Monday, May 14, 2012

Review: S04 Ep01 Sister Wives Separated

All right. So tonight was the premiere episode of the show we all love to watch, Sister Wives. In what has become a pattern, the episode begins with a rehash of last year's birth of Solomon.

Wait a minute, now here's a scene that wasn't show! Instead of the stoic Robyn, the production team has snuck in a short scene of Robyn sobbing, with Kody comforting her by touching her face.


If I didn't know better, I'd say someone has read the discussion here on SWB how Robyn was faking her labor because she didn't shed one tear pushing out a 10 pound baby. And isn't it amazing how that scene of Robyn holding Sol, sitting on her rocking chair throne and declaring Hunter a persona non grata for not kissing her feet was no where to be found.

Anyway, we get a new talking head of a glammed out Robyn recounting her offer to be Meri's surrogate. "I've been praying about it ever since we met..." confesses a postpartum Robyn, while Meri, holding baby Sol, looks lovingly into Robyn's bleary eyed, tear soaked, big chinned face.


And in typical Robyn 'Here's My Ultimatum' style she says:

" I know Meri's still thinking about it. And I'm not quite sure where she's at...and that's okay. I'm giving her a lot of room to figure it out. And, you know, it's gonna take some time anyway cuz Solomon needs to be old enough for me to be pregnant again, basically. So we're just kind this place right now where Meri's thinking it over."

That was so...magnanimous (LOL I love this word) of you, Robyn. So, Robyn is saying that Meri better make up her mind quick, because Robyn wants another bun in her oven and Meri, your eggs are getting mighty old. Is it just me, but does anyone else feel Kody is the driving force behind Robyn's sudden desire to be a Meri's surrogate?

And just how old DOES Sol need to be? Not to mention the expense involved. But money is no object to the Kody Krew, as we already know.

Yep, according to Kody, this year is going to be a big year for the Kody Krew. Here's the laundry list:
  • New baby to support
  • Need to get into homes close to each other (notice that the dream of a 'big house' in Nevada is officially DEAD)
  • Starting new businesses
  • Kids going to college

As Janelle puts it, "...we have a lot of irons in the fire."

That can be dangerous Janelle, watch out! Don't get overextended! You don't want to have to file for bankruptcy again!

So, what does the Kody Krew do? Why, they go shopping for property to build their dream compound with their favorite real estate agent, Mona.

Robyn wants an office, and a craft room. Christine wants a wrestling room. Who do these people think they are, Candy Spelling? I'm surprised someone didn't say they wanted a gift wrapping room or a Doll room. And as a perfect example of champagne tastes on a beer income (courtesy of TLC), they all want the most expensive property option.

What a bunch of dreamers.

So now, because it's Christmas, the Kody Wives Krew of Meri and Robyn goes shopping for their sister wives. Isn't that interesting...the name of the shop is Patty's Closet. Can you hear the gears grinding in Robyn's head?

During the couch interview, in her sweetest, most condescending sister wife voice, Christine says "Even though we have a plural family, and there's four wives, it doesn't mean that we have to do everything together...REALLY?" Hey, Christine made a joke and everybody laughed!

Watch out, Christine, I think you're being set up!

In probably the worst act of unforgivable crassness towards a wife, Kody decides Christine's family tradition of celebrating Joseph Smith's birthday would no longer be celebrated in his home. He wants Hanukkah instead. As he explains it Hanukkah is "...just basically a remembering or an observance of the festival of...uh...dedication...So nobody in our church is gonna really have a problem with us celebrating Hanukkah..."

Oh really, Kody? And now you have a church again? Thought you were an independent. And exactly who explained Hanukkah to you, or did Janelle google it for you?

Anyway, I think Kody, and let's not exclude Meri and Janelle, hit rock bottom with this one. So what celebrating Joseph Smith's birthday isn't normally followed in fundamentalist families. It WAS a tradition with Christine's family, who, by the way, STARTED THE PARTICULAR CHURCH YOU ALL BELONG TO, YA JERKS!

Too bad Christine didn't turn around and say that she and her children would no longer participate in Meri's Christmas tradition of accepting and parading those ridiculous pajamas she sews. And Janelle just needs to...well...SHUT UP!

And the show's producers should be drawn and quartered for that condescending playing of the Hebrew folk song Hava Nagila in the background while showing Truely running around in circles and Christine moving heavy furniture while jackass Kody sleeps in a chair.

There is something seriously wrong with Kody Brown. And surprisingly, it was Robyn who defended Christine's family tradition during the couch session.

In any event, this had to be the most lowest point in the Sister Wive's franchise. Kody is a jerk and this show has now officially "jumped the shark" in my opinion. It's downhill from this point on.

Next up was the tree cutting on Mt. Charleston, marred by a vicious battering of Garrison Brown by his younger brother Gabriel. It was bloody, and unfortunately, Janelle showed how she simply did not have the skills to cope with the warring brothers. Between her yelling for towels, and then  demanding a bloodied Garrison hug an unrepentant Gabriel, yikes, there were some scary parenting skills being displayed.

And where was Kody during all this turmoil? Why, he was putting the Christmas tree on top of Meri's car. He figured Janelle had the situation under control, so why bother? BECAUSE YOU'RE THE FATHER, YOU DIMWIT!

Something is seriously wrong with this family.

Then we find out Kody has "rented", for a week, the ugliest McMansion in Las Vegas. I mean that place made Teresa Giudice of RHONJ's ugly McMansion look like Windsor Castle. It was UGLY. Surely TLC could have paid for something that didn't look like double wides stacked on top of each other.

And as sweet Karma, Meri had to load up her utility vehicle without the help of her male teenage bonus children. They helped a hapless Robyn instead. YES!!!

Anyway, Kody continued being basically a useless sack of air when he just couldn't figure out which bedroom the wive's would have. I think the wive's major concern was they didn't want to have rooms NEXT to each that couldn't hear what was going on, know what I mean? You know, while we're on the subject, how much you want to bet Kody plays Marvin Gaye's 'Let's Get It On' when he's frisky?

Just when you think it's safe, we find out Kody's wives have given him a...SEMI - AUTOMATED ASSAULT RIFLE for his Christmas present, which by the way, can cost several thousand dollars. I know I feel safe and secure knowing this airhead has not one but a bunch of guns in an industrial strength gun safe.

And Robyn, bless her heart, is now in charge of another Brown venture called My Sister Wife's Closet. She's even designed some jewelry! I wonder if she got the idea for the name from the shop she visited with Meri?

I hate to mention how sad Christine looked when she tried to talk to Kody about their marriage. Kody is just too immature, Christine. You deserve better.

As the episode comes to its inevitable end, we see the Brown Family Krew jump into their mini-vans and head out to the cul-de-sac to fly kites made to look like snow flakes, down the street. We are left to wonder, will this pipe dream really come true?

Stay tuned for next week's episode.


  1. Oh my goodness, I haven't had a laugh out loud read like Cynical Jinx review in ages. I was just busting out with "magnanimous offers" and "useless sack of air" loved every sentence. Thanks for that.

    Let the hypocrisy begin...these fair weathered FLDS, use the system, use the tax code and procure wealth all in the name of religious freedom. Now they are picking and choosing other religious traditions. In the FLDS church, Joseph Smith birthday is celebrated and is a big deal. The way that Christine was bullied out of her family tradition was just sad. Christine is an Alred, the founding family of the AUB and AUB traditions are mocked? This is the religion they all claim to "have embraced". Instead we are celebrating Hanukah, we're not Jewish, so whatever...?

    Their whole religion is a bunch of contradictions and confusion even when practiced perfectly. Your family is eternal. OK. If you have enough children and wives you get your own planet and are elevated to a god? Wait, if your dad becomes a god and you live on his planet then as a son you can't have your own planet? How does that all that work?

    And we all know these "businesses" are all just tax shelters for the TLC money. Just like the welfare, food stamp fraud and serial bankruptcies are all abuse of the system. All these practices are considered "Bleeding the beast" as the FLDS community calls it. It is the war on government that encourages them to use the system to their benefit of getting ahead. Since all non-believers are sharks, it is okay to take from sharks.

    "We think this religion makes us all better" are all in various stages of depression and anxiety, the family is seriously over weight and your dissatisfaction, jealousy and envy is what gets shown every episode.

    Yet again Kody's best parenting and partner skills are as useless as ever, he sleeps on a recliner, obliviously ties a tree on a car while his sons fist fight and you never see him loading one car. (even to help Mean Meri) Oh and he solves his relationship problems by agreeing not to play on his phone. The way he jumped up and discounted Christine's feelings was horrible.

    Hilarious discussion about the fight, Hey sons..."If you fight at my age, you go to jail"...but marry all the women you want, priceless.

    The continued attention to saint Rob-Chin, offering up her uterus to poor Meri is just exhausting. We all know Meri is not giving up her travel plans to bare another brown to be tossed on the heap.

    As always I am rooting for Janelle and Christine to leave the dead weight and enjoy the life they deserve. Sans one shiftless man, one aggressive mean, bossy butch and her whinny girlfriend, Rob-chin.

    1. Excellent comment lisaumms! You hit every mark on the Kody clown game!
      St. Rob-chin and her messiah Sol have taken on the burden of uniting the motley crew. She will teach the others about true love and Sol will be the love-child that bonds the fractured kids....wunnerful,beautimous,and downright awe---some.

      What happens if a wife leaves with her kids, does Kody slip a few rungs down the celestial ladder? Maybe simply spawning children keeps him in the higher orbit?

    2. "Their whole religion is a bunch of contradictions and confusion even when practiced perfectly. Your family is eternal. OK. If you have enough children and wives you get your own planet and are elevated to a god? Wait, if your dad becomes a god and you live on his planet then as a son you can't have your own planet? How does that all that work?"

      LOL!!! I have always wondered just how exactly that worked, too.

      I am new here. I have been enjoying reading the posts. Polygamy has been one of my fascinations for years.

    3. I can see where this is going already with Kody leading his family in Worship Services, that we all watched last season, to not celebrating Joseph Smith's Birthday as their Church has done forever....Kody is going to start his own Religion similar to AUB. Kody will claim to be a Prophet so he can make the rules up as he goes, he's already got a jump start on it. He just hasn't let the rest of the world in on it yet. Maybe he's waiting until he's built all those houses on one property with the huge gate around it....Kody's Kingdom!! Oh AND he's already stock piling his arsenol. SCAREY!!

    4. Wow. I think you're on to something there. I believe that Kody told Robyn he wanted the "big gun" for Christmas and told her to get the wives together to get it for him. I am really serious. And I think it is very very scarey. I think the whole happy go lucky surfer image is fake, and he's a tyrant when the cameras are off.

      He was doing the Jim Bakker fake crying in one of the couch scenes, and he is all about being the center of attention (since high school, apparently).

      Very scarey.

    5. Wow Lisa! You hit the nail on the head!

      And Toasty, I agree with you that Kody is gonna start his own church and declare himself prophet.

      Are they able to get out of paying property taxes on their new properties if they say they are a church? I read Jim Bob Duggar does this. I did read this on the Internet so the info may be inaccurate. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    6. You know that whole thing about not wanting to be in the room next to each other because of ooooo the potential to hear Kody with the other wife is so stupid when you consider how they keep raging about wanting to live in the same house and have access to each other. They are a family of contradictions. And, no matter how much Christine says that she cannot worry about what others have that she doesn't, she knows she has value...well as a child keeper and cook. We never see Kody and Christine in any type of exchange that amounts to his time with Robyn and Meri. As much as I hate their program, I watch it so that I can gripe about it. But I refuse to buy the book. I have to draw the line somewhere.

  2. Cynical Jinx....You have once again hit all the HIGH/low notes of this KodyKrew's dysfunction.

    Why, oh why, did we have to see Kody minimizing Christine's insecurities? See him condescending and patronizing that woman into a sad, un-evolved girl/woman?

    Why did we HAVE to see how detached and disinterested Kodydouche is to his kids?
    Oblivious and disinterested to his sons at such a crucial time in their development?
    Is this *really* what their adoring viewing public gets off on ??

    Is seeing how these adults/parents are ALL deluded into thinking that moving YET AGAIN is a good thing for those SEVENTEEN really that a *wow* for the fans ??

    I just don't get it !!!

    They should be held accountable for their illegal scams which we the taxpayers are paying for....
    they should stop trying to fleece their fan base with stupid whom may be probably living LESS lavishly than the Browns themselves....
    they should stop *pretending to be religious*...

    They should just take their accumulated $$monies$$....and run....and hide......permanently !!

  3. Let's Get It On - hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

  4. ".....confesses a postpartum Robyn, while Meri, holding baby Sol, looks lovingly into Robyn's bleary eyed, tear soaked, **** big chinned *** face."

    CJ....forgot...too, too funny.......still laughing at this one !!!!

  5. HO HO HO... Cynical made the episode much more fun!!!! And-she's spot on. I myself was completely going nuts on the religious aspect. I have best friend from different religions-we agree that we're trying to do our best in our truth. Denying Joseph Smith from what I understand would be like denying Christ. But, celebrating the birth of Christ is more Christian related....wait, Hanukkah,my Jewish friends don't believe Christ has walked on earth yet.....GEEZ, we got it long ago when you had those "friends" over the point you were trying to make, have you lost sight of it? You can respect other religions but adopting a tradition, for friends we've never heard of (because it's all about the family) pushing it to deny their own faith? (Scratching head)
    Why not say a prayer for them and say your thinking of them at the table. Share stories of the good old times. Why so radical.
    They have found the golden ticket to money. And Kody likes money, and spends more than he has. All new cars? 4 houses with extra rooms now the kids have one foot out the door?
    What does everyone think? Is he doing it for the kids to go to college, or to buy shiny things that attract his eye? 2 yrs ago, they filed bankruptcy AFTER making the show. Hey, we've all been up financially, and we've all been down. Showing excessive spending is shallow.
    Everyone but Robyn and Kody have gained weight. I do when I am stressed. I have compassion for the women, but those kids! 20+ and you can't turn your head and say ENOUGH from the car, to help a wife out? She's with them ALL THE TIME.

    I am totally confused with you Kody Brown~ WHO I KNOW ANNOINT..... Shaggy Do.

    I think the whole surrogacy thing played out before Robyn got pregnant the first time. The are re living it. Good job, Robyn. If you were sincere and doing it for the right reasons, great! Why do I feel it was just a wise manipulative move for when she can't have any more? She's pushing 35. Saving those eggs, Robyn for the new wife? Maybe I am cynical. OH wait! No- she is the bomb, the objectective, funny brilliant writer that we have! I seriously could see this as a forerunner to a great book coming out of Cynical! Cheers!

    1. Kody has definitely packed on the pounds, and I think I know why (zzzzz....)

      Maybe Christine was forced to pick an alternative holiday, or induced - I figure she had 4 choices: Chanukah, Kwanzaa, 12th Night, or Elvis' birthday. The last two however are in January, and hip and liberal (ha) as the Browns profess to be...don't see it happening,,,

    2. Would have loved (LOVED) them celebrating Kwanzaa!!!! Could you imagine the headlines and celebrating (uh, protesting) in the neighborhoods.....I am waiting for the Jewish people to say, "they did what?"

    3. Hey hey Mister Sister, glad to hear from you :D

    4. Thank you! Thank you! I'm honored, Boss Lady!

  6. I think Robyn is either gaining weight or hasn't lost all the baby weight yet. Kody also seems much older and bigger to me.

    Kody is obviously so selfish and lazy that he annoys.

    The excuse that Kody can't always be the one to play "bad guy." Looks/sounds to me like he is NEVER the "bad guy" because he NEVEr gets involved. Why should the mom always play the bad guy?

    1. My thoughts exactly!!

      It would be SO much better for Kody to just ONCE play the bad guy for his kids rather than his usual role - (aka an immature absentee father with just as many failed businesses as wives)...

    2. Yep. Being attentive to your children and disciplining them appropriately is not being a bad guy. It's being a good parent. What Kody does is neglect them.

  7. Cj~ love your recap of the big season opener.
    There IS seriously something wrong with these folks.
    It's probably best that, with Kody's lead, they incorporate other religious traditions because it seems like they're forging their own sect. An off shoot of AUB, maybe Kody himself has received a prophecy to revamp their beliefs to accommodate their 'worldly' status?
    Maybe he receives special angelic whispers while he snoozes in his lounge chair?

    1. lol, I just said the same thing and I think it is definitely heading in that direction. Geez, could you imagine what would happen if he announces on the Show that he is a Prophet and is starting his own Sect?!? Unfortunately, there are people out there that would be more than willing to join....that is a very scary thought! Hopefully, TLC will cancel this nightmare before anything like that happens.

    2. LOL, the funny thing is it wouldn't be surprising but he probably wouldn't announce it. St. Robyn, while cradling savior Sol would get that glazed Manson girl look and tell everyone. Insert twilight zone music.

      It would actually be a relief. They could get a little more real about things. No more stumbling and bumbling for explanations as to why they do this or that, they could chime in unison...Prophet Sperminator Told Us.
      Cue that music again!

  8. The only reason I watched the ep was so I could more thoroughly enjoy CJ's review. I knew when I saw Kody's lazy ass sleeping in the recliner, that we were in for comedy GOLD!
    So that gun goes for $1200 huh? And everyone has "new" cars (pointed out that they are more than likely lease returns, but still...) everyone apparently got pricey Xmas some people might say that the Browns are salting away the TLC $$$$ in tax shelters etc...their LLC or whatever it is,ought mean they pay less in taxes but to my eye, it appears they are just pissing the $$$ away...spending as fast as they get.
    As i said on Twop earlier today...there's a REASON they still own the Lehi they have a place to retreat to after the gravy train ends.
    All those businesses? A pipe dream. Reminds me of that I Love Lucy episode with Aunt Martha's Old Fashioned Salad Dressing except the browns aren't nearly as funny as Lucy and Ethel. And that is some ugly ass jewelry.
    The best part of the episode - Truely dancing. :-) awwww....

    1. "...Reminds me of that I Love Lucy episode with Aunt Martha's Old Fashioned Salad Dressing ..."

      Ah yes...when they realized they were spending more money to manufacture the dressing than they were receiving in profit from the sales. Sad thing, I don't think the Browns are business savvy at all. Who would advertise a website on their show, and not have the website up and running for business when the show aired? THE BROWNS that's who!

  9. Oh and forgot to add how much entertainment I get from the comments of the mindless fans on the TLC FB page. Asking for a sister wives cookbook after viewing a clip of Christine making a dinner comprised of fish sticks, tater tots, and canned corn??? Yikes. I wonder how anyone in the family manages to have a regular bowel movement with the total lack of insoluble fiber - okay, ANY fiber - in their diet, if what we see on the show is typical...

    1. Ok, what were those big green ball things she was stirring in the pot? And with all those kids (and apparently it was her day with Kody), why was she in the kitchen alone?

    2. I think she was cooking artichokes and Kody should have been helping her do it.

    3. I think I know now why Christine is so upset w/Kody, it's nap time when he's with Christine. He can kill three birds w/one stone....Christine gets her night w/Kody (even if he is asleep), he's sleeping so he can't listen to her bitch about their problems & he's well rested for his BIG HONEYMOON NIGHT w/Robyn! lol

    4. Peanut Butter FritosMay 18, 2012 at 4:06 PM

      Don't forget Janelle's peanut butter Fritos! With corn syrup!

  10. Isn't it interesting that a while ago I mentioned we never saw Garrison or Gabriel nor knew who they were (that the focuss always was on other kids)??

    1. Yup, but I still can't tell who's is who's w/ the smaller kids...Christine's, Janelle's, & Robyn's younger girls, I get them mixed up. Guess, I gotta look at the family tree

  11. Yeah really! What IS that freaky 2 skeleton hands thing in the picture of the fabulous new line of jewelry ?

    1. It goes with the Jester's Cap next to it somehow.

  12. Janelle's comment "I'm trying to make their lives as miserable as they are making mine." is beyond horrifying. What kind of parent says that?!? Making two fighting boys hug?! are loosing your status as the level headed one. And poor Christine...I think she has picked up another spare tire around her waist, she looks heavier than last season. Emotional eating. It is all so so sad.

  13. Great recap! It was such a boring show that if I didn't know all of the snark that would follow, I couldn't have watched.

    What about Sol being the best actor in the play? I would have rather seen them celebrate J. Smith because that is something unique to their religion and traditions than the Christmas play.

  14. It is almost too painful to watch this show. Kody Brown needs a good old fashioned horse whipping to knock some sense into his fluffy haired head. It's as if he becomes more shallow and self centered with each episode. What father just stands there like lamp post while his son's are duking it out?

    Robyn turns my stomach almost as much as Kody does. Kody must be pressuring her to be Meri's surrogate. Great idea Kody. It's bad enough to have to share a husband, but to share a baby and uterus with a sister wife just raised the creep factor even higher, which I, naively, thought was impossible with these people. If a Meri agrees, those two women will be completely at each others throats.

    What can I say about Christine? She's either going to have complete breakdown or she's going to leave. She might have the breakdown and then leave. However, she is too committed to her religion. Unless she has a true epiphany, she'll just end up in another 'marriage' with a bunch of other equally dysfunctional polygamists. The only wife who stands any chance of coming to her senses is Janelle.

  15. I counted three times where Garrison is shown to be completely losing his temper. Literally screaming with frustration and pain. Poor kid.

    Also, I was HORRIFIED at the way Kody treated Christine. He was so patronizing towards her, so cruel in the way he laughed at her feelings. And then he did the old Kody Special: grab wife, kiss hard on mouth, walk away grinning. No sympathy, no affection. Christine looked absolutely devastated. I consider this emotional abuse.

    1. What I couldn't believe was the comment Kody made to Christine "Am I out of the doghouse" for simply BUYING her something she had to tell him she wanted!! What an idiot!!

    2. Yeah, not the god I would want to have on my planet. I pity those poor souls who must be on his world. It would be a punishment planet. Self centered god who doesn't care about the feelings of his children, or populace; and doesn't take care of them. He only fulfills his wants, and desires.

    3. Well, I think Kody & brood will be in for a big surprise, when they all stand before God one day. There's only one celestial kingdom, & that's Heaven & there's only one true Kody will be disappointed that he's not a god & will not have his own celestial kingdom to rule.
      I know that the Browns tend to pick & choose things from the bible that suits them at the moment. But Christians are taught not to idolize men, people, or things, so for them to even consider Kody a god & serve & worship him like he's one, is just be ludicrous!!

    4. It is emotional abuse. To the children also. How embarrasing for Garrison. I think the cameras make some of the kids act out more because they are anxious. Maybe Hunter has managed to hide out, I haven't seen the show yet, the same scammers keep loading up YouTube with links to their own sites. Has anyone seen it playing onine for free?

  16. Lots of the kids really seem to have grown. And is it just me or has Dayton put on a lot of weight? Madison seems to have lost a lot of weight since the show started...and maybe Mariah too?

  17. Hi all. I'm new here but have been reading for a while. I watch sisterwives in the same vein that one watches a train wreck. I, too, have notices how much weight the women have all gained. Meri is as wide as she is tall and looks like a horse; even robin looks like she is getting a little more hippy; Janelle and Christine are both so fat that they are unhealthy. Christine obviously suffers from depression and Janelle is just so damned sad. I also noticed that all of the older girls are extremely overweight. There seems to be a pattern with the women and older girls that speaks to unhappiness and stress, which leads to overeating and lack of exercise. What bothers me is that no one seems to care that the one girl who seems to have major breakdowns anytime there's a change is getting as big as Christine. Even theother girls seem to be on the verge of tears.
    What kills me is how Robin has to be this suffering-submissive winch that Kody cannot keep his hands off of and the other three think that it is okay. Meri is, like you all said, passive agressive to the point of driving me nuts. I hope Janelle gets out of it before she is totally destroyed. I wonder how long Kody stayed with Christine after she gave birth?

  18. KodysLexus JanellesNewMinivanMay 14, 2012 at 10:14 PM

    To me, there was nothing new or surprising in the new episode. I am so glad to see Truely with hair. My only question.....what were those bizarre green globs Christine was grilling for Hanukah?!?!

    1. Those must have been the Mint Temple Latkes/Communion Wafers! The all purpose holiday food for all beliefs. Better to be safe than sorry on the road to Heaven.

    2. Or matzo balls dyed green? (ick!)

    3. They're artichokes! A tastey Jewish side dish! Btw, that's not how you celebrate Chanukah. Its more like the only thing he's heard about us is we light candles.

  19. Please tell me Kody did not buy Robyn a guitar?!?

    1. KodysLexus JanellesNewMinivanMay 14, 2012 at 10:54 PM

      It would have been awesome if Kody had bought each wife a copy of "50 Shades of Grey" for give them something to do when it is not their night. ;)

    2. Yes. Kody's Christmas present to Robyn was a guitar.

      Notice the foreshadowing in the TLC editing? Robyn's daughter playing the PIANO in Robyn's house (she's had lessons obviously). Robyn commenting about how the whole family was off key (gasp!) during the Christmas caroling.

      Robyn will bring a the Gift of Music to the Brown children!

      Instead of an awkward Nativity play, the kids will unite in song and dance!

      Instead of off key Christmas carols they will enter the American Idol contest as the Brown Family Singers!

      A latter day Sound of Music will unfold before our eyes!

    3. OMG! It's the Kody Brown version of the King Family and the Osmond Family!

    4. LOL at the "50 Shades of Grey" comment! Yes, this!! At least give them something useful - besides the guitar, of course. Wonder if Robyn even knows how to play? Will the family be forced to gather around Robyn and her guitar and listen to her recitals?

  20. MY God, have you gone over to the "candid family pictures" TLC has posted. No pictures whatsoever of Truly, they are all of Solomon a just a tad of other people. Can they be any more obvious?

    1. I saw those last week, family pictures my ass! Most all of them were of Solomon with a few of the others in the pictures with him. No wonder Christine feels the way she does, she had Baby Truly while the Douche Bag was chasing Robyn then gets married right after Truly's birth. He hardly ever says anything at all about Truly, it's all Solomon! Christine & Janelle should leave this fool & file for Child Support immediately...he would either pay or sit his sorry ass in jail!!

    2. I agree wholeheartedly with your comment, toasty. Kody Brown needs to pay child support for all of his children, whether or not he is married to their mothers.

  21. Ok so Christmas gift gifing in the Brown household goes like this:

    Each child draws the name of another child and gives the one gift to the child.

    Kody buys a gift for each wife and each wife buys a gift for Kody.

    No parent gifts to kids.

    No kid gifts to parents.

    Bottom Line:

    Kody gets three wife gifts, or one more expensive combined wife gift.

    Everyone else in the family only gets one gift.

    About what I would expect from KodyWorld where it's not about the kids, it's about Kody.

    1. Damn - you're right!
      And I just had a thought about the jewelry "business" - apparently Robyn's project, is she trying to copy Margie on Big Love (who sold jewelry on a home shopping network until Bill "outed" them...hmmm

    2. wait, for real? none of the parents buy anything for their kids? I would think janelle would buy a gift for each of her 6, Robyn for each of her 4, etc.... I can't imagine choosing to NOT buy my kids a gift. Especially when there is MONEY to do it!

    3. Wait, so everyone gets ONE gift, but Kody gets FOUR (from each wife one)?
      How classy

    4. Wow, I never thought of that but it's about right. That is sad, I would make damn sure each of my kids had gifts before myself or their dad...since I'm divorced especially their dad, lol!!

  22. Dear lawd, jewelry was the only Big Love business they hadn't done yet. Oh, and the one that actually requires working, the hardware store. I'm starting to think those Big Love writers were way better than I thought, after that last season made me pretend not to know them. Next up, trip to Mexico to get some parrots. These people are as weird as fiction.

    I guess I wasn't surprised Kody was armed, but I was scared. This guy can't find his way out of a paper bag and he has a bunch of guns around all these kids, oh joy.

    1. Big Love had the gun thing and the surrogacy thing too. Also daughter of a prophet was one of wives,

    2. I think someone already posted that Margene Hendrickson did have the Native American jewelry business she sold on a TV station similar to QVC/HSN. Oh, and she later got involved in that Goji Juice MLM scheme. (Poor, poor Bill H.)

      And of course, don't forget that Barb Hendrickson agreed to divorce Bill Hendrickson so that Bill could legally marry 2rd wife Nicki Grant and adopt her daughter Cara Lynn so her former husband's family couldn't try to take Cara Lynn away from her.

      I wonder if Meri would divorce Kody so that he could marry Robyn and adopt her 3 kids? If Kody's trying to follow Big Love's storyline, he should remember Bill lost his business (HomePlus) the last season.

    3. The fact that the 3 kids' father is related by blood to Christine (and maybe Kody) and nephew to 2 of Meri's "bonus mom's" would make them so very much more bizarre than the Big Love story line. As for the parrots, Christine's Lebaron relatives probably were the basis for that story line--as they, or the Allreds, were the bases for virtually every Big Love story.

  23. As much as I hate to admit it, a better patriarch, like the Dargers, would have handled all of this because they have a clear structure. It breaks down when you are saddled with a sack of air as your fearless leader, and that is why I watch this trainwreck.

  24. Oh snaps, CJ, U had me rolling & I'm still cracking up!!
    Oh before, I forget, Charlie Brown tweeted & he wants his Christmas tree back & Oh yeah, Robyn, I got a tweet from Redbull too, & they want their slogan back: Redbull gives you wings!!!

  25. Here's my prediction of what Robyn will sing on her guitar for the K-douche....

    Robyn's Love Song to Kody

    Oh Kody your luscious locks of gold
    Distract me from your face of old
    You're hipster jeans and button shirts
    Turn me into a schoolgirl flirt

    Other wives can downplay their envy
    They can see that I'm the Queen Bee
    My nose just might resemble a witch's
    But they're fat and have outgrown their britches

    Oh Kody your laughter is like a bird
    The sweetest squawk I've ever heard
    My previous hubby was a downright brute
    But you're the best kind of balding fruit

    I like to make lots of glittery crafts
    To show the world that I'm not daft
    With lots of "Rs" and "Ks" around
    I'm the best wife you've ever found

    So wipe the tears off of my face
    You know I cry all over the place
    No need to take a fifth wife mistress
    My womb is always open for business

    1. LMAO!! Funny lyrics ModernWife..."distract me from your face of old" ,"but you're the best kind of balding fruit" & "my womb is always open for business"... Classic!

    2. Oh next she will be making an album :-/ ....... Look out for your song to be the first single!! :)

    3. Modern Wife...perfect !!! Bravo !!! :)))))

      Can you perform this??
      Would make for a fun YouTube !!!!

    4. Haha I probably COULD perform it but your ears will thank me for not!

    5. Oh No Modern Wife, I guarantee you I would rather hear you sing it badly than Robyn sing anything at all! That was hilarious, I love it!!

  26. Wasn't totally surprised at Kody's, "so am I back out of the dog house" comment to Christine, it was his excited kiddie voice he uses to say it! Totally major douchebag ickkkkk factor, that made my skin crawl o_O Oh, & also, when he said the best part or actor of the play was Sol playing baby Jesus,..really, Kody??

    Gotta give Christine a shoutout for putting Kody on blast though, saying well I think you come here as late as you can & leave as early as possible, just so you don't have to deal w/ me. Booyah!! I just wonder who Kody is texting, when he's at Christines? Hmmmmm??? Probably Robyn's ass, uggghhhhh!!

    The wives probably has to defend Kody, in the child rearing dept...bcuz lets face it folks, we all know that Kody isn't around much & isn't a major part of their daily lives,(idc how much they go on national tv & say he is...) so for him to play "bad cop" for the lil time he is around would just be unheard of..(eyes rolling), besides that's just like poking the bear (angry teens/kids), for one of them to go off & say stfu, Kody, it's not like you're around us that much anyways,so don't try to parent us like you are and besides that, we don't have to listen to you!!...Hahahaha, I would love to see that on tv!

    The gun gift, is just so WTF? What in the hell were these dimwits thinking? I betcha the gun safe is kept @Meri's house, since well not too many kiddos around! If so, this could be a very bad thing, for a scorned, angry, jealous, & resentful wife to have access to..bcuz lets, face it, this passive aggressive mean girl has some serious issues & it like a ticking bomb! Hell, they all are for that matter!

    1. I'm Canadian here and don't want to unfairly judge my sisters to the south... but...

      Guns.. gifts... "love of firearms"....

      Was that a pretty average American thing or is Kody and Company part of the exception?

    2. Hell no, ModernWife, Only if you're a wife or girlfriend of a doomsday prepper(thanks CJ ;D)
      I can't speak for all of the girls South of Canada, but This girl here prefers flowers, cars, & cash for home improvements projects :D
      I recently got surprised w/ a 2012 Nissan Versa Sedan that was fresh off the truck & only had 3 miles on it :D gift ever & gas mileage is freaking awesome!
      I do have to say I like to indulge in big cans of Labatt Blue from time to time ;)

  27. Forgot to say, since Kody's time is already stretched thin as air, when will he find time to go & shoot that damn gun? Where can
    you legally shoot those type of guns anyways? Are they allowed at a regular gun range?
    Also, when is Robyn gonna find the time to learn or play the guitar? She's got a new baby to take care of, plus her new jewelry line designs to work on...Heck,like someone pointed out, they don't even have a completed website for their damn new venture, & they've had about 5 months to set it up. As much as they social network, this should've been handled sooner. Just goes to show, they don't put much thought into their stuff, they're just on the whim type of actually I wouldn't be surpised if they decided to celebrate Kwanzaa! I mean why not? They now support gay rights, etc...even tho their religion doesn't really accept gays or blacks for that matter. They would just do it to show that they're really different than the church they belong to...& if that's the case, what's the point of even being a part of such an organized cult, I mean church ;)
    Just wonder, how accepting they would be, if one of their own kids came out of the closet & said hey moms & dad, guess, what? I'm gay!! (TOTAL AWKWARD SILENCE!!!))& I would sure love to be a fly on the wall if that conversation ever happened!

    1. "Where can you legally shoot those type of guns anyways? Are they allowed at a regular gun range? Also, when is Robyn gonna find the time to learn or play the guitar?"

      I just had a horrible vision of Kody and Robyn out in the middle of the Nevada desert...Kody's shooting his gun off while Robyn is strumming her guitar and singing cowboy key....


    2. CB you know that they "totally" support any decision that the kids will make so I wonder if one did come out to them as being gay could that one also take plural partners?

    3. Hahahahaha!! OMG! Thanks for putting those ill visions in my head CJ...not only that, but she's wearing a sundress, cowboy boots & hat too!!
      "O give me a home, where the sage brush rolls & our kids can fly snowflake kites all day"...
      & by the way Robyn, those are called tumbleweeds!!

    4. Now there's a show: Gay Polygamists

  28. CB, that stfu scene you mentioned between the teens and Kody, priceless. That's what I'd say if I was one of his teens.

    1. I know right?? BC, I would too! Esp, if I was an older one, almost ready to leave the nest. :D

  29. One thing for sure they got from SWB, is Kody actually "spending" time w/ some of the kids, by having him take a few of the little girls,as he called them, to go shopping for Christmas gifts. I betcha thats never happened before!
    They do seem to be blowing thru a lot of their TLC $$...Robyn probably pitched in the most $ for Kody's gift, since she got a nice lil chunk of change from People Magazine, doing a story & baby pics of Sol...(eyes rolling)
    Did Christine get a magazine spread/interview w/ Truely? I can't remember if she did or not. Boy, if she didn't, I betcha that had to hurt....that's like 100,000,000 blows to the ego & self esteem. Yikes @_@

    1. your comment got me thinking about the other 16 kids. it seems so lopsided that so much attention and focus has been on this new baby.
      It's as if prior to their notoriety babies were a blessing and life goes on...gawd with this one he's the star. He's the light. He's the only child worth talking about.
      Another truly sad example of how "fame" can distort people. Not many parents would think it was fair or healthy to the other kids to highlight and exploit one above the others. Most parents would say, 'sure I'd like to have a mag article but we have lots of kids not just one'.
      So, imo, the broken wife family structure continues with the kids also. favorites in a family that professes sameness...bulldoodoo.

  30. Modern Wife, that song is hilarious!

  31. Truely has hair! can't wait to see that. The only clips on YouTube so far are scams to send you to other paying sites.

  32. Is there someone on here who could give a ballpark estimate, of how much it costs to just build & maintain property taxes on 1 home? I know you have to get bids done, building permits, etc...
    Unless the Brown's have $$ tucked away in Swiss accounts( I know right??, but its a, its gonna cost tons of $$ to finance their pipe dream! Do they start on all of them at the same time?? Or how exactly will this work? or will Robyn get her house built first, since she has a new baby & probably one on the way soon?
    I seriously think its a matter of time, before Kody makes Meri move in w/ Robyn, esp when they're back into their finances start to deplete again, since she'll basically be kidless next year.
    Which had me thinking..they made a comment that they had 5 kids all in diapers @once & then they'll have 5 in college all at once(which we all know, that they'll get free tuition, etc...anyways), so maybe since they're starting to leave the nest, the Brown's feel it necessary to have more kids just for tax credits & exemptions..& if their forced to go back on welfare, the #'s will work in their I would't put it past them...smh
    Logan is graduating this month & turns 18, but no worries bcuz baby Sol is here to replace him.
    Next year, 2 of their kids graduates, but I'm sure Robyn will have another baby by then...God help us!

    1. If TLC is anticipating any legs at all for this show, then perhaps they intend to stake the new houses' beginning costs. (Like they did for the Duggers and the Goselins when they did major upgrades/expansions.)

    2. The houses look like they've already been started? At least the ones in the final scene. Even if TLC does give them start up $, the Browns still need to qualify for 4 mortgages...even with their TV show $, I think the banks are gonna want to see something a lot more substantial. Recall when they first moved to LV and tried to qualify...they were turned down. I would assume their credit score is not exactly in the 800' they are probably already overextended even now. They spend as fast as they get...I doubt they paid cash for those "new to them" one of the upcoming shows will be another The Browns Try To Qualify For 4 Mortgages...yeah. I wonder how many mortgages they have on the house they still own in Lehi?!?

    3. Those houses which are already started could be prior deals that have fallen through and have been sitting stalled. One thing noticable was that there wasn't any onsite construction equipment visible. ???

      But...that bit was filmed during December, so who knows what the current status is now ??

      Probably even TLC knows they will have to spend more $$ on these klowns to earn some more $$ from this train wreck. Just think, more gaggy shows of each wife picking out her house, furnishings, etc.

    4. We must have some people here in LV or familiar w/the area...if we had the addresses, it would be easy enough to look up the sale info and listing history, since that's all public record. It's been 5 months since that ep was filmed, so if the Browns were really gonna buy, they'd at least be in escrow by now. Just saying...

    5. DJ, we're on the same wave length. I was thinking the same thing. By now, there should be a paper trail.

  33. CJ, I totally thought the same thing about the gift wrapping room ...surprised no one made that
    C'mon, Robyn, if anyone needs an office, it's Janelle, seeing that she's the family accountant & business agent. Her name is on most of the business licenses.

    1. Isn't it obvious the only reason Robyn wants an office is so she can fulfill Kodsters fantasy about having office s-x in the office of one of his bussinesses? LOL

    2. I can only imagine how quickly broke a** they will all be once TLC stops paying them! A wrestling room???Really? An office for Robyn for what exactly???Facebooking and making pouty faces? I agree if anyone should have an office it's Janelle.

    3. I just do not understand how these losers could be raking in enough money for 4 brand new homes (that probably also have a hefty HOA fee), college tuition coming up, all the other daily expenses, pools and maintenance, cars, travel and whatever else I forgot to add.
      There's something so wrong with an idiotic family earning enough money for all that from being on TV. No talent required. No integrity required. Truth optional. What a world we live in!

    4. In the past they just wrecked up massive debts and declared bankruptcies.

    5. Anon 3:24 PM - remember in the 2nd season when the Browns all moved to LV (surreptiously to escape the evil Lehi police...yeah right) Kody and wives intially tried to buy houses...but were turned down by the bank(s). A year later, I seriously doubt anything has changed, regardless of the show still being on the air. Maybe TLC will give them a portion of the down payment required...MAYBE. I really don't think that TLC gives them everything they want. The big ugly christmas house rental, I'm sure was TLC. but the cars? paid for from their TLC income for sure, but I doubt that TLC is buying cars and houses and etc for them ON TOP of whatever they're being paid. This isn't Charlie Sheen or Alec Baldwin we're talking about, it's the freaking BROWNS. TLC is a company that, like all other companies, are trying to make a profit, so I don't see them buying houses and all that jazz. But of course, reality show salaries are a closer kept secret than Col. Sanders' 17 herbs and spices, so we don't know what they're paying for. However, I don't see Kody and Krew going to TLC and bargaining for a big fat raise. What are they going to bargain with? What other network, really, would WANT them? and I'm sure that TLC has other reality show concepts waiting in the wings...if the Browns want more $$, then they allow more shows to be filmed...I think there were 23 in S2?

    6. Also - forgot all about the HOA, you're probably right since it's in a "gated community". yup yup.

    7. AnonymousMay 15, 2012 3:24 PM- Maybe the cars they have are rental cars or just used for filming? Still, it's a waste of money since they have kids going to college soon.

  34. If I had to choose the "most dysfunctional moment" of this episode, I simply wouldn't know where to turn. Kody sleeping in the chair while his most-neglected wife makes dinner for the entire brood? Janelle unable to discipline her two boys who are beating each other bloody while Kode ignores them because he's gotta make sure that the pathetic Christmas tree is tied down securely? His dismissive dry-as-sandpaper kiss he gave Christine after she tried to confide in him? The incredibly sad look she had on her face as Kody flitted out of the room - because who wants to hang around with "sad wife" when he can bounce over and see "hot wife" or "just friends" wife? Robyn stating she wants a freaking "craft room?!?! That just might be the winner.

    The whole scene where the boys were fighting and Janelle was helpless to stop it actually just made me very sad. Those poor boys. Now they know they can smack each other around and their dad won't do a thing to stop it. I can't imagine how that makes them feel. It honestly breaks my heart. When she said in the couch interview that she could handle it - no, hon, you can't. And you shouldn't have to - ESPECIALLY when your children's father is two feet away from you. Although Janelle may already know what we know here - that Kody has zero influence over his kids - since he's absent so much, why would they listen to him? But then, maybe this is exactly the scene Janelle was trying to avoid - saving face on Kody's behalf, knowing what the outcome would be if she brought Kody in to do his job as a dad and knowing he'd fail on national tv.

    Just when I think I can't be shocked by this show, I am proven wrong over and over.

    1. Great points! Love this site! Maybe Kody didn't intervene in the boys altercation on TV is because his kids will respond to him by saying "Why should I listen to you? You are never around us enough?" Or, at least it was cut out of this episode...

  35. I don't know if the NRA funds lots of reality shows but I'm getting really sick of seeing all these reality "stars" at gun ranges and with guns "learning" to shoot. FYI it a REALLY REALLY boring time filler. I'd way rather look at Robyn developing her charm line....emiting emesis...

  36. @laura. My heart breaks for those boys too. It's like the message is that dad can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Polygamy doesn't sound so bad for them.

  37. I'm still reeling from the comment made in the book stating that lovely husband vomited at the sight of his fat girlfriend Christine. He actually writes this in a book! He then "marries" her. How can this woman stand to look at him? What father stands idly by when his son punches the other one in the nose? Then jenelle actually says the boys need to kiss and hug? They are not two years old! This whole thing is absurd and I think we are wasting our time watching and ranting about it. They are not who they say they are on those couch interviews. These women need to wake up. See what the rest of us see!

    1. Wow. I can't even imagine if my husband said that. I feel so badly for Christine. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

  38. I am always so stunned that their religion never really plays out much like it does in 23 kids and counting (or at whatever number they are now). It is like Kody just loves having four wives who take care of everything (he truly lives the good life, which man would not want this kind of thing), the money and attention this TV show gives him and uses the whole Mormom thing to justify it... Does not fly (not even like a snowflake kite) with me. I know "thou shalt not judge" but it is hard not to in this case... Nevertheless love the show - makes my simple life seem so much more functional :)

  39. what I wanna know is....what doesn't Truely have any hair yet?!?!

  40. One thing I thought about with Kody's rude 'we aren't celebrating Joseph Smith's birthday anymore" decision is that he, being King Kody, decided that the average viewer can't distinguish between Joseph Smith (the founder of Mormonism/LDS) and Warren Jeffs (the creepy polygamist with young teenaged wives) so he made the decision to just cancel the tradition altoghter. First off, I think 90% of the viewers know the family is not like Warren Jeffs and does not approve of his beliefs. Secondly, many LDS families celebrate Joseph Smith's birthday and many families even have a birthday celebration for Jesus (usually a little before Christmas for the younger kids to remember what the holiday is about). So his decision to celebrate Hanukkah (and his inability to articulate what the heck they were celebrating it for) must have been kind of last minute after all the plans had been made to have TLC film the group party (because let's be honest, they are really not spending all that much time together except for in the super Christmas house). And I say KUDOS to the producers showing Kody sleeping in the recliner while Christine did ALL of the work. In fact, where were the SISTER WIVES while Christine was preparing the entire meal, cleaning the house and taking care of her 6 kids, too? So much for the "perks" of being a Sister Wife!

    Also, why are any of us surprised that Kody didn't step in during the boys fight? Remember when Meri was chewing out the kids for not treating Robyn's kids well and she asked for "some support from the other MOMS (not the DAD)" and Kody was in the background doing and saying NOTHING? And the way he refers to the kids as "Janelle's kids" and "Christine's kids" just further solidifies in my mind that he is very much a hands-off and fairly uninvolved dad who leaves pretty much everything to his wives to handle. And honestly I think the reason he got Hunter and Logan over there to help Robyn was because he was growing impatient waiting for Robyn to get packed up and ready....I know he really does cater to Robyn but to me it just seemed like he was tired of waiting but of course, he didn't want to help himself, he just got the boys to do it.

    And Mean Meri....well Karma is kind of fun to watch with her. After reading the book and seeing how mean and judgmental she is of and to her sister wives, I did smile a little when she was griping on the couch about Robyn getting help and her not getting help. Don't be fooled - Meri may like Robyn a little more than the other two, but she is not LOVING Robyn at all.

    1. It sounded like the whole celebrating Joseph Smith's birthday is something the Browns have been doing for years, and your comment about why Kody suddenly wanted it canceled makes a lot of sense. I can absolutely see Christine working for days on this annual family party, only to have Kody take her aside and tell her that it ain't happening - but the show must go on, so let's switch it to something completely different. Christine didn't even seem to understand what the heck they were celebrating. Neither did Kody, but that's not surprising.

      But I wanted to reach through the tv screen and throttle her when she told all the kids to "let their light shine," while her own light is buried very deep under several layers of depression. Let your light shine, Christine! Run!

  41. One thing that really stuck out to me was when Kody was talking about the play the kids put on: "I wasn't expecting much." Really, Kody? I know this wasn't the production of the century, but pretty much all the kids worked together and co-operated to put on a show for the parents. A little enthusiasm would have been nice. Oh, and that comment about Solomon being the best actor...I tasted bile.

    Kody shopping with the girls seemed pretty normal to me. No snark there.

    Ah, Truely. Too freakin' cute. She definitely needs more screen time. What a good little kid.

    I found it interesting, how Logan is just DYING to break out and move away. All the kids, noise and chaos is probably driving he and the other teens just batshit.

    Is it just me, or has Mariah lost a few pounds? I thought she actually looked pretty good.

    I felt sorry for Christine in regards to her little pow wow with Kody. However, I think (I hope) most of the conversation was edited for time or something. She seemed so emotional and open and he just....laughed it off and flitted out of the room. He pretty much admitted to spending little time with Christine and not being fully present with her, but he blamed her and only her. Perhaps Christine also needs to work on how she relates to Kody, but it isn't solely on a long shot.

    I laughed a little when Janelle was handling the fight and said she wanted to make them miserable. I think she just meant in regards to the fight and punishing them for it. Obviously Kody wasn't going to try and handle it. I'll bet the stronger-headed kids pay no mind to his 'authority', since they don't see him much and rarely spend time with him one-on-one.

    Neither Meri nor Robyn really got on my nerves during this episode.

    1. If the fight/discussion between Christine and Kody was edited down for content then I have to give a tip of the hat to the editors for making Kody look like an immature boy.

      Between that scene and the way they showed Kody sleeping on the chair while Christine rushed around to make that ridiculous dinner, I think the editors are poking a bit of fun at Kody. They help make the show worth watching.

    2. It seems like in each couch scene they are doing "damage control" for the previous scene.

      Case in point- The boys' holiday brawl in the parking lot. And the debacle that is Janelle trying to discipline them by making them as miserable as her and Kodouche not getting involved bc the soundtrack playing in his big, narcissistic head is too loud to hear his sons' screams of anger and pain.

      Cut to the couch scene and the wives are making excuses for Kody being a bad, bad dad and Kody's trying (unsuccessfully) to cover his own ass as well. Kodouche is glad the lesson the boys learned is that, if they assault each other when they are adults they'll go to jail?!?

      Excuses, excuses, excuses. My poor unfortunate sister wives souls, me thinks thou doth protest too much about everything in those couch scenes. WE ARE NOT FOOLED.

    3. "Kodouche is glad the lesson the boys learned is that, if they assault each other when they are adults they'll go to jail?!?" Ahah well said!!

      Like really Kody? REALLY?! You walk away from that scenario thinking THAT's the lesson they learned? Coming from a father who publicly sticks it to the law with a polygamous lifestyle, I don't think you're the man to be lecturing children on what constitutes illegal behaviour.

      I think the only lesson those boys learned is their dad is about as useful as a poopy-flavoured lollipop

    4. useful as a Poopy flavored lollipop!! lol My new favorite phrase :-)

      I am so grateful for all the reviews from you fine folks. Whenever it airs here in Oz, it will be like a repeat!!! :-)

    5. I can't take credit for it.... it was taken from "Dodgeball" with Ben Stiller...

    6. "I think the only lesson those boys learned is their dad is about as useful as a poopy-flavoured lollipop." ModernWife, that is SO funny!

      But sadly, it is also so very true.

    7. Logan is awesome. I'm sure he is counting the days till college. Brown kids if you are reading this, a lot of people are behind you!

  42. Here's a WELCOME! to all our new posters!

    Great comments, everyone!

    1. So many new people! Enjoy :D

  43. The craft room...pullezze !!! Are these people serious??
    That jewelry looks like the junk you buy in bulk from craft venders to make cheap party necklaces for little girls.

    And another indication that Kody & Kompany (and TLC) are SWB lurkers is that *for once* during the couch chat, Robyn was relatively quiet. She murmured her inane comments every so often, but did refrain from grabbing center stage and doing her usual meaningless, redundant rants.

    Cynical Jinx, I still say......
    ** TLC owes YOU a consultant fee *** !!!!!!!!!!!!

    This Blog is obviously part of their working reference manual. :)))))

    1. What's funny about the idea of Kody reading this blog is the fact that it won't make an ounce of difference. He won't stop being a douche. He won't stop being totally oblivious to the way the world sees him.

      Meanwhile, I think that one of the wives is beginning to understand the power of those cameras focused on her and how they can help set her free.

    2. Amused I agree w/ U about TLC owing Cynical a consultant fee! I would like to add that TLC also owes Cynical a mini interview time slot during those couch sessions too! Man, I wonder how TLC would manage to edit all the squirming & awkward silence that would be going on w/ the Browns....LOL :D

    3. Ah, CB...really...
      Now wouldn't that be a *real* piece of "reality"...??!!!

      Cynical Jinx doing a no nonsense interview with Kody and his harem.!!!!

      Hell, I would even agree to read their stupid book if that was the required admission fee to get to watch THAT interview !!!!!

    4. CJ, *of course* you would be....!!!

      It's the questions that would be the focus.
      And TLC may actually like the concept if they thought it would be a ratings maker.

  44. I noticed too how quiet Robyn was. She's definitely heard the criticism.

    And about Janelle being an accountant and the family businessperson... Does that mean that she is the expert in bankruptcy and moving funds around so the Browns can better game the system?

    1. LOL......good thought, Serena.

      Perhaps that is why Janelle always seems to have that distant...or is it *sly*....look?

    2. As much as I want to like Janelle, yes if she really is an accountant she knows plenty about bankruptcy law and is probably the only one smart enough in this band of Mormons to know how to time them up just right so that someone always has good credit while another takes on all the debt and files. So much for her constant worry about their "finite resources ".

    3. I read that as "bag of Mormons". Shame on me. Good points regarding Janelle's financial knowledge- it's just too bad she doesn't take that financial knowledge and talent and go out on her own. Thanks for this blog and to all who contribute to it! I don't post very often because usually someone else has already said it- and better than I would have said it myself- but the points made in the comments are consistently on point and quite witty.

    4. Sorry meant to say band of morons not Mormons. That's what happens when you type on the phone lol

  45. I LOVE your blog -- I just recently found it and got caught up with last season's comments. this is one crazy family and while I am not judgemental, I just don't get the plural my daughter says, "it is church-sanctioned infidelity". And I agree, Meri hates the plural wife thing, she wants Kody all to herself...the other SW should give in and let her have him....

  46. All I could think about was Kody's gun. His eyes appear dead - I would NOT want to be around that group - Kody owning that type of weapon feels dangerous. I can see him "go down in a blaze of glory" because he's a narcisstic prick who makes rules about "religion" as he goes.

    I smell trouble.

  47. You go GIRLFRIEND!

  48. Going back to the scene where Meri was loading up her car by herself to go to Christmas vacation home: Why couldn't she enlist her daughter Mariah to help her load up? & Why in the hell did she have so much damn stuff to pack? Seriously she packed like she had multiple kids herself o_O ...also during the couch session when they were discussN loadN up, it seemed like Kody was perturbed a bit at what Meri was saying but surprisingly refrained from saying anything. But here's WHAT I imagined him wanting to say: C'mon Meri U know Robyn has a newborn to deal with so I figured I'd help her out by getting the 2 older boys to help her... when he's really thinking, Hell yeah I'm getting help for my favorite lil wife...

    1. "when they were discussN loadN up".

      SNORT!!! What a dead on impersonation of Meri.

      Didn't catch the episode but see I didn't miss much :)

  49. I felt sorry for Christine, but then I usually do at some point during the show. I thought Meri was getting a dig in at her about how she needed to look inward. Also was glad Meri had no help loading her vehicle--why did she need so much stuff anyway? Not surprised that Cody didn't step on on the fight-not part of his "fathering style".

    1. Maybe Meri is in charge of loading and transporting the arsenal. Knowing now what a gun freak Krody is...just kidding...kinda.
      Plus she's got all those pajamas, pairs and pairs of pjs. Think they'll be on sale in the "closet"?
      Seriously, their lifestyle is the exact same as any man-whore who has a wife and several girlfriends, the favorite will get the help and the secret texts and the attention. The others need to fend for themselves. What do they expect when the all live separate lives?
      The kids are kids, they usually only do as little as possible and that's after an ultimatum from an adult. You're S.O.L. if you don't have a bunch of kids or a thoughtful husband. Too bad Meri, you have neither.

    2. HA- nice use of S.O.L., given the constant focus on (Poor Old) Sol(omon Grundy).

  50. What I keep thinking about this whole family is: either they are exaggerating what is going on in their lives for the camera or they are really like this...honestly, I don't know which is worse...I feel extremely sorry for all the kids, they are trapped and I guess you could make a case for the wives being trapped as well...I think the 'adults' in this family better take a long, hard look at Kate Gosselin and how TLC used her up and spit her out when they were done with her....again, I feel bad for her kids, too....

  51. On the KB FB fan live chat they had on Sunday night w/ the wives, Janelle said they decided to celebrate Mother's day w/ all of the kids, instead of what they normally do, all 5 adults going out. They all went to see the movie #Avengers & then ordered take out for dinner. Christine said they all watched the episode together as a family.
    Isn't that sweet? Once again they took the advice of SWB, & included the kids in Mother's day celebration :D
    Which, they should've been doing anyways.

  52. The comments on this blog are more entertaining than the show. There was no real drama since there was no "wedding" and no birth. I think that next week's episode will be even more boring. They call it "polygamist date night". As far as I am concerned, there is no hope for romance when you are sharing your man with other women. I think polygamy is the opposite of romance. Romance means finding your one and only true love, not becoming one of a harem. Basically, we will see a bunch of events paid for by TLC where they are just having fun with each other, like skiing or paint ball. My son does paint-ball and I used to take ski trips with my friends. BLAHHHHHHHHH.......

  53. I just found this blog and love it all!!

    I think the most bizarre part of Sunday's episode was where they are talking about this being Logan's last Christmas at the kid can't make it back from wherever he's going to college for Christmas? And by the way, do these yokels have any concept of how expensive college is? Five kids in college? Seriously?

    It's amazing to me that there isn't more fighting and dysfunction in this tribe. Or they just aren't showing it. I actually thought some of the scenes with Hunter last season were very realistic of living with teenagers. Of course, Kody brushed it off to hormones when the kid seemed to be in real crisis.

    And did anyone else think opening a fitness place was an interesting choice? Normally, you only see really fit people working in places like that. I can't see that with this bunch. I think they are pursuing the "Shiny metal object" business model. Obviously, they aren't letting Janelle call the shots, since I think she is the brightest of the bunch.

    1. Lol...yes Anony 10:45pm, I caught that too, them saying that this will be Logan's last Christmas. I remember my college days & we had to vacate the campus during Christmas break. So, I'm not really sure, why they feel this would be his last Christmas. Unless, 18+ yr old boys aren't allowed back in the home??

    2. I also remember in college we had to leave during Christmas break. I distinctly remembered the mimeographed ifs ands or buts, you had to be out of there.

      When Janelle said that it sounded like he was going off to the armed services or something. Maybe Utah is different?

    3. Welcome Anony 10:45!

      Last season it was the bullying of Robyn's little girls by Christine's boy (and probably Janelle's too). Now we find out about Gabriel and Garrison who've apparently been fighting for weeks. Seems like there are issues going on -

    4. Well, can U blame them really? Monkey see, Monkey do! Mean girl(Meri) had a huge hand, & still does, in the bullying dept. She bullies the wives, so I'm sure in her passive aggressive manner she bullies the kids too!!

    5. Hell, if I were Logan, I'd find somebody to hitch a ride with anywhere but there for Christmas break. At least if they keep a freaking TV crew there every Christmas. Maybe he can find a nice Jewish girlfriend after all his Hanukkah training and go visit NYC for the holidays.

  54. It appears that all of the Browns were having a live tweet chat during the show. But it really appears that they were doing some serious damage control, esp on the Joseph smith deal, Christine's relationship, etc... They were all basically trying to "explain" themselves, etc...
    Christine tweeted to Kody, that they're currently working on their relationship, etc..
    She also tweeted that everyone should celebrate Hanakku, bcuz it has such a beautiful meaning & recommends everyone to Google it..

    Ummm, Ok Christine, maybe U should too, bcuz the way U were celebrating it, was not accurate & ur hubby should too, bcuz it's the festival of lights NOT THE FESTIVAL OF DEDICATION as ur douche bag husband put it.

    Found out that Mariah, was over at Christine's helping her...& of course Robyn, thanked Logan & Hunter for helping her, since she had a 2 month old baby to deal with and all (eyes rolling)...Ummmm, shouldn't she have thanked them 5 months ago?? Really wasn't necessary for her to tweet all that, IMO!
    Meri tweeted that all the wives are equal, blah, blah, blah...
    Kody tweeted that next year they'll probably celebrate Joseph smiths bday & Hanakku.
    Kody tweet that all parents fights with their siblings. & he's not a referee & he wishes he could handle it how his mother does.

    Not only did he contradict himself yet again, about the holiday celebration, etc...A big HUH & WTF does that mean Kody??

  55. Ok why does Kody look like Shaggy? And little Savannah is so adorable. And why is everybody acting like Solomon is the end all be all?

    I always knew they weren't serious about their religion. That makes me respect them even less. Christine is the only one who really believes on it, due to her family history. Janelle is just a free thinker who thought it was a good idea. Meri is too insecure to faithfully practice this religion. Robyn is probably elated because living with them off of TLC is better than what she had before. Kody is just spoiled by it all.

    I do respect their right to practice this religion, although I totally disagree with it. Janelle is my favorite. I'm sure they read this blog. Hey Browns!

  56. How about the scene, where they had their little family cheering moment, of all putting their hands in the middle & yelling GO BROWNS??...Lol
    Did this seem a little too much & trying too hard to show family unity for the cameras? Well, it made me a bit uneasy, in the sense of embarrassment. Did anyone else feel this way?
    Oh yeah, I forgot to add in my list of snark tweets earlier, that Cleveland tweeted & they want their slogan back too!! Cleveland Rocks, not the Browns.

  57. OMG CB! The hand pyramid cheer was so stoooooopid. SW goes Jr. High...thanks TLC cause if that was the SW's idea they're even more immature than I thought.
    That's about the only way for them to show unity these days, they have been sucked into the Kody narcissistic abyss. All the way down into that abyss they give up pieces of themselves until they're pretend tv characters almost.
    It's like watching Father knows Best on acid.

    1. Instead of "whoa Bundy" it was "Browns Rock". Married with Children was funnier

  58. AnonymousMay 16, 2012 2:02 AM
    Instead of "whoa Bundy" it was "Browns Rock". Married with Children was funnier

    That's exactly what I thought! God, it was so awkward, I cringed.

  59. What a boring episode!!!! Nothing new! I am a little suspicious of the big show of their celebrating Christmas, AGAIN. You'd think with financial troubles, they'd just celebrate at each other's houses instead of renting a big McMansion! The whole trouble of cutting down their own tree, the presents, etc...BO-RING!

    And the whole spiel of why they chose not to celebrate Joseph Smith's birthday and then celebrate Hanukah, which they obviously knew nothing about what it's all did they just celebrate one night or all the nights? I wonder what the Jewish commentators here thought of that? Also, this big show of celebrating Christmas and Hanukah seems to be a way of distracting the audience's attention away from their religion in an attempt to show how "normal" they are and how much like everyone else they are. We get it, we get it! We're alike in more ways than we are different! So how about showing us the ways you are different? I'd love to know more about their wacky religion from their mouths, but that doesn't seem likely.

    As for their parenting, I'd have to say the Duggars with their, what is it now, 23 kids, seem to have a WAY better grip on things and their family lives seem way more organized than the Browns. I don't think the Browns know what they're doing.

    My 2 cents.

  60. Did anyone else notice the kids talking about Solomon and how different it was from last season? That's the scene that jumped out to me most in the whole freakin' show. In comparison to how they talked about Solomon in the previous season, they seemed almost coached. Very diplomatic and short.

    Anyone else notice this? Wonder if they got a bit of backlash for being so honest in the last season.

    I also loved Kody's tweet during the show, "Ooooh! I so want to cringe over Christine's "chat". A little too honest, I think. Can't we keep some privacy, puuulease?".

    Chickens coming home to roost, Kodster?

    1. Absolutely, they have been coached by Kody. Kody watched the shows just like we did and saw that the kids were not 'respectful and supportive' of Sol (really its about Robyn, not the baby). Its like the whole birthing episode where Christine says to the camera "I could have really ruined this family, I can't act the way I was acting"....we all know that Kody made her say felt very much 'forced' and once again, everything that is wrong in the family is Christine's fault (in Kody's world). I love the kids, especially the teenagers, they are pretty open but I do think Kody gave them 'off limits' subjects and I am sure that their comments about Robyn/Sol/Robyn's kids are purposely stilted and brief. I did like how Logan said he could not wait to get to Utah and out of Vegas. And remember, he is a level headed kid who is probably the most respectful of the bunch. No wonder they don't think he will ever be around again for the holidays.

      So bottom line, yes, I think everyone that displeases Kody when he watches an episode gets 'Kody-lash"....I will miss the Johnny Appleseed moments, I think those are gone for good.

  61. It seems like the usual snare of these TV shows is that the celebrity status they begin to have changes them. The Duggars, so far, seem to have stayed true to their core beliefs. They haven't begun to rethink their values.
    Clearly KodyWorld has been altered by the money and fame. The Tweets, the separate homes,the confusion in their spiritual life and the revolving merry-go-round of businesses shows that their foundation was weak to begin with. They appear to be willing to do whatever TLC thinks is good for the audience because the money from the show is waaay more important than the emotional stability of the family.

    To be honest, I don't think Kody has ever considered the emotional well being of anyone other than himself, however this alleged real life glimpse into the oh so supportive life of sisterwives was supposed to show us how THEY do it with has shown the exact opposite. The SW do NOT want to live as one family. They are distant and spiteful to each other. There are plenty of women who have sisters or girlfriends that are "like" mothers to their children, these ladies are nothing special.

    1. Though i am quite LOATHE to offer any defense for Kody--who is absolutely a self-obsessed tool--the Duggars have little reason to change, as they were independently wealthy (due to having made a fortune through a christian-based financial planning scheme, which has actually bankrupted many Baptists in Texas and Arkansas). They were also both extremely well educated long before they ever got in the reality show game (the Browns. . . OBVIOUSLY not so much), thereby capable of communicating with the press in a way which makes the Quiverfull movement seem more palateable to mainstream America. Their religion is a Conservative Baptist base (which I share), spiced up with the "quiverfull" movement--which I do not necessarily oppose); it is also also über-legalistic, and just as sexist as the AUB. It encourages living in remote, rural areas, subjugating all women and girls under boys and men (any Baptized male has authority over any woman), women perform all domestic duties. They also encourage parents to isolate their entire families from any part of society which does not share precisely their belief system; women are expected to dress EXTREMELY modestly, and to wear only long dresses or skirts--most of them sew). Sound familiar? Plus, they expect a single wife to fill their "Quivers" single-handedly. As I said, I don't necessarily oppose any of those beliefs, but I don't think they should be romanticized, either.

    2. I agree with you,I'm not necessarily a fan of their choices and wasn't quite sure of their backstory but the TLC presence in their lives hasn't been enough to alter their loopy sugary Christianity. I'm so cynical about any reality show that I'm not even sure I believe what I write about them. I say they're true to their beliefs but they may just be better actors than the LV crew.
      I definitely think they're light years away from the entire Brown clan in the intelligence department.

  62. This may be expecting too much from the Browns, but, did they choose to celebrate Hanukkah because that holiday represents a win for religious freedom?

    1. That would have been perfect. Kody too dumb to capitalize on the connection between Hanukkah and the religious freedom he's fighting for - just another example of a Brown wasted opportunity. Is that My Sister Wife's Closet website up and running yet - wasted opportunity #2?

  63. Funny enough, after I posted that all the family pics up on TLC site were of Solomon and there was none of Truly, "new" pictures went up. Guess what? Most where of Truly but there were still some of Solomon here and there. They just can't completely avoid featuring Solomon can they?

    1. Yes, I noticed that too Baylor! Most of the pics of Truely were taken by Aspyn, bcuz I recognize them from her twitter pics. So, if it wasn't for her, I just wonder how many pics there would be of cute lil Truely?

      Also, there's a pic of Kody & Christine, but it says Kody & Aspyn...I could of swore that was the pic that Christine posted on Twitter of her & Kody @Disneyland...the day that they were running away from people wanting to take pics of them....smh
      Oh yeah, & the pic of Kody & Solomon that's labeled 'Daddy Time', it seems that it was taken at a Dr's office, bcuz the room is bright purple & u can see a , I'm guessing a phone cord hung in the middle of the, I guess him tagging along to Dr's appointments is considered real daddy

  64. Well, this is my first time posting, but I've been reading your blog for a while, and you are all AWESOME.

    A few points I wanted to mention:

    1. I can't believe no one mentioned Kody using Meri as a step stool when tying the tree onto the car. Can't find a still image of it online, but it's at 18:40 if you watch the entire episode. Kind of like how he's using his wives as stepping stones to be a "god" in the "celestial kingdom."

    2. I think they did the Hanukah celebration because they don't want to show their ACTUAL RELIGION on air. They say it is too sacred. Remember Mariah getting upset in an earlier season & refusing to participate when they were filming a "home worship service"? I do think it's ironic that they chose a Jewish holiday though -- People of Jewish faith were FURIOUS when they found out that the LDS temples had been doing baptisim for the dead to Jewish Holocost victems. (Effectively converting the deceased from Judeasim to Mormon in the eyes of the LDS.) The LDS were forced to stop doing baptisims of holocost victems, and to take the baptisms previously done off their records. And now this. . .

    3. About the Christmas presents . . . I also got the impression that the kids only got one small gift each, while the adults got expensive jewelry, guitars, guns, etc. And remember Mariah's gift? A box with a matchbox car inside & a picture of the 4 houses on the front? It was an adorable, handmade, thoughtful gift from a child, but . . . wow. Can she get a few bucks to go shopping or something?

    1. Hello LittleFishBigPond...I missed the step stool episode, but will look for it on reruns..
      About the Christmas gifts, I will bet anything that each wife bought separate gifts for their own kids, they just didn't want to show it on camera...or they prolly each celebrated in their own homes. We don't know for sure, if they were filmed in the vacation house before, during , or after Christmas. I'm thinking, they said they were in the vacation house for a week, so I'm thinking 7 days...well, if that's the case, they all would've spent New years eve together too. & Meri wouldn't still be pouting about spending NYE alone!
      I remember on twitter all the older girls tweeting about putting up Christmas trees w/ their own moms, & I also rembember Aspyn tweeting about gettting All the harry potters or Twilights on Blu-ray, & also getting all of the books, but I can't quite, the kids were well taken care of...
      Also, the teens were tweeting about doing some Black Friday shopping,etc...
      Robyn, tweeted a pic of a brand new black/red/white colored fashion purse, saying she got it in time to go do some serious Christmas shopping...(eyes rolling)
      With all the $$ coming in from TLC, LIV, & People magazine/Sol, they made quite a haul, & they're spending like crazy too! The teens going back & forth to Utah alot, movies, etc...+ the I believe the 3 or 4 teens now have cars of their own.
      This Christmas was way different than the Christmas they showed us the year before. So, of course, they went hog wild. I guess they better enjoy it, while they can.

    2. That was Mykelti who didn't want to be filmed. Interestingly enough, she is rarely seen talking on screen and doesn't give Twitter updates like the rest of the teens (neither does Logan). They don't even mention Mykelti in their tweets. The girls are always talking to each other on Twitter, but you never hear Myketi's name. I wonder if it's because she is uncomfortable with all of the attention, and they are respecting her wishes.

      Also, did anyone hear Christine's son lay stake to the one bedroom at the Christmas house and he said he and Gabe and Garrison should take that room? I hope they are not leaving Dayton out. He's around their age, I think, so I hope they have begun to truly accept him.

    3. CB, the step stool scene was in this episode. When the boys were beating the ever living snot out of each other and Janelle was trying to stop the bleeding and take care of the situation. Kody was ignoring the whole situation, tying the tree onto the van. Kody was basically rubbing his hiney, ahem, sitting on Meri's back. It was gross but thank goodness, quick.

      He really treats them horribly, disrespectfully, and like objects. Didn't he use Christine for a step stool when they were "working" for Mona, their favorite real estate agent?

      Thanks LittleFish for pointing that out.

    4. I saw that whole "step stool" thing and thought...gee just the "original door mat" I guess. Sad how they rationalize their own lives. One day, I think Christine may pull that string on the light bulb and I hope takes Janelle with her, then Kody, Meri and Robyn can all go live in a double wide out in the desert like cousin Eddie in Vegas Vacation.

    5. Interesting point about lack of sensitivity to Jews. Really not so slick there, Kodster. Could have just stuck to plain old shopping-mall Christmas like the rest of the episode.

      But, didn't you hear Kodster's explanation? Hanukkah is about lights and religious freedom, dude! We are so sick of everybody thinking we worship Warren Jeffs or whoever this Joseph guy is, so we'll try that! Why would Jews care if we misrepresent their religion?

  65. Crap, i spelled victim wrong. Twice.

  66. Here we see Kody, the man who for three seasons has claimed he only practises polygamy because it is a tenet of his faith (AUB), choose Hanukah over celebrating Joseph Smith's birthday.

    Christine's grandfather founded the AUB so if celebrating the birthday of Joseph Smith is a tradition of the Allred family, it also is a tenet of Kody's faith! If he can choose not to honor this tenet he could have chosen not to honor the tenet of plural marriage. Just goes to show you how fake he is.

    When the Kodster starts a new church he should call their book of divine revelations "Faking it with Kody". I'm sure the wives know how to write that book!

  67. Kody is a terrible parent/sperm donor. That whole fight thing and he totally ignored it unbeleivable. What self respecting dad would just do NOTHING???
    What I really liked about the episode were the kids and how much they loved being under one roof. Felt nice like they were an actual family. Robin way more likable this episode (I can't believe I wrote that) Meri and her rant about not getting any help sooooo ridiculous and self absorbed. Overall I have to say I really enjoyed the episode it (GASP) even felt a little warm and fuzzy.

  68. This show is a train hard to turn away, yet you know it's gonna get a lot worse.

    I do wish Christine could find the strength to break away, but I'm sure her self esteem is too low.

    I say TLC should trash the whole thing and give Truely her own show...she's too cute for words :)

    1. Yes, a total trainwreck luvmeknot, & definitely hard to turn
      I to wish Christine would find the strengh & courage to leave his sorry ass! What's the point in being in a relationship, when its basically non existent??

  69. I have to say, that I'm enjoying all of the new posters on here, bcuz they're bringing great new & witty insights to SWB :D ...but I really wish the new & old anonymous posters who enjoy SWB would create a screen name, bcuz w/ all of the anonymous posters its hard to tell if its all from the same person ;)
    Love the great energy ya'll are bringing to SWB!

    1. Please someone explain how to create a screen name. I have tried many times and keep getting URL errors. I enter a name on the Name part and then something on the URL and I get an error message that says URL Contains Illegal characters and or URL ends with an invalid top-leven doman name. I am not a computer geek but I am certainly not unfamiliar, so HELP! :-) Line by line instructions please!!! Thanks!
      I have posted a few long comments and would LOVE to have a user name!

    2. 1. Click on the down arrow in the Reply as: box.
      2. Select Name/URL
      3. When the Edit Profile popup appears, type in the name you want to use in the Name: box.
      4. DO NOT TYPE ANYTHING in the URL: box. Just leave it blank.
      5. Click the Continue button

      That's all you need to do! Good Luck and Welcome!

    3. oops! In bullet 1 , you may see either Reply as: or Comment as:

  70. Does anyone know how long it would take for legal again to happen, if Robyn did infringe upon a copyright for her charms collection,esp if she's claiming they're all her own personal creations?

    1. Oops! That was supposed to say **Legal action** :)

    2. Is there a designer out there with a claddaugh charm bracelet already? If she is infringing on a copyright, it is generally settled out of court. It is up to the copyright holder to enforce it and assume all legal/administrative fees.

      I'm not sure if you can copyright the claddaugh symbol, though. It's a tradtional/cultural symbol. It would be like copyrighting the Celtic Cross or Celtic Knot. Not sure if that is possible..

    3. Thanks for the info Pie the Cat :D ...guess we'll soon find out, if she displays "her design" charms whenver they get their Sister Wife's Closet website up & working...

  71. Another testament to Kody's thoughtfulness and sensitivity to his wives....(NOT) When they were packing to leave for " the Christmas house," and Kody and the rest of the family drove over to Meri's and she was not ready,

    Kody jumps out of the car, struts up to Meri and says,"Meri, what are we looking at time wise here? Oh, hi."

    INSTEAD OF: "Meri. What can I do to help? Oh, hi."

    WOW, just...Wow. Since Kody is so very special and has pointed out that he "answers to a higher calling" and all, you'd think he'd be familiar with the golden rule.

    Kody takes EVERY chance he gets to duck any and all responsibility to his wives or children. He also ducks any chance to step into a leadership role in his family. Opportunities were thrown at him OVER & OVER in this ENTIRE episode, start to finish, for him to stand up and DO SOMETHING...ANYTHING to behave as a loving and responsible adult, husband and father. He ignored or shot down EVERY opportunity, and face it, this episode was a string of opportunities, one right after the other and guess what?


    Goodness gracious, he even CREATED a scenario for himself when they got to the Christmas 2 story double-wide rental with pretty window unit air conditioners in every front window. Regarding the wives picking rooms he said, " They expected me to pick rooms for them. I don't do that."

    First of all, this felt forced, and the concept of 4 grown women who strive to let us know how independent they are over & over, and Over again certainly don't need Kody picking out their rooms. Notice he did not help the wives decide in which rooms the children should stay. BC THAT would have been helpful, and that would've ACTUALLY MADE SENSE, but of course the kids are ,"Janelle's, kids, Christine's kids, Meri's kids and Robchin's kids."

    They made themselves look like fools during the Hanukkuh celebration, not knowing one iota about the holiday. Did you guys notice the lit ADVENT candles? Puh-leese ! I can't even think about the gift giving scene, and don't get me started on poor Christine. It is infuriating. Kody is a diva and a deadbeat dad. Kody denies, deflects, projects, throws a fit then walks away, all the while whipping his hair back and forth.

    Oh, and at the end we come to find out, not just is Kody Brown special,(we all know that) BUT EVEN THEIR KITES ARE NOT REGULAR KITES.....THEIR KITES ARE SPECIAL KITES, TOO!!

    1. I thought the whole thing with Kody trying to pick bedrooms for the wives was so stupid what's more I would assume if they absolutely had to have rooms next to each other there should be a golden rule that kody would keep to himself for that night out of respect for his wives...although if he had respect for his wives he would have just one.

  72. I rewatched the episode last night on DVR. In the first couch session they were talking about all the things they have going on and they did mention both the real estate business and the fitness club. Was this a repeat of last year? From everything I read on blogs and comments and tweets, there does not seem to be any movement on the Fundamental Fitness business at all. In fact, a reader on this blog mentioned that the license filed with NV for Fundamental Fitness had already lapsed. Christine did tweet about studying for her real estate license but obviously none of them have gotten their licenses because wouldn't they be talking about it, tweeting about it, promoting themselves as realtors to get adoring fans to use their services? (and they wouldn't need Mona, they could do all the work themselves and earn the commissions). The LIV thing still gets some mention in the tweets but nothing at all is mentioned on the show about it (I think TLC does not want them mentioning an MLM scheme on the show which I agree is the right choice). So that leaves the great new Sister Wives Closet. This was filmed in December so they have had at least 5 months to at the very least get a basic website set up and some products 'developed'. And they haven't. I am actually very surprised that Janelle, the business woman and the only one in the group that seems to have any sense about how a business might be run, did not see to it that the online store/website was not up and running. This kind of makes me think they are all pretending to be 'working' so that the viewers don't think they are all just living off the show. Which we basically pay for as viewers by tuning in. I think the reality is that they are all living off of TLC and I think if they read this blog, they better think about what happened with the Gosselins and some other reality families that now can't live the lifestyles to which they had become accustomed to and provided for by TLC.

    I also wondered if the only reason Kody tweeted that maybe they should go back to celebrating Joseph Smith's birthday was because it was Robyn who pointed out on couch time that it was a tradition that was special to Christine and her childhood tradition. I know that anything Robyn says carries a lot more weight with Kody.

    And...when the fighting was breaking out, it looked even stupider when I watched it again....Kody was focusing on getting that tree tied to the car more than I have ever seen him focus on anything, ever. It was evident that he was purposely NOT involving himself and was pretending to be really working on getting that tree on the car. I think they have an agreement within the family that each mother is responsible for taking care of the issues of their kids. It just wasn't the natural reaction of a parent when there is blood and fighting....he purposely avoided the situation. They just don't want to say that this is their 'agreement'. Also ties into Meri's yelling at the kids picking on Robyn's kids and asked for the other Moms to help. My instincts tell me that each mom is held accountable for 'her' kids.

    All that being said though, it is clear that he told the teenagers that they must only say that adding Robyn and the birth of Sol was 'fun' and 'great' and that nothing remotely negative better come out of their mouths about the Robyn and her kids. And....I would imagine Christine got a big chewing out for being 'honest' in the latest episode and that she will tone it down next season (because presumably the current season has already been filmed).

    Note to TLC: keep showing us the real stuff and keep giving us clips of Kody snoozing at Christine's and focusing intently on his fingernails the next time a fight breaks out.

    1. Hi CPA Carol. Their investor for Fundamental Fitness, pulled the plug & backed out!
      Probably done their homework on the Browns past financial history, & decided to get the hell out of

    2. The Brown family reminds me of lazy people I know who are constantly "going to start a business". They talk about the kinds of things they'll do and how it's going to work but make very little to no progress.

      Contrast that attitude with people who are "have a business" and are taking actual, concrete steps towards making the business work. Like setting up a shopping website with products available for purchase the first time the site's name is mentioned on tv.

      When you're "going to start a business" you have a ready-made excuse to back out of anything you don't want to do. You also look like you're busy and making progress without actually having to do anything. Some people who do this are just dreamers and lack practicality while others are scammers or grifters.

      I think Janelle has the kind of practicality to start a business and that she may have tried to get the rest of them to make progress on their "businesses they're going to start". Sadly, the rest of them don't seem to want to put in the actual work required to get their businesses off the ground - and Kody is unable to listen to anything practical that doesn't go along with whatever harebrained scheme he's touting this time.

      In some ways the fact that they haven't followed through on their business ideas is similar to their housing situation. It's obvious to everyone watching that they'll never qualify for houses on that cul-de-sac but there's no way that Kody will allow facts and practicalities to get in the way of his ridiculous schemes and ideas.

      The same goes for college.

  73. I actually went to Sister Wife's Closet before the premier, and sent them an e-mail, noting that (through the ghosting which indicates that the site isn't "live") that both "Jewelry" and "Accessories" were spelled wrongly. They were promptly corrected--which indicates to me that someone does indeed read all the e-mail pretty regularly. . . You'd think they could have thanked me [grumble, grumble]. My somewhat critical question to them--which was presented VERY positively--was ignored, though. You'd think they'd at least have their agent send out a form e-mail with a thanks for your interest or some crap like that.

  74. Here's a thought...Maybe the Brown's were inspired to celebrate Hanukkah, bcuz their attorney, Jonathon Turley is Jewish :D

  75. I found it so interesting that the "pixie's" who went shopping with grody-kody got their own couch time...was that a first? I have not seen all the episodes from season 1, but I found it so interesting. Was the first time I had seen them pimping out the younger kids...Anything to score viewers right?

    1. Following the Kate Gosselin model. When you are watching a painful, dysfunctional relationship, the kids are the only cute part. Those kids are already so overexposed as the spokespeople for polygamy, the couch interview doesn't make a lick of difference.

      I feel so bad for those kids at school, I don't know if it is possible to contain the bullying brought on by their admitted felon parents who pimped them out years ago and put a target on their backs.

  76. I have to comment on Meri's complaint about being alone for New Year's Eve. Robyn turns to her and says that she had invited Meri over...Meri brushes her off,,,yeah yeah.

    Then Christine says something like "where was I?" and Meri says "yeah whatever" and Christine persists...and makes a second reference. Meri says a second time "yeah whatever." Really mean undertones.

    And WTF with 3 other wives, Meri's never spent New Year's Eve alone before? It was just very odd to me, that she would call it out, make it a big deal and then dis Christine twice in front of the cameras. She really is passive-aggressive.

  77. I can't wait to see what happens if Kody decides he needs a 5th wife. With kids graduating soon and leaving the nest (hopefully for college), he is gonna feel "lonesome" and need a new squeeze. We can watch Rob-chin go from 0 to 50 in 1.2 seconds!

  78. I love this blog!!! Thank you to all.
    Someone please explain to me how they can all afford 4 houses and they all have new SUV's this season? And college..... They don't have a prayer affording college for 17!
