Monday, July 22, 2013

UPDATE!! Discussion Page for Season Premiere Sister Wives 7/21/13

The Continuing Saga of My Sister Wife's Closet


Just file this one under idle gossip...

Looks like one of the wives is improving her McMansion...possibly a cement pad for the backyard, but hopefully something more fun for the family like a "cement pond"...

Please continue the discussion HERE


  1. A few points:

    1. TLC blatantly took people's quotes about FLDS and edited them to look like the Brown clown's were being vilified. The entire eppy was very cobbled and spliced. Does nothing for the network's credibility.

    2. Meri must be eating a couple dozen wet bar pastries every day. Being an unhappy, immature, narcisstic passive aggresive sista is taking its toll.

    3. Kody seems to be the one most likely to leave the Klan at this point. Eye rolls, wanting to run away, saying he does not enjoy working with his harem, and zero clips of one on one time with anyone.

    Why is this show on the air, again?

    1. Totally agree with all points.

    2. I hope the Sister Wives reads this...or at least someone that can convey this message. Nobody is buying your jewelry because "you" are making the jewelry "all about you." You are not that special, you know, to everyone else outside of your family. That is not meant to be an insult, but if I am buying a $100 plus piece of jewelry for someone (and you can count on it that you cannot support yourself by jewelry bought only by poly's, or why else advertise to the general public), I really don't care what Sally gave Meri and what piece Twinkletoes added with a charm. I hate to bust your bubble, but most people HATE poly's. Design an AFFORDABLE jewelry line for the mass public and you just might have a chance. Keep designing for multiple wives and you will go bust very soon. By the size of the houses being built and by the growing size of the wives, ya'll ain't going hungry yet. Kody must like broad beams, wink, wink.

    3. Couldn't have said it better myself!! Sister Wives is DONE..Put a fork in them!

    4. Agreed! Kody does not look happy at all. Not even with Meri.

    5. Peanut Butter FritosJuly 23, 2013 at 3:56 PM

      Kody is tired of being cap in hand listening to your bible. He expected to go the teevee, sue to be a felon and be praised like the freaking Bachelor. BTW, Jenelle is proud he can talk like that. He's usually napping.

  2. Kody and tribe's finances are something we've discussed a lot in the past. Let's recap their sources of income. TLC is likely to be paying a massive chunk of money to the Brown family LLC. That means they all can be paid individually from the company, and that three of the women will be paying virtually no taxes as single parents. It also means big tax write-offs in terms of meals, travel, clothes, make up, office space in the homes, and even a portion of the heating/cooling. Let’s not forget their fees for personal appearances and interviews, and the royalties that come from other sites running episodes. The joo-le-ry business is either another way of avoiding taxes, if it is operating at a loss, or there is some money trickling in from the massive markup. Janelle and Christine are also earning at least something working for a realtor. There is also any money coming in from their book. LIV may pay more than we think, since they may have a massive down line of adoring fans excited to get some personal attention from the Browns, not to mention their multitude of relatives in polygamy who have been suckered into involvement with these "stars" and the promise of getting rich quick. And let's not forget all the freebies from those getting shout outs for their businesses on twitter etc. I think this bunch is doing just fine, as long as the TLC gravy train keeps running. I really don’t think there is some polygamist benefactor in AUB helping them (not too many rich people there), but if we want to speculate, TLC might possibly have helped them out with the houses. All the drama about paying the mortgages is to drum up sympathy purchases - quite unscrupulous when so many in this country truly are struggling. A "rough year in rental homes?" What a bunch of ingrates! So many would have been thrilled to live in those very nice homes. How many of us have pools in our backyards?

    1. As I stated below, I doubt they're getting royalties. TLC or F8F only pays for the actual filming.
      CPA Carol would know better than I but I think they have to show an actual profit from MSWC for a certain number of years? Otherwise it's considered a hobby.
      The book already had its time. At most, they might get $1 for each copy sold. It hasn't been on the bestseller lists for quite some time now.
      I also think LIV has tapped out. As was pointed out a week or so ago it's been a very long time since Meri or Kody twitted about LIV sales gatherings. As far as fans wanting to be close (eeww) the initial sign up for LIV if memory serves is around $150 then commit to auto shipments on a regular basis. I'm guessing that typical of MLMs the fans signed up initially then cancelled after a few months when they found its not so easy to sign others up especially when the product sucks.

      My theory is simple - they're maxing out their new found credit. They opened up business accounts thru Brown Family Entertainment and are racking up charges that they don't intend on repaying. As CJ said its a very flimsy house of cards. Kids driving with no insurance...liens on homes...

    2. Amused (not so much anymore)July 22, 2013 at 11:11 PM

      "All the drama about paying the mortgages is to drum up sympathy purchases - quite unscrupulous when so many in this country truly are struggling."

      Exactly !!!

      Their entire "Woe Is Us" is all a carefully crafted scam.

      Kody and his harem obviously and energetically subscribe to the old circus concept about suckers are there to be fleeced. However, as a taxpayer who, like the rest of you, has unknowingly and unwillingly been suckered and fleeced by these "takers" in the past (and likely will again when TLC pulls the plug on them), I take offense at them continuing to be paid handsomely while they work their scams and spew their lies.
      They have no shame, no scruples and no dignity.

    3. My husband who does not watch the show agrees completely with you EX AUB...the first thing he said to me was "Honey, they each have a TV show"..."they can buy those houses on the show alone"...."Now keeping them after the show is over, is another thing".

      That is why they are peddling the "joo-lery"' now and hard....they know.... they know when the show is over...SO IS THAT JEWELERY LINE. And it just might be real soon. Christine and Jenelle can feel it...they need to become ACTUAL realtors and not JUST a name for TMI...they need to SELL a house.

      They are desperate and when you're desperate....all shame, scruples and dignity go out the window.

    4. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 23, 2013 at 2:11 PM

      TLC owns the Sister Wives "property." It is in their best interest to market the heck out of it and they are doing so by rerun marathons, pay per view, Netflix, etc., etc. In its own way, TLC is bleeding the beast. In the process, the beast is making money via royalties, and if they negotiated right, in perpetuity. There must be some AUB involvement somewhere -- perhaps the lawyers who negotiate the deals? Who else would they have turned to in Lehi, Utah when they were nobodies? Who's to say there won't be a spin-off when one of the wives hits the road so number 5 can move into her house?

    5. AUB wasn't involved with Kody and krew being approached by TLC. The producer went to Safety Net - a state funded organization that works "building bridges" with polygamists. As a result, I believe that Ann Wilde- a crusading polygamist, put TLC in touch with Kody. Remember that there is footage of Christine at a Safety Net function saying "bring it on" meaning bring on a law suit and we will fight it. They had a clear agenda, which is to "normalize" polygamy for the public. And you're right, TLC only cares about making as much money as possible out of it. I thought that it was illegal to profit from breaking the law?

    6. Kody said himself when he got the computer for his birthday he wanted a fun gift..the computer meant he had to work. He didnt go for the real estate like christine and janelle because he saw the book that came in the mail so he blew it off. Janelle said book learning was not his strengh. But its ok by them that working people buy their iconic crap out of sympathy for them needing these homes. So the whole show is about whining for dollars and wombs
      These people forget what their own words are

  3. Just wanted to quickly address a comment I saw on the previous thread which theorized that the Browns get paid royalties each time an episode airs or is repeated.

    This is a reality (unscripted) TV show, and none of the Browns are members of the Screen Actors Guild - in other words they more than likely do not garner royalties of any kind. They get paid for filming the show - that's all. TLC owns it and can do whatever they want with it.

    1. Thanks for that insight, Dakota

    2. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 23, 2013 at 2:19 PM

      Perhaps "royalties" is the wrong term. Perhaps it is more properly called "rights." Any lawyer worth his/her salt would negotiate rights for the other usages of the program beyond the first run airing. Think of whoever owns Marilyn Monroe's rights these days? MM is marketed everywhere. Geez, TLC could even license Sister Wives dolls and playhouses and the Browns would get some kind of royalties. The possibilities are endless. A smart lawyer is not leaving money on the table that the Browns can lay claim to.

    3. Who would buy dolls in the image of the Browns?
      The Browns own their own likeness - Discovery/TLC owns the "sister wives" name to use on the show.

      You're thinking two different things. Media/Broadcasting rights vs rights to ones image.

      TLC had nothing to do with the Brown's book (or for that matter, the Gosselins books or the new Honey Boo Boo book). If the Browns want to market their public image, *they* are the ones that have to find the "smart lawyer" along with companies who are willing to invest time and money hoping for a big payoff.

      And really...what star quality do any of the Browns have? They aren't particularly good looking or photogenic, they haven't shown any talents other than baby making and grifting.

      The Browns *lucked out* because they were in the right place at the right time when Puddle Monkey Productions (NOT TLC) was looking for a plyg family for a reality TV project. That's all.

      Compared to Mama June - she actively sought out the limelight, and has shown that she and her family will do anything, be as gross and disgusting as possible, to be a reality *star*. And she's learned from her predecessor's mistakes - for example loudly announcing that she started trust funds for the girls, when the Gosselins (and more likely the Browns) did little to secure their children's future.

      TLC is strictly in it for the fast buck. When the show is no longer profitable or they have a new, more popular concept, then the Browns will be shunted aside and the old shows will be rerun on the lesser known Discovery channels - the Browns will not see a penny in residuals.

    4. Oh and image rights are set state by state. Marilyn Monroe's estate lost the right to collect royalties on her image last year after the California Appeals Court ruled she was not a resident of California at the time of her death.

    5. Haven't been on for awhile. I got caught up in the Jodi Arias trial but it is pretty slow now. I haven't watched the new episode of Sister Wives but I have been lurking and reading here to see what to watch for. I didn't get the new Polygamy show so just read all your comments on it. I like reading all the comments, I am the type of person that reads the end of the book after the beginning and I read the middle last.

      DJ, it's funny you mentioned Sister Wives dolls. This summer my grandkids were playing with the magnetic dolls you put clothes on. Well there is one boy doll and four girl dolls. The first thought that went through my head was oh, just like Sister Wives. Been reading too much here I guess. So keep up the comments and I will know what to watch for when I have time to watch it.

  4. Robyn looks terrible! She looks pale and sick. Has panda eyes. Even her hair looks unhealthy. Her facial features have aged years. Wonder what is going on with her!

    1. Lobotomized she wrote a blog post on TLC about her health recently saying that (I can't remember which), either the taste or smell of food makes her ill and that it's tough for her to eat. She also said that she is anemic a lot due to not eating properly. She could just be going through a tough time with that right now, I'm not sure.

    2. She could be pregnant???

    3. How far behind times is this filmed. If she were pregnant I'm guessing she'd be due about now and we'd hear about that. :)

      BTW, Congrats to Catherine, William and all our SW blog members rejoicing in the birth of the Royal baby boy.

    4. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 23, 2013 at 2:20 PM

      Robyn has the opposite eating disorder of the other 3 wives.

  5. Kody looks like he hates all the wives in this ep. ESP Christine- it looks like he's going to explode everytime she begins talking (in the couch interviews).

    1. I completely agree, in the episode and in the huff post interview he was really negative towards her. Also how about her problem with the house was fixed by doing nothing and Robyn's has to be fixed!! All because a window was vertical! Christine's entire room was off!! Its brutal to watch the animosity between Kody and Christine.

    2. I was looking at the TMI realty website and Janelle is listed as a "Sales Professional" while Christine is listed as a "Sales Person". Does anyone have an idea why? Could it be that Janelle has actually sold a house? Just found it curious.

    3. I was looking at the TMI realty website and Janelle is listed as a "Sales Professional" while Christine is listed as a "Sales Person". Does anyone have an idea why?

      Here's a brief explanation for the different real estate job titles:

      Real Estate Job Title definitions

    4. I almost took a job with our local realtors' association. A Realtor is a real estate agent (sales professional) who has joined the professional association. In addition to meeting the state licensing requirements, they also have to uphold the standards of the association. The way I see it, you're paying for a slightly fancier job title, while most individuals who are home-shopping don't know the difference.
      Absolutely no offense is intended towards any Realtors out there. I am summing this up from the information I gleaned in the interviews. I know that a lot of the bigger name real estate agencies here are requiring that their agents become realtors so they see value in it.
      Basically it sounds like Christine still hasn't passed the licensing exam based on her title, no?

  6. As much as I hate Robyn's whining and crying about MSWC, in the beginning it did seem like all of the wives were excited about the business (remember the gushing over the prototype jewelry? The glamour shots session?). It is far more realistic for Janelle and Christine to be involved in another business venture to diversify the income sources, but I can see a little where Robyn feels like everyone is jumping ship. She needs to let go of the idea of everyone being involved and just be glad she has Meri's help.

    That being said, I loved Christine in this episode. She is definitely over it.

    1. She seems very upset and resentful towards Robyn.

    2. I believe Janelle and Christine were on board in the beginning, but after seeing the business NOT take off they jumped ship. Or most likely are looking at something (reality) that will bring in the money. You know a real job! Can't blame them for that.

    3. I agree. Not a Robyn fan, she actually grew on me in this episode. For someone who been nicked Sobbin Robyn she held her own pretty well against the other three. She is right, beginning buisnesses don't bring in the money. What did Kody, Janelle and Christine expect? For the money to be rolling in immidiatly? When has that happened with a buisness ever? Even when the idea is good? For Kody to say it wasn't fun, was just rude. He is so lazy!!!What job is fun all the time? I'm a lawyer, and I love my job, but not every single task, every single day... Honestly, was a unsupportive slob.

      And when Janelle was so proud over the cool guy comment.. *barf* She is not as smart as she likes to portray herself. I think she is happy to go along, objecting to bad behavior but never stopping it, I see her very manipulative. The way she has all the viewers turned on Meri. Not that Meri is perfect, not even close, but in example if Janelle was really worried that Meri getting a bigger house would make her kids go hungry, what kind of mother is she when she stills allows it????

      Speaking of Meri, kudos for getting rid of the orange tone - credit where it is due. I though she was quite beautiful in this episode.

    4. On a positive note....Not putting all your eggs in one basket is a good thing!

      I wish Kody would give a little affirmation to Jenelle and Christine on their quest to proceed with the Real Estate stuff....or at least make sure it gets in the script...for heavens sake!

    5. 24, 2013 at 12:07 AM

      I believe the wives wanted the jewelry business to do well, without ANY effort on their part. They are the MLM kind of people. They want windfalls and easy money.

      My husband has done ebay since it was just four pages long. And he said that even if they had 1,000 items for sale at once there is no reason one person couldnt handle it all, respond to all inquires and keep growing the business. He did this while working full time and with 100% positive feedback.

      I believe that once the women (not including Robyn here) realized it took actual work (who knew?) they jumped ship and actually seemed to ENJOY watching Robyn get upset over it. I can see it in their faces. They are thinking, haha your stooopid business failed and its all your fault. They hate Robyn and boy does it ever show.

      Meri and Robyn get along because Meri is lonely and miserable and nobody else wants anything to do with her. Robyn is just too nice to see Meri for who she is.

      Janelle is dumb. I am tired of people saying she is smart. What kind of mother would sit back and do NOTHING for over a year until a business FAILS then decides...hmm maybe I should work now. Well, duh. With six kids, I would have been doing real estate full time since moving to NV. I wouldnt have relied on TLC and I certainly wouldnt have assumed the new business would take off. She is lazy and irresponsible.


    6. Janelle was just taking a well earned vacation after working her behind off to provide a house and food for Kody, Meri, and Christine, their children and that rental house of Robyn's when they all lived in Lehi.

      Janelle may not be a rocket scientist, but when it comes down to working long hours to provide for her families, no one, including some monogamists can ever come close to the work ethic that woman has.

      JMHO, too.

    7. I don't see how Janelle could have manipulated the audience into disliking Meri. There is too much of a time lag between filming and when the show actually airs for the family to gauge the viewers' reactions, and then adjust their behavior accordingly such that the viewers would react differently to different family members. It seems as though Janelle DID in fact protest Meri getting a larger house, and she protested it twice, both when they got the rental homes and then when they were shopping for the new homes. The protestations clearly got no one anywhere except more misery.

      It seems that referring to Meri as "beautiful" is quite a stretch. She has lost the orange color. Her physical appearance is so darkened by her ugly personality.

  7. I originally posted this in the wrong thread, so I am re-posting it here:

    I am fed up hearing the Browns whine about money. It is all FAKE! This show was taped more than six months ago. In the last six months, the Browns have paid the mortgages and utilities on four extravagant 4,000 square foot homes, sent their children to Disneyland countless times, and sent Mariah to Europe. They are NOT hurting for money.

    I am beginning to think that they complain about money deliberately to CON their audience. They want their audience to feel sorry for them and buy that ugly jewelry. I used to like Janelle, but now I am starting to see her as a typical Brown grifter. How will she put bread on the table, she moans, if MSWC doesn't sell more?

    I find it offensive that they live so far above the means of the typical American family and still complain and expect sympathy.

    1. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 23, 2013 at 2:28 PM

      TLC has the wherewithal to direct MSWC to professional joolry internet marketing pros -- NY or LA experienced pros. Heck, the wives could even do that themselves with the TLC money. Reviving this dead horse can be done and is a logical cash cow worth saving. Why do they let it languish? They are in the perfect position to call in the experts, spruce it up, and simply be the faces of a fabulous joolry line. BTW, I agree with every criticism that has been stated about the merchandise.

    2. TLC doesn't care. In fact, the jewelry line failing makes for better TV, I'm sure.
      All TLC cares about is ratings, they aren't going to do anything else to help.

      Also the Browns did find that Gina woman which is why we are now seeing that craptastic Budget Boutique.

    3. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 23, 2013 at 8:40 PM

      Gina is the wrong consultant to pave their dollar-laden way to heaven. Another amateur.

  8. I can agree with what you wrote Dakota because hubby and I were recently involved in filming 1 episode of a reality show. NOT NOT a show like this, a show that takes a struggling entity of a certain kind and tries to make it better. BUT we had to sign a multitude of forms one of which was to swear that we were not, in fact, Screen Actors Guild members and as such we understood this episode would pay us NO, NONE, ZILCH as far as residuals/royalties went.

    The contract and non-disclosure forms we had to sign were so extensive that I asked for copies to take home. I was afraid of what was in there that I might have missed!

    I am sure as this is a reality show that the Browns also had to sign stating they would not join, nor were they existing members, of the Screen Actors Guild.

    1. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 23, 2013 at 2:29 PM

      I think year 2 the Browns would wise up and negotiate. At that point, TLC needed them not vice versa.

    2. TLC has plenty of shows both on the air and in development.

      It's a standing rule in the industry. Reality TV is not covered by SAG, and therefore residuals/royalties are not an option. TLC/Discovery has been playing the reality show game for many years now and they know the arc well. This is also the reason you see so many reality TV show personalities spin off into other businesses - to cash in while they're hot. The Real Housewives, the Kardashians, the Boo Boos, etc. the difference between them and the Browns is that they did/are doing a much better job at it and picked better products (Skinnygirl cocktails and the Kardashian clothing line for Bebe come to mind).

      The Browns suck at marketing themselves. The jewelry line and shilling a third rate MLM is the best they can do. They haven't shown an iota of business savvy or acumen...I doubt very much if they were able to get TLC to do the unprecedented and pay residuals. TLC is also a very cheap network and if the Browns had ever insisted on royalties the network would have said - nice working with ya - bye!

  9. As far as Janelle and Christine working in the TMI Realty office, I think they could be receptionists or maybe they're out taking photos of the properties they list, helping to manage their MLS listings or other things like that.

    If either of them ever became actual Real Estate Agents I'm sure there would be tweets and Facebook postings galore saying things like "We're Las Vegas' newest real estate agents so any of our fans in the area, please come to us for all your realty needs."

    I think we'd see that so often we'd be sick of it! So I'm sure we'll all know when the cross the line from being flunkies in the office to actual agents.

    1. "Flunkies in the office?" Real estate is not all about showing homes or being in "charismatic" mode. There is a lot of grunt work behind the scenes.

      Granted, the assumption is that Janelle and Christine are doing the *full* work of a real estate agent...

      My father is a real estate broker and owns his own company, but he also had a second, full-time job. I remember times during my childhood when my father would take time off of work and paint a house he had listed just so it would sell.

      I would love to see an episode where Janelle and Christine gave their involvement in real estate that level of commitment.

      Heck, I would love to see ANY of the adults demonstrate that level of commitment-- Not just for their jobs, but for their so-called "family."

  10. Robyn still has the credit repair business on her twitter. With all the counceling she got from them and the attorney im suprised she still got a lien

  11. SRSLY, Meri ? Still not sure you really want a baby? So all these years of bemoaning the almost-childless-state was something that became comfortable to you. Now that you have a real opportunity to give up that sympathetic role and be what you always said you wanted to be, you are obsfucating. Got a big ol' house just like, say, Christine, because you shouldn't be penalized for not having kids. Shoulda been "to each according to their needs and from each according to their abilities." That way, you - who will be the empty nester - should have created a little two-bedroom home with an in-law suite for resale value. I think that you are way too comfortable with your position as it garners all sorts of sympathy.

    1. You can't build a two bedroom house next door to a McMansion. You might not be allowed to build an in law suite in that neighborhood. Since they wanted to all live next to each other, Meri had to get something similar in size to the concubines.

    2. "similar in size"...meh, should say "significantly bigger." It hink Robyn and her kids will soon be moving in to Meri and Kody's house. Christine and Janelle will also consolidate as soon as they can, not out of desperation, but to be practical. Those two will be the first to downsize to a condo or apartment. Really, in 10 years Savanna will be graduating high school and Janelle will be free. She will be what, 53 years old? Great time for a new lease on life. Truely will be 12-13 and involved with school activities. Christine and Janelle can support each other in the real estate jobs. I think it was major heresy for Christine and Janelle to thumb their noses at Robyn's request for help with the Closet. Hopefully that is first step in growing back bone for them both.

  12. While I agree with the above that they whine a lot about money, I think it has to be a huge stress for Christine and Janelle. I think I remember them saying each wife gets the same amount of money each month. So that means Meri has extra money to sock away for a Europe trip. But Jenelle has six kids, so does Christine right? Their $ isn't going to go as far hence they are the only two working. Sobbin must get child support from her ex. After watching all those old episodes yesterday, its clear they have all changed, and not always for the better! Meri was likable and isn't now. Kody I think seems incredibly unhappy. Maybe he wanted a 5th house just for him. Ha!

    1. The good thing is both Christine and Janelle are thinking beyond the show with both of them working and I hope those two can keep up on the payments of there own homes after the show dries up (which should be soon if you have to build up 6 months of footage just to have another season). I want to see the episode when the show gets cancelled and Robin and Meri lose there homes and Christine and Janelle say no to them when they ask to move in!!! LOL

    2. I agree - Kody seems unhappy. He is living in Las Vegas, his Plymouth Rock, in 4 mansions with 4 wives and oodles of kids....and he is unhappy.

    3. I do recall that originally, both Mariah and Aspyn were excitedly tweeting about their upcoming Europe trip, but when it came down to it, only Mariah got to go. Aspyn kept her resentment to a bare minimum on twitter, but I can hardly imagine how terrible she must have felt.
      The Browns' 'equitable' division of resources is a cruel joke on the children, who are treated as objects, rather than people. For this reason, I would actually classify Meri - and to a certain degree spoilt and superior-acting Mariah - as not only selfish but as malevolently dehumanising other members of their family.

    4. What?! Aspyn never got to go on that trip? That is a crock of B.S. if she didn't get to go and Mariah did. Aren't they all one big family? Christine and Janelle aren't looking out for their kids if they all get the same amount monthly for food, etc. and that makes me think less of them as moms.

    5. Check the tweets. Mariah posted Europe photos, Aspyn was in someone's garden in St. George. Big happy family my arse!

    6. Yeah Mariah went on a Europe trip with a Mormon group. Aspyn visited relatives in Utah.

    7. We don't know the circumstances. Aspyn is a teen. Maybe she got in trouble and wasn't allowed to go, or saved her money for her education, or a car?

    8. I haven't seen the tweets, but a trip to Europe doesn't necessarily have to be super pricey. If she went with a group, then it probably wasn't very much. A young friend of mine is planning a trip to Ireland - he doesn't have much money, but is planning on staying at hostels and relying on hiking and public transport to get around. The biggest cost is the airfare.

    9. If it was a Mormon youth group Mariah went to Europe with, I can understand why Christine maybe did not allow Aspyn to go. Being she would be surrounded by Mormon sharks.

      Funny though that Kody would allow Mariah to hang around Mormons, when last year he practically forbid Logan to go to Mormon church services like Janelle wanted.

  13. Kody's whole persecution speech made me want to vomit!!! I interpreted that over the top spectacle as "buy our crappy jewelry and if you don't it means you are oppressing my family!" GET OVER YOURSELF!!! I doubt the majority of people on this site give 2 shits about their lifestyle, it is the constant poor us attitude that bothers me. Get jobs, real ones, and get over it.

  14. If their joolery crap isn't selling on its own, why would admitting nobody wants to buy it make it seem more desirable?

  15. Near the end of yesterday's episode they were all sitting on The crying couch and Krody spewed out a big speech validating their lifestyle. As soon as he got done speaking Janelle responded with glowing praise, talking about how smart her husband was (gag). Did anybody else notice the pan to Meri and the eye roll? It really said so much about what a petty, immature woman she is.

    1. She seemed to be embarrassed about Janelles outburst of praise and was checking the producers reaction

    2. I have seen many crying couch eppys where Meri is carrying on, about to die, crying a river, making sure everyone is all about her. When she thinks the camera is off her her smiles a wicked grin, happy with herself for controlling everyone and everything, playing self-sacrificing victim. Her behavior hints of borderline personality disorder.

    3. This is interesting, because if she was borderline, Janelle's reactions to her now are exactly how she should act- checked out emotionally to Meri. If you are stuck living with someone who is borderline and they won't seek help, that is all you can do to stay sane and out of the roller coaster. Makes me think more about Janelle's attitude now and maybe how it was in the beginning.

    4. It's very interesting if you don't watch the person talking, but the other people in the room or the person that is being spoken to.

      Janelle is particularly good at reacting then swallowing a reply.

    5. Whenever Janelle speaks, Meri is either eye rolling or looks like she is severely constipated.

  16. On the joolery topic. Why in the world would they only cater to a very small (and poor) segment of the population. They might want to say it is good joolery for best friends, or sisters in general, but really, it's tailor made for the Browns and their lifestyle. They really should have considered this when they made it. Perhaps they should schedule a trunk show at Centennial Park. (Something tells me the Browns wouldn't be too welcome there)

    1. I agree- and the tactic of saying it's also for "best friends" who "call themselves sister wives" is ridiculous. Most women do not buy necklaces that symbolize "best friendship" after grade 7....and if they do can get some at Claire's for 12 bucks. I can't think of anyone who would pay 100+ dollars for a necklace that "symbolizes friendship with my 'sister wife '". Also, many times women get jewelry as gifts from husbands and mine would never even think for a second "hmm, this valentines day, instead of Zales, I think I'll go to that polygamist family on tv." What are they thinking?

  17. Since all of these Plygs have so many children, who pays for their healthcare? The Browns have about 16 children? So are the taxpayers paying for them and all the other plygs? Are there any rules regarding this?

    1. I've been asking that same question. In Oct, they'll be able to purchase it on an Obamacare exchange. Soon, they will also be fined if they choose not to purchase it.

    2. Before some where on food stamps (as single mothers) so I am sure the kids had medicaid. Right now I don't think they have medicaid and I don't think they have private insurance, either. They just don't pay hospital bills. Robyn has a lien on her house for a hospital bill.

    3. They will be fined if they choose not to purchase it? What does that mean? International members are curious. :-)

    4. Under Obamacare, if you don’t have health insurance coverage, you’ll pay a penalty (fine). The individual penalty under Obamacare is $95 or one percent of your income, whichever is greater.

    5. Kim, Obamacare mandates that everyone mudt buy insurance coverage or must pay a tax for not doing so. (There are exemptions, for instance, for people who don't make enough income to pay income tax.)

  18. I'm sure Meri wanted more kids in her 20s and 30s. Now that she's in her 40s, she probably realizes that ship has sailed and has come to privately accept the situation to some extent. But in their culture it is not acceptable to admit you no longer want kids. And then too, if Kody thinks sex is just for procreation, he won't sleep with her anymore. (He doesn't seem to be sleeping with Janelle or Christine).

    It makes me furious when Kody pushes her about it. What a jackass! In vitro is an emotional roller coaster and comes with no guarantees. He already has way more
    kids than he can take care of.

    Ironically, if she and Kody were monogamous, she would have been more likely to get pregnant since she would have gotten all of Kody's attention rather than only 1/3 of him.

    1. No wonder Meri is dragging this out if the sex stops once she admits she doesn't want to share her mansion with future babies.

    2. Yeah, Dawna, but that's sex with Kody....pass

    3. That doesn't appeal to me either, but she married him, so presumably he seems OK to her.

      Plus it's not just the sex. He won't be spending as much time with her, there won't be the emotional closeness and let's face it, having a good sexual relationship brings a couple closer. Without the sex component, you see something like the Kody/Christine dynamic.

      Now this probably matters very little to Kody. He gets all the action and closeness he wants and can even go find another wife if the current wives aren't satisfactory to him. And it's all socially approved in their culture. The women in the other hand have no other options for sex or emotional closeness. They have no approved alternatives. They have to hang on and try to keep pleasing Kody.

      In this context, it is entirely understandable that Meri would not want to admit she's done with kids.

    4. I think part of the reason Meri is dragging this whole drama out, as well as the reason Rob-chin is "pushing" Meri to have a baby, is because it will delay the possibility of a fifth wife. Once Meri admits that she doesn't want more children- and she obviously does not- the Kodster is going to look for more pastures to "spread his seed". If Robyn can't talk Meri into having more kids then not only is she going to be the brood mare for this sad bunch, Kody may start looking for another wife to give birth to more of his spirit babies.

    5. At least Kody, to our knowledge, does not speak of his righteous royal seed.

    6. I agree that in vitro is a huge deal. A couple of years ago my husband and I looked into it. There are giant changes that have to take place. My doctor woud not even consider it if your bmi was too high or after a certain age the recommendation was using surrogate eggs. Also, daily injections of hormones (based on your levels) along with no guarantees and a large pay up front bill. I can't blame Meri to not be jumping up and down. The longer she drags this out the less children Robin can supply for her "lover."

  19. I have a question for our "legal eagles" about the meaning of decriminalization of polygamy. The Utah constitution forbids polygamy both as legal unions and as living arrangements. And while someone pointed out not long ago on the blog, the polygamists' communities have had de facto decriminalization for the last 50 years. How can the Utah legislature decriminalize part of their state constitution without the Utah Supreme Court striking the new legislation down as being unconstitutional?

    The recent polygamy shows have gone out of their way to stress that polygamy is part of their freedom of religion rights. Yet I believe that freedom of religion only extends until it conflicts with other laws as do states' rights to pass laws in conflict with federal laws. Surely, these groups have sought extensive and expensive legal advice for their push to decriminalize polygamy. What bit of legal sophistry are they planning to use?

    And finally, how would decriminalization of the polygamy laws change the legal standing of the plural wives and their children? Suddenly, there would be an implicit recognition of the plural families existence legally. At this point Kody is free to disperse his estate as he wishes via a will. But it would seem to me that legal precedence for a plural wife's existence might allow her to make a claim on a husband's estate right away.

    Wonder how Meri's father, who was such a paragon, provided for his other families?? Bet Janelle, Christine and Robyn weren't savvy enough for a pre-nup! Of course, with the Kody Brown family the only thing left to divvy up might be the debts!! LOL

    1. No pre-nup for Jenelle, Christine and Robyn....because, they are not married.

      They are only joined in "matrimony" in their heads....legally NOTHING!

      The only one that gets any "legal" anything from Kody is Meri and 15 children (if Kody's name is on their BC...I hope they were smart enough to do that)

      Although would be interesting to know if Kody's name is on all of the BC or if he was able to talk Jenelle and Christine not to put his name BUT let Robyn put his on King Sol's BC.

    2. LOL I shouldn't have said pre-nup but pre-sealing contract instead. A smart plural wife would have a pre-sealing contract guaranteeing father's name being on birth certificates of all children born to the union, equal provisions for her children in his will, equal distribution of assets between legitimate and bonus children on a monthly/yearly basis, etc. etc. We all frequently sign enforceable civil contracts like mortgages, bank loans, agreements to pay the dentist . A smart plural wife would recognize that she is entering into an agreement with requirements from both parties. Spelling out the requirements surely wouldn't offend God!

    3. With DNA, is it REALLY all that important to have the dad's name on the birth certificate? If they did split up and the non-wives wanted to get child support (i.e. blood from the Kody turnip) does anyone here REALLY think that (even without the evidence of the show itself) that Kody could say I'm not their real dad because I'm not on the BC? You know what the court will do - demand a DNA test.

      We don't even KNOW if Kody didn't put his name on the kids' BCs. that's all been theory/conjecture because apparently it's the custom amongst plygs to do so. A birth certificate to prove parentage is outdated.

    4. If the father's name is on the bc, it's a lot harder to commit welfare fraud!

    5. these days, that's just a minor hurdle to get over.

    6. A pre-sealing contract doesn't really have much to do with paternity of the children. The polygamists proclaim much about "one big happy family" and yet have one legal wife who can claim more assets than the others because of her legal claim on the marriage. Perhaps the contract should be one signed by all the participants so we don't see a Mariah going to Europe and a private college while Aspen and Logan take "relative" vacations and attend state supported universities. If these folks embrace plural marriage then everyone involved in the menage needs to sign on to any and all additions to the "family" in some legally binding way. Kody doesn't have a responsibility to just four women but a greater responsibility to 17 other folks--his children. Each individual in the "big tribe" requires having their needs addressed. With the practices as they seem to be done in these fundamentalists groups, there is a great disparity and a need to "keep sweet" by most of the participants. God just ain't accessible in the same way the US court system is.

  20. While watching the episode last night I kept tell my husband (note - he's only watched a couple of times with me) I thought this show was called Sister Wives not Kody and his Wives!!!! They really need to focus on the wives and the kids and then just maybe they could milk this for a couple more seasons. TLC no more head shots of the Kody - surfer wanna be!!!

    1. Very tired so just making a short comment tonight.

      TLC showed a number of pics of Kody during his courtship and early yrs with Janelle and Christine. He had short well-groomed hair in each and actually looked pretty decent.

      Kody, if you are reading this, you NEED to CUT YOUR HAIR. You currently look like a mangy dog. You would be somewhat handsome if you get a cut that fits your present situation as a 45ish husband and father.

    2. And speaking of hair..

      Why does Meri's hair always look like it has been hacked with hedge clippers?
      Does she ever look in the mirror?
      Is she actually paying someone to do that?

    3. And might be able to get a real grown-up job, too.

    4. Agreed, Anon 2:32, and may I add...dressing like you're a 20-year-old surfer boy who just rolled out of bed at noon and threw on the first wrinkled, damp shirt and jeans you found under your bed...not so cute in your 40's. Do you own an iron and a belt? If so, please use them, or have one of your sons show you how.

    5. Kody has said (on the show) that "the wives" like his hair long. Hard to believe as they all can see- at least well enough to drive.

  21. What a depressing episode. Even aside from the business, Meri's ongoing "struggle' (which I'm sure she'll drag out as long as possible to make sure that Robyn/Kody don't get pregnant soon), the houses etc.- it's so blatantly obvious that the wives really don't like each other at all. I'm getting a bit tired of the "we're so happy with our lifestyle choice, and we love each other" schtick- they seem to think that by constantly telling us how happy they are we'll believe it. I realize that happiness is less ratings-inducing than drama is, but it would be nice to see at least one or two signs that the wives would actually choose to be in a room with each other if they weren't forced to be. They go on and on about what a great lifestyle choice it is for their kids, but somehow I think growing up with that amount of drama/bitterness/catfighting isn't going to work out well for them. And at this point I'd rather see more with the kids and how they deal with their incredibly dysfunctional family, and less on the incredibly unhappy, very bitchy women who interact with each other on a 7th grade level.

    I used to watch it for the train-wreck factor, but now I just find it depressing.

    1. I cannot believe I didn't realize this before! Meri is dragging out the Rent-A-Womb offer because that's her way of ensuring that her Lovahh and Sobbin' don't go rockin' the sheets...must keep Sobbin's womb empty JUST IN CASE Meri decides she wants to take up that space with Kody and Meri's baby. Now that is the cherry on top of the passive-agressive cake!!

      So let me see if I have this all straight...Kody and Janelle probably aren't getting busy, because they just look at each other and see a good hiking buddy. Christine sickens Kody (nacho-gate, anyone?) so nothing to see there. Sobbin' made a deal with the devil - I mean Meri - to keep her womb open to rent, so no fooling around with Kody...that means the only one getting any action with Kody is Meri...which was the plan ALL ALONG.

      *APPLAUSE* Brilliant plan, Meri! Brilliant!!

  22. What part of TOO EXPENSIVE doesn't Robyn understand?! Also, people in Utah are known to be thrifty, what were they thinking?

  23. I have nothing against consenting, ethical, non-monogamy. But if you are going to have 4 wives and 17 kids than you need to be able to afford their needs. I can't believe that Meri having another child is even a question still. And I'm sure Robyn will want more with Kody since they just have Sol. They can't even afford the homes/kids they have now. I really do not think that they are financially well off. TLC is not paying them much, especially with how many people are in their family. And no royalties. Their books' day in the spotlight is over. My problem with their religion is that it promotes procreation without consequences. I mean in Polygamy USA, Cawley is resorting to putting his kids in shipping boxes for bedrooms. That is not acceptable. I lost what little respect I had left for the Brown adults when they choose to build mansions instead of moving somewhere where they could buy land and build 4 reasonably sized homes or one home with 4 wings.

    I am not for decriminalizing polygamy. I feel like if you want to live this lifestyle, move to a state that doesn't have laws concerning adultery, cohabitation, fornication or common-law marriage. Write up your own legal documents for things that you have legal control over. Don't abuse the system and just mind your own damn business and hope that other people mind theirs too.

    The only possible benefit of decriminalizing polygamy would be working out a system where these "single mom" wives wouldnt be able to milk the welfare system. But honestly, that would just hurt the kids that they would probably keep having anyways. And it would take years to even start a system like that and overall wouldn't be that effective.

    I don't know how Christine and Janelle have not left for good yet. If my husband tried telling me that his wife with one kid was getting the same monthly budget as me with 6 kids, um hell no, I wouldn't be putting up with that.

    1. I'm not sure that decriminalizing polygamy would have much impact on the welfare system. Large families with small paychecks get more welfare assistance (food stamps, etc.) than small families with small paychecks, don't they? We have a warped system that seems to reward irresponsibility on the part of those who would seek to abuse that system.

    2. 24, 2013 at 12:42 AM

      This is how I understand welfare to work. The legal wife and husband have to combine their income on any welfare benefit applications. So they wont qualify for welfare because they have income. Sometimes youll find the first wife working because she doesnt qualify for welfare. Other times the first wife doesnt work because it will put the couple in a higher tax bracket. These families are very much motivated by creating opportunities for easy money and bennies. Many of their decisions are based around getting the most for the least amount of effort. You could tell by how they handle their "business" that they are accustomed to expecting something for nothing. Child care and home based businesses are common with these types as well. Scams and getting a business tax ID number so they can write off personal expenses as business ones.

      All of the other mothers will apply for welfare. They will qualify because the fathers income does NOT count. They may be living with the father but they will lie about that.

      The other mothers can collect WIC, welfare and food stamps without the welfare department ever going after the father for child support. They only presue child support in cases of cash aid.

  24. I wonder if it has occurred to any of the adult members of Kodyworld that for people to want to buy their over-priced and under-quality tinny-bling, people would need to actually *like and respect* them.

    Have any of them considered the possibility that they may have now possibly maxed out those deluded fans who were or would be willing to support their charity, now leaving their garage for the most part stuffed with inventory that will be growing cobwebs.

  25. Checked out the TMI real estate site. It's rather unprofessional. Only a couple of agents other than Janelle and Christine, have bothered to post pictures of themselves. And if Janelle or Christine have any listings, they would have posted them. They do not. I think they were brought on by Mona in order to appear to have jobs, when qualifying for the homes. As others have stated, they are living in 4 houses of cards. Gonna come tumbling down, and soon.

    Kody does look completely worn out and annoyed in their interviews. I wonder if the couch sessions were done in "real time" as they filmed the show, or months later when TLC finally put the show on.

  26. I have a few things I noticed about the new episode:

    1)I don't know if it because of the lag in filming time or the fact that they showed so many clips from other seasons but I couldn't really see this huge weight loss with any of the ladies.

    2)Some of the things coming out of Christine's mouth really surprised me. At the business meeting she said something like "I never planned to invest anymore time in this than I am now." and then her talking head "I show up to the meetings and I don't roll me eyes." These ladies wouldn't make it in the real workforce with that attitude. Can you imagine telling your boss that?

    3) I wish they would give up the Mary/baby storyline. She is too old to have another at this point with her daughter about to graduate. I think her daughter pouting because she wants a sibling is silly, she already has so many half siblings.

    4) Could not believe the kids complaining about having to live in the rental homes. They were very nice homes compared to where a lot of people live.

    5) I don't think the business is doing as poorly as they claim. I think that was added in for drama. They obviously expanded their collection to include lower priced items and released it the same time as their new episode. That was pretty smart. Would they expand the business if it was failing that miserably?

    6) Mary's comment about how all the other wives will be able to see what the others are doing was strange. I think it has to do with her thinking she works harder than the others. She has one almost grown child so is able to maintain her home to a higher standard. She sees the other ladies homes (esp Christine's) and wonders what they do all day, not realizing how much effort it takes with young children not to have your home destroyed let alone spotless. It doesn't seem like they make the older kids do many chores, which a family of that size would require.

    7) I'm wondering exactly how much real estate work Janelle and Christine are actually doing.

    8) The episode's story line really focused on "Poor Robin, no one will help her with the business!"

    9) I loved the shot at the trade show with no customers and the ladies sitting in the armchairs playing on their smart phones. Way to try and get some customers ladies! What retail job has anyone had where they let you sit down?

    1. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 23, 2013 at 2:46 PM

      " She is too old to have another at this point with her daughter about to graduate." Meri is too old period. Chance of birth defects goes way up with pregnancies over age 40 -- should she do in vitro or surrogacy. The over 40 eggs are just not as viable and healthy. If she were to carry the baby herself by in vitro, she also puts her own health at risk. Quit while you're ahead Meri. End this storyline once and for all.

    2. Meri is not only too old but has shown that she really doesn't LOVE kids like she talks about. If she did, we would see that she actually spends time with Sol and the other bonus kids. She only wants the attention that her infertility gets her from Kody and Robyn. Deep down I think if she stopped wanting kids a long time ago. It's her way of keeping Kody close. The "will she or won' she" storyline is so old and tired, well it reminds me of Meri herself.

    3. Having lower priced items is a good idea, assuming anyone WANTS to buy something from that family. I don't think expanding their business takes any major capital; they really don't have a lot of money invested in it, just some inventory. But IMO they will NEVER make any significant cash from this business.

    4. I wonder if Meri has been on birth control all along and Kody did not know. She could secretly being taking them without his knowledge. This would be my guess. We know nothing is wrong with the sperminator Kody.

  27. The way I see this is that NO one is getting sex with the exception of Meri. Meri is the only one who is trying/wanting to get pegnant. Robyn is having to keep her womb ready if and when Meri is to decide on surrogacy. Neither Christine nor Janelle want any more kids.

    From what I have read on polgamy they ONLY have sex for the procreation of children. If they are done having children then they are basically DONE.
    Also, the religion does not approve of birth control. So, if they are following their beliefs then the only sex is between Meri and Kody. However, who is to say that they follow what they preach.

    1. If we were talking about the polygamist in Colorado City or YFZ Ranch...maybe. But Kody holding out on sex with Robyn? No way. Robyn said she wasn't going to get pregnant while Sol was nursing. Which kind of plays into this whole surrogacy story line on the show. Once Sol is no longer being nursed, she will be trying to get pregnant...meaning having sex while fertile. And think about it. Unless they are coordinating sex with ovulation, getting pregnant won't happen. Even on Polygamy USA Isaiah slept with his wives for 2 nites in a row and none of them were pregnant.

    2. If that is their belief (and they stick to that belief) then maybe that is why Meri is pretending to be indecisive. And that would explain why Kody is so GROUCHY. This is why polygamists end up with ten wives. If you can only have s*x in order to procreate and your wives are either exhausted from taking care of ten kids (and understandably don't want more) or are no longer in their childbearing years, then the sudden inspiration about a new wife is not far behind. Just sayin.

    3. They are unconventional polygamists; I'd be pretty surprised if the Browns only have sex to procreate.

  28. Liberace's huge house (he connected 3 ranch houses) is in foreclosure in Las Vegas for a really cheap price. The Brown's could have paid ca sh snd mov ed b as ck into one house like they live d in in Utah, but I guess that wouldn't have been good enough given that the kuds didn't like the rental houses. They could have renivated to their tsste to include a wet bsr for Mary. It looks huge a nd beautiful structurally.

    1. You mean the one that became a museum after he died? Near one of the hotels? It's in a dicey neighborhood and was horribly designed, for example who needs a marble bath off the living room??! Not suited for a family at all. And when has Kody ever paid cash for anything?

    2. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 23, 2013 at 2:48 PM

      I can kinda see King Kody in the marble bath.

    3. You can see that? You poor thing.

    4. We really need a little animated thingamabobby ( I know, I know..there I go again showing off my technological computer linguistic skills again) showing someone falling off a yoga ball in hysterics while sitting at their desk reading this blog. Cause that's what just happened when I read your reply OrangeMeri Whine.

  29. Kody said in one of the earlier shows that each wife makes her own decision about birth control. That statement led me to believe that birth control may be another area in which the Brown family doesn't follow AUB rules that they don't choose to acknowledge.Bet Janelle, Christine and Robyn are on or have been on birth control pills. And I'll bet sex for procreation only is nonsense in Kody's opinion!

    And I do agree with an earlier poster who said Janelle is head over heels in love with Kody, after all these years and children. She may or may not be intelligent but her dedication to fantasy, e.g. Star Wars, Hobbits, Harry Potter, etc. show that she really wants magic. She is so reserved in the Sister Wives shows that none of us have much of a clue about how her brain works. We see some of what she does but very little about what she really thinks.

    1. You're right Anon 1:30pm, that Kody and his concubines' attitudes to birth control are completely out of whack with AUB rules. Christine saying "I'm done" when it comes to having babies would be very much frowned upon in AUB. There, the official party line is that artificial forms of birth control are a sin.In that group, and as far as I know, all polygamist groups derived from Mormonism, having as many children as is humanly possible is a woman's duty. It helps to build up their "kingdom" and provides a home for children amongst the most "righteous" people on the planet (in their opinion!)Again, it shows how selective Kody and the Kodettes are about their "faith."

    2. " ... . AUB. There, the official party line is that artificial forms of birth control are a sin.In that group, and as far as I know, all polygamist groups derived from Mormonism, having as many children as is humanly possible is a woman's duty."

      Do you know the official party line on artificial forms of conception? Is it possible both IVF and modern surrogacy are unacceptable?

  30. I think it's important to note than not all polygamists have sex only for procreation. It's not a polygamy thing; it's a religious thing.

  31. Oh, now THAT's interesting gossip Cynical Jinx!

    It has to be Janelle that's getting a pool...I wonder if it's already been built? She did tweet a picture of Sol outside in a swimsuit and it looked like there was a pool in the background.

  32. At this point, I am waiting for the tell all book that I'm certain one of Janelle's kids will write in the very near future. They don't seem to drink the same AUB Kool-aid as Mariah or Christine's kids. Either way, I think it is painful to watch the Brown girls raised in a religion that keeps women in subservient roles. I can't help but think that if the Brown girls don't walk away from polygamy, they will end up marrying someone from Centennial Park or some other polygamist community and be forced to give up their careers and dreams in favor of "keeping sweet". Is that really what the Brown's want for their kids? If so...what's the point of college at all?

    1. The frame of mind these women are in..can they support their daughters marrying a plyg? Christine seems to have been really traumatized over Robyn coming into the family, would she support that for her daughters? Hows that 3rd wife thing working out for her life and happiness?

    2. yeah, apparently Christine assumed third wife also meant LAST wife, too! which she did have for about 15 years and it worked great for her. then along came Sobbin' and this show and changed everything for her - and not for the better. i can't imagine the emotional trauma she experienced having Truely while Grody's off "courting" his new girlfriend. ugh! and they said in the past, whenever they had a new baby - it was established that Grody spent a couple of weeks w/that wife and new baby. No way did that happen w/Christine and Truely when he had hot stuff Robyn goin' on at the time. and also, ALL 3 of them resented his and Robyn's 10 day special honeymoon that none of them got.

      Not defending Christine nor blaming Robyn but bringing her on and adding this show to their lives has really proven to be an emotional disaster for them all - including Kody and Sobbin'. I'm like the above poster - this show went from interesting in the first few episodes on Season 1 but quickly evolved into a depressing watch. They're all wallowing in self-pity and the kids are all suffering emotionally because of the lack of emotionally grounded parenting.

  33. Very curious as to which of the babymomma's is improving her mcmansion!!! How in the world to they pay for that? On top of the mortgage, bills, food, clothes, car, disneyland, vacations.....

    1. By financing, prolly thru a predatory finance company.

    2. And how do they think they are going to *pay* that off.. Oh well, they probably think they can just get another bankruptcy and live on in the mcmansions.

    3. From the clue of "cement pad" I think it's Janelle that is doing the improvements.

      Bankruptcy laws have gotten tougher since their last bankruptcy so that may not be an option. I see them running back to Lehi and letting the bank foreclose.

    4. Are they really trying to dig them selves as deep as they can? (In their eyes that probably means living as rich and famous as they can - until they get kicked out of their mc mansions).

    5. Once the money train from TLC is gone, the fight to hang onto whats left will be a bigger battle then Meri's wet bar. The first wife to break ranks and make money off the demise will be fun to watch...lots of blame to go around.

  34. Say what you will about Janelle, but I think she's the smartest of the bunch. She doesn't have to be the loudest to be heard...she doesn't have to say mean things...she sounds professional...she seems to be able to keep the peace better...and if you remember, she was the only professional working mom in the family. I bet she has some mad skill sets and we will see her put those to good use...after she leaves the family. :)

    1. "I think she's the smartest of the bunch"

      I don't disagree, but I still don't think that's saying much. I think Truely would be close to the top of the list of intelligence with that bunch.

    2. Janelle when she wanted to open a fitness club at least did research and a business plan to bring to the meetings..and she had start up costs. I did not see such a discussion on the closet business. They to just jumped in with Robyn's concept.Kody backed Robyns dream but not Janelles.

    3. Janelle don't impress me much. She's likable in comparison to the others but I'm still not over that Logan had to step up to the plate and be all his sibling's daddy and was basically robbed of a childhood by being thrust into a parent role. She should have stood up for him and made Meri get off her arse and help out w/her kids when she had to be to work all day supporting the family - including Meri and Mariah. Christine already had her own large brood that she was taking care of w/no help.

      To this day, it seems that the kids all still gravitate to Christine's place because i'm sure she's just more upbeat and fun for them to hang with. They quickly lost interest in Robyn and Meri has never been an emotionally warm, fuzzy feeling for them.

    4. I think Janelle did stand up to Meri, when she took her kids and moved out for two years. In this family Janelle and Christine do not have a voice. We discuss how Meri browbeats them all into submission, but another thing I have noticed on the show is that the women cannot get together without Krody thinking they are ganging up on him. His frail man-ego cannot handle his women talking amongst themselves. So all Krody talk is off-limits. I agree that the first womann that gets out and writes a tell-all book will be well off financially, because that is definitely a book I would buy and I don't think I am alone in that.

  35. Here's a priceless retweet from "Mare"

    Fathers, you are teaching your girls what men do. They will find a man who will treat them the way you are treating their mother.(Dr. Phil)

    Oh dear!

    1. I think that is a direct one at Kody that he has to treat her better, lol.

    2. Meri Quite ContrariJuly 23, 2013 at 4:17 PM

      Passive Aggressive.

    3. Her retweets are fascinating and show how desperately unhappy and angry she really is. Does she think that Kody or one of the Sisterwives are going to read her retweets and change their behavior? I imagine Janelle reading them and cracking up at how transparent Meri is. For someone who claims she loves the lifestyle, she retweets the most "poor little me' tweets of anyone I have ever followed.

    4. OMG, Meri is so, so, so immature. Who posts this kind of thinly-veiled passive-aggressive crap on Twitter? So juvenile.

      That being said, it's a true quote, Meri.....and your daughter and stepdaughters are all learning from their Father that it's cool for a man to sleep with multiple women, to slide from bed to bed, not hold down a proper job, not be a proper LEADER in the family, who is willing to compromise values and the TRUTH in order to be on a cheesy Reality TV show all for money (so that he doesn't have to really work to support his family). Sorry Meri but it's too late now, the daughters in your big unhappy family have already learned far too much.

    5. Anon 11:08 / 8:04 is a bit too well-written to be Robyn, but it's interesting to speculate where the outburst came from. Perhaps one of the better educated teenagers.

    6. Anon 11:08/8:04 here. Not a Brown or even a fan. Just a viewer waiting for the trainwreck.

      The "poor Christine" vibe from people brothers me. No doubt she gets crap from Meri and
      Robyn, but she dishes it up too.
      That's the point.

      bothers me.

  36. I think they need to change the opening of the show where they all give quick blurbs about how wonderful their plyg life is. It's pretty lame considering the episodes then revolve around 5 very unhappy looking, stressed-out adults.
    Hey Kody, how's that multiplying instead of dividing love working for you lately????

  37. We are all so sick of Christine and her "I'm so above you Robyn" attitude! You seem to forget you were once the new wife coming into an already established family! Your phony expressions of love and commitment make us sick! No wonder it's so obvious Kody gets so frustrated with you all the time. You think you're so much better than Robyn and constantly act as if she is intruding on your family, it's disgusting! Don't be so surprised when Kody has had enough of your gross behavior and you're on your own!

    1. You say that like it would be a bad thing?

    2. Thank you! I could never figure out why people like her so much. From the miniature golf episode we learned that she is a cheater and a good liar. From one of the interviews we learned that she told Meri she hoped Meri wouldn't get pregnant because it would make her own pregnancy less special. And then she laughs it off - "oh wasn't I mean!"(not that Meri is nice either, but this was really cruel on Christine's part). And now the passive aggressive comments about being supportive. Just tell Robyn you're not interested in being part of her business and stop being such a bitch.

    3. Robyn,

      Welcome to the blog. Please do tell, is Kody getting ready to kick Christine to the curb?

    4. Robyn DID intrude on her family. That's a fact. It's also a fact that Christine chose this religion/lifestyle/whatever-they're-calling-it-today. But there is no way around that Robyn absolutely intruded on the lives of all of the wives and the kids. They already had to share time and attention from their father - now it's further cut. They already had to share resources - now those are further spread to cover Robyn;s debt and the cost of Robyn, the three kids she brought with her and a new child she added after the marriage. They are all things inherent in this lifestyle, but it IS an intrusion.

      To me, I don't get a "I'm so above you Robyn" vibe from Christine. I don't think she particularly likes Robyn, but honestly I don't think she particularly likes Meri much either. She does seem to get along with Janelle, which makes sense since they seemed to be adding the most value to each other's lives over the years - give-and-take of contributions.

    5. Hi Robyn! JK. Christine came in when the family was just starting out, not 17 years after the last wife and 13 kids and I presume she didn't start acting like the expert on everything from day 1.

      Kody gets frustrated with Christine because she is the only wife who tells him like it is and to get his head out of his butt and to start stepping things up.

      The best thing that could ever happen to her would be to leave Kody and his ugly hair behind.

    6. Yes, Robyn intruded on Christine's family, just a she intruded on Janelle's and Meri's marriage. Payback's a bitch.

  38. I know we’re just viewers but I hope TLC doesn’t believe that they their editing paints a picture perfect family where: none of the adults have a full-time job with benefits, none of the adults are selfless or trying to go out of their way for any of the plyg children other than their own, and all the adults within the “marriage” seem to be completely hateful toward one another – with the exception of Christine and Janelle.

    Robyn is constantly trying to remain the honeymoon wife and I think she kisses up to Kody because she’s the only wife who hasn’t yet gotten sick of him (or she hides it pretty well). She cries repeatedly because she uses tears as a way to manipulate the decisions that are made, however the tears really only work on Kody.

    Meri is one of the most miserable and self-centered women I have ever watched on television. Reality television or otherwise. All she cares about is taking from others and manipulating Kody into do what it is she ultimately wants. She doesn’t need a five bedroom home, and she’s taking from her “step-children” or “bonus children” or whatever she calls by having such a large home. It’s absolutely ridiculous and really pathetic.

    Christine I feel is too dumb or uneducated (and I hate to say that because I seem to like her), but she’s too uneducated or dim-witted in order to find a life on her own beyond the confines of this ridiculous sham of a marriage and I feel bad for her and her kids. I think if she were to find solace by herself, and find a job where she can support herself equally – she’d gain some self-confidence. I wish she’d leave the plyg lifestyle.

    Janelle is the most level headed and even tempered people on the show. She’s smart enough to know that the sham jewelry foolery business won’t support the families because it’s over-priced and not quality. Janelle also seems to bite her tongue an awful lot and allow Meri and Roby to manipulate and get their way within budgeting and having Kody go out of his way for them and not the other two wives. I wish she’d speak her mind, period.

    Kody is a fool-hearted person who has no real ambition or work ethic, drives around in ridiculous cars, and barely helps with raising his children. I feel like he’s a boy wonder going through a mid-life crisis and it’s pathetic and sad to watch. I wish TLC would stop supporting such ridiculous behavior and insist that he “get a job” or even just fake one of the sake of the viewers. It really chaps me to watch him do nothing all day long while two of the other wives actually try and the other two daydream and cry all day. I don’t know about you ladies, but I work full-time and then some to support my one child and husband – and he just irks me.

    That’s my humble opinion, love it or leave it.


    1. "Christine I feel is too dumb or uneducated (and I hate to say that because I seem to like her), but she’s too uneducated or dim-witted in order to find a life on her own beyond the confines of this ridiculous sham of a marriage "
      MsMarysKillaJuly 23, 2013 at 5:29 PM

      It sure seems like it-- and just when it seems they may wake to "reality".

      Still, Janelle and Christine are both pretty smart in the areas important, as they see it. I think it is not dim-witted foolishness which binds the family but commitment.

      Each plays a role in the lives of the many children, and the children in the lives of each other and each adult. Even if commitment to Kody is threadbare these are loyal women-- especially to the children.(Janelle to her own, especially, and Christine to all of the children, which is her strength, her definition of self, and her joy.)

      Leaving Kody, includes turning her back on her own life and beliefs. They have invested many years, the important child-baring and family forging years. These have worth measured in personal investments and meaning.

      For a serious break, the ratchet would turn up abuse to ahigher level (So far, there has been no cause for initiating a constraining order). At the same time Janelle would continue her personal growth ... still she and Christine hold on to their faith, and find worth in passing this to the children.

      We see through the FLDS, that women will put up with much abuse when they see it as a work of faith *keep sweet* and holding the family together.

    2. Right on with all your comments! Kody needs to cut that fugly hair. It is ridiculous for a man pushing 50 with 14 kids to have hair like that.

    3. I do know guys that are around Kody's age (or older) with long hair (musicians mostly) but for the most part it suits them, they keep it well maintained and it looks good. (Google 'Alice in Chains' and check out bassist Mike Inez who is older than Kody - he's one of my ex' best friends and has amazing hair as does Jerry Cantrell).

    4. It's not tlc's job to dictate what the family does. In fact the more strife, the better for the ratings. Witness the Gosselins.

  39. I liked this show so much better when they lived in Utah in the big house. They really seemed to be making it work. Christine was pregnant, Meri sewed and cooked, and Janelle worked. Then, Robin comes in the picture. Now, Meri has said over and over that it was her idea to take on another wife.
    Seeing how they are now, and learning about the tension between Meri and Janelle in the early years, I believe that Meri encouraged Cody to court a new potential wife and found Robin, for the sole purpose of ruining Christine's happy life. I believe Meri wanted Kody to be so wrapped up in lust with a new girl just so Christine would experience what she went through with Janelle.
    And it worked. They all really hate each other now. I feel sorry for the children.

    1. "Now, Meri has said over and over that it was her idea to take on another wife." Yes she has said that several times.
      I think she wanted Kody to marry Robyn so that she (Meri) has one sister wife who is always on her side. Christine once said that the 3rd wife balances it out. I saw that when they were picking out their houses Meri brought Robyn with her to explain to Kody why she needed a wet bar for all her pastries of course.

    2. Puppyfeet, I totally agree with you. That was my theory last year as well. In the older shows, Christine was happy, bubbly, and she and Kody seemed to have the best relationship. Meri lost a baby somewhere in between Christine's young ones, and I think when Christine got pregnant with Truely (sp) that's what sent Meri over the edge. Sick and sad.

    3. I feel badly for Christine, she thought there was no way Kody would ever get more than 3 wives. Then came the show and Robyn and her happy world came crumbling down. However, she was the biggest proponent of polygamy before the show started and once she was replaced she got a taste of what it is like to be wife 1 or 2 and then she wasn't so happy anymore.

      I will add, it may not be the fact that Kody added another wife, it may be the fact that she just cannot stand Sobbin Robyn and all her drama. Had the fourth wife been more like Rose Mari Crawley or heck, Becca Thomson, things might have been a lot different. Robyn would try the patience of a saint.

    4. I wonder if Christine used her AUB princess powers to get Kody's requests for a fourth wife denied? If so I wonder why they relented and let him have Robyn?

    5. It wasn't Robyn that AUB leaders turned down. It was years earlier when Kody wanted to add another concubine. They said he couldn't take care of the ones he already had.

  40. This show is getting boring. "My Sisterwife's Closet" Really TLC? They went back to dreaded Utah land of the Polygamist persecutors to try to sell that jewelry? Come on TLC, this is the same Utah that you made a story line out of them "fleeing" from. Here is a tip for whoever is writing the script for this "reality" show. Christine finds a new man, she isn't actually married to Kody after all, she is just a single mom making her way in this world with six kids and a sometimes there baby daddy. So she finds a new man and starts testing the waters, she starts dating. You could get E Harmony and to sponsor the episodes! So she and her new man decide to shack up, or maybe even tie the knot, they are in Las Vegas afterall one of the wedding capitols of the world. So now Kody and the other wives have to learn to live in the same cul de sac as their former Sister Wife and their former step kids? Do they call them step kids? How do they refer to the other wives kids? TLC your ratings would shoot through the roof. It doesn't have to be Christine, it could be Janelle, or even Meri. Meri could "discover" the Las Vegas LGBT community, she could make a friend that happens to be a woman...They could buy matching Harleys! So Kody would be jelous of their cooler bikes and that his legal wife had moved onto someone who fits her better. TLC could go through the divorce process with them, then how Kody would figure out which wife to legally marry next, would he put their names in a hat? Make a contest out of it? Could be interesting, certainly more entertaining than the way this show is going. It is SO predictable. I mean seriously, a store called "My Sisterwife's Closet" in St. George, Utah of all places? It brings the image of prarie dresses, long bloomers, and a guide to how to do loop de loop hair do's with massively long braids to mind...

    1. I think Christine already found a new man. Remember the 1st personal trainer the sister wives had? The one that Christine said she flirted with and Kody brought in as a business partner? That storyline sure did fizzle out fast so I wonder if she did have an affair with him. He sure did fall off the face of the planet!

    2. I think the Browns had a falling out with Trainer Bill. I honestly don't see any of the wives as being the 'cheating' type (although I get that only Meri has a legal husband).

    3. Run Christine, run! Find a man who will treat you well and won't come over every fourth day to take a nap on your recliner while you clean the house and make food and who will buy you beautiful jewelry, not ugly man watches.

    4. Oohh I love that storyline! Sister wives moving on with their lives but still staying in the same cul de sac. That could be very interesting indeed. Meri would absolutely have that telescope someone mentioned earlier. Now that's good drama, Christine dating, Kody would probably say goodnight to his kids then just to do some sort of testosterone fueled display for the new guy. Oh yeah, I like this idea.

    5. Interesting idea but Christine has always been the most gung ho about polygamy - after all she *is* polygamy royalty...and really none of these ladies are exactly man bait. IMO.

    6. Hey, Janelle's on her way to being man-bait. Perhaps she can take Meri's surrogacy money and use it on a tummy tuck? There is nothing but commitment that keeps those women there. Well that and Krody's sudden outbursts of wisdom (gag Janelle).

  41. When I was a child, my mother liked to watch soap operas. If she missed a few days of, say, "As the World Turns," that was no problem, because when she tuned in again nothing had changed and she could pick up where she left off. Watching the season premiere of "Sister Wives" felt like that. If not for the fact that the family's new homes are actually taking shape, I would have thought I'd accidentally tuned into the last episode of season 2: Janelle is still tearfully agonizing over the decision to have another child via Robyn's offer of surrogacy; Janelle is still trying to find a way to earn a decent income; Christine is still unhappy and sarcastic; Robyn is still crying; and Kody is still playing the martyr in every sense ("I'm a persecuted plyg, my wives drive me crazy, blah, blah...."); and the family finances are still in the toilet. The show is beginning to take on the same tone that "Jon & Kate Plus 8" did right before that family imploded before the eyes of the world. I think Kody and his wives are sadly deluded by the lies of their 'faith,' but they are free to choose whatever 'lifestyle' they want to live. However, they have dragged their kids into the mess and without permission put their (the kids') private lives on display. In my mind that reveals a callous selfishness and cruelty that borders on being abusive, or at least exploitative.

  42. If Kody keeps waiting for Meri and Robyn to work the surrogacy question out, I'd expect that would be the perfect excuse to bring in a fifth wife.

    1. You know he is dying to get that fifth wife. Meri better enjoy sharing her huge house!

    2. Oh yes! I've secretly been hoping he does take as new wife I mean that is a train wreck that I would love to see. From the choosing of the new women to the weird tradition of courting. Jealousies and passive aggressiveness, not to mention how grody Kody is while lusting after a new lady, lol that's good reality TV!

    3. A never before married, young beautiful wife, who has many many years of child-bearing ahead of her. I'm sure the entertainment value of this is appealing, but I feel far too sorry for any young woman that would find herself brought into this nightmare. Strangely, I do not feel sorry for Robyn, I feel she brought this onto herself, but I have a feeling that if Krody went shopping for another wife, he would not allow Meri to do the picking and he would make sure she was much more naïve that his newest sobbin' manipulator.

  43. "Looks like one of the wives is improving her McMansion...possibly a cement pad for the backyard, but hopefully something more fun for the family like a "cement pond"... "

    Most likely it is Janelle. She said as much last season that she eventually wanted to do something like that down the road. The other three wanted their french doors and patios out back installed during initial construction.

    As far it being a necessity to have a pool, I live on the east coast where not everyone has a pool. However, there are plenty of well-appointed community pools and swim clubs where folks can take their kids, as I did with mine. Whatever..!

    If Janelle wants a pool/patio/terrace for her kids, then go for it.
    But then don't bellyache about finite resources. I(she must have gotten the message about that annoying line, since so far, she hasn't used it yet)
    Your "poor us" song and dance has run its effectiveness course. It falls flat now.

    You people all chose to have your McMansions. The fact that now you want improvements to them is also your choice.
    However, if you can't afford them then do what other responsible adults do.....either wait until you can afford them, or put yourselves in debt and then resign yourselves to pay the piper.
    And just shut up about it !!

  44. Just a quick comment - I'm no fan of polygamy or Meri, but I did have my second child at 41, when my first was a teenager. And it DID take me two years to decide. And the vast majority of births over forty are healthy babies. The risks are often overstated because most statistics are gathered from infertility clinics which skew the data.

    This doesn't mean that Meri can waltz in and have a healthy baby with IVF, or using Robyn as a surrogate. Her PERSONAL history is certainly against her. I'm betting that she's on fertility drugs, and that explains the sudden weight gain, but that's a guess.

    But comments about her being "too old" or she "knows" just may not be true. I agree that the STORYLINE is boring ( and I lived it) but that isn't the same as the choice not being real, or a child born to a woman in her 40's who has a teenager about to graduate from high school being one of the greatest joys of a person's life. I should know. I'm typing this as I watch my daughter sleep.

    1. I know a lady, married for years, who had her first child at forty and everything was fine. Being Catholic she did not use birth control and lo and behold she had a second daughter at forty-six. Lucky for her both are fine and she is blessed with her family. Another lady who had two children, at forty something decided she wanted two more. So hubby had his vasectomy reversed and lucky for them she had two more daughters who are fine. I realize there are families where the ending is not happy but it is a personal choice to take the chance. I think Meri is just too torn and can't decide what to do but that the answer would have been yes if she really wanted it.

    2. If Meri said "yes" to Robyn *and* pursued IVF at the same time she might be well on her way to that large family of her dreams.

  45. I have been watching this show since the beginning. I didn't like the recap at all. Make a choice and didn't like kody asking for money. Rude to his customers.

    I find the individual camera time...very telling ie. John & Kate . I do think that this is their last season , and I think the other Polygamy USA did better than for information than this train wreck.

    I do think that the fans are getting wise to this crew , but I would love to see more Christine & Janelle more crying.

  46. Didn't Janelle in the last season say she would pour her own concrete in the back yard for her patio because she had run out of budget money? I swear I recall something like that. If anyone is putting in a pool, I am going to seriously going to see if I can find out who their benefactor is. Pools are expensive not only to add to a house but to maintain. Frankly I don't know how they can afford to air condition those huge homes in the heat of Las Vegas. So if someone is getting a pool, there is something very rotten in Plygville.

    1. Bet she financed it thru the pool contractor. The back yards are itty bitty so I don't expect anything big.

  47. Boo hoo, I can't feed my children--but I can afford a pool!

  48. Every time Robyn does the poor me thing she frowns, lifts her chin in the air and looks to the back of what ever room she is in.
    Its her "poor me I am so pathetic" look but also doubles for the whole "Im trying to save the family" look and the ever good for an eye roll "Im so misunderstood look".

  49. In re-watching the new episode it occured to me that the Browns have been making changes on the house and instead of owning up to it after all the drama in picking their options they are blaming the builder. Thats probably why Meris house closed the latest ..she had the most changes.

  50. When watching the previews for the season, at the end of the episode, it looks to me in one clip that Meri is telling Mariah in the kitchen that there will not be a baby. Meri says to her that she is sorry, and Mariah's response (I thought) was "No your not." Yikes! If I am right, then we may have Meri's final answer sometime this year!

  51. Off topic: A twitter post from The Darger family
    "Wendell Owen a patriarch and kind man we come to know in Kingston group died this morning. Our thoughts & prayers are with his large family."

    Im shocked! The Kingston group is well known for their intentional inbreeding, and beating young girls for not wanting to marry her Uncle.

    Why do the Dargers say polygamy is all good with all the "were not like that" stuff.
    Actions speak louder than words.

    1. Holy Moly!!!

      On their website ( there is a new blog titled Friends In Times of Tragedy posted 7/23/13 and written by Vicki. She calls him kind and gentle "...a humble man dedicated to service of his family and others." And she confirms again that he belonged to the Davis County Cooperative, better known as the Kingston Group.

      I'm still in shock...however the Kingston Group is immensely wealthy but as far as I'm concerned corrupted beyond all redemption.

      I wonder if Papa Joe approved of Vicki basically aligning not only herself but Papa Joe with the Kingston Group as friends?

      Somebody's got some explaining to do...YIKES!!!!

    2. I'm sure there are plenty of cracks in the Darger armor. We just haven't been exposed to them up close and personal and on a daily basis like the Browns. They'd probably still come out ahead over the Browns in the long run but still ... I'm not buying what they were selling on their short highlighted stint of fame.

    3. Doesn't surprise me! They also "aligned" themselves with that worthless Winston Blackmore. Search their site for a piece Alina wrote and it seemed like she thinks Winston is a great guy. It was then that I was turned off by the Dargers, no matter how much better organized they are!

  52. Yikes is right !!
    Makes you wonder about a lot of things.
    Are any of them who and what they say they are?

  53. My sister wife's closet is a joke. The Browns really have a high opinion of themselves. $20 for a cheap screenprinted apron? This is the same type of apron my bank gave me for FREE. The Be Mine earrings and necklace that are $80 and $67 each, look just like the Valentine's Day set my grandmother bought me out of the Avon catalog in 1992 for $12, and you got both the necklace and the earrings. That said, I do like the idea of the "BE" charms and the price isn't all that bad (however they do not give the dimensions so it's hard to tell how big or small they are); but the earrings in that "budget" line are overpriced for what you actually get. Also, ALL of the jewlery looks like the kind of crap you get in those little mall jewlery stores aimed at pre-teens that sell everything in them for $3.50 or 3 for $10.

    I am over the Brown family and their self-importance. Meri makes me want to vomit. If she truly loved all of those kids as her own, she would understand her demanding a bigger house, and equal share of the family's income are hurting her other children. Robin, I used to like you; but alas, now I do not. Robin you remind me of all of those drama queens I hated in high school, everything in your life seems to be much ado about nothing. You make small stuff into big, drama-filled situations just for the sympathy and attention (RE: The hand-wringing over the trip to St. George. If you really were that worried about going, you would have scheduled a different expo to show at.) Janelle, I didn't like you in the beginning, but now I see how you've grown. I know getting off this crazy train would be complicated, as your mom is married to Kody's dad; but the first chance you get RUN!!!!!!!!!! Kody is being nicer to you now. Wanna know why? You have income. Run!!!!!!! Christine, I don't dislike you, but I don't like you either. That hasn't changed. I admire the way you are with the children, all of them. You are the only one (and I am including Kody) that seems to really love and care for all of those children, you also seem to be the only one that is trying to hold on to a scrap of your faith (the only faith the other four seem to display is being plygs). Christine, when Janelle runs, run with her.
    Side Note- TLC are you reading? Well, that is a show I would watch. Janelle and Christine rebuilding their lives; sign me up. Kody, you are simply not worth my thought process-except for this; GET A JOB! You live in Las Vegas, there are lots of blue-collar opportunites. Cleaning hotel rooms, waiting tables, landscaping; all things you can do to support your family. Better yet, get multiple jobs. It will get you away from the wives you said you want to run away from. You are not above doing anything, and with 20 kids and 3 in college you NEED the money.
    Ok rant over-thanks for listening.

    Last season, I watched just to get glimpses of the little ones (especially little Truly, she's so cute). This season I am simply reading this blog.

    1. This rant was so good and so funny!

  54. I have always regarded this show as sort of benign. Although I have never believed that these "sister wives" have love for each other, I never really thought too much about the "ick" factor until this episode. When Meri and Robyn were discussing the surrguhsee in the kitchen I was really struck by how much Soloman looks like Kody. It struck me as so bizarre for Meri to be looking at a woman who is holding her HUSBAND'S child and being okay with that. Not only that, but anytime natural, healthy feelings like jealousy or sadness come up they are a moral failing on the woman's part and need to be overcome? I can't imagine the insecurity of knowing that the single women in my community see my husband as available. Yuk!

    1. But, if that is the way you are brought up.. the 'ick' factor would not be there. Meri, Robyn, Christina, they all came from poly homes and this would be a 'normal' site. As for Janelle, she did not come from Poly 'roots', her mother married Kody's father 'later' in life, so she would the only one what I could see reacting in the ICK mode. It is GREAT TO SEE THOUGH... that Janelle's daughter-forgot her name-Does not want to have ANYTHING to do with Polygamy.

    2. I agree with Anony 1038. It had been a while since I had bothered going over to MSWC site -not because I could not get on it like Robyn would constantly tweet about.. but, I went back after I saw the 5 of them trying to see jewelry at that FLEA MARKET and ROBYN WHINING ON AND ON about EVERYONE HAS TO BE TOGETHER ON THIS!!!!

      Well, I went on and low and behold, KODOUCHE IS A DESIGNER!!! Yes, he has 4 pendant designs-let me guess, 1 FOR EACH WIFE!??? AND yes,each and everyone of them is:
      #1-SEVERELY OVERPRICED-yes, Robyn -I know-they are sterling silver, but they are still OVER PRICED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      #2-UGLY.UGLY.UGLY.UGLY. a HEART with a CROWN on top with FIDELIS across it.
      a HEART that has a SQUARE TYPED PATTERN on 1 half,and 1 fairy sitting on the other half.
      #3-Kody's DESIGNS are basically BAD COPIES of other designs with little changes. Sister wives can go ahead and call Kody's design THE ROOTS OF LIFE-but COME ON!!!! The Wicca and the IRISH have THE TREE OF LIFE. Same thing except SW's is ugly and not as intricate as others.

      AND NOW-ON MY SISTER WIVES CLOSET-they have a site called BUDGET BOUTIQUE. If that just doesn't make you whip out your charge card.... again, OVER PRICED,NOT MADE of sterling silver and while I do notknow where they COPIED THIS FROM... the shoes,doves, one design looks EXACTLY like the Girl Scout insignia, heart... can be found almost anywhere and at alot less $$$$$$$$$$$

    3. Janelle's daughter-forgot her name
      Janelle has 2 daughters, Maddie (who is in high school) and Savanah (who is in grade school). I think you mean Maddie.

      Sometimes less is more when using all caps.

  55. I couldn't stand at Roby crying saying the online business is the only way to keep the family united and the only way to work together. It made me so upset. Does she realize how judgmental she is being on Janelle and Christine for not seeing "her vision"? Come on, you need different sources of income, it doesn't mean they need to all be involved in the same stupid thing. Let everybody work at what they at good at and each person bring their own quota for the family bills.
    Also, there was an interview where Koby says he gets more money than the wives because he pays more bills. Really?? He doesn't have to pay a mortgage, or food, or clothes for the children. I'm sure each mom takes care of their own household bills. So, why would he get more money??

    It was crazy seeing them drive their expensive cars. They need to go because their audience does not longer connect with them. We work hard to pay for the little or much we each have.

  56. First and LastWifeJuly 24, 2013 at 4:22 PM

    So after skimming through some comments & reading up about how people think Sister Wives has gone to the toilet (for the record, I agree) & that they're lucky if they get another season, I HAD to Google the ratings. And I found this from

    "Sister Wives averaged 2.6 million viewers and was no.1 in the 9pm timeslot in women 25-54 --which puts Sister Wives ahead of the programming on Fox and the CW."

    Earning a 2.0 in households. If that keeps up they may not be going anywhere. I guess time will tell.
