Monday, August 19, 2013

Page 2 - Christmas Surprise Discussion Area S06E05 Tour of the New Homes

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Can't get enough of those houses? Check out this post!!



  1. Truley! Finally! This is proof positive that TLC reads the Sister Wives Blog! They added in the footage in response to our comments that they only showed Solomon.

    1. Do you really think they edit the episodes that close to the air time? They probably have the whole season ready to go before they start broadcasting. Especially since this footage is so old...

    2. We have been discussing the lack of Truely footage for several seasons here on SWB.

      And who knows when F8F starts editing their footage, although I'd venture to guess that because of the lack of production values and poor storylines, they don't start editing footage until they've been notified of renewal which is most likely a couple of months before the season is due to begin. That scenario could explain the overuse of flashbacks (previous footage most likely used to form the outline of the story), then when they get the go ahead they flesh out the outline with the new material filmed months earlier.

    3. I just totally love the scrabble board picture frames of each of Christine's children with words describing each of their personalities. It is charming and has real warmth.

    4. Christine has a flair for creating individuality in her decor. I also am a big fan of the Scrabble board frames. I think I will make these for my kids for Christmas this year.

  2. Those two chairs in Sobbin's house that Krody picked out are simply ridic. His version of a King & Queen chair??

    1. I actually liked them. I have a friend who has something similiar, and they are at the head and foot of their DR table. Robyn's table, as all the ladies, are too small and she could not pull it off. I've seen them in stores.

    2. Oh Gawwd yeah.....the chairs are beyond hideous! Perfectly made for the king and queen of Plygdom! The children can all line up for their "nighty nite" hugs before bed, bow and step back while tugging their forlocks. Perfect! .....or

      The children can line up and be given their bowl of gruel one by one, before sitting down at the table, because King Kody and Queen Robyn can't afford to pay the mortgage..... or buy food, so gruel it is!

    3. IF they were in a proper area, MAYBE they would look okay-their ceilings are certainly tall enough, but the way they are just pushed up against the wall there.... YOU KNOW.. Robin was NOT happy to be the SPECIAL wife to receive these chairs! Unless the Kdouche THOUGHT they were 'FORMAL' dining chairs, he most likely went down the line 'gifting' each wife with these, and was REJECTED down the line...! I would! Because unlike what Kdouche 'thinks'(which, yes, thinking for him is a BIG ???)THESE CHAIRS are meant to be in not in a group of 2, but a larger set, and in a LARGER type area.. ROBYN does have a large dining room, but it is on the narrow side.

    4. hmm...Now I can see those chairs put to use. Thanks Anon 2:38. I never even thought about the head and foot chairs. I can see that. I agree tho, must get a bigger table. I like odd chairs/benches with tables. I have table with chairs on one side, and a bench/loveseat type chair on the other, with cushions and pillows. So now, I can see those oversized backed chairs put to use.

  3. Why does Robyn get out of breath when she talks?

    1. Yeah....and why is everything always "pretty cool"?

    2. I have noticed this, too. I think she is nervous.

    3. I was wondering that about Robyns breathing. She almost pants like a puppy. Wonder if she smokes or has asthma/copd? Also Ladies are NOT Valley girls. Umm,and,like,actually,so...Please expand your vocabulary. I get distracted and start to count. Another post asked about Krodys hickey. I think maybe it's razor burn or some sort of rash. I can see where you thought it was that.

    4. It's absurd she doesn't have a TV elsewhere for Kody and co. What about that loft?? And like someone else said WHO are Kody's friends lol can you imagine if one of your husbands was friends with Kody!?!

  4. Ok, I have to comment on several posters saying how Robin should have kept her last name as her kids. I disagree. Why? When monogamous women divorce, then remarry, they take their new husbands last name. The children have their fathers last name, so it's not like they don't identify with their mom anymore, just because of a last name. I mean, I get it, most women like having the same name, especially when the kids are small, and in school. But it really doesn't affect them in a bad way, I don't think. Now Christine, her changing her name to be the same as her kids, I understand. It's not only to have the same last name, it's because even though her and Kody are not legally married, she considers herself married to him, therefore she would want the same name.

    1. Advice to all ladies out there.....plyg or non plyg. KEEP YOUR OWN will last you a matter what changes happen along the way.

    2. No matter what name she uses, she won't have the same name as all of her kids.

      In some cultures women don't take their husband's name. That's very wise.

    3. Anon 5:08....why keep your own name? I fully intend to take future husband's name.

  5. Thanks for posting those videos. I also watched them on the TLC website - which has BEER COMMERCIALS before each video! Did the Browns approve?

    1. Based on the fact that Kody just re-tweeted someone calling Robyn and Meri "wasted" in the last episode, I feel like he doesn't have a problem with it. He was laughing! Does he know what "wasted" means??

  6. I agree with a lot of the comments. Christine and Janelle are the most down to earth. Janelle's decoration is very appealing. Christine's kitchen is the most attractive. Robyn and Meri act the most proud and least humble, but their décor is pretty lame. Ick. Ick.

    1. Secret info for Meri Brown!August 19, 2013 at 3:35 PM


    2. Can somebody tell me the significance of the big "B" in Meri's kitchen? Maybe I am just being thick today, but I don't get it.

    3. Oh of course! Just brain dead today. Thanks!

  7. I can't comment on yesterday's post. Is it OK to continue the discussion here ?
    I despise Meri and Mariah, but to be honest, I have to give Mariah a break here, esp when I think back to my 18-year-old self. At that age, I was emotional, irrational, crabby...and those were my good traits !

    Another thing I think of is with all those kids of around the same age, there must be a lot of petty comparisons going on. What I mean is, my children are generally the same age as my husband's brothers' children. At family gatherings, lots of snide comments about this and that. And we don't even see them that often. I could see Mariah being compared in a less than favorable light to Maddie and Aspyn. Ouch, that would hurt.

    And as much as I hate Kody, I thought his keep sweet speech was not bad. He was trying to tell her, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Life is better in the long run if you are easier to deal with.

    Finally, I was not surprised that Meri cooked up the scheme with Mariah's boss so she could bolt early. Was it here, or over on TWOP, where it has been said that Meri has lost jobs because she would get up and leave at a moment's notice, in order to travel with Kody ?

    1. "Was it here...where it has been said that Meri has lost jobs because she would get up and leave at a moment's notice, in order to travel with Kody ?

      Actually in their book "Becoming Sister Wives" Janelle did write about how, early in her marriage to Kody and Meri, Meri would not go into work so she could travel with Kody. But she didn't write that Meri lost her job, just that she wasn't paid for the missing hours and it hurt their family financially.

    2. I can assure you that not only did Mariah's manager NOT mind her leaving early, the store was thrilled with the free advertising--and frequent mentions on Twitter. They have hosted their LIV parties at POPPED also, and have to have some sort of standing agreement.

    3. Anon 7:33 what you've said is disturbing on so many levels. So basically because of the advertising opportunities with Kody Brown Entertainment including his side business of LIV, Mariah's boss allowed her to come and go as she pleased? Nice. I bet she was even paid for the time she wasn't there too. Now that Marian has gone to college, no doubt KBE has moved on to the next Vegas business. Lets recap the businesses mentioned on twitter...the Mexican restaurant (last tweet over year ago) consignment store (shown in last episode) popcorn store (last episode) credit repair company (retweets) Pinnacle builders (every episode last 2 seasons)

      Hey everybody!! I think I figured out how Kody makes$$$$$!!! Nothing is free...

  8. Not a fan of unMerryAugust 19, 2013 at 2:37 PM

    The bedroom area for TV in unMerry's house is weird. The furniture looks like they just went to Costco and bought whatever. Exactly WHO are Kody's friends?

    1. Who would want their husband and his friends in the master bedroom watching "the game". Sorry - that is just totally weird.

    2. It is extremely weird that Kody brings his friends (whoever they may be) into the master bedroom to watch TV. I can understand not having a TV in every room, but having one just in the bedroom doesn't make any sense.

    3. The home is 4,200 sq.ft. WHY have your friends in the master bedroom to watch TV, when you can so easily use the family room area? I do like the way the bedroom is sectioned though, as I like the idea of an attached "sitting room."

      And because it boggles the mind endlessly, I am absolutely gobsmacked watching Meri walking around that massive house, ALONE for about 3 weeks out of every month. I just can't understand it.

    4. Maybe this is her excuse for wanting to watch TV in bed (3 out of 4 nights?).

    5. You are likely correct, about watching TV in bed. As TV's are worth nothing these days because everyone watches online, surely she could pick up a cheap wide screen at the consignment shop or pawn shop and set up a TV room for old Krochie and his friends to watch "the game".

  9. If Robyn had better Furniture, I think I like her style. Love the patio and her deck.

    Meri's house was ugly. That Lr furniture has

    I like the dark cabinents and the dark countertops the best. Still scratchingy head about the greenish tile and brown carpet, too.

    Didn't think Janelle needed 4 full bathrooms!

    1. Janelle, si! Meri, no!August 19, 2013 at 3:22 PM

      Janelle has lots of kids.

    2. Forgive me if I am covering old territory here - but does anybody besides me think that a lot of the "new" furniture they got to fill up the space in those ginormous homes was "gifted" to them by the consignment shop they keep mentioning on the show and in the TLC website home tours? Seems like the kind of "deal" slick-talking Kody would come up with. Also... the carmels? Product placement for that store in lieu of home supplies of some sort? If they can't get national brands to give them merchandise in return for product placement, they may be seeking out local (Las Vegas) firms to do it for them. For instance - didn't the builders offer a special deal to them? Did Mona work for no commission but get free advertising for being on the show? How, for instance do they afford all their many vehicles? Kody won his in a sales contest, supposedly. But, the rest? All TLC? Or do they get car dealerships to give them (loan them) vehicles somehow?

    3. We have 3 bathrooms and 2 people living full time in the house. Depending on where they are located, you need them. I keep one on the main floor, spotless and ready for visitors. The other two are used by my husband and I. We each have our own when getting ready for work.

      If I had a bunch of kids still at home, the more bathrooms the better.

    4. I can assure you that NO realtor gave away commission on a 2 million dollar deal.

  10. Not a fan of unMerryAugust 19, 2013 at 2:43 PM

    Are we allowed to comment on Mariah? Is she over 18?

    1. We have allowed it since she was such a big part of the show, but it really has been a topic that has been hashed and rehashed. Please use words that are acceptable and all will be fine.

    2. Not a fan of unMerryAugust 19, 2013 at 3:28 PM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. And please, no insults such as lack of attractiveness or speculations on the mental capacity of future suitors.

      Thanks in advance.

      SWB Posting Guidelines

  11. I also saw the beer commercials. I just had to write to them to ask why? I have not had a response yet. Considering they do not drink, then why the beer promotion. I also noticed that the show had over 11 commercials after the first break. Wow, this is how they can afford this lifestyle. TLC is getting paid a lot for these sponsors. Kraft, Schnick, Dial, All, Geico, Dyson, Sprint, Staples, Febreze and many more. With this many advertisers, I do not see the Browns going anywhere. Evidently there are still millions of people watching. However boring, these people want to see the train wreck. It will not derail as long as we still tune in.

    1. Considering they do not drink, then why the beer promotion.
      You do realize that the Browns have no power over what commercials are shown? And I seriously doubt the Browns are receiving payment from these advertisers. I haven't seen them eating Kraft cheese, or shaving with a Schick razor. And it's obvious they aren't using Geico Insurance (with the handy proof of insurance app). In fact, whenever a product logo is shown, it's pixelated out.

      Yep, product placement is definitely lacking with the Brown crew, so I doubt this is how the Browns are affording their lifestyle.

      I like watching Sister Wives, and I like reading and writing snark about them on SWB. I'm sure others feel the same way.

      We are in for the long haul! And as long as there's twitter and their facebook page, and those Sister Wives will live on long after their show has been laid to rest. Right here on SWB.

      And don't forget Polygamy, USA if it is renewed!

    2. The Browns drink WINE! I do not know if they drink anything 'heavier'.. AND YES... Polygamy USA-they, too, drink and they talked about it, how some things are different among Fundies and LDS-Polygamy USA had an episode where a group went to a bar, -forgot his name-his 'bachelor party' and the poly group-2 wifes, 5 kids and travelling hubby? One wife ALWAYS had a glass of wine in her hand... and it was not product placement-more like coming home from work and babysitting wife #2

    3. OMG CJ! your comment about seeing them eating Kraft and shaving with a Schick Razor made me think of the movie "Talladega Nights" Where Ricky Bobby advertises though the whole movie. Now that would make the show more interesting. they could show Kody shaving and then he could splash on some Sex Panther aftershave. And then the camera would pan in and show the bottle. Kody would walk out of the bathroom and a bunch of women would jump on him and rip his clothes off. Or how about if it showed him blow drying his hair upside down like we did back in the 80's and then he could pick of a bottle of " Big Sexy hair" and spray it

    4. The party line in AUB is that alcohol is forbidden, except for the sacrament/communion in special private meetings (water in public). Having said that, I know that Owen Allred (past leader of AUB) indulged in social drinking on occasions. I also know that the Pinesdale Montana community, where Robyn came from, was notorious for teen drinking parties. It seems that there are double standards and hypocrisy going on, and if you asked AUB what their beliefs are, they would probably say "no alcohol" Kody and harem drinking would be officially seen as rebellious and out of order.

  12. After rewatching the home tours, question, is Kodi and Meris bedroom on the first floor? It doesn't show her going upstairs to the master. And, I still say she has the best layout of the homes, the way the stairway isn't right next to the front door, I saw it as the camera was panning the living room. Or is their two stairways,and that's why she called the one the "east wing?". Her kitchen is huge, I love the xtra counter space, and the big window in the kitchen as well. I didn't however see French doors, only on door, in between the kitchen and living area. Am I right? But it's much better looking and more unique than the sliding glass doors with those awful blinds in the other homes. The other homes just have the kitchen, and living room, open concept, no uniqness. Meris, hers it cut out quite differently. And someone posted there isn't enough living space between the tiles and carpet, but Meri doesn't need a lot of living space, with no children at home. I really like her home layout so much better, and she knows how to position furniture better. I hate furniture just up against a wall, or all of it facing the tv, or fireplace, I like it in the middle of the room, with different seating areas throughout. Also, Robin could possibly try putting those Alice in Wonderland chairs in her foyer, just to try it, in different ways, as to have a place for the kids, and adults, to sit and take off/put on shoes, and it certainly couldn't be any worse than where she has them now! And she needs to place her dining table long ways, she has all that area, and she has the table placed wall to wall. It doesn't have to be a longer table to place it that way, it would look better. Looks like the two head chairs would hit the walls when pulled out. Oh heck, anyone want to go with me and just ask if we can rearrange her furniture? lol.......I'm not being mean to her, but I soooo would love to go help her. I don't think she knows anything about style or organizing. We could also take a peek inside the "secret SWC", and help organize that too!

    1. I believe all Master Bdrms are on the main floor. If you go to the link at the bottom of this post and then go to the 2nd page, you will see the home plans.

    2. Don't all of the houses have the same floor plans except for some of the additional bedrooms?

    3. Don't all of the houses have the same floor plans except for some of the additional bedrooms?
      That depends on the options chosen by the wives. If you look at the floorplans, if Meri wants the wet bar, then she will also get additional rooms. It's noted on that way on the floorplans and was also discussed by the builders last season. Meri's wet bar, for example, required pre-approved building permits which included an extra bedroom upstairs and a hobby room downstairs off the kitchen. The builder made it clear they would not deviate from what was originally submitted to the county (I assume because they would have to pay for the new permits plus the delay).

    4. Haha I'd LOVE to go with you to re-arrange furniture!!! Robyn totally needs some help!! We get it Robyn... You think your house is COOL!!

      What I do not understand is why King Kody doesn't do "fight night" up stairs in the loft area? There was a TV up there... unless Queen Meri said no because she doesn't want men wondering through her East Wing... but then it's odd she lets other men in her bedroom....uh oh Brother Husbands may actually be happening!!!! lol

    5. Did I miss the link to the floor plans?

    6. I think Meri's house will be used for business entertaining to sell the green stuff and the joooolrey. The other 3 houses will be "pigged" up in no time because of all the kids doing their thing. Meri's house layout is the best.

  13. I would like to know why Kody didn’t have a chat with MERI about her demeanor and behavior about the disappointment in not getting into the house as early as she would have liked. It’s kind of hard to expect Mariah to be gracious and kind when her mother is not modeling that behavior. If Meri had been gracious and happy about the other wives getting their houses, then Mariah would have probably had a different reaction. I sure hope Kody had a separate conversation with Meri where he told her that she is not modeling the appropriate behavior for Mariah. I do not blame Mariah, I blame Meri for teaching her to be so angry and jealous. Mariah will be fine, she is a teenager and she needs to mature – I fully expect that being out on her own for a year or two will give her a totally different perspective. For Meri, however, I don’t hold out any hope for change with her. Just sayin’

    1. Does Meri have any clue how she comes off on TV?

    2. nope. her delusional rabid fans on FB have convinced her that she's good enough, she's smart enough and doggone it - people like her! (my apologies to Stuart Smalley.) oh yeah - and they keep telling her how beautiful she is, they love her hair, her clothes, etc. ad nauseam.

    3. You are exactly right! While I did find Mariah's behavior obnoxious, its so much like Meri's that you know where she learned it. How sad that her passive-aggresive, mean, jealous personality has rubbed off so much on her daughter, its heart breaking! Don't all parents want better for their children? But instead Meri just glosses over it because " she's just so much like me". Like that in any way is a good thing. I highly doubt Kody had a strong talk with Meri about it because he never does! In my opinion, Kody is also responsible for the mean girl Meri has become because he has always given in and catered to it. If years ago she saw that her bad behavior wasn't getting her what she wanted, she would have stopped, but she didn't because just as the builder said, he accomadates Meri, even when he doesn't agree with her. I understand Meri's anger over sharing her husband, but SHE CHOOSE IT! Now, what gives her the right to be mean and torture her other sister wives?!?!.... Kody, he is the one who has made it

  14. The tours of the homes was fun. I liked Christine’s the best because it just seems more comfortable and cozy. I love her kitchen and we all know that Christine will use that kitchen the most of all the wives. I like that the living room does not focus around a tv and I like her library as well. Christine went from having the drabbest space in Lehi to the homiest place in Las Vegas. Good for her!

    As far as Meri’s house, two things stuck out at me (other than that non-wet-bar looking wet-bar) was that she made a point to mention that Truely called her little room as ‘her’ room. I think Meri must be reading the blog and trying to show how much she has both Sol and Truely over. Still don’t buy it. Also, I thought it was odd that her bedroom has the tv in it so that Kody can watch wrestling with his guy friends. Is that how she lures him in? “Lover, come over to the bedroom….I have a tv, you and your pals can watch wrestling”…I just think that is odd. So when Kody has his guy friends over, she has to go hang out at her wet bar. Oh, I get it now. 

    1. With five bedrooms and a loft, why does Kody have to entertain in Meri's bedroom? Why can't he have a man cave somewhere else? (I cringe at sticking up for Kody, but really, there's no other space?)

    2. Well, they very well can be reading these blogs and saying things accordingly in their home tours, because we know they were recently taped. However, the episodes were taped around last Christmas/January, so whatever they are doing or saying in the episodes, wouldn't have anything to do what we are talking about now, in this blog. Like Kodi picking up Truly, he did that months ago, and it had nothing to do with people commenting recently on this blog about his lack of affection toward her, versus Sol. Also, I really do think Meri does have Truly and Sol over to play. She took Savannah by the hand, and ran from home to home to motivate the rest to go to Janelles to open gifts. I personally think that was natural. Don't think it was staged. They know the days they are going to have film crews there. And they stay all day. So I don't think it was something the film crew told Meri to do, I think she was just sitting around, waiting on the rest, and I imagine it gets old having a camera guy just standing there filming, just waiting on something to happen. I dislike a lot of what Meri says and does, I just don't think every nice thing she does is only for the cameras.

    3. With five bedrooms and a loft, why does Kody have to entertain in Meri's bedroom? Why can't he have a man cave somewhere else?
      I see exactly what Meri's done. She's knocked down the wall between her bedroom and the office/exercise room making Kody's "refuge" part of her bedroom. Remember some of the wives didn't like going another wife's bedroom? She's guarantee nobody butting in on her Kodytime when he's in his refuge!

      Very very clever, Meri.

      In Janelle's house that room is Savanah's bedroom.

    4. Yet if she built him a man cave, she could guarantee that he would spend extra time in her house. Which means he wouldn't be banging one of the concubines.

  15. Janelle, love love love your home office, right off the living room, but you don't have to place your desk with your back to anyone entering. Turn the desk around, give yourself some space between the wall for your chair, and face everyone coming in your office. If you are worried about wires from the computer, printer, etc....those can be fed thru a hole in the desk, if it isn't that expensive, or just hide the cords with pics or plants, etc...also, if you don't have already, have an electrician come and place an outlet on your floor, under the desk, to plug it all in. Most new homes have floor outlets already in place, but we had an older home, and it didn't cost much to have a few put in for us. Just suggesting a better way to place furniture. Sometimes that can make or break a room. She did a good job decorating though. I don't neccesarily like theme rooms, but she did it tastefully, and her kitchen memorabilia is very tasteful as well. I like her and Christines pops of color around their living areas. Also, sorry, but, can anyone tell me if Janelle has a laundry room upstairs, like Robin? She boycotted the downstairs laundry room and opted for a bathroom, which I get, with all her young kids, but, she surely has one upstairs?

  16. Why does it not surprise me that Janelle's video was the shortest of all of them?

    Don't hate me, but I really liked some of the choices Meri made with her house. Not in terms of most of her decor, because, no. But, I love that she turned the under the stairs storage room into a play area. I had a small, under the stairs fort as a kid, and I loved it, but this is even cooler. (Mine was in an unfinished area, so I would knock my head a lot.) Also, seeing how tiny the islands are in their kitchens, I understand why Meri wanted the wet bar for counter space. I was picturing it in another area of her house, but it works as an extension of her kitchen. If she hadn't made such a big deal about it, I would like it even more.

    I can't really judge the overall decor of any of the homes, because it's clear that they're still in the process of decorating. They all look incomplete at this point. Seriously, an hour each with a decorator just telling them how to arrange things and what could liven up the rooms would do them all wonders.

    1. Janell's home tour was the shortest because she is a very untidy housekeeper and likely the only rooms fit to show, were the main rooms.

    2. I'm with you live2tivo, because I also liked Meri's house. I like how she thought outside of the box for Kody's refuge room (formerly known as mancave), but I wouldn't be surprised if her bonus kids are advised that the hallway to her master suite was OFF LIMITS -Adults only (male variety only). Like I said above, I doubt any of her sister wives would want to venture into Kody's refuge with that full view of Meri's bed to the right.

    3. I noticed they did not show the childrens rooms. That might be why the shorter tours. They actually gave the children some speckle of privacy.

    4. I am a fan of Robyn's home and planning. She needs some new furniture, but I liked it the best.

    5. I have been to Meri's home for a LIV meeting and she let one of the guests children go into her master bedroom during the meeting (I think to watch TV). If I recall correctly I think the child also went into the play closet just before retreating to the MBedroom. Kids like small spaces, I think it makes them feel safe. I personally think the play closet is adorable. As far as people being in her room, I just don't think she is that private about her space in that way. After all she invited myself and many other perfect strangers to her home for a meeting. PS She has done a lot of decorating since I was there so I think these clips are more recent than not. PPS Don't worry, I didn't drink the cool-aide.

  17. I enjoyed the house tours (although it would scare me to have their mortgage payments/utility bills, etc.). I can understand why they are excited because who doesn't like having their own space to decorate as they please? I imagine if I posted a tour of my house there would be some of you who would like it and others who would say, "What was she thinking?!"

    These comments are in no way an endorsement of polygamy because I firmly believe that God ordained marriage to be only between one man and one woman. But, they all seem happy enough---I just find their choice of plural "marriage" with the vain, unsubstantiated hope of future residence on some "planet" to be without a factual basis of any kind---whether based on the Bible, history, scientific or archeological evidence, or anything mankind has discovered about the known universe.

    Nevertheless, as each of the Browns were made in God's image (per Genesis), as were we all, I can only view them or any person with that in mind---that He cares for and loves them (and all of us)---but gives us the free will to make choices---and those choices can either bring us closer to God or take us down the wrong path.

  18. I enjoyed getting to see how they have each individually set up their houses.

    There were two things that stood out to me in Meri's video. First, why in the world would Kody bring his friends into the master bedroom to watch tv when there is a nice large tv and sofa in the loft area upstairs? Second, I think Meri opted for the larger bedroom to have a place to put her spy telescope that would be convenient for her to get to at any hour of the day or night.

    I also noticed that both Janelle and Christine opted not to take us upstairs. Since we know that the master bedrooms are on the ground floor the upstairs would be all kid space. I thought that it was nice that they didn't invade the privacy of their children and show all of the rooms. Robyn did the same for her older children.

    Lastly, Im not sure if it is magic undies or some sort of girdle with a seam in an awkward place but whatever Christine is wearing underneath her brown shirt is making her look lumpy in an odd way.

    1. Polygamist undies have three thick ties down the front that have to be tied in a specific bows. They are nightmarish for showing through smooth clothes - probably one of the reasons for frilly baby dolls over the top.

    2. How many people think they are actually wearing the magic undies?? I mean is that something that's really done?

    3. I didnt think they actually wore them... But who knows.

      I love the tours of the homes. Very nice!! Hopefully they can make it work and stay there or if they have to return to Lehi they can make that work.

      I am a very big fan of Janelle and Christine and I do wish them happiness because what I see on TV it seems that everyone is miserable.

    4. Yes, wearing those things is most definitely done. Abandoning the "garments"/undies is a huge deal in AUB. In the temple/endowment house, members promise to wear them "always" and taking them off is breaking what is considered to be a sacred promise to God. The teaching is that people who do that are under the devils' power. If the Browns have really taken them off, then that would be an indication they are on their way out of AUB. Wearing those things in the heat of a desert summer is a nightmare.

  19. When are the builders going to finish the inside of these houses? The mill work around the windows,opening from room to room, wide baseboards, built in cupboards and organizers etc? Shouldn't that all be done by now?

    1. What you see is what they got...not worth the price they paid if you ask me!

    2. Really? Oh how awful. No wood trims? No wide baseboards, etc. I thought the work was still being done. These homes are like caves. I especially hate the entrance ways - with the high two story ceilings. Once you get a few people in the door it is going to be super noisy with voices bouncing off the walls.

    3. What CJ said. I really agree that the finishing details are so lacking. There is a characterless, pasteboard feel inside. For $440,000+ each, there should be a lot more attention to craftsmanship. But hey, their ugly blinds are paid for (in 30 years).

    4. If Robyn's calender in the kitchen said July it means that this is current and this is what the houses are like done. They really spent a lot for what they got.

      Beggars cannot be choosers, but if these houses are interest only for 3 years like the rumors say, wouldn't the builders have wanted wood/laminate floors in the homes? From watching too much HGTV, the 3 mandatory things buyers are looking for currently are hardwood flooring, stainless steel appliances, and granite oounter tops. May not be my personal preference, but since Kody is so worried about re-sale value on the homes I am surprised they didn't do hardwoods. Laminate isn't all that much more than carpet anyway.

    5. But I Don't Wannna Have a Job!August 19, 2013 at 10:02 PM

      When the three years (maybe) are up and the Browns get the boot...THEN the builder will go back in and complete the house for resale or rather real sale.

      The inevitably bashed in walls will be repaired, the moldings, baseboards and built-ins completed. Also, they can tear up the cheap carpet(already matted in the hallway traffic areas)and install real flooring.

    6. Only takes a minute to rip out the brown shit carpets and slap down some cheap engineered hardwood. This can all be done quite quickly and inexpensively once they have abandoned the homes in a few short years.

  20. When the family was opening their gifts, did anyone notice a woman in a red top sitting on the floor by Maddie? She caught my eye immediately. Who is she? Did anyone else see her also?--Lynn from Delaware

    1. Yes I noticed her as well, maybe she is the girlfriend of Logan?

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. My Opinion:

    Meri - With such a big house WHY WHY WHY...on earth do you have men going into your bedroom to watch TV...
    really??? And I am sure when she said Kody's buddies (she meant the older boys). You have a big kitchen,
    but you really don't cook in it??? whatever

    Jenelle- I like your house, since you have the TV in the Living/familyroom I guess your house would be the one that
    everyone will gather to watch "Sisterwives"'s the most Familyish house of all.

    Christine- Your house is nice too...hope you all enjoy them.

    Robyn - Count your blessings

    I am really not looking forward to next weeks I think I will skip it. The previews made me shake my head. Watching those kids scatter, be on their phones, yawn during their "Mission Statement" meeting was just a
    riot to watch...they just could care less.

    1. I totally get the Yawning regarding the Mission Statement. I used to do the same thing at work and I was paid to be there, and participate. Mission Statements are just a bunch of "who haaa" that nobody remembers once done.

    2. The wet bar, extends my kitchen...that I don't use.

    3. Oh my gosh, I remember the mission statement my former work had and it was the lamest thing ever! They basically paid the big wigs tons of money to sit on their butts for an entire day to come up with it, and then forced the rest of the company to memorize it. No one could believe it took them so long to come up with something so lame (sorry, I can't write it but trust me, it was bad). Since then I have no respect for mission statements, although they may be great for some people. I see the kids feel the same way as I did.

    4. Yes, as I said above - I worked on writing mission statements and I agree with you, I was a big wig and overpaid to do so. It is a boring time consuming business, but someone had to do it, so it might as well be me. Did it change anything for the companies and organizations I worked with? No - not likely, as people within these groups do not like change. I imagine the same will apply to the Brown family. It is just a feel good exercise.

  23. Anybody else think Kody looked like Shaggy from the Scooby Doo movies? All he needed was his mystery van.

    And everybody playing out in the culdesac? Totally made for the show. Except Maddie on the scooter. The girls looked like they had never been on roller blades and Mariah didn't know how to use the scooter.

    I'll have to watch the tours. I think Christine made the right decision to add brick to her house. It's gorgeous.

    And yes, Mariah sitting staring at the houses in the van was absolutely creepy.

    1. Yes! Kody looks Totally looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo! So funny, and really right on!

    2. And in keeping with the Scooby Doo theme, I can totally imagine Kody saying, "...if not for those meddling kids..." (I could spend more time with Robyn) ...

    3. Bwahahaha!!! Good one Florida Poodle. I'm still cracking up! :)

  24. What struck me most about the houses is the lack of a meeting room or dining room large enough to accommodate the entire family. Wasn't the idea behind the 4 houses to be "together again?"
    The calendar on Robin's kitchen wall showed July 2013, so they have been in the houses for nearly 7 months (at the time the videos were made) yet the backyards are nothing but dirt. Huge homes yet not enough money to put in grass for the kids to play on? Seems that the priorities are just not right with this family!

    1. I don't judge them on their unfinished backyards after only 7 months... When we moved into our house we had a dirt backyard for almost 20 years before we completely landscaped it... We had one of the most fun backyards on the cul de sac too. My brother and his friends would build ramps and ride their bikes back there all the time. I guess my parents chose to put us through private school over landscaping the backyard... Gotta do what ya gotta do!

      BUT I do not understand the need to put walls in their backyards, other than for resale purposes. They should have just let it be all one big backyard! How fun that would have been for the younger kids! Also, Janelle does have a pool in her backyard...

    2. I thought that was strange as well. Robyn did say that she would like to have a large table in her dining room in the future and she did have all those picnic tables in her back yard -- but why wait? I would have thought that at least one of the houses would have had a dining area where the whole family could sit and enjoy a meal TOGETHER (as in one family). Personally, I would think that one of the benefits of having a plural marriage would be to have the whole family together for meals several times a week and have everyone pitch in. Just because the kids live in the same cul-de-sac won't make them interact or feel like siblings. If they want the kids to truly be siblings, they should be doing all the things that real families do together -- each, do chores, hang out.

    3. If Robyn's dad made her those picnic tables like she said then surely he could have made her a big dining room table.

    4. I think slapping together a few picnic tables out of 2 X 4s, is totally different than making a dining room table. I liked the picnic table idea in the back yard. Very homey idea.

    5. grass in Las Vegas would cost a fortune just to water.

    6. Or maybe he could've even built her a baby crib for her 1st marriage.

    7. I thought the actual living space seemed a bit claustrophobic considering the enormous size of the houses. The space was poorly allocated. The huge entry way is a waste of space. The closed off dining rooms can't accomodate the whole family. The master bath is as big as the bedroom - another waste of space. The volume ceilings really reduce the upstairs usable space, not to mention the noise and the utility bills!

      I hated Robyn's chairs. They're ugly, they looked very uncomfortable and they were grossly out of proportion in the room. They stand out because they are so out of character with the rest of the furnishings. Everything else is so conventional. They need to balance the chairs with some other bold pieces.

      The kitchen, dining room and living room should be a big open space with the same flooring throughout. When it's time to host a family meal, it would be easier to set up extra tables and still have room to move around.

  25. I really liked Janelle's house-it seems perfect for her and the kids. My least favorite was Robyn's. She really needs help with decorating. The piano looks awkward there and the furniture is hideous. Also, Robyn seemed way out of breath just talking and going up the stairs...she should head to the gym..not normal to be that winded. scary.

    1. Anemia causes pale skin and out of breath. Low iron will make you look and act sickly and tired all the time.

      I should know....I have suffered my entire life with anemia. When it's really bad I get very fatigued and breathless.

  26. I watched again and noticed that Janelle seems to be the only one with curtains and that might be why her home looks more finished. Also noticed that her home is NOT bright white paint and has a different color on the trim. I like!

  27. OK Just watched them all.

    Love those huge chairs Robyn has. I liked Christine's the best - from the "moat" to the brick to the kitchen. And I think she has 2 dishwashers. Like Janelle's idea of putting a saddle up there.

    But sadly, those houses are cheaply made. And that carpet they all have? Yish!

    But hey, they win I guess since I've never lived in a 4700 house!

  28. I don't understand how they have kept those ugly vertical blinds up covering their sliding glass doors! First thing I did when I moved was rip those out and put up some pretty, colorful curtains. Weren't verticals big in the 90's? That is pretty much my main complaint about the decoration, that and the fact that they paid so much and didn't get laminate or wood flooring for the living areas. Oh, and I think at least one of the wives should have gotten a pool. Overall I think the wives did a good job decorating to please them and their kids and kudos for not showing any of the kid's bedrooms.

    Loved Christine's moat in the front yard and the stone on her house. Totally stood out among the houses. Couldn't decide if I liked her or Robyn's kitchen the best, they both looked really nice and clean. Christine was definitely the most excited about all the new appliances and touches she had made. Her library was awesome, she is the only wife to date I have seen reading her kids books.

    I liked Meri's living room the best, but am surprised she doesn't have a t.v. in it to attract Kody. I think she may not actually sleep in the downstairs bedroom but uses it more as a t.v. room, AKA man cave for Kody. Anyone catch how she called it "my" bedroom? I wanted to see her much needed hobby room though.

    Janelle's house looked the most comfortable to live in, and it had a t.v. in the living room! I would think with that many kids a t.v. would be great for watching movies etc. I also loved Janelle's wall with all the family pictures. Very sweet.

    I liked Sol's little room and that it was right next to Robyn's bedroom so it can be used as a nursery for the future kids. I don't think I would like my little kids/babies to be a on a different floor level than me. I liked Robyn's little family room upstairs and the deck looked fun. She should try to go into business locally selling her dad's picnic tables, there is actually a market for those and people love them.

    As for Robyn, I wonder if she has some underlying health issues. She is always so out of breath and I know I had that issue when my thyroid was acting up. She also seemed to uncomfortable, constantly tugging at her shirt. Maybe she should wear longer shirts or dresses that will better accommodate her underclothes. Anyway, she needs to get on top of whatever her health issues are. It isn't healthy for a woman in her mid-thirties to be so out of breath and pallid looking.

  29. Laying aside all the speculation about how they'll pay for the homes, it was fun to see how excited they all were about their indivdual houses.
    That truly is an exciting time in life. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for them. (although I don't really see the houses as a long term thing for any of them).

  30. I actually liked watching these videos. No Kody, no absurd scripted drama, just 4 women showing us their new houses. Everyone actually seemed calm and happy...maybe because he wasn't around creating turmoil!

    1. Boston Corgi, I felt the same way. Mary actually seemed more like the woman I liked in the first season. The others were likable as well. I don't think the "show" is good for any of them. I hope that the producers aren't creating story lines where they act as mean and nasty as they do. I would rather see a show about the real people, not a twisted story line.

  31. Random Question: Does anyone know which Temple that was Meri had hanging in her dinning room?

    1. Without researching, it's hard to say. I think Wikipedia has pictures of each Mormon temple built worldwide, if you're up to researching.

    2. Here's the link to Wikipedia's list

    3. Thanks! I have been looking at pictures.. and not winning I might add... but the more I think about it the more I wonder why she even has a picture of a Temple in her house!? The AUB seem to not have Temples (from what I have seen in the last 15 minutes) and they are not exactly BFF's with the LDS... The confusion continues with these people!!!

    4. It was the salt lake temple (LDS)

    5. Did Kody and Meri get married in the Salt Lake temple? Does anyone know?

    6. Anon 7:02 - no only LDS can, not AUB.
      Anon 5:56 - The SLC temple was built before the fundamentalists broke off, so I'm sure it means something to them, even if they disagree with the Church in charge of it. But I honestly have no idea. I have seen other LDS art in their homes before.

    7. the way i understand it - and i'm a european catholic, mind, so my understanding may be completely wrong - the AUB, unlike other fundamentalist sects, don't really disavow the LDS completely. they accept the LDS to a point and have no temple of their own, only endowment houses. in a way, i suppose they are as episcopal or lutheran to the catholic church, rather than baptist or presbyterian, if you understand what i mean. to make myself clearer, the rift isn't as deep, they hold out distant hope for reconciliation. i find myself unable to entirely recall where i have gleaned these 'insights', such as they are, but it may have been the browns' book. i'll try to find out and let you know.
      ok, now that i've muddied the waters with my half-informed tuppence's worth, maybe the actual experts can weigh in and give us the real info.

    8. You're right, Bored Now. It was Christine's grandfather Rulon Allred who talked about reconciliation between AUB and the LDS church in the future (with polygamists in charge, of course). They always used to teach that the temple doors of the LDS church would be opened to them at some future time. That changed after the LDS church's 1978 changes that AUB calls the "black revelation." Once those of African descent were given the same status as whites in the LDS church, AUB opened its own temple/endowment house.

  32. Ok so the houses are really big. And expensive. It kind of yanks my chain that four (five) adults who don't have real jobs or any jobs actually have this but then I take a deep breath and realize that is probably jealousy. I guess opening your life up to the public on TV constitues a job of sorts and thus, money to buy these homes. If I am in a generous mood, I feel like "Oh isn't it nice Robyn has a home to call her own" after seeing the trailer and hearing about the barely keeping lights on. But really the house in Utah seemed cooler and way more cozy and this arrangement just seems odd for a "family" but I digress.

    My vote goes to Meri for her living room decor, Janelle for overall decoration, Kristine for her kitchen and zip for Robyn. Her house seems blah- not the best sense of style, sorry. Those chairs are ugly and the window she loves looks over the other houses - so what is the view? I guess the mountains are out yonder...

    Thanks for uploading this. And yeah, Meri's "play room" would be cool if you were a kid. I think her attitude on the house tour really showed her true colors.

    1. I think Robyn let Kody pick out a lot of the stuff in her house and that is why most of us are eh about it. I say this because her living room looked like a guy in his mid twenties picked out the furniture, but I could be totally wrong. I liked her kitchen a lot, but I really wanted to see her "office space".

  33. Just how bad was Meri before she became a sister wife? Because her behavior is pretty terrible after this lifestyle made her better. The worst thing is that her daughter is just like her. Mariah saw how Meri copes with disappointment and behaved the same way. Meri should be ashamed.

    1. Lol! So true, loved your comment and agree completley! She is miserable and takes it out on poor Janelle and Christine with her passive aggressive jabs and her "I'm better than you" attitude. I understand how miserable it would be to share your husband, but she choose it! Instead of just realizing that she made a mistake and moving on with her life, she dug in her heels and held on for dear life. Living this life isn't making her better, just BITTER! She takes it all out on Janelle and Christine and Kody allows her to dominate and controll the whole sad!

      As a side note I wanted to say that when Christine was struggling with buying the houses because of the financial stress they would put on the family and Kody pretty much just acted like she was selfish, I totally understood where she was coming from. I have been "house poor" before and it's miserable! To me, there is no home worth the stress it puts on a person or their marriage to buy a home they can't really afford. Of course Meri gets as big of a house as everyone else and doesn't worry at all about the financial stress, because she won't have to cut back like the other wives! She gets the same amount of money as the women with six kids. It's disgusting and if things really get tight, surely that would change??? I mean, Kody is the father of all of those children and if things get super tight financially, surely he would make Meri with no kids cut back before Janelle or Christine. I mean how horrible that his children could go without so Meri can continue to make herself orange! I just don't understand why fiscally responsible Janelle finally gave into sad! However, now that Mariah has move out and buying these homes is a financial burden on the family, I think they all need to be firm with Meri and stop bowing down to her, its not fair!

  34. I thought Meri came off quite well in her video. She was funny in a dry way, like how she showed us the "infamous wet bar". But I hope she was kidding about Kody's guy friends coming into her bedroom to watch TV. Doesn't she have 4 other beds + the loft ? Surely they could gather there.

    Someone upthread mentioned that the sistas have not painted much. I myself have never owned new construction, but I thought I heard once that in new construction, the builders advise you to wait 2-3 years before painting, so the house can "set" or something like that.

    Christine seems like such a nice person. And I really liked her library !

    1. If I had the kind of space Meri had, I wouldn't have guests coming into my bedroom for any reason.

      Painting is a relatively cheap way to pop up a decor; just painting one wall can really make a difference. I have never heard of waiting for a house to "set", but if that is true that still doesn't affect the inside paint, does it?

  35. I give Robyn a pass on the decorating for the house. She basically had nothing, not even a crib for her babies (!) when she got divorced. One episode a season or two ago was about how she (and Christine) didn’t have bedroom sets. She’s gotta make do with what she has. It’s all a work in progress anyhow. Her kitchen is pretty and gosh, those chairs are really unfortunate – and she has to live with them in HER house. Sympathy votes from me on having to make those giant chairs look normal in her house. But at least Kody isn’t hosting his buddies in her bedroom watching wrestling matches. I guess it’s all a trade-off.

    1. Meri could put the tv in a living area of the house. My guess is Mariah has her own set? She has a great room and a loft where the tv could go.. Robyn should have more furniture given the debt. She did get have a bedroom decorated when they all did one room. And she did a crib for sol. Cribs don't last for each baby with the new regulations on them.

      The houses look fine. All of them. I liked the outdoor space. Hopefully more kids can take piano than just hers. Interesting how she couldn't settle all that debt but could do lessons, but I digress. I hope one house does get a full size pool. All the kids could benefit and they have enough swim months to warrant it. Got to be cheaper than pool passes for the lot of them.

      You are not supposed to paint for at least a year. Nails pop and all sorts of drywall repairs with cracking and settling could happen. They don't need a whole lot of stuff to gather dust. Just furniture, window coverings as necessary and some pictures photos. What gets me is the houses are five bedrooms plus office or hobby room. Why oh why could Meri not hobbied in the dining room like janelle and Christine. No way the entire family is going to fit in Robyn's dining room. It's too small. The back patio was an excellent solution. Grown ups at one picnic table and the kids at the other two. Room for a fourth table.

      Seven boys and ten girls. How do they continue polygamy. They are missing eleven girls.

  36. What I enjoyed about the tours was that it was just the women. Just like another person mentioned above. I honestly think Christine should teach preschool, like someone else said on another page of this blog. I really adored the idea of the Scrabble decorations of the kids. She comes up with some really nifty ideas. I liked the houses but, I'm weird, for many reasons but, the main one would be that I love retro/hippie stuff. So, I would have total colors like purples, salmons, fuchsia, turquoises, yellows, etc., plus, I would have peace signs, smiley faces and totally absurd things for a woman my age, (almost 50). My house has a wall with retro advertising signs plus, I have peace pillows and some of the other jazz mentioned above. I should have said "my shoebox" because we live in a very small home but the rooms are large. Who cares about my stuff. Gee, I am getting way off subject here. I think that all the ladies gave their personal touches to the decorating and I really liked the tours. There, I'm done blathering on incessantly about my personal jazz, lol.

  37. Meri: "I don't use my kitchen as much as my sister wives do." NO SHIT. You don't use ANY room of your house as much as your sister wives do, 'cause you live ALONE.

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself. I wonder how the kids that have to share bedrooms feel knowing that Meri has 4 empty bedrooms now?

    2. I suspect that they would rather share than find themselves beholden to Mari. I know I would. Kids in a big family are brought up sharing. I know families where the kids not only share a room, but they share two to a double bed. It is really just our cultural expectations for privacy. Kids will be fine in a good famiy no matter where they lay their head.

    3. @Anon 10:37, I am sure the kids don't really want to live with Meri. It just has to irritate them that one of their moms and sisters get 5 bedrooms to themselves while they are sharing a room. It isn't a big deal in the scheme of life, but it must be one of those things that irritate them every time they think about it. I shared a room growing up and I am fine!

  38. after seeing how LARGE these houses were.. and the ARGUING they were doing about how this one had to have this, and that one want this... I can tell you, I was not impressed at all with these houses. They looked, well, a lot smaller inside then out. I get that we did not see ALL of Christina's and Janelle's houses, and I guess, some rooms in the others. They just looked so LARGE, AND I don't know, maybe it was ALL the talk.. Yes, I like the size of some of the kitchens.. Meri's seemed smaller for some reason, and the wet bar looked weird to me.. THAT was an understatement.. They all have a lot of counterspace and that wetbar has so little and is not that far off the kitchen. I had thought it might be on another floor OR far from the kitchen. ??? I don't know, maybe it was how some had to point out how THEIR house was DIFFERENT from their sister wives houses and deep down, there was not that much difference. (i.e. 'see how I have a FULL window up there? Well Christine and Janelle have 3 SMALL windows and since MY HOUSE faces the strip at night... 'blah blah blah.. )

    What I did not get.. being in VEGAS.. with heat going up to 110,115, + -NO ONE, NOT ONE-GOT A BUILT IN POOL? Heck, I would make a kid or 4 double up for that feature! No room for a POOL? make that MOAT a REAL ONE at Christine's house!

    1. Janelle has a pool in her backyard... Ok, I am not positive it is Janelle but I know (from Twitter) that there is a pool in one of their backyards...

    2. If Janelle has a pool, it must be very recent. The pool shown on twitter earlier this year belonged to a neighbor.

  39. Any idea on how many episodes we will get this season? I noticed there are two 30 minute episodes next Sunday. I do not like the 30 minute shows - they spend 10 minutes rehashing and recapping and there is no substance. And I think there is another "Q&A" session (unless it's a repeat) - yawn, they never reveal anything worth talking about.

    I did tweet Kody and ask him how many episodes there were going to be but he didn't respond.

    1. I think we are getting close to the end...especially now they are in the houses. Do you think there will be an Q&A episode this season?

      I say September 1 will be the midseason finale.

  40. I really hope that Robyn is not going to shame or scare these kids. I worked with teenagers in the medical and educational field for many years and it has been proven time and time again that abstinence only education does not work and can be quite damaging. Elizabeth Smart, a Mormon who was kidnapped and raped repeatedly has also been very vocal about this. A woman's value is not determined by her sexual history end of story.

    1. Heck, I am scared just from the preview we saw last night, I can't imagine how the kids feel!

    2. If she reveals her sexual past, it just highlights another delight of polygamy. If I were one of the other women, I would demand that any new sexual partner for Kody should be tested before joining the harem - since they all share everything going around, whether they want to or not.

    3. I hope all Robyn is going to say is that she has kissed someone and gave her heart away and that her thought were impure. I really hope Robyn will not tell those kids about her first time.

    4. I swear, if the next episode has Robyn crying about how she regrets being with her ex, I'll throw something at my TV. The impression I get from Robyn is that she wishes she'd been with Kody and only Kody (especially when you take her monologue in the opening credits into account). As far as we know from what Robyn has talked about regarding her first marriage, she willingly married her children's father and she was not forced into it. If she regrets losing her virginity to him, fine, but do NOT complain and cry about it in front of the kids. If Robyn had lost her virginity the way I did, then I wouldn't be pissed off at her crying about it. But to cry about willingly losing it to a man she now regrets being with? Pfft!

      I'm sorry if my comment offends anyone, but I am so damn sick of Robyn's constant crying and compulsive need to be the center of attention.

      Posting this under the Anonynous handle due to what I just revealed in it. You never know who's going to stumble across your comments online and I don't want to risk anyone I personally know seeing it because only two people in the whole world know about what happened to me.

    5. Thanks for sharing anon 9:50, totally agree with everything you just said. I am really sorry that happened to you. I hate how Robyn makes herself to be the victim all the time. Lots of people have bad first marriages, get over it. No one held a gun to her head to get married, stay married, and then have baby number 1, 2, and 3. She could have left at any time. There is lots of help for single moms with kids out there.

      Sex should be a beautiful thing, not something that kids should feel guilty about their entire adult lives. Even worse if this is a ploy to sell purity rings on their dumb site.

      Robyn's outfit while giving the sermon is the final cherry on top. WTH?

  41. During the house tours, did any of you notice a couple of the wives had a Vitamix? Those things are expensive! Worried about money? Please ...

    1. I saw those, as well as juicers and kitchenaid mixers, I wonder if they were comp'd or sent to them? But really, the jig is up, these people aren't having money issues. They WILL be in the soon future though.

    2. Oh yeah, they're not worried about money right now. They are spending like drunken sailors and sending their kids to universities that cost 30 grand a year. When the show stops, they are going to be in BIG trouble.

  42. Meri Quite ContrariAugust 19, 2013 at 6:25 PM

    At the end of Christine's video, there is an abstract painting of musical instruments. Something about the piano keys seems odd. Could it be that the picture should be vertical instead of horizontal?

    Otherwise, in general, the houses have a lot of space devoted to foyer, hallways, catwalk, and stairs. The actual family living area -- living room, dining room, and kitchen -- feels cramped.

    As far as decorating goes, all would do well adding an area rug on top of their living room carpets. It will extend the life of their cheap wall-to-wall. Area rugs would add personality and warmth to the otherwise sterile feel of the houses.

    1. Yes, you are probably right about the foyer, hallways, etc. eating up tons of square footage. We put on a big addition several years back. In preparation we went to a bunch of builders' Parade of Homes. The bedrooms remained at the 10 x12 size but the hallways would be 6 feet wide with cute little nothings decorating them in the model homes. There were plenty of vaulted ceilings and shelves far up on the walls, oriel windows at 2nd floor level, etc. The dining rooms were all big enough for small tables and a miniature buffet or china cupboard--really too small for anything but an adult dinner party for 4. Total square footage in many of the homes was enormous but the spaces we really live in was no more than in a 2000 sq ft home. And a bunch of those features are really hard to clean. Who is going to clean an oriel window at 2nd floor level? I asked a friend who had one and she replied that they figured they would sell the house before it got so bad you couldn't see through it.

      Christine and Janelle were smart to choose using the dining room space for another use. There's no way to seat that whole family in that dining room even with a longer table. That dining room is really small, as are the bedrooms, including the master suite. Bathroom and walk-in closet look to be about the same size as the master bedroom. And the foyer, hallway, living room, kitchen area done in the same flooring would make it look much more spacious. Area rugs would define space usage.But all that snark does not take away from the Brown ladies delight in their first new homes. Each has done her best to make them individual and attractive.

    2. Ok, that makes sense that the hallways and such took up much of the room in the houses. I wondered why things didn't seem bigger inside because outside they look massive! The small dining room really baffled me!

  43. I loved the view that Robin has at her house. She is able to see the mountains and the city lights at night. Meri's kitchen is very nice and the wet bar was a great addition, but I worry about that big heavy tv on top of the dresser that might fall on a small child in the "pixie room." It should be bolted into the wall. Also, I hope Janelle didn't give up having a laundry room which is as important as an extra bathroom with so many clothes to wash. I loved the scrabble frames that Christine made. I'm happy they have such beautiful homes to enjoy.

    1. I thought the same thing about that TV, an accident waiting to happen. I also noticed the calendar in one of the homes said July, no way is Robin due in October like some sites have claimed. I also want to comment about the potential electric bill. I live in Illinois and had those same vaulted ceilings. My electric and gas bills were outrageous. Good luck with that.

    2. I hope Janelle didn't give up having a laundry room
      Don't forget there's a laundry room on the 2nd floor, too.

    3. Do they really have two washers and driers?

  44. I know this isn't the popular opinion, but I'm enjoying this season much more than I enjoyed last season. The wives seem happier this season. And it's probably all in the editing, but the story lines aren't has whiny. They certainly aren't perfect, it's just an improvement in my eyes.

    I think Janelle and Christine are looking really good, and I noticed in this last episode (during the couch interviews) that Christine is really starting to come in to her own style. As much as the houses are a little much, maybe they are a good thing for these women?

    I really enjoyed the house tours, thank you for posting them. The houses aren't my taste (too open/lots of wasted space w/ the high ceilings), but it was very interesting to see how each wife chose different upgrades/layout variations. I agree with someone above that I like Meri's creativity with that play area for Truly and Solomon. I have small kids and they would love to play in there!

    As I was watching Meri give her home tour, and she was in the kitchen bragging about how her kitchen/countertops are the best, I had a flash back to her giving us a tour of her house on the very first episode. It's like watching an entirely different woman now. I don't know if it's the fame that has given her this inflated ego/sense of entitlement, or if this is how she was all along and she's just more comfortable in front of the cameras. But it's really disappointing. I really liked her in that first episode, but now she makes it harder and harder to be liked.

    1. They'll be happy for a while. Who wouldn't be happy with those houses? But material things like that can only make you happy for so long. They'll go back to being on meds and having chronic stress/ gaining weight after the excitement of the new houses wears off. They have no other joy than those houses so it just won't last.

    2. I wouldn't. But then again I don't care for wide open sterile areas. Love my 10 foot ceilings but those extra tall ceilings with high shelvess are just dust collectors. Plus, the stress of coming up with the money each month would wear on me. Of course I'm a more practical person who would never choose to be house poor.

  45. I just watched it, and after reading comments here I was expecting Mariah's behavior to be much worse. She is 18, and like Christine said she has seen her mom being left out before. She is probably not mature enough to realize the true source of her feelings, as most other teens. To se my dad treat my mum the way Kody treats his wifes would hurt me to. Example: during the caramel tasting scene - he barely glanced at Meri, when they were giggeling but were oogeling Robyn. Imagine being Mariah seeing that!

    I agree with the other commenters that minus the use of the word "sweet", Kody's talk with Mariah was pretty great. I wished they would have showed her response.

    I think he was horrible to Meri, and I wish she hadn't exused his behaviour so quickly. First the tone in his voice was disrespectful. Even if he was right in some respect maybe I don't know, that is just now way to talk to anybody, def. not your wife! Second, she is right. She should be emotionally involved, she's the mother. Mothers tend to be sad when their kids are sad...

    I loved Robyn in this episode. She didn't cry once! To bad about next week... She was so growing on me with her big boy panties comment and calling Kody out for being flaky and unsuportive. And what is she wearing during that talk? 80s missionary much?

    I think Meri's hair is looking better, and looks very cute when she wears it in a pony. (What was the deal with Christine's outfit on the coach? It was sto arty, and odd.. Her hair looked dirty to..Forget to pay the waterbill?).

    1. Confidential information on RobynAugust 19, 2013 at 10:02 PM

      Sobbin didn't cry because TLC READs this blog and switched the focus.

  46. There is something odd about how Robyn would have the birth of her son in her own master bedroom broadcasted, but not letting anyone see her masterbedroom in the new house. There also something off about how there is the master bedroom, solomon's bedromm and then upstairs "some bedrooms".... Poor girls and Dayton. I like the KOdy chairs, just oddly placed - I would love those chairs. Coral is such a fun color to.

    I like Meri's dry humor to! And hey, is that the grandma coach that she opted not to get last season? Me thinks it is!!

    I like Christine's house the best (minus the library, that was sad looking). But Christine has a Kitchen Aid!! Thoose are pricy!! Lucky! However, what about the bonus kids on the scrabble wall? Aren't they all her kids? Contradicting the big happy family thing again.

    And where is Janelle?

    1. I wonder if Robyn had much choice about the airing of the birth. Christine was shown at the hospital with Kody. Not too much was shown. I hope that TLC and Kody did not pressure her to put herself in the public eye at a time like that.

    2. I saw the whole family picture on the wall in the living room. She should make her own children highlighted on one wall for heaven sakes. It's the house they live in.

      Christine actually cooks. Yes they cost hundreds but if you use it weekly, and I bet she does, it's pennies per use. Cooking for 20 is no easy feat. Heck cooking for 7 is a big enough group to make use of the thing. I wish she'd stop insulting her toast making skills. I find it amazing that janelles daughter knows how to deal with the containers for the buffet. Actually it is great that they trust the kitchen to four of the girls, and Logan was on his own to make breakfast burritos in the first season. They do teach the kids to do life skills.

      It's amazing that the kids are encouraged to work part time in high school. I was glad to see it. They should pay for car insurance.

    3. Ironic isn't it? We can see and hear her give birth, but she doesn't want to show us her work space, bedroom, or closets. I think they were messy and dis-organized and that's why.

      The worst birth I ever saw on TLC was Anna Duggar giving birth on the toilet. Although I like the Duggar's show, it is beyond hypocritical that they can't show their knees but yet they showed their daughter in law giving birth? It was graphic, not to mention all the men in the room filming it.

      Guess people sell their souls for money.

    4. what episode was Logan making breakfast burritos 1st season? Christine doesn't like using toasters because she believes more people are killed using toasters each than those killed by sharks.

    5. Yes Anna Duggar giving birth on a toilet and then another child next to the toilet. How sterile could that be? Yechk! Old Jim Bob Duggar will have his family do almost anything except wear pants and cut their hair for money. No qualms about anything. I thought Robyn's birthing was not bad at all. The scene where she offers to spawn Meri a baby was too much however.... I had to go running to the toilet myself after that scene, and throw up.

    6. I think the Toasters and Sharks thing was just so much TV bullshit. Christine probably uses a toaster now.

    7. I think Christine uses her appliances. She is just being self deprecating and having a little fun with comments made about her and her toaster fears.

  47. Do you think Robin is stupid enough to provide "too much information"? If she does, might close down this plyg "pop shop". This may be a conversation with a teen child--but not with all the other kids. I believe The rest of the parents should be on her like a fly on s!?t. That would not be good parenting and would chase many people away with the ewwww factor.

  48. I would hate to think Robyn would discuss her ex in any way, let's hope she doesn't. TMI. They certainly have caught our attention, but hope she doesn't say she lost her purity and then got married. I would be horrified for her children.

  49. So much for the house tours !!!
    Although it does make sense that TLC chose to film all of the wives basking in their impressive doorways, since last season and this season has been all about those infamous McMansions. Makes sense that their devoted fans who are live vicariously through the SW's soap opera needed an incentive to keep their wallets ever open for any and all the junk the Browns want to peddle.

    The houses are predictably large but with noticeably cheap construction and wasted space. Those living/family rooms are really small given the houses' total square footage. I agree, those large foyers, lofts and high ceilings are serious utility guzzlers. It would be one thing if they all weren't constantly crying poor mouth, and could *responsibly* afford all those extra, eye-appeal touches.
    But whatever...they wanted them and they got them. Yawn !!

    The decorating styles are okay, I guess, for them....nothing to complain or cheer about. Really don't look much different on the inside than their rentals were.

    I did have to smirk when Janelle was showing off her office and calling herself "a workaholic...and a working girl."
    Uhh, it's been 2 years since Janelle, the workaholic, had a job, by her choice.

    And even more smirk-worthy....
    Personally speaking, I had a cramped, makeshift office for *many *years while growing a career. And I know many, many folks who did too. That's what made the journey and the mission worthwhile. Striving for the day when you could afford your dream !!
    These Browns want the dream first....without the work and effort and fiscal responsibility.

    1. But Amused...the Browns DO work - their TLC filming is work, dontcha know. *snark*

    2. Totally, totally agree with you AMUSED. Very well said!

  50. Just watched the tour videos... Out of all of the space in her lonely house Meri could only find that teeny tiny space in a closet for the babies' playroom. Wtf?

    Why was robyn out of breath the entire tour? And she said "down the hall Is the master, but you guys don't need to go in there" really? Thanks, but no thanks. We don't want to see your dirty sex dungeon.

    I wish Mariah could trade places with me 3 weeks before my 18th birthday and 2 weeks before my high school graduation when my mom and dad told me that we'd be living at the motel 6 because we were getting evicted for not being able to pay our rent. Luckily I had a friend to move in with. But seriously? That child need a reality check.


    1. I think that room for Truely and Solomon was a great use of an unusually shaped space. It was not small at all, at least not for a 22 month old and a three year old to play.

      Mariah did apologize on twitter for being a "brat".

  51. I didn't grow up in a fundamentalist Mormon household, but I did in a fundamentalist and later evangelical one. And some of the sexual things I heard as part of a "testimony" or sermon were truly horrifying for young ears. And I'm not talking about "going weird" --to quote Meri- but graphic heterosexual (even married) sex that no young child needs to hear about.

    But let's remember in POLYGAMY USA how Michael Cawley was reading to his eight year old about "harlots in the streets." So I really doubt anything that Robyn could say as her testimony could be too extreme because its to "educate" and "purify".

  52. litesprite87@gmail.comAugust 19, 2013 at 10:47 PM

    I keep thinking it would be a awesome idea if the wives did a family cook book, I watch the show and there is always scenes when they are in the kitchen. And the food looks yummy!! Please Brown family make a cook book! I'll buy it!

    1. Sample entry in Brown Family Cookbook....
      1) find a restaurant that will comp a surfer duuuude with FOUR WIVES!!!!
      2) tell anyone who actually admits to being a fan and wants a photo to wait until we are done eating. We are celebrities, after all. Sheesh!!!
      3) for dessert, go buy carmels and tell your celestial leader they are homemade.
      4) if No. 1 doesn't work out, by no means share a kitchen. That is abuse.

    2. it would be a "mock" cookbook..lolol

    3. i've never seen ANYTHING look or sound yummy let alone healthy that any of these women conjure up. including Christine. she's just the one who's most willing to cook the majority of the time but it's always w/boxes and cans full of salt and transfats and heavily processed. i would be no more interested in buying a ridics cookbook from them than i am in their equally ridics joolery or cheap apron they try to market.

  53. I just have to tell you cynical jinx that your avatar cracks me up everytime I see it. I recently watched that episode where sobbin was sobbin and you got the perfect screen shot. The only thing missing is that doofy headband of hers that's at least 6 years old.

  54. I don't honestly think that Orange Meri even *knows* what a wet bar is. What she has, to me, is a peninsula in her kitchen. What a dope.

    1. Yes that is right. Thanks for the reminder. My Mom had a peninsula adjacent to her kitchen. It was great for family meals to lay a smorg out on. As our dining room was not big enough for 25+ people to sit around at Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc. and other family occasions.

    2. It is a wet bar. There is a sink.

      I don't understand why she would need the counter space. She has counter space on 3 walls and an island. A buffet could be placed on the island. What i don't understand is why she couldn't leave the bedroom as is and use the office rood as the hobby room? A sewing room could happen upstairs if the hobby room was full of MSWC stuff.

  55. Mariah's car stare-ing episode wasn't that bad. She was angry, and that was a place to go where she could lock the doors, provided Meri would quit babying her thru the car window. Meri just made it worse.

    Kody has 17 children and has that much trouble identifying that one is upset and what to say to them? He's not a 'misogynist', he's a clueless man-child. Keep sweet just sounds so backwards. Where was the discussion about being happy for the rest of the family, and not ruining the moment for THEM? Where was the honest discussion about their paperwork not being turned in until much later than the others?

    I call fakery on Christmas on Jan 2nd. That was the group Christmas gift exchange, you can bet each house had their own Christmas whenever it suited them best. There was no group breakfast, no dinner,, because it was not Christmas. They did all that at each house. The kids had to be woken up at 8 AM. Just gifts and hours in the kitchen baking caramels (well, for Janelle, her Mom and Christine). Not that I blame Robin and Meri for blowing it off. They were 'punch drunk', just plain wore out from moving, etc. And, yay to Christine for figuring out she could make as many batches as she needed to get it right. Notice that Janelle didn't see a problem with it.

    Janelle and Christine were glowing. So nice to see them happy.

    At some point, the younger daughters need to be included in this breakfast tradition once they reach a certain age. Why should MyKelti and the rest be forever excluded? Especially since Aurora gets to be included at such a much younger age than the rest.

    1. I think the younger girls will move into the breakfast tradition roles as the older girls go off to college and move away from home which is probably why Aurora was brought in to the fold this year.

  56. I sure love reading these comments, thanks for creating this blog. It is comforting to know that everyone else is thinking the same thing while we watch these people self destruct before us. I wanted so much to love their homes and be happy for them-- vicariously share in the excitement of moving into the new homes. The homes are the hugest disappointment! After all the hype and people referring to them as McMansions, I was expecting lovely, elegant homes. These homes looks so cheap, the lack of mantles and hearths on the fireplaces, blinds like you would have in your 1st mill work whatsoever! Would it have hurt to have had some baseboards, wainscoting, or even just simple trim around the windows?! If this was some kind of free advertising for Builder Danny, I think he turned off any potential buyers.

  57. I wonder if the Dargers are watching this season? If they are, I betcha they're all(kids too)cracking up, talking shit & shaking their heads at the Browns. Who are desperately trying, struggling, & failing to come up w/ a family mission statement! Bwahahaha...
    I'm thinking in the end, the Browns will just throw their hands up & give up trying to complete one. And then cop out by saying something along the lines of Brown chaos, blah, blah, blah. This is what we've always known, we're used to it & hey we're ok w/ it b/c being absurdly chaotic & not taking responsibility for anything is what makes our family unique. It's all BS anyways!

  58. I am bothered by most of the stuff the rest of you are, so not going to re-hash the McMansion comments or financial speculation, Meri's attitude, etc etc. I've watched every episode since SW first aired. I skipped two weeks ago and was going to stop watching for good, but caught up this Sunday. Glad I did.

    I LIKED the show best when the whole family lived together, and I liked the last episode because we FINALLY got to see the whole-family dynamic again. I liked Meri for the first time in two years when she grabbed Savannah by the hand and went around waking everyone up. I loved the house tour videos- loved that Paedon (Christine's son) was in Janelle's office using the computer and Janelle smiled about it. I love the cool little space for Truely and Sol in Meri's house. I like the space Robyn created for all the kids, I love the picnic tables for everyone to eat together on her patio. I love the plaque with all the names on Christine's wall, and the huge family pic on someone's (Meri's?). Loved in the episodes watching how happy Hunter was (and Madison saying that if she was mad at Hunter she could sleep in another house!). When the Browns did an interview at some point after moving in, Robyn said that Ysabel & Breanna love to visit Meri (I think)...Hunter wants to eat at Christine's, Dayton loves to be at Janelle's (I think), and the pixies run around in a big group and thunder through the houses. THAT is why I watch. I am finally thinking I might enjoy the show again. I'll still have gripes about them, but I love watching how they try to create ONE big family.

    And if I had to visit and stay with just ONE wife, or in ONE home? Christine's for sure. Because she's fun- and she may be messy, but she'd make me feel welcome and feed me, and probably let me help in the kitchen, and we'd laugh a lot, and her crew is probably less crazy loud than Janelle's yelling boys. But I'd enjoy Janelle's home too, so I'd visit. It would be fun to play some group game like charades, Pictionary or Apples to Apples with those two and their kids (Madison!). I probably wouldn't want to visit Robyn- she seems stressed out, I know about her anemia too, and really seems to be struggling with four kids of her own. I would like to hang with Dayton at Janelle's- my own son has Asperger's, and I would enjoy talking with Dayton- he seems like a really nice kid. And I wouldn't visit Meri. I'd be feeling conscious the whole time that she was keeping track if I left a ring on the table or dropped crumbs, etc. Who would you visit, and who would you stay overnight with?

  59. I never thought any of these ladies had much style besides Jenelle's Western theme and Christine's craftiness. This isn't any of their first rodeos, they have all had homes before and should have at least acquired a few pieces for their homes. Robin and Meri don't seem to have a clue as to what they are doing decorating-wise and of the 4, they are the 2 who have always claimed otherwise. I find it hard to believe there is much creative brainstorming being done in Robin's MSWC office. Artists design 'iconic' jewelry, not the frumpy and style-challenged. I can't believe anyone is buying this stuff that looks no different than the mass-produced pieces you can find at Walmart. Can't imagine anyone seeing these women walking around in their jewelry and wanting to emulate them in any way.

  60. Not sure why Meri and Robin kept saying that Christine cheated in the caramel making. How is it cheating to make a few batches until you get it right?

    1. Because Christine actually worked at something. The Browns, especially Meri and Robyn, don't understand the concept of work. Therefore, Christine must have cheated. Going to the store to buy caramels, especially when you have spent the last year or so crying poor-mouth, fits right into the Brown M.O.

  61. I know you are all pondering about what Robyn will be saying this upcoming week but, to be honest, I am more excited that it looks like Meri and her baby storyline may finally be put to rest! As for the decorating, I say to each their own.

  62. For someone whom many credit with being intelligent (maybe by comparison with the rest) Janelle's use of the term "working girl" was rather unfortunate. I'm sure she wasn't saying that she was a prostitute, but in the context of her situation in life, it made me cringe a little.

  63. They need to take a few ideas from the Duggars. They have a huge dining table where everyone and even extra guests can sit and eat and the kitchen is industrial. But I suppose that's because the Duggars actually cook and the LV families get take out food more often than not.

    1. That's the difference between a family and four women who share one baby-daddy.
