Saturday, December 29, 2012

"Wonderworks" - Unused clip from S05 Ep07 "Polygamist Pilgrimage Into the Past"


If you haven't already, you must read Cynical's Review on ""Polygamist Pilgrimage Into the Past"


  1. Now why not use this clip instead of all Kody's griping?

    1. Griping is more controversial and interesting. People like to watch conflict.

      I found this other clip fun.

    2. A cross country trip like that would make anybody tired and grumpy, especially with too many kids on board.

      Not for me.

  2. Or instead of the dumb stop at Truckhenge?

    1. I agree! Truckhenge was really stupid. Not my taste at all. Still, a show with no substance will do something like that.

      Hope next episode is better.

  3. Was there nobody else who could hold the baby while Kody climbed the ladder? I'm so tired of watching these people place an infant in the middle of every interaction they have. Sol at the adults dinner, Sol at a high school graduation, Sol plopped on the conference table at the house options meeting.

    1. I know it it so ANNOYING.

    2. You make a good point, Sol is always around. Doesn't Robyn have her sister living with her to help with babysitting?

    3. Having Sol in every scene possible bugs the heck out of me too! They never pushed Truely into every scene like this. I know it isn't Sol's fault, but it makesis me dislike Robyn even more for trying to get her golden child as much screen time as possible. I also can't stand how needy Robyn's 2 daughters are. They are constantly hanging all over Kody and calling him "daddy, daddy, daddy". It looks like one of them is also all over Logan in the latest sister wives preview and Meri is asking one to talk about Logan. Sorry, they just bug me too, needy, needy, needy. They're going to have fun with those 2 girls if they're are still in Vegas when they are teenagers!

    4. I always cringe when I hear derogatory remarks about any of the children because of the obvious detriment this lifestyle has on them. Maybe we should give these girls a break. NONE of these children are getting adequate male attention IMO and that's why they appear needy when Logan is there or Kody is finally around. It's not their fault. Their neediness doesn't bug me however the reason for it does. Does anyone know if Christine breastfed Truely? Although even if Christine breast fed and had Truely with her constantly for the first year, Christine wasn't the prize horse when the show started and her pregnancy/birth/first year with Truely didn't get the air time Robyn's does.

    5. Do they get paid more if there are more people in the shot? I thought you got paid if you spoke, but as Janelle rarely utters a word that can't be true.

      Any thoughts?

    6. I was under the impression from comments on here that TLC pays reality show families one lump sum per episode and that it doesn't have to do with the amount of people or air time, anyone know??

    7. Sol is part of their family. Why not bring him along? Babies are a part of life. I don't understand when people want them to be kept @ home. I'm sure he wasn't the only baby @ the graduation. And graduations are so loud! A baby would fit right in. Now as far as the dinner, we have always brought our babies with us to nice resturants. We take them outside for a walk if they fuss and bring them back when they're calmer. I personally would be concerned if such a big family always failed to include their babies and tucked them away at home.

    8. Okay, but they aren't including BABIES, they are only including King Sol. Truly is only a year older than he, and we NEVER see her at all of these wonderful events. None of the young children are at "adult" events except for Sol. That's the point--they aren't being inclusive or exclusive with ALL of their children, they are treating them differently.

    9. Respectfully, the post I was responding to made no mention of other children.

      I wonder why it is that Sol is seen more often than truley. Maybe Christine's kids watch her and Robyn's kids are too young to babysit? I really have no idea.

      But I will say that I think Truley is one of the most adorable babies I've ever seen!

  4. Robyn thinks that place is worth millions? These people are so dillusional.

    1. No - not dillusional, but you just can't fix stupid.

  5. First they say they are on this big rush, then they say they are making lots of stops. We know they made one, can't remember where, when pictures were taken and posted before. Can they ever tell the truth on the simplest of things?

    1. No, apparently they can't and they don't..!!!
      Not even about the "simplest of things!!"

      Hmmmm...maybe it is not part of their "Principle"...???!!

  6. In this clip you can defiantly see a blue minivan pulling out with them. Christine or Camera folks? And, if Christine drove, why would Kody have to take her back to the hotel? Could Janelle and Robyn not drive? These folks BUG me.

    1. I don't know where I've heard this before, possibly Kate plus 8 or maybe the Roloffs, but it was stated that the camera crew do not and will not assist in any way other than filming. So no help as far as driving, watching a kid for a second while the parent goes potty, loading/unloading a car for a trip etc. Which I can understand that because they don't want to be held liable if anything happens plus it's supposed to be "as natural as possible with as little intervention as possible" to keep it as "real as possible". Maybe things have changed since I saw that and I can't recall why it was brought up so please correct me if I'm wrong.

  7. Got to Get Me a Sausage Top Just Like Meri'sDecember 29, 2012 at 7:04 PM

    This show is produced for viewers who are suckers for this kind of reality programming. Why get your nickers in a twist about these inacuracies? If it really bothers you that much, go do something productive instead of wasting your time watching this show.

    I find it highly amusing, with all its warts, and that is why I watch. I view it as entertainment and nothing more, just like this blog.

    I find the entries in this blog sometimes informative, but mostly amusing and entertaining.

    Listen folks....stop taking this program so seriously......there is absolutely nothing serious about it.

    1. One of the reasons Mister Sister started this blog was so people who watch a reality TV (Sister Wives) would have a place to discuss the show in depth.

      I'm happy you read SWB for your amusement, but perhaps you should be more understanding of the other posters who prefer to discuss a topic you may not take seriously.

      It's a free country, people should be able to spend their time on whatever they want, including watching Sister Wives or reading SWB.

      If the posters at SWB bother so much that you felt it necessary to comment, perhaps you should follow your own advice and find something more productive to do with your time.

      Thank you.

    2. I don't have cable and can't watch this show and I find certain topics and issues discussed here quite serious and I'm very glad I have a place like this to interact.

    3. Got To Get Me...,

      I found SWB after googling to see if there was such a blog. I was looking for an online place to chat about SW. I had been watching the show and admittedly was frustrated with how *these people* had become the cable public face of polygamy.
      I had avidly watched the fictional Big Love and had become quite interested in the dynamics of plural marriages..and had expected SW to be the real thing. But early on, to me at least, SW seemed bogus in several aspects. It was great to find like-minded folks who were willing to discuss that and offer different perspectives.
      I was also very surprised and interested to learn that this SWB not only was a user-thinker-friendly place to chat SW, but it is also dedicated to presenting and discussing polygamy and all its tentacles.
      A learning tool, for sure.

      Yes, *amusing*..... but also *informative* !!!
      To each his/her own......!!!

    4. I understand your point - it's gotten to where everything these people do is annoying to us. When a show like this becomes annoying instead of interesting or thought-provoking, I think that signals that it's on its last legs.

    5. The Browns have said they are doing this show in order to show real life polygamists.... in order to promote/explain their life... in order to get it de-crimilinalized. Sounds pretty serious to me.

      Now, as to why TLC decided to air it.... well that's all about the train wreck.

    6. Lighthearted and amusing? Nothing serious about it? I think you are the one that needs a re-check or are drinking the Kool Aid. These folks are just an example of what goes on here in America - Women being treated like cattle and false religions. they want to change the laws, the constitution, yewah, good clean fun! Got to Get Me a Sausage Top Just Like Meri's if that amuses you, I feel for you.

      We are ALL with you Mister Sister and Cynical Jinx!!!!!!

    7. My two cents.
      "In 2011, the Sister Wives Blog started out as a place to talk about the TLC reality show "Sister Wives", Kody Brown and his wives Christine, Robyn, Meri and Janelle. A year later, we not only discuss the show, we discuss Polygamy in our society, and the public perceptions of the Mormon religion."

      This blog is so much more than the show! Very educational, factual information about the Mormon religion and it's fractions - FLDS, AUB, and others. It keeps us up to date on the latest with the law, AND provides interesting, informative information the Browns don't give us. ON TOP OF great hysterical reviews! Go Team SWB!

    8. There is a great deal of serious things going on here. False religion, women being abused. Cudos to Mr. Sister and Cynical Jinx and the others who being light on these subjects. Don't be fooled by just a lighthearted show business.

    9. I think its a very serious issue. I am all for freedom of religion. But when religion is used as an excuse to abuse and exploit women, I am no longer "okay" with it.

  8. First time poster, long time follower. I personally find abuse and neglect of wives and children, lies and manipulation, greed and grifting, welfare fraud, "possible" euthanization of animals, pathological lying, narcissism, bullying, and immaturity QUITE serious. The way in which this blog is run is an excellent forum for discussing all aspects of this show- the serious, not serious, funny, irritating, concerning, negative, positive, and the hopeful. People watch/don't watch and post/read here for all sorts of different reasons. I personally enjoy having a fair and well run blog to discuss all the various topics of this show. I also hope that people in the Brown family or the blind followers caught up in the celebrity, will come here and see well presented information and opinions that may change their own ignorant beliefs...maybe become more insightful, maybe help them make better decisions for themselves and their families...maybe help them see that they do have support...

  9. Yes, I agree, but that is not what Sister Wives is about. Serious issues demand serious consideration.

    This show does not deal with serious issues.

  10. Exactly! Koduche and all the guys and girls in the band, presenting serious issues regarding Plig life.....not on this planet anyway. LOL!

    There has been excellent material presented on this Blog regarding the history and current lives of those who live plyg life for those readers that wish to dig a little deeper into their "religion" and "beliefs".

    The Sister Wives show is just to entertain, and sometimes shock us, regarding the new modern plygs and their lifestyle choices.

  11. Maybe we could have TLC combine show about the Sister Wives of Los Vegas? I am sure we could happily blog ourselves to death on that one!

  12. I agree with Sausage Top regarding the Sister Wives Show. It is not a serious piece of programming, it is entertainment.

    There have been documentary style programs and talk shows that deal with the more serious issues of the plyg lifestyle historicaly and as well as some of the new wave plyg lifestylers out there now.

    1. too bad sausage top had to diss those who choose to comment about the show. that's the way i see it, and yes I was insulted.

    2. Me too.

      Entertainment maybe - but out and out harmful lies - just this past ep with the museum thing.

    3. There is much more to this blog!

    4. "Serious issues demand serious consideration. This show does not deal with serious issues."
      This is true. It is also true that the family not dealing with their serious issues is a serious issue. We here at SWB deal with their serious issues and their inability to deal with their serious issues.
      And I mean this in all seriousness.

  13. Can someone please post a link to the video for this article? The video doesn't show up on Mac.

    1. Hopes this works for you:

    2. Ah, thanks for the link. TLC videos usually don't show up on Mac. Not sure why that happens, but at least that explains why it's blank on the blog for me.

      BTW, Love the Blog, CJ. You guys do a great job! Lots of fun to read and comment :-)

    3. Really Paw Print? I can see the vid on my iPad (safari) and my MacBook Air - what version of iOS do you have?

      I'm running mountain lion on my Mac and the most current iOS update on my iPad & iPhone.

    4. DJ

      Yep, OSX 10.8.2. Maybe it's a Safari thing, but I don't want to see the video enough to go through the effort to bring up Firefox to check.

      Now, if TLC had Kody and the three Ko-De-Pendants on an episode of the old "Trading Places" show with the we could see the Brown adults try to work together under pressure to remodel a room in the Dargers house.....for that I would go to the public library to watch the video on a PC.

    5. Paw Print: Sometimes there's an issue with Flash and other embed vid delivery. You might want to double check that you're enabled.

    6. Paw Print

      No the episode is not worth making a special trip to the library for, but if you are there anyway to pick up some good reading material you might want to check it out. It is quite funny.

  14. I started watching Sister Wives in a more serious way, and then quickly realized it was "all show" and no substance. A bit of entertainment. I feel the same about a lot of the really smart ass blog entries - they are a hoot.

    By the same token, I have found the more serious aspects of the Blog to be of the most value, and has led me to read more about the history of and current issues regarding this lifestyle. However, this is not necessary to enjoy the show or blog as they are presented.

  15. I agree with Sausage Top, are you kidding???? This show is all fluff and stuff for our enjoyment.

    It is sure is a blast to blog bust em!

    I enjoy the show and the blog equally.

  16. I understand that the Sister Wives show is for entertainment and that the Brown's are not trying to deal with/portray the issues I stated I find serious. However, they are real people with real kids and this is a real family and these very serious issues are coming up anyway. IMO some of these very serious issues are clearly visible and clearly causing some of the family members pain and stress and anxiety etc. I don't have cable and have no car or access to deal with these serious issues in any way other than being vocal and involved on here. Also, when certain serious issues are brought up here, discussed, and contact information is provided by the kind people on here to voice our concerns, I certainly take the liberty to voice my concerns to those said people/companies that have the power to make a change. Is that good enough to fall under "serious issues demand serious consideration"? I would never be able to do that without this blog with these discussions about SERIOUS issues...even if it is coming from an "entertaining reality show that is not supposed to be a serious piece of programming" with a family who lies and manipulates and omits information. And these REAL people with these SERIOUS issues (whether they intentionally portray these serious issues or not) are active on the internet community and know of this blog and I'm sure some have visited. So to me, just the chance of having something on this blog strike a chord with these people and perhaps affect them enough to change for the better, just the chance of that is worth having this blog and discussing serious issues... along with non serious issues as well because those are just so fun to talk about :-)

  17. And just to clarify, there may be people who don't want to read or post about serious issues and would strictly like to enjoy just the non serious aspects of this show which is totally cool. Sometimes I just want to talk about Kody's non hair and too small spaghetti strap tank tops. But don't come here and tell me that "Listen folks....stop taking this program so seriously......there is absolutely nothing serious about it." I was VERY offended. And now I will step off my soap box :-)

  18. I'm with you EarlyBird, very well said. All these anons posting about how "fluff" this show is could be one of the wives or Koturd trying to get under our skin.

    1. Which would be to their detriment. I bet the folks and page views ( many many times more than MSWC!) at this blog are a very important indicator for TLC. When interest wanes here, then the show is near deaths door, and even Kodys pea brain must realize that.

    2. Hahahaha to "Kody's pea brain". Love it.

    3. Not only is SWB a possible barometer for TLC to gauge the public's interest, it is likely a potential trove of ideas to *keep* interest going.

      There is an ever growing list of events and scenarios or more importantly, non-events or non-scenarios, that have been noticed and discussed here that eventually show up in an episode.

      Kody's glaring absence in his children's lives....then we see an episode of Kody "babysitting!!"
      (uh, parents don't "babysit"..they are *supposed* to care for their kids)

      The Kodettes switching from the ridiculous, too-small, too-tight tank tops over long-sleeved t-shirts to now the baby doll, ruffled over-tops. (Which look just as ridiculous)

      The ill-fated Morales interview which came on the heels of so much discussion here about their collective unwillingness to field candid and "real" questions about themselves.

      And recently, after much observation that aside from one episode in season one where they actually mentioned religion/God as a family, there was a marked and hypocritical lack of any talk of religion....
      Now we see Kody leading the family in prayer. (in a parking lot late at night)

      I am sure others here can think of other obvious examples where TLC is reading and using *SWB* topics to pad the episodes for viewer interest.

  19. Hey these wonder towers and other roadside attractions are a cute part of americana, not to be missed for shear fun and snarkiness. Love it.

  20. I love history and I love junk...but even I wanted to cringe with how lame this wonder-tower would have appeared to the kids. I hope it was fun for them though....or at least, bad enough to be funny :D.

    I also had a twinge of sadness when I indulged in PMT-induced over-analysis of the comments Kody & Janelle made about the 'treasures' and wondered if their perspective reflected their relationship- Kody looking at all of the collectibles/memories/once-prized possessions etc and instantly dismissing them as 'junk'...with Janelle saying you had to spend time and look hard to appreciate the immense value of them.

    1. A bit too American Pickers for me.

    2. Well Jenelle has to say somethiing once in awhile to earn her portion of the paycheck. This was as neutral and non controversial comment she could come up with. Okay with me......keep the peace.

    3. I like junk too and watch American Pickers. So I can see Janelle liking some of the stuff she was looking at. As for an outing for the kids.....holy boresville batman!

  21. I'm setting up a new computer and of course, this blog was one of my first entries into my browser favorites. I accidentally landed on "". Any one know anything about this? It looks like a polygamy dating website. Creeped me out! However, my question is this related to the Brown's in any way? I think they are a link off the website but I didn't have time to browse.

    If this has already been discussed, let me know. Just Sunday morning curiosity.

    1. I have no idea, but would venture to say that site has NOTHING to do with the Brown Family.

    2. I agree it's not a Brown production. However, it's worth a look. so creepy. Remember that there was a teen on the Anderson show that was ex FLDS and then he showed up on one of these sites!
      Besides - I predict Kody's next wife will be a Margene, not too into the religion, just enough he had spoon feed what he wants her to know.

    3. If Kody does get another wife - I thought being AUB/FDLS was a requirement? I the only person here who thinks of Porky Pig when reading the title of last weeks ep? Th-th-th that's all folks...!

  22. This is what I really want to know and as far as I know it has never been disclosed so if anyone on here has the answers I would really appreciate it.

    1) What do each of the parents (Meri, Janelle, Christine, Robyn and Kody) actually do for a living? Who do they work for, what are their work hours and what are their incomes?

    2) Do any of the adults have college degrees?

    3) Do any of them have medical or dental coverage and if no, do the kids RECEIVE proper medical and dental care and is anyone making sure of this?

    4) Do the 4 wives and Kody have their own cars? So that would be 5 cars....are they brand new to fit into their self entitled life style?

    5) How does the rotation work? Is he with each wife on a daily rotation (Meri- Monday, Janelle Tuesday, Christine Wednesday, Robyn Thursday, back to Meri Friday .....rinse and repeat? Or is it 2 days each or a week each??? How does it work?

    This is what I really want to know.....if they really want to educate us on polygamy as they practice it then they need to answer these questions...has anyone on this blog heard any of these answers??

    1. 1. As far as we know, they do the show, sell LIV products? and of course, jewelry. In other words, not much besides the show.
      2. I believe Janelle has a degree.
      3. This we don't know for sure.
      4. Seems like they all have gotten new cars since the move to Vegas, if I am correct, Mariah got Meri's old car, not sure who got the old Kodster car. Kody drives the new sports car.
      5. Who knows? He says he spends more time with a mother when she has a child. I wonder if Christine would agree with that!LOL
      Lots of questions that could be easily answered if they were really having a show about being REAL like they said!! ha!

    2. I agree with you Shan and Mister Sister.
      I would love some answers to those questions too.
      I think I remember from an earlier season in one of those chouch interviews they used to have, the question of time with each wife came up. I understood that each wife had one night each on a rotating basis. Although the word rotate wasn't used at that time.

      I don't understand how that could possibly work sometimes.

      It's also been said that they all meet together once a week for prayer meetings. So.....whose wife's night is that. Is it the wife he is going to spend the night with or one of the others. So what happens to the rotation then?

      What happens when they all go out together, that would be time taken out of one wife's time with Kody.

      I don't want to know who's bed he sleeps in every night. Buy I just can't see how he can possbly spend any quantifiable qualtiy time with each wife and their respective children.

      I also don't understand the home loan thing either. I imagine in your country as in mine (Australia) that people simply DO NO get any loan of any sort if they are not working with provable permanent income. I beggars belief in my eyes.

      Also if Kody spends more time with Robyn as we have seen, what happens then to the other wives rotation? What happened when Kody and Roby went on their 10 day honeymoon. I don't think the other wives got that much time alone with Kody on their honeymoons let alone any other time.

      And Kody keeps saying how normal they all are!!!!!!

      Yeeeaaaahhhh riiigggghhhht

    3. The Browns keep talking about living together as a family, so I would like to know why if all the wives got loans to build new homes, why they did not pool their money and build just one large home so they could all live together like they talk about all the time.

  23. Dear Browns, PLEASE answer the number one question america has, WHAT do you do for a living? not asking for your specific wages or salary level...but WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING!?!??!!? it is so NOT CLEAR it shows how you do not have brains and have used the system. you are a perfect EXAMPLE of what others can do and have been doing for a while.....just get loans, go bankrupt, expect taxpayers to pay for your food stamps...cycle, goes on and on. WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING?

    wet bar

  24. Kody really hates farming, doesn't he? Does his dad own a farm? Guessing Kody had to do farm work when he was a youth. He sure has an aversion to an honest day's work.

    1. Yes I agree. However, I've done work to support my family that at the time I haven't enjoyed. Most people do what it takes to support their families. I googled "what do the Brown's do for work". What came up was stuff from a while the gym stuff and their jewellery website. So not sure what they are doing now. Perhaps that might be addressed in the last episode. One can only hope.

      One of my sons has a spectrum disorder, he works in what we call here "supported employment". My son even with his disabilities has a far better work ethic than Kody.

      Have a great New Year everyone and I hope all your dreams come true.

  25. I think reality t.v. is helping the Browns pay their bills. I still cannot get anyone to answer me this question: "Mormons got their present day revelation from Joseph Smith, hence, blacks getting the priesthood, women being educated, actually encouraged to be educated and go on missions, things just changing over time." So, when the revelation came to cease and desist polygamy, why did all these off shoot groups jump up and down and claim their prophet, Brigham Young, was a yo ho not to be listened to. Which revelations to the fundamentalists believe, and which do they not? And why the ignoring of preaching to all corners of the earth? They don't share their faith with anyone, even though they could. It's just like people you all know who live together without the bonds of matrimony. Same thing. Exactly the same thing. Not going to arrest them unless there's child abuse involved. Somebody out there practicing this junk please answer my questions.

    1. In order for Utah to enter the Union, the territory had to renounce polygamy. Which it did. And that's why Utah is a state.The LDS are firm on this, no polygamy in this world.

      As far as revelations are concerned, what I understand is that fundamentalist Mormons do not follow the revelation of 1978 (which among other things gave black men the ability to hold the priesthood) and they still practice the Principle of polygamy. So yes, in a way fundamentalist mormons are a throwback to Joseph Smith and his beliefs.

    2. And please be mindful..."this junk" is actually someone's belief system. Please be respectful.


  26. The tears are just so manipulative! And now even Kody's turning on the waterworks. TLC needs to turn off the money spigot before we all drown in their self-pity. The smartest one in this whole bunch is Logan. He really should have come East for college and put a couple of thousand miles between he and his family. Run, Logan, run!

  27. Most of the children will remember that their father was absent during their special moments that they will make the decision to be monogamous. They will be intelligent enough to not put their own future children through the embarrassment they faced and constantly justify following in their mother's footsteps. They may show America that they are proud of this lifestyle, but during interviews, it is obvious even in their body language that it has been a hard road for them as adolescents.
