Monday, January 28, 2013

More Tweets and General Discussion

So like what's the dealio with Robyn right now? Not only is she tweeting about angels again, but she seems to be a bit on the testy side on her MSWC facebook (hey I'm saying this like I'm standing in front of you, OK?)

OK, so this isn't Joan Crawford but it's an iconic visual, right?
But the tweet about teaching her daughter how to wash her face, well, I don't know about that. My own mother didn't break out the Neutrogena soap and the astringent until I was around 13 or so...But she did tell the secret to looking young is to never wear foundation because it clogs your pores. Oh yeah, and to always wash makeup off completely before you go to bed.

And yes, I am your typical soap and water girl with a slathering of vaseline if my skin gets too dry. None of those expensive face washes for me! I wonder if Robyn also channels  the great Joan Crawford for hints....hmmmm

Here's her tweet in case you missed it:

And I bet there are no wire hangers in your McMansion, EVAHHHHHHH!!!!

Onward to Meri, who besides finally letting her customers know that the shipment came in and those backorders will be filled soon (too bad if they don't read twitter), she's now tweeting  pictures of Mariah at Disneyland. I guess it's the only way they can keep up the illusion they haven't moved into the McMansions yet...

And just file the next tweets under the subject head: The Gifts that Keep On Giving...

That's why you should put your food down (one less bite won't hurt you, trust me) and take the picture right away. That's what Baby Boo Boo would do! Now you've alienated another fan and potential MSWC customer!


  1. Maybe the reason Meri takes so many picts of Mariah at Disneyland is cause it's Mickey's mansion they're moving into now.

  2. Why do I get the idea that the paw print looks like a hand reaching out to get some coins,

    1. I think 'the paw print' represents the 4 wives. If you study it is 4 people with tiny heads, holding hands or something. Not to worry though, when wife #5 gets added Robyn will come up with a larger paw print and all the fools who bought the previous merchandise will have to buy the new and improved designs!

    2. The new girl can be the middle finger, or maybe the thumb...

    3. Anon 11:18 LOL what a great comment!

      Meri Lou Who What great insight! That is so funny, too! And so accurate! (Sometimes I think we are all nuts :o) )

    4. I guess I haven't looked at it closely enough, but to me it looks like four boobs, of different sizes. Representing the four wives of different sizes, and now with the man necklace, worn by the biggest boob of all.

    5. I laughed at the comment and love the screen name!

  3. I think Meri wrote the message on the MSWC facebook. I can hear her saying it like she talks to the kids. sounds so like her and her anger issues.robyn is the sweet one? she had to defend robyns stupidity once again

    1. I agree. I think Robyn updated the website, with all of the poor spelling and grammar...and Meri is the one who wrote the facebook post, defending Robyn. Neither of them is professional enough to handle their business!

    2. That was my take too. Meri defending Robyn's post. Loved the line something like 'we may have a toddler hanging off our leg' and the comment someone put to the tune of 'Isn't that why you have sisterwives? To HELP each other out? I silently snorted ;)

      Amy in BC

  4. Looks like my comment regarding the MSWC return policy didn't make the 200 comment cutoff :(

    Basically, the return policy is not only greedy and ridiculous, it's not properly disclosed in accordance with any of the major payment card companies' regulations. A "15 percent restocking fee"? for what - Meri to toss it back into the box for the next sucker (oops customer)?

    I can tell everyone here, with complete assurance, that the return policy on the Browns' website is NOT properly disclosed. YES - most issuers will ask the cardholder to try and work it out with the merchant first - but that's because the cardholder is *required* to attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant prior to chargeback filing (as well as return, or attempt to return, the goods). "original sales receipt must accompany returns"? jeez just print out the email confirmation. If the Browns - or ANY merchant - can't prove they properly disclosed the return policy prior to the transaction and the cardholder returned the goods - and the chargeback was filed within timeframes - they cannot prevail, and that is for the full amount - no 15 percent deduction. If the Browns refuse to accept the return, that is considered an attempt to return and is considered valid. The Browns would lose, not only the amount of the transaction, but if it has to be bumped up to arbitration, their card processor will ding their merchant account for the fees incurred which could be $500 or more.

    This is one reason people use payment cards - the promise that they are afforded some measure of consumer protection. Just FYI.

  5. i cant believe they told the fan to wait for them... im glad the fan just walked off lol

    1. Yeah, I've seen so many 'celebrities' out and about, but I've always kept my distance. It's kind of hit and miss with them. When I was in college, we were at a restaurant when a sports figure (nicknamed Mr. October) strolled in. My friends decided to go ask him for his autograph, but I stayed behind. Now, he hadn't been served any food yet, but he told them to get away from him in a very mean way. He may not have realized it, but he lost fans that day. The look on their faces were heartbreaking.

      Many years later I was out shopping with my bestie and her young daughter and her friends. Lo and behold, across the street those eagle eyed girls saw a comedian from SNL. They begged us to allow them to get his autograph - we didn't want to, but we couldn't hold back their enthusiasm so we let them go. We watched holding our breath. Well, this guy was so sweet! He smiled and laughed with them, joked, took pictures; he did everything you would expect a star to do. She still has that autographed paperbag!

    2. My doctor's office is directly across the street from "Villa Blanca" ....Ken ansd Lisa Vanderpump have always been very gracious when my daughter and I would go for lunch. Ken brought Giggy over to see my daughter and was super sweet. BTW Lisa feeds the homeless free pizza every Monday. So get ready to line up SW!

    3. Why would anybody want their autographs? That is more the point.

    4. 15 years ago, when I was 8 mo tabs pregnant and had an 18 month old in the stroller - going through security at LAX - and there was a big hold up. Jeez, I thought, lets get moving cause I have to pee! Turns out, Muhammad Ali was right in front of me - he was the reason for the hold up. When we got to the other side of security, he apologized and walked my pregnant self and toddler to my gate. All the while asking when I was due, what my daughters name was, where I lived. I had never asked anyone for an autograph but I asked him. His Parkinson's was pretty bad and he did his best to sign it and apologized for it not being a great signature. THAT is a celebrity. Not, ooh let me finish my in n out burger first. What jokes those Browns are.

    5. That is a sweet story Anon 7:10. Glad to hear that about Ali!

    6. What a great story! I have nothing but respect and admiration for M Ali after reading that. Now THAT is a person worth admiring. The Browns? D list with their 15 minutes of fame slowly dwindling.

      Amy in BC (who is too tired and brain dead to sign in properly tonight ;)

    7. Anon 7:10, that is one of the many reasons Ali is and will always be known as "The Greatest." This is a man who gave up three years of boxing during his prime earning years for something he believed in. Do you think the Browns will ever give up a chance at a dollar, even for what they claim to believe in? No way.

    8. Yes; Mohammed Ali was "The Greatest" for the reasons stated by Anon 11:30. My long-deceased mother admired him greatly for his Conscientious Objector stance. Luckily, he overcame those lost years in a big way!

      PS Who are Ken and Lisa Vanderpump?

    9. Lisa Vanderpump is one of the stars of 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills'. Ken is her husband. I think that she owns the restaurants Sur and Villa Blanca in LA.

    10. I can't believe they told the "fan" to wait until they finished eating. They are not these huge celebrities with lines of fans waiting to get an autograph. They signed up for the show. They want people to watch. You have to keep your viewers happy - without them you have no show. No show means no money. I'm over the Brown family. I read their book. I was wondering about the whole Meri and Janelle relationship. The book puts the Brown family in a whole new or clearer light. Meri treated Janelle horribly in the first few years. I think Janelle is intriqued with being different. I think Kody was only allowed to marry these women of lesser position in this faith. Meri's family converted when she was a small child. Janelle converted as a young adult. Christine's mother divorced her father right before Christine married Kody, and Robyn the divorcee with three kids. They are like a bunch of misfits. I liked them in the beginning, but Meri and her wetbar made me take another look at them. Meri is selfish and a bully. She will do whatever she needs to do to get her way. She should have been cooking breakfast for Janelle's kids instead of Logan. She should have been helping Christine with her kids while she studied for her reals estate exams. Why do they allow Meri to get away with that? They are not all equal. If I were Janelle and Christine, I would enjoy the ride for the moment. When the circus is over, I would say "see ya" and collect child support from Kody. One more thought. I think Meri enjoyed cheating on Janelle and Christine when she and Kody were secretly courting Robyn. She and Robyn still hang out together with Kody without the other wives. I know this is long and maybe in the wrong post, but whew I feel better since I wrote it.

    11. Anon 5:03 - loved hearing how nice Ken & Lisa (& Giggy) are! :)

    12. Back in the late 1980s, I was sitting on a bench in front of a deli eating a tuna fish sandwich and had no idea that Joe Montana was sitting right next to me...until after him and his family left and my co-workers informed me. *duh*

  6. I wonder if all the younger kids wish they could go to Disneyland, too. Seems like Mariah and Meri practically live there.

    1. Yes, but Meri WANTED to have 7 more kids, and she WOULD have taken all of them. She shouldn't be penalized just because she only has ONE.


    2. The passports for Disneyland are either $469 or $496 per person, depending on if you don't want any block out days or do. Takes them 4 hours to drive to Anaheim, Ca...would imagine that they do spend the night, which will run them at least $200 or $300 a night....wait...were talking about Meri....ummmmm $450 a night. The cost of food and drink at Disneyland....$1,000,000....very costly! :)

    3. Hey Anon at 6:12 - a great explanation as to why my kids never went to Disneyland, just can't afford it on a teacher's salary.

    4. It is about $100.00 or less for a day ticket to Disneyland. A year pass costs me about $300.00 Hotels can be had at this time of year for about $75.00, food is expensive but there are cheap alternatives. I go quite often and I'm a retired elementary school library clerk.

    5. True but when you have so many people going...that's a LOT of rooms, tickets, and meals eaten out.

      I know they often go in small groups but there have been times when they have been sighted "en masse" at the House of Mouse.

      As for me...not a fan of the stomach churning rides and there's only so much one can do "Pirates", "Jungle Cruise" or "Haunted Mansion". I'm more of a beach/nature chick!

  7. Did Meri, Koty and Robin actually believe the fan was going to wait until they finished eating? WOW, how do the Browns not float away to their planet right now with those big ole blown up heads?

  8. Someone on Twitter mentioned Robyn's poor grammar when she tweeted, "there is new products" Robyn's response? She said her grandma Reva was speaking through her and she always talks like that when she's tired. Seriously? Rather than take ownership of her typo, stupidity or both, she claims she was possessed? Was it her other personality "She-ra" who ran up the Victoria secret bills too?

    1. Many of the pligs have come from poorly educated families, or no education at all. Give Sobbin Robbin a break on her vocabulary. She probably doesn't even realize what she is doing.

    2. I wasn't knocking Robyn's grammar. I was knocking the fact that she takes no responsibility. It's always someone else's fault...screaming toddler at her knee, week of couch interviews, no one told her what time Logan's graduation was, etc. Take responsibility Robyn!

    3. But Robyn went to a public high school. Remember when they had that dinner with friends back in Lehi? Robyn invited her high school pal who was not a plyg. Could be Robyn's mother must be like Christine and let her ditch classes as long as she made them up later.

    4. Robyn simply never can say, "Sorry, Made a mistake.". Christine admits she's wrong, sadly only when she's correct and only to Kody.

    5. That is my biggest problem with Robyn, she refuses to accept responsibility for her actions. It is all her ex-husband's fault she has debt because the three kids were all his idea and he wanted everything. After the divorce there was no way she could have gotten a job, or some decent training to get a good job to pay her bills. Possibly she could have given up getting her nails done to pay down her debts but why should she have to sacrifice to pay bills that aren't her fault?
      That is just what irks me about this woman, she sees herself as the ultimate victim and always will. If she just accepted her debts and said she learned her lesson it would be ok. I could care less about grammar, but she should have just said "I know, I suck at grammar" and made a joke it wouldn't have been a big deal. But she cannot accept blame/responsibility. Kody and Meri better watch out, when things go downhill she's going to be blaming them for everything and she won't be quiet about it.

  9. That tweet about teaching her daughter how to wash her face was just ewwwww. What next, tweets about Sol's potty training? Some things just don't need to be put on Twitter or Facebook, sorry - we're all entitled to some privacy, her kids included.

    1. I haven't heard the word "pimples" being used for zits since the 20th century.

      and incidentally, if memory serves, washing your face too much can CAUSE breakouts.

    2. I feel sorry for the almost-11 year old daughter when she actually DOES get pimples. Washing properly doesn't always keep them away.

    3. Next we will be hearing about the menstruation talk... (Man I am bitchy tonight!)

    4. Thank. You, Twisted! That irritated me terribly. Acne is such a struggle for young people. I had it,, and my 12 year-old daughter already does. Mine wasn't cleared until I was on serious prescription drugs, and we are trying ProActiv for my daughter. I can assure this dingbat that "properly washing" doesn't keep acne at bay. Also.....I've noticed some of the girls have acne. Was that a dig at them? They have acne because they aren't washing properly?

    5. IwillfindmyownwaytoheavenJanuary 29, 2013 at 12:35 PM

      Normally I have nothing nice to say about the SW. But in this case ... about the face washing (yeah, not really a good tweet topic), I will say that my mother did not teach me or make sure I washed my face and I had severe acne. Then she tried to fix it with monthly facials when I was 16. I would have benefited from such a proactive lesson and you can bet I am making sure my son washes his face daily (with just water at this point) and washes his hair regularly. So, I don't see anything bad about what Robyn did!

    6. Her daughter is in for a HUGE disappointment when she starts breaking out. She'd be better off focusing on diet, because I had the most breakouts when I was overdoing the face cleansing. When I cut down to washing my face 1-2 times/day, and increased my water intake, my breakouts went WAY down. I don't know if it's scientifically proven but IMO water washes out the system. I'm sure that Robyn will have her daughter on the green goo however.

    7. My nephew did accutane (his was so bad) and he has been clear for ten years.

    8. Yes Iwillfindmyownwaytoheaven it was wise of Robyn to share her wisdom with her daughter. But to share it with the world?? Creepy at best.

    9. Yes, a really odd thing to tweet. Makes you wonder how her mind works.Probably thought it made her look like a good mother. Wouldn't you just hate it if your mother posted something like that to the world when you were that age?

  10. P.S. to my last comment: Neither the new aprons with their logo on them nor the new men's jewelry line are up on MSWC. Why do you tweet photos of new items to sell when those items are not available?

    Seriously, tweet photos AFTER the items can be purchased on your website! I think these people know nothing about marketing.

    1. I think it's just the pendant they ALREADY have on the website, but on a leather thong. or pleather.

    2. I agree with Dakota Justice - they're taking something they already have and calling it new, rather than scaling it up to make it suitable for a man to wear (if any man other than Kody could be forced to wear it!) Another "iconic" fail. It still looks like something that should be hanging off of a dog's collar. Wonder if Kody has his new address(es) engraved on the back - just in case he gets lost.

    3. Kind of like the re purposing of the V-day heart earrings and necklace from the Clauddagh charm?

    4. Everytime I see that picture of Kody with the pendant the song "Disco Duck" goes through my head.

    5. I can't imagine that many men would ever want to wear a sister wife symbol necklace. That is just a bizarre thought in my opinion. For some reason this just struck me as very strange.

  11. I'll be in Disneyland next week, so I'll be sure to keep a sharp eye out for The Brown clan since they obviously are there once a week now or so.
    Also I'm not sure what is worse, Kody's hair in the last picture or the mens jewelry line!!!

    1. Dear Y for Wyoming......Don't forget to take your camera. Would love some pics if they did happen to be there.

  12. New stuff on MSWC. The 'men's line' necklace looks the same as the harmony necklace to me... No apron that I saw, though.

    Click 'more info' to read glowing recommendations and happy stories! :-)

    And, yes, the new stuff IS sterling silver! ;-)

  13. How many times have they been to Disney? What does THAT cost? Geesh! My kids haven't been there ONCE!! I guess it's no longer "finite" resources but INfinite!

    1. Speculation on my part, but I suspect they're buying a couple of annual passes (GREATLY reduced cost), and sharing them among the kids. They're not supposed to do that, but rules and laws don't seem to apply to them. At least in their minds.

    2. Even with annual passes, there are still lots of ways to spend lots of money in Disneyland and the surrounding area. Hotel/motel expenses, food/beverages, the cost of fuel to get there and back...etc. aren't they supposed to be in school right now???

    3. aren't they supposed to be in school right now???

      I have a feeling that picture is from a previous excursion last year. Like I said, it looks like they are tweeting old pictures to avoid tweeting a picture showing the inside of the new McMansion home. A lot of their fans don't realize they have moved.

    4. Meri tweeted to someone that the picture was from a trip earlier this year.

    5. Don't worry if your kids never get to Disneyland-World. They will not be scared for life. OOOOOdles of people never get there for one reason or another and in the end it just doesn't matter.

    6. They should go to Yosemite Natl Park and see some real wonders.

      Nothing wrong with Disneyland but there are sooo many more great places in Cali besides some flipping amusement park!! Jeez. Plus it would be educational!

    7. Agreed DakotaJustice. There is also lassen (like a mini-yellowstone). I have never been to Disneyland and never will. I will never take my kids to it. It is just a way to make little consumers out of your children. And don't get me started on the princesses!!!

    8. "I have a feeling that picture is from a previous excursion last year. Like I said, it looks like they are tweeting old pictures to avoid tweeting a picture showing the inside of the new McMansion home. A lot of their fans don't realize they have moved."

      And doesn't that just ram home the point of how relentlessly dishonest these people are!?!?
      If it is an old, "already been seen" pic, then why resend it, except to keep the duplicity going !!
      And they wonder why people call them liars and crooks.

  14. Krotchie looks like a big ol 1970's porno star with that hair and necklace. HAAAA!

    1. I know, right?!Get out of my head!I thought the same thing and was getting ready to post. Good grief, these people need a stylist because the poor dears are soooo fashion challenged.

      They just can't watch their own show because they would HAVE to see how unflattering their clothes are. Or at least I'm hoping they don't watch cause if they did and still wore those sausage tops and too tight jeans that would mean they thought they were stylin'. My two year old does a better job of picking out his clothes for preschool. Pitiful *shaking head in confusion*
      Awhile back I sent Meri a tweet and begged her to quit or at least ease up on the self tanner because she looked like an oompalumpa/Whoville hybrid. I don't think she took my advice:-(

  15. When you take one marriage and split it four ways, it's division, not multiplication.January 28, 2013 at 4:11 PM

    "Hey man, cool necklace."


  16. Those pesky fans; how dare they interrupt the king and his baby mamas. The good news is that now there are a few more fans who are awake to the brown clown's narcism. I cannot get over how quickly these bumpkins went from we are just like you to we are so far above you: we make iconic crap and you don't appreciate our efforts; we want to eat out like other stars so don't you dare come bothering us; we are entitled so what are you doing?

  17. If fans are a problem for the Krotch and his breeders, why not stay home, make a big ol salad and some green goo on ice while admiring Meri's wet bar? No fans to bug them over at her house.

    1. Maybe she hasn't got an ice bucket yet to adorn the wet bar, or perhaps she has forgotten the receipe for ice cubes???? Or better yet, they don't eat green things that would be in a salad, only green goo over ice. Yaaah that's why they went out to eat.

  18. Kody looks at his man-necklace and thinks how kool he is because he has 4 wives...I look at the man-necklace and see a dog paw being worn by a lunatic who thinks dead dogs and digging graves make for great tv viewing.

    Robyn thinks drawing a heart is "designing", so Kodouche must think putting an existing pendant on a cord instead of a chain is also "designing". I personally think he would look better wearing the apron decorated with the bugs that have dog paws for wings...

  19. That Joan Crawford pic makes me LOL everytime I see it! The Browns Montley Crew has me wanting to add the caption ...No more tacky jewelry!!!!

  20. The perennial surfer boy.

  21. Hysterical picture!!! Great blog- thought provoking and funny!!!

  22. Forget about all the younger kids going to Disneyland all the time, Dang I just wonder if the younger kids get to eat out as much as Kody & all the wives? Actually, it seems that Meri gets to eat out more often than the other wives too...smh
    So my hubby's family is from West Jordan,Utah,& we're going to be visiting there this weekend. As luck would have it, West Jordan is only about 28 min from Plygville (Lehi)...Hmmmmmm???? So ya'll already know what I'm thinking, right??...Lol
    I HAVE to go by there old Lehi home, just to snap a pic(s). Plus I want to toodle around the lil town, to see what it's all about. Although, we'll most likely stand out as an odd couple b/cuz my hubby is white & I'm 1/2 Native Amer/1/2 Black, so the looks we get should be priceless....Lol My husband, was like, WHY do U want to go to Lehi so bad, & he seen on my phone, the green background on SWB & just blurted out, OMG, HELL NO(in a playful tone)...LOL But I told him, we're already driving over 17 hrs from OKC to visit ur family, so we can drive 30 more mins just so I can be nosey...haha

    1. No judgment here about that, CB. Hubby was a good sport and drove me to the "cuddle sac" when we were in Vegas last month.

    2. leave a flower for poor Drake!!!

    3. Caramel Brownie,

      I love the way you think !! Our own roving reporter !! LOL

      Will be waiting for your report. Safe trip !!!

    4. LOL Caramel Brownie, you are just like me! I'd do the same and my husband would be dragging his feet big time.

      Have a great look around and get some good pics for us please! I do think you might have fit in better if you'd purchased some of that great dog paw jewelry. Then you could wear it and flash it around prominently so everyone would know you were on board with the plyg thing. *laughing*

      Have a safe trip!

    5. Maybe Kody will be there digging a massive pit for another unlucky pet! Should be about time for his monthly "1st" trip back to Utah...

    6. Thanks everyone & of course I'll be taking lots of pics & I'll report back Amused, even if its a boring one.:) Hmmm??I wonder if any of the Browns are planning to be in Utah this weekend for a greet & meet?? I would definitely go if they were...
      Lol...Funky Town, I'd rather wear one of my 3 doggies collars, than wear any crappy dog paw jewelry...Lol
      Well,I'll be bundled up anyways, since it's gonna be super cold & snow on the ground.

    7. When they go bankrupt on their 4 homes we will be the first to know. I'm in Texas but if I was living in Utah I too would like to see the house.

    8. OOoOhhh, Caramel Brownie...can you take some of us along with you? We could be your Sister Wives Blog Sister Wives!

    9. we have friends we visit in Lehi. It's a sleepy little hick Mormon town - just like Kody described. not that there's anything wrong with that. just a fact.

  23. Why is Meri eating out with all those pies on the wetbar! Save that money for the kids you neglect. I'm sure they read this blog, so ....quit crying about money, spend it on educations so you can have areal job later on!

  24. Yes! Yes! Yes! Please take lots of pictures. I'm excited for you. ;)

  25. Tweeting that about her daughter is another sign of their narscisstic and immature behavior. Hopefully she will catch on and stop that crap.

    1. Do you read Twitter? Almost every tweet is narcissistic and immature. Not necessarily defending Robyn, just commenting on the Hey, Look at ME culture we live in with Facebook posts about cooking 2 different sauces for pasta to please kids and tweets about things that have no consequence! I would venture to guess that if all of us, including myself, we're to look at some of our tweets and posts objectively we would find that we are all a bit self centered and perhaps interested in our children.

    2. Touche! Very true! I'm guilty :O)

    3. i agree. Browns don't have a corner on the market. Most FB posts and tweets are ridiculously shallow and narcissistic. I enjoy most of them as much as I enjoy the Browns which is not so much. It seems to be the nature of the beast for the most part. :)

  26. Dear Caramel Brownie, Are your in-Laws LDS? My husbands now deceased father had also lived there but was not mormon. BTW, I think Utah is very beautiful especially Park City!

    1. Hi shiba inu, yes my in-laws are LDS & they're very much involved w/ the Temple,etc..BTW, I showed my hubby this post, & he wanted me to make sure that I stressed that his family is traditional LDS, & not RLDS(Reorganized) or FLDS...LOL
      I've never been to Utah, but keep hearing that it is very beautiful, so I'm excited to finally see it for myself :)
      My husband is the 2nd oldest of 10 kids(5 boys & 5 girls) so his mom definitely had her hands full...they were all raised Mormon, but he really doesn't practice it anymore. He believes in some of it, but not all of it.
      His mom does a lot of baking from scratch & canning too.Her pantry is awesome! She makes the best cinnamon rolls,funnel cakes, & dinner rolls, yummy!! She usually has a bountiful vegetable garden too. She also did lots of sewing too,esp quilts. Not as much as she used to b/c of her age & ailing health, but she's been extremely productive & she's a great example of a true Strong Woman, so SW take note please!!
      Me on the other hand was raised Baptist, but now I just prefer Non-Denomination churches. I definitely don't believe in the Mormon faith, teachings or priciples,esp the Book of Mormon. I just believe that the Bible is the word of God & I believe in the Trinity: God, Jesus,& Holy Spirit. I also believe that we're all gonna stand before God one day to be judged.

    2. I have a friend who is RLDS (Reorganized LDS but recently changed the denomination name to Community of Christ) and they are nothing like FLDS or even that much like LDS - more Protestant than anything with a smattering of Book of Mormon. At any rate, they broke off of the LDS in Missouri, and I think they differed on the polygamy question all together (never did it in their church). So just want to make sure that people don't confuse RLDS with FLDS. Thanks.

    3. Right on Caramel Brownie!

    4. I think the RLDS church is the one that Emma Smith went with when Joseph Smith died - but I'm not 100% on that. When Brigham Young was declared prophet, someone close to Joseph who thought THEY should be the next leader broke off and started the RLDS, and Emma went with the RLDS. I think.

    5. Anon 12:43 I think you are right. And I think I read recently that that group followed Joseph Smith III when he was an adult, and never practiced polygamy. I think I also read that only recently has their leader (I forget what they call him) not been a direct descendent of that line. I'm getting real confused now; may be mixing groups up. Seems like you scratch the surface of ANY religion and it all gets really complicated; but fascinating all the same!

  27. Reading the excuses for inefficiency and lectures from the "Closet" owners and administrators on the proper demeanor they expect from customers when "spending their money" are stark lessons in arrogance, coupled with pitiful business ignorance. Excuses....they are so good at excuses.
    As has been mentioned by others on SWB, it seems that the Brown babes are lacking in many skills except one collective trait. They all are stars when it comes to excuses.

    Meri is excused when acting superior and pushy because she is first wife, and excused to be moody and petty because she is forever lacking her wanted eight kids. Plus, being shipping and receiving manager obviously is just too hard on her. What did she do all day for the last 3 years??

    Janelle is excused to be flat-lined and passively compliant with everything, even with the worst of their decisions because she once held a job, and perhaps because she has weight issues.
    (question, just many of us here at SWB hold jobs and do not have the luxury of being ambivalent and detached in life because "we work?" How many women do you know with weight issues who still work their asses off 9 to 5?)

    Christine rants that the other wives did not help her when she was studying for the RE tests.
    (question...wonder how many of us here on SWB have had to hit the books to qualify for degrees or promotions or licenses...AND...had to do it while "working"?
    I did and will bet that I am not unique. And I sure as hell couldn't/didn't get outside help to watch our kids. Husband? Mine was also working and doing his own things to get ahead in his job.)
    Christine has never worked, so she had all day and night to schedule study time. She also has TWO older teenage daughters who could and should be helping, and she only has one child home during the day.
    Truly's nap-time..couple of hours to study every day?? After the kids are in time.
    Excuses, excuses.

    Sobbin Robin.....what's to say?
    She is just a career whiner. But a resourceful one!! Robin is a natural grifter.
    She couldn't handle her life so she joined Kodyworld. She couldn't handle her own three kids and then another one, so she moved in her sister for help. Funny how TLC waited so long to present that fact, wasn't it. Apparently, the sister had been there for quite some time.

    It's always about "poor them" and how they need extra help and they go about the business of having others pay for their lives.
    Excuses, Excuses !!

    1. WORD!!!
      Yep, U pretty much summed it up Amused!!
      I'm so tired of ALL of their whiny lame ass excuses! someone else posted, it's about time they start being accountable & taking some responsibility, w/o blaming someone or something!

    2. Yes, they get on my nerves with their pity parties. You made your choices, now deal with it. Stop all the poor me whining! It gets old after a while. If Meri can't have more kids, it's time to shut up and mother your bonus kids. You've told us about it for the umpteenth time, we know it hurts, but move on and focus on the benefits of not having a bunch of kids. Christine could've had a babysitter, like you said. There are too many older kids running around who could help or even Kody's sorry butt. She just wanted to whine. You married this "family" so deal with it. Robyn is playing diva. She of all people knows what it's like to not have anything. All of a sudden she needs a nanny? Pleez! Janelle is strange. She does not fit in this world. Something is off with her. Kody is just loving all these women doting on him. Notice none of his wives are the strong, intelligent, movers/shakers of this world. Not one of them fits that bill. A woman of that caliber is not going to fool with him.

    3. "Notice none of his wives are the strong, intelligent, movers/shakers of this world. Not one of them fits that bill. A woman of that caliber is not going to fool with him."

      A very wise and accurate observation !!!

      And the irony is that they are all cloying, needy women who have chosen to be with a man who is needier than themselves....which explains their chaotic, unproductive lifestyle.

    4. Amused- oh they have a very productive lifestyle. How many kids are they up to now, 17? I'd say that is contributing a lot...a lot of kids.

  28. The aprons crack me up! Robyn has really aged.

    1. The best they can say is "the string is adjustable and the material is durable"? Oi.

    2. The dog paw symbol used as butterfly wings made for an odd display! Robyn should change her twitter name from @LuvgvsUwngs to "Luv gives u dog paw wings"

    3. DJ,
      I saw that too and thought "huh" adjustable string, as if "that" is a added bonus. Guess they haven't seen too many aprons, have they?
      And the material is durable??? As in your garden variety cotton??

      Idiots !!!

    4. More like your garden variety polypropylene. Cotton would be too expensive. They'd charge $40.
      If whatever I was selling was made of a natural fiber, I wouldn't say "material".

  29. All these trips to Disneyland, running around, eating out....all are a far cry from all those tears we see on the show. The continual trips to an Amusement park are almost sinful considering less than 2 years ago they were busy filing bankruptcy. My teen is more mature than this bunch. I see no sign of them being religious. Ironic since that is the basis of them being together.

  30. Kody he has tweeted a few time about Las Vegas being where they were sent I to "exile". Dang, if I got a half million dollar home. A pool, trip to Europe, Multiple dinners out, and I don't have to work for it - I want to be in "exile" too!

  31. I thought the concept of mswc closet is that we would see pieces that reflected the personality and taste of each wife (which I didn't think was a bad idea). Now it seems to be all about Robyn playing big girl with her "trite" doodles.

  32. Meri must be so pleased about how things have worked out in her favor....without kids at home to take care of (Mariah is about 17 now I think), she is the wife with all the free time that can travel with Kody. She is constantly tweeting pictures of she and Kody "with fans" at meals out or tweeting about how 'great' HER daughter is. It's very transparent that she does that to establish her dominion over Kody and the other wives. She has the house with the peace and quiet and the wetbar and this lures Kody in. Sure, he wants to populate his planet so he will visit with Robyn and have some special time (or 'sweet fellowship' as Gil Bates would say)but then get tired of screaming kids and head back to ole Mare's.

    Clearly Janelle has steered as clear as possible of the MSWC business debacle. There have been so many things they have done wrong, there is no way there were 5 adults thinking this through. Robyn thought it would be fun, Meri encouraged it as a way to make Robyn look bad, Janelle smiled in pain thinking about the utter mess the business would surely become and Christine....well not quite sure where she fits in the dynamic anymore. And well Kody, he doesn't participe in the 'wimmins business' because he is so darn masculine and busy.

    Kody's birthday. I only saw the tweet from Meri. Maybe one from Robyn? (don't recall) but nothing from Janelle or Christine.

    1. You know what Carol - I think Kody has a hand in MSWC more than he wants to admit. Robyn had on her Pinterest board a photo of a frilly cute apron - I would bet that's what she wanted to sell. I'm betting Kody nixed that idea in favor of these cheap promotional aprons (the very cheapest available - not even a flipping pocket!) I'm sure he figured that there were fans who would buy them just because of the SW connection. By selling them for $20 each they are probably making 10 times what they paid for them depending on how large their order was to whichever custom print company they ended up using...

      Just hazarding a guess.

  33. Just wondering if there is no longer " our money " but it is now " my money " where each wife plus Kody has their earnings from the show to spend as they wish. You can pay your mortgage, go to Disneyland or support your kids. I'm sure each one will spend their money differently. Just think of the money that Meri and Kody will have to spend without so many mouths to feed. Hopefully the other three pay their mortgage and feed their kids. Will Kody's money go to all of his kids? What do you think?

    1. I think Meri and Kody are far too selfish to share their wealth and laughing all the way to the bank frankly. Christine and Janelle may have 12 kids between them but if Meri has her way she will come out ahead. As she always does.
      Biggest and Best for our selfish and deluded Meri!

    2. I agree.

      It was after Kody after all that suggested 'jokingly' that Christine give some of her house budget to selfish Meri (and in turn himself too). Their claims of being a 'family' are bull*hit. A FAMILY would make sure the needs of their MANY children were met before Meri got the freaking wet bar and most expensive house. So selfish and yes, deluded!

      BOO Meri.

  34. I love it! Aprons from the women who first off really are not known for cooking at all. Secondly They are apposed in every way to sharing a kitchen. What next books on budgeting, How to coupon, time management ect... "Passive aggressive tweeting when your husbands at the other wives house" By Robin Now that would make sense.

  35. Hi Cynical Jinx: Great post as always. Something I find interesting is your use of a photo from the movie, Mommy Dearest. Anyone who reads that shocking book or watches the movie is stunned that so many people witnessed Joan Crawford's abuse of her two oldest children, yet did nothing. We console ourselves by saying that people just didn't talk about such things "back then," then pat ourselves on the backs for being stopping modern child abuse. But, do we really? America has largely overlooked the child abuse that is happening among the FLDS in the name of "religious freedom." Ruby Jessop, an abused 14-year-old, was known to authorities for twelve years(!) and the authorities looked the other way. It largely overlooks abuse outside the FLDS, as well.

    Moreover, adult survivors of child abuse who have chosen to drop contact with their abusers, often their parents, are told by a stream of busybodies that they need to "forgive" and reconcile with them, even if those abusers are still toxic and don't even admit to the abuse. There's more consideration for the "feelings" of the abusers than for the safety and sanity of the victims left in their wake. Indeed, some of the public holds Christina Crawford, writer of Mommy Dearest, to be a big crybaby who should have kept those details private.

    So, thank you to the FLDS abuse survivors who spoke out. To Flora, Carolyn, Elissa...all of you. Thank you also to abuse survivors outside of the FLDS who share their stories, as well. You're true heroes.

    1. AMEN, Magic! While reading your post, I kept thinking the old axiom "the more things change, the more they stay the same." Sadly.

    2. GREAT point Magic.

  36. I haven't been able to read the blog lately. Are all the wives in the new homes? If so, does anyone know when they moved in to them?

    1. Yes, by all accts it appears they moved sometime around Christmas. Meri was the last to move b/c they had to build her wetbar ya know? They are all over the moon right now and have been sending sickening tweets to each other. The moves will probably be an episode or 2 or 3 or 10 (Heaven forbid) in the next season.

  37. A lil off topic here, but today is National Freethinkers Day in honor of Thomas Payne. According to Today's Reason to Celebrate:
    "Paine's writing inspired many peopole to strive for political, economic, and social advancement. He was also one of the first people to call for an end to slavery and universal human rights"

    Kudos to him!! If he knew that modern day slavery is still happening in America 2013 in forms of human trafficking, sex slaves at the expense of women & children all in the name of 'religion', it may cause him to turn a few somersaults in his grave. It's a truly sad reality that's happening in our own back yard America & idly the govt is standing by allowing it to happen!

    Now on a semi lighter note, it's also National Corn Chip Day! Peanut butter fritos, anyone???

  38. Their aprons should say...."STAY OUT OF MY KITCHEN or there is going to be trouble!"

    1. Oh yes...I think we need a design the apron contest similar to the T-shirt thing! Peanut Butter Frito's anyone?

  39. I have a feeling the SW Closet FB page will disappear like their other ones...they are getting a good amount of negative posts and we know the Browns don't like anything but 100% adoration! Have to love one suggestion that the next item for sale should be embroidered hankies because Meri & Robin can also use them during couch sessions!
    I still can't understand how some fans will spend their hard earned money on insanely overpriced jewelry knowing these tools just dropped a cool 2 million on McMansions. Just boggles my mind...

    1. It looks like they are being invaded by some mean trolls looking for a fight.

    2. Boston Corgi,

      Isn't that the boggles my mind too !!!

      It would be one thing if the over-priced junk was "not junk"....
      But it is unattractive, industrial-metal-looking junk...!!

    3. One of the SW's must have checked on the FB page and freaked...all negative comments have now been cleansed (like a pimple preventing face wash)!!!

    4. Those comments weren't just negative they were really nasty like they wanted to cause a ruckus. I don't understand why some people would go to a fan webpage and say some of the things I read. Uncalled for and just rediculous!

      So how many of the feedback comments got zapped because of the nasty few? Just doesn't make ay sense to me why people have to act that way.

    5. quite simply they asked their customers not to expect them to act professionally which is a joke. they insult every other person who juggles family, work and life by expecting their customers to accept less than 100% service. Put a statement like that on facebook and you're going to get some nasty replies. Serves them right. idiots.

    6. There was flamebaiting going on from what I read last night. It was embarrassing and served no purpose other than to upset a lot of people on their fanpage. Nasty replies are not funny, they are not snarky, THEY ARE JUST PLAIN MEAN-SPIRITED AND DISRUPTIVE...NO FANPAGE DESERVES THAT TYPE OF DISRUPTION...

      Mister Sister opened this forum so people would have a place to discuss, be snarky, whatever, within a group of like minded individuals. What I read yesterday on MSWC could only be described with one word...DISTURBING.

    7. I didn't read the SW FB comments. Nor do I read their SW tweets except those which are posted here.
      I don't tweet or do FB except for inner family. I *have* looked at their Closet website.

      However, I do agree that if they are getting highly negative feedback to their FB comments or tweets, they need to think about what they are posting to would be customers and what they are presenting on the SW show. Generating/maintaining viewers, soliciting paying customers and boosting ratings are no doubt the goal of their family & Closet web sites, FB and twitter accounts.

      If people are posting hardcore criticism, unfortunately that unwelcome potential comes with the package of putting themselves out there for public scrutiny. It is a catch-22 for anyone who chooses to be a public figure. Especially if you have not only placed yourself (and your children) in the glare of the media via a TV show, but if you are also peddling something to consumers for opposed to those public folks who "sell" their stuff for charity.

      There *will be* critics and skeptics. That is a GIVEN !!
      And there is no filter or remedy other than the *after the fact scouring* as to how "expressive" some critics or skeptics will be. That is the realistic downside to the "social media."

      The other catch-22 is that you either be credible and factual and deal with the fact not everyone is going to like or approve of you....Or you lie and distort to sanitize your image and deal with the fact that in this world of web sleuthing, your lies sooner than later will be exposed and judged.

      Have to say....
      If after *three plus* years of being *out there*, the Browns are claiming surprise or ignorance of these facts, then they realistically are not suited for this public life.

    8. My much of what was posted there had previously been posted here on SWB. Some lengthy comments were copied and pasted from CJ and CB's posts here.

    9. Some lengthy comments were copied and pasted from CJ and CB's posts here.

      No, actually the posts were primarily from another SWB poster - who gloated on SWB about how entertaining it was to spend a Sunday afternoon upsetting the MSWC posters.

      My comments - and any other SWB poster's comments, should remain here on SWB, not reposted by someone who was looking to be entertained!

      Yes, I am very irate about this.

    10. That poster appears to have been reported to Facebook and their posts removed. A number of other posts were also removed, so I suspect there was a manual cleansing as well. Good for them. They are handling the situation pretty good so far

    11. Say what??? Now that irritates me too!! When I was on the MSWC FB site the other day browsing, I seen the nastiness going on & I didn't care to be a part of it!!!

    12. Didn't see the FB posts. Had no idea that the posts were that bad.
      But for someone to use SWB quotes or post SWB contents somewhere else is just plain wrong. And to call it entertainment?!

      You have every right to be irate.

    13. I choose not to write on the facebook page because regardless of wether your pro brown or not someone is going to jump on you. But i don't understand why someone would take the time to write evil things to other posters that doesn't make sense. Keyboard Warriors they are so brave.
      PS, forgive my snark earlier I was pretty tired, there's lots of really bad weather happening here in oz right now. shouldn't have called them idiots and say they deserved everything they got. it was uncharitable

  40. I agree. I like funny and a little snarky but not mean and cruel.

    1. I didn't see any of that, but I agree. I feel bad enough with my snarky comments on this site. But I think my lack of tolerance for this "family" is multi-faceted. They create child after child that they cannot care for without our assistance. They have stumbled upon TLC $, but all of them have lived irresponsibly. If you read their book, Christine, who was "polyagmy royalty", according to them, had ZERO understanding that someone needs to go to work and earn an income to support all the baby-making. None of them have EVER EVER EVER answered the question: How do you support this lifestyle? And for Kody to declare that he is fully planning to bring more babies into the world, when he has fathered so many already,makes him repulsive to me.

    2. I was referring to their facebook page. Your opinion is valid and not mean. You do make sense. When Kody said he was going to make more babies, I felt a little sick too. And how very insensitive to say it to Meri. That was so tacky. I don't think Meri wants anymore kids and she should not feel guilty about it. Anyway I'm sure Mariah will make her a happy grandma one day along with her other sisterwives.

    3. I'm with you. I don't even normally read the TLC and MSWC FB pages because it usually disintegrates into a cat fight. Plus, the women who want to be wife #5 creep me the F out.

    4. It is really disturbing that someone has been posting things from this blog onto the MSWC site! I'm sorry to hear it, for both them and us. Even though we don't know each other on this blog, it sometimes seems almost as if we do. I look forward to reading what so many of you comment, and sometimes we even share a little about ourselves....

      The best thing about this blog is that I never thought any of it is mean spirited. Yes, some comments are snarky, humorous, or lecture-y; but I'm really sad this website is being abused!

      I guess it's kind of rediculous, but I feel like all of our privacy has been invaded. :o/

  41. Wondering how the neighborhood is adjusting to the Brown clan moving in.

  42. I just have to say that I'm impressed with Maddie's drawing ability. She posted a picture she drew on twitter the other day. She really has talent.

  43. The picture of Meri and Robyn in the aprons was taken in one of the McMansions. You can tell by the cabinetry and the tile. Notice the sign on top of the fridge? I wonder if that's Meri's McMansion or Robyn's?

  44. So Robyn has announced she is taking a yoga class, via twitter.

    1. Wonder when she's gonna have Kody's next baby?

  45. I just visited AC360 website and there are no comments on his coverage of Flora Jessops escape from the FLDS. I made one, but it doesn't show yet.

    Please go to his website and comment on the story so he and other media will know it is an area of concern for many of us.

    If people don't speak up, the media will think no one cares, and the story(ies) will not continue to be told!!

    Thank you!

  46. I know there are a handful of monster people who deliberately troll their Facebook fanpages. Some I saw on there for years. I used to chuckle about it all because they would actually bring fact-based comments to the convo that the dreamy-eyed fans failed to notice. I steer clear of those pages now. It's just ridunkulous to read these days.

    Someone mentioned earlier that it seems Janelle stays clear of MSWC. I agree there, snd who can blame her? If she did have anything to do with it, my guess is her position would involve proofreading. Her own weight loss blog is very well written and obviously proofread before submission.

    I foresee an update show in five years: "The Browns-Where are they now?". Robyn will have a pair of crawlers, Janelle will be discussing finite resources, Christine will not be in real estate and Meri will be in a twelve-step program for compulsive self-tanners.

  47. Janelle may not be involved with the website much but she is selling the stuff at the craft shows. She looks really beautiful in the pic at the last expo on the MSWC fb page. I hope she gains confidence and realizes she deserves someone who is 100% hers. I don't think she will but I can hope. I think Kody and Meri do everything they can to keep her down because they have needed her financial support. And I think Meri is going to really lose her mind when Janelle becomes the hot wife.

    1. Janelle is by FAR the most beautiful! She is truly gorgeous! And I agree she looks smokin at the EXPO. It would be funny to see Meri start freakin out as Janelle gets hotter and hotter! Kody might start spending extra nights at her house instead of with Sobbin!

    2. I agree that Meri will lose her mind if Janelle becomes hot. But Meri will lose her mind under any scenario in which she loses her control and her sense of how things should be. That house nonsense was, I think, a last desperate effort to demonstrate that she still runs the show. Her religion tells her that her only purpose is childbearing so it's also telling her that she has no purpose now. I'd sure hate to be her. If the other wives start ignoring her or are too busy with their child filled lives to deal with her, she will go cuckoo.

    3. I agree that Janelle's skin looks radiant in that pic but hasn't it always? I still don't see any significant and noticeable weight loss in a year's plus time she's been talking about her commitment to exercising and eating healthy. Every woman I've ever known who's as overweight as she is and that has SERIOUSLY followed a plan like the paleo or sugarbusters, weight watchers, etc. or even dr. atkins PLUS exercise involved has easily lost at least 40-50 lbs. in the first 6-9 months. EASILY. I don't believe she's gotten seriously down to business yet.

    4. I see the weight difference, but maybe because I'm plus-sized and looking for it, LOL!
      Look at an episode online from a year and a half ago, then look at the trade show pic. Size able difference, pun intended.
      -prometheamoth. (On the iPad I can only post as An

  48. Janelle was disapointed her workout club for women didnt get the support from the family when they were having meetings about what kind of ideas for their own business was being discussed. When Robyn brought her sketch ideas for the jewelry Janelle shot her down on all of her drawings. Also, Meri said on the couch interview she didnt want to have a family business because she still wanted to work with at risk youth. Has anyone seen Janelle wearing the jewelry? Is Meri working with at risk youth? of course not..

  49. I agree--Janelle looks really beautiful! She is clearly working hard on her health. I'm impressed.

    I think the photo where Christine looked tiny at the concert was a fluke though, in the most recent pics on the blog, like moving day, she looked mostly unchanged. She may have lost some weight, which is fantastic, but it doesn't appear to be drastic yet.

  50. I assume that Kody and Meri probably were sealed for all eternity in a temple wedding. If Janelle and Robyn were both married before I would think that they had also been sealed to their husbands. So I am I don't know they get unsealed and resealed? Would Robyn's three children be sealed to their father and not Kody? Christine is probably also sealed to Kody as she was not married before.

    I had a friend who had a Mormon neighbour tell her that she was going to the temple to do sealings. She told her to be careful and not fall off the ladder. She seriously thought she was going to wash ceilings. I probably would have thought the same thing.

    1. Yes they are "sealed" for "eternity" and when things fall apart they get a "release" from their group's authorities. Then it starts all over again with another "eternal marriage." The kids are also re-sealed to whichever dad is current - in this case Kody.

    2. Thank you for your answer explyg....I wasn't sure how they did that when they got divorced. Did you know that Hutterites in a colony are not allowed to divorce? They are stuck with one another forever. They still live together on the colony even if they don't like each other.

    3. I've always heard the children are sealed to dad and that can't be changed with divorce.

    4. Not in polygamist groups ex LDS. It's all dependent on "worthiness." If a woman gets permission for a "release" its because the guy has been a bad boy somehow, and so he loses his women and kids. Robyn and her ex never had a so called "eternal marriage" anyway, so according to dogma he would have no eternal claim on the kids anyway.

    5. Was Robyn sealed to her first husband? I noticed that in early episodes she wears short sleeved shirts, not the 3/4 sleeve layered look. Do the AUB wear longer garments?

    6. I believe Robyn was married to her first husband. He never took on another "sister" while they were married. Heck he couldn't afford Robyn, why would he add more to his misery.

  51. Whether or not Janelle is involved with the MSWC website, since they pool their money and divide it up, it would seem they would be supporting all the money-making endeavors in some fashion just for the sake of income.

    Regarding the apron: I know it has been said many times, but adding at least one good-sized pocket (or two) would make the apron so much more practical. They could even get some similar (or nice contrasting material) and sew a pocket on because that would be very easy---then make sure in the next order (if there is one) to get aprons with pockets. I wouldn't buy the apron because I cannot support their lifestyle/religion, but, those are my Apron Observations.

    The Jewelry: Again, I wouldn't buy it for the same reasons listed above, but I don't think it is ugly. However, not being conversant with much sterling silver I can't make a price-comparison with similar-type jewelry. The heart necklace and earrings do look almost identical to the charm I'm not seeing any originality there. And, I am sure (even without doing any research) that men are NOT going to be wearing the logo necklace with the leather thong---it is just TOO fem, and too 1970s. No, no, no. Woof! (To the Poster who said Kody would have to put his address on the back of his necklace---okay, THAT WAS FUNNY!)

    Thought: If a 5th Wife emerges, the Logo will have to change---I guess 5 toes would be acceptable---but it would look strange if No. 6 had to be added....But, I don't think there will be any more wives...that is my prediction.

    Kody's Hair: Doesn't bother me.

    Meri's Wet Bar: Just another sink to clean...the less cleaning I have to do, the better.

  52. I do think Janelle has the potential to be the “hot wife”. When her hair is done for interviews with networks she look amazing. If she lost 100 lbs she would by far outshine all of them. That may have to do with not having the plyg family history, but her face is beautiful! The other three have the harsh man forehead and brow. I see it a lot living in Southern Utah on the polygamist women. With some counseling to build confidence she could go far compared to the compilation. I also wonder if Mari always knew that Janelle had a better personality and has a much nicer face than her. She may have been heavier, but weight is not everything. Not that Meri is hard to beat with looks. She needs to drop the hair and fake tan. I can't tell her and Kody apart at a quick glance...gorse!

    I also think Janelle sacrificed her closeness with Kody for her kids. It seems like when he is around she makes it about the kids, not her. Meri is always about Meri.

    1. Maybe some botox for the forehead and brows?

  53. Did anyone else notice (because I thought it was hilariously pathetic) that their new "valentine's day" charm bears astriling resemblence to the "love" charm from the claddaugh (sp?) Collection? No matter how you wrap it, sh*t still stinks.

  54. MrSpock - those aprons weren't sewn - well, they WERE, but they are basically promotional aprons that are screen printed in mass quantities. the ones with no pockets are the cheapest.

    Note the price is 99 cents to $1.95, depending on the quantity ordered. I'll bet that's what they ordered and had their sophomoric design (which looks as though it was drawn using one of those paint programs) screened on it.

    If they want one with pockets, it would cost like $4.19-$7.95 per item for the cheapest one.

    But least 'the string is adjustable'!

    1. Yes, I just think an apron without pockets is dumb---so spend a little more and get a better product. I do find the "adjustable string" "selling point" incredibly amusing---well, as amused as MrSpock ever gets... ;-)

    2. Just the typical half-assedness that we've all grown accustomed to in the train wreck we know as the Kody Krew.

    3. It is just not logical MrSpock.

    4. Does the adjustable string mean that you can tie it tighter if you want? Or maybe tie it in a nice bow, or sailors knot? Maybe you can tie one string in a knot and let the other string hang down...the possibilities are endless for the price $19.99 and your remaining dignity.

    5. I haven't really worn an apron very often (have always cooked as little as possible), but even I know an "adjustable string" is a rediculous thing to use as a selling point. It made me pause....and so I could only conclude they must mean "adjustable neck". It seems as if Meri's apron is higher up on her than Robyns. Would that make the 'adjustable string" claim better?? Or do all full aprons always have a way to adjust the neck?

  55. Regarding comments on Janelle's weight loss:

    She has lost some weight, but I agree with others here that it has been slow going, and also she has her hair and makeup goin' on in that pic at the expo - so that would make her look a little thinner.

    as far as being "the hot wife" - IMO for Kody, it's not just the looks and physical thing, but whether the wife is still fertile and producing. I'm not saying Janelle can't, but I do think she feels she's had enough children. Kody has stated his priority is to produce more kids, so that would factor in on "hot wife" status.

    1. Janelle does have a beautiful face and gorgeous smile. From her own account in her book, she has battled a weight problem (along with her self-esteem) since she was a child. I am rooting for her to shed the weight, but she will be left will excess folds of skin, because she carried so much fat on her body since childhood. That will require plastic surgery to fix. Whether or not she goes for something like that (she'd have to get Meri to front her a loan for the surgery) she is beautiful, and she will be so much more healthy with less weight.

  56. well at least we know from this tweet that Robyn isn't preggers - she is doing yoga to get her post-baby body back in shape, and also responds to a comment about the "sur-git" offer by stating that Solomon is a mamma's boy and not ready for her to be PG again.

    1. Supposedly. First thing I thought of, though, was pre-natal yoga. Perhaps at Kody's suggestion, perhaps to be filmed for the show.

  57. More Apron thoughts....
    If they were smart...however, we do KNOW that can't and won't ever happen...

    They could have been creative and had some fun at their own expense *and even profits* by appealing to non-plygs who do watch the show by offering an apron that says..."Only Wife"..!

    (*By the way I did copyright that, so Robin and ladies, if you want to use it, I'll expect a cut on each one.*) lol that says "Wife #1-2-3-4, Take Your Pick"
    Or....I am "First and Only Wife"..

    I am sure all of you SWB posters can think of even better ones.
    It is very sad how one-dimensional and unimaginative these Brown babes are!!

    1. Better yet the aprons could read something like like Thing 1, Thing 2, Thing 3 and Thing 4...stealing from Dr. Suess here. Too funny!

    2. They could make it more economical by just putting "WIFE 1 2 3 4 5...(circle one)".

    3. How about Favorite Wife with an arrow pointing to the right or left.

  58. Just saw on Taralyce's Facebook that she posted about not having a valentine. She also mentions living in Orem.. Looks like Krody has yet to make a move and Sobbyn is out a nanny.

    1. Well so much for the theory of wife #5...

      Now that they all live so close, Robyn has plenty of sitters at her disposal. Remember how excited Meri was at the prospect of Solomon's birth? Well now she can spend LOTS of time with him. No need for Taralyce anymore...good for her for moving on!

    2. Yes, good for her!! She probably got tired of babysitting all the time, esp since Kody was spending lots of time over at Robyns.

  59. Amused - you made me think of the t-shirts I saw on sale at Universal Studios. Thing 1, Thing 2, Thing 3, etc. "Cat in the Hat" theme.

    They even had them in adult sizes and dog sizes. LOL.

    1. Dear Amused, I had the same thought regarding 'Things' and just posted it on an above thread...Great minds think alike!!

  60. I would love to see Bob on The Biggest Loser work with Janelle. Also, I wonder when the show will be back on.

  61. what these people really need is a good graphic designer. the apron is a decent idea. but the logo looks like a great doodle on the notebook of a fifth grader.

  62. Bored at lunch today and was looking at REAL jewelers on line. I saw a prettier heart pendent for $44.99. Saw one with pink sapphires for what SWC is charging.

  63. The Browns need to go back and look at their bankruptcy filings. Christines was going on when Kody was courting Robyn. And having her baby. No wonder Christine got depressed. Im sure Kody or Janelle paid Robyns debts to get the houses..They use the word "HOMES" so all the suckers will feel sorry and buy their crap. It wasnt that long ago Christine was on food stamps and in a BK. They sure are blowing thru their gifthorse of TLC money and did not learn a thing about their future financial safety or the kids. Im sure all the wifes are pissed Robyn benefited from this money and maybe thats why Meri insisted on her upgrades. Janelle said she was "moving money around in her head" when it looked like Robyn wouldnt qualify for the house loans. Im sure they had to move money around for Christine since her BK was so recent. All of their debt was credit cards and Christine had no employment history other than working for the census for 4 months.They had to have plunked down alot of cash to make this house thing happen.
    Something weird about the whole thing. Meri could divorce Kody and take it all.
    50@ a least. So they all dont want to cross her path im sure. Meri deserved it, remember? Give her the wet bar and deck and she wont explode on us. Sick

  64. Wow! That's a thought ANon 9:54! Is Nevada a community property state? Is Utah? If Meri could take 1/2 of everything, that would explain a lot about her apparent power!!

  65. Nevada is a community property state and Utah is equitable distribution property state. The bankruptcy filings are littered with lies about their budgets for food, valuations on personal property, and Meris home had antiques that were not listed.
    After watching all of the episodes where everything was documented on film its amazing they opened themselves up to this scrutiny. Christines bankruptcy was still ongoing when they started filming. I wonder if she had income from TLC that was not claimed at the time. Maybe thats the real reason they left Utah. It sure put there kids thru hell. somethings not right. Kody is not on the deeds and notes for the other wives like he is on Meris. Hopefully they are assured Meri cant take them in the event of a divorce. The kids deserve the security.
