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Monday, September 30, 2013

Sister Wives Free Discussion!

Free  Discussion!


  1. In one of the earlier shows of the season, Logan was shown wearing a sleeveless shirt - he has really been hitting the gym at UNLV. Good for him! Love the kids on this show.

  2. Love the teens! Madison is probably my favorite. I love her tweets.

  3. I totally agree! I just hope they are all well-adjusted young people.

  4. I truly wish this family all the best.

  5. I also think while Aspyn looks a lot like her mom, she has this strikingly beautiful glow about her. She is simply stunning!

    1. All of Christines kids look a lot like Genielle(who is lovely IMO) but Christine looks more like Floren Lebaron.

  6. I think the teens are intelligent and have a bright future ahead of them. I have to say that overall, this last season Sobbin really got on my nerves. I'm tired of her knocking monogamy because she had a bad experience. She doesn't want people to be judgemental of polygamy so she should return the favor and have a little less of a defensive attitude towards monogamy.

    1. I too have noticed a huge change in Sobbin (love that name whoever thought of it). She has had a husband all to herself and I think she is not good at sharing with her sister wives.

    2. The question is, why was she in the AUB faith but in a monogamous marriage?

  7. I think Aspyn will be the break out star of the teens. She's smart enough to act like she could be a Plyg and make nice with Mariah to avoid the Wrath of Khody, and savvy enough to join a mainstream sorority to make friends with mainstream girls. And she has a natural sense of humor ("I'm perfect"). I think she will be the one to write the tell all and make something of herself.

  8. I think Aspyn is just lovely. Seems so mature and well-adjusted. Those Browns are LUCKY that their kids (at least the older kids) seem to be doing well after all of the lies they've been told. I just shudder to think of parents who would voluntarily (for the sake of a dollar and a good story line) let their children believe that their lives were in danger and that, in a few days, they would leave all they had ever known for a new city. I can't imagine watching my child cry and be emotionally devastated knowing that it was ME who did it to them. Sickening.

    1. Not only lie and manipulate their children that way....

      But *get paid* to let their childrens' reaction and emotions about such a ruse be *filmed* for the world to see.

      What parent...or parents...would do that ???!!!

  9. If I were 20 years younger I'd be a little bit in love with Logan.

  10. There is such an interesting blend of their parents in each face!

  11. There is such an interesting blend of their parents in each face!

    1. In scenes where they show Meri's house and Mariah's pictures are in the background, I have often thought why is Christine's picture in Meri's house.

  12. I hope all the kids that follow are as level headed and well adjusted as most of the Brown teens are! They seem to have their heads in the right place and seem to have very good values. They're good kids that many people would be proud to have as their kids.

    1. Christine raised most of them. Well done!

  13. I wonder what the past few years have been like emotionally for those poor kids. Neglected for so many days and hours while their dad was out chasing young tail.

    And personally it was very uncomfortable for me to see Logan and Robin practically on top Of each other on the couch. They are as close in age as she and Kody are in the other direction. Not very stepmotherly Robin.

    1. What episode was that?

    2. It's somewhat recent, this year nearer the end of the season, but not one of the latest ones. It seems like they were all at Janelle's house.

    3. But they have to follow the story line from big love with Ben crushing on Margene

    4. YES love it!! I've often wondered if Kody tries to model himself after Bill.

    5. Why has there been no issue made about the cost of Logan or Aspen's education while Marriah is in tears while Cody tells her he won't go into debt for her education and she more scholarship money?

  14. Thank you Mister Sister for this blog,
    I was looking at the Browns video on you tube of their BBC interview and I came across another video of a plyg forum in Utah from 2008. On a 3 or 4 person panel at a table in front of an audience was Christine rosecolored6 Brown along with Vicki Darger and another person. Christine was not the timid, scared person on that panel. She spoke with confidence and appeared comfortable.

    Has anyone else seen this? Do you think she is acting now or that something (Robin) has changed her emotionally? She is like a different person. Also, it seems like the story that all this going public is still new in this seasons interviews is not accurate. This was 5 years ago and they were very public and pushing their agenda.

    Also, I am wondering if the addition of Robin was brought about mainly for TLC and to get the show.


    1. We have all those clips of the Browns at the right here!

    2. Found it in the archives, yeah! The comments suggest people agree that Christine has completely changed or is acting! Wow, I was completely taken in by these folks for quite awhile.

    3. Having a high risk baby and feeling emotionally abandoned by one's heretofore mate and the associated roller coaster of emotions - I can imagine more easily that I care to admit that this can change a person's personality and make them shrink up a bit.

    4. M.S.
      Where are the videos on the right? I used the blog search on the right, but didn't know what specifically to look for so I didn't find it.

      I wonder if there would be a place on the right sidebar to have one link or page for videos, one for books, etc and then on each page there could be a list with hyperlinks (that only you would add to), but that us readers could click to take us to the proper page. I know it would be a ton of work to go back through the many posts here to get it started, but once completed it would be a fantastic repository of reference materials. Just a thought.

    5. It is shocking to see the formerly brave, confident and outspoken Christine Allred Brown reduced to the pitiful shadow of her former self that living polygamy and being neglected and abused had caused.

    6. Here's Christine pre sister wives http://sisterwivesblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/christine-brown-pre-sister-wives.html

    7. And here is the BBC interview~http://sisterwivesblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/what-started-it-all-bbc-meeting-browns.html

    8. That video could potentially be used against the Browns in their court case. Christine clearly states that she does NOT think that she will be prosecuted for polygamy. It makes their move to LV out of fear, null and void.

    9. OK, so let me get this straight: In 2009 Christine goes on the news and states that they know they aren't going to be prosecuted? She sits there and says that the Attorney General has told them that there will be no prosecution as long as there is no underage sex crime? OMG, I didn't think my opinion of these people could go any lower. The whole running out of Utah and terrorizing the kids was complete crap. WORST. PARENTS. EVER.

      That is a form of abuse. She says she wants to be prosecuted so the Browns can be a test case? HEY CHRISTINE--HOPE YOU GET WHAT YOU ASKED FOR! Bring it on!

    10. Thank you Mister Sister for the links to Christine's interviews! I'm headed there right now to watch.

    11. Anyone is bound to shrink up a bit if they are being squished with stress from everyone around them. I don't blame Christine one bit.

  15. I get the impression that the Browns believed in this for religious reasons and as time goes on they see the holes within their belief system. They cannot get that mission statement together because they are not a cohesive group with the same belief system. The kids seems to be allowed to go their separate ways regarding religion which also indicates that their beliefs have been broken down. I am not judging their beliefs, but I do have empathy for the breakdown of their faith in it.

  16. I think the kids are so much more interesting that the adults.....they are good kids!
    For awhile I was concerned about Hunter...he seemed so angry....but he seems to
    have grown up calmed down.
    The Brown's can most definitely be proud of their kids!

  17. Thank you, I will check under search this blog and see what more I can find. I only found you about a month ago! So glad there are people who feel like myself here. :)

  18. I hope the Brown family does read here and see how much people care about their children. People only wish the best for them and worry about them caught up in a life of polygamy. People don't want to see the children sad and not getting along with their sister wives or as a husband trying to hold a family together when there is never enough time for everyone. Not everyone gets a TV show and otherwise there is never enough money to go around. I think since this show the kids have finally seen what it is like to have some money. If you are on welfare I assume it pays enough to eat and no extras. Who would want to live a life like that? Society can not keep paying for the arrogance of having more and more children when you can not support them yourselves. There are other families who need help and it is selfish to keep taking when someone else needs help.

  19. I'm re watching the Natalie Morales interview - the difference in Christine is unbelievable. She seems like a shadow of her former self now.

  20. Can I just say, I didn't miss the show not being on this past Sunday.

  21. I think Christine is emotionally fragile. I think the trials and tribulations of the last several years (including the move to Vegas) has been dangerous (not safe) for her. I wonder if she is somewhat bi-polar? Just my own opinion

    1. I don't know about bi-polar, but I definitely think she's suffered from self esteem issues w/depression and anxiety.

  22. Does anyone know whatever happened to those shipping containers that Michael Creepy Crawly was converting to bedrooms? I would think the cost of adding windows, doors, insulation, heat and AC would negate any savings. Having minors living in conditions without those modifications would seem to be neglectful. The metal containers would be unbearably hot/cold in that environment. I clearly remember all the wives being horrified when he first brought it up. Later the first wife (Rose?) pronounced it "cozy" after walking inside. Updates anyone?

  23. People have said it before, but man they seemed so much happier/put together in Season 1, Epi 1. And then the irony of Christine saying that sometimes a wife comes in and she only wants the man and it rips the family apart....talk about ironic. *cough* *cough* Robin.

    1. IMO Robin was completely phony in the first shows she was in, acting like it was about "girl time" and sucking up to the other wives. In the following shows she has slowly shown her true self. I think Christine was surprised at this and at how Kody ended up so close to Robin.

    2. I wonder what would've happened if Christine and/or Janelle had said "no way" to bringing Robyn in as a wife? Do you think Kodouche would've refused to consider Robyn if his wives did not accept her?

    3. I've noticed that in the pictures and interviews Robyn is always next to Kody.

    4. I think you hit it right on Sherry. I don't think Kodouche would've put up with being denied. He is selfish and stubborn (see episode of them "fleeing" Utah in the night) and he was going to get his way, his other wives be damned.

  24. And not to be mean but Janelle's stomach was bigger than Christine's and Christine was pregnant in Season 1, Epi 1. It's amazing to see how much Janelle's figure looks to have changed for the better. :)

    1. Yay for Janelle and this renaissance she's having . . . exercising, getting healthier, being stronger, bolder, more honest and assertive. Good for her. She has really taken her happiness into her own hands, and I say, you go girl. Her pragmatic nature seems to be a real asset during this time and these challenges in her life. You know what I'd love to see? Janelle, Meri and Christine all realizing what they have to offer and them giving Kody the boot. Maybe even start dating if they want, even remarrying. Make the guy actually support all of his progeny via child support payments. I'd pay to watch things in the cul-de-sac on that show! After watching this show for three years and seeing what's gone down, it doesn't seem deliciously mean to want to see that happen; it seems fitting.

  25. I just hope for the kids sake, the Brown's has a Plan B to keep those homes after the TLC $$ is all gone & no longer coming in. We saw a glimpse of Mariah's behavior when things didn't go her way. Just imagine that & all the acting out X 17 plus I'm sure the adults won't be able to handle that loss very well either.

    1. CB,

      Watching their MO and seeing just how they handle things and priorities, it is doubtful they have had any serious discussions as a family about contingency plans.
      Hell, if in the finale episode, Meri and Kody were on camera saying that *the family* had *never* discussed any plan for allocations for each child's (17 of them) college costs...that is beyond stupid and appalling !!

      Doubtful the adults have any concrete plans at all except for successfully making sure they got the cuddle sac compound, and of course, spending any current incoming monies.

      Oh......and Kodyboy did insinuate that he is thinking about HIS retirement income.
      What a clueless, self-centered idiot and waste as a father!!

    2. we all know what cody's retirement is..half of what's in Janelle's ira/401. she's the only one that has any chance at retirement, and he'll steal whatever he can get his grubby little hands on

    3. Retirement, Kody? Retirement from WHAT exactly?

    4. Meri could sell her Mansion and move in with Robyn. That would give Mariah money for Westminster :) and as a Bonus both Robyn and Meri would see Kody twice as much.

    5. I doubt they will be able to hold on to all four homes.

  26. Here's a strictly hypothetical question for the spin doctor and his crew: if they could all live in relative peace, be allowed to practice their religion (or whatever they practice) without interference or harassment, obtain decent jobs that pay a decent living including healthcare for all and enough money in the bank to send their kids to college.....or continue to be television stars for as long as viewers will watch them and live in their opulent homes that they won't be able to afford in a couple years and deal with all of the stress, bickering, money woes (real or imagined) and jealousy -- which do you think they would choose? I'd bet good money on the second choice, hands down.

    1. The Browns working honest jobs , paying taxes, being responsible for their progeny's care and education, not ego-seeking attention and freebies ??
      Definitely NOT their game.

      Door #2, for sure.

  27. Thank you so much Mister Sister, Cara, Ed, Twisted Sister et al for all of the work you have done on this blog lately! I have been an avid reader almost from the start but usually don't post (until recently) mostly because someone else says whatever I am thinking so much more eloquently. I love the new expanding the blog to book reviews, q & a's with experts etc. Mostly I am happy the focus is not always centered on the Browns. At this point I am just tired of the Browns they are like saying: you can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig". Well you can put a plyg on TV hide their AUB affiliations, hide their lies and whitewash their past and ancestry but they are still from the same plyg sty.

    Sorry for the rant. The last few weeks I have started to become more educated and I want to do more. I feel like the man coming out of the cave from "The Allegory in the Cave" and seeing the world for the first time and not just the cave drawings. I can't go back to pretending I don't know about these abuses that are occurring. Can we have a blog about what we can do? I know Ed has said write our politicians but can we send aid or supplies or something to those on the "front lines" helping people escape this life? The information is great but is there a way to now do something?

    - KT

    1. Anonymous 2:54 ( KT ) I had to laugh because I thought you were going to say...you can put lipstick on a plyg and it is still a plyg. It just struck me as funny. We have sure learned a lot from this blog. Sometimes I don't post either because I am too busy reading trying to catch up. It sure has opened our eyes to the negatives of polygamy and I don't think that was what they were trying to do. I think they painted themselves with the polygamy paint brush, no one had to do it for them.

    2. I thought about saying it that way :) At the end of the day this is a show about a guy and 4 females who are all dysfunctional, unhappy and unfulfilled and it plays out on TV and on social media whether it is scripted or not. It is silly and juvenile. The only thing good from this is that it had brought to light the atrocities of the polygamous lifestyle in general the opposite of their intent... ironic!

      - KT

  28. I loved seeing the teens this year- they seemed much more relaxed than they've generally been.

    One thing that I will say for the Brown adults is that they do seem to be giving their kids a bit of rope, at least as far as choosing polygamy/monogamy goes, which isn't usually typical with AUB/FLDS etc. The kids don't seem very shy about voicing on camera that almost none of them have made a decided choice for polygamy, and that does imply that their parents are giving them at least somewhat of a choice. Of course that may be an act, but none of them seem to have that hopeless/deer in the headlight face that you often see on female polygamists when they're asked about it.

    Of course that possible tolerance would almost certainly disappear in an instant if one of the kids is gay, or brings home a non-white person, but baby steps.

    1. In Utah they were immersed in the AUB culture. In Vegas, not so much. They seemed to have abandoned their religion which allows the kids more freedom. The only part of their religion that Kody seems to hold onto is the whole "I can marry as many women and have as many kids as I want". Hanging out in casinos watching mermaid shows isn't exactly fundamentalist behavior....

    2. "The kids don't seem very shy about voicing on camera that almost none of them have made a decided choice for polygamy, and that does imply that their parents are giving them at least somewhat of a choice."

      Jen, I thought that, too until this last Q&A show with them. Last season the majority raised their hands and said no, they were not interested in living polygamy, but this time I noticed more said they were undecided, which was worrisome to me. After hearing that Christine was more pro-polyg when talking with Aspyn than what was implied on the panel discussion episode I wondered if the teens were being as honest as we assumed.
      I hope their exposure in Vegas to the different choices available to them helps them make educated and informed decisions for their future.

    3. I think the kids have decided that as long as they are in school, they can use school as a reason for not officially saying what they have decided as far as a plural lifestyle (except for Maddie...who has decided).
      None of them have been "In Love" (not that I really know)...but once they fall in love with someone, then they will decide if they want to share that person with someone else....if they don't, then they have their answer.

    4. I think it's awful that Kody parades them out to be asked that question, period.Shame on him.

  29. I just read one of kodys tweets saying that the first time he and sobbin kissed was when he proposed. It just makes me so sick that on the show it was made out to be their first kiss while christine was giving birth and it makes me more sick that he tweets about it to further rub it in his wives faces and also his kids read that too (I think that sobbin helped him with that tweer or possibly wrote it for him) makes me sick!

    1. When I recently watched video of that episode (hadn't seen it yet), it made me feel so bad for Christine. What kind of a man starts dating another woman while their "wife" is pregnant. But I don't think plygs can understand how wrong that really is. They will Never understand the benefits of Monogamous marriage, Never!!! LOL, that's for you Sobbin.

    2. Janelle was pregnant with Logan when Kody married Christine.

    3. Hasn't been mentioned, that I've seen, but does anyone remember the nauseating, passionate kiss that kody and Meri shared right outside the bedroom where Robyn was about to give birth? They were almost groaning with ahem, desire. It was awful, but I do remember. Seems when one wife is giving birth, he is turned on by another. And the women are so hungry for his attention, they go right for it as well. Blech.

    4. Remember right before Robyn's wedding, how Meri told Kody that she wished it was her wedding night? And they embraced and kissed? They say they don't do "weird", but there are some subversive, vicarious thrills going on between all of them.

    5. Actually, they have talked a lot on the show that supposedly Kody and Sobyn's first kiss was the night of the engagement (also shown on an episode), when Kody gave her the ring made out of string or whatever, and they kissed while at a restaurant having a romantic "date." The kiss when Christine was in labor came after the one when they got engaged.

      Also, I have seen, unfortunately (why do I do this to myself again?) the Sobyn birth episode many times, and not to be argumentative - these are all just opinions! - but I didn't find the kiss between Kody and Meri outside Sobyn's bedroom to be "passionate." I don't know...it was a nice kiss, I guess, but I didn't get from it that Kody wanted to go jump in bed from her.... Funny how we all watch the same things and get different vibes from it. I think we all filter what we see through our own experiences/mortals, etc. Part of what makes this blog fun is reading how other people interpreted different events, etc. (-:

    6. I believe the "kiss" with Meri while Robyn was going through labor was COMPLETELY scripted for the viewers who had such an issue when he kissed Robyn when Christine was in labor.

      After the kiss, he looked at the camera and made a point of telling us that is how they roll.

      I REALLY remember that, I thought it was a "dig" to the viewers...that kind of irritated me when I saw that. I said "What a pig you are Kody Brown"....don't do it for us, you slime bag!

  30. Does anyone know of there are any books/memoirs out from people who have had positive experiences with polygamy? I've read the Brown's and Darger's books. I know Caroline Jessop's daughter talked about writing a book, which I would read in a heart beat since her family is so terrible, but I don't ever think she actually did. It would be fun to compare the narratives!

  31. It totally amazes me that these TOALLY OUTSTANDING young adults came out of those dysfunctional, delusional families.

    1. I wonder if years from now will we see a big difference in these older kids as compared to the little ones, who only know life as a tv family.

  32. I thought I read yesterday on Titter that Mariah is getting a little homesick. I wonder how long it will take before she come back to Las Vegas and goes to UNLV.

    1. Ive always suspected that the reason Mariah wanted to go to Westmister so bad was due her future marital plans. I highly suspect that Westminster is the "it" school for AUB kids. Probably only the top tier. I believe she will stay till she locks down her "AUB boy in shinning armor" it fits with her thinking she can and will get the best of the best.

    2. Interesting theory Anonymous 3:25. I think that would be a question ex AUB, Ed or his wife might be able to answer.

  33. Absolutely! I was shocked. I had thought Christine was as she appears now and to see her former self shows me how damaged she is, although I do think she is acting when she confronts her aunt. She puts on a false smile and feigns happiness.

  34. The one benefit from the Browns becoming public is that the kids are exposed to a more diverse culture. They are getting to see life outside of polygamy and get some relief from the boundaries they had in Utah. Maybe this move, although seemingly unnecessary to the viewers, has given the kids their ticket to freedom.

    Although I do snark on the Browns, I do appreciate that their kids are allowed to have their own opinions and aren’t puppets like the Duggar kids. Although I think the Browns would generally prefer that their kids remain in the plural lifestyle, I don’t get the impression that they will be shunned if they don’t go plural. They get to go to real schools, attend real colleges and have real goals for their futures. If I had to choose, I would choose being a Brown over a Duggar every day of the week.

  35. Hello Everyone, Happy October, I love this time of year! Anyway, Mr. Sister, thanks for all your hard work, on this wonderful insightful blog. I don't really watch the show anymore, it's too boring now. I do however check in with this blog, whenever I can! I have a few thoughts/questions, that probably someone on here can answer. How does anyone know that, what we see on TV is not completely scripted? I see comments that Christine seems a shadow of her former self, etc. I think everything that is shown is edited, but first of all it's all scripted. Does anyone know how much money these people make? It must be a ton of dough, because none of them make any money outside of the show, how could they afford 4 houses with bad credit even in Vegas? I think they must be getting millions a season! The show is a hit, and there are 20 something people, so it's millions of dollars they are getting. The cast of the Jersey Shore made close to a million an episode the last season, so I'm thinking for the whole group 5 to 10 million is what they get, and the scenes where they are scraping for cash, is just for the show, but not real. Any questions regarding how they will be afford the housese once the show goes off, is not an issue if they paid in full for those houses. Even if they were a half a piece, that's 2 million, they could have done that, I don't believe they were going through loans, they paid cash, that makes sense, they don't discuss the money from TLC, because they can't air them scraping for cash, and talking about business opportunities, I'm sure they invested some of the money they make in things, but what exactly is not shown on TV. The kids will all go to college, and they will pay for it with cash. Any scene where they are saying they can't afford college, is just for the show, I bet the ones that are in, have no student loans out, none. Did anyone check the houses to see if there are loans or if they were bought them with cash, probably cash and no loans. I was a realtor, because of that, I have seen the episodes with Mona, going over their loan apps, I'm almost positive that was for show! They paid cash, and didn't need loans, that makes more sense. So there is the answer, to how they can afford them, if they paid cash, that would answer a lot of questions. One last question, does anyone know any information about David Jessop? Robyn's first husband? Did he remarry, does he still live in Montana? Anyone know his deal? Does their children see him? Just curious! Thanks all!

    1. The home purchases are public record, and I believe one of the regular commenters here has checked into it and there IS a lienholder on the homes.

      IMO, and I've said this before, the Browns are leveraging the TLC money being filtered through their LLC Brown Family Entertainment in order to obtain more credit to use/burn through. That's their established modus operandi. From all i've read, TLC pays the families in their reality shows a lump sum rather than individually.

      also Jersey Shore is no comparision - on a good week, SW might get 2.1 million viewers at most. Jersey Shore averages anywhere from 6-9 million viewers. Keep in mind that MTV has a lot more $$$ to throw around, TLC is strictly bare bones.

    2. Pat, SW is definitely NOT in any way comparable to Jersey Shore and TLC is far not any way close to being MTV. That said, I do think the Browns are making a lot more money than they've ever seen in their lives, but no where near the figures you've given. $1million a year total is my guess.
      As for the houses, yes, they did take out mortgages on them. They did not pay cash for them.

    3. We know from the show that Robyn's kids saw their dad at Christmas. I read on another thread here this past weekend that her ex had not remarried.

    4. Not only did they take out loans, there's already a lien on Robyn's house for an unpaid hospital bill for one of her older kids. They may be making more money than they ever have, but they still have no financial common sense. There are also reports that one or more of the teens has been stopped for speeding, but their fine was increased substantially because there was no insurance on the vehicle. Nevada does NOT tolerate uninsured motorists.

    5. I understand Robyn's ex-husband is not happy about his kids being on the show. So how did they convince him to let it happen? Has anyone ever seen a photo of this man? I have to say, compared to Robyn, her ex is showing some real class with his discretion.

    6. wow, they really are irresponsible and it shows through on the show.

    7. Robyn has not remarried, either.

  36. That makes sense why Mariah wanted to go to Westminster college so badly, you're right Anon! She *is* after her a husband and wants to be the FIRST wife just like her mother is. Years from now she can claim she wanted to be a doctor but....... (Fill in the blank with whatever story works for her) but she met her Prince Charming. Westminster is a ritzy and pricey school, yeah, she's likely to find a rich husband. Good plan Mary, I mean Mariah.

    1. And I will consider Mariah "pre-med" after she passes Physics and Organic Chemistry.

    2. She couldn't stand the stress of a week's delay in moving in the house, how could she stand the stress of pre-med? It's probably just the storyline they picked for her.

  37. I would love to know Sobbin's First Husbands deal as well.

    I don't think they paid cash, I doubt they get paid millions BUT I do believe that they have big $$$ somewhere. We are trying to get a mortgage and are having a heck of a time - and we have 3 businesses! So for them to qualify, as a single parent, they have to have some serious $$$ coming in. We've been told by 2 banks that things have changed and it's really hard to get a home loan. They go by your last 2 year tax returns. So that tells me either TLC paid them well enough to qualify, or there is a lot more working going on behind the scenes.

    And I think all of them will turn out, except for Sobbin's kids and Mariah. You can cleary see Sobbin's kids are sorely lacking in the male adult world. I can see them going down the wrong path with "daddy" issues.

  38. I like these general discussions! So much "stuff" gets brought up! As for the Duggar vs. Brown issue, I would always choose being a Duggar kid over being a Brown kid. The Duggar kids know their parents are working honest jobs (Dad is), Mom is an amazing stay-at-home mother who works her tail off, they pay taxes, they all live happily under one roof, and they make sure their money stretches to provide what their children need...now and in the future. The Duggar kids also know beyond a shadow of a doubt that their Dad loves their Mom and that instills a tremendous sense of security in a child. Those are parents I can RESPECT if I were their kid. I would not have the respect I have for my parents if they had acted like the Browns do. Would I love them? Yes. Would I respect them? Not at all. I also respect that when the Duggars talk about faith, they LIVE it every day. The Browns spout off about their faith all of the time, but I don't see them living any kind of faith except that it "allows" their Dad to bed multiple women whenever he so chooses.

    1. I totally agree with you! I'd rather be a Duggar than a Brown, kid OR adult.

    2. Actually I want Bill and Jen Klein to adopt me (and I'm 39 :) :))

    3. That's why this forum is good - we can agree to disagree. I don't think the Duggar kids are allowed to have any voice at all. They are going to really struggle in the 'real world' without any skills outside their close tight-knit family. But that's my opinion. If the Duggars or the Browns asked me to join their family, I would choose the Browns. Because I could hit the wet bar at Meri's if I needed to. :-)

    4. Nope would rather be a Brown. The Browns seem to want education for all their children, my being female excludes me from that focus in Quiverful movement/Duggar household.

    5. I would rather not be a part of either family....but I must agree with Anon 12:33 AM...the Kleins are awesome people...love their show, so informative on many levels!

      BUT, I must say, even though the Duggars to not stress College with their children...the kids ALL have some type of future work wise for themselves...tow truck, doula, midwife, fire dept., car sales... they should be fine.

      AND yes, the Browns do encourage College for their children, but that is because they can afford it right now....I do not have high hopes for the younger Brown kids when the show is off the air...and wonder if they are putting money away for each of them for the future (I don't know for sure, but I think that is not happening)

    6. CPA Carol,
      Until recently I'd have agreed with you about the Duggar children having problems away from the family, but Josh and Anna just moved to DC and I was shocked that Anna is actually going out and doing things on her own, taking the kids out, being independent. I think there's hope for the Duggars. Yes, they'll always be a close family and the majority will probably stay in the faith, but I think they'll eventually find their own way and be fine.

    7. Anon 8:02 -there I disagree. JimBloob has such a LEASE on his KIDS that they cannot do ANYTHING without his approval or support. Yes, Josh moved to DC-but, all I see is FAILURE. The Duggar kids were never taught Social Skills. Josh and his brothers are put up in 'family businesses' at whatever hours they deem okay. Anna-at an 'employee meeting/dinner' for the Used Car Lot-had said afterwards-it was 'overwhelming' because they (she and JOSH) were not just responsible for THEIR lives, but their EMPLOYEES lives too, and they have BILLS just like them-'you know, the phone bill and electric bills'. THE PHONE AND ELECTRIC BILLS!!!!!! She and Josh were living in his grandma's house-so? No rent? guess not! Someone had posted elsewhere that the house was in 'arrears' for TAXES..etc. so OFF TO D.C. to a 2500 sq ft house.. 10 mins from the white house. Cant imagine the rent for that... but more then what you would pay in Fayetteville Arkansas...

  39. I think you are right Pat Brown.

  40. The difference between Christine a couple of years ago and Christine now? A big dose of reality. Before Robyn, she was the special, newest wife. Of course she wanted to be the third wife. Being the last wife avoids all the unpleasantness that comes with being replaced. Too bad when she did it to Meri and Janelle, she didn't think it would happen to her and apparently had no clue his hard it would be. It's a lot harder to defend the lifestyle when it's biting you in the butt.

    1. Also, it's really hard to keep on your rose colored glasses when you have to see video of your husband desperately in love with someone else. These shows must be horrible for the wives--seeing Kody with the other wives and seeing each other talk about each other.

    2. LizE, It must be like rubbing salt into a wound for the wives.
      They live with the jealousy and insecurity because of what they see and hear in the moment, but can you imagine being confronted with scenes on tv of private discussions, comments, intimate moments between Kody and other wives of things you were unaware of? And, further imagine watching it together as a family? Why would they put themselves through this pain?

  41. Did anyone else catch the death grip Robyn put on Kody's upper arm during the "sculpture" therapy when Christine went behind Kody and he tried to turn towards her and continue to try and engage her about why she felt that's where she "should be"? Just saw it briefly in the edit but it screamed volumes about Robyn's insistence on her first/closest/shoulder-to-shoulder position with Kody. Christine was obviously in pain and the whole point was for the exercise to naturally bring out such issues so they could be acknowledged and addressed. So sad to see Robyn's body language resisting some healing between Kody and Christine. There is something so very wrong when three women with 20-plus years of marriage each to a man are floundering to express where they are in relation to him. In the case of Christine and Meri, insecure, pained, timid, hurt. In Janelle's case, acknowledging distance but also asserting herself and basically challenging Kody about where she should be. Would have liked to have seen the whole exercise unedited and including more work facilitated by the therapist who was obviously skilled. It was very revealing that Robyn and Kody both expressed reluctance, distrust, anger, ridicule, and unacceptance of the therapy exercises - including Kody's disrespect for several of the therapists and Robyn's non-attendance - considering their behavior seems to be the root of much of the most serious hurts and problems in this plural marriage.

    1. I noticed Robyn do that too. and jumping in between Kody and Meri. I actually had a review written up when my computer crashed! maybe when i get finished pouting about it I will write another.

    2. I blame Kody for this more than Robyn because he's allowing this to happen. Kody needs to get it together and show equal attention to the wives. He's being hurtful.

    3. That is because the two of them, Kody/Robbin do not take the blame for anything. It is always someone else at fault, so why put in any effort into the exercise.

    4. Did you also catch Kody grabbing Robyn's hand as if to say "Don't go far from me"...."Stay right there".
      If these women are not seeing stuff in the broadcast of these shows....then they really must be STRONG WOMEN....they would have to be to continue a relationship with this clown, wake up you STRONG WOMEN.... Kody moved on!

  42. Where's my post about being a Duggar kid???? Was not offensive, confrontational, or anything remotely objectionable.

  43. There is one posted above, I bet that's the one you are looking for.

  44. Over the course of the show's seasons it's been obvious that Kody bringing Robyn into the family has been difficult, destructive and even devastating for Meri, Christine snd Janelle, and has meant even less time with Kody for his prior children since the family never reestablished in one big house. What has been especially shocking is the many ways Kody has humiliated Meri, Janelle and Christine (but not Robyn) in print and on television (so presumably in private). What kind of man touts himself as a loving husband while at the same time publicly and absolutely humiliating one wife over her former size and eating habits, another over her strong personality, and another over their "awkward" romantic life/"man-to-man" relationsip? Not to mention the truckloads of salt in their wounds from his obvious and selfish favoring and romancing of Robyn for three years now while the others have openly struggled with depression, turned to medication and sublimated their rage with food. I've never understood how and why plural marriage is a matter of their "faith" - that all comes across so vaguely on the show, not to mention how they reconcile it with the commandment against adultery - but I do know that the hurt and sadness and disregard for each other's hearts, souls and well being often on display in this show is rather un-Christlike.

    1. This is one of the best comments I have seen on this blog. Very well said.

    2. Excellent post whynotbrotherhusbans.

    3. Mister Sister,

      In the post above on Robins possessive behavior on Kody I agree with you guys. It was bizarre when Robin got in the middle of Kody and Meri and held each of their hands and asked if that was bette and I think Meri even said yes.

      It would be cool to watch see photos of all the times Robin has done these things or said rude thinks and Kody as well?

      Thank you for this chance to vent, learn and be entertained.

    4. Thank you Anon 12:59 and Sherry.

  45. I finally watched My Five Wives, it is only natural to compare to the Browns. I liked the show. I liked how the wives bring something to the show, one is a talented musician, another an artist and it appears most of them work, unlike the Browns who seem to put their energy into getting by, by the least amount of work necessary. I dont have any respect for the Browns, they dont stand by their convictions, they dont work, they come across as complete takers.

  46. Maybe they need to get a young stud. Maybe his young stuff will make meri's eggs feel 10 years younger. Then she could bring another Kody into the world. Everyone but Robin will live happily ever after

  47. Elbow Gate

    Robyn really opened up on the tell all this season. It was really telling too. Kody actually had a lucid moment where he did NOT put his foot in his mouth in answering one of the questions. He said he could have a monomagous relationship with any of the four women. When I heard that sure, I thought "yeah right", but it was a PC thing to say and I'm sure each of the wives felt at least a little happy moment when he said it.

    But Robyn, could not take that! Worse than just a snicker or an eye roll, she actually had to jab Kody in the ribs (ouchie with her pointy boniness) and give her dripping-with-passive-aggressive-snarkiness "Good Answer!!!!!" to tell the other women that Kody could not possibly mean that and that Kody was lying his ass off.

    Yeah, Robyn is no saint despite her holier than thou tears and faux compassion for everyone.

    She's as jealous and spiteful as any of them.

    1. Yes, too bad Robyn couldn't celebrate an affirmation from Kody in support of all of them as equals. Bringing a new spouse from monogamy to polygamy was a risk that seems to have backfired badly. Robyn just isn't cut out for it - too needy and insensitive, seems in lock step with Kody's selfishness and narcissism. Janelle seems to be the only one with the personality really cut out for polygamy, ironically considering she is the only one of them not raised in the "lifestyle". Though she did leave once and seems most likely/capable of doing so again.

  48. I have watched this show since the beginning and have been reading this blog for months.

    IMO, Meri, Janelle, and Christine behave like ex-wives. Meri is "taking him to the cleaners". She's the bitter ex-wife that will make sure she gets what's she owed...big house with upgrades, daughter to private college, etc.
    Janelle has emotionally checked out. Her life is so full with work and raising kids, that Cody and the others hardly matter to her. She has emotionally moved on. It's her devotion to her beliefs that keep her there.
    Christine is the desperate ex-wife fighting to get him back. She wants a husband but that's happening.
    I predict if any leave, it'll be Christine. Her fear of Aunt Kristyn and of the therapist is that they'll see her misery and give her a way out, then she'll seriously have to face her life. Christine has been let down by her husband and by her religion. She is so sad.

    1. Interesting take on the women being like ex-wives. It sure fits!

    2. I think so, too. Very insightful.

    3. Very insightful observations. Speaking of exes and assets, does anyone know if Kody is on the deed to Meri's McMansion? Not sure how it works in Nevada, if spouses have to both be on or if a spouse can hold property separately. Was she smart enough to keep him off the deed or smart enough to have him on it so his TV earnings are on the hook for the mortgage, too? I wondered, too, if she got her house last because it took so long to qualify because her legal spouse has so many darn dependents he is (at least in the lender's eyes) responsible for financially (or was it just because she got her paperwork in last due upgrades/wet bar/ad nauseum).

    4. Kody and Meri are both on the deed to their home. the other wives have the home all to their own, which is interesting to me. they could have put him on the deed, but chose not to!

    5. Probably a few reasons for that, not the least of which is that if Kody died then Meri (and Mariah) would then own Kody's half of those assets if Kody were on the deeds. Doubt the Brown's have done appropriate and fair estate planning to avoid something like that happening, given Meri's statement that they hadn't worked out college planning and financing together despite Logan already in college and others already applying.

  49. I want to know more about Robyn's ex-husband.

    1. HIs name is David. Before they married, he begged for Robyn's cookie. And she gave it to him, ruining her purity forever. She became pregnant and then had to marry him and have two more kids with him. He took her cookie (symbolized by a pewter heart) and then threw it on the floor. And he was unworthy of being a polygamist husband. Robyn was perfect and had no responsibility for the failure of their marriage.

      Well that's what I have been told anyhow. :-)

    2. Disclaimer: As addicted as I am to this blog, much of each episode sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher (mwah mwah mwah), so I don't watch the show as carefully as I ought.

      But I ask this question in all sincerity. Did Robyn actually say that the man she gave her cookie to was the man who impregnated her? I'm thinkin' that girl might not have been impure with just one guy before meeting the Kodster.

    3. Yes, she did. And she always tells the truth, right?lol

    4. Robyn's cookie is like a pewter heart.

      cold and hard?
      always falling on the floor?
      tied up with a ribbon?

      I mean who's to say that David threw it on the floor....it might have just jumped away on its own. I mean if the cookie has a mind of its own, that would explain why Robyn could be pure again. Heck the cookie probably just wanted to get away from Robyn for a while and live a bit. Who wouldn't?

    5. Hysterical, CPA Carol :) Was that pewter heart product placement, too?! Was it MSWC?

    6. Actually, from what we hear, David is a very private person. he is the one that filed for a divorce, not Robyn. he later left the AUB, but respects his parents are still in. We have sent offers to post his side.

    7. I could not believe when Robyn told that story of her 'stolen' purity. While her kids might not understand her STUPID story Now, what about later on in life? I am talking about Robyn going on and almost inferring that her 1st husband FORCED her to have sex... pushing the point so hard that it sounds like she was almost RAPED, or Drugged.. or SOOO INNOCENT.. Like a lil country bumpkin and this SLICK CITY DUDE took this young sweet just off the bus virginal CHILD and tied her down and forced his way with her... She became pregnant, married him and continued to have 2 MORE CHILDREN WITH HIM.!!!! Okay, she threw in that she has never been sorry for David, or whatever she is calling her son this week.. but, her 3 children with her ex... ??? When she then went on to say she should have given her PURITY to KODY???

      Later on, they will figure, come to the conclusion, that IF SHE WISHED SHE HAD WAITED FOR KODY... then the 3 of them would have never BEEN BORN.. nice Robyn.. and put it on TV to boot. It would have been different if it were a different MAN.. but she was talking about their FATHER! After that episode, I will not be surprised if this 'show' goes on, we all see A LOT LESS of 3 of 'kody's children'. Robyn and Kody are IDIOTS. You do not insult the living father (or even dead father of a child), and THESE PRODUCERS are no better, letting this be filmed. shame shame shame.

    8. MS, I hope you get a response from David. I think his POV would be interesting! For sure Robyn will have to come up with more cookie stories....

  50. I'm new to this blog so don't know if this has been covered before, but are the Brown family bankruptcy filings available/archived anywhere handy? . . . especially the amounts they each had discharged in bankruptcy. How many of them have filed and how many times? Has anyone ever taken a stab at estimating how much this clan has collected in federal Medicaid and state welfare benefits, based on how long and how many dependents they had in while in Wyoming, Utah and Nevada and what those states offer in benefits? I' d like to see an educated grand total estimate of what these five have sucked out of innocent, hardworking taxpayers. Sure wish they'd agree to an unscripted interview with the real tough questions. Don't suppose now that they're wealthy they've mentioned paying any of it back? Maybe they could pay it forward.

  51. Hi and welcome!! the bankruptcy papers may be found here: http://sisterwivesblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/sister-wives-absolulty-used-welfare.html

    We've not done a complete stab at estimating how much money they used from welfare-we have no means to know exactly how often they were on it, except for the bankruptcy papers stating it. Each wife had filed bankruptcy conveniently one after another. Also, right after kody and meri got theirs discharged, they were put on the family home!

    1. Disturbing...just sickening. Why doesn't Tamron Hall ask them about this stuff??? She is a horrible journalist if she allows this to be out there and not question them about it!

      I want to see these Browns on Oprah! They are frauds!

  52. So, I just got the book my polygamous community member cousin (though not a polygamous himself). It is titled: For women only: the Lord's law of obedience (by Dennis R Short) On page 6 I found this gem: A woman should be earnestly seeking to know the mind of her husband (her God) because if she has married correctly she will be in the enviable position of being submissive to an intelligence superior to her own. And no woman can be happy married to a man less intellignet (sic) than herself. ~bunhead~

  53. Thank you Unknown 3:16PM.

  54. I'm currently watch the five wives special and I'm getting a fake vibe from them. Did anyone else get that? I feel like guy is happy (duh) but the wives seem like they are trying to hid their true feelings. I've learned to read body language a bit from a psychology class but I'm by no means an expert. They seem tired. Only a few real smiles(nonie). A couple things seem staged. The older kids seem a bit blaise. The oldest son was quite an eyeful! I definitely enjoyed that. I'm not finished the special yet though.

  55. I know there are far more important things going on in our country at this time, but I needed an escape from it all so I came to one of my favorite places. I wanted to share my favorite Sobbin Robyn scene. ILMAO every time I see it. Check out Best of Season 2 Danielle ask Tough questions. They are eating chinese food and it looks like Robyn hasn't eaten since she left the her trailer. Remember table manners sweetie.

  56. So I am now on Season 2, Episode 11 and they are lamenting "Finite resources" yet they all have frickin' acrylic nails!!!!! It makes me want to tear my hair out and/or toilet paper their houses but then I would be wasting MY finite resources!!!!
