Saturday, August 11, 2012

I Scour the Internet: The Pre Olympic Closing Ceremony Edition 8/11/12

There's nothing like a nice long vacation and the Summer Olympics to get you back into the swing of things.

As luck would have it, the least some of the Browns, are enjoying their summer vacations and the Olympics, too.

And I'm sure I'm not the only person in the US of A who's happy to see Kody has finally gotten over his aversion to Utah and is traveling again to the state he snuck out of (with camera crew in tow) not so long ago.

So let's take a trip down Twitter lane and see what that rascally Kody Brown and his sort of Merry Wives have been up to, shall we?

Robyn's Tweets:

Why wouldn't you take that time to snuggle up to old Kody -- aren't you still working on that Honeymoon Experience you were so into a few seasons ago? Or has Kody tired of your keeping him awake while baby Sol sleeps? So where is Kody, anyway? Oh yeah, Kody's in Phoenix! Guess it's safe to say somebody isn't on the trip with him...or is she? Hmmmmm....

So does that mean the Devil is in charge of the heat?  Oh dear, Robyn's not sounding too happy....she must have found out Kody wasn't taking her on the Phoenix trip! Poor Robyn, but you need to work on your Sister Wife's Closet business. When are those new clothing, jewelry and accessory items going to be introduced?

Holy cow, Robyn! Stop the moping around, for goodness sakes. I say pick up the phone and call your BFF. You can still laugh about stupid things so hard that you drop the phone, break your toe and wake up the neighborhood all at the same time, trust me!

Let's hope Meri's having more fun, if you know what I mean!

Meri's Tweets:

So, who made the trip? Was Kody with you? Will we see this in the next season of Sister Wives? Is there going to be a next season? WE WANT ANSWERS AND WE WANT THEM NOW!!

Guess Kody was watching the Olympics somewhere else, but Meri always has fun with Mariah!

Happy B'day, Mariah!

Now, that is some impressive courage! See, I told ya'll. Meri always has outstanding fun with Mariah!

Whooo weee! What fun! Where was Kody? Well, a week earlier they were in St George, so who knows where Kody was. Best guess would be one of his wives or the Dargers. My money is on a wife.

Yay for Meri! Who from the family will be there cheering you on?

Janelle's Tweets:

That's an interesting statement. Makes you wonder why the Browns being so friendly with the Dargers lately. Hmmmm....I wonder if Logan is dating anyone....

Especially if Las Vegas is hot as hades, and Kody is out and about with his other wives! Where is Kody, anyway?

Christine's Tweets:

Reminds me of what my mother use to say...a child's first words are usually No! and Why? At least Christine didn't boast that her 2 year old could speak fluent French, like another former reality housewife did.

Holy cow! Where did you have your car parked? Thank goodness for AC, right?

Kody's Tweets:

Ah...., he remembered! So did you remember to get Mariah a new car to replace the one that broke down? Just asking....

Aha! Meri was in  St George for Pioneer Day, too. I wonder if Robyn travelled along, doesn't she have family in St George, or was this a special time for Kody -- who apparently is no longer afraid the big bad police are going to arrest him and throw his behind in jail anymore.

Good Grief, now they are expanding from Nevada and Utah into Arizona! You know, I've noticed every week Meri has tweeted for 3-4 leaders to join their little leadership team. So what's going on here, are they losing people, or do they need more and more people to join their outfit so they can afford those McMansions they are dreaming about. Whatever, maybe people are just not so eager to join a MLM that benefits those at the top of the pyramid.  Let's hope Kody doesn't lose that 'business' car. If we see Kody driving the Lexus next season, we'll know why!

Well that's all the twitter madness for now. Remember, I scour the Internet, so YOU don't have to!


  1. I wonder why the Browns are all of a sudden so "close" with the Dargers. It's creepy!

    1. Maybe Mariah will become Joe's fourth wife (ick)?

    2. They sooo deserve eachother.

    3. Maybe the plans are for both families to have a show, and visit each other. TCL gave a show to the Bates family, who also have 19 childrend and are friends of the Duggers. Not that I am comparing the families.

    4. Hahaha, Mariah as a 4th wife of Joe Darger, good one but we all know she will be a head strong first wife for sure after training at mommy's side all these years.

    5. Wow, when Mariah turns 18, she may well get married to a 40-50 year old man with multiple wives already.

      Why waste the opportunity to expand the TV empire? Why waste the continuation of the fading celebrity?

      Time to show some of the Reality of Mormon Polygamy!!

    6. Please forgive me for posting here...I'm not sure how to do this...

      Greetings everyone! I’m new to post but have been reading the blog since I found it a few months ago. Sometimes I pretend that we are all sitting at the counter in my kitchen having cups of coffee/tea and exchanging ideas! Thank you all for your interesting posts! I have some questions that maybe someone can answer…Inquiring minds want to know J

      Just wondering if Janelle is trying to leave the family but Kody tells her to wait till the show is over…don’t embarrass him…Kody needs Janelle…she is the main breadwinner.

      Mary lost the baby 4 years ago. Wouldn’t it be just after that she met Robyn? Seems like she was so unhappy/in a fury that she thought to stir up trouble with the other wives. I also think that Kody saw Robyn first and Meri jumped at offering Robyn to Kody to score some points.

      Can they even get public jobs now? What employer wants TV crews following someone around in the office? I’m not sure they would even get consideration if they did submit a job application. Well, maybe for the free advertising for the company?

      I have more questions but didn't want to post everything today.

    7. I'm still not that interested in the Dargers - it's the train wreck that is the life of the Browns that appeals to me. Joe and wives seem so boring!!

  2. The best way to make an aggressive MLM recruiter go away: ask to see his or her tax returns. They bolt.

    1. hahaha you must read pink too :) love it!

  3. Thanks for this posting. I love the " I scour the Internet" blogs. It gives us a little glimpse into the minds of the Browns.

    This MLM stuff is getting interesting. I think they are just trying to fortify their down line before their celebrity goes away.

    Meri and the 5K, awesome I hope she sticks with it! Too bad all the wives cannot train together, that would really help take the weight off. However, they might kill eachother in the process.

    Re: Traveling; do not forget Meri's place is the traveling wife, she used to always go with Kody and soon Mariah will be out of the house and she will be the only kid free wife.

    1. Once their celebrity status dims they will lose plenty of their Downline. According to the LIV compensation plan the minimum auto order is $150 a month and when a new person is signed up they are required to buy an "Activation Kit" Which costs $150 - $1000, depending on what "level" you choose to sign up under. Each person they sign up earns the Browns a "bonus" of anywhere from $45 - $300. So those "meet the Browns" get togethers are more than likely a huge hard sell session.

      For some reason I can't copy the URL using my iPad - google "LIV International Empowerment Compensation Plan" which explains how the entire pyramid scheme (oops MLM) is set up. It doesn't mention the car program however.

    2. Could they have all known before he announced it that Logan would be staying in LV? With all the school shirts and stuff (probably free) that is a whole lot of advertising for the school. Do I smell free tuition in exchange for advertising?

      Maybe they will end up back in Utah…they could say they wanted to be near the lawsuit? Also, are they asking for money in the lawsuit? (Duh, they don’t do anything to help others, only themselves) Would they have to pay taxes on it if they did win? Would that amount be different in Utah than LV?

      Also, I have one child. I wanted to have seven, like the Waltons but I was very sick so our little one had to be born six weeks early. Afraid of my getting sick again my husband and I only have our daughter. But I wanted/planned for more …believe me…our daughter is our gift…everything we could ever want in a child. If I we go hours without seeing her we miss her! How can I ever ask for more? Oh yeah, I don’t want a mansion…I can’t even keep our farm house clean.

      About the Duggars…I’ve read that they have no debt…however they have, for years, accepted ‘love gifts’ of money and donations; basically being supported by others who believe in their faith of having so many kids. Is this true?

      Is Dayton’s name David Jr, or Dayton? Was he called Dayton before going into the Brown family?

    3. Sarah - it's a public institution - a state university, not a private school. why would UNLV want, or even care about advertising? In fact, I could smell a lawsuit if there was any indication that Logan was getting a tuition discount or kickback because of the show. And I think the producers purchased the shirts, hats, etc for TV purposes. UNLV more than likely doesn't care about advertising - they don't need it. And in fact, to my mind, the fact that one of Kody's kids is there wouldn't exactly be a ringing endorsement to attend.

      IMO I think people really overestimate the amount of freebees the Brown family is actually getting. The show gets 1.8 million viewers on average, that's a drop in the bucket. If I had a kid going to college, i wouldn't select a college based on Logan Brown being there, I would select it on academics and what the school itself has to offer.

  4. I think the dargers atr desperate to get a ride on the TLC gravy train. They figure rheir story is more interesting because of rhe twin sister thing. I used to love tlc but they really go to far. Next we have a show about simese twins. A completly opnoxcious little girl called honey boo boo(what the hell ever that means). He browns and dargers are starting to seem mild in comparasion.

    1. I saw parts of the opening show. OMG !!!

      This is pure trash at its ugliest !!! Words can't describe how tacky it is. I guess money really does talk.

      It was embarrassing to continue to watch even out of curiosity, and I gladly hit the remote !!

      TLC has definitely become the bottom feeder of Cable TV programming.

  5. Tell the truth Kody.. I'm tired of the lies..August 12, 2012 at 6:21 PM

    They didn't tweet why they were REALLY in town. Every July 24th weekend the AUB has their version of General Conference. They have a giant new development (of land) near Mount Pleasant Utah. Thy were probably in town to hear the Prophet and his fellow AUB leaders speak.

  6. I agree with Bas Yisrael, you can never have enough down lines when it comes to MLM. The Browns seem to have the personality that would fit with the MLM pitch--get rich quick, easy, and make money off other people working under you.

    1. so you think the Browns will be in the less than 1% of people who actually make real money in an MLM? probably right now, but as soon as the poor gullible fans find out how poor the products are (based on the ingredients, they are NOTHING special, only pricey crap) and how hard it actually is to get people to sign up under you (part of the traditional MLM sales pitch is to make it sound like your friends and family are just slavering to sign up under you, when in real practice once they find out you're involved in one and you'll get the sales pitch, said friends/family will either go to great lengths to avoid you or just tell you point blank NOT INTERESTED) then they will more than likely cancel their distributorship and/or their autoship that would make for some interesting groundbreaking television - a season of the Browns losing their downline gradually. Having to make the co-payments for their "company car". I mean...really...not to be insulting to the wives, but none of them really have lost much weight (not counting Robyn as we have been told several times that she has a sensitive digestive system that can't tolerate anything like, um. vegetables...) and they're selling a green weight loss drink? oh yeah, Meri is training for a 5k? Not to belittle that but, that's 3.1 miles. I'm guessing it's this one taking place in Draper on 8 Sept. It's a 5k run/walk. however, there are two other 5k events taking place in Draper in September. I would bet money that the film crew will be there to record the event and that she will credit LIV's green drink for getting in shape to run/walk the entire 3 miles. yup.

    2. If she cannot run 3 miles, she ought to be ashamed. Hell, I'm 57 years old and as soon as I started running, I was, within two weeks, able to get 3 miles. Plus, I really doubt she will run. More like, she will walk.
      I cannot believe their fans sign up to sell that crap. Geeze.

  7. I can't see Mariah marrying Joe Darger. But perhaps a son? ;)

    1. thebargainbabe--not logged inAugust 14, 2012 at 11:30 AM

      exactly. she won't be some old dudes wife, she'll be the first wife of a younger guy that won't take more wives until SW popularity has died down and they can do so quietly.

  8. Just found this blog - love it!

    Thank you for posting the twits' tweets

  9. Peanut Butter FritosAugust 15, 2012 at 12:50 PM

    It seems every day like the Browns are following Kate's fame trainwreck and not the Duggers. The Duggers actually used their fame to make more business and support themselves. Maybe Kody & Co should go hang out with the Duggars. I bet that would be an interesting religion/work ethic clash. In fact, Sister Wives and the Duggars would be the best reality show crossover ever.

    1. i'd like to see how sour the wives would get if they met and did a crossover with Kate Gosselin. despite everything she has a rocking body and isnt afraid to show it off! Kody would be salivatting but then kate would just give him that withering stare she does so well. I'd like to see that.

    2. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Kate became Wife #5! When does the show return?

  10. The Duggars were well off before they began the show. They made some very wise business decisions very early on their marriage and that resulted in them buying substantail pieces of real estate (of which some have been used commercially), and they bought car lots, heavy equipment and storage rental places, and cleaning businesses. So, they have always presented a very strong work ethic and a pretty sensible ideology with how they shop and take care of their family. Like, they make their own soap and buy every thing they own used. I live near them and have seen them in the thrift stores, so I know that it isn't just for the cameras. I've also seen them in some of the bulk stores and they buy a lot of everything and don't buy mac and cheese but noodles and chesse.
    While I still think it is very selfish to have tons of kids and rely upon your older children to take care of those kids, they are pretty down to earth and quite sensible.

    1. Good points. I don't watch the Duggars, but from what I've read, they were already doing pretty well. Something you didn't mention is this key point - they didn't move out of their small town the moment they got a whiff of "stardom" - the way Kody did. My guess is that the Duggars' area (Arkansas correct?) has a low cost of living so the TLC money goes even further. And they didn't have to MOVE for ratings. I personally think the Browns would have stayed MUCH more interesting had they stayed in the Lehi house - they could have spent two whole seasons just on remodeling the house to fit Robyn's family and it would have been way more interesting than seeing Kody eating at "his favorite Mexican restaurant". Plus I bet everyone would be in better shape physically. They didn't start gaining lots of weight (to my eye) until the big move.

    2. The Duggars are very economical--I'm not really sure what word I'm looking for there. They basically built the house they live in with their own hands and they paid cash for everything up front.I don't agree with their religious views but I admire the fact that they are self-supporting. They don't play the system.

  11. What's up with the Dargers? I always see pics of them now and I've noticed that the twins are always flanked at Joe's sides but the cousin and "real" wife is by the waysides. That really bothers me. I have no idea why I even care so much but I'd be p.o.'d if it was me.

    Just wondering? Thx!

    1. I think they probably do that because the whole twin thing is the most intriguing aspect of their relatively boring polygamist set-up. Without the drama of hatred between the wives, they have to relie on the prurient interest aspect.

  12. Hey all, I'm a long-time lurker, first time poster here, but man, there's a lot of good stuff on this blog. I love it more than the show!

    I read some LIV policies document thing someone suggested a Google search on above and wow, I can't honestly see how the Browns even managed to make it in, given all the rules (including one that says something about not participating in unlawful practices, although maybe that just refers to unlawful business practices not bigamy/polygamy.) On a related note, I found it amusing at least a couple of the Browns referred to their MLM involvement as "humanitarian" work in their book LOL. Yeah, OK, talk about distorting truth. And boy, would I love to see their tax returns to see how much money they actually make on this pyramid scheme. My guess is their "expenses" are more than their income, which makes a nice convenient way to avoid paying taxes (personally I think most if not all of their business ventures are not to support themselves but rather to offset the income from the show, so they can still qualify for welfare aid. But of course I have no proof of that.)

    I am pretty sure all the lies the Browns have told will come back to bite them in the "end." This family is headed to destruction by their own hand, sad, but in a twisted kind of way, fascinating.

    1. The MLMs don't care about unlawful practices - they just want the money.

  13. At Disneyland right now and the Brown gang is here too... I'm dying laughing every time I see them! I don't think anyone else has any idea who they are (good thing?). All the wives, Kody, and the younger kids are here... no cameras though!

    1. We've discussed this previously, but no way will Disney allow the show to be filmed on the park property. TLC isn't a Disney network, and they still want to have a bit of that wholesome family vibe, at leaat at their amusement parks. Sister Wives ain't part of the Disney image. and no, Disney isn't giving the Browns a freebie either. I'm guessing they have season passes, since they spend so much time there.

    2. Interesting tweet from Mariah complaining about being stuck in a ghetto Walmart in Anaheim for over an hour. Not a very tolerant teenager is she?

    3. Does not surprise me a bit that few people recognize the Browns at Disneyland. They are definitely C list celebrities - if that. To 90 percent of the population they're just a bunch of overweight people who dress poorly...
