Monday, December 31, 2012

Discussion Page 3 for Sister Wives: Hard to Say Goodbye and Secrets Revealed (S05, E08 and E09)

Oh Cry Me a Freaking River! New homes, great money, healthy kids, TLC, listen, stop the tears. Ask any child of the services, a house doesn't make the home, the PEOPLE together do.

GO Logan, have fun!

I'll admit, I just wanted an excuse to put one of my favorite old clips up again, back when the show was just airing. Chelsea Handler's take on Kody is hysterical, "one gross feathered hair creepy guy" and the dollhouse again! Gotta love it!  Watch and enjoy~!


Look what I found.....Yep, that's a McMansion kitchen. Gotta love that kitchenaid mixer on the counter.

 Pic thanks to Cynical Jinx she's a quick one! Can't get past her Browns!


  1. How much money does Kody get??! Does he get an equal split like Meri does?

    1. Kody & Meri took 1/4 of the housing money. Even though their house needs to house just three people.

      Janelles house needs to house six.
      Christines needs to house seven.
      Robyns needs to house five.


      But Kody & Meris idea of "fair" is taking 1/4 of the budget. Selfish.

    2. Merri is evil, she loves this life because she can sit around and whine and do whatever she wants while Janelle works and pays all her bills. Its sickening and in my view immoral for her to take as much money as Christine and Janelle are alotted, they have many children whos needs must be met. Kody if he was any kind of a father or man wouldn't allow this. Why does Kody need his share? None of it makes any sense. They say one thing and do another and when they are questioned about it or called on it they all start blabbing and making excuses for why it supposedly is a good thing and "works for their family" yeah right...I can only imagine how upsetting it is to those kids when they want or need something that they must go without but oh Merri has plenty of money for her ridiculous wet bar, that broad must drink a lot, who NEEDS a wet bar in their home? Honestly, she has that giant kitchen isn't there enough counter space? Buy a table Merri, there are so many other ways to "entertain", maybe that is how she gets more time with Kody, she has a wet bar so he can go get waisted with her. Maybe she wants to be a Stepford wife and this is how she thinks she will accomplish her goal, without a wet bar what will I do, and I must have french doors or I will loose it Kody and you know how I get, all of American knows how I roar and bitch at this point don't push me, all of the other wives are rolling their eyes, give her what she wants just keep her quiet!

    3. I just don't get their funding system. I feel the money this family has should be allocated accordingly. It should be based on how many persons are in each home period. I wouldn't go buy a 3,000 sq ft home if I only had one child. I'm sure I could be just as happy if not more by having a 2,000 sq ft home with less house to keep clean. Which by the way would still be plenty big if I were blessed with another child. Sisterwives are always talking about how they've chosen the harder path, what a stronger person they will be for being able to look at what is best for everyone else and not focusing on themselves. There's definitely some sisterwives that appear extremely selfish, not at all what they originally said they were or strives to be.

    4. Meri has shown all along just how selfish and materialistic she can be. Robin is her closest sister but Robin needs to stop crying and show some strength. Who works in this family anymore? Kody wants more children? Seriously can he support them? Robin looks to be his next baby machine. Who is really paying for all this? Meri filed bankruptcy once already, is she trying to break the bank again? This family is financially unstable, only Janelle appreciates the value of a dollar.

  2. How come the little girls showed the "Kody" doll kissing more than one wife in the same room? Don't children tend to imitate what they see in real life?

    1. Meh, I would not take that so literal. They are just kids playing.

    2. I agree save sol. They have said many times on the show that Kody does not show affection to one wife in front of any of the other wives. This was discussed on the Plyg-vacation episode, because Joe Dargger does hug or kiss his wives in the kitchen etc. in the AM etc. and his wives are fine with it. So - another example of how these modern plyg familes are different from one another.

      I think you are reading too much into the children's play with the doll house and dolls. There would certainly be more to worry about if in the doll house there were guns on a gun rack in the living room, and the Mommy dolls were doing target practice in the basement.

  3. Come on guys, lay off of Kody's hair! He just wants to be one of the gals!!!

    1. Okay Okay - I went to far when I mentioned that a hair plug episode might be a good idea for the next season.

      I promise not to talk about his hair any more.

    2. I thought he looked okay in the earlier picture of him with a buz cut. I think the wives make him keep his hair.

    3. The wives wanted him to keep his hair long and did not like the buz cut he came home in at one time in the past. It is OK to say you like his hair long......but what is the point if there is no hair up these to keep long? Hmmmmmm zzzzzzzz buz cut.....he can be Joe Darggers buddy in the bald department.

  4. I was trying to reply to comment made on the second page but it wouldn't let me. Anyway some one made a comment about Garrison pushing one of Robyn's daugthers off Logan's shoulders when he was sitting at the bottom of the stairs. That was not Garrison. It was Christine's son Paedon pushing his sister Ysabel off Logan's shoulder. I know this because I have taught many of the Brown kids.

    1. I believe Paedon also pushed Robyn's eldest daughter back into her seat when she tried to join Logan while he was showing the family his quilt.

    2. Maybe you should teach them to not push!

    3. Is teaching manners at home a Teacher's duty or the parents?

      My thought is the parents. Christine and Kody are liable. Not the other wives and certainly not Logan.

      And I'd like to point out that's CHRISTINE's son, for those who tend to give Christine equal if not more credit for raising Janelle's children. Many mothers single and otherwise work outside the home to support their families and the children have to spend a good part of the weekday with an alternate caregiver. Janelle's kids that we know the best so far (Logan, Maddie, Hunter and to a lesser extent the younger ones) are level headed, well groomed, in better shape etc than Christine's kids at this point. And definitely better behaved from what I've seen.

    4. I can't say that we know that for sure. They appear to be, but Christine's kids are great too!

    5. These kids are just being siblings. I had three older brothers and that kind of stuff goes on. I really don't think it's a big deal.

    6. I agree. My kids love each other but do the same thing. Me and my little brother did too.

    7. I agree. Kids being kids.

    8. I believe it was Christine's kids who were "bullying" Robyn's son? I get that it's just kids being kids but my son would NEVER push his younger sister!! I really wish one of the older kids would call kody out on this, it will probably be hunter Since Logan is gone he is the patriarch of janelles family

    9. and Janelle's rental is still in one piece compared to Christine's trashed one. Also wasn't Christine letting her daughter skip school? If we are comparing mothering, Janelle seems to have the best kids, work ethic, home skills. And the only one who doesn't spout the entitled nonsense of what they deserve.

    10. Maddie is so level headed. Janelle should be very proud!

    11. In our house, kids being kids doesn't include pushing. Of any kind for any reason.

    12. Maddie sees pretty clearly how things really are. Smart girl.

  5. Loved it !!!
    And I loved Chelsea Handler's use of that infamous Barbie clip.
    Thanks, MS !!

    I remember that episode and gagging at Robin (soon to become our dear ol' Sobbin) attempting to be a reality star as she debuted on SW as she explained about the FOUR Barbies kissing the one Ken little kids !!!
    I thought it was sick then to burden little girls with such a premise....and I still do.
    Geez....let them grow up a little and see a bit of the outside world.

    1. Totally in sync with you there, GREAT CLIP, and thank you Mister Sister, reminds me to laugh at this bunch when they are so darn irritating!!!!!!

    2. Thank you for the clip, MS. Had not seen that before. It is hysterical and sad all at the same time. Just sad that the girls are not taught to have enough self-esteem or self worth that they have to share a man, they are not worthy enough to have their own husband.


    3. Isn't it great? I just loved it! She has him pegged, and the line.... ""Looks like someone is pulling a Barbie train!"
      A classic!
      The clip was from an old post. Lots of great gems from older posts on this site from all of us. I suggest when the season is over, to take a gander. I am trying to put together a directory by subject - of all posts right now, along with favorites, and "our Best." It may take me awhile, but will be worth it.

    4. The directory sounds really cool! I dont have a computer, just my trusty smartphone so having an archive list would not just be fun, but practical as well.

      Thank you for making this forum an accessible place for all who wish to participate!

  6. Here's what bugs me about Christine:

    "Kody! You suck at validating!"

    Then...back to polig girl ways... "I'm sorry, I am ridiculously mean when stressed."

    NO CHRISTINE, you were right!

    1. Christine is playing for the TV viewing audience very well.

  7. Funny clip! I always enjoy reading this blog.

  8. With regards to the speculation in the previous thread about income, please do not be fooled by anything you read on ChaCha. That website employs self-proclaimed "experts" who are paid by number of questions they answer, and their answers are not necessarily right or accurate. I highly doubt anyone employed at ChaCha is privy to that information.

    1. ScaryWhat PeopleWillBelieveDecember 31, 2012 at 6:54 PM

      ChaCha? Is that still around??? I worked for Social Services and knew a crack addicted woman who "worked" for them. Do not trust that site!

    2. They may not be making $75,000 PP/Per episode, but I think they are pulling in more than what people think. They have an incredible amount of expenses every month. And I'm not even talking vehicles (I know Kody said his car is what, 10 years old or something? Paid off a long time ago). Just basic household and kid stuff. All the teens seem to have smart phones, home computers, insurance, health insurance, gas for vehicles, etc. I know when TLC if filming they pay for all the stuff (trips, ice cream, food at parks, etc) but when they aren't filming and still maintaining that lifestyle? Ay yi yi!!! I also wonder if they are making too much money from the show and have to pay for school lunches and whatnot because they don't qualify for free/reduced.

    3. Once I got the popup on chacha (after I typed in the question) to sign up, that was it for me. They make their $ selling your information I bet.

      I've thought about this and I might be way off here...but maybe this is the reason for give the family the opportunity to open credit lines/corporate credit cards under the business DBA. That gives them more credit to use is their practice in the past.

      I can see them all having credit cards for MSWC and Brown Enterprises of whatever they call their company., and usage of those cards I don't think will reflect on their own personal record (this based on my own experience with a corporate card - I was just an authorized user).


    4. DakotaJustice - I've thought this as well. And if TLC pays the DBA, then all expenses for pretty much everything can become taxable write-offs, so they end up LOSING money every year on paper and get huge tax refunds (plus Head of Household and child credits for the three unwives). These people are laughing at the rest of us all the way to the bank.

      I just hope they remember that those of us who laugh last laugh best. How can there be anything but a Gosselin-like crash and burn in their futures? They believe their own PR and they think they can get people to buy their crap just because it's the SisterWives who are selling it. Not.

    5. One of the owners/officers generally has to personally guarantee a corporate card. Especially for something like mswc or brown entertainment. None of then have the credit for that. I think they are deluded enough to think that they can make money on that fugly jewelery and are enjoying the tax write offs.

  9. Re: new Home warranties. Any homeowner or landlord can purchase a home warranty. But they are VERY limited. Buying a newly constructed home is a near guarantee of 3-5 years of kinks to be worked out. I speak as a Realtor and property investor. You're almost always better off purchasing a home that is at least seven years old IMO and IME.

  10. to Meri, honestly...I've not known, seen, or heard of a more colossal hypocrite than yourself! How awful! The very first introduction/representative of you and your family is YOU, and your "mission statement" is as follows...and I quote! "I believe in living this lifestyle...It just makes each of us better." what! You kiddin me (AND America!)????!!!! Either own up to the bullcrap that spues outta that mouth of yours, blaming all the other sister wives, while attempting to make yourself look like the "good wife" and the others appear to be naggy and arguementive; OR...have TLC redo the Sister Wives intro...Hey, as my dad told me one time when I came to him belly-aching around about my failing marriage..."You made your lie in it!!"

  11. Meri is using her infertility as a weapon and as a means to get attention. It is *so offensive* to those of us who have suffered from fetal demise and infertility. It's *sick* to request bedrooms for the children you wanted, or almost had. Just plain sick.

    Did anyone else notice how Meri tried to hide the fact that her face was lighting up, when Kody suggested she decide if they have more children *after* they move into the homes? "Is that what you are waiting for, Meri?" "Thats what I've been thinking." HAHA! Busted! You know damn well you are so OVER the baby thing. By waiting until AFTER you have the bedrooms you and Kody both ensure you two get a big house. Taking precious resources from the mothers of FOUR-SIX small children. Oh, you guys are really something else. You set a bad example for your children. You are NOT teaching them to work hard and to appreciate what they have. You all acted like you couldn't be HAPPY in rentals and like they weren't real homes. Give me a break! The Browns/Sullivans are the greediest group I have ever seen on TV. Cry. Me. A. River.

  12. Í love Chelsea Handler,that clip made me laugh!
    I am going to try to focus on the positive for the new year. I just love Janelle's kids! They get the reality of their lives, and you can just see the have been raised to think for themselves. Actually, I thought all the kids did really well in the interview last night.
    I am glad to see Christine and Janelle looking so good. I think that going into realty will be the key to Christine finding herself as an adult for the first time, without religion or Kody holding her back!
    I wonder how much the Brown family was paid for writing their book, and if this is where a substantial amount of their downpayment for the houses came from? Any guesses on how much they got? If they left Janelle in charge of the book money I could see that she would have made them put if towards something like this, otherwise I don't know how they could have gotten the homes. There is no way they got the houses without putting at least 50 percent down with their poor credit history. I bet they will write a second book soon to follow up their first book, about how great their lives are in Vegas etc. They better strike while the iron is hot, because I don't see public interest in them lasting much longer and somehow their last book was a best seller (I believe).
    Happy New Year to all!

    1. I have looked and looked online and I'm usually pretty good at that stuff and nowhere can I find a place to see how much an author may have made off a book. Frustrating!

    2. Around a month ago, we had a commenter who posted her thoughts as a published author and the answer on how much they probably made on the book: not much. Or at least not as much as you'd think.

  13. From Twitter 15 hours ago...
    Meri Brown ‏@MeriBrown1
    "@lenacoffeeaddic: @MeriBrown1 you are coming across as a spoiled brat." Loving that creative editing! :)

    I love how 'reality stars' always blame the editing when they are shown in a bad light. I do know that you can edit things to look a certain way to a certain extent but unless you do the behaviors that make you look bad, no amount of editing can make you look as spoilt and entitled and annoying as Meri is coming across. I have a sliding door and I love it. Yep, crap gets in the tracks but I stick the vacuum down there once a year (not big on housework) and its fixed. At least Meri won't have to worry about dog hair getting in there. Hope the Kodster is careful where his hair malts or he might be getting a visit from the vet, or worse, having to spend an extra night at Sobbins house where there are (ugh) children!

    1. Yea right Meri, did they piece together the words "I want a wet bar" or "I deserve this" or "I will NOT have sliding doors".... Creative editing my butt.

  14. I wonder why Krody counts Robyn's children as part of his own? Who gets to call them up to their kingdom, Krody or their real dad? Don't see how they can have it both ways. Just sayin...

    1. I could be wrong, someone please correct me if I am, but I believe that as far as the crazy planet cult goes, they become Kody's. Which, of course, makes no sense, for they would have planets of their own, or be with their husband. The whole planet crap doesn't even add up! I am shocked that the LDS believe this stuff too.

    2. They go with the Father, it is a patriarchal cult. The FLDS planet would be the Father and all of his wives and children. Robyn would be with Cody and the kids would be with there Father and his other wives.

    3. The kids will be forever separated from Robyn. They will be on their dad's planet.

    4. Once a woman is "released" from a man (like Robun and David Jessop), and "sealed" to another man (Kody) both she and her kids become permanent possessions of the last man - in this case Kody. David Jessop doesn't get a look in.

    5. This is a non- christian cult. Be careful not to buy into the crap they expouse. How come they can try to fill the viewers with this stuff and I have never heard the Dugger family preach their doctrine even though theirs is pretty sound. Not to be confused with Dargers.

  15. After watching their interview, I got the impression that the money is divided 5 ways so Kody also gets his share. How else would he be able to "contribute" when a wife needs help? You can be sure that Meri is not chipping in. Also, they showed Logan with Kody's old Lexus so he's doing pretty well for a college kid driving a car like that. I like Logan and hope he doesn't take that cheesy blanket with him to college, or he will certainly be teased. Defintely not something for a guy's dorm room! Knowing that she has hurt Janelle in the past, couldn't Meri at least try to smooth things over and be kind? It's like she thinks she's better than the rest of them because she's the first wife. That is setting a horrible example for the children. Where is the supposed love in their relationship? Anothing thing that hasn't been brought up is that they will have to provide the landscaping for their houses and that is expensive.

  16. That clip was great, and so many posts on here from Cynical Jinx and Mister Sister are terrific. Much better than the show, more intelligent and thought provoking..and fun!
    did I miss something, or did they not show Robyn picking out her home choices? Like when she got her rental, she seems to be the sly dog who is quiet and gets more.

  17. IwillfindmyownwaytoheavenDecember 31, 2012 at 8:02 PM

    The picture of Meri and Robyn crying - again - I just can't believe all the crying by the parents. I find myself wondering what damage this does to the kids. As a child I HATED it when my mother cried. She used it as a way to manipulate my father, but I didn't know it at the time. I used to think she was weak that she would cry at the drop of a hat. I used to think I was the cause of the crying and that my mother was fragile and I had to be careful. I think all the crying just has to be damaging for these kids too ... whether they adopt the maladaptive behavior themselves, or decide they are never going to cry, or just develop feelings of anger over the perceived weakness and/or lack of control by their parents ... however this experience manifests itself in each child -- it is a terrible example to be setting.

    1. As a kid, I found myself a little traumatized by seeing my mom cry so unabashedly in front of other people. It was definitely something I told myself I would never do, because, yes, it did make her appear weak and even neurotic. That was my perception of her for many years, actually. So, all the crying might not go unnoticed by their kids.

    2. Did you notice how their daughter Mykelti completely broke down into tears when making that video for Logan? He is just a few years older than her and he is just going to college, in the same town no less and he is like 30 minutes away. That was telling, they have passed their emotional issues, lack of emotional control and misplaced emotion onto their kids. They break down and cry over everything. I think it shows how manipulative they are and they are so used to being manipulative due to their lifestyle, they are all crying out for attention and affection from Kody and none are getting enough or as much as they would like. It seems like he completely ignores Janelle and Christine, that Logan kid acted like a Father toward his siblings, maybe that was the source of the tears she feels like her father is leaving. I hope that Janelle and Christine leave Kody and find relationships that they deserve where they are the focus and are loved and fufilled. I know they claim that they are, they go on and on about how they choose this life but they can also admit to making a bad choice and make a change, a change for the better. What a reality show that would be TLC, follow Christine and Janelle on their journey to a new and better life and to love with someone who isn't asking them to share him with three other women. Could still be called Sister Wives even as in they are still "Sisters" they are just not sharing a man anymore they have their own, could be an awesome show!

    3. I agree completely. My mom was always so emotional and still is. It has given me a horrible problem of thinking everyone who cries is somehow mentally ill. I have to work hard to keep myself in check with this as I am so intolerant of people showing emotion and I believe it all stems from experiencing that so frequently in childhood. Interestingly, Janelle and Christine rarely cry and I do like them better. I have never thought about it that way before now.

    4. Wow. I thought Mykelti was play acting the tears, mocking the sobbing adults. She is Christine's daughter and no stranger to parody....Logan seemed to be laughing at her performance.

      That's how I saw it, anyway.

    5. Mykelti was play acting. I think Madison was really crying. But who did Logan have to "protect" her from? I thought that was a weird saying that she used and she's mentioned that in more than one episode before.

    6. Mykelti ended her video laughing, so I'm pretty sure she was being silly and melodramatic. Also, I don't really blame Madi for crying. He's her best friend, and even if he's still close to home, it won't be the same. In all that craziness they've probably really had to rely on each other.

    7. Madison said in the video that big brother Logan would protect her from anything, even tornados, which were her biggest fear as a small child.

      And yes, I thought her tears were genuine. I even choked up a bit myself during this segment.

  18. Hahaha wow that didn't take long!!!
    @Judith_Johnson Yes my sister does custom order quilts! Go to and email in "Contact Us" and we will forward it to her.
    8:00pm - 30 Dec 12

    1. Wow. They have absolutely zero business sense. They should have said, "Hi, thank, you for asking. happy holidays. To answer your question, yes! I have forwarded your request to her. Here is her contact information.... You should expect to hear back from her within 12-24 hours. Thank you for your inquiry! I, too, love her quilts! Do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything else I can help you with."

      How lazy to send her somewhere else to fill out a form. Way to lose a customers attention. Make them do the work for you.

    2. I think Robyn handled that request just fine. It was a business request, so should go through their business website not Twitter. And although she said her sister does custom order quilts, she probably does it more informally/ad hoc versus with an official business website/company; it would have been irresponsible to give her sister's personal contact information out via Twitter.

      Given the amount of "investigation" (putting it nicely) into their personal lives and business done by the more zealous fans, it was very smart to not give out her sister's information so broadly. Her sister deserves her privacy. And honestly, even if most fans know not to cross the line, I'd be afraid of that one crazy person who takes something too far.

      And although I'm sure he won't really use/display it at school (what college kid would, boy or girl?) I'm sure he really appreciated it and will love it even more as the years go by. Obviously lots of time went into it and it looked well designed and well made. It was a beautiful thought and beautiful quilt, good on Robyn's sister!

    3. I agree. Robyn handled this properly given their notarity. All those "quilt" haters out there, I think it was a lovely idea and a beautiful keepsake. Nobody is going to remember the quilt the family bought at Target, nor will it be kept.

  19. ALA.
    I'm the one who posted the salary from chacha. Sorry if it's incorrect. I never heard of it before and didn't know it was unreliable. I'm not real computer literate.

    Would you guys who checked out the house closings tell me how much they paid for each house? I'd love to know.

    I can't get this clip to play - anyone else having trouble??

    1. Unless we find out the interest rate, we will have no idea how much they are really paying. I bought a home for $125,000 but after interest(and HOA dues and insurance) for the next thirteen years, it will cost me $250,000.

      The Browns and Sullivans also financed their washers, dryers and window coverings! That means they will be paying interest on those items for 15-30+ years. LOL

    2. The amount entered into the county records for Robyn, Janelle and Christine was in the neighborhood of $435,000 EACH (Robyn's - to no one's surprise - was the highest by about $4,000). Meri's hasn't closed yet. That one should pop some eyeballs.

    3. I can't wait to find out how much meris will be if 435000 was in budget.

  20. I'm surprised no one has mentioned that Meri basically stated that she feels those with more children get more time with Kody. Then she backtracked a little on it. Proves what I've said all along - she wants a kid for Kody's attention and that alone. It is better that she not have any more, for the kid's sake. Kody is oblivious to her and so is Robyn. Christine might know what's up though. Janelle certainly knows the real deal! I bet when Robyn offered surrogacy, Meri was shocked b/c she knows she's just playing them. Mock Jobs

    1. Has anyone else noticed Robyns belly getting bigger and bigger and TLC keeping the camera angles just perfect to try to hide it. I think she is pregnant with Kody's baby and Meri has to try to look like she didnt want to accept Robyn's offer last season so she doesnt look like a fool. O think TLC didnt want them to tell us that in the finale cuz it would bring negative attention and lose viewers. We wont see much more SW Im sure. They are all so weak anyways. Ever think that they are all huge for a reason?! A therapist would have fun with them lol Happy New Year!!!

    2. This would go along with the fact Kody said in the interview that he and Meri would want to pursue IVF before using Robyn as a surrogate -- this would get a pregnancy off the hook, wouldn't it?

    3. I suspect she counts what little time Kody seems to spend with his kids (and we haven't seen him really spend any time at all, except waving hello and goodbye as he goes to visit Robin) as time spent with the other wife. She seems to demand he spend a lot of time with her and demands attention for Mariah, while being fantastically jealous that he is the father to all those other kids and they might need some of his time too. And of course, Christine basically called it when she said her kids never see their father - we know he's not at Janelle's house, so where does that leave him?

      It's very funny to me, that this show was supposed to prove how polygamy works, and all it has proven is that it leaves jealous insecure unhappy wives, neglected children, an inseminator who drifts around not really doing any work, taking a large chunk of what little money is around for his own toys, while women either support their kids themselves or go on public assistance. Meanwhile pooling or splurging what assets they have to buy him gold rings, computers, guns, etc, etc. to add to his motorcycle and sports cars. While his wives drive around with broken cars on bald tires.

    4. I am just wondering about something and maybe someone can answer who might know...... How do mormons feel about adoption? All these years of crying out for a baby could have been solved by giving a baby a home with Meri. Would she have been considered less of a woman?

    5. Mormons (LDS, that is) are fine with adoption. I have no idea how the FLDS looks at it, though. Kreepy would probably be okay with it regardless of how either religion views it, because he does whatever he darn well pleases and because he counts Blobbin' Robbyn's 3 other kids as his.

      I think Meri is the one who isn't fine with it. She wants KREEPY's baby, not some annonymous stranger's baby, and she wants it to come out of HER uterus, not some other lady's.

      The LDS/Mormon religion doesn't consider a woman who can't have children a 'less than' woman...that's more of a FUndamentalist mentality.

    6. I disagree. I don't think Kody would EVER consider adopting a child with Meri. I think he is ok with Robyn's kids because Robyn is his new fresh incubator, but I just don't see him being ok with adoption otherwise. He wants HIS SEED spread throughout the earth. YUCK!

  21. The last show replayed the Darger twin (not sure if it is #1 or #2) saying to the Browns "if you have to reset again, share a kitchen." I didn't think much of that the first time is aired, but now I think the Dargers might really be the Brown's friends. Papa Joe has to be horrified at Kody Brown's lack of financial planning and overspending. I'm sure the Dargers have talked privately about the 4 McMansions and see what we see--no way they are going to hang on to them.

    Darger wife was being nice by saying "if you reset again" instead of "when at least 2 of your 4 houses are in foreclosure and someone is filing bankruptcy again--try sharing a kitchen"


    1. You are Soooooooooo right!

    2. When she first said this and kody said IT was abusive to make them share a kitchen I was not aware that what was really going on was that MERI was abusive toward janelle. Big difference!

    3. Looks like there is abuse in this family too, so they can stop acting so superior over other plyg sects.

    4. Is the word "abuse" being overused in many of these posts about these two plyg families. Any thoughts out there?

  22. Hey Kody......while your show is on hiatus maybe you can get some hair plugs! Even better, use this as a story line on the show.

  23. I was able to find 3 or the 4 property transfers. You can look them up by name:
    You can see an aerial view of the land parcels. Looks like they got the houses for Christmas after all. Sorry if this has already been posted.

    1. It was posted on the second discussion page, but that's OK. When I looked them up this afternoon, I could only see empty lots on the aerial views; could you see the houses? Meri/Kody's house is the only one not yet recorded. These houses are pricey, esp considering the real estate depression in LV! They won't be in them for long, I'm afraid. I feel sorry for the kids.

    2. I looked through various aerial imagery (terraserver, google earth, earth explorer, etc.) and there is no recent imagery. Just a bunch of empty lots with various building materials. The google earth image was from May, 2011. I can't imagine getting into a $450,000 mortgage (not that I could ever afford that). I would never sleep again wondering how I was going to pay the payment every month. But my lifestyle isn't interesting enough to pimp out to TLC.

    3. If you want to see what the houses look like, go to the Article here on the houses, and then to Pinncale homes I believe under Mona;s real estate they are the Condor. They all are exactly alike! HOW DUMB!

    4. I've driven by the houses. I didn't go into the gated development, it would be kind of obvious because there are only a handful of houses in there. But the development is right off of a busy road. The homes are not hidden from view in any way, shape or form. In fact, a couple of the houses back sides go right up to the busy street.

  24. Janelle has the prettiest color blue eyes!

    1. Oh how refreshing to read something nice and positive about one of the people on this show. Thank you!

    2. Lol - We have lots of good things to say about Janelle and Christine. A couple of folks even have said positive stuff about Robyn. Sorry, no one likes Meri :)
      You have to remember that no, we don't know these people, but we are just calling it like we see it. Our thoughts are due to how they have been portrayed to us. Mock Jobs

    3. Christine and Janelle are the prettiest of the four, for sure.

  25. Just as I don't think that Meri should get a full share of the income, since she only has 1 child, I also don't think that Robyn should get a full share, since she only has one Brown child. The child support should go towards her children from her previous marriage. Why should the other wives have to take away from their children to support Robyn's kids?

    1. Because they agreed that Kody marry this woman, and when he did he took on responsibility for thoose kids. When you marry someone with children, you better accept those children as your own. I'm glad we're not seeing any "wicked stepmom tendencies" with the Brown woman, at least credit them for that. Child support isn't necessarily that much.. Thoose three kids shouldn't go with less then their brother solomon imo.

    2. Agreed, I've wondered about this from the beginning especially when Janelle complained that the family couldn't afford Robyn's rent when she first married Kody. What kind of an irresponsible dog marries another woman when he has three other wives and a ton of kids and they are already struggling financially? Oh but he still has his Lexus and his Harley...How is this lifestyle any different from a guy with a bunch of mistresses? Because they have their "Spiritual" commitment ceremonies? They always go on about how it is easy to just go out and get sex with no commitment, does anyone really believe that if Kody Brown knew how to find sex without commitment that he wouldn't do it? He is just too chicken to break up with anyone before moving on to the next, otherwise he would have dumped Merri years ago when he met Janelle. Polygamist men are dogs, they get off on the fact that they have a harem of women at their beckon call and they feel like they are special compared with other men because they have so many sexual partners. Has anyone else noticed how everything with this family is a big emotional discussion, and they use therapy words for everything, they can't seem to make any decisions without this giant discussion. Did you all see how frusterated the real estate agents were with them and she told him they were going to do their options one at a time starting with the lots, they seemed almost exhausted with how the Browns argue over everything and its all a big huge discussion.

  26. Tamara kept referring to this as the Third Season... is that correct? Have there only been three seasons or five?

    1. This was the third season! Many of the seasons were diveded into two parts; with mini finales. But, yeah - this was the end of season three.

    2. When you go on itunes or, the season is listed as Season 5. We use the same naming conventions so there won't be any confusion when using those services.

      If you were to go to itunes and purchase season 3 episode 8 thinking it was the season 3 season finale from last Sunday...well, you would have a not too pleasant surprise when you paid your $2.99, ($1.99 on amazon) - that was the 11/13/11 episode College Bound Browns.

  27. Meri's house: I wouldn't want to live alone in a really large house---I'm basically a "chicken" when it comes to being alone in the dark so I know I'd be uncomfortable in that situation. But, that's me. Also, the older I get, the less house I want to clean! But, if someone has never had a really nice house and now has the opportunity to do so---I can understand everyone wanting the houses.

    Robyn: We don't know her financial arrangements vis-a-vis her children with her ex, do we? Nonetheless, one would have to assume some child support would be in the picture but, again, none of us really know...unless someone here has seen court documents or the like. In my state, child support determinations are very formulaic so as to be as fair as possible taking into account income, other children, living expenses, etc

    I don't feel any ill will towards these folks, I just feel a sadness that they really believe that their lifestyle is the best God has to offer---when it isn't! Spiritually, men and women are equal in God's eyes and neither men nor women need depend---or can depend----on "assistance" from the opposite sex to enjoy the joys of Heaven. Jesus says He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that no one comes to the Father except through Him. So Kody isn't the "wives" way to heaven any more than the "wives" are making eternity "better" for Kody--it just isn't so.

    1. That was really well said. We only need Jesus as our savior. In their religion it would seem they need a husband as well. It is very sad.


    3. Some of us out here watching this Show do not have Jesus as our savior because we believe in a different does that make me a bad guy?

      It is beginning to read like it is the Christian way, your way or the highway for all the rest of us out here. We a good people too.

    4. You are so wrong. And you, oddly enough, are being judgmental too. Religion is discussed quite a bit, because it is the center of why this family is a family. Get realistic about the show's core, and you will realize why religion is a huge part of it. BTW, their heavenly father, as they call it, is not Jesus. It is Elohim.

  28. I would be a whole order of peanut butter fritos that Kody gets even more than 1/5 of their income.

  29. It is my understanding that Robyn Sullivan, custodial parent, is eligible for medicaid for all children living in the home since she has a disabled child. This may or may not be true for Nevada, but is for my state, and they receive food benefits also. I would like clarification from a NV state social worker if one is on here. The cost of one's home has no bearing on it.

    1. I dont know. But I think it would be great if all children were eligible for state medical insurance.

  30. The dollhouse thing sounded so messed up to me...
    I must say, the Browns' give the appearance of a fairly functional family; I think they're doing alright. One thing that does bother me about the show, however, is the way they consistently down-play the fundamental values that inform a polygamous lifestyle. Polygamy is clearly undemocratic; it is reasoned in gender-inequality. In my mind, it's no different than "whites only" bathrooms, etc. End of. But the Browns' brand of polygamy makes me forget/disregard the obvious.
    The Darggers'made, on the other hand, me immediately uncomfortable. The family more obviously embraced the idea that they should be lorded over by a "big, bald, and intimidating" male oligarch.
    Yeah, the Darggers' didn't sit well with me at all. But maybe they're more honest?

    1. The contrast between the two families is interesting for sure. Kind of like comparing two non plyg families and how they are different.

      Yup that Joe Dargger runs a tight ship for sure. Maybe they are happier for it as they know what to expect and that things will be done and taken care of. Everyone has a role to play.

      Who said he was big balled and intimidating?

    2. haha... not "balled", "bald". One of the Darggers' sons described the father this way during the kids' group date.

    3. Oh....I must have missed that episode or part of an episode running for refreshments. I was hoping it wasn't one of the wives saying that in jest.

    4. Joe Darger's step son said that, in my view, somewhat in jest. When I was 18, I thought my dad was mean and somewhat intimidating..(loved him madly) but all kids with strict parents feel that way sometimes. I think it was taken waaay out of context.

  31. Did anyone get the exchange between Janelle and Meri when they were asked if they love each was very evident that the answer was no when Meri said "I don't even like Kody some days.....but it is a commitment"....really? Do you at least like each other? I don't think so! I think the kids know the score and is it any wonder why Janelle's kids don't want to be plegs?

    1. Yup - no love lost between Meri and Janelle. Agreed.

    2. It was very obvious that they couldn't say they loved each other---not as sisters, nor just as people.

    3. Having a sister wife who abuses you and doesn't love you, while you are functioning like a single parent, along with the fact you are rarely if ever gettin' it, seems worse than being just a single parent who has 100 percent say in her own household and who has the option to date (and more). It's no wonder that Janelle tries to comfort herself with food.

  32. I am not talking about the house money. It's assumed they split their finances equally 4 ways but there are 5 adults. We already know they don't split things based on needs so what is Kody's allowance? I think they must split things equally 5 ways, hence he can afford the sports car while the others drive very old vehicles.

    1. Oh, okay. I had no way of knowing what you already knew. I was just trying to be helpful.

  33. I highly doubt they are making $75K each per episode. It continually amazes me that they can discuss dividing the budget equally with a straight face. Meri has 2 mouths to feed. Janelle has seven, 4 of them are teenage boys who often eat more than adults. It's ludicrous. I also wonder if Robyn gets child support from her ex, or additional state medical/grocery assistance, and if that is taken into account when splitting the budget.

    I know it's been said before...but I am floored at Meri's selfishness. She has the smallest family, the largest house and she's over budget without even having blinds & washer/dryer. What responsible adult would choose a wet bar (used maybe 3 times a year to entertain) over a washer/dryer used 3+ times a week. What kind of reality 'star' wouldn't prioritise blinds & window coverings? I know I would!

    In regards to previous poster who thought it was lazy to have breakfast on disposable plates- I thought it was quite sensible. They have a big day- trying to get Logan off to college plus fit in all the additional 'hooks' that Kody planned, much easier to just dispose breakfast dishes in that scenario.

    It's also not the first time that polygamous families have lived in separate homes. Brigham Young split up heaps of his wives- he'd live with some, have some in town, ship others off to the farm (afterall "wives are cheaper than servants, you dont have to pay them"). The saddest part to me is, that the men basically have license to treat the women however they want to. The women must stoically and even enthusiastically bear their "cross" and tolerate it all- because the only way they can get to heaven is if their husband calls them up. :(.

    I love that Janelle's children appear to have been taught HOW to think. Whereas Mariah comes across as only being taught WHAT to think.

    I also did not think that Kody was joking at all when he made the comment about Christine giving her surplus budget to Meri. He looked very serious and I thought Christine was quite diplomatic. It was obviously pointed out to Kody that separate loans are not 'shared' and that excess isnt 'distributed' to other loans. I thought he was giving Christine lots of "hate-eyes" on the couch in the last episode.

    Also didnt really care what kid pushed who- I didnt think it was vindictive or aggressive but in a "this is not about you" kind of way. We are "all" giving this gift to Logan, we "all" want to see his reaction. Sit down. It was clearly not malicious.

    1. I wondered if Meri decided to skip her meeting and go last to see if there was any unused budget from any of the other SWs that she could use for her dry bar.

    2. I have to disagree about the disposable tableware that these people always seem to use. It does not take that long to wash plates and they have how many hands to help? A lot of things appear to be disposable to these people and that annoys me. How do you teach stewardship of the Earth (not the future pretend plant that they're all supposed to be called to by Kodster) when they choose the least responsible product? Have they named their future planet? Perhaps we could have a contest? ;)

      Happy New Year everyone!

    3. funny how Meri doesn't have a penny to save for the health (none of those kids must have health care) or college education of her family's kids, just so that in six months she can be sitting all by herself in a five bedroom house. Though it should not be a surprise. She was okay with Janelle's and Christine's kids in the Lehi house sharing 2 and 3 to a room, but Meriah had a large room to herself. And Janelle was the one who bought the Lehi house and financed the mortgage.

      Can you wonder why Janelle can't stand Meri's greedy ass? Or why Meri can't stand Janelle, who sees right through her?

      Though maybe the takings from TLC are rich enough Meri doesn't think she has to worry. Though they are certainly crying poor to the viewers, all while spending like mad.

      I understand why Janelle feels she can't leave. It's not just her leaving Kody - she would be tearing her children away from other children that they consider their siblings. And while she has proven she can provide for her own brood, she can't possibly take care of Christine's, and Christine has no real work history either. So if she leaves, she may feel she is leaving Christine in the lurch, when Christine did look after and schooled her younger kids somewhat.She is really caught in that sense. The trouble is she had Kody and Meri leeching off her too. And then they added Robin ("can I just leave bills that need to be paid here on the counter?") I honestly don't know how Janelle handled the stress. It would have been hard enough with adults willing to work, but she is surrounded by those who never have worked a full day in their lives.

    4. Meri's greed has me floored too. Maybe Kody is letting her do this because he has hopes of another wife and more babies and those will go in his and Meri's house. Otherwise, it makes no sense for her to get five bedrooms and they should have just bought three houses and she could live with Robyn. Hmmm maybe that's why Robyn got her sister to move in - so there would be no room for Meri.

    5. planet Pliggyville

    6. Kelly....maybe the energy to wash and dry the dishes would leave a bigger impact on the earth that recycling or disposing of the paper and plastic.

      We cant make an assumption because there are too many variables to consider.

  34. The show is so pathetically mundane these days; I had to fast forward through most of it.

    I took away one thing from last nights episode though... Kody doesn't have to worry about Logan having premarital sex because there is NO WAY he's getting laid with that God awful quilt hanging up in his dorm room!

    Keep it classy Browns.

    1. LOL, I thought the same thing, that awful quilt, and for an 18 year old man/boy going into the dorms? Is that Brown style birth control? I wonder if Kody has a quilt like that at all of his wives houses, with a big picture of himself? How is that any different from Warren Jeffs and his weird stickers that were all over those kids computers and desks? Those kids that were fleeing from Polygamy, that Holding out Help was rescuing?

      Maybe MSWC will start selling quilts with Kody's picture, or all of their pictures? Kody Brown stickers that say "Love should be multiplied not Divided" the most stupid thing a guy like him could say since he is DIVIDING his affection between four partners, four that we know of I am sure he has something on the side he was flirting with that hair dresser enough!

    2. hmm.

      new charms on MSWC:

      a heart with a "*" next to it


      heart with ÷ with a circle surrounding it and a slash through the circle next to it

      or maybe a heart with a "*" and a fraction (1/17) "love multiplied by 1/17th" lets you create customized pins, magnets, etc with no minimum order.....upload a jpg and away you go. then just mark it up 500% plus shipping and handling and it's ready for MSWC!!!

      wait, but the majority of the population of this planet, or this country don't know who the Browns are, and don't know about the show....

      never mind.

    3. "Kody Brown stickers that say "Love should be multiplied not Divided"


    4. I never could figure out what Love should be multiplied not divided meant. Still don't get it.

  35. IMO I believe TCL has the Brown family on air as opposed to Dargers because Dargers actually really believe what they claim to believe, they are thoughtful in their relationships with each other, they are honest about jealously (from having read their book), and quite frankly would educate in around two episodes with hardly any drama/conflict. The Browns may really believe this lifestyle will help them in their faith but they appear to give no thought to how to make this work well. I don't see them as a cohesive unit bound together by a commitment to love and lift up each other. Joe Father stated on the vacation episode that their (Darger family) relationship were important to them because they would be together in eternity. They appear to live like they really believe that. The Browns...not so much. It is hard to imagine them even wanting that.

    1. Good point. I believe the Dargers would never sacrifice their relationships or make up drama for tv ratings. We know the Browns are just fine doing that.

    2. Very Good Point.
      the Dargers are living the faith, the Browns know little about it and revolve around conflict.
      IF they knew their faith, KODY would wear the pants, and MERI would be put in her place.
      I would bet the Dargers are AGHAST that the money is divided equally, not among children, but just parents.

  36. It's been mentioned a few times about Kody's Harley. I didn't know he had one. When his brothers were in town I thought they had rented one. Remember him saying something about 'driving' it and Meri had to correct his and say 'riding'.

    Also, someone on the other post said they thought Meri might have had a nose job. I agree! I kept looking at her thinking that she looked different. I thought maybe it might be the makeup. She looked much softer and not so harsh. I wish I hadn't already deleted it off the DVR because I want to go look again.

    1. He had one in Utah. They only showed him on it in one episode. He may have sold it and the ones in Vegas might have been rented. I remember being surprised when he was shown riding one in Utah, because I think it was after an episode about the Brown's money woes.

    2. Kody had the motorcycle in Vegas, when his brothers came down they all rode. Most boring episode ever!
      Walk into a biker bar, yeah, I'll have a water!

    3. I don't think Meri had a nose job. I think it was finally a good makeup artist. She tweeted a picture of them on New Year's Eve last night. Her nose looks the same to me.

    4. Who goes to the bar for water? Did they actually do that? How silly! Couldn't they have ordered some pop or food - something?

  37. The quilt is not my cup of tea either, but I think he will be happy to have it many years from now as a reminder of how much he was loved by his family when leaving home for the first time. It was given with the best of intentions.

    I guess they could have run to Winners and bought him some generic bla bed cover for his dorm room as well, so he could blend in a bit at the dorm.

  38. Meri's Wet Bar.......
    After all is said and done about this, I have a different thought about Meri's so-called obsession with having the stupid wet bar.

    I don't think Meri gives two sh*ts about the wet bar !!!!
    I think what she *really wanted* was the biggest house and the wet bar made it happen!!

    The configuration of the models offered by the developer was very convenient for Meri, in that in order to have the wet bar, it was only possible...IF..the house had the *fifth bedroom and the additonal craft room.*
    Meri is "a crafty" person and not necessarily with a glue gun and scrapbooking or making pajamas. She is very shrewd and deliberate. It all worked in her favor.

    She certainly did not want a *smaller house* no matter how logical and practical that would be....
    And she also did not want just an "equal" sized house to the other wives.
    She said herself in the latest interview, "I am not like the other three."
    Meri wanted the biggest house, and by staying obstinate about the wet bar, that insured her getting the *grandest* house. Be damned with being over-budget, she wanted that 5 bedroom house.

    As amazing as it is, she was obviously more willing to appear not just to her sisterwives and bonus children, but also to the viewing public....
    As a pretentious, eccentric bitch who was ruthless about a stupid extra counter space with a mini-sink adjacent to an already huge kitchen....

    Rather than show her true agenda where she sees herself as the *higher status* wife. The "lady of the manor" so to speak.

    And it could be said that she is entitled to feel that way as 1st wife....
    Even though SHE signed on for it all, and even though she said SHE encouraged Kody with each additional wife.
    But seriously, a five bedroom house for over half a million....
    which, by next year...will be for just ONE adult living there.
    Excessive? Crazy? Greed?

    "Love just makes us all better..??"
    I don't think so, prove that to be wrong !!

    1. I really doubt Mariah will leave home to "go off to college" so she may be there longer. I don't really see her letting Mariah go experience college, she tweeted recently that meri won't let her go to the movies alone!

    2. When I was Mariah's age, I wasn't allowed to go to a movie by myself after 8:00PM either. Meri was being a responsible parent. I can see Mariah leaving home for college next year - knowing that it isn't a good idea to go anyplace alone at night.

    3. Re: going to the movies alone, did she mean Mariah going alone with friends or truly alone/all by herself?

    4. Isn't Mariah's plan to go back to Utah for college and live in the Lehi house again? I think that has been mentioned a few different times, her bond with Lehi and the church community.

    5. I'm not sure it was a short tweet, but IMO it was an example of meri being overbearing and controlling.

    6. Amused, great post, agree w/everything you said about Meri.

    7. At Mariahs age, I moved out of my parents home and I lived with roommates and I worked at the movies! Autonomy is important. But clearly something the Browns do not value.

    8. Meri is higher status in this mob. She controls Krochie and therefore the other wives through him. She comes from a plyg background and her mother taught her well how to survive well in plyg life, just as she is teaching Meriah the same tricks of the trade.

    9. At Mariahs age, I moved out of my parents home and I lived with roommates and I worked at the movies! Autonomy is important. But clearly something the Browns do not value.

      I can relate to the Browns as parents. When I was 16-17, I did not go out anywhere after 8PM without an adult present. I was not allowed to work late hours, neither were my friends. When my best friend's parent would drop me off at my house, they WAITED until I opened the door, turned on lights, checked around and came back to the door and waved to them that everything was OK.

      This was over 40 years ago, but I know some parents (and obviously the Browns) still feel this way. If anything, we weren't being babied, we were being taught life lessons that would be useful once we were adults, truly independent and on our own.

  39. I haven't seen the last episode yet. The website I go to where some kind person has uploaded all the other Brown episodes hasn't as yet uploaded the last episode. I figure that person is either on Christmas/New Year holiday break. Or they thought to themselves .....Nup....had enough of the Browns.....can't really do this anymore.

    At the time I decided to watch something else. I watched extreme couponing. So, my thoughts leading on from that were. Why don't the Browns do extreme couponing.

    None of them work, so they would have time to search the inserts, cut and clip. They would save so much money and they could use those big vehicles to get the haul home and divide it equally among each house hold (not based on need) but split 4 ways as they do. Heck Meri would have enough food for months, she just might be able to have money left over to put towards her wet bar.

    1. I have watched extreme couponing a few times and what I usually see for the "food" is/are: enough laundry detergent to wash an aircraft carrier, tons of sport drinks, enough deodorant for an entire city, spaghetti sauce in sufficient quantities to cover Rome, and lots of toothbrushes.

    2. Oh and MrSpock...don't forget the RAMEN! Always RAMEN!!

      And a college kid (boy) with a big ol shelf filled with boxes of...womens sanitary supplies??

    3. I love this blog, so much better than the actual show!!! (: I'm a HUGE fan of extreme couponing, have thought the Krody Brown family would be better suited for that show than SW. Even if they only bought gallons of laundry soap and gallons of pasta sauce they'd still be better off money-wise with savings on those "staple" items. Anything to help out Janelle !
      Have a great New Year everyone - LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog and the commentors (:

    4. Great idea! Get the Brown wives to start extreme couponing by first meeting with a master couponer. Then we can watch them clip, snip and dumpster dive for coupons, and load up on toothbrushes (lots of teeth in his family), breath mints, pop and pasta sauce....ooooops maybe not pasta sauce....I think they eat way too much of that already. Just sayin.....could be a fun story line. Meri can make all her oooodles of spare bedrooms complete with warehouse shelving to store all the loot.

  40. Does anyone else think it's strange that 3 of the houses closed a week ago and no mention of Meri and Kody's close? Is it possible (great story line here TLC) that after the first 3 houses closed the cash reserves are tapped and there's not enough money to close on the over budget 4th home? Can you imagine the story line of who is Meri going to move in with? I also wondered if they 4th house was waiting to close for tax purposes, but nahhh, can't imagine can you CPACarol?

    1. I just think it took much longer to build the wet bar... LOL

      The recorder's site may just be behind with the holidays, too. It could be that the house closed right before Christmas or between Christmas and New Year's and it hasn't hit the electronic record yet. I'm sure the office, like many this time of year, is short-staffed.

    2. Well I though that maybe they closed on the first 3 for tax purposes or maybe it took longer because her house took longer to build or maybe the paper work is behind with the holidays right now

    3. I would think its because Meri's house is the biggest and most elaborate. Options that were not told to the viewing audience.

  41. I was the one who mentioned one of the lil brothers pushing his sister off of Logan. The reason why I mentioned it, is b/c I thought the lil girl was Robyns daughter, the one who is ALWAYS hanging on Kody or ALWAYS seeking some sort of male attention whether its from Kody, Logan, or uncles that come to visit.
    So thank you to whoever it was who let me know that it was Paedon & not Garrison,etc... like I originally thought.
    I'm the youngest of 6 kids (4 bros & 1 sis), so trust me I know how siblings tend to be(argue,namecalling, fight, play, shove, etc...) & interact w/ each other.

    1. What stuck out to me with the kids this last episode was how tight Dayton hugged Logan when they were out at the houses. He did NOT want to let him go.

      That child is silently screaming for a positive male figure in his life, IMO.

      It was very sad for me to watch.

    2. Yes I noticed this too. Dayton will miss wLogan a great deal. Once there is a lot of kids in a family 6+ there is Walton Syndrome that takes place, where kids help raise younger children in the family. It is common knowledge.

  42. There were quite of few NYE Tweet pics posted by the Brown teens...i'm glad they finally decided to spend a holiday all together. I bet a big part of it had to do w/ the fact that Meri still hasn't closed on her house yet, plus the fact of them saying they have to "unite" at these homes. I just don't understand, why they couldn't all celebrate NYE last year together even tho they just lived a few miles apart??
    In one of the group pics was all the kids(minus Logan, Maddie, & Hunter)& Kody...
    Also,in the last couple of day, some of Mariah's tweets have been sorta angry/negative energy feel to them. IMO, I'm thinking it's most likely due to her mom's house hasn't been closed on yet, which would be perfectly understandable esp since all her other siblings has already been able to move into their houses,etc..

    Mariah: "I'm just in desperate need of a good day..these last two weeks have been so emotionally draining. I can't take another week like that."

    Mariah:"Seriously so sick & tired of this"

    Mariah (2 separate tweets, probably since Twitter allows 140 characters per tweet):"New Years resolution:Keep things in perspective & stop complaining b/c I am basically the queen of complaining. I need to realize more often how blessed I really am"

    Mariah:"Solomon never fails to brighten my day"
    Robyn:"Keep ur chin up Luv!It will get better.I love you lots & lots"

    Now just like others here on SWB, I'm starting to wonder why Meri's house still hasn't been closed on yet. Hmmmmmmmm??? So I wonder if the leases on the other 4 rentals(including Meri's) has already expired, since they were all expecting to be in their homes by the end of the year(which we know that 3 of them already are..) & maybe her & Mariah are having to stay at Robyns new home for now? I just don't see Meri really wanting to stay in another SW home if she didn't have to..I'm sure she'd prefer to stay in a hotel rather than the latter...Lol

    1. Maybe Mariah is having trouble getting into her top choice for college.

    2. Breathing Room PleaseJanuary 1, 2013 at 4:25 PM

      Regarding Robyn's tweet, if I was a teen, I would not want a stepmother commenting on my tweets. I'd want some space for goodness sakes.

    3. I saw her tweets too. I noticed the tweet that included a picture of her (Mariah) in a Mickey Mouse apron was quick to be deleted. One of her twitter followers RT'ed it before she deleted it though. It is still there under lovemylife6. I am wondering if Mariah deleted the original tweet because it has one of the new kitchens in the picture. We all know they don't want to give up the suspense of having the new kitchens revealed in the next season. Side note though: When last season ended with us not knowing whether or not Meri would try to have a baby I thought for sure we would find out in the first episode of the next season. They had an entire season with no answer!!! Are they going to make us wait all season to see the house reveal???!

    4. I noticed the tweet that included a picture of her (Mariah) in a Mickey Mouse apron was quick to be deleted

      Oh no! But wait...look what Santa left in my stocking! Look Upward under Chelsea!

  43. Happy New Year Folks!!
    Love this blog and thanks to all who make it possible.
    Believe this should be the third year, fifth season, ## episode, aren't they filming two seasons a yr?? Interesting to compare the Browns to the Gosselins who moved twice in their early days of the show. Regardless of what they make - more income may mean a shorter run. As their demands increase, interest goes down.
    Logan's quilt: he could buy and sew two sheets to make a quilt cover
    more suitable to a dorm. Even though he is in town, good for him to
    fly the coup - probably has a college work/study job to assist in his fees.
    Love reading the opinions of all. Thanks again.

  44. I am so excited that they got the houses. Drama, drama, drama! I am anxious to see Meri demand new/more furniture to furnish her new home. How will co-dependent Janelle compromise again to find the money? Will she stop paying Logan's tuition (if they are paying it now)? Start feeding her children more unhealthily? Refuse to buy her children more clothes? How much will a true codependent throw her kids under the bus for a "taker" like Meri?

    I can't wait until next year, when we hear about the LV heat and their electric bills. Will we hear more about their "financial pressure" or will they just go on vacation and have parties? Obviously, there is no financial pressure or they would not be planning "re-commitment ceremonies" and "vacations" etc. Will they keep up the charade or abandon it altogether?

    If Meri doesn't have a baby, she will become completely boring. She is only interesting right now because she is acting so entitled. Once the homes are built and her options are done, the only drama left is when Mariah leaves. Of course, she will fall to pieces and, I expect, demand more Kody time. Kody will be annoyed as he always is when things aren't "fun". If Robyn is birthin or preggers, Meri will be left alone. Then she will cry. Shocker that.

    After all that, though, what will be interesting about her life? Her "entertaining?" Her one-on-one vacations with Kody that she will be able to fund with her disproportionate budget? That is just Mexico replayed. Boring unless the other wives grow a backbone and complain and we know that won't happen. Janelle is too co-dependent to complain. She will just make her kids stop getting haircuts or something. Christine's complaints will be quickly shut down by Kodster. Robyn will just keep using her fertility and passive aggressive tactics to keep Kody near her and away from Meri. Seriously, no drama. Meri won't just be irrelevant to Kody, she'll be irrelevant to the show as well.

    1. Agree with this post. I cannot WAIT to see the drama that will unfold once they get their dream houses!!!

      And since they are all now on twitter, we will probably be able to get little sneak peeks behind what is shown on this program.

      Yes, I do wonder about all the "entertaining" that Meri will be doing when each family has its own brand new huge home just steps away from hers. Why would they all need to go to her house if they have their own?

      More and more, I am sure that all the antics about wet bar, entertaining, etc, is just because she wants a big house all to herself. Wonder how she will be enjoying those A/C bills when she is home alone in her hobby room for 3 days at a time while she waits for her day with Kody.

      I am so excited to see what is going to happen! Keep it coming TLC!!!!!

    2. I really think Kody will use Meri's house as a get-away from the other crowds. He can at least have his own man cave maybe?

    3. Yup - I can hear the "empty nest" sobbing from Meri already.....oh yes....she is practising up.

  45. Just a quick comment on Logan and college and who's paying for it. It might have been mentioned before, but since Janelle and Kody aren't legally married the only income Janelle needed to list for FASA would be her's. And since she's not currently working, it would be pretty small. Not sure if she had to list TLC's money as 'income' if the money for the series technically goes to Kody and Meri (his legal wife) .... even though Janelle 'cuts' the checks, lol.

    Basically, I'm guessing that all of those kids, except for Mariah, will be able to go to college on the taxpayer's dime through Pell Grants and subsidized Stafford Loans plus other assistance that I'm not even aware of as my husband I have to pay every penny of our 2 children's' college education - while paying our taxes.

    1. I thought about that also as I cut tuition checks, however she had to show income for the house this year so I think he's screwed unless NV has some instate tuition program or he's on scholarship for grades etc. which is entirely possible. FASA cross checks with your 1040 automatically and her 1040 has to show SOMETHING to get the house so I don't think they can hide this one.

    2. The FAFSA doesn't cross check with the IRS unless the family filing the FAFSA does an IRS Data download. (This was new in 2012). Otherwise, a family can put down whatever they want and get by with it unless they get selected for "verification" where the school requires tax returns before any aid can be given.

      That said, if Janelle's income is small (on paper), with a family size of 7 and 1 in college, yes, potentially Hunter could be getting gift aid (grants.)

  46. This episode showed how truly sick and spoiled queen Meri is. She was upset with Cody because he was questioning her being over budget. If that is what Kody is like when he is "upset" with her she should meet my husband. He was perfectly nice and reasonable, but trying to rein his wife's spending in, which my husband has to do also, but he isn't nearly as nice as Kodes was being. GROW UP Meri. Can't have everything we want in life, especially since you don't work or have any education whatsoever Meri.

    1. I agree. I didnt see Kody as being aggressive at all. Meri just did not like being called out for her complete lack of what a budget is and how to stick to it. She simply was trying to avoid being embarrassed. But she has already embarrassed herself beyond belief.

  47. I didn't understand the comment from Christine that she is up till 3 am worried about working on her credit. And then Kody leans in and says they are all in that boat.

    How exactly can Christine "work" on her credit? The bankruptcy, etc, is on her record. What can she do besides pay her current bills and for heaven's sakes not spend every TLC dime as soon as it comes in? Of course, she has her "sham" job, listed as the realtor's assistant, but I assume as everyone does here, that's just for the purposes of the application, with maybe one or two "paychecks" to clip to it.

    1. There are *many things you can do, aside from paying your current bills on time to improve your credit. There are credit boards online that you can read and learn from. It's actually fun, if you're into that kind of thing! =D

  48. So if Meri doesn't close and moves in with someone else I could see a few more seasons on that alone. I think they should let the viewers decide where she lives. The payback Janelle and Christine could get would make a couple of really good seasons.

    1. Just what DO you do all dayJanuary 1, 2013 at 5:16 PM

      I think Meri should rotate like Kody and help take care of the kids LOL.

    2. More likely Janelle and Christine would have to share a house and Meri would get one of theirs!

  49. In a dangerous city like Las Vegas, I wouldn't let my child go alone to the movies either. I think Amused is right that it's not really about the wet bar, it's about the fact that Meri as the first wife wants to be sure she has the best and biggest house. It will probably be Kody's "home base" where he keeps his things etc. so he will also want it to be the best. Maybe he is kicking in some of his 1/5 to help make up the difference in price.

  50. Those great T shirts that were on here before, can anyone make new ones?
    GO CHRISTINE! (with new figure picture)
    Meri, GROW UP!

  51. A woman from the TLC show "Wives with Beehives" said this on a blog, "Dollie DeVille9:51 PM, December 27, 2012
    You realize this is all fake right? The producers made it all up and basically scripted it. They edited everything I said together and patched it up to make me look like a bitch. I had high hopes that they would actually explain why we love this lifestyle, but all TLC cares about is creating fake drama. -Dollie

  52. Has anyone found a place to watch or buy "Secrets Revealed?"

  53. Thanks for posting Mariahs tweets, I don't use twitter, and it's interesting to me to hear the day to day happenings of the brown family, as we also watch what happened months ago. I would like to see more of those tweets from all the brown clan, if someone would be interested in posting the day to day, even mundane tweets, on this site. Would give us all something to read and talk about while the show is on hiatus. Or, if someone could lead me to a way to read their tweets, even though I'm not on twitter.

    1. Just go to google and type in something like "twitter (insert name here)" - that will usually lead you to the right place, or puts you in the right direction. I'm not on twitter, either, but I enjoy the occasional jaunt around my favorite celebrities. I think you can tell a lot about what a person is really like by reading what they write when they're not in front of a camera.

  54. I have come to the conclusion that Janelle gets the smallest portion of air time because she is the most logical, sane, and probably less drama filled than the others, MATURE. yes, she has some quirks or she wouldn't be in this mess, for sure. I for one enjoy her segments with her children more than any of the others.
    I am noticing that the children play such a small part in the series now. I barely knew which one was which they have grown so much. But let's not forget, ALL of this, the homes, the tears, the drama, is for their little sakes.

  55. For those speculating about how Logan is paying his tuition: Logan likely qualified for a student loan, but not a PELL grant.

    As for the theory that TLC pays Kody and Meri only, I'm betting that tax and wage and hour laws require that each adult working must be paid. Janelle had to show records to get a mortgage. And she has to have enough income each month to pay the mortgage, bills, groceries, and other living expenses.

    Besides, if Kody and Meri were the only ones getting paid, they would be considered to be gifting money to Janelle for living expenses and mortgage payments. The money would be subject to gift tax, which is higher than federal income tax.

    Second, Mariah will soon discover that she is screwed, too. Now, she has to pay out-of-state tuition to Utah. I'm wondering if her bad couple of weeks involve scholarship denials or investigating tuition. I sure hope not. Poor thing.

  56. LOVED LOVED LOVED the Chelsea clip!!!
    When I first saw the dollhouse show, I guess I was new to all of this and it didn't seem so creepy. Now it really does!
    Someone's pulling a Barbie Train! hehehehhehhe

  57. Aspyn just posted a picture of Truly on Twitter. Looks like a new kitchen to me.

  58. Had to add this comment again below so no one would miss it or the great picture Cinny got us!!!!

    Cynical Jinx - January 1, 2013 5:35 PM
    I noticed the tweet that included a picture of her (Mariah) in a Mickey Mouse apron was quick to be deleted

    Oh no! But wait...look what Santa left in my stocking! Look Upward under Chelsea!

    Thank you my Cinny Sister!!!!!!!!

    1. Great Picture! New Kitchen. Geez, those Kitchen Aid's cost over $400!

  59. I finally just saw the Secrets Revealed episode.

    It seems so odd to me that there is NO physical contact when these folks are all together. I've been in a room with family/friends when someone became emotional - either laughing or crying. It's not natural - IMO - that no one else in a room touches or comforts anyone else. Even among the ladies sitting together. It would require the intentional stifling of any feelings, and that just doesn't seem healthy.

    1. AZChristian, I have always noticed their lack of emotion for each other, touching, etc. Heck, me and my girlfriends have to slap an arm or hug or whatever the emotion brings. These folks just sit there. One exception, Robyn, who tried to baby Meri. Aren't they strange?

  60. Just a few thoughts:

    Meri might need all of those rooms in a few years; judging from the way Mariah was raised and acts (spoiled, entitled, bratty - like a mini-Meri) I'm certain that there isn't a man alive who can live up to Mariah's expectations (because her parents' marriage is just sooooo goood!) and there aren't many women like Jannelle or Christine left who are willing to take Mariah's (future) abuse...Mariah will end up leaving her husband with all of her children and dragging them back to Meri's Mansion to live because she won't have a Christine to teach and raise and feed them for her (while she sleeps in or 'works out')and she won't have a Jannelle to foot the bill for her extravagant taste and her Hubbo won't take her on enough vacations and none of her own sisters will be willing to nanny for her (like Blobbin' Robbyn's sister does. Poor Mariah. See, Meri is making sure her Speshal Snowflake will be taken care of.

    Meri might want to do a little less 'baking'. Not her best argument for the whole wet-bar thing.

    I'm not even sure if the Browns are fundamentalists anymore. They don't want their kids around LDS/Mormon kids, and they don't seem to follow any of the religion of the FLDS or other fundamentalist groups except for polygamy. I'm sorry, I just don't see polygamy as a religion. It can certainly be PART of a religion or whatever, but it's not a religion by itself anymore than covering one's head is a religion. They just do whatever they want/whatever Kody wants/whatever pops into their heads at the moment. Not really a religion.

    Fairness and equality can mean the same thing, but they don't ALWAYS mean the same thing. If I need allergy medicine and my sister doesn't, should we both take it to be fair or neither of of take it to be equal? Meri, please come back to reality - we miss you. (Well, we definitly miss reality, anyway.)

    Mariah can't go to the movies alone, but she can drive on the weekends to Utah (since they moved, she's been doing this with no adult supervision) and to Disneyland? I think Meri can let go a bit.

    Kody is the 5th sisterwife. The (presumed) equal share of the money, getting bullied by Meri, his need for attention (rivaling Christine's and Blobbin's), plus the fact that he finds a way to make E.V.E.R.Y. L.I.T.T.L.E. T.H.I.N.G. all about him. Now it's clear.

    Thanks, and happy 2013!!

  61. If thats Christine's kitchen... It has a microwave! Do you think it has a toaster too???
