Thursday, May 31, 2012

Discussion page #2 for Review: S04 Ep03 Brutal Honesty and S04 Ep04 You Asked, Browns Answer

Please continue your discussion here!


  1. DakotaJustice: ...My guess is that the Browns are being paid approx $500k/750k tops for each season.

    On a reality star scale that would mean the Browns are reaching a NeNe Leakes level of reimbursement! Let's be realistic, the Browns are never going to reach her level of "popularity". That would mean working hard...and we all know how much Kody likes to work.

    Since a minor cast member of RHONY recently announced they made about $300K for a season, I would estimate the Browns to be more in the $250-$275K range. And that would be the high end.

    They would not be languishing in middle class rental digs pulling in $750 G's a year. They would be renting that monstrosity of a McMansion they had for their Christmas in Vegas show.

    In fact, I'm gonna give a freebie to the producers...Why not have the Browns move into they mansion they rented, just for the season? Kinda like the old Rock of Love/Flavor of Love reality show on VH1. See, while the show is being filmed, the family is shown living in the "mansion" when necessary, but when the film crew shuts down for the day, each wife actually retreats back to their own rental homes they have now.

    The benefits would be more storylines. Sample scenarios : Aspyn can't find her laptop because Kody was secretly using it in Robyn's bedroom and Sol pooped on it - she needs it for her final exams - will Kody be able to get it fixed in time so Aspyn won't flunk? Or how about If Meri and Robyn decide to decorate the Pixies bedroom, but the boys rebel and build a fort on the tennis court, which is unfortunate because Mariah invited her tennis pals over for a party and now its ruined until Super Dad Kody comes to the rescue!

    See what I mean?

    1. hahahaha

      I am totally bummed that TLC hasn't capitalized on the whole Lucy/Ethel potential here. I mean Christine has really good comedic timing. Robyn is perfect straight man, and Meri strikes me as compulsive and would react to situations consistently in character. Janelle could be the level headed one who rescued them from their antics.

      RATINGS GOLD I tell you, ratings gold.

    2. I completely agree that TLC needs to move them in together. There's no way they can keep living apart touting how much they love each other if they never see each other. Also it's pretty obvious that none of the ladies want to live together but in order to keep viewership and TLC money they're going to have to suck it up and live under one roof. I know that my interest is definately waning, too much Kody and "organized" events not enough "real" life.

    3. Peanut Butter FritosMay 31, 2012 at 10:12 AM

      Like a completely worse Bachelor mansion, where you wait for your night. Sick.

      If they really cared about money, which is apparently no object, they could get large apartments in a big complex. Then all the kids could play together in the pool, there would be a gym, and Kody wouldn't have to mow the lawn.

    4. Thanks hon! I live in the SF bay area(rent and house costs are VERY high) so my numbers were a bit skewed. I think I read an educated guess that the Browns were probably getting $20k-$25k per episode, so based my assumption on that. I still don't believe that TLC is paying them a salary PLUS the rent PLUS the cars - the browns are used to living way beyond their means and don't strike me as savers "god will provide" ya know...also I doubt they got much for the book - probably haven't even earned back the advance yet I bet.

    5. Hello. I am new to your blog, so please forgive me if this has been addressed before....I was wondering if anyone knew if the Browns are required to put some of their money into trust accounts for their kids?

  2. Hey everyone, I'm just now catching up thru SWB w/ last weeks episodes, bcuz I missed it due to watching the OKC Thunder game & we don't have a CJ, the pics are a great visual too, so thanks for that :D Everyone's comments are contributing great insight & I really want to see the episode now, so I can see Kody being an ungrateful SOB jerk ass on National tv(again)...smh! Uggghhhhhh!! He's just so eff'ing repulsive & LAZY! I just wonder, what birthdays,anniversaries & Christmas will be like when there's no more TLC & LIV??
    IMO, I'm thinking that Kody isn't shown holding Truely that much, bcuz she probaly cries or doesn't want to be held by him, since she's not really used to him being around, so technically he's a stranger to her!
    I know a few of us agree that Meri & Robyn should live under one house, but there's no way in hell, that's gonna happen, bcuz Meri enjoys her alone time w/ Kody when its her night. Meri would essentially be competing w/ Robyn & her kids for Kody's attention, since Robyn's girls always like to cling to Kody just like their mom. Monkey See Monkey Do!! Since they both have a different taste in home decor, etc....they would totally clash on so many levels!! Besides Meri wouldn't be able to keep a tidy house w/ Robyns kids and all & Meri would have to help w/ her kids and all. BTW, I'm sure Meri keeps her home extra tidy now, in case she has surprise visits from the other wives w/ the film crew right behind

    Oh yeah, great idea Modern Wife, about creating a drinking game...LMAO Cheerz!! :D

  3. I'm posting this comment here because I don't see it on the other post page.

    Anonymous May 30, 2012 10:50 PM

    So, did Meri miscarry again? I just saw another preview where she and Kody are going into the OBGYN and then they are both crying on the couch when Kody says that the doctor said "this is not a viable pregnancy."

    1. I thought that they were talking about the prior miscarriage from years ago. It didn't occur to me that this had only just happened. I think this is the preview where Meri says that she doesn't want to have to deal with "what if it could happen"

    2. CJ,

      I caught a brief bit of it last night in the previews for all the upcoming TLC shows.
      I would "guess" it is a recap of that second pregnancy Meri allegedly miscarried way back and they are re-telling the experience. Maybe tying that into a discussion about Robchin's surregate offer.
      Or maybe not..?

      Also want to add that your pics on the blog are so, so good.

    3. I've seen same preview, but my hunch is that they're recounting what's happened in the past, i.e. prior story of miscarriage, not something recent.

    4. I saw the preview and my guess is they are referring to Meri's miscarriage from a few years ago (before the show). I could be wrong.

    5. Peanut Butter FritosMay 31, 2012 at 10:37 AM

      Aw dang, I recorded some idiots having babies who may or may not have known they were pregnant and no Sister Wives promo. Lots of Extreme Couponing and diapers though.

    6. On the description for next week's episodes (on my DVR) it says that Meri talks about her fertility issues and Jenelle tries to open a gym (hmmm). So I would guess it was a past miscarriage.

  4. I would LOVE to see someone like Anne Wilde or another woman from Principle Voices come visit Christine and give her marital advice!

    1. I know that Ann Wilde was furious about how polygamy was being portrayed by Christine- showing all the jealousies and misery of the system. Evidently Ann was hoping that this show would be an advertisement for how wonderful polygamy is. Ironic really, when you consider all the tensions between the women in her own pervious polygamist relationship. Oops I meant to type "previous" but I think I'll leave the typo : )

    2. LOL. Yes. I think these women all talk the talk of how wonderful polygamy is and try to convince each other of all the benefits, but it seems so sad. Did you see Lisa Lings show on the polygamists of Centennial Park? I'm really curious to hear what Anne Wilde has to say about all this media attention around polygamy.

  5. I am tired of the surrogacy storyline... I can not stand how Robyn throws it out there like it is a 100% guaranteed option. If Kody is 44 than Meri is 41 if I have my facts straight. Reproduction-wise, a 41 year old's eggs are not the same as a 25 year old's. IVF even using a younger uterus is no where near a sure thing in any case, AMA (advanced maternal age) is not going to aid the success. Robyn - just shut up about your offer.

    I miss the teenagers. I wish they had written the book - might be more amusing/better written?

    1. I blame the producers for this surrogacy nonsense. It's a neat storyline, and it ups the yucky factor of sharing one male unit, sperms, and uteruses, and eggs, and yuck!!!

      It gives Robyn a chance to one-up Meri and all the others with her bountiful fertility, really pisses off Queen Meri, and it completely creeps out reasonable people. Well played, TLC!

    2. I agree that it's just a storyline designed to be a "hook." We all saw Robyn moaning and groaning during the labor. What woman would ever think about the next pregnancy after having just given birth? To suggest that not only was Robyn thinking about getting pregnant again but that she was considering giving the baby to her sister-wife is just ridiculous. If the whole "I will be your surrogate" thing was geniune, than what does it say about Robyn's feelings toward Sol? I was too overwhelmed with love and emotion for the child to whom I had just given birth to even think about another child, especially a child I would give up to another woman. Frankly, that scene is what turned me away from ever watching another episode of Sister Wives. I had not been a faithful viewer but had tuned in for a couple of episodes here and there. After reading the great recap on this blog, I decided to watch a rerun of the season finale. After seeing that ridiculous scene played out, I decided I would stick with the recaps. The recaps are so much more entertaining anyway!

    3. I agree, the surrogacy deal is horrible. Robyn is a two faced person who would never ever really "give" Meri a baby. She's the ultimate manipulator. It looks loving. It impresses her K master, showing her generous nature.

      So, if by a divine miracle , an embryo was implanted and thrived...she's going to give birth and hand it over? What about her nursing the baby? She'd allow a baby she birthed to ingest formula when she's got the god given milk?
      What about her passive aggressive need to "bond" with the baby? Does this baby become the true life "our" baby? I'm sure there would be hour upon hour of her crying because she was missing "their" baby, all the while Kody's manipulating Meri to share the sweet Meri, Sol needs to see his sibling.
      This idea is a disaster. I don't care for Meri much but what a snare she would get herself into with this.

    4. what woman would have a child for another woman? My daugther is having fertility problems at 27 and I would give her as many childrenas they want if I could dispite my age and high risk pregnancies of my own.

    5. What I don't get is how they try to present Robyn like some kind of nubile young woman. She is almost mid-30's by now. She's really getting up tere, as far as child bearing goes. I know it's fashionable to wait to have children at the moment, but the facts are the facts. Robyn's own eggs and uterus do not have the same chance as a 25 year olds--and Meri's 40+ year old ovaries are not even likely to produce very hardy eggs. I didn't even have any fertility issues (my husband does) and, When I went through IVF at 36, my rgular OBGyn Gave me an insulting lecture about why someone "my age" would even attempt to get pregnant intentionally--why no, I have never seen him again.

    6. I know the browns and I have to say that the surrogacy offer by Robyn is absolutely revolting! I am completely unimpressed with all of them but this turned my stomach! As for everyone feeling so sorry for Christine, don't feel too bad. She wanted this show more than any of them. She has always wanted to have attention. Possibly she has changed her mind now but she has never been too smart. Knowing Kody and watching the way he acted over courting and marrying Robyn, I am impressed at how well your commenters have him pegged. His actions were completely disgusting to me!!!

    7. @Anon 10:49--Thanks for "validatiN" us! I always figured Christine to be the most opportunistic of the whole "famn damily" (as my father would say). I never understand why everyone makes her out to the victimthe first season I found her to be the least sympathetic character of all. I don't think ANY of the adults in this situation are victims. Please pick a name to post under, and spill some dirt on the ADULTS ONLY! I do feel like the kids are victims here, even the older ones have never known any other reality.

  6. I think it's going to be them talking about when she miscarried the first time. And they are spinning it to look like it's a new miscarriage that recently happened. Either way, I'm sure it was devastating no matter when it happened- I just think TLC is making it seem like something new.

  7. I think they are recalling the experience with her previous miscarriage and TLC is making it look intentionally vague.

  8. I have not seen the clip mentioned but maybe they are recalling when they lost the last baby years ago? I can't imagine (even for them) that Robyn would be chirping away about her generous offer on the couch if they tried and miscarried, that would be wrong, even for the Browns. So...its probably a tease. I have seen a promo where it looks like they are going to a fertility clinic though. I recall that I thought Meri had an extremely unflattering outfit on.

    Speaking of Meri, anyone notice her tweeting lately? She has been tweeting up a storm, mostly about LIV products; her adoring fans will ask something about the LIV product and she will retweet and respond how she has had NO side effects (hmmmm....what about that insomnia she tweets about?) and LOVES the energy it gives her (I guess to swim all those laps). The bottom line is that if the Browns want people to think this green goop works, they are going to have to show it by being thinner (sorry, that's just the way it is) and we are getting shows filmed months ago so for now we don't see any weight loss. But the pressure is on!

    Some other interesting tweets: Today "You know my name, not my story. You've heard what I've done, not what I have been through. Stop judging me". Ok, it was a retweet of something from someone else.....BUT...she is sending a little message (that's why people tweet right?). So what is your messsage, Meri? We know about you from the book you co-wrote and we know about you from the book your sisterwives co-wrote and assuming the book is honest, then you are a very mean-spirited and judgmental sister wife. We watch you on the TLC show and you are shown as bossy and judgmental and the 'queen bee'. This is what you are choosing to 'put out there' for the public to consume. So....we have 'read what you have been through" and most of us, frankly, don't really like you.

    Oh and on a lighter note, many fans have asked where they can buy the fabulous Sisterwives jewelry and her response is 'keep watching'. I will say it again...they blew a huge opportunity by not having the site/store up and ready to take orders. They had 5 months to pull that together and didn't...interest will wane off and then they will have yet another failed and half-finished business.

    1. Its so scary reading that Christine feeds that stuff to Truely and Robyn has her son use it and carry some in his backpack so he can use it at school. Is that stuff even FDA approved? Who would give that stuff to a child? Besides the Browns?

    2. I have thought the same thing, these people are insane & think about all the Crazy Fans out there that believe everything the Brown's say that are giving this garbage to thier babies! Who really knows what that stuff does?!? I know when my two were babies, I was scared to give them Infant Tylenol w/out a Pediatrician saying it was OK. I was horrifed when I read what Christine wrote about giving that junk to Truley!!

    3. Does anyone else figure all Kody's tweets are written by Robyn?

  9. Why didnt they answer the question about all the victoria secrets underwear that robin has.. i mean she had so mucht debt on that underwear alone. Makes me wonder if that is not the reason that she is the queen bee now.

    I found this on the TLC page:Later, Meri discloses the details of her past fertility problems. So maybe that is the reason she was seen crying...

    1. i was waiting for one of the wives to snark to Robyn about the expensive VS obsession she had when got all she misty-eyed about wanting a guitar for the last 10 years. as well as crying that she'd never been able to afford a crib for her babies. sniff sniff whine whine. yeah, Robyn - i guess you only had a VS credit card and couldn't charge a baby crib or guitar on it, huh? what manipulative b.s. and she never gets called on it.

    2. Of course she does nog get called on it. Kody adores her and she knows it!. I just dont like that smug face of hers. Its like the robyn and kody show with extra's

  10. Does anyone know what happened to the Lehi house? Did they sell it or possibly renting it out to another AUB family?

    1. The last I heard they were renting it out...possibly to family members.

    2. Thanks Cynical Jinx! Love the blog!

    3. I forgot to add in response to an earlier post regarding the famous Lexus. I had an appointment in March near the headquarters in Bluffdale. I decided to take a drive through & saw the famous Lexus (with Nevada plates) parked in front of a huge white building. It looked like it might be a wedding reception, as many cars were arrival with occupants in their Sunday best. No sign of the Browns though.

    4. Thanks UC Mom!

      How interesting about spotting the Lexus! Maybe it was a Brown teen attending a church function? I would think Meri would have driven her own car.

      Nice investigative work!

    5. If it wasn't a Sunday, it could have been an "endowment house" session in the lower white building next to the massive meeting building. This is the equivalent of a Mormon temple, where they perform ordinances for the living and the dead, that they believe are essential to get to Mormon heaven.

    6. Eh, those Lexuses are more common than you think, and they look the same for years of production. I see them all the time in Texas.

      Besides, the Browns are on the run from the Utah law because they are being persecuted after admitting they were felons on national TV, remember?

    7. If Meri was so afraid of persecution, why does she drive to Utah almost every week. I betcha Meri probably thinks Utah doesn't know about her frequent trips to Utah.

    8. I think Meri is the only one who's not an admitted felon, right? I mean she's the only one who has a legal marriage and no other "marriages." I think she's actually just a plain old married woman to Utah.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Thanks CJ! Happy to help!

      It was late on Friday afternoon & there were balloons tied on a post near the entrance of the community. I guessed maybe a wedding reception?

      I thought the chances of another AUB member with Nevada plates having the exact same car as the Kodster were slim, but I guess it's possible. I know they have several communities outside of Utah, but I didn't think there were any in Nevada.

      I am not sure what the exact law here in Utah is, I think it's not only against plural marriage, but also co-habitation. If that is the case, aren't all the adults guilty of that?

    11. Perhaps this will be featured on the episode entitled "No Place Like Home" on June 10 or so.

  11. About the houses (from the prior thread):
    They said on camera that they need four houses because LV code doesn’t allow more than one kitchen in a residence. Seriously? Is that a thing?

    Does LV really not have duplexes? Apartment homes? Quadruplex? It would be so easy to build a Quadruplex with a shared space in the middle (think pentagram with four wings off each side, one side open for entry way, common space in the middle, access to each wing from common space…)

    So does anyone know about a rule in LV against duplexes? Because that seems like either a lie or unclear thinking/reasoning on the Brown’s part.

    1. They need to check with their polygamist cousins in Centennial Park AZ on how to build a proper upscale plyg house:

    2. Ooh, that’s it!! Yowser, CJ, that’s a house all right. I’m newish to the site and still going back through all the old posts sequentially, while also reading the newest ones, and so hadn’t seen that one yet.

      When the show first came out I tried to find something like this site. So glad y’all are here. I’m enjoying the site immensely.

    3. Of course Las Vegas has duplexes and quadplexes and so on. But then the sister wives would have to interact with Meri and Robyn all the time. And then Kody would actually have to be around to handle, you know, parenting and depression and stuff instead of just leaving.

      And remember, money is no object to the Browns! Whee!

  12. I just realized the other night that I saw Kody washing Robyn's dishes and her gushing how he is always doing that for her. Has anyone every seen him doing that at anyone's house besides hers?

    1. I have NEVER seen that slug lift a finger in any other mother's house except for ROBYN's! Maybe that's why Robyn didn't get the Kody Brown's Clean House Award! Remember how mad he was at Christine (season 2) when Christine did not have one of the teenage boys clear off the snow and ice from Robyn's sidewalk when they had that special dinner for their friends?

      Seriously, Kody probably thinks by showing how he helps Robyn with housework people will think he is a wonderful and does this with all his wives. Well, he doesn't.

    2. Yes, I have seen Kody wash dishes....I do believe it was at Janelle's house back in Utah. He was rinsing off the dishes and Dayton was putting them in the dishwasher, his oldest son was showing Dayton how to stack the dishwasher.

  13. I really wish TLC would pick up the tab and put them all in the same house. Just think about it..3 women all peri menopausal and 1 with PMS. Throw in some teenage angst, sibling squabbles, the lazy husband who is a closet abuser, more hairbrained schemes...and they have a winner for seasons to come!
    Come on TLC how about it??? I'm sure CJ would give you great script input too.

    1. The more I think about it, the more I like this idea. For my viewing pleasure of course, not for their marital balance. They are hanging by a thread and Dear Leader likes to leave when anyone makes him work or talk or parent. I wonder if it would even work to have him in the big house as a patriarch who is in charge and actually deals with things and is, you know, stuck there.

      These women are barely civil to each other; that would be the best part. It looks like they barely interact day-to-day, so it would be awesome to throw them together again. Like that first season when they made us think they were all besties and doing each others' laundry and each others' kids' homework and we were all jealous.

      Come on TLC producers! I'm hoping they're a little ahead of us and have already gotten this mansion together. *fingers crossed*

    2. That would be something to watch.....BUT: I seriously doubt that Meri and Christine would go for that move. They both seem to really, really enjoy their alone time with their children and also their alone time when it's their turn with Kody.

      I can't wait to see all of them in their new homes, right next door to eachother.

    3. It would revitalize the show. My friends stopped watching after the Browns moved out of the big house in Utah. They said the show got boring once they were in separate houses. They got interested again when I told them about the frequent bankruptcies and public assistance.

      TLC is shooting itself in the foot by paying rent for four different houses, letting the Browns have license to participate in the editing, and giving them softball questions in the Q &A sessions. It lets them dodge the thorny issues and drama. This would be a drama circus if TLC played it right.

  14. This is in response to Anatasia in the previous comment thread when she said:
    "These are 5 grown adults....if the women want out, I'm sure they can leave anytime. "

    I agree that these are 5 grown adults, and in theory the women could leave if they wanted... but ask yourself this:

    If you were raised and brought up to believe 100% that your salvation in the afterlife is dependent on remaining in a polygamous marriage, is that free choice? If leaving would mean that you would no longer get to spend eternity with your family does that make you free to leave at any time?

    While obviously there are hundreds of women who manage to get out of polygamy, it comes with pain, ostracism and inner turmoil while they wrestle with feelings of being eternally damned. Yes, the women could leave, but let's not pretend that they stay because they are happy and love their life. They are there because they think their afterlife depends on it.

    1. As someone who went through this, I couldn't agree more, Modern Wife.

    2. @ Modern Wife: I respectfully agree with what you said.....Being raised as a Christian and if someone tried to talk me out of what I believe in and also try to convince me that there is another way to heaven, I also wouldn't budge...I would hold onto my believes. So I do agree with you completely. As I have said in other past posts: I really do hope these woman walk away from this life and be happy. But it really seems to me that Christine and Robyn are trying to work at fixing their problems they are having with the position they are at in this marriage.

      Thank you Modern Wife for being mature and polite with your comment : )

    3. Appreciate the feedback Anastasia! I too, hope the women eventually walk away from this and discover a relationship with God... one where they don't need a man to intercede on their behalf.

    4. I only partly agree with you. I've explained to my husband that even tho it seems like they have a choice, they're so heavily indoctrinated that this is their only way into heaven that how could we expect them to do anything else? However, I've been watching a lot of Amish: Out of Order, and everyone on that show talks about how they've left the only way of life they've ever known, they're shunned by their families and walked out with no money or prospects. And they've been taught by their leaders and their own family that their choice to leave will cause them to go to hell. So they know they may not be with their families and that eternity could be lost on them. You can see it weighs on them a lot but they've left anyway so it can be done.

  15. CJ,
    This morning a co-worker casually mentioned that she watches SW but couldn't really call herself a fan, rather she was weirdly attracted to how phony it is..then mentioned that she had googled SW to see if there was any place to express that.
    Of course, SWB *IS* front and center on any search about SW. She then told me all about this *fantastic* blog she had found and was reading. Yep, it is SWB !!!
    I didn't tell her I was there nor did I ask if she signed on or what her name just all adds to the fun.

    Your blog is near famous at this point !! lol

  16. Kody and the wives when talking about their lifestyle/religion only discuss how they enjoy having sister wives to help each other etc...Christine goes so far as to say, she more so wanted sister wives then having Kody...she wanted the help raising her kids with other wives...I NEVER hear them say they are in this lifestyle because of the afterlife with Kody...

    When Robyn first entered their family they accepted a 4th wife...I think feelings changed with Meri and Christine when they saw and felt Kody changing towards them...they felt how obsessed he was/is with Robyn and how his need/want for them started to change drastically...they see how he looks at her...he doesnt have that same want/desire for them anymore...and that is when the panic and jealousy started...

    Janelle makes me laugh because she couldnt give a rats a**...her and Kody are just best buds sort of friendship and so that is why I think she isnt jealous because her relationship with Kody never changed...there was never a sexual charge between nothing has changed...I love her...I also think her kids are the most well adjusted because her focus has always been her kids...not fighting for Kody's attention like the other wives...

    Logan is the best of the bunch...what a gentleman he is.

    1. Agreed. Kody never felt that desperate sexual attraction for the others that he feels for Robs and that most of us experience for the first time in high school or college. The first 3 don't know what to do and I'm sure Kody tells Robs "I've never felt like this before", etc. which makes her smug.

    2. Good point!

      I've felt for a while that they tip-toe around the REAL reason they are doing this: religious beliefs.

      They never delve into the true motivation behind living polygamously. The surface reasons they give (aka - helps me overcome jealously/smooth out my "rough" patches, I get "me" time, I get the influence of other mother-figures on my children, I get the help of other women, etc) all fall so flat because you could achieve all of those things without polygamy.

      I feel like I might have a morsel of respect for them if they would be open about the ACTUAL reasons they practise polygamy and their perception of an afterlife.

      I said "might" have respect for them...

      ... oh who am I kidding? Nothing would help me respect them.

    3. I totally agree with this. The Browns have been very reluctant to tell us the real reason behind living this lifestyle. Remember the couple who visited and knew they wanted to live 'the lifestyle' but weren't overly excited about actually having another wife? Just substitute the phrase "the principle" for "this lifestyle". They believe (generally, I am not the expert, but what I understand from what I have read...) that in order to get to the highest kingdom of heaven, the celestial kingdom, they must practice the Principle of Plural Marriage. Only followers of the Principle get access to this level of heaven. Those who don't live The Principle will be forever separated from their families, etc. They believe a man must take 3 wives (again, I believe, maybe its just two) in order to get their ticket in....and I think CJ said that a man with 7 wives has a 'quorum' and gets his own planet. (Yikes! of course, Kody will want a planet...maybe not now but in 5 years, he will want another wife to add to his forever family and then might as well get to number 7). A wife cannot get into this part of heaven without being sealed to a godly, Principled Man which is why we doubt anyone will be leaving or if they do, they will quickly remarry another polygamist to get into heaven.

      The bottom line is they are doing it is a tenet of their religious beliefs. They are not doing it because it helps them overcome jealousy or smooth out their rough patches or get help with their children or any of that....they are doing it because they believe its the only way they can get into the highest kingdom of heaven. And when Kody says a wife can ask for a divorce....he doesn't care, he is already sealed to 4 wives and if the wife leaves, I think he still gets his planet and all. The men hold the power in this religion. The women bear as many children as they can for the kingdom. And they believe that the rewards on their own planet will make up for all the suffering here on Earth. They have made references to that...

      Also this is why Kody will take more wives once the kids from the original 3 start leaving the nest. He will need more 'minors' on the payroll to get more public assistance from NV, UT or Y, whatever state they are in. They put a surfer dude face on it, but it's their way of life. Bleeding the Beast. Google that + polygamy and you will see what I am talking about.

      I wish they would just be more honest rather than giving us that 'it makes us better people' crap because no one really believes or understands that.

    4. I have already commented here that the more I watch Robyn and her manipulations, the more I hate her....
      And now, the more I read on this blog about this 'religion' and everything that it goes with, just wow....I have no words....
      I feel very badly for the kids because they didn't get a choice as to their family's religion, (and I also feel that most of the Brown teens don't agree with it and that may be why we aren't seeing/hearing them as much so far this season)I feel less bad for the women, because I feel their low self-esteem and having been brainwashed allows them to be degraded and abused, but they are consenting adults, so there you go....
      I absolutely HATE the men in this 'religion' because they control their women and children like chess pieces and use the government and my tax dollars to keep this sham going....unbelievable to me that they can do this in the name of 'religion'....

    5. CPA, just because he's sealed to them now doesn't make him safe. If the wives choose to leave and marry someone else, they have the right to be unsealed to Kody and sealed to their new husband. They could also have their children sealed to this new husband. So he would be losing out if anyone did leave. He could always marry more but if a wife requests to be sealed to someone else, it'd definately hurt his reputation in the community. Look at Robin's bio daddy, he won't be seeing her or her mother in his afterlife cause they were sealed to the step-dad.

  17. Anyone else notice how much The Brown Clowns use the word 'validate'? I have never seen a bunch of people who constantly need validation...ever! Makes me think they are all insucure in their own belief of themselves, for real.

  18. I've made the same comment as ModernWife also - these women do NOT have a choice if they think they will suffer otherwise. The other glaring issue with this lifestyle is the secrecy. It's never good if you have to keep secret what you are doing. That is a given. That is a CULT. They can call it "religion" or "the principle" or anything else because that sounds better than what it truly is.

    I wish they would just attend another mainstream church to see that they don't need to be treated like cattle to get to heaven. I repeat myself - no one is asking them not to believe in God or Jesus Christ - just stop believing AUB/LDS men.

    I hope the best thing that comes out of this show are blogs like this for the children to see - they need to know how dysfunctional and unhealthy their parents are and not perpetuate the lunacy.

    1. Agree, agree, agree...I actually think the Brown kids are wise to this sham that their parents call their 'religion'....if I remember correctly, when some of the older kids discussed the 'lifestyle' of their parents, most said they weren't going to follow it when they were adults, I think Meriah was the only one who seemed interested and just wondering if that was her (bully) mom Meri talking through Meriah, does anyone else remember?? Is that correct?? So agree with you that it is a cult...

    2. I agree, too, Sandy, though in regards to Mariah, I'll point out that she's an only child with a bunch of half-sibs. She's never had to share her mom and when her dad visits she's the only kid around.

      Without her dad's other wives, she wouldn't have siblings, but they're not competitors. She's got the best scenario of all the kids in this family. Seems reasonable that she'd consider pursuing it for herself.

    3. I agree with you about them attending a mainstream service but that will never happen. Last season Christine and Robyn freaked out about the kids possibly attending a mainstream youth group because they felt those kids, whom they referred to as "sharks", would be a bad influence on their kids because they lacked "moral character". (Insert rolling eyes) Once Kody saw this made Robyn unhappy he stated it wouldn't be good for the kids either and Janelle and Meri caved as to not upset the "master" even though their kids were looking forward to it.

      These women are so brainwashed they do not have a clue that A) that type of comment offends most of their viewers and B) that the majority of Americans find them to lack moral character and may not want to expose their kids to them. I really do not believe they understand any religion outside of their own and LDS. Unfortunately their religion teaches that all other religions are wrong and heathenistic. I doubt they even realize what a small percentage of Americans make up the LDS as they think of them as mainstream. Another example of the brainwashing is the constant comparisons of polygamy being better than a monogamous man that cheats on his wife. These women cannot even fathom that most men in the real world can be monogamous and faithful to only one woman and that most men put the needs of their wife and children above their own needs or wants.

      This is why I can't stand Kody. I do not believe for a minute that he truly believes in this "religion". He just found some insecure women to prop him up, take care of him and feed his ego and he's loving it! He doesn’t have to provide for them financially or emotionally and if they speak up, he just has to remind them that he won’t let them into heaven.

    4. Remember what he said to his friend who visited from Utah (the couple who were struggling with the idea of taking another wife).

      The friend asked Kody if he would live a plyg lifestyle if were not mandated by religion. The friend said he wouldn't. Kody said he would b/c of "love."

    5. They all, esp Kody, talks about how "busy" they all have been,etc...(including too busy to spend quality time w/ the other 3 wives, bcuz we all know Kody spends a great deal of time w/ Robyn)...Just proves that if the "man of the household" or leader is too busy for wives & kids, then their religion has definitely taken a backburner for sure! It's obvious they don't spend time together, but IMO, if polygamy is definitely required as a tenent of their faith,blah, blah...then a mandatory gathering of worship would be implemented come hell or high water, I would think! It's not even that! U would think they would ALL WANT to gather for religious purposes anyways!

    6. I agree that Logan seems like a good kid. He is kind with the other children and seems confident. Makes me wonder if he will have lots of wives, while the less "competent" boys like Robin's will wash out of the polygamous life.

  19. The very fact that it's hard and requires a lot of individual sacrifice and martyrdom in and of itself validates the sanctity of it to them. I know that may sound weird but it's true. The mainstream LDS are often quoted as Jesus saying "I never said it would be easy. I just said it would be worth it " as well as "Endure to the end" is another fave of theirs. (I've seen these sayings in various forms of plaques, framed pics, stenciled walls etc. in their homes which they're also big on decorating with throughout ) I'm sure this is also Brown's mantra that carries them through. Indoctrination has a very strong hold of them whether they're currently attending their church on a regular basis or not.

  20. Polygamy-men want to keep their wives minds simple so that they believe that by their husbands taking many wives they end up a God in heaven...and the women in this lifestyle believe this.

  21. Only in American can people that can't read a book, write a book!

  22. Great comment.

    I wonder what happened to that couple who were considering bringing another wife in? I hope they dropped the idea, they seemed too darn happy with how things were with their relationship and family. Anyone know?

    1. You mean the friends from Lehi with all the kids, right? Good question!

      Does anyone know if they took the plunge and added a wife?

    2. Peanut Butter FritosMay 31, 2012 at 11:32 PM

      I bet they are sorry for getting involved with this hot mess. Why on earth would you go on TV for this? Especially if it's one episode and you don't get all the cash???

    3. Out of curiosity, anyone know what the viewer demographics are for 'Sister Wives'?

      My guess is that the viewership is largely women but it would be fascinating to know the actual age, sex etc of those who watch it. I suspect TLC knows but I didn't know if that is available to the public.

      BTW, did you see where the criminal case against the Brown's was closed in Utah?

    4. It's funny you should mention that, because I was wondering about them, too. I would hate to see it happen. I have been studying the polygamous lifestyle for several years. I have yet to find any example to prove that it is beneficial to anyone, but the men. I hope that couple did some real soul searching and decided on leaving the AUB rather than take on a second wife. However, if they were raised in that religion, it's doubtful that they left the AUB. Groups like that tend to be closed societies--at least to some degree. Even if they weren't being physically held, it's an emotional and psychological prison. It would mean leaving behind all family and friends and starting life anew.

  23. I agreee, one house for all. That is what family is all about. They have never lived with Robin so I could only image the drama.

    1. If they do move in together, I hope they purchase flood insurance. If you think Robyn cries at the drop of a hat now, then imagine the continual torrent of tears she'll be shedding if she has to live with all her sister wives.

    2. I see 4 double wide trailers in their future.

    3. I think your being generous. I see 3 rusted out singles as Robin will high tail it out of there as soon as the gravy train ends.

  24. Did anyone notice the $200+ jeans that Logan was wearing when he was taking the Pixies to the scrapbooking store? Funny, the brand of jeans is "True Religion!"

    1. Giving Logan a bit of credit - He might have scored those at Plato's Closet or some other second-hand clothing store, where they sell for $35-$50 depending on condition.

    2. Are they in a position to afford 35 bucks, and when are "true religious" people materialistic (we're not talking Levi's here,) selfishly taking taxpayer money to pay for them, and raising an entitled eldest child without the means to back him up? No offense to Logan, it's not his fault, just Janellle and Logan's older brother who's convinced himself he's a father figure.

  25. I've tweeted Robyn couple of times asking why she always seems to make it about her. I guess she found that offensive so she blocked me... Surprise surprise KODY blocked me too!

    1. Aw Anon, my sisterposter, no worries I'll "validate" you. Wear your blocked status with pride and know that Kodouche and his bride will have something to cry about together..sniff.sniff 'all those mean haters' waaahh. If they would just look inward...oh well/
      as always,keepin' it sweet

  26. This blog cracks me up! It's the comic relief I need :) I am sure this has been posted before, but I do find it funny that the Browns excuse things such as divorce and homosexuality. The Mormon faith does not excuse these things at all, but the Browns do. However, you must live the Principle! I don't think they study their doctrine like Kody suggests they do.

    1. I think they are lying about homosexuality (and perhaps divorce, although there's a lot of it in their extended families) to seem politically correct. I think they would FREAK if one of the kids came out to them.

    2. When you consider that NONE of the wives seemed comfortable talking about it - from Robyn and her stupid "it's a difficult life to live" as if someone had a choice to be gay, Janelle keeping to the script even though she's on record saying she doesn't want her kids to have tattoos or pierced ears, to Christine's over the top "I won't allow you to have SHARKS in your bedroom because you might be tempted to do something immodest and salacious on the bed together" tirade while she's wearing a stretched out skin tight pajama baby doll top layered over a longsleeved t-shirt. And Meri did not say one word at all.

      Nope, I don't believe them at all! And yes, they would freak (see Christine's and Robyn's answer). Meri doesn't have to worry because he child is perfect and can't wait to be a sister wife.

    3. I almost started laughing when Robyn started with her "I would be sad b/c it is a difficult life" nonsense. Does she really think that polygamy is nof a difficult life? (Shaking head). I guess we just need to wait until Robyn's frontal lobe develops and she can spell "Wyoming." Maybe then she understand the logical disconnect of her statement.

  27. I do not think all 4 wives will be there when the TLC money is gone. Without TLC, I think the first 3 and Kody might have stayed together in Utah. They had made it 16 years, kids were getting older, in some ways, life would get easier for them all. I think Robin, the publicity and TLC dough, changed the whole group dynamic. It's one thing to know your husband goes on dates, it's another to watch an episode where you are in the hospital giving birth to your 6th child, and you see your husband passionately kiss his girlfriend. Or watch him propose or see him on his really nice honeymoon or watch him do dishes at Robin's house when he has only helped with dishes twice in 16 years at your house.

    1. According to the other sister wives, none of them have watched the Honeymoon special! Damn, I surprised Robyn didn't throw a sleep over,so they could all experience a great honeymoon vicariously thru her...Lol Guess, they all, including Queen bee, couldn't look inward or keep sweet thru that episode! HA!!

  28. I should be getting book from library today. I won't pay for it so I had to wait my turn. Also I'm getting imperfect justice by Jeff Ashton can't wait for that 1.

  29. I'm new to posting but have been board stalking a while now.
    I really like this blog. You all watch for the same reasons as me. It is like watching a car accident. I know it's bad and shouldn't be seeing it but it's so hard to turn away.

    I didn't think Robyn was so bad until you all highlighted the selfish nature she has. Now I totally see it. Having read all of these comments makes watching the show do much more interesting because I watch it wondering what you all will talk about on here the week afterward. :)

    Not much to add just want to say keep up the fntertaient for me.

  30. Sorry- but isn't that a Mitsubishi Eclipse Christine was driving? NO WAY the browns could afford a Lexus pre-TLC. Perhaps that's what Kodouch was hoping for his birthday; instead he got an anti-climatic Apple Compter. Robin, why didn't you stop your sw's from this horrible gift decision?? Surely he was hoping for tlc to fund his "fun" bday present. Oh well, asst least Robin can shop the Victoria Secret website now. gross.

    1. Oh yes, not only do the Browns now have a Mitsubishi convertible Kody has a Lexus convertible that has been discussed since Season 1! According to Janelle (season 1) she explained they got the Lexus cheap. Please see the Lexus in action, on a camping trip!

  31. I feel so pathetic admitting this, but my friend and I drove by Meri's and Janelle's house yesterday (Sunday) just to see where Kody was that night. My friend lives two streets down from Janelle and like one street down from Christine and Robyn, like a 5 minute walk tops. Anyhow, we spotted the white Lexus at Janelle's and so we ended the search there, lol. I'm assuming Janelle get's Sundays. I really would like to see who has what day exactly and see just how much time he spends at Robyn's. Buuutttt I don't think I can be that much of a creep, haha.

    1. That is too funny. If I lived that close to them, I'd be spying on them, too.
