Sunday, August 18, 2013

Page 1- Christmas Surprise Discussion Area S06E05.... Sister Wives

Please tell me this suprise isn't lame. My guess is Robyn changed her name-lame.
Discussion for tonight's episode here.



  1. I wish one of Mariah's sisters would tell her to hush.

    1. No shit... Mariah's feelings instead of the joy of the other kids? I would sabotage the filming if I were a sibling of hers by bawling about something when she was giddy aboutnher move.

    2. As an only child, my guess is Mariah is more worried about you than she is herself.

    3. I watched last week's episode right before I watched this week's. So I had to hear Mariah say "I'm pissed off!" at least six times. It really got old.

    4. yeah, it annoyed me when i saw two of them (aspyn and mykelti?) sitting down at Princess Mariah's feet looking like they were trying to console her w/Mariah glaring off past them. ick. they should have just let her have her lonely pity party w/Mother Meri as her only guest.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. WOW!!!!!!! I am in disbelief over Mariah's behavior... Sitting in a car staring at the McMansion? It sickens me that she and Meri feel the need to have a giant home for the two of them, (now one of them since Mariah is off to college). HOW is this OK?!!!!!!!
      This is getting painful to watch.


    2. I was stunned at the size of those houses. How many square feet do you think they are? Who needs more than 3-4 bedrooms or 2200-3000 square feet, even with 6 kids? (Kids can double up a bit--I think kids who share rooms when they're young are closer siblings anyway.) For a religion-based family, this is pretty materialistic. Meri hasn't got any excuse at all for her excess, having only one child. However, since it's the one home Kody's name is on, I guess it should be equal in value in case they break up and divide assets.

    3. Liz, they are abt 4700 sq feet-- check out the post under
      Posts on the right and you will see a post about the homes!

    4. I was appalled by the size of Meri's house. It's one thing to say "I shouldn't live in a shack as a physical representation of my lack of an ability to bear children"... but to have a house that was above and beyond everyone else's like that was sickening

    5. This comment isn't about the houses but, I'm in agreement that they don't need these huge boxes they call home. I wanted to say that I actually enjoyed the second part of the show, for once. I cracked up when M and R were laughing wildly in the kitchen. They were just silly and it was lighthearted for once. I loved the way R imitated Kody while talking about the caramel and being his wife. It was also cute how R told M that he was HER husband since they were kind of peeved at him. I just had to say something positive about the show for once in my life, lol. I'm a nonbeliever but I did appreciate how K at least gave credit to his god for what they had, etc. That did appear to be genuine. I also adored it when Janelle was clearly not interested in the mission statement. All in all, it was better than most shows, as of late. I wonder why they have to do so many flashbacks and show what's coming up after the commercial breaks to the point of absurdity. Why do they do this? Do other reality shows on TLC follow suit or is this just a Sister Wives deal?
      Lisa H.

    6. Lisa, I totally agree. Robyn was so much more real and relatable this episode. Much less keeping sweet. Loved it.

  3. I think I remember seeing pics on twitter by the older girls of christmas in early Jan. I figured it was because Robyns kids were away. One of them tweeted something that indicated that Meri and Mariah were staying with Robyn will all this was going on.

  4. The delay Mariah?.....Your parents!

    1. True that! Well, hopefully she knows that now! Obviously she didn't know that back then. Hopefully she figures it out watching this season and has an "aha!" moment. As someone who has a mother like Meri, it pains me to watch what she's done to her daughter. I bet this is utterly embarrassing for Mariah to have to watch.

  5. Kody is a total pig. I would tell him where to shove his caramel apple where the Las Vegas sun does not shine.

    I am groaning at this episode.

  6. Meri probably wanted her house placement so it would be the one you saw when driving in.

  7. How selfish can Meri and Mariah get? They are ruining everyone else's happiness!
    Hi everyone this is my first time posting but I love to read all of you

  8. St Lucia day is before Xmas.

  9. I will never eat caramel again. Yuck!

  10. My goodness....Mariah needs a slap. And I don't believe in hitting, but she is so much like her mother. She really is a spoiled selfish person. All she does is want her own way and cries all the time like Sobbin and Meri. I can just see her being a sister wife. Now that is a show I would really watch.
    I think Kody wears those black gloves to make himself look macho, or he doesn't want to ruin his manicure.

    1. It has to be product placement or he is hiding a really bad skin condition. He wears them CONSTANTLY!!!

    2. I couldn't stop watching for the gloves. I thought maybe a skin condition but I noticed he takes them off to shake hands. So, product placement (although I haven't noticed a brand), because it makes him feel like a manly working man or to protect his lily white manicured hands.

  11. I love Christine and Janelle's kids - they are so grounded.

    Mariah - not so much

  12. New house tour videos on TLC- Janelle and Christine.

    1. Wonder how old these are... Janelle's weight loss shows less here than on current twitter.

  13. SPOILER ALERT!!! GIFT was the name change. It was way im-por-tent!

    1. LAME excuse for such joy.

    2. Lamo, for reals!!! So Kody was shocked & in awe over this lame ass gift from Robyn? But when the wives all pitched in & bought him a lap top for his birthday, he wasn't too impressed or thrilled about it??

    3. Oh yeah then he says its the biggest surprise he's ever had & then hugs & kisses her in front of the others....Ummm, I thought PDA wasn't allowed in front of the others? And I just wonder how the other wives felt about his PDA w/ Robyn?And didn't Janelle & Christine legally change their name too? But guess he wasn't as surprised when they did

  14. Mare and the new Ms. Brown cheat on making caramel. No suprise there. What is a suprise is how boring this episode is.

    1. The highlights for are any scene with Truly in it. Man, that cutie doesn't just walk -- she dances whenever she's moving. Glad to see Kody pick her up, but I couldn't tell if she was hugging his neck or trying to get down.

  15. Kody's "be sweet" speech to Mariah may be the most disgusting thing I have ever seen on this show. Just teaching her how to be a plyg wife, not how to be a better person. Kody is a serious douchebag.

    1. AND did you notice he said "you'd have more friends" when giving her advice on how to act. That was on par with when he told Janelle she "looked a lot better" since she lost weight. He really has a way with words! Talk about clueless

    2. Agree, agree, agree. "Be sweet" is plyg talk for be submissive and be a good little sister wife. Totally disgusting. I'm glad he sat Mariah down to tell her that her behavior was not acceptable, but instead of telling her to be sweet, he should have pointed out the importance of being kind to her other mothers and siblings.

    3. But i totally thought of Warren Jeffs right away when he told her to "keep sweet"

    4. I thought of Warren Jeffs as well! I told my husband "Teaching her to be a good little plyg wife."

      I was a little irritated with the way Kody was treating Meri before the sit down with Mariah. He was insisting that she let him handle it. If I were Meri I'd be wondering why he suddenly feels that's his place, given the fact that all of the moms do 98 percent of the parenting. He would have gotten a prince face from me. And no, I don't care for Meri but I don't blame her this time.

      Poor Mariah. Spoiled by mommy. It happens. She'll grow out of it.

    5. Gosh, I never got any of that from Cody’s talk with Mariah. I was just thinking how hard it is to talk to an emotionally charged teenaged girl. You have to pick and choose your words wisely or you've lost them.
      I can understand why Cody would be frustrated with Meri; she seemed to encourage Mariah's behavior by being so passive when trying to talk to her. Heck I was frustrated. That would have never happened with Christine or Janelle. Their kids would have been told to count their blessing and be happy for the others until it was their turn.

    6. (Just to be clear, "keep sweet" is not plyg-talk. It's Mormon-talk, LDS included.)

    7. About the 3rd time I saw that clip (in previews and replays) of Mariah sitting in the car staring at Meri's unavailable new house, I wanted to reach inside the TV and slap Meri silly. Knowing how upset Mariah was, WHY would Meri ask, "How are you feeling?", so Mariah could respond, "I'm pissed!". Annoyed as I've been with Meri this season, I was glad to see her acknowledge to Kody that she finally understands what he has been putting up with from HER (Meri) all these years. She supposedly came to this enlightenment because of having to deal with similar behavior from Mariah. And, it was nice to see Meri helping the others to move, even though her house wasn't available yet.

      I watched the tours of the four houses, and was actually pretty impressed by the different ways they had chosen to change the basic plans. When the builder "accidentally"? walled in the room that Meri and Robyn chose to use as a dining room, Kody talked Christine into using it as a "library", and I think that made a lovely addition to Christine's house. (Janelle is using it as an office in her house.). Meri said it was Christine's suggestion to expand Meri's bedroom, and I think that was a great idea. I assume that all four houses have the upstairs deck that Robyn showed. All in all, I enjoyed seeing the wives acting happier and more connected during this last episode. I realize that the scene with the kids playing outside was "scripted", but I suspect that they *will* wind up playing together in the cul-de-sac quite a bit. My daughter lived on a cul-de-sac for a number of years, and it encouraged my granddaughter to try roller blading, etc. in the "safe" street space.

  16. I can't believe I am saying this, but I think Kody did a good job of telling Mariah to get her ass of her shoulders without being confrontational. I liked that he let her know that no one wants to be around a stick in the mud, pouting baby. And for calling Meri out on her BS.

    1. I completely agree. For once, I was on Kody's side. Oh gosh. My stomach just turned typing that. I also loved how he walked outside and was like "No, I don't want to talk to you" to Meri. I could have spawn pom poms and did a cheer when he laid into her about that. :P

    2. I also agree. I liked what he said about Meri being a drama queen and I thought he handled Mariah well too. However it sickens me to think he spent all that time talking to Mariah and yet when Janelle's kids were fighting a couple of episodes back he was like what do you want me to do about it?? It REALLY bothers me how much attention he devotes to Mariah versus the other kids. I even see him hugging Aurora and Breanna more than his own. It's so sad.

    3. Anon 9:48, I agree with you. I told my "sister wife," (super good friend who stays with us and helps out a ton - we kid and say we are sister wives since she cooks for my perpetual fiance and we both work), that I thought what Kody said was pretty good for a change. I liked the part about leaving to gather thoughts first, etc.

  17. Does this family know what a mission statement is? Is it that hard to discuss among the adults things like 5 topic areas beforehand so the kids not get bored?

    1. As usual for this season Christine gets no support from any of her sister wives, not even Janelle. I'm surprised Kody was into it.

    2. They will waste hours on this project, and end up no better off. They will have a document which will be a mish mash with no coherent vision. Anything designed by a committee suffers the same fate.

      And that's why their whole lifestyle is such a disaster. It might seem that many hands make light work, but they have to spend so much time communicating about who does what and how it should be done and working out how not to offend each other. In a lot of cases, it would be faster to do it themselves. For example, you have to take the kids to school. To do it yourself, you load the kids and go. To coordinate with the sister wives, you gave to get them together, discuss who can do it, who has more pressing obligations, making sure no one feels taken advantage of. You would also need to feel assured that the kids would arrive safely and on time, which depending on the personalities might not be a foregone conclusion. I'd rather skip the meeting and just take my kids to school.

  18. First time poster, Long time fan of this blog, frequently laughing out loud at some of the posts. I find it totally unbelievable that these women listen to this man. Carmel contest, are you kidding me? Typical of Meri to cheat. What a shame Mariah was not brought up better. I would think they would be grateful for a roof over their heads. This show is a train wreck.

    1. Completely unbelievable. What moron would suggest a caramel making contest in the middle of Christmas and moving 3 households with all those kids. Ridiculous. Once again, Kody has shown himself to be completely clueless. While Robyn and Meri usually annoy me, I think I would have done the same thing.

    2. Kody encourages competition between the women. If he didn't do his best to keep the competition going, who among them would give him a second thought?Well, maybe Robin, but I bet the rest of the wives have been so over him for a long time. Some people just like to win.. period!... no matter what the

  19. Kody needs a hair cut !!

  20. Anyone know what the deal is with the Sally Ann boxes? Please tell me that these people who just bought 4 ginormous houses are not using the Sally Ann foodbank- that would be beyond the pale. btw what does Kody do????

    1. Idk but he makes $$$$!!! Haha

      @realkodybrown: "@franny43: @realkodybrown how could you build a house with no $$??" MLM, best seller, jewelry biz, entrepreneur, multiple sources. IMAKE$$$

    2. I was wondering the same thing. Does anyone know if they are accepting charity? If so they should be ashamed of themselves to be living so lavishly and asking for handouts.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. I noticed the Salvation Army box on the kitchen counter. Was wondering if it was some kind of hand out that these organizations do, especially at Christmas. If so, these people are real mooches and scammers.

    5. If you look at all the boxes in general, it looks like they hit the grocery stores and other places that would give out large, heavy boxes for moving. It is normal where I live for people to call grocery stores and tell them the size of box they need. Then the night stockers will save those sizes boxes and not cut them up or break them down, but save them in tact for people who are moving.

      That's a LOT of boxes with four households moving.

  21. I don't support polygamy at all. What kind of life is it for children to see their daddy come to their house up the sidewalk with his rolling suitcase. How much sex do you need man. There are too many kids in this world and you have your sex nights and then roll over yonder for the next one. Disgusting.

  22. I call BS on Meri getting her home before July 13!!

    1. Really? I thought she was in the home long before July.

    2. The deed for Meri's house recorded with the county recorders office on Jan 4. It was all over but the shouting. But I can't see her waiting until Jan 13--unless that was the date that the perfert house was in perfect order, the pastries were on the bar and Meri opened the door for the world to see PERFECTION.

  23. Kody how do u keep up with alll those keys

    1. What are the chances that they have fixed the locks so that one key opens all of the doors? After all, they are one big family. It would make life much easier for Kody and for the kids. For the wives, not so much!

    2. Mary would never allow that! Privacy is far to imporant!

  24. I could have done without the melodramatic music at the end. It was as though Meri finally moving into her house was the culmination of all of their hard work and struggles, when they haven't done any hard work and didn't struggle at all. Besides, she SHOULD have been last...she has only one child, and an adult at that!

  25. OMG!!! Please please PLEASE do not tell me that next week Robyn stands up in front of the whole family and says that being with her kids FATHER is the BIGGEST MISTAKE OF HER LIFE????? Please no. How could she be that cruel to her kids? How could the producers air something so heartless. I really hope thats not what it is about.

    1. I think that she is going to say that she had sex before marriage (not sure if it would be with her children's father or someone else). I can't put my finger on it, but something about the clip had that feel to it.

    2. I don't know cause she said she spent the "next 9 years" trying to "make it right". I feel bad for her kids. Now also she changed her name so now everyone in the family, including Solomon have the last name Brown and Dayton, Aurora and Breanna don't. I would think that would make them feel like they are less.

    3. I agree that Robyn will be discussing the dangers of premarital sex. Can you imagine the embarrassment that her kids will suffer from having this subject on television? I would not want my parent to discuss this at my church, my school, my family, or anything. Enough is enough!

    4. I had the same feeling, if it is about sex with the other guy (their dad) that would be really really bad taste. Let's hope it is about some other guy, not sure the whole world needs to see that sob fest.

    5. Omg, will somebody please tell Robyn that the little makeshift church they got going on is no place to share her shameful sex past. I don't think she should share that in the first place!!! The older kids don't really like Robyn to begin with, they're definitely not going to like her now for making them all feel uncomfortable.

    6. That's definitely gonna be awkward & I'm not really wanting to hear about her 'first time' either. This is something she should be discussing w/ the family in private not in national TV... Even then, I'm not really even sure her bonus kids needs to hear all that either. Now if she wanted to share that w/ her bio kids when discussing the birds & bees to use as a learning experience then by all means yes!
      TLC & Browns are now really scraping the bottom of the barrel for ratings.
      Now my memory is strained a bit here, but going back a few seasons ago when they had that other episode about teen dating. Didn't she pipe up & try to say something but then one of the bonus kids try to call her out about something & then of course Kody hurridly came to her defense?
      Surprised she didn't spill the beans on her 'big secret' then. Besides its not like many of us has already figured out she wasn't quite 'pure' before her 1st real marriage anyways. That's most likely the reason she wasn't able to be sealed in the temple the 1st time & that was a LEGAL marriage not a so called 'spiritual' marriage.

    7. definitely about sex. her comment about "she took her purity" is so moromon-speak for virginity. I heard it practically every day as a teenager. Didn't work for me either.

    8. Didn't she pipe up & try to say something but then one of the bonus kids try to call her out about something?
      Yeppers, CB. It was Maddie who reminded Robyn that she contradicted herself and Kody did defend Robyn. A recap of that convo is here - in the section "Group Date - Rules and Expectations According to Kody".

      UPDATE! Sister Wives Season 3 Episode 2: Teen Sex Talk

    9. I fear that the "For nine years I tried to make it right." means that she stay married for nine years. She does have three children from her first marriage. It could have been around nine years before she got divorced. If she is truly saying this in public, in front of her children with her ex, she should be ashamed. It is one thing to talk about the importance of purity, but it is another altogether to put down her children's father. They don't need to know the details of David/Dayton's conception. That is something that children can get messed up in the head about. Please no!

  26. I am usually groaning about Meri and Robin, but I LOVED the caramel debacle. Good fun, genuine happiness, and the realization that there are better things to do than compete for Kodouche's attention. I think this show needs more "Lucy and Ethel" moments, and less drawn out stupidity.

    1. I liked it to! I actually laughed out loud several times through the segment!

    2. I agree Anon 10:07 ... Christine was so earnestly Christine in her caramel making, Janelle wisely delegated, and Meri and Sobbin (both of whom I usually cannot tolerate) gave Kody a big ole caramel finger with their approach! Loved it!

    3. I agree. That was funny! The twinkle in their eyes as they were planning their caramal escapade was wonderful. It was a bit much of Kody to want a cooking competition, let alone at the Christmas celebration.

    4. I saw it more of a scripted event.

    5. You are probably right Mister Sister, but for once I found it to be a successful scripted event. It was the first real enjoyment I've had this season.

    6. One of their more entertaining scripts though. Finally something fun, not grim like most of their storylines. No greed, bitchiness, or tears.

    7. That's funny because I felt completely opposite about it. Of course it's douchey for Kody to make such a big deal about it, but I really didn't like how exclusive Meri and Robyn were. The ONE time they don't agree with what Kody says suddenly their BFF's defying him together, completely slighting the other two. Every other time Kody says anything they bow down before him no matter what the other two think. IDK, it really rubbed me the wrong way. Especially since the other two actually tried.

    8. I laughed. It was cute and feel-good!

    9. Totally agree...I really enjoyed Meri & Robin having fun in the kitchen. I feel that it was a little glimpse back into the first couple of seasons of the show when they were more focused on showing the audience the fun associated with being a Sister Wife and what their everyday lives entail. I really enjoyed the first couple of seasons and I would love for them to get back into presenting more events of their everyday life and get away from working so hard to create drama. The drama actually ends up being more boring; dragging situations out over the hour for effect.

  27. I am disgusted by how much Christine has changed. When she was living in the basement in Lehi they showed her a video of her rental. She was THRILLED!!!! That changed her mind immediately because it was "So beautiful" Now She acts like the house is in line with living in a cardboard box! What a difference 2 years makes! Going to be hard to go back to living in that basement again!

  28. Robyn's girl going over the top at xmas. Then previews of Robyn about to do the same. A
    nnoying much.

    1. I actually am glad to see some genuine joy on these kids faces. It is Christmas, after all!

  29. Of course Robyn went out to buy caramels. Just last week, KoDeutchBank told her she was so beautiful she didn't have to cook. And, as we were beaten over the head with all episode, Meri doesn't have a kitchen. Unless one counts the kitchen in her RENTAL HOME!!!! But as Mariah said earlier, those aren't really homes.

    1. Hahaha, so true! I actually kind of loved that her and Meri didn't (way to stick it to Kody!) and the whole clip was funny to me... But this comment was spot on!

    2. My guess since it was January 2nd her rental was up December 31st and didn't have a rental home. It was already stated she was staying with Robyn. If they planned to be in their homes by Christmas they wouldn't have paid another month rent for January.

  30. Robyn over the top laughing about the caramels made me realize she must be missing something in her plyg marriage to think it was that funny.

  31. I thought the carmel affair was funny. Everyone "cheated" a little. It was all in fun. No harm, no foul. It was really nice to see the women laughing together.

  32. what are the odds that Mariah purposefully burnt the pancakes?

    I think that Kody's speech about a chipper disposition would have been less irritating if he hadn't used the word "Sweet"... that one word in the context of polygamy. just doesn't seem the most intelligent choice.

    1. He spoke about "compounds" and now being/keeping "sweet." Wow!

    2. I agree. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the rest of the talk he had, but I literally cringed when he used that particular word.

    3. Kody was talking to Mariah in the only language he knows. "Keep sweet" is a polygamous phrase. Compounds are known in that religion. Wow! Do we only have Kody's word that he was not raised in the polygamous world? I am beginning to believe that he has been busy drinking the green goo for quite a while.

    4. His parents were not practicing until a little later, but Kody's mom is practically plyg royalty, herself. He absolutely was raised with these values; just makes for better TV to say he converted TO fundamentalism.

    5. Mariah probably had no intention of burning the couple of crepes. She was probably trying to do as little as possible because she was pushed to be there. I think the kid was stuck in her own personal hell...created by herself and her mother. Her sisters got snarky ...they must have been tired of the black attitude...and she found her excuse to bolt.

    6. So if Kody's mother is "plyg royalty" he must have had polygamous relatives when he was growing up. That puts a whole different light on the "conversion." I find that a little frightening.

  33. OMG! Robyn is soo going to say she had sex before marriage and that is why she married her first husband, whether or not it was him she slept with first, isn't she?! Way to make your kids feel bad Robyn....

    1. Yes. If I was a gambler, I would even be willing to put money on it. It's obvious and way TMI. She mentioned "purity" (rings?) so I am guessing she is referring that whole Purity Movement thing. It's going to be rich seeing this next episode.

      Mariah and Meri are quite a pair of Mary's, that's for sure. Yipes and how! As time goes on, the only person I really think it might be even kind of fun to be around is Christine. Janelle is normal at least - her house tour was cool to see her personal style and design "flair". She loves a western theme - who knew? The house was way nicer than I thought. Now I can see the price tag, though I would think in that market it would be closer to the 200-250 mark but I live in Arizona so...


  34. Has to be the most expensive way to buy candy.

    Robyn did something before marriage or perhaps was a bride in an assigned marriage.

    1. I was thinking that too (about the candy), but then it occurred to me that they probably got it for free in exchange for mentioning the shop on the show.

  35. What bothers me the most about the house episodes is them talking about how awful their rentals were. We are a military family and lived in a rental for 4 years. I knew no difference and was fine with it. I didn't "like" our rental persay but it became home. Their "rentals" were about 3x the size of my decently sized 3 bedroom 1 bath rental. And their new homes are 4x the size of my decently size 3 bedroom 2 bedroom house we own.

    In defense of Mariah I would probably be the same. It's the age, you think the world revolves around you. No one is perfect, we are only human and if everyone else was moving into their McMansions in front of you it would be annoying. I am more annoyed that 5 adults that don't "work" think they deserve 4,000 sq foot homes.

  36. Someone needs to tell Mariah that the scowl is not becoming of a "lady".... She really does seem like something is wrong - like as in needs some professional help. I sense a lot of anger from her and it might be nice to see her get some help managing her emotions. All the crying, scowling, pouting and yelling is not healthy. Her mother is so obviously miserable so ditto that to Meri.

    1. It's not. On twitter, Meri alluded to Mariah experiencing numerous other stressors at that time which the viewers were not privy to. I hope that was the case and it was not all about the house. Looking back at myself at that age, I am inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt. At least she apologized and acknowledged her behavior, which is more than can be said for her parents.

    2. If she were an adult, maybe she needs help but she's a teenager still in high school when this was filmed. Remember the movie "Rebel Without A Cause"? Give the kid a break and let her gain maturity while she's away in college.

    3. no way would my kids acted like that! Come on. One year many years ago my husband got laid off three weeks before Christmas. My 15 and 17 yr old did not get much of a Christmas at all and still were happy! In fact one said she didn't need gifts to celebrate the lord's day. Too bad Mariah wasn't cheerful for her siblings. She would flip if Meri had another, which will never happen, she's free now!!

    4. Mariah has been taught to "keep sour" by Meri. College will be good for her. I truly hope she finds a young man who doesn't want to drag her into the Hades that is polygamy.

    5. I see under lying causes as why Mariah was so angry.

  37. Replies
    1. Probably protesting because she wasn't 1st in her new house with it's very own sewing room.

    2. Haha I was thinking the exact same thing. I think this year Meri said "I don't give a shit, f#*$k all of you in your new houses" Sorry for the language but Meri said it not me LOL

  38. I'm not a Brown supporter, but in defense of their use of saying their rentals are not their homes, I know when I rented, I couldn't have pets, I couldn't paint the color I wanted, I couldn't put in a garden in the landscaped yard, and there were just many things I couldn't do. So I do understand the joy of getting your own home.

    1. Meri was allowed to have the dog, until she didn't want it anymore. Christine had pets that were seen in one episode. What Christine didn't have was sister wives to keep the place clean. She may like to cook, but I don't think cleaning up after herself is her strong suit. I am sure that TLC has issued story lines where they are supposed to hate their rentals. It does make them appear materialistic and down right nasty to us normal folks that have to live in homes that aren't uniquely our own. I find it really hard to like Meri, but I do admit that living with someone with slovenly cleaning habits would be hard if you are a neat freak. I think that Meri is a neat freak.

    2. While there are a lot of advantages to owning your house, it really bothers me that they didn't view the rentals as home. They show a complete lack of understanding of the concept of home. Home is where your family lives and loves. It's not a building and it doesn't matter if you own it. They have a very materialistic view, like they deserve more and can't stoop to enjoy what they actually have. And it deprives their kids of the security of feeling at home.

    3. If you own a home with a HOA (like the Browns) you still can't do certain things like paint your house a certain color, restrictions on landscaping, how many cars can be parked on the street, window screens, etc etc the joys of owning are still limited when there's a HOA involved.

    4. I don't think anyone would doubt that "owning" your own home would be a joyous occasion. The trashing the rentals seems so ungrateful. They were decent homes. Also, most viewers are dubious of how they are going to finance these homes with no one working to pay for them.

  39. You're right Kody . . . I WAS thinking you are a misogynist pig! HA

  40. SERIOUSLY! How do they afford those homes especially the women on there own? I want to know the secret so my hard working family can get one LOL They have to be getting help from the show or something it's just near impossible, some don't even have jobs :/ Heck I would take any one of those rentals....

  41. Did appear that Robyn was still nursing Solomon several times during the episode under a blanket? I only make note of that as it would be indicative that she has NOT taken any steps to begin fertility treatments for Meri. PLEASE let go of the rental womb storyline. Let's hope next week is the end of it.

    1. Is next week the end of the season?

    2. That would be a yes... Proof from Twitter->

      @LuvgvsUwngs: @Lauralvshockey I am proud to say that I still breastfeed Solomon. He stills needs it. I believe that if you are able then you should.

    3. Don't forget Robyn said that as long as she's nursing Solomon, she won't get pregnant!

    4. at 22 months? is that normal? here in europe, that would be considered majorly weird.

    5. Why do people keep thinking Meri wants another baby? I thought she said no at the end of last season...

    6. The world health recommendation is a minimum of 24 months so Robyn is doing what is best for her and her child.

    7. In Europe, I never saw anyone nurse more than 3 months, and very few nursed exclusively at all. Most Americans who nurse exclusively do it Until their babies start to wean themselves, or until they are eating well enough to not need any kind of supplemental feeding. Almost all of my friends and family nurse AT LEAST 18 months to 2 years, if they can.

  42. Does anyone know how these people can possibly afford and qualify for four houses? This amazes me! Surely, TLC doesn't pay them that much!!

  43. Meri needs to lay off of the foundation! Face is orange and neck is white. I could not stop staring.


  44. Oh here we go, anybody want to make a bet? - next week's episode, Sobbin blubbering away and sharing way TMI about having had premarital sex (um, didn't she technically do that with Kodouche, too? ad having sex with a married man but hey, who's counting....)......I think they gave away enough in the preview to figure this one about.........but.....I'm betting then it's all just a convenient SEGUE to the iconic MSWC selling.......yep, you guessed it, PURITY RINGS!

    Also, didn't others say they didn't think that Dayton went to Montana with the other 2 kids @ Xmas? Perhaps he's her son from a different father than her other 2 (well, now 3) kids.

    Shame on her for thinking only about HERSELF and changing her name to Brown. So what about her children who will now have a different last name? Douche.

    1. Robyn has had a different name than her children since her divorce. Her name has been Sullivan since she came on the show. I believe her children's last name is Jessop.

    2. I think Kody must have been informed of everyone noticing his lack of attention toward Truly and so when he entered he picked her up and she cuddled right in.

    3. I knoww, when she laid her little head down that was so sweet and sad at the same time.

    4. Anonymous 12:20 I don't think the blog has been saying much about Kody not paying attention to her 8 months ago so I doubt that is the reason. You have to remember that these were shot a long time ago.

    5. good lord! why do they think we need to know that Robyn had pre-marital sex? that's nobody's business but her own. shouldn't even be Kody's business really since that would have happened before him and she has to put up with the fact tha he has pre-marital sex all the time w/her and the other "wives" he's not married to. only the women have to be monogamous in this religious plyghood. it's disgusting and so dinosaur sexist it's actually laughable.

    6. Anony 12:20 a.m. - i thought the same thing when that was focused upon for the first time ever! lol

    7. anony 9 :29 a.m. - actually there's been a lot of talk here in the difference from the get-go that King Sol got as a baby from Kody over Truely. so yeah - i def believe it's from all the talk they've read about that here.

  45. WHY was Sobbin changing her last to Brown Kodouche's "biggest surprise"? Um, seeing how Orange Meri is his legal wife and Christine and Janelle are not but THEY both have the last names "Brown", well it's obviously not the first time one of his concubines did this. Oh the drama.

  46. I just finished watching all four videos on TLC, of the new homes. I think they all did a pretty good job of decorating, except I don't like Robins style very much. She doesn't seem to have any, not being mean, some people just don't have an eye for style/decorating. I don't like her black leather/vinyl furniture at all. Christine surprised me! She did a great job picking out furniture for her living room, and I really do love her little library. Cozy. They all have similar layouts, yet each home still has it's uniqueness to it. I like Robins layout the least. Janelle as well did a good job of decorating. She loves the western feel, and she has some nice eclectic items sitting around. And I like her office as well. I have to say, much to my chagrin, I love the layout of Meris home. She has a unique open concept, her living room is sort of squared off, I can't explain it, but I do love her countertops, they stand out more than the others, and I love the way the infamous wet bar looks with everything else. She too, has a shabby/chic style that's cozy. (in her kitchen) (I don't care much for the country décor, but to each her own right?) I love love the layout upstairs. She knocked down a wall to make a large master bedroom, very nice, and I like the way she left the loft area open, as opposed to what the other wives chose. I adore the closet she has for Truly and Sol! How stinkin cute is that? I suggest you all go look at the videos, and check out this lil closet she set up for them, as their own lil play area. Sweet. All in all, they did a great job. I would put some color on those walls though. None of them painted the walls. Also, I like Christines stone on the front of the house, and Christines scrabble picture frames. She's crafty, and all about the family. I enjoyed seeing the homes. Robyn always seems uncomfortable in these things though. She's not a natural at talking to a camera, and she gets all tongue tied, and just strange. The others get to the point, and don't ramble on. Ok, I'm done now.

    1. I thought the Scrabble pictures were awesome. Such a cool idea!

  47. Christine: " A plural family is just like any other family, & people still don't know that"
    Oh really Christine??...Plz just stfu & spare us!!

    1. The thing is, a plural family is NOT just like any other family! I think it just seems normal to Christine because she grew up in a plural lifestyle. She obviously doesn't realize how odd it looks to those outside of her religion.

  48. The house tours were interesting. Not surprised that Janelle's house is the nicest and most put together. Christine's is the most homey and Meri's looks sterile. Have to laugh that Meri said the wet bar was for more counter space but she hardly ever uses her kitchen. Besides that side counter is more counter space than most kitchens in America have. Oh did anybody catch she called it "her" bedroom.

    1. At least Meri actually gave a tour of her entire house. She seemed to be much more open with her tour.

  49. Hello! First time poster, long time follower.i watch the show to keep with this blong, love it. Ok so on the scene where they are moving i guess, and the moving truck is there. How many cars does this family have it almost seems like each drive way had 4 cars plus thecars on the street.

  50. OMG!! Kody's lame ass " You might think I'm a misogynist pig here but you don't understand my pure genius! It's about getting more caramels"
    Oh lawdy, I'm now thinking about changing my screen name **sigh**

    1. "Kody" and "genius" should never ever be used in the same sentence. Never! Not ever!

  51. So Meri & Robyn are gonna team up & make caramels together? Hmmmmm??? Doesn't that require them to share a kitchen?? I thought Kody said that's abuse?.... Bwahahaha
    Besides I'm sure Robyn is glad she's gonna have help since it seems like she's not a very good cook anyways!

    1. I'm on the West Coast and have 15 more minutes until the episode airs. All of a sudden with all this talk of carmels I'm starting to wonder... could there be a "My Sister Wife's Kitchen" in the works - where they will sell cans of carmel corn, candies etc..? Wouldn't put it past them. They're looking to make a buck off their "fame" any way they can. Also.. it would be interesting to see them at a homeowner association meeting for their neighborhood. I wonder what the surrounding neighbors think of the cuddle-sac?

    2. The absurd way they were carrying on made me seriously wonder if Robyn & her BFF Meri had dipped into the cooking sherry before attempting the Kody Caramel Challenge. Why did Kody even include Robyn in the contest since she's "too beautiful" to cook? (barf)

  52. I just have to say that Aspyn is so beautiful! She looks so much like Christine and seems to have such a sweet personality. She has truly blossomed over the past couple of years! She is my favorite among the girls, while Logan is my favorite among the boys.

  53. ACK!!! I need to read all the comments, but I just watched Meri's clip of her home tour...she put toys under the stairs and called it a "play room" for Sol and Truely....

    I need a minute.

    Under the stairs.

    In an empty five bedroom house.

    Oh, and YES she does show us her "little girls room."

    I'm speechless.

    1. That like when you have unwanted house guests. They get to sleep under the stair well!

  54. For the first time since posting here, there are some positives:

    Kody stood up to Meri and tried to help Mariah with her issues. He was acting like a dad.
    Christine would be an amazing teacher. As in PAID employment as a teacher. She should look into that.
    The joke on Kody seemed like (finally) a light fun moment
    The houses are way better looking than I expected.

    Ok, one negative: Drop the whole house drama. Please. It's getting beyond tedious.

    1. Didn't Christine teach at their old plyg school? I don't think she could ever get through the 4 years of college and 1 year of credentialing that it takes to become a teacher. However, she would do great as a preschool teacher or working as a teacher's aid. She shines when she is with kids.

  55. Ah ha ha ha! Robyn said they all call the closet under HER stairs the "Harry Potter" closet which means her son is the boy-savior at Meri's house and Meri is really a nasty old muggle.

    I wonder if Meri would get that joke...

  56. Some of you really need to put yourself in Mariah's place. Yes, she was being slightly bratty. But put yourself in HER shoes and you'd probably be acting much like her. Nobody's perfect and sometimes our emotions get the best of us. Don't fault a young girl who still has much to learn about life on being extremely disappointed while watching her entire family get what they've all been dreaming about.

    1. Maybe she should watch a documentary about the Holocaust to put her "struggles" in perspective. She's old enough to know that she has a lot to be thankful for.

    2. Mariah is acting EXACTLY the way she raised. She has observed this behavior her entire life. Pitch a fit... shed a tear...get your way...with her parents its a recipe that works. I did like that the kid had a job and apparently a good relationship with her boss. She is not a total Mary!

    3. I agree. I went through hell when my father had a baby with another woman and my mother could not have more children and I don't consider that child to be my brother. It's a lot easier to say "things could be worse," but that could be said for all of us with chips on our shoulders. Sure she gets to live in a big house gets to go to Disney World and is going to a nice college, but would any of us honestly want to live her life or envy her in any way. I think she is being taken advantage by the production company and if there is another season hopefully she will learn from her mistakes.

    4. You're right. She definitely has characteristics of being a spoiled only child. However, if I looked back on some of my actions in my high school/early college years, I would be embarrassed, too. Anyone who has moved up and moved on from teenage years to adulthood would feel the same, I'm sure. Once you get out into the real world, you realize how much emotion and drama was put into things that are superficial when you were young. For that, I feel bad for the grown up, sophisticated 35 year old Mariah who may look back on this footage and really feel ashamed. As for Meri -- I just think that having to share your husband and life with three other women, might bring out the ugly in a person. It's hard enough trying to be a mother among my monogamous community, I can't imagine having to actually care about and entertain another mother's beliefs or ideas because my life depends on it!

  57. @ Anonymous 12:03am ---- sorry but I couldn't disagree more. She's not some little 8 year old girl, she's nearly an adult and now in college. She made a total fool of herself with her pouting and selfishness. She's obviously always had everythin she wanted if this is how she reacted to something so trivial in the grand scheme of things. I would NEVER have dared to act like this, even at half of her age for if I did my parents would have very quickly reminded me to count all of the blessings I have, to stop feeling sorry for myself and to focus on what MATTERS in life; family and health...not the building you live in (which is merely a house, not a home). She was just downright rude and nasty and I'm sure real buzz-kill to those around her. My guess is she made the rest of them feel guilty for being happy and excited to be in their homes. Pathetic.

    Now for the home-tour videos -- I really liked Janelle's decor, she has great taste and I'm glad she has a way to express who she is and what she enjoys.

    Christine's house was nice and cozy, too though I think the scrabble pictures in the front entry were corny and cheap looking but to each their own. She should have hung the picture over her fireplace a little higher though. LOL.

    Sobbin's house....what a cluster-fark. Noticed the huge life-size "K" and "R" when you walk in the front door. Tacky. She has no style, I'm afraid. A total mish-mash of 'stuff.' The big chairs from their favorite consignment store - fugly and a waste of money. Oh and LOVED her big huge window with the stellar view. HAHAHAHA. Might be a view if you have binoculars or a telescope. What a dope.

    Orange Meri's house - way too many knick-knacks and CRAP up on top of her kitchen cupboards, YUCK. Less is more, Meri. And love how she went on about her wet-bar and the extra counter space then in the next breath claimed she rarely uses her kitchen so um, uh, WTF about the much-needed wetbar counter space? *rolling eyes*

    How special of her, in a house that size and only one kid that's off to college, for her to designate the freaking broom closet to the little kids. How generous of her.

    Bizarre to me when she admitted that when Kodouche has his BFFs over to watch fight night they all camp out in her boudoir. That's just way too weird. Surely she could have bucked up for another TV for him and his boyz?

    I vote that Janelle had the nicest home/decor.

    1. Hi Eileen, I DO agree with you on several things you pointed out about the videos. I too, think the scrabble pics could have been placed somewhere else in the home, but I know the love Christine has for family, and she loves playing board games with the all the kids. I love it that she said she would rather have conversations and play games with her kids in the living room instead of the tv being the focus. I too, noticed Meri pointing out her wet bar, and her huge kitchen, she just had to have, yet says she hardly uses it, due to her being the only one there. Interesting Meri. I still like her layout though. I was just surprised at Chrisines furniture and how she placed it. I don't think I've ever seen her other homes have any style. Oh, and I did like Janelles curtains in her living room. Looked like orange or a reddish color. Covered up those ugly blinds a lil. And yes, Meri prob could have given the lil ones a bigger room to play in, but I speak from experience, lil ones like that love hidden places like that to play, and it's just their size, with a lil table n chairs. Although I wouldn't have so many stackable boxes in their, more room if less stackables. I just can see Truly reading her books on the floor in that lil closet. Meri DOES have waaay too many nick nacks, I agree with you. Umm...two lil dolls, placed next to the faucet on her wet bar sink????? Dolls? Why? And I don't like her bedroom décor....grandmaish. But, like I said, we all do it different, I just reeeeeeaaaally want to put color on those darn walls!!!! Then, you wouldn't need so many pics or nic nacs hanging and lying around. Oh, one more thing, wanna bet, next year, if there is one, Janelles saddle and stand will be sitting in the same spot, in the foyer, because Kody never got around to just putting a ladder up to her ledge, and lifting the darn thing up there? 1 2 3.....lift. No big deal. Yet, he has time to pick out ugly, Alice in Wonderland looking chairs with Robin? And I hope she puts them someplace else besides right next to the dining table...against the wall. I just.....realllly don't like her décor or taste. Or her one window. I think she thought she was being "different", in a good way, and having one big window instead of 3 smaller ones. I like the three better. It looks odd the way it is positioned, don't ya think? The three actually look even and spaced out.

  58. I bet Sobbyn is going to reveal she gave a baby up for adoption! I could be wrong...but, I don't. Think I am...stay tunned.

    1. I was thinking maybe an abortion, but that has to be way wrong. Whatever it is, I don't think she should be sharing it with the entire world!

  59. OMG I really didn't think this man could be anymore arrogant until I just saw him respond to a viewer that was asking how he could buy houses without a job on twitter "I make money $$$" he proclaims citing his MLM, Bestseller Book, Jewelry Business, and random sources.

    I don't buy for a second that his business ventures have proven successful enough to purchase those homes. The fact that there is a lien on Robins house for a medical bill, a kid has been stopped by the police and found not to have car insurance, and Mona & Robin both mentioned settling with Robins creditors. That's not the actions a man who "makes money $$$" makes.

    And I was disgusted by Meri playing the dumb blonde card with she had no idea what was taking so long with her mortgage, and mortgages were too hard for her to comprehend. Mona has walked them through the building/mortgage process step by step like children. I'm sure Meri knew exactly what was wrong but didn't want to step up and admit to Mariah that Meri dropped the ball on getting them in before Christmas. The builder lived up to his end of the deal the house was done, it was Meri who failed. To see her act like the world was out to get her was crazy. I was REALLY surprised that she didn't try to pin it on Christine/Jenelle having an inside track with Mona because they worked there. The other thing that I really wanted to have explained was when Mona said that Kody insisted that they start with Robin and Meri homes first. To me that makes no sense, if they are trying to get moved in over Christmas break a normal person would try to move the families with a lot of kids into their homes first to have the least interruption with school.

  60. Houses in the far northwest part of Las Vegas are huge and prices are not overly bad. We looked out there in 2001 and found a 6000 sq ft one for 389,000 which was totally doable for us however, it was so far away from everything we desired so we moved to the southeast, Henderson.. anyway when we moved in 2012 before we left, I was up in the area again and it was pretty much the same. Glad we didn't move there, I would have gone bonkers.


  61. Meri and Mariah need double doses of Prozac -- they are both so whiney and unhappy. They come off depressed, selfish, ungrateful, boring and monotone.

  62. Too Beautiful to CookAugust 19, 2013 at 1:40 AM

    Just when I think I am gonna stop watching this train wreck Robyn is going to say the dumbest thing she has ever said next week. Lol, how can I stop watching and miss her important announcement?

    I think next week may be the most entertaining episode yet. Did you see the traumatized faces on the kid in the preview? And then they wonder why Logan isn't coming home to visit? Dear God, I hope all these kids leave and don't look back.

    Guessing poor old Sobbyn didn't wait until marriage. What a thing to share on national television.

  63. I'm so sick of trying to figure these people out. Truth is, they're a weird bunch. Period. And yes, Janelle included. They're so confusing and contradicting ALL of the time. I feel so bad for the kids and pray that they get a chance at some kind of normalcy. Even for a little bit before some decide to plunge right back into polygamy. And even though some may roll their eyes, I still feel the worst for Mariah. Its not easy having to live with someone that views the entire world as negative. People admire Janelle and Christine's kids for being well rounded. Not sure who to give the REAL credit too, but its too bad that those same parents couldn't be more generous with their guidance to their "bonus" daughter. No matter what they disagreed with Meri about. More proof that the "bonus parenting" is BS. Glad they're happy with themselves. I just hope they don't cause the kids any more disappointment.

  64. I sort of got the idea that she was going to confess to having a baby and putting it up for adoption. Maybe, she, like Roseanne, has that secret and she had to beat the tabloids, not that the paparazzi are chasing them for stories but hey, maybe...

  65. I liked:
    Meris loft and master bedroom
    Robyns balcony
    Janelles decor and office
    ...but Christine was the winner with the library, overall decor (loved the red and yellow) and stone in front.

    I did NOT like:
    Meris wetbar that stuck way too far out
    Robyns mismatch everything and random window
    Janelles kitchen counter and cabinets seems mismatched
    Christines scrabble picture as an entry decoration

    Janelle is the most pleasant to listen to during interviews. Robyn stutters, Christine voice fluctuates from soft to loud and Meri just says cringe worthy stuff like "My friends call this the East Wing."

  66. Aspyn and Maddie are so mature and self-possessed, it's hilarious seeing them interact with Mariah. Poor Mariah. She may think that being spoiled, doted on and sent to a $40,000 a year school makes her more privileged than her sisters, but mark my words ten years from now Aspyn and Maddie will be happier and more successful. Mariah really needs to grow up. It's cringe inducing watching Meri enable and encourage her tantrums and sulking. She behaves like a three year old.

  67. I can't for the life of me understand Meri & MAriah. They are so ungrateful Meri keeps saying how Mariah doesn't understand the financial aspects of it. How about explaining it to these teenagers, that are going to be adults soon, the reason why they are having difficulty is because of a) their crappy credit/financing, due to their lifestyle 2) Meri not putting in her paperwork on time.

    I just can't give Mariah slack, she is so ungrateful and I don't believe in her twitter apology. She's old enough to KNOW BETTER. If she doesn't know better than well Meri has just spoiled her way too much. They are used to getting their own way and I'm glad they didn't get into their house on time because they both needed a wake up call.

    the way she stormed out of the kitchen when she was cooking with the girls, I can't even understand. If I were a parent to such a spoiled brat, I'd drag her back in and make her stay there and cook.

    1. Why did they celebrate Christmas on January 2nd? That makes no sense. So it was all just for the TV show???

    Those houses are going to be trashed within 6 months. the way these people just carelessly handle the furniture, open doors, run in with dirty shoes on new carpets.

    If the biggest surprise for Koduche ever is SobinRobbin changing her last name...then wanna be surfer dude needs to get back to reality. Why would it be anymore of a nice gesture Robyn changing her last name to say Jenelle or Christine? Hes such a jerk.

    I also find it so odd that all the wives wore white on their wedding day but Jenelle wore BLACK.

    that white plastic headband Robin wears is driving me nuts, it just looks so out of place, and the way she and Meri acted about the caramels and then going to buy some...if one of the other wives did they, oh they'd throw a b!tch fest!

    Oh and Sobin talking in 'church' ha ha ha anyone think it's about her ex and getting married to him? Or did she do the cardinal sin and have pre-marital seX?

    1. Definitely about pre-martial sex as she starts out by talking about purity.

      She should be ashamed, scare mongering her kids about sex. It's totally inappropriate. If I saw one of my mothers crying about sex and taking about being ashamed I would have been frightened.

    2. caramels are one of the easiest candies to make. and cheap. so much cheaper and tastier than to buy. i've made them for decades and even a 7 year old child can make them using the safe microwave method. so delish!

  68. Ok, I watched the damn house tours....
    I'm really surprised Meri didn't make a man cave for Kody so that he can entertain his buddies, etc...
    Also, in Meri's guest room(the red/white/blue décor) was that Robyn's guitar propped up in the corner as décor??.. U know the one she got from Kody last Christmas, b/c it's something she 'always' wanted...Lol
    Just wondering b/c I surely didn't see it out front & center anywhere in Robyn's house.
    I see that Meri re-used an older model tv for the pixie room?...LOL
    That big ass Brown K & R on Robyns wall is well I'm at a loss for words but I'm not really impressed w/ it. I wonder what she did w/ her other big K & R letters she had posted in her rental? Those big ass oversized chairs that Kody supposedly picked out & they just had to have are ridiculous & not really necessary either. Did he pick out a crown or better yet a tiara for his ass to wear when he's over there & sitting his lazy ass in those chairs??
    So in Robyn's house I didn't see a craft room either. I'm still wondering the door she showed us a MSWC space is it a closet or actual room behind that door??...Lol You would think that she would have an office in her house unless I totally missed it during her tour.

  69. My sister wife's closet is... messy! Lol

  70. Okay, I am at a total loss now as to why the producers would do two back to back episodes highlighting Mariah's ridiculously childish behavior. The entire scene of her sitting in the car staring at "her" house was beyond stupid...and also was so very, very obviously *staged."
    Which means that she and Meri agreed to have the cameras pointed at Meri on the outside of the car pleading with poor, unhappy Mariah and also another one poised through the opposite window at Mariah as she pouted and raged.
    And both of them had to be wired with microphones for sound. There was nothing spontaneous or real about any of that.
    My question is "why."
    What was/is the goal in showing this 18 year old acting like a petulant, spoiled 5 year old....Again??

    The caramel contest routine for me was more evidence of how bare the cupboards are at TLC/F8 for plot lines for the show. Meri and Sobbin tried their best to *act* their parts.
    But Sobbin, never really good at winging it, came off a bit manic at times. Her laughing was over the top. But, hey, it did eat up sufficient airtime to complete the episode.

    1. those staged laughter scenes were ... awkward. and lame.

      this show has gone nowhere fast. or actually maybe not fast enough!! what possible new fake drama can they really come up with next now that the fake panic move to LV, the fake surrogacy offer, the fake home loans, the fake businesses, fake Darger friendship, etc. dramas are all overcooked and stale. ??

  71. During tonight's episode, it occurred to me that the women are all telling how awful they are as either wives, sister wives, or humans. Christine has already admitted being an awful wife and sister wife. Meri sort of apologize to Kody when she said that through her daughter she sees herself and how awful she is to deal with. Then we have that Robbin about to admit something of a sexual nature and Janelle has off and on talked about how she has lost her motivation. Could this season be the season in which they are trying to show us that yes they have these horrible faults but suddenly, because of being a sister wife, they are better. Remember it makes us better. BARF. They would not have these horrible traits if they were not competing with each other to be a better cook, wife, mother, friend.....

  72. So Christine is concerned about how the family will be remembered in 30 years. Their legacy - selfish, greedy, disfunctional grifters.

  73. 2mil worth of homes and when they are moving, out the window you can clearly see an old car of theirs with no hupcap.

  74. Didnt Meri work with "at risk"youth before? And at some point was working on psychology classes? Shouldnt she have a better grip of teenage emotions? And be able to make better interventions when her daughter is acting up? Just sayin'

  75. Janelle's story of how her mom and Winn met changed. Before it was to see what Janelle was getting into with Kody...this time it is that, but before Janelle and Kody were dating.

  76. I actually enjoyed the scenes with the caramels. Seemed natural, and they actually laughed, and had fun together. Refreshing. Although, I do have to agree with some of you, Robins laughing, especially in the Rod Works store, where they bought the caramels, wow, waaaaay over the top, looked "put on" to me. She had a good laugh with Meri in the kitchen, so now, she was trying way to hard to laugh with the saleslady. Fake to me. Otherwise, I thought they were actually having fun together. I would much rather see episodes where they are laughing and goofing off, then all this ho hum drama.

  77. Where can we pick upthis house tour?

  78. They spend SO much time trying to distance themselves from FLDS and make sure that they inform everyone that they are not like FLDS but tonight we see Kody practice one of the FLDS's number one teaching among women and girl children and that is "keep sweet".

    I'm sure they are not FLDS but still, they are using a practice of the FLDS.

  79. Just in case anyone is interested. I collect recipes and am a Professional Baker. I couldn't help myself when I saw the close-up of the recipe.

    Reva's Caramels

    1/2 pound butter
    2 cups sugar
    2 cups light Karo corn syrup
    1/4 teaspoon salt

    Bring to a boil.

    Add slowly so that it doesn't stop boiling

    1 can evaporated milk (the can in Christine's hand was a 12 ounce can)

    Boil to a firm ball stage. 250 degrees F.

    Remove from heat and add

    1 teaspoon vanilla
    1 cup chopped nuts, she uses walnuts

    Pour in a buttered dish (looked like a 9x13 pyrex) and cool, cut into pieces and wrap in squares of wax paper.

  80. Did anyone notice that when Kody tasted Meri and Robyn's candy he said "It has a unique taste of amaretto". How does he know what amaretto taste like? Why would he think his wives would use it when it is against their religion?

  81. Yes yes! The dramatic music at the end when Meri finally gets her mansion, after strugglin and sweatin for so long.

    You would think that someone had parted the Red Sea.

  82. I feel sorry that Mariah is getting dumped on, but as the "religious kid" of the family, it really is time she realizes religion doesn't begin and end with avoiding swear words and staying chaste. She's missing the entire point if she doesn't cultivate a generous, loving spirit that takes delight in the happiness of others.

  83. Can we please lay off of Mariah for a little while? She is an 18 year old kid whose parents have told her repeatedly that she cannot and will not be happy until she moves into this new home. We all know how seriously she takes her religion, and I think this is more a "monkey see, monkey do" situation than anything. I'm not saying she is acting ideally, but she is a teenager, and I shudder to think what the world would say about me if my 18 year old self were projected on tv at all my worst moments. I come here (and love) all the snark regarding the inept parenting skills these people have, but I just feel bad for the kids who got sucked into all this.

  84. I'm a little surprised there aren't more positive comments. OK, maybe I can believe it. This is SWB and we love a good snark :)

    But I liked this episode!! The only person I was annoyed with really was Kody. Because he's Kody and he's a giant dork.

    His walking in and picking up Truely was the only moment I liked him. That was cute.

    I LOVED the caramel segment. I actually thought they were having fun. Genuine fun. It made me laugh out loud! Robyn and Meri pulling the wool over Kody's eyes and laughing and being silly... I thought it was real. Sounds exactly like something a friend and I might do if we were tired and feeling silly.

    And Christine poking fun at Janelle on the couch session? And the other's making fun of Christine and her cheater ways? It seemed fun! They all seemed to be getting along and it seemed like they liked each other!

    And Meri! A couple times I actually thought "This is like the Meri of yesteryear." And with her hair pulled up she looked *gasp* good. (Yes I said it)

    All the kids running around and having fun in the Cul-De-Sac! I thought it was cute! Meri was even out there looking like she was having fun.

    And can I just say: I love it when they show Maddie and Aspyn and the older kids. Minus Mariah cause she's usually 90% of the time being a brat. Aspyn on the couch session saying, "You were right, Maddie!" They are lovely girls, both of them!
