Friday, June 1, 2012 Sex talk gets awkward on 'Sister Wives'

By Anna Chan

How does that saying go? "If you're old enough to have sex, you're old enough to talk about it." Well, in the case of "Sister Wives" stars Kody Brown and wife No. 1 Meri, that may not hold true despite their maturity -- or seeming lack thereof when it comes to the subject of sex.

In an exclusive sneak peek TLC shared with of Sunday's new episode, the couple are at their fertility doctor's office when an unsurprising statement (considering the nature of the visit) brought about an unexpected reaction.

"It looks like you all have been trying to get pregnant for a while," noted Dr. Littman.

Meri immediately launched into awkward giggles.

"Well, we haven't been trying real hard, but I mean, we haven't been trying to stop it -- ever," replied Kody, which resulted in his wife laughing uncomfortably.

Meri later went on to explain that she wasn't expecting questions about their sex life during the visit to the fertility specialist. "It's a very, very, very private and personal subject," Meri said. "We just do not talk about it."

Meri's desire for more children hasn't been a secret. Last season, wife No. 4, Robyn, offered to be a surrogate after Meri experienced trouble conceiving again (she has one child, a teenage daughter). Sunday's episode will also feature Meri and Kody revealing that she miscarried about 10 weeks into her pregnancy four years ago.


  1. It doesn’t seem that he knows that sperm doesn’t last a month… and considering how awkward they are about this, I do wonder if they understand basic human anatomy and reproduction.

    Maybe it was just the presence of the cameras but why did they think it was a good idea to bring cameras into an INFERTILITY appointment? OF COURSE sex is going to be discussed!! Do they KNOW how babies are made? If they’re going to consult a doctor, obviously she’s going to ask about frequency of sex. And “no problem there” doesn’t actually help the doctor.

    Snarky aside, I do feel for them. Miscarriages are rough, especially after so many years of infertility.

    Snarky’s back: good thing she’s got sister wives and is actively involved in raising and loving on all of her children. Or whatever.

    1. I don't think that aren't mature enough to talk about it but who really wants to talk about sex with people they don't know. I feel that it's personal and can make anyone uncomfortable when asked. That's the problem with out society today smh...

  2. The first video I think just highlights the trademark "Nervous Meri Laugh". She does that ALL THE TIME. It's actually annoying because almost after every sentence she does this laugh. I don't even think she knows she's doing it though.

    The second video is just plain sad. I really think this emphasis on having children is unhealthy for Meri. I mean she wants more kids and hasn't been able to have them. In a normal marriage, the couple would either just decide to be happy with the one that they have and at this point, look forward to Mariah going to college and them enjoying adult things together - Meri going to college and having the job that she likes, or maybe adopt.

    However, I think that Meri can't get over this with other women having Kody's kids left and right and I don't blame her. If couldn't have kids, and wanted them, but other women were having kids with my husband, I literally think it would make me crazy.

    But truthfully, none of them should have any more kids because they can't afford the ones that they have once the TLC show stops - and it will. Fascination will dry up. They are talking about having to sustain 4 separate households, all these kids - some in college and Robyn is still talking about having more.

    Realty Check is an understatement of what this family needs.

    1. Yes, Anony, reality check is definitely an understatement! I believe a huge dose of moving back to Lehi(& not Cali), welfare & bankruptcy reality will definitely be checking their extravvagant lifestlye asses soon! I guess Modest is hottest doesn't apply to their spending habits?...smh I think it will happen when they least expect it! When it rains, sometimes it pours!

    2. I hate to say this but I think that's why the Dargers would have been a better choice for this reality show. Joe Darger may look mean but he appears to be sort of likeable, maybe. And he's definitely not a shirker when it comes to work. The only icky point is his marrying twins and their cousin. But the Dargers appear to practice their faith, unlike Kody Brown who does everything halfassed, except when spending money. I really believe that if Kody had a real job (or businesses like Darger) he never would have left Lehi. Kody went to Las Vegas for the glitz and glamour! And he still doesn't have a job!!!!

  3. Yeah right, her sister wives are all one mother to all the kids. Sure... That's why she worships her precious Mariah or whatever her name is. Does she love the other ones the same? I think not. All the sista's say "my kids", not our kids or not even "Kody and my kids". He doesn't help with them at all. Sick. When he completely ignored the bloody fist fight between his boys, it was apalling.

  4. Losing a baby is very hard and for that I feel bad for Meri. When trying to get pregnant you can not be on a 4 day rotation. What happens if she is ovulating on another SW night? Are they willing to give up thier time for her?

    1. No one is going to give up any time for her. And the 'battle ax' that she is as a first wife, I believe the others probably are grateful that she cant 'breed' like they do.

  5. I think that Meri's reaction to the "frequency" question shows that she is not particularly into sex with Kody. She had a perfect opportunity to "get more" but she immediately pushed it away. Kody was willing....he started out saying "it's not like we've been trying really hard". Meri doesn't really like it and really doesn't want more of it.

    Must be tough to be Meri...If she has to have all the lesbian tendencies and be surrounded by sisterwives, but must keep her tendencies secret it has to be stressful. That stress would intensify her OCD compulsions to control everything and why she has to have order all the time.

    1. Why do you assume that just because she doesn't want to have sex with Kody that she may have lesbian tendencies? That's a far stretch.

      I think she just doesn't want to sleep with Kody. Who can blame her?

    2. Let's face it, it could be the experience of sleeping with Kody that brought on those lesbian tendencies in the first place.

  6. Damn! I'm sure the other wives would have LOVED hearing how often Meri and Kody get it on! ;)

  7. Goodness! Check out all of these clips all of a sudden. The ones where he is talking about each of his relationships with each wife while sitting solo with each one. He basicly jumps all over Christine for saying the same thing Robyn says. He gives Christine grief and praises Robyn when she says it. What a loser!

  8. I dont get this desire to produce more biological children if all the children are theirs. 17 kids would be plenty to love and keep very busy raising. I thought they were one family and the biology of each child didn't matter. At least that's how they presented when the show started.

  9. And yet Meri is perfectly happy to tweet to the world about Kody being her "Rock Star Lover!"???

    1. Haha...A. Mastiff, I was totally thinking the exact same thing! They both call each other Lover openly. I think they do it bcuz its "their thing", but I just wonder if Robyn & Kody openly called each other pet names on the phone or camera, if Meri or even the other wives have a problem w/ that? Afterall, Meri tweeted that all the wives are equal, which is clearly BS!

  10. What in the world!!! Why would they go to a fertility doctor and then feel uncomfortable about talking about how often they have sex? Good grief, of course they would be asked that question. They are just wasting that doctor's time..this is all about ratings, Meri has no intentions of any 'intervention' (in vitro)..that would require that they not only discuss openly with their dr. about timing of sex but Kody would also need to be available to service Meri at the right time. Don't see that happening. And again, don't see the surrogacy thing happening either. Can you see Kody's face when the doctor tells him that she needs his precious seed in a cup to fertilize Meri's egg. He would find that vulgar and offensive. Imagine the couch session talking about that one. Honestly that just cracks me up.

    1. I look forward to the episode in which Kody visits a proctologist. If they think "sex talk" is uncomfortable...
      I couldn't see the first clip on my iPad - did anyone make a big announcement (the way Christine did at the Plymouth settlement or Robyn did at the Lamaze session) "WE'RE POLYGAMISTS!!!" this time? Lol

  11. I have been lurking here for months, this is my first comment. I HAD to comment on this as hubby and I have been trying for a baby for 6 of the 9 years we have been married (6 early m/c's, 2 at 16 wks - 1 of which was twins, 2 failed adoption attempts... we still hold on to hope that one day we shall be parents). Anyway, some of the questions they ask at those appointments, especially the first appt would make anyone blush and uncomfortable. You are poked and prodded and basically molested and the questions... oh my gosh, the questions... they want to know EVERYTHING about your sex life. How many times a week, how many times you orgasm, how much leaks out... what positions you mostly use.. I swear I remember being asked how many times a week I had a bowel movement so yeah, pretty personal stuff. The testing you go through is not for the faint at heart either. I can kind of relate to Meri in this situation - she does have 1 child and I would be more then satisfied with 1 child - be it from my womb or someone elses womb, we just want to be parents. Infertility sucks though, I still get pangs of jealousy when kids I babysat are on baby number 2 or 3 and I'm still waiting for 1.

    1. jncrew, I am so sorry what you are going through trying to become parents...but thanks for the insight on what sort of questions are asked at an infertility appointment, it does make sense that they need to know all the intimate details to figure out what is (or isn't) going on...and I agree with you about Meri having one child already, she does have one, she is a parent....but I think knowing that Mariah may be out of Meri's house and off to college is really getting to Meri...but at Meri's age, I would think more than twice about trying to have another baby...

    2. jncrew,

      Been through both honey. Don't listen to the Dr.'s tell you no. And adoption, done that, been burnt, and then got one. Later, after ALL, I had one beautful adopted child and 3 yrs later, and in my later "fertility" time, got pregnant, and everything went great! Pray darlin, and read about Sarah and Samuel in the bible. Worked for me!

  12. OMG..The Dr's face is PRICELESS! And Kody giving his version of Sex Ed on the couch..."Duh, I know U gotta do it at least Once a Month, Duh." I think maybe Kody's getting "IT" confused w/Meri's menstrual cycle, lol. Lord help those kids, I hope someone OTHER THAN KODY gave them "THE TALK"!!

  13. Kody's been doing several women at the same time for years - then you really can't be shy when it comes to sex, he must be faking his shyness.

    1. His dumb ass sure wasn't being shy when he was flexing his bare chest (I actually felt embarrassed for & being all macho, like a cave man & then tossing Robyn up over his shoulders on their honeymoon! Ughhhh! Kody is no eye candy for sure(gagging...)

    2. If Meri went ahead & let Robyn be a surrogate, that means that Meri would be around 60 yrs old, when the baby turns 18...@that age she should be enjoying grandkids! Yes, I know that the old age thing prolly doesn't phase Douche bag, but hey....
      Robyn will be damn near pushN 50yrs old, when Sol is 18...
      So, Browns! Ya'll seriously need to quit! Get to know & enjoy the kids U all have between U now & in a few years, I'm sure ya'll will be blesses w/ lots of grandbabies!
      That would be a lil weird if one of the moms were pregnant at the same time their much younger & fertile daughters were pregnant! O_o

    3. Caramel Brownie..... you just KNOW that when one of the older kids announces theyre gonna be having the first grandchild Robyn gonna get knocked up again. Can't outshine her.

    4. I can't wait for a tell-all book from one of their children!

  14. Seriously, these people are idiots. At a fertility clinic they're shocked and embarrassed about basic sexual information questions?
    Robyn is just as stupid with her flippant comments that of course Meri has a choice to have a baby, as others have's a hard process with NO sure bets on a success.
    I wonder what their take is on multiple fertilized eggs, would they opt to select only one or implant the multiples in Robyn? Real ethical questions with hard thought out answers seem beyond their mental capacity.

    1. Kody will demand all the eggs to be implanted because he is turned on thinking about Robyn with a belly full of squirming fetuses. When she gives birth to 12 infants, Kody will divide them out--- 2 to Meri, 2 to Janelle and 8 to Christine so she can be kept busy. Robyn doesn't get any because she has to devote her full attention to Sol and Kody.

    2. Yay! Now THAT would be entertainment. Robyn could end up the exalted celestial goddess for real, a bushel full 'o bebes for the new planet. Robyn would be the mothership, all hands on deck to tend to her while she broods the batch of frizzy haired heirs.
      I like how you figured they would be parceled out. Run Christine, run,
      She'll have lots of time to work on that weird jewelry while she's in bed for months.

    3. The idea of Robyn turning into Octomom makes me laugh.

    4. It would sure help them get ratings

    5. Wow, after these descriptions of Robyn bearing litters of kids, I'm totally thinking of the "Aliens" movie with the Queen alien and all her eggs and offspring taking over the entire planet.

  15. Wow! U would think that they would've done some of their own research, etc...& know what to somewhat expect! Esp, since Kody seems to be throwing the word EDUCATED around a lot this season! Their ignorance never ceases to amaze me.
    I just wonder if the invitro they did earlier in their marriage was included in a bankruptcy? So now, they're putting it out there, in hopes that TLC would foot the bill?

  16. Being a surrogate requires abstaining from sex with anybody for a little time before and quite a while after implantation. Now who thinks Robyn and Kody are going to quit "doing it"?

    Meri would have to trust them or do a DNA test afterwards to determine the mother of the kid. Who would trust Robyn and Kody?

    1. Robyn isn't the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree so I suspect she thinks a 6 month old fetus will be miraculously implanted into her womb and 3 months later she will push it out!

    2. For Meri's sake I hope she never get lured into doing it.

    3. Hey BC, I sure in the hell don't trust K & R & I'm pretty sure the others don't either! Even though they're still trying to convince us


      LMAO Anony!! & that's for damn sure! Not sure if her frontal lobe will ever fully develop at this point! O_o

    4. You are so right, Meri would have to trust Robyn & Kody completely to know that the baby was hers & not Robyns, lol. Meri better think twice before she agrees especially since Robyn LOVES to brag about all the SECRETS she & Kody have together!

  17. They chose to have the camera/sound crew present for that *private* chat. Obviously, the doctor also chose to be there. He would have had to sign some release, agreeing to be part of that scene.
    Wonder whose idea that was for the show...Kody/Meri or TLC??

    Someone else brought up a good point...if Meri was having fertility problems all along, and let's say she wasn't ovulating on a normal regular basis and they wanted more Kody/Meri babies, wouldn't Kody and she have had to work with HER cycle rather than just keeping to the normal every 4 day rotation and hoping for the best.
    Even Mama Dugger posted her menstrual/ovulating calendar for all to see. They scheduled their baby-making around her ovaries.

    1. Amused, I've been wondering about the exact same thing! Even though they claim they never did anything to prevent it from happening and they say that the frequency of intercourse is not the problem, their very lifestyle only gives them the opportunity for sex every four days. I'm not sure they realize they have to sleep together at the time of Meri's ovulation every month to get a good shot at another pregnancy. Ideally Meri should buy those ovulation tests that tell you when you're ovulating and then they should repeatedly have sex for a period of maybe 4 days as soon as Meri's ovulation test is positive (I do realize that would screw up the SW rotational schedule, but it would increase their chances of becoming pregnant a lot). However, given how they giggle and "don't talk about 'it'" I'm thinking they have zero clue about how these things work. That's what happens when people don't get Sex Ed in school.

    2. Also, in order to maximize possibility of conception, Kody would need to abstain with the other three wives in order to ensure highest sperm count....and I can't imagine that Robyn would allow that to happen....

    3. Did anyone else notice that Kody and Meri were wearing the same clothes for the OBGYN and both fertility dr visits. This was ONE day of shooting (hopefully his pre-arranged day with Meri, otherwise Christine got screwed again) and it was so contrived that I doubt there is any reality left to this reality show. At least one of the dr's had the good sense to stress the risks of having this done at Meri's age.

  18. I'm surprized they allowed the fertility questions segment to air, after all, didn't they JUST say during the Q&A show that they wouldn't answer the contraception question because it was too personal? (rolling eyes)

    How dare Robyn keep throwing the baby "choice" in Meri's face??? Even if the offer was genuine for the right reasons, you don't keep badgering Meri about it! You can tell Meri's infertility is truly a sensitive subject (we really don't know if it's because she loves kids or populating Kody's celestial planet) but her emotions were real when talking about the miscarriage. Robyn needs to BACK OFF.

    1. agree with you, so sad....Robyn jumps at any chance to bring up 'the offer'...I just hope Meri doesn't take her up on it...

    2. Robyn has no reason to back off. Of course, Meri's not going to take her up on the ridics offer (at Meri's age and point of freedom she's enjoying) but Robyn will forever be able to hold that over her if Meri wants to have a pity party w/Robyn's King Kody again. Meri has more than met her match w/the Queen manipulative passive/aggressive skills Robyn possesses.

      Janelle finally got her to back off of Hunter publicly but it doesn't mean that Robyn's done that behind the scenes w/her private Kody brainwashing time. ;')

    3. If Meri takes her up on it, she will forever owe to Robyn and Robyn will constantly remind her of that.

    4. That just goes to show that Robyn didn't offer the surrogacy "wholeheartedly", more like for selfish reasons! Someone needs to hit the pause button on Robyn bcuz she sounds like a damn broken ass record on repeat >_< Yes, Robyn we all know, that U gave Meri a choice, but its obvious she's just not interested, so please STFU already & get over it & ur high and mighty self!!

    5. Lobotomized - i believe Robyn will forever hold it over Meri's head whichever way Meri decides. it's a win/win for Robyn and a lose/lose for Meri in that dept. Robyn's crazy like a fox. ;')

  19. Can't believe their reaction to the fertility doctor's questions! How do they expect her to do her job without asking intimate for intimate details? Seems they were very uncomfortable about being asked about the frequency of having sex - not surprising when Kody is having sex with three other women and spends little time with Meri! Would have loved seeing them explain that. Let's face it - conditions are not optimum for Meri having another child. Kody, your comments make you look dumb.

    1. Well, I can't believe the whole situation - Meri and Kody should have shooed the camera crew out as soon as they realized they were going to be asked "embarrassing" questions (and how did they not know this was going to happen?) And why would the fertility doctor allow a camera crew in the first place? Geez, these people are insane.

    2. i thought this wasn't Meri's first rodeo w/fertility treatments? thought in the first season she talked about doing that once in the past and Kody was trying to talk her into trying it again. am i not recalling correctly?

    3. You certainly are correct.

    4. It may be that this is not their 1st round with a fertility clinic but my understanding is that this is a different beast wanting to use a surrogate. Meri's eggs would need to be harvested then fertilized outside the body, Rob-chin would need to take hormone treatments to have her body ready to accept the fertilized embryo. All of that is intense and they would all have to be totally committed to the program.
      None of them seem capable of being on a rigid, time sensitive schedule AND it's expensive. Who's paying for this?

      I'll be shocked if they even start the process, more shocked if it works.
      Truly they are simple minded loons who probably think that it's simple.

    5. Anon 11:41 - I think kody brought it up (during christines labor with Truely) and Meri said no way,
      I doubt they could afford it pre-TLC, and I don't think medical insurance covers much of the cost, since it's an elective procedure.

    6. Anon 11:41 - I remember that too, I thought she said they looked down the IVF route and it wasn't for them.

    7. yes Dakota it is expensive and very trying emotionally just taking the drugs needed to hyperstimulate the hormones to release numerous eggs. My daugter has done IUI unseccessfully and they are saving for just on round of IVF which is estimated to cost 25,000 dollars of which insurance will not pay. I think it is Kody who is pushing Meri to do this. I can't believe a 41 year old woman with a child nearly raised would want to start over.

  20. I just saw those new interviews on the TLC site with Kody & each of his wives. He actually says he was attracted to Christine's pedigree and she's like "I know". Wow. If a guy wanted to marry me because of my pedigree I'd go running!!!

    1. I suppose Christine is AUB royalty, but Kody sure isn't treating her like she's royal. Or maybe that's the way the men treat their wives?

    2. Kodz doesn't treat Christine like royalty because he doesn't like her / can't stand her. He married her for her "pedigree" or her bloodline from the prophet, but he doesn't seem to want to be with her anymore. He also isn't really attracted to Janelle, but they are buddies so he treats her OK.
      He is only attracted to Meri and Robin.

    3. Lobotomized, I couldn't agree more. I watched all 4 of the new interviews and Kody is so nasty to Christine in theirs that I really think the only reason he took her on was because he hoped to profit from her direct Allred descent. When she points out she married Kody because she also clicked with Meri he gets really angry and it almost seems to me that he thinks Christine should be glad he took her at all (him being disgusted at watching her eat chili cheese nachos and whatnot).

      Janelle's and Kody's interview is totally calm and relaxed. She and Kody are like friends with benefits. They laugh, they have fun, but Janelle doesn't even want exclusitivty in their relationship. She's glad he's got three other wives to keep him busy. That gives her time to run the family without him getting in the way.

      How Kody and Meri fell in love is actually kinda sweet and I see him as being most romantic with Meri. The same applies to him and Robyn, he is romantic towards her, too. He's so over Christine by now that it's almost conceivable that he'd dump her (although I'm not sure what that would mean for his AUB standing).

    4. Kodouche is a social climber. Back in the day, sure he was probably stoked about Christine's pedigree but now he's impressed by himself, the TLC "star", the "Rock star lover". The AUB can't give him the kind of glory that tv does. The AUB doesn't give him new cars. The AUB won't help him flit from all of his houses. The AUB won't help foot the bill for xmas rentals, ski trips, Mx vacations. He has a shiny new wife to fit his new life.
      Christine and her background is the old life, not important anymore. Who needs spiritual clout when it's all about "me" "me" "me" now?

    5. Sarina,
      The really sad thing is that Christine doesn't realize that a woman's value can be for something other than her ability to have babies or her pedigree. But, I can sort of see why Kodsturd doesn't like her. She never shuts up. She has to inerpret what he says, she has to over talk the other. I was watching the video of Janelle breaking down about being displaced, and when she was trying to compose herself enough to continue, Christine has to chime in. It was Janelle's moment and Christine opens her big fat mouth. Maybe because of her pedigree, she elevates herself above the others and feels like she has the right to ramble on and on, but the truth is, after seeing her grovel and seeing her accept her position and maltreatment, I'm thinking she deserves what she gets.

    6. In the interview with Christine, Kody mentiones "Christine's family 3 generations back were polygamists". Since he and Christine are 3rd cousins, that would mean that about 3 generations back it was their shared ancestors that were into polygamy. How could Kody have this whole conversation with Christine and not mention that they share ancestors? They are such deceivers!

    7. Kody's mother actually did come from the Allred group--that's one Generation, Not 3.

    8. How do you know they are cousins, sorry I'm new here? Thanks for this blog BTW! I know what the Allred group is, and I know Christine's last name is Allred. How do the other three have the last name of Brown? How do they get the name, if they can't produce a legal marriage license?

    9. Anon 4:34 - they can use whatever last name they like, without even having it legally changed. I note quite a few references to Robyn (articles etc) refer to her as Sullivan. For legal documents etc of course they would have to use their legal names but if they want to call themselves "Brown" then it's perfectly ok as far as I know.

  21. so, is that his roundabout passive/aggressive way of calling Christine his bitch? ;')

  22. Just watched the video with the dr again....and when the dr asks how often do they 'get together'...Meri says 'timing isn't the issue'!!! WTH??? Why couldn't she answer the actual question the dr asked?? That's how the dr will understand what is going on (or not!)....seems like Meri got defensive really quickly!! And yeah, I understand that this appointment deals with extremely intimate personal info....that EVERYONE on Sunday will be privy to, including their kids, the other 'wives', parents, siblings, why are these nitwits laying it out there for everyone to snicker at??
    Ratings is my guess, and I have a feeling TLC did the happy dance when they put together this episode...not to mention how emotional it must be to have to go through all of it anyway, plus know it's being filmed....this family is nuts, and I have said it before, I only feel bad for their kids....

    1. I would think Timimg is a VERY big issue. As only having her husband every 4th night, there is a very good possiblilty that her windows for ovulation are not even open when he is home with her. But that would mean they actually talk and consider some aspects of the arranged days - and I dont believe for a minute that ANY wife, including her bestie Robyn would forgo their time if she was ovulating for Kodsturd to go spread his seed.

    2. I have to agree completely!

      Meri's response of "timing isn't the issue" is a completely random and irrelevant response to the doctor's question of: "how often are you having intercourse in a month?"

      Meri, how about you let the fertility doctor decide if timing is the issue... after all, SHE is the fertility expert, not you.

      I get it's a private thing, so, in that case, ask the cameras to leave the room and then start acting like a grown up and answer the doctor's questions straight forwardly.

      But let's be honest Meri, you can't make a blanket statement "timing isn't the issue" - in fact, timing MAY play a role with it if you ask anyone with common sense. Obviously, Meri has trouble conceiving, but she CAN conceive as proof by Mariah and her miscarriage. With a woman who has difficulty conceiving, it certainly CANNOT HELP that her husband is only available every fourth night. Further to that, if he's not around because he's WITH other women, guess what? His sperm count is definitely going to be lower.

      So no, Meri, timing MAY be the issue, and you aren't qualified to say it isn't.

  23. I watched those couch clips on the TLC website too - v.e.r.y. telling. Yes, Kody admitted he was attracted to Christine's "pedigree" and her face shined with AUB glory. Ugh. This must be why she has always felt so special. She will never wake up from AUB land.

    And he and Janelle's "romance" was a long time coming??? How - HOW - do you have sex with a man who you married for reasons other than love & romance? Oh yea....that's what OTHER people are! Janelle grew up with a monogamous family but after several months of investigating AUB she decided it was for her!? And it just so happens her sister in law so conveniently talks openly in front of her about wanting to take on more wives...double ugh. I thought she had more self esteem than that.

    1. I think Janelle was, and still is, a woman with low self esteem who wanted to be part of a group. Any group.

  24. Seeing what is being shown so far this season, at this point TLC must be hoping to maintain the ratings by showing just how unbelievably *stupid* these people collectively are.

    Because if they really are not THIS clueless but really don't mind *looking like complete idiots* as long as the $$$ is rolling in, then they are master deceivers. Frankly, I just don't think any of them, let alone all of them, are smart enough to sustain such a deception.
    Which means that they really must be this clueless.

    About the Kids.....
    ** SEVENTEEN ** children are being parented by this collective group of idiots !!!

  25. I doubt very much that Janelle has a very high esteem. She is overweight and has been for years. She may have thought this was the best she could do. How sad, she really has the most of all the wives going for her. I hate this expression, (they always use it with overweight women) but she has such a pretty face. Also her eyes are really bright and sparkly. Too bad she is stuck with Kody.

  26. I really like that Christine will talk back to Kody. Robyn and Meri hang on his every word all starry eyed, and Janelle is always ready to do damage control to what ever ridiculous comment he may make, but Christine will say "Kody, that is just not true, you're crazy". I guess she can do that because of her pedigree, She is connected...

    1. I agree with you about Christine sassing him. That is probably why he likes her least. Janelle is really nuts. Going on that hike and saying "I see a different path for me an Kodes.... after their kids are gone".. Yeah right Janelle, you and Kodes will be so close when the kids leave. Dream on.

  27. Not sure they would have to foot the bill. Maybe a dr will do a pro-bono case, just like Kate Gosselin. I'm sure TLC has some connections with all the Drs they show in thier birthing shows.

  28. As they are in a "plural Marriage" ...the women really should get other husbands to feel what it's like to really HAVE a REAL man around. I bet - Meri would get pregnant! The weight problems, depression, bad self esteem, bad feelings/jealously would all just about disappear ...AND.. Mr Kody, for once..could see what it's like to have another "brother" invade his marriage.

    I would LOVE to see how he'd handle HIS feelings of jealousy.. I bet the whole religious excuse to cheat wouldn't seem so righteous then!!!

    1. Rutroh Nina, that idea might intimidate the Sperminator to the point of erectile malfunction. What a blow to his prowess as the macho stud. I do believe his entire persona is wrapped up in his bragging rights of husband (boinker) to 4 wives...who by the way are caught up in a myriad of issues that probably stunts their self esteem to even look at a better man.

      Now if he was "married" to 4 well adjusted women with a smidge of self worth he might need to be a little more concerned but he's got them right where he likes them, constantly looking "inward", trying to be "sweet" and worrying about the new chick.

    2. LOL, LOL, LOL ...Cheers Anonymous! - You nailed that one!! LOL!

      Everyone here should refer to Kody as "Boinker" that's all he is! LOL..

  29. OMG...Seeing the clip above.. < gag, gag > let me throw up!! Kody - a TOTAL Dufus!!! ..and the whole "Oh, poor me" crying act by Robyn is SO fake! Guess she figured out she can use that for attention!

    I agree with Amused!!

    I thought I'd check the show out with an open mind! But... it only turned me off on how STUPID!

    Coming from a religious/christian back round - I can say this - It's obvious the polygamy life style is "Man" made! If tables were flipped: the women got to man-hop while the husband was stuck at home, taking care of the family, waiting for her ... I GUARANTEE that polygamy-religious-right would be ixnayed real fast!!

  30. I agree with Nina that this "religion" is something a man concocted so that he could have as many women as he desires. The explanation for this "religion is so far fetched and only an uneducated woman would go along with this. Many of these women in this life style do not go to main stream schools, but to their own private school so that they are conditioned for this. Or grew up in this and know nothing else.

    The women in this lifestyle are also suffering from very low self esteem as we can see for ourselves with Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn.

    It's not normal to live this way and that is why the 4 of them live with constant jealousy to the point of depression.

    Poor Christine gives birth to Truely and instead of having her husband there to help her (like he did for Robyn and Sol), he is off on a 2 week honeymoon with another woman...I dont know anyone who has gone on a two week honeymoon...and then when he finally gets back they have to wait their turn for their 1 day to spend with him, before having to wait another 4 days...what kind of quality time is he spending with them...

    Especially when he is with any of the 3, he is pre occupied with thoughts and desires for just Robyn...and so their jealousy just brews and understandably so because this is not natural.

    If I were to try and predict what is in their future, it's that within a 10 year period Kody will take another wife...she will be young and the cycle will repeat itself in that she will be his new obession and the 4 will once again get pushed to the side....Robyn will be old news by then.

  31. Debbie,
    Your points are well said !!
    This Blog is not about slamming a different lifestyle chosen by consenting adults.
    If SisterWives consistently showed a lifestyle, though different from mainstream marriage and family dynamics, to be a secure, fulfilling and healthy scenario for all within it, there would be no cause for criticism. But it doesn't...!!!

    As so many SWB posters comment, it shows a family headed by adults (the women) who are stressed to the point of unhealthy coping habits. Depressed women and mothers who are frustrated and stretched to their limit trying to cope without legitimate and reliable physical or emotional help from their *husband* and father of their many children. They wear their *unfulfilled needs* as consistently as they wear their required two layers of tops. It really is hard to see.

    They called it "Sister Wives" yet choose to allow filming (and even write a book) detailing anything but a *sisterly* history and present day dynamic between themselves. Where is the sisterhood ??..other than misery loves company.

    From the very first show, they talk about 'finite resources' yet apparently lack awareness of what it takes to be financially responsible. They continue to have children, have luxuries that most people claiming 'finite resources' would not consider as necessities, let alone priorities, and they have used the welfare system and bankruptcy system as their personal budgeting vehicles.
    Tax-paying, bill-paying, budget-living viewers absolutely will see them as irresponsible and parasitic people. Did they really not anticipate that????

    Is it really good and psychologically healthy to have to *wait your turn* for any 'private' time with your husband ??? Is there really *any private time* with a man who leaves your bed to go to the next one, where he may vent about you...and you know this because he vents about the others to you ??? (As evidenced by Robyn saying that Kody had reassured her about Christine)

    Speaking of private matters since that seems to be their buzz word for the upcoming fertility potentially healthy is it to have regular sex with a man who allegedly is having regular sex with 3 other women?? Would any gyno endorse this practice?

    If this show is to educate the public about Polygamy and its benefits, then the lesson plan needs to be revised.
    So is a *fail*...for the women !!!
    The children?? Who knows!!???

    1. When a couple is having trouble getting pregnant, many resources (REs and books from all backgrounds) suggest having sex every other day unless OPK (ovulation predictor kits) work for you and then you want to have sex right before ovulation. Once you are in the IUI/IVF circuit, you are not supposed to have sex from 3 days before retrieval/insemination. They want sperm at maximum density for lack of a scientific term.

      Not only would Meri need "access" to Kody every other night for 4-5 days of the month, but he should be sustaining the other nights. Don't see that happening as it would mean the other wives go 10 days w/o.

      On the other hand, just because Kody can have children with other women doesn't mean the i/f all falls on Meri's body. Very possible the interaction is also problematic. Just saying, I am sure she feels alone and at fault and that isn't the case.

      Having gone through i/f I can't even imagine how awful it is to see your husband have kids with someone else. Talk about isolating.

    2. Peanut Butter FritosJune 3, 2012 at 5:49 PM

      @Math Problems. Ovulation is critical in every polygamy book I've ever read. Obviously, you need to strategically have sex with your harem to populate your planet, it's so hard! It's like Chapter 1 in any polygamy handbook. I guess Kody didn't even read that.

      I can't think of anything crueler when struggling with infertility than to have your husband siring and cooing other women's babies. That is the only reason I feel any sympathy for Meri.

    3. ITA. I have said all along that I think Meri's biggest issue is that her self worth is tied up in not being able to give Kody multiple children. Kody has said on Several occasions that he and Janelle share a special bond because she was the mother of Kody's first child. I imagine that Meri wanted to be the first to give him the first one. She finally gets pregnant, and then no more arrive. My parents tried for 9 years before adopting my sister and brother...then years later got pregnant with me and my sister. My Mom said it used to be so hard to go to baby showers all the time, and she longed to be a mother. I can't even FATHOM it being my "Sister Wife" and watching them give birth 10 times or so with the man I also share my bed with. Wow, that would be hard. I am sure it caused a lot of anger and resentment....just like we have seen Christine go through. Only the cameras were not rolling when Meri dealt with baby after baby being born. So I can definitely understand her anguish which seems to have built to resentment over the years.

    4. PBFritos~Your comment about plgy/and importance of ovulation....maybe daddy douche and Meri really DO know all about the ovulation schedules and the 'duh' biz is an act.
      Could a real working knowledge of the ladies cycle explain 6 kids of the new planet from Janelle? I would despise being labelled the "pal, buddy"..but she allows it so...anyhoo, back to my point, maybe her conjugal visits were strategic? Timed for conception since they always act like there's no sexual chemistry betweem them.
      IF that is true, then this perpetual exaltation of Kody as this virile sex machine that oh so must obviously be giving his ladies a thrill every few days is probably horseshit.

  32. Debbie,
    Religon has always been a man-made institution, The bible is a knockoff of a book written thousands of years before and it was about multiple gods. It has the flood myth, the evil and good son and all of the very same motifs as is in the bible. In that book, women are treated as objects just like women are treated as objects in the bible. Historically, women have always been blamed for all sorts of horrible natural occurrences.
    But, whether any one religion is any less contrived or any less misogynistic is a question that can never be answered because they all put women in a subjectorory position under men. Even today, there is a war on women. Some political parties want to take a woman's choice, remove birth control from insurance coverage (but not breast enhancement or viagra or penile implants), and take away a woman's right to earn the same as men for the same job and the ability to fight for her same pay or the right to demand to be treated well in the workplace. So, to point a finger at one religion is really not a fair assessment of all man made religions.
    I don't agree with polyg on the bases that it causes women stress and poverty. But to say that it is any better or worse than what the catholic church has done to women and children or the protestant church has done to women and children. I think the only to save Christine is Christine and likewise the others. Men will treat women the way that they can get by with treating us. It hasn't been that long that a husband could not be charged for raping his wife or not that long that women couldn't get protection from an abusive husband.

    1. FYI To the anonymous poster. Your comment will not be posted.

      As Mister Sister and I have said many times - we value the opinions expressed on SWB, HOWEVER, if the only way you can express your own opinion is by making rude comments about another commenter in a vain attempt to argue your point, GUESS WHAT?

      Yes, I think you understand what I am saying.

      This subject is now CLOSED. Please move on. Thank You.

  33. I watched a few of the season 1 episodes recently and it was eye opening. Christine has been in pain since Robin came in to the family and she has been honest about that pain from the very beginning. Robin was pontificating about how she didn't want to cause any pain to the sister wives and Kodouche actually replied something to the effect of "so what - too bad - they'll get over it."

    When I first began watching the family, I was really open-minded about the lifestyle. As a working mother who struggled for years doing it all, it was appealing to me that a sister wife could be committed to helping with the children. But four seasons in, I can see that the life-style is extremely indulgent for the man and extremely neglectful of most of the women and children. I'm not sure if their chirpy descriptions of their beliefs and the benefits of the lifestyle way back in season 1 were designed to convince the audience or themselves.

    Meri ia a complete mystery to me - clearly she is in love with Kody but handed him over on a silver platter to Robin. How do you do that and stay spiritually intact? She is definitely passive-aggressive and seething. Every once in a while, she loses control and the audience can catch a glimpse of it. Clearly Kody has no sexual interest in Janelle and his narcissim cannot stand that Christine expects him to actually be emotionally and physically available to her. Could he actually expected the mother of his children, who has been feeling left and overlooked for years, could be placated with a small token in a gift box? Robin can win an academy award for her dramatic manipulation of everyone in that family. They were fairly happy, at least for the cameras, before she came along. I think these people traded whatever happiness they had for the money and fame of the cameras. That is truly a deal with the devil.

    And not one of these parents seems to be concerned about the children, but the teenagers are because they KNOW what is going on. There is no way the emotional needs of these children are being met when the mothers are working so hard to get their own needs met. Kody is a joke of a father. He is like a vacuum, sucking the life out of his wives to fill himself up and gives nothing at all to the children. I am surprised he even knows their names. The fist fight between Janelle's sons was appalling. He doesn't even seem to notice what is going on, much less intervene like any decent father would. This man is clueless as a father but he goes on creating more and more children he's not actually interested in emotionally or financially.

    I don't get it. What am I missing? I think the teenagers are the only adults in this family. I absolutely adore Logan. I want TLC to do a show about Logan. He's amazing. He is the only functioning parent in this household.

    As for the finances of this family, I don't even want to go there. The public record informs us they are grifters. Their family is riddled with pain. Watching them every week is like watching a train-wreck in slow motion or a circus of the emotionally disturbed. I watch because it is fascinating trying to figure out what is really going on and what is put merely put on. I don't know if this is what TLC has in mind but this is my experience of it.

    1. I believe Meri handed Kody to Robyn because she SAW HIM oogling Robyn. She didn't want another Janelle episode where she had no idea what was going on until Kody announced he was courting her. I think it was Meri's way of being in control of the situation. Proof is how she always say SHE suggested Kody should court Robyn. Kody was going to court Robyn whether Meri approved it or not.

      As far as the teenage kids knowing Kody's a joke, think back to season 1. On several occasions, Meri had to tell Mariah to show respect to Kody. Last season when Kody had to babysit all his kids, Mariah was complaining loudly to Kody that she had homework to do when Kody announced he was leaving the teens to babysit while he took the relatively older kids of Robyn's to her house. So I agree, they do know he's a joke and that they are being used big time.

      The Browns are grifters and users. They are only friendly to fans they know they can rip off and squeeze money out of with piramid schemes. If you are negative to them, they don't just ignore you they completely BLOCK you.

      I suppose what makes us all watch this is that we want to see the train crash that's coming.

    2. Anon@12:19~ good points! I'll bet that you're right about the Meri/Robyn hook up. Robyn was on the prowl for her next meal ticket and I'd love to know the real story of her previous marriage. Not the Kody-ized version that she did all that she could do to save her marriage. I notice that he's taken on the voice cracking misty eyed persona lately just like Robyn. He practically cries at the drop of a hat..girly man.
      Meri could see what was coming alright and now she can vow that it was her idea. No wife is going to voluntarily choose a thinner, younger,fertile Myrtle as the next woman to bed her man.
      I know that I wouldn't. I'd encourage him to look at the inner beauty of a slovenly older barren spinster. Shoot, he'd probably get extra "brownie" points for that!

  34. I understand all the comments wondering how these four women can possibly put up with the situation. But I think we're underestimating the power of socialization and upbringing.

    These women were raised in this lifestyle. Their environment from a very early age would have been reinforcing the basic tenants of polygamy. And one of the principles is that men are superior to women. Men make the decisions and are the leaders. So, the idea that one of these women would suddenly decide to strike out on her own would be incredibly risky both financially and emotionally.

    Janelle is the only one who I can see able to support herself and her kids. Even at that, supporting a household with seven people would take a second income or a very large first income. In this economy, the potential for striking out on her own and finding a really good job is probably not highly likely. And that is not to say Janelle isn't capable. Good jobs are difficult to come by and I think Vegas is not out of the recession yet.

    Christine has six kids and no way to support herself or them outside the lifestyle. I can understand her may be more about not having viable options for change than it is about her relationship with Kody.

    And even if Janelle and Christine walked away, they would never be disconnected from Kody. He will always be the father of their children.

    While it may be really difficult for many of us to understand the lifestyle, I think you have to at least acknowledge that for the most part, they seem to be trying to make the best of the cards they have been dealt.

    I will admit that I don't see the attraction of Kody. He comes across as very shallow and not very bright. I can't imagine living in the same house with him for any length of time.

    But I also think it's naive to judge the situation from the context of our life experiences. Most of us have not walked in their shoes and if we had been brought up this way, would likely make similar choices.

    1. Actually if memory serves the ONLY ones who were "Raised in this lifestyle" were Robyn and Christine. If I recall correctly, Meri's dad didn't take another wife until they were married 18 years. Janelle's mom didn't get into it until after Janelle married and left home, and Kody had already gone on an LDS mission before he "converted".

      My guess is, if that any of the wives left Kody and moved any distance, that Kody would not make much of an effort to see the kids much. He doesn't really have much to do with most of the kids he has now, and would probably use the excuse of having a wife leave him to get another wife or two and squeeze out a few more potential kids to populate his celestial planet in the afterlife...I get the impression that to him, the kids are fungible. it's all about numbers for him imo.

    2. I understand some of what you are saying Mother, and I think that is why Christine will never ever leave. Christine would bring shame to her bloodline and that would not be acceptable. I think it totally depends on the emotional strength of someone in this type of situation, as to whether they would be able to handle the backlash from their extended family. Also, Robyn was in a mono marriage before, wasn't she? I think in her case, she chose this because it was a much better lifestyle than what she had. I mean, if she had never even had a crib for her babies....which you can pick up from goodwill or at a garage sale if need be, then I have a feeling that she feels like she was hand picked by a "Rock Star" lover to be his new wife. She is in love with the exalted position of being the Trophy Wife and this is a much better lifestyle than what she had before....that is until Kody gets restless in a few years, and he takes another wife. Boy, I hate to see her meltdown when that occurs.

  35. Mother,

    I respectfully disagree with your assessment. The teenagers were also brought up in the lifestyle and only Mariah has expressed any interest in it for herself. The others seem like they do not want anything to do with it. I am sure the Browns will view this as a rejection and indictment of their choices, which they have always been free to make. Janelle was not raised this way, and neither was Kody.

    I am looking forward to learning what choices the teens will make for their future and if they are as "free" to make them as their parents claim.

  36. Perhaps they are kust very privatd about their sexual relationship. It really isnt anyones business who when how often or IF..

    1. If they were talking to a neighbor then yea its nobody's business. They were talking to a FERTILITY DOCTOR. The doctor wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't ask how often, when, and IF. Why would anyone waste a doctor's time if they are too embarrassed, which when speaking of the Browns, they aint too embarrassed to share sexual relations with Kody!

    2. Isn't that the truth!! They aren't too private to physically share sexual relations, but too private to verbally share?! Completely illogical people.

    3. Private ???????
      Then WHY did they put the doctor visit on their TV show??
      Why were the cameras there if it was *private* ??
      Surely, TLC couldn't just show up and force them all to do it.
      Why has their *private* segment about(shhh)sex been previewed all week on TLC???

      These people are choosing to do this !!
      And then they want to feign being all shy and coy.

    4. Amused, you hit the nail on the head, these people are choosing to do this, and should have opted out of having cameras in the room during this very personal discussion with a fertility specialist!

    5. TLC has to have a story even with a reality show! The script for this season revolves around Meri's decision about Robin's offer and Christine's jealousy. LOL The camera had to be in the specialist's office whether the Browns were comfortable or not. The TV show is the best job any of them have ever had and it looks like they'll rearrange their lives in all kinds of ways to keep that job.

    6. Right, anon 10:02--makes me wonder if TLC made the appointments for Meri. I personally think the entire story line is ridiculous--starting over at 41/42, when her only child is about to graduate, etc. Come on, TLC.

  37. Peanut Butter FritosJune 3, 2012 at 5:43 PM

    That's some serious bling, Meri. And that don't look like Robyn's homemade bling either. I guess it's not all bad to cry on TV about a miscarriage years ago if some sucker will pay you to do it!

  38. Kody does not give 100% of himself to any of the wives. He is in 4 seperate relationships and keeps those private with each each wife knows there is a part of Kody they do not know...and if he breaks that code of privacy, which I think he does...that would mean he loses their trust in him because they cannot trust he does not talk about them to the others....

    Just the fact that the majority of the kids do not want to carry on this lifestyle speaks volumes to me in that they are NOT happy with how their family is being run.

  39. I think it's so ridiculous that he doesn't even try to comfort her while she's talking about the loss. His hand stays resting on the couch behind her and she looks at him throughout talking and he looks straight ahead. I'm starting to think he's one of those people that has no feelings at all if it's not about them. And yes it was his child/loss too, but let's be real. He's not connected to any of the beautiful children (except for maybe Sol)that he has walking around on the planet, I sure don't expect him to be connected to an unborn child. But you would think he would offer some kind of comfort to his wife. He's got some wires disconnected for sure...

    1. Meri was crying and Kody pretended to be upset. I don't know why either would be so emotional years after hearing devastating news. I have been hearing a lot of devastating news these past few years, and somehow you go on. It just doesn't seem right to me to dwell on it for long. I am sure anyone who has suffered a miscarriage is devastated, but if you wallow in it you hurt yourself and others.

    2. thank goodness for the levity of the violin music tho! good call, TLC... ;')

    3. Wow BC. Everybody handles grief differently. I'm going thru if along with a good friend of mine. She got pregnant with b/g twins thru ivf and then lost them at 21 weeks. It took her 6 yrs to get to that point. Its been almost 2 yrs since she lost them and she doesn't cry all the time but she does when she talks about them. I think that's fine. They were her babies, and they're not with her. Loss coupled with infertiity is very difficult.

    4. Anon, beautiful opinion. I stick by mine though. I also lost a baby. Did you ever notice what a conversation killer it is if you mention it in a group of people? First they express sympathy, then they sit around saying nothing because they are so uncomfortable, then they change the subject. Soon you can be known as the one you never touch that topic with again if she is in earshot, and if it goes on, she is invited to fewer & fewer gatherings.

      I use the pronouns she and you in the general sense, not personal. Obviously I don't know you or your friend so my pronouns refer to "a person".

    5. Actually I like that you brought that up. We can agree on that. People really don't like discussing miscarriages/losses at all. Its very difficult to know that everyone else is more uncomfortable with the topic than you are yourself. Its one of the things I hate about if. Its so taboo. You're pretty much left grieving with just your partner. Or worse, alone. This topic is close to me so I'm prob just being biased. But I knew when I saw the preview clip that I'd most likely not be fighting the Browns' on this subject. I do think they have plenty of kids but I understand Meri's hurt. Someone with her condition is the last person that should be involved in a relationship where your partner continually impregnates other women.

    6. Oh and BC, sorry for your loss, whenever it was. I should've included that in my previous post.

  40. As I watched Kody's birthday episode again, I noticed that he called his daughters "the little girls" and not "my little daughters", then referred to the wives as "ladies" when thanking them for his gift. He's detached.

    1. If it werent for the fact almost all those kids look exactly like Kody, you wouldnt know that he was the father. He acts more like the mother's boyfriend, except for Robyn where he does appear to take on the father role to kids that arent even his.

  41. I wonder if Kodsturd and his wives realize that they are on TLC. TLC who hosts my big fat gypsy wedding; hoarders; toddlers and tiaras; and the other "crappy trainwrecks about to happen" programs. HMMM.

  42. Wow! Did Mariah just say that she cannot believe in her parents? Did she say that they always say this is going to happen but it doesn't . That is really sad.

  43. Wow surprised at Mariah but then again kids pick up on lots of stuff. Can someone tell me why they need 4 homes? Meri could share with someone and they could get away with having 2 especially with ther financial situation.

    1. @ Retro
      In past seasons, the idea that Meri could get a smaller house (since she only has 1 kid) was broached, but she whined until she got a house as large as the other wives. Christine and Janelle needed larger house- since they have six kids each, but when has rationality been a trademark with this clan?

    2. Don't forget that although Janelle and Christine have 6 kids each, Robyn got the house with the most bedrooms (and better appliances)WITH the least # of kids (3 with 1 in the oven at the time)

  44. Nothing they do is wise they use no common sense. Meri doesn't need a house that size and robin can get a smaller one to. Why doesn't janelle and Christine use their voices and speak up! Sorry but the whole fitness business seems ridiculous considering how overweight they are, not trying to be mean but who would want to go to that gym?

    1. I've seen the houses , seriously they are all tiny!!!

    2. I agree w/ those of U who think Meri & Robyn should share a house, esp now since they're besties :D ...Robyn has never had to share a house w/ any of them & has always had it easy. So, she should get to experience what the other 3 have been living the past 16+ yrs...
      But, I'm thinking since its obvious that Kody is still "active" w/ both Meri & Robyn, there's no way in hell they're gonna wanna share a home together, bcuz who wants to hear all "that" going on in the others bedroom. Also, I said before, another reason they won't be going for it, is bcuz then they'd really be sharing Kody w/ each other + kids until bedtime....esp Robyn's needy ass self & kids. I'm sure Meri doesn't want Kody's attention to be on Sol & Robyn esp if its her night + I'm sure Kody looks forward to Meri's night, bcuz its EASY, practically kid free zone, etc....
      So,even though it would financially be in their best interest to share a home, it's not gonna happen, until they're so financially strapped & have no other choice. I do wonder, that if & when they return to their home in Lehi, will Robyn get her own house again,like before?

    3. There's no way Meri and Robyn can live together. 1)Robyn's two girls are too hyperactive. Remember when Kody was courting Robyn and drove to her home in south Utah, those girls were PLAYING in the street! And 2)the girls demand too much attention and hang off Kody. Meri wouldn't have any alone time with Kody because between Robyn's neediness and her girls, there wouldn't be any time left for Meri. And Meri would have to resort to her mean girl ways and would have to unfriend Robyn. I don't think Meri would have a problem with Dayton, but those girls? No way!

  45. Tonight, Janelle has taken the time to research and write up a business plan for the gym venture. Kody shoots it down and also mentions bankruptcy like it's a bad thing, LMAO!!!! Maybe that's because they cannot file so soon after the last one?

  46. Janelle seems way too smart to stay in this mess.

  47. In those new interviews, it looks like Meri got an eyebrow pencil! Maybe she should loan it out to the others.

    It was really grating the way he talked to Christine like a child who doesn't know anything about polygamy. And her pedigree?? WTF? I'd pack my bags and leave. What a jerk.

  48. So proud of you guys for sticking by your guns and for what you believe in. It's not a life I myself would choose but I am open minded enough to believe each his own. I am so excited to hear that your not facing any charges. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here if you need an friendly ear and non judgmental shoulder.

    1. The Browns do not read blogs - at least that's what Kody says, so your kind words of support won't be seen by them. I'm opened minded too, however, not to the extent to let my brains run out. (Thank you Nikki Grant-Henrickson) This verdict basically confirms the fact the Browns were never going to be charged with anything. The Browns had no reason to leave Utah for Las Vegas and Kody knew that. Anyone in the Sister Wives' viewing audience that believed Kody Brown's persecution story were played as fools.

      I don't know about you, but if I had believed their story of persecution, I would be feeling rather mad that the Browns played on my emotions for their gain.

      Let's just agree to disagree on this one!

    2. You're right, Unknown! I should totally support this family's continuous welfare fraud, bankruptcies and food stamp fraud, especially when I was not eligible for food stamps myself when me and my husband were both out of work 2 years ago! I should be so excited that they've gotten away with breaking the law. Let me try. Browns, I'm so proud of your ability to brainwash people like Unknown. Wait, I didn't do it right. Oh well.

    3. Totally agree with Cynical and Anony. So many are going hungry, and right after being on 3 sets of food stamps and 3 bankruptcies, they are wild with the money, and the persecution was a joke. AND, since the law STILL allows them to file in for food stamps, it's not just them, but all poligs that run around the marriage train and they are conveniently married when they want to, then NOT towards the "beast" and collect food stamps, free phones, clear food banks out, and all the rest. They probably say they don't know who the daddy of all those kids are and get money for them, too! Maybe not always the Browns, but as a whole.

  49. I just caught up with last week's episode tonight, and my husband caught the fifth wife question. (He hates this show.) He said, five wives? Yes, five wives would be ridiculous. Clearly, five is too many. I mean, then they would have problems. We were both cracking up.

  50. This show was suppose to show us the positive side to polygamy - that it's really a good thing & to get us to understand.... While we sit & watch really just HOW backwards these people are!

    I guess the women don't know - what they don't have! While they're hanging out with their sister wives ... My husband is in bed with me every night, is at home everyday, is here to father the teenagers & pat them on the back - EVERYDAY! And when he's in the dog house, he deals with me instead of running away to another wife! Kody (a.k.a boinker) does to Christine, running away to Robyn.(how convenient!) That's where it just makes me gag!

    They talk about how great Sister wives are for love, support, help - In the normal world - that's what husbands are for!!! Everything they do with the wives, I do with my husband! That's WHY we marry so we don't have to handle things alone. They claim they're christian but the bible clearly states - When you get married, husband & wife become ONE - not 2, not 3, not 4 ...ONE!!!...because your suppose to be best friends & do everything together.

    And I still get the sisterly love, support, & help from my sisters & bff AND they're not sleeping with my husband!

    My kids get the same family feel being with their cousins but get to retrieve to there own calm, quiet home when they want - instead of being forced to be in that chaos & pressure of having to be around SO many kids all the time!

    I feel SO sorry for those kids! It's crazy how the wives" don't get how BADLY they're being short changed!

    1. Interesting point there, Nina. If the bibles says man and wife become one, then what does man and 4 wives become? I smell a riddle!

    2. Lmao! Thanks for the laugh Mel.

    3. LOL .."Hot" mess?! ... those ladies?? Kody??? Eek.. NO! - Bad thought!

  51. Christine sure does have a way out & I believe she could hit the mother load & financially gain from her leaving Kody's sorry ass too, if she played her cards right!
    A few of us agreed that a TELL ALL Book from one of the wives or kids( 1st one to take the plunge, would gain the most, IMO) & also, someone had mentioned a spin off for "Life after Polygamy". But it would be so much better if Christine & Janelle would leave together! Janelle loves to work & isn't afraid of hard work either, so just like before, Janelle work & Christine, could help w/ the kids. Actually during the school year, they would be in school, so it's not like Janelle would need all day care, just during summer & holidays!

  52. Hmmm....thinking again that someone in KodyWorld or TLC must be reading SWB because once again a few hot topics here on the blog seem to be magically addressed in a show.

    When have we EVER heard Kody talk finances, as if HE is in the know and actually cares???
    When have we ever heard the word 'bankruptcy' out of any of their mouths in any context?? Seems like a bit of image-control is going on, perhaps again prompted by SWB.
    How often has it been said here lately that Kody spends no time with his children, younger girls included??? And voila, there he is attending a dance, cameras poised to show the world what a great dad he is.
    And why was Logan needed there too...???
    Unless Logan was tapped for the job initially and then it was decided that it would be a good PR move to make it about Kody.

    Janelle's business plan IS a bit rough....over $25,000 needed for startup.
    So where will that money come from? Kody says he doesn't want to use their profits from the MLM gig.
    The investor fell through, so I guess the next thing will be an appeal to their fans for investing $$????
    She says they would need *1,000* members to join. Are there that many SW fans in Vegas looking for a gym? Would-be members who wouldn't care that the owners know *nothing* about fitness??
    Looks like another one of their *projects* that was strictly for the cameras (and ratings)....and will go nowhere.

    1. Christine's daughter Gwendlyn asked Logan to be her date because she didn't want to share her daddy-daughter date with her sisters. Smart girl.

    2. Janelle's plan is certainly rough and unrealistic. My fiance' and I looked into purchasing a franchise. Granted, we did not need a facility, but the $30,000 start up was not the only cost. You have to consider how you will finance your living expenses for at least 3 years (we have a mortgage, yikes!), office supplies, computers, printers, advertising, taxes, maintaining our own insurance, etc.

      Our only solution to even ATTEMPT our pipedream was for one of us to work the business while the other worked full time: that way we were insured and had a steady income. Even with that solution, we balked and decided to save our pennies.

      They have no idea.

  53. Watching last night, I'm baffled at how they "qualify" for that "mortgage"? And I am in awe that they didn't discount not being able to afford the terms of said "mortgage", yet they solely focused on the information that one of the homes had been sold instead?

    Just how do these people afford medical and dental care for all their kids? No one is working, yet with the sum of $ they are getting from TLC, they can't possibly be on any state program???

    1. I would sure hate to be the unlucky homeowner that found out too late that they were right in the middle of this group.
      It's unbelievable that with their shaky finances that even with 40% down that they could get approved. The three fake wives with no real money except TLC, bankruptcies and no sustainable income can get loans of any kind blows my mind?

      These ppl. have kids ready to enter college, terrible credit,failed biz ventures, yrs of welfare and yet they are rewarded with a green light to buy 4expensive homes.
      One of the kids said something like " as long as the houses are in a gated community" it would be fine since someone had snagged one of the "dream" houses...really? The sense of entitlement is being inculcated in some of the kids. j

    2. While taking a break from writing my review, I ventured over here...

      Hi schnauzermom!

      I think the point is not that the Browns qualified for a mortgage but more that the ONLY mortgage they could qualify for was a non-traditional, high interest rate, high down payment mortgage. I bet the very tiny small print also says something like you miss one payment you are in default. And I doubt very seriously they can come up with a 40% down payment. Lenders are breathing a sigh of relief...

      Mortgage loan officers are probably laughing themselves silly all across the USA right now.

    3. Why are they buying a house if they already have a house in Lehi and Kody won't be prosecuted there anyways for doing 4 women.

    4. Can't wait for your review CJ!!! And I was thinking the same thing about the loan. Shades of Property Ladder which is still my all-time favorite reality show, the "good old days" of ARM mortgages obtained using declared (non-proven) income statements. LOL

    5. I actually got a bigger laugh when I heard the terms of the "private lender" loan that they were "approved" for than had they received a flat out NO. I knew right after Ms. Loan Officer told them the terms 40% down (we were told earlier by a realtor that the house they were looking at was still listed last month at around $448k for ONE house, so basically they would have to come up with a down payment equal to one house)that Kody would be looking for an excuse to say no way, other than saying that was WAY out of their price "oh one of the houses was sold" was a pretty lame excuse. I could have given Hunter a high-5 when he noted why it would be a difference if they got a fourth house in the same gated community if they couldn't get them right next to each other. he was ignored of course. However, Logan and Mariah know the score, that their parents are squarely in Fantasyland...
      Hope the realtor who commented on an earlier blog can let us know if one of the properties actually DID sell, or if that was just made up as an easy out for the Browns. (notice their friendly realtor just happened to be "sick" that day...hummmmmmmm hummmmm)

    6. Ha! I thought the same about the realtor's absence- "feeling unwell". Right.

    7. I would actually watch a show where the Brown family buys a fixer-upper big house or four-plex, then spends the season actually fixing it up to support the four families...working with contractors, each wife selecting her own colors, appliances, floor covering etc and how much it costs for each stage...again my favorite reality series of ALL TIME was Property Ladder...maybe bring PL hostess Kirsten Kemp to advise them along the way (of course just like the PL flippers the Browns would ignore 98 percent of her sound advice). now THAT i would watch.

  54. Did anyone else notice Robyn's reaction when Kody suggested finding more affordable housing? She was pretty unhappy and told him that he was killing their dream. I am beginning to wonder whether she has entitlement issues or has bought into Kody's big dreams. I wonder if she will soon be disillusioned like the teens when she realizes that she shouldn't believe the hype.

    1. Agree with you 110% Brittany Spaniel...during the times Kody was scheduled to be with Christine, he was most likely whispering into Robyn's ear all his hopes and plans for huge homes, successful businesses, college for all 17 kids, etc, etc....Robyn bought it hook, line sinker and all....the kids should sit Robyn down and have a little chat with her....their frontal lobes are WAY more developed than hers is...and they have had years of experience in how this family works (or doesn't!)....

  55. I shouldn't be shocked at Kody's immaturity--going outside to claim to the cameras that the gym was "his" idea. OMG, this guy is a tool and an unmotivated loser. He wants get-rich-quick schemes, nothing involving actual "work". I guess he ignores the part of the Bible where men are to work by the sweat of their brow. Convenient.

    1. LOL that's pretty much what I said on the TWOP board a few minutes ago! Get Rich Quick/Easy Money is what he wants. A perfect MLM sucker - going to be interesting to see what happens with that in a year. hell, i give it 6 months, once the suckers in their downline start cancelling. Same with the fitness club, I'm in the industry myself and it is VERY competitive. Janelle seems to believe that people will just FLOCK to their gym and pay big $$ to sign up. Did you notice the calculations they made for the lease at $22,000 a month, and expecting to get 1,000 members to sign up? what about insurance, salaries (trainers, front desk people, maintenance crew, membership advisors etc), and most of all equipment - not just the purchase of the equipment but maintenance as well? Gym equipment is VERY expensive and they won't get the bulk discounts that the big fitness chains get. They are already figuring that $22.00 a month of each member (for 1000 members) will be paying the cost of the lease. So how much are they planning on charging in monthly fees? $50? $75? $80??? when Planet Fitness and 24 Hour Fitness charge $20-24 a month for bigger facilities and more equipment? boggles the mind. Oh well, it was just a story line anyway, maybe only Janelle was serious about it...

    2. thegoldentablet,
      Kody reminds me of the dad in As I Lay Dying (Faulkner), who told his kids that he would die if he sweated, so his wife and kids had to do all the work around his farm! Kody does carry on like he's dying when he's asked to do something (babysit his kids, use his laptop for work).

  56. Everything in Robyns house is multiplying. The background is getting really cluttered. More furniture, piles of food, looks like bulk costco stuff. Is she hoarding? maybe she figures if this sisterwives show goes down, she can get a spot on the hoarders show.

  57. I'm sorry, but I don't know how that loan off. kept a straight face when she told them that they 'qualified' for an interest only loan with 40% down!! Seriously, I didn't know they were still doing those anymore. Some 'magic' she worked! LOL. And where was sweet real estate lady, Mona? She just happened to not be feeling well on the day this great financing was announced and she had to tell them the one house was sold?? Right.
    So now what? We are going to use the teenagers to return to UT to tell us that 'we feel God is calling us back to our old house in UT'??

    There was way too much in these two episodes that I can even begin to comment on. I thought my brain was going to explode. I felt we should have had a SW Blog Chat going on because I had no one to talk to and there SHOULD be a support group for this sort of thing!! LOL.
    Is it just cumulative or were those possibly the two biggest train wreck episodes ever??
    Is Kody looking crazier/wilder than ever or have I just been watching too long?? Does everything seem staged/scripted and beyond ridiculous or again..watching too long?
    And now Logan and Mariah are even doubting their parents? wow.

    CJ will leave the review to YOU. You do such an amazing job, I won't even try to comment further!!

  58. "I would sure hate to be the unlucky homeowner that found out too late that they were right in the middle of this group."

    Yes, really !!!
    Wonder if the current residents of the neighboring houses where they are renting now are fed up with their privacy being compromised with TLC cameras/sound crews being out on the streets filming this or that of the Brown Circus.

    I have noticed that whenever they do an outdoor scene of one of the houses/driveways where the neighboring houses are shown too, there is *never* anyone outside those properties.

    Could that be another reason why they all need to relocate???
    That they have worn out their welcome in that community?

  59. Oh my goodness......a live chat! Great idea. That could end my talking/screaming at the tv!!!
    It's hilarious that the focus was NOT on a 40% down payment; they focused instead on one of their "dream" houses being sold.
    Did anyone else notice Kody holding Truely??? They DO read SWB! Thanks again. I look forward to your wise words CJ!

    1. When did he hold Truly? I must have missed that. I saw him holding Solomon and Christine holding Truly.

    2. I caught that too - Kody holds her for a short seen... Seemed almost fake. He holds her kinda awkward like a babysitter would and not close-in with ease like a parent. It seemed odd that he was holding her. You only see Truly being bounced around from sibling to sibling and other wives but never any interaction from him.. Guess he's too busy having fun with the new wife - Very sad.. TLC probably threw the baby in his arms & told him to hold her..

      I do believe the show is at least somewhat scripted.

  60. Anyone seen the new clip on TLC's website? Where they are discussing whether or not each wants more kids? Robyn says she is "open" to having more kids and Meri says she is "undecided." The other two say they are done. check out the clip to watch the interesting dynamics there. Poor Truly.

    1. Given the current financial situation they claim to be in, I'm surprised they'd even be entertaining the mere thought of more kids. They've said in an interview that they can't even afford health coverage all the kids. These people are a financial mess. They're doing these kids a huge disservice.

    2. Based on last night's episode, I really don't think Meri wants to go through with it, especially with everything that would be involved. I believe she's just going to the appointments and such to appease Kody (and the show).

      At 41 years old, she has done her job; she has a daughter who is now an adult. Why start over? Despite any tensions with Janelle and Christine over the years, it's clear she really does love all the kids. The family doesn't need any more, they need to concentrate on what they have.

  61. I agree with everyone who has commented on these two episodes!! So I'll add a couple of observations that haven't been mentioned...

    I thought the school dance was down right creepy. They put full makeup on Robin's oldest daughter! (At least I think it was her daughter...). Kody described the dance as being for parents and their kids but you notice none of the grade school boys took their mothers. Hmmm... And of course Kody thought it was wonderful because they all wanted his attention (except for the one that invited Logan..good choice kid!)

    Then there was the family meeting about the houses. Why would you share that information with your kids until you had something concrete to tell them? And why would you explain a complex financial transaction to grade school kids anyway? Seriously? We were pretty open with our kids but also geared the information to their age and experience. One of my beefs with these guys is the way they expose the kids to all their personal fears and plans. When they were moving out of Utah, they made that way worse for the kids than they had to. I remember the scene where Meri is packing the truck and hears sirens. She made the whole situation very she was going to outrun the cops in her U-haul if they were coming for them? It's no wonder the kids don't see them accomplishing anything because they are being told everything even when it's very uncertain. Buying a house is one of the biggest roller coaster rides when you have good credit and stable jobs!

    The first season the show was interesting. The second season was more soap opera like but still eye candy for a people watcher. This season is just kind of depressing.

    By the way, while the Brown's may not read blogs, I bet TLC does! I noticed Kody holding Trudy too. And what was the point of going back out to the home site? I'm beginning to hope Janelle and Christine walk away and start their own commune. Maybe they should move back to Lehi and leave everyone else in Vegas.

    1. "The first season the show was interesting. The second season was more soap opera like but still eye candy for a people watcher. This season is just kind of depressing."

      Thank you Mother. Very well put and I agree totally!

  62. Strange couple of episodes. I couldn't tell if I was just tired (long weekend) or if there was some last minute re-editing and cutting...the shows just seemed like chopped up versions of a regular episode. And yes, TLC and/or the Browns read SWB, the fact that they prominently showed Kody holding Truely was for all of us!

    It is very apparent that Meri is not interested in having more children. The doctor visits were ridiculous and a waste of those doctor's times. She is 41 and her eggs are pretty old. She would have to go through all kinds of medical tests and procedures and it would cost a fortune....and all for something she doesn't even want? Meri just couldn't act less interested. I don't know why it matters to kody so much if the baby is Meri's...why not just have Robyn have another one if Kody really wants another baby. And let's not even mention that 17 seems like enough for many (except the Duggars).

    Mona knew not to be there when the reality of their dream house scenario came crashing down. Is anyone other than me disappointed that Janelle didn't run the numbers on the potential mortgages? Even if they had qualified for a more traditional mortgage, they still would have had to put a lot of money down (4 houses x 20% x 400,000) plus the mortgage payments themselves would be $3,000 or more plus the cost of airconditioning 4 5000 square foot houses...Janelle should have been running the numbers on that one, not the fitness business. Janelle is really disappointing this season. From being a Kody apologist to showing an incredible lack of business sense (sorry...I am overweight myself so I am not hating), but an obese set of women opening a fitness facility? I agree with her philosophy of having a place where the most out of shape people can go (I would have to pick a place like that)...but there is Planet Fitness in NV ($10/month) and Curves and other places like that. So, what would theirs offer that would make it so special? I am beginning to wonder if Janelle really is all the smart...she may just seem smart to us because we are comparing her to the other wives who are totally uneducated. happened to the Sister Wives closet? Why didn't they talk about that? I don't believe that any of their business ideas are going to work. LIV will top out soon and that will be that.

    The Valentines day thing was just weird. That felt really 'cut and pasted'. I know the school had parents complaining about the TLC crew filming their dance so I guess the producers thought it wouldn't be obvious to the viewers that the Browns were the only family at the dance? Other than Logan being a cool kid and being a stand in for his Dad for Gwen, that whole part of the show was a total waste. Also loved Gwen's comments about not wanting to share and not wanting to be a polygamist.

    Robyn looked like heck at that meeting with the loan officer and I asked my hubby if she looked pregnant...(remember she gets really sick during her first trimester) and I was floored that she was the one whining that Kody was giving up on their dream. Robyn who would be sharing a trailer with another sisterwife and their brood if this family hadn't come along.

    Oh and calling all the kids together and telling them that they aren't getting the houses (and then kind of acting like it was because one of the houses sold, not that they had crappy credit and no income) and then Kody was just like "ok, see you around". Very very weird and sad.

    Best part of the episode was when the usually "on the polygamy bandwagon" Mariah says basically that their parents promise lots of things that never happen. Perfect observation. Logan basically said the same thing but a little more diplomatically.

    Anyone think they are setting the stage to go back to Lehi?

    1. I really look forward to your comments CPA Carol! Just goes to show you that just because someone says they have an "accounting degree" doesn't make them Suze Orman. Has Janelle ever said she was a CPA?

      Yup Kody was like "meeting adjourned, now get out" to the kids. yikes.

      I hear you on the overweight/fitness center thing. Heck, that's why I became a group X instructor to begin with, having been obese myself in the past, I wanted to bring fitness to others and show it can be fun as well as effective! People do want to see results - I don't see many in Janelle. Oh well as long as SHE feels better...

      I saw comments on TMZ (from when the show was first filmed) regarding the V-Day Dance at the school, that the filming was done before the dance actually, officially started and the film crew was gone before. so i guess they just wanted to film the Browns and pretend that there were other people there. pretty lame IMO.

    2. Also, Robyn looked haggard and old. If the loan office scene was filmed in February (I'm guessing January since they wouldn't wait so long after Christmas to start looking into financing is my guess) then she would still be around 3 months since giving birth to Sol which equals lots of late nights taking care of him, I'm guessing. I am in the Not Preggers Again camp, personally.

  63. Frankly, I do not know where to start. There was so much wrong with last nights episodes. We all know that the visits to the fertility clinics were scripted. Has anyone heard of HIPAA. Those doctors were told beforehand who they were seeing and why. Doctors normally do not allow cameras in their office without permission. Plus, even before a doctor sees you in his office, they are aware of your medical condition and history. These scenes were so scripted. Did anyone notice that it was dark when they arrived at the second fertility appt. I looked up the clinics hours and they close at 5:00 pm. I am sure that TLC made some type of arrangement with the clinic. Due to the privacy of the other patients, I am sure that they were seen after hours and the doctor had to have known their story. Not many women are willing to go on tv and discuss their fertility issues. It is too private. Meri probably only agreed to get the ratings. Kody had fake tears. TLC wanted viewers to believe that this fertility visit was current and this is why they had to go to the clinics. I really do no think that Meri is going to let Robin carry her child and will not go through with the fertility. She should be thankful for the one that she has. I know plenty of women who would give their right arm for just 1. They have 17. This fertility stuff is for the ratings. Meri is just upset that she can only give Kody 1 child while all the other wives are so fertile. Notice how fast Janelle, Christine & Robin got pregnant. Meri should not have agreed to let the cameras show this if it causes her so much pain. TLC is really going after the ratings. They have to make the show interesting so that the viewers will tune in.

    1. Peanut Butter FritosJune 4, 2012 at 4:02 PM

      Of course it was scripted. Kody did a better acting job than usual on those tears from years ago. He must be taking lessons.

      Here's my thought. They need Robyn to get pregnant and then, oh no!, they don't know whose baby it is, whether they do the IVF or not. Like a soap opera only completely creepy and screwed up! But everyone uses the same supersperm from this sperminator. Hooray!

    2. OMG!!! Brilliant plotting! TLC should hire you!

  64. I assumed they didn't wanna say how often they have sex bc of the cameras and I can only guess that discussing frequency of sex between the various partners is something they don't do. Like wouldn't it lead to jealousy and comparisons? Seems like don't discuss frequency/style/enthusiasm would be a rule to avoid fights and poisonings and such.

  65. LMAO at the scene at the loan office. Who in the hell is going to finance these people. Did you see the homes. They all were large and had 3 car garages. These homes had to cost at least 300K plus. Who in their right mind would agree to a 40% downpayment and interest only payments. They would be nuts to agree to this financing. Can we say bankrupt. With the current housing crisis, I wonder what private company was willing to take a gamble on them. It is Vegas after all. Robins comments rubbed me the wrong way. She makes it seem as if she and Kody have dreams they did not discuss with the other wives. She is the newest wife, yet she makes comments that make us believe that she married Kody for financial gain. How about getting a job. We have not seen her do anything but make jewelry. We do not see them trying to market her jewelry nor have we seen her inventory. I truly believe that someone associated with the show is reading this blog. I agree with all the comments about Kody going to dance with the little girls. I am sure that Logan was their first choice. Some of these girls don't like to share. Loved it when Gwendolyn stated that she is not going to be a polygamist. I feel so sorry for the kids. They were born into this madness and dont know any different. I was shocked when one of the kids asked for homes in a gated community. They would have to build their own gated community because I can't see their neighbors wanting to live next to them. Did anyone notice the looks that Kody gave to Janelle and Christine on the sofa interviews. He was so condescending. His face looked like pure evil. He told Janelle that "I sold you to this sofa". What an ass. He does not want to work. I am sorry, but what 1000 people are going to pay them to become members of their gym. Maybe if they lost weight and were fit people would join. I hope that Janelle does further research because I am sure that Vegas has plenty of fitness centers. Vegas is known for its showgirls and fabulous shows. These people get fit somewhere.

  66. He's holding Truely 2 minutes into the first episode last night when they're looking at the houses in the cul-de-sac. See her cute little mostly bald head while Kodouche is pointing??? I couldn't believe it myself. I rewound it 3 times to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me!

  67. Yes! When masterK said something about looking for only 2 houses and then waiting for others to miraculously go up for sale in another cul de sac, I thought Robchin was going to have a meltdown.
    If they did that she might have to actually
    s h a r e. Oh no! poof. there goes her "craft room" fantasy.
    I hate that I watch this BS and give TLC ratings.
    It's such scripted crap and it becomes more obvious with each episode.j

  68. First time I'm commenting here, so I might just dump all my thoughts at once. I am fascinated with the show and open-minded to their lifestyle ... well, at least not judgmental. It would not be for me, and I cannot see how K could be an attentive father to all the children ... that fact that I cannot figure out if he even favors one tells me that he likely doesn't have a relationship with any of them. How can he feel the happy anticipation of a coming child while he's courting another woman while one wife is pregnant?

    I'm a practical sort, and a bit skeptical in general, so I'm wondering if K met Robyn anytime BEFORE the actual airing of the first show? I wonder if they share the same 'stardust' infection. And might I just say: OF COURSE Robyn has a good relationship with Meri; she'd be an outright idiot if she didn't. Meri holds a bulk of the financial cards. The State recognizes only Meri and K as a couple, so if Meri chose to divorce K, she'd take half the assets that are in his name. Granted, homes owned by Christine, Janelle and Robyn would remain theirs, but that's not happened yet, has it? Seems to me, and I could be wrong, that the Lehi house is owned, officially, by K and Meri. If the other wives do get houses in their names (mortgage officer said C, R and J would apply as single mothers), then they'd have their own property, but K would be expected to pay some child support ... or would he? Janelle's earning potential is likely greater than K's.

    I'm not buying that Robyn is especially close to Meri, except, perhaps, to help keep Meri happy while R & K try to make big $$$ from this show. Anyone can see that Meri is no longer happy. Aside from gaining weight, she doesn't look healthy. -- Cat

    1. I think that Christine mentioned that Robyn and Kody had known each other for the past 30 months - that was in last week's show. probably filmed in January, so that means if Christine was correct Kody first met Robyn in June/july 2009. way before the show.

  69. One thing that I would like to comment on is about the separate budgets for each family. Besides welfare or cash assistance, there is another way a wife could be contributing to their budget and that is through their children. If any of the children, for example, Robyn's son who is on the Autism Spectrum Disorder, has a legit diagnosis that would be considered dibilitating, such as ASD, and has a doctors' recommendation, that child could be collecting social security disability every month. I know that children who are diagnosed with Bipolar or ASD can collect this. I know of several of my own clients whose parents do this. Sometimes even a child with severe ADHD can be recommended to receive this income. So, I'm almost positive that Robyn's son gets this money every month. And, I don't know if Robyn's ex is paying child support or any kind of spousal support/alimoney but that also is something she can contribute to her budget.

    Also if any of the other kids have learning disabilities or other diagnoses they, too, can also have a doctor recommendation to receive social security disability. Just my two thoughts...

    1. The parent would have to have WORKED and earned enough work credits for their child to qualify for social security disability. I doubt Robyn has enough work credits for this(she was a stay home mom with the previous relationship.) The child does not get a check anyway unless the parent is collecting SS or SSD OR if the child is over 18 and cannot work and earn enough on their own due to disability. A minor child would not get a check in this situation. Robyn might have collected something with SSI-that's checks for low/no income and if you are disabled and cannot earn enough and not enough social security work credits.

  70. I agree with one thing, here. The Valentines day episode was choppy and fake.
    Of course they saw the doctors after hours. What doctor in his right mind wouldn't agree to staying late for the free advertising? It just makes sense. When these were filmed, they did not know that they would no longer be investigated by the state of Utah.That cannot have factored into the kids going back for a visit. I hope they do go back. With kids going to college they should all be able to get into that one house. Isn't that the way it is meant to be?

    I am a fan of the family and wish them well..

  71. Regarding child support--I worked for a child support agency a few years ago. One good thing that came out of Welfare Reform in the 90's is that parents who receive welfare have to cooperate with child support enforcement. Where Kody is named the father on all the kids birth certificates, you can bet he would have to pay child support if any of the wives received welfare. Now admittedly, with 17 kids, the amount paid for each one would be nominal but the mothers would have no choice on whether child support would be established. In fact, the child support received is considered an offset to the welfare benefits and the state would reduce the amount of welfare by the amount of child support.

    And may I say how much I enjoy this blog. While I don't agree with every post, it is fun to hear others opinions and perceptions.

    Robin's ex is probably paying child support. Interesting we never hear anything about the father visiting his kids or anything. I did read something the first season that implied Robin's ex was not happy that his kids were appearing on the show but never heard if anything came of it.

    Every now and then, laws actually do make sense.

    1. Peanut Butter FritosJune 4, 2012 at 7:57 PM

      @Farty. You need to check out the archives. It's really confusing for some polygamist women who just don't know who the baby daddy is. Oops!

  72. Great line: "I sold you this couch" Wow - totally rude and condescending Kody!

    Although I didn't like the fact that Janelle had not run the numbers on the properties (she is a degreed accountant, not a CPA - what I read in the book -) basically anyone with some financial background - should know approximately how much it would cost to get in and then keep 4 houses that cost $400,000 each. Maybe, just maybe, Janelle knew all along they would not qualify...all that being said, at least Janelle came up with something. Again, I don't agree with her business strategy on the fitness facility but she tried and wrote out a business plan. And Kody is all super pupil-eyed out saying "this could lead to bankruptcy"...yep, Kodes, we all know you are very familiar with bankruptcy.

    His little comments about "I sold you the couch" and then telling the camera man the fitness thing was his idea to begin with, I think shows a lot about the kind of person he really is. He is giving us all kinds of insight about the True Kody.

    Better watch your eyes, Kody, they are giving you away. Eyes are the window to the soul!

    Anyone else think the bloom might be fading with Robyn? The man who fixes nothing actually wanted to find an air compressor rather than let his trophy wife drive his car. I think he gave in only because the cameras were there. And he totally did not like the fact that there was hot pink paint on the windows of the car. Bet they had to get that cleaned off pretty fast!

    1. You are perceptive, Carol. I saw the same thing when Robyn wanted to borrow the car. He only said yes because the cameras were around. He almost had an angry look. It was scary. Then when he saw the car....oh boy. He seemed TICKED....but played it off. Yikes!

  73. Also, I thought Robyn always approached Kody with a concern/compliant sweetly, kindly, and in a very calm manner. At least, that's what Kody said about Robyn a previous episode. However, the bitter and not so sweet Robyn is what we saw when they met with the loan officer. Glimpse into the future maybe? Perhaps when Kody brings in a fifth wife. Or he is tired of her and is not so attentive to her?! Bet that is more of the reaction Kody will be seeing.

  74. I love reading all the comments on this blog along with the excellent posts....I think what really stands out for me after these 2 episodes is that the 'adults' seem so clueless about financial matters....I know most people comment on how much they like Janelle, how smart she is, etc....and I think one commenter said she seems smart when you compare her to the others....personally, I'm not getting that she is very smart....they all seem like kids playing 'grown-up house' or something!! 'Oh goodie, lets buy 4 houses, a fitness center, go into real estate, and send all of our kids to college!!' Even with whatever money they are getting from TLC, I cannot see all these things happening...

  75. Since Meri's eggs are too old &they would have to use a robins egg. They may as well have the fun (on Meri's night of course) & give Meri the baby problem solved.

  76. Ok, who else thinks that last night's show with their disappointment was all for drama. In the show's season finale, the couples find out that the buyer has pulled out and all four houses are available! And ta-da, great financing is available to them all!

  77. I liked what Janelle said, If Kody doesn't want to do it, the family doesn't do it. That speaks wonders about the family dynamics: the women, like women in all other fundamental groups, have no voice. Plus, Robyn-No-Character is already getting wind of the big dreamer's inability to deliver. She said, I don't want to get my hopes up. True, true. If you get your hopes up, RNC, you are going to live a life of disappointment.

  78. It's obvious Mr Kody was very defensive there. Think he felt ganged up on since at least 2 of the wives were not agreeing with him about the gym - that's what happens when you have more then one wife...

    Isn't it nice that Meri was dealing with infertility while Kody's out courting, bang'n, impregnating other women?? - just can't wrap my head around that!

    Then Meri say's she "thinks that's where her anger started/came from" .... YOU THINK?!?!?!

    FYI sweetheart - that anger is your gut telling you something's very wrong!!

    1. Remember those marriage vows .."in sickness & in health"?! ..that means your husband stays by your side instead of running off with other women!! ...just say'n ...

  79. I just wanted to politely clarify something. The blog description mentions "discussing perceptions of the 'Mormon' religion." Cody and his four wives are *not* members of the Mormon religion. Their faith stems from an offshoot that happened more than a hundred years ago when people of the Mormon faith discontinued the practice an disaffected with anyone practicing polygamy.

    1. Thank you for your clarification, but we do discuss the Mormon religion.

      And for the record, Kody Brown has described his faith as being Mormon fundamentalism.

      Kody Brown: "While I was away in the ministry in Texas, I got a letter from my mother telling me that my parents had been excommunicated from the LDS church and had joined a fundamentalist Mormon faith."
      (page 17, Becoming Sister Wives)

    2. while mainstream mormons don't currently practice polygamy in the manner they used to, they still believe in it and and practice it for the next eternal life. 3 of their current 12 apostles - Tom Perry, Dallin Oaks and Russ Nelson are all sealed for time and all eternity in their temple to their second wives they've married now after their first wives have passed. So, they do firmly believe that they will have at least both of those wives in the next life in their Celestial Kingdom they're all destined for.

  80. So if you have a younger child with Asperger's, you try to provide structure and routine and reduce stress and chaos. Not Supermom aka Robyn! She puts that child into a family with 3 other mothers, 15 other children, a reality show, a last second move into an even more unstable living situation, what else did I leave out? Poor Dayton. I mean David. I mean Dayton. Anyone know the deal with the name? I thought his name was David, like his biological father's name?

    It really bothers me she tries to suck up sympathy by jumping on the Autism bandwagon but has trashed all stability for him. AND THEN tries to blame Janelle's boys when he has trouble adjusting(which can happen even in the best circumstances with Autism or with any child without special needs!!! Remember the episode where she whines and says soon he will be old enough to choose which parent he lives with? Slightly misleading-states that have an age of choice means that the judge will consider the child's preference in which parent to live with, not that the child can choose. But Ole Whiney Pants has to try and lay a guilt trip on Hunter and Co. that it would be their fault personally(and Meri does it too) if Dayton wants to live elsewhere. Who wouldn't want to live elsewhere???

    I'm pro-breastfeeding, nursed my kids. I can respect that some moms prefer modesty. But does anyone else feel like the way Robyn drapes that blanket for privacy while nursing The Savior aka Sol is exaggerated to make sure EVERYONE knows that she is nursing and look at me??? Most moms I've seen who want modesty want just that. They try not to call attention to nursing when they cover up. Not the Holy Mother.

    I really felt ill when King Kruddy said he wanted a homebase so that Logan would want to go to college locally. Logan needs to get out. King Kruddy needs him for: ratings, babysitting, friendship, etc. I like Logan. Logan sometimes seems to sometimes fill the roll of the traditional male head of household who does house projects, helps figure out moving. Of course Kody has to be concerned with his Sperminator duties(Kudos to whomever first came up with that one!!) and so he cannot do those things.

    King Kruddy needs to get some Ritalin for his ADHD. His spur of the moment life altering decisions for this family are horrible. No surprise that the adult ADHD Kody would be attracted to Las Vegas. Pretty lights! Lots of people! Squirrel! I used to think Robyn's girls were possibly ADHD but I think it may just be bad parenting. Those girls used to be wild. Remember how one of them was locking Robyn out of her van on her wedding day? LOL!

    I'm done hearing The Holy Mother telling everyone that she offered to be a surrogate. She knows so little about biology(I'm no expert) that she thinks surrogacy is a sure-fire way to get Meri a baby. Um, that may not fix the problem. Maybe Meri's eggs are the problem, not her uterus' ability to carry a child. But The Mother to the Savior to the Brown Family toots her horn about how she has volunteered to fix this problem, in essence that she is better because no other sister wife did this for her bestie Meri.

    How come every time we see Robyn's baby, He Who Brings the Brown Family Finally All Together, he is being held? I mean, we know King Kruddy cannot hold Truely because she...I don't know why...but does Sol have to be held every second and rub it in further? I think Robyn or Kody must hold him because she doesn't want anyone else to. That baby is old enough to be left with Maddie when she babysat the first husband's kids for Robyn and Kody's dinner.

    Well, thanks for listening to my rant! Would appreciate the answer on David/Dayton if anyone knows the name game answer!

    1. All I know is that Robyn's sons name is Dayton although she pronounces it really weird & sounds like she's saying Day-un, lol. I've noticed that she pronounces other words really odd at times too.

      Anyway, I would LOVE to hear from Robyn's ex or better yet, her EX IN LAWS! I bet they have some doosie's to tell!!

  81. Anony, if you look back, There have been discussions about the differences between the two. I for one, tend to call them Fundamentalist Mormons, but do use Mormon for short. However, if you think about it, the Mormon church was based on Polygamy, so really for outsiders like me, wouldn't they still be following the principle- and the church changed considerably? If you are of the Mormon faith-I do not mean to offend. But you can see why many do not understand why LDS Mormon gets so upset.

  82. Ok, we've reached the 200 comment limit on this topic. Closing for now...
