Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Discussion Page for S05Ep01 Sister Wives 11/18/12, page 3

Please continue your discussion here!


  1. All together now! We want the review....we want the review...we want the review....

    Sorry I couldn't resist. I do love to read your reviews!

    1. me too, but be patient...I am SURE it will be a masterpiece!!!M!

  2. Oh, I'm so glad a new thread was started about this! I have so much more to say and I only just recently discovered this site. I was raised Mormon but now now attend a nondenominational church. However, I married a Mormon and he is still a very active Mormon(young men's presidency calling, fasting and tithes, the whole shebang)and we have three children who honestly have the option to choose their own spiritual path. My oldest son has chosen to attend church with me some of the time and with his dad some of the time but neither of us have ever given him the death stare Kody was handing out to Madison. I would rather (and my spouse agrees with me on this one) our children experience everything and then make a choice. Kody seems rather triumphant when his kids choose chocolate when that is the only flavor he's ever offered them...default religion isn't real faith. My kids can taste cookies and cream, strawberry, butter pecan...and if they were to choose chocolate, that's fine and if they like something better, okay! Shame, shame, shame on the Browns for depriving their children of their free agency.

    1. AND not being good role models. all they have is strife and tears to display. Is Melissa singing???LOL

  3. I agree with the comments on prior threads that the reason for dividing finances up 4 ways so each wife has an equal amount for "their" family is because anything more complicated (and more equitable) is beyond their mathematical abilities. But where does Kody fit into this? Does he have an allowance? Does he decide how much of their total income is put into the amount divided into fourths - - and keep however much he wants before it is divided up?

    1. Good question - I always figured well Kody doesn't have his own place anyway since he's hopping from house to house. However, my guess is that he keeps most of whatever money HE earns and maybe gives a little into the common pot - either that or the money is actually split 5 ways, which would be even more unfair since Kody technically doesn't have rent, utilities or any of that to pay. All he needs is pin money.

    2. My husband suggested the divving up by members of the family, but I disagree. I don't like 25% split either. For income, it depends on contribution, Janelle used to work with Christine watching the kids - I think Christine gets 1/2 Janelle's check but then all households pay 25% bills. Kody's income goes 4 ways equally. But I know how to use a spreadsheet and the argument that division/multiplication is too hard for these people that think polygyny "multiplies love".

      In terms of housing, why not set up "rules" for house size:
      1) every household gets a living space, room for a table large enough to fit all people living full time in that house, kitchen and master bedroom
      2) children can share with X number of siblings so it is math how many bedrooms each household needs. Mariah gets a room provided they buy this year, otherwise, Meri should get a one bedroom or smallest house possible.

      I recall when they moved to LV, at least 2 of them wanted their own space with a "Kody, you promised we would get more quality/focused time" - clearly the big house wasn't working well for the ladies either.

      It must be really hard to have your value based on the capacity of your uterus/viability of your reproduction system. I feel for Meri, but her wanting equality in the size of the house is crap. I think her house should be just as nice, but doesn't need to be as big. And when I say just as nice, I mean equal standard, not necessarily awesomeness.

      Personally I think they should look at condos or apartments that are all next to each other.

      It's funny that the episode said Janelle and Robyn's credit was bad but didn't address the fact that Janelle was working so her credit should be better than Christine's. of course, we know that it is about timing of bankruptcies. yikes the entitlement is disturbing.

    3. Everyone is wondering why Robyn and Meri don't live together. Well Meri tweeted that Robyn would never go for that. I'm thinking Robyn wants a place of her own, so that's probably got on this McMansion kick. The others might actually be okay living together...who knows?

      Kody also tweeted that they can't build a mega house due to permit issues and resale issues. Sorry if someone has already posted this 411. I'm just commenting as I read through.

    4. Does anyone know if Kody is earning any income (from an outside source)?

    5. regene - presumably from the LIV MLM.

  4. What is up with Meri's hair? Is her part normally that wide or does she have some hair loss happening? Maybe she should start using ladies Rogaine.

    1. You know, I would say that her weight gain mentioned below and any hair loss is from stress and unhappiness- she had gained a good deal of weight.

    2. I would bet she has clinical depression due to all the pressure, but you know "this lifestyle - only makes you better!"

    3. Our health is reflected in the quality of our hair and skin. Hers hasn't looked as great as it did when the show first started. She looks very stressed and worn.

    4. Maybe she has PCOS. It causes weight gain, infertility, and hairloss, among other things. It causes cysts on ovaries.

    5. Naw I think Meri is stressed over no longer being the "favored" wife. Before Robyn she was the thinner wife and the one Kody was most affectionate towards. Yet she picked a skinner and maybe younger (I have no idea) wife for Cody. Yep Meri be careful what you wish for. Not only does she become locked in a power struggle with Robyn for Kody's affections the new wifey gets pregnant pretty fast.

      I don't think she wants another child. I think she likes playing with them and then sending them back.

      I don't understand either why Robyn needs to have her sister living with her to help with the kids. Isn't that what her sister wives are for? Sure 10 kids would be a lot for Christine or Janelle but didn't Christine care for her 6 and Janelle's 6 at one point? Or maybe Christine is maxed out with the 12 most the time (though the older kids don't need as much supervision and are at school all day) But where is Meri to help out? She only has one almost adult daughter? Isn't that why you have sister wives? My other question is who is supporting Robyn's sister? I'm sure she has expenses as well.

      I really feel Roybn married into this family expecting them to take care of her and help with her debt and handle her kids. Guess she didn't get exactly what she bargained for.

    6. Misinformedmama, I thought the same...PCOS or hypothyroidism or just getting older in general. My creaky back can attest that at some point, EVERYTHING is affected, lol.

  5. All I see is pressure to conform, if not then shunning and ridicule. Meri is being attacked for being blindsided by the surrogacy offer and not immediately accepting it. Take your time Meri, it's a huge decision. I'm your age Meri and have been a primary caregiver to an infant the past year. I suffer from back, shoulder, neck and wrist problems - due to stooping and holding. My sleep is interrupted. My house is a challenge to keep clean because my energy is zilch. I have no freedom to go anywhere alone without a care. Middle age should be a time to enjoy your life, take care of yourself and celebrate with Mariah as she will be giving you grandchildren you can dote on. God is not going to love you less or value you less for not delivering 8 kids, it's the imperfect humans that need to get over it. Yes, babies are cute...volunteer at an animal shelter and adopt a pet.

    1. Even if Meri chooses surrogacy, she'd be wise not to chose Robyn as the vessel to carry her child. The baby would be traumatized from being inside that emotional wreck.

    2. It is unlikely Meri could choose surrogacy. Surrogacy with donor eggs, yes, but she is a bit on the older side reproductively speaking to use her own eggs.

      So, assuming she isn't over the hand infertility dealt her and really wants to start over. We are looking at $$$$ (15-25K for IVF - insurance even if covered normally, wouldn't cover her age, 5-10K for surrogate preparation (drugs to match cycles) etc which is not covered, donor egg cost 5-15K) But money is no issue to these people.

    3. When Meri and Krody were discussing it, he said, "you talked to your sister". Meaning she talked to her sister about using her as a surrogate? If Meri does decide to go through with it (and I don't think she will), she would be out of her mind to use that idiot Robyn. With the constant reminders from Robyn about how wonderful she is to rent her womb to Meri, do you really think she would not remind Meri on an hourly basis that it was really Robyn's kid? Also, not to deny anyone their religious beliefs but wouldn't the use of science to procreate fly in the face of their religious beliefs? I mean, seriously, if Krody wants more kids from her, a pre-menopausal, almost empty nester,, can't they adopt? That to me is certainly more of a Christian value (not that any adoption agency in their right mind would do that). I hope I haven't offended anyone re: their sect of Mormonism, I am only recently researching it.

    4. I don't think she wants a surrogate. I don't blame her for not waning a baby created with her own eggs and I don't blame her for not wanting to start over at this stage of her life. I think she is only torn because it's hard to let go of the dream of having another child of her own and because she doesn't want to lose the attention from Kody. He wants her to take the offer but she doesn't want to and I think if she says no she will lose the sympathy she gets now for being infertile because she chose not to let Roybn give her a child.

      I am almost certain even if she did she wouldn't want Robyn to carry the baby for her. I'm sure Meri was jealous of Robyn's pregnancy. I think it would be normal to feel jealous that she could have a baby with Kody so easily. So not only is Robyn miss fertile, she can have Meri's kids for Kody too, yeah that would not set well with me either.

      I mean think hard about this, would you want her to have your baby in Meri's situation? Roybn milked Kody's attention while pregnant, do you not think Robyn would be getting all the extra while carrying Meri's baby? Meri would be like an outsider watching Kody and Robyn coo over Meri's unborn child. Then Robyn can hold it over Meri that she gave her a baby. Robyn needs the attention and the "atta girl" from everybody. Oh look at what great thing I did, I can hear it now. Robyn would find a way to make it about her and not about Meri having another child.

    5. Exactly Victoria...
      Meri would never hear the end of it... and I think that's why she's not jumping on the opportunity.. it would be a steady chorus..24/7, 365 for the next 50 yrs or until Meri is in her grave.."I gave Meri the option, I offered to be her surrogate blah blah blah!"
      Every birthday the kid had, every Christmas, when it crawls the first time, when it walks, talks.. hell Robyn would probably be crowing and taking a bow the first time it takes a dump in the toilet.

      If Robyns motivation was really so pure and out of the goodness of her heart she wouldn't bring it up on EVERY damn show and remind everyone!
      She made the offer, now STFU about it and let Meri decide.. no need to keep reminding everyone like a broken record!
      Jesus.. we get it.. we ALL get it.. everyone from coast to coast, Canada and elsewhere knows that SAINT Robyn offered to carry a child for Meri.. now STFU about it!! ugh... I can't stand Robyn and her fake goody 2 shoes act.

    6. Yep Victoria, you nailed it. Agree wholeheartedly with you and Helena. I think Meri should have (and still can) use her time and energy on something else to fulfill her. It would've made such a difference if she had found her purpose outside of having babies, cause obviously that's not her calling. All these years she's been sitting around jealous and feeling sorry for herself, she could have taken advantage of her one child status. She could have a Ph.D. by now ... Be an EVP on a job she loves ... Be the fittest of all the wives b/c she only has to cook "healthy" for herself and can up and go work out anytime ... And now, if she wanted to, she could up and leave this circus without as much drama as the others who have a zillion kids to consider. (Ok, scratch that last point cause Mariah's drama is equal to a zillion kids!)

      Anyways, the possibilities are endless. I know God didn't call her to do all these things, but I'm just using them as examples of how her not having to deal with a bunch of babies could be used to her advantage.

    7. Exactly what you ladies said, she is reaching a point where there is no turning back; age is a bitch and you can't undo it and it may be too late and that means she needs to mourn this since it is a kind of loss. I second and third and fourth that giving back to the community will fill her void and help her heal from her infertility issues. Volunteer at a hospital, visit the kids with ill health, and spread the love.

  6. Well I am pretty sure the Sister Wives themselves are looking forward to CJ's awesome episode review. You know they read the blog, wouldn't you if you were in a reality show? To see what people are saying! Janelle recently tweeted " It is interesting how many people affirm their self-esteem by questioning mine." and we had just been talking about Janelle's apparent lack of self-esteem on our threads.

  7. Not sure if anyone else noticed this on the season premiere: it sounds like the opening voice-overs, e.g. "I believe in living this lifestyle...", have been re-recorded, yet they all say the same things. Wonder what that's about?

    1. I noticed that too...another way the show is just fake, fake, fake now.

    2. I hadn't noticed but I'll pay closer attention next time...
      The thing that really *burns* me about the opening voice segment is when Kody says "Love should be multiplied, not Divided" yet that's EXACTLY what he is doing!
      He divides his time, love, affection etc etc etc between 4 women and they each lather 100% of their time, love, affection etc etc on him!
      They multiply and he divides..
      hmmmmm... so he gets 400% and the wives each get 25%
      Raw deal for the wives... NICE situation for Kody Douche.. UGH!

      It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic!
      SW...Strong Women?.. lolol... I think the SW should stand for "Silly Wimps" or "Stupid Wingnuts"
      At least Kody had one thing right... he should NOT be in the pictures for the website because to me it just stresses how WEAK they are... they can't even put together a website and launch it on the internet without his participation.

    3. hahaha. Yeah i was like....why does he have to be in the pictures with them? He has somewhat to do with it, but shouldn't be one of the faces for sister wives. Its not polygamists closet, its the sister wives closet.

  8. So during their live tweeting on Sunday night, Christine tweeted:"I have lost 25 pounds since I saw myself in those photos....wow, I was so big!

    Kody's response:"You rock babe!You're awesome!Good job!:)

    I seriously have no words for either of these tweets...Lol

    Kody:"I am very proud of both Madison & Mariah. They are doing very good at making smart choices in life. So proud! So pleased!"

    Kody:"Madison's body language is burnin' me. I never did figure out why she is so uncomfortable. I don't think she is ok with our conversation."

    Also, just today Kody tweeted this to Madison: "Everyone deserves to know how important they are. YOU are priceless my angel, PRICELESS!-Dad"

    Again, hey Kody why don't you call ur daughter on the phone or better yet, go see her & tell her this face to face instead of on twitter for the whole world to see! Bcuz actions speaks louder than words & I'm sure she would appreciate it more instead of U continually grandstanding on Twitter!!! Maybe then you would find out why her body language is so cold to you! If this episode was recorded a while back & you still don't know why Madison was acting that way towards you, then it's way obvious that you're clearly never around & you never really gave a damn to actually go & talk to her to find out...Ughhh!! & U seriously want more kids? Why???? Try enjoying the ones you already have by spending more time w/ them &getting to know them.

    Here are some more GAG ME TWEETS FROM MERI & ROBYN!!

    Meri:"@realkodybrown Yes Lover, definitely discussion worthy. :)Lots to think about."
    Meri:"Yes Kody, we are strong women! Good thing we have such a strong man to handle us all:)"

    Robyn:"@realkodybrown...a pool boy? Please...he is too smart & too responsible"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!IKR?? I totally call BULLSHIT & too much damn ego stroking going on...I felt like it was a war of tweets between Robyn & Meri to see who could Twit-stroke his ego the most....Blah!!

    1. damage control tweets perhaps? Sounds that way.

    2. Whaaaa? Saying it on twitter doesn't make it true Robyn. Jeez

    3. It also seems that Robyn is saying that all pool boys are stupid & irresponsible. Hey Robyn, if they are a pool boy obviously that means they're employed which is way more than what we can say about Kody....Lol In my book, MLM scams don't count as full time employment nor is it responsible to depend on it as means to take care of your family...Grow up Brown's & go out & get REAL J.O.B.S!!

    4. Love that you posted all those GAG-tastic tweets! It's too hard for me to keep up with Twitter so glad you put them on here!!

  9. as I have told before, I went through the entire infertility gamit. from 4 surgeries to IVF- and it was one heck of a roller coaster. Not to mention Meri was WANTING to finish college. seems that would be good for her- help provide for the family. They just keep her upset and since that's her way of attention, stays immature and plays it instead of moving on.
    BTW, after my last round of IVF-I prayed for a baby, wether it be mine or adopted-- a process I had not yet started. God blessed us THE NEXT DAY with a call from a friend who had been in the adoption process, long story short....10 days later we had a beautiful baby boy in our home!!! 4 years later, I was ...in infertility terms, spontaneously pregnant! i hope Meri doesn't, however, relate infertility with not having approval or gifts from God. that family has an abundance of children and she would feel so much more fulfilled if she helped out and worked to provide for them. She could choose to be more involved with the children her. Hubs has. why he continues to procreate is beyond me.

    1. Hugs and congrats to you on your infertility journey and it's happy "ending" :)

    2. Hey Mister Sister, what a great way to end your 1st journey, and what a way to start the next most excicting! I had by preciosu boy through fertility treatments and I agree, there is no way I would have done this without the support of my man 100% of the time. Could Meri honsetly say she could depend on KB like that? I don't think so.

  10. BTW Janelle is still my favorite-- I feel she will stay for her children, but let be free of this mess.

    1. I think her children want her to leave. Logan is gone and Maddie and Hunter would probably throw a party if she left. As bad as we see Kody treat Christine lately, I think he has always treated Janelle badly and her kids have seen how they are short changed due this lifestyle and resent it.

  11. SHAME ON TLC for showing that credit scam. How many people are watching that and get the idea that they can clean up their credit in 30 days and VOILA! NEW MCMANSION! It is seriously detrimental to gullible fans.

    Also, f*** Robyn for her teary-eyed sob session over debt. My mother was a single mother who not only worked her butt off for me, but was also a full-time graduate student who had bills just like EVERY PERSON EVER. Amazingly, she chose to take in a boarder, grew vegetables in our garden for extra food, and made do with thrift store clothes. Had Robyn spent all of that extra $$ on an education instead of VS lingerie, she could be providing her family with considerable benefits, not to mention acting as a strong role model for the girls in the family.

    Finally, one last thing -- after thinking about this show, I've come to realize the essence of what really bothers me about them. It's the fact that they use up more than their fair share of resources in virtually every way. Taking government assistance, having debt go into collections (and passing off the interest rates and fees onto those of us who pay our bills on time), NEEDING all these huge houses they cannot afford, multiple new cars, Disneyland trips, Mexico vacations, etc. All of this would be FINE if they all worked and were clearly able to afford it! As of now, they're living high off the hog at the expense of taxpayers, their children's future educational prospects, and fans who subsidize their lifestyle. Almost everyone in the family is overweight despite having what seems like a large amount of time in which they could exercise. Kody's insistence on having more children although he clearly spends minimal time with the ones he already has. Praising God for material "blessings," and praying for McMansions . . .

    I mean, sorry for the long rant, but this family's priorities are seriously screwed up. I place the blame on Kody; as the "head of the household(s)," he should be leading by example. Instead of showing a strong work ethic, he goes on lavish vacations and sells a scammy product no one needs and few people want. He takes the best of everything for himself and gives the crumbs to his wives. No wonder so many of his kids have decided to not lead the polygamous lifestyle.

  12. I'm happy for Christine that she lost 25 pounds! She's naturally beautiful anyway. I also thought the teen girls looked much better as well. Meri should quit worrying about what Kody and Mariah think, and do what is best for her. My opinion is that she should just become more involved with the other children who would love her attention. It's time these women start putting their needs before Kody's.

    1. I'm not buying the Christine weightloss claim (she actually looks larger to me) but one thing for sure..

      Madison looks a MILLION times better as a blonde!
      That dark hair was horrible with her features and complexion.

    2. Yes! The other kids (besides king sol) deserves more adult attention - why not shower some on them??

    3. Right! There are so many kids there who would benefit from more adult attention! How about being there in there lives Meri??

    4. I was totally thinking the same thing HH & that's why I had no comment for Christine's weight loss claim...lol Maybe it was water weight/bloat?? Guess we'll never know either for sure...

  13. Robyns pity party was pathetic. She's whining and crying because *gasp* she had to take care of her own children and *gasp* pay her own bills. Where I'm from we call that life.

    Meri is greedy. How obnoxious to have a huge house when your nest contains one almost grown bird, lol.

    I love this show but they have nothing left to cover. I think TLC should pull the plug. These leeches need to get real jobs. The fitness center didn't work out & there's a link on the kody brown family site that's dead. How tacky!! And the jewelry. Haha. Id say keep your day job, but you know....

  14. Robins pity party was pathetic. She *gasp* had to work and provide for her own kids. You had to pay your own electric bill? Awwww, sweetie. Poor thing. Where I'm from we call that life! Lol

    Meri was my favorite. Was. How obnoxious to demand a huge house when you have one nearly grown child. By the time the mortgage is paid off her daughter would be nearly 50 years old. Dumb. Lol

    The jewlery is fugly. Id say keep your day job to them. But, you know...LOL

  15. It makes me want to vomit when Meri calls Kody "lover", yuck. What is she like 15 or what.
    I think that Meri was only interested in plural marriage because thats what Kody wanted. That would explain why she doesn't have a close relationship with her sister wives. I think that is also why she needs to stick her nose in the other wives relationships with Kody, such as last season when she had hurt herself skiing and she was lecturing Christine on how she needs to be nicer and more receptive to Kody.
    Meri is using the surrogate thing to keep attention in the family focused on her but she doesn't realize that the other wives don't really care what she does.
    Meri sure seems to have "first wife-itis".

    1. Oh my god that lecture made me sick. Christine was looking for support and Meri's advice was to change herself, expect nothing from Kody, and to keep her problems to herself. Um, that is NOT a healthy relationship. That is sick. But what other option does Chritine have....oh yeah, she can leave! Leave Christine. You are worth so much more. I don't think she realizes how much a decent man would treasure her for her kind, big heart and her willingness to nurture. And I definitely don't think she realizes how much better is out there since she was raised in this mess and it's all she knows. :(

    2. I agree with you InAwe!!! She is such a sweet woman and eager to please. Kody just takes advantage of that and is abusive. He is a PIG!

    3. It seems like it was Christine & Kody that did the whole "lover" thing. Now Meri is tagging along with this. Keeping up with the Browns..????

  16. Cynical Jinx, the browns gave you so much to work with you don't know where to start or end. Just write 2 or 3 reviews. We are waiting patiently.

  17. What I get from all the tweets and spoken statements from all of them, starting in the first season, is that it may sound and feel good on paper that being a sister-mother to a houseful of other women's children is nirvana...but obviously it isn't in real life.
    Of course there are scores of situations where a woman/mother has a relative or close friend who is gravely ill, physically or mentally disabled or deceased and a woman steps up to mother someone else's child or children. Or, of course, in adoptions.

    However, this shared mothering of bonus children arrangement in polygamy is by choice, and is expected to be a harmonious and fulfilling lifestyle. SisterWives has shown that it just ain't so.

    We were told by the Browns that in KodyWorld all the mothers *mother* all the children. And they help each other. Yet, Robin has to have a live-in to help her. (Oh, by the way, Robin....lots of us non-plyg women had four kids or more... and had jobs....with NO help)

    If it was all as they claim it was, the Brown women would not be so hell bent on individual homes (lavish or not) where they can maintain autonomy and privacy. We have seen and heard all their relentless buzz phrases about the wonderful-ness of "shared life and love"...all for one, and one for all..."our one, big, happy and blended family"!!! Apparently not so at all.

    For all the tears and drama, Meri seems particularly resistant to "sharing" life as a vested "one of the mothers." A few clips in each episode and a few posted tweet pics of her holding SOL just does not do it.
    At least Christine was the daycare mother to all the toddlers and pre-school kids when the show began.

    If their communal vibe was really still intact and really *real*, they would not be looking for single homes....of any stature and price. They WOULD be looking for (or building) a LV version of what they had in Lehi.
    Living like the Dargers.

    It's been said here on SWB many times, and it is a valid observation, based on the Browns' own words and filmed behavior...these women do like each as housemates, nor do they want to co-mingle their collective children 24/7.

    So what message have the Browns clearly conveyed about plyglife??
    It doesn't work, it doesn't enhance anyone life. And It breeds greed and dissension.

    1. Well-said. They are an advertisement for monogamy IMO.

    2. Hey Amused...a fan tweeted Kody a question about why not build a bigger home to accomodate his family. Kody's response was "building permits & resale"
      Seriously?? The resale part boggles my mind.

    3. Someone should tweet back and call his BS. That nonsense about no available properties or just being unable to work that out has already been thoroughly debunked on this website.

      Has anyone ever tweeted about why they don't move back to Lehi?

    4. CB and InAwe,

      Lies, BS, diversions and spins just roll off the Kodster's tongue.
      He is the perfect grifter......no conscience!

    5. Oh how I know Amused & I totally agree w/ you!:D
      Also, I need to correct myself. Kody's response was "PERMIT PROBLEMS & NO RESALE"
      Yes, some people have suggested them to move back to Lehi & I'm sure the Brown's have read our many suggestions here on SWB many times too...lol Also, someone had tweeted a location for a chicken farm that was available...I haven't seen a response to this tweet as of yet tho...Lol
      You know Kody, he's too good & deserves more than a dirt farm. But I say a chicken farm would be practical & a step up from just a dirt farm :D

    6. My favorite quote that describe the Brown family perfectly:
      “The words that you speak must be followed by the actions that you take. If your words don't match your actions, your words become lies and your actions reveal the truth”. Do not be deceived...

    7. You know in the first season I think they did a good job potraying Polygamy in a positive light. I mean I could understand the house in Lehi having 3 seperate living area's for each wife (because hey everybody needs their own personal space) but still being connected with common area's and being accessible to all. When the show first came out Christine stayed home and raised children (that was her contribution to the familY), Janelle worked and handled finance (her part), Meri worked and was potrayed as the organizer of the family keeping everything and everyone organized (including Kody), and Kody worked, divided his time, tucked all his kids in each night (cause he didn't have to go from house to house they were all under one roof) and seemed accessible to the family most the time even while dating Robyn.

      If you think about the first season they really did do a good job convincing us that they more or less worked and lived as a family. Everybody had their part and helped each other out. It seemed like a well oiled machine. I expected Christine out of all the wives to have the hardest time with the addition of Robyn. I mean she was pregnant while Kody was dating her and even during the dating process Christine made comments about how much time Robyn was getting and how she felt that wasn't right since Robyn was not a wife yet. She just had a baby when Kody brought Robyn into the family and she had always been the "newest" sister wife. She never had anybody else come in after and shake things up like Janelle & Meri had. So I totally get where she is coming from and well expected her to feel a bit jealous and neglected. However; I expected her husband to try to ease some of that for her. Instead Kody has done nothing to help Christine feel secure and loved. Then when she tries to express her feelings he acts like it's her problem and it's not his issue. That's just crap. I don't see Christine leaving and I really don't think Kody thinks she ever will either and therefore has permission to treat her like dirt. She is going to end up void like we see Janelle becomming. Janelle to me seems the least into Kody. I think that after all those years with Meri (especially in the beginning) Janelle just learned to distant her emotions from it. If Christine stays she is going to have to learn to do the same cause King Kody isn't about to change in order to make her feel better.

      Now we see and know the truth about how things really are. They couldn't fake it forever. I think they made a huge mistake going to Vegas. I feel they would have adjusted better to Robyn being intergraded into their life if they stayed in Lehi. When roles were clearly defined (you can see Christine struggle with things like bills because Janelle always did them) and Robyn would have to make her own role. Even when Robyn first moved to be closer to the family Christine said she was greatful to have help around the house and with the kids since Robyn started helping out. They could have added on for her. Now they don't even want to live in the same house when it would be most realistic fincially to buy one large area of land and build on large house similar to the one in Lehi. I guess the pettiness will win out and they will self descruct. I feel bad for all those children involved.

      Sorry this is so long, I'm very opininated and glad to have an outlet :)

    8. Wow, you very eloquently stated what I was thinking. When this show first aired, polygamy looked and sounded almost heavenly (no pun intended). I thought I should be the first Catholic to be a sister wife! Since Kody and Christine had been married 16 years, sounds like things were working out well. The Browns did appear to be a normal, happy, great family. Adding in a fourth wife seemed to have caused so much damage, and irreparable damage at that. It is painful to even watch the show anymore, because we can see the hurt and animosity seeping out of every pore of everyone on the show! All the adults are just seething and it is just a sad, sad situation.

    9. You know, this is what I've thought also since shortly after the show started.

      My question is... Do you think it is funny when people on their Facebook page or TLC Forum only see a wonderful, supporting, loving family?

      I just stare at the screen and think...what am I NOT seeing that these people ARE? How can they say some of these things...ESPECIALLY after the Morales "Tell All Show". That really threw me for a loop on a lot of things in this 5 way relationship.

    10. Regene see I think the problems was too many big changes at one time. That will mess anybody up. The move was horrible timing. The wives had zero time to get used to a 4th wife. They had no time to find where Robyn fit. Then they move and the entire dynamic changed overnight while still coping with the addition of a 4th wife. Then throw in another baby, and everything else you got chaos. That is what we see today.

      Just A Thought- I really wonder what those people are seeing that I'm not. I see a lot of misery and denial in that family. I do think it's funny when people only see the good. I sometimes wonder if either a) they are related too or personally know the Browns or b) they are seeking to gain attention from the Brown's by stroking their egos. Unless the only season the people watched was season 1 then I have no idea how they can not see all the problems this family has.

  18. Have not read all comments, but what did janelle mean by move money around when she blurted that ou after robchin got accepted? Does anyoone think that maybe the grifters are kitingsome money around?

    1. No she was probably going to have to take money from herself and other wives accounts to pay Robyn's debt. Moving money from Kody's accounts and such. She had to find a way to make it work which would require more money to make it's way to Robyn's accounts to settle some of that debt.

  19. I love this blog! Did anyone else notice when they were getting their "approval" letters, Christine said she "forgot" to pay here water bill AND a couple of car payments - AFTER they had been told they had to stay on top of everything ? A bit self sabotaging, don't you think? I wonder if while discussing it on the couch. If she were crying because she was happy about the approval or crying because now that she was approved, it gave her no way out of that mess of a "marriage". I do think they read this blog and personally I'm sure Christine could make it just fine on her own. There is a strong woman inside - RUN CHRISTINE RUN! You deserve better!

    1. I think she used the water bill & couple of car payments $$ that she "forgot" to pay to fund her part of the trip to Disneyland.
      Well Kody did say that she needs to save her grocery $$ if she wants to take vacations...smh

    2. I really think Christine is just not good with money. She is not used to having to handle a budget or pay bills. If you are not in the routine it can be easy to do. Heck I pay the bills in our household (with both our money) and there were times I missed a bill on accident. It's easy to do when you get distracted (I can no longer pay the bills while the kids are awake)

      Then again it could have been on purpose. I think she cried about it because she is a bit dramatic. I don't think she really understands how it works so she doesn't understand one late payment on a water bill isn't going to kill your credit. I think she really thought it was a threat.

    3. Christine strikes me as very sweet, very earnest and sort of a baby still. Because she grew up polygamist and married Kody as the third wife, she never had to manage a whole life on her own before. She was the child bearer and rearer and she was good at it. This move to Las Vegas truly has thrown her into the role of a single mother and I don't blame her for being stressed out by it. It truly isn't what she signed up for and Kody has started being outright mean to her on camera. Imagine what he says and does when the cameras are off.


    5. I agree complete with you there NachoLove. She has never had to do it all before. She was comfortable in her role back in Lehi. I think Christine is one of the wives who suffers most with all the changes since moving to LV. I think it was the biggest mistake this family has made. I feel even the addition of Robyn wouldn't have been so bad. They would have adjusted to her as she found her place in the family. However; moving to LV ruined their entire way of life and some people just can't adjust that easy especially when they don't know how.

  20. I kind of feel like Janelle knew exactly what she was doing when she talked about Meri's huge a** house and how it has "been a blessing" because it makes her look really good to the viewers while making Meri look totally unreasonable. I do wish she were more assertive and that they divided up resources differently. Janelle's kids will have to share rooms, while Meri lives alone in her mansion? Ridiculous.

    1. She might have. Last season it was really apparent Janelle seemed very subdued. I think it was Janelle's way of explaining why she let it go. She knows her logic is right but also knows that her opinions don't matter. They spend spend spend and Janelle will figure out how to pay for it. I think she just stopped caring honestly. For her it's not worth fighting the losing battle.

      Meri is selfish for demanding so much for just herself. I'd say fine get a pool and a wet bar but do your really need all those empty rooms? Meri don't care if Janelle can't feed her kids as long as she is not "punished" for not having more kids. Then again I think it's stupid for them all to have their own homes anyways. Build a complex like in Lehi. I bet they could get a nice piece of land and build a 4 unit home (kind of like Lehi) for far less then what those homes cost.

  21. Also, re Robyn's sister living with her full time - who is financially supporting the sister? The Browns? They don't need another mouth to feed and Robyn does NOT need a full-time nanny (what's Meri doing all day long?). Ridiculous!

    1. I asked the same thing. I just wonder if she's receiving food stamps, b/cuz technically she's considered homeless & "staying" w/ a relative so she does qualify for temperary food stamp assistance...IMO

    2. I can't believe I'm about to say this, and Lord help me, but I'm going to try and give them the benefit of the doubt on the Taralyce (sp?) issue. Maybe she's living with them because there's weird family issues at home?? Robyn does seem, from all the tv and book hints, that she's had a not so ideal upbringing and she always puts on the "poor girl" act. I'm just saying the way she kind of beat around the bush and zipped through why her sister was staying with her gave me the impression that there was different reasons for Taralyce being there............. But seriously, if she's there to be another wife or something like that I'll stop watching. That's just sick.

    3. I was wondering the same thing. Who is paying her expenses? And I really don't understand why she needs a live in nanny either. Yep Meri has no kids home all day with no job, why can't she help Robyn out? Isn't that one of the "perks" of sister wives? I think Robyn does it to make herself feel important (I have a live in nanny)

      I honestly believe Robyn married Kody to get the perks of being taken care of. She wanted them to take care of her financially, emotionally and take care of her kids so she didn't have too. When none of the wives felt compelled to babysit Sol 24/7 she moved her sister in. Doesn't it seem odd that her other kids are in school all day yet she needs a nanny for one child? Must be nice. I wonder what Christine thinks of that?

    4. IMO, I think having Robyn's sister around sorta keeps Kody in check mode, bcuz at anytime she can always go report back to her family, friends, etc...which could possibly get back to Robyn's ex hubby/Jessop. But even then, who's to say that her ex would step in & try to get partial or even full custody?
      Also, I'm sure Kody is always on his best behavior around her sister, so he will "appear' like a great & attentive "husband" & so he can try to impress her...Blah!!
      Someone had mentioned that her & Logan are around the same age. I just wonder if they brought her around to temp Logan into a relationship & possibly start his harem. Then her lil sis, would be the 1st legal wife to a Brown. Anyways, just thinking out loud here :D

    5. Carmel Brownie that's what I was thinking in regards to Taralyce and Logan. Which would explain the pressure on Logan to attend UNLV.

    6. I didn't think of it that way. If he were to leave he wouldn't be around to meet her and would probably find his own wife. Has Logan said he was going to be a polygamist? I don't remember him saying either way. Maybe Kody figures if he sets him up with a girl who is from their culture that he will go with the flow. Oi' Kody stay out of it! Let your children pick their own mates!

  22. TLC now has a weekly blog, not sure if it is just on Sister Wives or if all TLC shows? Anyway, the week is Janelle talking about her life-long struggle with weight. I enjoy reading this way more than watching those two wives who compete over who has the most tears or pet names for Kody.


  23. Even when court divides the debts the credit company can go after former spouse for the debt.

    1. Yup that happened to me - judge split the joint bills in half, I was paying my part and then the creditors for his half started calling me at work...that's when I found out that they don't give a rip about what the divorce decree says, I'm still on the hook since my name was on the account too. ugh.

  24. I don't know if this has been said or not, but a theory I have about "Robyn's" debt, is that she took it all on herself to speed up the divorce.

    1. that's what she wants the viewing public to believe. I highly doubt it.

    2. I think it's all BS. I think she may have took some of the debt but she was not living in trailer when dating Kody. She had some pretty nice stuff which I'm willing to bet she bought on credit. Look at how she spends now even with a limited income. She was charging her manicures and furniture. That's how she ended up so far in debt. I think the story about the ex was just to save face and try to make herself look good.

    3. that was the biggest bull part of the episode. I actually laughed. Especially since he was apparantly "so horrible and abusive" to her, I doubt she would have ever agreed to take on debt. What a terrible story...no one believes you Robyn. You fail to save face. The lie is disgusting and reveals so much about her character.

  25. How did I miss this. Is Robyn pregnant??
    I've been reading this blog for a long time and didn't find any information about her being pregnant, other than just speculations.

    1. In the preview for next weeks ep, Robyn totally looked pregnant - as in second trimester pregnant.

    2. I didn't see that anywhere.

    3. OK, I thought it was a picture of the recent episode.

  26. For those wondering about the housing situation, a simple check with the Las Vegas/Clark County Assessor and Clark County Recorder will tell you that they have closed escrow on exactly ZERO of those homes. In fact those homes did not even start going vertical until about 60 days ago. None of the homes are complete. None of the homes have a Certificate of Occupancy yet.

  27. A couple things I still don't get. How will it be less work for anyone if they have 4 separate homes? They will all still have to pay their own bills in their own homes, won't they? And they'll ALL have to work harder to pay for them, I would think.

    The money! I did some quick math and even at the suggested 250,000/ season it doesn't work out to that much per month. As far as I can see there is no money for restaurants, dates, gifts, trips, driving. Is it just me or does it seem like they are always driving somewhere?! $$ gas and $$$ car.

    Even just basic food X 23 (?) people would be in the thousands/ month. They say that they can't afford to send kids to college, but the kids are in college. How are they paying for it?

    I can't decide if I'm the crazy one because none of it adds up to me - at all.

    1. I haven't been to Vegas in 10 years, but I'm guessing that where the Browns live, there are no "amenities" within walking distance - I'm talking grocery stores, clothing shops, drugstores, etc etc. that's typical in new suburbs. I would not want to live in an area where I HAD to drive if i needed anything!

    2. KIM AB..I found this site when I searched for more information on the family. I kept thinking that I come from a middle class family and I pay my bills on time and I'm barely getting by. How in the world does this family do it? They act like they're the Kardashians. The Duggers were very forthcoming on how they supported their large family, but we don't hear anything like that from this family. The public recently found out that Breaking Amish was a complete sham. The truth needs to be brought out about this family, too. This show is not about a hard working poly family. It is about outright fraud and misuse of state and government funds. Granted, the family may not be receiving assistance currently because of the income from the show, but they certainly have in past and their "fans" deserve to hear the truth.

  28. I will not bother to comment on Meri, Kody, or Robin... because I believe that they are all truly horrible human beings, and other than this sentence, they are not worth the time or the effort. That being said, I love this blog and will continue to lurk here, but after last night's episode I refuse to support this train wreck by watching it. Two things have lead me to this conclusion:

    1) Janelle explaining why she believes that Meri should have an equally sized mansion. Initially, I loved Janelle, and I honestly believe that she does not have selfish bone in her body. However, to allow a fellow sister-wife to garner resources from her children and bonus children is sickening. Similar to everyone else, I want to see her to leave this family and free her younger children from this train wreck, but to me this episode confirms that she never will. The brain washing worked. IMO she may never see her beauty, her strength.

    2) The couch scene with Madison. First, Madison is amazing, and I cannot wait to read her tell all novel in the future. Secondly, this scene reaffirms my conviction to stop watching this show because it seemed as though she was forced to be there. The raw emotion (her crying, refusal to make eye contact with anyone). This scene is patricianly infuriating, because although we know the extent the Browns will go for fame, I think they have crossed the line with their questioning/probing...on camera about Madison's personal and deeply held believes. Shame on Janelle and Kody.

    Well that is my two sense. -Maya

    1. Christine and Janelle (with their kids that still live at home) should get a house together and rid themselves of Kody, Meri and Robyn. I wonder how Kody, Meri and Robyn would feel about paying child support and Christine & Janelle finally getting what they are due!

  29. Maybe we start a thread of escape plans in the hopes one of the secretly miserable wives stumbles onto this page "by accident"..lol

  30. The ornament is finally up. It is reasonably priced at $11.95. However, shipping is $15.04. Another FAIL for Krody and Krew...

    1. Shipping is $15.04. You have got to be kidding! Another scam.

    2. Don't these people know about USPS priority mail one price shipping? A small box anywhere in the U.S. is $4.95.

    3. That piece of stamped metal shouldn't cost more than 5 or 6 bucks IMO. And shipping costs more than the item? Umm, no. It's not even an interesting or unique design.

    4. Good lord I wonder how long it took Christine to come up with that mess?
      Seriously I can't imagine amyone wanting that cheap looking piece of junk hanging on their tree, wreath or anything else.

      An upright squiggle (larger at base, narrow at top) simulating a tree with a little gemstone on the top or something would be so much nicer and at least catch the light and possibly twinkle a little... that thing is simply hideous and dull as a doornob. lol

    5. They gotta pay for those mansions somehow...

    6. Maybe it's a very heavy ornament :P? Shipping it to Alberta, Canada costs $88.10 !

    7. YOU are kidding 88.10 to Canada, I send out alot of stuff to the states and know the cost of postage...it should be NO more than 7.00 TOPS..

  31. K, I'm rewatching the episode and I'm at the incredibly awkward and scandalous "Pre-Approval" Segment and the whole couch segment doesn't make sense.

    Christine is going on about the water bill...(Kody clearly hates her).
    Kody is on the couch saying it was Robyn, Himself and Janelle they were worried about....But, WHY? when he and Meri got approved together??
    Is it that Christine's late payments AFTER the pre-approval are what caused them to not close on the homes?
    Why is he so bitter and snarky when he says, "What are you afraid we are all gonna point the finger at you?"....

    There is so much more going on here because the couch conversation doesn't even really go along with the show segment.

    1. Good question. I think the Christine chunk is just a dramatic pause. It's something to cause a bit more drama, before the reveal. I think we all forget when the interviews are done. Before? After? a combination of the two. The point of the scene is that perhaps Christine is the one who actually is the problem. It's a red herring. So, it does go with the scene. He simply added his name to the list of worries.

    2. During the live chat Kody also tweeted this: "Very,very,very,very nervous! This is intense. Christine has always been squeamish about paying bills. Absent minded.:-)"

      He just have to get a dig in there to Christine & then end it w/ a stupid smiley so it won't appear he's being too passive aggressive. Another FAIL Kody....smh

    3. CB, yes I totally agree about that extra dig. Also, why is he nervous???? He already knows how it ends... these people make no sense

    4. I agree as well. That made me mad.

  32. Why don't they just go home, back to Utah?? They could pay off debts, add on another wing for Robyn, and invest their new found money to secure a future for themselves. Do they even know what planning for the future is? They are in way over their heads and when TLC packs up the cameras they will be up a creek without a paddle.

    1. I don't know about permits, but I do know they have more than enough acreage at the Lehi house to add on. I've always wondered why they didn't do that in the first place.

  33. I had to go see for myself about the shipping for the ornament. And for my zip code it was even more! $18.34 and the only option was UPS Ground. Far more expensive than the actual ornament.

    1. OK I had to check I live in Vegas my shipping cost is13.26!! Are you kidding me? It would cost me less in gas to drive to the phantom McMansion and pick it up!

    2. WHO do they think they are fooling with these shipping costs..

  34. Why does Meri insist on calling Kodouche "Lover"? Not only does it make me gag, but I seriously feel like tweeting back to remind her that "Lover" is also bouncing between 3 other women's beds besides hers. They are so flipping juvenile!!!

  35. Shipping to Canada...76.15 Grand total $88.10

  36. Holy Hell!!! UPS ground shipping for me would cost a grand total of $18.71!

  37. Is it just me or is Meri crying more than before? I noticed Christine also choking up a bit more. Do you think they are trying to get the same affection Robyn gets from turning on the water works? Janelle just sits back with this totally disgusted look on her face like, "wtf??? I am NOT crying, damn you!"

    When Christine was talking about a failure I just wanted to swoop her up and plop her down in front of some man who thinks she's beautiful and doesn't mind that she enjoys a plate of nachos. When the show first started she was flirty and cute and felt good about herself. She has morphed from the cute, happy go lucky girl to this woman who feels like a giant slug and totally undesirable and that breaks my heart. I think that is the worst part of it. It actually makes me want to shave Kody's head and plug Robyn's tear ducts.

    1. I agree about Christine. She & janelle are beautiful & valuable & special & lovable JUST AS THEY ARE. The way Kody bashes them is pathetic & NOT masculine in the least. He openly bashes Christine, & says he loves Janelle "for her intellect" or whatever. I too, wonder how much worse he must treat Christine off camera if he's willing to be that blatantly mean on camera.
      On a side note, he might see himself as deserving more than a dirt farm, but I have to say that my "dirt farm" is in a significantly more stable position than anything they attempt. My dirt farm & cattle are what's been feeding them for years. And I don't just mean the corn goes for their Fritos!! We all have been paying for their welfare, food stamps etc & I'm sure we'll resume supporting them when the show money runs out. Hope all the rest of you have stable jobs, cause the way they keep reproducing will keep is all busy for years to come! :)

    2. I wish Christine knew that some of us (me in particular) think she is far more attractive than Robyn. I think she is the prettiest housewive. Janelle coming in second. Both women have 6 kids, so what if there is a little extra padding. Meri & Robyn are the smaller wives but neither have the face to go with it. I rather be chubby (like I am) and pretty (like I am) then skinny and ugly. Just sayin' you can fix your weight but you can't fix your face.

      Anywho; I always believed Kody's relationship to Janelle was more business than romance. I'm almost certain that is why her kids don't want to live the life. Can you imagine seeing your mother lonely and unloved for so long and then think to yourself I want that misery too. I think her kids see the preferiental treatment he gives to the other wives. They see what really happens. Soon Christine's kids will be the same way the more and more Kody neglects that relationship and they are forced to watch her struggle in this new way of life. With 4 houses life will never be as it was in Lehi. It's sad because from what we seen they had it going pretty good there.

      I do think Kody is stupid. You know how many men would love to have a woman who is loyal and domestic like Christine. She was not only caring for her children with him but also his children with another wife. She cooked and took care of the family. Do you know how many men would like a woman like Janelle who doesn't need to be taken care of by a man? Who is willing to work and pay her share and support the family as much as the man. These women are worth a whole HELL of a lot more than they are given credit for.

  38. omg.. are they kidding?
    I just went to their site and calculated my shipping to Vancouver, Canada for the ornament.
    I had to rub my eyes and look TWICE! $76.15 for the only option to Canada which is UPS WORLDWIDE SAVER
    Yes you read it right...SEVENTY-SIX DOLLARS and FIFTEEN CENTS!
    Which gave me a grand Total of $88.10 for ornament and shipping!
    I buy stuff on ebay and on the internet all the time and have it shipped from the USA and I've NEVER paid that much for shipping of anything in the 15+ yrs I've been shopping online.. not even for a HEATED DOG BED that came in a large box from Florida!

    1. LOl, curiosity got the better of me, so I had a wee look at MSWC. The shipping cost of the ornament to the East Coast of Canada is ...... $105.79. I kid you not. So the total would be $117.74!!! I think I will pass. I can't see them shifting too many, not at those prices.

    2. I guess they have to make money some how, pocketing the money HOW SAD...how very very sad

  39. A few things that really bug me:
    1. Money is an issue, but Logan is going to be living on campus, which adds more than $10,000 a year to tuition and fees at UNLV. (And Mariah's going to college out of state, to the University of Utah.)
    2. Meri insists on having as big a home as the other women, when she has no children to speak of. Why does she feel she needs this? I can't stand when people spend money foolishly because they feel they "deserve it." Guess what, when you're not contributing financially to buy the thing and are making someone else bankroll your lifestyle (Janelle), you in no way deserve it. What a piece of work.
    3. Kody is really hostile toward Christine. Watch how he scowls at and speaks angrily to her, especially when she reveals not paying her itty-bitty water bill. It's as if he's saying, "You're not important enough to be the reason we aren't getting these loans. Only Robyn, Meri and I are." Imagine his speaking to Robyn or Meri that way. Never!
    4. These people insist on having more and more children, even considering the extremely expensive in vitro fertilization, when they can't financially care for the ones they have.
    5. Mariah is clueless. If she thinks the sister wives thing works, she has been more isolated than it appears. And quit laying a guilt trip on your mother.

    1. Logan absolutely needs to live on campus. This poor kid deserves to have a college experience apart from his hugely dysfunctional and distracting family. I say any money spent on letting the kids have a real college experience is the only smart financial decision they might make. I admire Logan, he has tried very hard to stay out of the limelight and just wants to be a college student. I have a great deall respect for Logan and he deserves to get something out of the deal.

    2. IMO - Logan deserves to live on his own WAY more than meri deserves a 7 bedroom house!

    3. CPA Carol and DakotaJustice,
      I don't think that the posted was saying that Logan and Mariah didn't deserve to go to college. Logan and Mariah are great kids and they should go and get an education. I think what the poster was saying is that no one in this family thinks about finances. The average college graduate is taking on $26,000-$40,000 dollars of debt and they're not obtaining employment to pay off this debt. Student loans are the next housing crisis. Students are taking on too much debt. I hope they do get grants because Kody and his wives decided to have too many kids. But someone is paying for that too! It is called the tax payers. The parents need to educate Logan and Mariah about their student loan debt. Student loans have to be paid back in full. We can't afford another bail out.

  40. Okay, it's not letting me type in my name. :(
    TurtleGirl93 here-
    I'm rewatching the first season on Netflix. Man oh man, I want to say how they have changed but they really haven't. I do think they tried harder at first to hide the cracks but rewatching it with this perspective just makes it easier to pick up the body language, etc.
    More importantly, I've had to rethink my stance on a couple of the family members.
    Mariah: oh my gosh, she was a cute little thing. I know we try to choose our words more carefully in regards to the kids but I have to say I had forgotten she was ever a healthy size. She was pretty even, and she laughed and smiled. I also had forgotten that wanted to go to Anapolis. I really wonder if giving up that dream (and yes, it is very hard to get into the Naval Academy.. Kody, for once, was right about something.) somehow pushed her further into embracing polygamy. I'm sleepy so I'm not going to explain my thought very well. Basically Kody says that being a product of polygamy will make her application process more difficult--you do have to have a recommendation from someone important, like a senator or whomever. I think Mariah gave up on the NA after hearing that and is now borderline fanatical. Maybe this is her rebellion somehow?
    Christine: I've not been a Christine fan pretty much from the get go. I want to say it was the fear of toasters that did me in. Tonight I realized that Christine has had what I call a "small life". I don't think she's had many experiences outside the polygamy familial world. This is all that she knows and, even sadder IMO, this is all that she wants to know. Now I feel guilty for all the times I've rolled my eyes at her.
    Also? I had forgotten she had had a miscarriage before Truely. A very bad one. Janelle said she thought Christine could have died. But we only hear about it in the Truely's birth episode, yet we've heard about Meri's several times. I'm not saying that Meri's wasn't traumatic and terrible but I feel like this is another way Christine is being slighted. It was like, "Hey Christine, sorry you almost died there but you rallied. You had another kid. Now how 'bout trying for a boy?"
    I'm still rooting for Janelle. I want to find some inner empathy/sympathy for Meri and I'll keep trying, no matter how hard it is. I think Robyn has Daddy issues--she mentioned that there were times she couldn't claim her father in public and she talks about her stepfather treating her as a full daughter; I think Kody, already being a father, filled some Elektra complex-need psychological thingie for her.
    If none of this makes sense, or comes across as fighting words, I completely blame the Ambien!!

    1. Turtle, this was good. I agree with you about Christine. Very well stated. I have not ever cared for her either, but now my heart goes out to her.

  41. Christine and Janelle (with their kids that still live at home) should get a house together and rid themselves of Kody, Meri and Robyn. I wonder how Kody, Meri and Robyn would feel about doing all the work for a change and paying child support and Christine & Janelle finally getting what they are due!

  42. meri clearly needs to go back to school asap. because getting as large a house as janelle and christine does not mean she is getting an equal share of the family's resources...such a selfish dumb agreement and I can't believe Janelle just bought into it and did not present the logical truth. so I guess they all need to go back to school, like, TODAY. As has been said by sisterwives bloggers here a million times,it means she is constantly getting more, not equal. And she can cry all she want but the fact that he has one child even though she WANTED more is completely IRRELEVANT to the issue of equal distribution. The stupidity is astounding, right up there with robyn and kody. Did she (meri) go to an online school or something? I take that back, the powere of education on the internet far supersedes their logic here. Thanks for listening. Bigtime reader and fan of the blogs and comments. I'm sure I'll be back for the Review!!

    1. Meri tweeted something about taking a test a couple of days ago...so maybe she is going back to school.

  43. Oh yeah and I forgot to add that I loved janelle's comment about her thoughts on what would happen should she ever pack up and go!!!! LOLOLOLOL DO IT JANELLE!!! Matter fact, take christine with you! Leave Rob and Meri with Kody (It makes me amd to even write those three names)...I bet the best friendship would quickly dissolve btw m and r and they would finally have to get what they deserve: a job! To support themselves financially and take care of the homemaker duties. Christine and Jannelle are definitely the most useful (and used) people in this situation.

  44. Anyone know what the ratings were?

    1. Sister Wives 1.1 million viewers & Breaking Amish 1.3 million viewers...

    2. Dunno but I wouldn't put it past Robyn to pull a rabbit out of her hat if the ratings start to dip.
      That's probably why she has her sister living with her... what better way to create INSTANT drama and a buzz than sudden rumours of romance with carefully placed *hints* about Krody and her sister.

      What could be more sensational and steal the limelight away from any *new* polygamy shows than the prospect of an actual SISTER as the new sister wife... think of the wedding plans... the supposed turmoil, cat fights and red herrings TLC could create with that scenario.

      Has there been any explanation as to WHY Robyn suddenly needs her sister living with her?... I might be way off the mark but nothing would surprise me when it comes to Robyn... she seems like she knows she's finally got a good thing going on with this TLC gig...easy money, fame, books, lots of opportunities and I don't think she'll let it slip through her hands without a fight.. lol

      Can you imagine Christine if that happened?
      Would be like years ago with NUKES going off in Vegas again. :-0

    3. Sorry Caramel, I am questioning your numbers there. According to TV by the numbers Breaking Amish got 3.063 million viewers and Sister Wives had 2.786 million viewers.


      It looks like you are looking at Adults rating 18-49. SW got a 1.1 rating. Breaking Amish got a 1.3

      I think it's more telling what the these shows were up against. Sister Wives was up against The Walking Dead, Real Housewives of Atlanta, Dexter, Boardwalk Empire. All very competitive shows. Walking Dead is the number 1 show on cable right now. Looking at TV by the numbers Sister Wives was 3rd in it's time slot behind Walking Dead and Real Housewives. Overall both shows did very well.

    4. IKR?? It's very close to dipping underneath 1 million.... it'll be interesting to see what the ratings are next Sunday.
      Also, if Robyn's sister was showing cleavage & wearing a short sleeve shirt w/o any layering so she needs to get w/ the awful fashion program if she intends to be a SW...Lol

    5. People love a good train wreck you know.

      besides its the first show of the new season. I wonder if after this TERRIBLE show of flashbacks and constant teasers that turned out to be totally bogus/overblown that people won't tune in for next week's show.

      on the bright side...that gives us lots of fodder to chew on here :)

  45. I feel SO bad for Robyn. She had to work and provide for her own children. Poor baby.

    Meri wants a house equal to the size of her sister wives, who have five more kids than her. That just goes to show what kind of problems these people have with each other. Obviously there is tension about who gets what. If Meri was a confident and secure woman, she would be more than happy with a two bedroom. She wouldnt be taking stock of what her sister wives have. Nobody needs bedrooms for the kids they never had. That is INSANE. I used to like Meri. Now I see how weak she is. And insecure. So very insecure. Maybe I would be too. If I could only give my hubby one child and desperately wanted more, and I watched him marry and have over a dozen children with them, I might be a bit insecure too. Who knows.

    The Browns love to waste money. Who goes to an attorney to help you repair your credit?? Go online. All of the advice and how tos are FREE. You can repair your own credit and not pay a dime. A fool and his money are soon parted.

    Their jewelry is REALLY ugly. I would say keep your day jobs. But yeah, you know...

  46. I am SO sorry! I kept trying to post on my iphone and it wasnt going through. It would default to this page with no message. So I go on my computer and I type a post and it says it will be posted when approved. My apologies for the multiple post. Had I known my comment was pending approval, I would have just waited!!

    Sorry guys for the multiple posts.

  47. I can't help but wonder WHAT kind of clothing they will offer on their site...
    I've yet to see any of them wear ANYTHING I'd want to borrow from their closet for free.. let alone purchase given the choice.
    If the jewelery is any indication...their clothing will be over priced and the shipping with be astronomical!
    They all dress like they shop at Walmart.. which is fine but if I want Walmart clothing I can go to Walmart.

    Do they actually think they're fashionable and have cool clothes or something?

    I just don't get it.. *scratches head* LOL

  48. I totally agree Helena Handbasket. I am a regular Goodwill shopper and although I do not buy my clothing there(NOT that there is anything wrong with that!), I do think that their clothing styles parallel what I see at our local Goodwill stores. Generic and inexpensive cheap clothing.

    I think the Browns are very bad with money. If they all had great paying jobs, they would STILL manage to mess it up. They are lacking basic financial skills. If they had any sense, they would have stayed in Utah and paid off their home. The MINUTE TLC came on board they wanted four brand new homes. How dumb. Their kids are going to be mostly gone just ten years into the mortgages. And for Meri, she would be paying that mortgage until her daughter is nearly fifty years old.

    If I were to advise them, I would advise them to move back to their Utah home and to take ANY money from TLC and pay it on the mortgage. They should focus on becoming and living debt free and ridding themselves of that mortgage ASAP. They need to learn to live BELOW their means. The TLC gravy train is running awfully sluggishly lately! I think I can hear it grinding to a halt! LOL Its pretty obvious they stretch their money to the limit. They seem to enjoy wasting money. With four wives, they should have got the bulk of their home furniture from Freecycle or the Goodwill. It would have saved them at least 50%. Then they could have paid their BILLS with the difference. You know, the Victorias Secret one, the water one, etc. I used to be a BIG TIME fan of theirs. Now, I cant stand them. They represent much of what is wrong in our society.

    Meri should forget having another baby. That ship has sailed. The best thing she could do would be to go back to school so that she can generate a decent income for her family. For her to not work and to live in a huge empty house would be weird and greedy. How would she explain that to neighbors and friends? "I WANTED six kids, thats why I have a six bedroom. I DESERVE six bedrooms because my husbands other wife has six kids and six bedrooms!I WANT an equal number of bedrooms as my SISTER WIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!"



    If I were her, I'd be happy to save the family the resources and Id get a two bedroom condo. But then again...I wouldnt BE in her position to begin with.

    1. I totally agree with you ohmuhanim
      The Browns suffer from the "I want it ALL, I want it NOW and it has to be handed to me on a silver platter or I'll cry!" syndrome.

      It's almost embarrassing to listen to them when they have one of their sit down meetings of the ADULTS.
      The conversation is always immature and fraught with so many tears it's hard to believe they're not children.

      another pet peeve of mine is their penchant for saying "very, very, very, very, very, very much!" when they want to sound SERIOUS

      Who does that!?!??...other than tweenie girls drooling over a poster of Justin Beiber?

  49. I rewatched it again tonight only b/cuz I too thought it was boring & had a hard time not channel surfing so I missed a lot & wanted to go back just to watch for mostly what everyone on SWB had pointed out. Anyways did anyone else notice in the scene w/ Mona handing out the "approval letters", that Sol had a Sharpie pen
    in hand & just chewing away??...smh The camera guy made sure he had a zoomed in shot of it too...lol
    Now I'm sure w/ all the shopping that Robyn does, Sol has quite a few chew toys that she could've brought along for him.

    1. Mariah tweeted a picture of Sol eating her car keys (which a fan advised her was really unsanitary). Can you imagine who has handled that sharpie last, and what germs are on it? When I was an instructor, I would always bring my own dry erase markers to use because I did not want someone elses germs on my hands. Uggggghhhh!

    2. omg letting a baby suck on carkeys is so gross...
      I was at my doctors office and a lady handed her baby car keys to suck on.
      Yuck and a sharpie is just as bad.. blech.. sweaty hands and who knows how many have handled it in an office setting.
      Good grief

    3. Did you also notice how close to the edge of the table she placed Sol in his carseat when she was with the lawyer? That bothered me.

    4. I admit I didn't notice those things, but then again i've never been a mommy.

      Not only the germs but I would be worried that the top would come off the Sharpie and what a mess that would be...it's permanent ink...

    5. That would explain her kids being sick all the time. Seems like once one kid gets sick the germs spread quickly. Also if you're not in habit of simple prevention & maintainance i.e hand washing/sanitizing, antibacterial wipes, cleaners, etc...then ur family is more a prone to colds/flu...IMO

  50. I think I have figured it out, I know this seems crazy but work with me on this because I have yet to hear any better explanation of why this show has gone off the deep end.

    We all know that they still own the Lehi home (and are renting it out) even though they moved to Las Vegas. I started thinking about the fact that Lehi is notorious for homes that can accommodate the plyg lifestyle. I looked on zillow and sure enough there are an abundance of homes that fit the lifestyle. With that said I thought, I wonder if they had neighbors that were being jeopardized by all the publicity? So maybe they moved away from Lehi because of a combination of reasons including having livid neighbors that DID NOT want their own lives to be exposed. The Browns might have received threats to move… not to mention “the investigation”.

    I can’t help but wonder if they plan on moving back to their Lehi home once the TLC gravy train runs dry. Are they just doing the show in Las Vegas to keep the public eye of off their peeps and home base back in Lehi? I know TLC or figure 8 would never agree to BUY their McMansions in LV but perhaps they have agreed to pay rent (like Honey Boo Boo) on their current homes and use the McMansion as a fake story line (like Breaking Amish)? Maybe they are just in Las Vegas to “film on location” sort of like an actor would do for a show or movie?

    I know this may all seem way too far-fetched but now days I wouldn’t put it past these production companies and networks to push a scheme like this. Even if it wasn’t the Browns idea I think it would address A LOT of questions we all have about this clown show. I just don’t buy into what I am seeing on TV.

    Maybe I have let my mind wonder on this too much but I just can’t help it! This show just doesn’t make sense “as is.” There is something fishy about all this and I can’t wait to find out what it is.

    PS I live in Las Vegas and can confirm the houses/lots are still on the market (two of which are pending).

    1. I started thinking about the fact that Lehi is notorious for homes that can accommodate the plyg lifestyle

      Almost every house on the Brown's street were plyg houses, owned at one time or another by the AUB (including the Browns old homestead). I wouldn't doubt that the reason they left was because the neighbors didn't want to be "outed".

    2. you could be right... nothing would surprise me with this show.

      My mind has been going over the last episode and somehow it just doesnt ring true or make much sense.. something seems fishy

      As I said earlier it wouldn't surprise me if Robyns sister was brought in to add some drama.. maybe Christine will get suspicious (she's already admitted how jealous she gets) and maybe TLC thinks it will make for a great story line with lots of red herrings, cliff hangers, cat fights and inuendo.

      I don't recall any detailed explanation why Robyns sister is suddenly on the scene and living with her?
      Childare?.. isn't that what the other sister wives and family are for.. they've preached how that's one of the many benefits so why would she need her sister to help with childcare?

      Or maybe it was Robyn's idea and she has plans for extra drama if the ratings drop (a supposed or maybe even real romance between her sister & Krody)... these people are such money grubbing con artists I wouldnt put anything out of the realm of possibility.

    3. I know why Robyn's sister is there. It is so her fertile womb can carry a second baby for Meri. Robyn and Taralyce will carry Meri's 'twins' whilst Janelle stands by mentioning that funds are finite and Christine turns her rental swimming pool into a bowl of nachos big enough to swim in.

      When the twins are born, both boys, they will be assigned 2.5 rooms each in Meri's Mansion of Dreams. Kody will marry Taralyce (because sister wives are comfortable with another wife, not a surrogate girlfriend) and the next generation of Browns will issue forth from her womb.

    4. Yes, Anon, I can believe your theory. Also, Helena Handbasket---I luv your screen name :)

    5. The expose' on the Breaking Amish story distortions and untruths punctuates how these companies will *and do* create false scenarios and will run with them until they are outed. All they need are willing participants, who once lured and seduced with the promise of money, go along with the bogus storylines.

      As inconceivable as it is to think that adults would willingly subject their families and children to such scams and false pretenses, apparently they do just that. Just watch the debut episode of Breaking Amish where the characters are filmed tragically walking alone along the roads with suitcases in hand, then being wide-eyed and naive at seeing NYC for the first time, etc, etc...all bogus.

      And then go back to the manic hysteria of the Browns packing up the cars and vans, with crying, confused children as they left Lehi like stalked fugitives, with the cameras following their progress on the road.
      Think of the checks signings done while propping the checkbooks on the car fenders as Kody ran around the site flying balloons. Really, who in real life does shit lke that...?!
      Bogus....it's all bogus......!!!

      As for the Dargers waiting in the wings for their 15 minutes of fame and $$....they should be aware that viewers are not as stupid or needy for entertainment as they used to be.

    6. I didn't watch the Breaking Amish show or the specials, but have read about them. Is it really TLC, or the production company who was trying to scam the viewers? From what I've read, it was the participants who scammed everyone - I'm guessing that the production co put an advert out stating that they were looking for Amish participants to film this reality show and these con artists, who as it turned out had already been "exposed" to the secular world, saw easy money there for the taking.

      Just like the Browns...F8F wanted to do a polygamy reality show, and they campaigned to be THE family.

      BTW did anyone else notice in the Dargers' photos that the wives and some of the kids are wearing SHORT SLEEVE tops?? Hmmm. i guess that the Browns would consider them as sinful???

    7. Is it really TLC, or the production company who was trying to scam the viewers?

      I definitely think it was the production company. Having 1 faker slip by is possible, but all 5??? Not a chance. This was clearly a case where the drama was all for show, and TLC has spent a lot of time and dollars trying to repair the damage to its already tainted image.

      I have a feeling TLC will not be doing business with that production company in the future.

    8. But still CJ...it got the viewers watching. Now that everyone knows the Amish thing was a scam, people will be more interested, it's that whole train wreck thing.

      The reality TV "industry" is ripe for this sort of scamming. IMO.

    9. Dakota...Nope. Check out wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sister_Wives

      In the autumn of 2009, independent producers Timothy Gibbons and Christopher Poole approached Figure 8 Films, a North Carolinian company, with the concept of a reality series about the Brown family. Bill Hayes, the president of Figure 8 Films, said the company agreed to the idea after meeting with the Browns and deciding their lives would make a great story.

  51. I just rewatched the episode..
    I really think the only ADULT in the group is Janelle and she decided to just go along with Meri's twisted logic rather than argue with her because it would be like wrestling with spaghetti or trying to reason with a 2 yr old.
    Any adult who'd seriously present the reasons Meri gave to justify a 7 bedroom house is so immature it would be a waste of time trying to explain... plus if it's true that they didn't actually get the houses then it's a moot point anyways.
    Let Meri live in her dream world where we automatically get anything we ever wished for... hmmm sounds like Disneyland to me.. maybe thats where Meri should live.

    **Sung in my best Jiminy Cricket voice** lol
    When you wish upon a star
    Makes no difference who you are
    Anything your heart desires
    Will come to you

    If your heart is in your dream
    No request is too extreme
    When you wish upon a star
    As dreamers do

    Like a bolt out of the blue
    Fate steps in and sees you through
    When you wish upon a star
    Your dreams come true

    okay Meri now go put on your Winnie the Pooh jammies and skip off to bed sweety... ugh LOL!

    I was literally laughing as Meri tried to justify all those bedrooms...and she did it with such intensity and emotion.. like it actually made sense and didnt sound INSANE! *shakes head in disbelief*
    The only part of the show that made me sad was listening to the teenagers explain how their parents are a bunch of dreamers and you can never count on ANYTHING they say.
    The little ones are still naive & innocent enough to jump up and down with excitement but the teenagers have had their fill of "Kody the Krusty Clown and his Traveling Circus and Sideshow"

  52. From what I have gathered, Mare ( I hate to hear him call her that) has only been pregnant 2 times. One miss carriage and one live birth. I don't understand the surrogacy issue at all. It would seem to me that conception is the issue not carrying the baby. (Many, many people have one unexplained miscarriage and go on to have multiple children later). Offering to carry a child that she can't conceive anyway is really no help at all.

  53. I don't understand why they are building 4 different houses anyway. Why not build a big, big house for all the people, on the four lots? They could get a lot of story out of going before the boards and committees trying to get the them all to accept their polygamy, threatening them with lawsuits if they don't let them...I just don't understand, if the house in Utah was good, why not build a similar and nicer one now?

    1. I'm convinced at this point that there was never any intention of buying or building a house in LV. If the move was really intended to be a permanent move, they would have sold the Lehi house, and Janelle at least would have been actively looking for a "real" job. it's all for the show $$ and once cancelled the family will quietly slip back to Lehi.

  54. Holy crap --- I wanted to see how much shipping would cost if I were to order the ornament (I live in Ontario, Canada). Shipping would cost $88.10! I order from the USA ALL the time for knitting products (lots and lots of yarn) and other items and for my knitting supplies I have never paid over $7.00 for shipping. The most I've ever paid for shipping from the USA was 39.00 for UPS. Seriously, 88.10?! That's insane.

    1. Wow, I'm getting a killer deal because MY shipping costs would be a "mere" $14.17 to the SF Bay Area :) WOOT!

      and yup the only shipping choice is UPS ground! too funny.

      Someone at TWOP forum stated that they feel the Browns would be able to pay the mortgage with the website sales. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    2. Extremely ridiculous! I'd rather take the $117.74, $88.10 or hell even the smaller fee of $26.99 & spend it on Black Friday sales for better quality & more useful merchandise!!! Greedy asses who obviously have no business sense or savvy. Once again Brown's, EPIC FAIL!!!!

  55. IMHO, feel everyone should get at least one job
    Previously when pinched financially, I have worked two full time jobs to get out of the doldrums and I'm a senior citizen.
    As they compare thigs to the Utah house,
    modify those plans, build on a dbl lot.
    It appears that they have not bettered themselves
    in LV, go back home and restructure.
    These houses are crazy to begin with.
    Looks like everything will be lost on their current path.

  56. I think Christine and that "worry about the unpaid water bill" during the pre approval "scene" was her passive aggressive attempt at slamming Robin for her debt issues. The whole thing is so contrived now.
    And kody is looking way worse with that mad scientist type of hair.

  57. It appears that the wives have been so financially strapped for so long that this show money is great to satisfy the need for pocket money - like getting the tax refund - yippee.
    Robyn's sister needs to goto college, learn some
    skills, meet other people - she's smothered there.
    Probably the kid in college has a work/study
    job on campus that pays for r & b. Thought he stayed in LV to commute.
    Meri can always foster care several of the others' kids. Figured she would want her own indivuality than be like them. Weird.

  58. I bet some of Meri's reluctance comes from not being the pregnant one. There are tons of children running about, but not many pregnancies now. I'm betting pregnant women get a lot of attention, especially from Kody. Having a child by surrogate does nothing for that.

    Also, watch how hard the attorney tries not to laugh when Robyn talks about taking in the debt to "keep the peace.". Yeah yeah, the lawyer is thinking. No one ever takes on the debt because they just air they spend the freaking money!!

  59. Dear Robyn, I just about spit when you weretalking about taking on the "responsibility" for the debt to keep the peace. Oh Honey, please don't call it "responsibility" because from what I've seen, you don't know the meaning of that word!

    Now hush, and go back to marketing things for SW Broom Closet. Here's an idea even. Go to walmart, and purchase a pack of multi colored sharpies and market them as teething rings for little ones. Word of advice though..you may want to glue the caps down first, or it could get messy.

  60. Back to Breaking Amish/SisterWives connection or whatever you want to call it.

    I read on the TWOP forum that one of the participants in BA spilled the beans (of course considering they lied throughout their series - -which I have yet to watch but might see if its on Comcast OnDemand - who knows if its true) that the five of them were paid a total of $250k (or $50k per person) for the season. That sounds about in line with what i think the Browns are being paid. If memory serves, Jon Gosselin did state in an interview that they were paid as a family, not individually. However the "Amish" kids aren't related so I would imagine they each got paid separately. And for tax reasons, I'm guessing that the Browns are paid via their "entertainment" company.

  61. Tyralyce is the bait in Robyns trap. No, not Kody bait-- Robyn is not sharing.

    Logan bait!

    Remember the college decision episode. Robyn and children all dressed in UNLV clothes and cheering. What is wrong, here? Janelle hoped (for the serious reason of his faith) he'd choose the Utah, LDS Mormon school. Very important to her.

    Robyn (step-mom to Logan) sided with her husband and called attention to her victory in keeping Logan around for her (Robyn's) children. Remember too (a previous episode), she made a point of telling the mom's Hunter and Logan helped *her* with the packing.

    Right. Taralyce is too young for Kody. Just about Logan's age.

  62. You know getting off topic alittle bit. I was looking for the Natalie Morales interview, the second one. I ended up buying the first one instead. Let me just say you all looked so happy. How far you have all fallen. And I dont think it was so much as them faking america as they were just nicer to each other. Kinder with words, more affection with hugs. Meri looked thinner and happier, Janelle not as stressed remember how Janelle and Kody used to have coffee every morning. Christine was assertive and flirty. Now they just come off as greedy and they dont care about each others feelings at all. We can rip them to shreds on this blog and they deserve it now. They look ridiculous!!! Its just sad to look back and remember how they used to be. I dont think they will ever get that back again.~Jen

  63. I had to check the ornament price, too. The total plus shipping is $117.74 I do live in northern Alberta, but still- they aren't shipping to the moon.

  64. I just watched the episode and must say that I'm pretty disappointed.

    No big news here. I was at the very least hoping for some more Christine-Kody-drama. Have they worked in their relation? They seem fine now anyway. C even said she is not happy now, feeling like a single mum.

    So I guess they'll just continue their big marriage without any anything big happening. Unless Kody decides to marry another wife, which seems unlikely as at least Christine has said she doesn't want any more wives now.

  65. I just have to comment on a few things (I'm now hooked on this blog!). All of the wives have such low self-esteem that they don't think they are worthy of a whole husband. And they continue to teach this to their children.

    Meri wants an "wet-bar"?? But they've said that they don't drink. Unless they put the Green Kool-Aid on tap?!

    The whole Mona scene was fake. "We haven't discussed what will happen if only 3 of you get approved." Gee, Mona, you've got all 4 "approval" letters in front of you, you know that's not the case, so why bring it up other than to create fake drama. I swear, none of those letters had anything printed on them. I could see a letterhead/logo at the top, but nothing where the body of the letter would be. Fake! Plus I've done a few mortgages in my day (with my 800+ credit score because I pay for what I buy!!!!!) and I've never had my Realtor tell me if I was approved or not.

    When Grody had all of the kids in front of the lots, one little girl (in pink) stood in front of him and held her arms out, like to be lifted up or hugged and Grody ignored her 100%. I'm one of 9 kids. I never got attention from my parents and I don't see Grody & wives setting the standard for child rearing.

    One thing we forget about when we discuss how much money the Browns are making are "personal appearance" fees. Because they're now "celebrities" they get to charge money to appear at their expos, etc. (excuse me while I gag). I'm kind of surprised they don't have a PayPal button on their website, so people can donate to them. 100% BS that they wanted to educate America. They wanted to ride the Reality Star gravy train for as long as it lasts.

  66. I do find it so interesting that you cannot find the second Natalie Morales interview, even to be purchased, anywhere. At least not that I can find!

  67. Robyn just tweeted that they are looking into outrageous shipping costs. And possibly refunding overcharging to those crazy people who actually paid that. HMMM maybe they do read the blog.

    1. Pretty pathetic...or arrogant...whichever way it goes, to all of a sudden say, "Oh, oops, *maybe* we are overcharging."

      They DAMN WELL KNEW what the S&H was going to be....and greedily, callously decided to see if there were enough fools willing to pay it without complaints.

      Unless of course they never actually go to their website and test it out, so hadn't a clue. And that may be what they will try to spin about the whole mess. Except that won't work since they have tweeted about their sales. But they will spin it somehow to look/ sound all helpless and teary.

      And if that really was the case, then what the hell is the head Kloset-Klown, Robin, doing all day..."at work." ??!!!

      No question, they read here.....Hi, Browns....*waving again*

  68. I know we all keep talking about one of the Brown kids to write a tell all,but I seriously think if things went south really fast, that Robyn would be the 1st to sell out & tell all, if not her then one of her kids. Particularly the ones who are not Bio Browns. Only b/cuz Sol is the only blood tie to the Brown family & if the kids have no real connection then they may not feel a sense of loyalty either,esp when they're broke & desperate. Actually, it's possible that if they piss off Tara too much or take advantage of her, she could easily sell some stories to TMZ, or other sources. So ya'll better play nice w/ the lil sister....Lol

    1. Ha !!! CB, True !! True!!!!

      They really are taking a risk letting someone in to see the *true* underbelly of KodyWorld. She could do her own spin-off...!!

      Wonder if she has had to sign a confidentiality agreement? :))))

  69. Peanut Butter FritosNovember 21, 2012 at 2:08 PM

    I'm cool with fake, or even a lot of staging, but this was BS. All of these idiots have declared bankruptcy, and then act offended??? Why won't TLC show us?? ROTATING BANKRUPTCY. GOVERNMENT BENEFITS. Those are the real fruits of polygamy. And when they are taken away you have to figue out how to get your stupid website working with $100 shipping to take care of kids you can't afford.

    My only saving grace is that the intrusive, awful contracts of reality TV might allow TLC to expose this scam once this show is over. Or, better yet, a sister wife might do it once she leaves (shock!) and we would all be stunned. First to the table gets the deal. Just saying.

  70. I'm really hoping that when Maddie gets older & gets married, she will be able to show her mom how much healthier & happier it is to have a full time husband instead of 1/4... By then, Janelle's younger kids will be teens & almost adults, so maybe then, she'll muster up the courage to LEAVE THIS MADNESS & find happiness for herself. Janelle isn't afraid to work & knows how to budget, so she would be better off. Seems like the only thing holding her hostage to this nightmare is her sense of responsibility not only to her kids but the whole damn Brown circus.

  71. I use to enjoy watching the show, pre Vegas and pre Robyn. It was interesting how they all interacted as a family and still had individual relationships but now it has nothing to do with interacting or relationships it is all about fortune and fame ( it you can call of that). Even though I have never liked Kody, I miss seeing him and Christine having fun together and seeing taking interest in the kids lives. If SW read this and I am pretty sure they do. Please take some advice and get back to what is important like your kids! We all would love huge nice homes but in the end that doesn't make someone truly happy.

    1. Thank you...I know a LOT of people out there live in huge homes and aren't any happier than the average person. Our society's view of happiness is so misconstrued. Get back to basics Browns and start to cherish the little things again. Simplicity is key.

  72. I don't even know where to begin with these people. I watched the episode and actually thought they wouldn't get any pre-approval. How can they, after all the women apart from Meri are all single mothers, with no jobs to speak of, and a bunch of kids, not to mention their horrible financial past.
    Nevertheless, they got pre-approved (or so we were led to believe) but what shocks me even more (not, really) how selfish and ungrateful they are.
    - they have a house in Utah, and financially they would be better off going back there, adding a few rooms and for once try and be responsible.
    - Why does Robyn need her sister to live with her? She decided on this weird lifestyle, knew Koduche wouldn't be around all the time, and now the sister is going to be around? So Robyn can work? She has no job, and doodling in a notebook is not work.
    - I tip my hat off to Madison, considering the family she was raised in, I'm glad to see that this young lady doesn't want to live this ridiculous lifestyle, and has courage to stand up for herself, and what SHE believes; good for her.

    Lastly, not very related to the show, but just something I wanted to say. It saddens me to see these people that were born in a country such as America, yet they have nothing to speak of. They've had everything at their fingertips, they could have gone to college, gotten degrees, ACTUAL JOBS, watched their finances and paid their bills, and they just didn't care to.
    I come from a war torn country, I left my country at age 8, and witnessed some horrific things, have had so much happen to me. My father had his kneecap broken during the war, and at age 32 was told if he needed another surgery (he's had 5) he would become an invalid. The Browns do not know what hardship looks like, they do not know what it is to lose your home, and everything you own, they do not know what REAL RUNNING AWAY AND FEAR ARE! They were scared of a cop driving through the street and sirens? Try hearing gunshot after shot, after shot and noises outside whilst you're in the basement hiding, and praying no one bangs on the door to enter the house and kill you and your family. They don't know the fear of having a parent be forced to go to war and front lines, and the fear of unknown; will he come home?
    I could write a book about it. Moved to a new country where I had to learn English, had no friends, and yet managed to get educated, find a job, lead a productive life, pay my BILLS (how can someone forget to pay their water bill?!) and I just can't even understand why these 'adults' can't get their act together. It just isn't acceptable in my opinion. Know what my college educated parents did when we came here? They worked in a factory, they did it so we could put food on the table, and pay our bills, walked 45 minutes to the grocery store and carried our shopping back home. We were beyond happy when my parents could get us a little car so we could at least get shopping done without asking extended family to help us with bigger items.

    Please Brown family, spare us your dramatics. Your life could be so much better if you actually put your bloody thinking caps on. You have five adults, yet no one is actually USING THEIR BRAIN! Not one adult is actually doing anything with their life. I just don't buy their crap anymore, and I truly believe if someone wants a job they can get one. It might not be some prestigious job, or something you really would LOVE TO DO, but if cleaning windows puts food on the table and pays the bills, then do it. No shame in it. It is a shame to be a grown adult, with so many children yet be no kind of role model, that's a shame.

    Sorry this was long but I had to vent.

    1. Elle- LOVE your post. You really get to the heart of what bothers most of the readers of this blog I think.

      This is a group of 5 healthy adults living in America, and what are they doing with their lives, besides popping out children they cannot afford?

      They are in their 30's and 40's and while they are going to be raising children for the next 20+ years, they are all also going to be hitting their late 50's and into their 60's in those same 20 years. They are in the prime time of life to be making good money from a career. And all of them are basically sitting on the sidelines as far as that is concerned.

      So not only should they be thinking about the costs associated with raising a child to age 18, and possibly college, they should also be thinking about their own retirement!

      They come off as a massive group of takers to me. What do they contribute to this world besides more children? Do we ever hear of them talking about charity for others?

      The delusion these folks live with is frankly mind-blowing.

    2. Scaring the kids about being arrested and separated sickens me.

      When was the last time people were arrested for polygamy that didn't involve underage marriage? The 1950's? I bet that Maddie knows that and is sick of her parents using that bullshit excuse.

      It would be like me going outside and smoking a joint or something and a cop car passes by. You know what they will do - NOTHING...yup it's illegal but THEY DON'T CARE. that's because they have more important public safety issues to deal with!

      How many times has Utah said THEY DON'T CARE? Damn they could round up half the town of Lehi for practicing polygamy if that was true!! it would be so easy...but they don't.

      I'm SURE the teens see through that...with the exception of our young fanatic, Mariah.

    3. Elle, thank you for your excellent post....I hope, as some have said here, that the Browns DO read this blog and especially YOUR post....it definitely puts everything is perspective....the Browns and their 'lifestyle' certainly can rile people up and get their blood boiling...I think it's because so many of us try to make our own way in the world, without government help and without forgiven credit/bankruptcies...we are the ones you don't hear about (talking to YOU, Browns!!) who have to pay high interest rates because YOU couldn't manage your finances, 'someone' has to make up for idiots like you and it's us....and still you cry (especially YOU, Robyn!) about high end homes that YOU cannot afford!! Get what you can afford or go back to Utah, but stop this immature behavior, your teenagers are so much more mature than all 4 of you 'adults'....your show would be watchable if you all would get JOBS, like us regular folks and take care of your family....you 'adults' are all so pathetic...

  73. S. Schulz from North DakotaNovember 21, 2012 at 2:38 PM

    First of all I can’t believe they are trying to get and build 4 homes!!!!

    What would be wrong with a 4 plex type or one home with 4 wings and share certain areas, like a game room or laundry areas, or outdoor pool & BBQ, etc….

    To me they all seem very greedy, materialistic, selfish, entitled, or covetous – take your pick!

  74. UP TO ALMOST 600 COMMENTS just on this one show!! LOL and that's BEFORE CJ has even written her review! ;')

    These dysfunctional adults are pretty unlikable. Robyn sure showed her "lying and denial of owning any responsibility for my own financial mess" honed b.s. skills. I'm sure she got told off and screamed at (provided she ever even answered the phone and actually talked to a collector - which i have my doubts she ever did) when she supposedly pleaded her cop-out, "i'm just a poor single mom of 3 and i don't have any money to pay my$4000 Victoria Secret bill!!" oh, the hilarity.

  75. In Utah, they had Janelle and Kody working full-time and Meri working part-time. So, 2 1/2 jobs out of 5 adults ALL capable of working full-time. Then they went from that to moving to Utah and NOT ONE single adult is working full-time!!! HAH! and they're supposedly pre-approved for 4 $250,000 homes!! HAH!

    Yeah, how come Robyn NEVER says what her full-time job was?? Was it just as "full-time" b.s. as her new Strong Whiny Women's she claims she does now? lol Her sister DOES NOT look thrilled to be living w/her. Does her future only hold out hope for an equally dysfunctional plyg marriage like Big Sis's? DEPRESSING!!
