Tuesday, July 30, 2013

TLC Videos: Janelle under 250 and Kids Act Up

Here's  some video highlights from Sunday's show.

Janelle Under 250

Kids Act Up

Gabriel and Garrison have been going at each other since that Christmas episode when Gabe bloodied his older brother Garrison's nose. Almost two years later, and they are STILL going at each other, although it was kind of cute when one said " effing" and then the other upped the ante by using THE REAL WORD!

Boys will be boys I suppose...

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  1. Child rearing in a Plyg house (looks to be more like a Pig House) Kody riding the lazy boy watching Janelle do the child minding. It is just as I would imagine it would be like. Good clip.

    Notice also - the "pigsty" these people have created in their McMansions? A dump-just a big espensive dump.

    1. Some one else mentioned on another thread a couple posts back about Janelle's house looking messy. The only part that I saw was messy was her bedroom and as she said she'll be glad when she has a separate office that is not in her bedroom. I can understand her room being messy when it's also being used as an office. Otherwise I didn't think her house was all that bad. It's lived in with a bunch of kids. Maybe Kody should get off his lazy butt, put a scarf around that nasty hair of his to keep it out of his face, through on an apron and help clean since he doesn't seem able to parent his children.

    2. Hi Anna, Take another look. The kids bedroom is a pig pen, there is a mountain of dirty clothes piled in the hallway, Kody's area is piggy. I didn't see anything that was clean and tidy.

    3. In this episode, they aren't in their new houses yet. It looks like they are packing in preparation for the move though, hence the mess I would assume.

      Also, a friend of one of Christine's girls tweeted recently that she can never find her stuff over at their house, or something to that effect. And one of the girls agreed that their house is a black hole.

    4. Well, well, well, guess who is at Disneyland once again? Yep, that's right it's Mariah. But we should not be surprised given that yesterday was her 18th birthday. Happy Birthday to her, I guess.

    5. Ok, it may be just me but I think Janelle's rental house looks pretty darn nice, I would have been happy living there. Too bad their rentals weren't good enough for them and they had to have mansions.

      Secondly, of course Mariah gets to go to Disneyland all the time. Her mom is getting 1/5 of the income from TLC and only has 1 child while the other moms have to spread their "grocery" money to handle all their kids. Sounds fair, right? Guess that is why Mariah got to go to Europe and Aspyn did not.

      I really hope Mariah meets a nice LDS man in Utah while at college and does not choose polygamy because she will be just as miserable as her mother in this lifestyle and be a terror as well.

    6. I'm sorry, i'm basing this comment on how my parents raised my sisters and I but...

      there is just no excuse for that mess. The children need to have chores!

      When we were old enough to do so, (and that was like 7 or 8 years old) we were responsible for doing our own laundry, including ironing and putting away our own clothes for the most part. and we had other chores too.

      ALL of those children need chores. There's no excuse for all that squalor and mess, if the kids are just sitting on their collective asses along with Kody, playing video games and getting into bloody fights.

      No way would I have DARED to say that I was bored in front of my parents, because they would have found something for me to do right quick - cleaning usually. These kids need STRUCTURE.

    7. My hypertension doesn't allow for me to watch this show anymore, but I refuse to miss the segment where Marian gets told "no more Disney for you!".

    8. Hey Dakota Justice - Right ON! Bored would never have left my lips, lest I was saddled with 2 hours of picking green/yellow beans from the garden, and prepare for processing and putting down in the freezer for winter. If not that, then there was a list a mile long that my Mom had of necessary chores that needed doing. Saturday AM's was house cleaning time for all and then in the afternoon free time. What a Pig Pen (new house or rented one). If I was a landlord and saw that - they would be out on their Plyg ear.

    9. DJ and Quilt, Shades of yesteryear.

      I was raised that same way. We all had chores. We all knew better than to leave clothes on the floor, plus we all knew how to fold laundry and put it away by first grade.
      And how to peel potatoes and snap beans.

      Bored ?!! lol, exactly right, we knew better than to ever use that line. And yes, Saturday mornings were dreaded, but they were a predictable routine. We had our assignments and you just hoped you dodged cleaning the bathroom that week. And we did get right to it so that we could have the afternoon free.

      Another thing about Janelle's house.....
      If you knew that your house was on the schedule for a TLC shoot, wouldn't you *want* your home to look neat and clean?
      I guess Janelle is ambivalent about that piece in the same vein of having admitted that she preferred working than being with her kids.

    10. Lol!! Me too! Saturday morning = cleaning the bathroom,,my cousins and I were brought up that way too! Kids nowadays still need chores! :)

  2. Congrats to Janelle on the weight loss and her dedication to working out.

    One thing I don't understand is Robyn complaining about not having one on one time with Kody. First, as a mother to young kids, I think 3 one on one dates is pretty darn good.

    Also, is it just me, or does she have the worst behaved kids? It seems like she complains but doesn't ask someone (like Meri) for help.

    1. I would LOVE for her to ask Meri for help with her brood on camera! Then capture Meri's look of sheer horror. Then her scowl.

    2. I agree Scowl. I still am baffled by what Meri does all day.

  3. Keep up the good work. it will pay off in the end.. I started out at 140, now 203 :(, mine is due to getting lazy, getting married, and eating stuff I didn't before I got married. lol,, but the man makes me happy, sad I let myself get unhealthy. but I'm working on it.. so I am right there beside you. Tina from WI

  4. Kody claims he can't be available to his children every day of the week. Sorry. You should be available to all of your children 24/7 every day of the week regardless of which wife you're visiting.

    1. He should start spending time at the houses based off of how many of his kids are at the house. Meri and Robyn only have 1 child of his each, so they should get 1/14 of the time and Christine and Janelle should get 6/14 of the time. That is the fairest way. These kids need a father desperately.

    2. 6/14 is really 3/7, and there are 7 days in a week, but Logan is at school most of the year so he shouldn't count.

      Christine and 6 kids = Mon, Tues, Wed,
      Janelle and 5 kids = Thur, Fri,
      Robyn and Sol = Sat
      Meri and Mariah = Sun

    3. I think he should just skip the wives all together during the day and spend quality time one on one with the children. 30 min pr. kid = 8,5 hour, 8 hour at work and 8 hour of sleep - that's should be his routine! All children deserves to be able to talk to their dad without fighting for his attention. In fact, it sickens me to hear them him talk about quality time with wives when you never see him take one of the kids out, except that Mykelty designer thing - which imo was clearly just something to film, not something that would normally happen.

    4. Kody should have thought about having a quality relationship with his kids before he decided to have so many. My dad has always told me that some people have so many kids and think it is easy because they don't put forth a lot of effort in raising those kids (this is not to say everyone who has a large family is like that). I thought about that when I saw Kody sitting with his lap top (probably reading SWB) while the kids were acting up.

  5. I think the Browns are a charming family. From the stunning beauty of Robyn to the steadfast dedication of Janelle, from the organizing force that is Meri to the whimsical flakiness that is Robyn, Kody has gathered a delightful set of wives for eternity and the future world that will be theirs. These children are only the beginning for them. The eternal progression will bring the same wonderful abundance for them and their posterity.

    1. You are so right, Robyn is quite a stunner, isn't she? But shouldn't that be "the whimsical flakiness that is Christine" instead of Robyn? Otherwise Kody will look like the shallow, mean spirited, AUB social climber of a man child that only married Christine for her pedigree and Robyn so that he would have more than three wives that we've come to know and...ahem...love.

    2. CJ . . . priceless!

    3. I can just see them showing up in heaven and the God of most Christians saying, "what is this crap about concubines?" Jesus didn't bring this message to you. You worshipped false gods!

    4. "Otherwise Kody will look like the shallow, mean spirited, AUB social climber of a man child...."
      Yes, indeed !!! *This* is the real Kody !!

      What is pathetic is that he childishly still thinks his persona of "I am a cool dude" with his balding, stringy, haystack hair is an effective cover for the fact that he is just a loser. And a self-absorbed, nasty one at that.

      Side note:
      Looks like I am the only one who can't load comments past the 200 count which means I most likely need a new system. Have to fatten up the anemic piggy bank and shop around.

  6. At the end of one of those videos was one called dog paw... so I had to click it and see if it was about the logo and it was (haven't seen last week's - maybe it was on there?) The only place *I* have EVER seen that referred to as a dog paw was here. Just saying...

    I thought my head was going to explode when Kody dragged himself upstairs and said- what do you want me to do? Yeah... it's a stumper!

    1. Exactly! As if parent your kid isn't the given answer in that situation every time.

    2. I noticed there are un-aired segments on TLC. For some reason, they were edited out of the original episode.

  7. I am so surprised that NOT ONE of the "wives" even wears that ugly joolry! Being a watcher of another train wreck, Real housewives of oc, one of those characters "designs" hand bags and is ALWAYS lugging it around on camera. She puts it on the table, on her bed, walking the dog, etc.. Would it kill Meri, who is supposedly so into this venture, to hang that mess around her neck? Especially since the whole bidness was inspired by the necklace Robin had made for her! Instead, Meri wears OTHER joolry. They all do!

    1. Meri's Scowl I'm with you. If nothing else I'd think they'd want to wear the beautiful one of a kind pendant that Kody designed for each of them! I'd wonder why my stable of women weren't wearing what I personally designed for them!

    2. Seriously, that says a lot about their product. Gee, I wonder why the other wives aren't interested in working on the jewelry, they don't even like it enough to wear it!

      I wish these women would hire some fundie friendly stylist and learn how to dress flattering to their figures. Janelle tries to dress more normal than the others but she still needs help. The other wives need to go on What Not to Wear. Stacy and Quenton would have a field day with them.

    3. *snort* Fundie-friendly stylist??

  8. Klassic Kody: " what do you want me to do? Take Christine's kids home?" No you dumb a$&! They are your kids no matter where the kids primary " nest" is. He is SUCH a low life lazy jerk. That clip right there sums up perfectly Kodys parenting role as a father. The same description we have all concluded to years ago. Just here it's a nice 2 minute clip. - Dragonfly

    1. He acts like a lot of divorced parents that don't have primary custody. He doesn't want to be the bad guy during his limited time with them. He wants to be the fun guy. Let the mom be the bad guy.

    2. Well said anon. They aren't 'Christine's kids'!! They are ALL YOURS! What a moron... Thanks for sharing the clips SWB :)

    3. Well, this is a man who calls watching his own kids "babysitting".

      Honestly, the kids are probably better off with him not being in the picture as much. He is a horrible role model, but the perfect example of what not to do.

    4. I also reacted on to that, what father referes to his kids that way? Very telling I think

    5. Aw, come on. Give the guy a break.
      Maybe he just couldn't remember their names.

    6. Kody wanted to escape. So bringing "Christine's kids home" was a handy way to get himself out of that house. He was looking for a reason to get out of dodge.

  9. As someone who has struggled with emotional overeating all my life, I would like to suggest that the across the board weight gain of these women and children since this show started is definitely related to having either 1. Robin join the family and make it far less harmonious and/or 2. Having their lives put out there for all the world to see and seeing things they themselves were not seeing before the filming etc... Either way, all look worse for the wear but Janelle. I am extremely empathetic to her struggle and major props for recognizing it and sharing it with us. I am rooting for you. It will be interesting to see what other changes come down the pike as she reaches goal weight. Probably will change many dynamics and I hope she leaves this mess.... Also, Christine has expressed her pain over her own weight issues and I hope she starts taking care of herself too. All this "Be Sweet" business is not healthy. Just shove all your feelings down... literally and figuratively.... Been there done that. Doesn't work.

  10. "Do you just want me to take Christine's kids home"....really...did you hear the little snickering of Christine when Jenelle had to go up and break up the issue...then the camera pans back to Kody's STUPID looking face.

    All I hope is that with all the laptops, computers, iphones, ipads being looked at during the episodes that one of these days we are going to catch a glimpse of them reading SWB. lol

    This family is not multiplying.......so divided!

    1. They are so divided. I watched some other clips after this one and in the meet the wives from the beginning the wives and kids are all so different. Robyn's entrance and the move to Vegas was the beginning of this family's division.

      What do you think Christine was snickering at, how dumb Kody is? She seems to be the only wife who realizes he is not helpful and calls him out on it.

    2. They have multiplied in number, weight, and bills they can't pay. But the love between all of them has definitely been divided. Kody is a waste of matter and air. I feel really sorry for the children.

  11. I'm really proud of Janelle for her getting healthy and weight loss focus. Knowing how much a trainer costs here I don't know how they can afford it when all they do is moan about their finances.

    Her house is a mess but I seem to recall her apartment in the Lehi house being messy too. I can't believe that the kids don't have chores. Kody just leaves me stumped. He's useless.

    1. I think it's likely that the personal trainer is helping Janelle for the free publicity she's giving him. My guess is he costs her nothing.

  12. Watching episode now and had to pause and get to this blog. Fast comment about Meri and Merriah (sp?) on car issue. When I was a senior...none of my friends or I had the luxury of driving any car at all and if I was driving my dads orange beat up pinto which maybe now would be cool but certainly wasn't then. my point is they are not grateful for anything at all and I mean Meri who can't cancel her hair appointment. Also why couldn't Meri switch cars with her daughter. What a beige mini van not cool enough for her?

    1. Meri absolutely should not have traded cars with Mariah! Mariah is fortunate to have access to any vehicle and if the van isn't good enough for her she can earn the money for her own vehicle or she can ride the school bus. She needs to show gratitude for what she has.

    2. Omg I am so glad you said that Anon! I was thinking the same thing and thought I was the only one. I did not get a car til I was out of high school so I can sympathize with Mariah in a way. I was the dorky senior who had to ride the bus. I am sure showing up in an old mini van is just as bad. However, I was hoping she would just be thankful she had something to drive. Then after a little while after watching the scene play out, I realized that it really bothers me that Meri would not drive the van. First of all, as a mother she should be modeling good behavior. If she tells someone she is going to do something she should follow through. So if she told Mariah she would let her drive a different car she should do just that. Secondly, it was telling that Mariah snapped back with "you arent sorry " Meri must go back on her word a lot. Thirdly, it shows that the reason Mariah isnt grateful for what she has is because she learns fron her mother. Meri only had to get her hair done that day and meet a realtor. A van isnt good enough to drive to those appointments?? This sense of entitlement runs deep. Definitely not the kids fault either.

    3. I agree with blueberry. Meri was talking about an issue that someone else is going to have. Maybe Christine will be upset when she sees how much time Kody spends at Robyn's house.

    4. I suspect that Kody does spend quite a bit of time at Robyn's Serena. I think that Robyn is still in the stage where she wants to please him. I think she cater's to him, strokes his ego, and dotes on him the most. It seems to me that the other three wives are more likely to have expectations or demands of him when he is at their house.

      Meri's house may be quiet but I would bet that when Kody is there she nags him about issues.

  13. Meri tell us again about your "privacy issues."

    1. How much privacy does she need?? Isn't she supposedly married to ALL of them? Isn't that the whole pitch? That they are all married to each other? Do spouses need their own separate houses from each other in order to have some "privacy"? What kind of flim-flam-foolery is this? Full of so many holes and contradictions. They make it up as they go along.

    2. Simple, she cannot stand the rest of the wives (Robyn included), the other kids bug her, and she wishes she had Kody all to herself again. Moving close together means she has to see them all daily instead of a few times a week and she may be asked to babysit.

    3. I don't think they're her privacy issues. I think she might've been talking about one of the other wives. It just seemed more like a dig at someone else than a confession of her feelings to me.

    4. "Flim-flam-foolery" = AWESOME. Thank you for that. I almost choked on my donut!!!

  14. Im having issues also seeing past 200 comments. When I click on load, it just stays on "loading...." and also says "waiting on sister wives blog" and it can sit there like that for a few, and it doesn't do anything other than that for some reason.

    1. I'm using IE10 and Kindle Fire without problems so far.

      I would try refreshing your browser (clicking the refresh button or F5), and clicking on the "Load more" link again. If the "loading..." doesn't disappear after 30 secs or so, try clicking on the "loading..." link. Sometimes I do have to do that. Remember, if you can see my comment saying you've loaded 200+ comments, you're set to go.

      If it still doesn't work, I'll try to always have a posting up with less than 200 comments you can use...like this one!

    2. Me too on that description of what happens after 200 and with the Load more link.

      Thanks, CJ...I really do appreciate your efforts.
      Love reading others' thoughts and hate that some are unavailable to see.
      I will try your suggestions.

  15. Very telling portion of the show was when one of the boys (Garrison? Gabriel? I have no idea) slammed the door in the cameraman's face during the fight in the bedroom. These kids have no say whatsoever in having their lives filmed. Their parents need to keep this gravy train running because they have massive mortgages hanging over their heads, so cameras roll when they roll.

    It matters not that you are on the brink of adolescence and desperately need a semblance of privacy...bad enough you've got your "dad" flitting in once or twice a week to dispense his profound wisdom, but you've also got an overwhelmed mom, a lot of noise and chaos, another move to deal with, school, and relationships with 16 other siblings, one of whom is King.

    I'd freaking slam a door or two myself.

    1. Me too! I would be mortified to have my peers see me fighting as a pre-teen/teen with my siblings. I love seeing the kids on the show but please TLC don't crucify them!

    2. I completely agree. I was glad he slammed the door and while I understand the producers wanting to film that because it makes for "good tv" there is no way something like this should have been filmed. These people need to get a clue about how to raise their kids quickly before their kids grow to resent them and the invasion of Meri's new favorite topic, privacy.

    3. What I thought was telling was the way that Jenelle yelled "Time to go home!" like she was yelling at some random neighbor kid, or friend from school. These are her 'bonus kids' right?

    4. @Keep Sweet, I don't think Janelle has ever said anything about bonus kids or even really liking kids. It is Meri that pretends to care about her "bonus kids". There is no way Janelle will be watching her sister wive's kids anytime soon. You can see the relief on her face that her own kids are getting older.

    5. I thought that was extremly odd as well, but for a different reason. When I was a kid, I acted out and throug fits like all other teen to my parents. But I would never ever have dared to slam the door in the face of another adult! With parents you try and push the boundries, but not with others - no matter how familiar they are with the film crew.

    6. This was a scene repeated right out from the script of "Jon & Kate plus 8". Maddie slammed the door many times in the film crew's faces. Those kids had so many fits and tantrums on that show that will haunt them the rest of their lives. Such a shame it was cancelled.

  16. What I don't understand about the car issue is if they can afford these homes, why do their kids have to drive a mini van without air? Grateful or not, it doesn't add up. I came from an upper middle class family but certainly not the mansion's they are building and I had a nice car at that age.

    1. Lyndy you came from a 'upper middle class family', the Browns are working class with no WORK.

      As a teen I was happy to be able to USE the freaking family vehicle with 3 teen siblings. So no, my heart does not bleed that the kids have to drive a mini van with no air conditioning.

    2. Lyndy, they are moving into the homes, but they CAN'T afford them. They are already running up bills for things like car insurance that they aren't paying, apparently.

      As far as cars, I never even got my license until I was married and pregnant with my second child. The price would have been too high to have gotten it as a teen still living at home. And that's all I'm going to say about it.

      The Browns' collective sense of entitlement boggles the mind.

    3. I wonder what Robyn thought that her former van wasn't good enough for Mariah!

    4. I want to know why Logan is worried about having to move back home to save money? Shouldn't his parents exploitation of him and his siblings ensured his college education would be paid for or are the adults taking all of the money and just dividing it among the 4 wives and Kody? Why does Mariah get to go to Europe when Aspyn did not even though they both graduated from high school? Also, what kind of car is Aspyn driving? Does Maddy get a car handed to her too? Shouldn't they all get a sweet convertible like Logan got from Kody when he graduated?

      Somehow just like Kody doesn't spend equal time with all his kids and wives, the kids are not getting their fair share of money from participating in this show.

    5. Kids don't deserve access to any car much less a particularly hip or cool one. They're lucky if they get access to one at all. Mariah often seems to me to be a very spoiled child.

    6. "Kids don't deserve access to any car much less a particularly hip or cool one."

      I agree, Anon 1:37.
      I am still waiting for my parents to buy me a car, any car, new or used...and I am 44 !

    7. They don't seem to treat their children equally. They seem so consumed with having equality amongst the wives that the children are not treated equally. I'd love to hear the lame excuse that the Brown's come up with for why Marian got to go to Europe and Aspyn didn't...they should have sent both or none. Unless Mariah went out and got a job somewhere and saved all of her earnings for the trip then it is straight up favoring one kid over another. Just like giving Logan the car, unless you are certain that you can give every kid a car then don't do it. This must be hard on the kids to see, it can't be helping create harmony amongst them. This sort of thing makes kids fight more.

    8. Why can't they get the A/C fixed. I 'm sure it is an extremely common car repair in 120 degree Vegas. Why did Sobbin get rid of this very expensive minivan and got a new one? Sick, sick waste of money. Why does she need a new car when she doesn't even have a job to go to everyday.

    9. Why did Sobbin get rid of this very expensive minivan and got a new one?
      I'm with CPA Carol on this one. In another thread on this same topic, CPA Carol said:

      "I believe that whole 'Mariah and Meri disagree about her driving the nicer car' was completely 'made for reality tv'. It seemed very contrived and disingenous. I think the producers suggested that they show some mother daughter conflict and they came up with this lame story. Purely fabricated in my opinion."

      And another commenter pointed out that in the pictures from a SWB article (dated 4/1/13), a picture taken of Robyn's McMansion in March 2013 shows her Odyssey van parked in her driveway, next to Kody's MLM car.

      If you watch the scene with Mariah and Meri, Meri only says Mariah is driving Robyn's old van. She doesn't say Robyn gave her the van. So again, I think this scene was "scripted" to provide some drama between mother and daughter.

      Personally, I feel that if Meri promised Mariah use of her car, Meri should not have broken her promise. She should have allowed Mariah to drive her car. Meri should have driven Robyn's van to her hair appointment. Lord knows, her hair couldn't look any worse than it did with the A/C on!

    10. That whole segment had to be scripted/fabricated. I don't for a second believe that Meri and Mariah regularly rise before dawn for a jog. The way those two were dragging themselves up the road in the clip shows they are not regular runners.

  17. So does Meri never watch any of the others' kids? Isn't that the point of all this madness?? That all these moms watch each others kids. They are all beyond stupid/lazy. 5 adults in this family and nobody can/will watch Christine's kids while she does what a lot of Americans do--work a few Saturdays to get her career off the ground. She doesn't want to bust her ass in real estate, and she doesn't want to bust her ass at selling their awful crap. She just doesn't want to bust her ass! Does she really think she can afford this gigantic expensive home and not get a job??? I just don't get her mindset. WORK! For real. Now that Meri's one kid is grown, she should pitch in. Plus, her kid should pitch in, as all the older kids should. Enough with Disneyland already!

    1. Christine wrote in the book that she didn't like Meri to watch her kids because she thought she was too harsh with them. I can understand that, however I also think Chrisitne needs to push school on her kids more and set some better guidelines. I was surprised that a stay at home mom was so ok with Aspyn missing so much school and not getting good grades.

      As for Christine working, she better get something going for herself real soon because they aren't going to keep these houses on TLC's dime for long. This woman seems so opposed to working it is scary. Truely is what, 3 or 4 now? There isn't much of a need for her to be the stay at home mom any longer, Robyn is taking up the baby making now. I think Christine is lazy and scared to work-she won't even help with the lame jewelry business and sit through meetings. Maybe is adult ADHD or depression, but she needs to step it up.

    2. I disagree that kids don't need their parents by three or four. I know it is hard to afford to stay at home, and definitely it is impossible with 16 kids, but school age kids get home by 3 o' clock, and being home with them from that time through bed time is still a very valuable--I'd say priceless--contribution to the family.

      She does constantly talk about wanting the family and not the man, and she has been raising those first 13 kids (her six, Janelle's six, and Meri's 1) full time for the last 18 years. To shift gears when you know full well what you do for all of the kids, and be pushed into something that you are not designed for is well worth fighting against.

      I mean honestly: If she is willing to bring up all those kids why should she have to work real estate while Meri DOES NOTHING?

      I think two small kids at home plus a passel of school age kids coming home every day is plenty of reasons to let the one adult out of five who is passionate about parenting stay home and parent.

      On the off chance that all four other adults found a job that made say 50k a year (HA HA HA HA!!!!) they'd have $20,000 a month, right? They could make their bills on that while Christine raised the kids.

    3. I agree 100%, Traci, but then, Don't. Buy. A. House. One that you can't afford on your non-salary. When my husband and I decided to renovate our house, we agreed that that would mean that I would have to keep working. Either live in my little hovel and stay at home, or renovate but get my butt back to work. That's the way the world works, or at least it SHOULD. now, everybody just wants stuff. Get on the dole, file for bankruptcy, whatever it takes to get the goodies. And btw...Meri is only going full time on SWC because she has NOTHING ELSE GOING ON! She damn well better say she's on board full-time!

      I was really disgusted with Christine and her despair at having to put in some effort. What did she go to all that effort for to get certified? What did she think? That she she work 5 hours a week and that would pay for a mortgage on a 500k house??? She is out of her lazy mind! Get a job, good-for-nothing! America does not need another foreclosed home and I don't want to pay for her kids and her "lifestyle choice."

  18. I was just reading a previous comment about the builders who will probably end up taking the houses back in three years. I think the families are hoping in that three years to be able to finally step into the payments with the success of the green goo marketing scheme, the joolery business, the real estate business and the TLC cheques. If that does not happen then I think we will see them hightail it back to the house in Lehi. There had to be a reason they kept that house. I would like to see Janelle and Christine leave but I am not holding my breath. If they return to Lehi then they will only have about ten kids left at home and will probably partake in the welfare schemes again. I don't understand their aversion to 9-5 jobs where four adults could bring in enough money to support their families and one stays home with the kids and cooks supper for everyone.

    1. Your last sentence sounds more like the Dargers. They WORK.

    2. 9-5 jobs would be LOGICAL and this family is anything but that. I bet they will hightail it back to Lehi after the show finishes or when they lose the houses. They may even lose one wife in the process so that they don't have to add on to it!

    3. Anonymous 11:17. There you go. That's funny to lose one wife along the way so they don't have to add on. Their family had been together for years and while far from perfect they did have some semblance of being a family. Then along came TLC and Robyn and they have been on a downhill slide ever since. When you watch the shows of the people who win a lottery, it doesn't take long before they are broke again. It's not just getting a new house, it is everything that goes along with it like taxes, maintenance, utilities and just surviving in life. The Browns seem to live in LaLa Land and don't think ahead for a rainy day. You need vehicle insurance, health insurance and life insurance.

  19. Just finished watching ep 2 ...looks like Janelle and The Codster were cuddling a bit on the couch when being interviewed. And Meri sure did need to get to that haircut appointment better that than the tanning salon.

  20. Meri...lend your daughter your car...geez...

    1. I disagree. Meri is the adult; she gets the better car.

      Mariah should be grateful they are lending her Robyn's old car, some kids don't even have access to that much. When she is an adult and has the money to pay for the car and the insurance and the maintenance and the gas, Mariah can acquire a nice car for herself and feel the satisfaction of having earned it. It's good to strive for things.

      I think kids get far too much handed to them too early and it has created a very unfortunate and unhelpful sense of entitlement in many young people.

    2. I agree with Anon 1:31 - my parents bought us a second hand car and I had to share with my sis - but I was happy to have something that ran.

    3. Meri shouldn't have been so honest with Mariah. She should have just said she needed the car and left it at that. Saying she needed it to get her roots done just makes her seem selfish and willing to renege on a promise to her kid. Or she could have named off a dozen other errands she needed to get done.

      I don't think these kids have the same level of respect for their parents as you had for yours Anonymous 1:31. These kids have been promised all kinds of things, and the follow through isn't there. Even with punishments, the follow through isn't there. I know authoritarian parents hate to hear this, but respect -- even from kids -- is earned: through consistency and follow through. I agree that these kids are being handed too much. It's bad enough the grifting example is all around them.

    4. I believe that whole 'Mariah and Meri disagree about her driving the nicer car' was completely 'made for reality tv'. It seemed very contrived and disingenous. I think the producers suggested that they show some mother daughter conflict and they came up with this lame story. Purely fabricated in my opinion.

    5. CPA Carol, you are probably right b/c not much from this show is genuine. However, I do believe this is a scenario that probably happens a bunch with Mariah demanding things and most of the time getting her way; especially since she is a cherished "only" child......

  21. Kody looks like a muppet, very beekerish or an evil Will Farrell character. That bouncy Dorothy Hamil hair, gotee and some extra lbs have made him look even worse than usual!!hahah and he always looks so confoused when he's asked to parent.
    Also Mariah is such a spoiled little pincess. I don't think she could handle being one of many wives and if she's the first wife, I pity all the wives that come after.
    I still can't get over the size of those houses, the whole family could easily live in one house.


  22. I think the five adults, well, four actually, discounting the "man/boy who will not work a real job"....these four women will not get 9 to 5 real jobs because they now are far too steeped in *who has what* and *who wants what.*
    Life has changed too radically for this crew. From food stamps and bankruptcies and attached apartments to a TWO Million Dollar private, McMansioned compound, they are too far gone gorging themselves on the glow and bounty of goodies. There is no turning back. And when the fall comes, and it will....they will point fingers and moan.

    Unless they all worked the same job, for the same pay (like the TLC checks are probably going evenly among them) there is no chance they will individually do their own thing, unless everyone else is pulling the same weight.
    Or if any one of them really would choose to leave and strike out on her own, which I do not believe will ever happen with any of them.

    They have let their greed and illogical living choices become mutually shared. They are not only competing for conjugal and parental time with their Dude Master, they are competing with each other for entitlements.

    Janelle *says* she is going do the real estate, but a whole year later, is she? Christine already has bailed on that.
    Nope, they will circle those Plyggy wagons and do this piddling business or that business...green goo, tin bling, mugs, t-shirts and aprons and who knows what else..all so that the money stays in-house and is equally doled out and shared.

    1. The days of the Brown's sharing their money fairly is over. Each wife is out for herself now. I don't see Janelle sharing her paychecks if she does get involved with realty. It doesn't matter anyway, there is no way they are going to be able to keep these houses, especially if they are going to need to get conventional loans in 3 years. No way will Christine or Robyn ever be able to qualify for conventional loans on their own. Christine doesn't want to work and Robyn doesn't want to pay her bills.

    2. I agree that in theory the women's bond is fragmenting to the point that they now barely tolerate each other. It is blatant and it is unhealthy.
      However, this whole madcap adventure of adding Sobbin, doing the Show, the move to Vegas, the businesses, the McMansions, the alleged new jobs is inexplicably tying them all up with an ever-increasing dysfunctional noose.

      The lynchpin to it all is their devotion and loyalty to Kody.

      We can all wonder why would four women with all these children place their survival and sanity on a guy who shows not only them, but for the last four years has shown the world, that his plan is rooted in shifting sands and irrational ideas.

      It isn't about whether Janelle can pay her mortgage and feed her kids while she has a trainer and puts in a patio or pool. It's not about Meri lounging by her wet bar, doing nothing. Or Christine fearing full time work or Sobbin whining about the Closet. Those things are just *the current* dynamics of their whole process with Kody as their CEO and master.
      They will have always conflicts and tribulations as long as this is their chosen life process and as long as they have Kody as the ultimate decision maker of their lives.

      Will the day ever come that one or some or all of them have an epiphany about Kody? Because HE *is* the crux of it all.
      I just don't see it.

    3. Amused, you are so right. I read that the fundamentalist Mormons believe in the patriarchal doctrine where the wives are to be subordinate to their husbands. What a crock. I would have liked to see Janelle tell Kodster to get off his fat arse and do something when the boys were fighting, not just a go to your room. They need to stop draping themselves all over him and stand up for themselves and their kids. Perhaps instead of jumping to all of his whims they should have stood together and said....no, we are staying in Utah, we are not going to Vegas. I'm afraid Vegas will suck the life out of them.

    4. I have bought houses. It seems to me that to get a bank mortgage for $400,000 in Las Vegas, one would need to show a reliable six figure source of income, and likely not in the low six figures. it is woefully difficult for someone with no great, rare skill to go from zero to 6 figures in three years.

      It's possible, though, with brains, luck, and determination. Good luck to all four of them!

      Gordon Setter

    5. I keep wondering how much each wife actually wrote their earnest money checks for? Also, when they were initially meeting with Mona they were told they would have to come up with about 40% down in order for the builders to even consider breaking ground.

      And just how much do we think each adult is getting paid per episode/season?

    6. HAHAHA,a muppet, YES!

    7. Amused, I LOVE how you sum everything up so awesomely (not a word I know haha).

  23. How many names does Robyn have? She had three already when visiting the lawyer. Claiming it isn't unusual to have so many names. Then I understand she changed her last name legally to Brown? Again. More name changes. Has anyone figured out how many she has had?

    Maiden, first marriage as it was a monogamous marriage, then a third and now a fourth. Most don't have that many names they have used.

    I think they all pretty much grew up poor and now have no idea what to do with money.

    1. Maiden = Robyn Sullivan (I can't remember her birth father's name but she may not have gone by it anyway)
      1st marriage = Robyn Jessop
      2nd marriage = Robyn Brown
      That's three....

      Yes, she has legally changed her name to Brown now.

      Really not that many. I've known people with a lot more...like Elizabeth Taylor! But seriously, I have a lot of friends and relatives who have been married many times and have changed their names.

  24. But I don't wanna have a job!July 30, 2013 at 11:55 PM

    Can someone in the Las Vegas area channel her innner Janelle and come up with a ballpark idea as to what the monthly expenses for each of these houses might add up to?

    Interest only payments could be lowish, but given their financial history, I'm guessing their rates are on the high side...But what about all the other stuff?

    Property taxes, HOA, insurance, water, HVAC, electric? Just the stuff to keep the keys. If this has been addressed before, I apologize.


  25. Their power bill alone has to be upwards of $300/month. Water/sewer bill probably $75. Gas bill is lower during the summer, but I'm on a flex plan so my bill is the same every month around $43. Phone/Tv/Internet probably $200. Cell phones for 1 adult/3 kids probably $150. HOA I'm not sure, we rent in a gated community but I don't pay the HOA directly it's just added in to our rent. But I'm going to guess it's at least $100/month. I'm going to guess about their interest only mortgage payment and say $2000-$2500/month. Don't forget car insurance, that's probably at least $300/month, maybe more. I don't have any teen drivers yet, so I'm not sure about the rates. Groceries at least $800/month. Also, throw in about $200 for kids sports/clothes/shoes. So let's tally it up, shall we.

    200.00 = $4168 + more if they are giving Logan a monthly allowance.

    1. I think this estimate is very conservative. A mortgage, even an interest only mortgage, has to be more then $2,000 on a 1/2 million dollar home. Also I think feeding a family of 7 + additional Kody every 4th day would be hard to do on 800 a month. I think it could be done if everything was made from scratch, cheap meat, etc but that would be difficult and no meals out ever. I don't see these princesses working that hard to feed their families. Also I think some of the kids have smart phones so the cell bill would be higher. What about gas,cleaning supplies, cosmetics, healthcare, pets, activities and haircuts for all those people! UGH! I don't even want to think about how much money they would need to make to support this "lifestyle" Why would anyone get into this mess!

    2. I think your a little low on the power bill - mine was $330.00 last month and I have a small home and we keep the temp at 81 degrees. I'm guessing over $500.00 for a big house. I'm paying $230.00 for 5 cell phones. Also figure at least an extra $100.00 per teen per month for car insurance. Maybe a little less for the girls or if they have a good grade discount.

    3. Oh Gawwwd,....I could never keep up with those bills. I am very happy for the life I have.

    4. They've got to spend more than $800 a month on groceries...I do and I only have two kids!! :) But thanks for teh breakdown. It's impressively expensive to live in a McMansion.

    5. Several have mentioned car insurance. Not sure if it was an earlier post on SWB or somewhere else, but I read that they are NOT apparently keeping insurance on all of the cars. Someone (or maybe sometwo or more) have been stopped by the police on more than one occasion. In addition to being cited for traffic violations, there were citations for not having insurance - and those are HEFTY fines.

      So, it's typical Brownmath. Instead of paying X to satisfy a legal requirement, skip that and pay X*3 in fines. I can hardly wait for the episode when Kody swears they're being stopped because they're polygamists. Yep, polygamists going 50 in a 30 . . . no other reason than your lifestyle to attract the attention of the law.

    6. Not to mention they are paying rent on their RENTAL homes, how much is that x 4?????


    7. They were out of the rentals and into the new houses by the end of December last year.

      I also think their mortgage payments are a lot higher than $2K. More like $3K for each house.

    8. I think at a bare minimum, this family spends between $3500 and $5000 per month for each household.

      The housing costs for each house would be the same, but the families with more kids would have higher costs for things like groceries, etc.

      Even if we go with the very conservative average of $4000 per month per household, that is $16,000 per MONTH, times 12 months, which means they need $192,000 per year just to pay their bills.

      And we don't even know if they can cover all their bills with $4k per month.

      And that does not include putting money into savings. Nor does it include any money for college expenses.

    9. I think the estimate of $2000 mortgage payment may be low. Our mtg is $2000 a month on a $250000 home. Theirs are $500k homes, I dunno, but guessing more than 2k a month. The other bills sound right, maybe more? than $800 for food, they have a LOT of kids!

    10. I think the estimate of $2000 mortgage payment may be low.
      And don't forget these are high interest rate, unconventional mortgages. I think they are paying through the nose, in the $5000 - $8000 range. I know if I were lending them money, I wouldn't want them paying only a piddling $2000, because once the going gets tough (when TLC pulls he plug) you know Kody and Krew will be walking away because they will have no equity in those homes. I don't think they would even look back.

    11. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 31, 2013 at 10:17 PM

      Car insurance estimate is way low. You pay extra for teenage boys and for low grades.

  26. Christine refused to read Mona's paperwork BEFORE she even heard that the job required evenings and weekends. She doesn't want to make the effort to have a close relationship with her sister wives even though she says she wants the family not just the man. She only wants to do the fun stuff for the family business. Everything needs to be easy and fun. No willingness to do necessary hard things other single moms do to support their families. This is what makes her lazy, not because she's a SAHM.

    1. I'm thinking Christine has ADHD. She can't seem to concentrate on anything for very long.

  27. I have two kids on the autism spectrum AND I work, listening to Christine b&m about childcare is very insulting. Does Truly need specialized care? No. Do you have other moms/teens who are available? Yes. What is the problem here?

    Here's what I would say to the wives:

    Robyn: You believe in God. God helps those that help themselves. You know what the problem is with MSWC -- it alienates potential customers -- so FIX IT. I don't give a flying patootie if the jewlery means something to YOU, it has to mean something to the CUSTOMER. What are they going to tell their friends "Oh, you know that SW show? Yeah, I bought this from their website!". You should have, which is easy to say, partnered with Stella and Dot to sell your junk for you via their MLM model (I know you all are comforatble with MLMs). The ship has sailed. SELFISH.

    Meri: Ok, wait. You pushed Cody to this lifestyle, and now you're acting like a jealous cow. Stop that. Go over and babysit for the other wives. You can't have a baby, well fine, you get to be an "aunt". Your daughter isn't pissed that she isn't getting her way, she's pissed because she's realizing mom is SELFISH.

    Christine: There's like how many teenagers around you? Truly is not special needs (unless that's going to be a season). There's how many other moms? How many teenagers? You can work evenings and weekends. I have, and I'm lazy and selfish too! My husband "babysat", quotes because he is actually a parent. Not sure if you've seen many men in that context. You don't WANT to work the hours that the realtor is talking about. Trouble is, you NEED to. SELFISH.

    Janelle: It's easy to say hiring a personal trainer is selfish, but since she's the only one not grifting I'm going to give her a pass. Disappointed that she caved into Robyn's sobbing nonsense by lying and saying "oh, it's so hard to find things when your a plus size". In the US? Really? You should visit Canada. We have essentially two stores (ReitmansPenningtonsAdditionElle & Laura) that carry that sheer polyester crap in ugly prints that makes you boil. But we can still find stuff to wear. LAME SAUCE

    Kody: What the heck is this "I don't want to be the heavy" crap? Ok, wait a sec. I thought in Christian households that the dad is all like "Father Knows Best" and he's the "MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE". I mean, isn't Kody trying to get his own celestial planet? That automatically makes you the heavy. The boys are acting up because they are trying to assert dominance over each other. Why would they do that? Because there's no "pack leader". Yes, I am comparing boys to dogs. I have two sons. If Kody was any kind of leader, the older one wouldn't have dared to kick the little one in the back like that. Also not getting why Janelle didn't solve that. Seriously, I would have put that kid in the corner so fast and let the younger ones tease him for being there. Even if it's the other mom's son -- co-parenting is the point of these marriages right? Maybe she didn't see it. All the more reason that Kody should, hmmm, close the laptop and back Janelle up. Then one of them would have seen it. LAME DUCK

    Selfish lame ducks in sauce... QUICK, make that a CHARM or a SHIRT!

    1. I don't think Christine is lazy - I think she is seriously depressed without energy and that the she has nothing left to give. I bet she sleeps a lot.

      As for Kody, have anyone else notived that he has gained quite a few pounds himself?? Looks like it's not only tha wives who are miserable..

    2. Anon 10:31- it's not that the isn't any plus size clothes out there, but there is room in the market for better plus size clothing. Variety is good. I think someone could make money on natural fiber, pretty, comfortable, flattering plus size clothes. I don't think this group will succeed though. One, their taste and sense of style is nonexistant. Two, their business is branded on a devisive concept. Polygamy is going to turn away a lot of potential customers.

    3. I think Christine is being lazy and selfish too. Being a stay at home mom is hard work, but most of her kids are overweight, she could care less about them doing well in school, and her house often seems chaotic. That isn't why I think she is lazy though.

      I think she is lazy because she knows that she just bought a half million dollar home and needs to work to pay for it, but is refusing to. There aren't many jobs for a high school grad with limited work experience that is going to pay well and she is refusing to work in realty because it might take up too much time. Well, newsflash, you have 6 kids, a part time husband, and a mansion to pay for, you better get hot doing something. The government isn't going to pay for you now. Good luck finding a job that doesn't work you weekends and nights.

      I wish we all could irresponsibly have 6 kids on the system, receive foodstamps and free healthcare for years while staying home with your kids. Then when the kids are older, buy a mansion and still refuse to work to pay for it. Lots of moms wish they could stay home, but they have to work to pay the bills. I don't see what is so special about Chrisitne that she should get a free pass. She chose this lifestyle and chose to have 6 kids with a loser. If Christine was a black or Hispanic woman living off the system for all these years, she would be getting crucified.

    4. I think Christine feels entitled. She wants life to be what it was in Lehi and it's never going to be that way again. I agree and support her idea of being the "home" mom because there are a lot of kids. BUT, every single one of the other adults need to support that decision AND they need to all have jobs. Honestly I don't mean this in an insulting way, but I think Christine is jsut plain ignorant of what it takes to pay the bills. Now, of course, she could educate herself (or ask Janelle to give her a spreadsheet or something) but she wants to live in her pretend land of plenty where she can have a huge mansion with a library (of all things) and doesn't understand what kind of income the family needs to keep these homes. She seems to think she can't do both, she can't work and take care of her kids. So she quit and shut down at the very first meeting with Mona. I hope she realizes that things are different now. They have expenses that they never had before and teenagers are way more expensive than toddlers. It's a different life and she cannot accept that. Or maybe Christine is just more honest than Meri and Robyn. I don't think they want to work either but they are pretending to work at their hobby. And frankly, Janelle is going to have to be the Las Vegas realtor of the century in order to make all the money all these houses are going to require. I don't even know if Janelle has it in her. Would you work like crazy to support all the other wives? I would certainly resent that. I don't know, these people are such financial morons it makes the CPA in me just crazy.

    5. These people didnt run from persecution in Lehi..they ran TO a no state tax in Nevada

  28. She spent 18 plus years raising children and in some years the kids were home schooled, they weren't always doing the private polygamist school. She is not lazy. She still has 16 plus years of child raising. I do not think she was lazy. I think she was parenting a toddler, being pestered to go to meetings for Robyn's business, watching others kids, making dinner, putting kid's to bed. And she actually did the paperwork for the financing on the home. The fact she didn't have time to read the stuff made her think doing the hours weren't going to work. I'm sure they all knew at the time of filming she wasn't going to do it. That office visit was scripted.

  29. To me, it seems like in order to afford a house those sizes, you would have to have a six figure salary, like a doctor, lawyer, someone in finance, pharmacist, something like that. No matter where they decide to work, what are they going to do in the workforce that will pay more than $40,000 a year if they are lucky that is. Those houses look like they are easily $400-$500,000 easily. What in the world were they thinking? Even if they thought the TLC money would pay to get them in the house, no one thought about the long term. I give this show a few more seasons tops and that's it. What will happen to the kids then when the parents are running around like chickens with their heads cut off cause they cant afford these homes anymore? This whole family and their decisions are insane. I couldn't imagine being a kid and not seeing my dad but once or twice a week. I can understand if they were divorced or separated but to be "married" and not have your dad everyday is crazy. I don't even see anyone else as the real wife accept Meri unfortunately.

    1. My thoughts exactly! As an educated person, trying to find a decent job myself, I have serious doubt that these people - with their background and education - will be able to find a decent job. At least Janelle has some work history. If, hypothetically, all 5 will have a 40K/year job, they still won't be able to sustain the houses, daycare costs, school expenses, groceries, utilities, etc. So whatever TLC is paying them is a lot better than what they can make on their own. They better keep the drama going with the cameras running.
      On a personal note, I still can't decide if I feel sorry for them or admire their audacity of scheming TLC (and us) into supporting them.

    2. Sammi From Philly, I think you've hit the proverbial nail on the head. Those houses ARE meant for people who 1)are professionals with six figure income (or a trust account) and 2)like to entertain

      Where the Browns have gone wrong, is they think they are real TV personalities outside of their TV show. Now, maybe their egos (make that Kody's ego) is being massaged by an outside source like a business manager (who gets a percentage of their income) trying to do their job, but it all boils down to this: Would you pay money to see Kody Brown in person on the Vegas strip?

      They are just barely being able to afford those 4 McMansions. Getting 2 McMansions could be justified and big enough for all 4 wives and children. Four McMansions is just overkill, that they will not be able to afford once their main source of income (ie Sister Wives on TLC) has ceased to exist.

      But you know what, I have an idea what their possible gameplan might be. I'll talk more about it in my review on episode 2.

    3. Can't wait to see what you think CJ!

      Can anyone tell me if Vegas has property tax, and if so what the rates are?

    4. Just looked it up. If my calculations are correct, property taxes on each house are $2,000 per year. Plus about $135 per month HOA fees . . . per house. So monthly cost JUST for those two items will cost them a total of $1,221 per month.

      Gotta sell a LOT of joolry to make enough profit to pay for just those two items. Didn't they say they only made $500 at the huge craft fair in St. George?

    5. thats why they over price everything from the price of their crap to the inflated shipping costs...the budget crap is 2 to 3 bucks tops on cost and marked up just as much as the "fine jewelry" they even charge to re stock an item if it is returned..that alone makes me despise these people..rip off artists one and all

  30. Please get Janelle a new trainer!!!
    I'm sure TLC is footing the bill or AnyTime Fitness is, in exchange for showing their sign (it's been shown several seasons). In any case, this guy isn't much better than the last guy. I work as a trainer, and I also have my own trainer. This guy with Janelle puts me to sleep just watching him. Janelle is moving like a depressed person, which no doubt she is. He needs to get her moving constantly, push her harder! She can do it. I've seen lots of people her size workout and do great, lose weight very quickly. I boxed for an hour with a lady her size yesterday.
    Janelle's trainer thought her weight loss was good-20 something lbs in 6 months? I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound mean, but that really isn't very good if she is eating healthy and working hard.
    Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that she's wanting to work. I just think she could use a different person, diff personality to really get her excited about working out!

    I'll give the guy a break, maybe he is camera shy...but I'm really not impressed. I wish they would give her someone really outgoing and motivating. And give her a counselor who will teach her about emotional eating, otherwise she's just going to continue the pattern of lose 20, gain 10, etc...and then talk about a fight with Kody. Wow, frustrating to watch. Like, when is the lightbulb going to go on??

    Dakota, I've discussed fitness with you several times in the past. You have such an admirable and inspiring personal story. I would really like to know your thoughts on the trainer!

    1. Something about that guy just rubs me the wrong way.

      He tweeted earlier this month about sending some people who asked him for directions to the Brown's cul-de-sac to THE WRONG ADDRESS, and he thought it was funny. Now we at SWB will not give any information on exactly where the Browns live for obvious reasons, but when we are asked, we simply tell the asker NO. We don't mis-direct them to some innocent persons home and then chuckle about it to others on Twitter.

      He needs to remember what happened to Trainer Bill...and that once his face is no longer on a tv show, no one will remember him...except for those people he gave the wrong address to, yes they will remember him for a long time.

    2. I keep thinking the same thing. Not to downplay Janellés weight loss, but for someone her size, if she is really working out and eating right her weight loss should have been much more substantial by now. Same thing with Meri working out and running, there should have been more of a loss. I think their eating habits are still terrible.

      Also, Trainer Bill should have just said no. Those people will remember him for a long time. Word of mouth is so important in that kind of a career.

    3. I doubt Sean's working for free. I know LOTS of personal trainers...and many of them are amazing. However, they have bills to pay just like anyone else. It really depends on if Janelle hired him directly or through City Fitness (the club she is now using). A quick flash of the names does not equate to endless hours of FREE training. Sean needs to make a living, he has other clients I'm sure, and he can't spend the bulk of his time with Janelle.

      I checked out the website for City Athletic Club - they are NOT a traditional "gym" like the last place - this is a club that has an emphasis on Crossfit and MMA. That's why they showed Janelle using the ropes and the big med ball (Ball slam). I myself actually started taking a circuit training class at an MMA-oriented club near my house, and I can tell you that even for me, it's a butt kicking workout!

      Sean is listed on the club's website as part of the staff. My guess on how he's being renumerated...first off, I don't think TLC/F8F is paying him directly. Janelle I think would be expected to pay out of pocket for his services (and I hope she is, because getting free training tends to mean not caring that much about it). However, I'm guessing she's getting a significant discount - maybe started out with a few weeks worth of free sessions, then perhaps 40% off the regular rate.

      Now as far as MY own personal thoughts about Sean? I don't really care for his tweets, because he's more an ALL OR NOTHING kind of trainer while I'm a Moderation 80/20 type of instructor - meaning stay on track 80% of the time and loosen up a bit 20 percent of the time, foodwise. I don't see anything wrong with having fast food or a Coke or a piece of cake or what have you every once in awhile, as long as its kept in moderation - I'm a BIG fan of the cheat meal/treat meal concept.

      However as a trainer, I do like what I see, probably because he seems to be pushing Janelle more than Trainer Bill did. What we saw Trainer Bill doing, if memory serves, were some pretty pedestrian and boring-ass workouts, where Sean is having Janelle push herself - using ropes, med ball (ball slams LOVE THOSE) and so on. I just watched the clip above and I found it interesting that it actually started by showing clips of Janelle working out with Trainer Bill.

      I don't envy Sean's job one bit. Janelle is obviously very depressed and just doesn't seem to know how to motivate herself. Yeah, yeah, I know she had a job for a bazillion years and blah blah yada yada. But what Sean was saying - trying to get Janelle out of her comfort zone - is not going to be an easy task AT ALL. She had that job for years and was comfortable in it. I've not heard that she was promoted...she just came in, sat her ass at her desk, and pushed paper around or whatever else it was she did until time to go home. She is a very complacent person, and that's why she's put up with Kody's shit for all these years, why she put up with Meri's shit, and why Sean probably has to light a firecracker under her ass every day to get her to DO anything different.

      So I think for her, Sean is a good match, and looking at the more recent photos posted on Twitter (remember the show we watched this week was filmed in October 2012 and it's now end of July) she does look happier, glowing and definitely smaller, although IMO after 10 months of working out and (presumably) eating fewer calories she SHOULD have lost 100 pounds by now and be smaller than any of the wives with the exception of Robyn at this point. My guess is that she's still eating too many calories. But Sean is a trainer, not a nutritionist/dietician. He can give tips on what he feels she should do, but really she has to do it herself is the bottom line. Sean is doing his part, but he can't do it FOR her.

    4. 100 lbs is 10 months is a bit unrealistic for her. I would expect no more than half that.

    5. Hi Dakota! Yes, as you point out, this was filmed almost a year ago. I tend to forget that! Hopefully Janelle has lost more weight and is doing well!
      Until they stop all the eating out and eating crap every time she has a fight with Kody, etc...it's just going to be lose/gain/lose/gain. She needs a counselor for that, not a trainer or a dietician.

      I work in 4 diff gyms, independ. contractor. None are XFit gyms, but using the big ropes, med ball (and slams!), hammers to tires, plyo boxes, etc...are all standard in training every place I work. Gyms, boxing gyms, even the franchises (i.e Anytime, etc.) I didn't have a problem with what Sean had her doing, it was just soooo slow. Usually, we time people, moving a client from one thing to the next in a certain # of minutes. Janelle was moving sooo slow, no enthusiasm in what she was doing and no enthusiasm from Sean. There's something about him that's almost comes across as sarcastic. I don't know, I just think she would do better with someone more charismatic, more outgoing. I wonder WHO picked him?
      I would really like to see her going all out, with a tough workout, drenched in sweat. But then working out in long sleeves, etc..all that clothing...not real practical. Honestly, I would die in all those clothes! lol.

      I've worked as a trainer for 20+ years and I still hire my own trainer. Mine is an ex NFL player, though high qualified as a trainer. VERY charismatic, very fun to work with. Janelle needs someone like this!

      Trainers here in the Midwest don't earn enough to tell about, that's why we all have other jobs (I work in yoga studio too-but mainly my husbands income supports us). Training sessions are very affordable here (nice for clients, not so nice for us). I don't know what Janelle is paying, but it wouldn't surprise me if she got some kind of discount. We do it all the time for various people just for word of mouth because it's such a competitive business. Usually 30% discount just if the person gives your name to a new client, so I can imagine Sean would give her a pretty good discount for getting his name on tv.

      I do sincerely hope she has lost weight and doing well. I haven't kept up and haven't seen any recent photos so maybe someone here knows how she is doing ??

  31. all their "income streams" have been low level concepts, trying to capitalize on there tv exposure. This lack of big picture thinking comes from trying to live day to day since day one of their journey of living a plyg lifestyle. Any investment of money into a business venture has been the MSWC and possibly the green goo MLM business. Im assuming thats why robyn did not get the money to pay off the hospital bill. Robyn im sure had help to pay off old debt to get the short term loans they are in now, so far robyn has been a financial liability to this family.They dont have the foundation to establish the kind of money it takes to support the lifestyle they have become accustomed to recently.

    1. Robyn should try the real estate thing herself. She seems like she has a lot of extra energy, she would get along well with other people, and she wants to be in sales. Robyn needs to find something that will support her and her kids and that will also pay off her bills. My Sister Wife's Closet isn't going to do any of that, plus the other wives will want a cut of the money. With real estate, she would have her own identity and money.

  32. I believe Meri and Mariah have a "pact" not to let Janelle rise to the top in opinions. They probably read this blog and see the positive words about Janelle and weight battles. All the kids seem to have electronics and I hope the younger ones are protected from public opinion. The running seems to coinside with meris tweet about jogging vs sprinting she posted, Does anyone think they really run regularly?
    I believe Meri cozies up to Robyn because Janelle and Christine wont have anything to do with her and she has to have at least one sister wife to get along with or her cover is blown as a believing pyg.

    1. Not intending to be mean, but no I don't think there is anyway they run regularly because they do not look like they are really working out at all. It is super sad because Mariah and Meri were the thin ones when the show first began.

    2. I don't like to stick up for Meri, but I think it was great that she ran with her daughter at 4:30 AM because she was worried about her daughter being abducted in Vegas. I would do the same thing. I do think she is running now she looks thinner. I would do the same thing if my daughter wanted to job at 4:30 AM here in CT or in Vegas.

    3. Richsmom, I beg to differ. I think the ONLY reason she and Mariah ran at 4:30 AM was because Janelle goes to the gym at that time...

    4. Exactly Lobotomized ...Meri is trying to compete with janelle on the public opinion level. she knows janelle is getting posiyive feedback on her efforts to better herself while meri continues to blow up in size. there is no love lost between those two.

    5. I agree Lobotomized and would go one step further to muse that the only reason Meri and Mariah were out 'running' at 4.30 is because there were CAMERAS waiting for them to 'run' for the camera.

    6. Totally agree, there is NO way someone with that caboose runs daily at 4:30 am. And yes, this is intended to be mean because after reading the book and watching the show from the beginning I think Meri is a despicable person!

    7. OMG! You guys are totally right! Meri had to upstage Janelle. Janelle gets up at 5:30 to work out which is very admirable, so Meri has to one up her by getting up at 4:30!!! Hahahaa! I can't believe I didn't think about that! And Meri said Mariah's class started at 6:30 in the morning. Are you telling me these two run for 2 hours? hahaha! Mariah definitely looked more comfortable with the running so I was thinking maybe Mariah runs and Meri's drives along next to her in her car (While eating donuts!). But no one is running for 2 hours! What a joke!

    8. Amy, OBVIOUSLY only when they were taping!!

    9. Seminary is full class period. It also is not taught at the public school. So Mariah needs to get up, run, shower and then travel to the teachers house where a group of students spend a full class period on scripture, then travel to the regular high school for regular classes. Stress and overeating can counter any benefit from running, walking, jogging, whatever they are doing.

    10. read mariahs tweets...she watches marathon harry potter eating lucky charms all day...and bitches about going to work

  33. I think the reason none of the women have left Kody is because this is their 15 minutes of fame and if they bail out they'll lose that. The only thing that might work would be if Bravo had a spinoff of "Life After Kody" and followed one of them getting out and making it on her own.
    They've let greed get the best of them and they're going to ride this horse till it's dead!

    1. If Christine or Janelle (or indeed both jump ship) I would actually WATCH this show instead of highlight clips.

  34. I just don't see how polygamy leads to anything other than poverty level living and grifting from the government. Michael Cawley has his family in one home (and cargo containers) and three of them work. Here is LOVER with his concubines and not a legitimate income stream among the five of them. Janelle isn't going to make crap until she gets listings and sells houses. I hope her "fans" are bringing her work.

    It's a downward spiral. The more spirit babies Michael creates, the poorer they will get. The more wives Kody gets, the poorer they get. Unless they bring in a wife with money and who would be that dumb? It would be an option, however. Maybe one of these adoring fans is wealthy and would welcome LOVER one night a week and give him all her money. Otherwise, they will be back in Lehi and lucky to keep that house.

    So much for showing us the positive side of polygamy. There ain't one!

    1. I think we are going to see more of the polygamists from Centennial Park and independents like the Dargers simply because of idiots like Kody Brown. He has done more damage to decriminalization and has set back the program by a lot. Polygamists want their image to be of hard workers who don't want to rely on others like the government, but now you have the image of a Kody Brown who is racing towards financial ruin by getting 4 huge homes he can't afford and not holding a legit job to support his families. And he treats his children like afterthoughts. I bet polygamist Anne Wilde who suggested Kody Brown to Figure 8 producers now wishes she kept her mouth shut!

    2. Let's not run away with the idea that polygamy in another guise is wonderful. From my experience, Kody and Krew are not that bad - there are far worse examples. Polygamy very often does lead to poverty, whether it's the FLDS version, CP version, or AUB's. Every time you add another woman and her children, available resources go down (financially, emotionally, and in terms of time available). Two committed individuals have more potential to have a satisfactory relationship, be effective parents, and provide for the needs of their children - and that's just a fact.

  35. The Browns need to stop whining about money. Obviously they now have enough for 4 McMansions, Disney trips, manicures, etc. so to keep saying they don't know how they are going to put food on the table or pay mortgages is just absurd babbling.

    Enough with the pity party Brown family.... if you don't have money, then stop living large. If you feel persecuted, then get your faces off tv and live a quiet, private life.

  36. For those of you in Vegas, is there any way the adults in the family could get jobs in the casinos or hotels to help pay the bills? They wouldn't have to be dealers or waiters but there are jobs they could do. How stringent are the hiring requirements does anyone know? Valets can make 6 figures if they're good. Room service, maid service and anyone else that works a "tipped" position can make great money if they work well with the customers. For this family to move to such a financially productive area and to appear to be incapable of figuring things out is amazing. If they can meet with financial counselors over credit, why don't they meet with people who can help figure out the online jewelry business?

    1. Room SERVICE? Maid SERVICE? Tips?

      We're talking about the Browns. They don't even treat each other with kindness; how could they succeed in employment that requires them to SERVE others and be kind while they're doing it? Their aura of being more entitled than the rest of the world wouldn't work well in that situation.

      Kody reminds me of those guys you see in the sleazy parts of town in movies, trying to entice potential customers into strip bars. Meri acts like she wants to star in Real Housewives of Las Vegas. Janelle looks like she loves her kids, but wishes she hadn't got involved with this insanity. Christine just wants to be a Stay-At-Home Mom with a nice husband who is kind to her. Robyn just needs to go back into a double-wide and stay out of Victoria's Secret.

      NONE of these folks appear to have invested enough effort in anything that would earn them those large houses and "toys."

    2. This would require they ditch the "modest is hottest" wardrobe. And babydoll tops over long sleeved t-shirts aren't going to bring in the huge tips. And none of the women (not even Robyn) have the figure to pull that off. Hey, I don't either, just sayin. I'm not including Kody in this analysis because Kody has made it pretty clear he isn't interested in one of those boring job things.

    3. There are many web sites devoted to how to make the most of an online jewelry business. How to describe your goods in varied and interesting text, the definition of FINE and CUSTOM jewelry. How to not personally attach your meaning of the piece to what you are trying to sell, so on, and so on. The Browns did no research at all before launching into this jewelry business.
      They have been playing catch up for over a year and a half to respond to customer complaints. They simply do not value money or have two business cents to rub together. Whatever dollar amount they invested into MSWC, they just as easily could have driven down the strip and thrown it out the window.

    4. Boy did Robyn fumble on MSWC! They set up a facebook page, but when the complaints showed up they just ignored them. Eventually, when they finally got around to the complaints they basically put the blame on the consumer by saying how it was a new business and they were still learning and to give them some slack because they have a toddler hanging on their leg. While at the same time, on their twitter account we read about trips to Disneyland, and trips to the salon to get nails done. And they have yet to have new merchandise, that had been promised for months, available for purchase for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day or even Christmas (the back ordered 2012 ornament). And the junk is still way way overpriced with the new budget items too cheap looking for any adult to want to wear.

      And I always thought Custom meant made to order for and sold to only one customer. How does their mass produced junk meet the criteria for custom?

    5. It dosnt and in addition people on their facebook are asking if they can have a custom piece designed by them. That is what they get for using jewelry terminology on their web site that they didnt bother to look up the definition of, i laughed myself silly thinking the browns would take orders for custom pieces.

    6. Xenia I think that just proves that MSWC exists as nothing more than a plotline for the show. The Browns never intended to make a profit with it. IMO.

    7. mysisterwifesaredelusionalAugust 1, 2013 at 9:09 AM

      But Sandy, and the rest of you, don't you realize these people are STARS!!!! How could they take low level jobs in a casino - it just wouldn't fit their image!

    8. Besides, I do not know how high Robyn and Kody can count....dealers never! Kody would have to tell every person that sits at his table that he has four wives!

  37. oh and for some reason Blogger isn't letting me post right under the last thread, I just wanted to add (and I'm sure Yogagirl and others here are aware of this fact) that weight loss is 70-80% diet and 20-30% exercise. Not dissing exercise or its importance at all...just sayin'.

    1. DJ: I believe this ignores the fact that all the endorphins from Exercise help a person overcome the need to eat emotionally. The sense of well being from exercise Really helps stick to a diet. Plus exercising after eating helps even out blood sugar and reduce cravings.

  38. Anon 6:14 - I can only speak for myself and the people I know (class participants and friends and such) personally, but I can (and do) ride hundreds of miles a month on my road bike, I teach 2 fitness classes a week minimum, I work out at the gym...but if I don't make a conscious effort to reduce my calorie intake (currently 1500-1600/day for me) I will NOT lose weight and will even gain weight. Endorphins are all well and good, and they DO help me but not all overeating is emotionally based - a lot of it is "recreational" or "because the food is there" or habit (like getting into the habit of checking what's in the fridge as soon as you walk through the door! that is so me).

    Personally very little of my overeating is emotional, it's mostly habitual or recreational. Bottom line is it comes down to calories in/calories out, and if one consumes more calories than one burns, then there will be no weight loss.

    1. Agreed. I run 60+ miles a week and when I'm training for a marathon I count every calorie. Using the 15 calories per pound rule of thumb, Janelle has to be eating 4000 calories a day. Cutting that 20%, to 3200 calories a day (which is more than twice what I eat), should result in a weight loss of 2 pounds a week. It would be very difficult to get that same 800 calorie a day reduction through exercise alone.

  39. Do you think the Brown adults realize they will never, ever be able to retire? Then again, retire from what...scamming people?

    1. Anon 7:02, retire from what, exactly? Don't you need to have an actual JOB from which to retire?

  40. Watching this show and Breaking Amish and the Hutterites, it strikes me that all these religions are alike in placing women in a subservient position and putting them in a straight jacket as far as now they are supposed to contribute to the world. Men can pursue their god given talents and interests, but women get respect only by serving as wives and mothers. Never mind their interests and talents. Sure seems convenient for the men.

    In fact, if I were a man, I might set things up exactly this way. It would sure be pleasant to have other people support my interests in this way.

    I can't imagine why god would give half the population (women) intelligence and talents and then expect them to forego it all to serve the other half of the population in only one way. What a colossal waste of human potential!

  41. It seems like it all boils down to kody believing that 1 wife is not his equal. He thinks that FOUR wives are his equal. Isn't that what we had at the turn of the century? That African-Americans and women were not allowed to vote because their 1 vote did not equal the vote of 1 Caucasian male? These people are SO freakin backwards! I bet they think the moon landing was a set up by the govt..

    1. I agree Meri's Scowl. Polygamy is so demeaning to the women involved. It's unbelievably painful to know that although you may love your husband and that he is enough for you, that you will never be enough for him - it's emotionally devastating. On top of that, decriminalizing or legalizing polygamy will put women's rights back centuries! You are also right that many in these groups DO believe that the moon landing never took place. These groups have conspiracy theories coming out of their ears!

  42. I have faithfully watched every episode of the Sister Wives. The show started of how all the children have 3 moms that they do it together that they work as a team. In the lasted show Meri said that she enjoys her privacy and her alone time with Kody. Christine said she can't find any mom to watch her kids so that she can work on weekends. Why can't Meri help watch her sister wives kids? Watch "her" kids since all the kids were raised together. She was so concerned about the wet bar so she can entertain. Hmm I used to like this show more with the wives working together. Thank everyone on here though I enjoy reading your comments :)

  43. 1.) Robn came only for Kody to show off the skinny wife he could get.
    2.) When the show ends, welfare will make a comeback for at least 2.
    3.) Business will fail in next 2 years, bankrupt.
    4.) Robin and Christine loathe each other.
    5.) One day, some of the kids will tell all a Kody will know karma is a btich but will only be bittter.

    - Just a Psychic Observer

  44. Getting caught up n sorry if this is a lame question but when they are talking about moving in by Xmas...do they mean Xmas 2013? Or 2012? I'm confused with the timeline.

    1. Christmas 2012. The Browns are now living in the McMansions.

    2. Thanks CJ...you are awesome and thanks for this blog! What would we do without it!

  45. OneWifeTwoWifeRedWifeBlueWifeJuly 31, 2013 at 11:17 PM

    Formally ObSeussed blue fish, I have to agree , the Browns are backwards and messed in the head.
    I can’t believe TLC is even showing this racist bunch. It makes me so angry that everyone is down playing their racism. They believe that African Americans or any non-Caucasian race is not allowed to hold the priesthood. Unless you are Caucasian you are not allowed to believe their religion. I don’t know why the HELL they say they are persecuted for their religion when they think its ok to persecute others. SHUT UP with your sob story. Polygamy is outlawed for a reason.
    It’s a stupid religion. God loves all his children therefore polygamy is not a Christian religion. The brown adults live in Sodom …. Concubines, greediness, slothfulness, hatred for one another…… you know I have already heard this story in the bible, their “kingdom” will end in destruction. The Kody Brown story, yes it is also a rip off. Now you know why Robyn thinks its ok to rip off ideas for MSWC.
    The world owes you nothing Kody Brown, you chose to live this way, you choose to be an outlaw. I feel so bad of what you are teaching your children- I guess what you are not teaching your children. Hey if you didn’t want people “bible thumping” then you shouldn’t have become a “public figure”

    1. Actually don't you think it is a blessing in disguise that they don't allow minorities into their little club? The more people they exclude the better--I wish they would be so exclusive they would become unnoticeable.

      At least an African American who lives in the vicinity of a plyg culture doesn't have to worry that family members might get sucked in. They limit their interest to loony and uneducated white people.

  46. Top five problems with Robyn's closet:
    1. She is not business savvy in the least. She has no idea what she's doing and she's not smart enough to see it.
    2. They need to diversify their income sources to provide better financial security. One person can handle this little internet business. Involving the others is a huge waste of their time. Again, she isn't smart enough to see this.
    3. The jewelry is unoriginal and amateurish. Not to mention ugly and overpriced. None of the women have any style sense. Robyn doesn't have enough taste to realize thus.m
    4. The business is associated with a controversial lifestyle. Even if the product was nice, I would not be comfortable supporting a polygamous company. She seems to think they are presenting a positive image and that people are willing to support their lifestyle. She's very naive at best.
    5. This business is Robyn's dream and no one else's. Robyn is so fixated on being the saviour and bringing the family together, she can't see it.

    1. Anon @12:00AM I believe your 5 points hit the nail on the head. There's no way 5 people need to be involved in this business.

      I don't understand why she thinks this business will save everyone and bring the family together. There's not enough income to save even 1 person and as for bringing them together, that would only work if they were all on board 100%.

      Easy answer - 5 full time jobs and relegate the hobby business of MSWC to a few hours a week.

    2. I get the impression that a good part of Robyn's agenda is giving everyone a mutual interest. It can be very satisfying to accomplish something with other people who share your passion. It can deepen your connections with the people you work with.

      Unfortunately, she has miscalculated. First, the other women aren't crafty/creative so this kind of business won't appeal to them. Second, they aren't friends, they are rivals and
      their interactions are colored by their competition for resources and Kody's attentions. There relationships will always be complicated.

      I will never understand why theywant to entwine polygamy and their business. Would anyone start a business called "Republican Jewelry?". Of course not. You might get some interest from a certain segment of the market, at the expense of grossly alienating a lot more people than you attract.

  47. Hmmm. Great clips and I love the fact that the site can take 200+ comments.
    As a larger person, I am very proud of Janelle. Hitting a goal that seemed unreachable for 10+ yrs is great. That is wonderful for herself and her children. If I had the opportunity, I would get a personal trainer too.

    ? Is thr house in Lehi in Meri or Janelle's name? Unless the family can figure out a course of action financially, I predict that the one who holds the house will make the shots.

    1. It was originally purchased in Janelle's name alone, but Kody and Meri were added later.

  48. Whether it was real or made-up, the car disagreement shows who is in charge. If my daughter had responded to my, "Sorry" by saying, "no you're not," she would be walking to school. Mariah runs that house.

  49. They are Celebrities - will never stoop so low as
    to search for an hourly paying job.
    Real estate could eventually pay some bucks, but with anything is life, it is what you make it,
    Family cooperation is needed to work the odd hours.
    Let's compare the Browns to other reality shows, the Zoloffs, Gosselins etc. Siiliar path.

  50. Great quote from another website I follow. I wish to dedicate this to Kody Brown:

    "Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  51. It was interesting when the realtor said that two of the wives, Robyn and Meri, hadn't even turned in their paperwork for their mortgages?? It sounds as if Robyn needs to get some credit issues resolved and she was whining about how time consuming it was to get that done. Do you really want your loan to go through? Get off your arse and get your stuff done! Your mortgage lenders do not care if you are a 'celebrity'. I work in the industry, it's hard to get approved these days. I agree with the other posts that in the beginning, they wanted to show that they were one big family, but they have grown into four separate families and Christine and Janelle are more like single moms to me. Very sad.

  52. ""Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson "

    Perfect !!

  53. I am so glad to be able to post this as an anon, but I do have a serious question that I have been pondering since season 1. Want to throw this out there.

    So for whatever bizarre reason, Kody has found 4 women to "marry" him. Let's assume that a normal married man has "relations", say, I don't know, 3x/week. This varies of course based on the age of the married couple, health, stages in life, etc. But let's assume 3x/week.

    Kody, OTOH, must be relating every single day, right ? If each wife sees him once every 4 days, his experience must be 7 days/week.

    Are there any longterm health issues - or maybe even benefits - for the husband in a polyg lifestyle ? Is he more prone to say, prostate cancer, but possibly in a better position to fight off a heart attack ?

    These are the things I wonder about while I watch Robin cry and Meri complain and whine.

    Thanks !

  54. I have a theory about Janelle (whom, despite her poor choice in selecting a celestial mate (LOL) is the only adult in the family with any sense of responsibility or reality).

    I think she is slowly, but methodically, planting seeds for her eventual escape. She'll be 50ish by the time her last kid goes off to college. Still plenty of life to live at 50. She's "going along to get along" at this point, but real estate is her ticket to freedom. She was adamant about not needing an extra bedroom (until Kodouche guilted her into it) and seems to live well within their means. She knows The Homes will go bye-bye in three years, so she's doing everything she can to stash away a little nest egg. She smiles and praises Kodouche because she knows she has to keep up the pretense (for the show AND to throw the other shrews off her scent). But I can almost see her jaw clench when she has to play nice with the other wives and Kody (I do, however, think she shares a bond with Christine... After all, Christine played a big role in raising her kids).

    Janelle is a smart cookie. No way in hell does she stick around after the kids are gone. You GO girl!

    1. Building on that idea, Michelle.

      Maybe Janelle knows that if/when she does escape from the cult-de-sac (and hopefully takes Christine with her), they're going to have to move into smaller quarters. It will be an easier adjustment if they and their kids (assuming any might still be at home) don't have to go from a McMansion to a duplex. If they're used to having their own rooms in the big houses, they may not be happy to go back to a more "dorm" sharing arrangement in a smaller house.

      These ladies both claim to love Kody (I refuse to say "their husband"). I don't understand why. If he was Hugh Jackman (in looks, kindness, respect for them and with money), maybe. This jokester - no way.

  55. Robyn still trying to resolve credit issues. And Meri can't complete her paperwork until they know exactly how much the loan will have to be - and she keeps CHANGING things (and you can bet she's not taking anything out).

  56. Whoever just said "slothfullness" above I about died LOL'ing. I love sloths hahaha, that describes the adult family members PERFECTLY. I'm surprised they don't hang from trees at this point and move an inch an hour hahaha. (:

    1. Maybe Meri can add an indoor tree to her always changing design plans. I can not get over how selfish she is! Isn't she the one who convinced Kody to pursue this lifestyle?

    2. No, Meri did not introduce Kody to polygamy. Kody has said many times that it was his MOTHER who converted to fundamentalism, converted his father and the rest of the family. Kody's family was excommunicated from LDS while Kody was on his LDS mission. It was HIS MOTHER who convinced him to convert when he returned home from his mission.

  57. First and LastWifeAugust 1, 2013 at 1:47 PM

    TLC's Sister Wife facebook page just posted a Throwback Thursday picture of Christine when she was young. I understand that Kody and his family didn't embrace polygamy until Kody was college aged. However, in this picture Christine looks eerily like Kody. Like they could be siblings or cousins. IMO of course.
