Saturday, January 26, 2013

UPDATED: Video added...After 12 Years of Waiting, Great News About Ruby Jessop

We Welcome Troy Bowles Back to SWB!  

Incredible news! First of all, 12 years ago, I got involved with Flora Jessop. She was trying to get her sister, Ruby out of Hildale, Utah. Ruby had been placed into a forced marriage at age 14. She had tried to run away but Utah law enforcement and DCFS sent her right back to her abusers where she had to go through with and endure this forced marriage.

My colleagues and I worked very hard to get the right people interested in this case. I spoke to the Utah Senate Judiciary Confirmation Committee because not long after Ruby was forced to go back to Hildale to live under her uncle, Fred Jessop, the Washington County attorney, Eric Ludlow was appointed to serve as a judge on the 5th district court. I presented evidence at his confirmation hearing that we had contacted Ludlow via certified letter explaining our concerns. Ludlow ignored our letter, but he did indeed receive it. That was undeniable. It held up his confirmation for six weeks, but Ludlow had powerful people on his side. He's now a judge.

We didn't stop with that. Orrin Hatch has a lot of FLDS friends, or at least he did at the time. He has even played the organ in their Colorado City chapel. That's hardly an honor they'd allow a typical "gentile." We challenged Hatch to go into Hildale and meet with his friend, Fred Jessop, and find out why Ruby was living under virtual house arrest and being forced into an arranged marriage. Hatch completely ignored us. Ruby is now 26 years old and she has six children.

I'm filled with emotion over all of this. It has driven me to a considerable amount of effort to make sure no politician can ever lie to me again. This is what made me decide to become a human rights philosopher. But today, after 12 years of involvement, I got the first good news I've had in years. Ruby and her six children have finally managed to escape Colorado City and the FLDS. This has been a dream-come-true for my friend Flora Jessop who is now reunited with her sister. For Ruby, in the end, human rights prevailed. Now, there are others who are trying to escape, but as we can see, the Utah State Government will do just about anything to avoid getting involved. It wasn't until the Mojave County, Arizona law enforcement got extra funding from the state that they could help us. Many thanks to the state of Arizona for finally stepping in to help this young woman.

Some important people involved in the failure to rescue Ruby Jessop 12 years ago:

Orrin Hatch: Senator, United States (Utah)
Mark Shurtleff: Former Utah State Attorney General
Eric Ludlow: Judge, Utah Fifth District; Former County Attorney, Washington County, Utah
Bill Hickman, Senator, Utah (Washington Co.)

Between Shurtleff and Ludlow's offices, it seems nobody could decide who should have been responsible for our complaint about Ruby's forced marriage. The matter fell out of the attention of the public and Ruby disappeared, even losing contact with her sister, Flora. Hatch apparently felt the sting from my colleagues when he praised the FLDS for their hard working ethic and their strong faith. We challenged him and he went away for good. He had no interest in Ruby's forced marriage. He refused to believe that forced marriages were even taking place among the FLDS and wouldn't even listen to our arguments. Governor Mike Leavitt had appointed Ludlow to serve on the Fifth District Bench. We never heard from his office throughout this whole affair.

Reports about Ruby Jessop:
 Written By:Troy Bowles 
Here are some other interesting posts from Troy:

Also Troy was on the show Polygamy: What love is this? He gave some great interviews, one in which he discusses Ruby, The Dargers book, and they are very informative on the Mormon Fundamentalist Beliefs. I encourage you to watch them.

UPDATE on Ruby, watch her live segment with Anderson Cooper here, courtesy of Anderson Cooper 360.


  1. A true HERO! We all need someone like Troy in our corner.

  2. I saw her on the news the other day. Great news! Her sister Flora looked so happy. I'm glad she was finally able to escape. Thanks for your undying effort sir.

  3. Congratulations to ALL! What an amazing story. True slavery in today's world. Before watching Sister Wives and coming to this blog, we had no idea that this type of human rights were being ignored in today's society. To think that the law ignored this is unthinkable. Troy, do you believe they allow this for the FLDS vote for them?
    What an excellent testament that this foster care they have been talking about should NOT be happening in this area. Those children would have no rights. If they did not take action on Ruby, why would they take care of other children?
    I commend you and Flora and everyone that fights for others' human rights. God Bless.

  4. From the Salt Lake Tribune Article:
    "What they do is say, ‘Everybody watch her so she won’t run away.’ Then she can’t leave," Horne said of women like Ruby. "Women who wanted to escape have been forcibly held by the marshals against their will."

    Is this true? They US MARSHALS were holding these women in the FLDS, or FLDS Marshalls? It also speaks of women being drugged. How awful.

  5. Flora is the heroine as well.

  6. Orin Hatch, a disgusting person who should be tottaly ashamed of himself, but I;ve never seen a politician that was ashamed of anything they have ever done

    1. What did Harry Reid, Senate majority leader from Utah, most powerful man in the senate, and LDS mormon do to help these women? Why no mention of his failure to act?

    2. I agree with both Anon 2:16 and Anon 6:54 - any man who does not do everything he can to help women and children who not only need help, but need protection from harm and danger IS NO MAN. I'm sure it's easier to look away and pretend the problem does not exist than (Heaven forbid!!) lose a vote, but real men don't hide behind politics. God will judge them. That is my only consolation regarding these two and their inaction on the subject.

    3. Harry Reid is not from Utah but Nevada...

  7. To Troy, Flora and all of the people dedicated to eliminating this horrible human crisis....
    Thank God there are folks like all of you who have reached deeply into your souls and hearts to help these people. That such a need exists in a "modern" world in a "free" country is so, so shocking.

    The fact that you have persisted for 12 or more years in your heroic mission is worthy of sincere respect and praise. You are literally *saving lives.*

    I don't know you and likely will never meet you, but I know the world is a better place for having you in it.

    1. I second your comments. Simply dumbfounded that this is still going on. so glad they got the funding needed to get her out. Makes you wonder, how many women are being held against their will?

    2. Thank you for your kind remarks.

  8. After reading this posting by Mr Bowles and the comments from the reader of this blog, I just feel like crying. Not because "I didn't know men could be such bastards", because that's obvious, they can.

    How can one woman allow this to happen to another? This is the 'love' that should be multiplied? How can the authorities allow this? How can no one be there to help the helpless, the tender, meek and those with no voice? How is this justice or free-will or anything that God would want for His children? Seriously!? I am horrified and ashamed that this is going on, in 2013, in this country. This is not 'moral panic'. This is about unspeakable crimes that are taking place with no one to advocate for those who need it most. Disgusting.

    Troy, how can those of us who do not live near these enclaves of admitted felons help? I don't want to be one of those who say, "Well, that's a pity, but it doesn't affect me, so it's not my problem." This is everyone's problem. This is a contributing factor in the breakdown of our society. My sincere hope is that SOME of this is uncovered and displayed for the judge in the Browns' court case, so the judge will be unable to ignore the 'joys' that polygamy bring. Thanks to you, Ms Jessop, and those who you trust to assist you in your rescue attempts, Amused hit it on the head - the world IS a better place because of you. Thank you.

    I need to go do something physical, to help myself calm down a little bit....

    1. Anonymouse, you and any others who feel strongly about this can contact Utah's state representatives (just send an email). They need to be put under pressure to do something, rather than sitting around reading the Darger propaganda and hoping for decriminalization so that they can get the problem off their backs. If the laws change, it will one day become legal for polygamist parents to give their consent for these vile underage "marriages," which are currently considered to be statutory rape.

    2. Thanks, Explyg! I will definitely email them. Does it make any diffenece if I don't live in Utah? The fact that elected leaders are allowing this perversion to continue frustrates, angers and sickens me.

    3. Anonymouse, I think Utah needs to know that the rest of the nation is watching!

    4. I am going to email, and have told friends and family to do so also!

    5. explyg gives great advice. We have to hound our legislators. We can also write to the Salt Lake Tribune. I've done that. Here's something I wrote a while back:!polygamy-and-religious-liberty/cozx

  9. Wow, that's awesome news. Thanks for the update! So glad you never gave up on getting her out of there.

  10. I just finished Mr. Bowles autobiography. Very sad and hopeful at the same time. I am so sorry for his suffering as a child as well as for his siblings. I would really like to know if Mr. Bowles ever discovered the true God or if he just let religion go because of his abusive past? So many lives are destroyed by this so called religion which bases its truth on lies! I have so many mormon neighbors and I would love to know the best way to approach them. I have noticed that they are very friendly but keep their distance. We must represent something they need to stay away from. After reading up on mormonism I guess we are the bad guys. I started to think about SW and the fact that they profit off of a show that exploits their lifestyle and we support that by viewing the show. What they think of us would be interesting to find out. I don't think we would like what we would find out. Our comments about them probably go in one ear and out the other because they think we are Infidels. They want to sell their goods to a people they hate so beware buyer! Do not be duped!

    1. Anon 5:50 - If you want to know about your Mormon neighbors, the best way to approach them is to just approach them. They do not think of you as an enemy, unless you have personally done something to them, just like (I'm guessing), you do not think of THEM as an enemy.

      Just like any religion, there are some who are overly-fanatic and others that are luke-warm religious. There are going to be some who have open minds and some who do not. I'm Mormon, but I'm also a lot of other things, just like I'm sure all of the readers of this blog are more than just their religion - or lack thereof. I certainly don't consider anyone here MY enemy, and I do not hate anyone, either - even if we disagree. I enjoy reading the perspectives of other people and the lively discussions about the Browns and especially about polygamy. Most of the posters here have many of the same feelings about polygamy and the effects it has on those who live it as I do, but the perspective/reason makes it facsinating for me.

      I was always brought up to respect others' opinions and beliefs, work hard, be responsible for myself and my choices, to help others if they need it, and to obey they law (not look for ways to get around the law). I'm sure your neighbors would like to hear what you have to say, even if they don't agree with you in the might even realize you have a lot in common.

    2. Anon 8pm- Please watch you tube sessions with Troy Bowles and Doris Hanson. I will try relaxing about my mormon neighbors. God Bless

    3. Thanks for the recomendation, Anon 10:31! I definitly will watch the you-tube sessions.

    4. Anon 5:50, I study the religions of India, particularly Jainism. One. thing that turns me off about so many religions is the absolutist attitude, where people claim to have the one and only truth. Jainism frowns on that sort of thing. It's also the most non-violent religion in the world. The most important principle is called "ahimsa," which is non-harming. Some Jains won't even pull fruit from a tree, preferring to wait until it falls on its own. This is how careful they are about non-violence. Gandhi was heavily influenced by the Jains.

      There is no deity in Jainism. That suits me just fine, since anyone can claim that they exclusively follow the true God. Mormonism is rife with such exceptionalism and I find it a rather obnoxious habit. I also study Buddhism and Hinduism. These are inclusionary religions. One can choose to be a member of all of them. The Abrahamic religions are exclusionary and authoritarian. One cannot be a Jew and a Muslim. It simply isn't allowed.

      Religiously-speaking, my heart is in India. Western religions have been responsible for polygamy and a whole lot of violence. Also, nobody can agree on what God desires, but that doesn't stop people from speaking as if they know the mind of God. I don't go there. Atheists will be the last minority to ever get treated equally in this society. In India, nobody worries if you don't believe in their god(s). Their first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, was an atheist. He was Gandhi's choice for the job and he was immensely popular. In this country, an openly atheist president is unthinkable.

      Please don't make any assumptions about my religiosity or lack of it. I didn't just dump religion when I left Mormon fundamentalism. I am a philosopher of religion. I make decisions according to my training in logic and philosophy.


  11. Thanks to you Troy and Flora as well as all the others that were instrumental in getting Ruby and her children free of the FLDS and the communities of Hildale and Colorado City.

    I'm sure this fight will never end as there are probably many more like Ruby that we never learn about, but each person allowed to be free of the confines of that religion is a wonderful achievement and should be celebrated! Thank you for coming here to share the wonderful news!

    Flora's done so much for others that she absolutely deserves this! I pray that Ruby and her children adapt to the "real" world quickly and have a wonderful life from here on out.


    BREAKING POLYGAMY "A report on a woman who escaped the FLDS"

    1. Thank you.....just dvr'd it!

    2. I watched the 20-20 program last night. It is very interesting. Watch it everyone. There is one woman who talks about her celestial unborn children in heaven. Familiar anyone? (Meri with the 5 bedrooms)

      It is all riviting. Do watch.

    3. Here is Part 1

  13. These are the Type of rescue stories that Utah AG should be bringing up in court as to Why polygamy shouldnt be decriminilized. While Turdley is try to use the Brown clowns as " happy" faces of polygamy.
    Jefes a far fetched idea but I wonder if Jesse Ventura would be a good & useful ally for Anti Polygamy activists groups? Hes great at getting in govt at all levels faves & asking hard hitting questions & demanding answers. Backing everything up w/ disturbing facts thru exstensive research & investigating.
    IM so Happy for Ruby & her kids for finally escaping Hell. Kudos to Flora, Troy, & all WHO have dedicated their lives to this mission. Thank you for your selfless service & God bless you all.

  14. ** faces** not faves...stupid smartphone...LOL

  15. I wonder how much the FLDS community vote and or political contributions persuade the appointed administration....

    1. Flora Jessop writes that she watched her father bribe a judge, right there in front of her.

  16. "She had tried to run away but Utah law enforcement and DCFS sent her right back to her abusers"
    WOW. What year is this? the 1500's? Unbelievable.

    1. That's exactly what happened. And when we sent a certified letter to Washington Co. Attorney Eric Ludlow, he ignored it. This was ten years ago.

      If I'm not mistaken, Ruby, at age 26, has a ten-year-old child.

      The evidence is extremely incriminating. I think I'm going to go back to the Utah Senate and drop the bomb on them again.

  17. "Because of the $420,000 I made available from this office to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors, and which the Board authorized for Sheriff Tom Sheahan, more Deputies are now working in Colorado City. Those Deputies were instrumental in making sure that Ruby and her young children could safely leave.” -- Att.General, Tom Home

    Just struck by an odd observation: Isn't $420 thousand about the cost of just one of the Brown's new homes.

    A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.
    -- Bob Dylan

  18. WOW...JUST WOW!!....I've spent most of last night and today reading about the LDS, and about Fundamentalist Mormonism...I've gone to every link suggested above, and to pretty much every link suggested in the comments to the articles that were referenced above...I've watched the 3 you tube sessions with Troy Bowles, and the lady from the tv show Polygamy: What Love Is This...I also watched 2&1/2 hours of interviews with a leading Fundalmentalist Mormon advocate and author named Ann Wilde....(My OCD has definitly taken over)....

    I don't even know what to say about what I've learned or been exposed to today...I feel kind of sick, and that I've become aware of so much EVIL, and dishonesty....I cannot believe the information on the Utah lawmakers I've learned from Tony Bowles website (I DO believe it; it's just so incredible to find out all the horrors and cover-ups that have gone/are going on in my country!!)

    I (think I)have a lot to say, but it's 3am, and I'm going to try to process all this information, and go to sleep.

    I STRONGLY RECOMMEND others who care (all of us on SWB, I think) go to all the links recommended above and read about Ruby, Flora, Troy. What amazing efforet and years it took to free one girl - no, not anymore, -one woman from circumstances people in Utah State, and USA Federal, government knew all about.

    Long enough for a 14-year-old child, to become a 26-year-old mother with 6 children!!!

    We on SWB have enjoyed ourselves, become sort of 'friends', laughed, sympathized with, snarked about 5 silly adults and 17 engaging children on a tv show put on for our entertainment.....

    I knew little about Mormonism, Fundamentalist or 'regular', before the Sister Wives show, theirs and the Dargars books, and this blog. I worked with two Mormons for several years. Didn't know them well, but always admired their work ethics. Both are out of my life since I retired. One gave me a beautiful caligraphy Serenity Prayer (Reinhold Niebuhr) made by her daughter which I had framed and will always treasure. She moved to Utah to live with a daughter; the other casual friend was asked to speak at the Smithonian (sp) on a subject in which she is an expert.

    I'm rambling; but I wish I still knew them; I'd HAVE to ask them about their religious beliefs, and their history of polygamy in their families.

    What I've learned in the last 24 hours is that the tragedy of polygamy is not something we should be laughing at, or dismiss as a (mildly) entertaining tv show. Those of us who are women OWE it to the women and girls being abused by this system to speak up, get involved, SCREAM for cults like the FLDS to be exposed and prosecuted!!!

    I will email the Utah politicians.
    I will not give the Dargars anymore tacit support by visiting their website.
    I will waqtch Lifting the Veil of polygamy on you tube tomorrow.
    I will get and read Church of Lies (I think by Flora Jessop), and Under the Banner of Heaven (Krakhauer) in the next couple of weeks.
    I don't know if I'll watch Sister Wives anymore, but I think I love this blog to much to quit.

    I think WE could become a (maybe a little) influential group to lobby for justice.
    (That thought just crossed my mind!) I'm no leader or organizer, but I am an advocate for things I believe in. There are leaders on this blog...CJ, Mister Sister, Caramel Brownie, Amused, Iconic Moron, ExPlig so many names come to mind!...there must be 100+ regular commenters on this blog, and we live all over the country, and even in other countries! Maybe Troy Bowles or Flora Jessop would even guide us in how to help.

    Ya'all want to just watch a tv show? Or maybe try to really make a difference?

    Just a thought.

    1. You on this board can be influential. There is no reason you cannot band together and become advocates for those whose voices cannot be heard. Join together. Bring your concerns to the public as well as to the officials. Start writing letters to the editor of major papers as well as to those papers whose readership is mostly in Utah. Good luck I have been reading this for about a month. I have never commented before. I was glad to find a place where a real discussion of this show is heard. The first season I enjoyed it. After that I have kept watching out of a kind of fascination. At times I think these women are doing all right...but the cracks are really showing.

    2. Kristyn Decker who is ex AUB has just started a movement called Sound Choices Coalition ( There is a link to a petition on the web site to Stand Against Legalizing the Subjugation of Women Through Polygamy. I think it would be great idea if caring people signed this. It will be delivered to the Governor of Utah - Gary Herbert. I also think some of Sinister Drives' other ideas are excellent.

    3. All these sources really spell out how "nutbar" and destructive religion is and how it pits people against each other. People will just have to start using the brains they were born with.

      Stop people from getting sucked into "fairy tale" religion.

    4. I'm in! I love this blog. I've spent the last couple of weeks reading every post and comment as well as re watching the episodes available for free online. (I hear you on the OCD, Sinister Drives. lol!)

    5. I will defend those who are born into these kind of religions and brainwashed from infant-hood from simple judgment. It's very hard to "use the brains you were born with" under those circumstances. It is all normal and a deeply ingrained belief system when you were born into it and that's all you know and have been taught the outside world is wicked and you really haven't been exposed to it. You're cutting yourself off from your whole family. Much more complex than "just use your brains you were born with." It's not fair to the real victims to simplify it like that.

      The Flora and Ruby Jessops, Kollene, etc. are the exceptions to the rule of being able to escape that world. Even at that, it still takes a lot of therapy and counseling to work through it and not return to what's familiar even tho you hated it. Carolyn Jessop's own daughter returned when she was 18 (cause she still believed she was damned otherwise) as well as the two Fawn's that Flora helped get out - one of them still eventually returned even tho she was very happy to have escaped it. Unless you've lived it, it's very hard to understand the mindf**k of it all.

    6. Thank you so much for your kind words. I've joined up with the Sound Choices Coalition. Such a thing is right up my alley. We're going to make this as painful as possible for the Utah State Government.

  19. The show 20/20 was very interesting last night, anyone else watch it?

    1. Yes, this is the family who was featured on SW

    2. This was a rerun. I watched it a few months ago when it first aired. It aired before the two sisters in it appeared on SW's with Kollene.

  20. What wonderful news!

    Sinister Drives, I contacted Holding Out Help this morning. Even though I am on the East Coast, I know that there are still polygamist sects on this side of the country.

    I'm curious what Willie Jessop's story is? Surely he was a polygamist but you don't hear him mention that in interviews. Is he still a polygamist? He recently won a huge settlement from Warren Jeffs. Anybody have any thoughts?

    1. Which one was he? Was he the one on Dr. Phil awhile back?

    2. Yes, he was also Warren Jeffs bodyguard at one point.

    3. Dr. Phil wasn't too crazy about him.

    4. Willy Jessop is basically the scum of the earth. He had a disagreement with Jeffs and successfully sued him. But Willy was never a victim of anything. He was an accomplice. I can't imagine him not being a polygamist. These guys are like the Mafia. In order to get in on the highest levels, you have to have committed a lot of crime.

  21. Sinister Drives,
    I too am touched by what I have seen here, and like you, went through and read everything, watched more, and was amazed. You can count me on board!

    1. I signed the petition for sound choices now I challenge all of my fellow bloggers!

  22. Personally, I have no problem respecting the LDs because they follow the laws. I do not have to respect the fundamentalists. It is a system to enhance the man and repress women. It blows my mind that we are looking at legalization, foster care, adoption, and escapes and task forces needed to be funded to help all in the same month. Something is very wrong with this picture. Thank God for angels like Troy Bowles and Flora Jessop that give their lives for others' human rights. Sadly, few of us do that.
    How did she escape? Can we now the details?

    1. Books spanning a period of one thousand years do not mention one woman. I am talking about the book of mormon.LDS Ten centuries -not one woman in the Western Hemisphere did anything worth mentioning ? I am quoting "What mormons don't know about mormonism...." I do not capitalize on purpose.

    2. All I know is that the State of Arizona finally took over the law enforcement in Colorado City. Because of this, legitimate deputies were able to assist her. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude. Once again, another state has managed to fix the mess Utah has made.

  23. I think this is an important part of AG, Tom Horne's statement about Ruby's escape and some information for those who are asking what they can do to help:

    "There are more people like Ruby in Colorado City, and these funds will run out in approximately six months. Therefore, I urge Arizonans to contact their legislators and ask them to support a bill that would authorize Mohave County Sheriffs Deputies to do the policing in Colorado City rather than the local marshals who are under the control of the dominant church.” (bold added by me)

  24. What Ruby endured must have been absolutely horrible. I just can't imagine. My heart goes out to her, the children and all who helped her "escape". What a horrible word to have to use here in the United States, a "free country", to describe a woman and children.

    This comment left on the newsvine link posted above leads me to think that Ruby's children didn't escape with her. Does anyone know if this is true?

    "rescue dogs62 said...
    She was forced to return to the community because the FLDS would not give her her children and that the Colorado City Marshal's Office, which she calls Warren Jeffs' personal 'security force', did 'everything they could to block her getting access to her children'.

    When they were reunited last week, Flora revealed the children had been brainwashed into thinking their mother was 'wicked'"

  25. I found the answer to my question about whether Ruby and the kids were separated for awhile.

    "Jessop said her sister finally found the courage to run away five months ago after Jeffs imposed even stricter rules on his followers, wielding his influence even from behind bars.

    'In the last six months, Warren Jeffs has taken every dietary product away except beans and water. They are to suffer as much as he is in prison.'

    She was forced to return to the community because the FLDS would not give her her children and that the Colorado City Marshal's Office, which she calls Warren Jeffs' personal 'security force', did 'everything they could to block her getting access to her children'.

    When they were reunited last week, Flora revealed the children had been brainwashed into thinking their mother was 'wicked'."

    I hope the nightmarish life Ruby has had to endure is finally over and that she and her children can enjoy the rest of their lives surrounded by love and experiencing freedoms that we all take for granted.

    1. I find it hard to believe that Warren Jeffs gets only beans and water in prison. Anyone know?

    2. He gets the same meals as the other prisoners get and it's definitely NOT just beans and water. But, his followers only know what he tells them.

  26. there is a petition on By Voices For Dignity
    To "Stand Against Legalizing The Subjugation Of Women through Polygamy"
    signatures are needed (please help) Thank You
    Love this Blog!

  27. I signed the petition on by Voices For Dignity
    To "Stand Against Legalizing The Subjugation Of Women Through Polygamy"
    Please sign! Thank You

    Still Need Signatures!

    AC360 Monday night 1/28/13. CNN 7pm (CST) 8pm (EST) Advetisement on tv sais he will have an interview with woman who escaped polygamus group

  28. Actually, I signed the petition at, and they still need signatures.

    I could not find the petition at

  29. Have any current or former FLDS ever explained why they marry off their girls, like Ruby, so young? I suppose as outsiders we can theorize that young girls are submissive and/or they can maximize their reproductive years this way. I suppose another issue could be that the girls' parents are overwhelmed with so many kids so they're trying to reduce household size by marrying off the girls? I'm just wondering how the community itself explains it. Much of the problems that the FLDS have had with the law and with public perception have been based on the underage marriages, so they apparently perceive some sort of benefit from it since they continue to do it.

    1. Just repeating what Joseph Smith did when he married a couple of them as young as 14 and 15. The older men snatch them up before the girls get a serious boyfriend their age. sick.

    2. Hi Anonymous: Have the FLDS or ex-FLDS actually verbalized that reasoning to the public? I think you might be onto something regarding the girls getting boyfriends their own ages, though. If some 14-year-old girl gets a 14-year-old boyfriend, and discovers that she enjoys being around boys her own age, she is going to be more resistant to marrying an older man because she's going to notice that she can't relate to him the same way. If you marry her off to the older man before she gets that first 14-year-old boyfriend, she won't have that basis for comparison.

    3. How about the notion that not only does she enjoy being around someone her own age, but that she might develop the idea that she DESERVES something better than having to share a man, and an older one, at that? Or that she loves her uncles and cousins, just not in the Biblical sense? Or that her dreams and desires are not silly or wicked? Or maybe that she can make personal goals and actually attain them? Possibly even that she might realize she isn't ready to start raising babies for several more years (like, 10-plus!), and that one child might be enough - or maybe she doesn't really want ANY children - or she wants 6 kids - or more?

      Or, after looking around and figuring out who she is and what she really wants, she might decide that being an FLDS bride is the perfect life for her. At least, if they - the women, children, and young men - had options, I might be able to rationalize why people would chose to join and to live this way, but I'm really coming up empty. Try as I might, I have a hard time coming up with reasons why polygamy is good for individuals, let alone our society.

    4. Hi Anonymouse, I suppose that one of the perceived benefits of marrying off the young Rubys of Colorado City so early is that if the woman wises up to the scam in her 20s, she's already stuck with several children. I'm glad that Ruby broke free, but man...six kids. She has a long, hard road ahead of her.

    5. yes, Magic - that's why Flora was fighting so hard to get her out when she'd just been married off at 14. Flora knew what was coming for her. and sure enough - 12 years later now into the fight, she finally gets Ruby out w/6 kids at only 26 years old!!

      Flora's never been able to get her mom to leave even tho her life has been a long living hell in it. She documents it in her book Church of Lies.

    6. Magic Undies - no, that's laughable to think that the FLDS themselves would ever verbalize that. But YES, the ex-FLDS and The Lost Boys certainly have!!

    7. Read this:!the-basic-problem-with-polygamy/c1lsc

  30. Look at the case of Warren Jeffs. I can't believe these mothers don't have some sort of intuition when it comes to the perverts that marry their daughters. Thank God for the women who break free and save their children. It just makes it okay to rape young girls. I agree with someone who said it is nothing but sex trafficing.

    1. I'm not too sure about this, but isn't a 14-year-old unable LEGALLY to make a contract or even consent to sex? I mean, unless they were emancipated minors, I don't even think they can contract or consent with their parent's permission. I know every state is different, but 14 is still a CHILD, and their brains aren't even fully developed.

      I can't even imagine how a mother can allow or encourage this kind of disgusting arrangement, especially when many know first-hand the kind of misery and torment this 'life-style' brings everyone who touches it. I thought parents always want a better life for their children than their own, but this whole polygamous culture seems to be a breeding ground for a joyless life.

    2. Keep in mind, the 14-year old girl most likely isn't a first wife, and the union isn't legal in the first place.

  31. Tried finding the petition on and couldn't find it. Also tried the petition at and the only thing that comes up is a Go Daddy website. Does anyone have a direct link to the petition itself?

    1. The same thing happened to me at first, so I just Googled Sound choices coalition petition & it brought up the Link you need. I was able to sign the petition :)
      Hope this helps !

  32. Outstanding work to everyone involved. Thank you Troy for all your efforts and for writing and telling us the story from your point of view.

  33. Anon 1/28 12:52 I keep having the same problem. One time I get go daddy site, and next time I get the petition. Very strange!

    I just tried and got the correct place twice. Try that. Then click on 'petition' when you get to the site. Hope everyone is signing!

  34. To know more about mormonism you should also read "The Book of Mormom".

  35. I signed the petition at and I put up a post on my other favorite message board. Hopefully the feminists on that one will put their collective angry bee effort behind it. They're kind of like the borg over there and resistance is futile;-)

  36. Flora and Troy, Many of us out here are thrilled that there has been an escape. How did they actually get the extra funding? Obviously much,ore is needed. God Bless!!!!

    1. They got it from the Arizona legislature. The funds are going to run out, so people need to contact the AZ legislators and get them to allocate more money. We can't have the FLDS policing themselves. That's been the problem all along.

  37. I'm rather suprised there are so few comments on such an important event. to Troy and Flora, I commend all your efforts for caring and working for the rights of others. I can't imagine how estactic Flora is. We should all think about this and do something good for others more. I missed but hope you get to post a clip of Anderson Cooper's 360. Did anyone see Ruby Jessop? I so hope I can find it somewhere tomorrow. Blessings to everyone,

  38. Child labor problems, Foster Care, the list goes on and on the past few weeks. This area of the country is in serious trouble. Appears obvious that money and politics have completly been more important than basic laws and rights. Sadly, the children are not being provided a safe place nor rights. Anywhere else just the pecan picking would brought huge changes. Seems like we hear these stories, and nothing is done.
    thanks for defenders like Troy and Floa. But the biggest wish is for Ruby and her children to have the support and success they so deserve. I too missed her on Cooper tonight, hope another fills us in.

  39. Ruby didn't say a lot, just that she was happy to be out and with her kids. She answered a few questions, too. Smiles a mile wide on her face and the two little girls. They were shown playing on a swing set at a playground. All dressed in 'regular' clothes. It was great to hear the two little girls laughing, and see the joy between Ruby and them. Gary Tuchman shot the film; she was not interviewed by AC. They are all reportedly living with Flora Jessop. You can go to AC360 website and read the report.

    Don't forget to sign anti-polygamy petition at or (trouble finding that one)

    I'm reading The Mormon Menace - The Confessions of John Doyle Lee at Hot Free It was published in 1905, and is very interesting and thorough for history of spread of Mormonism. 6 sections. The 1st three everyone would like, because it is a very thorough 'living history' written when the man was a true believer, and right there with Joseph Smith, etc. Everyone would like it as true history to that point. Beginning section 4, reports some things in a way that might offend LDS people. I'm not finished it yet, but hope some others will read it and discuss with me!

  40. Thanks, Troy, for keeping up the help and for keeping us informed.

    This is really shocking, specially the part about being forced to go back to the community. How difficult to escape!

  41. I was glad to watch the Cooper report on here. although she doesn't say much, we can see that she is strong, her children seem happy, and Ruby, if you read any of this, we are rooting for you!!

  42. YAY, YAY, YAY!!! She's free!!!

  43. If you have not read Carolyn Jessop's book, "Escape", you should. She provided great insight into the FLDS culture and beliefs. "Escape" is a compelling read.

  44. Carolyn Jessop's book stayed with me for years.

    When I read this, it made me cry. I am so happy for Ruby, and I hope she can really prosper.

  45. Here are some interesting articles that I took from Troy's blog about Ruby 10 yrs ago:
    Judge Nominees Clear Hurdle
    excerpt: Troy Bowles accused Ludlow of doing nothing to prosecute the taking of underage brides in the remote desert town of Hildale, Utah, where the late Rulon Jeffs directed members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the practice.

    "A powerful message must be sent: We will not reward officials who allow these acts to take place," said Bowles. "Is it not the responsibility of a county attorney to step up and investigate crime and develop their own case?"
    Read the rest at

    Where is Ruby Jessop?
    14 year old Ruby was married illegally and in secret to her step-brother, Havin Barlow, in the polygamous community of Hildale Utah on April 23, 2001. The FLDS Church , which controls this community, expects that when a girl becomes sexually mature, she will be married off to an older polygamous male of the FLDS leadership choosing.

    The marriage was blessed by her step father, Fred Jessop, 2nd councilor to the prophet and officiated by Warren Jeffs, first councilor to the prophet, who has now become Prophet since his father, Rulon Jeffs, died.

    Ruby was married against her own choice. 3 weeks later Ruby ran away in an attempt to avoid her fate. She went to her brother's house, where she thought she would be safe. Her brother, Joe C. Jessop Jr., thought he could protect her. He couldn't!
    Read the rest at:

  46. I am impressed with you Troy. Hope you hard work pays off for others.
