Monday, August 12, 2013

Discussion Page for 8/12/13 S06Ep04 Odd Wife Out and some Tweets!

Is that a can of hairspray on the table or some of that green koolaid Kody sells?

I can't help myself. I'm full of snark today.

Yeah Robyn. Tell us monogamists all about divorce because you're an expert, right?

Not being snarky...well okay I am being snarky, but wasn't your double-wide in Montana your first home? Just file this under Polygamy: What  Monogamist Women Will Never Understand or How to Move into a McMansion with No Visible Means of Support.

Say Whut? Then who was Mona talking about wanting changes? And what about the crooked mantle and the uneven lights? Oh, those were corrections, not changes. Hmmmm....

OK, now I KNOW someone is reading SWB.

Apology accepted. File this one under Life Lessons Learned: It's Never Pretty Being a Brat On Television

Yes, we know Kody. And you are a polygamist with 4 wives and 17 children and you live in 4 overpriced McMansions and your wife Robyn sells overpriced jewelry on her website MSWC. Did I leave something out? What's that you say Kody? It was just a joke?...oh...well...never mind....

Hey, @RIHANNASREVENGE! Looks like Kody's gonna be looking for another wife soon!

OK, thanks Janelle for bringing me back down to Earth from my snark high.



  1. Lol, CJ don't ever apologize for the snark!! Mark me down as a supporter of snark! Robyn comes off as such a Debbie Downer. She puts herself in these situations and then cries about it. Like when she got all weepy when the other wives wouldn't help her with the joolery business. Sorry oh weepy one, I don't feel sorry for you.

    What ever Janelle is doing, more power to her. I hope that her and Christine can come together, since both of them are the only ones who care about being an actual sister wife. I would never choose that life style, but if I did, I would want either of them as a sister wife. They're not perfect, but at least they do try and don't come off as jealous.

    1. have never replied to a blog before, but after watching for several seasons I have these questions, and wonder if anyone else does?

      Basically, this is a married man with a wife and 3 mistresses, and sadly, numerous illegitimate children if he has not legally adopted all of them. if the brown's love the polygamy life-style as much as they claim, why do they not live as polygamists vs adulters? for the almost $2,000,000 they spent on four homes they could have custom built the most amazing home with a master for each wife, bedrooms for all the kids, and a mail kitchen and living area for the entire family to be together! there is no cohesivness in this family, and as the wifes have all said, they each like their privacy and personal life style. This just seems like a joke to me and in no way could be construed as a "family." Families live under one roof, care about each other, put the needs of other family members first. I agree that Christine and Janelle are the two most likeable of the mistresses, and Meri is one of the most selfish persons I've seen in a long time. She has more time on her hands than anyone but does she even work? I think last night may have been my last time for watching the show. just can't take the sniveling, whining, tantrums and sorry, shear stupidity of Cody, Meri, and Robyn. Janelle, kudos to you for perservering and taking the weight off. Kristine, you at least show heart.

    2. Possibly because of their lawsuit. Living out of city lines they could build what they wanted. Getting financing might be a challenge.

    3. Janelle rocks. Rock of Gibraltar. Rock of Ages. She is the Foundation of that family - not just her specific family, but the whole darn thing.

    4. Children all have a mother and a father. There are no illegitimate children.

      Kody doesn't need to be married to be dad, he doesn't have to adopt them. Robyns kid have a bio dad, he can be an adult in their lives but should not adopt the kid's and have them lose their dad.

    5. @Anonymous 8:37--I read the book they put out about a year ago or so and it details their early lives together. When Janelle married Kody, she moved in with him and Meri. From what I read, Meri became so controlling and jealous (particularly over the kitchen space) that Janelle moved out. From there on out, it was decided that they could never live together under one roof sharing a kitchen. The tension and animosity between the two still exists today over it. Last year when they did an episode with their friends/fellow polygamists the Dargers, they brought up the issue of living together and sharing a kitchen and Meri went through the roof! Though it makes sense to live as "one big happy family" under one roof (if they are indeed one big happy family) instead of four individual mansions, apparently this will never happen because the wives don't all really get along.

    6. For Cynical Jinx's in depth review of the book 'Becoming Sister Wives' go to May 12, 2012. Sorry can't cut/paste on this device.

  2. A comment on also in the last discussion board about Mariah being reprimanded.

    Mary told her to show her faster respect in the first season as well, when she was telling kody about her plans to be a doctor and attend Annapolis for college.

    So that makes twice in 6 seasons. Some hardcore parenting there.

  3. It has happened again! In the picture above, Kody is wearing black gloves. He wore them in several scenes last night. Why is he wearing gloves? This has become my obsession. :-)

    1. Aren't those motorcycle gloves?

    2. Maybe so. But he wore them when he was packing up Janelle's mattress and also when he was moving into the houses. Just seems unlikely that he would be riding around on his motorcycle to all of these places.

    3. Maybe he didn't want to mess up his 'manicure'!! lol He's such a prissy man!!


    4. Remember the episode quite a while back when they went back to visit his hometown and high school buddies? Some of the girls said that they always thought he was gay.

  4. My unanswered question from last night's episode. When Dayton goes to Montana to be with his REAL father, will his name revert back to David while he's there? I'm betting . . . YES.

  5. finally seeing realityAugust 12, 2013 at 5:40 PM

    I don't understand Robin saying this is her first home. I know all the family feel like these houses are homes because they own them and the rentals were not homes, but I live in a rental and it home to me. I have my own things and my family and my dog and that is what makes a home, not just owning it. By the way Browns you don't own the houses the bank does and unless you don't find a way to pay for them the bank will throw you out on the street and them you really won't have a home!

    1. I don't either. Why she owned that 1973 trailer for10 yrs, and a home is a home. BTW, I had to go back and look, but Meri did not sign until Jan 13, amost a month after the other 3.

    2. I have never written on a blog before, but I can't find the real reason why Meri was the last to sign. She and Robyn didn't get their paper work done in time. Janelle and Christina got on it right away and turned theirs in. Mona mentioned that Sunday. So Meri's boo hooing and Mariah's crying about the underwriter wasn't right. The truth about the whole thing is that Meri didn't get her paperwork in when she was suppose to!

    3. Seriously, "Finally Seeing Reality!" Well said!

      I've never owned my own house but, since living on my own after High School and now 7 years of marriage, I sure have had plenty of *homes!* I doubt my husband and I will ever own our own house. Housing is wicked expensive in Abu Dhabi. We have always rented. Does that really matter? HOME has always been--and will always be-- where my husband, our two rescue cats, our (God willing) future children, and I are... Be it fancy villa or dirt-floor hut! As the old adage goes, "home is where the heart is."

      Where is the Brown family's heart at?

    4. One technicality for Robyn...don't think that mortgage holder wouldn't take back that house you think you "own" if you miss many payments. Besides... home is where the heart is..something this materialistic family would do well to actually practice rather than just preach

  6. Regarding some of the comments on the previous post: I disagree that Robyn "slapped" Truely's hand away during the gift-opening scene. I spend all day at home with my 3 young children (including one Truely's age) and I get tired of the constant *help* I get -- e.g. little hands reaching in to whatever I'm working on at the time. Maybe that's just me? It looked to me like Robyn -- who also spends her time surrounded by children -- was engrossed in reading through her daughter's gift and didn't need a 2-yr. old's help to do it. I didn't think it was that big a deal.

    1. But it would have been if someone dismissed Sol like that instead of plopping him in their lap so he could enjoy, too.

    2. I think the issue is she drags Sol everywhere, Truely is like the forgotten child. If she does that on TV, imagine when we are not looking.

      The whole scene of her daughter crying being dragged through the door reminded me of when Kody's brother came. Robyn is a mess.

    3. Anon 5:57, that would have never happened to Sol because he is always being held by Kody or Robin. It seems, to me anyway, that Kody prefers Mariah and Sol to his other children. I see this plainly on the episodes, and it is really sad.

    4. Robyn's daughters literally cling onto either Logan or Kody in most of the scenes. These poor girls clearly have some male bonding issues. I hope it's just a phase of them trying to feel like they are part of the family but I think it's kind of disturbing.

    5. You know what I noticed? When Truly walked over to Robyn and Breanna (or Aurora) and put her finger on the "gift" from Christine, Robyn did not look up once but raised her right hand and shooed Truly away like she was some insect. Then Robyn placed her right hand on her head like she had a headache. She never once looked up at her "bonus child" or acknowledged her presence.

      When they first moved to Las Vegas, I also remember a scene where Robyn was in Christine's house. She was standing at the staircase and she looked right at a baby Truly crawling up the stairs. She turned away and KEPT ON WALKING! A few seconds later Aspyn ran up the stairs and scooped Truly up. No doubt a cameraman told her the baby was on the stairs.

      At the time I thought what kind of a mother would just walk by a baby crawling up stairs and not do or say anything. Robyn would, that's who.

      Sorry anonymous 5:40 but I DO think it was a big deal. Something tells me when those cameras are off, Robyn ignores her kids except for Sol who she keeps close by at all times because if Sol is with her, Kody will not be far away. And I agree with anonymous 5:57 she would never allow Sol to be treated like that! ///Monica

    6. I agree that it was dismissive and not a slap. I also agree that Robyn's daughters are too clingy. I wonder a LOT about how Robyn was raised.

    7. Robyn definitely pushed Truely's hand away, and she had this real strange look on her face when she did it that made me think she is the next Mommie Dearest.

      I wouldn't have been surprised if Meri had pushed one of the kid's hands away, but Robyn puts on this sweet act, and in that one brief moment you could see that it is just an act. So sorry Robyn couldn't pretend to include one of her "bonus kids" whose early life she has intruded on and during whose birth she had to make out with her dad. Robyn is a phony and a fraud, I always knew my thoughts about her were right.

      Why does Kody, who has 14 bio kids need to drive his mistress to another state so HER kids can see their real dad? Disgusting. Check your priorities. Oh, I forgot, Sol is the most important of all the Brown children. Clearly, Robyn can't let a scene she is in go by without placing him in the cameras or talking about him. Imagine if Christine had slapped his hand away?

      I feel so bad for Robyn's other kids. You just know David or Dayton (I don't know what HE wants to go by) goes to his room to hide from the madness and the girls probably get the brunt of Robyn's wrath because she has to hide it from everyone else. Remember on Robyn's "wedding day" to Kody how irritated she was with her kids? This is not a woman who can handle her children, nor is she a nice person.

    8. Robyn did nothing but bark orders to her girls, get up, put the"chosen one" down and get busy! I thought it was mean to push Truly away, she had her hand on her head because she was sounding out the big words. Meri sat there like a queen. No one ever seems to thank Christine for all her work. And yes, Robyn' s girls creep me out with the klinging

    9. I was actually not too annoyed with Robyn in this episode UNTIL this one scene with Truly. It seemed like she just wanted her to go away and tried to "shoo' her away without being noticed. But notice how right after that Christine is shown reading to Robyn's other daughter for her!!!!

    10. I didn't think there was anything wrong with how Robyn treated Truly. Truly was interrupting her - and Robyn wasn't harsh nor did she slap her. She continued focusing on her reading and lightly shoo'd her away letting her know it wasn't her turn to talk.

      Most mothers (or any adult really) have done that with a child many, many times. And I think that's an important lesson. It's not always your turn to talk or be the center of attention or whatever - some adults build their worlds around their kids so much that the poor kids never learn that and are shocked when they get out in the real world and the rest of us don't think they're that cute.

      I have noticed that Robyn does get kind of "barky" when she's trying to get something done with her kids. I remember in the first episodes in Season One I thought her kids were pretty poorly behaved and whiny. If you rewatch the wedding episode you'll see her barking at Aurora. She did the same thing in this episode. I feel like a lot is put on Aurora to be mommy's helper, probably more than most kids in a three-kid family would have since I imagine Dayton has some limits that make her lean more on Aurora. And Breanna is "her little princess", as she introduced her the first time we met them all in Season One.

    11. I think since it was family time, she Robyn was mean spirited.

    12. robyn can say things like blessed all she wants, shooing Truely away was not nice. Chrisitne did all the work. Besides, her daughter can read.

    13. Robyn's kids have had a number of changes. Now they have these bonus part time parents. These bonus parents really haven't done anything to earn respect of a parent. Well maybe christine? And it really confuses kids to have multiple caregivers. Kids growing up with multiple caregivers are more likely to have attachment issues. Especially with losses in their lives, and they have had losses with divorce and living in separate states. This is also their 6th move at least. Married house, Robyn's mom, trailer, house in Levi, rental in Vegas and now new house in vegas.

    14. Truely was not trying to interrupt something; it looked as though she was just trying to interact, maybe even just touch the frame. That wasn't just a shoo, and in fact, I think the producers showed that on purpose, just as they are showing Meri and her daughter in such a terrible light.

      One thing that really struck me in the episode, though, was just how cold Robyn came across. At the end of the episode, when she glances briefly into the camera about the blessings that I, as a monogamist, will never experience, chilled me. You have nothing to prove to me; you have chosen a particular path, as I have followed the path dictated by my own faith. But do not use your religious beliefs to justify taking on a mortgage beyond your means, or submitting your children to not only living so far away from their own father, but also subjecting them to a pathetic male role model in their stepfather.

  7. What is an underwriter??

    1. The person(s) reviewing the loan documents and making sure everything is in order. I've yet to watch last night's show but it sounds like Meri got her papers in at the last minute, so Her Highness expects everything to be dropped and have someone she doesn't even know work extra hours during the HOLIDAY when they just might want to be with their FAMILIES all because she couldn't be bothered to submit her paperwork in a timely manner...and Mariah has the gall to say she wants to smack/hurt the underwriter, the person who had to put in extra hours more than likely because of Meri/Kody's procrastination. Yup, gotta love how personal responsibility just oozes from the pores of the Brown fam. not.

    2. As seems usual, Meri is all about Meri. I thought she was gonna give Kody and Robyn (and her own daughter) about having a baby. (I am pretty sure she doesn't want to give up the plaintiff "I was not blessed with more children" poor me refrain.)

    3. ...give Kody and Robyn AN ANSWER about having a baby (through Robyn's surrogacy.)

    4. It is possible TLC paid some on Kody's home

  8. I think when you are paying an interest only mortgage, on a home that you have no real equity in, you don't really "own" anything but the note. I can't see that paying interest only is doing anything more than paying rent. Do they own even a tiny fraction of those homes?

    1. When they were first trying to be financed, the interest only loan they were looking into required a substantial down payment - according to Janelle. I can't remember exactly, but I believe it was in the neighborhood of 10-15% down on each house if not more. At minimum that would be almost $50K for EACH house. My understanding was this down payment requirement was mandated because of the predatory loans that caused the real estate fiasco. So I would say they do have some equity in those homes. Not a lot, but enough to make them think twice about just walking away.

    2. I remember they each put in $5000, and the camera's showed us the checks. Surely if they paid 10-15% down, wouldn't we have seen that?

    3. The 5K was earnest money just to hold the lots pending their getting financed. They had 30 days to get financing which was why Robyn went to the credit repair guy.

    4. I'm not sure of this since I never financed or bought real estate, but I believe that since the Browns are using "unconventional" financing rather than Fannie or Freddie, the rules regarding ARMs and 20% down and declared rather than actual proven income go out the window.
      CPA Carol can you confirm?

  9. OK, I actually enjoyed last night's episode!! I think I even laughed at one point! And not a snarky laugh! A real genuine laugh! And can I just say... I love Christine. I do. Did you see her give Logan a hug and say "Hi Sweetie" And the thoughtfulness of the gifts?! She LOVES these kids. She really does want the family. And she loves the family. She offered to cook all the food for the whatchamacallit dinner (and Janelle appreciated it!) and they could all be together! I thought it was special.

    And bravo, Janelle, for your hard work at the gym! Keep it up!

    Robyn and Meri and Mariah this episode, however... Oh. My. Gosh. Meri was gonna explode when Mona was giving all the good news. I secretly thought to myself "Ha. good" Good ole snark, right CJ???

    1. JS: I too really enjoyed parts of the show for the first time in a long time. Christine's voice, "You don't know" showed real life in it. It's the first time in a long time that I have felt like I was watching "The Real Christine." I didn't expect to feel that way about the show. I haven't enjoyed it lately. I usually watch just to enjoy the snark fest here.

  10. Kody only has half ownership in Meri's house, not the other three. I think the contractor who owns the land and built the houses is holding the paper on these houses for the first 3 years and then they will have to get regular mortgages. What a nightmare to have a mortgage on a $475,000 house and no real job. Plus 2 of the "wives" each have 6 kids. The utilities, insurance and taxes alone would really make me nervous and I have a well paying job. Why does Meri need 5 bedrooms?

    When Mariah goes to college she is going to have a rude awakening. I would love to see her having to share a small bedroom with a roommate or two and down the hall for the restroom and shower room. I don't think she is cut out for the medical field. She doesn't seem to have empathy or compassion even for her half siblings. But, good luck on that.

    1. When Maraiah goes to college, I think the family is going to have a rude awakening with Meri in that huge house, with all that space, and the all-important wet bar, all alone.

  11. I was watching again and when Robyn was going into her home at the end.... Taralyce was there.

    1. Maybe she was there for Christmas, but I think she had been gone for a while.

    2. robyn's stepfather and stepsister taralyce were probably there to help her move. Brown sister wives and grody are also worthless when it comes to that sort of help, too. and kody probably hid out w/Meri and Mariah at their rental house while the other 3 moved into their houses.

    3. I saw that too. She has gotten BIG.

    4. She probably gained a little weight, but based on her FB pix and the glimpse of her we saw in the plyg-cation ep, Taralyce has always been chunky. She selects profile pix that focus on her face for her FB.
      She definitely looked not only chunky in the vacation ep, but she needs to learn not to sit gaping with her mouth open like a fish, it makes her look vapid and yokel-like.

    5. Well, as long as she is not the secret 5th wife carrying yet another Brown.

  12. Robyn says "she owns" this home. Really?? Did she pay that huge mortgage off already? Because, if not, then the bank owns that house!

    It seem to me that this whole family needs to get their heads out of the clouds and come back down to earth! I loved this show when it first began, back when the family was in Lehi and prior to Robyn joining them. They were different due to the polygamy, but other than that, they were real and normal and likeable. I liked watching them and seeing how they managed their lives, even though they were struggling to make ends meet (like so many other Americans).

    But now, they are conceited, money-hungry, fame gluttons who seem to have lost all sense of reality!

    Kody acts like he is some kind of super/rock star, and he's not! He is a middle age, balding man who is obviously experiencing a mid-life crisis. Mariah seems to think she's the only pebble on the beach, and she's not! Meri is plain nasty and rude, Christine and Robyn are delusional and I have no clue what Janelle (whom I had always thought was the real brain of the bunch) is thinking!

    Normally, I would say "whatever, it's their life/mess, let them deal with it". But, I do feel for those children. When this show ends and they can no longer pay for those houses, where will the children be then??

    I just don't see this ending well for them, but especially not for their children....

  13. Once upon a time this family was so jovial. When doing the discussion portion of the show, they actually made eye contact and acknowledged when one another spoke. They actually discussed things rather than simply uttering scripted opinions about the scene. They laughed and appeared to have inside jokes about and with one another.

    It really is incredibly sad to see the change that has taken place between the first season and sixth. They were once a family unit and now they are simply 22 people that share genetics in one way or another.

    The only amazing change that I can see between the first and current season: jennelle. You can 100% see the difference that 30 or so pound weight loss has made. Keep it up girl. I know the struggle as I battle it daily myself. When losing an extensive amount of weight, it can seem hopeless.


  14. I feel really bad for Mariah for having her actions be televised and shown for the entire world to see. Yeah, she acted immature and bratty last night, but what 17 year old girl doesn't have meltdowns? I remember when I failed my driving test, I thought the world was going to end. If that had been filmed I would have died of embarrassment.

    I don't know why Meri and Kody allow Mariah to be shown in such a bad light. She may be a less then pleasant person, I don't know, she could be a great person too for all we know. The scenes we have seen of her have not made her look great. The joke her siblings played on her in Lehi where she flipped out made her look like a nut. Meri should have put a stop to that immediately. I notice Janelle makes a huge point of pointing out how great Hunter is all the time after they filmed him looking bad.

    These kids better be getting paid decently for having their reputations smeared all over national t.v. Get that tuition paid for Mariah!

    As for Meri, I don't know what her excuse is!

    1. I do not have pity for her. I've raised 6 kids. As a big deal to have these homes, mine would never acted so entitled.

    2. Mariah might have had a different reaction had she been told the truth about the housing situation. She (Mariah) was blaming the underwriter and wanting to slap that person because she felt it was his/her fault that they were not the first to be in their home. Judging from those comments, it is obvious that mommy Meri fed her little girl a line of bull! Meri and Kody did not get their paperwork filed in time and that is why the house did not close before Christmas, plain and simple.

      Meri is selfish and she will do whatever she has to do in order to make herself look like a good person, even if it means doing it at the expense of her daughter!

    3. Mariah has had several bratty meltdown moments shown on TV. i'm sure they happen regularly for her as Mama validates them and the other kids have long since been made to tolerate them less they catch the wrath of Mother Meri for telling Mariah to knock it off - no one cares.

    4. I wonder if the producers have cast Meri and Mariah in particularly bad light because they are prima donas and this is a way to get back at them? I mean with Meri picking apart her house with a fine tooth comb - you can bet she is probably obsessive about every detail of the show. That would be enough to make the camera operators and directors sick of her.

    5. Not a drop of sympathy from me. The entire family is filmed in the same way. You can't blame editing, the producers and editors can only work with what you've given them. All the wives and kids have dealt with stress over the seasons, and we've had a chance to see how they all chose to deal with it. Meri and Mariah dealt with it the way they dealt with it and we've seen it - if it looks bad, they might want to reflect on that for awhile.

    6. Anon. 9:27 You are absolutely right. Mariah is still young. I can't imagine having to go to school and live down these scenes being shown this summer. The timing is awful for her. I understand her wanting the house. Her mother has made her believe that the houses are the answer to the family's unhappiness. Meri is responsible for this! In reality having a new house will be nice, but will not stop the disfunction being shown. Mariah needs to get out and go to school where she can learn a different lesson.

    7. Mariah is always acting bratty. Now we will see her nice since we talked about it here, and she is in her 38000 yr college. While logan's is 6000 and he is working.

    8. I too feel bad for the editing of Mariah this past episode and next weeks as well look similarly flattering. She does do positive things. She made Sol a blanket. More invested in making a blanket than buying something for him. She also works hard at school. She takes on extra classes.

    9. At least the Brown children are being encouraged to get a good education. I don't like this bunch, but I do admire that they are not pushing marriage and children on their young girls. I hope that these kids can learn to take care of themselves. It gives the future a little brighter cast.

  15. I've been a reader for a long time but this is my first post. Great blog! I have to give a short run down of what I think of the Browns as a whole.

    First, my favorite is Christine. That does not mean she is without fault, I just relate to her the most. I can see her making an effort because she believes in this lifestyle. I think she is a good SAHM and was probably very good at homeschooling when they did that. I felt horrible for her when Kody married Robyn. I know she grew up in this belief system but I cant imagine watchijng your husband cheat and having to accept it and like it. ugh. I felt sorry for the others too but C was different.

    Janelle- whats not to love?

    Meri- works every last nerve I have. The more screen time she has the more I don't like her. Wet bar gate is ridiculous but hilarious. What I find startling is the difference in her from the first 2 seasons to now. There has to be some behind the scenes factors. Real feelings about Robyn, medication? She is just bitter and angry and her facial expressions are even vastly different from the Lehi house days. Is this just me?

    Robyn- Im bored. She has a good heart but I just have no feelings about her at all.

    Kody- I alternate between being impressed by his positive attitude in a sea of need and wanting to hit him on the back of the head.
    He deeply love Meri but she can annoy him. He always wants to please her.
    He is happy Janelle is there but no physical love. How they ever conceived 6 kids is beyond me.
    He doesnt love Christine, he tolerates her. Shes too much work. Its sad, she deserves better. He even ignores those kids. Makes me mad every episode.
    Loves Robyn, watching them makes me vomit.

    This last episode? Mariah is such a MERI!! I cant get over how ridiculous they are. GET OVER IT. Turn a negative into a positive.
    Overall, the Lehi days were the best.

    Love reading the blog - and now commenting!!

    1. Welcome, Maddie!

      Congrats on your first comment!

    2. "Jannelle - what's not to love ?

      Absolutely true.

  16. As for Robyn being to beautiful to need to cook....give it a few years when Robyn is no longer fertile, you know Kody is going to head over to Christine's house for breakfabst, lunch, and dinner. Then, when he wants some peace and quiet he will head to Meri's. When he wants some extra spending money or to be coddled like he is a child, he will go over to Janelle's. He won't be needing Robyn after her womb is dried up, the honeymoon will be over. Beauty fades, dumb is forever.

    1. the other cliché that regularly applies to Sobbin' (and Meri, too) is "don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining."

    2. I took that comment differently. I don't think kody enjoys her cooking. The promo edited it to be complimentary but after he said it,she mentioned something about him not eating at her place because he was "too picky", which is especially funny considering the Brown's recipie for mock tapioca.

  17. Robyn has a pointy witch's chin and is not pretty. She also has bad posture and sounds illiterate when she opens her mouth! Do not like!

    1. Agreed!!!!!! I think Janelle is actually the prettiest of them all and Christine second- Meri and pointy chin Sobbin, nooooo thanks!!!!

    2. There is a funny picture of her and Charlie Chaplin's chins on here.

    3. Janelle has the most beautiful face - and she is a thoroughly good person.

    4. She even butchers her children's names. Arrruurra, Day-in, Sol-min

  18. Why did Kody need to go to every closing if he was not on the deeds? And he isn't is he? I thought all those women (except Meanie) were buying their houses (if you can call it that) on their own?

    1. I looked up the deeds online, and Kody's name is on lot 7, joint with Meri. The rest of them say "Janelle Brown, an unmarried woman", etc.

    2. Janelle Brown, an unmarried woman, was on the Lehi deed also. If she'd kept the house in her own name and continued in her job, she'd no doubt have a neat little nest egg, not to mention a state pension ahead.

      Kody likes to say, "Sell me on it." as though the wish of a beloved wife should become a cold sales competition. He manipulates emotion to get his way. It's his fun, alpha dog run and a win for him.

      Remember how he sold and congratulated his daughter for "selling" Christine on becoming pregnant with Truly? The similar hard sell to Meri?

    3. Makes me wonder where Kody's responsibility was in making sure "Meri's" paperwork was in on time.

  19. I wonder what the other wives will think about Kody's comment about Robyn being too beautiful to cook!!!! He treats her SO much better than the others!!!! Not just this episode but, all the others also. No wonder Meri is miserable!! Not that I am sticking up for Meri- I am not- that woman drives me crazy and her daughter not far behind!!!!

    1. I can imagine Christine trying to roll her eyes completely into the back of her head at that remark, seeing as how she is the one who mostly cooks for him!

  20. Poor, poor Sobbin. Such a colossal ditz, to believe she "owns" her McMansion. LMAO! And what an arrogant clown for having the gall to assert that women in a monogamous marriage just don't have the "whatever it was she said" that those in a plyg marriage have. How obnoxious, not to mention ignorant. What a slam to the many monogamously married wives she hopes will shell out their hard-earned money for to buy her cheap quality, tacky and overpriced costume joolery. My guess is this dame has never worked a day in her life. Always such the victim. Has always relied on a man to support her and continues to do so. She whines that she no longer makes promises to her kids because she's not going to risk not being able to keep them. Oh boo hoo - cry me a river. Nothing but a parasitic phony-baloney who I'm SURE only got together with Kodouche because of his ride on the TLC gravy train and all that she could benefit from that. And now she's a big joolery entrepreneur with a McMansion that she believes she "owns" hahahahaha. Delusions of grandeur much? Would very much love to hear her ex hubby's side of the story in terms of the demise of their marriage, I'm sure it would be so enlightening. Just like how she claims that in order to "keep the peace" she accepted ALL of the debt from the marriage. Yeah, right. A single Mom with 3 kids including one who's autistic or aspergers, with no proper education or work skills is going to be such a martyr and take on the debt to keep the peace. What a liar. I guess that's a good way to make people feel sorry for the fact that you're such a financial screw-up.

    1. According to court records, he filed for divorce citing "irreconcilable differences." I'm thinking those differences may have included her spending habits, which is WHY she agreed to accept all of the debt. Including the $1,000+ debt to Victoria's Secret. (Really . . . I'd assume that the one who is wearing the undies should accept responsibility for the debt.)

    2. Blessings. Sobbin Robyn said monogamous women will never have the blessings that plyg wives have.

      So what are these blessings Sobbin? Jealousy? Depression? Misery? Hate? The knowledge that your "husband" is sticking it in other women? Herpes? (Sorry Browns, but Robyn's wedding gift to you all was a raging case of herpes and we ALL can see it!)

      If these are the blessings she means, I'll stick with my unblessed, boring ole monogamous marriage.

    3. Anon. 12:28. So funny! "Robyn's wedding gift." I love it.

  21. This show usually makes me cringe, and serves to remind me just how destructive cults can be on the individual. But this episode was exceptionally revealing and gave some sound insight into what these people are truly all about. These have to be some of the most self-consumed people on the planet. Their "faith" is genuinely self-serving. It is always all about them and their family. It is obnoxious to watch such self-centered behavior under the guise of faith. Personally I find their tears offensive. What was was stopping them from being together if that is what they really wanted? They just would have had to make a few genuine sacrifices instead of bemoaning their manufactured sacrifices.

    What I really found ironic was the comment Robyn made about the blessings monogomous women are missing. This amused me because it seems they are always struggling to get along and ever chasing but having out of reach that nirvana they are seeking. Her comment seems a justification for their misery....these supposed "blessings" are an illusion. And Christine would have been so much better off if someone helped her leave. She will never know what it means to have one husband fully committed and partnered with her. A blessing some of us who are monogomous understand.

    This show really helps to expose what many cults do to women....subject and condition them. That is why we see so much passive aggresive behavior....they are unable to really express anger and with a husband who is divided between four families....they have a whole bunch to be angry about.

    Just my opinon, but someone should clue them in on the real Joeseph Smith. He was a predator.

    1. I agree, it is very sad. I'm sure some have tried (especially now that they're out of Utah) but it's hard when you've been made to believe your eternal salvation is tied to it. Even most mainstream LDS don't seem to have any idea who Joseph Smith really's amazing how many people come out of the group and say they literally had no idea he even practiced polygamy (much less had at least 33 wives, 11 already married at the time and several 14 years old). It's strange because the facts are in the LDS literature - but even ex-Mormons who spent decades in the church still swear they had no idea.

      As much as I'm appalled by what Joseph Smith did, I'm also fascinated and amazed he was able to pull it off and that the church leaders have kept it going so long. Strange and very sad, really.

      Personal feelings about Joseph Smith aside - I'm so glad Christine is still celebrating and event important to her family, if for no other reason that it means Kody wasn't able to suppress something so important to her! Go Christine - don't lose that spunk! (And maybe consider picking up Todd Compton's "In Sacred Lonliness" one of these days...)

    2. I would absolutely love it if Christine was able to experience a monogamous marriage. She has such a wonderful, fun, and bubbly personality and she would make any man so happy, and in return he would give her and her children the love and attention they all deserve and desperately crave. Never again would she feel like she's a "bad" wife. Christine, if you really do read this blog, please understand you are NOT a bad person or a bad wife. You try so hard with Kody, we all see it. You and your kids deserve better. You deserve happiness in your life. You deserve a man who will love you and ONLY you and make you feel special. Most of all, you deserve your self esteem back. There ARE people and organizations out there that will help you and your children get out, if that's what you want. Just look online and you'll find them very fast.

      And to Janelle, you deserve everything I just said Christine deserves. You're a beautiful person, inside and out, and I think it's safe to say that I speak for everyone on this blog when I say we are SO PROUD of you for your decision to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. We're all cheering for you and supporting you 100%!

      Meri, Robyn and Kody, I want this post to be positive so I'll leave my feelings about you to another post. All I'm gonna say is you three deserve each other. Blech!

    3. Kind of a late edit to my previous post above, but I just want to say that I've been reading this blog for a while now but wanted to finally join the discussion. I posted a comment above but posted it under an Anon handle (forgot to log in to Google to post it).

      Anyways, I'm happy to be joining in on the commenting fun with all of you! :)

    4. "What I really found ironic was the comment Robyn made about the blessings monogamous women are missing."

      Maybe in her mind, she thinks she is right. I can't imagine what the blessings are of being in this *particular* polygamous family, though. Fame? TLC money? Robyn having her "very first home?" It sure can't be a loving, united "sisterhood" or the joys of singularly devoted spousal intimacy.

  22. I think it's sad Christine thinks she's a bad sister-wife, because in my opinion she's the only one who really seems to actually CARE about EVERYONE in the family and appreciates (and knows) what qualities make them special. If that's a bad sister-wife, what's a good one? Meri, who thinks she deserves an even slice of the pie when her needs are less? Robyn, who cries all the time and acts like she's Kody's only wife and the others are only good as free labor for her business? Or Janelle, who's so checked out, she seems oblivious to the train wreck speeding towards them? Yikes. It's so sad that Christine can't/won't get out and find someone who really truly loves HER for who she is, and cherishes her "inner princess" and won't verbally and emotionally abuse her like Kody does. And worse, that she seems to think it's a horrible thought to even consider leaving.

    As for Robyn's idea of "home" and how this is her first, well, it's the first one in her name I guess. But she sure as heck doesn't own it, and my guess is most if not all of them have already been pulling what little equity they have in the homes (due to down payment, most likely) and using it to pay their living expenses. Personally, I'd rather rent a house than constantly have to worry about how are we gonna make this (interest only?) mortgage payment this month. A home is what you make of where you are, not whose name is on the paperwork.

    And Meri, Meri, always twisting the facts to make herself look like the victim, when she is really only a victim of her own manipulative ways. :(

    All I can say is my only hope for this family is that the editors of the show cherry pick tiny moments which make these people look horrible and that in real life they're not anything like that. But I have a hard time believing that's the case, but hey if they want to believe they're all blissfully happy and this "lifestyle" works for them, then fine, but I won't be feeling any sympathy for them when it all comes tumbling down.

    Thankfully though, most of the kids seem pretty clued in to the reality of the situation, and those who aren't will hopefully get a clue once they're on their own and see how the real world operates.

    1. "I think it's sad Christine thinks she's a bad sister-wife..."

      I agree, that is sad because I like Christine and I think she is a genuinely good person. I am not convinced that when she says things like, "I am being a bad sister wife.." that it isn't really Kody that we are hearing. Meaning, these are the things he tells her, and she believes them because he's her husband and, at the end of the day (for them) what he says is how it is. Sad....really sad!

    2. You're so right. If I ever had to live polygamy, I'd want Christine as a sister-wife. She has a truly precious heart. :-)

  23. I mostly don’t get too annoyed by anything any of the Brown Clowns say. After all none of them are very well educated or sophisticated and their oddly-crafted opinions and pronouncements are generally meaningless to me. However, Robyn’s latest offering that monogamous individuals will NEVER understand the happiness they share or the blessings they have goes just a little over the line for me. And, I’m getting just a bit weary of her know-it-all big-world-view bashing of the choice to live a monogamous life. This is a woman with little education, very narrow life experience and an ever growing list of failures and demonstrated incompetence. She hasn’t been in the plyg life long enough to be their national spokes-model, so she might want to hang back a bit. In addition, all the crying leaves her looking like a basket case and I’ve seen the dude she sleeps with. All of those things make her the last person to offer an opinion to anyone else. She should just shut up.

    1. Yes, it's very obvious what joy she is getting from her sister wives. Passive aggression, no help with the kids or why would Taralyce live with her, hostility from Christine, disdain from Janelle, no interest from the others for her hobby business. Gee, maybe we should all want to get some of that for ourselves. Not.

    2. It may be over-the-line, Robyn's comment about monogamous women, but one can understand where she is coming from....she didn't have a good monogamous marriage AND she is now in a unit where she has three other women who are there for her. They may have their individual conflicts, but dollars-to-doughnuts, these women will be there for each other when the getting gets tough.

    3. That's what friends, sisters and cousins are for. And you don't have to let them sleep with your husband either.

    4. Oregon, I am not so sure they would be there for each other as much as you might think. For example, Christine had a very difficult time when she was studying for her real estate examination because little Truely was constantly there, needing her attention. Christine obviously needed help during that time and not one of her sister wives (or Kody, for that matter) came forth to help her by watching her younger children so that she could study, even though they all very well knew how important it was to her. I felt really bad for Christine because when she really needed them to pitch in and help her out, they turned their backs to her.

    5. there for eachother? Meri is already wanting a dividing line down the landscaping so she doesn't water one leaf that might belong to Janelle. GET REAL!

    6. Run, Plyglets, Run!August 13, 2013 at 8:03 AM

      I think that's in the kool-aid. There's not a lot of benefit to women in this "lifestyle" so the prophets put this spin on it to make it sound like monogamous women are missing out. And Robyn's been drinking this kool-aid all her life.

  24. KODY

    it seems wanted to show us he could read & did very well. All I can say he must have practiced all day. Showed pics of kody w

    hen he was young & dawn if Hunter don't look just like Kody.pretty impres

  25. You missed a tweet from Maddie last night: "You're fake! Grow up and quit with the selfishness!" Tweeted at 8:24 PM right around the time of Meri getting her "bad news". Coincidence? Possibly....

  26. Kody has mentioned "Rock Star" 2-3 times. I wonder if that was the street where the originally wanted to build. It is one of the streets in that little community. Wouldn't he have just loved that, it would have been such a boost to his ego.

  27. Does anyone know where I might be able to watch last night's episode? It is not available on Amazon Instant or Itunes yet for some reason.

    1. It is on iTunes now! I also watched it on before it was up this morning.

  28. a Lifetime plyg special coming up on Aug. 24.

  29. It would be nice if the put at least wood chips down in one backyard for a swingset, etc.

    1. Good idea!!!! Perhaps in Meri's yard?? Hahah!!!!!

    2. That would be nice. Since Janelle has the pool, Robyn could have the eating area on the patio. Meri could have the area for time out for pouters lol.

  30. Oh oh oh they did a mission statement? Have they never watched reality t.v.? Because if they had, they'd know that's the death knell for reality t.v. series. Also known as jumping the shark - but not those sharks Christine. Did their missy state anything about fiscal responsibility? If it did, it just might be worth watching!

    1. That was no Mission Statement.

    2. I didn't see it but a coworker said they did one after getting the idea from the Daggers I think. The idea of them doing one didn't surprise me because they were just copying someone else. They can't seem to come up with an original idea if Meri's wetbar depended on it. They really should pay attention to this blog & some of the really good ideas for products. It wouldn't hurt to poke a bit of fun with themselves (tees with that unique Utah pronunciations spelled out, the "team" tees etc. Lastly, I saw a promo & those kids are going to be the source of their extended ride on the gravy train. Maddie & Aspyn are gorgeous, Janelle's older boys are wonderful. The rest of the kids have promise & the two youngest are absolutely adorable.

  31. It bothers me on twitter how Mariah always says Sol is the cutest kid, how she will miss him the most, etc. Poor Truely.

    1. Really? It doesn't both me. I think she probably does have a close relationship with him. Christine's older girls (both Aspyn and Mykelti) have both posted lots of pictures of Truly over the past year or so and they seem to have a very special relationship with their little sister. And Madison posts many pictures of Savannah and talks about their special relationship. Maybe because Sol doesn't have any full siblings among the oldest kids, it opened up some space for Mariah to form a special bond with him. I think it's nice if she's been able to do that. Some of her comments in the couch interviews have made me think she sees that the other kids with full siblings have some sort of special bond she isn't fully a part of - or doesn't feel fully a part of. If this has given her something special with one of the little kids, good for them both.

      On the other hand, I think Truly seems to have gotten the short end of the stick from Kody - and that bothers me big time. But I'm not bothered by Mariah's relationship with Sol.

  32. Did anyone else notice that Kody bought that bed from a consignment store? In a couple of the scenes in the store, there is a sign that says "consignments" behind him. Maybe it wasn't really a "brand new bed in a brand new house."


    1. Colleen's Consignment sells the bed headboard/footboard but from what I can tell from being in the store, the mattresses are new. I don't think you can sell a used for sanitary reasons. What I didn't understand was WHY they bought a double bed and not a queen or king size. When the two lay down to "test" it there did not seem an abundancy of extra room. It appeared in the show that Janelle already had a queen sized bed. Why do backwards to a smaller size? Also, the times we've seen the other wives bedrooms, they seem to have queen or king sized mattresses.

    2. Just because the floor model was a double that doesn't mean they ended up with a double. That headboard looked to be at least a queen size to me.

    3. Yes, but a double bed is plenty big enough for Janelle on her own. Only once a week or so does she have anyone to share it with. It may not even be that often. Kody has said that there are times when seperation happens. So sad!

  33. I felt so bad for Janelle when Kodouche said romance with her was awkward while they were trying out beds. It's obvious that she probably only had to perform her wifely duties when needed, and was just a baby making wife. It must be so hard for them to watch the show and see how "romantic" Kodouche is with Robyn. They didn't look like a real couple when trying out beds. Why did they try to infer that there was even a shred of "romance" involved in their relationship? I can only assume it was due to the fact that someone at TLC is reading the comments here on this blog.

    1. I did too,.... at first. But remember at the very beginning, he did not marry Janelle because there was a love there - he married her because she came out of a bad marriage and she was a friend of Meri's. So they have had to build their relationship. It seems to be, like he said and like the builder said, a pragmatic relationship. It is, in my opinion, the most equal and balanced relationship he has. I think Janelle is the place he goes for sanity.

    2. I hate PDA with my husband in public. I really do, And Janelle says she does too. Obviously Kody likes it. I hate to advocate for the devil---I really do hate it! But...I imagine since he had a smooshy huggy lover to compare his relationship with Janelle to, and since she HAD had a husband before him, he really did find it awkward. He couldn't "warm up" with lots of PDA, and he has always had his own brother in law in the back of his mind during their relationship.

      heck...I would guess that anyone would feel awkward making love to a woman with his wife in the bedroom next door. I have a feeling that comment was a moment of ugly honesty, but not necessarily evidence that they have never been in love or had a satisfying love life.

    3. I hope that's all it was. I can't imagine the kids, especially Logan and Madison watching this episode and thinking that their dad never had anything romantic with their mom. It would hurt me so badly. I didn't know that Janelle was married to Kody's brother in law? Maybe I missed that story, but can you expand? I don't understand how a woman can spend 20 years with someone with absolutely no romance. I get that she wants the lifestyle, but what about her needs and desires? I truly hope she recognizes all of her gifts and worth someday.

    4. Janelle was married to Adam, Meri's brother before "marrying" Kody.

    5. Not only is Janelle Kody's former sister-in-law, but she is also his step sister. That in itself could create a degree of awkwardness. Someone in an earlier blog this week said that there was no "ick factor" in this family. I beg to disagree. The relationships are just a bit too close for my liking. Poor Janelle.

  34. When this ride on the "gravy train" ends for the Browns, how will they support their life styles? Would anyone want to hire Cootie? I would not think an employer would want him in a position where he would have contact with the public. Maybe he could take phone orders for the closet.

    I don't know what Janelle did before the move from Utah, but she must have made a good salary. Meri said she lost her job working with "at risk" children because of the show. Has she ruined her chances for employment?

    Christine seems suitable to work in day care for children or cooking in a restaurant (catering) since these seem to be her strengths and what she enjoys. (Real estate sales entails working nights and week-ends.) Besides she seems to want to stay at home and be a homemaker.

    What would Robyn do? That closet stuff is not going to fly. I would be shocked if the actually made a go of it. Don't make me eat my words, Robyn.

    I think it would be hard for any of them to find employment. I have seen warnings for kids about putting out info on facebook and jeopardizing the chances for employment. This TV show would have the same impact for the Browns. And will the impact of the show trickle down to the children and how they value this life style?

    1. I think that if the children go on with their lives (college, tech school, or whatever they choose to do after high school) and stay clear of the Brown Clown drama, such as Logan who appears to be trying his best to stay away, then I think they have a shot at a normal life.

      Their main problem is that they have a part-time, overbearing dad who feels that he needs to micro-manage his kids' lives, even though he is only in it about one day per week. Once they are grown and can get out from under Kody's oppressive thumb, I think they have a chance. Until them...Lord, help them!

    2. So true! "Lord help them." These poor kids did not choose this lifestyle. They did not choose to put their lives in front of the camera for anyone to see. It will be hard on the little ones. The older ones were mostly raised before the TLC money came into the picture. The little ones...not so much.

  35. Did Kody buy the headboard with the leather, pleather or genuine naugahyde. What a disaster waiting to happen. I can just see it splitting and then what is underneath? (unfinished plywood perhaps?) All of their taste is the their mouths.

    1. I thought it was a nice bed. I'm happy for Janelle!

  36. Not really because their recipes are mock this and fake and esay this and that..but i get what u mean lolol

  37. Ahhh, SWB how I have missed you! :)

    The absolute selfishness of Meri and Mariah continues to astound me. Not only does Meri have to have the biggest house, she had to be the "FIRST" one to move in. She seemed more bothered not being 'first' and being 'dead last' than not getting in by Christmas. She seemed all for getting into 'just one' house by Christmas when it looked like it would be her house. But when it wasnt, she could barely choke out the words 'it was good that Janelle was able to get her house'. Mariah's behaviour and attitude is so far from acceptable, let alone someone who claims to be a Christian. She is a spoiled brat. She looked like she was sucking on lemons during the dinner at Janelle's house- her face was so bitter and angry. She's basically an adult and is already a nasty piece of work. Her fake smile and empty words cant hide her rotten heart.

    Truly is adorable. Christine was so very sweet to organize those gifts- I didnt notice a lot of thankfulness from Robyn or Meri.

    I think Janelle is the most intelligent and most realistic of all of them. Yes, she is mistreated over and over again but has too much grace to respond with the temper tantrums that Meri & sobbin Robyn put on. She is looking so good and I dont think she cares if her and Kody arent having as romantic a relationship as with the other wives. She doesnt need his attention or praise to feel validated- she is not in a competition with the other wives and is beginning to reclaim her life and her sense of self. She is fairly realistic and knows that the most important relationships are with her kids- I'm sure that they fulfill her emotional needs more than Kody. I'm also pretty sure she's the only one who may even be in with a chance of maintaining long term mortgage payments- so its no wonder Kody is trying to get back in her good books :P. Plus, he's probably getting sick of Robyn's pitiful idiocy and Meri's picky bitchiness.

  38. i would have LOVED for the first house to have Meri's just so we could see all the kids run thru meris house and eat in meris house..the look on her face would have been priceless..Kody says this is an element their family has been searching for..element code for money

  39. Kody requested Meri and Robyn's house done first. JERK.
    Meri, Karma is something.
    Fix yours up all perfect; Christine and Janelle will have HOMES.

    Christine, please have one more baby!

    1. Hell no.

      Christine has had enough kids. She has enough debt , no support from her 'husband'. Why on earth should she have another? Is that you Kodouche?

  40. Kody and Meri buying as husband and wife should have been easier then the single mothers. Something in their credit history had to have been an obstacle for them.
    When they were approved it is always with conditions. Each condition has to be met to the underwriters satisfaction. So its possible that meri delaying getting the paperwork in, plus it might not have been the right stuff. If Janelle did the books in lehi and since being in vegas it became meri and kodys job to manage their own finances, just like Christine bitched about..that would have been the blind leading the blind. Meri and Mariah stewed another 3 weeks..cant wait to see that play out

  41. why does Kody say this bedspread stinks when he was putting on a top sheet? I mean I realize it was a staged scene, but as he was reading his lines, he wasn't even holding a bedspread. And amusingly, Janelle didn't care enough to look embarrassed at how transparent a setup it was

    Notice, the other 3 baby mommas had nice bedroom sets, but Janelle didn't even have a headboard?

    And what is it with Sobbin's girls? They're constantly emotionally deranged -- crying and hysterical. Coming into Janelle's new house but also at the mission statement meeting. Maybe Sobbin's sobbing is a hereditary characteristic? Something looks really wrong there tho

    1. These children have been through something pretty rough. I don't kinow what happened in her previous marriage, but I suspect it was very ugly. Children react badly to that. I hope that Robyn's children are getting help. The public schools have the responsibilty to check for learning disabilities, emotional disorders, and attachment problems. Not that it should be the school's job. It is no wonder that regular education takes a back seat anymore. The teachers are stretched pretty thin.

  42. Kodouche has it made in the shade. He can't possibly have the responsibilities that a husband in a monogamous marriage would have because he's too busy flitting from house/bed to house/bed. Do you think this joke of a man has ever helped with housework? Getting the kids ready for bed at night? Changing a diaper? Helping with the dinner dishes? Helping with homework? Taking out the trash? Of course not. Hell, he's so lazy and daft that he's had no qualms about letting the mothers of his children drive around on dangerous bald tires. Anybody remember that episode where were "fleeing" Lehi in the dark of night and one of the wives' vehicles got a flat (Meri's?) and the dunce actually thought he could use the spare from a different vehicle? (of course he couldn't as it didn't fit, DUH) What a total conehead and not much of a man.

    The wives bear all of the burdens and responsibilities and he just gets to pop in a couple of nights a week to reap the benefits of a roll in the sack (with that wife on that night) and not having to lift a finger and actually help the respective wife because, after all, he only stops by 2 times a week so she'd likely want him to be spending "quality" (LOL) time with the kids. What a total jacka$$. But sad thing is, these wives and the women who believe that this lifestyle is oh so cool and such a "blessing", they don't even realize what subservient slaves they are, and how they perpetually get the short end of the stick. Well, except Orange Meri who has nothing but time on her hands.

    I feel very sorry for Janelle. She deserves to be married to a man who is in love with her and treats her like the queen that she is. Not one that goes on national TV and admits that he'll buy her a bed "on layaway" (what kind of a loser is that?)....that came from a consignment store? I highly doubt that Orange Meri would be caught dead in a consignment store for her furnishings but I guess it's good enough for Janelle.

    This show needs to come to an abrupt halt. This is no longer a show about's a show about a married man with 3 lovers whose beds he takes turn hopping into. They are no longer true sisterwives who share in the raising of the kids, in running the household, etc........they all live separate lives in separate homes. The basic premise of this show no longer even remotely exists. These poor kids can't possibly all feel like true siblings when they all live in separate homes with separate rules and so much chaos.

    1. It was the same consignment store where they got the furniture last time and for Sol's room, so Meri did get furniture from it. And some consignment stores sell more than just used pieces. Some also get close-out merchandise they are able to sell at very low prices. Maybe some of the stuff they've bought is new closeout merchandise and some good quality consignment.

      I see a ton of reasons to not like Kody and believe all of his 'wives' deserve better; but buying on consignment or on layaway don't see like things anyone should be shamed for doing.

    2. Sorry I disagree. Orange Meri got a trip to Mexico for their 20th Anniversary but poor Janelle isn't worth some saving up and planning to buy her a decent gift, considering she was good enough to give you 6 children and essentially be the only half-financially responsible voice of reason in the bunch? I would be mortified if that were my husband and he had to buy my gift (under these circumstances) on layaway, a piece at a time. That's beyond tacky, IMO. I'm sure that poor Janelle is appreciative of any slight crumb that Kodouche would give her (however a bed and bedroom suite that he shares the benefit of isn't exactly a genuine gift) but I highly doubt that if we were talking Sobbin here, he'd have done whatever it took to walk out of that store with all pieces being paid for and due for delivery. He gets the fancy car and Janelle gets a gift with no forethought or planning after 20 years of marriage and 6 kids later.

    3. True, True, True and True. But if SW goes off the air who would we make fun of?!

    4. I don't see the big deal about buying something on layaway. Seriously, how is that worse than buying someting with a credit card and then taking 5 years to pay it off? I actually think it's one of the first responsible things I've heard Kody say he's done. He paid on the furniture until it was his and then took it home. At least he wasn't adding to his debt load.

    5. Maybe Janelle hates Mexico. Maybe she would freak if he spent that much money. She isn't as selfish as Meri and might not want a trip. She really wanted a bed! And the bed looked new to me.

    6. It was a beautiful bed! And regardless of how I feel about Kody overall, I'm glad he got it there on the first day. I'm excited and happy for Janelle.

    7. And Janelle might not want to show her "assets" on television with the camera angles that were used on Mary. That whole scene turned my stomach. I alwayhs wondered how Mary felt about that after she saw the finished film.

  43. Ha! I see someone on the MSWC Facebook Page very upset that it's been 3 weeks since they ordered their Joolery though they were charged for it on their credit card the day it was ordered.....and if that's not shady enough, this person is not receiving any responses from the Clowns. She's talking about disputing the charge w/ her CC company and she should. Of course there's a faithful fan trying to stick up for the Clowns saying it can take 4-6 weeks. Oh really? Well perhaps if it's coming from Asia.......

    1. No, no. They hand deliver each of them. That road trip to San Francisco was to make deliveries. Next weekend it's off to Roanoke. You just have to be patient.

    2. Anon 11:52 LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL awesome!

    3. Oh . . . so THAT's why the stuff is so expensive!

  44. Whenever they talk about how they'd be happy just being in one of the homes by Christmas, you can tell they just meant they'd be happy if just Meri was in her home by Christmas. If Meri ain't happy, nobody's happy.

  45. All they want is the everything else its a day to day mentality. It should be posted on the website what there shipping dates and times are. Ive ranted here before about the Visa/MC rules about hard charging an item and the customer not getting it timely and the customer has no way to contact them. They have no ability to manage the inventory expectations. So customers are waiting because Robyn is waiting to place the order with her manufacturer. It is of course backward thinking. They will have many charge backs, and visa will shut them down. I was hoping that they read this blog and light bulb would go off about their business is such a huge no no

    1. Maybe not take away their merchant account - that would take a lot. There are merchants who are far worse offenders. Trust me I know.

      But yup - it WILL cost them money - lots of it - if they don't tighten up and get in compliance.
      Responding to chargebacks costs the acquirer money, which is passed on to the merchant.
      If the chargeback is escalated to arbitration, Visa or MC will rule in accordance with the regulations and the losing side will have to not only pay the original charge - but also filing and review fees which can be $500 or more, regardless of the amount of the transaction.

      And those fees along with the original charge will be deducted right out of the merchant account for MSWC.

      I can tell you now, that if the Browns persist in processing a sale transaction before goods are shipped, chargebacks are inevitable. There is only so much slack that buyers will give them no matter what kind of "feel sorry for us" song and pity party dance they do.
      IMO of course.

  46. How did Kody (all of a sudden) come up with enough money to buy Jannelle a bed/mattress? Who did he have to short change? What else does he have hidden away from the wives? I don't trust those little beady eyes. Maybe he had a part-time job that night to pay for the bed and that is why he was tired when he got to Robyn's.

  47. Robyn is a fake. If she was really into the blessings of sister wives as she announces she would have been smiling at Christine's gifts to the children. She and Meri looked blank and maybe even disgusted when sitting on the couch recapping. Even Cootie had a nice thing to say about Christine's thoughtfulness and encouraging the sibling bonds. I shutter to imagine what Sobbin' and Meri are like when the cameras are not rolling. Horrors!!!!!!

  48. Ok. This is not related to the show Sister Wives but a question about polygamous mormons.
    I am hooked on the AMC series Hell on Wheels about the railroad going West. The last episode was about a polygamous mormon family and the dad wasn't peace loving or much of a father at all. Do you think this has been and will always be the way this group is ?

  49. Wouldn't it be a little more entertaining, and maybe even a bit believable, if not a tad authentic, if the show was more in real time, instead of faux dramas and staged events that are *at least*.....eight months old ??
    Eight months later!!! Hell, who knows what the real deal is now in Kodyworld?

    Did Janelle's 2nd hand, new bed collapse from overuse?
    Have Meri and Mariah stopped bitching? Are they still running, now in matching yellow sweat pants?
    Will it be explained why as of last Christmas, Janelle continued to whine and fret about paying a mortgage and bills for 6 kids, yet Christine didn't seem to mention any panic about bills...and she also has *6* kids??
    Is Sobbin still sobbing? Or are she and Kody still dining on their love, instead of Sobbin's cooking?
    Will these questions and others from 2013 be addressed in the next two or three years?

    Except that thanks to their own tweets and Internet sleuthing and posters here who live in LV, we do know a few things which *are* current.
    Despite Janelle's impassioned statement late last fall about going all out as a realtor, 3/4 of a year later she still is not listed as having sold any houses. Has it taken her that long to unpack after the move of Christmas 2012?
    We also know that one of them was recently having a patio or pool installed. (Probably Janelle)
    Kody still doesn't seem to have an actual job, nor does Meri.
    Sobbin (or someone) is manning the NSWC, but complaints are being made public.
    Their signature Disney trips have continued the last 8 months, despite their alleged dire finances of December 2012.

    Do the producers realize or care that viewers and even fans are getting bored, annoyed and turned off?

  50. Aspyn just posted a cute instagram picture on Twitter of Kody and Christine with their six children. It was taken in front of one of the McMansions while they were still being built. I love seeing Christine and her kids together. Same with Janelle. Would like to see more.

  51. I wonder if the money Meri spent on her wet bar could have been used to save or help drake..i re watched the episode about meri bitching about french doors and unfortunately that was the one about drake the dog..had to fast forward made me so ill kody digging grave while dog still alive..dont forget what kind of people these adults really are..luv the kides

    1. OMG!! I saw that episode too and had the same reaction all over again.....Drake walking around wagging his tail while Kodouche was digging his grave!! How about Glucosamine and Rimadyl Meri??!!??!! With all of that space in her McMansion surely she could have a space for Drake downstairs where he wouldn't have to climb stairs. All I have to say is Karma sucks so I hope neither Meri nor Kody get arthritis as they age- although there is plenty of room for them both next to Drake in the "forest" in Lehi.

      They both definitely deserve Uncle Art's boots to their heads for that one.

    2. We are walking in those shoes right now.

      Our much-loved Yorkie is 13. She has arthritis and dementia. We have given her glucosamine for the past couple of years for arthritis, and when the weather is cloudy or rainy, we give her an occasional rimadyl when she's in obvious pain. I hesitate to give her that, though, because it's been found that it can be toxic to the internal organs. Even with medication, she has deteriorated over the past two months, and we have made the decision to put her down this weekend.

      Our daughter came over last night to see her, and Summer was so excited she was able to jump up on the couch in a way that has been extremely difficult for her lately. She wagged her tail, kissed our daughter a million times, and scarfed down the Taco Bell soft taco (her favorite treat) that our daughter brought her. Then, within 10 minutes, the arthritis overwhelmed the excitement and she was back to hobbling around and in obvious discomfort.

      I wonder whether Drake was so excited to be back on his home turf and out in the woods that he was able to push through the pain and enjoy those last few minutes. Given what we've gone through the last few weeks, I will not judge the Browns for their decision. One of the phrases I've found often online while trying to determine if it was Summer's time was this: "If the time is getting close, it's more humane to let them go one day too soon than one day too late." Also, when I called the vet to make the appointment to come to the house, I was told that he would evaluate her first, because "no reputable veterinarian will put down a healthy dog."

      As much as I have no respect for Kody and Meri, I do not believe that they - or the vet or the producers of the show - would kill a healthy dog as a plot for an episode. Just my thoughts.

  52. Mariah's apology totally accepted. Meri where is your apology? You owe one to everyone including your daughter.

  53. I was thinking if someone could irrefutable prove to these women that the whole "You need a man to get to Mormon Heaven, or you will go to Hell," was the invention of a predator would they walk away from Krudy, or feel so vested in what they have done with their lives they would stay. Is their religion what is holding them in this situation? I don't think it is.

    Meri loves having 3 captive wives and their children as backdrops for her drama. She has a captive "family," to bully and insult at hand. If she did not have all these compliant women and their children to abuse, who would she go after and attack?

    Krudy himself is King boy-man, absolved of all responsibility in everything, flitting from bed to bed, never being held accountable for his unemployment, refusal to parent his children, or immaturity. If a wife fawns all over him, he will stick around for a night, anything else and he walks out the door.

    Sobbin has a MAN to protect her from abuse, even to the point of guarding her as she takes the children to the ex. She is the perpetual innocent in need of rescuing, and Krudy is so vapid and dense, he thinks he really is the night in shining armor. Sobbin is a player like Meri, and found a man stupid enough to buy in to her fantasy.

    those three use the lifestyle to their benefit. It enables them to continue in their respective personality disorders, even to the point of thriving.

    I have no idea what Janelle gets out of this, Christine seems to be the only one who was brain washed in to this cult as a child, and can't comprehend any other kind of life.

    1. just a reminder--or FYI, if you havent been around that long--All of them were at some level brainwashed into this as a child. Kody always says he converted as an adult, but his mother and Christine's father are cousins. Meri's dad joined up when she was 5 or 6. Robyn is a Piney, and from very young childhood, her mother was a second wife to her stepfather; Her "monogamous" first husband is one of "those" Jessups. Jennelle's grandma lived next door to some plyg that they were apparently pretty close to. My guess is that Jennelle's mom didn't teach too harshly against it either. . . Or she probably would?'t be married to Kody's dad.

    2. KODY's family is deep rooted and documented on this site. Janelle's mom is married to Kody's father.

  54. Brace yourselves. I am about to pay a compliment to Meri. Dum Dum Dummmmm Oh my, the suspense!

    I have to admit, in the scene where Meri is criticizing every little thing about her very "un-level home," she actually looks... Lovely. I really liked the updo hairstyle with bangs. She was wearing a colorful scarf that gave her a very feminine look. Props to Meri, for once.

    1. Meri Quite ContrariAugust 13, 2013 at 7:57 AM

      LOL! Abreva Anyone, your handle is hilarious. Not only did I laugh, I snorted!

  55. A thought: If Kody spends each nite w/a different wife, is that for a 24-hour period? Or does he just arrive at that night's home around 6 pm, then leaves around 9 or so the next morning. He's not working, so where does he go all day? Who's home is he at during the daytime?? To me, a day would be 24 hrs - and during that 24 hrs he would be available to that wife and her child/children. That seems fair to me. In Utah he had a full-time job, so his weekdays were accounted for, and weekends he was with everyone, since they all lived together in one home. An episode or two ago, Meri remarked "they" would be surprised to see just where Kody spends his days.... Just saying.

    1. In Utah, Kody, Meri and (I think) Janelle, lost their jobs when Sister Wives (TLC) became an issue.

      If I found a job, maybe a bit behind the scenes, I'd not be naming it on air. :)

    2. I believe only Meri lost her job. I agree with you, behind the scenes would be better.

  56. I didn't notice how she looked. I was too absorbed by those el-cheapo lights hanging over the kitchen island.

  57. Her half up half down hairstyle makes her look softer and younger. The lions mane not as pretty. People are pretty hard on her right now so I am not fussing her. I do think producers want to show the worse behavior of these people. We are all at times a pain in the backside. My predictions are the Browns will put the screws to Mariah to get married to continue the story line of the show. Meri will fill her house with grandchildren.

    I still want to buy something from their closet but still nothing I like on there. I would love a team Christine or Janelle tshirt. Oh yeah I am sooo frumpalicious!!!!

    1. I think the SWB team ought to make up the "Team Janelle" t-shirts and donate the proceeds (PROFITS! ;-)) to charity... Maybe a battered woman's shelter?

    2. Actually, Twisted Sister has many items to buy for charity. Check it out.

    3. Meri is ALLOWING herself to be filmed acting like the way she is. I can't feel sorry for her. I do feel sorry for the other kids who have to deal with Bonus Mommie Dearest each day until they thankfully get to leave.

      I wonder how the kids feel now, having a vicious viper like Meri in such close proximity once again?

    4. Cafe Press has a Team Christine shirt--don't know if it is regarding SW per se, but it is pastel pink with black letters!!

  58. I feel Meri was pissed she didn't get in first for a more devious reason. She wanted all that excitement with Kody's first night in the new homes. By house 4...not so much excitement.

    It looks like these are pre fab homes. They couldn't even pick a slightly different beige for the outside.

    Meri really is a evil minded person. The other three we might pick on here and there, but I'd take even Robyn over her.

    Mariah, lordy, get rid of your mom's issues.

    Why put anything between the yards?

    So odd the builder built them not knowing.......if they would get them, quite a dare. They certainly did not come out looking good. That's what you get when you try to be nice to the Brown grifters.

    Robyn's shooing away of Truely shows her true spirit. So did the child sreaming hanging on to Hunter.

    1. JanelleChristineRuleAugust 13, 2013 at 9:03 AM

      I think you are spot on with your theory.

    2. Anonymous. 3:35 That is a great point! She is one calculating woman. How awful.
      Just caught up on all the review, what a hoot. Thanks for a great blog.

  59. A few thoughts:

    1. Meri automatically goes into bitch face mode whenever she sees Mona, walks through the houses, or talks about the houses. It's like BAM bitch face scowling!

    2. Meri, teach your daughter how to be patient, have gratitude, and kindness. At least set the example even if you cannot be these things inside. smh. Carrying on and having a bawl baby fit in front of your child is simply gross.

    3. Kody loves Robyn. He does not look at the other wives the way he looks at her. Of course it could be that newlywed love, but I honest to goodness do not think he's in love with the other wives as he may have once been. I think Christine ruled his world for a long time, but along came Sobbin and that all ended. Kody's comment about romance being awkward with Janelle is very telling.

    4. I'm calling it now, there will be a wife #5 within a few years and another baby from Sobbin.

    5. Meri is going to announce health issues, and the baby issue will be put to rest.

    6. Sobbin has major major skeletons in her closet, and it could be that TLC will either hide it or include it in the next season.

  60. I barely got into the episode before Meri's witchy attitude made me want to throw my laptop across the room... Which would not have been a good thing, as I was at a coffee shop at the mall.

    Meri's Lines that bothered me:

    Timestamp -- 3:55 to 4:18

    Kody: "So whose side of the yard are these on? Are they Meri's yard of Janelle's yard?"

    Meri: "Yeah... Cuz if it's in Janelle's yard, I am NOT watering it. That is HER responsibility."

    . . . .

    Meri: "I was wondering how they were going to separate these two yards, Robyn..." (Think... PRIVACY! ;-))

    Robyn: "Wow, there is sort of a wall between us."

    Meri: "WELL... You're right. There IS a wall between us, Robyn."

    Both: Roll eyes... Laughing... Robyn's sounds strained, confused. Meri's is sharp, harsh, and B*witchy.

    As my mother would say, Meri's comments are "half just, full earnest." There's that passive-aggressive thing again. Could Meri be pre-menopausal? I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt concerning her attitude but, if I were one of her sister-wives, I'd be pulling a Janelle when it came to working out with either a punching bag or a sledge hammer...

  61. I take back thinking Christine was too lazy to work. She works hard being the grounded Mommy of the group. For all that talk of desserts, Meri brought nothing to the dinner, nor Robyn.

  62. I think I have Meri's problem figured out... she must be going thru "the change"

  63. I think Meri should wear a silk lounger all day in her Mc Mansion with pink satin kitten heels, lazing around while nursing a glass of wine. Wine bottle of course in a silver bucket of ice sitting perfectly on her wet bar. Eye liner thick, as all get out with hair jacked up to Jesus. (As my mom used to put it). The higher the hair, the closer to the Lord.

  64. Run, Plyglets, Run!August 13, 2013 at 8:42 AM

    In the pic with the young woman and Meri, Kody appears to be wearing a Centennial wrestling jacket.

    Is it normal for middle-aged men to go out wearing clothes with the name of a high school blazoned across them, when they never attended or taught at said school? Maybe I'm picking nits, have watched too much What Not To Wear or move in different social circles, but I've always though 'spirit wear' (as they call it at my kids' high school) was for students, maybe faculty and alumni.

    Anyway, it just struck me as further evidence of the man-child's arrested development. It's like he's competing with Hunter.

    1. Very common in our area for parents to wear shirts to support the team!

    2. Well....I am sitting reading this wearing a "Sectional Wrestling Champion" shirt I ordered when my son's team won their sectional. I never thought it was odd. I guess I wear it out of respect for my son's contribution to his team. He came in second :). Hunter is a good wrestler. Logan was a serious wrestler. Kody himself was a state champion wrestler. His wearing clothes for the high school wrestling team makes me respect him a little more...not less. It shows that he cares about his sons. Maybe its a regional thing. Done in some areas, but not others.

  65. I think that Janelle should get 30 Hyrams, one for every pound lost. It's great to see her being so open and frank about her ups and downs and how well she has done. Would love to the Kodettes and Kody being more supportive of her struggle-not saying that they are not; we just haven't seen them on an episode complimenting her or adjusting a menu so suit her needs. Anyone for mock tapioca pudding, ya'll?

  66. BE necklace only went from 609 left to 584 left from Friday-Tuesday. Could also be because there was no MSWC on the show on Sunday.

  67. Yes the paperwork for Meri AND Kody's house was turned in late but how do we know it was all Meri's fault? It could have been Kody's yet everyone is blaming Meri. They were both equally responsible for making sure it got done and submitted on time.

  68. Season one: Browns said we'd see they live like everyone else. Meri said the jealousy issues made them better people.
    I have seen none of this. Meri is emotionally immature. They have fallen into the money trap. What a crock for a religious show.

  69. Meri has always saw herself as better than the other wives. In the first couple of seasons, she said that she doesn't eat with the other two wives because she and Mariah eat healtheir...right. Then, when they were buying furniture on that one season, she said, she buys nice things because she takes care of her things, which implicitly says that the other wives do not take care of their things. In the book, when Janelle talked about how Meri treated her and how Meri and Kody cuddled under blankets while she had to sit there, which undermines the whole we don't show affection around the other wives cause it would hurt them...or it's more like the rule about the affection showing ended when Meri had so witness Kody showing affection to Christine. So, she can express cuddles but Janelle couldn't. Also, she rationalizes her treatment of Janelle as her being more assertive and wanting things to be kept neat and clean so she did tell Janelle what to do etc. Recently, though, Meri is losing control. Her Lover Boy is now showing massive PDA to his honey moon wife; Janelle stands up to her; Christine speaks her mind; and even the children seem to distance themselves from her. Meri is not only an empty nester but she is also the out to pasture cow. I suspect Christine will get pregnant again as will Robyn. Christine has lost some weight and she and Kody seem to have been working on their relationship which means she is more likely to want to have another child. Plus, I think she realizes that she will need to maintain the healing relationship so getting knocked up is one way that Kody will shower her with love and of course when she gets knocked up, Robyn will also need to exert her fertility ability so until Christine loses her ability to reproduce, I believe she and Robyn will be in the same race that she and janelle were in...who can have the most babies. I do believe that will be the next season...two more babies.
    I will love seeing that.

  70. How can Robin be too beautiful to cook, she is the most unattractive of the wives. The only thing she has going for her is that she is thin.

    1. It was ajoke- Kody doesn't like her cooking.

  71. I can't wait for the review on this mess, should be great for my tickle bone.

  72. What I have noticed about Janelle is that despite her obvious intelligence and common sense she seems willfully deluded. I have noticed on several occasions her mentioning she doesn't like it when people challenge her faith or choices. She often speaks of tolerance, but that seems code for "I don't wanna hear it." If she was confronted with some facts and a healthy approach to relationship and faith....and she entertained it and considered another perspective at all....she is smart enough that it might cause her to question.

    It just seems somewhere inside her she may be aware of this so, she doesn't even consider an opposing perspective. It appears to irritate her.

    Tolerance doesn't mean we close ourselves off. They must have a pretty powerful and ingrained mindset because many cults have to isolate their people.....these women are out in front and still manage to keep their minds closed.
