Monday, December 31, 2012

Discussion Page 2 for Sister Wives: Hard to Say Goodbye and Secrets Revealed (S05, E08 and E09)


Here's the tweet from Robyn showing Sol wearing those  headphones....

also this tweet from Janelle just a few hours ago!


  1. Meri has never uttered the words "incompetent cervix" or given any information as to the nature of her infertility and why she would need a surrogate in the first place. This would be a great opportunity for her to share knowledge and connect with others who struggles with infertility and miscarriage. Is she not educated? Or is this all for wah wah sympathy, milk this for all it's worth? I was diagnosed with incompetent cervix after losing my first son at 22 weeks and had to have cervical stitches placed to carry my two living sons. The fact that they make light of this is APPALLING and offensive, which is why I'm hoping they are just ignorant and don't understand that they are portraying themselves as backwards uneducated 5 year olds. Meri doesn't want another baby, they act like they can throw money around for IVF if they feel like it ho hum maybe, maybe not when there are women who can't afford it or spent loads of money and had no successes).

    1. I'm sorry you lost your first son:( Insensitivity to others seems to go with the sister wives scene.

    2. First of all I have infertility and have had numerous miscarriages. I've dine the fertility thing. I understand very well Meri's emotions about not knowing if she wants to have another child or not. After so long of not being able to have a child and wanting one you start to look at the good aspects of your life. Its nice to not have to find a babysitter, stop to feed a baby, stop to discipline an older child, etc. Once you have done this and you all the sudden get the opportunity to have another child being it come outta your own "whoha" or someone else's it becomes a challenging fight of what you have trained your mind to think. I found a way to be happy without another child and like the "childless" or "older child" aspects and pluses. However, another child in my life would be a blessing and I don't know if I whole give up this opportunity that I had wanted in the past so much. My husband and I decided instead of going through more stressful fertility we would help kids that needed it. We became foster parents and ended up adopting our first child at the age of five. As far as her not saying why she has infertility, I do not think that it is a huge opportunity for her to relate to ppl by knowing the exact reason. Right now she is relating to anyone who has infertility. If she were to get into details it may not relate as much to me as it does to you. The fact that many ppl can not relate to her struggle, who have not gone through infertility and apparently even some who have infertility, shows me that it takes a special person to have these issues and be able to work through them and make the best of what God has given you in life instead of what he hasn't. I'm very blessed to be one of those special ppl! Don't watch the show to judge watch it to learn. Its ok if you don't understand, I think that's what makes the show so appealing.

    3. Thanks AmericanWoman :-) Anon 2:39 am, I don't watch the show because I don't have cable. So all I have to go by is this blog. Meri placed herself in the public eye BY HER OWN CHOICE and makes MONEY from being videotaped "living her life". Therefore I have every right to discuss things that bother me about her and her decisions. Also, I've suffered so many losses and had such difficulty bringing children into this world, I have the right to watch a show and be offended when a woman such as Meri devalues and makes a mockery of something traumatic I've been through and find so important. Meri had THREE CHOICES and she CHOSE the WORST...publicly... and I will CERTAINLY let my opinion be known. She could have a.) Never brought up her infertility on the show and kept hush hush about it all b.) Used her celebrity as a platform to discuss infertility and miscarriage, gather information to make her own informed decision, and HONESTLY connect with her audience- albeit not everyone can relate (can anyone truly relate to ANYTHING Meri is doing right now? Wetbars and French Doors anyone?). But instead she chose option C.) She decided to use her infertility and miscarriage to BULLY, garner sympathy, and manipulate her family in order to get what she "deserves" with this McMansion at the EXPENSE OF ALL BROWN CHILDREN. ALSO, and others may not agree but IMO, I feel strongly that she didn't want anymore children but lied and made this decision long and drawn out to interfere with Robyn and Kody's plan to have more children, take attention away from the other wives, and increase ratings. Meri lies so much and displays such poor character and morals that I'm not entirely convinced she is infertile. I get a dishonest and weird vibe when she discusses this topic and I wouldn't be surprised to hear a few years from now that she in fact had been on birth control all those years. Who knows. That's the problem. These people are so dishonest that "watching the show to learn and not judge" is impossible because HOW CAN WE LEARN WHEN THEY AREN'T PRESENTING THE TRUTH. The alternative is to come to this blog and have discussions about the things that are glaringly wrong with this family.

    4. Infertility has defined my life for a long time. I've had a couple of losses but mostly on paper my husband and I are reproductively "perfect". Meaning we have the gloomy diagnosis of unexplained infertility. For y'all fertiles out there, this can be one of the most difficult diagnoses because if you can't identify a problem, how can you fix it? I've been through literally a dozen medical infertility interventions over the course of three years. Starting at age 28.

      So let me say, obviously it's not the same for every infertile person, because we are, after all, different people with different backgrounds, but I for one relate very well to my fellow infertiles, be it from repeat loss, MFI, IC, translocutions, DOR, or whatever else.* Not being able to have a baby when you want one is the same devastating pain regardless of the cause.

      So I agree that had Meri chosen to frankly discuss this issue she would have gotten a lot more understanding and support. And she could have helped remove the horrible stigma about infertility that still lingers. Because the truth is, infertility DOES make a lot of people bitter. The longer you go getting your heart and dreams crushed every month, the more surgeries, the more strangers poking around in your vagina/uterus, the more needles you stick into your arms, stomach, butt, the more broken many women become. I was one of them. If I hadn't successfully conceived when I did, I don't know what would have become of myself or my marriage. So, if Meri acted like she still wanted a baby, and discussed that honestly, I would be pretty forgiving of a lot of the crap she pulls.

      However, I agree she gave up on babies a long time ago and is now focusing on the aspects of life you can't have with little ones running around your house. All of this will she/won't she BS was for show, ratings, guilting others, and getting her way. She gets no respect from me.

      I stopped watching the interview because it was making me nauseous. Did she actually come out and say it's over or is she STILL dragging it out?

      *IC is incompetent cervix, MFI is male factor infertility (sperm issues), DOR is diminished ovarian reserve

    5. Sincere Sympathies regarding your first baby. So Hard. I do think Meri is pretty ignorant regarding her fertility issues. Some people just can't deal with the medical terms. They just know that they have trouble conceiving.

      I would say at this time she would be very low fertility wise with only a few eggs left if any.

      At this point I would say it is too late, too invasive, too upsetting.

    6. Sympathies to all that have gone through this. I did too, but got lucky spontaneously later on.
      Meri stated that she had what the Drs. called "Unexplained" Infertility.

    7. Mister Sister, I wasn't aware that Meri was diagnosed with unexplained infertility. Thank you for sharing that information. I shouldn't have been so quick to jump on her for not having any information on her diagnosis and not connecting with others in the same boat. I assumed by Kody and Meri's lack of discussion/information on tests they had run to determine what could possibly be the issue, that they hadn't actually been tested or diagnosed. I understand how frustrating that diagnosis is and why they appeared that way now. And I can totally understand why they wouldn't be compelled to reach out because that diagnosis is so damn frustrating and there are no clear cut answers.

  2. I was one of the first to say Robyn was pregnant awhile ago and everyone poo pooed it. Glad to see now some people are coming around finally. There is no doubt that she was pregnant in this episode.

    1. Yes. I think so too. Thats what Kody meant when he told Meri he was having more children whether she said no or not. In so many words MERI ur holding me up from impregnating ROBYN again!
      I think thats why ROBYNS sister is there too. I wont say 5th wife but to help Robyn with 5th baby.
      I was surprised Christine said she was done.

    2. I agree, Solnor. I was surprised Christine said she was done. I guess managing as a single mom with 6 kids over the past 2 years has really taken a toll on her outlook.

    3. I think Robyn is going to be a surrogate by conceiving and carrying a child with her own eggs and giving the kid to Meri. Poor kid.

    4. Well didn't Kody have to get Aspyn to talk Christine into having Truely? I wasn't surprised she was done. I still don't think Robyn looks pregnant but I did think it was interesting to see Meri's face when Kody said he would still be having more children. She actually looked kind of happy? That made me wonder about Robyn even though, to me, she just looks like she has belly pooch from having 4 kids.

    5. I don't think Meri wants another. They are milking it for the show. I think she might feel pressured by Kody and Mariah and the fact that these women are valued by how many children they have. I was never able to have a second child and it took me a couple of years but I finally came to terms with it. My daughter is almost ten and I like our life and don't want another baby now.
      Every time I see his comment that he will have more kids with or without her makes me want to smack him in the face.

    6. I too spoke out a while back and was set straight that Robyn WAS NOT the point that it was rude. But whatever. Time will tell!

    7. When I saw the clip of her on the Jeff Probst show, she does not look pregnant at all (to me, anyway). That's the clip where we see Janelle and Christine's slim down. Hasn't everyone said if she was preggers, she would be huge by now? Also, there were a few people who saw her recently at the Craft Fair or whatever, in Vegas, and said she wasn't pregnant. It will be interesting to see if they announce anything soon, etc..

  3. Whoa I've missed a lot on SWB & I still have lots of reading to do to get caught up to speed.... Just wanted to say Thank You to everyone who expressed sympathy to me regarding the loss of my dog, Boomer like 4-5 threads ago ;) Your kind words & support meant a lot to me & I really do appreciate it.
    Ok, so I'm now watching the interview & yep agree w/ most of ya'll who says its pretty much the same BS that we've been forced fed over the last couple of seasons. I'm definitely looking forward to CJ's review on the season finale/interview episodes. :)

    1. Aw CB I surely did miss any comment you made about Booomer. So do let me take this opportunity to express my sympathy. You know this BC feels badly for CB. RIP dear Boomer.

    2. Dear Caramel Brownie,

      Want to add my thoughts and a hug to you too.
      RIP Boomer.

    3. So sorry for your loss......

  4. I thought the Dargers were crazy for not pulling Amanda aside and forewarning her that her creep of a husband was bad news. I would not at all be surprised to learn that he is sexually deviant, controlling and OCD.

    I am sick to death of them dragging out the baby/Meri thing. Nobody cares and we all figured out long ago Meri has no interest in having another child. I am glad she toned back the orange tanning lotion and her hair looks softer and not as choppy. But she needs to drop the false eyelashes, they look harsh on her.

    I thought Robyn looked really pretty tonight. Her make up was nice. I dont think I've ever seen her look so good.

    I thought robyn sounded naive when she said how "determined" she was to pay off the homes. It takes actual work, not thoughts and feelings to pay bills. She learned nothing from her first marriage.

    I have always paid cash for a washer and dryer. If I didn't have the funds for a proper window covering, I used what was already there. If I've needed to, I've bought (new in the package) curtains and rods at the Goodwill. I bet when you add up the potential savings, when four mortgages include financed washers/dryers/window coverings you are talking about a year of income that the family could have lived off of.

  5. Robyn doesnt look pregnant to me at all. She looks fat overall compared to her pre-Sol body.

    A lot of women gain weight AFTER they have their children.

  6. I'd rather buy a used house than a new house any day. There are too many kinks that need worked out for the first few years in new homes. But from Kody? No way! *runs*

    1. That's why new homes have warranties

    2. It's not that simple. Paint imperfections, doors/windows not operating properly, squeaks, switches not working, loose connections, and on and on. Yes, builders give 'warranties' or a time period to make corrections, BUT, it's still a royal PAIN to spend that kind of money for something that isn't the way it should be. You still have to make the call, wait for a contractor, call again if they don't show up, make new appointments and hope IF they do come, that they'll make the repairs on the 1st visit (which is not the majority of the time), then wait for the return visit - with fingers crossed the whole time that they'll finally get out of your hair so you can enjoy your new home.

    3. I will probably never buy a house but I love the look and feel of older houses - here in Cali that would be Victorians, bungalows, Spanish style, Art Deco and of course the rambling California Ranch style. To me, most new homes have no soul or personality and that's what the new Brown homes are to me - just big impersonal boxes. And no yard...I love yards with greenery!

  7. How does someone like Christine or Robyn get approved for a mortgage? Even with a large chunk of down payment. These are women without much work history (not sure what either of those two have ever done in terms of paid employment- maybe someone can enlighten me) and they are not married to someone who has a good salary and solid work history.

    I am not being snarky here, I truly would like someone who knows about these things to post how it could be possible.

    To watch them talk about how they NEED these houses, as if they deserve them and are completely entitled to brand-new custom build houses, it just makes me sick.

    1. There isn't anything about the way that their finances are presented on the show that makes sense. Janelle seems to be the only one who works at least fairly consistently, at least as it's portrayed in the episodes.

      I'd assume that they're getting a huge chunk of money from TLC, which makes all of the financial 'struggles' that they go through seem pretty disingenuous. No one seems to struggle to pay for groceries, kids' clothes, college etc. They've all got huge houses, nice vehicles, don't seem to be too upset by the number of post-secondary fees coming up, lots of computers, go on a few full-family vacations a year, thinking about fertility interventions, etc, none of which makes any sense at all given that they have little apparent income. I think that I must have missed an episode where their health insurance was discussed, as even just treating ear infections for little ones would probably cost more than any of them bring in every year.

      I think that it helps to look at it as a theatre piece about a polygamous family, rather than an actual portrayal of real life. Even if Kody's family has mortgaged their 'ranch' to pay for the homes, and Kristine etc are working part time for the realtors, there's still no realistic way that they could pay their bills aside from a TLC paycheque.

    2. Yes, the post show interviewer asked some "hard" questions about finances, but as usual the Browns skated around the true answers and just said that Janelle "cuts" each family an equally divided check. AND THE MONEY COMES FROM......???? What do you estimate monthly expenses to be per family? $5,000 a month?

    3. The entire family had steak when Logan left. That's a big grocery bill.

    4. There mortgage qualification would be based on their TLC salary. Has to be. Jon & Kate were not working either when they purchased the big house in the counrty for their family.

    5. We just don't know what they make per episode per person do we? It could be millions, if that's the case, they paid for the houses end of story. Until we really know what they make from their TLC show, we will never know. They probably make a substantial amount, that ends the mystery to me. I used to be in real estate, with bad credit and no 'jobs' they would never qualify for any loans. With a lot of money (CASH) bad credit, no jobs they can get a house or houses. We don't really need a CSI team to figure it all out. Lots of actors that get lucky with a show, buy real estate, plenty of them have bad credit, but they have money all of sudden, money takes care of a bad past.

    6. According to Christine's bankruptcy paperwork from 2010 she worked as a "partnership assistant" with the US Census. That's possibly the extent of her work history; they've said on the show before that Christine stayed home to care for the kids while Jenelle went to work.

    7. According to the gov't. job's listing on the internet (google)ENTERTAINMENT is a BUSINESS. Money made from TLC is charged taxes, and the management of that money (whether gold, coins, paper cash, USD funds, etc., etc.,)leaves tracks across the landscape of ones credit rating.

      I understand folks working from 9-5 may find it unfair the Browns have stepped stepped momemtarily oustside that situation.

      I understand the probability of a Brown's return to the necessity of fresh employment may be eminent.

      On the other hand--

      Perhaps I willingly suspend belief in the peridigm of everlasting entwinement of 9-5 with cash income, because I live a hop, skip and jump from the Pacific Ocean. Ever since Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard (overated anyhoo to most left coasters) millionaires are (daily?) generated by obscure processess (-ssi?) of the interenet.

      My own home doubled in value in less than one year (housing bubble, I think unrelated to the internet?).

      So sit back and watch the ride. Gates did not come back to earth. My home did.

      I'm just sayin' ;-)

  8. Speaking of the dog, I wonder if there was more to the story or if TLC cut footage to make Meri look evil. If the dogs single problem is peeing on the carpet, you can keep the dog outside or in the garage or even gated in a hallway.

    I don't know if the poor dog was wagging his tail on that episode because I turned it off in disgust. But if he was, I doubt he was ready to die. My husband and I spent $5,000 trying to save our daughters dog. She was devastated, absolutely heartsick when he died. He meant the WORLD to her. She was ten at the time. Her dog was her friend, her comfort. My point is why don't these parents have the same instincts that want to protect their children from pain? Especially from the mental torture that losing a pet brings? I bet there are medications the dog could have taken to help his bladder problem. Hell, I have a bladder problem, should I be killed, too? Peeing on the floor is not a valid reason to kill an animal. The dog did not appear to be in any discomfort. Of course I hope that I am wrong. I am hoping that the dog was gravely ill and that is why he was put down. But given the Browns desperation for money and attention, I am afraid they used killing the dog as a story line. I was so upset when they showed the kids crying over their pet, Kody digging the grave and the vet with his killing medications. What were they thinking?! It was SO disturbing.

    If I become a Nielsen family again, I promise not to watch this show, lol!

  9. So at the end of the interview when they're all going around saying what each of them are looking forward to in the future,one of the things that Christine says is having all the homes completely paid for & clear title,etc... Kody's body language & look on his face is
    Also, during Logan's send off episode, when Logan is sitting at the bottom of the stairs, which lil girl is hanging all over Logan & Garrison goes up to them & pushed her off of his big bro?? Did ya'll catch that lil clip?

    1. I caught Kody's look after Christine said that. Four homes completely paid for & clear title????? She obviously didn't know what she was talking about. He looked a tad embarrassed..... It doesn't even sound like they know if the loans are 100% approved & finalized. Maybe that's what she meant instead of saying paid for.....

    2. I saw that shove! That was garrison pushing Robyn's daughter back into her chair. Guess he wanted to remind her she's not REALLY one of them!

    3. He probably has not intention of ever paying them off completely. Even if he can make the payments and eventually builds up equity he would probably refinance and take the equity out for another Lexus or a trip.

      I just finished reading their book. He said that he could not afford to marry Robyn at first but he was driving around in that expensive sport car. These people live for the moment. There is no planning for the future here.

  10. Robyn looked miraculously thin again in the quilt scenes. She looked pregnant before, not at all fat.

    1. You need to remember that the show is so "chopped" with the editing and timeline. They even showed the scene when Robyn was standing on the empty lots with her arms extended and you see her pregnant with King Sol. That is how long this has been dragged out, I believe almost 2 years (around there). The editing on this show is GARBAGE!!! That is why we are all confused.

  11. Just finished watching this on dvr. I think that Christine spent her savings on the stone because she had to otherwise the money would've been given to Meri. Meri should've done what Jenelle and Christine did and found areas to save to get what they wanted in other areas. I also think its absurd that kody was in all those meetings about those homes... Christine owns it ALONE if she wants stone she can have it. She's on the hook for the mortgage not kody. About the whole Robin being preggo I think her belly looked more firm then pudge I agree with a post a few threads ago (the lady who was a midwife) its possible she suffered a miscarriage. Could account for all the extra tears and why Meri is still so buddy buddy with her.. they have a common bond now. I think by now Meri would've resented her otherwise. As far as the interview goes did anyone feel like Meri and kody did all the talking and the other wives just sat there unless meri allowed them to talk? Christine looked pissed the entire time. Its obvious to me anyway the couch arrangement is more then just that. Christine and Jenelle are pushed away and Meri and Robin are given all of kodouces attention. The whole thing made me more sad sad that Jenelle and Christine stand for meri and kodys abuse. Robin won't realize it till its too late... three more kids later

    1. I wondered the same thing. Most of the topics had to do with Meri. My Mom watched it with me last night and she has never watched. She asked why Meri was constantly crying and why the Q&A was all about Meri.

    2. "Meri should've done what Jenelle and Christine did and found areas to save to get what they wanted in other areas."

      I agree 100%!! But, I don't think that in the grand scheme of things that Meri was at all worried about going over budget. She knows from past experience (and as they've said many times on the show) that if one wife has some special financial need that the need will be met by the other members of the family. IMO, she's very cunning and manipulative and is making decisions for no one but herself. The farthest thing in her mind is how, or IF, her other sisterwives will even get their NEEDS met - by golly, she's going to get her ridiculous 5th bedroom and her wet-bar no matter what.

    3. Meri is the "married" wife...D I V O R C E would be very costly for Kody at the present time. So one must make his wifey as happy as can be, so as long as she has the tears and looks unhappy, Kody will keep doing what he can to keep her hanging on! Remember once Mariah takes off for Utah, there is nothing to keep Meri hanging out with this sad group. MUST KEEP MERI HAPPY! MUST KEEP MERI HAPPY! MUST KEEP MERI HAPPY!

  12. I almost died laughing when Christine said kody would "help her out" if she got in a tight financial bind. Are you kidding me?! Like that makes him a hero. This woman is supposedly his wife. Just, no.

    1. Finch, I so totally agree with your reaction!

      When she needed to go see family he told her to use grocery money, that's a lot of help isn't it? Christine, if you think he'll help when you're in a tight spot, you are fooling yourself.

    2. Help how? By cutting back on mousse and hairspray? In what way could he actually "help?"

  13. Except Robyn had Sol, lost the baby weight and had a flat stomach, gained weight (pregnancy), and lost it all again. In less than a year and while breast feeding. ... That's a pregnancy, not just crazy fast after baby weight fluctuation. She is older and has limited time to make babies with Kody, I don't think she waited for Meri's answer about surrogacy (or she and Kody had a whoops- many women don't use birth control because they think they can't get pregnant while breast feeding then whoops! Many friends of mine have) and then she miscarried. If you look carefully you can see a change in her demeanor as well.

  14. I'm aware all sects of the Mormon community have a strong history of working together and pooling their resources. This leads me to wonder if the Browns, in order to finance their 4 new houses, have received or are receiving private funding by individual Mormons to prove this lifestyle/religion works.

  15. Maybe if Robin is pregnant..maybe its hers! Maybe that will be Meri's "out". Before the deadline she gave Kody, Robin got pregnant?

    1. Imagine deciding on having a baby by a deadline? Don't you think that is odd in itself? Or - is it just me?

  16. I just want to know what the fallout would be if one of the sister wives decided to take another husband... Move him into her house, regulate the rules about when Kody gets to show up. What if she has a child with another woman ? I would imagine that mr. kody could'nt say a whole lot. what does everybody think ?

    1. I think Kody said it would be "repulsive" if one of the wives did this -- it was during the eppy where he and Meri were in Mexico (I think) celebrating their anniversary. Meri brought it up.
      What a double standard....but are we surprised? Not hardly.

  17. I wonder what is going to happen to this family when this show is over.

    1. Anon @ 2:25 AM: I also worry, but for the kids. Their parents have taught them now that they "deserve" McMansions and new cars all the time. My concern is when those things go away and their lifestyles change, how will the kids be affected?

  18. Hey, did you guys catch Kodys GIANT LIE??

    He said he was "joking" when he asked if Christine would give Meri some of her money. Jokes are funny. That was not a joke. He was very serious and he meant it. He just didn't man up and own it. Cowardly of him.

    1. I thought the exact same thing

    2. You mean like in June when he tried to make the nacho remark into a "joke"?

      He's such a narcissist. Ugh. Better to be single than married to the likes of Kody.

  19. I think Meri is sick enough to actually have been holding out her answer on surrogacy just to make Kodster and Robchin wait to have another baby...and the biological clock for Robyn is a clickin! And of course for the attention. And of course because she doesn't want to tell Kody the truth...that's she's DONE HAVING KIDS. And I can see Kody and Robyn responding to Meri's passive aggressive bullcrap by doing their own passive aggressive bullcrap and oooopsy, we got pregnant! Tee hee. Except she had a miscarriage. I think if she hadn't had a miscarriage and was pregnant before Meri officially giving her answer on surrogacy, we'd see a WHOLE different dynamic between Meri, Robyn, and Kody. Meri would have livid and resentful and maybe pretended she was going to say YES, IVF RIGHT NOW!!! But because Robyn miscarried, Meri is still civil towards her and sending nanny nanny boo boo juju to Robyn. SAD.

  20. Someone on another page mentioned something that I had noticed myself but thought nothing of it at the time- On or around Thanksgiving Robyn twittered that she was thankful for the angels who are watching over her or something to that affect. It was random and weird to me at the time, but now I can see that may have been a hint that she lost a baby and was talking about her baby.

  21. One thing I've always wondered is how Kody would feel if he had to share his wife with another man. What's good for the goose it's good for the gander.

    I'm other news, I am convinced Janelle hates Meri, and I can't blame her. When she does look at her, I can see the hated boiling in her eyes. I'm pretty sure she's fed up at this point and just strategizing about when the best time to leave would be. Or at least that is my hope.

    1. You have to remember that Janelle divorced Meri's brother in order to horn in on the action between Meri and Kodi. So there was bitterness with Janelle's entire family from the get go. And now that Meri has sapped this hatred for all it's worth, and Janelle has gone back to work within weeks of giving birth to each of her children to support the family, Janelle has somewhat of a leg to stand on, and she's sick of Meri's ability to cry at the drop of a hat, make herself look like a victim, and not have any kind of relationship between these women. They literally hate each other. And Kody stands by like a little kid with big wide eyes not bothering to reign in any of this over spending by Meri, and of her insistence at being the favorite as she's the only legal wife he's got, and she'd get more money than the others should he die. No, Janelle and Meri will never mend fences. It's all acting. Meri needs Robyn, because the other wives are sick of her.

    2. Really...? Where do you get that info? I thought that she had already been divorced or at least separated from her first husband before the idea of marrying Kody came about. That said, IMO Janelle married Kody as a rebound, which is seldom a good idea IMO.

    3. If I remember correctly, they covered "Brother Husbands" a season or two ago and Krody was DISGUSTED by the thought and very vocal about how wrong it is.

  22. I love it! Oh I need a wet bar, you know, just a small counter area with a little's soooooooooooo important because I sooooooooo love to entertain the peeps but darn, I can't give this UNLESS I can then have a bonus/hobby room....but wait, can't have that unless I have a 5th freaking bedroom (even though I only need 2 bedrooms). Does this make any sense at all except simply the sign of someone so incredibly materialistic and selfish? Had to just LOVE how she needed to bring Sobyn in with her to discuss the budget overage/still needing washer/dryer and blinds. Oh but she'll get the money for those. Hey dumba$$? Any clue what blinds will cost in a house that size? Try about $20,000....even the ones they cut on the spot (which of course wouldn't ever be in keeping with her standards) at Home Depot or Lowes would be costly for a house that size. What a dope. Is she going to pull this additional money out of her large arse? Oh gee, I'm sure she'll just bully TLC into buying them for her, wanna bet?
    This show should seriously cease to exist because it's really no longer about true plyg families; how can it be when they each have their own freaking home? Where is the story anymore? There isn't one. The Dargers must really be shaking their heads. Joe Darger doesn't really strike me as the kind of guy who would look gladly on fools who are financially irresponsible, commit fraud, declare bankruptcy and tell blatant lies in front of their children and on TV.

    1. In the shots of the inside of Mari's home, I don't think it looks all that fancy or high end. Maybe cleaner is all. And especially compared to the inside of Christine's, stains on the carpet

    2. I do agree its ridiculous for her to be so adamant about having a wetbar but as far as then having to have the hobby/bonus room & the 5th bedroom its because its the way the builders plans are laid out. If you want one feature like that, then the plans are set up in a way that the other features have to come with it.
      Also I thought polygamy meant more than one wife. I didn't know it meant all wives & children living under the same roof necessarily.

      I don't understand all the name calling such as "dumba$$", "dope", & referring to a "large arse". Why the hatred & anger?

    3. I call them dopes because that is what they are. No hatred and anger here. Just truth.

    4. ^^ response to "AnonymousDecember 31, 2012 4:24 AM" -- I'm more than well aware of how wanting one feature leads to requiring another but my point was .... what a lot of selfishness and extravagance just for a flipping little wet bar. I would think that most reasonable adults in such a situation (particularly those with rocky financial stability) would basically view having to upgrade to a much more expensive home (bonus rooms and a 5th bedroom would be a very substantial extra cost, that would be basically an upgraded model) to be beyond unreasonable.

      And yes, I'm fully aware too, what polygamy means - but given that most plgy families live under the same roof, and given that this show started out with them doing so, it now seems to be a show about nothing more than 4 separate families. My understanding of plyg families is that the wives work together to run the home and raise the children - like, um, well, sisters. That's hardly happening here where they are all pretty much just doing their own thing. If nothing else, how incredibly unfair and disruptive to the children who didn't ask to be brought into this lifestyle. They went from living under the same roof, sitting down for family meals each day, seeing their Dad each night for more than just a quick pop in the door to say goodnight.

      I have no hatred or anger, I just can't believe this group of frauds and freeloaders continue to be on TV. And I don't know what else to call someone who chooses a silly wetbar over basics like a washer and dryer, or window coverings -- other than a dumba$$ or a dope. If the shoe fits. And commenting on her large arse is merely an observation. Perhaps if she was a nice person who put her family before her home decorating needs then I would not even notice her size but as such, her unattractiveness is becoming more and more obvious, from the inside out. What can I say? We're all entitled to our opinions, I stated mine, it matters not one bit if you understand it or not so please take your uppity, sanctimonious attitude elsewhere.

    5. Didn't you watch how Joe Darger controlled his family? That man is a bully. They all exercise alike, move alike, eat alike, dress alike. One of the teens got it right when he made some sort of comment about the control his dad exerts, something like "Wham, and it's done." Those women don't act that way because they truly love each other in a silly way. They act that way because they have a control freak of a man making sure everything goes right, right down to all of them living in a 3 bedroom house.

    6. Most polygamous families do not live under one roof. Assumption, not fact.

    7. I don't see Joe as a bully at all. I respect the Darger family and would MUCH prefer to live with organization than in a constant state of chaos like the Brown's. Joe is someone who knows what he wants and how to make it happen. Kody - knows neither. Joe's wives seem to be happy and if it works for them, then great. The Brown adults have expressed over and over their unhappiness, how disorganized they are, plus it's obvious from listening to them and their children, watching their defensive and protective body language and their body sizes increase that they're not happy. As for the comment by a Darger teen about Joe, I thought it was meant in a light-hearted way.

    8. Their house is MUCH larger than 3 bedrooms. MUCH

    9. These barns that they bought are all standard fixture and fittings. A slight variation is offerred by the builder, but anything upgraded would be tons of money.

      The granite, carpet choices and tiles were pretty run of the mill from what I could see.

    10. At least Joe Dargers family has never been on food stamps while he frives a Lexus, has a Harley in tge garage and wears a Rolex. Cuz thats what Kody did.
      Id take Joe any day because at least id know my kids would be taken care of.

  23. Does anyone know why Robyn had headphones on Sol at the realtor's office? It's not like they were in a really noisy place where she needed to reduce noise for him.

    1. Take a look (above) at the tweet from Robyn. She says it relaxes him. Or maybe she didn't want him to hear Kody and Meri fussing...

    2. Janelle tweeted it was because he loves to listen to music and it kept him occupied during their meeting.

    3. Her oldest son has a form of autism. Sounds can be sensitive. Lots of people with autism, particularly while kids have sensory processing issues. If there are many voice in the room and other sounds a person without autism can focus on the priority sounds. Mom talking or music that is on. And switch on and off. Stop listening to the music when dad calls your name. In fact they may listening to the lawn mower or car noise from the street when you aren't even aware of those sounds. I think the headphones for the music when the adults are there talking and it could be confusing is a good idea.

      Not surprised Christine is done. Kody begged her even though technically its up to each wife when to have a baby. Didn't he admit using the kids to help fight his cause on new babies? She would have stopped at 5 up to her.

      Tens of thousands practice polygamy. I imagine their folks will buy the stuff.

    4. It was very concerning to me that she is using the headphones like a pacifier. Sometimes children that are autistic use headphones when they're older to block out background noise to help them concentrate. I know Robyn already has one autistic child. She needs to be engaging the child with verbal communication and interaction every chance she gets and not closing his world off so he cannot communicate or interact with the adults around him. If she can afford a half a million dollar home, she can afford a babysitter. (Especially since she has her sister living with her.) Also concerning is that she appears to be continuing to use this technique per the photo above.:(

    5. I was wondering if it was some type of product placement deal.

    6. As the parent of an 11-year-old boy with autism, my radar went off with the headphones. Time will tell. It was risky of Kody to take a wife with such a medical history i.e., she already gave birth to a child with aspergers. I love my son, but it's exhausting, expensive and disheartening to raise such a child. I'll bet he never gave any of this any thought.

      Robyn seems really subdued lately. I wonder if it has to do with Sol. I do hope he does not have any developmental issues, but it might be that's why they are always hovering over Sol.

    7. Wow JustSayin, that is an interesting and compelling point! I didn't even THINK of that. That would explain a lot and while I was a firm believer that she had a pregnant belly, maybe the stress of having another child who may have Aspergers is putting weight on her. Thanks for sharing your experience as well.

  24. The bank is smart. I would have sold these homes to the Browns too. The bank allows this only because they forced the Browns to put a high amount down on the homes, in order to lessen the banks future loss. When they are unable to make the payments, and we all know it's coming, the bank wont be in a losing position.

    The Browns plan, I am sure, is to maintain good credit and refinance the homes. Unfortunately, that is a doomed plan.

    In the meantime, they are throwing away nearly every cent they pay. As it goes into the black hole of interest. Let's say they get their credit in shape and have steady income, they would have to make A LOT Of money to be able to qualify for the homes they already bought. Since they do not have the income to refinance the homes that they already bought, with the kind of mortgage than can REALLY be paid off one day, they will be forced out of their homes. The lender knows this. The lender will earn a ton of money off of the interest until the Browns FINALLY let go of them out of desperation AND the lender will get their homes back and resell them. It's a win for the lender. For the Browns, it's financial suicide. Unless they can all maintain good credit and find high paying jobs and keep them for two years or more, they will be forced to walk away from these homes. Because it would be stupid of them to continue paying interest only OR to continue paying high interest.

    They dont get it now. But once they have been flushing thousands and thousands of dollars into the toilet, over a few years, and when they get their statements at tax time from their lender, they will FINALLY get it. They'll be going nowhere. They will never be able to catch up. If they continued to pay at their high rate of interest(and it HAS to be high, bc they have bad credit) they would wind up paying into the millions for EACH home.

    They dont see it now. I predict it will take several years of them flushing their money down the toilet for them to wake up. That the loans they have as so bad, that financially they would have been much better off wait until they had good credit and steady income.You know, like smart people who keep their homes do! They could have then bought a house with a 15 year mortgage and put 20+% down. Had they done that, they could have had their home paid off in just 15 short years! And had only ONE utility bill for each utility. They live so far beyond their means, its setting a bad example for their children.

    Did they learn ANYTHING when the real estate market crashed?

    1. Notice in the Secrets Revealed episode when the interviewer asked what their Plan B was in case they didn't get the houses? They all pretty much said "Oh we don't really have a Plan B." Idiots.

    2. I still dont believe there is a bank in town that would give them the money and that is even if they put a large amount down. Like I had mentioned in a earlier post, they will most likely rent these homes from the Builder throught at least the next season to give the needed time to repair the credit issues and come up with additional funds. For the builder its a win /win issue.

      If you also notice from tonights show. It was the first we have seen of the builders name without the black duct take over the logo or images. This appeared on the building site and at the offices.

    3. I haven't seen last nights show yet, but the name of the builder "Pinnicle" has actually been shown on at last 1-2 eps earlier this season.

    4. I thought I read they closed on three of the four homes already. I believe this is public data. Is the mortgage amount public data, too?

    5. Excellent explanation, CanTheKodettes, makes a lot of sense...

    6. MarkLV, the homes are deeded to the wives (so far all but Meri's home has been transfered that is). They own them; they're not renting. Pinnacle is no longer involved.

    7. Is the mortgage amount public data, too?

      All I've seen online is the purchase price of the homes; not how much they financed.

    8. In the current housing market in Las Vegas, the bank is NUTS to lend them money for the homes. Even if they go back to the bank, it might take years for the bank to sell them. Something else is going on here...

    9. Anonymous 11:33. Thanks for the information. It would be nice to know how much each wife financed on the home IF the information was public data. I'm beginning to think an over zealous fan with a large bank roll or a group that supports polygamy "gifted" them a large amount of money. The rest was financed. It would be a lot easier for people with bad credit and bankruptcies to qualify for a smaller mortgage if they put down 50-70%. I down think the show pays them that much. It must be some kind of gift from someone. Thanks again for checking.Happy New Year!

  25. While I was watching this for some reason I kept thinking about how at the beginning of the show Meri talked about how her sister's sister wives were there to take care of her children when she passed. That has always stuck with me, and it sounds like she was very fond of and close to her sister.
    What if Meri had wanted to marry her sister's husband before Kody had ever been in the picture? What if Meri's sister's husband had not been interested in her? Maybe she married Kody to "get back" at her sister's husband? Maybe that is why she was so resentful of Janelle, because Janelle was not her real sister. Was Christine really brought in because of strife in the household? The interaction tonight between Meri and Janelle was more aloof than usual, and for once Meri had the deer in the lights look when asked about it.
    I think Logan leaving is going to change a lot of things here. I thought it was telling that Kody sat on the side of the table and Christine and Logan sat at opposite ends, like the parents at a family table. Kody just sat there like one of the kids, he just didn't seem that parental to me.

  26. Four large house payments with high interest and no real way to ever pay them off.
    Four water bills.
    Four electricity bills, they live in the desert!
    Four natural gas bills.
    Four garbage bills.
    Four property tax bills.
    Four homes to furnish.
    Eight yards to maintain.
    Four homes to maintain, repair and keep.

    I am so glad they are in these homes. It will be fun to see how they furnish them and how they make ends meet. I think they're going to make the teenagers get jobs! LOL

    I wouldnt want sister wives if we had to maintain our own homes, it negates most advantages. They will be paying for three garbage bills. They should only be paying one. Additionally, the water and other utilities often have a large per month fee and then they are charged per usage. So they would be saving a LOT of money if they were all on one bill. Example: If they all lived together their water bill may be $300 a month. But with four separate bills, and the same exact water usage, their bills may total $600. I dont think they think anything through. They are throwing money away. Refinancing wont be a viable option and they will lose these homes within five years. And I am sure they will play the victim when it happens. So predictable.

    1. It's true their utilities will be enormous for one let alone 4 houses. We will be expected to pony up and pay plenty for jewelry and juice so they can live high on the hog. I'll have to budget extra hard for that while I exist in my hovel of a home.
      Utility companies set their own rates, however. Where I am currently, the baseline is the cheaper rate and anything over it is charged at a higher rate, say per kilowatt hour. So 4 bills would be an advantage. Although with Vegas in the summer, it's impossible at any rate structure.

    2. Five months out of the year my electricity bill was 800.00-1000.00/month because of the AC. My house is 2600 sf. These homes appear much larger. It is HOT in Vegas from April-October.

  27. I was curious about the Darger's ( I have only seen them as guests on SW) I didn't get to see their My Three Wives special. I went to their website and they have a link to...wait for it... I just can't stop laughing you have to check it out. These people kill me.

    1. “Handcrafted with care with enough love to share” That's too funny

  28. I think it was too funny when Kody said that Meri got Robyn on her side in what he was suggesting an attempt to sway him in regard to her house being over budget. Soooo Kody you just told everyone that you care about her more than or she carries a lot more weight with you than your other wives - Meri included- IMO.
    You know I would just love it if one of his first three wives would find something other than him to spend their energy - something that would give back to them even if it would be something as little as a few minutes of mental clarity or a smile that makes you blush. I think he would wake up quickly if he only had Robyn to think he is all that - and would start to make the others a priority and miss them rather than take them for granted. Plus they would not only be getting - they would be giving to him by helping to bring out something better in him than the pathetic let down he is now to his whole family. And if he failed to step up - then cut your losses - he will never be able to give you what you need and deserve - but IMO he would figure it out and they would all be much happier at the end of the day. Thank you for the blog !!! It is so nice to come here and vent - when watching has left yelling at the tv !!!!

  29. I LOVE the way in which Janelle wrote that tweet (whether she intended to or not) because it's almost like you don't know if she is talking about Sol or Kody regarding " it's a great way to keep him patient while we're out." Bwahahaha. Wouldn't that be something if she was clever enough to do that on purpose. Love it!

  30. Meri Brown is starting to annoy me with her crying everytime she doesnt get her way wah wah wah I deserve french doors etc.....

    1. Well Ann you have lasted longer that most of us that are totally annoyed by Meri. You must have a lot more patient than us.

  31. Babies shouldn't wear headphones, no matter how low the volume. They can damage the ear drums.
    It doesn't surprise me that they don't know this, as they aren't too concerned about things that may be damaging to their children. I do find it interesting that the baby is dragged everywhere, shoved in front of a camera and that they need to "keep him patient". Is that code for "keep him from freaking out"? Maybe instead of shoving headphones on the kid, they could keep him home to play, nap and eat.

  32. The four homes, and Meri's justification for hers (I *intended* to have 8 children) , are all very revealing about the true nature of polygamy.

    The mothers do not really look upon Kody's children by the other women as theirs. If they did, Meri would take the full family income and divide it by the number of ALL of Kody's children and wives to figure out what is "equal budget" instead of just taking the number of wives and dividing the family budget by 4.

    Each time she is confronted by this inequity, she finds a way to deflect it based on focusing on her needs and her wants.

    One must wonder whether having more children might have forced Meri to develop the maturity required to overcome this childish selfishness, or whether it is a blessing that more children were spared the trials of dealing with such a selfish mother.

    It will be interesting to see what Mariah makes of her life when she moves out next year.

    1. Meri is the first wife and has a lot more pull than the others. She runs the show. Kody has to behave himself around her or be subject to her wrath.

    2. "Meri is the first wife and has a lot more pull than the others. She runs the show. Kody has to behave himself around her or be subject to her wrath."

      Fascinating that in the animal kingdom, specifically canines, the Alpha Bitch will take the babies of the other bitches for her own, carry them to her own den and keep them and raise them.

      That is something that is actually natural, vs what we're seeing the Browns do.

      Just sayin'

    3. "Meri's justification for hers (I *intended* to have 8 children)"
      That is my FAVORITE! I wish I could be on one of those couch sessions with them so that I could say, "Well, I intended to marry Prince Charles so I deserve my suite at Buckingham Palace! I mean, I did everything that I could to make it happen, I went to London. Where's my suite?"

  33. They should have built a larger house where all could live each with their kitchen and bathroom like a hotel because there are so many of them and one large family room to share. It would save a lot of money and Kody would not have to be running from house to see his children.I do not have a fancy house and only one husband and it is paid for.Mostly because that is the normal way to live and God intended it to be.

  34. Really, Figure 8 !!! Really, TLC !!
    Really Kody and Kodettes!!

    Are you really expecting viewers to swallow the premise that all of you were just making decisions about tile, carpets, stonework, counter tops, etc on that specific day... lined up like students waiting outside the principal's office ??

    That none of you had already pored over the samples and choices and knew exactly what you wanted?
    Like any normal would-be buyer of their alleged "dream house?"

    That none of you could have/ would have (like normal people in this day and age) faxed or emailed your choices ongoing, then requesting the numbers sheet to know where you were at any given time in the "allocations/budgeting" of your process ??

    That you all had to go and "be surprised" (insert *acting*) at what your numbers were.
    Yeah right, you didn't what your numbers were, and were surprised to hear it!

    Let's be real...It all had to be done with the cameras present and with the accompanying "dramas" so as to be "the story" du jour.

    The "secrets revealed" interview??
    Just a regurgitated, recycled, redundant, ambiguous load of "nothing!"
    Their "words" are devoid of truth and candor, and are as artificial as the cheap junk they sell online.
    It's all the same.

    When asked "where do they get their money"....
    The answer was from Sobbin, "we all work together"...!!!
    How's that for clarity?
    Doesn't that just say it all about these people and this "show?"

    1. It's entirely possible. I don't know how many new construction homes you've purchased but the process can really vary builder by builder. Some of them have large showrooms where you can go and see all your options and pick them out but others just have sample books in their offices like we saw on this episode. I've built quite a few in my day and I've never been sent pictures or lists of options ahead of time- you usually just pick and choose on the spot.

      Makes a lot of sense really- the builders dazzle you with options and then hope your emotions will carry you away to adding thousands more to the purchase price.

  35. I wonder if Janelle is happy to economize and stay under budget on the house so that Logan can stay in a dorm on campus. That's not a cheap alternative, and if money is REALLY tight with that group, I would think that his parents would say, "If you want to stay on campus, you need to find a job to pay for it." I'm assuming that he got quite a bit of financial assistance because he's (on paper), one of 6 children of a single mom, but still. (More of our tax dollars at work as we drive together off the financial cliff.)

    Honestly - is ANYONE buying that this is a good alternative lifestyle, based on what we see on the TV show? Four women who don't seem to like each other very much, sharing a narcissistic goofball whose priority is maintaining his hair and his four pairs of running shoes, selling green goo and tacky jewelry? What am I missing? What is appealing about this?

    1. I feel that Janelle encouraged her children to think independently. They seem the most comfortable in sharing "different" thoughts and seem comfortable with the idea that they may possible change as they mature. I think Janelle wants Logan to experience life, make decisions and possibly a few mistakes on his own, and still know that he has the love of his family to return to. He needs to be on his own now, away from the chaos of an insulated, chaotic family and away from the microscope of being on a reality show. Better to pay for the dorm now than lots of therapy bills later. I wish him a lot of luck and success.

  36. Oh Gosh Baby Sol looks just like Kody. Holy Cow! Very cute in the headphones. I don't know, but I wonder if they are harmfull to hearing in a developing child. Any one know?

  37. Observations on the first episode “Logan Moving”. They sure ‘randomly’ started talking about Kody’s baldness….I mean come on, we really think this subject came up randomly at the going away breakfast for Logan? That plus the visit to Kennedy about the hair and the wives horrified at him shaving his head is leading up to…you guessed it…hair plugs. You wait and see, there will be some hair plugs as a ‘gift’ from the wives or something. Also, for Logan’s breakfast, why were they eating off of Styrofoam plates and using plastic forks? Ok, I get it if you are hosting the entire family of 21 but for your immediate family, the going away breakfast can’t be on regular plates with real utensils? That seems really lazy to me and kind of beside the point of the special get together. Anyone think Kody hadn’t spent the night there and had to come running in from another house? It just seemed like a crappy little breakfast and then Kody runs in late. I feel for Logan, he just wants to quit having kids HANGING off of him all the time, good grief, I never did that with my brother. The poor kid needs to breathe! The blanket was something that is actually quite popular here in Texas (well we make them out of tshirts from elementary, middle school and high school but they are kind of the ‘thing’ now). I think the gesture was nice but I would suggest letting him keep that at ‘home’ until he really appreciates something like that. Way to stick out by having a huge blanket with 20 of your family members on it. Wonder if they snuck in a picture of Drake? And why did Meri and Robyn have to ‘present’ it – why couldn’t Janelle and Kody have done that, being that they are his bio parents. Meri always has to take over anything special like this…..if she cared so much about Logan, why do we see old footage of him carrying a sibling down the stairs while cooking eggs for breakfast while Janelle is working and Meri is lounging around in her little ‘neat and tidy’ portion of the Lehi house? If you want to be a true bonus mom, you kind of have to put the time in to earn that title.

    1. The quilts are very popular BUT I have never seen one with faces of family members on it. They are usually made up of squares that have something to do with the child's sports/friends/high school/interests. I burst out laughing when I saw that quilt.

  38. Emily said: "Does anyone know if Robyn's kids see their bio dad ever? And do they have the last name Brown or Jessop? I have a feeling it's Brown and I'm curious as to why it was changed. I could see how her kids, aside from King Sol obviously, might have taken Brown if they don't have contact with their bio dad. I know that they call Kody dad. Robyn must legally be Sullivan since that's the last name she used in the family's civil complaint paperwork and for deed on the McMansion."

    Emily, Robyn's last name is still Sullivan and it's the name on the deed to her new house. I'm sure her first 3 kids are still using the last name they were born with, which I'm assuming is also Sullivan. Sol is the only one in her family with the last name of Brown. I've no idea if her kids ever see their bio dad - but with my guess is that if they do, it's not very often considering the distance they moved from him.

    1. Robyn was the legal wife of David Jessop, so her 3 children with him should have the name Jessop, not her maiden name.

    2. I believe he sees his children, she has even mentioned on the show when they went for a summer visit.

  39. You know that Kody is looking forward to once or twice a week being in the 'Big House' with no children especially after Mariah goes off to college. A night off from dealing with teens or little kids. The two will be going off doing things by themselves. That surely is why Meri doesn't want anymore children. The interviewer hit the nail on the head.

  40. We just moved into a new four bedroom house. As far as blinds go we went the cheap Home Depot way and spent less than $900 on blinds and installation. Putting those same faux wood blinds in a Brown house would be less and $1500 I would think. I doubt their blinds are going to break the bank.

    My daughter bought her washer and dryer from the builder. It's pretty standard these days. We just dragged our old ones to the new home.

    Also, when we picked out tile and carpet we went to a design center and sat down and picked them out. We hadn't seen the choices before--it was pretty much like the Brown's except we had designers present but no realtors.

    1. But don't they have to pay interest on those supplied by the builder options? And I'm sure the builder will get the items at wholesale and include them at full retail including installation.

      It's like the last time I bought a new car (2006). The dealer wanted to upgrade the stereo - for a hefty markup. I just said no thanks and went with the standard included radio...a short time later headed to Best Buy and purchased a Bluetooth am/fm/cd - less than $200 installed and better than the upgrade offered by the dealer since the stereo they wanted me to add did not have Bluetooth.

    2. I own a house in Vegas. 2600 sf. Blinds were $10, 000.00 6 years ago.

    3. I own a 3000 sq ft house in Iowa. Blinds were $5000 two years ago. I imagine they are more expensive in LV. There's no way Meri is going with the cheapo blinds.

  41. Some thoughts:
    1) Meri and a baby? I believe the answer is "no" because of Kody's remark near the end of the interview that Meri had already "decided" "two and a half years ago." It was a "no" then, so is still a "no" now.

    2) I am not convinced that losing the 4 homes is in the future. I think the money is there somewhere or they wouldn't have gone ahead with the builds. Yes, they may have budgets, but they had to have done some number-crunching. Meri didn't seem too worried about having to come up with another $4,500 or so from her own funds. I, of course, don't know the sources of all their income---but it is there somewhere.

    3) My spouse (who never actually watches the show, but was forced into at least listening last night because of doing some work in the vicinity of the TV) asked me outright where the people were getting the money for the houses. My spouse's take was that it was from some outside funding---like from within the LDS or some branch thereof. I was floored by his comment as a) I never thought he paid a wit of attention to the show, and b) because he is a very smart guy with good instincts. Again, though, we don't actually know everything behind the financing for the houses or what the future portends.

    1. I only saw snippets of the post-show interview, but in one bit I did see, Kody said "we don't own the homes." Was he referring to their mortgages? I think someone here posted that three of the homes "closed" and are in the names of Janelle, Robyn and Christine. So he must have been referring to what they still owe to the lender? My guess is that they scraped their down payments together with the money they received from TLC to do the show, and maybe TLC forked over some of it too, so they'd have a storyline to film. They can film the Browns moving into their homes next season. Then they can film the ensuing chaos when they can't actually afford them and have to bail.

  42. My MacBook crashed so I am writing on my phone which I hate but here goes:
    1. They never answer what it I they do to earn money so I am convinced they believe they can ride the reality gravy train for life
    2. These people do not practice sustainability for the planet, their own homes, or their individual lives. Everything is throwaway, fast food, pre cooked, or bought on the spot.
    3. Nothing they so speaks of nurturing or caring for their children babies should never wear earphones. Kids should not drink sodas. Kids should have exercise. The young girls are way out of shape.
    4. The emotional abuse between the wives spills over to the children
    5. They need a real accountant handling theiromey and putting them on a budget.

  43. I've still yet to watch the eps - I was out like a light at 9:10. Normally I try to wait 20 minutes or so before watching so I can fast forward thru all the commercials.

    Sol had headphones on? I'm sorry - I've never been a mom listening to music through headphones ok for little still-developing baby eardrums? How can they judge how high the volume should be? I know several musicians who suffer from tinnitus after years of headphone use and live gigs without proper protection.

    Also I see that Meri's excuse for the wet bar is for additional counter space so she can bake? Um yeah. Why not just buy at a fraction of the cost a butcher-block kitchen work table? I just bought one (John Boos Country Work Table) and I LOVE it! I'm not a granite expert but I have heard it can be fragile depending on the quality. Give me a solid, beautiful butcher-block work surface ANY day.

    And also I ordered a set of oak blinds online to replace my aging metal ones. There are amazing deals on window treatments to be found online - I'm thrilled with the ones I got for $170 (my bedroom window is about 65" wide). Of course the builders are going to mark up the price supplying them, and the selection will not be as varied. (I'm shopping Roman shades right now for my kitchen...)

    1. "Normally I try to wait 20 minutes or so before watching so I can fast forward thru all the commercials"

      LOL...I do the same thing !!!
      Works like a charm and eliminates a lot of aggravation !!

    2. Amused you and I are frequently on the same page :) DJ

  44. Tamron asked some good questions. We just never got the answers OR we got answers that made no sense OR we got answers that needed following up:

    - do u like each other (Meri and Janelle)? Meri said not all the time, but played it off by saying sometimes she doesn't like Kody. Did Janelle ever answer? Needs following up

    - why the wetbar obsession? Do you drink? Just want it for the counter. Makes no sense

    - why don't u all live in one house? We hate each other (in a sense) makes no sense and needs following up

    - how is the money divided? Does everyone have access to each other's money? Equally. Makes no sense.

    - how can u afford these houses? Never got the answer. Needs following up

  45. Meri is a complete and total idiot! And so are the rest of them. I took another look at the Condor house plans (posted here previously). She wants the wetbar for the extra counter space. Well, had she gone with the original plans, she could have had a counter put on the other side of the pantry for a fraction of adding the hobby room, 5th bedroom, etc!

    I've just done a bunch of reading about plural marriages and also read "Lost Boys." I feel like I have a much better understanding of the "Principle." And Kody and Krew don't live it at all! If he did, he'd be moving on to younger wives who can give him more kids. 3/4 of his current wives would be "put out to pasture" because they no longer want/can give him babies.

    Some people have mentioned that perhaps they're getting money from somewhere for these houses. Perhaps. After all, they tithe 10% of their income to the church and the church is to assist them.

    In the words of my ex-boyfriend: A fool and their money never should have gotten together in the first place!

    1. Everybody has their own way of living their relationships, including the Plygs. There isn't a rule book for any of us.

    2. Anon 12:49: Yes, actually there is a rule book if the Brown's are living this "lifestyle" according to their religious beliefs. The rules came from Joseph Smith and the other "prophets" in the Mormon church and later in the AUB. If you take away the rule book, then you just have people practicing polygamy for many various reasons, such as the Browns demonstrate.

    3. Saying she wants the wetbar for the counter space is her "excuse" for wanting it, not her "reason". The real reason being that she wants the biggest most expensive house. And oh, it's just bad luck that because she needs that counter space she has to add a hobby room and a fifth bedroom and a "wet bar". Seriously, you can put a counter or a table in a lot cheaper than two extra rooms and a wet bar. Does she think anyone believes her?

      And why? So she can "entertain". Love to know who she is entertaining, since she doesn't seem to take care of the family's kids in her home on any regular basis. And most of the family gatherings have been in Janelle's house lately. Before they said they never entertained because they were hiding their plyg status. Janelle (again) was the only one who we saw brought outside friends into the family home, (her work colleagues), for a dinner.

  46. Has anyone noticed that all the sister wives drive around in shit boxes? Last season or the season before I remember seeing Janelle driving a green Camry with cardboard and plastic up where a window was missing. It makes me sick to my stomach that the women are all in clunkers while Grody drives around in his sports car. Also, after seeing the jewelry they think we all want, I bet they think it a good idea to mass produce the lovely quilt with all their faces on it. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they try to sell a few on their site. I hope Grody brings another wife into the picture. You know why? Because the only place the new wife will fit is in Meri's house. Now that will be fun to watch! Meri will be using her wetbar to entertain the newest moron oops! I mean Mormon wife....

    1. I think the quilt will definitely show up on the Brown's web site along with the gumball machine jewelry....Robyn's sister "Fawn" makes them. I'm sure that you can get them plain or autographed. Each autograph will come at a price (like the charms).

      For the houses, I am thinking that when they loose the houses, it won't be all at once. It will be one by one. They will gradually all end up in the biggest house, with the most bedrooms (and wet bar). And all the glasses will be put away the RIGHT way.

  47. I can't believe how straight they kept the heck of a spin about the money and the houses. Maybe these people really are this delusional and entitled, and they really have internalized this.

    I've thought that Mean Girl Meri was editing, but she is just really trying to prove me wrong. Why on earth would she deserve 1/4 of the household resources??? And everyone just sat there like idiots?! Hello, is anyone listening to what Meri says out loud??? In what world does she make sense??? AAAHHH!!!!

  48. I believe ME ME ME Meri has had plastic surgery on her nose.....if you look at their couch interview she no longer has a piggy back nose on top of a nose like past clips. Its pretty obvious.

  49. Kody will never be getting a fifth wife. The other four would absolutely not stand for it at this point. They would not want the "finite resources" split any more thinly than they already are. The only way it would happen is if she came with a LOT of money.

    When Hunter says there are already too many children, he is speaking of Robyn's brood. He was not happy about KING SOLOMON and those two girls of hers are so high maintenance. They are always hanging all over poor Logan. Actually, I'm surprised, but David-Dayton seems to be doing okay in this family.

  50. A couple things- are they all in family therapy? How many times did they use the word 'validate?' That was weird to me.

    And Logan was leaving and Kody was sad, but his BIG CONCERN was "is Meri going to have another baby?" Seriously?! Pay attention to the kids you've already got!

    It is so clear to me that LOGAN was the Daddy at that house. I think he is such a good kid.

    I watched at work (I have that kind of job...No one was neglected! ) last night and GASPED when he said Christine would have to give money to Meri. It was a joke? Then he would have said so at the time. I thought she handled it with a lot of class, though.

    And I thought it was really inappropriate for the realtors to tell Kody that Meri was over budget. I think a private call before she arrived may have been in order instead.

    I don't quite understand her math. She is going to pay that money herself (with what?) Everything they make is pooled and divided so how is she going to pay 'extra'

    I couldn't stay awake for the second show and I don't know if it taped at home or not. It didn't look like it was shaping up to be as hard-hitting as last time, though...

  51. Just for clarification, I keep seeing comments about how their mortgage loans aren't finalized yet but no mortgage loans are final until closing. I am a Realtor and anytime you buy a home either used or built new you have to keep your credit score up and pay everything on time and not buy anything big (like a car) on credit until you close on your home or you could risk losing the loan before closing. Most builders make sure you have been reviewed extensively for proof of down payment, credit scores and proof of income before they start building but its still a risk for the builder if the buyer goes out while house is being built and tanks their credit score then no loan and the builder is stuck with a house. But most loan officers explain this to people and thats what the Browns are talking about when they say its not a done deal and they have to keep scores up. But its the same for anyone buying a home with a loan. Bank underwriters will check your credit score and all your info again the day before closing to make sure nothing has changed. Unfortunately I have been to too many closings where the buyer found out they couldn't close on their new home because something in their file had changed.

    Anyway...what was with the LOOOONG segment on Kody's hair? Who cares?
    And I thought he looked much better in the pic they showed with the buzz cut. I don't get the appeal of the scraggly greasy mop on his head.

  52. Oh..and I would slap a hair dresser that continued to harp on the fact that my hair was thinning!

  53. Did anyone else notice Kody's watch during the carpet/granite choosing? Is it a Rolex?

  54. Anyone notice that the last few family gatherings have been in Janelle's family room, with the comfy furniture and the horse art running across the back wall? Whatever happened to Meri's argument that she needed the big house (rental and future) because family gatherings were to be held at her house? Guess she doesn't want the mess and dirt of all those kids.

    Also, I couldn't help notice that Janelle's rental looked clean and neat/new, compared to the disaster zone of Christine's rental, with dirty carpets, multiple wrecked/broken blinds and window coverings and other damage.

    1. Yup the landlord for Christine's house will be truly pissed when they see the dreadful condition of the house. But that is renters for you. They just don't respect another's property.

    2. As will the lienholders on Christine's home when the inevitable foreclosure takes place. She's not exactly a clean freak!

    3. Anon 2:06 - as a renter for the past 30+ years I emphatically disagree with that remark, as you are putting renters all in the same basket. I have been in my current rental apt for 15+ years and I take excellent care of it, even if my name isn't on the deed, it's still my home and I take good care of it and a great deal of pride in it, and my landlord bless his soul appreciates that fact.

    4. I too have been a renter for the past 40+ years. The last place I was in was for 18 years and the landlord was astonished at the excellent shape we left it in. However, I think you and I are exceptions to the rule.


  55. What I want to know is how CAN Janelle hold those family gatherings without so much as a web bar?

  56. Looks like the nesting feature of blogger is on the blink...

    Did anyone else notice Kody's watch during the carpet/granite choosing? Is it a Rolex?

    It's big, it's gold and it looks like a Rolex band to me!

    Actually, I believe he's had that particular watch for a while. He wore it in Mexico, and plyg-vacation.

  57. WROTE: Anonymous December 31, 2012 11:21 AM
    MarkLV, the homes are deeded to the wives (so far all but Meri's home has been transfered that is). They own them; they're not renting. Pinnacle is no longer involved.

    Well, Anonymous I am not sure what property records you are looking at, but as of this posting those properties remain in the builders name and Pinnacle is NOT out of the picture. Pinnacle built those homes and still have ownership. Out of the 9 lots in the developement only 4 have transferred ownership (NO - NONE of those names are with the Browns unless he has additional families we are unaware of.) Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 have all sold and are deeded to owners. Lot 5 although completed is up for sale and has an MLS listing. Now for lots 6,7,8 and 9 which are the Browns - remain under the ownership of the Developement's LLC which its parent company is Pinnacle - with a mailing address of the Pinnacle offices.

    1. are you looking at the county recorder records or the county tax assessors?

    2. Sorry Mark, but I just doublechecked the county recorder's website and the information is there.

      I don't quite understand why you are seeing different information.

      FYI Posting Guidelines - What to do if your comment doesn't appear

    3. Maybe he's looking at the property tax info.

    4. I can see on the County Recorder's site that Robyn closed (or at least was recorded) on 12-21-12, and Janelle on 12-19-12. It's very easy to find their homes; took me about 10 minutes. These are pricey homes! Wow....

    5. Christine also closed on 12-21-12. Meri's mansion is the only one not closed at this point, according to the recorder's site today. It probably took a longer time to build the wet bar. ;)

  58. Anyone living in LV drive by and see if they are in the houses?? I am sure they are coming back for another season and are not allowed to tweet about the houses by TLC. Over all it was a boring season. I use to like Meri and ow can't stand her. The family will never run smoothly because none of the wives respect Kody enough to lead his family. Trying to make everyone happy just creates mass confusion and does not work.The family is a train wreck and I am enjoying the ride to see them fail. I kind of feel bad for wanting them to not succeed, but they drew us in in season 1 about the blessings of sister wives and they lied to their audience (not fans). It is lie anything when you try to pull the wool over someone's eyes, eventually the truth comes out. They are NOT financially struggling, do you see Logan's car?? They have to buy new cars for all of the kiddos?? I would like to know if they are in their new homes....

    1. We've already had sightings (see previous postings) of the Browns moving in...particularly one SWB reader who saw Kody in a UHaul. If you check out the teen girl's twitters, the pictures were taken in the new houses - although it looks as if they were trying to hide the fact. One picture in particular is of Truely sitting in front of a massive fireplace. I think it was Mariah who posted it.

    2. I can see online that Robyn closed on her house 12-21-12. It's very easy to find where they live -- it took me maybe 10 minutes online. I can see a satellite view of the lots. I didn't look up the others, but if Robyn closed, I'm sure they are all either closed or very close. Her home is in her name, not TLC or anything else. I will say these are pricey homes in a darn nice area that's yet to be 100% built up. Wow. Hope they enjoy them for more than a year.

    3. Not just the cars, imagine their monthly insurance bill? I'm just talking about car insurance, it must be ENORMOUS! Insuring all of those teen drivers, they seem to own several cars. Where do they get so much money? They must be up to something illegal, more than just Polygamy/Bigamy. There is some kind of fraud, welfare, tax fraud, something is up. I know that TLC pays them a lot but supposedly they had tons of debt going in, how do they cover all of that, plus monthly living expenses. Think about it those homes are probably somewhere around a grand a month, the rentals, that's 4 grand just in rent, then you bring in utlities, food, household items like TP, diapers, shampoo, etc., clothing, internet, cable, phones, they all seem to have cell phones, car insurance, gas, entertainment, I'm guessing it is a minimum of 6 grand a month or more for each family, that is 24 grand a month! Where the hell do these people work? There must be some fraud somewhere or they are skimming something, something is rotten in Denmark!

    4. I think kody is jealous of meri and Robyn's friendship. Maybe Meri and Robyn should just kick kody out of the relationship. Janelle is by far the smartest and most organized of the bunch. I respect her work ethic

  59. Like I said before--50% of the budget should be divided into 1/4 and each wife gets that. Than the balance should be divided equally amongst the kids and that would be added to the wife/mother's budget. As for Robin's kids share----the child support will decrease their %.

    Since Cody can't keep meri on a short leash - he should sell his "family car" and use that money to cover her extras on the new house.

    Janelle and Christine should lean on each other more and thumb their noses at Meri and Robin.

    Cody should just tell his wives that they will like it when he gets his head shaved. Aren't they suppose to OBEY him???

    1. he should sell his "family car"

      But Kody has regifted the Lexus to Logan already!

    2. I couldn't believe when Christine said if she needed money shed just ask kody, and he would help her out! Is he included in this four way budget or does he get his own cut before they divide theirs?
      Meri says she doesn't know how long she is going to be living in her home... If I bought a house at her age, I would be realistic and assume that it would be for the rest of my life!

    3. I think Mary saying that she doesn't know how long she will be in that home IS being realistic!Without a doubt the most realistic statement to ever come out of her mouth.Even she knows there is no way they will ever be able to hold onto these homes.

  60. Has anyone theorized that maybe TLC has bought them these homes? It makes sense that they would want to finance things like the washer and dryer and window treatments (if you're not paying for it, why not?) and SO SO SO adamant about the "budget" $46 over? No problem take it out of getting your hair cut by that lady and go to fantastic sam's, they'll do a much better job!

    Cody needs to do the buzz cut, he looked much younger and you coul actually see his face, he is not bad looking but with the "surfer" dude haircut he just seems like some washed up old balding beach boy.

    Janelle's family will definitely be affected the most by Logan leaving because he was the "man" of the house. In the first season he woke up earlier than everyone else and (according to janelle with the supervision of another mom, yeah right) made the kids breakfast. He looked like he knew his way around the kitchen and was more conscious of the cost of groceries, he did far more than Kody ever did for them!
    I hope that next season they will focus more on their day to day lives rather than the "high drama" situations. As a mom and wife I would like to see how the moms (without kody) handle things like going to the grocery store, sporting events and what they really do when kody is on his rotation with the other wives.... If I were them I'd be OUT looking for someone who would give me what I need!

    1. Has anyone theorized that maybe TLC has bought them these homes?

      Yes, it has been brought up numerous times.

  61. AND THE QUILT I thought was a great idea for someone, not Logan but maybe a parent. I'd love one with my kids on it! But it just seemed like another way to "plug" Robyn's sister into an episode. I'm surprised Robyn hasn't tweeted the link to her sister's etsy shop!

  62. You know I really appreciate CPA Carol and the other real estate/money experts here giving their opinions! Thank you!!

    Looking at that wet bar again - there isn't really much counter space added...the sink takes up a good portion of the space IMO. As I stated in the past the wet bar in my parents homes has always been used as an extra place to toss keys, mail etc etc. never used the sink. Easier to pour wine, make cocktails etc in the kitchen where the glasses and dishwasher are already!

    Rolex watches are among the most frequently counterfeited items in the world. I highly doubt that's a genuine Rolex - he might have gotten it in a flea market in Mexico for all we know. Often for less than $200.

    1. Also I just updated my Blogger to include a photo of my BEAUTIFUL new kitchen work table, which beats that crappy overpriced wet bar any day IMO!!! check it out fellow SWBers. :) THIS Is what Meri should have gone for if baking is that important to her :)

  63. Regarding Kody's hair...if he gets a big-boy haircut, he'll be expected to act like a big boy, and I don't think he's ready to do that just yet.

    1. Love it - big-boy haircut. That is such a perfect description!!! And suits Kody so well. He is truly like a teenage boy.

      HA HA HA

    2. Kody went off on one of the kids for talking about his balding. He said something like stop talking about my hair, how would you like it someone made fun of you. Wow grow up sufer dude. They kid was just stating a fact.

  64. Love Christine's passive aggressive 'dig' at Kody. When asked what she thought of his old buzz cut she made sure he knew she hated it even though she knows it's a look he'll have to sport soon enough. Now he can think about how she really feels about his buzzed head in much the same way I'm sure she still thinks about his nacho comment. Go Christine *giggle*

  65. I thought the make-up and fake eyelashes were horrendous on the ladies. Especially on Meri and Christine looked like a drag queen to me, she does much better with the peaches and cream look.

  66. This last show was the finale? Does anyone know if there is another season scheduled? I'd like to see this show end! Lets watch the Dargers for a while, geez they let their daughter marry into one of those cult communities, I'm sure their lifestyle is just as dysfunctional and messed up. It really grosses me out when bald man comes in and kisses all of them, I wouldn't want to be the last one kissed ewww gross kooties !

  67. The "Q&A" session was such a disappointment. Clearly the Browns required a softer, less direct interviewer. Of course 75% of the conversation was conducted with Meri (it looked like she was holding onto Kody's knee). I would be LIVID if I had six kids and I got the exact same 'budget' for my family as Meri does with one kid. No wonder Meri has all the money to go on vacas with Kody. She doesn't have 4 teenaged boys to feed like Janelle. That makes me mad. So each wife is responsible for her own family (co-created by Kody) and then Kody 'contributes' his budget as he sees fit. So, if Kody is mad at say, Christine, she gets less money for her kids. Ok, I see how it works.

    Do we know when the interview was conducted? It sounded like it was mid December. So...I don't think that Robyn is pregnant, when Logan was going away to college that had to be September at the latest.

    And finally, I think after two years, the Browns have become media savvy. They are thinking before speaking and seem to have rehearsed answers....even the kids...Aspyn kept saying "polygamy...uh, I mean plural marriage"...

    When asked what they most look forward to in 2013, I swear I was waiting for Meri to say "The wet bar". Honestly what dopes they are to not even know that a wet bar generally is for LIQUOR. Are they really that naive?

    1. And if Meri were a true Sister Wife, she would not agree with the notion that she should have the same funds as a woman with six children.

      I remember the first season, when she was sending Mariah down to eat with Christine. I wonder, did she pay Christine a meal fee for this since Mariah is eating out of Christine's budget (and Meri must have had so much extra if they all get the same $$)? Of course Christine was on public assistance then, so it was largely taxpayer paid. Meanwhile, the camera showed Meri cooking something all for herself, while we heard her tell us that she doesn't cook like her sister wives, but perfers to cook more healthily. Of course she was not cooking for 17 kids, on public assistance rations, so it is a lot easier to prepare expensive food for just herself than for 17 others.

      Nor did she bother to cook for Janelle's kids (breakfast or dinner) preferring to cook her little solitary meal, leaving Logan to cook breakfast and Christine to cook for 17. After Christine was teaching and taking care of little ones all day, and Janelle was working to provide a roof over Meri's head as the primary breadwinner, Meri couldn't even make dinner. She fixed a fancy meal for herself alone, leaving everyone else to fill up on cheap carbs, while she sanctimoniously zinged them for not eating healthily.

      Even then I thought what a selfish piece of work she appeared, to not help out AT ALL. Obviously nothing has changed, except she seems to have gotten more selfish in spite of seeing how her behavior appears to others.

      Still it must have been quite lonely sitting up there all alone, while Janelle, Christine and all the kids, even her own, ate together downstairs.

    2. Excellent observation!

    3. She should be cooking more healthy for Mariah, it seems that most of the children are overweight except for Janelle's kids (go figure)

    4. Maybe that's why Meri doesn't want another kid, even if she could. She knows the kid will hang out with all the other young ones, and she'll be all alone again, watching while new wives crank out baby after baby, and her kid, as soon as it can toddle, will want to be with the others. At most she might have one, unless she ends up with a multiple egg storm. So she will still be alone. We've seen her relationship with Mariah is overly clingy and guilt-laden, on both sides. I think that is probably why Mariah is so insistent on being a sister wife. It's normal for kids to want to correct in their own lives, what their parents never got right. She wants to be a sister wife who has tons of kids and gets along with her fellow sister wives. I kind of doubt that's going to be likely, though, given she's been super spoiled and has grandiose ideas of entitlement. She wants to go to the naval academy or be a doctor, etc., without any real sense of how hard a slog either of those would be.

      But given how clingy and guilt inducing Meri is, I can understand why Mariah wants off the hook with taking care of her mother's moods, and figures to lighten her load by Meri having a baby to take her place when she leaves.

    5. I noticed this as well, in fact in every way Merri doesn't seem to be a real "Sister Wife". The notion that she gets the same amount of money that the others with so many children get is sickening! Did anyone notice that Hunter, their teen aged son, was wearing the same jeans that he has been wearing in every season. They are dark with bright white stitching. They looked all faded and worn out. This might not seem like a big deal, and I get that his Mother is practical and frugal but at the same time can't the kid get a new pair of pants? Maybe he likes them, I'm sure he does, but I would bet that he doesn't even realize that money that his parents both earn goes to Merri to spend on things she doesn't even need like crafts, and a huge house that is bigger than she needs, her rental or the new one, and he can't even get a new pair of jeans! I would bet that those children go without many things that they may want, or need because of lack of money. If they were really what they claim to be then Merri would not take as much, in fact she would demand that the funds be distributed according needs.In fact she would get a condo or share a house with Robyn, none of this makes sense. What they claim they believe in, what they say is quite different from what they seem to be. Will Merri open up her giant house to helping people escape abuse in the Plyg world? Will she use all that space to be a host family like in that Holding out Help group? I think not!

  68. I have a great fitness plan for all us SW junkies.

    We watch the re-runs this winter, and every time Meri cries or mentions "wet bar," we drop and do 50 sit-ups. We'll all be rocking washboard abs by May.

    1. What a great idea, but by the first 10 minutes we'll all have done about 2,500 sit ups! Maybe Dakota Justice can make up a work out plan for us! Also I post as Y for Wyoming but blogger still won't let me publish my post?

  69. I still think it is Krody pushing for the 'over budget' items on Meri's house. After all, that is also HIS legal home. Also, if the budget is divided by 4, then just where does Krody get his cut???? He always seems to have money to spend at his own discretion.

  70. I also noted that the parties/celebrations have mostly been at Janelle's house, probably because they were for Logan, her child. She probably has to host these events at her house because it's her 'money' that has to pay for the celebration food/drink/gifts. So she might as well host it, too, and keep the leftovers for her family. For all the bragging Meri does about wanting the 'older kids' over and entertaining, does anyone really think this happens? The only time recently I can remember having something at her house was the 'Abused Plyg kids and the Brown attempt to convert them to their style of polygamy" dinner......which was the worst episode of the whole season. We know what happened to Drake when he spilled on the need to put the little kids through that trauma.

  71. With Robyn breast feeding, and looking at last years shows right after she had the baby, she was much thinner. Somethings up.

  72. These country bumpkin Utah hicks trying to be "Famous", seriously! She couldn't have snapped a few more pics with her phone until she got a cute one? That poor little boy, he looks weird :( Yeah awesome head phones ladies, I'm sure they were gifted to them in exchange for putting them on the baby constantly and tweeting about them, they probably were gifted a whole box full for the whole fam, but really, ROBYN, JANELLE the other ones, use that little camera on your phone and take as many pics as needed until you get a cute one, a smile perhaps, he is just a little baby after all and all babies are beautiful, he must have some happy moments? He doesn't realize yet just what he is in for and what is going to be pushed onto him by his parents...maybe he will only want ONE partner in life that loves him and is committed but he will most likely be saddled with some weird conflict about marrying multiple partners at the same time and living an over complicated life where every little detail devolves into a big discussion about feelings and a few always walk away not getting what they actually wanted! On that note does it seem like all Janelle ever does is compromise and give in, give up in order to make peace with the others? Especially the psycho Merri?

  73. Couldn't reply in nesting mode....

    Yes, the makeup on the ladies put it kindly..a bit "theatrical" !!
    The eyelashes were almost cartoon-like.

    And for Janelle, who is so very-fair skinned and now with her hair so light without contrast, dark brown lashes would have looked less fake and startling and would have been much prettier than those glossy extra-black ones.

    Meri and Christine looked a bit strange too with the super-duper long black lashes.

    Whoever did Meri's makeup wisely chose to forgo Meri's favorite usual copper-orange foundation/blusher. One can only hope that as Meri was watching herself in the clips, she had an epiphany about how awful that stuff looks.

  74. No doubt the realtors are chuckling under their breathe about the crazy Browns and their budget.
    Buying a $1/2m house abd squabling over a couple hundred.
    IMHO, I vote for the funds be equally distributed
    20 people in HH, divided 20 ways. If the situation was reversed, Meri would be preaching equality to the choir! No doubt Janelle and Cristine's first order of contention. They have 6x food and clothes to buy than Meri or Robyn.
    Figure Kody in included in Meri's # HH.
    Always interested in how the bulk food was bought, prepared and eaten, some of those kids are rather porky. Do you have the sites where we can bring up the new house pictures?

  75. ALA
    I love this blog but am spending waaaayyy to much time on it - it's addicting!!!
    I was on SW facebook page and a commentor said a website called 'chacha' reported how much Browns are paid. I checked it out, and in June 2012 it reported that each Brown "adult" is paid $75,000 per episode. So if this season was 8-10 episodes, each of the Kodaplygs "earned" between $600,000 and $750,000!!!! WOW!!
    Wouldn't surpise me if Jenelle pays for most of her house in cash.Doubt any of the others have the sense to do so...

    Re: Sol appearing so much - is it possible Sobbin is still breastfeeding him? Maybe that's why she keeps him so close...

    Re: Christine saying "I'm done" having babies - why would she want to - has anyone ever seen Koduche paying any attention to Truely? I haven't; and she is sooo cute!

    Re: Christine's messy house. She has 3-4 young kids! Four(?) of Jenelle's kids are teenagers I think.

    I used to like Meri best, but reading this blog is changing my opinion; she is whiney and controlling. I respect Jenelle, but don't like her as much as many commenters do - I think she is a rather cold and aloof. Yes, I love Logan, but I think Christine did a lot of the "raising" of him. I think Jenelle is very work-oriented, and chose to work outside the home and let others raise her kids. Nothing really wrong with that, but I just don't praise her as much as others on this blog do. Seems to me, Logan made breakfast for all the kids because his mother wasn't interested in doing it. She was/is career oriented.

    I like jenelle, and love Christine - wish they would get away from the Koduche, Jenelle might, but I think Christine would view leaving as a personal failure. Sad for her, she is the most brainwashed one; but her mood and assertiveness are improving, and I think it's due to appropriate medication.

    I think Sobbyn is possibly a golddigger, she certainly came into the family at the most opportune time! I don;t know what I think about Meri anymore; I'm sooo disappointed in her!

    Happy New Year to all on this website!

    1. Regarding chacha - call me skeptical but unless an actual copy of the Browns' tax returns or someone from TLC confirms the amount - I'm not going to believe it.

    2. Wow they are paid that much! They are over paid that is for sure, I doubt that they will be smart with their money and invest it. Instead they will spend it all on stupid crap for Kody like Rolex watches and guns. They will over spend on lavish things and be in a huge mess in a few years. I'm sure their is some tax fraud as well and there will be tax liens showing up on some of them. I certainly won't be buying their stupid jewelry now, I had planned to buy something out of pure pity. After learning that Janelle and Christine's kids are not as important as stupid Merri I felt that buying a necklace was the least I could so to help out those poor kids. They don't need money if they are making that much, and they cry poor mouth on the show constantly, WOW! I hope that Robyn's ex gets wind of this and files for a mod of child support, if she makes that much it will greatly change things, she might even have to pay him while the kids visit.

  76. not ReligiousJustSaneDecember 31, 2012 at 5:25 PM

    These folks are wearing on me.
    Let's review. they have a show because of their RELIGION.
    Some of us are religious, some of us are not. But for life of me, I can not see how any of us could do a worse job raising kids in a chaotic, hypocritical, greedy, lying, place. The show should be an embarrassment to the kids. I fear it is not, they think all families live in chaos. The only special quality about this group is that I am sure any religion would be ashamed of their behavior. I'd love to hear what the AUB thinks of this mess!
