Sunday, May 13, 2012

I Scour the Internet: Happy Mother's Day! Edition 5/13/12

And tonight marks the return of the Sister Wives reality show on TLC!

Now, being that Cynical Jinx needs some time to write her review, I've offered to give y'all something to ponder and discuss until then.

The Brown's first book, 'Becoming Sister Wives' went on sale May 1st. By May 9th, Anderson Cooper was giving away copies to his studio audience. Not quite up to Oprah's standards, but heck, it's something, right?

Scurrying over to the facebook fanpages, I see that...wait a minute, let me clean my glasses because this can't be....right...It just can't be...OMG!! Someone posted that the Browns have opened up a online store?

It's TRUE! Announced on ( the official website of the Kody Brown Family ), the Brown's have a new business venture called My Sister Wife's Closet (not to be confused with the very fine consignment store My Sister's Closet). It will be an online store, so watch out, the Brown's are coming at ya!

I shudder to think of what merchandise they will be offering for sale.

So let's list out the business ventures so far:
  • Operate Def Toxic
  • Fundamental Fitness
  • My Sister Wife's Closet
I think in such a short period of time since they landed in Las Vegas, wouldn't it be more prudent to focus maybe on just one business venture? Rome wasn't built in a day, ya know... So, maybe this season we'll find out if Fundamental Fitness took off or not. My money's on it being KAPUT.

Robin Leach reported that Janelle and Robyn were seen eating together at Senor Frog's in Vegas. The occasion was Janelle's birthday. Can you believe that?

Funny, they didn't tweet about that. Oh well. Maybe it was filmed for the show, perhaps.

Here's the link if you're into who was seen where in Las Vegas:

Okay, I've put it off long enough...let's check out those twits on twitter, shall we?

Ms #1 BossLady*Wife* is letting her sister wives know 1. She's back  and 2. She had fun with the Kodster. Let's hope Meri's and Kody's trip to Mexico was taped for the show so we can see just how amazing and great it really was...

Christine was hard at work plugging the family's Operate Def Toxic food supplement business:

And having some strange contest with the Dargers...but at least she's learned how to use the #. I wonder if #becomingsisterwives actually trended? That is what that's for, right?

Janelle tweeted about what she likes best:

Well it's off to New York. How about a little friendly banter between Ms #1 BossLady*Wife* and Robyn!

But poor Sol's tootsies are gonna get cold while you're in New York!!

Sounds like Janelle's missing her young ones:

Well, at least we know the Browns ate well while in New York...

Homeward bound at last.

And definitely in Vegas now...Hey Meri, THAT WAS ME!!!!!!

Well Happy Mother's Day, and enjoy the show tonight!!

Remember, I Scour the Internet, so YOU don't Have to !!


  1. Just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to everyone @SWB!!
    It's gonna be interesting to see the episode tonight to kick off their new season & of course looking forward to CJ's review to follow :D
    I just wonder why Janelle was out w/ Robyn, instead of Kody for her birthday?? Seems to me Janelle got the short end of the stick...again! I mean, dang, Christine got a date night w/ Kody & a surprise birthday party, even if it was 5 days
    The way Meri was being a little snotty & whiny on their interviews this week, I say she didn't get ALL of her needs met in Mexico...ewww, I know guys, sorry I went there, but just saying... Mini vacation in Mexico w/ my hubby, I would've of been refreshed, glowing, smiles for days, happy-go-lucky attitude & spreading some luv & sunshine to everyone, even my
    Seems like she's not wasting anytime to get away w/ her daughter either. She's always on the road & Doesn't seem like she spends a lot of time w/ her sister wives anyways, which is kinda weird, IMO! Doesn't seem like she helps out watching the younger kids too much either. This tells me, that there's no way in hell Meri is gonna take Robyn up on her surrogacy offer. She has lots of freedom to travel, etc.. & seems to enjoy her time away from others too.

  2. I'm wondering why Christine and Janelle never get to go on trips to Mexico?

    1. Exactly!!
      I wonder why the other 3 wives really don't even get a date night as much as Meri seemed like Meri was always tweeting about being out w/ Kody somewhere. Guess that's one major advantage of having 1 kid, esp an older one...get more alone time w/ hubby...there's no way in hell she's giving that luxury up. This is one thing she has over the other sister wives, a peaceful & quiet environment for Kody to retreat to...

    2. She is the first and only legal wife. She has more power than the rest of them. This is HER marriage. She invited all of those women into HER marriage. She gets a kick out of her husband sleeping with other women.

  3. So we will be able to buy long sleeve basic tees and ill fitting tanktops?

    1. Lmao, yeah and probably every clothing item will be automatically 3 sizes too small for the stuffed sausage look!

  4. so, who tweets a public message to their hubby thanking him for their "amazing experience together" on vacation? i'm guessing only Meri - that's who! so weird to me. i love my hubby to death and just got back from vacation together and it would just seem silly for me to tweet a message to him publicly thanking him. (or on FB) i don't get it. and i don't think i want to. ;')

    1. THIS.

      I find this so strange and always will, no matter who it comes from. PDA's on places like Twitter and Facebook make me feel like the readers of these tweets and posts are being sold a bill of goods. And I have to wonder what Janelle, Robyn and especially Christine thought of that tweet. I can't even imagine reading that my "husband" is having a wonderful romantic trip with another woman while I am home breaking up fights between several of his offspring or picking endless clothes up off the floor. Wonder what a sister wife has to do to be considered for a trip to Mexico with the Kodester?

      Man, how these women handle this every single day, I just don't know.

  5. one more thing - i LOVE Meri's snarky advice to Robyn, the "NEW" mom who needs advice from Meri - the old pro at having babies. Meri - you've had ONE! Robyn's now had 4! ;') and Robyn actually responded w/a reasonable answer for once. i'm impressed a little.

    1. Yes. I loved Robyn's hashtag "bossy1stwife"...she may be starting to see Meri's passive aggressive and controlling nature.

      FTR--I have 3 children and get the most "advice" from people with one or none. Yeah I think i have this figured out without your help but thanksanyway.

  6. and Meri - i know how detail oriented and nit-picky you are towards others. so, here you's a HEEL re:socks - not heal. ;')

  7. does anyone know where the show might be posted online? I don't get TLC

    1. Try iTunes or Last year iTunes usually had the episode ready for download by the next day.

  8. Did you take the duck to walmart to buy bread? Otherwise that is just cruel to tease a duck like that.

  9. Unbelievable!

    And this blog keeps giving them ideas...

    It looks like they really listen and try to make a bussines from everything they lack, including a healthy livestyle and chic clothes!


  10. Why would someone have to 'tweet' to THEIR HUSBAND about how amazing their vacation was???? You didn't share it with him? I call BS-she AGAIN, is rubbing it in her SWs FACES that she had a WEEK (?) along in Mexico with Kody and they did not. Very JR HIGHish. Also, if these idiots did not have their crappy show, would they be taking these kind of trips? Meaning, does TLC pay for them? I suppose they might have, and then declared bankruptCy to get rid of the charges. I don't know, it just seems so ludicrous for a group of people screaming poverty, having multiple bankruptCies, and kody is going off every few weeks on a vacation with a 'wife'. If they do have the money-save for houses, save for college for some of the kids... etc. etc. so many better things to do with the money.... oh, yeah, NOT DECLARE BANKRUPTCY EVERY 7 YEARS....

    as for Janelle and Robyn doing the birthday thing... that might not have been Janelle's only birthday celebration-Christine would have done something with her.

    1. Unless there's filming going on, I doubt the TLC paid for that trip IMO.

  11. So, Christine is a great big billboard, Janelle can enjoy the little things (my kind of girl) and Robin's Twitter username reads like a phlegm bubble caught in the throat (sorry).

    In some ways, I can't blame Meri for making herself scarce a lot of the time. Since she's been so snotty to Janelle and Christine, it's probably just as well.

    1. I have absolutely no idea what Robyn's twitter handle means-just looking at it makes my head hurt.

    2. "Love gives you wings"

    3. SheilaAnn, I feel ya....everything about Robyn makes my head hurt!!

    4. AnonymousMay 13, 2012 11:24 PM
      "Love gives you wings"

      That always reminds me of a Feminine Hygiene Product...sorry!!

  12. hi happy mothers day to all!
    i have been watching your shows all day. i see that u are all loving people. i sometimes wonder how Kody keeps up with all the responsibilities. i watched his friends worry that he is "going to hell"in the next stage of our progression and say so. that must have hurt. i experienced the same thing as i left the same church he did.i can't say i agree or disagree. i do believe we all have the right to be happy. i have had 3 marriages and am married the fourth time. i still see the good in those people i used to be married to, but have experienced an extreme sadness for their lack of faith and compassion. i see Kody has that faith and compassion in him.i commend him for taking good care of his family. many men don't. it is visible that the sister wives love him and each other.people always criticize anything that isn't the norm.
    you have helped me to understand your lifestyle and see polygamy in a better light.thanks for sharing this with the world.

  13. Watching the marathon on TV right now, and I keep thinking that Janelle has lost significant weight. Even looking at the video posted yesterday, I think she is definitely smaller in her midsection and belly compared to last year's episodes. And seeing Christine, she actually looks about the same as she does now.

  14. These people are hypocrites to the max! They have strong animosities towards each other that are just oozing with hate. Who the hell in their right mind wants to share a husband? With 3 other girls? That is just gross. They might as well just do a 5-some, since they are sleeping with each other anyway by sharing a man. They say they are happy, but the show's main focus are the problems that this union of women, kids, and 1 man creates. It's a mess, and these women know it. Lots of jealousy; much of it due to the wives being fat slobs. None of them are attractive in the very least. These kids cannot possibly get the quality time with 'Dad' that they need to grow up to be productive citizens. Years from now we will hear the REAL truth when the kids start writing books. SHAME on these people!

  15. I see on the KB FB fan page, that they're gearing up for "Live Chat" w/ the wives tonight after the show...Of course, they went over the rules again & the main rule of NO NEGATIVITY ALLOWED!! So of course, there will just be gushing fans blowing sunshine & daisies up the Brown's asses as usual!

  16. Super excited about the season premier tonight. Have the marathon on right now and counting down!

  17. watching the marathon now too. NOW I finally get Meri's superiority complex. Their friend from Utah was there struggling with adding another wife because he loves and respects the one he has. It was brought out that, the friend & Meri agreed that taking plural wives isn't what most of them want, they are told to by church law.

    Now that works well for the 1st wife, she can spin in the idea that hubby loves me best and only take the others for religious principle.
    I will add that Kody looked completely stunned by this revelation. He's diggin the whole multi-wife machismo.
    After watching a few of these shows, a) I realized I hadn't really gotten the whole charade and b) those older kids were blindsided by the move and the TLC version of life as they know it now.

  18. Oh man let the snarkfest begin I got lot's of comments ready to spew out of my mouth...hehe
    I'll try to contain myself til CJ's review, but not making any o_O

    1. hi I'm a long time trol, first time poster :) I am waiting with bated breath for the comments that will appear tonite and this week folowing tonight's episode. I don't get TLC, so I have to be offended vicariously through ya'll

    2. Oh me too CB,
      I am chomping at the bit AND I will do my best to behave myself BUT I can't promise

    3. We'll be happy to oblige, Anony 11pm, & welcome :D

      Toasty, I'm looking forward to what the other posters will be spewing as =)

    4. I am also looking forward to the review!! I live in Australia, we are so far behind, the last new episode was when the family went back to Kodys hometown. I have seen the whole season though, i caught up over Christmas when we were at my moms in Virginia. Come on let those reviews fly, i dont know how long it will take for season 3 to start here, hopefully they will run right after this one. :-)

  19. Umm?? What's the point of having a personal chat set up if u can't discuss tonight's episode bcuz they don't want spoilers...maybe they should wait til east & west coast have been shown ...just saying...

  20. One thing that totally annoys me about these women is that they have adopted the claddaugh as their family symbol... learn how to say it correctly!

  21. I'm watching the show now. Noticed that Christine is working hard getting ready for their Hannukah festival and there's Kody just sleeping in the recliner. Never bothered to offer to watch the kids, didn't ask if she needed help in the kitchen, nothing!

    What a loser.

    1. Yes!! With a capital L :D

    2. I think they are ALL losers. I feel for the children. The wives went into this with open eyes but the kids did not have a choice.

  22. Oh, just saw that the show was going to be shared/reviewed for everyone's pleasure that didn't get to see it. I'm sorry I posted a spoiler.
    *raising hand* I swear I won't do it again!

    1. Funky T....I won't do any spoiling either but 49 min into the're spot on Kody is a major megalomaniac LOSER!!!!!SHHHHHHH

    2. Thanks Anonymous j - I feel better! And yes, MAJOR LOSER

  23. Open up a current thread. I want to talk about Kody's Christmas present from the wives...... A gun and not just a gun but some sort of automatic machine gun??? With a holographic scope??? How Christmasy. Jesus would be HONORED that his birthday was celebrated with GUNS as presents! *rolls eyes*

    1. Don't forget that one of Kody's failed business ventures was a gun shop. I guess he's being true to his he-man manly macho mountain neanderthal man roots.

      You know, if he fails in Vegas, he can always go on Doomsday Preppers.

    2. I was actually shocked that he had a catch pile of guns. LOL He doesn't seem the manly type. Now Christine and Janelle... I can see them in Rambo gear.

      But I have to ask again.... WHAT does Kody NEED with a holographic scope in the middle of the desert? Can you just see him protecting his wives from Robin's bedroom window in the hallowed Cul-de-sac????

    3. I have the following questions:
      WHY would anyone need an automatic weapon?
      WHERE is the gun cabinet kept?
      HOW is this safe when you have 17 children?

      Also, I found it funny that there was a price limit for each gift/wife. However, Kody gets a weapon that costs HUNDREDS of dollars.

    4. Love that he gets this enormous rocket-launcher type gun as a gift from his wives (symbolism, anyone?), aims it around the room like he can't wait to start blasting on the thing, then there's a cut to the couch with him saying, "Yeah, I love me some guns, but we have them all locked up in a cabinet, away from the kids."

      Not trying to start a gun war, but with 17 kids in the house, ranging in age from adult to infant, I can't imagine sleeping at night knowing there was an arsenal of guns somewhere in my house. Under lock and key or not.

  24. Don't worry about it! I think CB was talking about the Browns facebook page. The admins there was telling/demanding readers not to talk about the show.

    Here at SWB we haven't really enforced no spoilers. When you go online, expect spoilers.

    1. What I meant to say was When you go online, expect to be spoiled.

    2. Thanks Jinx and you know, when my hubby comes home I expect to be spoiled, but I didn't know I should expect it online too! Now I'm excited :-)

      Love this blog and thank you again.

  25. What's Kody gonna DO with that gun??? He doesn't seem like a hunter to me...not enough time with all his wives and HAIR on his hands.

    What do you think the gun is FOR???

    1. He obviously doesn't spend much time on his hair or the kids so I suppose he could entertain his fans with trips to the gun range. That's so stupid, the wholesome KroyBunch sperminator with a gun?
      Hanukkah? Whatever. These hypocrites are so far removed from their own beliefs that they are a joke.

    2. At least we now have the answer to what "My Sister Wives Closet" is. Think I'll pass.

    3. I know right?? Well, when their resources become finite again, they can always sell the gun for profit...

    4. Along with useless Kody's Lexus!

    5. Haha...his useless car! I thought he was going to have a stroke in the camping episode.
      It kills me to see the caravan of cars going anywhere and him driving his sports car, like he's too cool to ride in one of the other cars, as in part of the family. Nope he's the girly-man that must assert his independence.

    6. My favorite was when he towed the Lexus to the remote cabin. There's a freakin ice storm and you need a 4 wheeler to get to the cabin, but bring the Lexus anyway.

    7. About those necklaces that Robyn made... she said that one of the charms was from their claddagh rings. If that's true, then it's not a good idea for her to be using any part of the original design without explicit permission from the original designer. Jewellery designers consider what she did to be stealing, and they can sue her if she sells those necklaces. It's just not ok to take someone else's work and copy it the way she did.

      I wonder if the clothes they're going to make will involve long-sleeved tight white shirts under short- or cap-sleeved frilly t-shirts. Because everyone wants to look like them, right? :)

  26. So I looked pretty closely at "Robyn's Design" for the necklace. It is supposed to be individual pieces of the Claddagh Ring, which is all fine and dandy......It's just that for the Crown piece, it really really looks more like a court jester's cap with all the floppy pointed thingies curled downward

    Is this a new Plyg take on the traditional meaning of the Claddahg? Instead of Love, Friendship and Loyalty, we now have Love, Friendship and Mockery?

    You can see the charms from the necklace on their web site:

    on the Jewelry section at the bottom. It's a bit transparent but you can still see the Jester Hat along with the heart and hands charms. It also looks like there is a fourth charm, a Single Hand. I wonder what THAT means in Plyg Land?

    1. Sister "wifes" closet? Is it just me or does that look...wrong, shouldn't it be sister WIVES closet to cash in on the show? Or did they just screw up?

    2. Since Robyn is the main force behind this new biz venture, I'm sure it's meant to be "wife's", that way she gets all the credit. The way whe hideously came out & bragged, that she "designed" the 1st set of charms. I'm curious whose name appears on this biz venture tho...

    3. Yah so the website is "Coming Soon"

      EARTH TO THE BROWNS: When you "launch" a new company/product, usually you try to have a functioning website ready and waiting on the DAY YOU ANNOUNCE IT ON TELEVISION.

      It's no wonder all their ventures fail, who exactly is managing them? Because they should be fired. (Oh wait it's probably Kody)

      I am simply stunned that they wouldn't ensure their website was ready... they probably would have had at least a few thousand orders from their drone-fans by now.


    4. I think it's another scam. They'll get a loan for the business and use the money for anything but that.

    5. Oo! And by drone-fans I mean Fifth-Wife Wannabe fans

    6. At the very least they could have set up the ability to take orders. If the gift exchange was really filmed at Christmas they had months to set up the web site. It is amazing they wouldn't be ready. The free advertizement they got from that one episode could have paid for a lifetime of Fritos!

  27. Yes, I was talking about the 'TOO MANY DAMN RULES" KB FB fan page where NO spoilers are allowed!! o_O
    Spoilers are allowed here on SWB, but from past experience, I find myself basically repeating my previous snarky comments,when CJ posts her review :D
    So, I'll just contain myself til then,@_@

  28. What is the name of the store that Kody took his kids to do Christmas shopping?

  29. Spoilers? I don't think so. It's on a cable/sat channel and on the west coast you can see it at 6 while the west coast sees it at 9. West can see it again at 9. Or esle it's 5 and 8, but whatever, there is no spoiler alert needed.

    What bothered me a lot was a live blog of the tv show "24" that was fantastic but I could never take part because it was live on the east coast and showed later here on the west. There were no 2 showings because it was a regular network show. The blog was hysterical to read tho, and I was never so disappointed as when "24" was not renewed. All because of the live blog, and attention to how many people Jack killed and how, how often he was injured and by what means, the pourous perimeters, oh the memories!

    1. Well BC, the KB FB fan page moderators aka Watch Dogs, seems to think so...but it's not like you get to say what most people are thinking They don't allow you to exercise ur 1st amendment, which is freedom of speech, & here they're crying wolf to America & suing the government bcuz even though they were breaking laws in Utah, they feel they should have extended privileges in their freedom of religion! Meaning they want to be able to break the law & not get punished for it all in the name of religion! Hypocrites!!

    2. The name of religion is correct, but in actuality I don't think Kody really has any religion. Nor does Janelle, Meri, or Robyn. Christine tries to be religious and is looked upon as a silly fool by the rest of the adults. It's her ancestors that seem to give her a special vision of the religious aspect which unfortunately is unshared by the others in this "marriage". Thus I think she hurts the most. And of course she doesn't really think and speaks up for polygamy more than the others do. At least she knows what it is supposed to be about, and knows their version fails.
      I'm pretty disgusted with all those who claim special privilege and exemptions from responsibilities others have. Like, bite me already.

    3. Thank you BC. I'm writing my review now, and I am just appalled at what happened to Christine. Sad, really. That was her family tradition and Kody and Meri and Janelle made a mockery of it, and of Christine. I am just so mad right now.

    4. Wow!! Had family issues to take care of last week, lots to now digest on SWB!!

      CJ, looking forward to your review.
      I did see the show last night and OMG!!

      Totally agree about how they mocked Christine's tradition.
      Also was appalled at how soap opera-ish (complete with background music bits) they are now presenting "the Browns."

      Watching the "idiot" completely bail on the incident of his *two sons* fighting, letting Janelle handle it while he busied himself with tying the damn tree on the car was so telling. WTH !!!
      Plus, imagine how the kids felt having all that filmed. These adults are beyond incompetent. They are useless.

    5. Totally agree on the bail with the sons fighting!

      My husband came from a family with a lot of boys and whenever him and his older brother were at it fighting it was his FATHER who would step in if the both mom and dad were around.

      I loved how the adults TOTALLY tried to defend it on the couch after:
      "I felt like Janelle was handling the situation"
      "I can handle it - there wasn't a need to step in:"
      "Plus, if Kody stepped in then it's sending a message like he always has to be the bad cop"

      Uhhh... it's like they could hear the criticism coming!

      Well, guess what guys, the point is Janelle shouldn't HAVE to handle the situation by herself. I'm sure should could (and usually does) but when it comes to parenting it's a two-person job.


    6. Hey Jinxie! Don't you feel kinda sick using Robin's sourpuss as your avatar?

      :P Sorry I couldn't resist. :D

    7. Modern said exactly what I was thinking when that happened. If my child had ended up with a bloody nose from fighting your darned right I would get their father involved. And sometimes dad has to be the bad guy. Kody is a straight up douche canoe!

      I've been a lurker for the past couple months but I can't keep my mouth shut about these idiots anymore. Where are they going to get the money to buy these new houses and keep them up after the gravy train stops. That's what I want to know!

    8. Yes! "Sometimes dad has to be the bad guy"

      When Meri made a comment like Kody shouldn't step in to be the bad guy, I was thinking:

      Well, seeing their dad as a bad-guy/disciplinarian for once is much better than what they must normally see him as! Aka - an immature absentee father with just as many failed businesses as wives...

  30. I really do not care what the adults do in their personal life. I just don't want to see it on tv. They are gross and disgusting. Kody is laughing all the way to the bank with TLC money. The people who watch this show are paying this family. Has anyone ever stopped to count the number of ads for the show. I did. Tonight there were 41 ads. I could not believe all the sponsors. I will name a few, Sierra Mist, Duncan Hines, Arm & Hammer, Scrubbing Biubbles, Centrum, Bissell, Advil, Raid, Windex, Quaker and Burger King. This is how they are getting paid. I am going to boycott these sponsors until this show is cancelled. I wish that more people would write to the sponsors and boycott their products. Kody Brown is being paid well by TLC. Did you see him sleeping while his wife was doing all the work. Does he ever do any of the real work. Looks like the wife's do everything for this man. Personally, I think that they are just plain stupid. One man cannot possibly satisfy all four of these women. They are fools.

  31. CJ, what are they thinking building four mega houses on a culdesac? Who can afford 4 mortgage oine and Janelle moved in together they would need 10 bedrooms.. What????
    they would need 1 for Janelle, 1 for christine, maybe one upstairs, and 1 downstair. then you put Aspyn, Maddie, and Mykeblti in a room together Put Logan Hunter, in a room and then yasobel, gwendolyn, savannah and truely together. And garrison, gabe and paedon in a room. Thats 6 bedrooms that is a findable home. Janelle and christine seem to have developed a good relationship, Janelle goes to work, christine cooks for all the Kids and gets them on tract with school work.

    Next up put Meri and Robyn in a home together, 1 room for Meri, room for robyn #2
    a room for Mariah #3, Breanna and Aurora in #4 and Dayton and Sol in # 5.

    This would be interesting, because each house could manage and provide for their house. Christine and Janelle would work great. Janelle knows how to go out and get a job and christine is great at managing the home and finding ways to save money, ie buying groceries in bulk and using coupons.

    The other house would be a cluster, neither of them have enough skills to earn a living for their family
    They could save the money they would have spent on the other 2 mortgages.

    What do ya'll think?

    1. Great, but Robyn will never go for that, bcuz remember last night she stated she always wanted a Craft room & a office. So, there's 2 rooms right there, that she don't wanna budge on, even to make room for a sister wife. Oh yeah, Christine wants a room just for wrestling,aka the anger room!
      Oh, I guess there's no harm in daydreaming, but there is harm in it if you try & live life in dreamland... a couple of years ago, Robyn was living in a double wide, & now she's practically begging for a craft room. Which, I'm sure she'll eventually get. Hell, she got a crib for Sol, since none of her other babies ever had a crib & she got a guitar for Christmas & that's something she has always wanted! (eyes rolling)

    2. What about Robyn's Craft Room and Christine's Boxing Ring? Christine needs her own kitchen, and what oh what do they do with all the sofas they got at the consignment store???

  32. omg! i'd forgotten about Robyn telling Meri (during her ridics surrogate offer) that "I've been praying about it ever since I first met you." seriously? Meri met you at some church function (?) and decided you were the next chosen one for Kody and you immediately upon meeting her start praying that you can be a surrogate mother for her??? yeah, right......

    ROBYN - your lifelong habitual and manipulative lies that have obviously worked for you in surviving your plyg childhood and now adulthood just speak volumes about you and one of the many downsides of that lifestyle. it's sad really.

    all these women (and Kody) need so much counseling and therapy w/all this cog dis they have. i don't see any true peace/happiness from their religious beliefs.

    and speaking of empathy and compassion. i thought that was a ridiculously smug and heartless comment Meri made to Janelle talking about Logan leaving the nest soon. Janelle - you may be the mom (who carried him, birthed him and raised him) but he's our kid too and we're going to be just as sad about it as you are. So, get over yourself! Meri comes across as a truly know-it-all cold-hearted bitch at times. where's the sister wife love, Meri?

    all i keep seeing is that this lifestyle INCREASES selfishness, jealousy and self-survival instinct. if it did what they claimed it does - teaching you selflessness and service and compassion and no jealousy ... then why are they all struggling w/it still w/each other after 20 years?? duh!! My guess is that these women put on their happy faces for the camera and then go do their passive/aggressive learned behavior lifestyle as usual the rest of the time.

  33. i also loved how telling their relationships really are when Christine volunteered that all she and Kody both do when it's their turn to be together is play on their phones while they ignore each other. Christine's so needy and talkative and she's showing she has no desire for that w/Kody now on her few precious and scarce nights with him. there's only one thing worse than being lonely and that's being lonely with someone. ;'(

    and i got the impression that their 2 minute talk was all Kody needed to be happy that the air was all cleared and everything should be back to normal for Christine now. the poor guy doesn't have a clue and how will be ever in that lifestyle and all its time and energy depletion in being spread so thin as a hubby to 4 wives let alone a father to 17?? how can this possibly be God's wish for anyone? it's impossibly overwhelming for any human to accomplish and doles out serious emotionally/physically unhealthy consequences to the man, the women and the children. they all keep thinking something's lacking w/them personally for not being able to do it without normal human consequences coming into play instead of the very system itself is what's wrong.

  34. I do feel dirty when watching this show because I KNOW that it is just the fact that I watch that it is ON TV. That being said..., even if we TRIED to organize a boycott of the show on THIS board I don't think we could pull it off. :( Sad, dirty, but true.

    All that aside does anyone else find themselves calling the Kodouche names while watching? And that one is NOTHING close to what I call him. Honestly..., his name should be next to Scumbag in the dictionary. I think I am gonna write it in to mine.

    And WHEN is the government going to press charges against these people blatantly breaking the law???

    1. Hahahaha!! I totally call him all sorts of names thru the show. Last night, Douche bag, was my favorite one. My hubby was troopering thru the show w/ me, & he said, well if U ask me, I think their all douche bag idiots. Lmao..he's the oldest of 10 & comes from a big LDS Mormon family. Even though he doesn't attend church or really practice the faith, he still believes in some of the teachings only bcuz he was raised in the faith. Just in case your wondering, No, I don't believe in any of the Mormon teachings & I was raised Baptist, but now I still believe in God, Jesus, & Holy Spirit, but I'm Non-Denominational.

  35. Boycott, yes! I never watch the show and will bless the day when it is cancelled. BUT, I love love love this blog! And I know that the Browns read this blog and I feel that unfortunately we are perpetuating this show. But I don't care. I am not going to stop commenting here, even if it gives the Browns ideas. I feel that their book was written in response to this blog, and also, of course, to try and fleece the rest of the fans from what little money they have left. This blog has provided me with so much information about Mormonism and about other plyg families and I am so thankful for this blog.

  36. Anyone check out the giant R and K in Robyn's entertainment cabinet on last night's episode? How about that bracelet she was wearing with a bedazzled K?

    Or am I the only one who notices these crazy details?

    Yes, I have no life.

    1. "How about that bracelet she was wearing with a bedazzled K"

      When I saw that, all I could think of was how childish and tacky!

    2. LOL, I noticed on their Tweet pix things that both Meri & Robyn have a pic of them with Krody. Wonder which one had it first and the other quickly made sure she had one too?

    3. I noticed both and yes, I thought it was super tacky

    4. Damn, I didn't notice that...but I was also, tryna multitask texting, FB, Twitter, & email from from my smartphone Guess, I'll have to rewatch it & look for the silliness!

  37. Despite starting businesses, this crew always seems to have perfect credit and tons of money for downpayments, nice vehicles, clothes, food for dozens, etc. Is it me--or did Kody look a little scrappy and distracted in the first season epi Sunday? He gave Christine about 10 secs of a "talk."

    1. Perfect credit? They have all had personal bankruptcies (search this blog), there have been foodstamp and welfare fraud and tons of debts.

  38. I seem to remember a couple of places online where you could watch the latest episodes for free...does anyone have that information any more?

  39. If this show is supposed to give insight into the benefits of this alleged God commanded religion it fails. All I see is 4 separate dysfunctional families and the man who impregnates 4 women. They do not live as a family. They do not look to the "husband" for anything really except alone time.
    He seems to have very little to do with nurturing or raising the brood of kids he helped create. He is incapable of supporting this group w/o TLC bucks.

    It is such a joke to hear the women blather about their close knit sisterhood when on the show they had to go have lunch together because "they're all so busy these days" they hardly see each other. So basically their show duties and their freedom of living in separate homes has eclipsed their tv show premise. What an absolute farce.

    1. Yeah, the first thing they do when they get the show is move into separate houses. It is ironic.

    2. Isn't it ?!
      Even though they could for sure afford to build a home big enough, they CHOOSE to live as separate units.
      Even if their credit is lousy with the money they're making they could probably plunk down cash to buy a mega mansion in LV. It's one of the hardest hit with foreclosures and short sales in the nation. They want to perpetuate the myth that they CAN'T find something large enough....that's BS.

  40. I thought Meri didn't look to happy with her present from the Kodster. Did anyone else notice this?

    1. I noticed that about Meri too. Kody did look like he spent more time and energy on the other wives gifts. She looked especially ticked when Robyn got the guitar. After the book, she definately annoys me the most!

    2. After Meri, received a crappy gift from Kody, she had to spend New years alone too!! Ha!
      It's no wonder she's still harboring lots of bitterness & anger!

    3. I didn't get to watch (No TLC in our cheaper tv package)...what was Meri's gift?

    4. ~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* - Meri got a necklace. The camera didn't linger on it long, but it looked curved, white gold or sterling and there were either diamonds or cubic zirconia on it. We saw it for about 2 seconds.

  41. I agree! I was wondering if anyone else caught that Meri didn't really like her gift...she said something weird on the couch session about it but I didn't catch it. And a big shout out BOO to Kody for giving Christine all of ten seconds to 'talk' about their relationship and then he kisses the top of her head and leaves the room. Way to work on the relationship, Kody.

  42. omg... i'm just picturing Robyn serenading the Kodster with her latest love song w/her Christmas guitar from him. she's wanted a guitar for 10 years now? oh, her little made-up tales of woe continue to make me eyeballs roll...

    1. What will Robyn get to rhyme with Kody for the love song?

      Oh Koooody
      You're not Grooody
      I'll be your toady
      Just like Adrien Broooody

  43. forgot to add - she's wanted a guitar for 10 years, eh? but what? couldn't afford it because of the several thousands of $$$ she charged at Victoria Secret instead?? lol

  44. A quick check of the Nevada Corporation Commission indicates Janelle formed Fundamental Fitness on 11/20/2011. It expired on 2/20/2012 so there is no active corporation.

    These people seem to be jack of all trades - master of none, other than using the government to wipe out their debt and provide food and healthcare.

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm so not surprised!
      EPIC FAIL(URES)!!!

  45. Did anyone else think it was really lame of Kody to think that because he went out and got a ring (Christine specifically told him to get) he would be "out of the doghouse"?

    I mean, let's analyze here:
    1. Kody, come on, you got her a gift that (conveniently for you) required no brain power whatsoever, she TOLD you she wanted that ring
    2. It's very belittling to Christine that you assume a Christmas gift would erase your major FAIL as a husband. Shiny toys and guns may make work for you Kody but it's going to take a little more than a Christmas gift to get a marriage repaired
    3. If you want to get out of the doghouse, why didn't you get her more cheap colourful watchbands? She seemed to go nuts over that gift in Boston! (Or maybe that was her meds at work)

    Here's my take on the Christmas gifts and what it said about his feelings to each wife:

    Christine's ring: She specifically asked for it, Kody went out and got it because he was told to. Conveniently, it required no further thinking. She got no more, and no less than what she told him to get. Kind of like his relationship to her, he gives no more, and no less, than what an average polygamist husband would be expected. What this tells us about his feelings toward Christine: "I don't want you to be a poo-poo pants to me anymore so here's the gift you wanted, ok?!" How romantic. Not.

    Meri's necklace/earrings/whatever that jewellery was: Kody was in a jewellery store for Christine's ring anyway and it was convenient to kill two birds with one stone. He probably assumed since she was a woman she would like jewellery, it didn't really appear to have had much sentimentally to it - hence - her perceived disappointment. What this tells us about his feelings toward Meri: "You know I love you, here's some jewellery. We've been together forever and my creativity is wearing thin!" Lazy and lame.

    Janelle's electronic tablet gift: Kody (along with TLC) has definitely type-cast Janelle as the "logical, un-emotional one" having referred to their relationship as "business partner-like" and "like brothers", "like two guys going shopping" in previous episodes. This gift at least shows some sort of insight into Janelle's likes and dislikes, but isn't super personal or romantic. What this tells us about his feelings toward Janelle: "You are my smart, brainy wife. Here is an electronic with which you can make some business plans on and start bringing in an income, because I sure won't!"

    Robyn's guitar gift: Kody apparently knew Robyn's inner desire to learn guitar, judging from her "I've always wanted to learn! I've always wanted a guitar!" she appears to be the most happy of all the wives with her Christmas gift. It's different, it's creative, and it demonstrates Kody put some thought into Robyn's personality and wants. What this tells us about his feelings toward Robyn: "I love you so much and hang on every word you say! I can't wait to hear you make sweet sweet love songs about my surfer good looks!" He's infatuated with Robyn.


    1. I totally agree with your well-thought-out analysis of the gifts and how the choices he made for each wife really showed what he thought of that wife. He clearly didn't think about what would make each of his four wives as happy as he made Robyn with her guitar... probably because he only cares about making Robyn happy. He's behaving like a boy who has a crush on a girl. It's pathetic.

      At least he gave each wife a different gift: when he was picking up four of the potpourri things I shuddered, thinking that each wife would get the exact same gift. That would have been worse than what he did give them.

      I was disgusted by the way he treated Christine. Clearly he thought that by giving her the ring she had picked out, he was off the hook and everything was great. He doesn't seem to want to make things work with Christine. Sure, she's depressed and it can be hard to be around someone who is depressed, but the fact that it's hard and involves work doesn't let him off the hook. Christine would be so much better off away from that dysfunctional family.

      If Christine really does read this blog and these comments, I say to her: LEAVE HIM! You deserve to be happy and in a relationship with a man who cares about you.

    2. great observations!
      I think Robyn would tear up and gush if Krody gave her a pair of socks...that's her role. The ever sweet, the ever thankful, the always Krody adoring wife. All the others are soooo needy, so old, so barren, so fat...and Robyn glows that she believes that she is so superior and that not only she thinks so, but special K does too!! ( lil throw up just choked me)

  46. How do you do marital counseling in a polygamist relationship? Do you just ignore the elephant (or 3 other wives) that are in the proverbial room?

    Back in college, I had a class that discussed the reasons for polygyny. Basically for wife #2+ polygyny is better when you are at a survival advantage to be 2nd + wife over the single men left. However, in modern America, I find it hard to believe that 1) being single isn't better than being a 2nd wife (I guess i am too feminist to think I need a portion of a man's time), 2) the Kodster is "worth" being 2nd wife for and 3) Still doesn't explain wife #1 sticking around (never a benefit for a 1st wife to have her husband pick up another).

    This guy is an idiot.

    1. I remember a similar discussion in a college Economics class. The arguement goes: Polygyny is good for low status women because they can marry a higher status man than if each man was allowed only one woman. And it's good for high stauts men who are interested in showing off their status. Who it's not good for is low status men, who have to compete not only with other low status men but also with high status men. The economic advantages don't hold up today because women have options for supporting themselves other than marriage. What I don't get about Sister Wives is how the Kodster got one woman to marry him, much less four. George Clooney he ain't.

    2. If the 1st three lives plan on leaving, they need to leave now, while they got some prime left in them. Just seems harder to leave after age 50+ ...but I could be wrong

  47. Yep, & I noticed that when she was saying it, she almost said 2 yrs,instead of "praying ever since we met"

  48. SOOOOO much to gnaw on here on *SWB* with them all......!!!!.
    That premiere show just punches one in the face for what these phonies/people are all about.

    I have this feeling that the old adage.."even negative press is okay as long as they spell your name right"....holds true for these clowns.
    Somewhere along the way they have figured out, *or perhaps have been advised,* that they are destined to garner negative press, but that even that too will keep the paychecks coming and the sycophants adoring them...if for no other reason then there will always be those who feel validated by a train wreck or worse yet, identify with them.

    To watch this vapid and bogus show for yet another season is like hating "nails on a blackboard" but still listening to it to see how bad it really is.
    If "they" have *any* inkling of how tacky and "busted" they are now, yet still go forward even after that sub-standard and badly written book, with this farce...that absolutely tells their whole pathetic, scamming story...clearly !!!

    The Christmas gifting was so scripted, so pact as to what the pecking order is that house of lunatics.
    Meri is the "old lady"..the one who gets the standard wifey gift.
    Janelle gets the "business/practical gift...the hoped for "keeps-on giving" gift.
    Christine gets the "Here, now just shut up your whining" gift.
    Robyn gets the "Here, are my *current* #1 squeeze" gift.

    And for Janelle saying that the show is NOT scripted.....and that they ask that certain things NOT be filmed or included...and somehow DO end up in the final cut....
    Yeah, sure.....!!!!!....and I am Tinkerbelle!!

    I do believe, as others have mentioned, that *SWB* has had a major impact on the show, on the Browns and their MO...and on what and how they now are marketing themselves.
    The book, the Q&A's on shows, the sound bites, the couch chats..are all designed to dispel what is being said here on *SWB* !!!

    Kudos to YOU.... CYNICAL JINX !!!!! :))))))))))))
