Thursday, May 31, 2012

‘Sister Wives’ stars Kody Brown and his four wives won’t be prosecuted in Utah bigamy case

Brown claims Utah County's bigamy statute violates his family’s constitutional rights
SALT LAKE CITY — A Utah prosecutor says he will not pursue criminal charges against a polygamous family made famous by a reality TV show.

Utah County Attorney Jeff Buhman says he has closed the case against Kody Brown and his four wives, who are the stars of the TLC show “Sister Wives.”

Brown moved his family to the Las Vegas area in January 2011 after Utah authorities launched a bigamy investigation.

Brown has since sued Utah County, claiming Utah’s bigamy statute violates his family’s constitutional rights.

Buhman is now seeking to have the lawsuit dismissed, claiming it is moot given the case is closed.

He says his office has also adopted a policy that bigamy cases will only be pursued if there is evidence of a victim or fraud.

Utah prosecutor closes case without charging polygamous family, adopts new policy for charges

By Associated Press,

SALT LAKE CITY — Criminal charges will not be pursued against a polygamous family made famous by the reality TV show “Sister Wives,” a Utah prosecutor wrote Thursday in federal court filings.

The case against Kody Brown and his four wives — Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn — stars of the TLC show, has been closed, Utah County Attorney Jeff Buhman wrote in a motion seeking to have a lawsuit against his county dismissed.

Brown moved his wives and 16 children from Lehi, about 30 miles south of Salt Lake City, to the Las Vegas area in January 2011 after Utah authorities launched a bigamy investigation.

The Browns then sued Utah County along with Utah’s governor and attorney general, claiming the state’s bigamy statute violates their constitutional rights to due process, equal protection, free exercise of religion, free speech and freedom of association.

A federal judge later dropped the state from the case but allowed it to continue against the county.

U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups said he dismissed Gov. Gary Herbert and Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff because Shurtleff had assured the Browns they wouldn’t be prosecuted under his policy that consenting adult polygamists won’t be charged as long as they’re not committing other crimes.

However, Waddoups noted that the Browns had reason to believe they could still face prosecution in Utah County, and agreed it could have a chilling effect on their ability to practice their constitutional rights in the state.

Buhman wrote in his Thursday motion that his county, too, had adopted the same state policy and would not pursue bigamy cases unless there was evidence of a victim or fraud.

“The criminal case against the Browns is closed and no charges will be filed against them for bigamy unless new evidence is discovered which would comport with the office’s new policy,” Buhman wrote.

The Browns’ attorney Jonathan Turley said he was pleased that charges wouldn’t be filed but noted the family didn’t plan to drop the lawsuit, claiming state law remained “blatantly unconstitutional.”

“I want to express our great relief for the Brown family that this long-standing threat has been finally lifted,” Turley said in a statement. “The family has spent years being publicly denounced as felons by prosecutors and had to move to Nevada to protect their family and children.”

Your Thoughts?


  1. When are they moving back to Lehi?

    1. Bwahahaha! When TLC cancels Sister Wives and the money train comes to a complete stop!

    2. They could put trailers on the Lehi property for the original three wives, and let Robyn live in the big house.

    3. Janelle can build another tee pee

    4. That was my first thought upon reading the headline. Seems like that would be the first consideration. If they can’t get home loans to buy FOUR houses, why not move back to the one they’ve got? With their income, they could add a MIL suite for Meri (sorry: not “MIL” (mother-in-law), but “OM” (other-mother)) and give Robyn the space Meri once occupied.

      But as a parent, I wonder if I would choose to disrupt my kids yet again. Sure, they’ll be going back to friends they’ve long known, but those friends have likely shifted their social groups. The little ones may not remember friends at all after a year and a half away.

      It’s apparent from the limited view of the camera that Kody’s first thought is rarely of his children’s welfare, but perhaps the moms would consider the effect of another transplant.

    5. Honestly, what lending institution would risk one home loan let alone four, on a man w/4 wives and 17 dependents, 3 BANKRUPTCIES on each of their records with income contingent on an annual contract that may or may not be renewed? Not to mention, their lifestyle is illegal? The risk involved with such a loan is off the charts!!The Browns would do better to pay cash if they can.

    6. Say what? Leave the "sunset city" according to the dreamy kodouche for the boondocks of Lehi...probably never.
      That's the old BrownClown life. Now they live in fancy houses with each "wife" free to live as she chooses. No more sharing. No more sacrifice or compromise, no more sisterly living for them.

      Who would give them the celebrity glances, no more casino buffets and super fun outings at CircusCircus for the kids. Back to living for their spiritual values instead of getting to dip their toes in the worldly bright lights & glitter? Homes with pools, whizzing around town in their it will never happen that would move back.

    7. I found it so sad when he said all the mean things about christine.She is truly the best looking wife. If I was her children and heard this I would NEVER speak to him again. I can totally see how him and Robyn are setting everything up including snagging Meri into it by Robyn using her for leverage. Meri runs after Robyn like a lesbian in heat (nothing against lesbians) her eyes even sparkle when she speaks of her. kody and Robyn probally laugh at these women while alone. AND LADIES!!!!!!!!!! cLOSE YOUR CHECKBOOKS...Why did not the MAN write checks from HIS account... Run women RUN

  2. I'm putting this comment here so it will be on topic...

    Female Attorney May 31, 2012 11:09 PM

    I know this is off topic, but this is the only place that I can rant. I am officially sickened by Jonathan Turley and his associate attorney. They have filed a Motion for Summary Judgment and the brief is 57 pages long. I do not have the time or the inclination to read their drivel, but I did skim it. Here is a quote as to why the bigamy law must be struck down:

    "The State may seek to avoid asserting simple moral disapproval (rejected in Lawrence) by rephrasing it as protecting the institution of monogamous legal marriage. However, like simple moral disapproval, this claim cannot withstand the modified rational basis test."

    If you don't understand that statement, join the club. Most of the brief is legal mumbo-jumbo. I don't really understand it, and I am certain the judges will be at a loss, too. The judge made it clear that the case was limited to whether the Utah county attorney over-stepped his bounds by saying he was going to prosecute the Browns when he wasn't certain that he actually was. Yet, these supposed legal eagles are rehashing the issue as to whether the statute is unconstitutional. The brief came across as arguing that all forms of marriage are illegal because they infringe on our rights to have private familial relationships. He argues that the anti-bigamy statute is so vague it also covers adultery and pretty much any relationship. I am confused as to whether this guy lives in America or Africa somewhere. I have seen better articles supporting polgamy from African writers. This guy is so high up in his ivory tower that he can't see what life is really like for those of us living on the ground. 57 pages? For this little case? Don't these attorneys have some paying clients to work for?????

    1. What do African writers have to do with anything? Africa is a continent with many countries, several of which have English as an official language. One would think a "Female Attorney" would know that. Meri, is that you?

  3. Congratulations on the news! Hopefully the naysayers will finally leave your family alone. We live not far from you in Vegas, in fact we're right around the corner. We're big fans of your show, and think that what you have with your family is wonderful...we've have been rooting for you all along. Peace to you all!

    1. Are you Robyn, Mrs. R?

    2. Mrs R "what you have with your family is wonderful" seriously? How closely do you watch the show?

    3. Really? REALLY?! Unhappy wives, unhappy children, and oppression everywhere is wonderful?!?

    4. I don't understand. Why would "naysayers leave [the] family alone" now that the Browns are not going to be prosecuted in Utah?

      I know I haven't been "naysaying" the family because of the Utah investigation. I've been "naysaying" them because they're vague about how they afford their rather lavish lifestyle, all of the children seem to be neglected by their big kid of a dad, the family patriarch is a lazy loser who cares only about himself, the first three wives seem to be depressed, and the fourth wife (is that you, Robyn?) comes across as manipulative and needy.

      The Utah investigation has nothing to do with my thoughts about the family... although the Brown family lawsuit against Utah may give me more reasons to "naysay" the family because it's yet another action by the family that makes no sense.

    5. Sounds more like Meri to me, I can't really see Robyn spelling out naysayers. And ahem Mrs. R/ Meri it's the naysayers that keep your show rolling.

    6. Well I support Mrs. R in her congrats on the good news! I propose a question to all that on here they are lashing out at these people. Isn't it our God given right to pursue Love and Happiness? Sure there is some unhappiness with the wive and the kids but tell me about your family. Is your wife or husband completely happy all the time are your kids completely happy all the time. I would safely assume the answer to that is no they are not happy. Is it the "norm" for a man to take 4 wives, no it is not but who are we to judge? If Kody can make a 4 wife situation work and the kids are fed and clothed and taken care of then really who are they hurting? There are thousands of kids living in America with the mother or father not even involved with a the family so we need to fix the fatherless and motherless child situation first.

      No I am not polygamist I am married and have 3 children and I am Christian and I am very involved with my family and children!

    7. The only way that Kody has made his situation "work" is by abusing public assistance which is so WRONG.

      Who are you to say which situation needs to be fixed "first"?

      Not only is it not the "norm" for a man to take 4 wives, it is, in fact ILLEGAL.

      Our society is based on laws. The rule of law is a major part of the fabric of freedom. Without rule of law there is tyranny and oppression.

    8. @Scott, who I think is really Kody Brown or one of his friends speaking for him: Yes, there are a lot of children living in single families, blended families, extended families, etc. The difference is that the majority of their parents/caregivers are hardworking people who are trying to live an honest life and earn an honest living. They aren't scamming the taxpayers. They don't have a TV show, where they try to present themselves as just your average family. And btw, a real Christian would not be accepting or open to this lifestyle, which is really the epitome of mental, emotional, and psychological abuse towards women and children. Let's be honest. Kody Brown is a man who is legally married to one woman, but openly has concubines and has one legitimate child and 16 illegitimate children. None of these children asked to be in this equation. To a true Christian, polygamy is blasphemous on so many levels. Besides the fact that Kody Brown is committing adultery, he is not acting as the Christian head of his family. The Bible gives very clear instructions for the male head/husband. One of those is to provide for all the souls in his household and that even includes animals. Kody Brown lives off his wives and children. He is not a true man in the Christian sense.

    9. @New Shoes....

      Very well written first and foremost, and no I am not Kody or friends with him. The only association I have with the Brown family is through the television program. As a Christian you accept and love the people that are committing the sin, and hate the sin. Yes, hate is a strong word here. Just as you can have love for a gay person but hate homosexual acts. As you have said New Shoes, Kody is legally married to one woman and has 3 girlfriends in a basic sense. Yes, it is adultery I agree with you on that. As for as acting as the Christian Man of the house, I would say he is leading the his family to God. I am not Mormon and I have not researched their religion entirely but a Godly man is to lead his family to God, at least he is involved in the homes of the children unlike a lot of families in this country where there is no shortage of males but there is an extreme shortage of Men in this country.

  4. I'm not surprised at all about this. Utah looks the other way when it comes to polygamy--that's why it took Texas to prosecute Warren Jeffs. So I wonder how Nevada will deal with these grifters when the show ends and they turn to welfare fraud and bankruptcy? Maybe they will have to go back to Utah for that.

    1. Much like marijuana, government (Utah) wouldn’t be able to control polygamy unless they allowed cohabitation. If they changed their laws to allow cohabitation/non-legally-binding-“marriages” then they could refuse welfare to those bilking the system and save services for the truly needy. For instance, if the Browns were allowed to acknowledge the fact that Christine depended on Kody, Janelle and Meri, she may not have qualified for food stamps, thus allowing a woman who’d perhaps left a bad situation for reals to use those food stamps.

      Much as I hate religion-based-polygamy, it seems that not making it a felony will allow the state to crack down on the abusers of the system (in that people can’t be arrested for practicing, but can be charged for lying about it).

  5. Christine must be so pleased. This was her baby after all. She was the one who argued this before authorities. As much as this life fails to satisfy her, she sticks with it because of the Allred identity. Everybody wants to be somebody, wants to say that their ancestors were known in their time. That's why we have, and all thanks to the Mormons as well. This is her identity and her bliss and she will continue to follow it.

    1. Border Collie, I agree with you.

      Despite now appearing to be merely tolerated by Kody and some of the other wives, this ruling does validate Christine's beliefs, and also her pre-KodyWorld identity.

    2. Border Collie,

      I hadn't thought of that but you are absolutely correct. This lifestyle makes everyone of them miserable - except Kody and Robyn. Yet, they will fight to the death to keep it.

    3. Query: why would Christine be happy with this ruling? The state of Utah has said all along that unless there's other things like fraud or child abuse going on, they weren't going to do ANYTHING, that they have bigger/more important fish to fry. This was exactly what was going to happen. I thought what she wanted was to have polygamy legalized or recognized as a viable lifestyle, and that didn't happen. The Browns were the ones that brought this on themselves, and then opted to sue the county and keep it going. of course whatever they can do to keep their show on the air, right?

  6. I keep hearing the name Allred come up with regards to Christine. Is Gloria Allred, the feminist attorney, related to Christine? If so, wouldn't that be a kick if she would speak out against the Browns and polygamy?

    1. Laughing hilariously at this mixup, though am in no way snarking at you. Christine is from a well-know plyg family, the Allreds.

    2. Christine's grandfather was Rulon C Allred, the first prophet of the Apostolic United Brethren. This is the Browns' church that they never mention.

      Gloria Bloom Allred married William Allred in 1968. Her family is Jewish. After her divorce from William Allred, she retained her married name for professional reasons.

      I have a feeling if approached by Christine, Gloria Allred would have no qualms representing her if she chose to leave Kody and sue for spousal and child support. Isn't that what the Browns are fighting for, equality? But we know that won't happen.

    3. That would sure be a hoot. An Allred suing an Allred, and Kody required to fork over support. Oh my, he might actually have to work when the TLC gravy train stops.

    4. I believe that Allred is Gloria's married name. Gloria is Jewish, but does anyone know if her former husband, William Allred was Jewish. I don't know for certain. That's why I'm asking. If William Allred was Jewish that does not mean that there aren't familial ties. It's very plausible that Gloria's ex-husband's family may have a very tangled family tree. Although I have never researched the Allred family, I have well over 15 years of experience in genealogy. I donate my research services to the local and state historical societies, when I have time. I would, actually, have to research both Gloria's ex-husband and Rulon, but it would not surprise me to find a common ancestor linking William Allred and Rulon Allred. In polygamist circles, the Allred family goes way back. There are Allreds in many of the polygamist sects. There's even Allreds in mainstream LDS. Therefore, it would not be a stretch to find Allreds who are connected to each other in any religious group.

  7. I wonder how super-conservative Utah is going to like gay folk flocking there and starting lawsuits when the state won't allow same-sex marriage.

    When that happens, you better believe that there will be cases claiming unequal protection of the laws, freedom of speech/religion, etc etc.

  8. Give them what they asked for! Arrest them for fraud AND polygamy. All those bankruptcy/food stamp documents are sworn. Come on, Utah. Show us you are willing to stand up to these bullies.

    1. @Go Goji: I agree!! The welfare fraud and bankruptcy fraud are reason enough to put them in prison. To all those who ask, "Why do you care?". I'll tell you why I care. Every time one of those criminals rips off taxpayers, they are taking food and resources from children of decent hardworking people. If Kody Brown and his concubines want to reproduce, that's fine. They can earn their own way, just like the majority of us. I would have loved to have had another child, but I could not afford it. I didn't expect taxpayers to foot the bill. I have no problem with socialized welfare for people who fall on difficult times. I do, however, have a really HUGE problem with those who bilk you and me out of our hard earned money to support their families by using the system and raiding the tax payer's pockets to do it. Instead of teaching their children the value of hard work and a sense of accomplishment, they teach their children how to lie and steal from others--bleeding the beast. Who do they think they are? In their eyes, you and I are the so called 'beast' that they are bleeding. Who are they to believe that they have a right to reap what we sow? Don't you understand what these dregs are implying by ripping off taxpayers? They are saying that the are better than us. They are saying that we are their mere slaves and that we were put here to serve them. If that doesn't open your eyes, then I don't know what will. These polygamists claim that they only want to be treated like the rest of us and have the same rules as the rest of us. Great!! I'm all for it. And, they can start by being taxpaying citizens who don't rape the welfare system and the taxpayers who's dollars support public welfare.

    2. Good points on the welfare side but just in case people need to understand why we have a problem and why it IS our business about the bankruptcies lets talk about that a minute. Do you realize the reason we pay so much out of pocket for our cash purchases and so much interest on our credit (and my credit score is great) is because of the loss these lenders take every time someone files bankruptcy on their debts? Every time I clothe/feed my children, the inflated rates I pay are also clothing/feeding their children. I take EXCEPTION to that.

  9. I am happy for the kids that the criminal charges against their parents have been dropped. They are the ones that suffer the most and maybe at least this will relieve their minds.

    1. I'm not because I think that this just furthers the idea that polygamy is okay and a good way of life. Although, some of the teens seem to be against it since they have witnessed with their own eyes the tension in the family.

      I want for one of these kids to write a tell all book - "Kody Dearest". I can see it now.

    2. I think Kody Brown, his wife Meri, and his concubines should have the book thrown at them. It would teach their kids some valuable lessons such as:
      Don't rape the welfare system
      Go to a real school
      Don't lie
      Don't scam honest people...
      I could go on and on. Trust me. All these kids have learned is that you can hop from one state to another to avoid criminal charges.Oh yeah, they've also learned how to file a civil suit against a state. Bleeding the Beast=Bleeding Taxpayers=Stealing from Hard Working Americans.

  10. Hmm. What do you want to bet that the Browns stay in L.V., even though they can move back to Utah without prosecution?

    More interesting: What excuse will they give to the teens for staying in L.V.?

    Now it is time for the truth to out. The Browns didn't flee to L.V. b/c they feared prosecution. They moved b/c King Kody loves L.V. And that is why they will stay.

    Once again, the kids will get shafted.

    1. If you ask me, Kody not only fooled his 'fans' with his fake run to freedom, he also fooled TLC. Kody has shown, with each dreary episode of Sister Wives, what an egoistic jerk he is. If this show continues, don't be surprised if he doesn't move his 'family' once again, this time to Hollywood. We can only hope that TLC gets smart and cancels his ass before he causes more damage to TLC's already tarnished image.

    2. TLC doesn't care about ethics, they are about ratings!! TLC just picked up the "Alana show" -that overweight child pageant girl whose mom is obese and gives Alana Redbull mixed with mountain dew. Alana is known as "Honey boo boo child." Alana says things like "a dollar makes me hollar

    3. Amen to that....they also have those sick shows on my secret addictions or whatever, where the woman brushes her teeth with her own urine. To me that is taking advantage of people who are not mentally stable.

  11. So breaking the law is okay? Personally I don't care if the Browns live in polygamy or not, but the law should be respected. If the courts aren't going to uphold that law, then it should be changed.

    I'm actually more concerned that they are able to file bankruptcy multiple times. These people are thieves. One of the debtors in Christine's bankruptcy report was Best Buy. What do you NEED from Best Buy? Even a pc, you can use at the library for free.

    I don't know how they would go back to Lehi when apparently they've started a gym in Nevada. Plus, I think Robyn's parents live in Nevada - remember how her dad has been around for house hunting and her birth. I bet she doesn't want to leave the state and if she doesn't want to, that means Kody doesn't want to, and if Kody doesn't want to, they won't.

    1. Something few have mentioned is that personal bankruptcy laws have been changed so it may be more difficult for Kody and wives to file like they have in the past.

      What I can't understand is how Kody can have such a large family but absolutely refuses to get a regular job to support them. It just seems all those businesses he's starting up aren't really able to provide enough income to support his families. That Sister's Closet is another example, it's like one of those businesses a trophy wife has to keep her busy and so she can say she's a business owner. But why the half-ass attempt? It's like they want it to fail. Just like that gym that never got off the ground. So maybe that's the plan.

    2. It appears that most of what they do is half-assed: marriage, work, moving, parenting, etc. You're onto something Annon@3:32

    3. Regarding their business plans: honestly, I think that Kody when he's on a high or rush (this dude must be bipolar or have some sort of personality disorder that gives him hi n lows and makes him agressive) just comes up with an idea: "let's just open a fitness center" after hearing how much it will cost his wives to work out and then just start blasting it without doing some thinking (some businesses, esp. online ones, don't need a lot of thinking because there is generally not a lot more than like 20$ involved, but a fitness center is some serious bussiness). Or with their MLM scheme: Kodz probably heard it somewhere or googled something along the lines of making a lot of money with marketing and must have thought: we are famous we have a lot of fans they will just buy it because it's us and it must be sooooo easy to make so much money with that. Sick.

    4. They can take tax breaks for the failed businesses

  12. Finally right... Thank God! Sending peace and love!

    1. *did I miss something??*

    2. Yes, thank God this cult exists where a man can have sex with 4 different women! And also thank God that a man can commit fraud with taxpayers money several times and not be punished for it! Amen sister! Take your peace and love and cram it. God doesn't want any part of this.

  13. I've gone back and watched several episodes again. (it makes the treadmill more interesting and seeing the unhealthy lifestyles gives me a little motivation). The first episode made them look totally normal. Kody was kind of a goofball but not ridiculous. He even talks about working. Shocking! It was as soon as they introduced Robyn that he turned into the slime ball that he is. And that's when meri became awful. The four of them were almost like able.Although I do like Christine and janelle. They are too kind, selfless and smart (janelle) to stay in that mess. As soon as Robyn came in the picture kody became this creepy, giggly irresponsible mess. Watch the episode where kody and Robyn get "married." Meri is helping him get ready and he is giving her total bedroom eyes and just saying "hi" in a lovey dovey, almost seductive way. It is one of the creepier things on that show. I realize meri is his wife but he was getting married to another women. Weird. What bothers me more than anything is that no one seems to care that Dayton has aspberger's. Bringing him into a family like this one is horrible for his development. Children with aspberger's need to be on tight schedules, have behavioral therapists and have parents who are patient and work with him. Either he is extremely high functioning to the point he barely has it or he was misdiagnosed. No parent should ever allow their child with aspbergers to be in thy chaotic environment. Also why aren't the adults concerns with truly's weight??? She is adorable but she looks about half her age. This family is disturbing. Those kids are impressive especially considering the mess they live in. Sorry for the rant. This is my first post on the site and some things were really bothering me. Seriously the Dayton thing really disturbs me. Also you can't just change your kids name especially when he has aspberger's! Robyn really need some parenting books. I also find it weird that her kids so quickly called kody daddy. Robyn's ex must be beside himself. Or he lost custody of them. I can't imagine a parent not fighting for his children in this situation. Ok all done now. I'm addicted to the site.

    1. I agree with you about the kids. I was very concerned for Hunter last year when they moved to LV. He was very angry and depressed. You could see that just in the few minutes he was on the screen. Janelle mentioned he didn't want to return to football, something he loved. Janelle was to the point of tears in hurt for him and Kody just blew it off. I don't know what Janelle did, but it was mentioned here (i think), I may have missed it on the show, that Hunter is playing football again. I hope he has something. Every child should be involved in something extra curricular.

      I worry about Truly also. I hope they are looking out for her.

    2. Welcome LK! Great observations!
      I remember season 1 (or was it season 2?) when one of Robyn's daughters called Kody 'Kody', Robyn immediately corrected her and told her to call Kody 'Daddy'. I can't remember if they were married yet but it was jarring the way Robyn did it.

      Oh yes, I saw somewhere that Truely now weighs 26 pounds.

    3. truely doesnt have any hair either. Unlesss she just lte in development.

  14. It is crystal clear now that their 12th hour, madcap exodus from Lehi, Utah was never about the threat of Kody being arrested and/or prosecuted. It was all done because Kody's new bride and her 3 kids wouldn't fit into the existing Lehi habatrail compound *AND* it created and guaranteed loads of new drama for the show. (The side bonus was also that *Kody wanted* to live there.)

    We all saw the show....Wives and kids were crying, everyone was packing the cars in a manic flurry to quick, quick 'get out of Dodge' before the mean police hauled Kody/Daddy away, the pitiful question on everyone's minds was "where, oh, where will we all live" when we get there" all filled up the show's filming season quite nicely.

    Then, in NV, they had no jobs, the kids were miserable, the wives had to *endure* now living in separate, spacious houses with pools.....Oh the unfairness of it all, the non-stop drama !!!
    And then....the wonderful news that Brown baby #14 was on the way !!

    These scammers will not go back to Lehi...they have hit the jackpot in NV and with TLC.
    And they have been very busy....
    Renting FOUR houses. getting documentation filed to start a business (or businesses), getting the tax breaks and write-offs for doing so, then reporting that the business is still in 'start-up' phase or defunct for lack of, more tax breaks and write-offs, and then maybe filing applications for benefits to make up the short fall for what the TLC checks are not covering. (after all, getting public assistance is not new for them, seems that the adults know that drill pretty well by now.)
    Oh...and also now applying for FOUR mortgages for added show drama this season.

    These adults have become very good at *what they do.*

    1. Do they get a tax break/write off simply for filing documentation to start a business? don't they have to show that they actually had expenses and tried to make a profit by doing so?

    2. Sure they can claim expenses. Web master fees, gas, phones, utilities, office and marketing supplies, meeting costs, clothing, etc, etc.
      They can show a loss for several tax cycles.

      You can also get a break for a minority-run business, for example, a female-owned business.

  15. I know that if you hold weekly religious services in your home you don't have to pay mortgage taxes because then it becomes a "place of worship". What I would like to know is how did they get the show on TLC? Were they approached or did they do the approaching? I'm guessing the latter.

    1. Hi mh!

      I believe the 'official' story is that a TV producer who was interested in selling a reality show about polygamy approached an organization called Principle Voices. PV suggested the Brown Family. At that time, Christine was a very active, vocal representative of polygamy.

      The producer and his company filmed a pilot, presented it to TLC which bought the premise and the show. The rest is history.

    2. The IRS has 15 points that churches must meet in order to qualify for an exemption. And even then, it's not a slam-dunk.

      This document specifically refers to family churches. Between that and the 15 criteria, I doubt the Browns would get the exemption. As far as the mortgage thing, they rent anyway.

      The browns get plenty of exemptions already due to all the dependents; I doubt they're writing off everything. As my sister who has run her own business for 24 years can attest, the write offs are highly overrated. (she has a legitimate business and SHE was recently audited, just based on a comment made by an acquaintance - so yes, the IRS certainly will take into account things that air on the show - kody can't just pretend that they aren't his kids just because he's not listed as the daddy on their birth certificates, if that is in fact the case.)

    3. "kody can't just pretend that they aren't his kids just because he's not listed as the daddy on their birth certificates, if that is in fact the case.)"

      Good point !!! For all we know the IRS *is* watching them.

    4. Rest assured that if any IRS employees are watching the show...or even know about it - then YES. They know who the Browns are, as does government assistance, food stamp program etc etc. that's what happened to my sister - an acquaintance of hers who works at the IRS just mentioned in passing to his superior that my sis had a booth at the farmers market and WHAM - audit. My sis passed it, but it was a pain and many many hours spent getting all her paperwork from four years together. Ugh!!

    5. DJ,nice of you to offer the benefit of the doubt, but. . .

      The polygamist groups consider "Bleeding the Beast" to be their absolute right. It is a way of life. They are familiar with practically every loophole available to them from childhood. An honest business person (presumably like your sister), who does not make a survival practice of tax fraud would not write off the sorts of things that Hucksters routinely do--and they generally do get away with it. Audits among unsuccessful people are generally very rare.

      A side note: I wonder what happened to the $32000 of retail-credit debt that Robyn carried into the family. Do you think Kody cashed in the $2800 in his retirement account to settle it?

    6. Unfortunately, they all get the huge refunds regardless of Kody being the legal father. It is up to unmarried parents to decide who claims the kids unless there is a court order in place. Each baby mama has her own separate legal residence. The TLC income is being funneled through an LLC which I’m sure is “Owned” by every member of the family including Truely and Sol so that their income stays fairly low. Robyn is a single mom of 4. Christine & Janelle are single moms of 6 a piece. The only ones who may pay any taxes would be Kody & Meri and they would just use the others refunds to pay that. The only tax law the Browns may be violating is the gift tax and I do not know what the limits are in Nevada.

  16. I've been doing my homework on this family, although I haven't seen all the shows. Their book is downright depressing; it thoroughly details the near- hatred in most of the wives' relationships with each other and plainly exhibits Kody's immaturity. This guy is a master manipulator as well. He makes me sick. As for Robyn, she was 34,000 in debt after her divorce where the judge assigned each parent their debt. Hers included over a grand owed to Victoria's Secret. She was uneducated, with a heaping pile of debt and 3 young children; marrying Kody was a necessary move for Robin- who else would support her? Certainly not herself.
    I truly hope they are eventually forced to work as hard as having 17 kids REALLY dictates- justice!!

  17. $34,000 !!!! Wow! If their income is divided up I suppose their debts are too so it's no wonder Robyn isn't so well liked - the established "wives" now have to pay her debt!!!!!

    1. She ain't payi no debt, she got a bankruptcy

  18. So now they will all be heading back to Lehi since their court case against Utah County stated what a trial it had been for them to leave, and how they couldn't associate properly with their religious community in Utah for fear of prosection. This will only prove what liars they all are.

  19. Utterly disgusted, yet once again. So they are going to be prosecuted for being Polygamist - but what about all the welfare benefits they received based on lies? Why are they allowed to get away with fraud?

  20. So, I've been thinking about this court decision & yeah, at first, I was a lil surprised, but figured, just because the govt dismissed it this time, that doesn't mean that all of the Browns, esp the wives, hasn't been put on a "red flagged" or "Watch" list possibly w/ the IRS, & Utah & Nevada welfare system (we can only hope..) Someone had to figure that w/ all of their past shady & horrible finacial history, that it would be only a matter of time, before they would eventually have to resort to bleeding the system again, esp. when the TLC & LIV $$ is dried up & depleted!
    Now, Christine, Janelle, or Robyn can't fill out paperwork (even w/Alias's), & list the father as "Unknown", bcuz it's nationally documented & w/ their nifty lil family wreath that's plastered all over the internet & family website, there's no denying it! So, it's really a matter of time, before everything comes full circle & catches up w/ their scheming asses! Wouldn't be surprised if they get an IRS audit soon! Besides isn't their a hotline, U can report IRS fraud??

    Their old county has adopted the same State policy & would not pursue bigamy cases unless there was evidence of a victim or fraud.
    Now, in the Browns case, even though the criminal case is closed & no charges filed against them for bigamy UNLESS new evidence is discovered!
    I'm betting the D.A will lie in wait, til the Browns are financially forced to move back to Lehi, & try to milk the govt just like before! If & when they do, than this could provide the govt. the new evidence they need to file criminal charges against them! But this is just me speculating of course.
    This could also, be why the Browns are still claiming that the law is "blatantly unconstitutional"
    Guess only time will tell! Save up for a rainy day Browns & tread carefully! Not only do you have America's attention, but I'm betting ya'll have the IRS, Bankruptcy, & Welfare systems attention too!!

    1. Well, it's not as if they can lay-low and quietly rip off the system like they did in the old pre-TLC days.
      Maybe that was their MO in the past when it was just the feely-touchy *four* of them, but now that it is the *freaky five* and since Kody just couldn't resist the chance to go *TV Stars*....their old pattern just won't fly anymore.

      You're Caramel Brownie, lots of agencies are *in the know* about them now.
      They cannot hide now.

  21. Newbie but not HappyJune 2, 2012 at 10:11 PM

    Totally sickened by this.
    So now, they don't have to "hide" when they are in the welfare office?
    Why was the govt. not smart enough to add: And they will behave as married, and not apply for benefits as single?

  22. Warren Jeffs had a bunch of orders about arranging polygamy schedules around ovulation. It was in one of Flora Jessup's books. This might be the only thing they teach in that cult school, and they're clueless. I guess the Browns flunked that as badly as they have failed life.

  23. You are right Caramel Brownie. However, it still opens the door for all the others to abuse the system still! That is my concern, and sadness the women are put in that position.

  24. I'm waiting for CJ's review of Sunday night's latest episode. Was Kody trying to appear sympathetic? He was trying so hard to drum up some tears. He might be a good liar, but he is no actor. Kody, his legal wife (Meri), his concubines(Janelle, Christine, and Robyn), and TLC must be onto the viewers. It kills me that he was trying to appear devastated over Meri's miscarriage. Please, Kody. Give us viewers a break. Do not insult our intelligence. Are we really to believe that you are still broken up over an early miscarriage that happened four-years-ago? What about all your living children? You can barely list their names. You call them: Meri's daughter, Christine's children, Janelle's kids, etc. You have never called them "my children, my kids, my son, my daughter..." When Robyn gave birth to Sol, you said something to the effect of: "He looks like my boys." WHAT? Did that surprise you? He IS your child. Why wouldn't he look like your other kids? You really don't see them as your children, do you, Kody? They are objects just like your wives.
