Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sister Wives Blog: Trivialygamy Quest p1

Trivialygamy Quest
(with extra “y”s)

A recent poster asked SWB to re-run some old posts.  We thought, “How about a trivia game based on old posts instead?”                                                    


  1.  What did Christine do before the show aired?
           Answer:  She was a pro-polygamy (and anti-toaster) activist

  2.  When was the last time Christine was on government assistance?
                Answer:  May 2010, 9 months after SW taping began.

  3.  When did Christine declare bankruptcy?
               Answer:  March 2010, after SW taping began.

  4.  (a)  What did Christine state was the reason for her bankruptcy? 
  4.  (b)  What was the largest amount of debt listed on her bankruptcy papers?
                   Answers:  (a) medical debt.  (b) non-medical credit card debt

  5.  What is your favourite comment by Christine?  Add your comment below.
         Answer:  Mine is “God’s number is J – E – S – U – S” because my favorite          number is “E”.

  6.  How are Christine, Meri, Janelle, Robyn and Kody related?
         Answers:  Dr. Rulon Clark Allred is the grandfather of both Christine Brown,  Robyn's ex-husband David Preston Jessop, and is also  distant cousin of Meri and Kody. Kody and Christine are  are also distant cousins.  Besides being co-spouses, Janelle is Meri’s brother’s ex-wife and Janelle’s mom is married to Kody’s father. Allegedly

  7.  Can you name Christine’s children?
           Answer:  Aspyn, Mykelti, Paedon, Gwendlyn, Ysabel, and Truly.  Poor Paedon; he has no “y” in his name.

  8.  Can you name Janelle’s children?
              Answer:  Logan, Madison, Hunter, Garrison, Gabriel, and Savannah.

  9.  What did Christine do on July 4th?
           Answer:  Try to fry an egg on the sidewalk
(in a frying pan, which is why it did not work).

10. Where did Janelle work when the Browns lived in Utah:
                   Answer: The Utah Department of Workforce Services, the state agency issuing public assistance. 

11. What is one of Janelle’s favourite things to do on vacation?
                Answer:  camping

12.  When did Janelle file for bankruptcy?
                     Answer:  In 1997, after “marrying” into the Brown family.
Written by: TERRASOLA


  1. MeriMeriQuiteContraryAugust 8, 2012 at 8:35 AM

    Funny! I actually like both ladies even though I don't understand them. Saddens me that Janelle becomes the spokeswoman for the Browns on anything touchy. Shouldn't that be Kody?

    I tend to want more for Janelle.
    Love to see her get a Mexico weekend!

    1. As the HEAD of THE HOUSE, as he states, yes, he should.

  2. I did not realize that Janelle worked for the agency that issues public assistance. Depending on what she did, she might have been in the cat bird seat to learn new ways to "work" the system. I wonder how it was viewed for her sister-wife to be on public assistance with Janelle working in that office?

    1. Worried about Brown kids' welfareAugust 8, 2012 at 11:23 AM

      I was going to say that! Also, do you think that she may have "helped" Christine get assistance (ie: meaning made it easier , had less questions asked, etc)?

    2. Yeah, I agree. That question dropped me, too. "WHAT?!?"

      It's unseemly.

      It could be like a work program in my area - when the workforce orginization seeks help, it culls from the unemployed. So perhaps she was in need of public assistance and they offered her a job? I dunno. Probably nothing truly wrong about it, but it looks bad.

    3. Just a comment: There are privacy laws all over the place so just because Janelle worked for the agency that does welfare etc, doesn't mean she had access to others files. There are lots of jobs in government and I suspect Janelle was accounting doing fund reconciliations etc. If she was a case manager I doubt she would call herself an accountant. Would she have more insight than the average person? Yes. But that doesn't mean she was looking at Christine's account or intervening in any way.

      She commented at one point that the HR department (or somebody) knew she was a polygamist. She said that they told her as long as it didn't interfere with her job it wouldn't be a problem. So, she was probably pretty careful to keep the two separate.

  3. This is fun, Terrasola. Thanks !!

    It is a bit frustrating to know that Christine continued to choose to receive public assistance 9 months beyond the Browns being on the TLC payroll.
    Also that she filed for bankruptcy even though there were tangible new monies available. Makes one wonder if the TLC check was/is cut to the "Brown Family" and they then divide it up. If so, she could have at least attempted to settle her debts rather than stick the creditors, especially since she reported "non-medical" debts. Greed???

    As for my favorite Christine comment...
    Mine is not so much an actual comment as much as a reaction. When Sobbing Robin was co-facilitator with Kody in presenting Christine with the infamous "Now stop your whining" watch, Christine's wide-eyed delight as if it was a Rolex instead of the cheap watch w/multi crayon-box colored bands was almost painful to see. But her reaction was so classic "Christine!"

    I never knew exactly where Janelle worked. Interesting that she worked for the very hand that feeds people on the dole. Perhaps that is why she seems acutely aware of the reality of "finite resources."

    1. About this watch business, I can't remember this at all. Can somebody tell me which episode it happened in so I can track it down, please? It's come up before and I do like to have seen everything, so that information would be great.

    2. Kody giving Christine the watch was actually a scene from the Boston episode that was never aired. It's available at the TLC website, plus we showcased it here on SWB. I'll search for the link and post it for you.

    3. OK bored_, here's the link:

      Don't forget to watch Meri's face during the couch interview -- it's priceless!

    4. Meri's face and demeanor is so damaged. She stares down as in shame to have natural emotions of jealousy and wanting for the attention from Kody. We all know she said during the friends visit (that one where couple was considering a new wife) that she would never have chose this plural marriage if her religion didn't require it. Therefore when these gifts, attention and "physical manifestation" of a true relationship with the other wives come up Meri has a physical reaction. She cannot fake her distain...her intense scowl and anger almost looks evil if it wasn't so sad. I think Meri truely is very depressed and sad allot. But it is not a reason to be so mean to others. Mean Meri shows her true colors everytime this happens.

    5. Thanks CJ. That was indeed a priceless look. Also, the more I see Robyn, the more I want to punch her smug, witchy face.

    6. Having gone back to see it again, Janelle doesn't look exactly pleased either. She has her usual "oh god, why do I have to sit here for this sham of a filming" look.

      The only one who looks pleased with the situation is Kodyman's co-conspirator, Witchy Poo.
      That clip shows just how idiotic he is...and how pleased HE is with usual.

    7. Cannot help but notice how the smile factor decreases through wife 4 to 1!!

      I too see a lot of deep anger from Meri. No dispersion on her character, her fertility struggles and sharing her much loved husband seem like reasonable sources.

  4. Peanut Butter FritosAugust 8, 2012 at 11:07 AM

    I forgot about the egg! Anything interesting and fun on that show came from Christine. She has so much life and energy, and she deserves so much more.

    1. I agree, she looks like someone I know and I see the same kind of cheerful ditziness in her disposition as that person, whom people are drawn to.

    2. I personally think Christine tries to present herself on purpose as the dumb, cute, perky blonde. While I don't believe she's terribly bright, she's probably not as ditzy as she wants everyone to believe. The ditzy, cute, fun one has been her role in this family (even Logan said so in one episode), and I think she's trying to hold onto that label. She recently tweeted that she didn't care about her daughter's grades, as long as she got voted as having "best hair". It was obviously a joke, but it also plays on her dumb, cute role, as do the toaster comments and the egg on a sidewalk thing.

    3. I happen to believe it. She may not have a college education brains, but she is very smart in many ways. She's also been the teacher for the children, babysitter, and food provider. For that group of people, that is quite a task!

    4. Her being the 'teacher' of the kids makes me feel sorry for the kids. She really comes across as a bean-head. I don't think you can fake that. I pray that the children get 'good' educations, from 'good' schools, so that they don't end up part of this ridiculous life of adultery.

  5. She tried to fry an egg in a skillet on rhe street??? Bahahahaha. Are you serious????? Bahahaja. I just cant believe anyone would do that. TLC and everyone else just let her do it??? Too funny but sad too

    1. Yes, in in a frying pan on the driveway. She got the egg out of the fridge.

  6. IN a frying pan, with a cold egg? hahah.
    Poor thing that the producers let her do it like that!

    1. Makes you wonder what they do that doesn't make the final cut doesn't it?

    2. Only thing that could have made this more embarrassing is if they asked her "how many eggs in a dozen?"...poor math challenged compound girl.

  7. I have a puzzling question about Janelle that I have thought of, and possibly missed the explanation.

    OK we all know that Janelle was married to Meri's brother Uncle Adam first. And that Meri's family grew up in the adopted faith that practices the principle of plural marriage. (Kody states that Meri's dad had 5 wives)

    Janelle had said that her and her family were main stream LDS and that family pretty much distanced themselves when she married Kody. (accept her mother who married Kody's dad,which makes her mom and mother in-law at the same time-weird)

    Was Adam a polygamist when Janelle married him and then divorced and then married Kody?

    Does anyone know if she had her "testimony" or converted to FLDS when she married Adam or when she married Kody.

    They are so vague and fuzzy on history and always seem to correct themselves that I wondered if it came up in book. I have not read the book since CJ gave us such a great synopsis. Thanks to anyones input.

    1. From what I understand, Meri's family moved next door to Janelle's. Janelle mentioned the new family to her grandmother, who informed her that the family was polygamous. She got to know them, apparently Adam was not a member of either group (LDS, AUB). She started dating him, eventually they fell in love. He converted to LDS, and they were married in the LDS temple. He was not a polygamist when he married Janelle.

    2. Thanks so much for the info. Your expertise always amazes me. Now, back to Big Love on HBOgo. Forgot how great this series was til SWB reminded recently. So weird how many similarities between Browns and Henricksons. It is almost as though the Browns have taken life choices from fiction. You know everything but that four letter word. ...W-O-R-K

    3. Hi lisasumms: Cynical Jinx answered the question better than I could, but I just wanted to note that the jump from LDS to AUB isn't as big as the LDS would want you to believe. The LDS believe that God is a polygamous mackdaddy living in the celestial universe, near or on "Kolob". The results of God's constant sex with his harem are "spirit children". White men on Earth get the "valiant" spirit children.

    4. Magic, could you please substantiate that "white men on Earth" get the "valiant" spirit children statement.

  8. I am a bit concerned that I knew too many answers....oh hell! Great quiz! More please.

  9. Wow, I never knew what Janelle did as a job in Utah.Sooooo she helped people sign up for public assistance, anyone else think shes the master mind for their ;bleeding the beast"? Also, wasnt Christine against microwaves, not toasters? I forget..

    1. Christine said she saw where more people died from toasters than sharks. Hence the joke in beginning of the post!
      We don't know what part of The Utah Department of Workforce Services Janelle worked in, but they do issue public assistance. They have several services and a govt. job.

      What is everyone's favorite line or comment of Christine's? #5 above?
      I'm going to have to look - she's had some good ones!

    2. "I'm more casual in parenting styles" as Robyn is babbling repeatedly in worry abt. the kids climbing rocks. Janelle backs her up!~

  10. By far "modest is hottest " which just boggles my mind because the baby doll, spaghetti strap halters they layer over black long sleeves accentuate every
    "lady lump". How is this modest when they were these sausage casings?

  11. I liked
    "I didn't just want the man, I wanted the whole family too"
    then later
    "I don't do relationships well"

    Loved looking through old posts and clips to find them!

  12. Hahahahahaha....this was some funny stuff Terrasola :D ....I have to say my favorite thing that Christine said, was during the Natalie Moralas interview,when she stepped in & was taking up for Kodouche being a womanizer...& then only to be humiliated on National tv by him. I thought for sure, that would've been an eye opener & enough to make her get the f**K out of dodge, but heck no, she's stickN around.

  13. Hi all, I have been following this blog during morning coffee break and have found it both informative and enjoyable at the same time. I am have stated that Jannelle worked for the benefits department of the state government that issues what we in Canada call welfare benefits. She would know the ins and outs of these things or if not directly certainly could find out, and fill in the forms with all the appropriate responses.

    Where did Meri and Kody work? I haven't been able to fiqure that out from the blog - but I may have missed something.

    Also when does the next show air?

  14. "Even though we have a plural family, and there's four wives, it doesn't mean that we have to do everything together...REALLY?"

  15. Breezed through some old clips today at work. Here is the place to do it! TLC is so confusing.
    How about a boring one, but one that saves face in sight of any welfare fraud?
    "We live in three Separate Apartments in one Big House!"
    Season 1, I believe, 1.

  16. Peanut Butter FritosAugust 9, 2012 at 11:54 PM

    Hey, Lourdes, according to Twitter, Meri is running a 5K in September!

    I'm guessing that's 5K more than anybody's run before, so good for her!

    1. Thanks for the heads up! I'll pass this on to Lourdes! ;)

  17. This may be off-topic, but I remembered in the book when Robyn first came to the "big house" for her SW meet and greet. She wrote something about there being three convertibles in the driveway and thought she was visiting a family who liked to show off their wealth. (or some such thing) Who owned the three convertibles? I always thought at that time there was only the one Lexus convertible, so where did the other two come from and who owned them? Anyone know?

    1. One car was Kody's Lexus, the other car was Meri's Pontiac (?). The only question is who's car was the third? Now, in Vegas, I caught Christine driving a black top Mitsubishi in an episode of Sister Wives, but I don't remember this car being part of the caravan to Vegas (at least it wasn't shown). I just assumed it was one of the teenagers.

      So if it wasn't the Mitsubishi, maybe it belonged to family or a family friend perhaps.

  18. Anybody have an update on this fiscally challenged family? Housing? Jewelry business still afloat? I think this thread is perfect for them... A game about their lives, meanwhile it becomes more and more clear that they not only have the education of young teenagers they also have the maturity of young teenagers playing house. They act like my pre-teen kids who are learning to be adults but are still playing at it.

  19. When is your guys show going to come back on?

  20. I'm confused. Is the blog an anti- sister wives blog? I just started watching the show on Netflix and I really liked it, so I googled Sister wives because I wanted to read more about what other people thought. I guess I stumbled across this blog where the author and the people commenting are anti- sister wives?

    1. Please continue to read and join in the conversation if you like!

  21. ok having just watched the new episode.....a) why the hell did Sobyn take all of the debt from her divorce, did no one tell her that she is a woman??? Also where was the child support on three kids??? Did she get sole custody??? Sounds to me like she ran away from a cult which case she really didn't accomplish much. Waiting on ex hubby to come kidnap her back during Sweeps Week

    1. Hi Melissa Rose!

      You might want to post your comment that isn't so out of date so others will see and respond to your questions.

      Here's a discussion page that's currently very active:

      New Season Sister Wives Nov 18 2012 - Discussion Page and Some Odds and Ends

  22. Hey! Does the rate of your posting depend on something or you work on blog articles when you have an inspiration or you create when you have time? Can't wait to hear from you.
