Monday, December 17, 2012

Discussion Area 2 for S05E05 and S05E06 "Mourning the Loss" and "Confronting Failure"


  1. Meri's face in picture #2. omg. She is so smug. I suspect because she's Kody's only 'real' wife.

    1. good lord, she looks like that infamous "Tanning Mom" in that picture!! lol

    2. Look at her nose, lookes like one of the whoville kids from the grinch lol

    3. I don't like meri either but let's stop making comments about her face . That's just mean

    4. just to clarify - my comment above at 5:42 is about her CHOICE of overtanning of her face or whatever she's doing to make it so ridiculously orange colored these days. I don't make fun of people's features that they certainly didn't CHOOSE.

  2. And then there was this stupid part where they took Christine's daughter to meet with a disgner person. Okay, first, Christine seemed more into the designer thing than her daughter and second, did Robyn really need to tell us how much of a gentleman kody is for not looking at an almost naked woman that he isn't married to. Hmmmm let's see he isn't a gentleman because he not only looks at one woman he ins't married to and who is naked but he also looks at two more and has, in fact, done more than look.
    Can these tools get anymore ignorant?

    1. Mykelti has said before that she wants to be a fashion designer and they showed that she had drawn a bunch of shoe designs and put them up on her wall. I think she's probably drawn a bunch of clothing designs, too. If I'd gone with them i'd have been more into it than Mykelti.

      I don't understand why Kody was there in the first place and I don't think any more of him because he left the area when the model was being dressed.

      Someone on the previous page said that Kody's body language clearly showed that he didn't support Mykelti in her dream and I believe that's true. I don't know what he wants for her but it isn't that.

    2. Robyn certainly got a lot of room to talk when she kissed Kody while they were still courting and she acted like a dang teenager hanging on to Kody for a kiss when he was trying to get to the hospital because Christine was giving birth!

    3. Mykelti is a typical teen who dreams of being a fashion designer one week and a brain surgeon the next. Maybe Kody sees this and that's why he's not so enthusiastic. The fashion designer was kind of scary.

    4. this family's arrogant hypocrisy is over the top! they don't get it and they're never gonna get it.

    5. Did anyone else catch it when the designer first looked at Mykelti and went to hold her hand out and introduce herself but GRODY very quickly butted in w/a stupid laugh, saying "hi, i'm Kody" with his hand stretched out?? it was so awkward and so Kody. i guess they cut out his usual "we're polygamists and i've got 4 wives!!" because i'm sure he said it.

    6. I notice Kody's eyes during the coach session and he didn't seem pleased at all. I wonder why he was even there. He and Christine were hanging all over each other when they entered. I, too, wondered if he said "we're polygamists" I even mentioned it to my husband.

    7. She has mentioned before that she wants to be a fashion designer and she tweeted recently that she won 4th place in a national design competition with a design she made and sewed her self. I say way to go Mykelti!

  3. Ok. I am a pet lover so I understand how the loss of a pet can be so upsetting.

    Also, I am very proud of Janelle for being so honest and open about her weight loss journey.

  4. Poor Meri. She looks so in love with him. She does look very smug in that picture. You can tell she's so insecure.

    1. She is a overbearing tyrant who clearly wants her husband to herself . That's clear in every look, word, and action.

  5. I can't check Twitter from the office - it is blocked for us but I was wondering if there have been any tweets from the Browns concerning the Drake situation. I believe that Meri tweeted when he passed on and there was a lot of sympathy at the time. Am curious how they will deal with the public relations problem they now have. Thx.

    1. There were a load of tweets about how Christine should have told them all she was finding studying with the kids hard. Robin said she was very upset by it. And kiddy keeps saying they weren't having really bad problems and to remember that he loved her very much

    2. Sorry predictive text on my phone it was meant to say Kody not kiddy lol

    3. He's an idiot man-child so Kiddy describes him to a T...that's my new name for him now

  6. Hey Lisa-no, Kody didn't like the idea of Drake being put down. He said so 2x that he grew up on a farm, blah, blah, blah and things just took their natural progression. After it happened he did say that Meri was right. Nevertheless, he showed no compassion towards Meri and Mariah. He seemed like he just didn't want to deal with Drake or the ladies. I think we see Kody too often get kinda pissy and short. Imagine when the cameras aren't rolling!

  7. Looks like Janelle's not the only one that needs to lose some pounds, they can live off their fat for at least 50 years. Just saying...

    1. Didn't like last nights show. I can't believe they put down their dog. Do they really think their expensive jewelry will pay for their houses. Get cheaper houses!!!!!! Silver is not that expensive....don't think I'll watch much longer.

    2. I had to FFW through the dog part, I am a pet lover and get so upset when a pet is sick and old... not something they had to show-guess the producers wanted to show that MERI had a human side. NAH.

      As for the 'website', went there a few weeks ago, and they had a lot of 'coming soon', ONE PAGE of jewelry and the stuff they had was EITHER UGLY, DONE BEFORE(and alot nicer at other places), AND ALOT CHEAPER!!! For them to think this was going to support the 20+of them-MORONIC! I did a website-failure! and alot of others have had the same results. OKAY-they have a TV show-but it is on cable tv-NOT A REG. STATION, and alot of people watch the show to criticize it! (don't think that is even on their radar=I suspect when they say, and they have, they get NOTHING BUT POSITIVE MAIL,TEXTS, EMAIL, that someone(s) is/are 'editing' out the negative ones. Well, we know that happens on their FB page, so not hard to believe it happens with 'their fan mail' and other things. CLUELESS.

  8. I just visited twitter and saw that Janelle has begun to blog.

    And she's good!

    Keep it up girl!

    Can't wait for her solo book!

  9. Although I am still annoyed that Christine ‘did not know that men could be b*stards’, I actually did feel for her in these episodes. If Meri really did WANT and PLAN on having 8 kids, why can’t she be a real bonus Mom to Christine’s kids? She is constantly crying about those babies she never had…well guess what - those babies are over at Christine’s house and she could use some help with them. Hey Mare - how about taking the younger ones (including Truely) over to your house and you could have them do crafts and you could even make a week’s worth of dinners and put them in Christine’s freezer. You could be like Grandma Duggar and do laundry for her or run errands for her. Have you offered? Does it occur to you how pitiful and petty it sounds when you cry about the children you wanted but didn’t get and yet you won’t help out a sister wife in need.? The children of your beloved husband? And not just because she has a test to study for, but how about just on a regular basis, because it’s the right thing to do for family. I know that Christine has teens that can help and I know Janelle has a similar situation, but Christine is calling out for help and no one is helping her. What is wrong with these people?

    1. Seriously you are right on. I don't think Meri wants another kid. If she did she would be acting completely different than what we see. I did think she was holding Sol briefly at the house meeting in the 2nd? episode? But you are spot on....this is ridiculous.

    2. I also agree with you, CPA Carol. I thought that was part of the deal with having a sister wife. The Brown children are always saying they have four moms. This does include you too Meri. What does Meri do all day and nights when k isn't there?

  10. The segment with Drake was poorly handled. Either Meri is an irresponsible jerk who didn't bother to confirm with a Las Vegas veterinarian that Drake was irreversibly ill, or she did do that but the show didn't bother to reference it.

    I suspect that religion may have had something to do with why Kody and Meri took Drake to Utah. Mormons discourage cremation, and the family could hardly bury a large dog cadaver at their rental homes or the construction site, where the land was still being torn up. Or, perhaps this whole Las Vegas plot is just for the show, and the Browns intend to return to Utah??

    1. honestly, was the dog ever in Vegas to begin with?

    2. Doubtful !!!
      Which means that the poor dog (and possibly in poor health) was used as a prop for this episode. Also means that the poor dog was transported to LV for the "kids say goodbye to Drake" scene and then taken back to Lehi for his demise.

      With this group of *performers,* anything is possible !!

    3. Even before seeing the vet in Utah, kody announced to the family that he was taking drake to Utah and not bringing him back. Decision was already made. How many time did we hear that Kody say he was a "farm boy." Unbelievable. Old dog, time to put him down. and in Utah!!!!

    4. I honestly don't think that the dog really belonged to them, at least not any more. How could they have moved across states and gone on vacation several times without anyone noticing that they had a dog in tow? They never even MENTIONED having a dog! EVER! I, personally, think that the dog belonged to Meri's sister and was simply "visiting" the family in Vegas in order to create drama for this episode. That's why he had to be taken "back" to Lehi...because that was his actual home. I think they just pretended that Drake was their dog. It seems more likely that Meri's sister took the dog to the vet previous to the show and was advised that he needed to be put down for whatever reason. She probably called Meri and asked if her family wanted to spend some time with him before they put him down, and the producers created an episode where the family acts at though it's THEIR dog. It would explain why they had to take him to Lehi and why we've never seen this dog before. I'm not even convinced that they actually put the dog to sleep with the cameras rolling...all we really saw was Kody burying something covered in a sheet. Could have been a stuffed animal, for all we know. But of one thing I am certain: Drake was definitely not the family dog. Not THAT family. Maybe he used to be, but certainly not since they moved to Vegas. I think it was a con.

    5. Being a dog owner myself, I would guess they took the dog back to SL because that is where he spent most of his life. They wanted to take him home. Don't be so hard on kodi & meri when no one really knows the situation. You could tell the dog could barely walk. Also loosing bowels is a sign that physically the animal is failing. Finally, just because we never saw the dog doesn't mean he wasn't theirs.

    6. I suspect they took the dog to be buried on the home front where they will move back to. I believe the Vegas thing is a plot kind of like the Beverly Hillbillies. Look at those FLDS Plygs that moved to Las Vegas Suburia! Wow... shocking! Ok, first off having known many Morms and break away Morms they sin as much if not MORE then average other Christian religions. Because, if you know human nature, tell me no and watch me just not get caught! Ha! So, if they wanted to get more bang for their buck and more viewers some of the ladies should have to go to rehab for gambling or something of great interest. Find out which children are in the closet rebels. I am sure a few or more of the teenagers think their parents are whackos and going out of their way not to grow up like them. Kody has an affiar! Now those are story lines. When you look at descriptions of them it says: Reality show ACTOR. The events are not normal lives but acted out with their own personalities but staged. The first season not as much acting although remember the first season was a big story line with courting the bride of Frankenstein, oops I mean Sobyn. So, that one was less acting maybe. But since then the story lines have not been very good. Other then the kids going to help people break free from the FLDS. THAT should have been played out even larger then it was. That is a story line. Now this week? I did not see anything worth watching.. burying a dog that is running around while Kootie digs a grave for it> BARF. Meri is one sicko though watching him dig a hole and cry.. He was having an emotional fit when he had to do manual labor yall. Come on! The man does NOT get his hands dirty, what would his manicurist say? And you KNOW he gets his nails done, waxing and the works. Biggest Metrosexual (trying not to out him) man I ever have seen on TV.

    7. My guess - since Drake was NOT apparently in any of the LV eps until this one -was that he was left behind in Lehi and taken care of by Meri's sister and fam. Perhaps they noticed the dog was getting along in years maybe peeing everywhere and let Kody/Meri know - voila another storyline.

      If Drake had been there longer I would hope there was more than a thin blanket on the hard floor for him. My kitty has sleeping places everywhere in my pad :)

  11. Are pets sealed to the family in the Mormon religion? Will they be in the Celestial Heaven?

    1. Ha, NO sealing to pets. Oh and Mormons can be cremated just fine. It's no big deal.

    2. Although Kody tweeted, "Goodbye Drake! See you there old friend. You are in so many of our memories. You will be missed." I wonder if by "there" he means "heaven"? I guess when you get your own planet you can bring your dog with you if you want. You know, to give you some companionship in between making spirit-babies.

    3. I was just reading in the bible where Jesus says we all will be like brothers and sisters in heaven. What on earth bible are they reading from?

    4. sorry, but that one kinda creeps me out. I've had tons of sex w/my hubby for 30+years and i really hate the thought of just becoming brother and sister when it's all said and done. i love my brothers and sisters but certainly not in the way i love my husband! that belief doesn't resonate with me at all - but to each his own i guess.

  12. This has probably been discussed at length before, but the part of the epsiode I happened to catch was the launching of the MSWC website. I just don't get why they think masses of people are going to buy their stuff. Is there really a market for symbols of polygamy? Why would I want to wear a necklace that represents their marriage? I have my own wedding ring, thanks. It means nothing to me and I'm certainly not interested in wearing it as an ornament. I just don't get it.

    1. I think the Browns are definitely sipping delusional tea if they think that ragtag online store of theirs is going to make them big bucks.

      It goes offline every time they mention MSWC on the show. And then Robyn has the audacity to beg people on the MSWC facebook to hold off accessing the site for 24 hours. She also said that their server (probably her home pc) can't handle the traffic, but it's too costly to buy a better server that could.

      So let's think about that - they are losing 'sales' for their extremely overprice junk jewelry because their server is too antiquated to handle the traffic and they can't afford one that can. BUT...they can try and plop themselves into almost 2 million dollars worth of houses - not to mention they bought Kody a gun and pc the cost of which would have purchased a damn good server.

      Who else thinks MSWC will be belly up in 6 months?

    2. Obviously it took the Browns awhile to get it that NO, people don't want to buy and wear their plyg jewelry. They are full of themselves and think everyone is in awe of their weird and dysfunctional lifestyle. Maybe they actually had a light bulb moment given the tremendous lack of sales on that ugly jewelry - both literally and figuratively.

    3. I don't think any of us here at SWB have any earthly idea what segment of the 'market' MSWC is supposed to appeal to. Polygamists are notoriously poverty-stricken and can't afford these types of luxuries. Boring monogamists are not interested in wearing symbols of polygamy around their necks or on their fingers. Even their most rabid fans probably still can't afford the prices on these items...and if they did buy something, it's doubtful that people would just keep on buying more polygamist jewelry, there isn't a repeat market. And clothing? Seriously? I know the SWs read this blog and I am certainly no fashionista but come on - would anyone seriously buy any clothes from these women? Janelle is the only one of the wives who dresses appropriately for the modesty requirements and her body type. No one wants to dress like these ladies. I find it fascinating that they still think this idea is going to make them money. I can't imagine they have come close to even breaking even. LIV isn't going to do it for them either. (I think they don't mention it because TLC won't let them). The most marketable of the jobs/businesses that they have come up with are the real estate jobs. But that will take a lot of hard work and organizational skills and I don't see that with any of them. Seems like Meri and Kody need to come up with some ideas. I don't see either of them really looking for ways to bring in the income.

    4. This was the obvious flaw in their online game plan discussed from day one here at SWB.
      Did they really think that non-plyg *fans* would really want to wear that junk?

      And hey, interesting, isn't it that even the Dargers are NOT wearing this "ICONIC" plyg jewelry, are they??
      If they are *such* good friends with the Browns, wouldn't you think they would lend a supportive hand to the Browns by shilling for "the Closet"???
      After all, aren't we supposed to believe that they are all just blissfully happy plygs.

      Or...the Browns, while on their happy, happy co-vacation, would have used good marketing savvy and gifted their *close* friends, the Dargers, with a few pieces for them to wear for free PR??

      Maybe the Dargers gals just have better taste!!

    5. Really I was literally LMAO during the website scenes. Kody watching the site like a one armed bandit thinking there were 73 people all just waiting with their Visa cards in hand to buy up their craptastic jewelry. Lol I'm sure that there might have been people who were actuality considering buying but were turned off by the price!!

    6. I searched it on a whim when the new season started and that was how I found this blog, too. I've been thinking about this a lot and agree with what you are saying, CPA Carol.

      Even if I liked their jewellery and wanted it and bought it all... there is nothing left for me to buy.

      The only thing that is new is the ornament and it's sold out. I think a lot more people would be inclined to buy something from them if it there were some budget friendly options, too.

      I don't know that they can sell enough to support themselves in the lifestyle to which they would like to become accustomed... but maybe it would be enough to pay the internet bill. :-)

    7. I'm curious as to the excuses they'll give for the failure of MSWC. Stupid idea in the first place. Ugly crap in the second. I confess, I was sooo looking forward to the clothing and accessories.

    8. I suspect MSWC was purposely set up to fail...don't you get tax deductions if your business fails?
      I mean, the site is so UTTERLY unprofessionally done.

    9. If they actually cared about MSWC, they'd a) design more products and b) fix their site loading problems. Asking people to come back the next day won't work long.

      The site loading problems look to me to be bandwidth-related - once they reach a certain number of visitors or page views, they exceed some daily allotment and their site is shut down. The thing is, they aren't getting that many visitors. According to this stats page, MSWC only gets an average of 151 page views and 84 visitors per day - down significantly from their 228 visitors on launch day.

      MSWC is an unattractive and bloated site anyways and I expect that they could do some optimizing and fine-tuning to make it better.

    10. I wouldn't call this "polygamy" jewelry it's just the Brown's version of the old claddagh ring and I must say it looks better as a ring - not broken up and made into hideously ugly charms. They even ripped off "love loyalty friendship" from the claddagh.

      I don't think they really intended or thought they would make a profit - I was thinking about this and my thought on the whole MSWC was dreamed up PURELY as a plot line. That's why they haven't gotten a better server and don't seem to care that in making the price too high (and they knew about the ultra high shipping costs the day they launched for gods sake!) they were cutting out most of their potential customers who might have been interested in buying a little token of the Browns.

      Perhaps Kody didn't want to be bothered with filling too many orders so he intentionally set the price high??

      It's a charade IMO.

    11. Correct me if I am wrong, but when they first started it, wasn't there a big hub a boo about them being sold out and trying to keep up with orders? #anotherBrownlie

    12. DJ - i would definitely call it Sister Wives plyg jewelry as it's only that one necklace that's all about the claddagh ring. Its charms are also sold separately is all. But other than that, their remaining pieces are all about their own Brown plyg sisterhood symbolism. It's not selling like hotcakes cause no one cares to walk around advertising for them let alone paying those goddawful "wish" prices they have put on them.

  13. Meri and her inability to make a decision was driving me crazy. It seems like if you were living in such turmoil that you would have prepared a little for the meeting on all the house options. And her whining about having to have a sliding glass door and not french doors was more than a little annoying. The whole thing makes no sense. Instead of trying to save money, Meri seems intent on spending every last dime of her budget and any of her sister wives extra money. Meri of all the women probably bothers me the most. Well next to Robin anyway. Get a job and contribute to the family. Your life didnt turn out exactly the way you want. You wanted more children but it didnt happen. Deal with it. You were given a daughter which is more than a lot of people have. Her comment about now she'll have to get a job. Yeah, maybe you should. Your one child will be graduating soon. What do you do all day? Obviously you are not helping your sister wives, like when Christine could have used some time alone to study, with their children. But I guarantee if Christine were to start making money, Meri would have her hand out for her 'equal share'.

    1. Her comment was 'i will have to get a SECOND job'

    2. yeah, don't you have to have a first one in order to get a second one? they ALL count TLC as their main (and for some - their ONLY) job! they're so full of themselves, i don't think they can actually fathom their 10 minutes of fame is soon over for them.

    3. I noticed she said that about the second job. Wonder what she considers her first job? The show? LIV?

  14. I can not watch it onTV. as soon as it appears anywhere online, PLEASE let me know.

    1. On episode 5 is available (under streaming video) for $1.99.

  15. I think Janelle is the prettiest out of the bunch. I've always thought that. Hopefully she'll leave Kody once she loses the weight! Ohhh, that would hurt Kody's pride! lol

    1. Janelle and trainer Shawn seem to get along and he understands her. Now that would be a good match!

    2. He is a better trainer than Trainer Bill at least the few seconds they showed.

      I noticed he mentioned her poor eating habits. If she wants to see real weight loss Janelle needs to reduce her caloric intake.

    3. She looks so much prettier in the gym shots. I wish she would stop using that black eyeliner and mascara, which just closes off her beautiful eyes.

    4. i doubt any of these women have ever had any professional make-up advice. Janelle could still enhance her eyes with make-up but in softer browns instead of the harsh black contrasted w/her super blonde hair. She could also get lowlights done in her hair for some more softening. The black/white look she's rocking is just way too harsh for her age.

      and then there's Meri's new orange face look she's apparently fallen in love with.

  16. Meri just looks rough these days. I thinks it's interesting that the fact that Kody has already taken a younger and much fitter 4th wife doesn't seem to motivate anyone.

  17. Does anyone else think that Meri and Meriah have some serious emotional issues between the two of them? Why are they ALWAYS crying?

    1. Tears for sympathy!

    2. Yes, serious emotional issues ......Because first of al.....l how screwed up is Meri for allowing other women and children into her marriage with Kody in the first, second, third and fourth places????

    3. Polygamy is hard! Meri and Mariah had each other through all the redicule!

      None of the sister wives helped with Mariah - go watch past series, where Meri said how her own sister(the deceased one) helped with Mariah...........

      and there was never unity as Meri did her own grocery - while Christine was the nanny and maid for Janelle, the maid who also went to buy grocery even using coupons in order to save!

      from what I can see, Janelle & Christine were united against Meri - the legal wife!

    4. Hi Meri! Perhaps these two ladies didn't unite against you, but rather couldn't stand the emotional abuse, bullying and mean behavior?! They figured since Janelle works Cristine could take care of the kids.

    5. Anonymous 3:41, Meri made life miserable for Janelle before Christine ever arrived. She is a bully, even to some of the kids. Legal or not, the whole premise is that they are supposed to be one big family. IF Christine and Janelle "were united" against Meri, she begs for it. Her sense of entitlement is nauseating.

    6. In the first season, Meri mentioned that Mariah liked to eat supper at Christine's a lot.

  18. None of them seem to have any motivation to do better besides Janelle, be it their weight or attaining another goal. They want instant results

  19. Is this blog not doing normal reviews anymore? The one for the last episode assumed we had seen the episode and was totally not a recap. That's the only reason I come to this blog. Bring back the reviews!

    1. I do not recap the episodes. When I write a review, it is my personal opinion of what was presented in the episode. In other words, I do not cover every single scene in the episode (like a recap would), unless I feel it is pertinent to my review. Also, I do not use Recap in my titles: It is always Review. I do sometimes summarize, but again, that is not a recap.

      A recap tends to be objective, whereas a review is more subjective (and in my opinion more fun). Reviews tend to use "I" statements ( because the reviewer is expressing an opinion); a recap does not.

      Sorry if this will disappoint you, but that's just the way I roll!

    2. It seems to me we're all pretty happy with the way you "roll",C.J.!!!

    3. Here is recap:

      It is a classic because it is always current.

    4. yeah, a recap is just a technical and dryly factual bulleted points of the episode. a review is full of SNARK and FUN!!! thanks for it all, CJ! ;')

      I love all the other snarky comments that get thrown into the mix here, too! I mean, come on - i know i wouldn't watch this annoying and frustrating family if i couldn't come vent here and share the laughs.

    5. We don't want a re-cap, we want a review that snaps!

    6. Exactly, CJ!
      There are plenty of reviews of each show, and here, well, we like the CJ Version of OH SNAP!

    7. Lol I only watch the show to enhance my enjoyment of this blog. Kind of like Cliff Notes in reverse :-)

    8. Exactly !!!

      The "show" has become a huge yawn.
      Their McMansions, the squabbles, the who is pregnant, the "not" businesses, the chronic stupidity, the shameful finances and most definitely...the lies, the bullsh*t, the faux this and the faux all is now a predictable and boring yawn.

      But here at SWB!!!!....Now this is ever interesting and fun!!

  20. I cancelled my TV service too soon! I am missing the show. Will someone do a recap of this episode?

    1. Plygaddict recaps episodes 5 and 6 here (December 16, 11:39pm):

  21. Valerie i just think both Meri and Mariah are more spoiled than the rest of the family. They get Kody to themselves often and when they dont get want they want, they boo hoo about it.

  22. Did anyone else notice that Christin had her credit card ready to make purchases on the website. For all the integrity preaching the Browns do, I think it represents their true character. All bad most of the cells to pay claim they had from there opening night on the website were the majority from the Brown family ordering their own product to inflate numbers and try to create excitement.

    1. I think you might be right. Clearly the wives were visiting the site and would have been some of the visitors they counted. I wouldn't be surprised if they were shilling (what etsy calls selling to themselves) to drive up sales.

      They would have been better off selling over on etsy. Seriously.

    2. I don't think the jewelry would be considered a handmade craft item eligible for etsy. Designing isn't the same as crafting. The Browns commissioned a professional jeweler to manufacture the items based on their design. Not the same thing at all.

      Apparently they're coming out with aprons next. With the dog paw logo no doubt.

  23. I really wish the production crew would show more of Janelle in her day to day activities. I find her more interesting than the rest of the family, I guess because she makes more sense when she talks.

    1. I agree with you, I'd like to see more of Janelle too. Maybe the producers want to show more of the ones in tears instead.

    2. Love your comment, "emancipate herself from this clown car!" Janelle is definitely the most intelligent of the bunch! I think if she drops the weight she wants she'll figure out she can get her own husband (which she could do at whatever size). One that is not in love with himself!

      Meri can't decide if she wants a baby, if she wants a hobby room, if she wants french doors. She is so selfish as everyone has stated. I don't think she's figured out that she shouldn't have taken on 1 sister wife, let alone 3. She's the sadist who picked out young Robyn for her husband. She can't do math! Before Robyn, they saw Kody twice a weeek, after Robyn, it's every 4 days?!

      It's hard raising 2 kids with my husband. There's no way those 17 kids are getting the time and attention they need from their dad. If they only see their dad, approximately 8 days out of the month!!

      Their equality argument in terms of dividing up the money makes no sense. They should do it according to the number of children. Can the builder seriously not use a floor plan for a one story house with a wet bar (do they even drink?) and hobby room for Meri?!

  24. I think Meri is using the tanner to cover her bad complexion. Rather than get french doors, she should use the money to get a series of chemical peels. Her face really needs it.

  25. Okay, I just sent my email off to TLC and I threw one into PETA too. I really, really believe that dog was put down just for drama's sake. I am so disgusted. And also, I really don't think a dog being put down should be shown on TV.

    1. I highly doubt any half-decent vet would have put that dog down if there was absolutely no reason to do so.

    2. Well the show was poorly done. They show Meri scrubbing spots on the floor saying the dog is old. Then it shows the dog jumping up and wagging it's tail. I've put a sick old dog down and not one was jumping up and wagging it's tail. And to show it running around in the background while his grave is being dug? TLC should not have aired this sick disgusting program. I had a vet friend once tell me it's not about the pet really, it's about the owners. The reason to do so was because the dog's owners did not want to take care of him any more and provide him with measures to give him a comfortable life. They need to do this in private not air it to the world.

    3. I would also like to think that any decent vet would not agree to do that on, or for, TV...unless it was a legitimate documentary about animal euthanasia.
      And surely not have done it *outside in the yard with the grave already dug, waiting to be filled*

      There was just no reason for to show that.
      It would have been much more effective and credible if they had simply mentioned it with appropriate emotion instead of making it the Kody-Meri latest road show.

    4. Drake was A very nice dog wagging it's tail, walking, frolicking in the grass on a sunny day,
      Eating, drinking, has his eyesight. hey thousands of our older dogs And pets live out their senior years and days with dignity and loyalty ---- killing him was not right!!!
      There are such medications as anti inflamatories, etc she could protect her carpets better,
      Carpet cleaning seems that's what Meri was really upset about.

    5. What we didn't see is important. Perhaps the vet took Kody and Meri's word that the dog was losing it and ready to go.

      And yes -there are vets out there who will euthanize healthy animals. Horses in particular - if a new home can't be found and the owner can no longer afford to care for them. Sometimes it's better than the animal starving to death.

      I note the vet just did a visual and tactile exam. No bloodwork...nothing. This is why I believe the vet merely took the Browns at their word.

    6. I agree. No place for this on television. This is Sister Wives not The Green Mile. The show is about challenges of living in a polygamist family. As far as I can tell, driving a (supposedly) sick dog hundreds of miles, digging its grave before the vet gets there and then showing the needle being prepared, is not a polygamy challenge. (BTW sick showing the poor dog wrapped in a blanket being put in the ground).
      TLC should be ashamed.

    7. A vet will euthanize a healthy animal. That doesn't mean they would want to, but they will if the client asks for it.

      As for whether this dog needed to be put down. Come on, we saw the dog running around in the background while Kody was digging its grave, wagging its tail and sniffing, and we saw it greeting people with enthusiam, wagging its tail and licking hands. Giving it meds and a decent bed would have done a long way toward giving it a better quality of life if it had hip dysplasia and/or arthritis.

      Meri never said a word about how they had taken it to a Las Vegas vet and tried this and that course of treatment. Just that it was getting old and she was tired of cleaning up messes. Also, the traveling vet did no xrays, and tried no meds, so how could he say whether it was time for the dog to go? It was killed because it was inconvenient for Meri, plain and simple. She didn't want it messing up her McMansion. If the dog was even living with her.

      I think this episode finally did it for me. I don't like the family, and their grifting ways, and enormous sense of entitlement, and complete lack of financial sanity. I don't like their dishonesty, in talking about how their lifestyle "works" and refusing to admit their many bankruptcies. I wanted to see them show some willingness to pay back the taxpayers for what they have taken, now that they are in funds. Also, some glimmer of responsibility for budgeting their money and limiting future children to what they can support - like responsible adults do. I was watching mostly because I keep hoping Janelle will leave - she's the only one I half respect.

      Instead what we see are ridiculously expensive gifts, vacations, homes (rapidly being trashed) and more and more children, before they have even gotten themselves jobs and some way of sustaining themselves, once the show ends. The kids are more realistic than the parents. The parents, all of them except Janelle, are complete grifters and liars. Even Janelle doesn't tell the real truth.

      But the dog killing episode was just the worst. We see Meri packing the dog's "designer" dishes. As if the dog cares what it eats out of. But no one gets an aging dog with joint problems a decent orthopedic egg crate foam bed, or medications.

      Yes we do think badly of you Meri for killing your dog without making any effort to get it real vet care, simply because it screwed up your designer life.

      I used to almost half regret this show being cancelled, not for the parents, but because it would put those kids back into poverty. But after hearing the girls say they want to move to the new "nice" houses, I think the kids have become spoiled and entitled too, and I am just over all of them.

    8. Just another selfish act by an aging, otherwise unemployable, over-processed woman. Hey, Mari, how did you manage to stand cleaning up after an infant since you can't stand cleaning up after a dog? Oh, yeah, got another woman to deal with it.

      You and your "family" are a selfish bunch of attention-grabbing brats who will willingly kill animals for a storyline. You make me sick. Wonder what people will do when they're sick of cleaning up after you.

      Dog killer. I wonder if you can be investigated for that. Hmmm.....

  26. What is up with the "we all do equal work" comment made by Meri while talking about the house budget and how it's divided? Really?? What work would that be? And Christine's couch comment that Meri has quality taste, let her have it. Tell ya what. I have quality taste also but I don't put that above my family's needs!

    1. i think what Meri meant was that they all do equal work which is ZERO for all 5 adults!! I mean come on now - what do they all really do other than the show?? at least when she was recorded saying that. NONE of them were working a job of any sort. Don't know about now tho since they haven't been filming for several months.

    2. If Christine tossed in her childcare responsibilities, she would deserve two houses, and Meri would be in the garage.

    3. They just cannot be a united front on anything! Have you all noticed that they've pretty much turned MSWC over to Robyn completely? Big mistake. She doesn't know a thing about business. I know it was her idea, but they're supposed to be in this together. They know it will fail, and Robyn is going to take the heat for it. Yeah it was her idea for those silly charms, but it seems like none of them want to be associated with it. It is funny to see Robyn acting like she's a real businesswoman. Girl, you are not! But I do commend her for trying to do something, although at this point, she'd probably do better working for a real company with benefits! I know LIV is not offering health insurance.

  27. I was surprised when the older girls were discussing the new homes and one commented pointedly that these new homes would be "nice" homes. Seems to me the present homes are also pretty nice, or were when they first moved in, before their present state of damage. One had a pool, all were clean and looked new. They seemed pretty nice to me then. I was surprised that they weren't grateful for the homes they have.

    I was also surprised to see what happened to Christine's home,as it seemed to have a lot of damage, and even Robyn's had cabinet damage. I'm surprised at the extent, esp Christine's. From what I remember, Christine's kitchen before in Lehi seemed clean and orderly. Her present kitchen looks trashed. If that's the way the kids treat their homes, these new ones won't look nice long.

    1. Remember when the teens went back to their Lehi home and all commented on how much nicer it looked inside?? and it didn't even look all that nice! but it's all relative. I don't think any of them are much on housekeeping (nor their kids) other than Meri - at least her living room area anyway. I remember being totally surprised when Kody was packing for a trip w/one of the wives and he was looking for stuff in Meri's bedroom and it was an absolute MESS!!

      I think Robyn probably keeps their love nest bedroom all nice and tropical honeymoon perfect tho.

    2. I caught that comment as well. I can't remember which teen said it but I was thinking that the houses they have are nicer than most people have. I guess the parents are teaching their children well.

      I agree with someone here who said that they will end up moving back to Utah because they just miss it so much. But really, they just won't get the houses... which we already know will happen.

      And it's also been said; it's not the fact that Duke was sick or not. It was the point that they put him down for the world to see. I really didn't care to see that.

      I also agree and was thinking myself that the only one who dresses appropriately is Janelle. The rest of them need to dress for their age and size.

  28. When Kody makes that confused look at his wives-- you know, when his wives remind him that they're human beings with emotions--I'm reminded of the Jeff Daniels character in Dumb and Dumber.

    1. I had to comment on this because I have watched this show from the beginning and during one of the first episodes, my husband said he looked like the guy from Dumb & Dumber. That's how he's referred to him ever since, I don't think he even knows his real name. lol

    2. Totally agree...only the guy in Dumb & Dumber didn't have Kody's mean crazy eyes!

    3. He didn't have Kody's *highlights* either.

      Last week's episode opened with Kody seriously needing a retouch on his highlights. They were grown out about an inch.
      Then voila!! clip there he was with fresh highlights all nice and close to his scalp.

      Wonder if he gets foils or are they painted through ??....LOL
      He is such a girly man.

  29. I would LOVE to see an episode that featured Kody putting applications in for jobs and going on interviews. Actually trying to earn a real living. That might make for some interesting television!

    1. "Hi, I'm Kody Brown. I'm a polygamist w/4 wives and 17 kids and counting! So, you need to hire me." Then walks around constantly puzzled and lamenting why no one has hired him when he made sure they know his ultimate skills and life accomplishments in his opening line to them.

  30. Did anyone else notice when Mykelti was talking about modest dress that she was saying how her parents wanted her to dress modestly because of their religion and in order to respect how they were raised she tried to dress modestly? I just got the feeling from her use of 'their' and not 'our or my' that she isn't planning on practicing polygamy. Also she isn't often in episodes... is she?

    1. Yes, i did notice she kinda played coy with her words. I also came to the conclusion that she doesnt want to be a sister wife, like her sister Aspyn

    2. I noticed that too, it seemed like she was purposely trying to distance herself from them. A while back, didn't Christine say that a few of her kids were not comfortable being shown on the show? I thought Mykelti was very guarded and unlike how Mariah was with Kody, did not seem to have a warm relationship with her dad.
      I wonder if Robyn's son Dayton(?) is twelve yet, and if he will ever choose to move back with his father. That would drive Kody and Robyn crazy.

    3. Seems to me Kody is the kind of father who plays favorites with his offspring who embrace and accept the polygamous lifestyle and the children who reject it are forever in the doghouse. One of my childhood friends came from a huge religious family (Catholic) and were raised that way by their parents. The children who were the most religious were part of the "inner circle" and were the favored ones. The kids who were lukewarm or non-committal in their religious beliefs were not close at all to their dad. I think Kody operates on that same concept, despite his claims that he is okay if his children choose to not follow the polygamous lifestyles for themselves. That's probably the reason why Mykelti has a strained relationship with him. How sad. So much for unconditional love and freedom of religion in the Brown households...

    4. "I could see Janelle and Christine working together in a real estate business. I think Janelle has the business sense or the ability to learn it while Christine has the personality for sales."

      OMG MotherFartyPants (i LUV your screen name, lol!!) you hit it right on the head - the two of them would make a dynamic duo on the real estate scene!!

      Christine has such a sweet and funny personality I think she could go very far in showing properties and drawing buyers in and cold-calling. She could be the front end of the business team in finding new clientele and using her charm to get them interested enough to hook them in.

      And Jenelle could handle the behind-the-scenes details by dealing with counter-offers and the finer details while coming in for the kill and be the closer. With the exposure they have from the show I really think it could work!!

      Are you reading this, Christine and Jennelle?? Whaddya think?

      It's worth a shot!!

    5. I agree with you Anon 11:29 about Kody playing favorites. I swear that Aspyn wasn't committed about polygamy for herself last season. Am I dreaming that? I wondered if her flip-flops on her plyg stance was to get back his attentions/affections because clearly, he's not spending time at Christine's home (her comments from last week's preview about "not signing on for this..."). How sad that if you're a wife on the "outs" with your husband, that your whole family suffers because of that. No wonder the kids have to fall in and tow the's simply to garner attention and approval from their father. Polygamy benefits no one but the man and how anyone could say otherwise is beyond me!

  31. Im so glad Christine has remained true to herself and is being honest with her family that she is not happy with their arrangement im glad she is not "keeping sweet" kody is so dense you know he wont get the hint if you dont knock him over the head! And yes, wowza at Meris orange face!

  32. We all have an Idea of what our perfect life or marraige would be and these are just people that from birth they were born into this and do not know anything different. I know of a marraige between a man and 1 wife and that is what I live. Honestly I am too selfish and to in love with my husband to share him in anyway. As far as the wives I feel bad for these wives. Being in a very committed christain relationship. I believe in my husband being head of our household. With a wife that stands beside him not hehind him.. BIG DIFFERENCE!! Kody needs to get better control of his family. God has called him to lead. (regardless of right or wrong with plig) he is the head of the family and he has no control. the women seem to run him and have the control. especicially wife one.. KODY NOT SURE IF YOU READ THIS.. i STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU TAKE SOME TIME AWAY FROM EVERYONE LIKE A WEEK AWAY AND DO NOTHING BUT PRAYING AND FASTING SO YOU CAN CLEARly HEAR WHAT GODS DESIRES FOR YOU AND YOUR WIVES. YOUR WIVES SHOULD DO THE SAME WHEN YOU ARE GONE. It is vital that you pray together and live up to your calling...
    Also lst but not least to the wives.. YOUR BODY IS YOUR TEMPLE!!! It has been God given and when you do not take take care of it you are regeting what he has blessed you with.. Stop causing or giving people things to talk about and do something about your weight. You cant get upset because he is not attracted to you.. Its not fair to your husband. you would like it if he was a fat slob that didn't care about himself... so take the time to really work on yourself.. Get up workout, shower and get your makeup on...

    1. So, you think Kody should be HOH??? Your not saying this man should SPANK his wives are you? It kinda sounds like your using that terminology. Kody would beat the heck out of Christine because you know he is not fair. If he were practicing HOH he would spank 1st wife and give her corner time and maybe she would fade whilst standing there. You are soooo naughty to suggest HOH or CDD.

    2. Mrs. Precious wife, Not sure what you are talking about... or where you get spanking.. I'm speaking about the fact that they are all over the place. No support for eachother and they are all drumming to their ouw beat instead of standing firm togther and being eachothers biggest cheerleader...I get your being funny.. I guess for me I just cant handle a weak man..
      I just feel if you are going to follow a religion then go 100%. Not just the joy of many wives.. He needs to do the work.. I'm sorry I just could not have faith or trust in him if he was my husband... also, people on here saying fat and slob are not a sign you don't care for yourself I'm sorry but it does.. You are unhealthy. No normal person on gods greens earth wakes up and says I'm thankful for today and unhealthy body.. come on.. Its gulten Proverbs 23:20–21,Proverbs 28:7,Proverbs 23:2,Deuteronomy 21:20,2 Peter 1:5–7,2 Timothy 3:1–9,Galatians 5:22 and so on...

    3. Yes, but we ALL have our sins, liz bertha. Each man or woman has his own to bear.

    4. I totally agree with you anon 11:58 p.m. We all are imperfect.

  33. I've been reading the blog and you guys do an amazing job as always.

    Two comments I don't think have been mentioned. First, unless I'm missing something, Christine's house savings can't be moved to Meri's house because they will have separate loans and no one is going to increase Meri's mortgage on the basis of Christine's being slightly lower. Also, I think Janelle is crazy like a fox because she can take her lower mortgage and financially walk away from the rest of the idiots. I still think she is getting ready to emancipate herself from this clown car.

    Also, while I haven't watched all season, I did catch the part of Christine passing the real estate exam. Good for her! But I have to say, seems to me the work involved with selling houses will be time and labor intensive. If she feels like she isn't seeing her kids now, wait until she gets into selling. I could see Janelle and Christine working together in a real estate business. I think Janelle has the business sense or the ability to learn it while Christine has the personality for sales. Both would be better off without the other three.

    I echo everyone's comments about Drake. What complete douches! You don't make the poor dog last through a long car ride if it's about him. We just recently had to put down one of our beloved dogs and while it was difficult, it was about HER quality of life, not ours. Once again, these idiots can only think of themselves.

    Thanks for a place to vent. And keep up with what is going on without actually suffering through the insanity.

  34. Mary has doubled in size since the show started. I think it mainly is the result of Robin becoming Cody latest conquest. This show is a train wreck. Mary spend so much time whining. It is clear Cody loves Mary, did lust Robin but that seems to be slowing down now that she had his baby. Maybe she not as thin and sexy and free as she was. Why is Mary not helping Christine!!! Come on Mary!!!

    1. Yes, she has. So much for besties.
      And, NO WAY does Meri do the work of Christine or Janelle. NO WAY.
      Robyn, she has her nanny.

  35. i am not one to comment often i prefer to just read but soemthing struck me watchin the second episode about janelle. as checked out as she is does it strick anyone else that she always on her phone doing something. I really think she is working and that she just is not aloud the cameras at her job. Her common sense about money and the way she is not always with the group of them and well maybe its just me..

    1. Janelle tweeted that she and Christine will be working for Mona (as admins, not realtors) after the first of the year.

      Just because she's on her phone a lot doesn't equate to "work" - she might have been talking to one of the kids.

    2. or probably playing Angry Birds.

    3. For what it's worth in their book Janelle wrote that after their move to Las Vegas she wrote that she did a lot of behind the scenes administration work for people, but it was only part-time. But hey, at least it was some kind of work. I too do not see Janelle sitting still for long without working, she isn't Kody or Meri after all! I give Janelle and Christine a ton of credit for looking out for themselves and their kids first and going into reality. If it does't work out, at least they tried. And I think with their being semi celebrities they might attract a bit of work. I with them both a lot of luck!

    4. So if Janelle and Chistine are going to work for Mona, who is going to watch their kids? Meri? It won't be the wicked stepmother Mean Meri or Sobyn!

  36. "Sister" Wives?
    don't see that anymore. its more "separate" wives. separate families. separate homes.....
    oh wait... thats monogamy, isn't it?

    websites don't work if the items sold are not something changing, evolving and affordable.... and something people actually want to purchase.

  37. Response to a recurring "fat" theme.

    "fat" and "slob" are not necessarily words that go together. Nor is body size necessarily an indication one does not "care about himself".

    Good for Janelle getting a professional trainer who motivates regular exercise. While many studies (even those neat twin studies, where both are separated at birth and re-united many years later) indicate at least 80% is genetic. Studies also indicate longevity and health *are* strongly influenced by exercise--
    at ANY size.

    Creative googling (hmm sp?) will verify this, through medical studies.

  38. Could Meri have started fertility treatment? Maybe she is pregnant? I love that Christine took the test again. Whether she is able to practice real estate in Nevada or not. What a great thing to do for herself and a nice life lesson for the kids. It's okay to fail, its not okay to give up. Not to mention being brave enough to try something new later in life. Especially the house mom, Meri did school and part time work and Janelle worked and probably had some school. They are all working, at being a reality show. They are getting paid which is good and proper. Regular employment during a reality show doesn't make sense. Looks like they are trying to come up with income sources where their celebrity won't be an issue. Isn't that what we want of them?

    1. Meri has gained weight and looks larger I doubt it is due to pregnancy though
      Cake, cookies, pie and ice cream and chips will give one that full look.

    2. I believe that there ARE reality show participants who keep regular jobs. Janelle kept hers until they moved, remember?

  39. I appreciate Janelle sharing her struggle with weight loss. As someone who also is an emotional/stress eater, it's difficult to share that with others (let alone on national tv) because of a (rightful) fear of being judged. In fact, I relate the most to Janelle - I admire her commonsense approach to life.

  40. I was waiting for the word "wetbar"!

  41. Robyn Sullivan Brown ‏@LuvgvsUwngs

    Please please come back to MSWC later when the show is not airing. It is being flooded with people right now.


  42. Oldie but goodie:
    Meri Brown ‏@MeriBrown1 jun 27 2012:
    Response to #MySisterwivesCloset is amazing! Thank You! Due to huge response some items are backordered. Still place orders we'll ship ASAP

  43. Ilive in Las Vegas and saw you ask about the homes: they are built and finished. Funny because I just drove inside the gated complex Friday evening and one of the homes had its lights on. I also was on Meri's (?) street and saw her car outside, so I don't know what's going on. They may have gotten the homes but I just don't see how.
    (Britt, thank you for your post. I edited it b/c we don't give out the Brown's address. Thanks!)

    1. I'm in Vegas on vacation. We drove by yesterday, just to see what's happening. The lights are definitely on, and a truck drove out of the gated area while we were there, removing the port-a-potties that one usually finds in a construction area, so I assume the plumbing is now in.

      I'm surprised that they are so close to a major road. If I had that much money to spend on a house, I would NOT build there.

  44. Just watched the first episode....told my dog, one more accident on the rug, and im "taking him to utah"...uhm....NOT!!


    Latest two episodes online

  46. I am beyond mortified that they actually used a dog's demise for a show.
    They handled telling the children poorly, telling them no real reason why.
    My cats are 12 and don't always make it to the litter box, I can't imagine putting them down!
    That dog looked pretty darn healthy to me. I've had plenty of dogs last longer than that.
    AND, I Can BS that the dog has been in LV with them the whole time.
    The creepiest, most outrageous thing about Kody is it becomes about him. He's digging a grave and talking about how it makes him feel to say GOODBYE TO THE HOME? THAT HE STILL OWNS? Creepy, I am telling you. That was no way to handle it, and it made me S I C K, or Robyn's term might be W(YICKY.

    1. I would have happily taken ole Drake.
      I want to know too - was Drake in Utah the whole time? Here's an idea, leave Drake in Utah where there is a YARD>

  47. No wonder this United States economy is in the tank. Four women with questionable credit/bankruptcy issues are picking out cabinets and tile for their half million dollar homes. When Robyn wend to credit company, they most likely made a deal with creditors to pay a portion of the debt. Those creditors are business' that have employees and expenses. I guess no big deal to Robyn if those companies go under when people like her beg off paying their debt. She has babies to plan and counter tops to pick.

    1. sorry, but companies don't negotiate debt settlement and go under due to people like Robyn. WE, the people, who pay for our purchases continue to keep these companies in business w/the higher prices they have to charge us to make up for the Robyns of the world. Same thing w/all the bankruptcies these people have filed. WE have paid the price for THEIR irresponsibility.

    2. There is someone/a business (their's?)forking over the down payment "if" these home purchases go through. I wonder if it's all a ruse(? spelling) The builders ARE putting up the homes, as specs or model homes but are just "pretending" that the Browns are buying them? How much time "filming wise" would it take the build the 4 McMansions? They could drag this on forever, really.
      Here in Canada, if you've delcared bancruptcy, you cannot get a loan, let alone a MORTGAGE for a min. 7 yrs, and then you have to re-establish your credit first ie.-credit cards at very high interest rates. When did they declare bancruptcy? How would they qualify? If they DID truly qualify, I'm sorry, but there's a prime example of why the U.S is in the shape it's in.

  48. Killing the dog on camera was horrible. What sick bastards. Even if the dog needed to be euthanized, it should have been a private moment for a beloved pet.

    However, that dog was not at death's door. I had to put a cat to sleep, she was on her last legs, literally. She could barely walk. She couldn't eat....we had tried medicines, injections of water hoping she would have time for the meds to work, etc, but in the end, she was a barely moving, unable to eat, miserable little thing that was suffering. I cried as I held her while our vet (also crying) gave her the injection.

    The thought of a camera there to record her last moments is absolutely sick. That they not only filmed this, but aired it....jeez, their *kids* will see that at some point.....there are no words for the narcissistic, sick sick nature of that.

    And calling a family meeting and basically saying, "Yeah, Drake is old, we're taking him to Utah to kill him." was just awful and cruel to the kids as well.

    Those two are completely sick.

  49. Santa I was realllll good this year and I WANNNNAAAA WET BAR :/

  50. I really can't handle this dog-killing episode. I'm not sure I can watch it at all, honestly. there are only two ways i can rationalize this story

    Drake had some real medical issue that was not disclosed in the program because F8F and/or TLC engaged in some heavy editing, both for a failed tear-jerking effect and to make kody and meri look like the big fat phony crazy pants fakers they are.

    the veterinarian was paid to appear on camera and say advise for Drake to be put down, but the euthanasia/burial scenes were all phony fakery

    to be fair, sometimes it is appropriate to put down a dog, even when it is happy and running around at the moment. My dog, Buddy, had a blood-filled tumor on his spleen that ruptured one evening. Luckily, I was home (AND noticed my lazy, older dog was laying around....differently that usual) and able to get him to the vet so I could have him put down so he didn't suffer longer than necessary. I didn't know he had this until after he passed way, but I found out later that if you do find it, the recommendation is to either try surgery (which is VERY expensive and not usually helpful) or to go ahead and put the pet down before the spontaneous rupture can occur. Now, if this was the case in the "Drake" dog, this could have been a useful bit of information to give on the television show. And I am NOT in the habit of defending the browns -- and i am not defending them here. I am simply saying, that sometimes it is the right thing to put down an otherwise happy, healthy dog dog proactively before they die a sudden painful death (carpets be damned). BUT you really have to do some serious tests first. and I'm going to bet the well-equipped vet facilities are not in Dirt Farm, UT

    1. Some of the best vets around can be found in rural areas, where there are more domesticated animals - not just dogs and cats but horses, cattle, sheep and so on - needing care. I think that this vet had seen Drake before and knew the prognosis -and as I said before there was a lot of creative editing going down in that ep - all we got were sound bites.

      IMO - bottom line was that I'm guessing Drake could have lived longer and more comfortably with proper care and medication/therapy, but Kody didn't want to spend the $$ on that. Nothing wrong with that really - what was wrong was broadcasting it on TV for all to see and twisting it.

    2. And what are the odds that Krappy and Meri actually paid a vet to run any sort of test...that would be about 0.

      I forgot mention the burial in my rant above...that was another utterly tacky cruel thing to show on TV...cause again, at some point, their kids ill see this......

  51. I can't sympathize with any of them anymore. Really, not even Jenelle or Christine. Jenelle talks about how they all work the same ? What is their job? Selling a green drink? I'm sorry that's not work, get off your lazy butts and get real jobs!

    And Meri with the french vs. sliding doors? Really? That's what she cares about? My gosh, I'd be happy to have a roof over my head and the kind of door I had? Who gives a damn?

    Also did you guys see how Jenelle couldn't even look at them when Meri was talking about her wants in terms of the house when they were sitting on the couch? The tension... but she doesn't speak up, so that's also her fault. She has a choice to leave and she chooses to continue living with these people.

    Robyn, where is your sister/babysitter? Why are you talking Sol to business meetings? I thought she was there to look after him.

    These people, all of them, have their priorities so messed up it isn't funny anymore.

    1. She takes Sol everywhere to remind everyone, in the family and out of it, "I had a baby" "I am a 'legitimate' part of this 'family' now that I have uncorked some Kody spawn."

      I, for one, am sick of seeing her parade the kid front and center everywhere -- like him sitting in the center of the conference table at the start of the meeting to choose home options. Christine never did that with Truely (god what a name)

  52. Like Ziggy, I could not watch the Drake segments. Yeah that's a personal decision that only the parties involved knowing the actual situation can make, but from what we've seen of this crew and Meri being selfish, I'm sorry, I just have to wonder. From what was edited for our view, I would have found ways to keep the dog comfortable. There are doggie diapers and she does have a garage or could contain him to a specific room. In the brief flyby on those sections Kody really looked somewhat maniacal. Maybe that was the dvr wizzing by or not having the sound, but really...I could not watch that at all.

    The rest..ehhh I think they are pipe dreaming and having fun figuring they won't get the opportunity ever again to build a new home and make choices. Everything seems to be a game with this crew

  53. @FakeFan.. 100% correct, I could not believe that they were actually showing that and I was DVR'ing through it! UGH.. Selfish behavior

  54. Hello Everyone - I love this blog! This is the liveliest group on the internet! Thanks for the endless entertainment.

    My two cents...I rarely watch anymore because it is just too painful. Glad I got the scoop here on the dog episode before I attempted to watch that clearly upsetting episode. We have 6 living dogs and have had more than a dozen we have sadly said goodbye to over the years. My rugs are peed on. That's the way it is. Our 12 year old Italian Greyhound is blind and pees in the house. When his days are over (and not because he pees in the house), we will get new rugs. Rugs are things. Dogs are knowing, loving beings that teach us joy in the moment and have unique personalities and souls. Period. Death should be the last, not the first, option. Clearly these people have no more commitment to the animals in their life than they have toward each other.

    I can't watch these poor women and girls crying all the time. It is a sign of deep emotional wounding. There were two times in my life that I felt like that; once when my marriage was falling apart and I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, and once when I was completely worn out and devalued in a job I had for 25 years. Both of these episodes are low points in my life and I don't want to relive them and seeing those women and girls crying all the time brings up all that stuff. I also know how they feel and it drives me crazy that they are not getting any or enough mental health services and are not doing something to remove themselves from the situation causing them so much pain.

    Janelle exhibits the exact opposite - flat affect - which doesn't mean she doesn't feel the pain, she has just detached herself from it.

    I am glad that Christine and Janelle have taken the first step towards independence and away from co-dependence. The admin jobs are the first tiny steps but one step does lead to another and make no mistake about it, these women are on the way out the proverbial door. As with many women, it is the absence of money and self-confidence that holds them back but they are both taking steps to overcome those obstacles.

    It is clear that Meri runs the show and has no more use for Christine or Janelle and even Robyn. She really wants her hubby for herself and acts it out to let everyone know over and over again in both passive and aggressive ways. IMO, it explains the whole dynamic of this dysfunctional group. I hesitate even to call them a family.

    In the episode with the Dargers, I think that even Kody was embarrassed by the selfishness of his clan in a rare reality check and moment of self-awareness. That was good to see for once. He and Meri are caught up in each other's narcissism and I think Meri's problems may range into the personality disorder categories.

    That's it for now. Thanks again for a great, great blog.

  55. I have nothing to add to the convo on this scripted drama besides, did you check out Kody using Truely as leverage as he entered the room to tell the kids about the Drake. WTF?

  56. I like to think my tolerance for "ick" in reality shows is pretty high...for example, I never missed an episode of "Rock of Love."

    However, the whole thing with Robyn discussing how much of a gentleman Kody is because he quickly dashed from the room when the beautiful model took off her clothes sent waves of "ick" down my spine. Hello - he sees FOUR women whenever he wants!! Do the wives not see the irony here?! And the fact that this needed to even be TALKED about speaks volumes - pretty certain that most husbands would be in serious trouble if they stood around watching a woman who was not their wife "dis-robe-ses." This behavior does not make Kody a saint - but the way Robyn was going on about it, you'd think he was up for Husband of the Year because he left the room.

    Just WOW!

  57. This is how I see it;
    Meri-"I just don't get it, everyone HATES me and I'm such a nice, warm, caring...darn it Drake! You peed on the carpet again!"
    Producer-"um, you have a dog?!?"
    Meri-"Oh yeah," checks her face real quick to make sure she hadn't squeaked out an actual tear and made a streak in her makeup. (Nope! still orange, to her chin anyway)"thats Drake, we left him in Utah but he's old, or sick, or something whatever."
    silence as she quietly stews over the pee stain and producer tries to figure out how they missed a dog for five seasons.
    "Hey!" exclaims Meri, imaginary light bulb as bright as her spray tan blinks on. "I've got it! People love animals, right? Right, of course they do. Lets film me putting the dog to sleep. It will be really sad and depressing and people will feel bad for me and like me way more than Jannelle and Christine!"
    Producer-"Sure, whatever...seriously, thats YOUR dog?"
    Meri-"Would you shut up about the dog? Seriously, your starting to sound as bright as my rock star lovah'"

    Sadly--Didn't come off quite as they planned because poor Meri and her Kodester have a real hard time acting out the way an actual person would behave and react and all that selfish narcissism peaked through.

    Though I have to say if they get those houses and SOMEHOW manage to keep them, I'll be waiting for the reunion special 30 years from now where they film the kids gathered in the back yards digging a hole for old dad.
    sob, sob, "its not just that I'm sad he's gone, well it's just all the memorys of him running around the place,"
    Cut scene of King Douche filmed in slow motion running through the empty lots before they were built to the tune of Bob Siegers Against the Wind with a final, extra slow-mo hair flip

    1. He'd have to be running around the place while they were digging the hole, like poor Drake.

  58. Re Meri saying she does equal work -- Janelle and Christine, in spite of having six kids each, took the real estate class and passed their test. Robyn has her ridiculous jewelry website, and while she had people make the jewelry and do the website design, I suppose that might count as some small effort. And she has 4 kids too. What exactly has Meri done??? Except go on vacation, spend money, and cry on cue?

  59. "However, the whole thing with Robyn discussing how much of a gentleman Kody is because he quickly dashed from the room when the beautiful model took off her clothes sent waves of "ick" down my spine. Hello - he sees FOUR women whenever he wants!! Do the wives not see the irony here?!"

    Seriously, the model was in a bra. It was no more revealing than Robyn's bikini in the honeymoon episode. So . . . it is improper for Kody to see the model, but it is fine to broadcast Robyn in an equally revealing bikini on TV. Crazy!

    1. it came across clearly that Kody was in competition w/the "great and got his crap together" PJ Darger. that includes Kody's harem vs. PJ's harem. It wouldn't surprise me at all that once Robyn found out what the Darger women would be wearing at the beach, her and Kody conspired on her swim suit and that it had to be lower cut and show more cleavage than any of the Darger harem's. Kody had to show PJ and the world that at least he's got ONE HOT TROPHY wife in his harem. EVERYTHING is always about Kody's ego stroking needs.

    2. Another good point. The model didn't show nearly as much cleavage as Robyn in San Diego or Meri in Mexico. Meri and Robyn must've missed the "modest is hottest" memo.

  60. Hmm, how to sum up these episodes? First, the wives choose their high-end cabinetry and countertops. Then, they select upgrades for their 4,000 sq ft homes. Finally, the family whines about how must be successful so they can afford to the homes. Doesn't this seem backwards?

  61. I agree 100%. I'm not going to buy that crappy jewelry so they can have huge houses. No sympathy here. I bought what I can afford on my salary! There were a lot of comments made by Kody about how the houses aren't a guaranteed done deal yet. Could they be setting us up for the deal falling through?

    Also, I don't see how they will keep these huge homes clean either. In the scenes where Christine was studying for the real estate exam, you could see her carpet was a filthy mess. They probably won't be getting their security deposits back on the rental properties. More money down the drain.

  62. I can't believe I'm actually semi-defending Meri here, but I don't think they euthanized the dog because she was mad that he peed on her carpet. ANd she and Mariah were clearly upset and it was pretty obvious she was torn about the decision-- I do not believe that was just put on for the cameras. Twelve is old for a bigger dog like Drake, and when an animal begins losing control of it's bodily functions like that, it's usually the beginning of the end. They were right to seek a vet's advice as far as whether to euthanize or not. ANd there is no way any of us can know whether other treatment options were discussed because those segments were so obviously edited. However, it did clearly show the vet stating that the dog was suffering. So I think they did the right thing for the dog.

    Here are the areas where I start to take issue with the whole thing though....

    1) Why take Drake up to Utah at all? There are vets in LV and pretty much any vet will come to your home to euthanize if you pay them enough. Putting an animal down when it is suffering is the right thing to do. Forcing a dog that is clearly suffering AND has bladder control issues to endure hours in the car only to put it down afterward is senseless and unnecessary. Even if they wanted to bury him in Utah, they could have taken the body up there afterward...

    2) Meri saying she was worried about how this was going to make her look to other people... really? REALLY?

    3) PSST, TLC-A euthanizing the dog episode might have more resonance with your audience if you had ever actually shown the family interacting with the dog as a part of their family to begin with. But instead I was just like, "What? They have a dog?"

  63. Seriously, I've spent my entire morning reading this blog. I was so disturbed by the Drake footage. I only watched the episode last pm, DVRd.
    My husband is a vet. I hear ALOT. More than I would like to. I've seen him in tears over putting down someone else's pet. I've seen him cry his eyes out when our dog died a natural death and cry his eyes out when he brought home her ashes.
    He is a vet, he deals with this all the time. WTH is wrong with Kody?? I don't buy this 'I'm a country boy crap' at all.

    Hubby watched the Drake epi and said yes, it was prob edited, Drake was severly overweight, seemed to be having breathing difficulties. We don't know the full story. BUT...any vet that participated in that filming for tv is a complete idiot. TLC producers are complete idiots. The Brown family-complete idiots. Do their kids watch the show? Oh kids, here take a photo with the here's crazy Daddy digging a grave for the dog while dog runs around playing in the background. Now here's mommy and daddy killing the dog and burying it. Now back to planning our big pretty houses. WTH???
    And these kids have to go to school knowing their friends might see this crap on tv also. What are their parents thinking??? What is TLC thinking???
    Here's what I'm thinking...done.

  64. Sobbin Robchin Brown IVDecember 18, 2012 at 1:52 PM

    I'd be willing to wager that this Mykelti designer segment is a prelude (in Grody's mind) to the opening of the "Coming Soon! Clothing" and "Coming Soon! Accessories" sections of the MSWC site. And by prelude I mean pipe dream years in the making. Here's an idea-- how about the wives and kids sit down and cross-stitch some homey needlepoints? I can't believe I used to defend these clowns.

    1. Aprons. According to Janelle's tweets, that's what's gonna be offered on MSWC. One size fits all...

    2. For Duck Dynasty fans:
      Give me one of Si Roberton's Aprons anyday over these!!!

  65. Okay, so was anyone else unimpressed when Kody left the room when he saw that the young model was in her bra? Christine acted like Kody was so respectful of his marital vows by doing that. Most men who aren't total pervs would have realized it was the right thing to do.

    1. I was unimpressed....just shows how desperate they are to have a storyline. And that story was silly anyway, Mykelti will have a hard time "making it" in the fashion world. She would need to slim down and have the right connections.

  66. Long time lurker...first time poster...need to rant

    Meri has the RIGHT to equal money. Just because she has less kids than the other wives doesn't matter, it's her RIGHT and she can fight for her RIGHTS for a wetbar, hobby room, and french doors all day long.

    HOWEVER, don't sit on that couch and tell us that you are one big family. Insisting and acting on ones RIGHT over "bonus" childrens comfort and happiness is not what ONE family would do to garner love/trust/security. Most mothers give up so much for their children/stepchildren/grandchildren. Had Meri given up her RIGHT to equal budget for the sake of her bonus children...That would be showing us that you are all one big family! Rant over for now:)

    Christine said that if they split the money differently they would be 4 individual families. FTLOG help me figure out her reasoning. Splitting up the mony based on need/children may individualize ones wives income $ over anothers but it all goes toward what they are telling us is THEIR ONE family. How can one wife have extra $ towards whatever she wants while another wife goes without and they sit on the couch and say they are ONE family? Am I missing something? Ok rant really over:)

  67. Seriously, when Kody talked about being a farm boy and then I saw him walking round to the back of the Lehi house, I was sure they were just gonna shoot the dog!

  68. I am struggling right now with my dog, and so this episode really hit home. My german shepherd in the last couple of days has gone downhill, but I am still hopeful that she can have meds or something so that she has a decent quality of life. They did not give all the details of the dog's condition, so it leaves us to speculate. I wish more details were given to defend this choice made. However, there are two things that really irk me.

    1. Showing the dog running around in the backyard, while its grave is being dug and then also showing the "before and after" life, when the before really did not seem justified (though it may have been, but we were not made privy to details, so have to go based on what we saw). That was just plain horrible. Maybe I do not have a backbone, but seeing the dog after just sucked away my spirit. Had I known I would have skipped this episode. Poorly done.

    2. I would never have told the children and then had photos with the dog. I would have told my child, we are going to have a "photoshoot" with the dog, just like family photos, and then tell the children afterwards. They were taking this photos with eyes welt up with tears with the most distraught looks (rightfully so)!

    1. Sorry about your shepherd. Mine had some kind of terrible airway tumor/cancer, she had surgery and medicines which helped for a few months, but became harder for her to eat and sometimes breathe. She didn't play very much the last few months and slept alot on pain meds and steriods. Because I doubled her pain medicine, she was in a good mood when I took her into the vet for the final time, but she was so swollen and looked like a different dog. If Drake had cancer, or another problem besides being old and was being treated, that should have been mentioned, but I think the dog was an inconvenience and died because of it. Meri and Kody are horrible people.

  69. I only watched the episodes once and then deleted them, but now I'm sorry I did because I'd like to roll back and look at a few things.

    1) I was surprised Meri had a dog, too; since I had never noticed him in an episode before. I did find this whole segment distasteful, and I'm not an animal person. What I was surprised by, and perhaps I saw it wrong, was Meri still standing there with her purse over her shoulder while talking to the camera after they were back in Lehi. Would her sister not let her in the house to set her purse down, or did she just not want to chance the cameras getting a peek? And they euthanised Drake in the driveway, and did all the little side interviews outdoors, too. What's that about?

    2) When Christine was re-taking her real estate exam, TLC showed Kody there at Christine's as she is leaving to kiss her goodbye. The thought is that Kody is actually going to be a dad and take care of the kids while mom is out for once. . . and then cut to the park, where Kody says they are all going to wait for Christine to hear how she did. Some commentary on how this is nice since they don't all see each other anymore (shouldn't they see each other every week for church?) Robyn waving at Christine as she pulls into the parking lot, "Oh, there she is!" Yay! Cut to Christine walking up with kids in tow. Why weren't they with Kody? Did Christine have to go pick them up from somewhere after her test? Yet more poor editing or another lie. Or perhaps her kids went to her car and walked her in, like my HUSBAND would do if I arrived separately from him somewhere. . . but Kody didn't do for Christine. Hate to make the other "wives" jealous.

  70. According to the preview for this crapisode, we see Christine telling Kody that the kids have gone a week without seeing him and "that's not what she signed up for." Did I miss something because I did not hear that comment, instead she whined about her dwindling relationship with her sister wives. I don't know why I'm surprised though. TLC pulls that stunt all the time to rope us in.

  71. I was defintely not impressed with how they made it seem like Kody was such a "gentleman" because he walked away when he saw the model in her bra. Most men do that! It's not because Kody is such a "gentleman" Most men will leave! He is not special! These women are delusional in thinking that he is.

  72. This episodewith Drake did it for me. I cant watch this group of selfish irresponsible people anymore. At first I was interested in how well they seemed to work together when living in Lehi. Now its just four moms with an absentee husband and dad. I cant watch these poor kids while the families self-destruct. No one really believes they are getting homes or keeping them. Back to Legit soon but not soon enough for me.

  73. just for grins...

    per each "working" (because sw say they are working) mom's salary should be approx 67k per year regardless of how many children she has.

    BUT - The cost per child chart for housing,food,transportation,clothing,health,education & misc (if I did my math correctly for each wife) and these are all approx. according to wikipedia for Janelle would be 67k, Christine 60k, Robin 40k and Meri 24k. I left college age Logan in Janelle's figure because it was easier for me to do the math (since I didn't want to look up collage costs). I also used the dual parent chart just for ease. The cost goes down for singles mothers but since this was for fun I went the easy way.

    So Janelle has zero left over. Christine 7k, Robin 27k and Meri 33k of their "mom" salary after child expenses.

    This explains Janelles duct tape car door and Meri's nice furniture.


  74. Fake Fan, I so agree with all you said. The fact that they aired the dog being put down is appalling. The program should have been prefaced with a warning the the following scenes may be disturbing for some people. I try to give some benefit of the doubt to these people because I know the editing of the show gives us the spin the producers want us to have for their ratings, but for Mari & Kody to choose to be a part of this is unescuseable!

    Janelle, I respect you for trying to get a handle on you weight and eating issues. You mentioned being an emotional eater, and lord knows being part of this family certainly gives you more than your share of "emotions".

  75. Sorry if this has been discussed to death but... When the wives and kody were coming out of mona's office... Robyn is very obviously pregnant. Then in the next shot she's looking all coy and tugging at her shirt. Anybody else notice?

  76. It didn't bother me that they put Drake down. They were appropriately sad for a dog in my opinion. Not everyone feels their pets are like children. I get being an animal lover but I think people are being unfair in this instance. I am n o t a meri fan but she was very sweet with the kids when telling them about Drake.

  77. I think that people are being too harsh about the dog thing! Nobody here really knows the day to day life of this dog. He looked in pain to me and I did not get the impression Meri wanted the dog to be put down for convenience. She seemed to love the dog. Let's stick to the real issues with this lifestyle and not nitpick every little thing. I totally got the impression that the vet believed the dog's suffering was too much to keep him hanging on. I also understood why they went back to Utah. They had another pet buried there and they had good memories if the dog's life there. All that being said, do I think that whole process should have been a main theme of the episode? No, I don't.

    1. Then they should have said the dog issues.
      He should of been looked at by a vet in LV.
      I believe we can think what we want.

  78. Let's face it, we won't know about the dog, really.
    We we DO KNOW is that the Sister Wives will come here, read comments, and then re-adjust what they say about the dog.
    As Always.
