Monday, November 26, 2012

Discussion Page 3 for S05Ep02 "Kody Begs For An Answer"

Kody's version of the Hamill Wedge.

Here's a panorama of the kitchen/great room showing the position of the wet bar to the kitchen area.



  1. but on her the wedge is so cute..on him so very creapy

    1. Is it just me or does his hair look thicker? I don't think it's just the style and the cut either. Maybe he bought some of those Jessica-Simpson-type-snap-on hair pieces from QVC or on Ebay? Or, he might have gotten a weave. I wouldn't put it past him. He's so shallow and appearence oriented. My husband has nothing against homosexuals, but he swears that Kody is a closeted gay man or bisexual at the very least. The more I watch this show, the more I agree with my husband. Kody is emotionally distant from his wives and he's not involved with his kids at all. It's as if he needs all his wives and these kids to prove how much of a 'man' he is. Even though he claims that he has to be careful about revealing his polygamist identity, he has a show on a major television network depicting his chosen lifestyle. How does that even make sense? On top of that, he never misses an opportunity to tell strangers that he's a polygamist, who has four wives. For someone who's trying to protect his polygamist family, he goes out of his way to make sure everyone knows he's a big stud. All in all, Kody gives me the willies. I cannot imagine what any of these women see in him.

    2. Dear New Shoes, I agree with you! That guy is off the wall in sooooo many ways!

    3. @Anonymous 12:51 am: "Off the wall". You are too kind!! Just say it. He's a freakin' weirdo!! ;)

    4. It looks like Kody is wearing miracle hair, a sort of fiber you spread onto your hair and it gives the appearance of a full head of hair...

    5. During the ep where he went to visit his old home town and reunite with his schoolmates (at least one of whom thought he was gay) Kody called himself a "metrosexual". HA as if.

  2. I haven't read all the comments yet, but I haven't seen anyone mention how terrible Kody's shirts were when he was on the couch in this video. He looked absolutely homeless.

    1. Maybe he can't get any of the wives to iron them for him.

    2. Remember in the first season Christine did his ironing for him. Maybe that is over now that he has thrown her away.

    3. But he's a metrosexual! that's hot :-P

    4. Here in FL you can go to many churches that have free clothing SHOPS, no questions asked. WORSE than homeless, he paid for them, the in shirts in these shops are very nice!

  3. Poor Dorothy! But his hair was totally styled. He also used the word "trifle" twice.

    1. "Trifle". It must have been on his Word-of-the-Day Calendar. I wonder how many months he waited to find an opportunity to use it? LOL!!!

    2. I don't think he used the word correctly though. It just sounded odd....but then again most of what he says sounds off to me.

    3. How did he use the word trifle? Anyone remember? B/cuz at a certain point I just tuned him

  4. I just watched the episode again. I loved when Logan told Janelle "it's a pencil skirt, Mom" regarding Maddie's choice of wardrobe for the graduation ceremony. Funny but very astute of him!

  5. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before or not, so be patient with me if it has. Everyone talks about the 'family culture' and how 'well, all the mothers share in the acknowledgment that Janelle would received re Logan' etc. SO what I don't understand is why the is no TRUE mutual care of these kids. If they want to be 'fair' with resources, why not by individual rather than mother. All this 'they are all, all of our kids' doesn't seem to translate financially. So if there are 17 kids and 4 moms, they should receive a percentage. Janelle and crew would get 6/17, Christine 7/17, Meri 2/17 etc. It is individuals that need to be fed and clothed, not moms. How can Meri believe (not even demand) that she get 'equal share' when it means less stability for all 'her' other kids? All this talk of family culture seems tilted - all the 'credit' for raising the kids is shared, but the real financial burden is not. Practice what you preach folk, practice what you preach.

    Another question: Does Kody get his own 'room' in each house or is what why Meri wants more room - so Kody can camp out there with her?

    1. It would be Janelle 6/17, Christine 6/17, Robyn 4/17 and Meri 1/17. Kody shares the master bedroom in each house with the wife who lives there. So it's not like in Meri's house Meri and Kody have seperate rooms. When it's Meri's night they are in the master bedroom. Same with the other wives. Meri can demand that because in their family being first wife does actually mean being the most important- or at least Meri believes that. Also because she is selfish.

    2. Meri is a selfish witch. That's why. Yes, it should be according to family size. Meri whines and whines about how it wasn't her fault that that she didn't have a house full of kids. (I, personally don't think she ever wanted a lot of kids. And I wouldn't put it past her sneaky, passive-aggressive self to be secretly using hormonal birth control all these years just so she wouldn't end up with a bunch of kids.) Well on the same token, it wasn't the other wives fault that they had a lot of children, because their religion calls for it. Meri knew this going into it. If she really loved her bonus kids as much as she claims she does, she'd be willing to give up her extra bedrooms and wetbar for them. I believe you are onto something, though. She wants her house to be an escape place/love nest for Kody and her rather than a refuge for her bonus kids. Meri is so transparent. Her motives are purely self serving.

    3. This is exactly what I have been thinking about the money and how it is deviated. It must be hard for Janelle to feed all those teens on the same budget that Meri feeds one daughter. I wonder how the kids feel when Meriah gets nicer things than the other kids. How is Kodi stupid enough to think that equal is fair. A teen also costs more than a toddler. It just shows that Meri does not care about the other kids, but we already could see that.

    4. As much as it would be really great if this family functioned w/ love and common courtesy (or at least common sense), the truth of the matter is, as the only legal wife Meri is entitled to half of everything if she decided to leave. I think that's why Janelle and everyone else just throws their arms in the air. Meri said it herself "I'm sorry [Janelle] if I took something you THOUGHT was yours."

    5. To add your comment because Meri is the only legal wife the State of Nevada is a 50/50 state it doesn't divide equally. What will Kody do then?

    6. Meri may be entitled to "half of everything" if she chose to leave...that is half of everything that belongs to Kody and herself. NOT half of what belongs to Janelle or the other two wives. Plus if they did split up, I imagine the judge would take into consideration Kody's responsibility towards his biological children with all of the wives into the final decision. Meri has no legal right whatsoever to Janelle's stuff.

    7. First i wanta say i so happy to found this blog. thanks. Now i so pleased to see i am not alone on the thoughts on Meri and the division of the Browns finances and home size decision. I wonder if Meri has been told that she is nothing but a spoiled whinny selfish grown woman acting like a 2 y/o and do we even c any of the kids acting this way. It is so showing that her dgt is a only child and the money in that home goes alot futher than any of the other wifes. She is such a cry baby wanting somebody to feel sorry for her. This lites the fire under my hinny. Let me know if anybody else has noticed she wasnt like this until after Robin came in the pic. I think she is bff with Robin bc she knows she would be the one that is a threat to her, so she wants to make sure Robin listens and dose what she wants her to do. so now Robin has offered her a solution for her pitty excuse for wanting to have more kids she is having to play all this emotional roller coaster ride to the fullest to get out of it. well i feel better now i got this off my chest, lol.

  6. I can't get over how selfish & greedy Meri is! Everything's me me me! I want a baby a big house more rooms for me me me! Get over your self ! Stop whining & apologize for being so selfish you don't need a huge home! Use a spare bedroom for a Hobbyroom! Most women do.What a train wreak! Shame on you Meri . No one owes you an apology you owe the whole family one! Cody find some balls & tell her to grow up! She chose this lifestyle , learn to share, What Freaking crybaby! Give her some meds! She makes me sick!

    1. i so much agree with u anonymous. she makes me so sick with her whinning. isn't it amazing when all those kids combined r not even that bad. she is sicking to watch everysince Robin came into the pic. now Robin gets a live in sitter? what happen to the quotes from the sister wifes about jus one of the advantages of being a sister wife was???? upcoming episodes of sisters being married to same man(correct me if i am wrong).. maybe this has gave retardo Cody some idea and thats why it is been ok for the sitter/sister for Robin... I think it is very obivious that Cody wants to really be with Robin and he only is with the others bc of the kids.

  7. I started laughing when Meri used the children as a justification for her own materialism saying, "If these are the only kids I have, I want them to be comfortable in my space."

    Janelle's CHILDREN are the ones who questioned whether Meri needed such a big house. And now Meri is using them as a justification to make her home even bigger? This is beyond illogical, it is delusional and laughable.

    Meri, are you really thinking that you will have a better relationship with your "bonus children" if you make them share bedrooms so that you can have a wet bar?

    1. My opinion of this family is changing. I really think they need some major counseling. Meri is being selfish and materialistic. She does not need such a big house and the financial burden to the family is absurd. If all must have equal budget and house size, then they do not truly love and care for one another and want the best for the family overall which would be to keep the financial burdens as low as possible while meeting the NEEDS of the fmaily and not being greedy. The family is more focused on new houses and less focused on the happiness of the family and we are all watching the kids fall away from the family and the wives starting their own separate lives and wondering why they need the others anymore. Welcome to the real world where there aren't 2 or 3 other adults to pick up the slack when you are lazy. Meri if you want a bigger house - get a job! Janelle carries the financial burdens and Christine mothers and educates them, yet these 2 women never seem to get the appreciation and credit they deserve. I don't think Meri has the maturity and selflessness to live this lifstyle. Janelle is superwoman and Christine is supermom. Robyn is just there, trying to find her place, but Meri needs to get counseling and quit being a coward and admit that she does not want another child! Also, I am Mormon, you are not, so don't mislead people. I respect your religion, respect mine but not misleading people into thinking you are Mormons

    2. I just don't get the impression that Meri and the older kids (other than Mariah) are even close. I don't see her as either the warm and nurturing bonus mom or the wise and counseling bonus mom. Frankly I think the other kids just tolerate her. She wants the home to be welcoming to the teenagers? Why doesn't she change herself then, it's not about the house. Although nothing says 'welcome' to a teenager like a wet bar. LOL

    3. I suspect that the reason that Meri wants to get a big house is that she's preparing for the possibility of not being with this family for the rest of her life. She wants to acquire as much wealth as possible in the meantime.

    4. Meri tried using the same justification too for when she whined & cried about getting a bigger rental too...smh IMO, that didn't make the bonus kids feel or get any closer to her. Besides, she's been around the bonus kids of Janelle & Christine all their lives, & if they're not comfortable around her by now, then something is seriously wrong. It shouldn't take a big house w/ extra space & materialistic things to try & bribe ur bonus kids to want to be around you. Ughhhhh!!! Grow up mean Meri!!!

  8. The body language says so much. In one of the couch scenes, Janelle is telling Kody how she felt when he left Logan's graduation to look for Robyn. She tells him that she was worried that he would miss Logan's walk down the aisle.

    Look at the wives. Janelle and Christine are upset. Meri is looking down. She knows that Kody screwed up. Robyn is SMILING.

  9. If Robyn carried Meri and Kody's baby she would be a gestational carrier. Not a surrogate.

    1. Only if they used Meri's eggs. Given Meri's age, I don't see how her eggs would be viable.

    2. Thank you kms's clarification of the difference between "surgit" and gestational carrier.

      If the plan is for Robyn to be the surrogate then it would be Robyn's egg and Kody's sperm. Isn't that what King Sol is? Why not just hand him over to Meri and be done with this whole ridiculous situation?

    3. I am 41 years old and pregnant with my first child. While the risks are higher and the chances lower of conceiving and carrying a child to term, please do not generalize and speculate about whether or not her eggs are viable. Meri is also 41 years old. There are many woman in their late thirties and early forties having perfectly healthy children. My fertility doctor advised me that women aged 40-41 seeking help conceiving do have a better chance. Beyond that, it gets tougher.

    4. I had my second child -- a very healthy little girl, at 41. My great-grandmother gave birth to a very healthy boy at 49! Yes, the risks are higher, but this blog does seem to play a little fast and loose with the idea that Meri couldn't possibly expect to get pregnant, or possibly expect to have a healthy, non-special needs child if she did carry to term. The truth of the matter is that women in their 40's have babies all of the time, and the vast majority of those babies are healthy, non-special needs babies. Many women in their 40's need no intervention at all, the way that Meri does.

      So yes, there are lots of reasons why Meri shouldn't have a child (I personally don't think she wants one) and there are, perhaps fertility issues that she is dealing with beyond the normal scope of even an IVF situation. But let's please not generalize from there about "women in their 40's" and babies. Please! Some of us love the idea!

    5. One assumes that your fertility doctor also informed you that over 35, your risk of genetic abnormalities skyrockets. Some women do get lucky and have healthy babies well into their forties, but it's not guaranteed - and in Meri's case, with her increasing weight issues and history of fertility problems, it seems that the idea of IVF is just selfish.

      The world is full of children needing homes, I don't get why we're trying to create even more children using technology - especially when we're trying to create them from eggs that are past their sell by date, as it were. I know there can be a strong desire or maternal drive to procreate and have one's own child - but as 'wet bar Meri' and '17 kids and counting Kody' have proved - a strong desire isn't necessarily a good or moral reason to bring children into the world. In fact, that strong desire might even be a sign that the motivation is more selfish than altruistic.

    6. There are no guarantees for a successful pregnancy or healthy baby at any age. I am a very well informed person and am very well informed on all the statistics. While there are many reasons that Meri and Kody Brown should not have another child, I do not think attacking her for her age is fair. I would defend her on nothing else, but this. Meri is very clearly overweight, but she is not obese to the point where a fertility doctor would count that as a factor. The truth is we do not know what Meri's fertility issues are. They have been very vague up to this point. Unless you have gone down the road of infertility, perhaps you should not be so harsh on those of us who have.

    7. Your chances of genetic abnormalities does increase over the age of 35. Your chances of having a successful pregnancy and a healthy child is still much greater than not.

  10. Someone should not get more just cause they had more kids.

    1. KMS - In this family, yes they do. They need more for the children. The children should come first. Obviously, Meri wants a life of luxury while the rest of them are poor.

    2. In a traditonal family, the parents pool their resources and dole out the money as it is needed ... regardless of who contributes more. Step-parents usually hop right on the bandwagon with the needs of their step-children.
      They keep saying this is one family with 4 mothers. Real mothers would put all the kids in the family first, not just the one that is biologically theirs. Out of the 5 parents, only Janelle and Christine do this.

      If Meri wasn't willing to financially be responsible for all her sister wives kids, she shouldbn't have accepted sister wives. Meri, herself, has cried over her story that her bioligical sister's sister-wife gave up her home and moved into Meri's sister's home to raise Meri's sister's kids when Meri's sister died. Can you see Meri doing that for Janelle or Christine? She'd let those kids starve.

    3. I disagree. It is not fair to expect six teenagers to share two bedrooms while it is perfectly reasonable for two teenagers to each get their own room. Similarly, six kids in one household need a bigger budget for food and clothing than two kids in one household.

      Basically, more children require more money and more space to raise than needed to raise fewer children.

      That said, the sixth child does not need as much budget and space as the first one does. As with manufacturing, the incremental cost of adding a new child decreases with each child up to a certain point.

    4. More children means more space and money needed. Less children means less space and money needed. By giving Meri the same size house and maintenance and tax burdens, you are taking food out of the mouths of the other children who truly need the space. The family can certainly thrive on far less than these 4 houses and they certainly don't need a 5 bedroom house for basically a single mom whose only daughter is leaving for college soon. Have fun claiming bankruptcy when the show ends, rather than saving and investing and living more modestly to ensure a secure future for the family.

    5. By that logic "Someone should not get more just cause they had more kids" you make it sound as though it's all very whimsical! Wants are irrelevant at this point for the family - they have to focus on who needs what to survive. It's got nothing to do with "getting more". It's got to do with each mother and their respective kids being able to live. Why is that hard to understand? Having one mother take food out of the mouths of another's kids because she wants a wet bar? In what world is that reasonable?

  11. Haha omg!!!

    I was just thinking this entire storyline is Robyn's fault but Kodys doing. I wonder now if it was Kodys idea initially or Robyn's? I guess we'll find out during the final tell all. Lol

    Really though - Meri seemed to be fine with not having kids during S1 when Kody brought it was Robyn's "offer" that got this whole thing started. I think if Meri really wanted to do it she would have said yes by now.

    1. DJ,
      Honestly....starting with the night of the "tearful offer"...
      That oh, so secretive, private offer (except that the cameras were rolling, so not so "private, huh?) by Robin to Meri, I immediately thought, "This was Kody's idea."
      It just smacks of that control freak and shrewd manipulator to dream up that for ratings. Think about never actually had to happen!!!
      But it was worth gold for future episodes and ratings, and could be dragged on for who knows how many seasons?

    2. Yup Amused - Looking at the whole picture - i just remember Kody asking, demanding almost, that Meri consider alternate methods to whelp out one more puppy into his pack starting in S1. And Meri just kind of lightly blew it off. Until...the Offer...and then the pressure started being applied.

      But I'm not going to cry tears for "poor" Meri. I think she's totally complacent in this, and agreed to this piece of SCRIPTING. drawing it out to give the season a much-needed boost. But also, I think it IS important for Kody to have another kid for whatever personal reason he has.

      It's not about quality for Kody, it's about quantity.

    3. Oh no question or doubt...Meri was/is only too happy to play her part.
      And so is Robin. At this point, all of them can only see $$$$ signs.
      And ratings are the only thing that will insure those incoming $$$$.

      Thinking now....
      If it really was/is all *legit* then wouldn't it make a whole hell of a lot more sense that it would be *Robin*...NOT Kody...who was wanting/demanding a timeline and an *either-or* answer...since it's her uterus and body?

      These people really ought to consider starting a manure business.

    4. Good idea, Amused. After all, it's the only thing they produce.

  12. We discussed Sister Wives at work today and all agreed Janelle should have been front and center receiving accolades at Logan's graduation. It's such a proud moment and she was crying. He's her son. What was Kody doing? Searching for Robyn. I don't think that was scripted. He really should have been holding Janelle's hand and sharing the moment with her. I think maybe the little kids might not have been there because sometimes at graduations like that the students are given only so many tickets. You aren't allowed to bring the entire family. It was nice of him to actually complement Christine, but she is not his mother. She is more like an aunt no matter what they say. You know, way back when I babysit my little niece for years while my sister worked full time to help support her family. I felt like I was raising my little niece a lot of the time. I potty trained and taught her the alphabet. But I wasn't her mother. When she graduated, her mom and dad were there, prouder than ever. I wouldn't have expected them to turn to me and say I deserve accolades too because I lived with them and helped babysit. If they all had cared so much about Logan, they would've cared enough to know where to be, what time, and totally focused on Logan. Janelle was there. Janelle got them dressed and ready. I don't think the graduation was scripted. Robyn wanted to make an entrance by coming in late and having Kody wonder where she was.

    1. I completely agree. I think by janelle suggesting to Robyn that it would be uncomfortable for Solomon was her way of trying to say - don't bring the freaking baby. A baby doesn't need to be at a graduation, just like they don't need to be at weddings. Because they cry and whine and take attention away from the person who should be celebrated - like Logan. None of Janelle's young kids were there because they would have been bored to tears. High school graduations are long and boring. Janelle didn't mean come LATE Robyn, she meant leave the kid at home with your live-in babysitter! Christ!! And of course she had to make the whole thing about her. Janelle just has no backbone and couldn't say anything. Kody was disgusting in that scene...Janelle is emotional, for good reason, and he just stares at her for a second then tries to text Robyn. He didn't even smile, or touch her arm, or hug her. I felt so sorry for Janelle...stuck in a loveless marraige with a total douchebag who has 3 other wives. I think she doesn't think she can get anything better, and feeling that way for 20+ years ... what is she going to do now?

    2. Seeing Kody ignore how Janelle felt in favour of the idiot who couldn't figure out that the baby needed to stay home. Robyn didn't respect Janelle or Logan enough to make the ceremony about them; she and Kody selfishly tried to steal the spotlight.

      Kody, Robyn, and Meri deserve each other. Janelle and Christine deserve better than to be saddled with that pack of selfish famewhores.

    3. Yes, Kody should have acknowledged that Jenelle is Logan's mother and deserves a mother's respect, especially since Jenelle worked 12+ hour days to support lazy Kody, his other wives, and numerous children. However, I do believe that Christine deserves some credit, too. I, truly, believe that she is the only one in this group who takes her role of 'other mother' seriously. She seems to genuinely relish her role as a mother. She is very maternal. That is not a weakness and should never be interpreted as such. I will never fault Christine for that. I have a lot of respect for women, who have the desire to be at home with their children.
      Christine was not just a babysitter or stepmother to Logan. She raised Jenelles kids so Jenelle could support them all. I cannot stress enough how much Christine and Jenelle need to get out of this arrangement. Kody and Meri have used Christine and Jenelle for years as a nanny and a meal ticket, respectively. Robyn's only role in this mess is to keep Kody sexually satisfied. It was disturbing that Kody was more concerned with finding Robyn rather than focusing on Logan's moment and ignoring Jenelle's feelings. But hey, he's a douche!! What more can we expect from him. In all honestly, I was surprised he even made time to show up for Logan's graduation. Given his lack of interested in his children, I half expected him to be off on some exotic vacation with Meri or holed up in Robyns house to help her with Sol. Btw, why does Robyn need so much help since she had Sol?

    4. You know I said it in another post and I'll go ahead and say it again. Janelle and Christine are Logan's parents. Christine was far more active in raising Logan than Kody was. Janelle was the working parent while Christine was the stay at home parent. Together they took care of every one of his needs. Same with all their kids. They raised their kids together in a mutually beneficial way. Both wives happy in their roles. Kody was the one always travelling for work, or bouncing houses. I think Janelle does deserve all the credit as his mother, however; I feel Christine deserves more credit than Kody. I'm sure Logan graduating really did mean something to Christine unlike Robyn. Hell even Meri told Kody it was about Logan and we all know selfish she can be. Even she knew it was wrong for him to leave and go chase Robyn.

    5. I agree that Christine and Janelle raised Logan together. I hate to say Janelle has no backbone, because I think that's such a harsh way to put it, but I do think that, at one point, she was strong enough: she left her first marriage, because she was unhappy; she left the Brown home for a period when it was simply unbearable. To hear her say now that her "sense of responsibility" means she can never leave...even her sad little laugh as a defense mechanism after she said it, it must just be so trapping for her, to have to have such a fatalistic outlook.

      I also think that Kody's rare praise of Christine was at least in SOME way engineered to put Janelle down. A man does not credit one woman for raising his son with another woman, when the child's biological mother is very much present. Janelle has so many wonderful qualities - a sense of responsibility, duty to her children, love of them, a work ethic - but her life with this man has beaten her down, and he always knows just how to needle some criticism of her in to a situation where he can get away with it by, for example, clouding it in a compliment of Christine that actually translates to a negative comparison of Janelle.

      Perhaps one of the worst points for me during Logan's graduation was when Kody mocked her to the rest of the family for having missed the moment. All Janelle was trying to do was focus on working the camera and getting a photo of a special, proud moment, and she was obviously frustrated when all the mania and fray that surrounds this family was so distracting that she missed it. To have her husband point out her distress to the rest of the family was just horrible. They were at the end of the row, together; he should and could have leant in quietly and consoled her, but he didn't.

      I remember her saying, around the time of her camping trip with Kody (where he made no effort and didn't even want to bother to pack blankets), that they were finally in the most loving stage of their relationship. I think she can't possibly feel the same way now.

      Janelle and Christine are both living in a toxic environment, where their children's needs are being sacrificed for the desires of the wife who has always received the perks: travel, "nice things", money without having to work, space. It's just so sad to me. I hope they not only realise their worth, somehow, but also that the practicalities could actually allow them to leave. It's all well and good us sitting here and pontificating on how they should leave because it would make a great TV show, but my heart goes out to them because they genuinely must love Kody, and keep coming back for more. And, as New Shoes said, Christine really takes on the role of "other mother", so between that and Janelle's knowledge that her proven ability to earn a significant income is vital for the survival of this family, they know that the children need them. Also, I think they are worried the children wouldn't forgive them if they left. We all know the fear that has been instilled in them about "splitting up the family". I think there is something psychological in Christine that means she will never leave, because of her fear of separation of a fmaily.

  13. My main commentary on the last show is that Robyn looked genuinely pissed that she missed the graduation. I wonder if someone purposely gave her the wrong time? I know many things are staged on reality shows, but the anger on all the wive's faces looked pretty real at the end of the graduation scene. And did the part where Christine tells her Robyn how important the graduation was get cut out?
    Also, I think the Brown kids are great. They all have direction in their lives and know what they want to do. I hope they all can go to college if they want and realize their dreams. I feel that the kids turning out so well is thanks to ALL of the moms, and it is probably in spite of Kody. I have found that a lot of kids with flakey or absentee fathers strive extra hard because they know they only have themselves to count on in this life.
    Who else thinks Janelle is skimming money off the top and hiding it away for her kids in the future? I think she knows the gravy train is going to end, and that the way they distribute money is ridiculous and unfair, and is thinking ahead? I don't think that Kody or the other wives would ever be able to catch her if she is setting extra money aside, they obviously aren't good enough with money. It is probably just wishful thinking, but I don't think Janelle is going to let Meri get away with this selfishness, not when Janelle has six kids and their future to think of.

    1. I hope Janelle is setting up a nest egg for herself to escape. She could take Christine with her and leave the nasty three on their own.

    2. "Who else thinks Janelle is skimming money off the top and hiding it away for her kids in the future?"
      I certainly think that Jenelle is skimming money, but I don't think it's for her kid's education, etc. Maybe I'm just a softie and always rooting for the underdog, but I think Jenelle has been seriously considering her escape. I really think Jenelle is reaching the end of her Brown Family Circus rope. I think Meri's selfish demands have been a real eye opener for Jenelle. I just pray that she convinces Christine to flee with her. They may not realize it, but between the two of them, they have marketable skills for the real world. Jenelle has hands on business experience and a head for numbers, even though douche bag, Kody, has dismissed her ideas and kept her down. Both women have excellent organization skills in different areas. I'd love to see them break out on their own. They could easily open a daycare facility. Christine has the temperment and experience to work with children. Jenelle has a head for business. If these two women could pull their strengths and work on their weaknesses, they could, eventually, open a chain of child care facilities similar to Magic Years, Building Blocks, or Kinder Korner. They just need to work up the courage to escape Kody and Meri. I, truly, wish I could have a sitdown with both women. They have been abused and used by Kody and Mary for years.

    3. I agree. I think Janelle and Christine would do just fine without the rest of them dragging them down. I think they worked very well together as a family unit in Lehi. Janelle bringing in the money while Christine tended to the house and children. They could do it again on their own without supporting the dead weight. Christine could get a part time job to help out and they could work out a schedule to where they didn't have to pay for daycare.

      Christine has up and left before when it all became to much with Meri. She said then she could afford to leave on her own she just had to decide if she could stop financially supporting the family in order to do it. In the end that's what she did. So maybe now that it's getting that way again she is setting up her escape fund if she needs it. I believe she had 5 or 6 kids when she left the first time. With them being older it will be even easier to break out on her own.

    4. Why doesn't Meri get a full-time job? Her daughter is not a child and can turn to Janelle or Christine if something comes up. Meri has no anchors keeping her home...get a job and support that champagne lifestyle that she craves.

    5. I'm still trying to figure out how Robyn couldn't find Thomas and Mack. It's the second largest building on the campus, it sits right on the corner of Paradise and Tropicana. Asked UNLV students where it was? Right! Just about everyone in Las Vegas knows and believe me, students know. It's the home of the Running Rebels and it says "Thomas and Mack" in HUGE red letters across the front.

      Robyn wanted to create drama and make it about her.

    6. I too really wondered why Robyn was soo angry. I get the impression that there was more to the story. Perhaps they didn't answer their phones or refused to give her directions? Did Kody tell her they wouldn't let him help her? Did they tell her the wrong time on purpose? Were they giving her a hard time via text?

    7. My concern is I wonder how Logan felt when he seen his graduation footage & his deadbeat dad was more concerned w/ new lover, Robyn instead of having his full attention on his son graduating? Also, to see how cold hearted that douchebag was being to his mom...smh

  14. About Janelle and her role as the workhorse who supported the family.....

    Not taking away that fact if it is indeed true, and I think it was Dakota Justice who shared that Janelle's salary back then was about 660 a week before taxes; however, she also may be the type of woman/mother who sincerely LOVES her children, but who really preferred to work rather than be home 24/7 with 6 kids of various ages.
    Just like Christine may well be the type of woman/mother who definitely preferred to be at home tending her children, and also other mothers' children.

    It was a good arrangement since it may well have been a perfect fit and a workable compromise for these two very different women. Two women who may not have found it easy to be in each other's space in close quarters 24/7, especially since their book revealed how Janelle had already had significant difficulties with Meri's MO. I think she was probably glad to be out and away from all of them every work day.

    Also, it has been noted that Janelle is not exactly a touchy-feely, warm-fuzzy person...not with the Kodster, not with the other wives and maybe not even with her children. That doesn't mean she is not loving or devoted to family, it is just not her style to be effusive and attention-getting.
    But perhaps elevating her to the heroic role of the family's financial savior may be a bit overstated. It may be that she chose to get out of the house every day, leaving the mundane mothering duties for Christine, who has stated that she (Christine) was quite happy in that role.

    It is obvious that none of these women like each enough to ever consider *living together* in the same house again. Frankly, the original three obviously did not want to add Robin to their Lehi communal house either.
    If they did, it would have been very easy enough to expand that place for yet another apartment since the structure was already built as a plyg house. And maybe Robin herself wanted none of that "living together" option either. Personally, I think Robin didn't want to live there with them all and be just the latest wife, and *that* was part of Kody's manic motivation to invent the need for the forced move.

    It's really comical how they cover that fact by all the plaintive whining about "we miss being together" so we need a gated, private cul-de-sac so the kids can run across from driveway to driveway and see each other. But notice, they don't ever actually say "we want to *live together* again" in the same house.

    But at if any of this McMansion crap is magically, actually "real"..
    the Kodster will able to save on gas for his booty calls. No more having to drive up or down the streets or over to Meanie's house.

    1. Based on the preview for next week, I think Robyn definitely does not want to live with the other wives.

      I also think that Christine and Janelle would be perfectly happy living together without Meri or Robyn. Or Kody.

  15. I completely agree with "anonymous" above. I see no type of reasoning in Meri getting an equal amount of resources. I just think she gets whatever she wants.

  16. Last night's episode made me wretch more than once. Meri doesn't want a baby. If she did, she'd have jumped on the invitro train already. She didn't need to visit her sister to figure that one out. She's dragging this out as long as she can for attention and to keep Robyn in reproductive limbo for as long as possible.

    I don't have Tivo, so I couldn't go back to double check, but did I see a prep sink in the kitchen of the model home that Meri wanted? (Can someone with Tivo revisit that segment?) If so, why does Meri need a wetbar, too? How many sinks does she need to entertain? She claims she wants a nice house so her bonus kids will want to visit. Really? What kid is going to want to visit her knowing that they had to do without, so she could have extra bedrooms and wetbar? If she really cared about these kids, she'd be more than willing to give up her extravagances to make certain that her bonus kids were getting what they need. She is downright selfish. She doesn't give a hoot about the other children. Seriously!! If she loved these kids as much as she claims she does, she would be more involved with Christine's, Jenelle's, and Robyn's kids. Robyn would not need to have Taralyce (sp?)there. Meri isn't fooling anyone. She is greedy, selfish, and controlling. At this point in her life, she should be living in a mother-in-law's suite in one of the other wives homes. I truly hope Meri is reading this, so she can see just how selfish she is.

    I think we all know that Tarlyce is being groomed to be wife #5. Robyn doesn't even have a job. Which brings us back to Meri. Meri doesn't have a job either. Why isn't she helping Robyn? I thought that having extra hands around to help with the kids was part of perks of polygamy. How dumb does TLC think we are? What is Taralyce getting out of being Robyn's handmaid? Nothing!!! That's what. Run Taralyce. Run. You do not want to be part of this crazy family!!

    Jenelle and Christine need to leave and the sooner the better. They could have their own show on TLC. It could be called ESCAPE FROM SISTER WIVES.

    1. ...did I see a prep sink in the kitchen of the model home that Meri wanted?

      I made a panorama picture from the show up above. There's an island (partially hidden by Mykelti) but it doesn't have a sink.

    2. If Meri is dragging things out in hope of Robin keeping her womb open, I think she'll be sorely disappointed. Pretty sure that when Kody and Robin are together in the bedroom they're not thinking about what Meri wants. I bet anything that once Robin's body is ready to conceive again (assuming that breastfeeding works as a kind of contraceptive for her, and assuming that she breastfeeds or is still feeding Solomon, as I have completely lost track of the ages involved) she will. And why not? She's so obviously been replaced as Kody's favorite wife.

      I was watching one of the older shows, the Valentine's day special where they get Robin to tell Kody that she dinged his car so that he will come out and see the surprise - he couldn't even be mad at her, he just had an 'oh you, you're so adorable' look on his face, even though he thought she'd smashed his precious car up.

      The other wives know damned well Robin is his favorite so Meri can have all the wet bars and bedrooms she wants, it's not going to change the fact that she is past her reproductive prime, which is pretty much the end of things in her culture.

    3. Thank you for clearing that up, CJ!!! I didn't want to have to break down and purchase this episode on Amazon just satisfy my morbid curiosity. ;)I still think that her kitchen would be sufficient to entertain without a wetbar. I live in a 130-year-old house. (I still have the cabinets and the porcelain double sink from the 1910 remodel. I am very proud of them.) I've been managing without a wetbar for years, but people still like to come over. :) Heck, I don't even have a garbage disposal unit installed in my drain much less extra sinks and counter space. Unlike poor Meri, I focus on the atmosphere and hospitality, rather than the modern conveniences. Isn't that what really keeps people coming back? Meri is too shallow to understand this, though.

      @Nacho Lover: I love your name, btw. Meri is certainly conniving and devious, but she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Like you, I doubt that Meri realizes that Kody and Robyn aren't thinking about her when they are getting down, but she is just self-centered enough to think that she has a hold over Robyn's uteris. How old is Sol now? It's so difficult to keep track of the Brown kids' ages. I have three kids and I can, barely, remember their birth dates and ages. Sol looked pretty big in the last footage of him. He's got to be eating solid food by now. Robyn can only rely on breastfeeding as a natural birth control method for so long. Btw, it never worked for any woman in my family. My older brother and sister are 11 months apart. My sister-in-law, an avid breast feeding advocate, has three kids who are all less than a year apart. My mil breastfed all her kids, but there's only 10 months between her oldest child and her twins. My husband is 11 months younger than his sister. If you ask me, Kody has convinced Robyn to keep her uteris open for rental space. ;)

    4. @New Shoes I gotta be honest, I think at this point Kody might prefer another kid with Robyn over one with Meri. At her age, the odds that the child will be a special needs case is pretty high, plus take into account that she's only ever managed to birth one child and the other was a miscarriage, I 'm thinking her eggs weren't very good to begin with - and certainly haven't improved with age. I really doubt IVF or surrogacy are really going to help her. Maybe if she'd done it ten years ago, but not now.

      Oh, and I know the breastfeeding as birth control doesn't always work for all people, but that seems to be a person by person case. It's possible Robyn is one of those people it works for. This is all conjecture of course, I just really, really don't see this surrogacy happening - especially as it seems to be healthy conception that seems to be Meri's problem, not carrying a baby to term.

      If Meri didn't use her infertility as a bargaining chip, and if she weren't so outright greedy, I would feel sorry for her. But the way she carries on is just absolutely nuts. I mean, we're in Season 3 now and IVF was brought up in Season 1. Meri outright said no then (in Mexico) but since then it has become this weird plot device which all regular watchers see right through.

      My bet is that Robyn has another of Kody's babies within the year and Meri withdraws further from the family as Mariah leaves. I was watching one of the earlier episodes this evening (Season 3) and in that Meri said that she no longer felt like a mother to the younger girls, that she felt like a visitor in their home instead.

      To me, the writing has been on the wall for ages. Meri probably feels alienated by her lack of brood and pushed out of the family by the new girl (who looks a little like she used to when she was younger - Robyn bears a passing resemblance to young Meri.)

      This family needs counselling and lots of it. Preferably before they breed themselves insane.

    5. In response to the comment about Robyn's sister-it made me think, if Meri(clearly) isn't working, why can't she take care of the baby, thus getting her "baby fix" and not wasting money on fertility treatments. I agree they are dragging it out for the purpose of the show, but how sad that this is what their lives are-a "reality" show! They come across as so ridiculous that any of their intent to give people a peek into their "real" lives has been lost. I feel the most sorry for the children, who seem to be bright and intuitive despite the situation they have been born into.

    6. Now there's a plot line. Robyn gives birth to Meri and Kodys, but secrectly her egg did the trick for she wanted to make sure... SOB"BING, Meri got a baby. THEN, the baby miraculously can only intake Robyn's sobbing supper!!!!!

    7. Excellent comment ads, about Meri taking care of the baby. If she truly wants a baby, she'll do anything to hang out with them. I struggled getting pregnant for the second time. So guess what I did? Found a part time job taking care of babies while the mommies had a meeting. And I still love it and I am in my second trimester :) I agree...her baby fever has passed.

      Anyone else completely grossed out by the word 'lover'?

  17. Would love to see an escape from SW. Come on TLC make Janelle and Christine an offer they can't refuse. They may have their faults but I do believe at this point they are in survival mode. I think they are very humble compared to Meri and Robyn. Take Janelle and Christine out and Meri and Robyn would be tearing each other part. They are both a piece of work.

    1. That is a VERY interesting idea. Imagine how much money Janelle could make with a REAL "tell-all" book about this entire series! Then she'd have enough dough to ditch the situation she's in.

    2. Somewhere lurking within Jenelle is a very logical person. She knows that she and Christine need each other at least for the time being. Jenelle has been giving all sorts of signs that she wants out. I think the relationships between her kids and Christine's kids are what is keeping her in this crazy 'marriage'. Plus, Jenelle knows that she and Christine need each other to survive on the outside, since they both have a lot of kids. If Christine could be convinced that leaving this messed up life would not damn her to hell, I truly believe from the depths of my being that Christine could break free, too. Jenelle is ready. She just needs Christine to get on board. Even if Christine decides to stay on in the 'family', Jenelle only has a few more years to endure Kody, Meri, and Robyn. Even if Jenelle and Christine don't form a pact, Jenelle is going to leave, eventually. She has three teens who will be headed off to college, trade school, or work. That leaves her three remaining children. Jenelle supported the family for years. She knows she can manage three younger kids on her own. In my estimation, Jenelle is biding her time and waiting for the best moment to break away. And then, what will Meri, Kody, and Robyn do without Jenelle supporting them? This show isn't going to last forever. It would be something if it lasted another season. ESCAPE FROM SISTER WIVES!!!!

    3. I hope Janelle reads that and gets an idea! If she did leave (or her and Christine together) and wrote a true story book with all the dirt she would make a killing. No doubt people would watch if she or Christine left and got their own show. They can call it "Breaking Polygamy" or "Breaking Kody"

  18. I am wondering if for TLC purposes, Christine said that they didn't get the houses. That way the viewers will be surprised when they move into their mansions.

    1. You know, if Christine had just answered that question "You'll have to watch our show to find out" she wouldn't have had to tell a lie one way or the other.

      When the Dargers were on tv talk shows for their book, that was something they repeatedly said - You'll have to read our book. Or, Read our book and find out!

      It's just further proof the Browns are still not ready for prime time, and may never be ready.

    2. Agree, CJ. Of all the wives, Christine seems to be the least likely to lie for the show, I just don't see her as savvy enough for that. I still am not sure if I think they got the homes or not. We are getting conflicting reports from various sources. I guess that is the point, we are all talking about it and watching the show.
      I just worry that the kids are going to be disappointed again and if they have to move schools again there are some kids who aren't going to be able to handle that again.

    3. Based on the comments on the FB TLC page (on which I am just a lurker anyway, since I would be barraged by people calling me a hater and "why do you come here if you don't like the family??") I would say just the opposite. So many of the fans there are absolutely convinced that the fam is gonna get their Cuddle Sac and Meri will get her precious wet bar!!! I don't want to spoil it for them... :-P

  19. I wanted to thank Anon 3:47 from this episode's discussion page 2 for your anthropological insights into this polygynous family. It was quite eye-opeming and saddening to understand why the wives are behaving so childishly.

    I have more empathy now for the wives although I'm still annoyed at Meri and Robyn for behaving so badly and at Kody for being a jerk.

    Polygyny is not all sunshine and rainbows. It's abusive and destructive.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. And, isn't the entire premise of this lifestyle about sharing and sacrificing? Meri is not doing either. She is narcissistic. Someone from the AUB needs to intervene in an effort to remind her that gluttony, which is a sin, is not just associated with overeating. It also pertains to greediness and over indulgence

  21. Hey I hope its okay for me to ask this.

    Is anyone else here a former Sister Wives fan? I am. I really liked the show at first. Meri was my favorite. I couldn't see all of the things that people said about her. The show seemed to go in a different direction soon after its debut and once they were headed to Las Vegas, I had lost a lot of respect for them. Giving children two days notice is traumatizing to them. They have relationships and school. There was no reason to do that to them. None. And when I found out they were lying about leaving Utah for fear of prosecution but rather because Kody has always wanted to liive in Vegas, I was extremely disgusted and after that it just went further down hill.

    1. I think many of us feel just as you do. Between the lies and the disgust at how this family wastes their money and then cries poor and woe is me, I think they have very few actual "fans" here.

      I watch primarily so I can come read what everyone thinks and give my
      $0.02 worth!

    2. Its all about Kody in KodyWorld!!!

    3. I started off as a fan of the wives. Not Kody so much. I always thought he had some ADHD that might benefit from medical attention. He seemed dumb (but harmless) to me at the beginning. Now he seems vicious.

      What did he THINK was going to happen when they moved to Las Vegas? Seriously? Just the day to day support that they probably got in Utah would be invaluable to the wives, I think.

      LV is a more live and let live kind of place... Sure! Very family friendly. Sure! But if your church is a very important part of your life then you might want to live somewhere where that can be part of your life.

      I *was* a fan, but since the LV move I'm not sure that I am anymore...

  22. I could have swore they decided at the table that every wife gets an equal budget for their houses. When they were discussing the changes with the builder kody mentions that they would have to pull from other budgets to make it work and janelle looked pissed. Did I really see that cause it sure looks like someone is gonna get the short end of the stick on their house. Lisa C.

    1. Kodouche said each wife would receive the same amount of money for individual houses. Interestingly, he and "Mare" qualified together, but the check was from only her.

  23. I don't understand why Meri wants a craft room. Remember when the sister in-law was visiting in Vegas and the gals had their big night out on the town and went to do ceramics. Meri was having a difficult time trying to figure out what to do. At that time she mentioned that she's just not craft... so why does she need a craft room? And why the hell can't she use one of those spare bedrooms for a craft room? I'm beginning to really despise these people They are so freaking stupid.

    1. Didn't Robyn once sniff that she would love a craft room, it was a dream of hers? Perhaps this is Meri's way of twisting the knife?

    2. I might be wrong, but could it be the other way round? Robyn wants the craft room, so Cody encourges Meri to want it too. To make it happen for Robyn, Code declares that because Meri wants it every home gets one. Could it be that Cody is the one who wants the wet bar, but Meri takes the heat, so Cody doesn't look bad?

  24. I think religous polygamy is abusive. I say that because these women rely on their husbands for salvation. For the man to be in such a position it creates an imbalance of power. That's why these LDS, FLDS & AUB women cater to their men. They're like mini-gods.

    However, when its not based upon religion it can be healthy and fulfilling.

    1. However, when its not based upon religion it can be healthy and fulfilling.

      I have to disagree. In 2006 on TLC, there was a reality show called My Husband's Three Wives, which featured a non-religious polygamous family. The husband was just as bad, if not worse than any religious based polygamy family. In fact, the husband shared many similar traits with Kody Brown.

      I think its reasonable to conclude that polygamy, whether religion or non religion based still creates an environment where men dominate over women.

      There is nothing healthy about women AND their children competing with each other for the attention and affection of one man. There is nothing fulfilling in knowing your so-called husband is sleeping with another women because he has so much love to give. Why doesn't he just focus that over abundance of love on his one wife and their children?

      As long as there is one man to many women, or even one women to many men, there will ALWAYS be an imbalance of power. One man - One woman. One man - One man. One woman - One woman. Those are examples of balanced power in committed relationships.

    2. LOL - at the TLC SW FB page, another publicity-seeking but non-religious plyg guy posted about HIS show, which appears to be local only - called "Sister Wives of New York City". They're just in it for the sex apparently.

    3. Totally agree with you Cynical Jinx.

    4. Would like to hear more of Cynical's opinion on the religion.

  25. Hi all. I know this is a little off the topics that have been discussed, but I liked the part of the episode that inclded part of the older children individually. I was a little surprised at Aspyn and thought she would be anti polygamy like Madison. I did feel a little sorry for their teachers though. Lol

    1. I was surprised at Mykelti, too. And, I felt sorry for the teachers, as well. They were being exploited for ratings. Shame on TLC and the Browns!!!

    2. I'm guessing that those three teachers agreed to be on the show, and signed waivers.

    3. So no wonder glowing reports. What was the unsettling news they so announced? TLC is so shammish.

    4. Ya some have already mentioned that it's a lil awkward that they only showed a few teachers & they were for electives & not core classes. I too agree & think its pure BS!!!

  26. It's not like the only options are divide the money up equally or by family size. For instance, the first half could be split evenly five ways, thus giving all five adults their wages for appearing on the show. Each of the older kids could receive, say, 2% of any show he/she was a major factor on, to put into either a college fund, or to help start a small business or buy a future home. 10% goes to their church, if they are still part of the AUB. Each adult also gets a small percentage for an IRA and a small percentage based upon each child. This is what equal means. It takes into consideration ALL of the needs of the households, not just wages of the five top actors.

  27. aren't going to make us wait another week for the next review are's almost as hard as waiting for Christmas!!!

    1. CJ is exasperated at having to go over the same things every week because the stupid storyline never changes! LOL

    2. Exactly!! Just b/cuz the Browns & TLC wants to give the public way over done rehashed shit, doesn't mean CJ wants to do the :D

  28. In response to "On!"s comment on the previous page... Remember when a poster that went to the football games posted the parents were never at the games? I guess Camera only parenting!
    My husband and I sat with them at several of Hunter's football games and Kody and at least one wife were at every single one of Logan's wrestling meets last year. No cameras...that's why it was not aired.
    And in response to the parent teacher conferences...the CCSD will not allow filming on campus due to the fiasco last year at the elementary school. Parents complained about the cameras even though they were informed well ahead of time what would take place. I respect the opinions on this blog...but sometimes I get a little frustrated by some of the blind comments that I see.

    1. Sorry that you get frustrated, but most of us are commenting about what we see on the show. We don't have the privilege of living in Las Vegas, or attending the same events the Browns attend.

      You could share what you've seen in real life about the Browns with us on SWB more often, so we won't have to rely totally on what we see each week on TV or read on the internet.

    2. I agree with you...we can't always believe what we see on TV. Have to remember this is heavily edited to get ratings.

    3. If the CCSD won't allow filming on campus, the parent-teacher conference circus was just another con. And regardless of the other parents being informed, their rights as parents shouldn't be trumped by this group.

      None of us will ever sit with the Browns anywhere. We see what we see, and have learned that this is a group is NOT what the goofy opening every week would like for us to believe. Bankruptcies, dishonesty, emotional abuse, inequity, and an ego that is a few steps past out-of-control are what many people see.

    4. What's the Las Vegas Day School (where the bogus conferences were apparently filmed)? is it a charter/private school, or a daycare?

  29. Wow! Was just on the Brown family FB page and there's a psychologist telling them that they seem to have forgotten the "self-sacrificing, putting family first, key part of polygamy." She goes on to discuss that 4 homes removes the benefits of being sister wives and on....

    Bets on how long before she's banned from the FB page? She's right though and she did try to phrase it tactfully, saying "sometimes people on the outside see things about your family that you are too close to realize."

    1. Now that's interesting FT...Ur right, her tactful comment may not get to stay on their FB long. The Browns do not know how to take constructive criticism very well!! I wish the psychologist would tweet all of them tthe same thing she wrote on their FB wall.

  30. Wouldn't it be cheaper to just build the 3 bedroom and then pay a guy to build wetbar later. And with Meri cant she be a Foster parent are there no morman children who need homes forwhat ever reason.

  31. Hey guys! Long time fan of this blog and the show, but first time posting. Just couldn't help it anymore and had to vent vent vent!
    You know, when the show first started, I was hooked immidiately. It was facinating for me to see this kind of family, and refreshing to see all the "love" and "we're doing this for the kids" family interactions. And I admit it, Meri was a favorite of mine. When she first talked about her issues with fertility, my heart went out to her as I too have issues of my own. But now, when she has all these options thrown at her feet, she's still so indecisive. WTF?! If I had the money to drop on In Vetro ($19,000 for the procedure alone in my area), or had a sister wife of my own offering to be my baby-making-oven, not to mention a huge family so supportive, as well as the millions of kids out there that need a good home (is adoption against there religious beliefs? Really, sacrcasm aside, I would like to know!) there would be no question! On top of that, her indecisiveness completely contradicts her saying "If I had my say, I would've needed a 7 bedroom home because I would have 8 kids." I'm sorry, but she's not fooling me anymore. Regardless of the less than tactful editing of this show, she is completely superficial and selfish, putting her needs in front of not just the other wives, but all the children of the other wives, whom she claims "are my kids too". I wouldn't object so much if she gave a few of those bedrooms out to the other kids, if they wanted to live with her. Poor Janelle is cutting costs on her home, opting for no dining room or office space and having her children share bedroooms to afford the house while Meri gets a huge kitchen, dining room, wet bar, pool, family room AND living room for the sake of entertaining? Especially when her only child is planning on moving out of state for college, and soon too. Not to mention Christine's 6 children also. Puhlease! And please don't get me started on Robin's sister/ live-in nanny/ wife #5. I have two children of my own that we adopted, and are fostering two more (whom we hope to adopt) My home is a meager 3 bedrooms,no dining room, no pool, and sure as heck no wet-bar, but full of love. (isn't that what truly matters? You would think people so religious would get that) My husband and I both work full time with no nanny and rely on after-school programs (yikes) and the Boys and Girls Club. And guess what? We still entertain! Who knew it could be done without a wet-bar! O.o

  32. OMG!!! I would so love to sick Suze Orman on these people...especially, gluttonous, self centered Meri!! I would just love to see Ms. Orman bitch slap them into reality!!!

    1. Suze Orman is awesome!! They wouldn't last w/ her or Dr. Phil & that's probably why they've never interviewed w/
      They're very materialistice & financially irresponsible. They always have & seems like they always will live way above their means...smh

  33. I just found something Janelle wrote online. She said that their rentals in Vegas are $2,500 more per month than they paid in Utah! Pay more and rent. Makes sense. Not. Lol

    Also, she says they moved to Vegas for fear of criminal charges. Hmmmm I could swear Robyn said in an interview they moved to Vegas because Kody always wanted to live there.

    Janelle also said their rental in Vegas was $6,000 for the first month alone.

    So they're out $8,500 in four weeks. I would have stayed put and paid that on their mortgage, saving them thousands in interest, making that $8,500 eliminate about $4,000+ in interest.

    1. That is what a logical, responsible person would do, LisaLTW.They are obviously neither. The whole stealing away like thieves in the night bullshit was just that. I think Christine and Janelle are true believers. The idiot is a con man hiding behind his "faith" while being a gigantic parasite.

    2. YES!!! Put Suze Orman on the show!!! BRILIANT!!! you reading TLC?

  34. sister Taralyce: PLEASE help Meri with her haircut, style and color. She looks like a lion but worse. Christine's hair seems to look less "schoolgirl" this season. Help Meri!!!! Also her self-tanner is too orange - there are brands out there that look more natural. Also if they all do their hi lites at home (including Kody), they could save some $. Also Meri could use some powder for her shine.

  35. I would rather watch a tv show just about Christine and Janelle and how they raise the/their kids and how they genuinely get along and have Respect for each other and the kids their whole focus is on the kids and that's what it is supposed to be about.

  36. This is my whole deal with the show... I don't mean to show shallow... ok so maybe I do... but he married all of these women so couldn't one of them at least be hot... and sane.
    Meri - Beer goggles and a Zolof
    Janelle - Beer goggles but she's the only sane one
    Christine - Beer goggles and a Roofie
    Robyn - Decent looking but certifiably needs to be shackled and medicated and slapped and then slapped again.

    1. There is alot to snark on re: sister wives without commenting on their looks. They are normal looking women IMO. Yeah, Meri has turned orange but so was Mitt Romney in some interviews. And they have weight issues, but 30% of america is obese. Meri's attitude and selfishness is what is bringing out all the viewer hatred. Her looks then become an easy target for ridicule.

    2. Disparaging remarks about their looks are just plain unkind and should be avoided. It's frustrating to watch the show and see how unhappy they are and wanting their lives to improve. The only way for that to happen seems to be for them to start over and break away from their dependence on Kody.

    3. Hey Anon 7:24am...U forgot to add the cocktail concoction for sleeping w/ Kody....I mean afterall he's not all that either....Lol

  37. I think the worst part of this whole thing is that these children have visual evidence of what dips their parents are. Can you imagine how Logan felt watching the documentation of his high school graduation and seeing his mother in tears while his father chases around obsessively for his other wife? I would be so embarassed.

  38. I am very interested in next weeks episode. I wonder if the daggers have money issues like the browns. They seem more happy . I also like that he doesn't have a certain night with each wife. I think TLC should do a show with them and ditch the browns lol!

  39. I don't think Meri wants the wet bar. I think she wants it because the others are telling her she cannot have a wet bar.

    I am not from Vegas, but isn't it warm most of the year. Couldn't she spend IDK $5k, and have a fire pit, wet bar, patio installed outside? I think that would be cozy. And would offer her more ways to entertain. Think smore's with the kids on a Friday night.

    1. I completely agree. It's not about the wet bar for Meri. It's this unattainable item that she somehow must have/need/want. It is also manipulative behavior to say that she wants/needs/have to have this wet bar to entertain the kids, if "this is all the kids she'll have".

      A side note...isn't the point of a wet bar is to be away from the kitchen sink? It looks like it's about 20 steps away...

  40. Lorraine says:

    one thing I have picked up watching this show:

    1. fist wife is like the Queen bee in this strange religion.

    guys do you remember in earlier episodes when the family visited Kody's parents? remember how they painted Kody's mom's house?? but did you also note that Janelle's mom's cottage was not painted? did you see how they all fawned around Kody's mom? the same could not be said about Janelle's mom who was busy cooking(like a maid I thought) for the group!

    2. First wife gets the best! that is how it works in this religion! other wives must just STFU!

  41. Lorraine again:

    I don't think any of these women deserve our pity! really, stupidity does not get better because you have 1 kid, 4 kids or 6 kids! can't these women see that there are still women to be had by Kody??

    very soon there will be someone saying "I always wanted to be the 5th wife because........"

    all I can see is that this religion is a recipe for a woman to be bitter(Meri), disillusioned(Janelle), drained(Christine), deluded(Robyn) .............

    Not surprising that Meri is fighting over a wet bar(of all things)! if she was in monogamy, she will probably be the one saying let's save money for the kids' varsity bills!

    and Janelle will not be using her "whatever.." attitude to everything. this woman have checked-out a long time ago - she gave up long before Robyn showed up in the picture!

    and Christine - who was the young fertile wife before Robyn, have lost her fighting spirit along with the jolliness (remember how she was actively happy about the show and was the belle of the ball in season 1).............. now she is drained..

    only Robyn is happily unaware of the sorrows of being a sister wife! why should she? she has Kody at her back and call............. for now..........

    no pity for sisterwives from me, they made their bed - let them sleep in it ............. as wet as it is with bars and the like! LOL

    1. Robyn will bail and write the tell all book as soon as Grody falls out of lust ..I mean love with her. Get your tissues ready Sobbin Robyn will write a book!

    2. That has always been my prediction. Only b/cuz she doesn't have as much time, etc..invested as the other wives do. Her loyalty can be bought. I also think if someone pisses off lil sis Taralyce, that she could sell a story or 2 to the

  42. One thing I have not heard about from any of those five adults....resell value. I imagine that a two bedroom house would be hard to sell in the midst of houses of four+ bedrooms.

    1. Actually on Twitter that's Kody's response to a few of questions asked why not just build a bigger home for everyone.
      He responds permit problems & resale

  43. Two points:

    One, if not for his current cult, I mean religon, could you not see Kody being a Scientologist? I've read a few books about that cult along with Tom Cruise bios and there seem to be some parallels there! Anyone else see this?

    Two, those that say Kody gets another wife because he wants sex, younger, etc. I think are wrong. Kody gets another wife when the previous marriage has problems and he just moves on rather than deal with it. It's easier for shallow Kody to just move on than to work on the relationship.

    Remember how Meri pushed for wife #4 even though she and Kody were having problems? It's kind of like how couples might have a baby thinking that will fix a troubled marriage or some couples get sexually adventurous with maybe a threesome just trying to revive a marriage(I am NOT saying the Brown women want a threesome, just a comparison.) That's what I think Meri does. It's not that she secretly desires that wife, it's that she thinks it will fix her marriage.

    I also don't think Kody has latent homosexual tendencies, either. I posted before that I think Kody has so many boderline personality characteristics and that fits in to his hair and wardrobe choices. I think Kody doesn't have a clue as to "normal" male behavior and emotions so he looks for ideas and cues from those he thinks represent a real male. His stupid(no other word) idea that he looks like a surfer dude: he thinks that's what a cool guy looks like so that's how he patterns his look and behavior. He looks around to see what his idea of a guy wears and then does it himself. He has no real clue on how to have his own style and he thinks that others see his look like he does, as a manly man.

    That leads right into getting a younger and, in his mind, prettier, Robyn. He thinks that a manly man would go for a younger woman and boast about his sexual prowess by showing off his many wives. He thinks a real man would prove his sexual ability by having more kids. The religious aspect of populating his planet coincides with his belief that a manly man has lots of children.

    So, I think he's a combo of taking the easier route(not fixing a marriage but getting a new one) and patterning his behavior off his idea of a real man.

    1. Wow, I like your analysis! When I watch SW I sometimes think Kody is trying to revert back to some early 90's stereotype, like Zach Morris from Saved by the Bell. Kody thinks he's some cool ladies' man who breaks all the rules and drives a cool car. In reality, he's a paunchy, balding, middle-aged man on a power trip who joined a religion that is weighted HEAVILY in favor of his gender.

      Rather than setting a good example as the "priesthood holder" and leader of his household, he just sort of floats through life, expecting things to fall in his lap and people to love him because he's such a "cool, laid-back dude who's GREAT WITH THE CHICKS." Kody needs to stop thinking life is a plyg Saved by the Bell episode and instead man up, get a (real) job, provide for his family, and get his shit together. All the time he spends stupidly stumbling from house to house he could be working out and improving his health, working at a real job, studying with the children, watching Sol so Robyn can "work," or really anything other than just making more children/bothering random strangers to tell them about his WACKY LIFESTYLE.

    2. I remember back in season 1 (I'm pretty sure) that Kody had commented on what I guess was a plyg adage...if you are having trouble in your marriage, add another wife to your family to fix the relationships.

      Bleh. I really think this guy is the biggest turd on the planet.

  44. On what site can these floor plans be accessed?
    I agree that LV mostly being a hot spot, outdoor living space is a must.
    Face the homes to the east where the back yard has pm shade.
    Wonder if they have tried the temp services for jobs?
    Thanks for the info.

    1. google pinnacle homes las vegas

    2. And the rumor they all got the exact same house! WHAT a joke! They will never resale. Even the smallest of SubD. have 5-7 plans to choose from.

    3. This subdivision only had 9 lots and 2 plans to choose from. That being said, each plan had several options to customize the home. The choice that includes the wet bar is the largest and most expensive option.

  45. very interested in the other family.. with the good lookin wives...they make robyn look amish.

  46. I wonder if TLC is doing this on purpose? Surely they recognize what a train wreck The Browns have become and they are now just capitalizing on it. This show is very poorly scripted (probably by The Browns) and I feel the camera crew is just a long for the ride. I would love to hear the camera crew's thoughts on this family! The family, especially this season has lost both its relatability and credibility.

    As I've said in previous posts, if The Browns do get these homes, it truly does show what is wrong with America today: 5 adults who have all declared bankruptcies recently, some of which were collecting government benefits stating that they were single parents even while TLC began filming, all of which are still unemployed, and they have a home in Utah which they owe more on it than it is worth. Even when the TLC gravy train comes to stop, they are no apparent plans for the future: no savings and no real jobs. Not to mention they have 17 dependents!

    I can understand to an extent why Mari wants a nice home, upgrades, and a wet bar. Why not? She is in fact the only legal wife. Of course she is going to do entertaining once the TLC show is over! They will need to recruit more people for their MLM scheme or whatever scheme they are planning next. Which on a side note, I have emailed them very nicely SEVERAL times over the past year asking legitimate questions if LIV products were safe for pregnancy, breastfeeding, medical concerns, etc... I have never gotten a response. I am also not expecting too.

    But what I can not understand if is Mari truly wanted a baby (which we all know she doesn't), she would of said I can use one of those 5 rooms for a nursery or we could put the babies room here. She would of referenced the need to have space for another biological child instead of a hobby room, pantry, wet bar, etc... Also she has a daughter who is going to college next year. How on earth is she planning on financing that? Loans, grants, and scholarships only cover so much. There are other college related expenses, and the government expects that you pay back your student loans! She should be more focusing on investing in her child (and her legal husband's other children who he would owe child support too) instead of her wet bar dreams.

  47. Right, so my thoughts right now are:

    If I hear the word "wet bar" one more time I'll scream. I haven't heard this word so much since like 1979! This is too much logic I know but, if we were talking about a wet bar in the basement I might, just might, get it. BUT, the daggone thing is like 50 ft. away from the kitchen sink!!!!!! If that!!!! Meri needs a reality check, counseling, antidepressants, and/or some serious bitch-slapping.

    Just bring on the Dargers already, I used to think they were weirdos but it just can't get any worse than this group. Like someone else pointed out, the browns have just about turned into fictional characters, they ARE "Big Love" at this point. This show had so much promise at first. I am so so frustrated with the storylines and the delusional Browns.

  48. Y'all know it's not really about the wet bar, right?

    I posit it's psychologically easier for Meri to obsess over a wet bar than the fact her husband is porking three other women.

  49. Oh and I forgot. I used to sport that same Hamill wedge is HS. (dating myself, I know) :-P

  50. Linda, your post about sun position just reminded me of the episode last season during the "Kody runs crazed around the proposed house sites" scene where Meri had said she wanted "her" house to be postioned to not have bright sun in Mariah's room like the poor girl had to endure in the rental.

    1-Have they not heard of opaque shades?
    2- Mariah is allegedly leaving for college in half a year.
    3-Meanie wants a house with "5" surely one if not several of those five bedrooms will have acceptable sun exposure.

    Just gotta love the chronic "I want" people.

  51. Sadly addicted said "One, if not for his current cult, I mean religon, could you not see Kody being a Scientologist? I've read a few books about that cult along with Tom Cruise bios and there seem to be some parallels there! Anyone else see this?"

    YES! Can't you just see him starting a group of his own in the desert? All of the current religious education and socialization comes from him.

    I've thought for a WHILE that they are on the verge of becoming a cult.

  52. Just checked the clark county property assessors website. The lots on Amador Court are unsold......

  53. Oh my holy - everyone, it's Taralyce, Robyn's little sister, 20th birthday, and she posted on her Facebook page:

    Taralyce: "Ok Chris Brown we can get married now :)"

    Ie, Chris Brown, the pop star who assaulted Rihanna. Given my opinion of Chris Brown, THAT was bad enough...but then...a friend commented:

    Friend: "I guess gettin hit by him would be worth all that money lol"
    Taralyce: "haha oh (friend's name)! if that was even true i would love to be hit by him :)"

    What in the hell is WRONG with these people?! Has abuse in all its forms really been so normalised by the polygamous culture that this woman thinks it's ok to say something like that?

    1. That is so disgusting but clearly then, she will be marrying Kody one day.

    2. I don't think it's the polygamist culture that has normalized making fun of getting abused so much as our own over sexualized/violence oriented culture, I mean at a click of a button younger and younger kids have access to stuff that even just a decade ago would have been inconceivable for an adult to find and view.How sad that a 20 year old woman would find a woman beater sexy.

    3. Maybe she just really wants to be a Brown....

    4. Well IMO if she's into Chris Brown then there's no way in hell she's attracted to

  54. Seriously. I can't believe Meri gets the same size house as the rest. She is so SELFISH!!

  55. If Christine is so trapped by her religious convictions, why is she snarky to Kody at times? It seems like he has such disdain and disgust for her he may not even whisper her "secret name" to allow her entry into the Kodyverse. I don't see why she doesn't get the heck out of dodge ASAP and find a loving man who cherishes her in LIFE as well as after death.

    And I mentioned it in the last discussion but I'll ask again: why not consider purchasing an apartment complex? If they insist on entertaining the idea of properties over 1 mil., they might as well get a huge Kompound and rent out the remaining units. Heck, they could even enlarge some and add in wet bars or have an entire CRAFT APARTMENT.

  56. Sister Wives in a very sad way reminds me of "The Hunger Games". I hope Janelle and Christine get the hell out of there.

    1. I can see that. We are all just as enthralled to watch the downfall of this family as the people in the Capital were to watch The Hunger Games. This also very much is what happened to the Gosselins. Is this 15 minutes of so-called "fame" worth the destruction that follows? I am not a proponent of polygamy, but it seems their family dynamic has changed considerably since the first season.

  57. Here's an idea Meri, if you truly want the other kids to be COMFORTABLE, how about helping make them comfortable in their own homes, and not yours. They don't need to escape to your house, they can escape to their rooms, if you weren't so selfish, these kids could all have their own rooms, at least the older ones. Of course she wouldn't be so generous, because having a WET BAR IS PRIORITY, even though she doesn't drink. What you going to stock there Meri?
    And how can these kids be comfortable in her house, if they spilled something, she would throw a fit.

  58. I am a little concerned after the school visit. I realize that this isn't a very academically minded family, but it seemed clear to me that unless the child was blessed naturally with an above average intelligence, or a creative ability or something genetic that the could rely upon, then their home schooling really had no prepared them in any way. I'm glad that the Study Skills classes are there (one of my children used the class once) but it was clear that this wasn't just a one time event, and that this teacher was very much part of the children's (plural) lives. Those are classes where students are often being brought up to speed because something has held them back -- sometimes it's a learning disability, an attitude, a bad home situation, etc. In these kids cases, I couldn't help but think it was because they simply were not educated properly in their earlier years.

    Again, if you have an above average intelligence, or are really creative, or have a strong drive -- you can overcome anything. And one of the reason why so many of us like the Brown children so much is because they demonstrate these very traits so well! And I am so glad the children are now in public school -- we are talking about a lot of children who have a little different learning needs and want to be many different things. There is no way, no matter how loving, Christine's kitchen table or a AUB church school could adequately and fully prepare these children for a diverse and active role in today's technologically, highly literate workforce. No matter how awful the move has been in other ways, at least the children are getting a few years of education, which means, I think, they will be more prepared to work for their own futures instead of thinking that they are owed that future by someone else, even if that is what their parents have taught them.

  59. Swimming with the SharksNovember 27, 2012 at 2:18 PM

    Not sure if anyone's mentioned this before...but I wonder if Meri is dragging out Robyn's baby offer (not just for ratings) but because she wants to delay Robyn from having more kids with Kody. They say their BFFs, but there's a major power struggle going on there. They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer....hmmmm. Perhaps that's one of the reasons why Meri is so DEMANDING when it comes to the housing situation...that and obviously she's selfish (understatement?). She wants to prove she's still the one driving the Kody train.

    And with regards to Kody "putting his foot down" in the last episode and demanding an answer (which again we didn't get)...he wouldn't have done that if it weren't for Meri's decision delaying him procreating with his favorite wife. I wonder if that was something Kody and Robyn came up with together?? We all know they run the Brown show. And why was Meri upset after Kody demanded an answer in a certain time-frame? Because she realized her only bargaining chip was off the table and ultimately means she would lose out to Robyn the new favorite in the foreseeable future.

    1. I also believe that she is delaying her decision because of Robyn. I'm not sure if the surrogacy deal is still an option out there, because Kody hasn't thrown it in her face yet that Robyn needs to know soon weather she wants to rent her womb out for 9 months or if Robyn can go on and bare Kody's child. I believe they have had 2 wives prego at the same time. I think she also just can't stand the fact that she would have to tell Kody "NO" kitchen is closed, done...nada! Might make her look less of a "Wife" to him as has Jenelle and Christine...I believe they have shut down the baby factory.

    2. I think Kody's over eagerness in the last episode to try to get Meri to finally commit to answer was very telling. He was a desperate salesman trying to close a deal!! I think Robyn's definitely in his ear, saying U need to get Meri to give us a final Yay or Nay pronto!!

  60. Kody begs for an answer. These people are good for nothing. I will answer you Kody. The answer is NO. Not just to the baby, but to the houses, green drink pushing being called "a job," and buying more Christmas presents than you could possibly afford. N O. That's right. This is a new word for you. Someone has to spell it out. You are not allowed to populate any more on planet Earth. You must wait until the afterlife. And even then, I will laugh my eyes out when God (the one and ONLY) tells you no once and for all.

  61. I really feel sorry for the younger kiddos in this "family". The teens had some sense of stability in Utah that they seem to be drawing on and surviving and are actually functioning more as adults than their parents. The younger kiddos will have no exposer to that stability and chaos will be the norm. I am willing to bet you will see behavior problems and issues when they hit the teenager years that blow their parents right out of the water. I think TLC holds some responsibility here to these children for egging on an environment of choas, tension and instability. Whatever your feelings are about the parents keep the kiddos in your prayers, they are going to need whatever they can get.

  62. How many children now are they feeding, with 5 adults, and various helpers for Robyn? Don't you think Christine and Janelle are seething over her getting help?
    Over mortgaged in Utah. 3 bankruptcies, another with much debt. Hey guys, lets go buy 2.5 million worth of homes and pay utilities on them~!
    College funds? what is that? The Suze Orman comment, brilliant.

    OH NO!, when young hot wife #5 comes along, they will have to move again!! I know it will not happen, but I would love the Dargers to SHAME them about not living together. I can see Christine's point, but Robyn is the one that thinks she needs her own kitchen? Pleeeaaasse. I want, wish I could demand, a end of season show like the Housewives, with Suze and Dr. Phil on them.

  63. The wives better be praying wife #5 is young, so that he doesn't have to continue to get new ones to procreate... ugh, CJ, spit up again on even the thought.

  64. What I find frustrationg about the show is the timeline and editing.It does not seem chronological whick really skews the perception of what's actually happening. I still think that most of their situations and frictions are all set-up because this is their meal ticket and materialsitically they're living way above what they had before and I think they like it, so they'll just keep spinning their yarn, arrrr! If they're going to make stuff up though could they PLEASE stop with the whole baby thing...Meri does not cry pretty...and what is up with the whole wet bar, 5th bedroom thing, I can't even comment because Meri comes of crazy even having the audacity to complain about the whole thing. I find it funny to that Christine didn't sign-up to be a single mom so she wants everybody together and yet when they first moves to vegas she seemed really happy about having Kody on certain days all to herself I bet Robyn now gets those days..and why is everyone picking on Mariah? The girl might be a bit immature but she seems to have her head on strainght and so what if she got blubbery about Meri and the baby. I mean the girl has spent a life time watching her mom probably get really upset over not having kids and seeing her sister wives deliver one after another so I can see why Mariah would be so emotional about it. Sorry this was sooo long winded:)

  65. "IF" any of the house storyline is true...and I sincerely doubt it is...
    Maybe there is a reason why Meri wants a house as big/equal to the others, beyond any stupid wet bar nonsense. Remembering again "IF" any of this is real...

    The three non-legal wives will have the houses individually in *their names.* Win or lose, those houses will be titled to them, at least on the loans and tax records.
    And should they actually prevail on TLC or elsewhere and continue to generate substantial money to pay for them, they will each have a good-sized asset for the future in their possession.
    Where as Meri would have to share her *smaller*/less valued asset with Kody. She will have her name on just "half" of her house, with Kody as co-borrower.

    Looking ahead, if this whole Kodyworld should implode, Meri would own only *half* of a smaller house, while the other three would make out better, even in selling them.
    It is easy to imagine that Meri would not stand still for that.

  66. I think the Cod should find himself a rich woman, with all those woman and kids to raise...
    and forget about the young poor sister

  67. Does anyone know the Mormon/FLDS view of adoption? Are adopted children part of the celestial family?
    That is one the **MOST DISTURBING** things about the Mormon religion. They believe that a child born to an unmarried mother will not be called into heaven and are not a part of a celestial family. Therefore, the Mormons have their own adoption agency. Which is manipulatively entitled "Its About Love." (as if parenting your own flesh and blood is not) If you're a a young, pregnant Mormon, you can expect a TON of pressure to give your child up for adoption. My cousin is a Mormon bishop and has adopted several children. One from a single, young Mormon mother, the rest were from the Ukraine. It is VERY disturbing that women are told if their child isn't given away that they will be not in a celestial(which means a forever family to Mormons) family. Where is the "choice" in that? When ONE option is touted as being FAR superior than the others, there is no freedom. There is manipulation and coercion. Modern American adoption is fraught with problems. One day the way we currently handle infant adoption will be looked back on as being barbaric. The way adoption agencies and churches work very hard to separate a mother from her child. And the child from his mother and father. In fact, many seemingly local adoption agencies phone numbers route to Utah. Utah has an obscure law that requires a father to physically GO to Utah, because the form he needs is only available at at Utah office, to RETAIN a lawyer(the only state that requires fathers to retain a lawyer) and put themselves on the Putative Fathers Registry within TEN days of being informed their child's mother will be in Utah(she could, for example, send him an email saying she will be going to Utah for a vacation or will be traveling through Utah). If he fails to, and 99% of fathers will fail to, because the law is SO obscure and applies regardless of what state the father lives in, then the father looses his parental rights, forever. And women involved with these adoption agencies are not going to get their baby back if they change their mind within the legally permitted time. Judges in Utah are often adoptive parents and are VERY PRO-ADOPTIVE PARENTS. Changing your mind, while working with a Utah adoption agency means that a long, legal battle with ensure. The agency is on the side of the adoptive parents (the ones who paid the agency, of course) and will help them fight to keep your baby. Which is what you can expect. What the court process does is drag out a decision for a couple of years. So that, of course, the judge will then decide that the child stays with the family who has had him for the past couple of years. And that is the adoptive couple.

    It is SICK! I wish someone would do an expose on this. I think Michael Moore would be perfect to look into this. Unfortunately most Americans are brainwashed about infant for-profit adoption and they do not want to know the truth, its too painful. Most will tell you adoption is a wonderful gift. Children are not gifts. Adoption breaks the mothers heart and rips a family apart. Adoption is a permanent solution to a temporary situation in most(NOT ALL) cases. #endrant

  68. Julz - ITA. We have read various stories that they actually do not have the houses and are perhaps moving to a piece of land in rural Nevada..can you imagine moving again? These kids were uprooted so abuprtly (under false pretenses in my opinion) and had such a hard time adjusting. They finally adjust and they move again? It's too much. All of this because their parents put them on a tv show? The adults and TLC and Figure 8 are all culpable. I worry for the kids and in fact, would just be relieved if the Browns do get the houses so as to not disrupt the kids lives any further.

    1. "I worry for the kids and in fact, would just be relieved if the Browns do get the houses so as to not disrupt the kids lives any further."

      I find myself hoping for the same thing, against my better judgment. If not these houses, I hope they are able to find something affordable in the same area. Those poor kids have been through so much change, between the television show, family changes, and move to Las Vegas. I'd like to see them settled for a while.

    2. I have quite often thought that TLC has overlooked a certain duty of care to children in it's various reality TV shows all in the name of ratings and "good tv" Case in point Toddlers and Tiara's where a small girl was having her eyebrows waxed! that's abuse right there. the Gosselin children having their parents relationship inplode on national TV. The Duggars with the tragic misacarriage of baby # 20. The Brown childen with the fabricated plot of persecution and tales of the parents being sent to jail. Whilst older children in their teens can see past the cameras and the set ups, the younger ones can not and it would not spurise me if one day TLC is called upon to answer for NOT protecting the chilren more.

  69. I really felt so sorry for Janelle at Logan's graduation:
    1) His dipshit father kept texting, phoning, and looking around for wife number 4
    2) Wife number 4 seemed to want to take the oppotuntity to make a grand appearance
    3) Kody couldn't care less about his son and that was apparent by his running up and down the aisle
    4) Christine, Meri, and Janelle all found out who rates in Kody's mind and ain't his kids.

    I also felt like Janelle was feeling the pain of age: the oldest son granduates and barely has his father's attention and the younger wife enters carrying the youngest child.

    During Robyn's entrance, it was clear that Kody was trying to figure out how to get her to sit by him but that would mean moving one of the other wives.

    Christine's look of annoyance at Kody was priceless.
    Why did Robyn need to get her picture taken with Logan?

    1. Janelle is usually so emotionless to see her tears really tore at my heart, she just sat there and let the tears roll, there was no sobbing, no hey look at me I'm crying over here, woohoo!! every body look pretenses; to me it spoke to a Mom's heart of a "this just sucks moment". This should have been a joyous day focused on Logan and instead it was a Kody zoo fiasco. All this mom wanted to do was see her child graduate, to see him accomplish a huge step in his life and because of the selfishness of those around her she not only missed that but it was painfully apparent to Logan that it was all twisted around to be about everyone and everything else. If Logan is as he seems on the brief moments we see him I'm guessing his heart broke for his Mom too.

  70. Lisa LovesToWrite: You've been misinformed about the Mormon adoption policies and while I don't agree with this family or the Mormon religion in general, I do wish to correct that for information's sake.

    I grew up mainstream Mormon and I was a young, single, pregnant girl at one point and I adopted out through LDS family services. I was given pretty unbiased support by them. I was never told I'd have a baby who wouldn't go to the celestial kingdom, nor was I told I couldn't go to the celestial kingdom. Basically, we discussed options. I had gone to them already having decided to place the baby for adoption but they still made me go through months of counseling to prepare for letting this baby go. They kept reiterating my options, they gave me post-placement counseling, and I thought that they were pretty impressive about separating their ideology and the actual adoption itself. I ultimately chose an LDS family to place the baby with, that child is sealed to his parents and no less likely to go to the celestial kingdom in the church's eyes than any other person. Had I decided to parent him myself, they were all about nurturing the child and me and my "salvation" was in no way threatened if I chose to raise him...much like anyone else in their church, I would be expected to do my best, make good choices, do good works, repent for sins, etc. Their logic was that if I lived for Christ, I would naturally make choices that would lead me back to our Heavenly Father. My child would eventually have to make the same kind of choices and works that I would be expected to make and he would not be penalized in any way, shape, or form by my choices. One of the cornerstone Mormon beliefs is that we reap the consequences of our own choices and are not handicapped by the decisions of others.

    I since married a non-LDS man, we have had three children, I am now nondenominational and he has since converted to the LDS faith, and our kids kind of pick and choose which service they feel like attending week to week. We do not have a temple marriage, so my children are not sealed to me (which makes little difference to me, as callous as that may sound; I don't believe in that anyway, so it impacts me as much as telling me the Easter Bunny isn't hiding eggs for me next year, lol). However, the LDS church doesn't punish them for my lack of desire for a "celestial" family and if my kids wanted to follow the Mormon faith and try to get to their celestial kingdom, they could choose to live in a way that would afford them that right. It's all about individual choices.

    Anyway, having experienced a Mormon adoption...there was never once a threat that I would have some baby whose eternal life would be impacted by what I chose. His eternity was entirely dependent on what HE chose. They were also massively supportive of helping me parent the baby myself. Everything said before rang completely opposite of what I experienced. Just wanted to throw that out there!

  71. I did a little research and found the circle on which the supposed Brown homes are being built. Outside of all other home related expenses (mortgage, upkeep, water, gas, etc...) the home owners association dues for this neighborhood are $135/a month. Brown Family let me do a little math for you: $135 x 12 (12 months in a year)= $1,620. $1,620 x 4 (for the 4 homes)= $6,480 in home owner association dues a year!

  72. I lurk here quite bit but rarely post anything but feel the need to do so.

    Homeschooling, in and of itself, is not a detriment. There is a lot of snark regarding homeschooling and the Browns and homeschooling in general on here. Most homeschoolers, in my experience, including my own son are very confident and bright individuals. I have cousins who were given full rides to places like SUNY after being homeschooled and into programs that are highly competitive. Now, not saying that it would have turned out well or not for the Browns but to lump homeschoolers into one group is not accurate.

    Secondly, we are all judging Meri and her decision. I agree, a year is a long time to make a decision. I had a friend offer to be my surrogate. I had an answer for her in a week. I knew that if I had used her offer to further build my family and give my son a sibling, there would be huge problems on the horizon. She and I are still good friends but I don't think we would have been. At this point in time, my son is 13. We had talked about adoption, seriously, I feel like I'm past those baby toddler years. I'm looking at building MY life, MY career and starting a new phase of life with my husband that doesn't involve baby/toddler stuff. For Meri, Mariah is even older. Of course, I don't have the same religious beliefs and my husband loves me for more than what it appears Kody loves her.

    Wet Bar. I've never seen a wet bar that big. However, after seeing the picture---she sees large family dinners where the dishes are spread out buffet style on the counter I bet. Of course, I don't even have a dishwasher or a microwave so anything beyond my kitchen is luxurious.

    And finally, the filming. My son is an AK amputee and is an accomplished swimmer. As a result, he was in a commercial this summer and was in a documentary that was filmed this Fall. Having cameras filming your daily life is tedious and much of what we did was "pretend" just for the benefit of the camera. My son pretended to cook, we pretended to "do school", he and my husband pretended to play a board game, we had a pretend swim practice. Yes, all this happens in real life but not necessarily when they needed to be here to film. Plus, the thought of them filming the entire team practice was a logistical nightmare with permissions so it didn't happen. Because of all of this, yes, I get it that they don't film in the school. I get it that some times the SW filming seems contrived. It probably is. For the documentary, my husband and I had own version of the "couch talk" and my son had his own. It's odd. Not natural. And things get said weird---I make my son make lunch sometimes, even if he doesn't have his prosthesis on as he can always put it on, it's his choice. During his "Couch time" he said on film that "cooking without his prosthesis on is his least favorite thing to do but I FORCE him to make lunch anyway." Not a lie but without the proper context, it comes out that I'm making it much more difficult on him. He's simply doing his chores and he has a choice on how many legs he wants to stand on when it happens.

    I'm not saying this to support the Brown Family. I'm just saying this all so that maybe it can be viewed within a bit of a different frame of mind.

    1. Thanks for that, and I totally agree. My husband was home-schooled his entire life and he started university at 16 because of it and is now working on his PhD. He's incredibly smart, but had he gone to public school he would've been behind because of the way in which he learns. He has a lot of friends and is very sociable - homeschool was the best thing for him and I wouldn't be all excited about the benefits of public school either, as some have been. Bullying occurs in public school and students are taught according to the lowest common denominator, therefore those that are very bright don't reach their full potential and those that are slow to learn cannot reach their own potential either.

    2. Thank you for this post! I was going to post something similar about homeschooling. If done well, it can be wonderful!

      Also, thank you for the perspective about filming. I know we always laughed when my former boss was filming his DIY show for HGTV because he would put one stone on a wall and explain what he was doing then 15 guys would come in and finish the wall while he was standing off to the side talking or doing something else. Then they would have him put the last stone on and voila! Project finished! Nothing is as it appears on TV ;)

  73. I just really, REALLY don't understand why they have to have four houses. There are less of them than the Dargers and the Dargers have one home. Why won't two homes work? Or even three? I shared a room with my two sisters growing up and it was a blast. Not every child needs there own room. If Meri is getting her own big house why aren't they planning on moving some of the other children in with her permanently? It just makes no sense to me. It's very obvious to me that all of these women hate each other's guts and can't even live within the same walls so they have to go through all of this craziness and BS to get four HUGE separate houses. Browns, You have made it VERY clear to the world that you all hate each other and cannot live together again. You tried it in Utah and you just cannot stand to do it again. Or you couldn't stand the thought of your husband sleeping with your sisterwife within another room of your home? I don't know. I really don't understand any of their thought processes. None of it makes sense to me in the slightest.

    Why does Meri feel so entitled? I've never met anyone who is so obsessed with taking taking taking and never giving a darn thing back. It has always made me angry that these people chose polygamy as a way to be closer to God (how they get that from it I have NO idea) I feel pretty close to God with just my one husband. My husband, siblings, best friends and co-workers help me improve as a person and as a Christian everyday. I don't need Sister Wives to help me acknowledge & conquer my weaknesses.. Life and people will go a head and do that for you!! :) But these people seem further away from God than they think they are. I have atheist friends who are far better people than the Browns. I don't see any redeeming or Christ like qualities in any of them.. (except maybe Christine) They are all selfish, narcissistic, pompous, passive aggressive (even their own children pick up on that one) angry, depressed, stressed and self centered- I could go on and on and on with more- Nothing about them points to God. Nothing. So this whole "Polygamy makes you a better person" is just laughable. They are all WORSE from it.

    1. I just really, REALLY don't understand why they have to have four houses.

      I have this theory that Kody is trying to recreate Big Love. Which is strange because it's the DARGERS who claim their family actually formed the basis for Big Love (apparently the plot about Barb Henrickson being nominated for Beehive Mother of the Year, and being found out as being a plural wife at the ceremony actually happened to Joe Darger's mother). Kody has said he wanted his houses all together so they could share a common backyard - just like in Big Love. He's even married into polygamy royalty with his marriage to Christine (of the Allred clan - Her grandfather Rulon was one of the founders of the AUB and its first prophet).

      I also see Kody as competing with his older polygamist sibling by needing to have more wives, and more children. I think Kody will not stop until he has surpassed the Dargers - don't they have 24? And I definitely believe if Robyn can't push out the remaining 7 babies, he will marry a 5th and 6th wife in order to reach that magic number.

      For the amount of money he's supposedly spending, he could have built a mansion with a commercial style kitchen (like those rich plygs in Centennial Park) that EACH wife could have their own cooking area if need be. Heck, in college one of my friend's parents had a mansion with a parents/adult guest wing and a children's wing to house their 12 kids. In the middle was the living room, a family room, dining room and kitchen area. With a little imagination it could be done...but Kody lacks imagination. And foresight, and conviction, etc etc...

  74. WHY was ROBYN so angry when she was late to Logan's graduation? She planned poorly and then acted like a victim because she missed it. These people all have access to the internet, so why didn't she look up the graduation time and location? They don't have Google Maps in LV? First she shows up late and then casts, in Kody's words, a "cold blanket" over the proceedings for anyone else. How rude.

    The same goes for Kody and his minions. Why was Janelle responsible for telling four adults what time to leave? They have access to the internet, why didn't they just Google it? Why isn't Kody responsible for his own actions? Why is JANELLE in charge, all by herself and clearly by default? These people are so enmeshed in themselves that they don't see what is so very clear to the rest of the world - they all need to GROW UP.

  75. Some really GOOD and thought provoking posts today.

    I would like to see Meri be truly honest about what she wants and why she wants it. If you do the math - she truly can't live on 1/17th. True- she could get a full time job and make more and increase her portion that way, but logistically- 1 or 2/17ths isn't enough. That would have to be organized a different way and obviously they couldn't think of a different way. :-/

    When Meri was talking about her house, wet bar and portion she was very quiet and not direct. I do believe she has clear motive for wanting it, but I don't think that she's stated it? No.

    We all agree Kody is not so media savvy... but when he said "I deserve more than a dirt farm" at least that was an opinion of how he truly feels.

    I think if Meri was honest she would say something more like - the other three hate my guts and if they had their way I'd be living in a one bedroom apartment across town. I have to fight for my rights in this relationship because if I don't- who will?!

    That would be honest. People might hate her guts more if she said it, but it would be more honest! :-) And I would respect her honesty more.

  76. Here is the deal:
    Meri's sense of entitlement and her sarcastic attack on Janelle when she said, I'm sorry that you think I'm taking something that is yours or that belongs to you is such a passive aggressive attack. Instead of justifying why she wants all that extra room, she is essentially attacking Janelle. If Janelle doesn't agree then she must think that all that money is hers and if she thinks that she is a selfish bitch. The more rationale discussion would have been where she explains that she wants a house that is of equal value not because she would have had that many kids but because the resale value is important to her that the house is an investment that should she want to cash in on, should render her as much money as the other wives. But, she is an idiot and cannot rhetorically argue her points, so she provides a classic fallacy "ad hominum" or attacks the person who she is in conflict with.
    Does anyone else believe her chin is getting very large and very dark looking? Do you think she is using that really cakey makeup? Gross.

  77. not sure why everyone is so excited over the Dargers being on next weeks episode...not like the KodyKrew has never met them before...not only were they at the farce of Robyn & Kody's wedding but Mighty Sequoyah was the band playing at the reception as well...yet another dodgy attempt by the production crew to interject some drama by manipulating viewers into believing the Dargers & Browns are just now getting to know one another...SMDH!
