Friday, December 28, 2012

Kody's Hair and Logan's Goodby Clips for Sunday's show


  1. Longtime reader...first time commenting.

    Seriously, I cannot believe Kodster is going to shave his head.

  2. I predict that we will see Kody refusing to face reality and losing his hair like either Bobcat Goldthwait or Benjamin Franklin - with a long fringe around a chrome dome pate...and fans will begin to send him hats.

  3. Obviously, Kody did not shave his head. I just saw him a few weeks ago and it was as long and ugly as ever. Logan is only moving 30 minutes away. Good for him for realizing the opportunity to get away and become his own person outside of his huge family.

  4. It will never happen....that's my prediction too.
    Kody is too attached to his delusion that he is a "cool dude" and his scraggly, thinning, highlighted hair is part of his delusion.

    And if, as Kody said, that woman is also is *Meri's* stylist....
    Gee, if I were her, I wouldn't want to advertise that fact.

    1. LOL Amused! that's what I was thinking!! Meri's hair is awful!

      gotta wonder why they don't let Taralyce cut it, she's been to "hair school" after all.

    2. Ha! I thought it was hilarious that Kody said he uses the same stylist as Meri! No wonder. Their hair looks very similar :)

  5. it's just unfortunate that George Costanza is but a fictional character...I'd love to see him trying to get Kody to EMBRACE his baldness!

  6. Kody is not going to shave his head and we all know that. I hope they don't waste unnecessary time on this silliness when we all care more about the other things going on with the families. I am very glad Logan has been given the freedom to actually live in a dorm and away from the chaos. (BTW, I have never heard or used that word more in my life than with this family. In the 'off season' I would suggest we come up with a drinking game involving words like chaos, schedule and my favorite, wetbar). If Logan was moving away, this was probably in August. I read (on SWB I believe) that they are now moving into the houses. So I wonder if next season will start with the big move in. I can't believe this will be the finale already. With football season in it's last regular week and Sister Wives going into hiatus, what in the world am I going to do to amuse myself?

    1. CPA Carol, well for one thing, your thoughts on how the Browns are actually doing this whole house thing and what kind of lender would be crazeeee enough to give them a loan...?

    2. CPA Carol,

      I agree with DakotaJustice...would love to hear your take on just how the hell they may have pulled these McMansions off.

      Creative reporting?
      Developer holding the mortgages?

    3. i honestly think they ended up going with the really high down payment alternative. When they were 'approved' we never heard the terms of the mortgage. If they put 40-60% down and charged an above average interest rate (which would be probable given their iffy credit) , they could have been approved by some lenders. Mortgage companies are much quicker about foreclosing on houses then they were 5 years ago. If they get behind, they will lose the houses pretty quickly. Really the mortgage company, if they got a big enough down payment, doesn't have a whole lot to lose. Hopefully the Browns will limit the damages to the houses.

      Assumptions: houses are valued at $450k, the mortgage company requires $200k down payment (about 45%), the remaining balance at 6% interest (they do not have 'good' credit, they have 'fair' credit)...the payments would be about $1,967 per month plus property taxes and insurance. Realistically to include both property tax and insurance, they would be paying about $2,500 a month. The HOA dues are about $100 a month. Utilities for these huge houses would be averaging of at least $250 per month given the extreme heat of the Las Vegas summers. Realistically with these assumptions, the houses (utilities, etc) them selves would be about $3,000 a month. I would imagine each household has car payments and certainly have car insurance payments (teenagers are expensive to insure), so figure in an extra minimum of $500 a month for those costs. And feeding all those kids - figure at least $500 a month (minimum). So now we are at $3,850 per month, roughly. Round that up to $4,000 per month, figuring at minimum $150 in cell phones (probably much higher) . In order to clear $4,000 per month, you need to earn at least $5,000 per month (minimum) each household needs to make $5,000 per month every month for 30 years. What do we think the likelihood of this is? And I am not even factoring in vacations, college tuition, clothes, hair and makeup and the restocking of the wet bars. Honestly I don't see them making it long term. Anyhow that is how the numbers are generally looking - clearly I am making assumptions and trying to be really conservative - their costs are probably higher.

    4. Thank you Carol!!! That was my thought - that they accepted the 40% down interest only loan - remember Kody didn't say no to the loan until one of the other houses (I believe on the other side of the same cul de sac) was sold. It took me years to repair my credit after my bankruptcy - I call bs that their credit was so quickly repaired.

      Do you think they also overpaid for the homes? Based on prices for similar homes in the Henderson area, I think they way overpaid. If their credit was better they could've haggled the price down a bit. I bet the developers are dancing in glee tonight!

    5. Also, I think that somehow Kody persuaded dear ol' dad to mortgage the ranch in order to get part of that 40% down. As he mentioned to his brothers.

    6. CPA Carol, do you know why they only closed on three houses and not Meri's yet? Thanks!

    7. Carol, could Robyn and Christine possibly be using FHO loans?

    8. I wonder if Meri is going back to live in Utah house. Mariah is going to college in Utah, and I don't see Meri separating herself from her the way a mother should. Meri's sister is living in the house now. I'm sure the house would be much nicer without 2 sisterwives and a million kids in it. Kody could go and spent one week a month with Meri and the rest of the month in Vegas. He could make up some excuse that it is for their MLM business, to cover more area, but basically he can get away from the chaos and kids for a week at a time. Living in different cities and states is certainly done historically in polygamous families,esp when wives aren't getting along. Christine's granddad had families scattered across several states. The LeBaron brothers kept 2 and 3 wives on a compound here, 2 more on a compound there, ect.

    9. I think you might be referring to FHA loans? Based on what I researched, they probably wouldn't qualify due to their credit and other criteria. I'm pretty sure all the families went with the same mortgage broker/lender. My guess as to why Meri might not be moved in yet is that she was taking way too long to make her decisions on the options. The other wives didn't seem to be in the same agony about the choices that she did. She probably just took longer to make her choices and convince Kody that she needed more money in her budget.
      Drdawn - I would be shocked if Meri went to Utah to live in the old plyg house while her sisterwives are all in McMansions - no way would she allow that to happen. If anyone were to do that, I think it would be Janelle. She is so ready to call it a day with these folks, I think she would move back to Lehi in a heartbeat, except for being away from Logan and disrupting the teen's lives. I still suspect she will move on shortly after the show ends.

    10. I can't see Winn mortgaging the land, personally. It's been in his family since Ebenezer. Just MO, but I'd say he would say, move home.

    11. Isn't most of Winn Brown's land leased from the government?

    12. CPA Carol - and add in Internet/Cable costs, which could run a good $200 a month. Doesn't leave much room for college funds, does it?

    13. Coolio - maybe, but his dad is getting up there in years, and I get the feeling that Kody has always been the spoiled, indulged son, and would be able to persuade his dad to reverse-mortgage the part of the ranch that isn't government-owned.

      I've always gotten a vibe that Kody has a huge air of entitlement and self-importance that predates the show.

    14. "I've always gotten a vibe that Kody has a huge air of entitlement and self-importance that predates the show."


    15. Meri will not leave her wet bar for anything!

  7. Jenelle posted a pic of Kody tooling around in his King Douche-mobile not long ago with his hair in a pony tail...

    1. ewww! Nothing more unattractive than a balding man with a ponytail! Maybe he thinks it gives him his male prowess(ha! I'm actually laughing out loud!)like Samson?

  8. Kody's hair is not sexy or attractive at all. He would look much better if he cut it off (and the silly facial hair too). That being said, I think he would look older (but in a positive way) and more "dad-like" if he cut off his hair/shaved ... and that's not what he wants. I guess, in his mind, he would rather have long, scraggly hair that makes him forget his balding (even though the hair does not look good) versus cutting it off and facing the facts.

    1. I think now that Joe Darger has made his little splash in the pan that if Kodouche did shave that unsightly mop he would get even more unwelcome comparisons that he is a wannabe Joe. He'd have to grow a spine first but I'm just sayin' LOL

  9. Kody wasn't ever going to shave his head. They (the Browns, TLC, whoever) must really underestimate the average viewer. We have seen him since and that entire scene is one of many that is scripted on this so-called reality show. Good for Logan for moving out and starting his own life. I hope more of Browns teens do the same when they turn 18.

    1. I wonder if TLC actually knows exactly what they are doing when they irritate viewers by not showing preview clips, having stupid story lines, dragging stuff out etc. It certainly gets us riled up here!

    2. of course they do, ive heard more than enough how boring the show is its less religion more adult cry fests but the teasers keep you coming back for more we, all know kody went in for a regular cut and fluff. I would not care if not for this blog I would have stopped watching long ago!

    3. I don't even think he went into a salon. It looks to me like the haircut/trim is taking place in Meri's home. I've been there and her kitchen area is elevated above the living room (you can see it in the background at one point).

    4. Hi Vegas Mom, I thought it looked like Meri's home too. How interesting you have been there!

  10. Replies
    1. No kidding! Just like Jon Gosselin. They'll make an episode about it! LOL

    2. That whole scene was probably a major hint for free plugs. Like Kate showing her tummy for a free tuck.

    3. I will respect his hair plugs!lol

    4. I was going to say the same! Hair plugs very soon.

  11. If you look on the twitter accounts for the teen girls, you'll see the inside of their new homes. It looks like they are trying to hide they have moved in, but on some pictures you can see the door to the hobby room and the 'vaulted ceilings'. There's also a picture of Truely reading a book in front of an fancy looking fire place.

  12. Not sure if any of you guys follow Aspyn on Twitter but she posted a new picture tonight with Kody, Robyn,Christine and herself and Christine looks amazing!

    1. I have noticed on the last couple of shows that Christine looks and sounds wonderful. I figured she is taking better care of herself and making the best of her life. I loved how she let it out that she didn't like the family dynamic a couple episodes back. She's my favorite.

  13. Also on Twitter, Aspyn just put a picture of her, Kodouche, Robchin and Christine at The Killers concert. Christine looks very good, she lost weight !!!!

    1. She does look great! Christine and Robyn have the exact same nose.

    2. Wow, she does look amazing! She might actually be smaller than Robyn in that picture. Gorgeous.

    3. They have the same nose and the same chin. The chin especially is a sign of a limited gene pool. She does look really good, though!

    4. Christine is standing at an angle and partially hidden by Kody. She's always been bigboned and heavy so I'd be worried if she has lost a lot of weight in lees than 4 months. I think its just a flattering picture, that's all.

    5. I agree. It may not be a dramatic weight loss as much as good photography.

      Christine does seem to have a bone structure that does not show weight gain in her face. At her heaviest or while pregnant in season one, her face never changed. And true, she is positioned sideways for the shot, which is always flattering, weight-wise.

      Plus, it looks like they all had professional makeup done for the photos. That alone can do wonders for anyone.
      However, if she is on a mission to look better, good for her !!!

    6. Amused - that's known as "the 10-lb twist". Makes you look thinner. And you're right - Christine definitely looks slimmer.

      That said - I hope peeps here don't think it's because of the green goo and other supplements being pushed by the Browns. What we are seeing is her own hard work - she's gotta be moving more and eating less. She has to do that herself.

      Those LIV products are overpriced as well - you can find the same thing elsewhere for cheaper if you feel supplements are necessary. Please do your research if you plan to use supplementation!! Not just the sales pitch but other sources. :-)

    7. Yeah, it's definitely just a good camera angle. If you look at the pic Janelle tweeted on Dec 15 of them all at the "ballet" (seriously, who are these people & where in the heck do they get all this money) Christine still looks lumpy.

  14. I personally find most bald men attractive (completely bald, not trying to hang onto every last strand bald). In fact, even though Papa Joe Darger's whole family situation a little creepy, and his wives a little Stepford-like, I think he looks waaaayy better now that he just went with his baldness and shaved his head. Balding men with long hair = ick. Balding men who keep it tight or shave it = totally respectful and often attractive. In my book, Kody's just barely getting away with the long hair thing. If he doesn't cut it or shave it soon, it's going to just end up being completely ridiculous. And I know some of us already feel it's well past ridiculous.

    1. I'm not sure why he doesn't just have his hair styled the way it used to be - short, upswept. It would look thicker I think.

    2. Since we are all adults here and can speak of the S word, you know, what Kody "has" with just ONE sister wife, these days, IMO, I shall tell you a brief story. Mind you, I'm never brief, as I never shut up. I have been perpetually engaged to a man to whom I refer as "Perpetual," in my weekly columns. (Clearly you've now gotten the idea that I pen a weekly column for a paper for which I work.) Anyhow, when we first decided to date, he always, always, always, wore a hat and tried one of those insane almost comb-over looking deals, when said hat was removed. Well, I told him that I would only sleep with him if he would embrace that baldness, go to Tom the Barber, and get a REAL bald man's cut. Well, the sex happened first, since my darling Perpetual is just too irresistible, but....I MADE him get an appointment asap with Tom and, BOOM - I no longer have to gaze upon hats, constantly, and he looks wonderful. We would have both been in our late thirties when this all happened. Now, we are on the verge of the big five-o. I have no issues at all with a bald man. My Perpetual is very handsome and has wonderful youthful looks. Kody could, actually, look good. His teeth are nice and, well, his teeth are nice. OK, so I couldn't think of a few fab facial features, (talk about using f words), but, that hair has to go. I think he's 40 something, (am I right?), so, the time has come. Have any of his wives mentioned that they love his long hair? I don't remember but I bet someone out there might recall. OK, thanks for reading this blather that had very little to do with Sister Wives and more to do with my having sex and then forcing my man to fall in love with his own head--minds out of gutters please. I meant the one between the shoulders.

      Lisa H.

  15. Ew I bet Kody loves this pretty woman touching his hair and head.. Gross. poor lady.

    1. I love having my hair messed with by my stylist. Shampoos, styles, cuts, blow it.

      No doubt the stylist was happy to get the publicity. It wasn't the stylist who mentioned she cut Meri's (ugh) hair - I think it was the voice over. She probably figures the browns are gonna be a gold mine just like the credit repair dude who apparently got barraged with phone calls from prospects after the show.

      And maybe Meri likes her hair that way....the Carol Brady plyg look? With the flip? Lol

  16. Christine is looking Hot. Kody may just want to rethink the rotational schedule. And Robin's coy "I'm the only one who dosn't work out"(because I don't need to] Her passive/agressive "Kody only likes curvy women". (that's why he's at my house four nights a week). Hopefully this will knock that smirk off her face. No need to be self effacing now, Christine just upped the Ante. And Christine has always had the prettist face. Hopefully hopefully she will get a new wardrobe. Can't wait for next season. I wonder if Christine will have a new place on the couch?

  17. He's "just" been noticing his hair is getting "thin"? No Kodouche, you are balding and have been balding for years now. I also like a bald-shaved man, but not everyone can pull it off. You need the right shape of head (lol, but being serious) and a good looking face. The Kodster has neither.

  18. For those of us who don't have tweeter or facebook, please and thanks post
    the picture you're referring to - Christine looking good. Sounds like she took
    the bull by the horn and quietly worked her make over - sometimes that is the best. Congrats!
    Can't help but wonder if Kody's dad did in fact lend them some money so that
    their place is now in jeopardy. Who is making those payments? Golly gee gosh, in six months they may all be homeless. Kody's gift of gab - why he is in sales-
    to convince everyone to donote to s worthy cause. Maybe a Powerball winner will come forth.
    Let's hear from the LV contacts during hiatus. Happy New Year folks!!

  19. The issue with Kody's scraggly mess is that it makes him look in "I am just a carefree dude having fun."
    Which obviously is how he sees himself, despite having 17 children to care for.

    True...Lots of balding men can pull off looking good with the shorter style that plays down the thinning and the bald patches.

    But isn't it interesting that the producers chose to throw in such a stupid, lame-brain premise as "will Kody get buzzed or won't he..?"

    Such a captivating, informative part of their plyg life, huh?
    Ranks right up there with the cliffhangers of "will Meri let Sobbin hatch her egg or not" and "will they get the McMansions or not" or "will Logan go out of state or not" or "Is Janelle thinking of leaving or not"...etc. etc..!!!
    Just one "will they or won't they" ploy after another.

    SisterWives uses all the tricks of the *Soap Opera genre*...
    Always ending an episode with the "big" question, and then showing carefully constructed teasers of the next ominous, tried and true ploy of "will it happen....or not"...!!! And then the actual footage shows the opposite.
    Just more and more KodyWorld BS.

  20. Kody with his hair in clips absolutely positively made my morning!

  21. Also, WOW. Christine looks amazing! She just might end up being the trophy wife.

  22. Where did Meri get the long hair she's sporting in one of the videos posted above? She's with the SWs in what's obviously a professional photo. She looks so much better than with that razor cut.

    1. "Extensions?"

      No doubt !!
      The application and upkeep of them can be pretty pricey.
      Add that into the house costs too. :)))

  23. Let's see, there was serendipity, what was the other buzz word of the day?
    Now euphoric twice. Kody is making WAY too big of a thing out of Logan moving to college, IN HIS TOWN. Now Janelle, I could see being very upset. Kody is actually in the house what, 2 out of 8 days, that is if Robyn doesn't have a crisis?
    I could see him marrying Taralyce. Pretty and different. Robyn isn't looking so great.

  24. please share the link or the picture of Christine, please, please?!

    1. Here's a link to the picture. Christine looks really good!

    2. Thanks so much! She does look really beautiful and happy. : ) I think she's smaller than she was at her wedding, isn't she?

    3. Thanks for posting the pic link AZChristian. Yes Christine and everyone looks great in that picture.

    4. She has lost a lot of weight. You can tell from her arms and she is wearing a belt. And it's interesting (well, sad actually) how Kody is turned towards Robin and Christine is clutching on to him.

      She looks absolutely fabulous.

    5. For some reason, I'm really in to posting today. I don't do so a lot, and for that, you should all be happy. Anyhow, on to Christine. A poster above had mentioned that he, or she, thought it could have simply been the pose. I totally disagree because, if one goes down the page, which I had to do since I'm on a small Toshiba w/10 inch screen, it is absolutely noticeable at the top of her jeans. She's wearing a belt with a tucked in shirt and it looks like the jeans are the modern, lower cut kind. I think she has, indeed, lost a lot of weight. On another note, but still kind of sticking to this theme, when are the shows shot, in comparison to when we view them? I was thinking maybe four months behind us. Would this be right? The reason I ask is because she would have had time to take off that weight in four months or so. See, I did tie it all in, which is a miracle for me.

      Lisa H.

  25. A trophy wife does NOT obey. Christine and Janelle, I have hopes for... but Janelle is depressed. TLC loves a train wreck and may very well offer these two the option of leaving. I hope they take it and use the funds wisely.

    A show on escaping Kody would be very watchable!

    1. You know what? If by some long shot the two "middle wives" decide to take that step - Kody might "puff up" and bluster for awhile but then he'd start looking for replacements. And it wouldn't matter anyway cos they're still sealed and go to Kody's planet unless they get unsealed.

      I doubt TLC would manufacture a plot line to that extent. Janelle left before but came back. If they were offered extra $$ to leave, I bet Kody would say DO IT! Extra $$ then after the show has run it's course quietly move back. Besides they aren't about to leave their new houses.

  26. I looked up a picture that shows the extent of Kody's baldness. Hubby suggested that maybe Grody should look up Donald Trump's "hair stylist" since they have similar issues of baldness that they refuse to acknowledge.

    That sounds like another episode for next season: Grody goes to New York to meet Donald Trump, sell him some green goo, and meet his stylist. (Come to think of it, I've often thought of Trump as a serial polygamist - lots of wives, but one at a time, each one younger than the one before.)

  27. i guess their 5th house in Utah could be for Kody's next 3 wives....Can NOT IMAGINE he would not want to be exalted to the higher being with 8.

  28. Looks like the hair stylist had little luck in changing Kody's hair.
    Post a side by side pix of both Kody and Joe Darger - Kody would need to get a dab
    of sun on that head for beginners. IMHO, I would think the bald look would be
    advantageous in that heat rather than the greasy spoon stinky look.
    The girls also, you are way past middle school, trim into a comfortable controlled style. Look to other career gals for ideas.

    1. Personally...I'm expecting Kody to start with the ragtop/bandana look by 2014. Or saving the Big Shave for when the ratings dip below 1 million.

    2. My ex was bald meanie, scared of them

  29. Unable to access Instagram

    1. I copied and pasted it into a browser window before putting the link here. Have you tried a different browser? Sometimes if Firefox won't work, I switch to IE and vice versa.

    2. If we knew how much they make per episode per person we would have a better perspective of the finances . My husband (who doesn't watch the show) tells me "Honey,they do have their own TV show, they probably bought those houses out- right. I think it will be the future up- keep AFTER the show is canceled . I think all the drama of them getting them or not was just a storyline for us to watch and keep watching . I must say though, it would be in Christine's best interest not to lie to the faces of her fans with the comment that they did not get the houses . She should have responded with a "I cannot comment on any questions of the show that has not aired"

    3. I think people way overestimate how much $ they actually get paid from TLC. But I've said that before.

    4. I agree DJ. I think they made barely enough to afford the rental homes. I think they are WAY over their heads on the four McMansions. Two McMansions...maybe they could afford. Four is way off the charts considering all the costs involved AND 17 children to support. Yes, I've included Logan!

    5. Cynical Jinx, I agree with you and because I feel that they don't get paid anywhere near what some guess, I'm most curious about whether or not they have some other source helping them. It's baffling and frightening to think that five adults with seventeen children are actually so irresponsible, immature, and ignorant that they have gotten in over their heads to the point that they now have four McMansions, little to no savings, and no secret support from someone or somewhere. I've heard some interesting speculation on this blog regarding a possible other financial support- religious benefactors backing them because they are "the face of polygamy" and willing to "be seen and risk their necks", or a wealthy fan, or a family member etc. It will be a real tragedy to see this family (children are who I care about) spiral down after the show is cancelled because of these idiot adults.

    6. I would hope that they're paying at least something towards Logan's education - grants and scholarships (if he qualified for any) only go so far. I would hate that Logan spend years paying off student loans...he has contributed big time to both the fam and the show so he deserves some financial support.

    7. Well they are also doing LIV and might not have peaked yet. Now that Christine lost weight and Janelle is trying as well I am certain that just like all good MLM salespeople they will say its due to LIV products. And sign more people up.bleagh!

    8. I doubt they are putting anything toward Logan's college. Jenelle has said before theyndont believe in paying for their kids college ...I guess she paid for hers if I remember correctly

  30. Do you think they are members of the SAG? If I remember right, members have insurance benefits available to them.

    1. No, I don't think they qualify, since reality TV shows don't come under SAG for the most part, and in order to join they would have to have a speaking role in a SAG-affiliated film or program/commercial, then join the actors union etc.

      One major reason we have witnessed such a big explosion in reality TV was due to the last SAG strike - since reality shows don't fall under that.

      Besides if SAG was involved, the cost of production, etc would skyrocket - remember TLC is a cheap channel.

      Not to mention that if the Browns WERE SAG, they'd each have to pony up somewhere in the neighborhood of $3k apiece annually in dues. That's PER PERSON. $3k x 21 = $60k per year I think (CPA Carol - I suck at math :-( )

    2. Correction to my previous post -

      If they were SAG-AFTRA, it appears the initiation fee is around $2300 per actor.
      $2300 x 19 (since Sol and Truly don't have speaking roles) = $43,700 initiation.

      Of course they also have to join a local actors/performers union, so the union dues are on top of that.

      Then each year, renewal dues of around $150/year per person = $2,850

      All this is moot since SW is considered unscripted and therefore doesn't fall within SAG guidelines. Therefore F8F/TLC can pay the family one lump sum per episode rather than paying each person. And the Browns can do whatever they want with the money - they aren't required to save any for the kids' future since the Coogan Law (which is only in CA I believe) doesn't apply.

      I'm not in the industry - this is just from Googling and I might be way off again...

    3. Thanks for clarifying that DJ

  31. I must be having vision problems, because I don't see the balding area on his head. I hope someone can post a pic of Christine on here. I'm so happy for her that she was able to lose weight. I could be wrong, but I think she must read this blog and it boosts her self-esteem to know we think she's pretty and worthy of better treatment from Kody. This blog could be doing wonders for her.

    1. Check out the photos on an earlier blog entry at

      You'll have to scroll down to the 11th photo to see the one that shows it, but it has Kody shooting a gun, and the ear protection pushes back what little bit of hair he has. I had never seen the balding area before either (didn't notice it on this week's "prayer scene"), but this photo REALLY shows it.

      Come on, Dude. You're in your 40s and bald. Deal with the reality of life. (Oh wait, I must have forgotten who I was addressing!)

    2. LOL AZChristian, that is priceless. Thanks for posting the link!! I needed a good laugh out loud.

    3. Oh wow, you can really see Kody's receding hairline in that shooting photo.

    4. I just finished reading the Becoming Sister Wives book (2 hours of my life I won't get back but at least I downloaded it for free) and If I remember correctly, Meri and Christine both stated they stay away from the blogs and comments. I believe Meri is a stick her head in the sand type but I don't believe Christine doesn't read them she has too much of a natural snarky streak. Sobyn of course admitted to reading everything.

  32. I was able to see the pic & I am not an Instagram user. I'm not sure why you can't see it, Linda? Are you @ work? Maybe its a blocked site.

    I am SO SICK of TLC's misleading previews. They are SO dumb. SO predictable. And they make the channel look desperate and stupid. Hello, TLC?! If the show isn't good enough on its own merit to have an honest preview, CAN THE SHOW!

    Kodys hair looks like crap. He reminds me of women who insist on growing their hair long. Even when its thin, split, dry, frizzy and stingy. A fresh cut makes all the difference. Holding on to unhealthy hair just ages you!

    OMG! Christine is tiny! I would estimate that she is a size SIX?! And that she weighs around 120lbs!? She looks awesome! She is smaller than Robyn. I wonder if she still has curves @ that weight? That would look good.

    Personally, I've lost 90lbs & I have 36lbs to go until I reach my next big goal. I also have an additional 29lbs to lose to be @ my high school weight which was 20yrs ago, this year! After I lose the last 29, I will wait 18 months. Ill be as firm and healthy as possible & splurge on a tummy tuck & lift. I'm already saving up for it.

    I will use Christines photo as inspiration. I am so proud of her!

    I wonder how Janelle is doing with her weight loss? She has so many emotional issuses b/c the unhealthy marriage to Kody and the bad relationship she has with Meri. Also, she resents Robyn. I doubt she will lose the weight until she leaves this mess. But she won't. Because she doesn't want to spend eternity in "outer darkness." I feel bad for Mormon women. : / I really like Janelle. She would be SO happy if she was married to a man like my husband. She deserves so much better. Even if there weren't other wives, Kody is not good to her. She is like an old shoe to him.

    Back to the weight loss, for me it took making a decision to improve my life. I decided to make very small, attainable changes. The weight came off slowly. But its gone for good. I am now focussing on continuing to improve my diet, being more active and I only think about losing ten pounds @ a time. If I can do it. If Christine can do you, anyone can do it! :)

    1. ToteamcantheKodettes congrats on your wieght loss sometimes it takes a while! Hang in there!

    2. To be fair to Christine, she does look great. She has lost weight. But I did see her a few weeks ago at the Holiday Expo and she is obviously thinner, but this picture is every woman's dream come true because it is shaving off her size on each side of her. Don't get me wrong, she has lost weight, but not as much as you think.

    3. Even from that pic I would have to say that Christine is nowhere near 120 lbs. based on the eps we're seeing now, she was still close to 200 lbs in June.

      That said...better to lose weight slowly - through lifestyle changes. I've kept off more than 100 lbs since 1990. You can do it!

    4. Way to go, Team! That is really an accomplishment. Best wishes to you for your continued healthy lifestyle.

    5. I think it would set a good example for the teenage girls if the wives would slim down to a healthy weight (the boys don't seem to have a problem, probably due to sports participation). If Janelle lost the weight, she'd be a total knockout, seriously. But getting back to the financial question: if it's such a problem to afford the houses (and I'm sure it is), why continue to have more children? Concentrate on affording the ones you already have, as other people have to do.

  33. I am so glad they bought these homes. I can't wait to see how they pay for them when TLC cancells their show. Once that happens, I would estimate that between them all, they have the financial ability to keep just one of the homes. I wonder which poor wife will be moved into Meris house, OH MY GAWD! Now that, Id watch.

    I wonder how the wives will fair when Kody starts moving in new wives and their children when these homes start to become empty b/c the kids have moved out. I would advise those women to not get too comfy! They aren't going to be able to afford to pay off these houses. And in the meantime, Kody is going to have new wives & they won't be able to buy another home, so the new wives will be doubling up. All in the name of what Jesus tells Kody he needs to do. I do believe in a higher power and I know he communicates through us. But I do not buy the whole Joseph Smith cult crud. Joseph Smith cheated on his wife and came up with a convient excuse. And these women were VERY young. In those days, women married on average @ 23 years. He was having sex with 14 year olds and "marrying" them. The religion is a cult. Exactly what the bible warns us of.

  34. Honestly, this Logan moving out is a drag. He's only moving IN TOWN, Kody only spends 2 nights every two weeks there, it's a dead story. I've had kids go to college, as I am sure many of you have, and having them in town would be a breeze. Of course, Kody is losing his work horse/second father.

  35. Kody's incorrect and excessive use of these ridiculous words like "euphoric" is laughable. What a dope. I agree with anon 3:11 pm about Kody losing his work horse/second father. I also feel that Kody is probably struggling with the loss of control that comes with a child leaving and experiencing opinions and experiences "in the real world". I have first hand experience with this as my dad was very much the same.

  36. Janelle has a beautiful face. She seems to be the only one concerned about their financial future. I once read that Kody's father has two wives. The first one is Kody's mother and the second is Janelle's mother. Kody's father is not Janelle's father. Isn't Janelle divorced from Meri"s brother? Hope I don't have them mixed up with another plig family.

    1. Kody's father has 3 wives.

      Genielle (Kody's mother) is wife #1

      An unnamed woman is wife #2

      Sheryl (Janelle's mother) is wife #3

      And yes, Janelle is divorced from Meri's brother.

  37. After watching this season and so many of us noticing Robyn's growing but hidden belly, add to that the shortened season and I think she had a miscarriage and all episodes/couch visits having to do with that were cut hence the short season.

    1. Anon 6:07 pm, I agree with you 100%.

    2. I am a midwife and IMO an expert on all things pregnancy/belly related and I can say with 99% certainty that Robyn was in fact pregnant in these pictures. I don't watch the show but just based on the pictures I would estimate she was maybe 3-4.5 months pregnant and I would even hazard a guess about gender- a girl. I've been doing this a long time and have been pregnant six times and I don't mean to put down the people who have guessed that this is just a flabby belly but there are very clear and distinct differences between a woman's pudgy belly after having children and a pregnant belly. If she had a miscarriage, no matter the reason they kept it private, I can respect that. However it seems from what I read here that this may be something that they are keeping a secret for better ratings, continued money, more seasons? If that is the case then that is a real shame.

    3. Or...maybe it's the top Robyn is wearing in those scenes. Baby doll top cinched in under the bra line, guaranteed to make almost anyone look pregnant which is exactly why I don't wear those types of tops.

    4. Also regarding the number of eps this season - F8F could focus more on the other three wives if they wanted to and have the same # of eps as last season. The issue isn't an alleged possible pregnancy, it's the amount of actual semi-interesting screen time. And recall last season included 2 Q&AS and almost an entire ep devoted to the teens visiting Utah? They can't just do Q&AS every season as the same questions about sex will keep popping up.

      If we had two more eps, it would've been more footage of wet bar escalated non-drama. Plus...Just MAYBE TLC, if they are paying per episode - only wanted to buy 8, especially after viewing them. Maybe 2 were real boring even by SW standards. Besides, Honey Boo Boo is coming back...

    5. So I went back on Robyn's twitter page to see if anything over the past few months gave a clue as to whether or not she had a miscarriage and on 11/22 she wrote "I am so thankful today for the angels watching over us." I may be over-analyzing but could that be a sly reference to a baby she lost?

    6. Add me to the list who thought Robyn looked pregnant.

      In one of the rare scenes they showed of her full body, she had what looked like a very round and firm stomach - from the rib cage down. Tight is maybe the word I'm looking for.

      Odd they covered her up the entire time.

    7. I think with the angels tweet and the size of her stomach and timing that perhaps she was pregnant with twins or multiples (Meri and Kody's in vitro?). Although that would be a very juicy story. But like the McMansion move in's they would probably save for next season.

    8. I commented several posts ago regarding her looking round and pregnant...glad others are seeing what I saw because I was quickly shut down then, and reminded that the show was filmed months ago. (No kidding.) Robyn is a small framed woman with no extra weight anywhere. Her belly was round and firm looking as someone else here stated. The cameras were obviously avoiding full body shots of her. Something was up.

  38. Hi CJ: Do you know why Kody's father's second wife is never shown? Is it a privacy thing, or something more sinister? This isn't the first time I've seen these so-called public polygamists hide a wife. Until a few years ago, I seem to recall seeing only two of the Darger wives appearing in the media, with no mention of the third, even though there had been three of them for a decade or more. Also, the Boyd Knutsen family from Centennial Park trotted out only the middle-age wives in multiple media appearances over the years, then the Dawn Porter documentary coaxed the first, somewhat older wife, Diane, into appearing. I didn't even know she existed until then. Makes the "openness" of these people questionable.

    1. Hi Magic Undies

      Is it a privacy thing, or something more sinister?

      Apparently it's strictly a privacy thing.

      the Boyd Knutsen family from Centennial Park trotted out only the middle-age wives in multiple media appearances over the years, then the Dawn Porter documentary

      You have the wrong Boyd whose family appeared in the documentary with Dawn Porter (which also had a very good piece on Moroni Jessop who is now a monogamist).

      Since he did not want to be public, I will refrain from mentioning his name. But it isn't Knutsen.

    2. Hi CJ: My bad, it's a different Boyd. I should have recalled that Boyd is one of those names that's common in Mormonism but not so much elsewhere: LDS Apostle Boyd Packer, writer Boyd Kirkland, etc. Thanks for the info.

  39. I think Christine and Janelle should dump the scraggly haired douche bag and work as motivational speakers. Christine is funny and has a great personality and Janelle is a straight shooter. If they got out of the "lifestyle" and went on a speaking tour, I would actually attend (assuming they came to my neck of the woods, which is unlikely). They could also be spokeswomen for Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig or some other weight-loss/fitness program. Of course, this could only happen if they dumped that douche of a "husband" and his stupid other wives.

    1. They could only be spokespeople for WW or JC if they were actually using the program in question. If they were, we'd know by now.

      Also, they aren't famous enough...and being plyg might not be an optimal selling point to a significant portion of the dieting public.

      Nope - they're going to use the weight loss to push the LIV MLM - I'm almost certain of that.

    2. Also a thought - I remember some commentary a couple weeks ago theorizing that PJ Darger "forces" his wives to work out in order to keep looking good...

      Just maybe...Christine, Janelle, et al are Kody to lose weight in order to sign up more poor souls to their "Downline".

      Just a thought...

    3. Yes, I know they could only be a spokesperson for WW or JC if they were on the program. They still need to lose weight, from what I have seen, and could switch to JC or WW. Plus, I also said they would need to dump the lifestyle BEFORE they could be a public speaker or spokesperson for anything. And I wasn't specifically targeting WW or JC as much as I was saying something like them or some other kind of fitness fad, which would give them both a way of supporting themselves and their children.

    4. Which would be LIV. No other weight loss nostrum or fad or what have you has the $$$ to pay a third tier reality participant. And JC, WW as well as NutriSystem are the big players in the diet industry.

      As has been stated a few times in the past, the vast majority of Americans has no clue who the Kody Brown family is.and of that itty bitty segment that DOES know who they are, most of THOSE people don't care.

      Also, since they've already associated themselves with LIV, no diet product manufacturer or organization is going to want to pay them COI.

  40. I actually think the Browns look like Genielle Tew Brown, the mother, not the dad. Being that her mother was an Allred, I would be interested in if she looked like her mother or father.

    1. I think what the poster was saying was that Kody resembles his mother more than his father, although they say they all have the "brown" look. And asking if she (His mother, Genielle Tew Brown) looked like her mother - who was an Allred or father, who was a Tew.

  41. Well, Meri's house still has not closed. I find it interesting that Robyn's house is financed by a different mortgage co than Jenelle and Christine.

    1. I'd bet $5 that this delay in closing will be the big cliffhanger next season.

    2. oh dear. now poor kody will have three wives in large unaffordable mansions and one mean wife in a plgy house with room for two more wives. =)

    3. Totally agree with DJ about next season and Meri's delayed closing. Anyone know why Robyn would use a different mortgage company.... are her credit issues worse, the recent divorce, working with a credit reduction company, is her bankruptcy more recent? Seems to me like Janelle and Christine's credit was just as bad?

  42. So Janelle is sort of like Kody's step sister and former sister in law....
    I would imagine there is a very limited "pool" of potential wives for polygamists...kind of reminds me if the Hutterites in Canada who (truth) pay men- many of them RCMP officers to come in and service the wives to expand the gene pool. It's all a little unseemly for me.....but I was ok with it in the first season because I thought live and let live......but if it is true that they have ripped off welfare an are serial just mocks those of us who try to live honestly and with integrity. And I have to wonder about the true happiness and well adjustment of the children....their mothers do not seem like healthy women physically or emotionally....I was struck by Janelle telling her daughter to "shut up" at Logan's graduation when she offered to let Janelle see the replay on video that she was crying about missing......if that is what she does on camera what goes on off camera when these women, who are clearly starved for affection so make up for it my over eating and materialism....are "caring" for all these children. If kids are lucky enough to have a dad around...they deserve to have him around daily...even a wanker like Kody....

  43. This show has definitely "jumped the shark," especially with the move to Las Vegas and now the whole houses thing. They were much more of a family when the lived in Utah in all under one roof. Now, it's like they're 4 families.

    I think that their so called fame has gone to their heads. Aspyn posted something about going to Les Mis for the 2nd time in a day and then going to the Killers concert the next day. Then, Mariah posted something on her twitter and then used #realitystarproblems. I don't think that they realize that their moment of fame is about to end.

    Meri posted the creepiest picture of Kody! It's downright scary, IMO.

    1. Yes, but it covers his bald spot, which is a benefit. :-)

    2. Les mis -the movie. ;) not all that spendy.

    3. Can anyone tell me where I can find a pic of christine after she's lost weight? Thank u

    4. Here's a photo from this week.

  44. I've been reading for a while, but I'm watching this episode and I'm all riled up. Meri is quite possibly the most selfish, whiney, annoying wife this season.

    "I want my French door, I want my wet bar" and when told she's over budget she's like "Oh, ok" and keeps saying "I want, I need..."

    She grates on my nerves.

    To see Christine and Janelle come in under budget and quite happy with their homes is amazing. They are housing pretty much a small army and Meri, just herself.

    I think the fame has gone to Meri's head.

    1. I think she kinda deserves the whiney annoying part this season since Kody is forcing her to have another kid....Kody has an attitude problem and chip that needs to be knocked off.

  45. Wonder how Logan's doing at UNLV, since he should be halfway through his freshman year right now. He seems to be a good, well-adjusted guy who isn't an immature jerk, so here's hoping that he lives up to his very fine potential. You go, Logan!

  46. I think Meri is having some serious hormonal problems. She the right age for hot flashes and night sweats startng to ct into her sleep.

  47. Looks as if Meri is not going to be going through with the whole another-baby thing, which seems like a prudent choice for so many reasons. While children are certainly a gift from God, there does seem to be a point where financial reality sets in, especially since so many will be headed to college soon. Unless you're the Duggars, most people can't provide for that many. When does enough become too many?

  48. If you ask me, I think Kody has a huge chip on his shoulder and it is all about him. He should take some lessons from the Dargers, he needs a lesson on his temper tantrums if things don't go his way. If I spoke to my wife the way he speaks to all 4 of his, I would be in the dog house big time. If the show bombs, it's his fault.
