your nonstop emotional abuse of your two most hated wives, Christine and Janelle, is telling of what type of monster you clearly are. I can’t even imagine how Christine felt when you said the stuff about the nachos on NATIONAL television. You called her idea for t-shirts “frumpy” on television. You are just constantly abusive toward them and I really hope they wise up and LEAVE. Soon.

  32. Well said, MsMarysKilla; Bravo!
