Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Discussion Page for 8/20/13: More Tweets from the Browns

Nothing says "Loving" better than a big fat boiling pot of pale yellow....

There was major tweeting activity this week from Kody and his Kodettes. Of course there was the obligatory tweeting during Sunday's broadcast. And Meri was STILL with Mariah in Utah. Hmmmm....

Now this is the truth...I remember watching "Louisiana Man" Doug Kershaw on the old Merv Griffin Show way back in the early 1970's, and he use to say his family was so poor that his mother breastfed him until he was almost a teenager. Let's hope the same doesn't happen to King Sol...that would be so embarrassing at lunch time!

I think what he needs is a sippy cup, for goodness sakes. Robyn you don't live in a compound! Feed that kid some of that green koolaid Kody hawks!

Yes, just another of those "blessings" we monogamist will never understand.

She's still in Utah? Is she going to carry her books and write her term papers? Meri!! Cut the apron strings and GO HOME!

When I moved into the dorm, my mother came up to see my room, the RA announced all parents had to leave, she kissed me and I was left to deal with my weirdo roommate. There was no big weekend! Bummer!

On the other hand, looks like some fans are figuring out something's not quite right financially with the Brown's acquisition of those McMansions...
Yeah, I bet you MAKE$$$ Kody.  Multiple sources eh??? Just remember not to follow in the footsteps of Bravo's reality stars Joe and Teresa Giudice - they had "multiple sources income" too. Know what I'm saying?

I wonder how long it took Kody to come up with those four reasons. And wasn't it originally two reasons like resale and permits?  Now he's added autonomy and independence and moans about how hard it is on the dad. What a man!! Doesn't he realize that's a "blessing" of being a polygamist?

Oh dear. I guess this dumb answer is just another "blessing" of being a polygamist. No waste? How about one woman living alone in a 4000+ sq foot McMansion (and all the energy to keep her cool and out of what remains of Kody's hair). Not to mention all those needless road trips to cities away from the blooming Nevada desert, using up our nation's finite petroleum resources. The only thing I see blooming is Kody's ego!

On the topic of Kody's ego, did anyone else look at this picture and think Kody added his own secret symbols on the inside of the ring?

Wait a minute Janelle! That doesn't look like Kody's green koolaid. What's up with that?

Ah...another "blessing" of polygamy: Being able to go on vacation like a monogamist single mother would. How much you want to bet Kody was spending his time over at Robyn's while she nursed Sol.
For some reason I've never pictured Las Vegas to be relatively close to an ocean. Maybe they are at Lake Mead...but it sure looks like ocean to me.



  1. Wow. Those claddagh rings with the secret "K" symbol inside look like really dorky senior class rings. One word comes to mind: FUGLY!

    1. I think it's frumpy.

      Now a man's apron...that would be a good marketing piece.

  2. Kody's ring looks like secret societies, special handshakes and passwords are required. The ring isn't jewelry as much as a statement of specialness! Wonder who will be allowed to buy and what kind of application form will be filled out. Oh silly me--paypal, credit card and cash will get anyone into the secret group.

    1. It's excess,like the mcmansions. It's also a tad unmanly--my husband would be humiliated to wear that silly thing.

    2. Can you imagine a man wearing this ring and being asked by his buddies what the symbolism meant? Awkwaaarrrdddd.

  3. Is this post another page for the show this weeks, or only tweets?

    1. It's for both...that's why it's a free discussion. The other discussion page will be closing down soon, so continue the discussion here!

    2. Just have to say it, Cynical Jinx. I am addicted to this blog. My husband in threatening an intervention! I hope the Brown's stay on the air for a very long time. They are comic relief.

  4. I know we already discussed the ring on page 1 of Sunday's show, but I must say it again. Butt Ugly. This is their new merchandise? Sad. If that is their revamped joolry, we should leave the closet behind

    1. Or, simply lock the 'closet' door and throw away the key.

    2. Dont' forget we also discuss Polygamy USA and other potential polygamy shows. The fun will never end! :-)

    3. You know they come here and read. Browns, this is the worse piece you've made. If this came from your new gal, get another one. Or keep her and double our pleasure of critiquing them!

  5. I have no doubt that through book sales and the money they earn from the show, that they have the income to show to buy those homes, and I'm a little taken aback that ya'll think $400k is a LOT of money for a house. Those houses are very large and you couldn't touch a house that big in my neighborhood for under $850k. I think that what the Sister Wives have to be mindful of, however, is that the money will dry up. They have to get those houses paid for before the show is cancelled. Or ... find a reliable source of income (My Sister Wife's Closet isn't it). I was surprised to see Christine bail out of the real estate endeavor, however, especially with Janelle willing to pull her along. She showed a serious lack of confidence, or maybe even laziness. Then, going to Robyn to contribute ... so, does Christine think Meri and Robyn will bail her out when they can't make the payments? Not going to happen, Christine. They, of all people, won't have the $$$.

    1. Could not of said it better. Although it makes you wonder why Robyn could not pay off all those pesky little liabilities.

    2. Anony 3:52 - they'd each have to have a credit score somewhere above 625 to qualify, and so they may have. They likely had to put 20% down, too. So you figure they financed somewhere between $360k and $400k (the payment on a 30 year mortgage on that is do-able for a working woman ... if they are working). I really don't care that they bought houses ... good for them. Why shouldn't they get them? Why shouldn't they get what they want if they can afford it? I do worry, though ... the money will dry up and they have to have a future plan. Right now, Janelle is the only one who does. What a disappointment to see Christine tuck her tail and run, though. That behavior won't keep the boat afloat later.

    3. I am not sure Christine every intended to enter real estate other than for a plot line. Is anyone really so dense that they would be shocked to find out that realtors work on the weekend? I always see open house signs when driving and they are always for a Sunday. Also most people have to balance a job too so they might look at a house on the weekend rather than take time off from work.

      The average price for a home in the US for 2013 is $152,000 (Zillow). So I think that is why people are shocked at their home price and that they bought 4 of them (at nearly $2 million). Don't complain about "finite resources" and buy such pricey homes. Also they claim they will be easier to resell but I imagine it will be hard to unload 4 nearly identical homes in the same location at the same time without driving the price down somewhat.

    4. location location location. those ARE overpriced homes given their location as well as their cheap cheap quality. that's what we've all been crowing about. ;) Besides the fact that the soon to be over reality show is their main source of income, they all have horrible credit due to bankruptcies and current outstanding (robyn) and that they all feel ENTITLED to these homes.

    5. According to the on-line mortgage calculator I used, a 30 year $400,000 mortgage translates to a monthly payment of $2668. Using the 1/3 rule of thumb, it would take an annual income of $98,000 to make that payment. I doubt many working women make that.

    6. Christine had the same intention of becoming a actual Realtor, as Mary had to have another baby. Just a story line that wasn't thought through very well.

    7. Getting a 30 year mortgage in your forties? It's supposedly interest only loan. They could have gotten four 2,000 square foot houses together for half. Some kids are leaving the nest.
      If they paid for them outright from the show that would be impressive and sensible.

    8. I don't think that anyone is saying that they shouldn't have bought homes, it is just those homes that is strange. Especially Merri, she just doesn't need that much space. Her child has moved on, and if polygamy is so great, and having sister wives is such a blessing like they claim then her moving in with one of the others should have been a no brainer. Many of their kids are moving on to their own lives...of course they should have homes, but buying four brand new gigantic houses all in the same cul de sac just not wise...and why can't Robyn pay off her debts if she can buy that house? Why don't the kids have current insurance? No one is begrudging them homes, it just doesn't add up and they seem like hypocrites...

    9. I don't see why people are so shocked that they bought huge new houses. It's a hell of a good storyline. I mean really would we be nearly as interested in watching them shlep around looking at sensible smaller homes?

    10. Dude, I live in CT which is considered to have an overall high cost of living. Northwest quadrant-the quite corner. $400-$450K houses here are referred to as "McMansions" and are like large, modern "colonials" that are pretty nice, but a lot of room (my in-laws have one). We live in a nice 1967 ranch that would market at about $210. My husband works in corporate, I'm a stay-at-home, both college grads. We consider our place pretty sweet, and the McMansions to be a little much, especially with New England heating costs. $400 is a good chunk of change for anywhere in the country, maybe not the lifestyles of the rich and famous, but come on...

    11. I think that it's wonderful that they have houses- I'm all for adding some stability to those kids' lives, and owning rather than renting is often a good way to go about that. And $400K would barely cover a house half that size in my area.

      But I don't like those particular houses, for those particular people, in the context of what the Brown families 'say' their lives are about. Given that we've had months of them whining about money, how they're going to pay for everything, lack of income etc., it would be financial suicide to take on those kind of mortgages. For a family that's supposedly all about the kids, why on earth would you put your kids through that kind of financial instability, especially when you have a few decades of college fees coming up? And it just adds another level of discordance between what they say, and what they actually do. It's kind of beggars belief that anyone would take on a few thousand dollars of mortgage without an income, yet that's what the show is telling us. Either they're abysmally stupid, or lying, and neither speaks very well for them.

      And for a family that tries to present itself as spiritual, religious, morals-oriented etc., I think that the houses are a bit obscene. I'm all for loads of bedrooms, huge meeting spaces, decent kitchens etc., given how many of them there are. But 20 foot high ceilings (or whatever they are), and the general McMansion feel doesn't seem to fit in with the religious and philosophical beliefs that they're so willing to shove down everyone's throats. Do they really want their kids growing up thinking that the goal in life should be having a house that's bigger, flashier, and a lot more expensive to heat/air condition than something that's more suited to their financial situation and their stated goals? I find it kind of funny that they talk about 'modest' clothing for women etc., but generally go for the bling. And while they hardly seem to be environmentally aware, the level of waste in those houses is pretty astounding.

  6. You've got to be kidding me...that ring Kody "designed" looks like a miniature WWE Championship belt made from some cheap metal!!! FUGLY AS HELL!!!

    1. Really? King Kody just had to make a personal royal "crest" on the inside of the ring?

  7. I do find it odd that Mary is still with Mariah at college. My kids were off and ready to go with a "see ya mom!"
    She's definitely having a hard time letting go.
    Too bad she cannot put some of that love and energy into one of the other kids since they are all 4 "mom".

    1. I dropped my son off at college on Thursday afternoon and was home Thursday night. I don't think I'm allowed back on campus until graduation.

    2. It's becoming more & more common for colleges to offer a "parent orientation" weekend alongside the freshman orientation. Colleges are also offering much more parent-focused communications and events. My college administrator friends say this is due to the rising trend of "helicopter parenting." Merri is not alone in this regard.

    3. And we can all see the positive results of Meri's parenting, right anon 4:22?

    4. The most positive result of Meri's parenting is that Meri gets what she wants, hence so does Mariah. There's perks with being Wife #1, hence legal wife, she can walk out and take half of everything that's in Kody's name. That's why he's so "accommodating." The other wives were smart to want their own homes.

    5. Xenia: I myself am not a fan of helicopter parenting b/c I think it impedes a kid's growth and independence. However,it is a reality and has affected campus culture. I am friends with several college professors. They often get phone calls from their students' parents to negotiate grades. I can't imagine!

      From Anon 4:22

    6. After moving my sons into their dorm rooms, buying books, extra snacks, other supplies, etc, I was more than ready to begin the 3 hour drive home. And that did not change with each child over the years.

      Now, in Meris' defense, Mariah is a first generation college student (if you don't count Meris' online classes, and Janelle (as a bonus Mom), so more education of Meri and Mariah is needed on the basics. But you can get that at orientation earlier in the summer. You don't need to stay there all move-in weekend. That's interrupting Mariah's bonding time with her roommate and others on her floor.

      Where is Kody during all this? And when do Logan and Aspen move?

    7. When I was dropped off at university (only 6 years ago) my Dad stayed in a hotel for 2 nights. We moved me in and I hung out with everyone but we need to get shopping done for things we forgot (sheets, microwave etc). I hope Meri stayed in a hotel or with family and allowed Mariah the time to hang out with her new friends.

  8. The one thing the Browns must have agreed upon during their Mission Statement meetings was the line they feed the fans "we make money from multiple sources, we are entrepreneurs" I have seen some version of this tweeted from Janelle, Meri and Kody. I think they have become very aware of viewers questioning how they can afford the new lifestyle.

    1. Didn't the interviewer on last seasons Tell All episode also question how they can afford their lifestyle?

    2. I think they all have a rehearsed answer by now. Why doesn't Kody work? Why doesn't Mary work? Probably the most asked questions by viewers :)

  9. This might be a stupid comment, but perhaps the continued nursing of King Sol is what is making Robyn look so drained? I know that I nursed two very large babies past their first year, but I didn't suffer from Robyn's health issues...(I realize that someone on this board will have all of the issues that Robyn has and will have nursed a child until it left for college, thus I am pre-empting that by acknowledging my ignorance with "stupid comment" :) )

    1. I nursed one of mine until almost 2 years old. It's not too unusual. It does make me wonder about her fertility though. It's harder to get pregnant while breast feeding. And she definitely won't be starting the hormones necessary to become Meri's surrogate. Maybe Robyn's being a bit passive aggressive here?

    2. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends nursing until AT LEAST two. With all those kids and all those germs floating around, the baby can use all the extra anti-bodies he can get (one of the HUGE benefits of breast milk). She's drained looking because she is in a stupid situation.

    3. Continuing to nurse the baby keeps her in the limelight as the show's newest mother...maybe she doesn't want to lose that role. Also, nursing uses a lot of calories and she does seem to be slimming. Whatever her reason, it' s a personal choice.

    4. @Anon 4:14 ... I have wondered about the Meri-baby + Sobbin's rent-a-womb offer ... if I were Meri I think that offer would have felt humiliating since there is clear competition between all these women from time to time. Whether Sobbin was genuine and sincere remains to be seen but I felt it was more about ingratiating herself into the family as somehow worthy and useful (much like the MSWC debacle). As for Meri, that offer reinforced her position as old, obese and infertile ... being replaced by younger, skinnier and bearer of Krody's fruit. I imagine fertility to be the cornerstone of a plyg womans identity and self worth. But I think it will be a cold day in Vegas before Meri would humiliate herself by letting Sobbin be her surrogate. Then again if it would create a ratings boost and extend her time in her McMansion before the bank takes it back then maybe! LOL all I know is these two have grown stale and bore the crap outta me.

  10. Isn't Sol almost two? I can understand him needing to be nursed around December when he was a little over a year, but now? It's totally her choice, but I wouldn't phrase it that a two year old still needs to be nursed unless there are some other factors that we don't know about.

    1. Two is the recommended age but most women I know go to 1.5 years. Its completely a personal choice and we have no right to criticize her until he is going to school and still breast feeding :)

  11. I think it is great that Robin was still nursing Sol. It really takes a lot of commitment to do that. It is very painful the first month or so and very time consuming. My babies would nurse for about 30 minutes at intervals of 2 hours. That really takes up a lot of your day. He just had his 1st birthday in the previous episode so I would not call that excessive. I doubt it would cause any health issues. Older babies don't nurse as many times a day as younger ones since they eat food.

    1. Actually that 1st birthday episode was filmed over 10 months ago.

    2. Aren't we talking about this weeks episode where she was nursing him under the blanket?

    3. Yes, but she said in her current tweet that she is still nursing him (10 months later)so that would put him closer to two years old. I agree that it is great to nurse your kid (I am currently nursing #2 who is 6 weeks old and it is a huge time commitment), but I wouldn't say that a two year old needs to be nursed (I have one of those too). But it's fine if you want to nurse that long- personal choice.

    4. Nursing well past two years is normal. I applaud her for making an unpopular choice that is the healthiest for her child.

    5. I breastfed my baby until he was over 2. If I had another go at it, I wouldn't breast feed as long, but kudos to Robyn for keeping Sol on breast milk for as long as she has. He looks like a happy little chappy with chubby cheeks, so I don't think he is being underfed at all.

  12. According to Google Maps, they're probably about 4 hours from Santa Monica beach. Compared to Lehi, they're a lot closer. And it's a small price to pay to be away from the insanity of dealing with the rest of the crew for a few days.

  13. Showed hubby the ring and asked if he would wear it since his name also begins with K. His reply? Not if you paid him.

  14. So, why would any man buy that ring or any woman buy that ring for their husband? It is only specific to their family and their lifestyle. Plygs may want to invest in cheap ring touted as iconic but why would a monog person buy their plyg crap?

    1. As long as they insist on making all plyg related jewellery their business is doomed! They have zero forethought. Think outside the box, there are more non-plygs and that is a much bigger market.

    2. That's the problem right there! Their jewelry is like one big inside joke. The sentiment of the pieces don't apply to anyone but their family.. it's like selling locks of your own hair or something.

  15. According to polygamist beliefs the husband has the authority to call his wives into heaven. From a family/financial standpoint, I was wondering, what would happen to the family if Kody died? This guy can't seem to plan day to day, much less for emergencies. Since Meri is his legal wife she's entitled to his estate and I don't think she'd be very generous to the other wives. I can see Christine remarrying within the faith and trying (unsuccessfully) to get Janelle to go with her. Robyn would be onto the next guy that she thinks has $.

    I don't think anyone of the wives plans to be in the houses long-term.

    1. I believe they discussed this briefly, I can't remeber when, maybe Cynical can. kody was asked this question, and he said the others would have to hope Meri was fair. Not exact words, but the point was made. I have often wondered if they have wills. Each wife should have one to give Kody control of the home, or her children, if she passed. And, if Kody was on life support, only Meri could decide that! It REALLY becomes one big mess.

    2. I think Robyn would latch onto Meri as BFF and try to live off that estate. I actually don't think she would move on at all, she seems way too desperate to be/prove she is a part of that family. Her daughters seem to, too, as they are always the most excited/clingy about any sort of homecoming/visit by Logan or extended family.

      I know some people think its nice about the tables on the patio, but I think her plans for a bigger table and being able to accommodate everyone is kind of amusing. Everyone has always naturally flocked to Janelle's or Christine's... I don't recall ever seeing a gathering at Robyn's place, and I am left wondering whether it is wishful thinking on her part in an attempt to be accepted - she wants to be the house that everyone wants to be at.

    3. These are all reasons why Polygamy won't ever be legal...it would be an epic mess as far as our courts and legal system. Just imagine if one were to die and one or all of the others made a claim to property, to the estate, how do you equitably divide that, add in the children, what a mess!

    4. If Robyn wants everyone to flock to her house, the solution is simple: put a giant big screen TV in the main living room! That will draw the whole crew, including Kody and his "buddies" (who ever they are)... I think Kody would rather bring his friends to that kind of TV room than his bedroom with Meri :(

    5. Kody has nothing that the wives don't already have in a financial sense: houses, cars, furniture, etc. The only things left would be of sentimental value (family heirlooms) or life insurance. Its already been documented that they don't have car insurance on the children's cars, so what makes you think there would be life insurance on Kody?

      Janelle will take care of Christine, because that is her philosophy. Meri and Robin are just as capable of taking care of themselves with or without Kody. It's Janelle Robin needs to thank for her current lifestyle, not Kody.

    6. as uptight and private as they've always been about their sex lives (and rightfully so really - nobody's business imo) it does seem extremely odd that Meri nor Kody would have a problem with their private bedroom being "the guys' fight night" hangout. given that and all the unused rooms in her "mini-mansion" (the east wing?? lol) just makes me call bullshlarky! what could be the underlying conniving reason for Meri to state that b.s. when it doesn't even make any sense. just a lame joke for her own personal entertainment for peeps to conjecture about? probably.

      and what "guy buddies" does Kody have? someone said it's probably his sons but no way would Meri allow her BONUS kids in "her" bedroom. (she didn't even say "our" bedroom.) She'd allow a bunch of strangers in there before she'd allow any of her sister wives kids in there!

  16. Did you see Meri's recent tweet at 11:24am?

    "Can't figure out where misconception came from that we don't make $$. We all work full time in multiple business."

    I wonder what exactly they consider "full-time"?

    1. well it could be the constant discussion of the past due bills, the creditors, not knowing if they were going to get the homes, Janelle wondering how she is going to pay the light bill. But, maybe I'm reading to much into that.

    2. Meri must not read these blogs because we've discussed quite often that TLC make their 'lack of money' the plot lines of every season. We've seen them wonder how/if they would all qualify for homes ('maybe only 2 will get approved'), Robin's outstanding debts/working with creditors, Janelle lamenting their jewelry will only pay her light/electricity bill? etc etc etc. Other than their 'jewelry business,' we haven't seen them working in any other capacity, while most viewers are working 40+ hours in an office.


    3. Oh Meri...the "misconception" probably arose because in each and every episode you all whine about NOT having any money for food/bills.

      Guess they still haven't learned how to avoid getting caught in lies.

  17. The Kody Special Bling-Ring looks just like a ring that was included in a "pirate set w/a little treasure chest complete with tacky tin jewelry"" that one of my kids got for his birthday years ago. I think the whole set cost about 10 bucks.

    Way to go Kody !! The ring definitely speaks of who and what you are.

    1. Yeah and Koster looks like the pirate ob Sponge Bob Square Pants!

    2. i am still appauled they can have a showand not be arrested. So many people I know would benefit from medical marjuana and can not get it. Pain killers are so addicive. If it is a law, uphold it. If it needs to be changed, change it. But do not thumb your nose at the laws.

    3. Laughing, he does look and SOUND like the pirate!

    4. I have a question for the legal eagles among us. Isn't it against the law to profit from illegal activity? And isn't that exactly what Kody and Krew are doing with their TLC "stardom?"

    5. Intriging idea that they should not be able to profit from illegal activity. It kind of points out that polygamy is no longer considered to be truly illegal. I know it is still on the books, but there are many laws that are not being enforced. Interesting conundrum.

    6. Technically, they're not breaking the law, at least in Nevada. Kody is only legally married to one woman.

  18. Kody did not go with Mariah to college. But her of course went with Robyn to dump the kids off.

    1. Do we know this for sure? I would really be surprised if he didn't accompnay them, at least for a day or two. He seems to have a special connection to Mariah.

    2. I can understand Robin wanting to have someone with her driving on winter roads for that many hours.

  19. I saw that Meri added the same thing about all their businesses.

  20. Kody is so crass "MLM, best seller, jewelry biz, entrepreneur, multiple sources. IMAKE$$$" Really? Here is what Wikipedia says about MLMs

    "Companies that use MLM models for compensation have been a frequent subject of criticism and lawsuits. Criticism has focused on their similarity to illegal pyramid schemes, price fixing of products, high initial entry costs (for marketing kit and first products), emphasis on recruitment of others over actual sales, encouraging if not requiring members to purchase and use the company's products, exploitation of personal relationships as both sales and recruiting targets, complex and sometimes exaggerated compensation schemes, the company making major money off its training events and materials, and cult-like techniques which some groups use to enhance their members' enthusiasm and devotion."

    My favorite part from that is "exploitation of personal relationships as both sales and recruiting targets," and "cult-like techniques which some groups use to enhance their members' enthusiasm and devotion."

    Look as though Kody's found the perfect niche!

    1. it's a known fact that only 2% in the MLM industry make the significant money that's always being marketed to recruits. the other 98% are a mix of making a little bit to breaking even and last but not least - the majority are way in the hole when they drop out. I HIGHLY doubt Kody's in the upper echelon making serious money w/that juice mlm or they'd all be busy 24/7 touting it and working it just like the MLM big boys do! these browns aren't at constant events nor holding constant recruit/selling parties or that info would be well-known by now. and we all know how flat their book sales and "joolery" business is.

      Notice the major thing he didn't specifically name was the reality show! i would imagine THAT is their main source of income and he doesn't want to be told how shortsighted they are re:counting much longer on that source.

    2. they'd all be busy 24/7 touting it and working it just like the MLM big boys do! these browns aren't at constant events nor holding constant recruit/selling parties or that info would be well-known by now
      They (meaning Meri primarily) used to tweet about LIV all the time, traveling constantly between Las Vegas and Utah and holding recruiting parties at her rental, but that died out months ago. Sometimes there's an occasional retweet from headquarters, like the recent one about a major conference in Las Vegas soon. And Kody was suppose to be their "spokesman" but his last "speaking" engagement was in Mesa Arizona.

      And as you can see, Janelle is tweeting about another company's koolaid to her followers.

  21. Meri had to chime in and reply to the tweet about how they could afford 4 houses and then 2 others had spot-on, good comebacks. If they'd stop whining about money and/or how horrible your joolry business is doing, people wouldn't wonder where their money is coming from. And, no matter how many times they say they're 'entrepreneurs' people will still question their income sources.

    With Janelle (and Christine, isn't practicing) not having any home sales to her credit and the joolry sales questionable and the book sales not booming, I'm among the many who would like to know where they're getting their money!

    Meri Brown ‏@MeriBrown1
    @realkodybrown @franny43 Can't figure out where misconception came from that we don't make $$. We all work full time in multiple businesses.

    Keri B ‏@kerrbear916
    @MeriBrown1 @realkodybrown @franny43 I'm gonna go on a limb here and say because you guys are always fretting about $$$ on TV & that's why

    lavoie france ‏@franny43
    @kerrbear916 that is it thanks. If they would talk less about $$ we wouldn't question ! good wrap up :-)

    1. If they make so much money then why are they always complaining about not having enough on the show...they are frequently talking about finances. Also, if they are so liqued why does Robyn have a lien on her house over a medical debt? Why were they trying to "settle" all of Robyn's debts, why not just pay them off? If they have so much money, or enough money, why don't their kids have current insurance? She tweets that comment acting like it just baffles her that people would wonder about this, yet their entire story line revolves around their financial struggles, well one of them. Is Merri not aware of what is in the press? Does she not see how strange it looks that her kid is going to such an expensive school when the others are going to a local state school? They don't appear to have jobs...

    2. Robyn was asked a while back on twitter and she only responded LIV and The Closet....so must not have gotten the memo!

  22. Is there posts on Meri and Janelle's parents? I AM INTERESTED SINCE WE SAW THE MOTHERS ON THE SHOW.

    1. Yes, there are some from early on, listed parents, etc.



    2. And also list one for Meri:

    3. Thank you! i think Meri's dad seems like a super fun guy. I wonder why she is so sour?

  23. I have been reading since Sunday all the wonderful points that everyone makes here and I may have missed a few post but did anyone else pick up Christina yelling, "Meri doesn't have a kitchen!" "I thought you wanted HIP-BUMPING in the kitchen?"

    Did anyone else hear this? It is about 40 minutes in while discussing Robchin and Meri sharing a kitchen.

    Not sure I heard it right but I guess his women bumping hips in the kitchen is yet another macho fantasy of this plg-pig.

    I guess in the plg culture the saying must be...In the kitchen, bare foot, pregnant and bumping hips.

    1. Sorry but its not a plyg phantasy at all.

      About 10 years ago my mother was staying with me in my small apartment. I went to the manager and told him I was tired of hip bumping my mother every time we were both in the kitchen. He laughed a little too much but it got me that larger apartment.

      Anyway, I got it from doing that phantasic 70's dance called "The Bump" where you bumped hips to a beat.

    2. Too true CJ, I bumped my way thru every school dance, but I can see Kody in his lazy boy recliner basking in the glory of his wives hip bumping around to please him with the best caramel. Yuck!

      PS, Thanks for the entertainment and all your hard work on this blog. You guys are great. It never disappoints, I can't say that about the show.

    3. I had a galley kitchen once and it was hard!

    4. I actually think this came from the episode where they celebrated Christmas in the cabin before moving to Las Vegas. Kody made a reference as to how it was his dream come true to see his wives bumping hips in the kitchen; which the wives made fun of a bit. (not a direct quote).

    5. I was surprised to hear the disparaging remark about the "small cabin" they spent Christmas in. It may have been small, they may have had heart aches, but...these women do not seem to be grateful for anything they have been given.

    6. I once had was was referred to as "a one butt kitchen." It really wasn't too hard to prepare food in as long as no one else entered the space and tried to help.

  24. So good to see Janelle at the beach. Next year, you will be in the bathing suit of your dreams!!!!!

  25. Wasn't Meri studying for some degree? Why has she not gone back to work in her field of study?

    1. That will likely be the story line for next season, she will be attending Westminster College in SLC with her daughter Mariah, they will be room mates together in the dorm...because Merri can't cut the apron strings and Mariah will likely not get along with any of her room mates, she will claim they are persecuting her for her religion and fame...

    2. The Degree of Self Pity. Sorry, couldn't resist.

    3. If Meri goes to college she will probably get a degree in helicoptering.

  26. I had to laugh at the prospect of these guys making a cookbook. It would not sell well.

  27. From the poll on the previous thread... Can you add a button that just says "Not Meri's"? I bet that would win hands down!! Of course, all the votes would come in a week or two late and you could blame the underwriter.

  28. Re: the videos of the 4 homes,

    I couldn't vote for a favorite. They all look poorly furnished with cheap furniture and decorations, and most furnishings/decorations look to be disproportionate to the space's dimensions. It's apparent they have bought into homes and a lifestyle that they are ill equipped to handle.

    Meri and Robyn's huge empty space between the kitchen and living rooms, where a kitchen table is supposed to be, (they have a formal dining room which will probably be used -6 times a year at most) is such a ridiculous waste of space -- well heck, I'll say it, the homes are TOO BIG for all of them.

    And, Meri's wet bar, sitting by itself in the middle of the great-room - bare? LOL

    Plus, Meri, who said Kody has male friends over and they watch sports on the tv in her bedroom, yet she has a fantastic loft space with comfortable seating and a tv on the 2nd floor????? SMH

    As for the backyards -- they could have saved a bunch of money and maybe had a beautiful backsplash in each kitchen if they hadn't paid for stupids wall separating the properties.

    Bless Robyn's dad's heart for building what looks like 3 very nice picnic tables for her, but what's up with the different paint colors making it look like a hodgepodge of mismatched tables (mismatched like the rest of the homes' furnishings)?

    With all of their contacts, I'd think they'd have been able to grift a consult with an interior decorator by now, but appearances say otherwise. I can see they're trying but gosh, do they need some major help!

    Kody and his 4 wives should be living stress-free lives now that they're finally settled.
    Their lifestyle is accepted in NV which they say wasn't in UT.
    They said they were unsettled for the 2 years after leaving Utah but now they each have new homes so that can no longer be a source of discontent.
    Kody and Meri have tweeted that they're making, not just $ but "IMAKE$$$", so finances are not a worry.
    From their tweets, they're traveling, taking vacations, visiting people, they have 4 in college, so it sounds like their obligations at home are such that they're free to pursue other activities, so being tied down can't be a bone of contention.
    And, on the preview for next week, Meri has finally made a decision about another baby so that can be crossed of the list of concerns holding them back from carefree lives.

    SO, if we're to believe what they're telling us, except for needing to finalize the home decorating, their lives sound pretty happy, prosperous, and easy going. What strife can they possibly be dealing with in upcoming episodes? LOL

    1. Why do they have walls separating their properties? What purpose does that serve?

    2. As for the backyards -- they could have saved a bunch of money and maybe had a beautiful backsplash in each kitchen if they hadn't paid for stupids wall separating the properties.

      The only walls I remember seeing is the one wall that surrounds the cul-de-sac. I don't remember seeing walls separating the Brown's properties from each other.

    3. I might be wrong, but looked several times and think Meri has a wooden divider. I thought what a shame! that means The kids run end end. Probably why Meri did it.
      I would have a playground area, pool, area for teens, etc.

    4. I believe that is where the comments between Meri and Robin about them having walls up came into play during one of the walk-thrus.

    5. Mister-Sister, I'm with you in the game of "what if I were a sister wife" (I wouldn't be, by the way, but if I were ... ) wouldn't the most important meeting of Sister Wive's be what to do with the communal space surrounding the autonomous houses? All open ... One area (Robin's maybe) could be a playground for the smaller children, with a baby pool, shorter jungle gyms, etc., then rounding Mary's backyard to a place to gather for outdoor family gatherings (after all, she has that wet bar in side), to Janelle's, where there's an inground pool for the older kids, then to Christine's, where we find the older, structured things, such as bocci ball, quoits, horseshoes and volleyball. Walls negate the whole reason for separate houses (except to give Kody a shorter walk)

    6. And if Kody's main desire is to have the offspring of the individual wives feel like full siblings, then how does not having conjoined backyards promote that?

    7. I definitely saw fairly high stone walls running from between the houses and connecting to the wall that surrounds the neighborhood (they looked to be the similar in design also). IIRC I noticed the walls during a view from the second story of one of the homes (maybe Robyn's). I couldn't tell exactly how high it was but it's definitely much higher than waist high - it looked to be a privacy wall, maybe 6' tall.

  29. As an Irish girl and one who wears a Claddagh ring, I am borderline offended by their use of the Claddagh... They are just getting way out of hand with it, especially with King Kody's new design!!! I thought it was sweet that they gave each other a Claddagh ring as they are often gifted as friendship rings but to continue to try and make the Claddagh the symbol of their chosen life style just drives me bonkers!! They need to realize (as many have said) that people are not interested in overpriced cheap looking jewelry that is specific to Polygamy or too personal to their individual lives. They absolutely need to lower the prices and come up with better generalized designs...

    1. I agree, it does seem like an odd choice to run with for all the rings. I _guess_ I could see the logic in the women's rings to one another (friendship) but yeah, not for a guy's ring and LOL to the person who talked about needing a special/secret handshake - the symbols look vaguely masonic. Creep-o-rama.

    2. my husband and i have claddagh wedding bands, ordered from galway, which is one of the prettiest places on earth, btw.
      their use of the claddagh design as a symbol of their lifestyle offends me a little as well and i try not to think about it too much.
      what bothers me more is their inability to correctly spell or pronounce the word 'claddagh'. as with most things, robyn is the worst offender.
      in case anybody doesn't know, claddagh used to be a fishing village outside galway in the west of ireland, now part of the city itself. the tradition of the rings started there and the original jeweller's workshop can still be visited. the rings are popular world-wide, but in ireland, you tend to see a lot of women wearing them. if you wear the crowned heart pointing towards your hand, it means you're taken, the other way around, single; so anybody can wear one and many do.
      for the sister wives to wear them is cute, for them to break up and sell the design is... not.

  30. Since this is an open discussion about the episode why oh why didn't production spring for a new garage door? Just imagine when Mariah was in the car stewing and pouting, seat belt fastened, brake on, Merri was in the window trying to talk her out of the car, talk her down, and boom, she snaps brake comes off and she peels out tires smoking and she rams into the garage door to the house that she is so pissed that she isn't allowed to move into yet! Take that stupid mean mortgage underwriters, it just wasn't fair ok, that her Mom's sister wives got to move in first! The ratings would have been much better, and they could have pulled it off safely...I mean they set that whole scene up anyway..

  31. The previews for next week bring up the baby question again. I am sure it has already been said here, but I think Meri kept the surrogate issue going in some attempt to justify her massive house...like, I may have more children so I will need this big ass barn.

    She already answered years ago in Mexico on their 20th anniversary trip that she did not want IVF... her words, "What's the point?"

    Now that she is tucked in her house she will finally say NO! and free up Robchin uterus to continue populating the Brown planet.

    1. LOLOL! @ "Robchin"

      Oh man, if I could use the "Post Name/URL" commenting option on my iPhone via the mobile version of this blog, (for some reason I can't get my keypad to pop up to enter in a name) I would totally use "Robchin" as my username (all credit going to you, of course). I love it!

  32. I think Christine should sell her scrabble board decorations on MSWC I thought they were very cute.

    1. That's something I would actually buy.

    2. I am pretty sure KoDouche would think they are frumpy. His new ring design with the 'K' on the inside - which alienates men whose names start with one of the other 25 letters of the alphabet - PURE GENIUS!!

    3. Agreed!! Christine seems to be the most creative wife in general, she should be running MSWC.

    4. I'd buy them too!

    5. apparently Kody's attracted to gaudy vs. frumpy.

    6. I thought they were cute also, but not something that belongs in the entryway of an almost 1/2 million dollar home. Bedroom, bathroom, kids room, kitchen maybe, but not the 1st thing you see when you enter the home. I hate to do it because Kodi used it, but the word kinda fits - they look 'frumpy'.

    7. Just because it is a half a million dollar home doesn't mean they need crystal as your enter the doorway.. I thought it was a great place to put the photos. Loved them and would absolutely buy them!

    8. i've seen these scrabble boards before in mormon friends/family homes in Utah. but yeah - they've always been in the kid's bedroom or family/rec room. it's a cute idea but not a Christine original one.

    9. I was just thinking that this morning! I know she could also set up an etsy account for that and probably sell a bunch- also, her picture frames with the kids names and meanings were cute- again, people really like that type of product! I keep thinking that Robin, whose house is decorated probably the most not original andleast creative of all the SW, is the creative inspiration for My Sister Wives Closet...no wonder it isn't doing one. I was hoping I would see more creativity in her house if she was a really creative person that could design really creative, high selling jewelry. Maybe, Christine should take over and sell her things!

  33. The inside of kody's ring looks like a ring mormons wear-its a shield with the letters CTR, which stands for choose the right

  34. Store Bought CaramelsAugust 20, 2013 at 6:57 PM

    I actually have a brilliant idea for MSWC. If the Browns are reading they should take note. They have a teenage daughter who's life passion is to become a designer. Why not utilize her? In fact, why not utilize ANY of the teenaged girls still living at home with any creative ability? They're at an age where they should be in the know of what women ages 18-30 would want right? If they want this business to be so successful to be able to pay off the houses AND to live comfortably afterwards than I would expect such a business to market to almost any and everyone! Of course I don't own a business, yet. These are just my amateur ideas.

    They could do limited edition Mykelti or Maddie or Aspyn designs! That's I'd they can design well. The teenagers have a lot of fans themselves so its worth a try. I'd love to see what they would come up with and less "Kody Designs".

    Of course, if anything did sell I would hope the girls would get a commission.

    1. This is brilliant! I am such a fan of this idea that I think you should tweet it to them. Of course, that would be helping them succeed...

    2. Store Bought CaramelsAugust 20, 2013 at 8:22 PM

      Anon 8:00 I'm seriously thinking of doing just that! Of course than everyone would know my real name :-) maybe I'll change my username to do it. Question is, would they listen?

    3. it makes too much sense SBC....these people dont have mcmansions because of a professional job or income, an idea that they marketed..or even the lottery, they struck temporary gold in the Reality Realm and dont have the smarts or background to further their 15 minutes to parley it into something substantial for their future. Their biggest idea of MLM and aprons is sad..great idea SBC..if we see it happen it will be because of your genius and their ripping u off

    4. I love your idea of using the girls. This whole MSWC biz is the dumbest idea ever -- trying to market overpriced, ugly, very specific-to-their-lifestyle joolry under the name of MSWC toward a mass market is simply ludicrous. If they changed the name to even "Girlfriends" and got the teenagers involved I'm sure the creativity would broaden. I have no problem with their plural relationships ... but that doesn't mean I want to wear some plyg crap joolry.

  35. With clenched teeth screaming "I WILL NOT KEEP SWEET!"

  36. Can someone please explain to me how "George" is a descriptive word for Mykelti? It is used on her scrabble board photo. I don't get it.

    1. I thought it might mean "gorge" as in gorgeous.

    2. Maybe she's curious? It could be something that stuck from her childhood.

  37. Joseph Smith always had ties to Masons, and many Mormon rituals are still tied to that tradition, especially fundamentalist cultures. That ring really is geared for polygamist men. That means he can sell to the twenty of them that control the millions of dollars and the rest will just have to feel left out and know they are "unworthy."

    1. It certainly looks like some kind of weird decoder ring. The big K on the inside is creepy...should have been an N for narcissist.

    2. Do you notice the word ROYALTY on the ring? The K (Kody &/or King) on a shield inside?)A set of matching throne chairs (King and favorite Queen?)in Robyn's dining room?

      Kody selects wives with ties to AUB royalty, not only is Christine a "princess"(which he calls her small daughters), but Robyn's first children may be Jessup "royalty")

      And there's purple shirts (the color of royalty).

      Oh, yes, the imagery around Christine's McCastle--turret, and moat.

    3. I believe that is loyalty on the ring.

      Claddagh rings stand for "love, loyalty and friendship", or at least the real ones do. Not sure about the polig ones.

  38. Does anyone believe that Meri will have a final decision about the baby thing on the next episode? Since the preview shows Kody bringing it up as he digs a hole in the ground (great visual and appropriate for the circumstances), don't you think Meri will still be 'unsure' as to what she wants to do? I see this stretching out for the life of the entire show. But if she does decide, definitively, I will shout hallelujahs from Texas.

  39. Just an FYI, Vegas isn't that far from the ocean. I mean it's certainly an overnight, but an easy drive. I live in San Diego and Vegas is a regular weekend road trip for many people.

  40. I have a mission statement for them.

    Grow, gratitude, service. Keep it simple.

  41. Brown family mission statement...

    Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony...

    if not a mission statement maybe the title of their next "best seller"

    1. Mission statement is about what they want to be. We all struggle and fall short. Grow refers to more than their family size. Meri went to school later in life christine and janelle grew personally by taking the real estate exam and Robyn grew by trying to do business. What a stretch! McKeltye is working on her ambition before high school ended with concurrent enrollment. Gratitude refers to them being grateful. We all fall short. But I think they realize they have more than most in their lifestyle have. And service refers to the kids working with the organization to escape polygamy. I imagine they do other things. They surely provide services for each other with balancing of child raising, feeding, earning and so on. Christine said it, if the goal is to be more christ centered you write it down and then you do it.

    2. I don't want to put down the kids efforts, but the idea that they work with the organization for those escaping polygamy is incorrect. They helped with a service project on one day so that it could be filmed for TLC.

  42. The ring isn't something that will appeal to more than a few people. I assume it's a man's ring even though it's coming from a site whose appeal is supposedly based on sharing with another close female relative--like a sister wife......

    I thought the homes were 7,000 sq ft. If they're only 4,000, they're the biggest 4,000 sq ft I've ever seen. Meri's kitchen must be close to 1,000 sq ft in and of itself. It's way too much house for any of them IMHO.

  43. JUST saw a preview for next week. Robyn says she's going to speak on the biggest mistake of her life, not sure ??? knows about it. Anyone catch that??

    1. And the little girls were there.

    2. Someone taking her virginity, come on Robyn. Is that really appropriate for a church service where there are young children in attendance? I can understand wanting to teach your kids about being safe and responsible when it comes to sex, but no one wants to hear about how awful their mom/bonus mom's first time was. How uncomfortable and awkward that must have been for everyone.

    3. Yeah, she gave *someone* her "purity" and regretted it for the next nine years. How old are those little, teary girls?

    4. Is she telling the story of how she got those sores on her mouth?

    5. I know what Mister sister is saying. I thought she said that even_____ didn't know.

      OMG, if she is talking about her only REAL husband, the father of the children, I will stop watching. These little girls don't need the mantra of purity at their age. They push shit like this, yet, are living in sin.

    6. so that is the best Robyn can contribute? dont be a whore like me? I bet Kody is proud to have brought her into his family and spread her bagga around

    7. Yes I think parents should share their success and mistakes and that things not be a secret. Secret means shame. Often when no shame is necessary.

    8. Everyone thinks it is going to be her first husband. Without a doubt I am telling you it will be a boyfriend she had sex with. Anyone remember Madison saying in the Teens talk Sex episode that Robyn had so many boyfriends? And Robyn corrected her and said one date for each. I am calling bull on that one and saying she kissed quite a few before she settled down..

  44. So LIV IS an MLM according to Kody himself....hmmm....so he admits he scams people for a living. Color me shocked!

    1. Show really needs to be called Grifter Wives and they can sell their $200 sterling joolery in the My Grifter Wife's Closet.

  45. Excerpt from a comment up-thread
    "SO, if we're to believe what they're telling us....."

    Ahh, now here is the salient question...**IF** we are to believe what they are telling us. THAT is impossible to do for any rational person who has followed this group of dysfunctional grifters.

    The list of inconsistencies, reversals, outright lies, incongruent statements made by these people is long and is still growing.
    There have been numerous threads on SWB in the last 3 years cataloguing this list, and noting the new ones as they appear.

    The newest one is now their collective denial that they have any money problems and even having the gall to feign confused shock that FB and Twitter responders are questioning their ability to pay for these houses. Responses which are based on their relentless litany of dire and finite finances.
    Episode after episode !! Scripted clip after scripted clip!

    And they now have the temerity to respond with declarations of
    "What? Us?? FYI all you fans...we have multiple money streams and "full-time" employment. We bought these houses because we can! We deserve them"

    What hypocrites? What arrogant phoneys?
    What ingrates? What incessant liars?

    I hope every fan who has drunk their "poor us" koolaid has a reality check about these liars...and closes their wallets in preference to giving and supporting people *who really do need help.*

    The Browns have just announced to their fans that they are doing **just fine financially.**
    So be it !!

  46. Amen Amused and well said...the Brown's of course will not see what is comming their way..they have made their collective bed and now will be forced to lie in it

  47. With all the talk about not showing affection to one wife in front of another, I was surprised to see Kody hug and kiss Robyn after her "gift". I wish the camera would have panned around to the other ladies at that time... and his reaction to their gifts.

  48. On the couch session of this week, did Meri share her self tanner with Kody?

  49. That is exactly right! Meri tweets she cannot understand how anyone could have the wrong impression that money is a problem for this happy successful family. I have watched every episode of this reality show, hoping to understand why any woman would consent to this ridiculous lifestyle and had concluded it was all about them deluding themselves that they were not welfare moms with a part-time baby daddy but members of a higher spiritual order. It was obvious that all financial aspects of this arrangement were problematic and the bunch of them have discussed this at length without taking much personal responsibility for their decisions. I thought the theme of the show was one man with four wives and multiple children and how they managed it emotionally and financially. Meri should watch her own show and then she would see why viewers get the impression that money is a constant worry with this clan. This is the same woman who cannot tell Mariah why they were last into their new house because she really didn`t know why herself, yet we all knew it was Meri`s fault because she was so busy and didn`t get her paperwork done in time. And we know that she was told exactly that in front of witnesses. Meri seems to have a problem with the simple truth.

    1. well, their sales pitch to the public worked on some..they always talk about having to "sell" each other on an idea or another wife or a move to vegas..or a business idea so they collectively decided to "sell" the public on the need to buy their jewelry or book or whatever they come up with..the poor me was a natural for them..so they are suprised their plan worked?

    2. Part of their declaration of financial stability may be for the kids. Could you imagine being one of the older kids reading FB, Twitter or SWB and thinking about the questions that people have (questions that have merit, I might add)? I would certainly be worried for my family, if I were one of the kids. It could be that kody and company may want to calm their fears. Note no declaration of financial abundance from Janelle (at least I haven't seen one). I am still Team Janelle :-).

  50. Someone called Kody out on twitter a little while ago for telling Mariah to keep sweet.
    His mature response was "Oh puulease".

    1. This guy is too big for his own head. The desert bloom, the Oh puulease, the IMAKE$$$ tweets are revealing of his character. They originally went on this show to reveal their lifestyle and so their kids wouldn't live in fear. Now it has turned into a $$$$ fest. His ego is consumed by it. It wasn't enough that he had four wives and needed to be the center of their world. He now needs to be a star. Even his clothing choices have changed in couch sessions. He looked like he was channeling 70s John Travolta with that half unbuttoned shirt and vest. This man cannot act his age. I don't even want to get started on the new ring with the K in it. Old Kody has gone Kate Gosselin on us.

    2. I agree with Kody on this one. It was one work. Sweet. He didn't say keep sweet. He clearly isn't a controlling father. It was one word!

  51. Wish I could get my hands on a few dozens of those fugly rings, I am sure they would make good sinkers for fishing, and if I get snagged and break them off, its no big loss.

  52. Next season, Meri's opening should be: "I believe in living this lifestyle, it just makes each of us BITTER, I mean better."

    1. Or how about "I believe in living this lifestyle, it just makes each of us BIGGER." And Christine could say, " I didn't just want a man, I wanted a mansion."

    2. I believe in living this lifestyle, it makes each of us richer.

  53. I have been reading Kody's twitter and oh my GOD that man is insufferable. Wow.

  54. This has been mentioned before but I have to get this off my chest - those houses look like cardboard boxes to me. You know, the type they use for movies and tv shows.. That's just pretty much what they are, glorified cardboard box homes, with a gigantic price tag! I mean everything about them is cheap. The outside, the inside, the quality of the building. The detailing (or lack thereof), the kitchen, the walls, the blinds the design (yes they are huuuge but 70% is just empty space like hallways entrance etc)... everything yells cheap, nothing yells haf a million $$$. Only useful idiots would pay that money for that little.

    MLM is not a real job, most likely they are spending more money on it than making from it.

    What kind of full time jobs do they have? Besides the closet, LIV and the tv show? What are those invisible full time jobs they all have? And if they do have them, they shouldn't say they are expecting to pay 4 mortgages with the closet!

    Mariah is a copy of Meri, it is actually very telling to see how Meri probably acts when the camera isn't there (like Mariah does on camera).

    The song in the end... smh!

    Kody tried to "dress up" on the couch scene but it was such a fail. His face was just as orange as Meri's.

    The only positive thing about this episode was Truely! She is soooo cute. I loved her purse and her little attitude!! She is soo adorable.

    1. Kody used to wear suits..when the show first started..he was in advertising sales..now he looks like a tree hugger in vests and clog shoes?

    2. The detailing (or lack thereof), the kitchen, the walls, the blinds the design (yes they are huuuge but 70% is just empty space like hallways entrance etc)... everything yells cheap, nothing yells haf a million $$$

      You're so right. I keep picturing the one of the tiny master bedrooms that was shown and then I think of the waste of space in the entryway, great room, hobby room, craft room that could have been used to make fantastic master suites and shake my head.

      For resale purposes, 1/2 million $$$ home buyers want spacious master suites, not wasted open space or square footage chopped up into small useless rooms. For people who had the opportunity to make positive changes to their home designs, these knuckleheads instead opted for ones that devalue the homes rather than add to them.

      If you're going to build such large homes in an area of the country that is noted for having high energy bills, I'd think that the last thing you'd want to be spending money on is heating and cooling useless spaces. (Their two story entryways, hallways, and loft areas take TONS and TONS of heat and air conditioning.)

    3. There have been posters who say they have been present at Mari's house for MLM meegtings. I would like to hear from them how much money seemed to be spent at these meetings.

  55. I don't think Robyn's "reveal" has anything to do with purity, her virginity, or marrying a man she didn't love. I think that's what TLC is trying to make us think. I'm guessing that it will be something like deciding not to go to college, or getting drunk "once", or possibly something as scandalous as kissing a boy. Come on. The Browns seem pretty stupid sometimes, but they aren't going to let anything really bad be shown - at least not on purpose. Some of what *we* think is "bad", isn't anything they are ashamed of. Wait a minute. Could it have something to do with her thinking that she wasn't ready to have children when she got pregnant with Dayton, but then she realized how much she loved him, and tried to make it up to him? Just random thinking here.

    About the houses. I agree that the two-story entry way and living room is a HUGE waste of space, as well as sucking up energy to heat or cool that area. But the *worst* idea IMHO, is the walk-in closet *inside* the master bath! I've seen house plans with that feature, and could only think of how prone the clothes will be to mold and mildew. Most people try to keep their closets *dry* - not put them where they are bound to absorb moisture from the bathroom. And what if one person wants to get clothes out of the closet while the other one is showering? Wouldn't that be kind of intrusive? Or what if you're sitting on the toilet, and hubby insists on coming in to get his running shoes out of the closet - so he can jog off to another wife's house? Just sayin'.....

    1. That is a common design in Las Vegas. Not a lot of moisture in the air to begin with.

    2. we've always had the walk-in closets in the master bath as well. and we live in a humid climate and the clothes have never gotten mold or even musty smelling in any way. also, the toilet has always had a separate door as well so your toilet scenario doesn't happen either if spouse has to get into the closet while you're on the pot.

  56. I thought of another possibility for the big "reveal". Maybe Robyn didn't do a favor that a friend asked - or shunned or ignored a friend or relative - and it took her nine years to get around to apologizing. Maybe she didn't pray hard enough for someone who was sick. Whatever it is, I can see the comments coming on here on Sunday, about how "lame" the subject was, and how they made a big deal over nothing.

  57. I see nothing wrong with walk-in-closets in the master bath. A lot of houses in our area (including mine) have this feature and it actually works out great. In my case my husband is an early riser and I am not. He can quietly go into the master bath, turn on lights and get dressed and it doesn't awaken me. We live in a similar dry climate as the Browns and keeping the closets dry is not an issue. And, after all these years of marriage, it doesn't bother me a bit if my husband needs to get into his closet while I am in the shower.

  58. I live in Virginia, and I saw those floor plans for houses here. I guess I can understand it more in a dry climate, but we have quite a bit of rain here.

  59. i noticed on the current videos that Christine's front door still makes that hellacious screechy squawk as it's opening. really?? that was unacceptable back when they showed (and you heard it loud and clear) brand new and apparently either no one's fixed it in 8 months now or it can't be fixed!

    and yeah, ditto on whoever said that about Janelle's saddle will still be sitting there in a year to be put up on the ledge and out of the way where it sits now. it's been 8 months and still no one would even get it put up there for her recent public viewing of the home.

    1. maybe the next tweet we'll see from Janelle will be proudly showing her saddle now up on the ledge! bets anyone?? lol

  60. Notice that Kody said they built the houses for Autonomy and Independence.

    I thought they built them to be TOGETHER!

  61. So, the first thing that struck me when I read Kodouche's tweet about why four separate homes... "Autonomy" and "independence" are, ummmmm, basically the same thing, genius. If he's trying to match the # of reasons to the # of wives, I think he needs to try again...

    From dictionary.com:

    Independence: 1. Also, independency. the state or quality of being independent.
    2. freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others.

    Autonomy: 1. independence or freedom, as of the will or one's actions: the autonomy of the individual.
    2. the state or condition of having independence or freedom.

  62. I couldn't get my comment to nest to the comment above referring to this, so this is way out of order, but...I've seen this mentioned more than once, so I guess it's okay as a stand alone comment.

    Regarding the meaning behind the lien on Robyn's house/the fact she apparently still has debts she hasn't paid off... Personally, I don't think we can assume anything about their financial state from either of those things. They are exactly the type of people who would have more than enough money to pay the debts/satisfy the lien, but would rather spend the money on trips and other fun things rather than pay off debts. If they know they don't absolutely HAVE to pay the debts, I don't think they feel any obligation to do so... and in fact, look for ways to avoid paying anything that they don't absolutely have to. So, they MAY not have enough $$ to pay Robyn's debts, but....they MIGHT also have plenty, and are just choosing not to, because right now, they aren't really suffering any consequences from not paying them. So there's a lien against the house - not an issue until they want to sell the house.

    Anyway, my point is...we really can't infer anything from her unpaid debts, because it could mean she can't pay them, and it could just as easily mean she's choosing not to pay them.

    1. If that's the case, it sends a message about their total lack of personal responsibility.
      Which of course they're teaching their children by example. And those costs get passed on to others IMO.

    2. I think Robinson big talk is going to be about her debt.

  63. I am going to talk about Robyn's comment about the joys of being a polyg- bla bla bla- easy for her to say when she is Kody's fave wife at the moment!!! Like really??? Can't stand her!!!

  64. Can anyone find out just how many copies of their books sold? A friend wrote a book and she told me she gets like more money per eBook than hard copy.

    Oh, and agreed that Krody is dipping into Meri's pot of orange make-up

  65. I would not want my husband to wear a ring with a secret K inside a shield on the underside as though he was dreaming of being my key to heaven and taking lovers.

  66. Do you suppose part of the reason these homes are so big (with the high vaulted ceilings etc) is because TLC wanted them to be spacious to make it easier to film? There is a lot of gear (lights, boom mics etc...) that you don't see when things are filmed. Getting a crew/cameras/other equipment into a smaller space with all the Browns might have been difficult in a smaller house. In the back of my mind I'm wondering if that actually was the true reason they bolted from the Lehi home. TLC wanted them in an environment that was easier to film. Plus - maybe the TLC people would rather be on location in Las Vegas than Lehi Utah. It's just a theory - but I think there could be merit to it. It is a shame these McMansions do not have solar because I'm imagining their air conditioning bills must be high. High ceilings and windows up near the ceiling that are uncovered have got to make those homes hot without a lot of air conditioning.

    1. We're talking a cheapass reality show, not a major film production or prime time high-ratings sitcom.

      Neither F8F nor TLC is going to pony up the money other than whatever they are already paying the Browns to get them into these houses.

      Look at other reality family shows...Honey Boo Boo, the Little Couple...etc. I don't see any vaulted ceilings, and I'm sure that the film crews for those shows have just as much gear as the SW film crew. and these days, that kind of stuff is quite portable.

      Nope...as much as the show is scripted, a big part of it must be F8F/TLC just letting the Browns be hoist by their own petard and capturing it on video, then editing it into something resembling a show. And of course, bottom line is that the producers and network (and probably at this point, Kody and the adult Browns) could care less about how shitty an edit they get and how unsympathetic/greedy/materialistic the family comes off, as long as the ratings remain high enough to keep the show on another season or two. This kind of crap is ratings GOLD. That said, again, keep in mind that TLC isn't working with the deep pockets that the major networks have, they aren't getting as much $$ from advertising revenue as the big networks, so they are interested in keeping expenses down. Thus, these houses are just Kody and wives doing WTF they want to. TLC is really just a cipher. I think also the jewelry biz is not meant to make money, its primary existence is as a plot line (thought up by Kody). I MEAN REALLY - who in their right mind would buy that ugly ass ring, especially since it's obviously made just for one person to wear (that would be Kody).

      I did find it interesting that he ADMITTED that his "business" is actually an MLM. MLM = trying to make money off other people by getting them to sign up under you. the product they are purportedly "selling" is merely to stay legal and not be considered an illegal pyramid. Grifters.

  67. The Brown's houses are typical of builders in the desert that market large sq ft,
    cheap building, poor planning houses for big bucks. They tend to deteriorate in the desert sun on the exterior. Christine was smart to get the rock, less to have to keep painted. Lots of windows, loft, poor floor plan..typical..the Browns were easily sold on"size" and not quality.
