Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Discussion Page for S05Ep01 Sister Wives 11/18/12, page 4

Please continue your conversation here!



Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Everyone! 


  1. HaremhaterI commented on the previous page about janelle blurting out about moving money around. She did not say pay robins bills. She was talking about moving money. I think that they can shuffle money from one account to another to make it look at any time one wife has more money than she actually does. In the past janelle probably did that to make them look like they had less money so they would qualify for govt. Aid. Anyways I imagine that robins bills are settled.

    1. I think that is what Janelle was implying though. She may not have said to "pay Robyn's bills" but it was implied. If any of them didn't get approved she would have to "move things around" to either pay down some of the debt to get approval or make it appear that wife has more liquidity than she really does. I'm sure they transfer money from one account to another as needed/wanted. I bet Janelle has access to all the accounts and can move stuff as needed (including the family accounts, individual accts ect)

      That being said, you would have to have a bit of money in an interest bearing account to really affect government aid. Medicaid for example only wants to know if you have interest income. Same thing with WIC. I'm not sure about the others such as foodstamps but I doubt it. Hell a woman in MI was getting foodstamps after winning the lotto because she didn't report those winnings so I'm guessing they didn't look at how much money was in her bank account either or they would have known. They don't ever ask for bank statements. They want to know how much money you make. Christine for example doesn't work, she is a single mother of six with little to no income, she will qualifiy regardless if she has 300 or 3000 in her checking account. Unless Utah/Nevada is different they don't check the actual bank accounts just your income coming in.

    2. In Texas, I was on food stamps for a couple of months and I had to provide proof of bank balances to get the benefits started, and then I would have had to show again every three months after to keep them. But, I was already off of them before three months so I didn't get that far.

    3. I had no idea about food stamps so if that is true everywhere then Janelle probably did move money around to get aid. Though I think they would notice if you had all this money then it was withdrawn. My guess would be she kept the bulk in Kody's account and gave to the wives as needed (or a small allowance) as not to make the accounts show big deposits or large amounts of money at any time. Though I doubt they had a lot of money anyways.

    4. There is quite a bit of income from the show. Kody wants equity in the homes as a way of securing a future. When the money ends he can sale the homes and take the equity with him. In the meantime 4 mortgages means 4 tax breaks on the interest. Ok here is a thought... 1 wife, 1 bedroom.. 2 children for 1 bedroom. That would give Meri 2 bedrooms, Janelle and Christine 4 each and Robyn? Well she needs a bedroom, her sister/nanny and her spawns from previous marriage could share a room and new baby? He can sleep at Meris. She gets a 3 bedroom home. Sorry.. feeling snarpy after watching that cruddy family last night. Where did the wives of season one go to?

  2. On the last discussion page was commentary regarding the extremely high shipping costs for the Christmas ornament and apparently Robyn tweeted saying they were "looking into it". Balderdash...they've known since they first launched the website because people were complaining/commenting at THAT time that the shipping costs were too high - that was in May or June right? and Robyn said "we're looking into it". yup.

    As far as how they got selected - of course Figure 8 films was approached by the original producers, but the original producers were the ones who initially put out the feelers for a polygamist family to feature on a show.
    Go to the above link, then to "projects". the producer approached Anne Wilde at Principle Voices and asked for recommendations, they suggested the Browns after seeing a 2 minute BBC News story about the family. After producing a "teaser" they took the project to Figure 8 Films.

    1. And Christine worked/volunteered at Principle Voices and when the topic came up with Kody that she had been approached in the past several times about interviews/tv shows, Kody said, "why didn't you tell me?". That led to Kody insisting on a meeting with the powers that be. Previously, Christine only did the BBC interview because it wouldn't "out" them. I had to laugh thinking about how ticked Kody must have been that Christine didn't tell him about the potential tv star opportunity! It's like she couldn't have that position as her own, she had to report to him in case there was an opportunity for him.

      Food stamps: yes they ask for bank account statements sometimes and they specifically ask if you own property other than your residence that you actually live in. You don't count your 1 st house, your 1st car, and grave plot. Everything else is an asset Medicaid/link card looks at. They don't always ask for proof, but given cause or random audits they will,

      Again, I think the whole pre approval letters were contrived and that's why Sobbin Robyn and Kody and Meri were do pissed and upset on the couch after, they knew the truth. But I wonder if they did not let Christine and Janelle in on it? Their reactions to the letters seems genuine and I don't think Christine is that good of an actress. She's so naive about finances they could dupe her.

      I do like the previous poster's comment that she thinks christine purposely brought up the water bill to show how small her problems were compared to Robyn's. Do you think Christine could plot that or is she too transparent??

    2. Sobbin Robyn New favorite name.. Thanks for making me laugh.

    3. I don't think Christine plotted that at all. I feel she really has no idea how those things work and really thought that one or two late payments would mess up her credit especially since "those who do know" about those things had warned her to make sure everything stayed current. She is a great wife and mother but I think when it comes to some things she is just is too underexposed to know how things work.

      I think all of this is over her head. She has never had to worry about anything financial related before. She always had Janelle to handle those things and before she was married I believe she lived with her family (never independently) She probably really did think she made a huge error especially with the pressure on them to keep things up until they got approved.

    4. My fave nicknames here since the beginning of this blog have long been Grody or Kodilocks, Mean Girl Meri or Mother Meri and Sobbin' Robyn. No one's really ever felt the need to nickname Janelle or Christine. A little more empathy is easier to bestow upon them based on their actions and less devious character.

    5. Alas, I cannot take credit for Sobbin Robyn. A mind way more clever than mine coined that.

      I did compare flighty ADHD Kody to the a dog who is looking around, going look at that car, I want the top down, oh there's another car, Oh, SQUIRREL! He did used to seem so distracted. That has even changed in my view. He's more focused now but mean and intense. Intense is the word I think that gets it more.

    6. Victoria, I totally agree with you about Christine. And Kodilocks is the best nickname ever, lol

  3. Jen pointed out on the last thread Janelle and Kody used to have coffee every morning back in Lehi. I forgot about the morning coffee. Sometimes it's the little things and I'm sure in a marriage where you have to share your spouse those little moments like sharing coffee in the morning meant a lot even if it was only for minutes. It was their time every day.

    I think the move to LV killed this family. Kody used to go from apartment to apartment in Lehi and check in with the kids and tuck them in no matter whose night it was. He was accessible to all the wives and children on a daily basis. They mostly ate together daily. So even though he'd spend time alone with each wife there was plenty of time for them all to be together regularly. Every wife seemed happy in their role back then.

    I believe even with the addition of Robyn they would have been happier in Lehi where each had their own role and Robyn would have soon found her place in the family. I mean Christine even seemed happy at one point with Robyn being closer because at that time Robyn had been helping with the kids and the household duties that Christine normally took on by herself. However; when the up and left Christine and Janelle lost their roles in the family dynamic. Kody is no longer present in their lives everyday, neither are the other wives if I gave my best guess. I really wonder if it was worth it to up and leave like that for any reason.

    1. I remember thinking that it was very endearing that he woke up early every day to say goodbye to her. Now, it seems like he couldn't give two shits about her, or Christine. It's all about Meri and Robyn and their kids.

    2. Exactly Type(little)- It was those little things that kept them connected and now those things are non-exsistant. A lot of people rush to blame Robyn for the problems which yes a new wife was bound to cause some tensions as they figured out how to incorporate her into the fold but it's Kody that is the problem.

      Christine & Janelle do get the shaft. Kody even said he like to "escape" to Meri's house like "sanctuary" because it's so quiet and clean without all the kids. I know that's one of the reason's he favors her. She has more time on her hands to give to him as where when he spends time with Janelle & Christine he has to compete with the kids for attention and I'm sure when he is there the kids also want his attention as well, which leaves less time for "mom & dad time" It's too much work with Janelle & Christine. Meri is the fun one who has time to fawn over Kody with minimal distraction. Robyn is still new so he devotes the attention to her as well. Now that she has a live in babysitter she has more time to fawn over him as well. It just seems unfair that he treats the wives with the majority of his children like 2nd class citizens because they have to take care of HIS kids instead of being the fun on the go wives.

    3. I think Kody needs a vasectomy, 4 women with 1 guy, women u gives us other women a bad name, nobody should have more than 1 wife, or 1 husband, bunch of sickos, Kody ur a disgrace to society

  4. (Mock Jobs, thanks for your comment on my comment on the previous post!)

    I haven't actually watched this episode yet but I will tonight! I almost feel like I'm going to the dentist---I'm dreading it but I know it has to be done (to satisfy my morbid curiosity). I may even make PB Fritos for my snackies! This is the time of year to splurge. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

    1. To you too, turtlegirl...and to all the SWBloggers !!!

  5. In the last thread Anonymous November 21, 2012 4:25 PM posted:

    "In Utah, they had Janelle and Kody working full-time and Meri working part-time. So, 2 1/2 jobs out of 5 adults ALL capable of working full-time. Then they went from that to moving to Utah and NOT ONE single adult is working full-time!!! HAH! and they're supposedly pre-approved for 4 $250,000 homes!! HAH!"

    I have to say that I can undestand Christine (or any one of them) staying home while the other 3 worked. To pay daycare for that many kids would be pointless. 2 of the mom's (Janelle & Christine) would work to pay daycare for their kids. I have only 2 kids that would require full time daycare and let me tell you it's an arm and a leg for toddlers. The older kids sure they could come home after school and mind the little kids but somebody would have to watch the non-school age kids.

    Though even with one mom being the SAHM minding the children (to avoid childcare cost which they would probably end up using government aid for anyways) there is no excuse for the other adults in that house. Like back in Lehi why was Meri only working part time? Her only child was pratically grown. There is no reason she could not have worked a full week to help support the household. I seriously think Robyn joined the family so she wouldn't have to work. I think she expected them to take care of her. It's ridiculous to me that Kody would take a 4th wife when he couldn't afford the 3 he had.

    1. i guess what i was saying is that ALL 5 adults were capable of working full-time. they could have rotated working hours along w/ sharing childcare duties. But yes, Christine stayed home and took on Janelle's kids BUT she also got food stamps and who know what other kind of welfare along w/that? It's still wasn't fair to the taxpayer to have to support this man and his harem and all the kids they kept CHOOSING to have when they knew they were dependent on state aid to support them. PLUS the bankruptcies they filed.

      Just like Judge Judy told that plyg Tom Green in her court - Look, it's the lifestyle YOU chose! TAXPAYERS are NOT RESPONSIBLE to pay for your illegal lifestyle!!

    2. Got to Get Me a Sausage TopNovember 22, 2012 at 11:14 AM

      "Bleeding the Beast" - that is the Plyg way. I wonder if they hold information nights on how to use the "system" to get all the benefits they can.

      We have a plyg group here in Canada called Bountiful in British Columbia, and all the wives collect welfare and apply for free dental care because they claim as single women with kids and no source of income. They also line up at food banks for food hampers.

    3. I agree but odds are unless Christine (who doesn't appear to have a higher education) made really good money it wouldn't be worth it for her to work and she would probably end up on food stamps anyways (I know at least 2 single mothers with 3 kids who qualify for foodstamps even though they work) and then would also use the government to help pay for daycare as well. Though I wouldn't be suprised if they didn't scam that too with Christine getting benefits from the government for being an in home daycare provider. I guess what I should say is that I don't care if one stays home to watch the kids as long as the rest are working to pay for those kids. If they can't afford the one's they have they have no business bringing anymore into this world. Just like I've said about Kody, I will never understand why he took a 4th wife when he couldn't afford the 3 he had. Like the Duggars, sure have as many as you please as long as YOU can afford them and don't expect the rest of us too.

    4. I think thats why they all have nice cars, cause they get so much welfare, damn ppl living off the system, they make me sick.

  6. Elle from Australia, thank you so much for your previous post! I wanted to tell you but looks like no new posts are being accepted :) I LOVE THIS PLACE!!

  7. So many posts read, "Get a JOB!"

    I googled the government listing of jobs. Jobs are started by enterprising folks writing a book or starting a business daily-- even Web sales and entertaining. :)

    I too agree the Brown's current jobs appear temporary nor do I know the amount of cash they get. Uncle Sam labels such "income-earned" JOBS, and taxes accordingly.


    The writers to Sister Wives Blog share much financial wisdom. I do hope the hard-working Brown family takes notes as they read.

    I hope too, the Brown young folks look outside the family for budgeting knowledge. I know there are several good books on this. Does anyone to the Sister Wives Blog have a favorite that a young person might profit from reading?

    1. Here's a great website geared towards most ages as well as educators - it breaks everything down nicely :)

    2. Dave Ramsey's program is fantastic! We followed his program to get rid of our debt and while much of it is common sense, it helps to have it all spelled out. He has special programs for young kids, older kids and teens which are great. Our young grandsons are doing quite well with his plan.

  8. Okay I'm new to this show ad it looks real interesting to watch but i wanted to know do all the wives have the same last name or did they keep their own maiden names?

  9. I have read all the previous comment that came to mind when the discussion was on if Meri should have the 7 bedroom home and what is fair to all involved. I teach a lesson to my class (I am a teacher).....Fair is what a person needs...not everyone getting the same thing. I tell the kids to think of a place on their bodies that has a fake boo-boo and I give each kid a bandaid on their left upper arm.....doesn't matter where the boo-boo is they all get the same bandaid on the same spot. The kids understand this concept....fair is getting what you need. don't NEED seven bedroom home! Janelle and Christine do need more money for their cost more to feed a family of seven...I know...I do it!

    1. Thanks for the definition of fair! I love it!

      I understand that the homes need to be a certain size to fit in with the neighbourhood and for resale purposes. However, they do not need to be exactly the same size. I don't understand why they don't just give each wife the same base amount for her house and then add some reasonable amount for each child she currently has. For example, say the base amount is $415K and the amount for each child is $10K. Then Meri gets to spend $425K on her house, Robyn gets $455K for hers, and Christine and Janelle each get $475K.

      This way, the total amount each wife can spend on her house is in line with both the neighbourhood and the number of children.

      Of course this kind of thinking doesn't account for all the children a wife wanted to have so it wouldn't work for Meri - but she's being unreasonable so I don't care about that.

  10. This comment is kind of off topic because it might be addressed in the next episode but something that the Brown adults have said is a bit contridictory to a "We believe/Our Values" statment found on their family blog (I found it at In a statement on the blog just mentioned, the adults say: As our children get older we respect that they will make different choices for thier lives. Regardless of those choices we will always love them and include them on our family." Yet on a several episodes several of the moms and Kody have tearly asked Maddie (Janelle's most outspoken-against-polygamy child) why she doesn't want to be in a plural marriage, why she wants to "leave" the FLDS...Doesn't that go against the statement they made so publically about wanting to respect their children's life choices? Sounds a little hypocrical to me...
    But I shouldn't say anything because I am watching the dumb show like there is no tomorrow! Shame on ME for watching when I don't support their life style!

    1. Anonymous @ 7:35 PM - great comment on how they've said their children can make their own choices!

      I did want to say that the Browns don't belong to the FLDS though. The FLDS was famously brought to light with Warren Jeffs and the large number of families at his TX location.

      The Browns belong to the AUB and while they believe in polygamy, the AUB doesn't force teenagers into marriage with older men and many of the other things that the FLDS did under Warren Jeffs and others.

  11. IMHO Robyn played the meek/submissive card on Meri. Meri wanted a bestie since "she never had that with her sister wives". She thought she could control Robyn and use her to further upset Janelle and Christine but it blew up in her face. Robyn hid her true natue and passive/agressive ways until after the wedding. Also, since Meri is the favored/controlling wife I don't think she counted on Grody spending so much time with Robyn.
    Also Meri calling Grody "Lover". I think it's a dig at Christine and Janelle by suggesting she and Grody maintain a hot physical relationship. Oh please don't let me imagine a visual of that! Meri has always commanded Grody's attention but she's no match for Robyns adoring gaze at him. Yuck. I feel so bad for Christine. When she told Grody she was having a hard time accepting Robyn he responded by being mad because she dared speak her mind and spending less time with her. Then the whole Nacho thing. I think she given up on ever having a decent relationship with any adult in her family.

  12. There were soooo many things that stuck out to me, but the one I can't get out of my head is when Krody and Meri were talking about the fake baby that's never going to happen, and Kody says, belligerently, "I AM having more kids..." Or something along those lines. WHY, WHY, WHY?? 17 aren't enough? He and Robyn need to pop out some more? They need MORE mouths to feed?? And why did he have to say it to Meri, at that moment, in such an as*hole tone of voice. It was like he was telling her, explicitly, "I'm having more kids, period. You can either partcipate, or I'll just spend a little more time with Robchin." SUCH a JERK.

    1. The part that bugged me was when Kody said, "Honestly, Meri, we're all just trying to support you" when he was doing nothing even close to supporting her. Such a narcissist. Such a liar.

    2. of course he needs more kids, he has a planet to populate!

    3. That "support you" comment annoyed me too. He doesn't even know what support is. His idea of support is to bully her into doing something painful, impractical, exhausting, and where the odds are actually stacked against her. All for his own ego to be stroked by maybe possibly hopefully having another kid. He's such an ignorant jerk.

    4. Okay so I do not understand how this works with the planet population thing. So if Kody has multiple wives and children he gets his own planet. Is the planet populated by his wife and children then? So does that mean Logan does not get his own planet even if he takes on multiple wives and has many children of his own? What about Mariah whose planet does she live on, Kody's or her husbands? The whole thing just doesn't make any sense to me what-so-ever.

    5. well, you have spotted one of the basic flaws of the mormon celestial plan there. the fact that it doesn't seem to bother any mormons might go a long way towards explaining why utah spawns so many pyriamid..., i mean MLMs.
      to answer your question, mariah will be on her husband's planet and logan will have his own. how that helps populate kody's planet is something i have yet to see addressed

    6. So basically if the husband has his own and takes his wives (but not his children as his males will get their own and his daughters will live on their husbands) then Kody can stop having kids and just needs to aquire a ton of wives. I'm assuming once they all get to this new Kody "planet" they will be able to reproduce there as well right? Maybe they populate the planet once they get their as their reward.

      Ugh doesn't sound appealling to me at all lol. I mean I want to enjoy my time in the afterlife, not raises thousands of babies. is that where they believe we came from? Are we the product of one man's harem and their attempt at populating the planet? I'm joking with that last sentence. LMAO Oh my Gosh that is just so utterly rediculous.

    7. well, somewhat worryingly, your jokey last sentence pretty much covers the mormon version of how we are all children of god, something which no other vaguely christian group would take quite this literally.
      let me expound upon that: according to the mormon view of the world, we are all spirit children of a god by the name of elohim who started his existence as a human and then ascended. he had us with thousands or millions of wives. his eldest son is jesus, lucifer also a son. the reason we are on earth is to learn enough so the men can become god themselves. future children wait as spirits in the pre-mortal realm to be born into good families.
      i swear, i'm not making any of this up. take half an hour online to read about this insanity, your mind will be blown.
      btw, i am a catholic (yep, we have some crazy doctrines too) and have friends in most major religions, all of whom i respect. with the best will in the world, i find myself unable to extend the courtesy of not laughing at mormonism and scientology.

  13. Well it looks like TLC is jerking everyone around re. Sister Wives. According to this "chat" with an Amazon Rep. (Amazon sells "instant view", episode downloads and DVR of "Sister Wives" seasons) TLC is having "content" issues with Amazon.

    I hope these are soon cleared as the Rep. suggests.

    (a brief edit of the "chat" follows)

    Amazon Rep:... I can contact our development team and have them look into whether or not we are going to be getting the content. You may be able to get quicker answer by contacting TLC directly and asking them if they are going to be posting their content on Amazon for purchase or not.

    Me: TLC is not known for giving ANY information to "fans" re. Sister Wives. I will appreciate if you can go ahead and contact the development team.

    Amazon Rep: Oh! Well here we go. I see that someone has already contacted them about this issue.

    Amazon Rep: It looks like we had some trouble with the content rights but we are working to get that resolved rite now.

    Amazon Rep: It's not giving me an exact time or date of when the episodes will be posted, but it does look like we will be posting them soon.


    Wishing all a Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks for the fyi, SoilentGreen. I got tired of waiting and went to itunes yesterday, but the playback was just awful (freezing,skipping). I'm hoping amazon gets the episode soon!

    2. I watched this episode, today, on Amazon.

  14. One area that I don't think has been covered is why Kody does MLM. Its so he can write off a portion of his rent, utilities, clothing, etc. As "business expenses." So his taxable income will be low. Certainly enough to qualify for an earned income credit but probably not much more.

    I used to be a fan. I had a fan page. One of the Browns friends-oweners of their "official facebook pan page" sent me extremely rude emails demanding I take my fan site down @ Kodys request. Naturally, I did. They're a nasty, entitles, lazy bunch. Why does Kody keep making kids when they're being feed by the. USDA Food Stamp Program?

    1. Do you still have the email? It would make an interesting read.....

    2. It's called: BLEEDING THE BEAST.

    3. That is nuts!! They have no sense of being a celebrity. Should have appreciated your fan page. Dumb

  15. I agree wholeheartedly with all of you who complain about why this family keeps on popping out the kids with no end in sight...and totally agree with the point about taking of the ones they have.....I'm thinking it's part of their 'religion' that Kody and wives have to procreate as much as possible, could anyone (Dakota Justice, Cynical Jinx, etc) help me out with this, is this a fact??? Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving to the moderators and posters, you are all awesome!! :D

    1. Look back at our religious posts- the more children they have to populate their future planet- yep cookoo

    2. I just asked a question on anther post about that. The whole populating the planet scheme makes no sense at all to me and how anyone can buy into it is amazing. I mean can a soul be split to populate mulitple planets or does Logan not get his own planet even if he takes on multiple wives and has a ton of kids too? What about the women? Do they populate daddies planet or their spouses planet? See what I mean it appears the only people left on Kody's planet would be the wives after the kids start their own families. Just sayin'

  16. As long as Meri delays her decision about Robyn carrying Meri's child, then Robyn won't be pregnant with Kody and Robyn's child. I think this is Meri's controlling motivation in not announcing that she definitely doesn't want to use Robyn as a surrogate. There are also many genetic issues that could come into play with Meri's "older" eggs, but with her attitude you can see why she would only want a child that is purely Kody and hers. Mariah would not be living at home when (IF) her mother had another child, so she really would never have any real impact on this child's life or vice versa. I do see that Kody is much more openly physically loving to Meri. He appears to only be concerned with her mental state and not that of his other wives. That is just so sad!

    Does Janelle have a close sister wife relationship with anyone? I had first thought that she was close to Christine, but it may have just been because Christine was involved daily raising her children while she worked.

    We don't hear much from Christine's teenagers recently. I wonder why.

    The old issue of Hunter adjusting to Las Vegas seems to be resolved since I've read elsewhere on the Internet that he is his class president. I'm glad he has found his way afterall.

    I hope that Kody does not take another wife. If he did, then would (or should) this family survive?

    1. hunter's class president? that's great. i really worried about him, he seems like a decent kid. i would hate for him to suffer any more. get out as soon as you can is my advice.

    2. I think he will. I really do not see any of Janelle's children following this lifestyle. I think they see first hand what it does to their mother. They feel first hand what it does to the children. If it keeps going the way it's going I doubt we will see many if any of Christine's children chosing this life either. The mother's are miserable. You can tell them that plural marriage is a good thing all you want but they see/feel the truth.

    3. You know I have been thinking about your comment that Meri putting off her decision will prevent Robyn from having another baby until Meri makes a decision. I don't think they use birth control or pratice any method to prevent conception. I think it is incredibly plausable that Robyn could end up pregnant again before Meri makes a decision.

  17. Why do I watch?? lolNovember 21, 2012 at 9:54 PM

    If they think TLC will be around much longer they're wrong. People are losing interest in their clan. And the jewelry looks cheap and ugly. They'll lose money on that. And they failed at the fitness before it started lol. They need real jobs. As a taxpayer I'm tired of paying to feed their kids. And Kody WILL have more as he said. Selfish. He is using these dim women to stroke his ego. Robyn uses her kids as a meal ticket. She learned nothing in her first marriage.

    1. Ahh but we do still watch! (I do online, when they come up on fastpasstv, can't be bothered to structure my evening around them.) Perhaps TLC knows the hate is building and people tuning in for the train wreck. Milking it much as they did when the Gosselins imploded? :) I hope so. Nothing like a good train wreck.

      Run Christine and Janelle, RUN!! Wrangle a deal with TLC for a show about 'surviving polygamy'. I would actually watch that one!

      Shipping costs for decoration to go to Canada. Over $100 on their lame, seldom working web site. Seriously???! SERIOUSLY?!


    2. I am from Canada too, and I read that same thing that it was over 100.00 for shipping. So I went on the website and placed an order which I had no intention of completing. I went right through to the end, and the system did not charge any shipping at all. Big fat 0. Maybe there is something wrong with the website.

    3. I wrote to them via the website yesterday and pointed out that shipping on an ornament to my location was $105 and change. I then respectfully suggested that since they had a very limited time frame to sell this item that they might want to look into their shipping policy. Maybe a lot of other people complained as well?

      It says 2012 on it.. Come on! You have ten minutes to sell those puppies! I think the idea of making money with this website is ridiculous, but if the decision has been made then do it! I don't want their kids to starve just because they can't get it together! :-/

  18. Why do I watch?? lolNovember 21, 2012 at 9:55 PM

    I think Janelle gave in to Meris request only to make her look like an idiot. It worked. : D

    1. I think you are right.

      Janelle may have some spunk left in there somewhere, however passive/ aggressive it may be. :=)

  19. Can anyone upload the episodes to youtube? I see that all the Real Housewives full episodes have been posted.

    1. Found the episdoe on isohunt if that helps.

    2. Well, two things, what with with the credit guy wearing shorts to the office? It looked so unprofessional! Second, Kody checking out Robyn's younger sisters boobs, yes, he's looking for wife # 5!

    3. It's VEGAS baby! Credit dude looked like the Pawn Stars guys. Lol

  20. I'd like to know if they take the salary TLC gives them and divide it equally or proportionately between the four wives, because if they are a family like they say they all are, Janelle and Christine obviously need more money for their children. I would hope that is the case. That should be a question asked in one of their "Ask the Brown" segments.

  21. I know this has been said before, but Christine and Janelle should leave, film their own TLC show, and then ask for child support from Kody. They're already like single moms already.

  22. Mormons believe they're duty is to bring as many babies into the world as possible. They believe babies are in heaven waiting to be born.

    Kody will take another wife. These women are aging. He is going to marry a young, hot virgin. It will KILL Robyns self esteem. But he doesn't care. He did the same thing to Christine. Broke her heart by taking a "last" wife. He is extremely selfish. He is so disconnected from his wives and kids. They're only with him bc they think that's the best they deserve. He isn't a father to any of them. A few minutes here and there isn't being a dad. I bet he knows very LITTLE about what his kids are into and what their typical day is like. He is too busy selling snake oil. Within the next three years. He has to. If he doesn't find a new wife, TLC will end the show. Its already fizzeled out. They're milking approval letters for homes they can't afford and will never own. That's pretty bad!! They're running out of ideas. Plus, Kody wants more kids. These women are aging and I think Janelle & Christine both said they're done having kids. Meri is infertile. I bet Robyn is already pregnant. Kody will probably marry insecure, young, dumb women so long as there's one willing. And there are ALWAYS women willing to scrape the bottom of the man-barrel. LOL

    1. Too bad Robyn was far far far from being a virgin. Lol He failed to think about that and you have to wonder if mean girl meri would allow that. I'm sure she's helping him scope for the next sucker but Idoubt she will let a brand new potentially fertile uterus into her clan. That's assuming Robyn's sister isn't already number five. In that case, guess they do weird.

    2. Thanks, Kody is Krudy, I thought there was a 'religious' reason for popping out as many kids as possible, whether you can care for them properly, or not (as in this case!!)....

  23. The idea that the longer Meri waits to make the decision, the longer she makes Robyn wait on having her next child is REALLY interesting! I like it! Even if Meri isn't self aware enough to have thought all of that out (and really, these folks are so non self aware) it could still be subconscious.

    I would caution folks about making rash statements about older mothers, or saying she wouldn't want to be fifty and have a child in kindergarten. Because, well, yeah, some of us would! I have one child that is 16 and one that is 18 months, and my husband and I are the same ages as Meri and Kody. Minus the other wives!! While I'm not a big Meri fan, it was a big leap, but we are thrilled to have jumped.

    1. Meri might be uneducated and emotionally retarded, but she is conniving as hell. I would not put it past Meri to to have the ability to consciously drag out the surrogacy issue precisely to delay Robin from having another child.


    So, Christine and Meri have have different necklaces from My Sister Wives Closet on display. Interesting. Robyn looks soo much older since the show started.

    1. I thought Janelle looked great in this clip. Her weight loss was very noticeable compared to the older clips. Congrats to her efforts. Christine looked good too. Meri looked so frumpy. And Robchin, well I kind of got annoyed when she jumped in speaking about what SHE wanted for Maddie.

    2. Correct me if I'm wrong but Meri didn't speak once in this clip. She nods a couple of times and I think she smiled at the beginning but she never spoke up, even when they were discussing 'her' clip with Mariah storming off. Does anyone else think that's strange?

      JJ [first time poster but long time lurker]

    3. What's super weird about this clip, to me at least, is that Christine and Janelle, who are unarguably getting the short end of the polygamy shaft, are the most vocal in supporting it.

      I'm thinking it's one of those psychological effects where people who are heavily invested in something keep investing in it even if it is going badly, because they don't want to lose their investment. Except instead of good money after bad it's their mental health and resources for their kids that they're sacrificing.

    4. I just saw the clip....Why didn't Meri speak once? And she was shoved in the back right hand side of the group....the farthest away from the interviewer.....Isn't she usually the one who does most of the speaking of the wives? Isn't she also the one who always sits next to Kody? I just wonder what is really going on....

    5. The one at the top that Baylor posted:


    6. NachoLove-I agree 100% I honestly think when they defend their lifestyle the way they do, they are trying to convince themselves more than they are trying to convince you or I. I also think if they were to do anything but say how wonderful it is they would have to deal with some sort of backlash from Kody. We all know he is very particular about what the family says.

  25. There's a new preview on et online:

    Seriously, how can they all think it's fair that Meri gets the same budget. It's in no way fair. Boo Hoo Meri, boo hoo.

    1. Wow, what a clip! With the realtor saying a wet bar is a necessity whilst there are 17 children to be housed and fed. It's almost as if these people are on some other planet entirely. It's like they don't even know what words mean. A wet bar is not a necessity for anyone. Meri does not need a dedicated hobby room, or a wet bar, or even a pantry.

      I don't know whether to give Janelle and Christine props for not exploding entirely, or whether they need some sort of intervention. It's crazy, literally crazy.

    2. That realator needs to get a grip. Stop sucking up to the Browns, they're not buying the houses, they are simply wasting your time.

    3. i think the phrase you're looking for is 'your logic does not resemble our earth logic'.

    4. thebigbackyardhouse.comNovember 22, 2012 at 8:34 AM

      I cannot believe that clip! Does their religion ever address the issue of GLUTTONY? My understanding from that clip is that Meri can't get the "simple" things she wants (ie: a pantry, a wet-bar, a first floor craft room) within ANY other plan than the 5 bedroom one. This is all a mute point since we know now that they aren't moving in (according to Christine in the ?UNLV? appearance), but the BS they are trying to sell us, the audience, is incredulous. Even more unbelievable is the number of people who fall for it. Have you seen the facebook Sister Wive's page? Give a decending opinion over there, I dare you. You will be jumped on and called a bully faster than you can say "peanut butter fritos". Lemmings.

    5. anyone see the death stare Meri was giving Janelle when she was talking about why she didn't think Meri should get as big a house as the rest of them? lol!

    6. Yes Anony 2:44pm, I definitely noticed her 'how dare you question me & go to hell' ugly scowl...smh

  26. I think I figured out Mari! The baby issue. We know she doesn't want another child, she just wants to be the center of attention. Okay fine. Get this, I put the pieces together from reading all the comments and clues from my fellow viewers.

    Mari is 45. She is gaining weight. Her hair looks like it is starting to receed. She is in Menopause! And she doesn't want her sister wives to know it much less her "lover".

    Hell no, she ain't having no more kids! But she'll be damned if she gives up her spot as Queen Bee.

  27. Sister Wives Survey general 5 questions

  28. For people promoting their religion they are doing a bangup job.Robyn has always been in my book a attention getting crybaby.In the beginning when Kody was courting Robyn and Meri was so into it I had to question if she wanted Robyn for herself(just sayin).The show/lives have gone downhill fast but they brought it upon themselves why should we all care that they can't all live together there are people more worse off in this world.And Kody seems to care more about haveing relations with his "wives" than spending anytime with his kids.But to each their own

  29. LOL Kody and Meri look identical from behind!

    1. You are so right!!!!! I thought that was meri sitting with Robyn talking to that guy (picture above)! That's hilarious!!!!

  30. I can not speak for everyone. But when I say the Browns need jobs what I mean is they need jobs that pay hourly or are salary. When there are seventeen children and five adults to feed then having a MLM business and a small web site makes you look like you're skirting responsibility. These businesses will help them qualify for food stamps and state medical. Because when you have a business you can write off many expenses.

    I think TLC is responding to the backlash of the viewers who feel the Browns are lazy & entitles. I believe that is why Robyn was given a segment to cry and share her pitiful story of single parenthood. I think that backfired. Because I thought to myself that she hasn't learned the first time around! She obviously can not properly provide for the children from her first marriage to her standards. So what does she do? She has another child! How miserable she will be when Kody finds his next wife. She will have no way out. Sadly, she hasn't the brains, education nor business sense to have the freedom to walk. She will have probably four of Kodys kids then around that time I predict he will begin courting his next wife-to-be.

    The Browns have financially devistated themselves by adding four of each bill. There is no reason why they can't move back to their Utah home that I know of. Why would they even want for new homes with five or more bedrooms? Its excessive. They would have done great with two side by side duplexes. They could open up the back and have no back fences inbetween. They could all live in four bedrooms and use the garages as a familyroom or common area to expand the space.That would be so much more afforable.

  31. I am pretty sure that Robyn didn't say she took on ALL of the debt. I'm fairly certain that she said she took "most" or "a lot" of the debt. Does anyone know for sure?

    Robyn filed for bankruptcy and she had significant consumer debt. I do not find it noble to take responsibility for your bills. I expect one to pay for the items or services they received. It appears she never has paid her bills. First she files for bankruptcy so she doesn't pay her debt. And then she ignores whatever debt wasn't covered by bankruptcy protection. How irresponsible!! I understand that things happen. I know she accumulated the debt while she was married. I understand she had to pay for the basics first. However, none of that is an excuse to skip out on your obligations. She could have had the accounts closed, had the interest stop accuring and paid $25 a month until she got ahead. If she didn't have $25 then she could have earned it by babysitting. Her plea for sympathy for being a single mom made her look as bad as she ever has! So she had to feed her children, pay her electric bill and live in a trailer? And? So? Who cares, Robyn! They are YOUR kids. You chose to have them. So take care of them. How tacky to go on telelvision and cry that you didn't have money leftover after paying your bills. And the below the belt comments she makes about her ex make her look like a bad mother. Yep, I went there. Rarely will I call anyone a bad mom. However, when you talk about your childrens father like he is a jerk on telelvision then you are a bad mom! Newsflash, Robyn you picked him! Apparently you wanted to marry him and have his kids. Don't whine now about how bad of a guy he is.

    Id love to ask Sobbin Robyn what she learned. Did she learn that sometimes marriages don't work so a woman needs something to fall back on? Did she make sure she didn't find herself in the same position again? Nope. She got knocked up and is repeating her cycle. When Kody finds his next wife and she has had a couple more of his children she will become financially trapped and stuck with Kody for the rest of her miserable life. Its all very sad. Oh and I wouldn't be at all surprised if Kody married Robyns sister. That is VERY common in FLDS families.

    I am glad Mariah is going to college. She needs to grow up and experience life outside the mormon cult. She acted like a two year old crying about wanting her mom to have another baby. My goodness! Its not your life. Its not your body. Its not your decision at all. Grow up. Act your age. And Kody saying he will have more kids when Meri was talking about being unsure if she wanted to try for another was cruel.

    I think Meri wanted more kids at one time. But she is getting older and will likely become a grandmother within the next five years. Seasons change. I don't think starting over at her stage in life appeals to her. I think she enjoys a quiet, clean home and she loves having Kody to herself when he is with her. I know she says she wanted eight children, but I believe part of her is content with the one daughter. I started over at her age and it is a challenge for sure. I would've been done with kids now. Had all day to myself. Now I have a four year old who is extremely active! I have fourteen years to go! LOL He is my everything. But having a baby when you're kid is grown is a big big deal. I don't think Meri wants it and that's okay! She needs to just move one and get over it already. Having a big emoty house with rooms for the kids you wanted is not healthy. Its also greedy. There are twenty two people to consider! And you want a bunch of empty rooms! That only makes sense if you rented them out!! : D

    1. Very well said Angel!

    2. Agree, very well said Angel...

    3. If she filed bankruptcy after her divorce why does she still have a $4k credit card bill dating from 2008?

    4. I have not been able to actually confirm that Robyn filed bankruptcy. There is a video on youtube from Rebecca Kimball (an anti polygamy activist and sister of Irene Spencer LeBaron) who said someone was suppose to send her the "proof" of Robyn's bankruptcy, but she never got it, so it must be just one of those rumors. And no, I don't believe she filed in Mexico!

      Anyway, for some reason, I fail to see how Robyn would be in a position to pick and choose what creditors were listed in her phantom bankruptcy filing...if she was as poor as she claims.

      I think those were debts are the ones that she was held responsible for in her divorce decree, and she simply did not pay them.

    5. Great posts. Now, can someone pleas explain to me how Robyn could be that much in debt and still be driving a Honda Oddyssey, which as far as minivans go, is one of the more expensive models? Why doesn't she sell it and drive a less expensive car? My husband's and my good car when we had 3 kids her kids' ages was a Toyota Corolla that seated 5and had no a/c. Guess what? It's now 21 years old and I still drive it! It's called being practical.

    6. Why doesn't she sell it and drive a less expensive car?

      Don't forget Kody's Lexus sportscar, which we haven't seen since he got the MLM UglyMobile. I wondering if Kody gave Logan his beloved Lexus.

      Anyway, I believe that is the same van Robyn had before she married Kody. It probably is worthless as far as resale - being that Kody's not known to be a hands on car maintenance kind of guy.

    7. I believe Robyn had a 4,000 victoria secret credit card wasnt it? Got to have a lot of panties to cover her minimus maximus. Probably has a draw full of those bras with water filling them. Her excuse of I need every cent desperatly to support my children? The creditors laughed her off the phone I am sure. I think a lot of us on here have been single moms before or are now and yes, money is tight. I have worked 2 jobs to pay my bills and recruited family members to watch my children. I would have loved to stay home with them as she does now. But, I had to pay my creditors. She has not had a JOB the whole 2 years so, how could she possibly pay her debt? LOL... I think she gets 5,000 episode or 100,000 a year if you add that up although I believe Scrody dips into it for his hair gel. Just a thought but, did he marry Sobyn for LOVE? For what? I think he married her for reality tv in order to create a program. There will for sure be another wife and I believe he will begin to date her soon as they loose fans on the show. I am not going to be a fan much longer as I went to their modestly priced website and they charge 17.95 to ship each item UPS. If they want to work why doesnt one of them package it up, drive to the post office and mail it insured, with tracking and priority next day for about 5.95? No longer supporting the greedy wives. I would have liked to have a ring and the ornament which I can well afford because I work about 55 to 60 hours a week. But, I am no idiot. I am not paying them all that in shipping and handling, after all, I need to pay my debt. And guess what? I have NEVER bought anything on credit that is from a panty store! Wally world, Ktarget all sale panties and bras to do the job for those busy working moms. What did she work 2 years out of her whole life? Sobyn saw the gravy train and hopped on.

  32. I know that I posted this in another thread but I'm still just really mad about the fact that Robyn was able to put $5,000 down to secure a lot for their homes but was unable to pay the $4,000 credit card bill that was apparently the biggest one. It just really doesn't make sense to me. And she get's manicures?? It absolutely baffles me. The fact that she would have that much debt and it just let it SIT in collections while parades around on vacations and getting her nails done.

    1. Right? My husband is a student and I would love to get regular manicures but I've had 1 in the last 2 years because guess what? If you don't have expendable income, or you don't have a job, or you're in huge amounts of debt, you don't spend your money on frivolous things!

    2. These people are not known for their smarts :)

    3. Finally seeing realityNovember 23, 2012 at 11:15 PM

      She was getting manicures before she married Kody when she was supporting the kids as a single hard up mom. Please!

  33. I'm re watching the episode and Robyn is bawling and bawling on the couch about the pre approval process and saying "I was livid" and "crap" and she's just bawling then they show the approval part and she's perfectly fine and talking and excited on the couch. It's like she went from one extreme to the other even though she already knew that she was pre approved. I've never known a person to cry as much as she does.. about EVERYTHING. This show is a joke and so is Robyn.

  34. I watched the clip for the new episode & all I can say is WOW!! Obviously Meri does quite a bit adult entertaining to need the wetbar so desperately. The stupid "how dare you" scowl she had on her face during the couch interview when Christine & Robyn were addressing their concerns & opinions. Her desire to have a wetbar more than a nursery speaks volumes & there's no way in hell she's really even thinking about having another baby. I hear she wants a hobby room, pantry, wet bar & extra room. Not one time has she ever specified having a room just for a nursery!! So there's ur answer Kody & Robyn. A few of us here have agreed that Robyn really wants to be a surrogate for Meri so that when Mariah does leave, she won't be an empty nester & she knows that Kody would rather be at a quiet home than around a bunch of kids who technically all aren't his.
    Ya, gotta give props to Janelle & Christine for staying poised during the model house scene. But the writing was all over their facial expressions that they strongly disagree w/ her getting the same size as them. Robyn didn't have too much to say either, so I'm thinking she most likely feels the same way as C & J, but wants to stay neutral & "keep sweet"...
    Mean & greedy!!!
    I really wish Janelle would just leave again & this time for good. Then no one would get a home. Even if they did, they will eventually default & lose them in foreclosure in a few years!!

    1. My bad, I meant to say *Janelle instead of Robyn, expressing their concerns during the couch interview.

    2. Too bad Janelle and Christine did not show their true emotions which had to be anger and disbelief! I mean COME ON! Selfish much?!

  35. Ok so Im posting this while I am still on page 1 of the discussions for this episode. This may have already been addressed, but I couldnt stop myself from commenting. Are folks REALLY paying for episodes of this? I'm all about staying true to my voyeristic obsession with Downtown Kody Brown and Krew, but not worth $3 an episode. Project Free TV. Google it folks. All you have to do is click Tv Shows and search for Sister Wives. Every episode, every season free. Ok, back to these pages of comments cant wait to see what folks think about Meri's ginormo house, WTF?!?!

    1. That's just the sacrifice I make for all my friends on SWB!

      Actually, I buy them so I have a permanent copy for reference purposes that's available for viewing on both my pc and kindle. And you have to be careful with some of the websites you find by googling - there's a lot of malware and spyware out there. Nothing is really free.

    2. A sacrifice we swb visitors definitely appreciate!

  36. I find it bizarro that these idiots think there is a market for their poorly designed jewelry. Who are they marketing to? Other woman that share a husband and have an extra $229 each to show their loyalty to (one pathetic penis) ... I mean, each other.

    And this "strong woman" cry is ridiculous. Not one of these women is strong, clearly, or she wouldn't be in this situation. The level of delusion is unreal.


    2. Exactly!! They bow down to the Kodouche, they're opinions don't matter, they are not self sufficient...what's so 'strong' about them? Each one of them has self esteem issues, each one of them is insecure, each one of them lets a MAN decide their destinty all the way back to the original prophet! Strong indeed! Yes, delusional!!

  37. I have said before...and I'll say it this family's body reveals so much...examine the part with Maddie in it..the couch scenes...she is leaning toward her mother most of the time.

    1. Kody tweeted about that while watching the show: "Madison's body language is burnin' me. I never did figure out why she is so uncomfortable. I don't think she is okay with our conversation."

      What kind of a dick says something like that about their daughter? He doesn't have even the slightest bit of self-awareness or he would have been able to see his own angry, tense behaviour when Maddie was talking. She was saying things that he didn't like and he got mad.

      For all his lip service about how much he supports his kids, I don't believe that he would support Maddie if she left the church (and I think she doesn't agree with their beliefs and is just biding time until she can leave).

      I suspect that he would be more likely to support the male children in their religious choices than the females. I base this on the way he has absolute control over his wives. His religion is a fermenting ground for misogyny.

    2. Maybe if Kody would stop tweeting about talking to her and actually HAD a face to face (or even phone) conversation with her she would appear more at ease around you. I can't believe how many times he says stuff like "I'd like to talk about that with you" or "Sorry I'm not home to talk, we'll chat later" Sure Kody sure you will. I highly doubt he ever follows through and actually gets with her to discuss things. I also think that she knows he doesn't handle anything well that isn't done his way. She is probably afraid of the backlash/flack he is about to give her for disagreeing with him.

      Kody is just to dumb to see what is really going on with her. She thinks their lifestyle sucks and wants nothing do with it! He is delusional if he thinks things are great. Madison see's the truth in her daily life with him not in it. She doesn't want to become her mother and she doesn't want her kids to feel as bad as she does.

  38. Don't ya just love the way Coty and Meri make sure we see the "green drink" when it's Mariah's turn to tell her little update..$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  39. Koty completely talks down to Christine..I don't care if it's for just isn't right to talk to your wife in that way.

  40. going off topic, but i too have been rewatching the early season - back when all was joy and jollity - and i noticed a framed document in christine's apartment in the big house. it's headed 'a proclamation to the world', which makes me assume that it's a copy of the 1995 proclamation about 'family' by the official LDS church.

    i knew the AUB doesn't consider the mainstream LDS to be apostates the way the FLDS do, but i had no idea they would go as far as hanging framed documents from after the schism in their homes. anybody have any further info on this?

    on another topic, i thought it was hilarious that meri and kody brought THREE bottles of that green crap with them to mariah's event. i drink about three litres a day (water and unsweetened tea, not some green goo), but even to me, this seems like a ridiculous amount of fluid intake.

    1. I don't know if "jollity" is an actual recognized word, but I'm stealing it anyway! Good one :-)

    2. it is. my use of the phrase 'joy and jollity' is a quote from p.g. wodehouse. i think he was misquoting wordsworth himself. it's a good word and i hope that all americans on here and elsewhere experience it today.

    3. I experienced jollity just by reading it :-)

      Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope your weather is as lovely as ours here on the Left Coast!!

    4. Clipped from that document: "God will hold parents accountable for the way in which they fulfill responsibilities to their families."

  41. So I just went to the link and watched the clip of the Browns going to meet with the developers... You know, I was hopeful. Really hopefuly, that perhaps Meri didn't really mean it about the wetbar. That it just slipped out. That she watched that episode, slapped her forehead, and said, "UGH, I can't BELIEVE I said that..."

    And yet, here she is....STILL obsessed with the wet bar. She is so obsessed with the wet bar, in fact, that it appears she will have to take a 5 bedrooom house in order to get a house plan that can accomodate the wet bar. And Kody actually tells the developer something to the effect of, "We need to get on this RIGHT AWAY...."

    I am actually almost speechless. You can barely qualify for a home loan, and yet the house you are getting has a wet bar?? (Not to mention 5 bedrooms, a craft room, etc). How does that work??

    I say this for comparison only....I'm an attorney, my husband is a computer engineer, we have no kids. And we live in a 2000 sq foot house. 3 bedrooms, and NO wet bar. That is reality....just my opinion.

    1. I'm guessing that the "new" stuff that was in last Sunday's ep was filmed within 2-3 weeks at most from the last ep aired in May/June (not including the Morales interview which appears to be separate).

  42. I've really enjoyed reading everyones comments! It has been a lively discussion! To clarify something: My Sisterwife's Closet was down before Sunday. If you look at comments on FB it was at least down since last Friday, and not down due to all the fans crashing the site as Robyn would have you believe on Sunday. Just another one of The Browns lies.... However, Happy Thanksgiving to all on the SWB!

  43. The site did not crash from popularity. What a joke. They didn't pay their hosting bill. Someone here went to a site and let us know how many visitors that site had. It wasnt anywhere near enough to crash a site. And like Y for Wyoming keenly pointed out, that site was down MONTHS ago. Its an embarrassing JOKE. Why dont these dim bulbs see it? Laughable. They wont profit a single penny from that flea market quality crap.

    1. I know the Kody family website usually goes down every 6 months. Christine must be in charge of paying the hosting bills for the websites..."It was such a small bill, I just forgot about it!"

      Anyway, with the current uproar about the outrageous shipping cost on that ornament, and the fact Robyn probably lost a couple of hundred orders due to the site being down, I'd say it's done. People are seeing beyond the Browns' smoke and mirrors. That online store is a joke and a major fail. If Robyn is spending so much time "working" that she needs a nanny (!), she should look in a mirror and yell YOU'RE FIRED!

    2. I'd question that couple of hundred order least 90% of orders would be cancelled after they find out the shipping costs!! Lol no one can possibly be that big a fan!!

    3. YOU'RE FIRED!!!....Lmao! Good one CJ and as much as I dislike Donald Trump, that's who popped into my head when visualizing telling Robyn she's :D

    4. I'd question that couple of hundred order estimate

      Bwhahahahahaha!!! It's Thanksgiving...I was trying to be nice!

      But I did see one uber fan thank Robyn for using the flat UPS rate and praised her for business acumen because this way customers could order several items and just pay the one shipping charge rather than separate charges for each item. I don't know, when the shipping is more than the item itself, something is WRONG!

    5. Business acumen? She'd be using Priority Mail and getting the merchandise to most recipients with 2 days...
      They must be skimming off those shipping charges...grifters.

  44. What's a wetbar? If its what I think I think it is, cant Kody get off his lazy ass and build some cabinets and stools for her? And why does nice house = 7 bedrooms thats just more to clean. I only have 1 sibling and we shared a room til she went to college. WTF are these people thinking, they need to get a grip.

    1. A wet bar is a bar with water on tap. So basically a glorified sink, I suppose. Meri is out of control, seriously. Her sister wives are worried about how to house and feed their kids and she's thinking about having a nice bar and a room for hobbies. Here's a hobby for you, Meri: clothing, feeding and educating the army of children you encouraged your husband to have with other women.

    2. I think a wet bar has a sink and faucet and sometimes even a mini fridge :)

    3. I had to laugh at the thought of one of the SWs telling kody to get off his lazy ass and build a wet bar!

  45. The shipping costs at their website remind me of the stuff they sell cheaply on television. They'll throw in two, or three of whatever, and all you have to pay is separate shipping costs! And you just know those are sky high. Their website is probably part of a deal made with marketers like that.

  46. I really wish TLC would offer Janelle and Christine their own "Escape from Plytail" show.

    1. I'm beginning to wonder if Christine and Janelle are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Why on earth would they tolerate the abuse if not for some psychological disorder? The idiot is certainly not that lovable, and just looking at Meri would make a healthy person run.

  47. Maybe Meri wants to run a B&B! Who wouldn't want to vacation in Vegas at Chez Brown...?

  48. I love the wet bar comment - a glorified sink!!' ha ha! These comments are cracking me up. Meri is such a doofus. Whoever mentioned her hair receding is correct. The same thing is happening to me. My derm said to use men's Rogaine even though I'm a woman. So Meri & Kody can share Rogaine.

    Can't wait for the recap, CJ!!!!

  49. Hi, everyone. First time poster here , but long-time reader. Have I missed CJ's review on Nov.18's debacle called Sister Wives ? Can't seem to find it. Love,LOVE this blog !

    1. Hey GreatWhiteNorth! and Welcome!

      No you haven't missed the review. I've just been caught up with Thanksgiving and everything. I hope to have the review up soon so that ya'll can relax reading it after your Black Friday shopping!

  50. thank you to the posters who pointed me in the direction of watching the episodes for free. i DO NOT want to give this family any money!!!!!

  51. When I think of strong women, I think about my mother—a single parent who worked, fed, clothed, and provided a roof over ten kids without one penny of government money; I think about my grandmother who was a stay at home mom and in addition to tending to her eight kids, she managed a garden, grape vines, cows, chickens, goats, and an occasional turkey; I think about myself and how I raised my two children without a penny of child support and never a dime of government aide; I think about my friend who spent two tours in Iraq; I think about my other friend who is battling breast cancer and every single day she volunteers at a shelter for abused women. What I don’t think about when I think about strong women are the brown clowns. They have done nothing to sustain their families without either depending upon government subsidies or now by going to TV and shelling out lie after lie about their so called life. I certainly don’t see Robyn as a strong woman: she married, divorced, lived with her mother, tried but failed at supporting her children, and has now moved her children into this circus of a life that she calls being a sister wife; I also don’t think of Christine who is taking tons of abuse from a man who probably has never spent a penny supporting her or her children; I don’t think of Meri who is a bully and is selfish; and I certainly don’t think of Janelle who also lives with a man who has probably never paid a dime of upkeep of her or her children. Four women who cry about how they hurt each other but that is how it must be for them all to grow. Geeze, strong women my big fat butt.

  52. Oh my goodness...when I first started coming to this site, I enjoyed reading your snarky articles, the Twitter blogs and reviews...but nothing against anyone i do mean that but 4 discussion pages of 200 comments against them? I find that a little sad that we, and I am including myself, are that obsessed. :(

    1. I guess you haven't checked out TWOP lately...There's a heck more than 4 pages discussing Sunday's Sister Wives' episode. What about over 1600 comments on a thread about the premiere episode on one of the Facebook Sister Wives fanpages that say how much they love the Browns? Would that be obsession? How about the Real Housewives franchise? Or >shudder< Honey BooBoo?

      Anyway, people like to discuss reality shows. I don't see it as an obsession, I think it's friendly conversation like you'd find around the office water cooler at break time. Just a sharing of opinions and discussion, and information on a particular topic.

    2. Lots of ppl on here too--- many opinions, and that's fine with us!

    3. No guilt from me. These people put it out there. We discuss it. Kind of like a book club that meets to discuss a worthy book. We come here to discuss a ridiculous show :)

  53. I'm sorry I don't know what TWOP is. I just meant this is dedicated to a dislike of the browns, I'm assuming those others are both fans and non-fans. Again not trying to offend.

    1. It stands for Television With Out Pity.

      I just meant this is dedicated to a dislike of the browns

      The commenters on SWB are simply free to call out the Browns on their BS. I'm not offended, and I welcome your voicing your opinion!

  54. i just caught the clip. i know if I were Kody, my first concern would be to bring up more of Meri's wants! NOT! She is demanding, and the kids must see this. A 3 bdrm with a largae gathering room should be enough. what about when he marries another?

    1. If I were her I would be DARN happy with a 3 bedroom house. But I am not selfish and self delusional.


  55. Abut Meri's ever-widening hairline and part...
    I noticed it too.

    Could it be that the Green Glop that she and Kodman seem to HAVE to have with them at all public events, like toddlers with sippy cups....could it be that an undesirable result of swigging down liter after liter of that crap day every day actually thins and slims your hair, *rather than your body.*
    Cuz Meri obviously hasn't lost any weight. In fact, she looks even heavier.
    And Kody too is losing his hair at warp speed.

    And about Meri wanting a big house so visiting bonus kids would be comfortable when they come....WTH !!!?? What a crock !!! What a ridiculous spin !!

    A wet bar because she entertains so much...???
    What is she doing....running soirees and meet-and-greets??
    I bet the wet bar will be listed as a business expense.
    Why else would Mona the Miracle Realtor be so emphatic that a wet bar for Meri "is a necessity."
    Hey, a thought...maybe Mona herself "wants in" to KodyWorld via Meri. ?/!! lol

    Bottom line is Meri is a hostile, resentful, hollow woman who is trapped by her own hand...trapped by her own choices.
    Behind all the tears and pouts, she bullies and demands.

    1. Maybe she is having thyroid issues. Thyroid problems can make you have decreased hair and maybe over the years if she did have thyroid issues, that could have prevented her from becoming pregnant.
      Regardless, she is looking bad and she doesn't need a wetbar!!

  56. Why does Meri want a wet bar? THEY DON"T DRINK!!!!

    1. I know, right? The things these women think they need is ridiculous. Maybe if she had to actually work for the things she "needs" instead of making poor Janelle support her, she'd be singing a different tune.

  57. I'm curious as to why they don't move back to Utah now? The investigation has stopped and it has been reported that the state was no longer looking into their case. So why not move back and use the money to just add another wing to their home in Lehi? It would surely cost way less then 4 brand new homes. And if they are so concerned about staying in Las Vegas, why not buy just two of the lots and create one big house like the "McMansion" that they rented that one year for christmas? Its very clear that many of the older children wish to return back to the one place they could call "home".

    1. If they moved back to Utah, the idiot would be just another plyg. In Vegas, he gets to be, in his own mind, something special. At this point, they'd need another wing just to house the anger and resentment. I can't imagine that building a house big enough for all of them is an option in any normal subdivision. First of all, who'd sign up for the lot next door? And would any lender consider such an option?

    2. They don't move back to Lehi because it's Kody's dream to live in Las Vegas.

  58. Anyone else think that maybe Kody might potentially start "courting" wife number five if ratings slump? Possibly Robin's sister?

    1. he may as well, maybe he can have some more kids, that show is so disgusting

  59. I think the Feds out to look a little more closely at those bankruptcy filings and the State should look a little more into the entitlement appllications. Finally, the Child Support Services should be looking rather closely as well.

  60. this sister wives is so immoral,Kody is the only 1 making out on that deal, I watched 1 episode when Kody and Mary went to dinner for there anniversary, and she said to him, how would u feel if I had more than 1 husband, and his answer was, it would sicken me, well Kody if u can have 4 wives, then the wivves should have more husbands than u, all u pl do is have kids, and more kids, and where is all this money coming from, u all got nice cars and now u r going to build 4 homes, I never c anyone going to work, and Kody what do u do for a living, just lay with 4 women, no wonder u had to leave Utah because u were under investigation, Kody u should be in jail for having 4 wives, and u wives, its sad that u have to have the same guy, guess its because no one else wanted all 4 of u, wedding vows say u give urself to each other only, omg, I can't believe they even put this garbage on tv, and u got all ur kids brainwashed into believing what u r doing is right, and don't even go there and say u r religious, God didn't intend for men to have more than 1 wife, all of u sicken me.
