Sunday, September 1, 2013

2 SPOILERS, Gossip, Sister Wives s06e07 "Polygamy Questions Answered" LIVE

Just tuning in? You might want to read spoiler 1 below! 
Discussion  - Polygamy Questions Answered ow the show is over, you may discuss any of the 3 episodes on tonight. Please preface which one you are speaking of.

Sneek peek at a new products coming out at Twisted Sister's cafepress!!!. 
Think Luv Gives you wings (Robyn's twitter) vs...cookie

An Oldie but goodie!!!

We just CAN'T keep our mouths shut tonight! LIVE BLOGGING!!! 

Little Gem of a Tweet from 2011.

Bloggers, help me. Wasn't it in just the past few episodes when Robyn said she was worried about being a burdon on the family when she first moved to Utah?? I know she said it, when talking about the joolry and how she could now support herself. 

Guess she didn't write down lie #49,567. As long as she's got that purity! 

Have you seen the new special coming up in two weeks?
Check out this post!! I will update pics as I get them.

Discussion Below! HELP! Will be adding tonights tweets from the Browns, so check back!!


  1. How do I make an account?

    1. All you do is, if you have a google account you can use that plus any of the others listed. If not when you go to post it says: Reply as: One choice is NAME/URL. Just type whatever name you want to use in there. It's easy and you can make up whatever name you want.

  2. Why can't they talk about money made? Does robyn mean money made from TLC?

    1. It may be something that is in the contract. I know that when hubby and I were recently at a place where a reality show was filming (NOT something like this, believe me, I KNOW how many wives Krody has, thank you!) everything was covered in that contract!

      We will likely be left on the cutting room floor and if not, we might get seen on TV for 5 seconds but there was stuff in there about what we experienced, if we received anything for going to the place - stuff that would not even apply to us. But if we wanted to take part we had to sign.

      Literally they almost told us they'd take our first born if we didn't stick to the contract. NOT defending Robyn, but they may really not be able to discuss it.

  3. To Anonymous' question: Janelle's heart was "broken" back when Paedon was sad when that "had" to leave Utah 2-3 years' ago---ergo, she was heartbroken to see her child other words, it was a big "to do" in the promos about nothing

  4. Sobbin is a welfare princess surviving on food stamps and the social security disability payments for her son, Day-un. These social security benefits are supposed to benefit the disabled CHILD by paying for extra therapies and learning equipment- not the shallow spendthrift lifestyle of the mother.

    Sobbin is a joke and she seems mentally unstable to me. She should be ashamed of herself.

    1. That is what I was thinking, too. She was living in the trailer (unheated? wood heat?) and being 'impressed' with the sports car family. She had a small mountain of debt when she came into the Brown family. How exactly did she support herself from the first minute? Alimony? Child support? Benefits for her son? Book royalties? Jewelery sales? Some secret side source of income? A magic combination of all of those things?

      You can't have it both ways Robyn. Either you were and ARE broke or you aren't. If you aren't then pay your bills! Pay your bills before it is too late!

    2. Having no furnace in a a trailer is not necessarily a big deal when living in a rural environment. Wood is plentiful. Many, many families use wood heat (or even burn old corn cobs) to heat their home. No one worries about it. They often stay warmer than those who have to pay such hefty heat bills. I truly believe that she just tried to make that situation sound worse than it was.

    3. I agree about the social benefits...she has to be using and abusing that system somehow. The most heart breaking thing is that some families desperate for even some assurance cant get it but this leech can!

    4. Am I the only one questioning why Robyn would be getting social security benefits for a child who she said has Asperger's and attends a regular school? Do all Asperger's children qualify for benefits? For some reason I don't think so! Does anyone see how this kind of discussion can be just as harmful as what you claim Robyn is being?

  5. I said this on the last post but don't think it published....

    I feel so bad for those two girls of Sobyn's. Krody comes running into their house and the girls jump up and say "daddy" and he literally ignores them, doesn't say a word to them, and walks over to Sol and picks him up and talks to him. And then when the little one tried to hug him, he side hugged her and didn't even look at her and said, "time to go!". So callous! It's obvious he doesn't like them. Yet he insists that they worship him and call him "dad" as he ignores them. And they are so starved for male attention just like their Mamma.....I could write an interesting piece about this family. But so sad. :(

    1. Stupid is as stupid does.

    2. I noticed that- it's sad because their mom's always trashing the real dad and then "new dad" kody doesn't even look at them

    3. I noticed that also, so sad. The least he could have done was said, "hello girls!". I wonder how Robyn felt seeing that interaction? I wonder if she would even care?

    4. She mighgt care if she noticed. I think she is so focused on herself that she doesn't notice what happens around her.

    5. Robyn is really not too bright. She doesn't understand parenting at all. She also doesn't think she or they can get more than what they have ... it probably seems great to her coming out of a trailer. She's focused on the superficial gains of joining the family and not about what her kids need emotionally. She has not intuition when it comes to kids. She couldn't tell that the girls are jealous of Sol when they played piano on another episode to try to wake him up. She shushed them like they didn't know better. Of course they did. Poor Dayton. He gets left out of all the teen taping. I wonder how that makes him feel. If he's in a regular inclusion program in school, how does it feel to be excluded at home. Poor boy.

    6. Yep, I saw it too. Made me want to look up this website to see if anyone else did. Just heartbreaking.

  6. Its ridiculous how they were patting each other on the back for tackling the tough questions. Those questions were so easy!! They still don't talk about what we all want to money, sex, and religion. and like Mister Sister said, those questions were taken from somewhere but not from the general public. And then they were like "finally, no sex questions". Um seriously? You are POLYGAMISTS. Your lifestyle is hinged upon sex and religion. Where do you think those kids come from? Why do you think Joseph Smith had those "revelations?". Why do old men keep getting revelations about pretty young girls and women? First it's obvious that they just weren't given sex questions. But second, they really need to stop forbidding those kinds of questions if they want society to fund their lifestyle. It should be part of the deal IMO.

    1. Looked like Kodouche actually wanted a sex question. Wish he hadn't mentioned getting the cookie though!

    2. Oh I know, you would think they have read the blog. Tho I'm sure this episode was likely filmed 6+ months ago.

    3. Yeah so he could remind the world that he is sexually active with four women...I thought his comment to Hunter was obnoxious, about how he can have as many kids as he wants! Hunter is right stop Kody, stop now! And no one believes that Merri is going to have a baby, that story line has been beaten to death! Move on, I wish TLC would cancel the Brown's...seriously!

    4. I wonder if it ever occurs to the adults and especially kody that having more kids may be a strain on the kids they have emotionally. They then have to find a way to have some kind of relationship with another sibling on top of what they already have, Maybe thats what hunter is trying to say..hes tapped..and stressed..and his dad is clueless about how the kids he already has would adjust to that.

    5. And you know, I feel sorry for the kids because they want to go to college and Kody wants to keep having more kids and has 4 wives. I can't stand his whining about finances when they are building these huge houses and having more children. I think he's a complete pig.

    6. This makes me think Kody and Krew better beef it up because a new show is coming to town. Apparently this new polygamy show (the guy with 5 wives) will be more open to discussion. At first I started watching SW with a morbid curiosity about jealousy, family dynamics, and how they made it work. Now the show seems more like King Kody in the center having his ego fed and how he makes $$$ (that tweet still peeves me!). I don't care to know what he does in his room but I would like to hear more on religion, jealousy, and the tough issues.

    7. It worries me that the young boys sitting listening to this are being taught the same attitudes. If each young boy would have as many children as they want to...or even as many as Kody has had...we would soon end up with a lot of relatives for these kids. I think that ex plains why being related to the Fundy Bigwigs is not such a big deal. These relationships are truly tangled with "siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, neices, & nephews.

    8. Kodpiece's very quick, almost vicious, response to Hunter that "I can have all the children I want" alarmed me. It made me think about the recent plyg lifetime movie where the sons who challenged the fathers were shunned and sent off into the desert. Maybe in Kody's-world the disobedient/challenging sons are not dropped off in the wilderness - but are rather put down for having their own opinions. There are all sorts of ways to turn your back on your children. Run Hunter Run and take your Mom and siblings with you. Also... did anybody else think the flashback of Kodpiece shaking his butt dancing by the kitchen table was extremely distasteful (and pathetic) to watch? He truly does think he's "all that". Pitiful. Interesting how Sobbyn kept her yap shut when the "how do you handle jealousy" question was asked. She just sat there with a cheshire cat grin on her face. I didn't think I could dislike her more - but every episode gives me a new reason to. I don't think we will see the Klown-Kar drive off the rails just yet. This family will stick together for the money they think they can squeeze out of the public until there ain't no more to be had.

  7. Sobbin has zero ego strength and sets a terrible example as a female role model. The weakest link in that family is Sobbin. She has never lived as an independent woman and you can tell her self-value depends on her marital status. She's the girl from high school who cannot function without having an official boyfriend.

    1. Have ANY of the women lived independently besides Janelle? No... Which is sad.

  8. Yep, I changed the channel when they queued up the Robyn Secret rerun. No need to watch that mess again. Yuck.

    1. I didn't even see that episode, but after reading what was written here I really am glad I missed it!

    2. Oh Funky Town, you must watch. I mean, if you want to get spitting made at the tv. Not Robyn mind you, it's that darn TV!

    3. Mister Sister normally I agree with you, but I'm afraid I might throw something at the TV screen and then my husband would probably make me stand up at church and discuss my broken TV...

      Can you see it now? Not a pretty picture. I'd be having to tell people not to throw the remote at the TV prematurely, wait for the good parts, oh no. *smh*

      *huge grin*

    4. Funky, I would say its so bad its good to see at least once.

      Have to see it to believe it. And then gag. LOL.

    5. I think most of the readers here DVR the show so we can fast forward through the commercials.

      And fast forward through all the flashbacks, summaries, and scenes from previous seasons.

      When you're watching only the new material, the show goes by really fast.

  9. something from robyns past has emotionally damaged her. She falls to pieces so easily. I cant see one positive attribute to polygamy that the browns tried so hard in the first season to convey. Every line was something about why this lifestyle is so great. From the adults and their emotional needs not being met to the kids and their being totally ignored. I dont think robyn is emotionally stabile at all and its a real burden in a lifestyle that requires a women to be a single mom popping out kids one after another. Robyn made thing harder on a family already stretched to the max. Her need to do something big to contribute reaks of low self esteem. Not exactley a plus when you see how christine and janelle had to really step up to keep the family running. Dtill have not figured out what meri has contributed besides misery for both moms

    1. Merri is there to make everyones life miserable...Robyn is an emotionaly unstable did she contribute financially to the Brown's if she couldn't pay her own bills? These people lie a lot, well Robyn lies a lot

    2. I agree, I am so disappointed in this family now. The first season I was really giving them the benefit of the doubt. I really felt like, "yeah, these people are legitimately just trying to live like the rest of us under a different religious belief." The more we see them, the more the true dynamics and personalities come out and I am having a hard time believing it all. Seems like so much of what they initially told us has been contradicted as time has gone by. And if Robyn doesn't want us to base her real personality on the show, then she is now contradicting why they made the show in the first place??? Wasn't showing who they are the purpose of it all? All of these apologies for their feelings are BS -- they should be owning their normal human emotions. The fact that they are not, proves they are not normal, after all.

    3. I really think there is some value in this lifestyle add far as making you selfless and humble. I think those are valuable attributes to call it not owning your true emotions, I call it trying to improve yourself and be more like the beatitudes would have us be. I really think this lifestyle would help you do that. It would be like purifying yourself through the fire ohere on earth to better yourself for heaven. That is what I first thought when I started watching this show. The browns are not very good at it, but I really see the value in the lifestyle if lived correctly.

    4. I have yet to see any true humility or selflessness. There is no "correctly" as long as women are so subjugated and there is such a double standard. To each his own, but IMO, there s nothing in this lifestyle that could ever be construed as healthy or of ANY value.

  10. Meri is kissing producer ass on her twitter and dissing christine

    1. Ditto - and although Meri seems genuinely affectionate with the other kids from time to time, I think that if she did some babysitting while two of the others worked, it would answer the "Another Baby" question once and for all.

    2. The "Christine diss" was in response to Christine tweeting about toasters and sharks again.

    3. Stephanie, good idea! I would tune in to see Mary in charge of all kids 13 and below for a 48 hour period without a lick of hlep.

  11. wow that was some tweet from Ms. LooseLips Sullivan Brown. but that's pretty much what I thought, that they are not allowed by their contract to reveal or discuss show $$ and that is a standard part of the contract. Remember how much trouble Jon got into for revealing how much the G family made?

    I just set my DVR for tonight's show. only 30 minutes?? (which really means 20 minutes of new stuff at most). the F*CK? oi. Does any other reality show family do at least one Q&A show EVERY SINGLE SEASON? I'm already expecting a snoozer, so spoil away so I can fast-forward to the good stuff. :) If any.

    1. Mostly felt like a rerun. Mock tapioca was mentioned once again. As were cookies as a euphemism for sex.

    2. MS by the snap you mean that sudden head turn that Kody does to lock his beady eyes onto whomever is talking. So Charlie Manson that has always bugged me! UGH what a douche!

    3. So why does Kody brag about how he makes big money on twitter? These people are mortgaged to the hilt, they live WAY beyond their means and it will catch up with them, probably sooner than later...

    4. Cookies for sex? is that why all the wives are addicted to sugar? all their food is poor nutrition and high in sugar..what kind of cookie is each wife?
      Meri....lemon snaps (sour)
      Janelle...peanut butter cookie (sticky)
      Robyn...coconut cookie (flakey)
      Christine...sugar cookies (sweet)

    5. If you ask me, all of their cookies look a little stale.

    6. heehee. I guess Kody thinks his junk is ever flipping adorable.

      That just made me a little sick, thinking of young girls having to marry old farts.

    7. Which episode was there a first mention of cookies re. sex? I must have missed it.

    8. I can't get the Limp Bizkit song out of my head. Please make it stop!

      "I did it all for the nookie, the nookie, so you can take that cookie and stick it up your a$$."

      Who knew then that nookie=cookie.

  12. I have a few observations about tonight's "show" First, where was Maddie?
    Second, did you see Hunter's face when Kody told him that he could have as many kids as he wants? Hunter looked totally disgusted. He is such a good kid with his head screwed on straight, I think he will run far far away as soon as he turns 18.

    1. Hunter was great tonight! Logan, Maddie & Hunter are really grounded despite the Kody Kraziness-

    2. I, too, was wondering why Maddie wasn't on the episode tonight. I wouldn't blame her for not wanting to be filmed if she looked stressed out like poor Mykelti (poor kid; I wonder why she didn't opt out of filming this episode).
      I thought Hunter got quite red in the face after Kody's "I can have as many kids as I want" comment. It's nice that the kids all seem to have adjusted happily to the move-even Mariah, whose comment surprised me.
      BTW, what comprises 'mock tapioca'?

    3. I felt bad for Hunter. Kody acted like a teenager when he said I will have as many kids as I want. Janelle and her kids are too good for that mess of a so called family

    4. I have wondered recently if Janelle's kids are grounded because she openly and honestly discusses the negatives of polygamy with them. She got into this and had 6 kids. She left for a while, bkut was still seeing Kody, just ws not living with the big group. Maybe she was ready to leave again when this show came along. I couldn't blame her for sticking around for the sudden influx of cash while privagtely dissing the lifestyle to her kids. Then I remember how she lit up and was so proud of Kody for talking about polygamy during one of their pre-season publiciy shows. So no, Janelle probably is relly for this lifestyle.

    5. Bemused Bystander, I had the same question a while back & I was told it's Cream of Wheat. Whaddyaknow, my grandmother was making mock tapioca in the 80's. Always said she was a visionary. :P

  13. Ohhh - hurry! Meri just said they are having a 20% off sale on a minimum order of $75 at MSWC!

    It's a back to school sale. LOL

    1. No worries I'm sure they'll make up all that lost money on shipping charges.

    2. Janelle re tweeted that as well. Shes the only sw that I follow on my Twitter.

      And she plugged an ugly ish necklace, too.

  14. Boston Corgi got cut off from Spoilers 1: Here's what she had to say!

    Maybe they got her some medication after the last show? Hope so...

    Kody says he's getting the cookie tonight...seriously?

    Hunter- when they act like children in public (To what embarrass you abt your parents)

    Christine- if Kody gets mad at her about being jealous it makes it worse (sad)

    Hunter leaves room when Kody reveals he has buns of steel

    Hunter says they have enough kids and Kody says "I can have as many as I want". The son is more mature than his foolish man-child father!

    1. Oh my...I was a posting fool during that Q&A wasn't I? It's all Kody's fault!!


    2. No babe - I had cut off comments. Tried to when it was abt 40 earlier!!! We're all posting fools watching the king fool.

      Spit when Kody said the name wrong.

  15. Kody thought nothing of demonstrating his "buns of steel" right after he belittled his daughtrer for showing "cleavage." I just do not get why these people believe that anything the male does is fine, but the female children and adults should never show their arms even. Hunter got up and demonstrated "The Kody Walk" by holding his "buns of steel" tightly together. Why is that all right, but it is not all right for his sisters to run around their own house in shorts and a tank shirt? I think Hunter is a good kid, I just don't like the difference in how the genders are treated in this "religion."

  16. I thought it was really mean of Kody to say the girls cleavages were degrading. You could just see their faces fall. It really made them feel bad.

    1. He should be telling them that they are beautiful, what Dad talks about his daughters boobs on national tv? They have such double standards...why shouldn't the girls be able to walk around in tank tops and short shorts in their own homes? Kody is a sicko and he sexualizes everything because he is a plyg man and his life revolves around sex...his comments about getting the cookie? Has he been reading this blog? He should have referred to Robyn's left over cookies since he is getting seconds, and we are all very aware of this thanks to her confession...Kody don't look at your daughters boobs ok, and if they feel confident and beautiful in a tank top or a v neck that shows a little bit of cleavage just shut up and accept that that is how God made her and be happy that she is confident, stop making body issues for them by inflicting your weird hypocritical pseudo puritanical views! What the hell does he expect?

    2. Maybe Kody has degrading thoughts about the girls if they show cleavage? It's his mind, not their bodies. He's so gross.

  17. I feel sorry for whole family. What a horrible life.

  18. I think I got account! I am just checking my settings.

    1. Conservative clothing or the Brown's ( Meri's) version of conservative clothing. Looking like sausage is not fashionable.

  19. Sorry if this has already been asked, but where was Madison during tonight's episode? I've always liked her and missed her view point.

    1. Running for the hills? *snort Poor girl!
      She seems so cool in an uncool world.

    2. I missed her too. She's awesome.

  20. I have this horrible urge to put Kody in the shower and clean him up. He is so dirty looking and his hair is so greasy.

    1. YES! I find it impossible to believe that he's the neat freak Robyn suggests. Last night his hair was particularly gross. A buzz cut really would be an improvement. His buns of steel and stupid hair obsession get more attention than his kids.

  21. Will I still have to prove I am not a robot every time I post? Now for a profile pic. Love this blog!

    1. You do not, ignore and simply hit post.

    2. Thank you. I have been posting under anonymous and Jen for the past year.

    3. It won't let me. It wants the code. Sorry to post this here.

    4. I tried this and yes, it still asks for code. But if you hit publish before putting the code in your comment is visible immediately. After you put in the code and hit publish..

    5. Dear God you have a Cookie Monster profile pic! I see what you did there Singularwife and I love it! *giggle*

    6. LOVE the profile picture, Singularwife! LOLOLOL! :-)

  22. When they asked what was their most embarrassing moment, I thought for sure Kody would say when they showed (and then discussed at length!) his sweaty butt on his vacation with Meri in Mexico. OMG!!!!

    1. I thought of Mexico too- his wet pants and Meri's "degrading" cleavage. Guess they didn't think it was that bad-

    2. I still think Twisted Sister should add Sister Wives cologne to her shop called Butt Sweat and Tears.

    3. I'm glad we don't have smell-a-vision.

    4. Just spit peanut butter toast on my screen. TOO Funny!

  23. Janelle was saying this to Paedon, because he was so sad when they had to do the quick move to Vegas

  24. Most embarrassing moment coming up!

    1. Meri - when she whooped Christine's kids (and got caught)

      Janelle - the scale

      Christine - wedding dress walk off

      Robyn - giving birth.
      So then why did she do that? Like the rest of us had to see her? Honey, we've done it. I pushed out twins. you?

    2. Meri- crying "All Mariah wants, sob, for Christmas, sob, is to get into the house, sob"

      Robyn- pretty much anything that comes out of her mouth.

    3. Christine- cross stitching a sampler for Robyn that said, "I'm sorry I didn't keep sweet when you were dating/kissing/marrying/screwing my husband at the same time I was pregnant/giving birth/postpartum/raising 5 kids and a newborn."

  25. Is Kody going to get a haircut? PLEEEEEASSEE

    1. Just give him a few months, then the only thing left will be the fringe around the back and side, nothing left on the top.

    2. He will still have it long and be rocking out an awesome comb over.

    3. You know, he's reminding me more and more of Cookie off Bozo's Circus, especially since he's letting the highlights go more and more. Just a bit more orange and he'll be there.

  26. Why is Christine kissing Robyn's butt lately?

    1. Kody probably told her to keeps sweet. I imagine week after week of seeing yourself on tv as Christine said is very hard.

    2. I think she's been instructed to be nice by Kody...(he's probably also the reason Janelle suddenly loves the SW Closet and now keeps tweeting about it). Anything to keep Robyn happy and tear-free!

    3. The wives all seem to be in competition lately to see who can kiss Kody's butt without coming up for air. Janelle has been especially bad. She likes his tight pants, really, even tho her intimate life with him is awkward (according to him)? And why in the hell were Meri and Christine apologizing to his assness for expressing their NORMAL feelings? Aaaaggggghhhhh! Ladies, show some self respect!

  27. Replies
    1. Nope, but Christine got to give us a fundie history lesson on the origin and meaning of the term sister wife.

      No cookies or heart lockets used as visual aides. Bullet dodged.

    2. What a softball question! Why on earth did they waste time on that. Yes, it gave Christine a chance to explain the history, but I suspect it was jsut a way to avoid harder questions.

    3. This question really annoyed me. I'm sorry, but if you haven't watched enough to understand what Sister Wives means, you don't deserve to have your question addressed. SUCH a cop-out, filler episode!!!!

    4. It's insulting to their loyal viewer base that they included this one.

  28. What a jerk to his kids about him having more kids!

    1. I agree, they already have stated that they do not see him enough. I whole heartily believe that he will take another wife when Robyn is not able to have anymore. It is sad to me and I feel for the Brown kids.

    2. He will be marrying eve yhounger kids as long as he remains ont his earth. How will the kids feel when his new wife is younger than they are.

    3. That is when I turned it off!!

  29. The biggest difference I see between Utah and Vegas is how "the house" worked. The kids say they now are glad to be in Vegas, which shows how well adjusted they are DESPITE Kodester's god-belief. When they were all under one roof in Utah, the other wives could run interference with the kids while the Kodester got serviced by the "wife of the night." But by living among several houses -- as we saw in "4 Lives" episode at Janelle's apartment -- the Kodester seems like he's just playing solitaire on his laptop while the "wife of the night" puts the kids down so he can get his "cookie."

    He's no more a parent than Donald Trump. I wouldn't doubt if he wants more kids simply to get more SNAP benefits and tax cuts. He doesn't even acknowledge the kids he's got, much less spend five minutes with any of them. The question I wanted to ask would have been: "Do you teens see your dad as a first-class doofus, or just a loser who refuses to grow up?"

  30. They are making me ill.

    It is a double standard to tell your daughter showing any cleavage is demeaning. But as we all know...Robyn can show ALL

    1. That's all about shaming the women-folk. Be ashamed you're not wearing a burqua. (Only in religion.) Hey, but:
      -- "I have buns of steel!"
      -- "I like having long hair, even though it looks pathetic at my age!"
      -- "I like wearing tight pants!"
      -- "I can have as many kids as I want!"

      What a guy. Jeebus.

  31. Janelle did tell peyton?? (not sure of spelling) that he broke her heart about moving to Vegas I'm watching the Q&A show now!

  32. He looks like my little boy! What a dumb thing to say.

  33. I found it very pathetic that Meri apologized for her sharing her genuine feelings in Mexico. She should not have apologized for simply giving him an example to help him relate and possibly show a shred of empathy. And the same goes for Chrisine who apologized. These women are brainwashed by a lifetime of their culture and fear. And they are trapped because they have no outside family to set them free, give emotional support while making a change and teach them what genuine love looks and feels like. I got roped into watching this show and each week it's like watching a psychology project.

  34. Meri's embarrassing moment...
    When she said she didn't know that the cameras were near as she was yelling at the kids .....HUH ???

    Didn't know??
    Then how come there was a camera guy standing at the back of the kids and Meri, (he had a backpack on) and was filmed by the other camera guy running around the corner.
    And....if the cameras weren't there than how come there was sound, as in hearing Meri's voice clearly yelling *before* the camera guy comes whipping around the corner.
    Does Meri always just walk around wired with a live remote mic??

    Really, Browns, you do need to stop the BS, or at least try to make it more believable.

    Very surprising, given all the *degrading* cleavage talk, that Meri didn't say her worst moment was showing so much boobage going down the rope to the water hole.

    1. I think, perhaps, that a couple of the wives went by the rule that models used when they are asked what part of their body they don't like; rather than answer honestly and draw attention to what might be regarded as a real fault, they point out something that isn't really a problem are. Cindy Crawford always answered this question with "my elbows". Yeah, right, your elbows.
      Meri definitely gave a 'worst' moment that really wasn't embarrassing at all--she was giving the kids a piece of her mind and (in that particular case) rightly so. But, come on, there's a treasure trove of embarrassing Meri moments. Same as with Robin. Come on, she gave birth and barely even wimpered; not embarrassing, actually pretty stand-up (especially for Robin, prone to histrionics on stage).
      Christine and Janelle seem to actually address the question sincerely without playing any coy games. However, Christine does not need to feel embarrassment for her reaction to having a 'bomb' dropped on her in the middle of filming a segment in which Kody looks like the smug hypocrite he has shown himself to be on many occasions. Janelle, you are brave. Kody is lucky to have you, honest and fairly unapologetic as you have proven yourself to be.

    2. If I recall correctly, it came out that Christine wouldn't return to the couch session for THREE DAYS - not the short period of time indicated on the show. I don't blame her one bit. In fact, I think the other wives should have been angry, too. They were all invited to go with Robyn to shop for the gown. The fact that Robyn made her decision with Kody along should not have been mentioned - especially in the gloating way that Kody sprung it on the other wives! He didn't CARE how that news would affect the other wives. In fact, I think he is jealous of any time the wives may seem to like each other. He wants to be the ONLY ONE that any of them pay attention to. I really despise his constant air of superiority. He doesn't deserve a single one of those women!

    3. She was hurt by it and chose not to e filmed looking hurt. She need not apologize for it.

    4. Kody should have stepped in and took control that day!!!

  35. I am already sick at this crew. Will we see real questions?

  36. Don't know if it was on this thread or the previous one, but someone mentioned that there seems to be tension between KoDouche and Hunter. Couple of theories as to why... 1) Hunter sees through the BS and has checked out. 2) Hunter is quickly maturing mentally, emotionally and physically ahead of daddy. And daddy knows it. If he tries to say anything to Hunter, Hunter will kick his buns of steel up and down the cult-de-sac for all to see. We can only hope the TLC crew is there to show that the Emporer has no clothes (sorry for that visual).

    1. Young Hunter has more maturity and integrity than manchild Kody. Kody knows this and resents him for it. Hunter does not respect Kody and therefore doesn't care and this makes Kody resent him more.

  37. Why don't the women ever seem to show affection for one another? I never see a friendly hug or a close conversation or anything that shows they care for one another in a sisterly way.

    1. I don't think they care about each other at all. I think every one of them would be happier if they were the only wife and yet they can't admit that, they have to "stay sweet". I wouldn't give any affection to some woman sleeping with my husband, just sayin'!

  38. Kody's statement that "he prefers the company of women to men"...
    This just amplifies what seems to be obvious about him, and maybe about most if not all these Plyg men.

    Kody probably couldn't make it in normal, straight, friend relationships, guy to guy.
    He is all about proving that he is "the man" and that he is super virile, super edgy and king of the mountain.
    And then you wonder just who is Kody trying to convince? Himself??

    1. Good point, especially when he's conquering their "purity."

      (Can't. Stop. Laughing. AT. Him.)

    2. Agreed. All plyg men have that God/dominant complex. The idea of a new reality show about polygamy is repugnant. What I don't understand is why in 2013, women cannot move on and live independently especially if they are qualified and can have jobs?

  39. Just finished watching the Q&A show here. What a waste of sponsor money.

  40. And for all the speculation that Janelle and Kody are less than amorous, Janelle sure does go out of her way to verbally stroke him.
    It's almost out of character for her, given that she usually comes off pretty ambivalent about most things.
    She was the one who yelled enthusiastically, "We *like* to see him in tight pants." For all we know, Janelle may be the wife who has a bit of healthy kink. lol
    And she was the one who energetically said how proud she was of him a few episodes back when he went on that ridiculous rant about being sooo tired of being judged and oppressed.

    1. Kody said in an interview recently (I'll look it back up tomorrow)
      That Janelle was his Romantic wife.

    2. And that may be one of the few truths to come out of his mouth.
      Don't they say that it is the "quiet ones" to watch out

      And speaking of Kody, at one point during the couch thing, when he had his turned in profile, he really, really looked more than a little Neanderthal.
      I could easily see him with a fur tunic and spear, grunting "Me want woman."

    3. Kody was all excited about the new bed and Janelle seems very happy about his tight pants so it seems they're less business and more romance these days. I wonder if romance is like purity in their world- if you lose it, just put in a request and it will come back all new and shiny?

    4. bwwwbwwaaa Could be. What else is renewable???

      We know Kody's hair is not!

  41. TV Guide online lists next Sunday's show (9/8) as "A Wife Decides". Really? Do you think we're really going to get an answer from Meri about having a baby or not?

    1. I don't know but looking forward to it after tonight's show.... Will be much more fodder!

    2. I don't think we are, bc they are showing her turning the tables and pressing Kody about what we wants. Like his answer is going to be some huge shocker. Hasn't he already made it clear that he does??? So stupid...more dragging out the ridiculous issue.

  42. And the following week says, "Sister Wives on the Ropes". What the heck do you think that could mean?

    1. They're probably all going to train with Janelle and Sean is going to have them use the battle ropes in their workouts. Seriously

    2. Could be that at least a couple of them are so sick of their situation that they're ready to hang themselves. Just kidding.

    3. Maybe TLC will put them all in a wrestling ring, MTV Celebrity Death Match style!! Last one standing gets to give Kody the cookie that night!! Of course, Christine and Janelle would fall down on purpose when the bell rings, leaving Meri and Sobbyn to duke it out. Or drown each other with their tears, Meri's because she never had the eight kids she wanted and Sobbyn's because, well, she's Sobbyn.

  43. This was cute and fun, having the "live blog" session.

    Thank you to Mr Sister and crew for putting it together!

  44. Christine vs Robyn giving birth.

    *Thought Christine's was tastefully done.

    * Thought Robyn's was a hot mess. we saw the body right up to her crotch. (ewww) I, for one, believe that it was part real (abt. 2 seconds hear and there, just enough to make it believable.) The rest was recreated.
    Just my beliefs.

    Who gets accolades from Kody? Robyn!

    Chrstine can't catch a break.
    SHE is a princess???? OMG. If you don't get his butt straightened out, Christine, it will never get better.

    Man with 4 wives. Destroys self esteem in all. I loved it when Janelle said she just had to get around the right people to lose weight. No support from your man?

  45. Mister Sister I just wanted to thank you again for this great idea of live chat during the show. Thanks for making this a great place!

    1. You are Welcome. I hope next week is more fodder!!! This week, I mean, what lame questions. And only one half hour. Everybody now NATALIE NATALIE NATALIE! We want her back!

    2. I'd love for them to be thrown in with someone like Nancy Grace or Greta Van Susteren! We'd get real questions then! Although I'm sure they'd never consent to sitting down with someone that would absolutely pin them down until they answered. Why bother if the Q&A is made up of fluff questions?

      Natalie did a very good job considering the limits that were probably put on the interview.

    3. Funky, I would PAY to see Kody go one-on-one with Nancy Grace!!! In the meantime, how about if we get Gloria Allred to represent Janelle and Christine in the plyg-vorce?

    4. I would like to see them interviews by Rachel Maddow. Since she is a lesbian and has been with her partner long term, Rachel has also been in a non-conventional relationship. I think it would make for an interesting dynamic. Plus she is very intelligence and a good interviewer.

    5. I'd be happy with an interview with Dr. Phil. "Did you fall out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down, Kody?" Or "So what's your problem with naturally occurring baldness?"

      And to Christine, "People treat you the way you teach them to treat you." Kody needs some remedial lessons there.

  46. Im still shakeing my head. TLC....does that not stand for..." The Learning Channel? Hmmm....Sister wives...4 wives and one douche bag "husband" Hunny boo-boo..clearly disfunctional...Breaking Amish....(Now thats a joke) Tinkerman..or whatever his name is....the one that runs moonshine...The Learning channel...yeh. right.

    1. Oh I'm definitely learning lucky I was to be raised by normal, well adjusted people even if it was a divorced household!
      I can't imagine what life would be like if my parents made me grow up on tv, yikes.

    2. Actually, honey boo boo isn't dysfunctional. Especially when compared to the Brown train wreck. They allow their daughters to be who they want to be, without feeling like their self worth is based on their "purity".

    3. There's a dirty underbelly to the Honey Boo Boo beast as well. I'm guessing they're better at keeping it hidden, TLC really LOVES them and knows they'll make $$$ for years off of the show, or they're actually trained (and listen) to coaches etc.. Or all three, they do seem to be smarter than what they project. One thing I know for a fact, is that the oldest daughter does not like June and was living with her grandmother while pregnant. TLC and June lured her back "home" with $$$. There's a lot more to be mined there, just give it time.

  47. The tweets you posted from long ago.
    That was season 1 right? I remember it being posted here. It has been in the last 4 weeks where Robyn lamented that she was so worried she was a burdon on the rest of the family when she moved to Lehi with the extra house and bills. She couldn't find a job. I do not believe that for one minute.

    Yes, you are right. It is another lie straight out of the mouth of the babe.

    The ring looks great! I can't wait to see all the new designs.

  48. I can only imagine how the Brown children are teased at school about their parents. (I'm certain bullying takes place even in a place as 'open minded' as Las Vegas.) I want to protect my children; I would never expose my children's privacy to the public like this. Cyber bullying is devastating. Despite what Kody thinks, children are not just numbers to rule over on this earth or a planet in the afterlife. Obviously, the Browns have decided exposing their children to public scrutiny and humiliation is worth the money. I suppose they prefer to think it's a worthy sacrifice for their religion although they refuse to even discuss their religion (it is so much more than just a lifestyle.) I'm sure the women's desire to please Kody also plays a huge role. The long term emotional effects of this TV series will probably adversely affect these children in some ways for the rest of their lives. Sadly, the children don't even have a choice. One day, these mothers will regret and question this. Wishing the Brown children all the best.

    1. You are so right about reality show children being tormented at school. The odds of bullying must go up when they are paraded before the public on T.V. The mother of a classmate of one of our children was featured on Hoarders or Hoarders Buried Alive (cannot remember which one). That family had to move out of the community after the show aired because their son got so many comments from people at school about his mother. Now, multiply that by the number of kids the Browns have and the chance of at least one of them getting grief from other children is almost a certainty.

    2. I have often wondered about the "populating the planet with the wives and kids" idea. When the kids grow up they go to their husband's planet (?). Is this why the polygamist man wants younger and younger wives so that he will have children when he dies. What happens afte he dies and those kids grow up.

  49. The thing that bothered me was subliminal, if not really watching ole Kody.
    In his own way, he acted very much like an FLDS guy.

    Favors one wife.
    Slams the wife that is needing his support. Christine a princess? I think that would belong to Meri or Robyn.
    Doesn't brag on Janelle's hard work when he had the chance.
    Smarts off to his sons that he will choose how many kids he has.
    Egomaniac wanting wives to apologize for making him appear in a bad light.
    It becomes all about him. His hair, his strength, his look.

    It is slight but in his voice you can hear that man that will tear you to pieces emotionally if you are not doing what he wants.

    1. Yes, that Kodpiece head snap and angry beady eyed look that another poster referenced on this thread keeps these women in line. Verbal abuse can be subtle and pernicious. These women are co-dependent approval seekers. Perhaps in their minds they were looking for a more laid-back plyg husband. What they got, however, was one every bit as hell bent on destroying their self-confidence and pitting one woman against another. The fact that he is now putting down sons for having an opinion, basically telling daughters they look like sluts for dressing like typical teenagers and ignoring/brushing aside all of his children except King Sol and Mariah just shows what he's made of. It's hard to admit this - but the Duggar husband actually looks like a saint compared to Kodpiece. There was a recent episode about purity on that show featuring an author of some book about "What to do while you wait for your prince charming". There was no shaming of the daughters. The focus was about how to find husbands for them who would truly treasure and respect them. Kodpiece is all about shame and blame.

    2. Verbal abuse is bad . . . but given some of those glares, head snaps, and testy comebacks on camera, makes one wonder what off-camera activities might require those long sleeves as a cover-up.

  50. I was trashing Kody for his 'cleavage' comment and how he shouldn't have put his daughter down like that. My husband said 'she knew what he meant, he didn't hurt her feelings'. I begged to differ! I told him that was a typical guy response...if you tell your child something, you want them to believe it...therefore, lift them up! K could have said the same thing but using different words! That's why children need nurture them with reassuring and uplifting words. What a guy....I had to straighten out my husband. We are the parents of twin teen girls and I would never say that nor let him get away with saying that to them! They walk around the house in HIS tee shirts and panties and he never says they look's what they wear when they leave the house that matters.

    1. Agreed Slackermom! Very well said. Our daughters walked around our house in short boxer jammies and those thin, tiny "baby t-shirts" that were in style at the time and we never said anything. As you said, it is what they wear outside the house.

      I wonder if those girls are going to feel bad every time there's any cleavage showing and Kody is around. It was kind of a creepy comment.

    2. It's obvious some of the teens are more comfortable with their own bodies than their emotionally stunted parents are. but Grody, Sobbin and Mare are all determined to make them as repressed, ashamed and unhealthy about it as they are!!

      hey - GRODY - do you know how rampant sexual abuse is in the FLDS community? their women are covered from neck to toe beginning as infants. same with the amish. Modesty is a STATE OF MIND more than it is about dress. But since the 3 of y'all are FAR from being truly modest in your own minds and actions, you'll never understand what i'm saying.

    3. I agreed that it was a creepy comment. I admit that I have never, not once, thought about my dad or my stepdad noticing my chest. Ever. Because I don't think they notice it or think about it because I am their DAUGHTER. I don't think they've ever thought about my sisters' chests, either, even the ones who show more skin than me. It just weirds me out to think that Kody thinks about his daughters' cleavage.

  51. What is with these 21-minute episodes?!?! I guess they stretch to 30 minutes back in the States, with commercials and all. If I didn't live half way around the world, and it it weren't for this blog, I wouldn't bother with waiting for iTunes to air the episode a day later. What a waste of a season pass.

    It might have been a little more worth it if the episodes were the full 42-minute episodes (which makes them 1 hour with commercials... rabbit trail... I miss American commercials; here, it's as if they've hired an Arabic-speaking Count Dracula :-)).

    Instead of the season pass, I should have planned to stay up all night on Sunday (Monday morning here) and have someone back home do a "FaceTime" chat with the camera pointing towards the TV and the latest episode of Sister Wives. lol

    1. yes, we're used to 21 minutes out of a 30 minute show due to all the commercials here in the U.S. that's why the majority of us simply record it so we can cut to the chase and get the agony over in 20 minutes - or even less if you fast forward through the robyn and meri repeated crying parts about the same old same old as well as all the ad nauseam flashbacks!

  52. Was there anyone to ask the questions, or from an Ipad/laptop? I would say the Browns came up with the questions, I'm sure their cult-like fans are sooo impressed with the hard questions they got. *smh* When reading some of the fan comments on facebook I always wonder if they are lonely, desperate, women with 400 cats and no family........I mean honestly how can anyone be so in love with these clowns???
    I saw Robyn has tweeted her and Kody loved the celine Dion you think he met Celine and told her his other 3 wives were home???
    I can't wait for this special with The Williams. I was looking on their facebook pages and saw a couple of them are friend with Poppa Darger, but not a Brown clown so far. I can't wait to read here about the special. You ladies make tv fun!!! :-)

    1. i hope he did so Celine could respond back to him in a polite condescending voice as if he were the mentally handicapped person he sounds like he is every time he throws up on someone with that awkward conversation starter he prides himself on.

    2. fave dinosaur chauvinistic line from Kody this segment was in response to Hunter saying he thought they had enough kids already, "well, I get to have as many kids as i want!!" O.M.G. - where do i even start w/all the ways of wrong that telling blurt was??

      i had to have an extra glass of wine to calm my arse down while i entertained my DH w/my ranting diatribe about it. He was laughing his head off at me but even more so at Kodouche!! :0

      Kody - you seriously have NO CLUE what an ass you truly are!!!

  53. Questions:

    1. If the women are so happy why do they look so unhealthy and act so emotionally unstable?
    2. If every jobless wife is responsible for her own home and children what does Kody do all day?
    3. Can`t Kody babysit his own children while Christine sells real estate?

    Rock, paper, scissors - you cannot be serious.

  54. I have a question about polygamy that I am sure someone here could answer: What happens in a polygamous marriage if the Husband turns out to be sterile? -bunhead-

  55. so based on Robyn's "cookie giveaway" sob story as well as them referring to cookies again as their family sexual innuendo, i suggest for Halloween this year, Kody be dressed up as the Cookie Monster w/his harem all dressed up as cookies. :) I mean come one now - can they be any more juvenile and embarrassing examples to their teens than they've already been on the last two episodes??

    Maybe the teens should just do this w/Hunter being the cookie monster and his female siblings the cookies to get back at their dysfunctional parents.

  56. What Kody said about his daughters' cleavage was gross, HOWEVER, when you have half siblings in a house setting, it would be also weird for them to walk around half dressed in front of their same age siblings. In a monogamous family, it is an issue as well. Now I don't believe that the girls own clothes that are inappropriate to a typical family, but I would never let my daughter walk around in short shorts and thin tops in front of her brothers and her dad. BECAUSE it's weird.
    And you have to remember that the oldest girls are only half siblings to the oldest boys (since C has primarily girls and J has primarily boys)

  57. Those questions were a total cop-out. The same old boring content they have already been covering on the slow episodes this season and the last. We know the kids have adjusted, the wives have already addressed the "embarrassing" moments they reiterated. Just a cheap, filler episode...I'm sure we only have one or two more episodes this season. They haven't been giving us anything since the second season.

  58. Christine seemed upset that she sees Kody being neat in her house but Robyn reports he's really messy. That really seemed to throw her, but the difference in perception didn't bother Robyn at all!

  59. Kody looked sooooooo much better with the digitally shaved head. When he said he wouldn't be cutting his hair, I told my husband that I would have responded, "then I am going to let my pubes run wild." I wonder if regional grooming is frowned upon in that religion. That would severely hamper my bargaining chip. Ha! But, his hair is ridiculous. His attachment to it shows how "mature" he is. Bring on the new fam!

    1. maybe the digital was his real look and the "hair" is a wig. It looks bad enough to be a wig!

  60. Twisted Sister, any chance we can expand into baked goods? I'm a pretty good baker and I say we market those vagina cookies, renamed "Kody's Kookies". Perhaps we could come up with a cupcake that looks like Kody's balding head...I think there's a lot of potential here! ;)

  61. Sounds like another episode about pretty much nothing. The adults' dual standards disgust me. The women wear tight jeans and tops, Meri shows maximum cleavage in her swimsuit on camera, Robyn displays nearly all her bottom half on national TV, Kody wears tight pants, is congratulated for that by his women, and boasts about his buttocks while making his daughters feel bad about showing a tiny bit of cleavage - not to mention "Mare" telling some bonus daughters off for showing too much skin. What incredible hypocrites! As for Robyn helping to support the family - her only contribution back then was being part of the reality show circus, so in that sense I guess it was a contribution - but it's like she wants us to believe that she actually went out and got a real job. And while I'm on the subject of perpetual dishonesty - everything is always slightly "off" about their stories. I saw Meri tweeting about a "surprise" - that Mariah had come home from college for the long weekend - yet a few tweets before that she responded to Mariah saying she was homesick by TELLING her to come home for the weekend. Guess what Mare, a surprise is something you're not expecting. Rant over!

  62. I worry about the kids going wild when they leave their homes. The boys have seen their father with 4 women. Will they think it is acceptable to have relationships with multiple women outside of marriage (or commitment)?

    Will non-family boys try to have sexual relationships with the Brown girls thinking it is acceptable because Kody does it and the girls might be easy marks?

    The Brown children need to be careful about picking their friends. Do friends really like the Brown "kids" or do they want their chance to appear on the show or make a conquest?

    That is a terrible burden for the Brown children to have to deal with when meeting other people.

    Mykelti said she noticed the college boys noticing her, but after Robyn's big reveal she said she was never going to have sex, ever.

    Robyn and Janelle had husbands before the big "K". Will that impact the decisions the kids make?

    I hope the kids are more stable than the adults, but this family situation could lead to a few messed up kids.

    1. Anon 11:34, I agree, it may be difficult for the kids to differentiate between their parents odd notions of "morality," and plain promiscuous behavior - particularly when the boys have seen Kody's polygamous carrying on as indicating that he is some kind of virile stud. Someone commented on one of Kody's sons in an early episode yelling out "go get 'em tiger!" in response to Kody telling them about Robyn. I noticed that at the time, and thought that it indicated a very different attitude than the supposed "spiritual" and "holy" tone that the religion adopts towards this practice. I guess the kids can cut through the crap and see the reality.

  63. That ring reminds me of Meri's bad haircut!

    1. When I saw that ring I though you would have to keep your hand away from you face or you might poke your eye out. On second thought, some episodes make me want to poke my eyes out.

    2. It's certainly going to scratch and snag everything!

  64. YES she did!!! I was wondering tonight after the show if they are cancelled. They are really BORING now

  65. I would love to see an interview of them with someone like Barbara Walters (who has only allowed one taboo subject when talking to Prince Charles, "when will he become king?" and that was only cause it would be talking about the death of a parent.) I would like to see them on the hot seat for the entire 42 minutes and see how they could pull it off.

  66. To me, the double standard for men and women in their polygamous culture was so obvious in this episode. First of all, there was that scene from the discussion between Meri and Kody where Kody said that it was "vulgar" to think of Meri having more than one husband. Ummm...vulgar for a woman to have two husbands but not for a man to have four wives? Irony, much? Then, there was the point when they were talking about modesty and Kody was making the creepy comments about his daughter's cleavage and saying they needed to cover up, but then all the wives and Kody were laughing about how tight his pants were, with Janelle saying, "We like his pants tight!" And that's okay because...he's a man? There are no husbands that would say, "I like her low shirts!" about their wives? But that's not okay, because...she's a woman? You can't have it both ways. Either it's degrading to both sexes, or neither. The standard has to be universal.

    And my other comment: I thought it was incredibly childish when Hunter was saying they had enough kids, and Kody was like, "I can have as many kids as I want!" I mean, didn't that just seem like a five-year-old? It was so immature for so many reasons.

    1. Tight pants are known to reduce a men's fertilty - perhaps that is why Janeele likes them...just saying... -bunhead-

    2. I was just waiting for Kody to tell Hunter, "you're not the boss of me!"

  67. Kody called himself a "Hipster." Janelle called him "Cosmopolitan." That's Planet K for ya! Being from the metro NYC area, both comments were screech out loud moments!

  68. Does anyone know why they are only doing 20 min episodes!? I know this show is a train wreck but I like watching for the drama and livening up my Sunday nights... The 20 min episodes are so lame!

    1. those 20 minutes probably represents the best they can get from hours upon hours of video. zzzz!

  69. When Christine said Kody was neat freak at her house and Robbyn chimed in saying he wasnt at hers Christine looked pained. I believe Robbyn makes digs all the time trying to get a reaction from Christine. Later she probably complains to Kody and Kody is abusive towards Christine. There is obviously still strain in that relationship and Christine looks hurt. Also when she talked about jealousy Kody looked angry when she spoke. He is a total jerk for saying she plays the princess. What is wrong with this man? He is soooo insensitive. I hope at this point Christine pulls out emotionally and just stays until the show is finished. She was replaced. She should ignore his filthy a$$ and enjoy her life, ignore his phone calls,tweats and go buy store made carmels. When she goes cold on him he might decide to figure out why. Kodys thing with Robbyn is purely sexual and if he gets another wife that should quell it a little.
    Christine would make a great wife in the monogamous world so any people want to help her escape and get deprogrammed runnnnn dont walk to help her.
    The episode where Robbyn throws her heart shaped metal purity on the ground representing her broken Vajayjay is sick. She is cruel to those children. Paid on the big house in Utah? What? She had rent to pay on her private love haven as well as all the bills that come with that. Or, did we pay it in the form of a welfare check? Woman with 3 kids might get enough to cover the rent with the other wives paying all her bills. Work? I guess you can call what she does with Kody work? Working it? I dunno her mind is warped.

    1. I believe Christine and Robyn's conversation regarding whether Kody is a neat freak revealed more about THEM than about Kody... It's all relative. From Christine's point of view, Kody is a neat freak compared to her, but from Robyn's point of view, Kody is a bit messy. I don't think Kody is different at each house when it comes to neatness. I just think each wife's standards are different. I have a hunch that Meri thinks Kody is quite messy.

  70. I have a couple of comments:
    1. Why is Kody not working as in trying to sell real estate? Janelle is trying to work, the other three brown clowns are trying to you know design and sell joooorly
    2. If the show's pay is divided between the four wives and douchbag, and each woman is responsible for their own children and houses, where does the douchbag's money go. Does he divide his pay up between each wife so that he is paying towards their household expense or does he only pay for Meri's house since he is on her loan?
    3. Why is he even looking at his daughters' cleavage? The fact that he saw and thought and commented...sounds a little weird to me and Meri said what about weird.
