Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Meri Brown confirms the religion of the stars of 'Sister Wives'/ Continued Discussion

Feel free to continue to discuss the show here also. Really? I didn't hear a SPECIFIC church!

(Courtesy of:  http://www.examiner.com/slideshow/sister-wives-7)

'Sister Wives'

The stars of "Sister Wives" are polygamist and they always say that they chose this life for religious reasons. On Nov. 24, Meri Brown, the first wife of Kody, confirmed what kind of religion they are to clear up any confusion.
It sounds like a lot of people were asking Meri their religion. She went to Twitter to answer them. She said: "For those asking for clarification, yes we are fundamentalist Mormons. No we are not in the FLDS church which is also a group of Fundamentalist Mormons. Don't worry, I don't think you're rude for asking. We like it to be clear. :) I feel blessed that I am free to choose my family, and that I have control over my own life and destiny."  please read the rest at: http://www.examiner.com/article/meri-brown-confirms-the-religion-of-the-stars-of-sister-wives


  1. To Lisa Lovestowrite:

    Are you talking about JUST Mormon adoptions or ALL US adoptions? As an adoptee I would VERY strongly argue with your views if you are talking about standard US adoptions and so would my adoptive parents and my biological parents. Apparently Shumberski disagrees with your take on Mormon adoptions as well. Perhaps you had a bad personal experience, but that doesn't mean adoption as a whole is terrible. It was a wonderful gift for me and my biological mother would say (and has said) the same thing.

  2. I don't need it confirmed. I go to their Church. AUB in Bluffdake Utah.

    Unfortunately most Americans are brainwashed about infant for-profit adoption and they do not want to know the truth, its too painful. Most will tell you adoption is a wonderful gift. Children are not gifts. Adoption breaks the mothers heart and rips a family apart. Adoption is a permanent solution to a temporary situation in most(NOT ALL) cases

    EXCUSE ME! I totally misread the last of your rant or it would have gone SPAM! I am an adoptive mother. My son - my GIFT, is right here with me. I really think you need to find a new blog to post on. Enough said.

    1. Some people are totally ignorant, MS, Jessie. Esp. since certainly has NOT read this blog or she would know that! Adoption is a beautiful, loving thing-many are too selfish too. Sounds like she's one of them. I personally am glad!

    2. I was adopted. I have four cousins who were, as well. We all consider it a gift. The children I gave birth to were also gifts. I usually post as Anonymous, but what the hell.

    3. Adopted & Proud: I used to post under a different name, but this is just easier :-)

    4. My youngest daughter is adopted and she is nothing less than a GIFT to which I will always wonder at the unselfishness that it took to give. I have a sister that "we" as in our entire family adopted and 2 nephews that are also adopted, it's a privilege and blessing to be called Mom, sister and Auntie by those of many different ethnic backgrounds that are all integrated into a braided family unit of unconditional love and respect. If you look at a family unit that is blessed with adoption that, to me, is the definition of love that is multiplied not divided.

    5. Just checking if my proud Mama picture came thru on the profile, I get so fired up when people blast adoption my soap box comes out.

    6. I am an adoptive mother, too. If you look online, you can find what I will loosely call an anti-adoption movement. They call themselves "family preservationists."

      It only consists of the same 50 or so people, but they sure are vocal. They tend to use the same stock phrases, such as "adoption is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" and "birthmothers are coerced by the 'adoption industry' and therefore do not have a choice."

      Most of the vocal members are either birthmoms who regret their decisions or adoptees who have been abused by their adoptive parents. They target both the "adoption industry," which they erroneously view as monolithic, and adoptive parents.

      Here are a few links if you want to read more.

      (1) This is a blog post about this "movement" by a prospective adoptive mom. The blog was posted on an adoption support group forum and family perservationists launched an attack in the comments to that blog.

      (2) These "family preservationists" target both adoptive parents and the "adoption industry," referring to both as "reproductive predators" http://www.keepyourbaby.com/lures.html

      Yep, they hate us and they can't wait to adopt their children back from us. www.adoptingback.com

    7. Lovely photo of Mama Julz and her precious gift!!!

    8. I honestly don't understand Lisa's viewpoint with this. My parents tried for 9 years to get pregnant, and the option of adopting my older sister Jona came up and they jumped at the chance. Jona was around 8 months old, very malnourished, and her father was in prison. One year later, the attorney called and the same birth mother had given birth to a son. So my parents adopted him at a few days old. Then 3 years later my Mom thought she had the flu, and it was me. Then 4 years later my younger sister came along. I can't even fathom what would of happened to my sister and brother, had adoption not been an option. The condition my sister was in when my parents adopted her was grave. Within months she was thriving under a loving and nurturing environment. Sadly, my sister died of MS this July. I will say that my sister did search for a connection with her birth mother her entire life. Unfortunately, the birth mother did not want to connect. However, my parents loved her so much, and most people had no idea that she and my brother are adopted. From the time they were little my parents told them they were a chosen gift. We lost my Dad three weeks ago, and I am very grateful for the long legacy of love (my parents were married 56 years when Dad died) they have left behind.

    9. Aw! Beautiful mama& daughter!

    10. I am a birth mother who after 23 years have reconnected with the beautiful girl I gave away in 1989. It was the best thing I have ever done in my 44 years on earth. I was not ready to be a mama. At the time, I could hardly even care for myself let alone a baby and I did not want to become a burden on the state and my family. Without going into too much detail as there are some details of this story that are too precious and dear to me to share on a public forum like this, I will say that I have a firm belief that this baby was spiritually connected to the family that adopted her. Even though the child shares my dna, her soul is tied to her real mama, the woman who raised her. I love her. I have always loved her and I always will, but I am not her mama, the woman who raised her is. I am glad I could be a conduit for the two of them, not to mention the rest of her family.

    11. oh, and I might also mention, I went through LDS adoption when I gave my baby away and I was not pressured or told those creepy things either.

    12. I found out about 5 years ago that when my husband was 18, his girlfriend at the time became pregnant and gave the baby up for adoption. (early 1980s) He was ashamed I guess and didn't tell me until the birth mother contacted him to say she had found their daughter on MySpace...she's my husband's only offspring, so it's comforting to know that he has a daughter at least biologically (and she's the spitting image of him - same eyes and smile!). She and I are FB friends - she just turned 29 and has a career and great friends in real life...and LOVES her family - and actually THANKED my husband and the birth mom for allowing her to be adopted...neither one of them was ready to be a parent at that time...and her adoptive parents (as well as grandparents and so on) love her to pieces :)

      so there's a happy story from me :)

  4. I found this on an AUB site about the Allred Group. I found it very interesting.

    On occasion, Owen Allred provided his followers with detailed instructions regarding their polygamous marriage relationships: “The minute a man turns over the finances to his wife and lets her handle the checking account, lets her keep track of the bookkeeping, he is lamed... No woman should ever handle the finances in a celestial family. This must be solely the responsibility of the man, the head of the family... Never discuss private problems between him and a wife with another wife... Don’t accuse a wife of not loving you, and a wife must never tell her husband that he doesn’t love her... A man cannot allow privileges to one wife that he does not allow to the other wives...”

    1. Very interesting since the women always seem to be doing all of the finances. But it also explains the whole big house for each wife thing.

  5. Watching the show, again, I am suprised it was Christine that told on Logan saying the Fbomb, I thought it was Meri. Shhhh....from a teacher. Deal with it at home. Don't come and tattle on others.

  6. Off topic here, why was Meri and Sobin Robin at the teacher meeting anyways? And why did Sobin Robin keep taking to the teachers...this is not your child they are talking about...keep your trap shut!

    1. Maybe because Robin actually takes her supposed role seriously? Because in her mind she *is* the mother of all the children. People seem not to like Robin much, but she's walking the walk, just like Janelle and Christine are. It's really Meri and Kody letting the side down, Meri by pretty much emotionally removing herself from the family and demanding resources she has no right to, and Kody by failing to support his family financially or emotionally.

    2. As a former teacher, I again respectfully disagree. At home, fine. At a 15 minute PT conference, NO. It is hard enough to talk to 2 parents. Let the Bio mom talk, you listen.

    3. Oh to be clear, I'm not agreeing with her behavior. I'm just thinking that's why she did it. I agree it would be better if she would sit back and try not to submissively dominate every event in their lives. It would probably be Kody's place to tell her that, but let's face it, that probably won't happen.

    4. That's for sure!

    5. I thought it was ignorant of Kody to say the teachers were nervous/scared because they were polygamists.

      Please get over yourself Kody! Teachers deal with all different kinds of people and many complex situations on a daily basis. You're not scary...just super annoying.

    6. Kody thinks he's soooo different and scary. LOL

      he reminds me of this little clip from the film "Amazon Women on the Moon" featuring Ed Begley Jr.as Son of the Invisible Man... around 2:27 when he goes into the bar and everyone pretends to be scared.


    7. Kody's hair, empty beady eyes, & creepiness are scary!!!...Lol

    8. Robyn should just wear a shirt that says We are Polygamist I'm #4 and get it out of the way. Kody & her sure do like to announce it to everyone they meet. Maybe she can design a necklace for it or something. Seriously though, Robyn just has to put her two cents in because she likes to feel more important than she actually is.

    9. Because it was all staged. I am sure those teachers weren't all there waiting for a bunch of other parents too. They were there just for them and got paid for that. The school probably got some money too. They were all told to ask questions, I'm sure.

    10. Did I miss something? It seemed like they only met the Spanish teacher and two gym teachers. What happened to math, science, english and history? You know, the really tough subjects!

    11. Not sure if this is the right spot to post:

      If, in the past, Christine was supposed to save her grocery money so she could visit her father, how could she? She didn’t use money…she used food stamps.

      Why couldn’t they all have jumped into the gym business and kept a blog on how they are all doing, getting healthier, losing weight, etc? That would be something they all could use, even the children! It could be a real family business and if it worked out well they could have opened chains with the kids as adults managing the gyms. The kids would already have known about the business. I know not all the kids would like to pursue management but some may. That would have been great experience for them all…and that would look good on a resume.

      About the money for the houses…maybe they do have money stashed or could a rich viewer/sympathizer be funding the properties?

      If Christine said at the meet/greet (I’m not sure what the event was) that they didn’t get the houses why are they still showing them making plans and choosing rooms?

    12. Lol, Carmel brownie. Yes! So creepy.

  7. Ok, so I know most of us would love to see Christine & Janelle get a sweet deal from TLC to escape from the Sister Wives. But seriously, I would be concerned that after all was said & done, moved into their new homes & cameras stopped rolling, that one of them if not both would give in to the weasel Kody & get back w/ him. & Then put Kody & Meri on the lease of their new homes. So, if they were to leave, then they would have to be totaly serious about it w/ no turning back...IMO
    History shows that Janelle left once before, got back on her feet & even purchased a home. All to come back to this hell hole & then put Kody & Meri on HER house title...Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

  8. Made it through 10 minutes of the show Sunday night- it's on again now and I'm bailing after 20 minutes! I seriously can't watch Meri whining about a wetbar again. It's disturbing to see her behavior because there really is some mental instability at play. Seriously Kodouche, stop fixating on getting someone pregnant and get that woman some help.

  9. Wow, sounds like Kody has broke all the church rules. Maybe that is the real reason for them leaving Utah.

  10. After watching for the upteenth time - those that download it or watch it again, REALLY watch Robyn when she is walking down the steps at graduation, and when she is passing Kody and Christine to get to her seat. I am so sure she is pregnant there. I see a definite bump. Smart to wear white-folks that Re watch it and look carefully, what do you think?

    Also, why didn't they leave Solomon with the other children that obviously weren't there... why, BTW, weren't they?

    Just saying, this is smoke with Meri. Either she did or didn't but Sobbin Robbin is pregnant, IMO or guess.
    Where's my LV gal when I need her?

    1. That's what I thought too, but since that was back in June, if she was showing that much, wouldn't she have given birth by now?

    2. But that was in May or June - she'd REALLY be showing now if she was PG right?

    3. When they were in the model home with the builders, I noticed Robyn pulling her sweater forward as if trying to cover her stomach. I wondered about it, but thought I was probably making a mountain out of a molehill. No pun intended.

    4. For anyone really, after 4 babies that baby "pooch" doesn't go down as quickly as it did after the first baby. My guess is that its just post partum belly, if it weren't, she would be obviously pregnant now and due very soon. Plus wouldn't we've heard about it on twitter by now as well.

    5. Yes, but felt like we had seen where she lost it. This is June, so a 8 month difference. I could be wrong, we'll have to watch and see! I think they may be hiding any new baby for the show NEXT season or later this one (Doubt that!) She could have been 4 months in June, and have one in November. We will have to watch for sightings. In June some pics came up where I thought she looked so there too. I am guessing, but it could make sense. Guess we'll find out! If she is, do you think they will do a Who's the Momma? on us? If not, they could even be playing us by plumping her up for the storyline. Who waits that long to decide such a thing on another woman's body? It's holding up the Kody Planet Production Team, and he would be angry - so one way or another, him letting Meri decide is TV manipulation at it's finest! If she is not at all, that would almost make this a sitcom, not a reality show! I am glad we have this blog, makes it fun to watch!

    6. Hi everyone! First time poster, long time reader. Finally made myself a gmail acct.
      First, Great blog, thank you. THE BEST blog on SW on the web!

      I too have wondered about the pregnancy, but don't know, wasn't paying attention to that. The fact all the children were not there to see this was disturbing to me. Been to too many graduations, lots of large families go. I can't imagine not taking the younger ones to see and experience what graduation is like. I too thought that was terrible.

      The whole Meri thing is lazy work on behalf of TLC.

      Why didn't Kody jump Robyn for being so late? If it were Christine.....

    7. You're absolutely right, Meri Sue Selfish....if Christine had missed Logan walk, Koturd would have chewed her out.

    8. Sometimes schools limit the number of 'tickets' they give to each family, due to space limitations. However, there appeared to be lots of empty seats, so I doubt that was the case. If 'tickets' had been required, someone would have been collecting them at the door, and probably would not have allowed in late arrivals.

    9. The younger children im sure were left with a sitter, and i think that is appropriate. Nothing ruins events like a graduation more thab a group of unruly, crying, bored little kids. Sol was brought bc she is either breatsfeeding or to insure she had Kody's attention.

    10. I haven't watched the episode, no cable and won't be purchasing the episodes either, but I'm currently pregnant and my due date is not till March. Our baby was conceived in late may. That means she would still have about three months to go.

    11. I thought one of the girls who went to the UNLV apperance already answered this on another thread. She said Robyn looked way to thin to be pregnant.

      I think it could be her baby pooch. She was probably tugging on her shirt because it's too small for her and she doesn't have the good sense to not wear it.

    12. I noticed Robyn looking a little hefty too in some episodes (especially the one where she meets with the lawyer) but I'm telling you she was super skinny at that unlv event. There's no way she's pregnant.

  11. This is to Lisa Loves to Write only.
    Again, this is not to anyone but her, so know it's not to all.

    Shut up. You do not know what you are talking about. Not all adoptions are for pay, some children have languished in homes long before they are adopted. Move on. No posting here. This is the view of the this blog.

    1. SO glad you're the moderator/admin!! I really don't want to see anymore of her posts.

    2. Thank you!!! Cynical Jinx and I both are.

    3. Thanks Mister Sister,
      I'm sort of getting weary of her too.

    4. I am adopted, as were my two brothers and sister. My parents have always told us how much of a gift we are to them. I was born December 1st and I was the only "present" my parents could afford that year. Everytime I see the picture of me under the Christmas tree, I am especially grateful that I never had to live without a family.

      I lost my daddy on 9/25/12 and have cried everyday since then because I lost one of the best gifts I could ever have.

      Needless to say I am very offended by the above mentioned comments. However, instead of saying what came to mind, I will pray for her and thank God I was/am a gift that was given the gift of love.


  12. To the blog managers:

    Would it be possible to have a sort of Brown dictionary/reference where 'facts' oould be found such as the wives ages, the kids first names, who belongs to whom, bankruptcy history, states lived in, statements they've made about historical events in their lives, etc. Things that come up again and again, but with various fake facts being mentioned by the casual viewer?

    1. IAWTC. I think this would be helpful to myself as well other viewers who are curious about the Browns.

  13. I guess I am confused. What did Meri 'admit' to about their religion that they haven't alredy said 1000 times?

    1. well in the show they never mention the exact religion you know, but for some reason whenever I think of the Browns' religion, I flash on the kids looking really bored while Kody does his little church service and Christine's Sunday School lesson: "God's Number is J-E-S-U-S".

      (no offense to any AUB members...Kody has definitely stepped away from organized religion and has become his own little church in his (poison) mind - apologies to Boy George and Culture Club...)

    2. Christine actually used to teach Sunday school at her church. I sure hope that is not how she was teaching it! I wonder if the Brown's actually do any type of real worship services together these days.

    3. I think it would depend on what age group she was teaching Sunday School to. I was raised a Baptist, and prior to morning worship, SS was held for ALL ages (and the "teachers" would rotate - the adult Sunday School students would elect leaders/teachers of each of their groups). From the way she was teaching and her "mom-ness" I would bet that Christine was in charge of teaching the little ones.

    4. finally seeing realityNovember 30, 2012 at 5:06 PM

      I would bet that unless it is filmed they don't have services, especially when you see on film the hard time some moms have getting kids to go.

  14. Yes! I had discussed with Cynical earlier I needed to do a post where things could be found in subject order, and dropped the ball with illness. After the show, we can try to get that done. If I forget after a bit after the show, just remind us!

    1. Just want to say love this blog and thanks admins. You guys have pointed out so much that I miss. Keep up the good work. Again thanks!

    2. Hi M.S.! I'm glad you're feeling better. I was the one helping you with the family tree info, etc. I still have it all and would love to continue working on it. Let me know when you want more info and I'll send it your way.

    3. Or ya'll could just do Blast from the Past reviews, etc...kinda like watching reruns...lol Since you have a bigger audience now. It would be like doing a SWB Marathon from the very beginning :D

  15. I've always enjoyed reading this blog, and remember when the blog only had about 20 members! Thank you SisterWives Blog Crew for all of your hard work, dedication, fact finding, and your unbiased opinions. Your hard work is appreciated by many!

    1. We Thank You!!!
      Yes, we feel blessed and have certainly grown, esp. in views and posts, and LOVE it! I attribute much of it to Cynical's reviews!

    2. I agree Y. Great blog, and love it, Great work for our entertainment. We appreciate it.

    3. Thank You! No one in real life watches this show and can understand the frustration this train wreck invokes on me! I watch and am LIVID most weeks. So great to have a place to come and vent with similar minded people :)

    4. I love this blog too! I was wondering recently how many followers there are and how you started this whole thing. I've been creeping on it for over a year and finally posted for the first time last month. I love coming here and reading comments. It's one of my favorite parts of the day! Haha

  16. Glad to join in and thank Mister Sister and Cynical Jinx for all you do! Hope you realize how much we appreciate you!!!

  17. The tone on the TLC Sister Wives Facebook page has definitely changed! It used to be that a person was blasted if they posted something other than complete support of the Browns. Now there are more posts against the Browns (mostly aimed at Meri for her house) than there are positive posts. The tide has turned.

    Interestingly, the comments by the psychologist on the Brown family page, along with some other not-totally-positive comments, are still there.

    1. I noticed this too. The other day my friend was sending me some of the nasty comments made on their FB page. I was very surprised the comments were still there, b/c they'd get blasted before those comments were deleted.

    2. A psychologist commented? What did they say?? I can't find the comments?

    3. The comment is on the fan facebook page and it's in reply to the comment that reads "Hey everyone the Browns are going to be at the Holiday Craft and Gift Expo at the South Point Casino in Las Vegas Dec 1st & 2nd. There are tickets available for fans. If you want tickets please e-mail the Browns at BrownFamilyBooking@Gmail.com Please write Expo in the subject line of the e-mail. You can pick up your tickets under your name at Will Call." (sorry I don't know how to link directly to the post)

  18. So Robyn tweeted a couple of things: " A long business day full of numbers & phone calls. Glad for the quiet moment at the end of day when I get to snuggle w/ my baby.:)"
    Hmmmmmm??? Is she talking about Kody or Sol?? I vote Kody & passive aggressively rubbing it in via twitter....lol
    She retweeted one of her fans:" Class is knowing wht to say, when to say it, & when to stop"

    Well guess Robyn, Kody, & Meri definitely don't have any class bcuz Robyn always has to put her .02 cents in(& crying too!!), except when she disagrees w/ Meri & doesn't want to get on her bad side....lol Well, Kody just likes to talk to hear himself & Meri's favorite words are wetbar & I don't know(in whiny mode)...smh

  19. So, this may have been mentioned already on the recent post about car seats and child restraint safety on airplanes, but the AAP recently changed their car seat safety requirements. A child is to remain rear-facing until at least 2 years of age. Doubt Robyn will be tweeting anymore pics of Sol riding forward facing in his car seat due to all the flack she got from it but I do hope she reads this and changes his to rear-facing for his safety!

    1. I am an advocate for car seat safety and our kids stay rear facing until they out grow the seat or turn 3 years old. There's no need to forward face unless the seat has been outgrown. You better believe if she tweets another pic of him FF in that car of all things, she will be blasted by so many groups! I bet the pic wouldn't last more than 10 minutes.

    2. I need to look this up. I didn't know the age has been moved to 3. My daughter is 2 and in a forward facing car seat. I'm not sure how I could turn it around though cause she has the longest legs, there would be nowhere for them to go. Guess I need to do some research.

      Thanks for the heads up!

    3. That was just a recommendation for age 2 not a law. Here's a link that outlines the requirements by state:


  20. "...or until they reach the maximum height and weight for their seat..." per the AAP website----and that is a recommendation---the AAP has no legal authority

  21. Sorry, late to the game. Refuse to watch Sisterwives unless it is online and free. (No way in hell I am arranging my days to watch the show.)

    Meri shit or get off the pot. You don't want a baby and if you do you are freaking stupid (which I think you are anyway :) Waving to Meri). You are way too selfish to have a child and too OLD. I can say that as I am a few years older than you. I had my kids starting at 27 years of age and the last at 31. In my kid's clique I am the most ancient of them all.

    But yeah, have a kid Meri and hope to hell your sisterwives who hate you will raise your kid after you are gone. You drive me insane. You are far too selfish to have another child. But guess getting the big house worth it for you? You are the master of manipulation and you completely SICKEN ME!

    And quit being so Fuck*ing SELFISH!! Really? You out of all the wives have the need to have the builders scramble to make you happy? In your position I would be happy to have a detached 2 bedroom house. But being the realistic person that I am I would be more than happy to have a suite in one of my 'sisterwives' home. Get over yourself!!!

    Why are we seeing Logan's HS grad now? He is just midway through his first year of college. Lame, as was the drama.

    1. So, Amy, I am curious why you watch the show if it makes you "livid" as you mentioned in an earlier post? For me it is a fascinating, though mind-boggling, window into a strange way of living I could never embrace or find acceptable---yet watching them try to make it work is undeniably intriguing.

    2. (My apologies to SWB readers, I may be a bit PMS ;) But yeah, Meri needs to grow the +uck up already. I had no idea one could be so selfish and twisted all in one increasingly large package. Meri. GET A GRIP!

    3. Why are we seeing Logan's HS grad now? He is just midway through his first year of college

      Well, it IS a reality show that has to have thousands...er...hundreds of hours of footage edited. Logan graduated on June 19 2012. It's now 5 months later. Now look at RhoBH. They are into week 3 of their new season and, although we know Lisa Vanderpump's old mansion suffered major fire damage on June 29th, we have yet to see the fire on the the RHOBH show. We know it's coming because costar Adrian Maloof lived across the street and the season previews showed Adrian and husband Paul reacting to it.

      Just the nature of the reality show beast...

    4. Mr. Spock. I watch it online and have since it started. I thought it was an interesting premise and I was interested in hearing more about how they lived and made it work. My initial reaction was good for them, all consenting adults, whatever floats your boat.

      As time has gone by the story lines, Kody and one certain wife, (waving again at Meri, 'Hi Meri!") are driving me insane! The last episode (which they should have called "The Wet Bar and one Big ol'e Selfish Sister Wife") did indeed make me livid!

      Will I stop watching? Probably not. Much like I did not stop watching the Kate Gosselin train wreck in the end. Why do I come here on this site? So I can VENT!!

  22. So with all the hoopla going on about the Browns supposedly getting their homes, we should know for sure in about 5 wks right?? Afterall they did say they would be moved in BY THE END OF THE YEAR!! I'm assuming they meant 2012, right?...lol
    Anyways, that would mean they would start at least be trying to pack up things now... Hopefully our fellow Vegas posters can drive by their rentals the 1st week in January & be able to confirm whether or not the Browns have moved. It would be greatly appreciated!!! :D

  23. Since any home Meri owns would also have legal rights with Kody, I'm wondering if this insistence on "equality" isn't a way to get a big house so they can write the home off as a business expense. If it is the public address, the place of entertainment and the place of shipment, etc, it may be that Meri technically lives in the upstairs section and the downstairs is a tax write off. Which could actually be pretty clever, and the other wives can't do it, because of all of the children. But it isn't like they would want to say that outright on television.

    1. CPA Carol explained the "writing off home as business expense" a couple days ago pretty throughly in an earlier blog post. Bottom line is that it ain't that easy and the IRS pays VERY close attention to that kind of thing. and at this point, I doubt that the Browns want that kind of attention (IRS I mean!).

    2. I asked my brother in law, also a CPA, and my husband, who is an attorney with a decent knowledge of tax law, and they both agreed it would probably be worth the risk. Keep in mind that it isn't like ponsi sales type positions are automatically fraudulent, and and IRS audit really isn't that terrible of an experience as long as you've documented your side of things. Fundamentalist Mormons (and lots of people) have a long history of hiring very good accountants. Would Kody be smart enough and disciplined enough? I don't know. But between business expenses and using one home for a church, there could be a lot of loopholes in the tax code.

      The most the IRS is going to do is make you pay more money and interest as long as you have your documentation straight. As much as these folks worked one part of the government system for years, why wouldn't they work it from the other side now that they have a little money? (Believe me, wealthy people take more out of the system than anyone gaming social services ever could, simply on a matter of scale.)

    3. I somehow don't see the Browns keeping meticulous records of their 'business' expenses. Kody can't even find his sweatpants! Sorry, as a practicing tax professional, I would only advise clients to take this deduction IF they were organized, professional and kept the room stricly business. And the IRS can and will make you pay more money plus penalty and if you don't have the cash (does anyone think the Browns are going to have any cash in 5 years??), they will then put a lien on your property...the very one you said was your business. The IRS loves to make examples of public people and after all, the IRS is the only reason Al Capone was in jail. Lecture over... I am very passionate about people inappropriately applying the tax code.

    4. finally seeing realityNovember 30, 2012 at 5:21 PM

      I agree with CPA Carol, although I do not practice I have a very recent masters in accountancy and I was taught that to use a part of your residency as a business it must be used srictly for business, so unless she had a kitchen upstairs, even with meticulous records she could never get away with it. Messing with the IRS is not a good idea.

  24. As much as I hate how they always show the same footage over and over I LOVE those conversations on the couch where Jhanelle is talking about being worried that her kids were doing without so that Meri could have equal things. I love the faces that Jhanelle makes. She looks so pissed and you can tell she's thinking "shut the ^%&* up Meri, take your stupid wet bar and big empty house" Meri's extremely sarcastic and passive aggressive comments saying "I'm sorry that you thought I took something that you thought belonged to you, jhanelle. She is a total jerk and you know that when Jhanelle reads this board she's happy that we all point this out in Meri

    1. Rachael: Did you notice on the last episode that Christine was also making faces on the couch and it was abundantly clear she was not happy with Meri. Especially when Meri was talking about how she *HAS* to take a 5 bedroom house to get her wetbar. Christine's face was priceless in that clip. I swear she must have had the exact same thought I did, "well then give up the wetbar you don't need you selfish witch" Janelle is not the only one who finds this unfair.

    2. I'll just have to re watch it. Again. Haha. I don't blame them. I work in mental health and I really think that there is something wrong with Meri. She could benifit from my agency's services...

  25. A bedroom for the wet bar? I can see it now...Meri: "Come in, welcome to our home. Please help yourself to the snacks in the dining room and when you get thirsty just head down the hall to the third bedroom on the right, across from the bathroom, to grab yourself a drink!" Seriously Meri, if you have to have the stupid wet bar, put it in a common area and give up the 5th bedroom nonsense. Sheesh!

    1. The correlation between the 5th bedroom and the wet bar has to do with the home design. The wet bar (located off the kitchen) is only available in the 5-bedroom design. Rather than have a custom wet bar/ buffet installed AFTER purchasing the house and getting the smaller floor plan, Meri appears to be choosing the wet bar option up front, which requires the largest plan.

  26. Here some tweets between a "fan" & Kody:
    Fan:"It's really nice @janellebrown117 and @realkodybrown are the only ones footing the bills these HUGE homes the wives want"

    Kody's response:"you are mistaken. All wives are working. In past we all shared ALL financial responsibilities. Some watched kids, all worked."

    Fan:"I apologize. In prior episodes, janelle had said she was the only wife who brought in $. TLC doesn't show anyone "working"?"

    Fan:"(w/exception of)the designing of jewelry for the business now of course. I wish U the best of luck. It's not easy."

    Is that so, Kody? Hmmmmmmm??? So actually where are the wives & yourself as well working now, besides the big tax write off MSWC & LIV MLM??
    Do ya'll have a real J.O.B w/ steady income coming in?

    1. Lol I was on twitter with a few of the browns the other day sharing my thoughts of the show and the next morning I'm banned? Or blocked? Not sure as very new to twitter. I didn't use any profanity so not sure what's gone on. The Browns like the attention, media, money and free bees but don't express concern or different opinions cause they will ignore or block ya. Social media conversations/replays are only with the Koodie Aid drinkers. IMO

    2. "working" = getting paid for being on the show, is my guess.

  27. Hi there. I'm blogging all the way from South Africa so we might be a little behind in terms of what's happening in Sister Wives. I would just like to know if their faith follows the holy bible?if so,which part exactly?is it the old testament?secondly,how do the Browns make their money?and lastly,is there a limit as to how many wives you can take?why is it that the Browns don't have support from their church/congregation?

    1. " I would just like to know if their faith follows the holy bible?if so,which part exactly?is it the old testament?" -- Charlene

      (excerpt from Wikipedia: Apostolic United Brethren)

      Doctrines and practices
      The AUB regard the Book of Mormon as sacred scripture, as well as the Bible, and accept the Articles of Faith, written by Joseph Smith, Jr, to summarize Latter Day Saint beliefs. They believe the LDS Church is still fulfilling a divine role in spreading the Book of Mormon and other basic doctrines of Mormonism, and in doing genealogy.

      Perhaps the AUB members are best known for their belief in plural marriage. Other key beliefs include the United Order, the Adam–God doctrine, and what is commonly called the 1886 Meeting (see History section). While not all members take part in plural marriage, it is considered a crucial step in the quest for obtaining the highest glory of heaven.


      I'd just add two comments
      1. This Wiki Web page shows words such "Adam-God doctrine" as blue links to further information.
      2. Where AUB/early Mormon teachings(such as the "Adam-God doctrine") disagree with The Bible, the Mormon scriptures take authority.

  28. FELLOW POSTERS: IMPORTANT! Please be aware that child restraint laws for motor vehicles differ from state to state. It is easy to look them up on the internet. In Nevada the law is NRS484B.157. If you read it you will see no requirement for the child to be facing backwards at any age. In the state where I live it is until age one or twenty pounds. So it is unfair to criticize a person who chooses not to follow what is only a suggestion by the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) but is still within the confines of the law.

    1. I this brochure just suggestions then?


    2. I don't think it is unfair to point out that someone is doing something that could potentially severely injure or even kill their child. Any halfway decent pediatrician will tell you that you NEED to keep your child rearfacing until age 2 or until the child has outgrown the rearfacing limits on your particular carseat. We had to turn my son when he was almost 3 because he was 41" tall and that's what his old carseat would accommodate. We have since started using better carseats that will allow children up to 49" tall (and 40 lbs but neither child is ANYWHERE close to that even now) to rearface. Our 20 month old is only 36" tall so she will be rearfacing for quite sometime.

  29. Just because there's no law against, doesn't mean you should do it. It doesn't hurt the child to be rear-facing longer and if it decreases the child's risk of injury in an accident, then maybe Robyn should think about turning him around. She put those pictures out there, so of course people are going to comment.

  30. It seems to me that there are some positions that the wives take on the sofa and in many of the pictures and it may be an unconscious situation. But, usually Meri and Robyn are together and usually on the Kody's right and Janelle and Christine are together. NOw, I may be wrong, but I'd think that the order would be in the frame in which they married: Meri and Janelle on one side and Christine and Robyn (I almost typed bobbing---bad girl) on the left. (Kody's right and left). But it is rare that Meri and Janelle even stand or sit on the same side and when they face each other or talk to each other, it is always with arms crossed and tense facial expressions. Sort of like Christine and Robyn's lunch with Christine smiling with that I want to wring your neck look.

  31. I do agree that Meri's house will be Kody's too due to their legal marriage. Actually, it could be that Kody will get "his own space" in that large house with his own closet. Also, he may have his own room where he could do his own entertaining ... would that be possible? If that is the reason, then Meri will need the wet bar for more than soft drinks ...

    1. Hmmm interesting. I hadn't thought of that, but I do believe you're onto somethng. Meri wants that house not only in the name of "equality" but so she can desperately cling to Kody by offering him a little sanctuary and space of his own. That's the only card she has left to play given that she clearly won't be having any more kids. Very astute anon.

  32. Ok not to be a skeptic here, but how do we know that poster is really from their church? That could be anyone who has done the research or even one of the Browns (Christine?) ... I mean no disrespect, but I just think it's a possibility.

    1. I agree totally! A very real possibility that they are posing.

  33. Also, I want to add that Christine has really grown on me and I really like her. She is sincere and, like someone said in another thread, her world is small and this is all she knows. I do think she would lie just to make peace or get along. I say that because when they were looking at the jewelry in one of the eps about MSWC, she said she was afraid she'd say she liked it even if she didn't. So yeah, I said that basically to agree that Christine is PO'ed. She's just too kind to show it.

    1. Ok not to be a skeptic here, but how do we know that poster is really from their church? That could be anyone who has done the research or even one of the Browns (Christine?) ... I mean no disrespect, but I just think it's a possibility.

      I agree. Particularly their the use of God and Lord instead of Heavenly Father.

      The poster was interesting, but as a diversion only.

    2. I might be gullible but I felt a ring of truth in Anon's comments myself.
      Do the Dargers go to the same church as the Browns? I mean, not just also AUB as a group but the same congregation or a different one? Maybe the Browns' congregation uses God more than HF since the Browns didn't use that term even once in their book nor do I remember the Browns ever using that name on the show (I could be wrong though).

    3. I had a student who was Mormon (not AUB) he used the word "God" to describe his religion to other students. He was 6 years old and I think was using "God" because it was a common term that all of them understood.

  34. Don't know if true or not, but fan on FB said season was short because of too much fighting. Had to work on relationships. If true I don't think it helped. Dislike just oozes out of them.

    1. I would like some more info on this. I don't do FB (I do read their tweets though) so I don't know what they say over there.

    2. How many eps are planned exactly for this season?

    3. Sorry they were talking about last season, remember it was split into 2 seasons.

  35. I really want to know what their EXACT jobs are.Do they work full time or just dabble in various self employment schemes? On the last show Kody told Meri they would "drop the cash" for in vitro. Such a cavalier attitude towards what is thousands of dollars has me asking where does this cash come from?

    1. The show is their main income (and quite a tidy one I suspect), they're also ramping up their jewellery line and the health food/drink business. Don't forget their book as well! They did well with that as it hit the NY Times Best Sellers list.

      So right now they're probably in the best shape they've ever been in as far as income goes, but their outgoings are massive so I've no doubt it's still very much an uphill battle.

    2. I believe their income from Sister Wives barely covers their living monthly expenses. And I would imagine their book would have had to be on the NYTimes Best Sellers list a lot longer than 2 weeks for them to make a profit off of it. And they did not promote the book. Successful books are on the list for months. The Browns' book languished off best selling lists for weeks, rose quickly after the Natalie Morales interview and then dropped like a rock into oblivion. Best sellers don't appear in the $1.00 bookbins less than 6 months after going on sale!

      The jewelry looks cheaply made, is too expensive, and is ugly. The health drink is a MLM - which they probably have invested more money in than they can afford. The Browns are losers in the business arena. We won't be seeing Kody Brown on Celebrity Apprentice soon...

    3. finally seeing realityNovember 30, 2012 at 5:33 PM

      I have seen on FB alot of their fans love the jewelry but say they can't afford it or the shipping is to expensive, so I don't think they are selling to much of their expensive costume jewelry. Post after post say the same thing, I can't afford it.

  36. I haven't finished reading all the comments here but I wanted to post a few musings.

    1. I always thought the couch sessions were done for each individual episode but in this last one, Robin's baby-doll blouse changes from purple to red and white flowered to back to purple.

    2. Everyone is always saying how Janelle and Christine should join forces and leave. From what I've seen, they don't seem particularly close. You don't see them doing anything together other than when they studied for the real estate licenses.

    3. I thought it was great that Kody finally gave Christine some kudos for taking care of the kids. But as someone pointed out earlier, it may have been done to slight Janelle for not being at home.

    4. I thought it was terrible that Kody did not comfort Janelle when she was crying at the graduation. Not even a reassuring hug! He only seems touchy-feely with Meri and Robyn.

    5. Why does Robyn have to drag Sol everywhere? Is it to constantly remind Kody that she can still have babies?

    6. Lastly, why was Robyn crying like a baby on the couch during the storyline where as if she kept them all from getting their loan approval letters. Then they all get approved. What a dramatic sham!

    1. I think Robyn dragging Sol to the graduation was done for TLC/Dramatic purposes that didn't quite play out with the audience once it was aired. You know, the eldest son graduates while the youngest son is carried in by the newest wife (you know, the whole circle of life thing). We all keep saying "it was Robyn's night" well if Kody was with Robyn, why didn't he drive with her? There was more to that whole "Robyn was late thing" than they showed because Robyn was clearly really angry and that's kind of unlike her. I think she realizes that Meri was probably behind the whole thing because honestly Christine seemed upset and of course Janelle was just trying to see Logan graduate and Meri was sitting there smirking thinking how Robyn looked bad to Kody by 'getting lost' or being late. As far as Kody not comforting Janelle, I was not surprised by that. He seems baffled when anyone cries, except when it's Meri.

    2. My opinion on some of your questions...if they make sense :/

      1. They are cutting and pasting all these scenes together....I have always thought the editing on this show is THE WORST EVER!!!

      2. I agree with you. I think people just think they should hit the road and hit Kody with a big child support bill. Since it looks like Jenelle and Christine are the only ones done having kids...Kody pretty much doesn't give them the time of day (plus he is publicly mean to them!).

      3. Just someones opinion

      4. Kody is a jerk...shows no affection to Jenelle because she is probably done having children.

      5. I would agree with you...makes her look younger then the other wives too. Not sure when her sister/Nanny moved in with them, so don't know if that was an option...but still, who were all the other little ones with?

      6. If you listen in the beginning of that couch session...Kody says "Well, we are going to go and see if we are all approved today for the loans"...so I don't think they had met up with Mona yet. So they got all the "Pre-Drama" for the cameras before they found out the exciting news!!

      All my own opinion of course

    3. @CPA Carol...I think Robyn was angry because the cameraman that was following her wouldn't give her the directions...didn't want to lose the moment. :o/

    4. I thought the same thing about kody and janelle at the graduation. I mean this was their first born son graduating from highschool moving on to become an idependent man. I was the 4th child and at my grad both of my parents were so sweet and tender and proud while they Hugged me, eachothers and held hands and both got tearey eyed. I don't get it.

    5. What about Robyn's smartphone for getting directions -- use Google!? She has to have one.

  37. I completely agree that Meri is being very, very selfish about the house. She does not need that big of a house and if i hear the words "wetbar" one more time I am going to scream. I also think Robin was late on purpose to make sure all the attention was on her.

    I do have to get something off my chest though. As much as I cannot stand Meri, I can kind of see why she would not want to watch Sol. When I had my last miscarriage while I was going through fertility treatments, my sister was pregnant. There were times I would look at her and just start crying because she was pregnant and I wasn't. I'm not saying that I don't love her or my nephews, but when you are in the situation that you want more children and can't have them than I think it is hard to be around babies, esp. if it's your husbands child. I would imagine that it would be hard for her to watch Kody's & Robins child, IMHO.

    Maybe Robin was pregnant with Meri's child in June and lost it? I too thought she looked pregnant in last weeks eps. Sorry this was so long. I needed to vent.

    1. But that was years ago...didn't Christine and Janelle have children between that time before Robyn came along? Why now?
      My opinion: Meri just doesn't seem like the maternal type to me. She enjoys the nagging, bossy part of motherhood but she just doesn't seem like an affectionate, motherly person.

      And also noticed that Kody doesn't call her "lover" unless he's annoyed with her or trying to get her to do something...?

  38. So Meri has been really getting under my skin with building her McMansion and having 5 rooms and her wet bar. She is trying to justify getting a bigger house because didnt get all the kids she wants yet she has had several opportunities to have another baby. I think she should either put up or shut up.

  39. Meri is being completely selfish to her sister wives. Meri keeps on explaining why she needs the 5th room and wet bar saying if it was up to her she would have 8 children. Yet she has several opportunities to have another baby. All of the sister wives had the same amount of money to spend on their house Meri should not be an exception especially if she's going to be alone in a 4 bedroom house.

  40. Hey what about the lil dig Maddie got in about her dad when they had Maddie, Mariah, & Aspyn on a couch interview discussing the "short" skirt issues... Maddie said something like well we never listen to dad & I think it was Aspyn that said well sometimes we do.....Lol
    That speaks volumes in itself, IMO! They probably figure why even bother since he's really not around that much anyways!!

  41. Thank you to Anon who goes to the Brown's Utah church. It reminds us of the initial reason we wanted to watch the show - to get an insight on how a plural family lives.

  42. Someone commented that the difference in the price of a 4 bedroom and a 5 bedroom house by that developer. Could be about. 150,000. If that is correct that is one expensive wet bar. Is that right? That puts her behavior in an even worse light.

  43. What happened to the posts from the Anon poster who said they attended the browns church. I thought this was some of the most honest and insightful information we have recieved about the church/religious side of their lives.

    1. Unfortunately, there appeared to be another anonymous poster who was disputing the truthfulness of the first anonymous poster. I made the decision to unpublish that thread for the time being to avoid an out and out flamewar.

      Please understand that although the anonymous poster appeared to be informative, it was impossible to verify if they actually knew the Browns or attended their church.

      It was a difficult decision to make, but I believe it was the correct one considering the circumstances.

    2. Thanks for responding. I thought the poster was authintic. The church she named is the same church that I read about on a site about the Allred family and their rise up through the church. It focused on Rulon and Owen Allred. I also saw somewhere that one of Robyn's sister is married to an Allred and one is married to a Jessop.

    3. Yes! Jessops, Allreds are very common fundamentalist last names. Another are the Holms. If you watched the Batchelorette, she chose Jef Holm, who was written up in the tabloids as having polygamist family members. (they have since broken up...he denied it...but Robyn follows him on twitter - strange isn't it?) Don't forget the Steads and Jeffs and LeBarons...

      If you haven't already, there are many posts (including youtube video links) on the different polygamist sects on SWB (check the 2011 archive posts). If you need help finding something, just let me know and I'll try to find it for you!

  44. Isn't Allred also the maiden name of Christine?

    It's a shame that thread had to be hidden, but Cynical Jinx, I can see why you had to do it. I have lurked on this blog but posted for the first time to ask a question to the church member. So many people have written things like "Run, Christine!" but I don't ever see Christine as wanting to leave her religion, even if she is willing to leave Kody. And their religion seems to call for wives being obedient to the husband and being sealed to him as authority for all eternity. So I was wondering what, realistically, a wife could do if she wants a divorce (because the husband is emotionally abusive and out of control, like Kody) but wants to stay in the church.

    It's easy for us to say "leave him", coming from our more mainstream cultural views, but within that religion I have truly been curious what kind of "out" there would be for these women if they chose to take it. Ah well. Maybe it will come up in another thread! Thanks!

    1. Yes, Christine is an Allred. She is what Kody has called polygamy royalty.

      On the last episode, Christine mentioned that her grandfather was arrested for practicing polygamy and his families were torn apart, never to live close to each other again. That man was Rulon C Allred, who was prophet of the AUB. He was later assassinated in 1977 by order of Ervil LeBaron - the leader of a rival polygamist sect. He was succeeded by his brother Owen Allred.

      Christine's mother apparently did leave the faith and Christine's father. There appears to be a lot going on between her and Kody, but I wonder if Kody's 'meanness' towards her is maybe his being rebellious against her family interference. Would she ever leave him? I don't think so. One thing that stands out was in the first season when she stormed off the set. In their book, we find out she was so mad at Kody she refused to return to the set for 3 days! But when she did go back, she said to him something like I know you're better than this, we can work this out. She bends over backwards for Kody.

  45. Just a little more clarity on Mormon (not FLDS or AUB) adoptions.
    1) The church-run agency is not for profit. In fact, the church subsidizes every adoption. It loses money on each and every case it handles. Fees for the adoptive couples range between 4k and 10k based on the couple's income. This amount covers all of the following: options counseling for any expectant parent who seeks the use the agency, the home study and casework for the adoptive couple, legal services related to the relinquishment and ICPC, supervision visits after placement, birth parent medical expenses and medical costs for the baby prior to the couple signing placement documents, and the ongoing grief and loss counseling for birth parents afterward.
    2)The agency is not called "It's About Love."
    3)Expectant parents who come into the agency are not made to choose adoption, or shamed to believe their salvation is somehow at stake. Many expectant parents who use the agency aren't even LDS at all.
    4)The services offered expectant parents include adoption, but also include support for single parenting or marriage. Premarital counseling, if the unwed couple wants to consider marriage. Or for the single parent- LOTS of helping her find support to be a great mom. Linking her with community agencies for medicaid or low cost healthcare clinics, getting her on WIC, helping her understand how to apply for college, filling out a fafsa, helping her get housing assistance, working out communication with her family, etc. These services are free, but support post birth is only available for those who choose to place for adoption.

  46. If anyone is interested, here are links to some early SWB articles (2011) that highlighted Christine Allred, the AUB, Rulon Allred etc.

    You'll need to copy and paste the url into your browser






  47. Thank you, Cynical Jinx! I'll check those out.

  48. Why does he say that love should be multiplied not devided when he is deviding his love between 4 people?
