Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Video Added!! Cable Ratings Slip for Sister Wives.... Sister Wives Tweets and a few from Sister Wives Blog! 09/2013

If you haven't visited Twisted Sister's post, Go and order a goodie! 

Sister Wives started out with a solid 2.7 mil viewers (cable) at the first of  the Season. The past Sunday, they slipped to .7 mil, coming in tied at spot 9/10.  

Mariah, go play with the college kids. Plenty of time for that when you are an old fart like me.
Cool people hang out in their bed, I do, so it must be true.

Well, what was the compliment? 

zzzz...Wait! Good News is sisterwivesblog will have spoilers and a review, yeah!

Hey, taters is more common than Meri in the south!LOL

Come on kids, everyone to Meri's!

We Agree!

They should have kept our kids on the whole time. They are adorable.
My kiddos too! It's my hell.


Wild Side, Ego Side, what's the difference? Can you answer Kody? 

My husband would rather be shot in the foot that go see Celine. Just sayin.

Oh Kody, you are just a man with a wild side!! Way to pick 'em!LOL

We LOVE to hear from you on Twitter!

I hate to *snort on this one! 



  1. This pertains to the mention of a "business partner" with the jewelry business. The lady was mentioned, and the firm was briefly flashed on the screen, when they were at one of the large public gatherings to sell their wares.

    Does anyone remember the name of the partner?

    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Gina Wilson

      She is pictured here with the Browns

      She is followed by Meri but not by Robyn. Strange??

      I believe she helped with the "Be" line. Might be working with lifespeedfitness, also.

    2. with all the wives' clear lack of simple communication that they've shown us again and again, i guess Robyn didn't get the memo about Gina! LOL Their "joolery" business is such a mess from A-Z anyway that there's no way they can get anyone of any true business-minded quality to work with these nutters.

  2. Christine is right! They should have just kept the kids on the Q & A show!
    It would have been more interesting and the answers would have been straight forward and believable. As their kids are getting older you can see that they definitely have minds of their own. I wouldn't be surprised if very few of them follow in their parents foot steps. To me that says it all for polygamy.

    1. I agree with Crimson. I would bet that at least half of the girls in the Brown family will join the realm of spiritual enlightenment advanced by the information age. Just take a look at all of the books that reveal the dark and unhealthy side of polygamy and then take a look at all the books in favor of polygamy. Girls, as you grow, explore discourse on comparative religion! Learn about basic psychology and power within relationships! Advance your intellect--you can do it; there is so much information available at your fingertips!
      I'm all for love. It is the answer. But Kody, I believe, needs to review his basic math skills, because I'm pretty sure that re: his modus operati, that his love is divided (am I right, here? I'm no quantum physicist but I did take Calculus) and that there are some pretty small pieces of pie to go around. Lord have mercy, I can't seem to help being snide here but Kody's behavior on the Q&A episode revolted me. Aaaargh!

    2. CRIMSON - i thought the same thing re:Papa Joe Darger when he said that out of him and his 17 siblings who were all raised in polygamy - he's THE ONLY ONE who has gone that route himself. very telling to me.

    3. Good points, Crimson and Anonymous! It will be interesting to see what the Brown children choose for their own lives.

  3. New here, been reading for about a week. Happy to see others are tweeting good things about your blog and getting the word out about this site. I wish I'd caught it sooner.

    Are there other posts that Twisted Sister is on? The 4th of July is adorable!

      She made a fashion police SW style video!!
      You have got to see Kody-Hare!!
      More Fun

      ALL are great!! Get your SWB t shirt there too!!
      Go to

    2. Awwww, thanks!

      I'm working on Halloween ideas now, so you if you have any suggestions...let me know!

    3. I applaud Twisted Sister, may we call you TW? for all her hard work. If you haven't seen the above posts, go, they are a HOOT. My Favorite is Kody Hare too!

      I am very happy to see Sister Wives Blog get some good tweets! Thanks to all that work on the blog, keep up the good work!

    4. She Came in Thourgh the Bathroom WindowSeptember 5, 2013 at 3:05 AM

      Thank you for the links!!
      THIS is a must see!
      "Fashion Police" comes to sister wives blog, complete with a set, and ms and cj on the pillows!!!! That was outstanding. Did it take much work? I wouldn't know where to start.

      Anyone a Beatles Fan?

  4. mister sister: you are really selling this cool stuff, and how in the world are you doing it so well without your server going down all the time and prices that are outrageous and you ideas are awesome...just sayin...maybe someones need your help...

    1. HAHAHAH!!!
      Acutally TWISTED SISTER is the one doing all the designing, I can't take any credit! She's also donating all $$ to charity. There's a hint Kody could take!!

    2. Take a look at Honey Boo Boo's family.....Middle of July in Georgia heat every night playing Santa Claus for needy children.. What a great family truly loving and caring not only with each other but for their community. and then the Browns.... Avaricious, grasping ,greedy thinking only of themselves not a Christian thought in their empty headds!

  5. Tweet above

    "@MMorrow11: I don't get your double standard of your wild side is okay, but a little cleavage show is not okay!" What "wild" side? :-/

    Wild side. Married to ONE, sleeping with 4.

    1. Likely only sleeping with two though. Meri and Robyn.

    2. Wild Side! Wearing pants tight enough to show your "assets."

    3. Wild = dancing around in public like a swarm of bees flew in his pants, running around on "romantic" dates with one wife while mentioning to anyone who will listen that he has FOUR wives, running all over the cult-de-sac with his 3 strands of hair billowing in the wind, riding off into the dessert on a rented motorcycle (with "Born to be Wild" playing in his head like Al Bundy), caressing his assault rifle, digging holes all over the country to bury things like a cooler full of iconic joolery or the nearest family pet, all while having his wives compete constantly for a scrap of his affection while proclaiming his girls to be degrading & his sons to be dead to him. He's way cooler than the Dos Equis guy even...

    4. Double standard: telling your kids to go pay for school themselves, when having those kids is what got you a show!

      Wild side: Kody you are a damn freak and you know it. Otherwise, you wouldn't tell the world you are a polygamist. You would say you are a proud member of a FM group that TITHES.

    5. Omg HOCKEYMOM - snort laugh from me on "running all over the cult-de-sac with his 3 strands of hair billowing in the wind ... " LOL

    6. HockeyMom, your post has me doubled over in laughter. :D "He's way cooler than the Dos Equis guy even...." Hilarious stuff!!

    7. Nailed it Hockey Mom! I think we've seen more footage of Kody digging holes than paying attention to his 15 children not named Mariah or Sol ...

    8. Those 3 strands of hair blow as he digs holes. His passion is digging holes for himself. One for his beautiful doggie (heartbreak to see). One for his time capsule. One every time he opens his mouth in front of his wives. One hole for every time he appears on camera. He digs another hole every time he tells strangers he has 4 wives. Soon the 4 cuddle sack mansions will be on the news. "Huge sinkhole swallows all 4 mansions from the show Sister Wives. Neighbours celebrate with a block party. Local officials confirm the cause was a result of the numerous holes Kody Brown dug for himself." (This is my story so I would like to include that no one was home at the time)

    9. Just wanted to say I liked your story about digging the holes. I thought too when he was digging the hole that he might as well metaphorically just get in.

  6. I had to LOL a bit at the darger tweet, sounds like a bit of bad blood between Joe and TLC.

    1. Me too! And to add us, I bet he's not happy!

    2. Then you suspect the Dargers read SWB?! How cool is that!

    3. oh since i don't believe there's any love nor fuzzy feelings of respect from the Dargers towards the Browns, i'm pretty sure they enjoy reading this Brown snark blog along with the rest of us! :)

    4. Actually I think the @SWB part was added by Reality Kate, not the Dargers. You know they read here though. I'd put $$$ on that!

  7. Yeah, Meri, what was the compliment? She just said that to get Kody jealous so he could think another 'vulgar' man was ogling his wife. Just sayin'

    1. The compliment was "Meri, we are having a Hallowe'en party and I am going as a pumpkin. I immediately thought of you. What brand of self tanner do you use?" She took it as a deeply meaningful compliment.

  8. Whenever you talk about Kody and his planet, I always picture his head spinning around by itself on space, with his hair whipping around it as he orbits. Maybe have Jean Luke Biccard in the background saying "Space a final frontier..." Can't wait for Sunday. Love the reviews.

  9. Lots of good questions for the Brown family on this blog! People want to know how such a large family is financially provided for. I wish they would answer some real questions instead of fluff. Can Kody state all his children’s full names and birth dates? Is he listed on their birth certificates as their father?

    1. I am very interested in that last one. Birth certificates are public records. Anyone who is living in Lehi, Utah area willing to put in a little time doing public service for this blog?

    2. Thanks Forest, but we would not publish birth certificates of the children. Kody has already stated he is not on some of them, for fear of prosecution.

    3. You are right. Sorry, I wasn't thinking.

    4. If you read the Darger's book they talk about some of the laws regarding birth certificates in Utah. I don't remember the details but Joe was on all of his children's birth certificates and then a law changed and for the last one or two kids he he not listed as the father.

  10. According to Robyn’s TLC blog she did not work during her first marriage until after she was divorced. She was working when she met Kody and continued to work to help support the family. She was on 6 weeks maternity leave when she had Sol. Janelle also stated she was proud of herself for working out after work. Maybe they really do have real jobs, but can’t mention them on the show?

    1. I thought Robyn complained after she moved to Lehi, that she had trouble finding a job. She has little education and almost no experience so I can't imagine her holding anything other than a minimum wage position. She may have gotten an unpaid leave to have Sol, but that's about all she'd qualify for without holding a position for very long before needing to take the leave.

    2. I am convinced that there is a LOT that goes on behind the scenes that is hidden because it doesn't go with the story line TLC wants to show. I would not be surprised in the least to learn that at least a few of them do in fact have regular, 8-5 jobs. And we KNOW for a fact that something is being hidden regarding their financial situation, because what we are presented with and the fact they are in those houses at all - yeah, that just doesn't gel on any level. So, I think there's some serious deception going on with this "reality" show.

    3. I believe at least some of the kids have part-time jobs. and officially Janelle and Christine are working for Mona.

      My guess is that if they had legit jobs OTHER THAN THE SHOW, we'd hear about it, from a fellow employee. PS - I don't consider shilling an MLM a "job" - besides based on the lack of any recent word from the Browns AND Janelle tweeting about using other products (purchased in the regular retail market) I think the SS Green Goo has sailed...

    4. My husband thinks that I am corrupting myself by watching Sister Wives, and I keep trying to tell him it's become not a show about polygamy at all...but more like a mystery. And I can't seem to pull myself away until the truth is revealed, the mystery solved. I just want to know the truth - about everything. I want for all of the lies, inconsistencies, things that don't add up, to be explained. Then, mystery solved, and I can move on with my life. Until then, the fun for me is to try to figure out what is really going on with this I said, very much like a good who-dun-it at this point, for me at least.

      I figure at some point either the family will implode and one of the wives will write a tell all after they've all turned on each other, a la Kate and Jon, or eventually, one of the children will (starting to place my bets on Hunter for that one). (-:

  11. Kody seems to think he is being funny and cute. But there is something disturbing about a grown man who acts more immature than most of his children. In my humble opinion men should stop having children when there is a strong chance they won’t be around to see them graduate high school.
    For Halloween Kody could dress as a bee and his wives as flowers.

    1. Oh my gosh, that Halloween idea...priceless!

    2. I think he should go as the cookie crisp Wizard, the wives could then be cookies and all the kids chocolate chips.

    3. LOL - a flowers and a bee? Does anyone remember that scene from the original "The King and I" with Yul Brynner when he explains having multiple wives?

      "A girl must be like a blossom
      With honey for just one man.
      A man must be like honey bee
      And gather all he can.
      To fly from blossom to blossom
      A honey bee must be free,
      But blossom must not ever fly
      From bee to bee to bee."

      Wonder if the Kodster is a fan!

    4. has been many, many years since I would have seen the King and I. What an appropriate song for the Kodster. He sure wants to keep his wifely blossoms under control while he flits around the neighbourhood. He is such a pompous, arrogant little man....I think the religion is just a cover up for his sex drive.

    5. I don't think Kody would watch "The King and I." He's afraid of baldness.

  12. That is a huge slip in the number of viewers! 2 million viewers lost from the beginning of the series. I can't imagine there's much future for them unless that trend changes quickly.

    1. Not the beginning of the series - from the way Mister Sister wrote, the beginning of THIS SEASON. wow.

    2. Could be that people knew the Q&A show was going to be lame... basically a repeat lame fest!
      The kodouch could dress up like the surfer dude (he so wants to be) for Halloween and the wives could wear body suits with bikinis painted on them, lord knows they can not show no arms and God forbid the legs!


    3. My kids have been driving my crazy watching Annoying Orange lately. Reading CPA Carols comment mentioning orange made me imagine Meri going 'Janelle, Janelle, Janelle..KNIFE! heeheeheeheehee' Then on down the line.

    4. It shouldn't be a surprise that they lost so many viewers, they are recycling the same boring stories...they recap the recap of the recap...the Brown's don't open up about much, it is all contrived and staged...there is potential for good ratings with a plyg show but the plygs on the show have to be willing to actually talk about everything, including their sex lives, that is what sells and that is what will get them viewers and ratings, not Merri's washed out tired old fertility issue, they have gone back to that SO many times, she's not having more kids move on, but it looks like yet another episode will be devoted to it next week??? Robyn's purity thing did it in for me, that was so awful and to think that she did that in front of her children! If I was their Dad I'd be filing stuff immediately, I'd seek primary custody, I can't believe that she did that. Then Kody's remarks about his daughters bodies! This show is just sick, these people are sick, they are in a sick relationship that revolves around an ego maniac that acts like a perpetual teen ager...I hope TLC moves on I really do

    5. "they recap the recap of the recap ..." Perfect succinct critique!

    6. No way is this a huge deal. It was the holidays, they will do better next season.

  13. I am not surprised by the drop in viewership. I think many viewers were turned off by the MSWC nonsense and the lavish houses while claiming they can't afford bread and butter. I have to think the drop in viewership will alter Kody's negotiating abilities for future seasons. The 30 minute shows don't help, there is little content and too many flash-back scenes. Of course, I will continue to watch, as will many of us here at SWB, but the casual viewer will probably just move on to another channel.

    1. I just hope that the drop is real and not just a product of Labor Day weekend travel. Does anyone know the Duck Dynasty ratings? Curious whether they exceed sister wives. I was stunned to learn that the Robertson family earned an aggregate total of $200,000 per episode. Wonder how their ratings compare to Sister Wives?

      Duck Dynast was tied with Sister Wives

      Show Net Time Viewers (000) (Live + SD) Adult 18-49 Rating (Live + SD)
      Breaking Bad AMC 9:00 PM 4413 2.2
      NASCAR SPRINT CUP L ESPN 7:15 PM 5323 1.5
      Family Guy ADSM 10:30 PM 2186 0.9
      TOTAL DIVAS ENT 10:00 PM 1527 0.8
      BOBS Burgers ADSM 10:00 PM 2033 0.8
      REAL HSWIVES OF NJ BRVO 8:00 PM 1826 0.8
      DUCK DYNASTY AEN 9:30 PM 2345 0.7
      Sister Wives TLC 9:00 PM 1752 0.7
      COLLEGE FOOTBALL AFT L ESPN 3:30 PM 1758 0.7

    3. Duck Dynasty brings in almost 10 million viewers a night. Their season premiere was the highest rated show on TV and that includes the networks.

    4. That was for repeats though.

    5. SW was new, Duck Dynasty was a repeat, I believe. I love that show too!

    6. MANY regular series programs didn't even air an episode during the Labor Day WEEK, let alone the weekend. While I think interest in Sister Wives is dropping, I don't think we can base anything significant on these numbers because of the holiday viewing and scheduling changes.

    7. I agree. Although I am not one to obsess over the #'s, it is a tad interesting since Sw was new, and many others reruns. I agree, Labor Day played a part.

  14. I read Meri's comment about a compliment from the producer on how she's changed since the show began and I really cannot think what it could be. I'm not trying to be snarky here, I'm being honest and just can't think of positive changes in her. She's gotten more greedy and grasping, more me, me, me (or maybe she was always that way and it's not really worse) and doesn't do much that I can see toward supporting her family or interacting with her bonus children.

    Am I missing something?

    1. The only thing I can think of is that her hair looks more modern. During that first Mexico trip, her hair looked very old fashioned. And of course, she is orange now so maybe the producer likes oranges?

    2. I bet the producer said she didn't need to be embarrassed by the footage of her standing up for Robyn's kids. Just a guess.

    3. She has doubled in size. I bet she started buying fast food with her TLC windfall, lol.

  15. How do I become a confirmed follower on twitter? I just followed & of course have the hockey stick & net for my twitter pic.

    1. You are now! WELCOME! retweet us!

    2. I am not on twitter a whole lot but am learning more about it. I also sent a request to follow you. -T-

  16. How about Kody as Hugh Hefner, satin smoking jacket and all, and the wives as bunnies? We saw them brushing up on their pole dancing last week. Planning for a future career there in Vegas to pay for the homes after the show folds? Maybe that's why Janelle is losing weight. She is the primary breadwinner among the wives, after all.

    1. OOOHH That is a good one!! I will pass that along to Twisted! did you see her kody bunny?

      She will defiantly use this I'm sure! I know she has some PC probs, so bear or "bare" hahah with us.

    2. Him as a sperm, and each of the women as a uterus?

    3. Hi AZ, oh it's cute and I'd love to see it, but too much for this blog!

    4. The tweets that you show are worrying me about a young member of the clan. I hope that life in Kodyworld is not so hard on the youngsters that depression becomes a problem.

    5. I see where that might be a thought - but to me it's a typical teen. Times have changed. They "talk" on their electronic devices all night VS phone, etc. If you haven't had a teen in the past 10 yrs, boy things have changed! Seems pretty normal.

    6. LOL @ AZChristian... But then the Browns would have to talk about SEX... And we all know they love to be asked about it, only to rub it in that they don't discuss "THAT" issue. Ugh.

    7. Pole dancing--such as it was--on TV, laughing because your kid dropped the F bomb "and he used the real word"--how does this family call themselves fundamentalist Mormons? I see no religion in this show except where it pertains to the "divine calling" to have multiple wives.

      They can live whatever lifestyle they want, but they need to stop hiding behind religion to try to justify what they are doing. Zero spirituality, lots and lots of arrogance and desperate need for attention.

      Duck Dynasty is so much for fun than Mister Wives, but dang, watching the Browns is like looking at road kill--you know you shouldn't but you just can't help yourself! Then you scream "oh gross!" and wonder why you looked.

    8. She can always do a rendition of the ol' plug & socket costume w/ a plyg style twist to it. Instead of 1 socket it can be a whole power

    9. That is hilarious! I love your picture. Can you buy t shirts? Sorry to ask, I am new.

    10. Hugh Hefner idea is in the works! Watch for picture soon!

  17. From TV guide, synopsis for Sept 15:
    Episode Synopsis: Mariah's college plans could be affected by Meri and Kody's financial news. Meanwhile, the Browns have a tense debate with a group of anti-polygamists that includes Christine's estranged aunt

    Sounds interesting.

    1. Might that be Dorothy Allred Solomon? I just read one of her books.

    2. i believe it's kristyn decker, formerly sophie allred, whose book was discussed here a few months ago when she was banned from selling it at a market.

    3. Ooooh! I'll tune in just to see that debate. It was filmed eons ago and has already been discussed a bit, I think, on Doris Hanson's show, "Polygamy: What Love Is This?"

    4. We are putting up an article tomorrow about the debate!

  18. From - First episode on Sept 22

    Kody and his four wives travel to a couples retreat to tackle their relationship issues; the Browns discover the cause of their internal conflicts

    Is this a real event or a staged one? Can't see this working at a traditional couples retreat. Let's guess at the cause of their internal conflicts: Kody

    1. A COUPLES retreat?? If I was part of a couple who had signed up and paid to be there, I'd demand a refund quickly.

      My guess is that the REAL couples that might appear on the show are being paid to be there.

    2. Well he IS the common denominator....

    3. I agree that the other people will be paid to show up and play along. I think it's safe to say that most real couples wouldn't want to share a retreat with tv cameras and a dysfunctional couple of 5.

    4. I was wondering when I would see them do something Id seen on another reality show. Gene Simmons & Shannon Tweed went to a couples retreat before they married.

      I keep waiting for their big complete family vacation....Kate and kids came to Australia and New Zealand, Roloffs came to Oz, Duggars went to Europe and China. Kody has a whole world to tell he has 4 wives, when are they traveling?

    5. MommaBrynes, I'd love for Kody and the wives to come here to the UAE. They'd have a blast in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. They'd be a freak show. Why? Because of their polygamy? No, that's legal here in this Islamic country (but doesn't seem to be the norm, even so). Simply because they're just the Browns. And Kody enjoys exhibiting his "wild side." Even if he pretends not to have one / to know what it is.

    6. PlygKoolAid, I lived in Abu Dhabi for 5+ years and agree Dubai would be PERFECT for the big Brown vacay! Think of the hilarious conversations he could have with the taxi drivers!

    7. There are a lot of people that would go to the couple's retreat just to be near the Browns. Look at all the people that fawn all over them. Those type of people would go for sure.

      If it's anything similar to the place my husband and I went where they were filming a help type reality show, it will have been publicized locally and across the state (depending on population) and people could fill out a form and enter a lottery to be chosen. That is what we did.

      I would bet if this was played on the news or in the newspaper in, say Sacramento, they'd have many more couples volunteering that they need. Just my opinion...

    8. I believe this was filmed in the Summer. Chances gone for some fans!

    9. Wow, Florida Poodle! You lived here, too? I wish you still did and we could get together to watch the latest Sister Wives episode and rant! By the way, you're spot on about the cabbies. I'm trying to think of other fun scenarios... How about a Friday brunch with Kody and Krew? Hanging out at a mall? Going dune bashing?

      Apparently, there's a Mormon chapel here in Abu Dhabi now. I know they're not LDS, but it would be special for them to show up at a service and be like, "Well, it's legal here!!!"

    10. As for speculation about what other couples would want to go on a couple's retreat with the Browns and have cameras present....I am less inclined to think it would have been advertised and fans would apply to participate and more inclined to imagine the producers might have approached a therapist or organization leading the retreat and ask them if they had any couples willing to be part of it. We were filmed about 35 years ago as part of a documentary on couples who had lost pregnancies late term. The producers of the film found us through a hospital support group for grieving parents that we attended. The leader of the group called us and asked if she could pass our phone number along to the film makers. It was all handled very respectfully. I was glad we participated. The "couch" interviews - by the way - were filmed in a lovely private home. It did not require 8 hours - but did take a couple hours to get the lighting set up etc... Ditto for a commercial I was in some years later about helping children with disabilties get insurance even though they had pre-existing conditions. That one too was filmed at a private home (outside in the yard) and took under two hours. We got no payment for either. In both cases the idea for the interview was pitched to us by the producers - as it would be a chance to "educate" the public and "help" other families in similar situations. Maybe there won't be any other couples at their couples retreats - just those 4 "couples" themselves. I just think it would be totally bizarre to be in couples therapy with someone with multiple wives. I can just imagine a couple having issues around infidelity having to listen to these cuckoo club members taut the benefits of pawing through the cookie jar, so to speak.

  19. I need a Sister Wife Mug. Any chance of this happening?

    1. Check these out.

      If you'd like something else, post it, and Twisted sister will make it if possible!

    2. Mister Sister thanks for the link I LOVE the Wife#5 mug. I am going to order this when I get back from my two week vacation. Would like to see a "Team Janelle" mug.

      I love this blog you and the participants crack me up. I check it every day. Thanks for all the time and effort.

    3. I'm thinking a Team Truely mug would be great! Typing Truely spelled that way is just hard!


  20. Am I reading that correctly??? the ratings went down 2 million to less than a million??? wow.

    1. Yes you are. From season opener to last Sunday's episode. I like to track them. In between, there was a steady decline with a jump for Robyn's friggin secret. Then down to .7, although it was Labor Day, obviously other shows jumped ahead.

    2. their ratings numbers SUCK! and rightfully so. *yawn*

    3. Or as Robyn would say "you need to take the 2.7 million and minus out 2 million viewers they lost"

      Janelle is now really going to be fretting about the bread and butter for her kids.

    4. After that damn purity speech I am 100% done with this show! I will still read this blog cause I love y'all. :)

    5. LOL Carol!! Sobbyn's brain is tired from all that minusing! Geez. The 9-yr-olds I teach don't "minus," they "subtract." They also use and explain the commutative property of multiplication ("timesing," Robyn).

  21. Personally I am rooting for the Williams family. I hope they come clean about religion. I think many of us here are ready for a family that is more...real. I can handle them since they were AUB. They don't need to break the family up. Hope they are honest. Haven't seen any commercials for them

    1. i'm not looking for much "real" depth in a one hour showcase special. it will be all sunshine and lollipops like the dargers was. the dysfunctional plyg warts take some time to show up just as they did in .sister wives.

    2. I'm looking forward to it, to see a different perspective. From the Darger Special I gleened that he was very controlling, and the wives were much more in sync with each other. So... what will this group bring to the table?

  22. WOW, that's a big ratings drop. I can understand with the holiday, but I wonder how many people were totally turned off by the whole "purrrr-iiy" speech.

    I dropped my satellite tv 3 years ago. I buy 3-4 episodes of shows that I watch from amazon each week. For $32 a month I watch what I want, supplemented with online watching and netflix and I don't miss the additional $100 a month that satellite was costing me. I have kept up with Sister Wives over the years, but this season I did roll over ending it. Then I found this blog and it's worth the $2/week to keep up and be able to go back and re-watch the episodes.

    I have no idea what Duck Dynasty is, I'll have to look it up.

    I wonder if the new family's special will be on amazon? Don't want to miss out!! :)

    1. Duck Dynasty is about the Robertsons, who's father made a good living making unique duck calls after he was saved. The whole family works at the family business. They are funny. At the end of each show, they have a Walton like prayer. Actually quality programming.

    2. I read that the producers didn't want the Robertsons to do the prayer at the end of the show. But the Robertsons said the prayer stays. I like it and the whole family is together except for Uncle Si's wife who must be camera shy...I don't blame her as I would be too. Love the show....of course a lot is staged but it has humor to it. Guys can relate more to Duck Dynasty than Sister Wives which my husband thinks is stupid and boring. I am getting that way too, would rather read the SWB.

  23. Remember the recommitment ceremony they were supposed to have? I wonder if this 'retreat' leads them to the recommitment ceremony. And that will be the season finale, all wrapped up in a tidy package.

    1. Oh boy, I felt a tad nauseous when I read this. Maybe someone will embroider the family mission statement and they can each hang a copy at the front entrance of their mcmansions -- oh happy day.

  24. Just followed you guys on twitter... need to be confirmed though. My profile pic is of my favorite beach... you know my very own happy sunny place, it's original name is David... oh wait that's someone else. LOL

    1. You are added, and thanks for adding us!!!

    2. Yeah what's with Robyn's tweet saying that Dayton means 'happy place'. I thought they called him Dayton because he was David Jr. In the midst of her crippling depression in having her cookie stolen from her, she somehow managed to come up with a name that means 'happy place'. I find that implausible.

      Robyn just keeps rewriting history. Maybe there is another alter ego, not just She-Ra.

  25. Sobyn is tweeting a couple of us asked about Dayton's name change. Can't wait to see if she answers.


    1. Come on now, there is no T in David so there can be no T in Dayton--it's Day-un.

    2. David Preston Jr = Dayton. Its pretty simple. Better than calling him Junior. Robyn and David Sr. prolly came up with it together when they were all living together.

    3. I think kody had her change it to further severe ties and affiliation with Robyn's first husband and father of her first three children. Her firstborn is her ex husbands namesake after all.

    4. I think that K was mocking Robyn for her refusal to pronounce the letter T in the name Dayton.

      Everyone says Dayton and Robyn says Day-un.

    5. I thinks Robin's little church talk had a big impact on reduction of viewers it was stupid, no one believed her & was disgusted with her doing it infront of children. If they are going to bring viewer's back they need to keep her quiet.

    6. Actually, the Robyn's Secret episode had the highest ratings the show had seen since the 1st episode, I believe. Folks love a trainwreck! I, myself, am ready for any other Brown ANY OTHER BROWN but Robyn!!LOL

  26. From Maddie's tweet, it sounds as if she might be dealing with some depression.

    1. No, she is just a teenager!

    2. Maybe having a part time father and two of your sisters leave home for college is enough to get any girl down. Hang in there Maddie and make the most of your Senior year!

    3. It's been a tough year. She's a teenager, she's lost an uncle and a Grandfather this year and there is a possibility that her little sister is sick. No one has confirmed Truely being sick, but even with two deaths in the family it would be rough on anyone.

      Missed her point of view at the Q&A for sure!

    4. Truely sick? What's the speculation on that? I haven't heard or seen anything but admittedly only watch half the shows.

    5. Hi Bargain Babe!

      This was mentioned on Maddie's Instagram. About all we know: She had kidney failure, was in the hospital in Aug., Better now. We hate to speculate on anything further, the Browns have not publicly mentioned this. I know you and all of us hope she is all better and strong!!

    6. @BargainBabe

      Truely being sick is something that I read on here within the last week or so. Someone posted in the comments that Maddie posted an "Instagram" about Truely being in the hospital. No one else has been able to confirm or deny this, but I would think SOMEthing would have been said, even if it's "we want our privacy" kind of thing.

      I know there are a lot of Truely fans on this blog and I've been reading to see if there is any more info, but I can't find anything. She's such a darn cutie!

    7. Thanks Mister Sister and Rose for filling me in. I don't keep up with Instagram and hadn't seen that.
      Poor little Truely (and Christine). I hope it was just a short lived thing and she's better now!

  27. So what happened to the new review? I could have sworn I read it about an hour or so ago and when I came back It was gone.

    1. Internal Issues. It may or may not be posted in a day or to.

  28. Not many people have good dads? Well there's a generalization for you! I think there are plenty of great dads out there!

    1. I wonder what exactly she is basing her definition of "good" on? Coming from a polygamist background I doubt she really has much idea what being a good Dad means?

  29. Twisted, you are very talented! I have a partial idea. I am a breast cancer survivor, still going through treatment. So as you can imagine breast cancer awareness is close to my heart. I was hoping you might be able to dream up a funny shirt and donate the proceeds to a related charity.

  30. Kudos for Janelle encouraging them all to go to college. She's my kind of gal!

    1. I wanted to jump up and down when Aspyn said that! A gal can only go so far in life making mock tapioca desserts.

  31. Just took a look at the TLC "Family tree" of the new plyg family on the block. I liked a comment by someone called Madeleine. She said "Please! Not another show glorifying the gender inequalities of a backwards and archaic life style. These people went into it for religious reasons and now want to make themselves look cool and hip. I'm glad that they left their religious cult, but I'm sorry that they feel the need to promote a way of life that is a residue of their cult experience. And I only count four women, where's Paulie/Polly?"

    1. Actually, I've been checking on them, and I can say this. Squeaky clean, No Bankruptcies, etc.

      Here's my thoughts.

      Let's see what they are up to. I am going in with an open mind, as I did with Sister Wives. We saw how long that lasted!

      You can't decide which family you are born into. Even if you leave the church, you are going to remain close with family members that are in the church. It would be somewhat hard to break the family up now. My question is, why did they leave? I've heard 2 versions.

      We will see!

      Don't be surprised if there is an interview from them here.

      Now, if their words don't match their actions, we will of course, be the first to point it out.

      I have managed to miss all the commercials for "My 5 Wives." I scout TLC every day for one. They have a spot for a clip, but none there. So what does their commercial say?

      Paulie is the wife on the far right. There are 5 there.

      Remember if you have insight to email us at the right!

    2. MS - I have NO doubt that you'll be the first one to report any skeletons in the closets for the newest "famous" plyg family. And we await your findings with bated breath.

      Wouldn't it be refreshing to see a group who are actually honest in portraying their lifestyle?

    3. I had to chuckle when I realized one of the wives in My Five Wive's name is Robyn. Spelled the same way too. What are the odds? We'll have to give them nicknames on this blog so as not to be confusing. For now, we can just use Sobbyn and not Sobbyn.

  32. Janelle tweeted folks recently to check out the "Just for Fun" area at SW Closet & to my surprise it's a link to their very own Cafepress store. The SW's deciding on Cafepress to sell their funny t-shirts is just soooo original!

    Needless to say, Twisted Sister's Closet is 1000% better...

  33. It's interesting that Mariah could only say that he's a "good father" instead of giving qualities that are her favorite about him. For instance if it were my Dad, he taught me to check my oil and stuff like that so I could be an independent woman (not a damsel in distress). Thank you for pointing out that she generalized as well, which is a little presumptuous, that most people don't have good fathers. I'm not sure I'd classify Kody as a good father...

    I think it was Aspyn (the daughter of Christine who was at the end of the video), who was talking about Janelle encouraging them all to go to college. That's a reason for saying she's a good mother to all the kids.

    1. Kids today often are not expressive. I've said before I blame it on electronics. I thought they were cute. They probably answered off the top of their heads. Most kids at 16-18 are thinking as rational as we do as adults.
      I liked the video. Why do they always cut the fun clips out? I went back and have been reading. Seens lots of clips that should have made the cut. The one that comes to mind is the time capsule.

    2. I have such an adult crush on Hunter. That kid is one cool man. Yes I said man. More of one than Kodster. I hope he gets a good girl when the time comes.

    3. I think I would find it hard to answer those questions in front of cameras, on the spot! However, Aspyn's comment was awesome, and probably one I would say about my own parents - and I loved Janelle's reaction, so touching, and you could see not just appreciation, but love. Parental love, in the form of direction, guidance and sometimes discipline, is what gives you wings. I am rather tired of the nonsense between the adults, and I don't want the kids exploited in any way, but I do enjoy them and think they are great!


    Are you going to make more xmas ornaments, Twisted Sister?

    1. I will be making more Christmas ornaments, but in true Brown fashion...I won't be releasing them until March. Then, I'll constantly remind you to buy these limited-edition, iconic ornaments (even though they are outdated) and I'll be sure to overcharge and underdeliver them. Will that do? ;)

      But in all sincerity, I WILL design a special Christmas ornament just for us.

  35. I don't mean to whine but something is wrong with the polling machine. Somehow it adds up to more he 100%. We can still get the idea though. Christine wins by a landslide and Robyn only has 104 friends she can get to come on here and vote for her!

    1. Hi Gwen.
      Folks can vote for 2 of their favorite Moms, that's making the difference. We need to think of a good question for next weeks polls. Any ideas?

    2. 1. Will Grody cut his hair next season? (assuming there is one)

      2. Would you want to live on the other end of the Cult-de-sac?

      3. If you could shadow one wife for a week - which one would you want to observe?

  36. Poll questions - Which wife dresses the "modest is hottest" the best?


  37. I just went onto YouTube and watched the 28 minute Rebecca Kimbel interview with Kristyn Decker (Sophie Allred, cousin to Christine Brown, and author of "50 Years in Polygamy). I am so impressed with how articulate and forthright Kristyn is during the interview. She is respectful and honest as she answers a host of questions. I am so pleased to have seen this! Her insight into polygamy, derived from being born into and growing up within the AUB, is spot-on. A must see for everyone.

    1. One of the things that gives Kristyn Decker so much credibility is her absolute honesty. She's coming out with an "uncensored" edition of "50 years in polygamy" soon. Based on my experiences, I can vouch for many of the things she says.

  38. Something tells me twitter 'Reality_Kate' is Kate Gosselin. TLC dumped her (thank God) so she is fishing for the network that may show the Dargers. She will shove them out of the way and make them put her back on TV. I have zero tolerance for anyone that uses their children for their own financial gain and fame. Regardless of the long-term effects on the kids. Remember that reality TV has many kids on their shows. But their are no long-term studies of the detriment to these kids when they grow up. It has not been around long enough to have the kids reach adulthood.
    Seeing Kate's 8 naked while potty training, laying on the laundry room floor puking with the flu and having temper tantrums. How can they NOT resent that their tender and upsetting moments were broadcast for the world to see? And with the internet, it never, ever goes away. I really have a problem with young kids being filmed before they have a voice in it.
    No matter the wrong Jon Gosselin has done, I respect him for fighting hard to get those cameras off his kids. Fame has destroyed many families. Just google the 'reality show curse' to see all the break-ups after filming.
    Okay, my rant is over, does anyone disagree or am I wrong? Btw I love this blog because it is snarky and sarcastic, but never mean. But MOSTLY I love that the minor kids are off-limits for criticism. I would not visit a blog that allowed that, so good job!

    1. I agree completely. I think TLC started out wanting reality, but the money and "fame" changed the parents . . . or at least brought out their basic greedy instincts. From everything I've read, Kate was always an attention-seeking, money-hungry person - even as a housewife in a small town. TLC fertilized her ego, and the rest is history.

      The same thing seems to have happened to the Roloff family. They were unique because of their dwarfism. Now they're unique because of how dysfunctional their marriage seems to be.

      And then . . . here comes the Brown crew. I think we can see a pattern forming.

    2. Hi MyView!! Sorry to burst your bubble but I am definitely not Kate Gosselin... Just a normal gal from California named Katie...Scouts Honor!!! I created "Reality_Kate" as a second twitter handle because I wanted to be one of "those people" who tweeted about different shows and attempt to connect with "celebrities" without bugging my actual friends on twitter while remaining anonymous. (I obviously I have too much extra time on my hands...haha) I realized very soon after creating it that people would probably immediately think of Kate Gosselin and honestly I just didn't want to think up another handle and change it... My apologies if I ruined your fun! :)

      Love this blog and have posted anonymously a few times... Keep it up friends!! Xo

  39. Have a question, scoop, inside knowledge?

    Add it to your address book, feel free to email us!

  40. Love might give you wings .....Super Kotex with wings gives you real security ...just saying :0) -

  41. Gotta get me a SWB T Shirt. We should all get one and wear them Super Wives Sunday! Spoiler time!

  42. Just bought a "big frumpy bag" tote!! As soon as I saw it I knew that would be my new market bag!!

    It's too funny!

  43. Just tried to go back to the Williams "family tree" page on the TLC site - and the family tree has vanished - along with at least one negative comment. It only showed 4 of the 5 women and their children, so they may be updating it. Other than that wonder why it's now gone?
