Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Discussion Page: Tweets from Robyn and the Dargers (Oh My!!)

As I labor to give birth to my first review of the new season of Sister Wives, I found some interesting tweets on Twitter.

The first one is of our "favorite" sister wife Robyn. Now, what surprises me is that this twitter conversation is still visible. If this had been a few years ago, the tweet would have been exiled to Twitter Hell faster than you can say My Sister Wife's Closet. But here it is, three days later and still visible to all.

Does this mean the Kody Brown and his Kodettes have turned over a new leaf and no longer delete tweets that aren't exactly complimentary?

Or is it simply a case that they didn't know it was there...

You be the judge.

OUCH!! No love lost there! Anyway, if this exchange from @plygs  suddenly goes 'POOF', we might have proof that if the Browns aren't reading SWB, SOMEBODY in their camp sure is.

Next up, a surprising tweet apparently from Vickie Darger concerning the death of family friend Wendell Owen. This discussion began HERE on SWB, but I thought it would be beneficial to learn from other sources exactly what the Kingston Group is all about. And it is NOT pretty. 

Now, I'm not surprised that the Dargers have a lot of "connections" to different polygamist groups. But to tweet about a friendship  with an apparently morally bankrupt group is, for want of a better word...dumb. Some things are best left in private, particularly if you want the monogamists of the World (you know, those harlots that Mike Cawley preached against) to think polygamists are just like regular folks. Well, regular folks that allow uncles to marry their nieces, that is.

Here is a recent video from the What Love is This website, where Doris Hanson (who escaped from the Kingston Group) interviews two young ladies who also escaped from the group.

Here's an early article from SWB: The Kingston Group - Now this group, you could say, "goes weird"!

And here's an article from old standby, Wikipedia: Latter Day Church of Christ

Your Thoughts?


  1. Wasn't Koko also from the Kingstons? I also remember her saying in another interview that she was scared when she first met or saw a black person. Imagine what they are taught. It would not surprise me if all these groups are racist and advocates of the white pure race. I'm not saying they are because I don't know. I'm just saying it would not surprise me. If they do, that is not Christlike at all and I know they are all claiming Christianity.

    1. Wasn't Koko also from the Kingstons?

      Yes she was! Koko (aka Kollene Snow) also wrote some comments on youtube. The 2 girls being interviewed talked about racism in the Kingston Group...which again leads me to ask why on Earth would the Dargers admit not just on twitter but on their blog admiration for a man who belonged to this group?

      The FLDS are taught that Black people are the devil. The AUB excommunicated a member when it was discovered he had "black" blood. Who knows exactly what Centennial Park believes, but think back, did you see any Black people at all while watching Polygamy USA? The fact that Fundamentalist Mormons do not adhere to the 1978 revelation that allow Black men into the LDS priesthood says a lot about the people eager to join their ranks today.

      Sorry for the rant.

    2. CJ,
      You needn't apologize.
      These people have the mindset of Neanderthals.
      Seriously, what rock are they living under, and what moral swamp do they call their DNA ?

    3. Has this ever been addressed on Sisterwives?

    4. ALL of the polygamist groups (AUB, Centennial Park, Kingstons, FLDS, Independents) believe in white supremacy, i.e. that men of African descent cannot hold the priesthood. This is part of the early teachings of Mormonism, and like polygamy, it is something they refuse to give up. They also believe that it is the gravest sin imaginable for a white person to marry someone black. And no,this has never been addressed on Sisterwives. I saw the Dargers being asked about it once and they squirmed and avoided the question in a masterly fashion - they're pros at trying to make themselves look good. As someone else said, all polygamists to some extent support other polygamists. I remember when Texas took action against child abuse in the FLDS, and there was a huge outcry from all the polygamist groups. In addition, there is an organization that Joe Darger sponsored, called Principle Rights Coalition, and that includes all the groups apart from the FLDS. If they want to join hands with the Kingstons who practice incest, it doesn't say much about them. It also turns my stomach that the Dargers refuse to report child abuse amongst polygamists - and they've said this openly!

    5. IMO - there's a *reason* why the Browns continually focus on Warren Jeffs. It's always Warren Jeffs - has there been ONE SINGLE SEASON where his name hasn't been invoked?

      It's like they're saying well Warren Jeffs is bad, but he's the exception, we're the rule.

      My father is Native American, with a trace of African blood. I'm sure that according to these groups, I'm going straight to hell.

      Also, on the show other than the furniture sales guy, and one or two of the neighbors at the housewarming, have we seen ANY black people???

      What would Kody's reaction be if Logan or Hunter or any of his other kids started dating a black person?? or an Asian person? or anyone other than a white person...?

      Deep down, or maybe not so deep down, he and all of the wives (INCLUDING JANELLE) are racist, I'm sure.

    6. You know, I have wondered how the adults will react when one of their children (and one of them will) brings home a partner who is not white. I don't think they're going to like it. Which is one of the big reasons I was so surprised that they wanted to move to Vegas, which has a large population of people who are non-white. It surprised me that they would allow their kids to associate with not only people of different religious beliefs, but people from many different races and backgrounds.

      I think living in Vegas, or anywhere other than Lehi is the best thing for the kids. They have a real chance at opening their minds and escaping now!

    7. What would Kody's reaction be if Logan or Hunter or any of his other kids started dating a black person??
      Or one of the girls. Now, I'd pay admission to see the look on his face. Priceless!

      Guess who's coming to dinner, Kody!

      And for the record DJ, outside of the neighbors (now no longer a "problem" since the move to the gated cul-de-sac) and the used furniture salesman, the only person of color to have a speaking role on the show was the NBC reporter who did the Sister Wives Tell All show last season.

    8. I can't find the best place to post this so I will do it here ! I cannot stand Meri ! She is the most self indulgent person I have ever seen on any reality show ( and that says a lot ) It is always ME, ME, ME where Meri is concerned. All the other teenagers seem so weel adjusted and confident except Mariah. It's because Meri is her mother. Janelle and Christine have fantastic kids because they are fantastic moms !! And Robyn, your oldest three kids ARE NOT Browns. They are not Browns unless their father legally gave up his right and they are legally adoped, ( which they are not ) Also, you are not paying attention to Dalton. Special needs kids need a lot of time ! Put away your overpriced jewelry and be a mom to your son !

  2. I've been a fan for several years of Doris Hanson's weekly TV show. So many great interviews and the calls that come in during the program can be vicious from plygs as well as mainstream mormons. She's one classy lady but no pushover either. She is a lifesaver to so many escapees. I do hope she and Koko have met in real life.

  3. When I saw Robyn’s tweet about ‘bears will kill you’ I honestly thought it was a dig at Meri. You know the morose depressing retweets that Meri puts out there. Is it possible that Robyn actually is ribbing Meri through her tweets? How fun would that be?!

    I am not terribly surprised about the Dargers. I think they, like the Browns, put themselves out there as ‘not those types of polygamists’ but they are all interrelated and like to sugar coat their lifestyle for the public. My gut instinct tells me that the Browns and Dargers probably think a ‘bad polygamist’ is still better than us harlot monogamists. There is a deep dislike for us gentiles (i.e. sharks). I am surprised that the Dargers weren't more careful of their 'image', Joe is probably scolding Vickie right now. And that is why the Cawley wives are not allowed to be on twitter.

  4. I am absolutely disgusted that the Dargers would support this group of pedophiles. I think the Dargers were the second shot of being the "new face of polygamy" when the Browns turned polygamy into a circus show instead of the respectful point of view the AUB was trying to get across. A peek of truth is reveled in the smallest of details (like a tweet) and like somebody else said, staying silent would have been the wise thing to do in this instance. They can dress up a plyg family and put lipstick on every one, but in the end it is a community that suppresses young girls and makes them objects and property instead of human beings. :( I'm so sad for all the girls stuck in this situation.

  5. When I saw the "bears will kill you," my only thought was, "Oh, that's been going around Facebook all week."

    I don't think Robyn is smart enough to make hidden jabs at Meri or anyone. She obviously doesn't hide her emotions, so why would she make under-the-radar digs?

    1. She obviously doesn't hide her emotions, so why would she make under-the-radar digs?

      Practice maybe?

    2. True . . . or maybe those passive aggressive lessons Meri teaches are effective!

    3. I just wanted to go back to the point that was made about Mariah going to Europe. After re-reading their tweets from a month ago Aspyn tweeted about how beautiful it was on the East Coast (I think she actually went to New York for her graduation trip)and how it reminded her of Jane Austen novels or something, then Mariah had to one-up her and brag about being in England where all the romantic novels were inspired and written. Then Aspyn said she wasn't regretful about her decision (to not go, I guess?)

    4. Or is Robyn so desperate to appear happening and clued-in that she scours the web and Pinterest for posted profound sayings.

    5. The kids are old enough, some of them to ask kody why meri gets more and in turn mariah. Kody seems to take a back seat when it comes to the sad..he wont even stick up for them with mean meri

    6. Vegas Mom - I don't follow Twitter as a rule, I'm a facebook person :)
      but I have to say - this week I watched the Season 1 episodes and one thing that REALLY struck me was the difference between Mariah in 2010, and Mariah now in 2013.

      she was a lovely, slim young girl then. look at her now. Not that I'm vilifying her for gaining SO MUCH weight in such a short period of time - but to me it's saying that the move to Vegas has NOT been a healthy one. I wonder if all that one-upmanship was going on back in Lehi?

      I don't think the Vegas move has been a healthy one for ANYONE in the family. they would have been happier as they were. But obviously what Kody wants Kody gets.

    7. Hmm, interesting about the Europe trip. I hope they cover it in the next season if they get one. I hope it was Aspyn's choice not to go, it is beyond unfair if Mariah got to go but Aspyn could not because Christine didn't save enough of her grocery money.

      @Dakota-it is amazing going back to the first episodes and comparing them then to how they are now. Meri and Mariah are unrecognizable from the first season, they were thin and seemed comfortable. They were both so likeable too! Christine was also so much different then, bubbly and happy with Kody. Robyn today also looks like she has aged 10 years. I think they are like fish out of water in Vegas and it is wearing on them. Maybe the hot weather is taking it out of them, but what could cause such a drastic change in 2 years? I really hope Mariah gets better once she goes away to college and that Meri decides to move back to Utah as well for her own well being.

      I do think Janelle and her kids have blossomed in Vegas. I wonder if any of her kids are going to stick with their church?

    8. I think the move to Vegas just exacerbated the problems the wives already had in this crazy lifestyle they live. With them living separately they didn't have to interact as often as in Lehi and rather than "keeping sweet" they could express themselves in the privacy of their own homes.

      The kids are just reacting to the stress and issues they are seeing in their mothers I think. Also the ready availability of fast food and the faster lifestyle in Vegas have likely contributed to their weight gain and general unhappiness. I often wonder if the kids weren't happier living all together?

    9. If Christine couldn't save enough grocery money to go see her dying father I doubt she could save enough for a Europe trip...

    10. Save from her grocery money? that means it took food from her could kody even say meri gets a wet bar..they are scewed up.
      Christine backpeddling about support for MSWC after being slapped down by kody..he is abusive and its sad to see.

    11. I agree, it is so sad about Mariah's large weight gain. Meri only has one child. She should be providing her with a healthy diet instead of trying to get more than any other sister wife . Kody, of course, does nothing at all in regards to parenting !! He is definitely not a good role model for his sons. Logan is so great, and it's all because of Janelle, not Kody !

  6. That was awful. And what really gets me. Is that when I try to tell people this stuff goes on. They think I am being intolerant and judgemental.

    1. Just how corrupt are the state politicians in Utah? I first saw the Kingston group "outed" at least 25 years ago on a documentary showing the wives living in shacks with a gazillion children collecting welfare. Think it must have been during the era of Tom Green hitting all the national talk shows admitting that he was now married to his stepdaughters and collecting welfare fraudulently. Now talk about one dumb polygamist!! And Tom was shocked when Utah was embarrassed enough to send him to jail.

      Guess we can all come to the conclusion that money talks louder than moral outrage, legal restraints, etc. The Kingstons have more money than even Warren Jeffs had and who was the prominent Washington politician shown in video clips participating in an FLDS service. The politician said something to the effect that Warren is just a really great guy who I've known for years!

      Doris Hanson was right when she said some PAST politicians have had more moral strength and the will to do the right thing. The laws are on the books, the reports of serious child abuse and incest are in the system and still nothing meaningful happens to redress the situation. And the gal from the Harmston group who wrote the book "it's not about ass" has is just right! No matter how these pious old men, spouting revelations from God, slice it--it is about their "willies".

    2. The politician is Orrin Hatch, US senator.

  7. Wow, that was so heartbreaking to hear the lack of food the children must endure, a box of potatoes and oats 1X a month or potatoes and oranges 1X a year?! And the sexual abuse is just horrible. These are brave women. They are all in my prayers.


  8. i've yet to see or read about any religiously based polygamy that DOESN'T depress me. i read the book, "It's Not About the Sex, My Ass!" and it at least made me laugh out loud a few times which was refreshing. but overall, that one was a depressing gut wrenching story in and of itself, too.

    1. Exactly, the women and children never seem to win in these situations.

    2. I know, right!!? It's of course about the sex!!

  9. This video with Doris Hanson and her two guests who did escape is a must see. I hope everyone here views it. Thanks, CJ for posting it.

    For anyone who doesn't watch it, their stories are disgusting, heartbreaking, and unfortunately, are happening in real time to other women and children who have not gotten out.
    Along with the accounts of relentless physical and sexual abuse and cruelty, there is the hunger and deprivation. Just unbelievably disgusting.
    Takes me back to the sit-down interview last season with Christine's feigned, outraged comment, "I didn't *know* men could be such bastards."
    That was the day Christine showed her true acting/lying skills.

    And for anyone who may not believe the "bleeding the beast" mantra these hard-core groups endorse, this video proves otherwise.
    Between just these "TWO" women, their respective fathers had over 50 wives between the two of them.
    One father had between 150 and 200 children. The other father had 150 children.
    And both women confirmed that every "girl/wife" is told to get on welfare as soon as she has her first baby and then on and on.
    Just doing the math on these "two" plyg masters, with checks and bennies going to their half a hundred wives and 350 children, you can see the scope of the welfare fraud being committed by these Plyg groups. We are talking multi, mega millions each year with no end in sight. Out tax dollars at work.
    Also one of the women admitted that grants for college are available too.
    I wonder if Janelle and Christine's kids would qualify if they were recorded at birth as fatherless ??)

    1. I'm sure all the Brown kids will qualify for grants being fatherless, single mom and maybe income. Not sure on income with getting money from TLC... Mariah would be the only one that might not qualify for grants - two income family (TLC money).
      My daughter is receiving scholarships and she still has to take out a loan. We do not qualify for grants and I'm sure the Browns are making more from the show than what we make. Just doesn't seem right....

    2. Since Logan apparently stated at one of the UNLV "talks" with the Browns that he picked UNLV at least partly for economic reasons, I'm guessing he is going to be amassing some student loans, which I believe cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. However he seems to be a responsible young man (who says the apple doesn't fall far from the tree?), smarter than his dad, and far more self-reliant than his mom, who spent a large part of his growing up years taking care of his sibs while his mom left early to go to work - I'm hoping that means he doesn't want the same for his own kids.

    3. I thought this gal's grant for college came about because she was adopted by a couple outside the sect, and the adoption happened when she was over 18 yrs of age.


    4. Some clarification on Federal Financial Aid for college: awards (grants and loans) are based on household income. Since Krody doesn't spend 51% of his time at any one house, his income (if there is any) isn't taken into consideration. So, in Janelle's case, theoretically, they would look at her income, any income Logan earned, the number in the household and the number in college.

      Student loans can NOT be discharged in bankruptcy (for the most part) unless the borrower can show "undue hardship" altho there's been talk of changing that for years but it hasn't happened.

      Any lastly, Robyn: it's You're (you are) NOT your. Pet peeve of mine.

  10. So sad, thankful they escaped. I am not sure if this has ever been answered but does anyone know if the Browns still claim to be part of any church? If so do we know if their church still claims them or have they been shunned? Nothing they do seems to represent anything or anybody but themselves.

    1. I was wondering that also. I guess they are members of the AUB, but they have never admitted it on tape, as far as I know. I'm thinking they are considered inactive in their faith, since there is no local chapter in LV, that I've heard of. You'd think they would want to be close to other faithful members of their religion, but I guess their chance at "stardom" took precedence. I always figured they would flee to Wyoming where Kody's/Janelle's parents live. I'm sure they would be welcomed with open hearts there.

    2. Vegas Mom is right. They are members of the Apostolic United Brethren (AUB) with its headquarters in Utah. Its main meeting house and temple/endowment house is in Bluffdale, just a few miles from the Browns' house in Lehi. AUB leadership was unhappy about them doing the show, and Kody agreed to not mention AUB's name - although everyone knows that they belong to that group, and it has been mentioned in the news (especially withe their law suit). No one is shunning them. In fact, the women were used as camp counselors for the young women's camp last year or the year before. In AUB, even when the leaders know really bad things about men, they rarely take action against them. Their argument is that they don't want to lose the women and children. The other thing is, if the Browns are paying tithing (10% of their earnings) to the priesthood council, that will make them a more attractive proposition. Quite honestly, if it wasn't for Christine who is so entrenched in AUB because of her family connections, I think by now they might well have become Independents (polygamists with no allegiance to any priesthood leadership). As of now, they still are connected to AUB, and do go back to Utah regularly, but time will tell.

    3. Just read a Huff Post article on the St. George expo. Here's a quote about their link to AUB. "The Browns are members of the Apostolic United Brethren Church. While The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has officially rejected polygamy, the Brown family openly continues with the practice."
      Btw the polygamists in Wyoming (Kody's Dad included) are all AUB members too, and ruled from Utah.

    4. They did state they were AUB in their book I think?

    5. No the documentary where they interviewed Wendell Owen was produced by a British production crew. The documentary was highlighting the effects of polygamy on women. At the time of the interview, Wendell Owen was too old and elderly to be a church leader. That was 5 years ago, and he looked to be on death's door at that point. I really don't think I've been duped, I just don't think there's any evidence that Wendell Owen was a pedophile or a rapist. 5 of his 9 wives were widows when he married them. He seems to be cut from a different cloth.

    6. I just don't think there's any evidence that Wendell Owen was a pedophile or a rapist.

      Anon 3:16, no one has claimed that Wendell Owen was a pedophile or rapist. He was, however, a member of a fundamentalist Mormon group known for practicing incest, child rape, welfare fraud and intra-family marriages in order to create a "pure" bloodline. And if you watched the video, according to the two women who escaped from the group, the children were taught to be afraid of Black people.

      He may seem to be cut from a different cloth to you, but he still was a lifelong member of a religious group known for extremely controversial practices. Perhaps he is a victim of guilt by association, but as his association was voluntary, I find it hard to believe he did not have an idea of what was happening within the religious hierarchy, being that he was involved in one of the controversies - namely the Co-Op Mine where he was the Manager.

      You seem to know a lot about Wendell Owen. Please explain to us why you believe a man who was "cut from a different cloth" would align himself with such a notorious religious group.

  11. I wonder if there might be some confusion on who and what the "Kingston Group" is. My understanding is that the Kingston Group started out as a huge extended family and then became so large that it's a separate community. Included in this family are middle-aged men who have been at least charged (maybe convicted, I've not followed the news reports closely) of child abuse and child rape. About 5 years ago, I watched a lengthy interview and documentary of Wendell Owen and a few of his wives. At that time, he was already very elderly, perhaps in his 90's. He did seem to be a very kind and gentle person and I would have difficulty believing that he was an abuser or rapist. I don't believe there were ever reports that he engaged in that or supported the conduct of the much younger Kingston members. I know nothing about the racist issue, this topic was not addressed in the documentary and there was nothing about the interview that would allow you to infer racism or not one way or the other.

    1. What was said was that Wendell Owen was a member of the Kingston Group, also known as the Davis County Cooperative. Vicki Darger explained that very well on the Darger website. No confusion, the Kingston Group is the same group that practices racism, incest and underage marriage. How can ANY person belong to a group where heinous crimes have been and continue to be committed and NOT KNOW ABOUT IT?

      Did the documentary you watched mention how Wendell Owen fought against the wrongs being done by the middle-aged generation of Kingstons or did he just look the other way. Did he look the other way when the middle-aged Kingston members started having incestuous relations with their half-sisters, nieces and cousins or did he stand up and say Stop these atrocities, NOW! We are NOT ANIMALS! I refuse to be a part of this insanity!

      Or did he just sit back and allow it all to happen, doing what he was told to do and never questioning WHY.

      It's pretty easy to see through that smokescreen of confusion you are trying to use to obscure the truth. Breeding a superior race...isn't that what the Nazis were doing in World War II? And they were RACISTS!

    2. Anon 4:23 is completely right about the Kingstons, and those who are members have participated in their guilt if they haven't actively gone to the law and reported their disgusting practices. Not only incest, but child labor, and what amounts to slave labor for their membership who often work for Kingston enterprises and are not paid - just given their "needs" from the company stores.
      As for this "nice old man" being blameless, I think you are being duped. These practices go back a long time. Her's a quote from an article "John O. Kingston, took over as head of the church, when his brother, Charles, died in 1948. It was under John Ortell's leadership that incestuous practices began which made the Kingston Clan notorious, according to ex-members.
      John Kingston, a dairy farmer, began applying the same breeding practices in his family that he practiced on his holsteins.Owner of Kingston Dairy in Woods Cross, John Ortell futzed around with genetics to improve the yield of his dairy cows.'My father' experimented inbreeding with his cattle and then he turned to his children," said Connie Rugg in an April 1999 interview with The Salt Lake Tribune. "

    3. I just have a question. Was that documentary about Wendell Owen you watched Anonymous 2:25, was it produced by the Davis Cooperative aka the Kingston Group by chance? That could explain a lot.

  12. I was just looking at MSWC and had two questions about the website. First, where does it say what the budget items are made of? I couldn't find it. And, in the terms and conditions text, it said, "Copyright 2003,, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED." Typo? In the privacy section, it says, "this policy was last modified on August 6, 2003." Did they just copy-and-paste ten year old information? Any thoughts out there?

    1. It may just be the copyright date for the template they used to build the website.

  13. I have been following the Kingston group for some time and I believe they are the most dangerous FLDS cult, even worse then Warrens mob. I read somewhere (and it stuck in my head) that with the way the Kingston's are breeding (and inbreeding) and turning over generations so fast that in 20 years they could easily have enough members to sway the Utah political system as they all vote as ordered. Scary!

  14. So Kody's moronic - I mean, iconic - necklaces range from about $160 - $190 a necklace. And he supposedly carefully designed each one to represent each of his four wives (he probably walked by Meri's wet-bar one day, saw Truely's Sharpie scribbles all over it, and found his designs that way). And THEN he was upset that customers weren't knocking each other down at the Expo to get their hands on one of those joolry items. Dude - they are PERSONAL designs from "husband" to "wife." I'm sorry, from where does your surprise originate? Do you really think that just because you're the Great Kody Brown, women are going to want to wear your pendants? If a woman does want to purchase one of your designs, take a good look at her - she just might be Wife #5.

    1. I may not be on the right thread, but I believe the other to be full. Question about the expo in which they were supposed to sell their jewelry and the man they interviewed said that it was ok to have the Browns because they were only selling jewelry and not their lifestyle--was Kody unloading numerous copies of their book from a box as they were setting up? I thought that is what I saw. If so, wouldn't that be categorized as "selling their lifestyle"?

    2. was Kody unloading numerous copies of their book from a box as they were setting up?
      Yes he was and there was a shot of Janelle, with a sharpie in her hand, getting ready to sign a book before the Expo opened for business. I thought this was weird because most reality show stars sign their book in front of the person who bought it. It makes sense now why they chose to they couldn't be accused of selling their lifestyle!!!

    3. laurakaye - I doubt there's any chance Truely OR her sharpies are allowed anywhere near Meri's wet bar. Or her front door.

    4. It would be quite hilarious if the Kody line featured the necklaces he designed for each wife. Sterling steel/aluminum foil personalized pendants:

      Meri- her pendant is wet bar
      Janelle- her pendant is a silver see-ment pad
      Christine- her pendant is a 2 piece set, 2 rolling eyeballs
      Robyn- her pendant is a giant teardrop

      Now THOSE would have meaning! Kody of course could not leave Kody out. He would design a pendant to represent himself. It would be a pendant that says I HAVE FOUR WIFES (spelling is not his thing). It would light up, flash and have genuine, iconic, zirconia diamonds. I would chose for those words to instead say 'PLYG SURFER'. He thinks he is a surfer dude and he surfs between the beds of 4 women. OR I would simply create a lazy-boy chair pendant.

    5. That would be iconic!

      Janelle could have a dollar sign pendant since that seems to be mainly a paycheck for the family
      And mock tapioca for Christine.

    6. Anonymous - I think you have spoken universal truth and have my own giant teardrop from rolling my own eyeballs while trying not to wet my bar/pants!! Keep it rolling, my friend. I don't know where you get your insight, but it counterbalances "their" insanity.

  15. They could solve their problems by getting 9-5 jobs and living within their means.


    1. That kind of rational logic has no place within the Brown Fam'ly Circus.

    2. I agree and that is why we have watched them squander the great opportunity for self promotion that they were given.


    3. Laurakaye
      You are funny... that comment made me LOL :)

  16. I seem to remember Meri saying something about the Kingston Group in a couch interview-like, "I always thought they were like us." How could she NOT know about this group? I last lived in SLC in the late 1980s (the LaBarron days) and even I knew about the Kingstons being bad news.

  17. They need ol' Arthur from Centennial Park to straighten them out and teach the Kodster some work ethic...wait...his nails might get dirty! A man with no work ethic is so ugly to me.

  18. Another thing...Was Meri serious about not putting insulation in her home as a way to save money?!? WE just finished our home and used the spray foam insulation - a whopping $7000 for a 2500 sq. foot house. It was a big bite in the budget but our utility bills have not been over 175...and that was through a cold and wet winter and hot/humid Alabama summer. We will pay for that insulation within 5 years of savings on our power bill.

    1. That comment coming from Meri's mouth was a stunner wasn't it? I'm in Wisconsin and made a similar choice to yours. Our extra insulation has paid for itself a couple of times over, giving us extra winter warmth and cooler summer temps in the house. Just a guess but maybe even Meri sees the writing on the wall--they don't plan to hang onto those houses long!

  19. Thought these two tweets from Robyn was interesting:

    Hobby business? I have put too many hrs in for it to be a hobby business! :-/

    And talking about her joolry: "@HeatherTillery: this is definitely a meri Robyn thing!" I want it to be a Kody, Christine,Janelle, Meri, Robyn thing! #brownfamilyrocks :)

    1. Robyn sweetie, take a minute and think about why if you have put so much effort into this business and it still hasn't shown signs of being successful, why you are still beating a dead horse? Not to mention the other 4 adults in your family show little to no interest in working on it, why are you still insisting on wasting their time?

      Shouldn't you be looking into spending your time in a more financially stable manner? Such as getting a real job that is a secure paycheck? With 4 kids and a line of debt, why aren't you working on paying it back?

    2. Robyn is the most manipulative of the bunch. Her whining about Christine and Janelle not helping her with the trinket business has several advantages. If the business fails it will be the fault of Wife #2 and #3 because they didn't help or... if she does end up manipulating them into helping,(doing all the work), it will have failed because they didn't do something right. Either way it's not Robyn's fault. It's never Meri's fault. It can't be Kody's fault because the man shouldn't be required to work. Christine and Janelle better run. If they make any money at real estate Kody, Robyn, and Meri will be there to suck it up.

    3. They should watch Shark Tank and then go on it to get money to promote their business. Wait until they went head to head with Kevin....he would eat them alive. He would ask them how much money the business was making as he is only interested in money. When he found out what the profits were he would advise them to ....give it up.

      Then Kody can leave his women and go on the Bachelor. In the end when he goes on the four visits to the homes he will be so in love with all of them that he can't pick one. Then he will surprise everyone and ask all four to marry him. Then he can say ....I'm Kody Brown and I have four wives.

    4. I should know. I should really know. The comments here always make me laugh and I don't normally drink anything while I'm reading them.

      I was so busy reading I forgot - and took a sip of my pop while reading Slept's comment. I almost choked from the it going down wrong becasue I imagined the scene on Shark Tank and couldnt' stop laughing. Then you mentioned The Bachelor which I will admit I watch and I ended up off my chair and on the floor. (Thankfully my boss didn't see any of this).

    5. Maggie, now can you picture Meri on the Bachelorette . The 25 guys arrive and have their cocktail party where half of them get drunk. Then Meri picks one for the one one date and wears her blue sausage dress with black leggings. She opens the door and expects to see her date all ready to go and the others are sad because they did not get picked. But surprise...there is nobody there....they all left!

  20. So this morning I decided to check out Christine's twitter, speaking of tweets...and this is what I found:

    Kody: "Love the great business attitude of 'if I don't roll my eyes and walk out, I'm giving great support!'"
    Christine: "At least it is a start. (-:
    Christine: "Okay, maybe rolling my eyes isn't the BEST support, but, really, imagine our business mettings. 5 independent, talkative, opinionated adults."
    Robyn: "I am so passionate about My Sisterwife's Closet!"
    Christine: "Yes, she is! I love her enthusiasm for our family business."
    Christine: "I really am more supportive of my sisterwifes closet now. I really didn't understand Robyn's dream until we talked about it. #communication"

    So, yet again, Christine speaks her mind, gets her hand smacked, and has to go on the public apology tour, with a little false suck up to Robyn for good measure. GAG. WHY, WHY, WHY does Christine ALWAYS let them force her to "keep sweet" or pay for it by publicly groveling and recanting?? We ALL know that she meant every word of what she said originally, and that she's now just parroting what Kodouche is forcing her to.

    It's probably in vain, but I hold out hope that one day we will see her scream, "F ALL of you, and I am NOT sorry - NOT NOW, NOT EVER!!!!"

    And then stomp back to her mcmansion, which is being paid for by her new husband who is madly in love with her - and only her - and holding her monthly check from Kodouche that she gets for child support, which she uses to take vacations, many of them, mostly to Mexico. (She no longer has to save her grocery money if she wants to go more than 20 miles from home, because yeah, Kodouche has to come up off some of whatever money his lazy ass is making to support their lovely children now). One can dream, right???? Sigh....

    1. Not to mention, WHY do they call each other out on a PUBLIC timeline?!! This does NOT feed into the whole "this lifestyle makes each of us better and love is a multiplication table, and I believe in living this miserable lifestyle even though I hate my sister wives and their stupid joolry."

      Just when I think they cannot possibly get any more hypocritical, they come through. Simply amazing!

    2. um yeah except they're tweeting about this like it just happened yesterday and not 8-9 months ago. It's a total act for the viewers. Gimme a break. Of course, a lot of the viewers will not even realize that.

    3. Totally agree. Christine got the hand smack by Kody and again has to go on the groveling and apology tour. In fact, Christine's emails almost sounded like they were written by either Kody or Janelle (who would probably be the better bet, after Kody told her to write it for Christine).

    4. "It's a total act for the viewers."

      Yep, sure is !!
      Because if it *was* real, there is one surefire way for Christine to stop it, and that is to just stop tweeting to any of them.

      But we know that won't happen because the Christine persecution makes for juicy Kodyworld episodes and even meatier viewer response.
      And that's what keeps the ratings up and generates the paychecks.

      After four years, they all are fairly good actors.

    5. Eh, I think is just acting apologetic. I bet in real life she does not give Robyn the time of day which pisses Robyn off to no end. I think she may mean girl Robyn and is not sorry at all. Christine is a much stronger person than we get to see on t.v. and is not sorry at all. She is only acting sorry for the show. I bet Christine's kids could tell a very different story from what we are seeing portrayed. Do we ever really see Christine's kids hanging around with Robyn?

      Don't think Christine will ever really like Robyn because she sees her as her replacement and Kody thinks she is so hot.

    6. I forgot to add, I don't think Christine gives a flying hoot about having a relationship with Meri either. When she said having a relationship with her sister wives' would be too much work she was throwing some major shade at Meri and Robyn for being drama queens.

    7. I fully understand Christine not wanting to participate in Robyn's business. But speaking your mind is saying "I want to devote my efforts to raising my kids/ developing my real estate career/ or whatever. "

      The eye rolling comment was mean and passive aggressive and required an apology.

    8. If Kody really sees Robyn has his more attractive wife then that is just one more thing his has wrong with him(eye sight) because Janelle and Christine are both beautiful women and excellent mothers. I believe Robyn and Meri suck the life out of the others. I would like to see how things are today not 9 months ago. The time lapse is ridiculous!

    9. It's so sad & obvious that Kody can't even stand his own wives. He doesn't like Robyn that much, but he is getting the booty call, so he hangs around her and "allows" and "stands" her ore. He liked her at first but doesn't like her that much anymore, he was all in love and/or lust at first, but that definately has cooled down.
      He downright seems to hate Christine, which is so sad, she seems a nice person and a good mom.
      He very much dislikes Janelle but thinks she is "smart" so doesn't just downright hate her like Chistine (who mustn't serve for nothing in his eyes).
      The only person he likes is Meri. Well, they deserve each other!

    10. "Charm is vain and beauty fleeting ... ."

      I've noticed that I see past the physical appearance of those I love and live with daily. (My sons actually are surprised I do not notice one has shaved a beard, first thing when I see him.) So many behaviors go into long standing beauty.

    11. Thats what they get for trying to mix business with complicated relationships with adults all built on a false premise of "Love Should Be Multiplied and Not Divided"

    12. Then she should leave. She threatens it enough with her ongoing whining of not knowing "how much more I can take".."I don't know how much more I can give"..on and on..whining about the closet..whining of how it takes time away from a business that has NEVER been seen. I think for sure she may not get the same attention as Mari and Robyn...but honestly, why should she? She's like the kid in class who would whine for attention and get the negative attention or tiptoeing around her to not upset her..but at least its attention. I was watching it one day and she annoyed me to the point I was Seriously? Very selfish..if its not about her then its not worth her time. Very immature. I changed the channel. I think they all need to get a job, get daycare, and act like a real family if they want to be seen as such. That's reality. There is only one child who now is not school age. Now time to do what most mom's have to in todays world...get a real job.

  21. And this tweet from Christine was rather funny

    Okay, maybe rolling my eyes isn't the BEST support, but, really, imagine our business meetings. 5 independent, talkative, opinionated adults

    1. Christine is ridiculous! She is selfish and sarcastic. I don't think I have EVER seen a show that she is not whining about something. They all wanted this business...but "I don't know how much more I can give that I'm not giving"...what are you giving? And what is this other "Business" that is so important and taking all your time. Do you ever see anything come out of this so called real estate thing she is surposedly doing. I think barely I saw her on the computer with a class. Really? That's it? Get a job and stop whining! If its not all about her, then the show is a bust. It seems the only two stable ones who are always talking about goals of keeping the family together are Mari and Robyn. So yes, Robyn jumped to try to get a business going for the family to work on together for income. Maybe its not going as well. But she is the only one I have seen try to do something productive thus far. If EVERYONE put more into it rather than whining about it..maybe it could work.

  22. I think Kody underestimates how much the fans support Christine. We think he is mean to her period. I love that the closet is not her thing. The shite they offer on there is not my thing either... and I wanted to buy something from the sister wives but, the only appealing things are way to highly priced for what they are. I wanted to buy her piece Kody made her in support of Christine. But it is just a heart... with a fairy on it. I think they sale something like that at Disney Land for like $40. She needs to go after her own dreams and not Robyns dreams. Robyns dream does not have to be mandated to the Team Kody. He gives her too much credit and it is destroying his family. You can clearly see he favors her which has to be about the sex because it is not that she is cute or nice. I think she is overly passive aggressive, controlling and just not at all nice. What is with her duck voice she talks to her baby with? I guess she never read you should not talk baby talk with your babies. Worried about her kids... the little girls hang on her every word trying to understand her. She ignores them and focuses on the baby. Babies take a lot of attention but, she needs to pour some of energy in her kids and get off her internet foolery.
    Christine... if you read this. Continue on girl! Voice your opinions and concerns. Then get yourself out into the career YOU choose. The thing you are passionate about and make YOURSELF happy and self supporting. Your husband was lucky in catching YOU and he should take a step back and think about how he appears to be verbally and emotionally abusing YOU. Think about YOU for a moment and move on with your OWN dreams. God Bless ya!

    1. Yess! I hate to see how Kody treats Christine. She has given him 6 beautiful kids and helped raise 12 of his kids, where's the credit for that? I do see that Christine is probably difficult and speaks her mind though, and King Kody cannot handle that. All he sees is that she is getting in the way of his new sex toy Robyn.

      I still have hope that Christine may leave one day. Someone above posted about how Christine always backs down and apologizes for the things she says. I think she is only doing it for the show and to look "sweet". In reality I doubt she gives Robyn the time of day and cold shoulders her/ I don't know if it because she is jealous she was replaced or because she just cannot stand Robyn's personality. If they lose these houses, and with their track record they will, I think Christine will be the first one to high tail it out of sister wive's hell back to Utah.

      I REALLY am pulling for Robyn's kids, especially the ones from her first marriage. Hope being in a more diverse environment like Vegas will open their eyes to all their opportunities in life and they will see that they don't need a man to survive. Out of all 17 kids, I feel the worse for Dayton. To have autism and live in the midst of all these people and siblings/step siblings must be difficult. I hope he is getting the support he needed. People talk about Truely getting the short end of the stick because of baby Sol, think how Dayton must feel.

    2. He treats her awfully, like garbage! He is extremely emotional abusive & it's so sad.

      However, let's take a far fetched, hypothesis... what if... this is all acted (I am pretty sure it isn't, but what IF...)... if in reality this is all some sort of sick twisted act?

    3. What if this is all an act.....??

      What may be "real" is that all of them (the wives) live in their own little orbits now while glumly maintaining general membership in the "company" in which they all have a stake. Their reasons may be quite simple.
      As a group, they now must maintain their collective public identity.
      They have a coveted windfall of an income stream as long as the show prevails.
      And...They have little to none in other options to fall back on.

      As sick and twisted as it may be, as individuals, they are bonded by their collective dysfunctions. They need each other, good or bad, to keep the storylines and the public scrutiny (ratings) going.

      What may be completely fake is any real sense of solidarity or community among them for anything beyond what the cameras need for show footage.
      They all now look and sound as if they happily retreat to their McMansions and avoid any contact with each other except when it is mandatory "show time."

      All the dicey, snarky comments and tweets are props and staging, all designed to make sure the viewers stay sweet.
      Yes, I think it is an "act" to make sure that the viewers continue to "react."

  23. Anonymous July 25, 2013 at 12:16 PM said "They could solve their problems by getting 9-5 jobs and living within their means."

  24. Wendell Owen was more many years the manager of Co-op Mine. Which under his direction commonly used pulled young boys out of school to work the mines.

  25. THIS IS WHY POLYGAMY IS ILLEGAL!.......whew! So so so disturbing to hear. How sad for these women to have lived a life like unfair! Religion my a$$....garbage! It needs to be investigated to the hilt! All children need to have an identity, social security number and be accounted and checked on.

    As far as the tweets of the "Sista's".....oh my...they are all about themselves...laughing at what occurred over 9 months ago and acting like "Oh dear, what were we thinking" "We weren't really like that were we?" Back peddling like crazy now....pathetic!!!

    This is just sad....the whole lot of them.

    They still dislike each other and now Kody can't take them either....I here the the train and the wheels jumping the tracks

    1. Oh so right! We keep talking about the wives getting a brain and self confidence. It will probably be Kody who jumps ship because all of the wives are aging and just too much work! Ole Surfer Dude is still looking and doesn't need the baggage of 4 middle-aged women and 17 children. Even in a legal divorce, a judge would probably let him keep his motorcycle, his leathers, old sports car and guns. What more does a friendly narcissist need to get "another wife"?

  26. I think racism is only one of the potential hot buttons that could shake up the Brown world. TLC ought to purchase one of the cul-de-sac houses and "rent" it to a series of people who can shake things up. Gay couple jogging laps in the cul de sac.... Hunky teenage boys of a different race lounging by the pool... people from West Virginia. Yep, that could squeeze another year out of the show.

  27. Thanks for posting the video. I hope the best for those women. They did the right thing by running away, it sure wasn't easy what they endured. God speed to them.

  28. This:

    Hold on to your multiple sexual partners, folks, Sister Wives is strong in the ratings, it's not going anywhere with this kind of performance for TLC.

    1. TLC banks on the drama of this family....and mostly the bad drama, but it's actually creating an already horrible light on polygamy into an even worse situation.

      A lot of their fans say "oh what a great family" "the kids are so normal" it because we are looking for abnormal with this family? Why?? Because they are polygamist? They are normal people........sooooo, TLC needs DRAMA for the success of this show...they need fighting, crying, dirty looks, awkward situations, is no longer a "reality show" because the reality is JUST TOO BORING. It's a soap opera...and that is why we watch it. We are waiting for that day that they just can't do it any more....just like The Gossilns.

      The question far will the Browns let this go? Is the money that important to the point of the destruction of the family??? That will be what everyone is watching and waiting for...not really for the entertainment of the show.

      If you notice on the commercials they always add "What drama will unfold this week on "Sisterwives" drama, no ratings.

    2. I agree. I think we are all being played on the financial struggles. I am still in the camp that they have financial backers (rich polygamists with an agenda) and TLC money. I do find it hard to believe Janelle would get a personal trainer but not have 'bread and butter' for her kids. Janelle and Christine don't seem to have sold any houses (don't you know that would be tweeted) and it's several months after the show aired last week. They all have nice and new-ish cars and all of the family have smartphones (that's not cheap) and the kids frequently go to Disneyland. They are NOT broke, they are laughing at all of us for believing they are trying to make a living selling their jewelry at expos. That was all manufactured by TLC, it makes no sense they would go to St. George when they could just go to one of many expos in Las Vegas. It's probably the only drama they can come up with. Dragging out the 'will she or won't she' surrogacy thing and MSWC. Otherwise they are just four houses full of people. It's working for them. The ratings are up.

  29. I'm tired of "poor Christine had to save her grocery money" or "poor Janelle didn't know how she would feed her kids." Once they started filming the show, even cut five ways, between the show and the books, they are making a living wage. Not, perhaps, enough to support the lifestyle to which they want to become accustomed, but this idea that they had no money coming in is ludicrous.

    It's all for the cameras. It's easy to see how manipulative Meri and Robyn are. But Janelle and Christine are just as much so in their own ways.

    1. Couldn't agree more Anon 1:01pm. Plenty of money there for feeding the kids! I'm sick of their manipulating "poor me" lies - and that goes for Janelle too, who uses the services of a personal trainer, and who may possibly be putting a pool in her back yard. If I hear her say "finite resources" again this season, I think I will scream. She is living high on the hog, just as the others are. I wonder how much it cost to decorate and furnish her massive new McMansion? And these people complain that they won't be able to pay their mortgages if the "joo-le-ry" closet doesn't succeed! Please!!!

  30. I don't doubt for one min that they are making a decent living at the moment and frankly I don't care what they do with their money. I think we all yell pour Christen and Janell for they way they are treated by the other 3 adults.

    1. Yeah well they asked to be in it, remember? They claim to love it so much. I will never understand why any of you feel sorry for Janelle and Christine, especially Janelle. She, of all the wives, can leave and has the best shot in the monogamist world. Heck, she's done it before! No way will I ever feel sorry for, let alone admire, her. Granted, I like that she's taking charge of her weight and I think Logan's a great kid, but that's it. Christine is so deep in plygdom but other women have made the difficult decision to leave. She doesn't want to. She is the biggest advocate for polygamy in this family. As long as she was the favored wife, she was happy, but now that she's been replaced, we're supposed to feel sorry for her. Oh please.

    2. I don't feel sorry for ANY of the adults who chose to be in this situation. the kids - including the older kids - yeah i do feel sorry for them. they didn't choose to be in this mess. Hopefully now they have seen the negatives of this lifestyle. I think Maddie, Hunter, and Logan have and I hope that means they're not planning to perpetrate their parent's way of living such as it is.

  31. Robin, Meri and Kody are emotional vampires.

  32. Is anyone else sleeves out when Robyn says "It's like we should have all been together from the beginning". She would have been what, like 14, at the beginning?

    1. Well a couple of the Cawley wives "knew" they wanted to marry "Papa" when they were in middle school. ICK.

    2. Haha, you're right. The quiet way she says it is weird too.

  33. I don't really get it, I know I'm slow to the tweeting thing, but who is @plygs? Is that a random person?

    1. @plygs is a Ed Kociela, a former St George newspaperman who wrote about the FLDS in Hildale/Colorado City. He is the author of "plygs", a roman a clef of the FLDS. He is an advocate against polygamy, and even made an appearance on Polygamy, USA asking a question to the CPAC ladies at Dixie State College in St George.

  34. 2 things. 1 CJ I'm a die hard fan. I love everything you write. You are flat out hilarious. 2. I just recently got back to reading my absolute favorite blog. (I started a new job and got busy for a while) When I heard they were actually going to bring that crap show back I jumped right on my computer. I can't wait for the review.
    When I heard they updated the MSWC site I just had to go look. I haven't been on it since they crucified the clauddah. I can't believe the god awful stuff they come up with. Of course they now have a bargain section now. I guess one to many fans complained about prices.

  35. The kids are smart to milk the current money on experiences like Disney. They have lived in 4 houses in the last 7 years. They are used to not getting from the adults what they are told will happen, remember they didn't get excited about moving? Can't lose a trip anywhere to bankruptcy.

    I highly doubt Mariah is going to stay unmarried for 9 more years. Why would she waste her most fertile time in med school given her moms trouble getting pregnant. College I can see but not 10 years of school.

  36. Maybe if Meri had put the family above her own desire to live single in a five bedroom house with a hubby room and a wet bar... The kids could have spent the summer frolicking in a family pool.

  37. I finally got to watch the season premier, what a frustration! When Kody was talking about how angry he is/was at being forced to leave his home I really wanted to just smack the crap out of him. The whole melodrama is too much. IMO the only worthwhile statements made were: 1. At the expo one wife said it was just too much explaining the jewelry too make a sale and you could see the customers eyes glaze over. And 2. Think is was Janelle (not sure) who made a comment on being used to having her own space and how hard it was going to be to get back into the being all together again in the new houses. Very telling statements on the "love makes us great" situation.
    Thanks for posting the video, after watching that I am si sickened by the made up shit the Browns want us to believe. These women have real struggles not phones stuff.

    Sorry for the long rant

  38. If you look at the pictures of the Brown's on the LIV online website (I searched liv online kody brown) in the pictures it seems so obvious which wives he likes and is close to. Look at his facial expressions with Meri and Robyn versus Janelle and Christine. With Christine and Janelle it's like he's faking it, not like with Meri and Robyn. It's messed up how obvious it is that he has favorites.

  39. I am watching this weeks new episode and within the first 10 minutes, we have Christine and Janelle talking about how important it is to get the family together again and we have Meri talking about how it is going to be hard to adjust to living close again. Meri loves not having the other wives around, the other children around, her selfishness is incredible.

  40. IF they are all struggling financially, Meri, do not bring another mouth to feed into your world.

  41. WHY WHY WHY - are the homes of Robyn and Meri being constructed first - with no financing in place?? Seems it would have been logical to construct the other two where financing was arranged....

  42. I just have to comment because this show frustrates me to no end. Christine seems to be the most interesting because I don't think she actually likes Kody. It appears to me that she wanted kids and it would be unacceptable to have a child out of weddlock, so she HAD to get married. She is an awesome mom in my opinion.

    I can't figure out Robyn's deal. I almost feel like she assumed with this many wives finances would never be an issue. Meri seems to be extremely depressed to the point of looking like she is on step away from killing herself [I never see her smile]. I like Janelle for some reason. I feel like she is more emotionally stable than the others.

    Lastly, Kody seems to think it is his job to spread the seed and nothing more which is absolutely ridiculous. That guy sounds like a caveman who just discovered fire for the first time when talking about the smallest details. "we are a fundamentalist mormon family. Is that going to be a problem at this school". He said something to that effect at one of the colleges he visited with Mariah.
