What a "fun" episode this was. First, there was Centennial Park Mike reading this sermon how women who do not live the Principle of Plural Marriage will doom their daughters to live as harlots. Then there was Ezra nervously contemplating having his non-plyg girlfriend meet his parents. And finally, there was the continuing saga of Hyrum - the longest serving missionary in Centennial Park. Will he finally graduate from his mission or will the Brethren condemn him to one more year because he can't be bothered to shave every morning?
Well, let's get started, shall we?
CP Mike thinking about how it rubs the lotion on it's skin... |
There was something very creepy about CP Mike reading that sermon about harlots to his small children as if it was a bedtime story. Not only was it inappropriate for children, it was a nightmarish depiction of what supposedly happens when a woman chooses monogamy. It was BRAINWASHING, plain and simple. Who uses the word harlot in the 21st century?
Does anyone else think that book CP Mike was reading from was the collected sermons of Warren Jeffs? It just sounded so eerily like him.
Does anyone else think that book CP Mike was reading from was the collected sermons of Warren Jeffs? It just sounded so eerily like him.
But wait, the creepiness doesn't just end there. We get to see the Cawleys plan their grocery shopping for the week. Now if you've seen this episode, you're already aware of the "applesauce" incident where poor 1st wife Rose had to tell her strong priesthood holder that they needed more applesauce. Let's just say the look of fear on Rose's face says it all. As CP Mike bemoans, in that creepy monotone voice of his, about how expensive food supplies are and how he budgets $5-600 dollars each week, I'm thinking that figure is way too low. I figure at least $200 for each adult, so that's over $800 when you factor in the teens. Later, when CP Mike tells us he paid about $900, I'm thinking, yeah, that sounds about right. Dude, you need to redo your budget!
Seriously, they could cut their grocery costs by economizing on some non-food items. Like, instead of buying disposable diapers, investing in cotton diapers. And maybe checking out the Duggar's website for some great instructions on making laundry soap. And how about growing vegetables and having some chickens in the backyard. It just seems so backwards to grind their own wheat but then spend money buying expensive, non reusable disposable diapers. There's a lot they could do to cut costs if they really wanted!
But I digress...
Surprise, Surprise! Uncle Art was actually quite charming with Tiffany. He's not so scary after all she thinks. I'm thinking old Art is being nice because he figures if Tiffany smartens up she'll dump that lazy lug Ezra and marry him instead. But seriously, Uncle Art doesn't think Ezra's relationship with Tiffany will last because it's built on love. And love fades quickly, especially if the guy doesn't have a pot to you know what in.
Which leads us directly to Ezra's cousin Hyrum.
Dude, you're getting married!
Dude, I don't think so...
Dude, how many times does the Brethren call you?
Dude, more times than I want to admit on camera...
Hey you two Dudes! How about sweeping that gutter with a little more gusto cuz I'm still seeing a lot of dirt and leaves. Hop to it or I'll throw my Louboutins at your lazy ass heads!
Did I sound like Uncle Art? At least I didn't call them SOBs and sorry bastards but then again they aren't horses, are they?
Hyrum nervously rubbing the manly stubble on his face |
Later, Hyrum moseyed on over to the Brethren Office, located in an unassuming building. In another typical reality show scripted moment, Hyrum finds out his time as a missionary has finally come to an end. The conversation is stilted, and just weird with Hyrum smiling while nervously rubbing the thick manly stubble on his face. No wonder the producers had the narrator explain that the "conversation" may seem obscure to outsiders. Let's just hope Hyrum was a better missionary than an actor.
A few days later, Hyrum hits the jackpot. A young daughter of Zion has had a revelation she should be married to Hyrum. When she turned 18, she passed Hyrum's name to the Brethren, and now that Hyrum has been released from the missionary program, he finds out he's getting married!
But Hyrum does not look happy. In fact, he looks rather resigned. It became obvious Kellie was not one of the girl's he was expecting (ah....poor baby!) but rather than pout about it, he put on a semi-happy face. When we meet Kellie in the next scene, it soon became apparent why Hyrum was less than enthusiastic. And it really shows when Hyrum picks up Kellie for their "first date". Instead of walking up to her door, he just sat in his truck and she had to walk over to his truck and climb into it.
Now, when I was growing up, if a guy came to pick me up for a date and he honked his horn when he arrived, guess what? Yep, my Dad would not let me go out the door; that guy HAD to come to the door, and meet my Dad before taking me off on the date. Behavior like that is not only disrespectful to the girl, but to her family as well.
The Brethren made their decision, and Kellie, who apparently has been crushing on Hyrum since the 10th grade, gets to marry the man of her dreams after only 'courting' him after 14 days. This is how marriages are done in Centennial Park. But I think Hyrum's optimistically looking on the bright side. If his first wife was fulfilling his duty to God, perhaps he can still find his true love in a future wife.
Yep, I think I'm beginning to figure out the Centennial Park version of plural marriage. Accumulate wives until you find your true love, then accumulate some more.
It will be interesting to see how this saga between cousins Hyrum and Ezra will play out.
Polygamy, USA: God Has Spoken
In this episode, we continue the saga of several of Centennial Park's young folk: Graduated Missionary Hyrum; Ne'er Do Well Ezra; and Devoted Daughter Rose Marie whose quest for a husband seems to be at a standstill.
Plain and simple, Ezra has problems. A high school drop out, he yearns to be somebody. He wants to be noticed in his community, to be looked up to, to be a leader. But he just doesn't know how to go about it. He had a truck but when it broke down, he left it abandoned on the side of the road. And when Uncle Art waste his time and gas to haul Ezra's sorry azz to Salt Lake City, he wasn't even responsible enough to make sure he had his truck keys with him in order to retrieve his belongings from the locked truck. And now he wants to get married but he doesn't have a job and lives with his parents. The kid is an irresponsible mess.
The icing on this cake is Ezra still wants to live the Principle of Plural Marriage in Centennial Park. AND he desperately wants to get married, NOW. So he makes an appointment with the Brethren to plead his case.
Even when you view Ezra and Tiffany's plight through a monogamist's eyeglasses, it is obvious these two "lovers" are way too immature to be contemplating marriage. On one hand, Ezra tries to act like a macho man, but instead of looking for a job, we see him lying on his bed with a TV remote in his hand. And I get the impression that Ezra's idea of his father helping him out is being handed $10,000 and a house.
I think Uncle Art does care about Tiffany's well being and, like the other Brethren, know where this is all going end. In this case, I can see the wisdom of the Priesthood Council. Marriage is for now and eternity for them. If Ezra marries Tiffany, their marriage might last a year or two, at most.
And where are Tiffany's parents in all this?
The Brethren have given Tiffany a gift: she should thank them and walk away before she gets hurt.
Later, Ezra is offered a job in North Dakota. Now, if he was a mature adult, he would tell his father he's leaving for a job in North Dakota. But when he does tell his father, it's to ask his permission - no doubt hoping Uncle Art will relent and give him the $10,000 so he can stay in Centennial Park. So it must have come to a big surprise to Ezra when his father implied North Dakota didn't sound like a bad idea after all.
So we the viewers are left with a cliffhanger: Will Ezra leave for North Dakota? Tune in next week to find out.
Let's segue to something more light-hearted. Yep, I'm talkin' Hyrum's bachelor party! Oh yeah, and Kellie's bachelorette mani/pedi party with Rose Marie, the Thomson wives and two friends.
Here's a brief summary:
There were no strippers, and Hyrum can throwback a shot of tequila like a champ.
Kellie says she knows enough about Hyrum to marry him, and can't wait to be best friends with her sisterwives. She also knows exactly what she wants on her french tips.
Hyrum thinks Kellie "is sweet", but also thinks there might be some "sharks ready to eat his legs off" once he ventures into the deep end of the pool called marriage.
[Sorry, but I can't stand it when Marleen takes that sanctimonious tone of voice when she talks about how having sister wives is how women work out their salvation.]
Hyrum speculates his future to his posse by saying that he will get married and nine months later she will give birth.
Kellie feels that the one thing she and Hyrum have in common is their passion for their religion and that will make things easier for them.
I'm happy to hear there's SOME passion going on between Hyrum and Kellie!
Is it me or does Rose Marie sound more mature than Kellie? Rose Marie sounds like she knows what is expected of a wife -- making lots and lots of babies (no doubt courtesy of her father), but Kellie seems to ignore that part. She gives the impression that marriage is a big sorority party where she can hang out and be best buds with her sisterwives.
OK, the fainthearted may want to skip the next paragraph. This will be my opinion, and your mileage may vary...if you know what I mean.
flowers on her french tipped nails. She thinks her sisterwives will be her friends, but probably hasn't given a thought if they become her adversary instead. I'm sure she'll pray about it and repeating Marleen's words - this is how she will work out her salvation. And if Hyrum's unhappy, he'll just get another wife, but Kellie will be stuck in a marriage based on duty to husband and home and having lots and lots of babies. She will find solace in her religion, and her husband will find solace in another woman. What a sad life to look forward to...
BUT...Hyrum and Kellie do tie the old knot, although I would have loved to see the ceremony. My guess is there was a lot of giggling going on by the bride.
And what did Kellie do throughout his presentation? She giggled....
I wonder if Hyrum will do another tree of life for his next wives?
OK, that leaves us with Rose Marie, who unfortunately has not received any revelation which man she should marry.
She's ready to step away from her father's family, but she can't until she gets that doggone revelation. Why won't her husband's name pop into her head, like what happened to Kellie? Why? Why? WHY???
If you ask me, I think God is telling Rose Marie maybe she should be doing something else instead of being married right now. Like learning about the world and meeting new, different people. Maybe God is telling her she needs to further her education, and then perhaps, that name will be revealed to her.
After some thought, she decides to put her fate into the hands of the Brethren. She only hopes the man the Brethren come up with is not too old, and is pleasing to the eye. Fat chance, Rose Marie. You're going to marry...Uncle Art!! But just like the Ezra saga, we'll find out what happens in next week's episode.
The rest of this episode was mainly fillers.
Finally, we find out that each week, CP Mike ventures into Colorado City in order to replenish his family's drinking water supply. It seems the Centennial Park's ground water is contaminated with radium. Since he can't afford the $100 a month to have water delivered to his home, once a week he travels to Colorado City's community water faucet to replenish his supply.
Next week, the season finale!
Please continue your discussion here: Discussion Page 2
CJ - thanks for yet another great review! I'm telling you, these shows owe a big thank you to Cynical Jinx for so entertainingly recapping the shows.
ReplyDeleteMichael Cawley definitely reminds me of Warren Jeffs. You are so right, his voice sounds eerily similar to the jailed prophet. In fact, the whole 'harlot' thing is something WJ used to say all the time. Scare them into submission...super creepy. And I suggest that Michael, when off for the summer from his teaching job, should go to an orchard, pick apples and plan a family apple sauce making day. I don't think anyone can relive the agony of Rose telling Michael they are out of applesauce. Seriously, Michael is just plain squicky. I think I would rather be a harlot.
I agree that Arthur has more than 3 wives. Somehow I got the impression that it was 6 but I can't remember why I thought that. I think he was wise in being kind to Tiffany - think of the new blood they can introduce to the community if they can get her to convert! And I also agree that Arthur thought Tiffany and her haircutting business would be a good fit for him. Kudos to him for being pleasant. Somehow, I see Michael handing the situation differently. Like, for instance, informing her that her entire family is full of harlots.
And Hyrum just really disappointed me. Not getting out of your truck to meet your wife? I thought Kellie was plain but certainly not unattractive. These young girls have nothing to work with, they can't wear much makeup and have to dress super conservatively. I felt bad for her...she must have known he wasn't all that excited to be the name she heard whispered in her ear. And you know, if the brethren asked Hyrum to shave his beard and he kept refusing....is that not worse than being a harlot....refusing to follow the priesthead's orders? I get confused but I think it's disrespectful.
You know CPA Carol, I get confused too. And I agree with you on Hyrum not shaving. Now, maybe it's because he had all those unspent male hormones coursing through his veins, but it seemed he had a bad case of 5 o'clock shadow in every scene! Every other missionary was cleanshaven except for the grandson of one of the founders of CP. Nice example he was setting given his pedigree.
DeleteOn the subject of pedigree, I suspect this marriage had to do with familial alignments. So does anyone know which family Kellie is from? Barlows maybe? Zitting?
Kellie posted something on facebook about "Love to her Barlow and Timpson families" if that gives you any clues!
Deleteand....(whispering) I heard (in the 6/5 episode) the narrator call her Kellie "Thomson" which means yep, that's a pretty good clue what her maiden name is.
DeleteI just looked at the facebook page and did I see the word sh*t on there used by Kellie?
DeleteEzra's father called that horse a son of a ----- and a bastard so what's the big deal ? People curse and they never said they weren't allowed to. Just like they can drink liquor or wine. They watch Tv and they have all have cellphones and the Internet. The teens just can't date.
DeleteI doubt Kellie is a Barlow since they only recently moved to CP right (like seven years ago)? Isn't Hyrum's sister Becca "Thomson/Timpson/Barlow (You choose)" maybe why she would say "Love to her Barlow and Timpson families."
DeleteI think CJ is right because the show used "Thomson" for her last name. She's related to Isaiah and I don't think Becca is Hyrum's sister either.
DeleteI guess so... Does anybody know how Hyrum and Becca are related? Cousins if not siblings?
DeleteKellie looks like a couple of the Zittings, maybe we'll get some clues in the next episode.
DeleteIf Arthur's lying about the number of wives that he has, it kind of defeats the point of doing a show like this. I wonder why he'd lie about it.
DeleteA poster on twop stated that Hyrum and Becca messed around and were reprimanded.
DeleteThis might explain why he was in the missionary program for so long...
how are you watching these episodes? Are they online somewhere?
ReplyDeleteI watch them on the NatGeo channel on cable Tv. Tuesday nights.
DeleteI actually did a post about this very episode today, with shout outs to Sister Wives Blog. I posted videos of two scenes you referenced- Harlots and Cry if You Want To. Here is the link if you'd like to check it out http://intoxicatingreads.wordpress.com/2013/06/04/off-topic-tuesday-sister-wives-polygamy-usa-and-the-dargers/
ReplyDeleteNational Geographic Channel. We have it on our ATT Cable.
ReplyDeleteWho needs to buy cloth diapers? I made all of my grandkis cloth diapers, and water proof coverings, and the various types of padding for the inside and spent less than 100 bucks on the supplies to sew them together and my daughter and daughter in law have passed those diapers back and forth throuogh four kids and I just recently made a new batch for the last baby because the original ones have worn so thin and had begun leaking. Also, laundry soap is so easy to make even without using the duggars recipe. I make a five gallong bucket of it and it is for sensitive skin. I also make the baby wipe cubes for mixing with water and they have no perfumes or alcohol in them and cost less than pennnies to use. These people who have a million kids and who are robbing the earth of its natural resources piss me off that they continue to fill the landfills with disposable diapers, wipies, and feminine products. When will they learn.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I have to ask this. What about the feminine products? You don't just use cloth sheets do you?
DeleteAbout the feminine products. My grandma was old school and grew up during the depression. She talked about using washcloths and cheap men's hankies, but by the time my mom came along, she had a change of heart and let mom use modern things. That's my over share of the day. :P
DeleteBack in the olden days, if someone was being a real *itch(rhymes with witch), we'd say "She must be on the rag."
DeleteThat's my over share of the day!
Anonymous, nope. I made some really absorbent ones out of bamboo and hemp are my favorites for both feminine products and diaper material but you can use anything. I've used old Tshirts that I recycle and make into absorbent pads. The idea is to create the pad out of fabric that you can tolerate and that is most aborbent. Of course, you should make them out of white material so you can occassionally bleach them. Bamboo and hemp are both naturally antibacterial so they are better for your skin and they are good for enviornment and they don't have that horrible soy and plastic product that has been known to cause boils on baby's skins
ReplyDelete"Well, let's get started, shall we?"
ReplyDeleteLove it, I really got a giggle out of that...I don't know why either! lol Maybe its the way I said it in my head...kind of like Dana Carvey's Church Lady voice.
I must admit, I used cloth diapers and homemade wipes with the last 3 of 5 children. Baby #3 was allergic to disposables and the wipes as well. I liked them so well I used them with babies 4 and 5. Also applesauce is so easy to make and tastes so much better. (However I am from West Virginia and apples are very plentiful). I also find Arthur to be likable. He reminds me of my own father. Gruff but caring. I think they both expect for a person to do their best. My father raised 9 biological children and mentored 5 other boys. When he passed away there were men who said they would have been in jail if not for my Dads tough love.
ReplyDeleteHow many kids do they have in diapers, though. It might be a matter of pure survival just for keeping up with the laundry. How many people is the home wife doing laundry for? (husband, 3? wives and nine kids?)
ReplyDeleteI watched the two clips shared by the blogger (thank you!) and everyone in them seemed really flat to me. That was interesting to me.
I hope someone will upload the applesauce scene...
DeleteHere ya go. Sorry for the poor quality, I had to use my iphone.
Thanks for posting the clip. I watched the episode but somehow missed that scene. What was her response at the 28 second mark? I can't understand what she was saying.
DeleteActually, Kim, when you think about how much trash a disposable diaper generates and how that trash is piled up at home and then outside the home until it gets picked up and you think about a huge number of babies and each one generating five or ten diapers a day that stink and take up space, then the idea of a cloth diaper or a pail full of cloth diapers that are washed daily and either hung out on the line or dried could not nearly be as bad as all that trash and cheap, cheap, cheap. I had two babies in diapers and I couldn't affor the disposable diapers so I made cute little covers and even made the soakers that fit in the covers and they are made with snaps and velcro and all of that too. Of my kids, I had four grandkids in diapers at the same time and my gift to their moms was cloth diapers, soakers, and waterproof all in ones or pocket diapers. And, an endless supply of butt cleaner and a stack of handy soft wash cloths to use on their tusshes...no chemicals, no expense, and relatively easy on the enviornment.
DeleteI listened with headphones. At the :28 mark she said, "It's a popular item... all of the sudden..." Thank you very much, DL Kane! I appreciate you doing that for me!
DeleteDon't get me wrong anonymous. I had 4 kids in 4 years and none of them trained early. I had 3 in diapers and one in training pants and used cloth diapers for all of them and made all food from scratch. We didn't have anything out of packages except rice. I even made my own pasta before the 4th one was born because we were so broke.
I absolutely agree that you can save money and it is better for the environment and everyone's health not to use disposable diapers... That being said I'm not sure how well one person can look after 9 kids under the age of ? (don't know - haven't seen anything but clips) and get all the cooking, cleaning, *and* new baby making done.
Sometimes you have to make a choice and I just don't think that disposable diapers are the worst choice a person could make. That's all I was saying.
"Sometimes you have to make a choice and I just don't think that disposable diapers are the worst choice a person could make."
DeleteI agree with Kim in AB. She has nine kids under the age of 5 at home, three of which are babies. If a person is able to use cloth diapers and have time to make cute covers and keep up with washing all of that, more power to them. But I don't think it will work in Rose's situation.
I think the point is is that if they cut down on the EXPENSE of the disposable diapers and wipes they could afford to have two wives home. I watched the episode and believe (correct me if I am wrong) that they found some of their major expenses to be disposable diapers, wipes and laundry detergent.
DeleteHave no problem with people using disposable diapers, used them myself with my first born. Not cheap though!
Great review, as always! I was absolutely yelling at the tv when Hyrum didn't get out of the truck when he went to pick up Kellie. That speaks volumes about him as a future husband and person in general. He seems arrogant but I suppose that it comes from being from one of the leading families in CP.
ReplyDelete"Housewives of Centennial Park" This made me laugh out loud! Uncle Art is my favorite so far. Seems to be very no nonsense and I do love how he treated Tiffany at the dinner.
ReplyDeleteIt should have been Sister Wives of Centennial Park!
DeleteI really like Art as well. I think he really cares about his community and family. There is noting wrong with that. He seems like he really cares about Ezra and his well being as well.
DeleteI like how the only part of the CP lifestyle that Ezra is committed to is the part about plural marriage. Very convenient. He has no interest in being a missionary or finding a wife in the traditional sense of his religion. I really hope that Tiffany drops him like a hot potato and wakes up before she does something stupid. He's not cute enough to sure. Run...Tiffany..Run. Where are her parents?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone else wonder where all the working sisterwives actually work? I mean CP seems to be in the middle of nowhere. Right? And yet michael tells connie"you have to go back to work" and presto whamo! Next epi she is out of the house and back to work. In this economy?!?! & that remote of a location? Really? !? What kind of marketable skills does she possess? Isn't there life goal to tuen 18&marry? Sorry for the rant, but I'm just having a hard time wrapping my mind around it...
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone else wonder where all the working sisterwives actually work?
DeleteThe Cawleys work at Masada charter school in CP. Last episode Michael told Connie she would need to go back to being a teacher's aid at the school. There's also the high school(where I think Teresa works) and Mohave Community College in the area. The Merry Wives Cafe is there and also other businesses.
Do a google search on Masada Charter School and you'll see a familiar face!
Wow. On that link to the charter school I noticed that the staff all seem to have the same names. In a community of only 1500 people they must be concerned about genetic diversity, right? Maybe that's why the brethren said yes to Ezra marrying Tiffany? Any thoughts?
DeleteI had the same thought! Surely they realize that its good to throw a little Clorox into that limited gene pool that is CP.
DeleteI didn't really understand the negative comment about Kellie's appearance in CJ's review. I thought she looked beautiful in her wedding dress in tonight's episode.
ReplyDeleteI never made a negative comment about Kellie's appearance.
DeleteThe "next scene" I refer to is the one where Kellie talked at length about how Hyrum's name had been in her head since 10th grade. The point I was making was that Hyrum was being married to a girl who had a long term crush on him, but they had nothing in common except for their religion.
I'm glad you cleared that up CJ, I understood the "When we meet Kellie in the next scene, it soon became apparent why Hyrum was less than enthusiastic" comment, to be about her apperance as well....
DeleteTbo, I think hyrum is very good looking. Minus the eyebrows, haha. He is very outgoing and seemed with his linage he might have gotten better than kelli. She wasn't very pretty. Kinda had the baby fat still in her face. Why hasn't anyone mentioned her making that shitty comment about his truck when they met? Bitchy..like Meri. Shes a natural first wife!
DeleteKellie looks very young, like she is about 14. She is plain, but she did look lovely in her white dress. Most of the girls and women are somewhat plain, although I put that down to hairstyles, clothes, and make up. Isaiah's wives need to get together with Tiffany and give the Centennial Park ladies makeovers.
DeleteDepending on the camera angle Kelli did look pretty but she just acts so immature. I can see Hyrum running to Brethren to beg for another wife in a year or so. She said she wants sisterwives but I think when the new wife joins the family she will be very hateful.
DeleteI'm wondering if any of the Cawley women are pregnant, and if it will cross their minds that maybe 9 preschoolers are enough and they will stop for a while. Do these people ever think that they shouldn't have more children than they can afford?
ReplyDeleteSerena, your comment made me think immediately of octomom. Then it hit me, Octomom needs a sister wife or two. CP needs new blood. Octomom should become a plyg. Will they take her now that she's done porn?
DeleteYou are right that really seemed like brainwashing to me too when he read that sermon about the harlots. In the last episode Marlene was going on about how they are not brainwashed but I see evidence here. She seems very high and mighty with her attitude about how they believe polygamy is a superior way to live.
ReplyDeletePoor Rose Marie. I was so worried about her when she "turned herself in" on last night's episode. I hope she doesn't end up with a 60 yr old for a husband.
What a goofy move on her part. Then afterwards she listed off her requirements such as not too old, pleasing to the eye. How childish? She's putting her faith in a group of old men because she's been brainwashed into thinking they know what is best for her. Hey Rose Marie, if you want a man that's not too old and pleasing to the eye you better chose him yourself and not leave it up to a council of old men to decide!
DeleteOr maybe she's trying to take advantage of the timing - a few episodes of "oh, Rose is trying but hasn't heard the name", an episode of "I'm going to ask the council for a name", a couple of episodes of waiting, an episode of "she's been given a name and met the guy", her marriage as the season ender....
DeleteAnd with it all on camera, she's probably got a much better shot of being assigned to a reasonably young, reasonably attractive man. Wait until after the cameras turn off, and she's got no leverage.
This show is fascinating! If I got a revelation that I was supposed to marry Mike, I would be like, "I'm sorry, did you say Mark? Mitchell? I had something in my revelation receiver and I think I heard Micah." I feel terrible for his wives. I don't think he even sees them as people with feelings/emotions/needs.
ReplyDeleteAlso, how is Hyrum going to lead a household?! He has the maturity level of a fifteen year old. Ezra too, although he is more likeable.
Their lives are completely joyless. That is what strikes me the most - the total lack of joy!
ReplyDeleteFrom what I understand, as long as they are able to bear children then they are obligated to. They cannot refuse or use birth control. That is what their religion believes.
ReplyDeleteWhat really bothers me about the show, is how none of the young girls are encouraged to get an education. You are 18 now, I need to get a name, get a husband, and start having children. And as we see with the Cawley household, expenses can get tight with large families, and many wives have to go to work. So why not push for college educations, then you can expand upon your job opportunities when they have to go back to work. It just makes no sense to me.
ReplyDeleteI agree completely. Although I thought I heard them say that Theresa Cawley didn't get married until she was done with college. An education (plus the extra time to mature before marriage!) can only help.
DeleteAlthough I thought I heard them say that Theresa Cawley didn't get married until she was done with college. An education (plus the extra time to mature before marriage!) can only help
DeleteExcept that Teresa did leave the family when she was pregnant with her second child and moved back in with her parents for a while. I believe that was due to her having a college education and jealousy on the part of her sisterwife Connie. It's obvious that Connie resents Teresa. Connie is only a teacher's aid while Teresa has 2 teaching positions.
But I agree with you that the young people of CP should seek higher education so they can be more mature before considering marriage. Well, maybe graduating high school IS higher education since Ezra is a drop out.
A comment about cloth diapers. While they do save money in the long run, I have done a lot of research and it is a big up front investment. Since the Cawley have so many young babies it would be a good investment to make. However, my research also found that it takes an enormous amount of time and energy to clean the diapers etc (especially with all those kids!). I think with two wives at home it would be completely do-able. However it' nine against one mom now and I think it would be cruel to also make her use cloth diapers. Those kids also have to be fed, bathed, put down for a nap, kept out of trouble! Not to mention she has to clean, do laundry and so many other house hold chores. I think they would cut down costs a lot more by changing the food they buy and like someone above mentioned, having chickens and growing vegetables. Taking care of chickens and veggie plants is also something the kids could help and participate in.
ReplyDeleteI also love Arthur's no-nonsense attitude even though I might not agree with him...at least he is honest! And sorry, but I feel bad for Hyrum. I think he was hoping for more of a partner in a wife. Not someone who has a school girl crush on him. But...not getting out of the truck is rude, you chose this life, man up and be respectful.
True but Rose Marie is 18 and will be living at home until she's married so she could help. And there's another teen daughter that could help with the diapers. It just looks like a case of poor management of financial as well as family members to me.
DeleteI think Hyrum is a romantic at heart who couldn't hide his disappointment in who chose him. I think he was expecting a girl like the blond girl at the dance. Instead he got a giggling teenager who hated his truck and had no other expectations but to follow him around like some dang puppy.
Well I was thinking more about when the older kids were at school. But yes I completely agree, its a poor management of finances etc like you said. But then even the Dargers have money trouble and they are very organized! At least they appear organized.
DeleteTotally agree about Hyrum too. You said it better then I did!!
They also live in the desert. I wonder how much water the townspeople have in their wells, and if the Cawleys can afford(not financially, but in terms of water supply) the water it would take to wash cloth diapers for three babies. The second oldest daughter is 16 and at school. I think Rose Marie works. I believe Rose really is by herself all day with nine pre-school age children all day.
DeleteIs Marlene Thomson related to Meri Brown- cousin? M stated she grow up in polygamy, but not Centennial park or FLDS, she looks alot like Meri and attitude wise- or maybe that is just first wife syndrome?. just curious..... it seems everyone is related somehow.
ReplyDeleteI keep thinking... Hyrum "knows" he will have more wives,(hotter wives?) so he is going to keep sweet with Kelly... and of course- sex..... ! there was no "spark" between them, kinda sad :( I don't like how marriage is viewed as an "ordinance" or "duty" to the Church or God. there just seems to be no love- just blind obedience! I think they both saw this as a "duty", im sure kellie was crushing on him for awhile, he didn't seem sexually attracted to her at all. reminded me of Kody and Christine "love story"- FAIL.
Ezra has alot of growing up to do before marriage- he seems ADHD?, and Tiffany seems really needy and no self-esteem- I think she would follow through with plural marriage, but would be miserable :(
Arthur is trying to "kick" sense into Ezra.... But Arthur, marriage isn't just "all" work and commitment, there has to be mutual love, attraction and YES great sex!! I did agree with some of his input.
I like Rose Marie! Maybe she wants to marry to escape her home life? or the fact that the family is struggling financially, maybe this is her way of helping to "lessen the burden" by marrying and moving out?
How is something a "choice" if you are told from birth that only this (polygamy) will get you into heaven? Of course you would chose the "path to heaven"!! it is very deceiving...
There is something going on with Ezra and his need for privacy away from parents home and I think you've got a point about Rose Marie. I also think she's trying to escape her homelife.
DeleteI think Marlene looks a bit similar to Meri...I think it has to do with the shape of the mouth and eyes. They seem to have similar expressions when they talk.
DeleteWhile I struggle to fully grasp what I am watching on screen, I do think that we are seeing a little more "reality" with Polygamy USA than the Browns. Although it is even more disturbing.
ReplyDeleteI like Rose Marie. She is well spoken and seems very mature. I also felt sad that she "turned herself in" on last nights episode. I do wonder, though, if that isn't really a shameful thing in that community but a move that shows more obedience to their God? By taking herself out of the "inspiration" process there is less chance of her just picking the better looking and more age-appropriate guys (which I totally suspect with Kellie- she's very giggly and seems pretty stoked...relieved? that Hyrum is her chosen man). Rose Marie has natural intelligence and gentleness and I think a great personality, but those eyebrows...YIKES! Those things have their own personalities! I am thinking of changing my name to "Rose Marie's Eybrows." Get it?
Sister Blister, I think Rose Marie is a smart cookie. They wouldn't dare match her up with a 70 year old with 20 wives and allow that to be broadcast on television. They're doing this show to change the public's mind about the preconceptions they may have about polygamy. They wouldn't allow the shadow of warren Jeffs to fall on their public campaign to decriminalize their way of life. She's a smart kid.
DeleteAccording to the Lisa Ling special, they ARE encouraged to pursue higher education, even the girls. But who really knows.
ReplyDeleteAre we also getting a summry of the Winter Ball and this last episode?
I'm working on last night's episode and I will just add it as an update to this posting (so be on the lookout!)
DeleteUnfortunately, my DVR messed up on me so the recap of the Winter's Ball and Baptism will have to wait for now.
Next week's show is the season finale, here's hoping NatGeo renews for a season 2.
The season is almost up? Dang it! I was really getting into this show!
DeleteI need this show to get renewed. The Browns 15 minutes are up and this is an actual informative show that can be it's replacement. Just don't let TLC get their hands on it.
DeleteOk, I have to get this out before I forget. So hopefully we can comment on the June 4 episode here!
ReplyDeleteThere was a scene where Rose Marie and Lydia (sister) were doing dishes and they were talking about plural marriage and how even if they couldn’t have kids they could still be mothers to the other kids (the kids Robyn refers to as her ‘bonus kids’) and then Lydia APPEARED to be very distraught and either was crying or was hiding her face in some way. Did anyone else catch that? I just thought that was so random. I can’t imagine a 14 year old so worried about fertility. That is troubling.
I thought that was odd too. Why would a 14 year old be worried about infertility? Maybe she was just hiding her face but it definitely looked like she was crying.
DeleteYes, it's ok to talk about last night's episode here (hopefully I'll have my review up within the next 48 hours as an update it to this posting).
DeleteOH YESS YES YES! THAT WAS THE MOST BIZARRE INCIDENT!! What the hell was that all about? I really believe she's an example of what happens when a father reads from a book that contains the most horrible sermons ever spoken every friggin night and the story scares an impressionable child to death! I would guess it was a sermon that said if a woman was barren it was because she did something to displease God. Poor child acted like she has been absolutely traumatized - total display of PTSD. If this was an example of her father's priesthood authority can you imagine what a Sunday school lesson would be like? Or Sunday church service? I wonder how many children are troubled like Lydia?
I'm a believer that something has happened in that family where the 1st wife is afraid to mention they need more applesauce, the 3rd wife runs back home to her parents while pregnant and the eldest daughter can't get a man's name in her head so she's letting the council decide so she can get the hell out of there by getting married.
What a messed up family...
I watched last nights episode with my husband (he would hate that I just said that, btw). When Lydia started to cry we were both totally speechless. These girls would be terrified to be me, I would be like a one-eyed monster because I haven't been able to have a child biologically.
DeleteThankfully, my salvation is not based on my fertility but is found in a God of grace, forgiveness and unconditional love.
I found this interesting article:
The Role of Women in Mormonism: http://www.exmormon.org/mormwomn.htm
I don't know if it has been posted here at SWB before. I do know there are some SWB readers who are practicing Mormons, I don't mean to offend your faith by posting this, but I found the article very interesting.
I was just coming here to post about the incident with Lydia. Y'all, what the heck was that about? Seriously, at 14 or 15 fertility was the last thing on my mind. The indoctrination runs deep with that poor little one, and I think CJ was dead on right about the nightly readings from Creepy Cawley (thanks TWOP <3 that!) having a little something to do with it. It makes me so sad that these girls/women seem to think that's the be all and end all contribution of a wife when there is so much more that makes a relationship fruitful and rewarding.
DeleteWas anyone else giving ol Arthur an amen when he was talking about not being able to live on love, and that marriage is about US not you or me? I'll be damned, I liking that old goat despite myself.
I haven't watched the episode yet. But, I can't wait to see this. B/c when I was little My mom use to tell me all the time that God was watching EVERYTHING I did. She finally stopped telling me that when I started refusing to take baths or wanted to bath with my clothes on b/c I didn't want God to see me naked. She also would tell me that If I was bad the devil would get me. blah, blah,blah. I can only imagine how these kids are being affected by this "religion" and all the stuff they are told. Sometimes I go to a Ex Mormon support website. and they had a woman talking about the first time she left the house w/o her Magic undies. She said she was so scared something bad would happen to her. I can only imagine how these poor girls feel.
DeleteIt really seems as though a woman's worth is tied to her ability to make babies in that culture. I feel bad that a 16 year old is so stressed about it that she breaks down while making a salad.
DeleteAs someone who went through infertility as a monogamist, I think this scene really captured how different their world is and perhaps how niave I think they are.
DeleteIf your worth is very connected with being a wife/mother I find it horrifying to think of sharing your husband and not being able to have bio children. Talk about feeling worthless. It was hard enough to fight those feelings as someone who is NOT valued by the strength of my uterus.
I feel really sad that there are girls being taught that at 18 there is nothing left for you to do then become a man's wife.
Okay, so my weird crush on Hyrum has cooled somewhat, what with him not even having the common courtesy to get out of his truck to open the door for his future wife. Did he seriously see her for the first time when she came out of the front door of her house? In that community, is it possible he had no idea who she was until they went on their first "date?"
ReplyDeleteI was hoping that it would be Rose Marie and Hyrum getting together. If a woman continues to not hear the name of her future husband (as in Rose Marie's case) does she just remain single until she does, or does the Brotherhood step in and make the decision for her? I don't understand the rules, but I have a feeling the rules can bend to fit particular situations.
They still can in this community. She said Kelli inspired her to turn herself in. Maybe the "brothern" will say that means she's inspired to be with Kelli and Hyrum. Doubtful but you never know with this group. I have a feeling the poor thing will end up with some 70 year old. Then again if I was part of this cult and Viagra was not available I very well might choose to be wife 16 of the 70 year old. Then I'd have a shot of being able to live on my own once he dies.
DeleteSpeaking of Hyrum, Y'all was he wearing the special undies when he was getting ready for his marriage ceremony? Is there anyone here that can clarify?
DeleteOh, that would be so sweeet...but I'm thinking the "Thomsons" or another established family with an older man...oh no, what if it's that creepy Shepp convert guy that came to dinner at the "Thomsons"....
DeleteEverything is troubling about this...they shouldn't call if Polygamy, they should call it Picknchoose.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the deal.......some can drink, some can't....some date, some don't...some pick their wives, some don't...some wear make-up, some don't....some can have so many children they can't afford it, some don't.
This is bizarre, bizarre, BIZarre!
Plenty of religious denominations are the same way when you think about it...some use birth control, some don't... some make their women wear skirts, some don't..some drink, some don't, some believe in transubstantiation, some don't...etc, etc. Not one group can agree with another about details, even if they can agree on core principles, hence the tons of Christian denominations. It really isn't so bizarre that Fundamentalist Mormons would be the same way.
DeleteYes, Lydia was crying into her sleeve. She is apparently terrified that she won't be able to have children. Maybe she has female problems of some sort?...
ReplyDeleteSince this unscripted "reality" show is really scripted, I'm sure they won't stick Rose Marie with an old man. It wouldn't look good for the community. I predict she becomes a second or third wife to a man somewhere between 30-40. Of course she will adore her future sister wives and it will be a happy ending for all!
I do think this show is a much better representation of polygamy than the Brown clown show.
I agree with Serena about Rose Marie being matched up with a good husband. I think the reason she turned herself in is to show on TV how good they match up couples. They don't want Warren Jeffs stories started about them, although I do believe it's all a front. I don't believe for a moment that the men, and fathers don't initiate and choose who goes with who. There is something not right about Rose Marie's father. He is just creepy. He has no money, looks or personality, what could he possibly have that would attract three wives? If heavenly Father told me that he was mine, I would ignor it!! LOL! I wonder how many women do that? There's something not good going on with him. I feel sorry for his wives, such an air of sadness about them.
DeleteI know its hard to imagine after watching some of these things that a polygamous marriage can be happy. Someone mentioned that what struck them most was a total lack of joy. I find it disappointing that the image of joylessness is portrayed. It certainly is not always the case. I grew up in a large polygamous family and had a very joyful, carefree and content childhood. My view is very different. I wasn't cheated out of a "good" life. In fact, I was loved ten times as much. I was not a number, but a cherished member of the whole family.... its like any people/culture... there is just a lot of variation!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear of your happy childhood Anon 5:20pm, but I wonder how happy the women in that situation actually were? In my experience children can sometimes be oblivious to adult's underlying feelings.
DeleteI can't speak for everybody obviously. But my parents were happy, genuinely so. I don't think their marriage was "perfect" but who's is?
DeleteI also had a great childhood and grew up this way with a great plural loving family...I think some of the awkwardness that comes across must be because there is a whole camera crew in the room. I can't speak for everyone, but I would have a hard time being relaxed and just normal if that was the case! And if people are already a little awkward, I am sure that has to amplify it...but I applaud them for trying!!
DeleteThese men are horn dogs - keeping their wives pregnant and "barefoot". Cawley wife #1 said she couldn't go to work as it would increase their taxable income. IRS ought to check them out. Must get assistance - no other way they could make it financially. Rose Marie is sweet - needs to get out of that place and have a better life. Tiffany needs to run - fast.
ReplyDeleteFound some pretty interesting (and confusing) stuff on myspace. Rebecca is a barlow and so is Marlene. (Before marrying) Becca went to school with Hyrum and they hung out together and he considers her the most awesome f***ing person he has ever met. Marlene and Rebecca's husband is also a barlow unless they had a brother or cousin with the same name of Issaiah.
ReplyDeleteI am guessing that Kellie is Isiah's sister, given some of the last names. That is why Becca and Marlene took her out on the town before her wedding.
DeleteAnon 10:28 AM: If it is true that Kellie is "Isaiah's" brother and he(Isaiah) married "the most awesome f***ing person (as in Becca) he (Hyrum) has ever met" that is such a weird twisted love triangle.
DeleteI wonder how upset Papa Cawley was when he saw his wife basically outed them for food stamp use. She doesn't work because of their tax bracket???? Sorry lady, I call BS on that one. I am a CPA but I don't think you need to be an accountant to know that when Papa Cawley is talking about $60K being an astronomical amount of money to know that his salary is well below enough to support his legal family of 10 much less his huge brood of around 20 with all wives and kids. Any menial amount of money wife 1 could make in addition to his under $60K salary would not be offset by taxes. It would however reduce or eliminate food stamp benefits.
ReplyDeleteI also find it interesting that CP and CC both are in an area with contaminated water. I see that they don't drink it but I would think bathing in it and washing dishes, clothes, etc. in it would be very bad for them as well. I wonder if that along with the depressing life is what seems to age these people so fast. I still cannot get over how old the Cawley women look. Wife 1 is only 2 years older then me but she looks older then my mother.
Convert family that had dinner with the Thompson's completely squicked me out. The husband came across as a major perv and the wife seemed like she was along for the ride as long as she got to hold on to her husband. He seemed even more sleezy then the Kodster in that the only thing he was interested in was sex with multiple partners.
I wonder how upset Papa Cawley was when he saw his wife basically outed them for food stamp use.
DeleteTalking about loose lips sinking ships...sheeesshhh what a big mouth! She said the wroooonnng thing for sure. That's why they (meaning the CPAC) aren't asking for legalization but for decrimminalization - so shenanigans like she described can continue. The other 2 wives as well as the legal wife's income absolutely should be taken into consideration.
Convert family that had dinner with the Thompson's completely squicked me out.
You know, I didn't know CP even ALLOWED converts in...I'll have to research it but yes, my sleeze meter went off the dial when he walked in. And I would think the Brethren would wait a while before assigning another wife (even though he owns his own business so he can afford it) just to make sure he isn't some kind of nut. 1st wife didn't say much did she.
I see that they don't drink it but I would think bathing in it and washing dishes, clothes, etc. in it would be very bad for them as well.
I looked it up, seems washing in the water or using it on clothes is not dangerous, but drinking it is VERY dangerous. Funny, one government tract I read said most home water softening or purification systems would remove the radioactive containminants and that most water purification plants regularly do the same thing. I wonder why they don't build a water purification plant.
I too agree with the others that Hyrum not getting out of the truck was annoying but was anyone else amazed at his romantic gesture at the end of the show, when Kellie meets him by the tree and he starts telling her about what he sees as their life together, Kellie had that nervous giggling and was blushing up a storm, they are so young and innocent I found that moment somewhat charming. Seems like he's trying to make the best of it even though I too believe she would not have been his first choice. I think Kellie had a crush on him and she decided he was it because he is attractive and he is probably the most eligible man in CP since his family was one of the founding families and it looks like he lives quite nicely. Which brings me to my question, does anyone know if Hyrum could have declined the marriage, how does that work? Also, is there anything like a divorce?
ReplyDeleteAccording to the master's thesis written about CP that I read on line, it is possible for a man to refuse to marry a woman who has chosen him. The writer told of interviewing a young man who felt he wasn't mature enough to marry when first chosen. The Brethren disapproved of his refusal but allowed it and several years later the Brethren approved another marriage for him.
DeleteIt has occurred to me that Rose Marie's prayers have been answered. She hasn't received a name because she really doesn't want to get married. She may live to regret "turning herself in". Michael Cawley must have been a young adult before he left FLDS and Rose, also, grew up in Colorado City. He may be in CP but his theology still reeks of Colorado City! Can't imagine any 18 year old wanting to continue life parroting back "proper canned answers" to real questions about her feelings. Rose Marie seems like the dutiful daughter but one who ought to be rooming with Uncle Arthur's girl in Salt Lake. I wonder if her real feelings are "I surveyed the prospects and they all look like duds".
OK, I'm obsessed with the Hyrum and Kellie marriage. I wish we knew what is going through their heads about getting married so quickly and adjusting to all of it. Where will they live? When was this show taped, I imagine they've already been married a while, I wonder if Kellie is already pregnant. Hyrum is definitely a good looking man I can't wait to see how his current marriage and possible subsequent ones work out. I think Rose Marie is very sweet and I worry that she feel pressure to get married at this point, I hope she is happy. I too was dumbfounded by Lydia's reaction to the thought of being infertile, they would think I was useless since I wasn't able to have kids. :-) And Tiffany, dear Lord, where are her parents, there's no way she will accept another wife if she and Ezra get married, wasn't she a little peeved at the Winter Ball when he went to dance with someone else. I'd like to know a bit more about her background. The Thomson clan doesn't seem at all happy and Isiah seems like a real hard ass. The whole epsode with the converts definitely had a yuck factor. I'm so glad I found this sight I have a about a billion questions and reading through the comments clarifies a lot of things.
DeleteI'm obsessed with the Hyrum and Kellie marriage. I wish we knew what is going through their heads about getting married so quickly and adjusting to all of it. Where will they live?
There's a new video up at NatGeo titled Awkward Beginnings which shows their cute dollhouse home. Unfortunately, Kellie continues to giggle, and giggle, and giggle. I'm almost thinking she was still a virgin when it was filmed, and Hyrum isn't grooming his brows - they are almost a unibrow now.
And Tiffany, dear Lord, where are her parents
Yeah, I wonder if she's in foster care or something.
here's the url to the video:
Awkward Beginnings
So Tiffany was only 17 when this was filmed ... Explains a lot. She's in for a rude awakening. She said something about driving a cab for her grandpa, so I'm guessing she does have family.
DeleteI think Ezra is cute and they make a cute couple, but as Old Art would say, that ain't gonna pay the bills. Ezra is so immature and is wanting to do grown up things. He's clearly not ready for that.
I am totally skeeved by Hyrum (based mainly on FB). He was alright on the show. Definitely good looking, but that is so insignificant now seeing how he appears to be very childlike and obnoxious. I think he's probably very privileged by CP standards and quite spoiled. And he and Kellie just seem like an odd pairing to me. Sorry!
I like Art and I think his first two wives appear to be very likeable and cordial as well. Clearly the wives get younger in subsequent order. Why can't the third wife be 90??
So now that Hyrum and Kellie are married, they can date and get to know each other....OooooKay!
DeleteSo would any of these men qualify in the Christine's "Bastard" Category??? As in "I didn't know men could be such Bastards"
What was Hyrum posting on Facebook, I'm curious to hear about his other side. I agree the Kellie and Hyrum marriage is an odd pairing but according to the vido NatGeo posted Hyrum is saying it feels right, although what else can he say at this point. Kellie is still giggly and nervous poor thing, I can't imagine knowing someone for two weeks and then just living together and being intimate. Does anyone know if a couple entering marriage gets any sort of counsel from anyone, a mother, sister or older person about the intimate part of marriage or are they on their own to figure it out. As Cynical Jinx says above Kellie seems so giggly and nervous still that I'm lead to believe that she might still be a virgin, which in this case taking things slow might be a good thing since they don't know each other.
DeleteAs far as Hyrum's Facebook, I didn't see all of the crude stuff some were saying he posted so maybe he removed that. I was referring to some random post his wife made and how he literally commented about 10 times with some strange, inarticulate responses. It seemed like something a kid would do. His friends were like dude, this is public. There's something off about him.
DeleteThanks for hooking us up with the video link, Cynical Jinx.
DeleteIs everyone SURE that girl is 18? She doesn't LOOK or act 18. 18 is not that young. It's a pretty normal thing to leave home at 18, isn't it? I did!
But there doesn't SEEM to be any motivation to mature in this society, either. It's normal and natural to go through menopause.
The whole thing is really sad to me.
I didn't think she was eighteen when I first saw her, but some of us are stuck looking young. I'm turning twenty-one and most people think I am a sixteen year old girl at first because I'm petite with a baby-face.
Delete@ Cynical Jinx: Tiffany is a Quinton (another key polygamous family, mostly in Bountiful, but also in CC). They're exaggerating that whole "my parents were monogamous angle", cause her grandparents and her other relatives definitely weren't and aren't. ;)
DeleteThanks Pol, but surely her parents would want their future son in law to have some means of supporting their daughter?
DeleteI like Becca. Don't like Marleen. Maybe it's the resemblance to Meri. Don't like their husband either. He seems like he's in it for the polygamy only. They are a cute family though. Also, Rose Marie seems too smart for her community. She needs to go to college away from home and figure things out. I think she's a great kid. Whoever said her dad reminds them of Warren Jeff's (voice) nailed it!
ReplyDeleteMarleen's face was nagging at me - where had I seen it before? And then I come here - it's Meri, of course!
DeleteI think Marleen likes her wine - the way she throws it back. She's numbing herself.
Those poor Cawley women - classic signs of abuse in that family. Don't know if it's just the effect of their daily dose of harlot harping brainwashing, or if something even more sinister is going on.
Isaiah seems really somber and sorry but, not handsome enough to have the attractive wives that he does.
DeleteThat's why they don't marry for lust or superficial things like beauty. I think he seems somber because he takes his priesthood and family seriously. I don't think Becca and Marleen are all that attractive either, but they do seem to really believe in their religion.
DeleteSo glad I found this blog!! I am obsessed with this show. CP Mike - I Kinda dig him. (Not the harlot reading though!) I wonder if the applesause was an ongoing issue. "They should eat their meals. Not just a gallon of applesauce!" I imagine Rose just decided to pop that item on the list while the cameras were rolling to head off ANOTHER applesauce discussion. I think she'd be surprised how frightened she looked. And that her look was more to do with, "Yeah. We're on camera. See what I did there? Just put the damn applesause on the list."
ReplyDeleteAnd I also thought the "going back to work birthday dinner" was, well...AWESOME! Connie ain't no shrinking violet. Again, I think he picked a time to tell her on camera to head off a Connie moment. Ha! With my kids, sometimes it's good to allow them to wallow in self-pity. Other times it's better to not even let them get in that "poor me this stinks" mindset. Especially if it's something that needs to be put into perspective and just isn't drama-worthy. Like, just hike up your big-girl panties and clean your room! Or in this case, go back to work. The toast was too funny! I mean really, Connie. Lots of women have to work. It's certainly not the end of the world. Rose has got it way worse! So pipe down. Hee. I also liked how he said he really needs her help.
Also find his passive-aggressive dealings with the flds amusing. Waving, "See you next week!" I think he is motivated to agitate them. Bringing the cameras to the park, to the water. Imagine all the production people, lights, cell phones, clip boards, boom mikes, vehicles... Staring at the hick in the plaid shirt with the cell phone cam. What a fool!
I wonder if in addition to showing their lifestyle in a positive and "normal" light, there isn't a desire to put a spotlight on the flds. To help their own lost family trapped and brainwashed, or at least make the leaders super-uncomfortable?
Sockie Mom, I enjoyed your perspective on Creepy Cawley. You made me think about what I thought I saw in those scenes. The only thing i have to disagree with is the interaction between Michael and the FLDS people. I can't help but think that they aren't just reacting to his presence as an outsider -which by the way, the two towns are like a couple of miles apart not hours like I thought, so why couldn't grandma have come to visit the Cawleys and save the drama and much needed gas money? - but I suspect they're reacting to the camera crew. Those people have caught hell in the past for what Jeffs did, and it seems reasonable to me that they would be suspicious and defensive of a camera crew that just popped up. Who knows what they think the cameras are there for? I know drama/conflict usually makes for good tv, but that just feels...opportunistic and a little like they were hoping something would happen to me. That's not really the word I'm looking for, but it'll have to do. I'd like to see how the FLDS people react to him if he's wearing a hidden camera without the crew in sight.
DeleteThe goon squad (aka the God Squad)of CC are well known for their distrust and harassment of outsiders. I believe it was Flora Jessop who said she will only venture to CC with a tv news film crew in tow. The God Squad apparently are less likely to cause physical harm if their actions are being documented on film to be shown on the news. She also carried a gun just in case.
DeleteDang, CJ, I had forgotten Flora said that. I remember her going back to document the babies that had passed away and she had a gun. Come to think of it, I think I remember suv's tailing her. Oh, well. I tried to think the best about them and play devil's advocate.
DeleteJust got caught up. If it weren't for his religious beliefs, I could TOTALLY like Art. He reminds me soooo much of my great uncles back in the mountains. He's right about the immaturity of the young men in his care, his own son included. He's right about marriage being about 'us' not 'me' and the need for some financial stability. The thing is, what happens to his many wives and children when he dies - he seems a good provider and organizer, but what happens when the center of the family that large when the center of their universe is no longer there?
ReplyDeleteThe idea that people had 'committed to their partner' before they were born was new. Just another layer of spiritual abuse and pressure to conform, suck it up and deal with a life of loneliness and suffering to make it to the 'next step'. I think even the men are lonely because they can't get close to one wife without upsetting the balance with the others. On thing I've noticed is that we have seen extremely few moments were the sister wives talk to each other expect about some practical matter of housekeeping or childcare. Understanding their cosmology makes so much of this make 'sense', even if I think it's three shades of insane.
As far as Rose Marie it could go either way the the Council. Either they could just make her someone's third wife to start making his babies OR as I hope, they will be pleased to have her 'confidence' and will go out of their way to make her a comfortable match (or send her off to college tuition paid....please!)
Wonderful review as usual!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to make humorous this drone show. To me, with the exception of Arthur- they all seem to speak in the same monotone voice.
I still can't wrap my head around that a WOMAN would PICK MICHAEL as their husband. He reminds me of a unibomber. That birthday dinner would have been it for me!
I also have heard that Art has other wives, and that he has had some wives that have left.
Did anyone catch the creepy convert guy saying his second wife wasn't old enough to drink? Everyone looked uncomfortable in that whole scene to me. He even said he was talking to someone online from Centennial and that's how they ended up there. What the mess?!
ReplyDeleteWhat is the drinking age there?
DeleteWhat is the drinking age there?
DeleteWhen I was in college, it was lowered from 21 to 19. It has since been raised back to 21.
In my province the legal age is 18, but I thought it was probably 21. It was 21 when my then 19 year old daughter visited Vegas a few years ago.
DeleteIt seems an odd thing to bring up in casual conversation, though, doesn't it?
Ohhh... I'm so deeply envious I don't get that channel!
I think that the Brethren advice was very crafty - they said that Ezra had to save $10,000 and have a place to live before he could marry Tiffany. Well, they know that Uncle Art is not going to help him and without a high school diploma, saving 10K is going to be quite the undertaking, given that he doesn't have a job. Even going to North Dakota may not work - it isn't cheap to live up there now with all the oil shale stuff going on and there is lots of partying - would be easy to spend the money that he earns. I think this is just a ploy that they have to break Ezra and Tiffany up.
ReplyDeletevery smart analysis.
Deleteoh yeah! PLUS given Uncle Art's position and clout in the community - he also HAD to be part of the "behind the scenes" implementation meeting of calling Ezra in and what he was to be told by THE BRETHREN. oh wait - i'm saying it wrong. THE BROTHEREN as Uncle Art and Little Ezra keep pronouncing it. never knew the word was a 3 syllable word vs. only two! :)
DeleteGlad SOMEONE'S stopping this train wreck or at least stalling it. As a 17 year old girl that's wanting to get married so young so badly (and into a forthcoming plyg situation) as Tiffany is - wonder what's going on in her own family and parent's involvement in her life?? something's not right on her own home front either, it seems.
I also think it was brilliant advice. 1) it was realistic - if you want to play house at 17/18 you should have your own place and you need money to be an adult - get a job.
Deleteand 2) it was a great way to say no without saying no. The likelihood of getting their own place and 10k is v. low before they lose interest in each other. I know dating for 4 months must seem like forever if your culture gets married after 2 weeks, but 4 months for an 18yo before marriage seems crazy to me.
I don't understand why men aren't encouraged to go outside the community for women though. In Irene Spencer's book (I think it was that one) men were supposed to go outside the community for 1st wives so the born-in-community girls would be left for 2nd/3rd wife material. Seems like they need all the women they can recruit.
RUN, TIFFANY, RUN!! (shouted in my Jenny voice from Forrest Gump)
DeleteCJ you crack me up! The Buffalo Bill comparison is spot on and MC is super creepy. Eww that voice, just like tons of others have said - Warren Jeffs Junior. Ick.
ReplyDeleteA couple of things I noticed is that Marlene reminds me a lot of Scary Meri Brown. I don't find Hyrum attractive at all - and not because I'm old enough to be his Mom - he just looks like a little greasy monkey to me. I also think he's sneaky and his now swiffered FB comments don't help his reputation. I also (for now) like Arthur, which is miraculous because after the first epi, I thought he might be a contender for biggest DB on the planet.
So far I like this show but do think it will deteriorate quickly into totally scripted BS.
The "convert" husband is a total creeper. Yuck!
ReplyDeleteThe creepy convert family dinner with the Thomsons was such a staged ‘reality show’ event. The guy found out about the religion on the internet and after chatting with ‘some people’ online, he knew it was the ‘lifestyle for him’? Nothing about how spiritually inspired he was? . Saying his wife, who was holding a baby, couldn’t legally drink…well that was very offensive and off putting. I don’t know why they even had that dinner together, they don’t really look like people who would be hanging out with each other. The Thomsons were not comfortable having these people into their home (can’t blame them there). Isaiah never looks comfortable to me and certainly not with these people. Although I applaud the heavy wine drinking, I can see how that would come in handy for the lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteThe Kody Brown brand of plural marriage does not easily accept converts – I remember that from a show where Kody kept mispronouncing the work “proselytizing’ by calling it ‘proselyting’. I would have to think that any potential converts (especially men) are scrutinized pretty heavily as to their true motivations. I hope they don’t show creepy convert family again.
Ugh that convert guy is so gross. And sweaty and pink. Ugh. I would lose my dinner if I were told he was my chosen Priestholder.
Deleteactually, CPA Carol - according to Webster's, "proselyting" and "proselytizing" are interchangeable and mean the same thing.
DeleteStan, the convert posted numerous comments on a picture of Tiffany and Ezra on Ezra facebook page. Basically he felt that Ezra was underming and misrepresenting the religion and Ezra responded with his viewpoint. I had read a few weeks ago when I was snooping on facebook and found it quite entertaining. I was really suprised when I regonised Stan in this episode from facebook.
DeleteI suppose the saddest parts of that whole facebook "conversation" was when someone mentioned to Stan "the convert Man" to take his argument private and he replied something like if it was public his response will be public, if it was private his response would be private. Then later he practically demanded that Ezra delete the entire conversation except for his last comment about what a cute couple Ezra and Tiffany made. WTH???
DeleteTo Ezra's credit, he did not delete the conversation and stayed amazingly calm throughout. Seems many here on SWB were correct in their assessment of Stan "the convert Man". If he is an example of what the Priesthood Council consider the typical CP man, I think their judgement is faulty.
Gotta say that these facial feature similarities show how shallow these flds Gene pools really are.
ReplyDeleteMarlene looks like same lineage as Meri.
Becca has that hillbilly chin and bone structure of Robchin.
Kellie looks as though she is an Allred.
And I think that Arthur's oldest daughter that broke away looks as though she could be related to the Darger twins.
It's like the prequel to Sisterwives, "the younger, leaner years"
Maybe it's just me but I just keep seeing the same faces the more I see these shows from the same region.
I totally agree with CJ, it is just like Michael is channeling Warren Jeffs.
I think between the applesauce, park picnic and water run we can all agree Mike has a temper and the only wife that seems to not be scarred is Connie. But the idea that he keeps marrying his students and that quiet creepy voice just proves he grew up in Colorado City and stayed a little too long.
Does anyone else feel like Rosé Marie being offered up to the brethren feels like a "human sacrifice"? These cults are very political and maybe she will lead to better financial standings for the Cawleys through family connections if she were to go to one of the old millionaires in town? It was a really weird that "she turned herself in" as if she had committed a crime. And Lydia's breakdown just shows that a woman's value is just for birthing spirit babies.
I think Hyrum not getting out if his truck to collect his new wife to be, just proves it wasn't his choice and that he was going through the motions, but the tree gesture was very sweet as he warmed up to the idea. Besides as other posters have mentioned he is CP royalty and she is just the bottom of a big pile of brides to come. These arranged marriages are all political and I would hope the brethren are trying to limit the inbreeding and possible birth defects. What a sad life for all these kids full of so much life and hope.
To quote Hyrum, let's keep this on the down low. Alma Timpson's (co founder of CP) wife had two sons. One by Alma Timpson, and one by her deceased 1st husband whose last name was...Cawley. Her son with Timpson is the current leader of CP and the father of Hyrum. Hyrum's mother was a Hammon. CP Mike is connected by marriage to another powerful CP family that is related to ANOTHER well known plural family by marriage.
DeleteIf speculation is correct (and based on the portion of the mansion we saw) Kellie is also polygamy royalty, so to speak.
Oh man CJ....who cares about "Sister Wives", if they get re-newed or not...you are going to continue this fantastic blog with "Polygamy USA" with oodles and oodles of fun blogs and responses....fun!
DeleteDoes Kellie come from a prominent family too?
DeleteOn a positive note, the Cawleys should have medical coverage for all of their kids now that 3 of the 4 of them are employed by the School. Based on the website for the Masada Charter school, full time employees get 100% health coverage for themselves and their dependents. Although I do not like Creepy Michael Cawley, at least most of his kids are afforded health insurance. That is something the Browns have not historically done, although Janelle and Christine might get coverage from the real estate jobs now. I wonder if these families qualify for free student breakfast and lunches? I bet most CP families are considered poverty level and are thus eligible for free meals.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if these families qualify for free student breakfast and lunches?
DeleteOne thing I remembered from the website is that the children are expected to go home for lunch. If they have to stay at school during lunch, the parents must notify the school so an adult will be made available to supervise. The child is expected to bring their own sack lunch.
Looks like there are no free meals at Masada!
A lot of these schools that these children attend are not federally or even state accredited. In other words, because they are not compliant with the state and federal regulations and do not submit to the mandatory state testing, they are not eligible for the free lunch program or for the federal subsidies that other schools get by way of certain types of commoditites. Anyway, it costs a lot of money to feed lunch to children.
DeleteThis comment was made by someone who did not read SWB posting guidelines. It's been edited to conform.
DeleteAnonymous June 8, 2013 at 1:03
Anon 10:22AM - Masada actually won the Blue Ribbon award a few years ago, that is a national honor for any school. They were also asked to speak at the Blue Ribbon awards ceremony in DC. It is a charter school, and funded the same way any other charter school is. All children are required to take all state and federal regulated tests, and the school is required to comply with all state and federal regulations.
That makes so much more sense now that we know she is also from an affluent family. Thanks CJ, you are always in the know...but how you keep the "Family Wreaths" figured out is beyond me. Thanks for the always fun ride your reviews provide.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if Kellie and Isaiah are related? I think they look a little alike and they said Kellie's last name
ReplyDeletewas Thompson.
Do you think the pressure to have/raise so many children contributes to the unhappiness we see in a lot of these wives? I have two young children that I love beyond measure; they fill me with joy every day. HOWEVER, I don't plan to have more because I know my own limits. There is no way I could handle 10 children and have any shred of sanity left. Certainly there are women who desire and have the right temperament/skills for a very large family; But don't try and tell me every single female in that town is that way. I think I am a very good mother, but multiply my brood by 5 or so, and I would be in the nut house in a week. And probably be relieved to be there!
I'm with you all the way on that, Heather. I consider some women to genuinely be called to mother large broods (or as you said, they have the right temperament). I am not one of those women, so what happens to women like us who are raised by CP/CC/AUB/Mormon/Quiverfull/whatever standards? I am all for people living out their faith the way they believe The Lord has called them; however, I think what is sometimes a calling for one family (lots of kids) may not necessarily mean that all families are called to do it.
DeleteThat was definitely one of the problems in the AUB polygamist group that I belonged to. Women were expected to have huge families, and were frequently overwhelmed, particularly because most of the time they had to parent alone because their husband was with another "wife." And this concept of the other women in the family helping with child rearing is pretty much a fallacy. They have their own large families to care for, and any time they took over the child care to allow other women to work, etc. the result was usually chaos, and there was little "care" involved for the children. Btw, for the Brown women to say that they are "done" with having children is definitely be frowned upon. Having babies until you can't have any more is the norm for faithful AUB women.
DeleteNot sure if anyone caught this Nightline interview about our friends in CP, but it was just uploaded to youtube on the 5th. It is the usual party line of sound bites but a new creepy factor is Michael Cawley has show cased his "additions" to his home anticipating a new wife or maybe for the adult Rose Marie to live in. The addition(s) are train/truck containers plopped in the backyard. OMgosh what a treat to be a 4h wife and have your own cargo container to live in!!!
Watching the video at 1:06 Amanda Darger and her husband Robert are following the Cawleys to church. Amanda is totally preggers!
DeleteRose likes to control how and when the mothers feed their children.
Delete"you cant have everyone coming in and out feeding their children whenever, however"
That was very telling, I thought.
good catch anony 2:45! that is the Darger girl - w/that weird husband. i wonder now if he's a brother to Creepy Crawley (i know it's Cawley but i like my name for him!) or if that was just pure coincidence to catch them together like that??
DeleteYes, the cargo containers seem like a glorified cattle stall to me which seems fitting somehow. ugh!!
i wonder now if he's a brother to Creepy Crawley
DeleteTeresa Cawley is his sister.
Yes, the cargo containers seem like a glorified cattle stall to me which seems fitting somehow. ugh!!
With the right architect those cargo containers can be made into some really interesting living quarters. But a professional should handle the work, otherwise it's just another shed.
8 eye-catching shipping container homes
Hey CJ - I'm guessing that the Cawleys additional living quarters will be more like this:
They must be absolutely freezing in winter!!
I love how he calls himself the provider of the family, umm, no you're not. Your wives have to work to support your selfish needs.
DeleteAnd please stop having children, you can't afford applesauce for the ones you have now!
I'm guessing that the Cawleys additional living quarters will be more like this:
DeleteOh my, what an unfortunate looking set of buildings...Like I said, with the right architect and contractor...
I read that if you use the refrigerated containers, they are insulated already.
First time posting, love this blog, been following it for a few years.
ReplyDeleteWhile this show does seem to show an interesting slice of polygamist life, me sense is that they are working backwards. Hyrum and Kellie were together already and the filming tells the story. Mom died, then they talked about her cancer and the basketball game. They showed the funeral. Rose Marie has already been matched by the brethren and now we will see the "how it happened" piece.
If Colorado City is right down the road, what makes their water drinkable? I guess they must have a city-wide purification system?
ReplyDeleteAnon 12:21, I'm guessing the prophet blessed it. :/ snerk snerk That's my smartie pants comment of the day; I couldn't stop my fingers typing.
DeleteDoes anyone know what happens if a girl is given the name of a man she wants to marry and the Bretheren say no, what happens then? Or if two girls get the same name? Is that ever discussed? I also wonder if there is ever a time when a boy and girl do care for each other and and they plan for her to give his name and hope it's approved? A lot of the realtionships do seem pretty joyless. Although I do think that Kellie totally had feelings for Hyrum for all that time,I think some of her attitude may be her protecting herself a bit to see how he is, although if any of you saw the clip for the show next week, Hyrum is asking Kellie if she wants a bite of a carrot and she of course giggles and then he asks if she wants a bite of him, I swear that poor girl didn't know what to do with herself. :-)
ReplyDeleteAs for the Marlene and Rebecca relationship, I think they can't stand each other, the clip of those two having dinner and drinking up a storm when their husband had to go away spoke volumes to me. I don't know how these women do it.
I think that what's happening in CP is a two-level system of choosing wives. Young girls probably are encouraged to pray about who God wants them to marry BUT they are likely guided by the male leadership (Dad and Bretheren). I suspect that the Bretheren have some idea of who the eligible men are and guide girls accordingly. There has to be a certain number of "lucky" girls who get to marry a young man and become a first wife but most girls become second or subsequent wives. Of course, the show is going to show a young couple starting out their married life together, just the two of them.
DeleteSo, that's what I think. And Rose Marie, she might feel pressure to get married and leave home so that there's one less mouth to feed.
OK, one more thing that someone else has mentioned but I need to mention it, too. Dear God, Ezra's mom is only 43!! And that hair!!! (Ok, carry on, everyone)
Dear God, Ezra's mom is only 43!!
DeleteThanks Shelly! Now I don't feel so alone...I am almost old enough to be her MOTHER (well, by Colorado City minimum age requirements).
Thank god someone commented on this. B/c I wasn't gonna be the first one. When I found out she was 43 I almost fell off my chair. I thought she was a lot older. But she's a year older than me. I did notice though that her skin seems pretty smooth.
DeleteI could be mistaken about this, but I think I heard Rose Marie say that she would rather be a 3rd or 4th wife, and go into a family that was already established, so she wouldn't have to do the hard work of setting it up. If that's the case, she really isn't that interested in having a husband, but wants the sister wives and family. Maybe she thinks that being a 3rd or 4th wife would carry less responsibility than being the oldest daughter in her birth family has. I got the vibe that she really doesn't want to be a first wife.
Deleteanony 2:38 - that's the same take i came away with re:Rose Marie's sentiments. that and that she's open to God telling her even marry a 70 year old if that's what he wants. Now that she's "turned herself in" (what a weird sounding phrase they use for that) due to God not answering her constant fervent prayers for 3 years, she's hoping The Brethren will pick someone good-looking and not too old. :)
DeleteI admit that I haven't been actually watching the show, but just reading CJ's reviews (and I was on vaca last week and part of this week...).
ReplyDeleteHas anyone here seen the documentary "American Hollow" about Bowling family living in poverty in Kentucky? They are all related, and one of the most interesting storylines was the one involving the ne'er do well teenage son, Clint, who was set on marrying his "city" girlfriend (her parents must have been horrified!). VERY interesting documentary, worth catching on YouTube and comparing to this show - although they aren't polygamists.
I think it is beyond creepy that Michael Cawley marries his students. Connie was a student of his, anyone know if the third wife was?
ReplyDeleteIf the Brethren of CP want to look legit to the outside world (which is what this program is all about) then they have to stop that student/teacher stuff.
I feel bad for both Hyrum and Kellie. I'm not a Hyrum fan but I think the guy was really ready to fall in love with his wife, and he ended up with a child. Kellie is way too young to be married. No wonder the polyg wives act like teenagers.
I think Teresa Cawley mentioned she was a student of Michael Cawley in a interview for another show.
DeleteYes, she was practicing choir at 15 and Mr. Cawley came into listen in the choir room at school. They married after she graduated college. But she got her "knowledge" at age 15.
DeleteI don't know, ladies. I'm thinking Hyrum isn't all that and a bag of chips. I'm not seeing what the fuss is about. Kellie is probably a good catch in several respects. Plus he gets more wives. I think some of the posters here were expecting Hyrum to wind up with a sophisticated and thoughtful lady shopping at Nordstrom. Let's be realistic. He's from a tiny town in the middle of nowhere! And what has Hyrum accomplished to deserve a princess? I just don't get it.
ReplyDeleteSorry CJ, but I just noticed the update and read. Great job, I love the line, "What if little Simon decide to give little Charlie a frontal lobotomy on the coffee table?" Hilarious, since I think most kids bounce off the coffee table at that age often even without help from big brothers. Great visual.
ReplyDeleteI just have to comment on the Cawley's food budget and dropping $900 bucks on groceries. (Sorry, I know it was discussed up thread but I'm late to the party).
I was fortunate for 4 years to live next to a very fine LDS family as a child. Since they had two girls my age we played and helped with many "homemade" activities. I learned how to can vegetables and fruits in the summer. Space was limited for gardening but we went to farmers markets and gleaned neighborhood trees for fruit. We baked breads and all types of treat all year round (especially candies at Christmas) and sew. Apple sauce is the cheapest and easiest thing to make. Don't need to can if eaten right away and since it is a popular item with those kids, Rose please save yourself the abuse and intimidation and just throw some apples in a pot.
I am on a strict budget and the first thing to go is junk food. We see big bags of chips and Rose Marie is passing out Dorrito's while filling the kid's plates, the night she cooked.
WTH are they buying chips at $5 a sack when carrots are a dollar a sack??? Not to mention nutrition. So many ways those 5 women (Rose Marie and Lydia) could make a ton of food. What are they doing way out there after they braid their plyg-doo and pray? After they all come home from school/work there is a huge work force available.
The scene where Creepy Cawley and his son are fetching water while getting their pictures taken by the Colorado City folks - while Michael laughs it off...sorry, I don't see the humor. His son looked mighty frightened. And anyone starts snapping their camera towards one of my kids would completely enrage me. If my choices are, pay $100 for my gigantic family to have safe drinking water, or drive to a city where I am clearly not welcome (to the point of having my children photographed), I'm damn sure going to locate the cash. This seems like putting kids in dangerous situations for the purpose of proving - what? That you're a big man and can't be intimidated?! Really?
ReplyDeleteAnd while I'm raging...those nine toddlers/babies stuck at home with one stressed, overworked "mom" cannot possibly be getting the attention and love they each need and deserve. What an awful situation for these children who have absolutely no voice, nor any inkling that they are each worthy and deserving of being happy. It hurts my heart.
I can't believe next week is the season finale! This show could have gone on twice as long and is way more interesting than Sisterwives. Even if I don't agree, I appreciate members of CP explaining their beliefs and history. The Browns never explain what they believe or why they do what they do. They just show their stupid drama. More Polygamy USA!
ReplyDeleteWhy do the thompsons eat so much sushi? They made it in the Lisa ling episode and they made it at their dinner on the last episode. They also went out to eat twice at sushi restaurants. I've never known someone to eat so much sushi!
ReplyDeleteI don't think Rose Marie is married yet because her last name on Facebook is still listed as Cawley.
ReplyDeleteRose Marie is definitely not married. There was a news article this week on CP and it mentions 19 yr old Rosé Marie praying for inspiration. (Rose Marie is 18 on the show.)
DeleteI was just reading the Dargers' blog entry about this show and they mentioned that Rob and Amanda did not participate in the placement marriage but they met through mutual friends. I wonder if that caused any controversy or if the brethren was Ok with it. I remmeber in their special on TLC a lot of CP people didnt come to the wedding. Weird. I guess some men in CP get to pick their wives..
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing that "the brethren" would be OK with a guy finding a woman outside Centennial Park because it brings fresh blood into the very shallow gene pool, frees up a CP woman for another CP guy (don't forget that the ratio of men to women in the world is about equal, and so many men in polygamy don't get even one partner), and the hierarchy are also likely to agree to it because a guy marrying outside is not likely to be deterred from taking other women from his community later. In fundamentalist theology a man can 'exalt' his wife, whereas women can't do that for their husbands. Even if he fails to lick one woman into shape, his progression into godhood isn't halted if he has other plural concubines. Girls marrying a man outside their religion, on the other hand, can't be get to plyg heaven with their husband if he doesn't convert, and these women are more likely to make their escape from polygamy. That's why women marrying outside is much frowned upon. On top of all that, it's the loss of an essential and scarce 'resource'.
DeleteMy husband and I made the not so brilliant move to Utah 2 years ago from CA. Ever since we got here we have been mesmerized by the polygamist community. Mother's Day 2012 my husband and daughter packed a picnic lunch and we checked out Colorado City and Centennial Park (although I thought it was all Colorado City). Two miles below our house we have a polygamist family like the Browns and 2 miles above our house we have the Prairie Dressed family. Since the CP show has started they have taken down the CP sign.
ReplyDeleteI must say the polygamist have made living in UT interesting although we are looking to get out of the LDS mothership as soon as we can this is no place to live if you are not a member of the club
I think you are in the wrong part of Utah. I live in Salt Lake City I have never met a polygamous that I am aware of. One of the first things people ask when you are from Utah is if your Mormon and there are alot of Mormons.... however come to the city where the universities are and people are educated. I think that many people here are social liberals and fiscal conservatives.
DeleteWrong part of Utah? I think maybe you have met a polygamist but you didn't know it. Don't the Dargers live in the SLC vicinity? Is there really such a thing as a mormon social liberal in Utah? A state that's known for it's conservative politics and social views?
DeleteI also live in Salt Lake, and this city is actually fairly liberal. I will not claim to have never met a polygamist, however; there is a huge group of the Kingston clan here. Utah is becoming more diverse as the years go by, and as a non-Mormon transplant I am grateful.
DeleteI live in Salt Lake City, and see heaps of polygamists around. Not all dress like the FLDS, but you can usually spot them. Many groups wear fairly ordinary clothing, but wear long sleeves in the hot summers, which is a give-away. Also, many of the Kingstons live right in Salt Lake. Having been a polygamist myself, I am probably more tuned in than most.
Deleteok... maybe social liberals are a minority in Utah. While Utah is known for conservative politics and values as a whole, In salt lake there is a surprising number of people who are social liberals.
DeleteIt wouldn't surprise me if the Dargers live here. The Browns were prosecuted in Lehi. Nobody really cares in the big city as long as you aren't causing harm to someone. There are Hindu Temples, Buddhist temples, catholic churches, Islamic mosques, Baptist churches, Scientology buildings. The community seems to support everything. Main Stream Mormons in Salt Lake are totally Different then polygamous/ FLDS Mormons. If you have any questions about any of the mainstream LDS practices I would be happy to help answer.
If Rose Marie is not yet married, I bet The Bretheren advised her that she is young yet and give it time for the right man to come to mind. They are going to be all noble and stuff and leave it in her hands for a while longer instead of what they would probably do without the cameras--stick her with some 50 year old man with two wives already.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't sleep last night because I have a monster earache, and my mind was wandering. A thought popped in my head about Rose Marie. She seems like such a sweet and kind young lady, and my mind jumped to thinking about how young and happy and sweet Meri looked when she married Kody. Now all the Browns look like they've been rode hard and put up wet from having to deal with all the angst in their family, and it breaks my heart to think that RM might be just like them in about 10 years or so. Those Brethren better put her with somebody who'll be kind and love her, or I'm going to hunt them down. RM just can't wind up like Meri.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note: I was reading over at TWOP, and a poster there said they were raised FLDS and they know these people. They said that Becca and Hyrum were caught doing "physical things" and that Becca was placed with Isaiah after being pressured by the Brethren and her family. So THAT'S why he thinks she was the coolest effing person he knows, because he has/had feelings for her. Interesting, huh?
LauraLee (and DakotaJustice) you mean to tell me that Ms "why don't we play a game and the winner takes your night with Isaiah, Marleen" Becca did the wild thang (well, the CP equivalent at any rate) with her cuz Hyrum (the son of the leader of Brethren) and got busted? And they weren't run out of town on a rail? I am shocked, I tell you...SHOCKED!!
DeleteYou know, Becca should thank her lucky stars she was placed with dour-face Isaiah and his holier than the entire planet 1st wife Marleen. She could have gone to Stan Shepp! Now THAT would be punishment. But if she is as close a family member to the leader as implied by the poster over at TWOP, it could explain the actions the Brethren took. She was placed with a devout family and Hyrum (who still refused to follow rules by not being cleanshaven) spent an extra year as a missionary and was assigned a wife who is the total opposite of Becca...LMAO!!
I'm a little skeptical about the TWOP revelation r.e. Becca and Hyrum. That post is the only logical non-bandwagon post on that thread, but that doesn't mean that person is a real authority/ex-CP member. Plus didn't Becca say she had a crush on Isaiah since she was like 14? Any idea when the "Thompsons" moved to CP? If they arrived after Becca was 14 then we'd know for sure that it's all BS.
DeleteI am amazed at the superficial nature of the people on thus blog. And all the harsh judgments against these people. And the rumor mongering. "I know someone who knows something and they said that ....." This is so much worse than TMZ! It seems like all the hatred and harshness is coming from people who say they know these people. Thompsons are Timpsons, Burtons are Barlows or whatever. This person looks like they are related to Allreds. That person looks like they are pregnant. To me, pregnancy seems more like a medical condition that would require a doctor to diagnose rather than some anonymous person on a blog to proclaim after seeing a few minutes of video. What if she isnt pregnant? How offensive would that be?!? But I guess some people enjoy making up stories and spreading rumors more than finding out the truth. I bet Amanda Darger is on Facebook just like Hyram - someone might want to ask her. And someone from Centenniel Park might want to come defend theirselves here.
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous, it's just another typical day on the SWB. We call it freedom of speech. Guaranteed by the constitutionm in case you forgot. We like being able to express our opinions freely here. I'm so glad you expressed yours...well I'll overlook your insults. And hun, NOTHING is worse than TMZ.
DeleteWait, is that a cab waiting for you outside? Here, let me get your things, I think it's time for you to go.
Thanks for dropping by...
Cynical Jinx, I love,love,love your ability to address the not so nice people on this site. You are always sweetly polite while showing them the door. I purpose to be more like you in the real world with those I do not wish to argue with. Perhaps you should mentor some of the Real Housewives. LOL
DeleteOk, love the potentially shocking revelation about Becca and Hyrum. BUT if the women really do get to pick their man….then why couldn’t Becca have just gone to the Brethren and announced she had her name…Hyrum? After all, “cousin” is a very relative concept in this community (pun intended). So…either the women have a real choice or they do not. I say they do not.
ReplyDeleteI agree the woman have no say at all. I also think Rose Marie will be quietly placed with a middle aged man (45-65 yrs old)and his established plural family. The Brethren will make sure this happens after all the excitement about Polygamy USA has died out and all involved are forgotten.
Delete[Now, because I've put this in writing, here's hoping they do the opposite to spite me!]
CJ – I think you are correct. The more publicity and the better Polygamy USA does in the ratings, the longer Rose Marie is “safe”. You just know they are itching to marry her off to some old or old-ish guy. The tv show is saving her. The Becca and Hyrum revelations are interesting because I can see how Becca and Hyrum would have really good chemistry and Becca’s “suggestive” comments kind of seem shocking given how dour (love that word, CJ!) and proper Isaiah is.
ReplyDeleteActually, the women do have say so over the man they marry. The purpose of the Brethren is to make sure that the selected man is ready for marriage. A man has to have the ability to support a wife, i.e., employment - to grow/build a home - to be sufficiently devout in his Principle practices and understanding, be a priesthood holder, and finally, willing to be at a place in his life to accept a bride. The Brethren discuss/approves the choice only in as much it protects the bride-to-be.
ReplyDeleteSo, as you say, it's not just a free choice. Men have to "protect" the girls by having the final say. Seems to me if the girl is old enough to marry, she should be old enough to decide for herself. Ditto the boys.
DeleteSo what you're saying is that if God reveals who a woman is to marry, the Brethren will protect her by saying no to her choice if the man doesn't meet the Brethren's criteria?
DeleteDo you see how this would demonstrate how the women DO NOT HAVE A SAY in who they marry? It's supposed to be God's will, so why are the Brethren over-riding God's plan?
Why don't the Brethren just publish a list of approved names and forget about this woman makes the choice business because clearly a woman's choice has to be APPROVED BY A GROUP OF MEN!!!!
ReplyDeleteRose Marie and Isaiah
Setup has been going on all season.
--Isaiah et al. want a third wife.
--Rose Marie doesn't want to be first or second. . .broken in man for her.
--Isaiah's current wives are clearly the jealous types. Rose Marie is disarmingly kind, pretty but not in a traditional way, and very committed to the faith.
--I don't think they're related. The Brethren want to make sure the gene pool stays as healthy as possible.
What I'd like to know is what Rose Marie's family is going to do when their obviously fantastic built-in babysitter leaves.
Anyway. . .you heard it here.
CJ: Why don't the Brethren just publish a list of approved names and forget about this woman makes the choice business because clearly a woman's choice has to be APPROVED BY A GROUP OF MEN!!!!
ReplyDeleteseems as though this will be the case of Rose Marie. Now that she has turned herself over to the Brethren, she has eliminated the "middle man" aka the woman's choice.
It really will be interesting to see how everything unfolds.
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