Friday, December 28, 2012

Authorities: Warren Jeffs predicting end of world

Warren Jeffs is a dangerous man. Let's hope he doesn't cause something drastic one of these days.



  1. Matthew 24:36 says "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

    1. Amen. These are cults, as Jim Jones and David Koresh before him.

    2. Yes and are you kidding me this is going to happen again but this man is locked up in jail what can we do how can I help there are innocent women and children in there,some maybe crying out for help but cant be heard

  2. I'd be happy if Warren Jeff's prediction came true for all religions that take advantage of women and children in the name of religion. It's well past time for the end of the FLDS' world!

  3. I'm worried about those folks. Why, oh why, is he allowed to have communication?

    1. mock tomato sammich, I'm thinking that he has to be allowed to meet with his legal team, etc. and they could easily carry messages out for him.

      I'd think that his mail is probably screened, both in and out so I don't see any other opportunity to get messages out unless he's allowed regular visitors. They could carry messages too.

      It's a real shame, but I can't imagine that there's a legal way to stop him from communicating with people.

    2. I believe it has been proven he has an unlimited amount of calling cards. Obviously they are not screening him too much, although, Funky Town, Us normal people should would be screened. Such a shame. Why does the Govt. Allow this?

  4. When did their local supermarket shut down? That is a strong indicator for sure, that Jeffs has something up his sleeve. I feel so sorry for those people.

    1. Although they do have a reserve food supply. Poor folks, he just keeps them scared.

  5. This is distressing! I'm so grateful for our right to freedom of religion. However, our country needs to do more to address these cults! Get those children out of there!

    1. I read they were taking the children to South Dakota. True or not, I can't say. Fake or not, one day, this lunatic will do it.

  6. FLDS is a cult! Every cult isolates people. And on top of that, they use religion to scare people. I read Flora Jessops book "church of lies" and i cant believe what the FLDS do to their people. I feel so bad for them.

  7. THAT was awkward. I'd rather sit through the awkwardness of an episode of Sister Wives than watch that video again :p.

    Was that guy speaking in tongues or what?!

  8. There was no sound on mine. And yes I had the volume up.

  9. The sad thought is that one of these days, Jeffs just may go through with some insane mass suicide. However, since he will always needs money (and power) in jail) what good would that do him?
    They need to take away his phone privileges, all phone cards, and put him in the hole. He needs the crap beat out of him in jail

  10. I read a couple of disturbing items.
    One - Jeffs had predicted that Yellowstone would blow up on the 23rd.
    Two - Jeffs told his followers to send all their children to their compound in South Dakota. They have been doing this for the last couple of weeks. Things are so screwed up out in the Twin Towns that some people in St George have done a food drive for Jeffs Cult. People with out food or financial well being,and this turd calls himself a Prophet. This is child and people abuse,oh that's right,our AG can't get involved it might look bad for his church.

  11. It's too bad that *anything* this Jeffs freak says or does could be completely ignored and rejected since his evil doings are all predicated on the attention and power he (still) exerts over all those people. Without that he could just rot in prison.

    But unfortunately those people are still held hostage to that lifestyle and to his diabolical mandates. By these reports, it sounds like there is something very sinister going on there now.

  12. He has done this before - but the scary part is when will he snap and have his innocent followers do something crazy? it scares me, and honestly, i pray for the innocent victims in this mess.

    1. Scary like Manson scary

    2. It is. And the fact the government still allows him contact, amazing.

    3. I Bleive that this cult can only end as bad as the
      rest, all I can say is may god keep them close in our hearts and our prayers at this time

      Tami Daw

  13. It is a complete injustice to the poor, uneducated, group Jeffs has under his wing that the government doesn't step in. Most of the following have no idea about the outside world, own nothing of their own, and would have a horrible time if they had to leave their loved ones to get out. The simple fact that our government knows what a insane and unstable man he is, yet allow him these freedoms to call and talk all he wants, is unfathomable. He should be put in solitary, with no funds, and be left alone. Allowing this continued communication is playing with fire. Maybe not this time, but, there will be a time when Jeffs does the unthinkable, and the prison system will be to blame.
    The man is in there for life. Do something about him and shut him up. Don't these folks suffer enough? When he announced only 15 men could father children, wasn't that enough? WHY does our country allow it to continue?

    1. I don't think the government really cares about women and children to be honest. Men dont take these struggles very seriously. I learned a tough lesson when my son was born very premature due to preeclampsia. And No I didn't have any risk factors... I'm young healthy and in my 20's

      I pray everyday for these people I pray to God this doesn't end like Jim Jones.

    2. Some men. Not all men. And the men & boys are also abused inside the FLDS cult.

    3. Well what I meant was men in polical power. The laws regaurding mothers/working mothers are bad and I live in CA. I just had a baby and went through all this. Granted I had an emergency c section to save my life and then had a baby in the nicu for 9 weeks. I took FMLA and my employer let me go bc of it. My point is most people, and especially the govt don't care. If they cared they would've done something about warren Jeff's a long time ago. Just my opinion I'm sure someone like CPA Carol or Dakota Justice has a better way of saying it that I'd totally agree with!

    4. Actually, I think Jeffs is kept separate from the regular prison population for his safety. Probably, the most expedient way to handle him is to yank the privilege of his protective incarceration. Let him meet reality and the reality of his punishment! He's crazy as a loon but the pronouncements of the prophet would be meaningless in the real prison population.

  14. I just read "Lost Boys" today. What a sicko Warren Jeffs is. Raping kindergarden aged boys and marrying tweens. The "prophets" of FLDS have been predicting the end of the world for some time and when it doesn't happen, the followers are told that they haven't repented enough. I can only hope he drops his soap in prison and gets a dose of what he handed out to those innocent boys.

    1. I wish they would take all outside contact away from him. Sadly, i think he'd like the soap being dropped, and probably looks for it!

  15. Why on earth do they let this man even speak? I pray for those souls on the compound.

  16. Since the date he named was December 23, Joseph Smith's birthday, I'd have to say that he blew it! Of course, he'll blame it on his followers--naturally it wouldn't be HIS fault.
