Sunday, September 1, 2013

1 SPOILERS, Gossip, Sister Wives s06e07 "Polygamy Questions Answered" LIVE

Itching for your next "batch" of Twisted Sister Goodies?
This poster she made us has a peek...check her ring out! (heh heh heh) Click to enlarge.
Coming very very soon!! Check Back!

So....tonight's "Polygamy Questions Answered"--- they can't just say Brown, can they? I seriously doubt MY polygamy questions will be answered, I can guarantee that I will have great fun with the "SWB" family that comes in tonight!!!!

They can't speak of their religion, but they sure can say the word POLYGAMY. In the post below there is a small discussion about wether Polygamy is a religion or not. We know it is not, but they sure do act like it! 

LIVE SPOILERS TONIGHT. We will be blogging from this very post as fast as our fat fingers can type, and I need YOU to come and post too! Tell us what you feel, as you feel it, about this newest Brown fiasco! Comment section will open up before the show.

STARTING TONIGHT at 9ET, 6P, LIVE BLOGGING, come and join us!!!!  We Will open up this post!!!

Personally, I can't wait, the past two weeks has been so much fun!!!! Hubs is ready for me to be up all night, obsessing!LOL See you SWB friends, help me fill in others and have fun talking!

(Polygamy Questions Answered s04e07 Sister Wives)
(Season 4 if ordering online)

The viewers take control as the Browns are put to the test answering all your questions. What do the teens really think of the family dress code? Which mom is the strictest? Get all the behind-the-scenes details in this special episode of Sister Wives.



  1. Meri--it just makes each of us so?

    1. It just makes each of us complaining. Better at eating our feelings. Better at being passive-agressive. Better at...

      oh, I give up. I don't get it either.

    2. i wish during one of these question answer gigs some one would ask them to explain their opening does it make each of you better? When has your love been divided exactly? I always knew their would be more wives, did you really> and so on..Roby wanted to be part of the team? really Roby? explain away..i think this season will go out in a wimper

    3. Their love is divided not multiplied. If it were multiplied it would be spent with one person. When it has to be shared by four women, each gets only 1/4. I think Kody has his statement backward.

    4. I think the same thing, Forest Rose, when I hear that. Sheesh.

    5. "I love you, you love your sisterwives, we're good friends like friends should be!" As in Barney

  2. Did they change the title?

    1. Says original air date 7/28/2013.....another rerun?

  3. I wish Robin would Just STFU! She is so annoying!!!!!

  4. Robin needs Kody to the situation? Or, I need you to make Janelle work for me?

    1. Exactly. Then the next week or so, ROBYN crunched the numbers, which was a crock.

    2. She crunches the numbers by minusing out head hurts now

    3. But we can't be broke . . . I still have checks!!!

  5. It seems like each week, the episodes rewind to the one before the one before. Kody could already have a 5th wife in real time!!! Arghhh.

    Seeing Robyn in the pink nightgown style shirt over the long sleeve t-shirt AGAIN--gag!!!

    1. Why does she always wear a long sleeve under her shirts? It's Vegas!!

    2. Robyn says, "Modest is Hottest" which loosely translates to "Modest makes you sweaty and hot when you wear long sleeves and double-layers in warm climates even in the Summer"

  6. What is the big deadline...and who is she telling to go home...and why are those rooms so you want me to take Christine's kids, those are his kids too. that is not hormones; that's some very troubled kids.

  7. What was that look kody gave the kid when the kid said that he wasn't going to school.

    1. Exactly and his, boy you are in real trouble get ready

  8. Wow kody really way nit to step up while your wives are earning a pay check... When I am even having a bad day my hubby takes the time to make sure the household and the kids are all taken care of so I can do what needs to be done.

  9. Hmmmmm.... Meri calls it privacy....something she seems to cherish and require....the other three "wives" call it seperation....something they seem to about different pages!

    Robbin wants Kody's support.....code for make them do what I want...

  10. At least Christine's kids' rooms are not totally a cluster fuck

  11. Still shocked that Christine didn't bother to read her paperwork and told her boss that.

    1. Also, she cannot do it because she is a single parent and has no one to watch her

    2. Well obviously she is a single parent, a blessing of their lifestyle, no? I'd be so done with my sister wives and Kody (who doesn't have a real job) if they couldn't help out on weekends so I could actually earn a paycheck.

    3. I've seen this episode a few times, and every time I think the same thing. Didn't Christine bother to do any research about careers in Real Estate? Any idiot knows that you have to invest a huge amount of time in that business if you want to make money. Duh!

      Furthermore, why can't Meri babysit? WTH does she do other than cry, fret about wet bars, and feel sorry for herself?

  12. "If you feel like you got to work, go ahead"...Uh, she kind of does, if there are no guarantees that Kody or the wives are gong to pay Christine's bills!

    1. Good One!!!! I've got a good "joke" the Browns tried to play on us!!!
      I asked the other day where the Browns got these "questions for tonight. Well, today, the stir posted a video where it supposedly tells you to send in your questions. Problem? We've all seen the ad this week, it was already taped!

    2. Nice! So now we are being asked to be a part of the show. They want the audience to think that these questions weren't all thought up by their own production staff. I guess that is about the quality we have come to expect from the Figure 8 Films.

  13. Sometimes I wish Janelle or Christine would just smack Kody upside the head. Or maybe throw something at him!

    1. Wasn't Kody's voice fake when he was summoned by Janelle. He has used that voice a lot this year. It shows that he is acting, and acting badly.

    2. Yes, Him and his prince valiant hairdo. lol

    3. I can't believe Janelle hasn't packed up and moved on. She's far too smart, and stable for this family. I think she's the only one of the 4 who could support herself, and her kids. She doesn't need this family, but they would fall apart without her.

  14. Christine spent so much time qualifying to work in real estate. It just seems like a waste of the time she already spent. I also thought that she and Janelle read over the paperwork the night before. Maybe the kids' fight caused Christine to go home early. I doubt that Kody really took care of the ones she brought over to Janelle's.

    1. You would think Christine might have done a little researching into what it takes to work in real estate - she sure gave up pretty quickly

  15. Rewatching the episode "Four Lives of Kody's Wives"... I really do think that Robyn could benefit from some medication. Maybe...

  16. I am still astonished that ANY bank approved these women for loans with no viable jobs!! When I bought a home, in was a pain in the a**--documentation galore about work and income. $500 at a "craft show" is laughable. . . . .

    1. Exactly. Check stubs. Pay history. Proof of actual income. Not if I sell a piece of something from the Sister's closet.

  17. Robyn is such a liar...she didn't tell her kids; she doesn't want to let them down...she what....they know they don't know.

  18. After hours and hours of taping, if this is the best they can come up with then call it quits. I think the film crew hates this group! Seems like TLC knows a good train wreck when it films one.

  19. I hadn't seen this one before. It looks like Mona is reading them the riot act about visiting the homes too much. Can this family ever follow the rules?

    1. OMG - the guy that's taking them rapelling has to hear about Krody's "large family" GAG

    2. I know--Kody has to tell everyone they interact with. . . . ugh.

    3. I'd love to be a little fly on his shoulder through one entire week and I'd count how many times he tells people that he has 4 wives. That would be interesting to know.

  20. There is a little distance between robyn and janelle. Between Christine and Robyn it is different and not distant but irritating but Janelle just doesn't seem to have one thought or another about Robyn or even Meri for that matter

    1. Do you blame Janelle? Meri has NEVER been kind to Janelle or gone out of her way to help her or be friendly with her and Robyn really hasn't focused on anyone in the family except Meri and Krody.

    2. Funky Town, I definitely don't blame her. I think that Janelle and Christine out of mutual need: they were both treated like crap by Meri; they both had children and those children were treated badly by Meri; Christine needed financial support from Janelle and Janelle needed child care. It is all so very sad.

    3. It is very sad and I agree completely.

    4. Meri makes me crazy. Why doesn't she have a job? With her it's just bitch, bitch, bitch, me, me, me, I want, I want, I want. I would loose my mind if I had to spend any time around her. I think it's a real testament to the character of Janelle and Christine that they have stuck around to put up with her abuse.

  21. Here it comes! The Janelle Flip Flop! Watch her flip flop again in the next episode.

  22. Dang, I'm not able to watch right now, so I'm gonna just have to keep checking SWB for juicy details & snark. We're on the road right now heading to my tribes labor day powwow in Colony. So I'm looking forward to all of the SWB snark :)

    1. The new show doesn't start for 20 mins E, 3hrs P, we'll be here and keep you posted!

  23. Good Lord this Janelle stuff was so scripted. While I'm all for her getting healthier and she's doing fab - her change of heart was 'coached' about Sister Wives Closet for sure!

    1. What bothered me is that she tried to say she now wants to market "modest and functional" workout clothing through the closet. She couldn't find any existing modest and functional workout clothes?

      If you're working out and getting hot and sweaty should modesty really be your first concern? It's not mine!

    2. Exactly! And I've never seen Janelle not be 'modest' so to speak. So.. that whole rigamaroll was crap.

  24. Why is Robyn crying!?

    1. I hear ya. I ask it all the time. In fact, it is a question to be asked every single freaking episode. Better question, why is Robyn NOT crying. Oh. Wait. That doesn't happen.

    2. When isn't she? LOL Carol, I am beginning to wonder. I think it's her passive aggressive way of getting her way. Well, that or she is just nuts. Gathering info from folks on this subject.

      I can not wait, I will jump up and do a cheer (hey, former cheerleader 100 yrs ago)
      when Janelle finally gets over any body issues and rocks Kody's world!!! She is looking HOT and I hope she just gets better and better!

    3. Robyn cries because the others do not do all of her work for her. I mean, come on, she thought up the Closet idea. How much more should they expect out of her.

    4. Robyn is crying because her negligee lace top clashes with her long sleeve t-shirt. LOL!
      Has anyone else noticed that Robyn seems to have more dates, more voice, more Kody time than the other 3 wives combined! Plus, I am tired of seeing them kiss so often it seems like a wedding reception every time they are

    5. Just a thought. I was on antidepressants for many years, and could not cry. Now that I'm off of them, my emotions are always close to the surface, and I do cry at the top of a hat. But I also can control it to a degree, and I would NEVER let the whole world see me cry every minute and a half.

    6. Robyn is crying because the otehrs have not yet bowed down to her wonderful ??? wonderfulness.

    7. I'm like that too Az. I have noticed that when I miss a few doses the waterworks start.

  25. I sometimes wonder if Christine just freaked out at the possibility of working, and succeeding, outside the home and that is why she decided she couldn't go forward with real estate. What would success in real estate mean or look like? What opportunities might come? What might her reaction be? I just felt sad when she talked about how she might have been rescued from one of the out of polygamy groups. I thought I heard regret in her voice. Maybe I was projecting...

    I know that she is not lazy (how could one be taking care of soooo many people). I think she is afraid of freedom. What would it be like to lose that hypnotic, be-sweet, all is well, polly-anna attitude??? I hope she has a chance to know the answer to those questions.

    Long-time lurker. Occasional poster. Sure do love everyone's insight.

    1. I think that Christine feels safe in her position in the family and doing what she does. No, she's not lazy. She's not my fav, but she's not lazy. Out of her comfort zone she may find who she really wants to be. That is what she probably fears. Just my few cents.

    2. Keep on a posting gal! She may very well be.
      She may not be ready to leave her kiddos. Hell, if Meri doesn't have to work, why should she?

    3. Krumbled - I agree! If something terrible happened and Christine was forced out on her own to care for her kids I think she'd find out she'd do fine. But she's probably afraid to find out she has wants, needs and capabilities beyond the narrow role she's been pushed into in the family.

    4. Well, I think I may reveal too much about myself in my answer (Protestant, blue-collar, work ethic blah, blah, blah)... Oh, wait, I was just raised Protestant. Must remind myself, AM AGNOSTIC. Some habits die hard, eh?

      The answer: She may feel good, tired, independent and have more self respect than she ever imagined. All without having to do a sing-songy testimony bearing voice/trance that she uses to convince herself it is all A-ok.

      Totally get that your question was rhetorical. I was just responding the way I did in case that is actually the question in Christine's head.

      For soooo long she was my least favorite. I have seen so many glimpses of intelligence, hatred for Kody, a dark, sarcastic humor. I hope she frees herself to find out who she is rather than who her patriarchs tell her she should be.

  26. A very big family...22 of wives and children...strut, strut, and more strut and flip hair... I am a man who boinks four women. Plllllaease.

    1. This is SO Kody's song

    2. He whips his hair back and forth. lol

  27. Might cause an issue and that's all I'm saying about that. WTF. Does she think that her sister wives that she loves so much are going to be sleeping all day or that they will all see Kody at her and Robyn's house when he is supposed to be at...oh...maybe work...oh wait, he doesn't work.

  28. Shouldn't Meri be getting her paperwork together and not decorate for Christmas so early?

  29. I want to smack Meri's face as she's sitting there discussing the lack of privacy in the cult-de-sac. She looked so smug and like she was going to be the tattle tale that tells Krody everything that goes on in the day. Thank goodness I'm not related to her, I'd be bald.

  30. Kody and mom and dad
    It is on the obituary of William Winn Brown

    pyschosisterwife, check this out!!!!
    Kody Brown whipping his hair to the song!!

  31. No, Meri you do not want another baby. Just in case you are reading, you do not want another one. So move on and please spare us the agony

  32. I will need to watch on the re-run but I just wanted to check in and make sure my profile info and so on is correct... as requested by the lovely people that run this great blog site :) OK... I FINALLY made it :) I will check everything and be back in a bit... On a side note.....
    As a resident of So. UT for almost 20 years it was very obvious to me that the law turned a blind eye to the FLDS where girls (some as young as 12) were being married off to older men. It was always sad to me to see a young FLDS girl with a baby in her arms and wonder if it was her sibling or her child.

    My husband worked at the local paper for 16 years as the local news editor (including the years of the Jeffs trials). With all the research he did during that time he found many instances of the "lack of law" in this area and the corruption going on. He wrote 'plygs' a fact-based journalistic novel of the FLDS.

    So, you all know who I am... I will NEVER hide my name, I will NEVER hide my feelings and I will NEVER give up on helping the young ones that are trying to escape polygamy.

  33. Oh here's the should I have another baby or not speech give it a dang test already.... Please please for goodness sake stop it already...

  34. Meri:: "Part of me says I am going to be an empty nester."

    Nesting empty in a FIVE bedroom house.

    Insane !!!

    1. That's not an empty nest. It's an empty aviary.

  35. "We like his pants tight"

    I just threw up in my mouth a little

    1. Definitely curbed my munchies!

  36. Oh look, let's go gather everyone up at the LAST MINUTE because I've just decided we should answer all these questions we get every day. Yeah sure Kody.

  37. Not to change the subject and I will be on subject sort of but my cat needs her bath and I cannot stop watching cause I hate these people but love the trainwreck. But the cat' butt stinks. Dannnnnng

  38. Lord help us...the show is starting with Kodouche romping from house to house!

  39. NEW SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Which mom is the most strict?


    Help! I am behind!!!! u should NOT have to put in the words for verification. If you still do, holla. I think I re-fixed it. I don't know what happened.

  40. Which mom is the most strict: Meri
    Love Aspyn
    what an ass you don t get to decide about the kids.

  41. Hunter is so going to run the minute he turns 18

    1. I hope you are right about Hunter running.

    2. Hunter says they have enough kids and Kody says "I can have as many as I want". The son is more mature than his foolish man-child father!

    3. Lmao. Yep.
      It's so weird that he's the most relatable to me (in his views on how many kids there are, and sex, yet to everyone else he's different for it. Like, the other teens looked at him weird when he said it and agreed more with Robyns speech, and now his Dads just smiling at the kids who say they want more, while saying to Hunter 'oh, well, good thing you don't get to decide." Ugh.

    4. I agree completely! He's already half way out the door.

    5. Sure hope he does and never looks back

  42. Running around the cuddle sack like a colossal @ss hat.

  43. What is the favorite food and who is the best cook: Christine and it's mock tapioca. That was one of Christine's kids.....not sure which boy???

  44. Lokks like this will be yet another show with 50% recycled clips.

  45. Cleavage is degrading...way to go douchbag.
    Janelle likes his pants tight. gross thing to say to teens and where's the modesty there

    1. I admit, I thought it was cute that Janelle likes his pants tight. Even if it made me shudder when she said it.

  46. Did Mariah just call out Aspyn for dressing immodestly? What a hypocrite.

    1. I do believe so. Because Mariah is already...bossy.

  47. Romping house to house (in street shoes, not running shoes) and within the first 3 minutes he manages to disregard his children repeatedly. First, he only acknowledges Sol. He brushes off the little girl when she hugs him. And, when Hunter says they already have too many kids, Kody's reply totally dismisses the thought, proving that the number of children - not any individual child - is what matters to him.

  48. What cream puff questions! Who gives a crap about the best cook!

  49. Kody's hair looks horrible! Why does robyn always get to sit next to kody?

  50. Go Hunter! And Kody saying HE gets to decide how many kids he has..Meri looked pretty darn uncomfortable hearing 3 or 4 more!

    Loved the flashback of Kody doing his ridiculous dance - made my night.

    1. I thought it was a weird question to allow to be asked in light of her infertility. I would have been in tears over that!

    2. Yeah 3 or 4 more and robyns only managed to produce one in 3 years. Shes pushing or already 35. Me thinks a younger model will be necessary to accomplish that, Kody.

  51. How many kids? Did you hear what Kody said? He can have as many as he wants.

  52. And mussed up his perfect "comb-over". The bald spot was really showing when he turned his head to bark at the family.

  53. Amen, mock tapioca again...

  54. With her straight dark hair, angular face, and moronic smirking and smiling, Sobbin looks like the Charlie Manson chicks from 1970.

    1. Yes! She definitely looks better with curled hair...

  55. Wow, rock paper scissors to decide things when they can't agree? Father of the year right there folks. Smh

  56. So folks reading later on: We have started the new show.

    What are your personal beliefs on clothing.

    Mykelti Yes

    1. Mariah says Mykelti goes around in booty shorts and ????


  57. I agree that was an outlandish and selfish comment! It's irresponsible to just keep having kids because you can

  58. As a mother with son with high functioning Aspergers I am so glad that they did not put Dayton through all of this. Finally thinking about him for once. I am also wondering if this was filmed when Truly was in the hospital and that is why they did the Q&A to keep that quiet.

    1. Why was Truely in the hospital? I must have missed that.

    2. I didn't know that Truely had been sick. I think we all love Truely.

    3. I it as on Madison's Instagram. She was in the hospital this summer sometime for Kidney failure. There was a pic of her in the hospital. Madison addressed how hard her summer had been with the deaths and her sister being sick, but the good things as well and how grateful she is for her family.

  59. I just love Hunter more and more...he needs to get out of there!

  60. Who cares if it 'sends a message'? What does it matter if boys think something; trust your kids. Showing a little cleavage doesn't make them sluts.

    1. The idea that a woman's body betrays her by the degree to which Kody just expressed: cleavage degrades girls....but his tight pant outlining his balls doesn't? WTF.

  61. What is the most annoying things your parents do?

    1. Hunter- when they act like children in public

  62. Cleavage is degrading, but your wives knowing you sleep with another woman next door to them isn't?

  63. Can someone cut Kody's hair.

  64. It's DISGRACEFUL? to see cleavage? Fathers all over the world see cleavage on their kids, give me a break.

    And to put Hunter on the spot like that about how he might want girls to dress around him. Not right.

  65. Once again, Mariah is TALKING.
    She disapproves of Kody's clothing too. He dresses like a girl.
    Now, I can't say I ever thought that...or I would have a cartoon of it!

  66. Feels like another re run to moi.

  67. Dresses like a girl and buns of steel.

    1. Hunter leaves room when Kody reveals he has buns of steel

  68. Double standard! Krody laughs that Hunter might like a girl in a booty shorts but Mykelti can't wear a sweetheart but shirt? Ugh so disgusting. And wtf Mariah? You "tell on" your siblings? Ridiculous. And then Krody brags about his "buns of steel"? Where is your modesty???

    1. I agree.

      Janelle nailed it. Nice cars, nice clothes. He is too materialistic and spends money without regard to the future.

  69. If I post the questions, you all jump in and answer what they said, thanks!

  70. Replies
    1. He said he would not make a good bachelor. He also prefers the company of women to men

    2. Is it just me or did all the comments about KoDouche as a bachelor lean a bit toward him being gay?

  71. Replies
    1. Janelle said embracing her strengths etc. makes jealously less an issue.

      Christine almost said it's HELL but stopped at H.

      Meri said it's about having that reassurance. (What reassurance? That Krody doesn't enjoy sleeping with the other 3?)

    2. Christine- if Kody gets mad at her about being jealous it makes it worse (sad)

  72. Kody isn't clean! My husband who has never watched this just said his hair is falling out and questioned how they afford 4 houses

  73. I'm thinking Dayton's dad may have had his lawyer write a cease and desist letter to keep him off TV. Robyn and Kody don't think or care about how he deals with all,off this mess.

    1. He needs to have one drafted to pull them all off. This is hard to watch at times when those poor little girls are just starved for attention.

  74. Man Christine looks really pretty and boy do her and Asypn look similar.

  75. Ass the reruns kept running..again....I caught a few minutes of Janelle reconsidering her involvement with Robyn and the SWC...Big deal of keeping it a woman powered business and that Kody should not be part of it. Now he is designing more very classy jewelry and wife #2 now thinks it is great. I must not pay close enough attention. Maybe if they got a check everytime TLC ran the old footage money would be rolling in and they could keep the hobby business. However,TLC knows they are overpaid as it is, as are all the unreality players.

  76. All 3 Brown teen girls are clinically obese. Healthy body image and self esteem are so important for teenage girls. This is not a dig at the Brown girls' appearance, it's a concern for their health.

  77. I don't hear Robin putting in any input about the jealousy.

    1. She doesn't have to cause she knows she's the favourite and the only one who still has the baby factory I production

  78. Okay I don't like Christine at all, I think she's a huge liar who lies. But I feel really bad for her when she says she just wants Krody to not get mad at her when she's feeling jealous. That is so sad, what low expectations and no wonder she's depressed! The suppression of every normal feeling is going to take a toll. And unbelievable the gall to get MAD at your "wife" when you're sleeping around on her!!

    1. I agree. What a sad thing to ask of your husband, please don't be mad at me because I'm jealous. Imagine how even adding 1 man to the mix would made Kody see green?

  79. Cosmopolitan, love Janelle. Team Janelle.

  80. The teens clothing question. Why is Mariah answering like she is a adult??

    Aspyn here: She almost looks like a plyg girl, but I love the photo.

  81. Robyn did not have one word to say on the jealousy Issue? Interesting, she almost always butts in. Love that Meri is so separate on her own little chair.

    1. She appears to be the "favored" wife - why would she be jealous?

  82. It's amazing she could keep her mouth shut for once.

  83. They call doing this show work- getting paid to talk about yourself? How unrewarding. And selfish. And unchristian.

  84. I am officially mad. The show is only 1/2 hour

  85. Q: Kody are you going to cut your hair?
    Robyn wants him to!

  86. Most Embarrassing moment:
    Robyn having Sol

    1. Christine walking off about the dress

    2. Janelle getting on the scale in front of the whole world. Poor Janelle.

    3. Janelle getting on the scale. I felt so sorry for her

    4. Christine looked really thin back then

    5. Janelle - weight

      Meri bitching out the kids

      Kody - Meri's talk about how awful it would be if Meri had another husband (s1)

    6. Janelle is my hero! I really like her!

  87. "You were a real lady; I'm sorry you felt so vulnerable" OF COURSE SHE IS A LADY, AND OF COURSE SHE WAS VULNERABLE- SHE WAS GIVING BIRTH ON TELEVISION! Omfg.

  88. I can't believe I'm going to use the words 'like' and 'Kody' in the same sentence...

    But, I actually like Kody with a shaved head.

    (side note: I don't actually like Kody in any way, shape, or form)

    1. It's his shaved head, not his tight pants? LOL

    2. I did too. I thought he actually looked good. That's a scary thought.

    3. I'm still a little queasy about the tight pants. My first thought about seeing his possible shaved head look is that he looked like Hunter, who I do think is cute.

      Ugh...tight pants on Kody. I'm gonna need some Pepto.

  89. What? Did Meri forget about that bathing suit scene?

  90. Kody says Christine's quirk is that she acts like a princess!!!!!!

  91. I concur. Bald looks better!!

  92. I wish Janelle would darken her hair or put some lowlights in it. that color washes her out.

  93. So, it would be VULGAR if Meri had another husband or lover... It sickens him? Really? What is what you've got going with multiple wives then? Geez, he's a hypocrite!

  94. Most of the stuff they apologize for was not even apology worthy. Meri has a lot worse to feel bad about than scolding the kids IMO. Christine should not apologize for Kody being inappropriate in regards to the wedding dress. And Meri should NOT be apologizing for asking Krody how he'd feel if she treated him the same as he treats her by sexing up other men. Wow, these women are showing us how warped their world is apologizing for being human.

  95. You should NOT have to put in the words, just click and post!!!

  96. In the scene between Meri and Kody talking about her and other man, they both looked horrible. Meri looks so different now. And Meri should have a lot more things to be embarrased about, like the nonstop harping about the wetbar

    1. How sad was it that she felt she needed to apologize to Kody for asking him that question about another man. That question totally fit within the context of the conversation they were having!

  97. The scene where the writer says Janelle is an inspiration was very sweet. You can tell that Janelle didn't expect that.

    1. I liked that! I liked that Janelle was humble in her response.

  98. Here we go--Meri asks Kody if he wants another child with her (and surrogate Robyn). What do you bet there is still no answer next week and that the show is the finale. Another drag out the issue "cliffhanger."

    The new polygamy show looks more down to earth. . . .

  99. Robyn: if you don't want to be judged dont be in the public eye

  100. OH HE JUST SAID HE WAS GOING TO GET A COOKIE TONIGHT... oh no not that cookie!

  101. Was Married in the first part? I didn't notice her. They better show the part where Janelle told one of the boys that she was really disappointed in them (or something to that effect)...I'm so sick of them showing things in the previews and never showing it in the show. ( just like Robyn's bullcrap comment)

    1. I meant Maddie (my kindle wants to change it to married ;)

  102. COOKIE! He said it!

  103. We should have emailed a question asking Kody if he was jealous cause he's not the only "rock star plyg (jerk)" anymore

  104. And Kody brings up sex. And cookies. Gross.

  105. Kody says he's getting the cookie tonight...seriously?

  106. Kody can't win if he answers meris question about whether he wants to have another baby with her But he already said tinight that he can have as many kids as he wants.

  107. Mister Sister - thanks for allowing us to all comment as the show went on! It makes me feel like everyone's over at my house and we're discussing it together!

  108. uh oh, Robyn is giving her purity away again. Let's keep this blog post about tonights show please!!!!!
    I can't stomach Pruity-gate again.
