Wednesday, August 21, 2013

ADDED ** Pictures** Discussion Area for 8/21/13 - What is Robyn's Church Confession?

Well Well Well. Sister Wives women seem to be vying for air time much like the Real Housewives. What will Robyn's big lesson be?

To not give up your purity?
To not go to Victoria's Secret too much?
To own your mistakes?
Or to cry cry cry and blame it on someone misguiding her?
PLEASE let it be any lame topic she wants but to talk of her ex husband or her purity.
What do you think?

I had made a post when Robyn gave birth. I went back and forth and decided not to post it. Lost the most graphic photos, but thought I'd give you a reminder of how reversed and shy Robyn is. I don't know about you, but no way would a birth of one of my children be on TV, much less pretty close ups as you can get of her leg and Kody strumming it, in a bizarre way. For your viewing, shy Robyn.



  1. Robyn wont through a Jessop under the bus! She cant! Even if he deserves it, she wont do it.

    1. Thank you, Cynical Jinx. Herpes is not even necessarily an STD.

  2. She does seem to sport a herpes sore on her mouth, so maybe she used to be promiscuous.

    1. With all due respect for others' opinions, I have to step in here.

      One of my daughters contracted herpes from her one and only boyfriend, now her husband. He got it from a former girlfriend.
      Many people have this virus, and not because they are or were promiscuous.

    2. And I'm also going to step in.

      I agree with Amused and kms that having an std doesn't automatically deem that person promiscuous, or that it's problematic with polygamists.

      Let's leave the discussion of herpes and cold sores to be a private matter between patient and medical professionals.

      Thank you for your cooperation.

    3. herpes simplex is an incredibly common affliction, one which many children suffer from. while i think little of robyn, i think talking about her like she's a whore because she has cold sores is unkinder than necessary.
      seriously, it's cold sores, not syphilis!

  3. I hope it is not about purity. Pushing purity too much sends girls the message that their worth depends on their virginity. Yet another way for men to objectify women and make themselves the center of the universe. This should remain a personal decision.

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth. Thank you for making this important statement.

    2. Please don't let it be about any past intimate encounter. Didn't Kody once say it repulsed him to think of Robyn with her former husband? For our sakes, and Kody's, and the children's sakes, I hope we don't have to hear a teary confession about a past relationship....

    3. Thank you for this comment! I used to work with teens and telling girls that their worth is based on anything to do with sexuality is very damaging. If Robyn pushes it on these kids that losing her virginity before marriage is some kind of horrible mistake that haunts her then I will have to sign up for twitter and put her on blast! This kind purity bs is destructive, please don't push it on kids.

    4. I agree with you. I get so sick of Robin's superior attitude to us awful gentile/monog women. I'm sure a lot of the reason they are all virgins is b/c they marry so young.(Not that there is anything wrong with that.) I can't decide which culture annoys me more. This culture or the one I have seen on the British version of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.

    5. Sexual purity is important to a lot of religious people. However, making a "mistake" or enduring someone else's horrific abuse is not the end-all. It is only part of one's journey in life. Very often, God often writes straight with crooked lines. This is something I believe to be true, as evidenced by my own life circumstances.

      Also, Elizabeth Smart had some interesting things to say regarding the Mormon's teaching on purity in light of her kidnapping experience.

      I hope Robyn doesn't feel the need to tell the deepest regrets of her past on national TV. It is one thing to reveal one's past to a spouse, one's family, a trusted friend, therapist, or religious leader... But to the world? Oh, Robyn... Honey, it's not worth the storyline or ratings. Will your public confession assuage your guilt? Will it bring about good fruit? Or will it only come to haunt you down the road?

  4. I seriously doubt it's what we think (purity) although I did see the commercial today and she says "I don't think Kody even knows" or something like that.
    The Drama! The Suspense! The fodder for Sister Wives Blog when it turns out to be nothing!
    The anger we all will feel at seeing those children exposed to learning more tears! I know unless it is sincere and meaningful I will be livid. Don't her girls know how to turn on the tears already? I had 3 girls, and as young as 6-10 I never saw such tears as hers.
    I feel for them.

  5. Not sure what she'll reveal but I am 100% sure it will be embarrassing for her children. These parents have no filters regarding what they show on tv and how it impacts the kids.

    1. Boston Corgi you are SO right about that. This show will impact those children for the rest of their lives. This show is reminding me more and more of the Loud Family of American Family - which was pretty much the first reality TV show focusing on a family. Some of you probably aren't old enough to remember it - but in the course of filming the show the parents split up and the whole family was in chaos. It was tragic. (Wikipedia link about the show if you're curious My bet is this is about having unpure thoughts or something with Robyn - whatever it is you can bet it is merely a contrived story-line to hawk purity rings (which apparently are getting more and more coverage in the media -there was even a storyline about purity rings and that sort of promise on Days of Our Lives - the Abigail character.

  6. David Preston Jessop is half Allred. His mother was Rulon Allred's daughter.

    Dayton is named after his father. David Preston = Dayton. Makes sense. rather than the old Jr.

    1. I remember a discussion on the heritage here long ago. The Ex Jessop is no longer with the church, if I remember correctly, and sorta the black sheep now. No proof of abuse whatsoever, in fact, the Judge in their divorce had her pay all the bills since she ran them up.

    2. Yes, he is Christine's cousin. And the Jessops of Pinesdale MT are considered a "prominent" polygamous family according to Robyn in her chapter from their book Becoming Sister Wives.

      Robyn is definitely marrying up. And when this ride is over, I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't move on to her next "royal" hubby, especially if she loses her McMansion.

    3. Christine and all her kids are related to Robyn's kids.

    4. The Jessop's have been in control of Pinesdale ever since Rulon Allred bought the property. I lived there as a child. The Allreds were nice and accepting. The Jessops, not so much.

      The Jessops are the biggest name in polygamy. They seem to hold top positions, In two different groups AUB and FLDS. They were there from the beginning. Yet in two different groups they never managed to get to the top. There must be a reason why.

    5. Marvin Jessop in Pinesdale is next in line to be head of AUB, and his brother Maurice is next after him. Not sure whether Marvin will decline on health grounds, or whether LaMoine Jenson, current head, will appoint someone else from the "priesthood council"

    6. All these inter-relationships makes my head swirl. I just can't keep track of their lineage at all, coupled with the fact that these marriages are not legal, makes this religion just one old "free love fest" doesn't it? Complicated lives these people lead.....too complicated for old monogamous me.

  7. I have a question about the homes. I watched the tours below several times.
    Why did they not show the same aspects of the homes in each house?
    We do not know if, for example, anyone but Robyn got the deck. This is a great feature in my viewpoint. We saw a couple of the bonus rooms, but not all.
    I think it would be nice to see the same in each home, for better comparisons.

    Kodys friends coming over and watching in Meri's sterile looking bedroom?
    What friends? Seems she is taking the romance out of the room. So Janelle and Robyn are the only ones with a TV in the LR, even though they are on TV. Strange.

    Do we know for sure the homes are bought on interest only, or is this conjecture?

    Also, I not sure TLC will pay for electricity, lights. Seems as if that show is all filmed with hand helds.

    1. I'm happy with the glimpses we saw of each house. To tell you the truth, I'm relieved we didn't see every nook and cranny of each house. And I don't think Meri has taken the romance out of her bedroom. Kody can hibernate in his man cave and Meri can be guaranteed no other wife (Robyn) or child will venture over to her McManse, cutting into her time with Kody. It reminds me of something I read (I think it was Kristyn Decker's book) where her "husband" would lock the door to his favorite wife's "apartment" and refuse to speak with another wife while he was in there. I think Meri's done the same thing.

      Do we know for sure the homes are bought on interest only, or is this conjecture?
      The interest only loan was mentioned in a previous season when the Browns first tried to find financing. I don't think they went with that option, being that it required a gigantic down payment and astronomical interest rate and the need to refinance to a conventional loan in 3 years.

      I do remember a comment here on SWB saying their loans were FHA but through companies known for their predatory practices. I would think that meant high interest rates and miss one payment you're in default kind of scenario - definitely not an optimal loan situation considering their "fragile" financial situation. I googled the companies listed as their mortgage lender and read some of the comments available on websites that rate mortgage lenders. Some of the complaints I read were if the homeowner missed one payment, even if they tried to pay, their payment was rejected with an excuse and the company would continue with the foreclosure.

    2. I Knock Hips With No OneAugust 21, 2013 at 6:04 PM

      I just wanted to say first how much I love this blog. The reviews seriously crack me up and I have read all of them and wish so much that there were reviews for the first season as well.
      I also wanted to chip in a little information about how the TLC money may have influenced the move (because I am certain TLC is paying the mortgages directly right now- a cost ultimately cheaper than what a lot of shows spend on sets & art direction)
      Basically most tv series contracts have fairly modest per-episode rate for actors and producers for the first two seasons when they go to pilot. If the series goes to a third season then stars can negotiate for a higher per-episode pay out (say, 8,000 per episode to 20,000). I'm guessing this was a huge factor in them fleeing to Nevada, they knew they could get TLC to fund a move they'd wanted to make for a while (not to mention the awkwardness of Robyn being the down-the-street mom...they would have had to find some way to solve that even without the "investigation."

    3. Meri has a house that size and she has to have Kody's friend's go into the other 1/2 of her bedroom to watch TV. Bizarre!! Who the heck wants their husband's friends in their bedroom. Oh I forgot, she insists they "don't do weird" Sure Mer. In that size house there is nowhere else for Kodes to entertain his friends. Hello, how about the living room/great room.

    4. FHA has a limit on the amount you can borrow for a mortgage. The limit in Las Vegas for a single family home is $400,000. FHA is quite strict now days with mortgages. You need pretty much to have clean credit now, where before as long as you cleaned everything up there was no problem. Some lenders were doing "no document" mortgages with very high interest fees, some were using appraisers that would say the house was worth $500,000 when it was only worth $300,000. After the foreclosure fiasco a few years ago FHA has been more strict. I doubt very much they have an FHA insured mortgage. FHA also does not insure interest only mortgages which actually makes your 30 mortgage become a 40 year mortgage after only 3 years of interest only. I know this because I was a single family housing specialist for 30 years with FHA.

    5. FHA also does not insure interest only mortgages...
      But do we know if they have interest only mortgages? And could the FHA $400K limit be the reason Kody was so concerned about the wives going over their allowed budget?

    6. My understanding is that Meri chose to get the dining room in her house, couldn't she have just put all the food she wanted to entertain with on the large kitchen table?

      I think Kody wanted the largest, most expensive house and threw Meri under the bus to look like the bad guy because her house is the only one his name is on. I honestly think Meri would have been happy buying a house like her rental with a pool, as long as it was far away from the other wives. I also think Kody had a big part in getting Mariah stoked about the new house. He knew it would be good t.v. and he has manipulated his kids in the past to get to their moms (think using Aspyn to convince Christine to get pregnant again).

    7. Why did they not show the same aspects of the homes in each house?

      I dont' think the producers want the viewers to see how huge the homes really are. Yes, viewers have been told the # of bedrooms, etc but seeing with their own eyes is different.

      I'm reminded of when the Gosselin's first moved into their McMansion. They showed only very tight shots of the front door, tiny glimpses of only a few rooms, etc. They were trying to hide how large and extravagant the house really was from the viewers, especially since Kate was still doing speeches at churches asking for "love offerings" and claiming they were having trouble paying their bills when they'd actually just closed on a $1.3 million home.

      IDK why TLC isn't showing wider shots and/or all the rooms in the Brown's homes, but you can rest assured it's intentional.

    8. I would have liked to have seen the whole house as well during each of these tours. I have never seen a house tour where you just see a few rooms.

      I thought the playroom in Meri's house for Truely and Sol was awful-- this is a tiny closet-like room... and in fact it was configured as a closet/bathroom in other's houses.

      I do wonder how much time any of the kids spend playing at her house ... ever.

      No doubt after this post we'll get a clip of little kids playing at her house LOL.

  8. I'm assuming she had sex before marriage, consensual or possibly not, and spent nine years trying to make the marriage work even though it was doomed from the beginning. Have to get married after giving away your purity! Lots of warnings for the careful who you're with, in what situation, location, alcohol warnings, and more precautions. (Special underwear?) The dramatic/traumatic details will make everyone uncomfortable, especially her own children. Another version of the victim/brave single mom/rescued by Kody on a white horse life saga. Just a guess. Do they really have weekly services with Kody as Father/King/Priest/God all rolled into one? What carmel goodness is this?

    1. Lots of women wear "special underwear" for their husbands......just not the kind the Plygs wear! LOL!

  9. I think it’s tacky of Kody to tell everyone (on Twitter anyhow) how “they make bank” so to speak, yet the entire season(s) storyline has been, “Can they afford the McMansions”, etc. Can they afford Logan’s attending a University further from home? Can they afford the ridiculous mid-size car Kody, the father of fifteen children, drives around in? Could they afford the over-priced joolery iconic mess business? Could they afford for faked hormonal treatments for Meri’s pretend impregnation? Could they afford Robyn’s additional honeymoon period vacations? Could they? Would they?

    If the Browns or editors of the show are truly reading the feed on this blog, the responses, the deserved judgments and believing that they’re edited to “look” the way that entices negative responses from viewers – I pity them further. I’d rather be embarrassed if I knew such a public outcry existed and I would set about trying to improve my “image”
    (a.k.a. lifestyle).

    Pointers for the Browns, who must by now know of the existence of this beautifully maintained and heroic blog –

    Kody – Cut thy hair. For the love of thy God(s), and the love of your blessed after life – cut thy hair! Thou is but middle aged, and thou shalt look upon potential victims, I mean wives, with a respectful receding hairline. Please, upon all the God(s) I pray – sell your ridiculous midlife crisis car. Get yourself something to lug your super-sized family around in like a semi truck, a moving van, heck even an Arc (that’d be iconic love). And please, please, please – ENCOURAGE your two awesome wives Janelle and Christine to fly the coupe and leave you and the rest of your Stepford wives (Meri/Robyn).

    Meri – shame on you for being orange. Shame! Shame! Please also avoid wearing extremely tight clothing while your belly does expand as it’s not flattering and instead of the camera adding ten pounds it’s looking more like a good seventy-five. Stop scowling, your ridiculous hair and orange skin make that scowl and your clothing look or appear as you’re truly evil. And please, don’t cry every episode! Leave that to Sobyn Robyn.
    Robyn – Take an annunciation class immediately. Listening to you talk makes me think of West Virginian’s who say, “do what now?” to everything you state even if it isn’t a question. Please stop crying every episode, leave that to King Sol as he’s the youngest baby in the house. You may be the “youngest” wife but alas – you’re not truly baby of the family. Also, stop swatting Truly away. Truly may not be the size of King Sol but her birth and place in the family is equally as important I promise. For I think Truly and *some of the children* should have their own clothing line and maybe their own spin-off “reality’ show. TLC could call the show “Abandoned By My Five Parents”, or something equally fitting. Also, your joolery is foolery and it’s not fooling me. Thank yew.
    PMS: You’re losing your “new wife” luster. And I’m only a poor monogamous wife.

    Janelle and Christine – continue to improve upon yourselves and RUN, take your beautiful children and run. Run, run, run, run! I can’t imagine how much $$$ you’d make with your own show spin-off (“reality” of course), “McMansions to McSingle” or something. You’re awesome, both of you.

    Mariah – stop acting like Mariah Carrey and learn your place you spoiled, spoiled child/adult. Kisses.

    PRODUCERS – Seriously give the kids their own show, get rid of Kody, Mariah (Pariah sounds better), Meri, and Robyn. Janelle and Christine are amazing-kins and you should focus ON THEM and their CHILDREN.

    1. Bravo!!! This is the best blog comment I have ever read anywhere, and i read them all! And especially about Meris scowl--yes, Im sick of seeing that glowering down at me all the time!!!!
      (I feel for that wet bar--it will NEVER be used.)

    2. Enunciation. But agree.

    3. I kind of love I spelled enunciation wrong hahaha, spell check let me do it! I swear.

      :::running off to dye skin a beautiful orange.

    4. Ms Mary... that was a kila review ... BRAVO! Well done.

  10. Promiscuity doesn't mean someone deserves an std. Perfectly monogamous spouses get them too. No one deserves them actually.

    1. Kms-I agree. It's also possible that Robyn had a partner that was promiscuous that could have shared with her. I mean, before her current partner that has many lovers. Also,if she or her children are related to Christine,the family probably already knows about the subject of her big reveal. This kind of deceptive bait & switch is what pizzes me off over & over

    2. Agreed. My sister has a type of herpes leftover from chicken pox when she was 8. If she has a flare up, it's contagious.


    3. It's called herpes zoster, better known as shingles. Only people who were previously infected with chicken pox are susceptible. I had a case of shingles when I was in my twenties, and it was very painful.

      Let's move on. Please.

      Thank you.

  11. If she goes on about "wait until you're married" I'll laugh because she just recently had a child with a man to whom she's not legally married. Just because she thinks a "commitment" ceremony is "marriage" it really isn't, and she has absolutely none of the rights (or responsibilities) conferred with a real marriage. If one of her kids said "Oh, it's OK because we had a commitment ceremony" do you think she'd be OK with it? I doubt it.

    I do sincerely hope she doesn't make her older kids feel like they were a mistake because Kody isn't their biological father though, that would be tragic.

    1. Yup - Roblyn and Krotchie just might as well have jumped over a broomstick. A commitment ceremony is just as meaningless. They are not married. Period.

  12. Gee, with Sobbin you just never know what is going on in her head..
    The preview alluded to some issue "around purity "of some kind...?
    (And, of course, no matter how bogus, it will be a new topic to throw out there for the show and the ratings.)

    It's anyone's guess about Sobbin, but here are a few:

    1-Use nursing pads only once before discarding??

    2- The best way to have a mother/daughter talk when you can't really speak without rambling??

    3- Make sure Kody bathes in Lysol before entering their love chamber??

    4- Admit once and for all, and purify her conscience about how much she dislikes her sisterwives??? (all of them)

    5- She wasn't an innocent flower with just one bad marriage in her past as she gave herself to Harem Master Kody. And probably one of those relationships has surfaced and it is better to tell it herself before the tabloids do???
    Oh....and it wasn't her fault !!!!

    6- Or...
    It Is Much Ado About Nothing....and will just be Sobbin babbling on, mascara-smearing tears and downcast eyes, and be all about how much she wished she had met Kodyboy first before any other man touched her purity.

  13. Another point about the homes is that the excuse they gave is the wives couldn't share a kitchen. The Meri states she doesn't cook. Then she has to have a wet bar because 15 feet of counter space wasn't enough. Make any sense to you?

    1. I Knock Hips With No OneAugust 21, 2013 at 6:31 PM

      OMG thank you, exactly!!! In what world could you see Meri laying out some tarts to cool on that wet bar?! Psssht no girl.

    2. Great point Anon - you're right, Meri just told us she doesn't cook a lot, but only last season said she needed the wet bar for all the baking and family get togethers she likes to have?


    3. I get that she wanted a wet bar for counter space for family gatherings. Only thing is the kitchen plan had more counter space than most families in American have and manage to host extended Familly just fine. Her sister wives entertain just fine without the wet bar. There is an island and three walls of counter space. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve a similar house to the rest. They are all 10 years away from being empty nesters or near empty nesting. They could all be in 4 bedroom houses with bonus spaces for 200K. If they bought the homes outright I could a really expensive house. The fact Robyn on camera is trying to get them to settle debts instead of paying them off is why collectively we all have a problem with their housing choices. The fact on camera they keep talking about approval and financing issues is why we all collectively have a problem with these housing choices. The viewing public has no idea what if any equity they have in the Lehi property. That and the shows earnings, which are obviously a secret could be enough to buy an average priced home for each in Vegas. I hope they didn't move the kids in just to move them out in a couple of years. This was the brown kid's fourth home minimum. Four homes in 18 years for a family not in the military is a bit much. Janelle's and Robyn's kids have had more moves.

      If you are living an alternative lifestyle wouldn't you secure your future by eliminating the most expensive cost of living, housing, but getting rid of the mortgage as fast as possible? Any family can be goofy about finances. Monogamist, polygamist, no kid family, single person..

    4. From KMS:

      "The fact Robyn on camera is trying to get them to settle debts instead of paying them off is why collectively we all have a problem with their housing choices."

      Amen, sister. This bothers me beyond belief.

  14. maybe Robin is going to say she felt forced to marry the first time and it's something they would never do to their girls now??

  15. This blog has been my obsession since the beginning. Now I have my office involved. I hadn't been here for a few days, and caught up today. The funny thing is I have talked about these houses so much I think half of my large office came here to see the tours. We all live in 400,00 to 800,000 houses and were laughing hysterically.

    The Browns were so hell bent about getting homes they sold their souls to get in one, and their soul probably belongs to Pinnacle.

    Robyn's regret? She didn't marry Kody sooner and hit the gravy train?

  16. I will be surprised if it is anything salacious (one of Kody's favorite words). My best guess is that she is talking about either not taking her education seriously or about her debt. Given how sacred their intimate lives are considered, I don't think its talking about her purity.

  17. Meri Quite ContrariAugust 21, 2013 at 5:34 PM

    Sobbin's mistake: Monogamy. That's my bet.

    1. I think this is probably right. She expected it to be a plyg marriage and when she was told it wasn't she spent 9 years before she left.

  18. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned and, honestly, it hasn't a thing to do with this page. However, have you all noticed how they ALL say, "wegetta move in...." rather than we get to move in?? They all blend other words like that too. For example Christine might say, "Igetta make dinner tonight for everyone," rather than, I get to.... Just an observation I've had for the entire run of the show. Every adult does this. Is it some regional accent deal or what? Anyone else notice this?

    1. In response to Lisa, I'm sure all the Brown's have a regional accent. LOL I learned to speak in Oklahoma and was so surprised when I got to college that there were other areas in the country that did not make book, look, school, etc. into two syllable words.

      And about the wall between Robyn's house and the next door house, I think her lot is adjacent to the original building in the subdivision. If you look in the opposite direction (in the tour video), there are no walls in sight. Now would Queen Meri want to fence her neat, well-landscaped, prize winning back yard, of course. Maybe, we just couldn't see that far in the video or maybe she is still paying off her over budget house up-grades. Some folks have had such wonderful ideas for their backyards. I do hope the Browns read this blog!

    2. The phrase I notice most is when Robyn says " Mysiserwivescloset", she sort of slurs all the words together, almost like she embarassed by the name of "the business".

    3. Yes! Great point. It is definitely a rural-Utah accent and the Browns speak it irritatingly well. That, along with their poor grammar, has driven me nuts from day one of the show! Many Utahans speak with this same accent (often myself included here--lol) where they blend words together, fail to enunciate every syllable (con-frenz for con-fer-ence), mispronounce words with a "T" (dennel for dental), mispronounce vowel sounds (fell for fail), and completely leave off the "ing" (cookin, playin for cooking, playing). IMO the Browns are guilty of all of these pronunciation "offenses" :).

      Not to mention the way the Browns all say faaamly (dragging a nasally "a" sound along--I'm looking at you, Meri and Christine). Drives. Me. Nuts.

      Any other obnoxious words the Brown Faaamliy likes to say??


    4. Christine uses k for g anything ending in ing sounds like it ends with a k

    5. OMG Anonymouse've hit it spot on! I get so irritated by this that I find myself correcting them outloud..who's the sick one here???

    6. Yes ! I have noticed the "wegetta move in...." rather than we get to move in tendency, and it drives me bonkers !

    7. Ar ya shur peepel in Utah talk with an aksent? I'm just settin' here lookin' at the mount-uns with my famlee, and was not seein' it...

  19. I Knock Hips With No OneAugust 21, 2013 at 6:12 PM

    My husband and I have been quoting the line "he BEGGGED FOR IT" ever since I made him watch the episode and promo for me. Why do most of Robyn's bad points sound like backdoor bragging? Like the second season when she said she was so worried she'd lost 15 pounds and the other wives all gave her a look like "Violins. Swirling violins, I hear them."
    I seriously hope Robyn is just relating some anecdote of a friend-of-a-friend who did THE SEX and left the church or something. Anything else is just not fair to the children!
    Also I am so pleased that Christine a) seemed so much happier this episode and b)won the caramel contest...
    of course, the fact they finally staged a contest between the four of them judged by Kody...basically that's the subtext of every day of their lives, right?

  20. I have a question.... Did Robyn marry her previous husband with an intent to become a polygamous family?? Meaning she would be the first wife, but it didn't work out.

    And if that's a YES...they really were waiting a long time to get the next wifey.

    Because if she starts bashing monogamous marriage on their televised program....I will not be happy! That would be so hypocritical...they can talk about it privately to their poor innocent children and not have the cameras in the room. By the way, should be interesting if the kids can sit still for this lecture....because we sure know they can't sit still for a "Family Mission Statement" meeting.

    1. Did Robyn marry her previous husband with an intent to become a polygamous family??
      Yes, she did. Her marriage apparently fell apart before they could add wife #2.

    2. I think if Robyn and DPJ had intended to be polygamous, they would probably have married in the Endowment House--which they were not. I would be more likely to think that Robin's teachable moment involves having NOT had her first marriage sanctioned by the AUB, whether or not she had premarital sex. I think that is why she is so adamant about living the principal; she is the most vehemently defensive of the "Church" (though they do not call it that, they obviously try to make "The Allred Group" sound more mainstream); she is the most critical of monogamists; and she is the one who is most frequently seen in prayer with her children, as well.

    3. I think if Robyn and DPJ had intended to be polygamous, they would probably have married in the Endowment House--which they were not.
      Here is an excerpt from Robyn's chapter in "Becoming Sister Wives"

      "I was the first wife, but shortly after my son was born, I knew without a doubt that I wanted to have sister wives. Unfortunately, my marriage didn’t last long enough to bring a second wife into our family."

      Brown, Kody; Brown, Meri (2012-05-01). Becoming Sister Wives (pp. 64-65). Simon & Schuster, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

      So from Robyn's own words, she did intend to be polygamous. So where did she get married? Bluffdale? Pinesdale? Vegas?

    4. I don't believe a single one of Robyn's own words in that book--any more than I believe anyone elses. About a year ago, we had a "regular" who was from Pinesdale. I forget which name she posted under, but she told us that they were not married in the endowment house. She also said that DPJ was not thrilled about the kids being on the show. They were married quite a long time, so I doubt that they "didn't have time" to find a second wife--after all, Kody found 3 in less than 5 years.

    5. Thank you for sharing your opinion, linnetagin.

    6. i've come to likewise give Robyn zero on the credibility factor. i simply don't take her at her word. she plays the passive/aggressive and manipulation role very well and that's a survival tactic in her plyg world. and yeah - if you both go into a marriage initially w/plyghood in mind, it's very rare you'd still be sister wife free in a 9 year period. i think the AUB never approved a plyg marriage for them for whatever reasons unbeknownst to us outliers. but i'm sure someone's got the scoop.

    7. It would have been really hard to entice another wife into a marriage where they were so poor they couldn't afford a crib for the babies, had to chop wood for heat, and lived in a run down trailer.

      I also do not believe a word that Robyn says. She also says in the book that her life goals were to be on Oprah, write a best selling book, and some other lame things you know she made up.

      You have to love a woman who can afford to get her nails done, buy a new car, and buy a half million dollar house, but cannot afford to pay a simple hospital bill or pay off some former debts.

      I am of the opinion that Robyn made a deal with her ex that he could cut back on child support or not pay it at all in order for him to sign off on the kids being on t.v. That, as some other rumors say, she has some information to hold over his head. I see no other reasons for his silence and allowing his kids to be televised. Robyn has painted a terrible picture of him on the show and in the book.

    8. I'm just amazed that she was able to take the kids out of state. Many women get trapped when they would prefer to move, simply because of custody requirements.

  21. I would LOVE it if the surprise reveal ended up in Mr. Biological Father Ex showing up. Of course, since the Browns can't keep secrets, we would've known already from their tweets...

    Frankly I'm amazed that Mr. Ex hasn't been interviewed - all I remember is a tiny photo on a family tree on the TLC site I think. I doubt anyone's strong arming him. Maybe Kody is paying him a small stipend, or maybe JUST MAYBE he has actual morals and doesn't care to be involved in this mess.

    1. I agree, DJ. It has always been interesting that Mr. Ex has remained incognito. Given the powers that be in the media to research and find anyone and any facts, it is a mystery.
      Could be that *he* has issued a non-sleuthing mandate for privacy under threat of litigation.
      Or as you suggest, he has agreed to stay invisible for a price.
      Don't know, but it is interesting.

    2. Yes, I find it intriguing we haven't heard from the first husband. But then, we haven't heard from Janelle's either. Although he is Meri's brother so there would be some pressure not to say the wrong thing.


    3. Sharon, Janelle's ex (and Meri's brother) Adam Barber did appear on Sister Wives in June 2012.

      Here's a link to the recap - with a picture, too!

    4. he also posted on the TLC Facebook page a long time ago. He didn't say anything about Janelle, but did say that he doesn't believe in the principal, and is not a member of the AUB, but that he loves and supports ALL of Meri's family. Janelle's kids also call him uncle Adam when they went to see him in Lehi.

    5. He also posted here several times. I'd have to look to find them!

    6. Marc is another brother Adam is the stepbrother-in-law-in-law ;).

    7. Thanks everyone! I'm embarrassed to say that I missed reading that part of the blog "No Place Like Home" because, at the time, I got caught up on Kody's receding hairline. There wasn't any other picture that showed the extent like that one.

      Well good for Adam, its nice to see they can all be civilized adults and have family get togethers. That is a plus to this show versus some of the Real Housewives shows.


  22. I'd have to watch the preview snippet again to be sure, but I could swear Robyn said something to the effect of "...gave someone something just because he wanted it..." I'm thinking she'll either claim that she had premarital sex. If it was before her Jessop marriage, oh the humanity. If it was premarital canoodling with her first husband, oh the humanity.

    I think that a lot of the women who grow up in polygamy are so disenfranchised and so devalued that they must enrobe themselves in manufactured drama in order to feel significant in their own lives. You can see it in Robyn, in Meri, in some degree in Christine. Janelle is the only one who doesn't seem to have a fallback position of weeping and gnashing of teeth. If I were her, the histrionics of those other 3 would just grind on my very last nerve.

  23. I think she is referring to her "purity" and perhaps she was pregnant before she married him.

    1. I think that's it--nail on the head!

  24. Whatever it is its "em-poor-ent" I'm certain. Maybe it was having to live with that black pleather foonature she bought on credit.

  25. I think Robyn's weepy speech is going to be an apology for the ugly dress she wore to make the weepy speech.

  26. Pregnant before marriage?

    1. OOooo, even better.

      She met a boy when she was young, and desperate for a man's love, rejected by her natural father, she has a wild love affair and is caught! Then, to protect the family name and reputation, before a pregnancy can be determined she is quickly married off to someone she did not choose. She suffered for 9 years trying to make the marriage work and to fulfill his insatiable earthly needs to reach his celestial rewards when it finally crumbled and she escaped with her three children to start again. She absorbed all the marital debt to "keep the peace" and suffered with her shame until one night, right when the sun was setting a beautiful sight appeared before her. A great shining man sitting on a white horse, his lovely locks blowing in the wind. He pulled his mighty steed next to her and gazed into her eyes.......he extends his hand to her and she says "Why couldn't you have come first!"

      ...sorry, sometimes I just can't help myself.

    2. LMAO Rose, that is hilarious. I could totally see Kody thinking he is a knight in shining armor for Robyn. Probably why he allowed her to speak of her ex husband in front of all the children. Anything to make him look good. However, totally inappropriate for CHURCH and CHILDREN. She's such a space case!

    3. Maybe Kody wants to be the "Fabio" of the plyg world. If he grows his hair longer he can ride his white horse with his locks flowing in the wind. Now where did he get this idea...from the stash of romance novels under Meri's bed. But I think by now, she has passed them on to Robyn to read.

    4. Rose - LOL!


    5. Rose you should be writing romance novels ;) Or soaps! Or hell, the script for SW!!

    6. I can see it now, I'll be the Polygamist version of Beverly Lewis! Romance novels with deep Fundamental Mormon values and morals, and the girls will always, always, always choose to walk the path of the Church over their dreams and hopes for individual lives. All written on a fifth grade reading level. :)

      Lifetime movies here I come.......

    7. Pity Party Closet, please don't give Kody any ideas. The last thing we want is for him to start striking poses while shirtless. Or while wearing Uncle Adam's tremendously flowy white shirt, unbuttoned.
      I'm very sensitive to visual imagery, you know. I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

    8. OMG Rose! You are cracking me up.WHat you said about Kody being a knight in shining armor. I see him more as a dumbass in tinfoil. lmao

    9. Baa Haa! Go for it Rose, write those Romantic/Keep Sweet Fundamental Mormon trash books. Maybe you can pander them to the Sisterwives closet! ;) Kodouche on the cover doing his best Fabio impression.. Snort!.

  27. Do these people watch their own show? Can’t they see how badly TLC is portraying them? Meri comes across as a controlling witch, Kody as narcissistic personality disorder and an ego maniac, Robyn as an airhead, Christine as genuine, but naive, Janelle is always contradicting herself. I’ve never read their book, but from what I’ve read on this blog, Janelle was treated horribly by Meri. Why would she stay in this situation? Most likely they have a clause in their TLC contract not to discuss what they are getting paid for this show.
    I sure hope Robin is not talking about losing her virginity. That topic is totally inappropriate for church or young children! Especially if any of her children were the consequence.

    1. I don't think Meri comes across as controlling. She seems to always be upset/deeply depressed/disgusted. I agree with you about the others though. Sex talk at church is done a lot. A lot of christian churches I have been to have purity classes. I never was allowed to go [you needed parental permission] but I know they were offered.

    2. Maybe TLC is showing them at their best? I can only imagine what it is really like in those houses behind closed doors.

    3. I think Meri appears wildly controlling. When they take photos, she has to be the one who poses the family (they refer to her as the "picture Nazi.") If they are moving, she is in charge of putting the boxes JUST SO. When the went to the St George trade show she had to make the finishing touches to their display by adjusting a chair by a few inches. When Kody first married Janelle, Meri flipped out if Janelle didn't arranged the silverware just so (or something like it). If there is one vibe I've gotten from Meri (besides emotionally manipulative) it's CONTROLLING. JMO.

  28. I have also been divorced and have 2 kids from that marriage, I don't like my exe husband much at all but would never in my life say that sleeping with him was a mistake. If she does this it will be the lowest of lows. That is saying her kids are a mistake and I pray that it is not that!

  29. Whatever it is, I am sure it will be a precious hour of our lives we will never be able to get back!!! Listening to her babble and talk in circles is sure to promise nothing juicy!!!! Just as this whole season has been!

  30. I could be wrong, but in one of the earlier seasons, doesn't Maddison or one of the other teens make a comment regarding Robin's previous "relationships"? I think it was the episode where the teens have a lot of friends over and they talk about dating with them. I believe this is also the episode where they also ramble on about cerebral cortex functions again. Maybe the super secret confession is elaboration on what the family already knows, but Robin is going to slap some of those Grade A acting skills on it this time.

    1. thats right anon 7 47 and kody was quick to pipe up and say no..just one..they were talking about dating and Maddie said something about robyn telling her about how many guys she dated

  31. As much of an airhead as Robyn is, I don't think she would talk about anything sexual.

  32. Watched the moving in show again and Mariah sitting in the car pouting over not having her house yet pissed me off. She is 18 not 8. She is old enough to understand that home buying can be a long process, especially around holidays. That she can be frustrated but to carry on and sulk is out if line. She and her mom have a home, the rental. It is huge and more than enough for them. It is not hours away but a short drive to her siblings. My recently divorced friend and her teenage daughter are sharing a one bedroom apartment and making the best if it. She is going to a fancy college and moving out soon as it is. Her entitledattitude gets to me but entitlement always does. I love how her siblings are more down to earth.

    1. She is a licensed driver pissed off and not parked or moving on a street in a residential neighborhood full of kids. A car is a lethal weapon. Very scary.

    2. Actually Mariah was still 17 when the footage was filmed. She only just recently turned 18. Some teenagers sulk, feel entitled and don't have the life experience to understand the home buying process.

      She will learn soon enough, so give her some slack.

      SWB Posting Guidelines

  33. I hope for goodness' sake it's not about anything sexual because if I had to be gathered in the living room for the "talk" with the whole world watching, the anger I would have towards my parents would be there forever. I would embarrass very easily as a child and this would have made me die. If they do that to these kids, that is just wrong. I mean though, they put their dog down for an episode so why not add to the growing list they are accumulating of embarrassing their children again.

  34. Whatever she's going to announce is just a way to boost ratings!
    For the most part this family has lost it's appeal so now they're stooping to these kind of dramatic
    previews to try to hang onto viewers.
    I am willing to bet she'll admit to pre-marital sex, which to me is no worse than her post marital sex with a married man and two other mistresses!

  35. Robyn is a caring and sensitive person. She is the most emotionally intelligent person I have seen. She is not an airhead.

    1. Thank you for sharing your opinion, Anon 8:48.

    2. I saw Robyn described just this way in their book, I believe it was either Janelle or Christine. The adults perceive her as one who has helped them learn how to work through difficulties in a more mature and balanced way. Anyhoo, if the Brown's are reading....hellooooo!

  36. I am just surprised that we finally get see a Church meeting.There hasn't been a church meeting in a long while at least on the show. I wonder about the topic but not so much since will all be about the Drama .

    1. I agree. This season has shown more talk aboug God or their religion as well. Just think of all this talk about this Sunday. It will definitely boost their ratings that aren't awful to begin with. I think we'll see ine or two more seasons from this family. I think TLC is smart to play it at a different time that Polygamy USA.

    2. And I am willing to be the church meeting was for show. I seriously doubt they have those on a regular basis~~

  37. If it isn't about her purity, then maybe something about her turning away from God or something. Doesn't matter what it is, the intention to boost ratings won't happen. None of their cliff hangers have ever left me on the edge.

    I really wonder if she cries for the cameras or if she is an extremely emotional person.

  38. I can't believe that everyone in the family had to wait to celebrate Christmas till Jan 2nd!! All this because Meri and Mariah didnt have their mansion yet!! Can you imagine all hose kids having to wait to open their presents because of the Whiny Duo!! Can you see Mariah or Meri waiting???!!!

    1. The delay was more to accomodate those who were moving into their houses; also, I suspect that Robyn pushed for the belated Christmas so that her kids would be there to celebrate with everyone else. In a way I can understand that. It's hard to be a child of divorced parents and have to split the holidays. My half-siblings and I never liked to be apart at Christmas because it wasn't as much fun. If you believe in the true spirit of the holiday, does it really matter what day you celebrate, as long as you're with family and remembering that it's not really about the presents?
      Also, I'm pretty sure I saw one of the teens opening a pair of pajamas. They each had 3 presents, right? I'm guessing Meri's present, Mom & Dad present, & the name-drawing gift.

      Is anyone planning on watching Escape from Polygamy on Lifetime this weekend?

    2. I think Christine always gifts on JS birthday. I think the pjs she makes are given the day before Xmas so they can all wear on Xmas morning? I think it's three at the big opening. But the adults all have four other spouses? Do they get four gifts? I would love them to explain these details further on an upcoming show. Does Mariah get a $250 gift and Christines kids a $50 gift each? Do they buy separately from the individual households allowance or is there x dollars per kid?

      Given they don't go nuts at Xmas I was surprised by how much stuff they had to move. They just moved two years ago. I woud have purging like mad rather than lug everything into another home again so soon after moving from a different state. Knowing that the rentals were temporary. And these folks all moved at minimum four times in the kids lives, sometimes more.

    3. These kids have moved many more times than four. Kody and Krew moved repeatedly back and forth between Wyoming and Utah, for years

    4. In comments that I think I saw on twitter, Janelle stated that they 'waited until Robin's kids were home to do the big family celebration'.

      In my opinion that means that Meri, Janelle, and Christine each had an invidual household celebration with Kody(or without him) for just their own kids. And, then they had the 'big' celebration, such as when you take your family to Grandma's so the entire family can exchange gifts.

      I think that is why the entire thing seemed so lacking in excitement. Because all the kids had already gotten their main Christmas. Think back to when they went to the cabin. Christine's girls had already gotten their cell phones from her before they got there.

    5. Store Bought CaramelsAugust 22, 2013 at 1:05 PM

      @Anon 12:03am...Oh my gosh! I don't have cable anymore, so we have to wait at least a day to download our shows. Is the Lifetime movie based on Carolyn Jessops book Escape? Either way I'm so going to watch!

    6. Does anyone know if the kids get presents from Santa Claus? If they did not get them on Christmas morning then I would think their little friends would wonder why not. You can change that morning for little ones but not for kids in school. He said 22x3 so there were 66 gifts. I thought maybe Santa, parents and the draw.

  39. Not too excited people! She is probably just sorry she wasn't "pure" when she married Kody (in other words: that she was married before and had children with another man - very wrong in any way you see it, poor kids!!!)

  40. We all know Robyn's secret will be something really lame and not half as dramatic as they make it out to be. It's probably that she knew someone who gave up their purity and she wasn't able to stop them or she had a dream about losing her purity. Maybe she lost her purity ring and isn't able to put it in the time capsule they are burying in the back yard. We all know how this show likes to make a big deal out of non-events and I'll bet we'll all be disappointed on Sunday when this big secret is revealed.

    1. Or maybe she read a book about someone losing her purity!

  41. Great article about the Purity myth and the damage it does to girls. Elizabeth Smart is quoted liberally throughout.

    1. The link is bad, try this one:

    2. Good article in the Guardian. I had no idea that Mormons were so obsessed with virginity. Elizabeth Smart's recollection reminds me of Catholic school sex education from a generation ago or the prevailing attitudes in the Arab world. If those are the values internalized by Robyn, her revelations at church could be very mild infractions. Bet there will be plenty of sobbin' whatever the "tell-all" is.

    3. Thank you for posting this article!

    4. Yes, thank you for the article. Wonderful!

  42. As a Mormon who is not practising at the moment I can tell you that purity is held as the be all and end all. I married my returned missionary husband mainly because i was manipulated into giving him my virginity after 25 years of absolute purity...including no dating, or kissing before him. I was counselled to marry, as one of the prophets teaches that he would rather have his daughter die that day a virgin, than to have the shame of living with her once she gave up her purity. Its a massive guilt. I still carry it. 11 years and four kids later I divorced after years of abuse supported by my faith. My kids are not a mistake. My marriage was. I would say to Robyn, I understand more than you know. But dont share it with a child. They need love. Not shame.

    1. I Knock Hips With No OneAugust 22, 2013 at 12:20 PM

      I think this is a beautiful and profound comment & thank you for sharing your experience. I didn't grow up Mormon but I had relatives who held up a very similar ideal of you marry a virgin or you're a terrible person.

      The fallacy obviously is that there is so much more to a person than the sexual side of their lives. If Robyn is getting up on a soap box to tell the kids to wait for marriage and how much she regrets meeting her ex, then she's betraying her biological kids (even if they're with their dad now, someday we will see this)to pander to Kody's obvious insecurities about her former marriage (the infamous "ick factor" comment.)

      The years after I married were some of the most productive of my life, if only because I no longer constantly obsessed about the guy who was my husband. He was my husband, together we moved forward. I think we've all seen on this show this lifestyle freezes them into that constant adolescent state of trying to woo their own man- the father of their child. And they lose track of their children, their dreams, their potential in the process.They manufacture all this drama and competition and suddenly have this tribe of kids that absorbs all their time and potential. Its so sad, its such a waste. Who knows what Janelle or Christine could have done if they hadn't become enmeshed in Kody's self-centered lifestyle.

    2. Very insightful comments, "I Knock Hips With No One". As an ex polygamist I was very aware of men reverting to adolescence when there was a new woman on the horizon, but I hadn't though about the concept of women being constantly forced to woo the father of their children, and how that makes them focus away from their children. My biggest regret of being in polygamy, comes from knowing that I was not really available to my children because of feeling depressed all the time.

    3. Thanks for that Anon 3:28. I agree that if her secret is that she should have never married her first husband it's not something that should be announced. The marriage ended in divorce, it was an obvious mistake. The kids already know that. To have them forced to listen to a weepy confession about how big of a mistake their mom's previous mistake was will definitely make them feel as though they were a big shameful mistake too. Also, I don't think it's healthy to bad-mouth a previous spouse to their children. It's their dad and only makes them feel bad about themselves.

    4. Honestly, my sex life, sexual preferences, and sexual experiences are not the most interesting thing about me, and certainly not the most interesting thing about my marriage and family life. (I mean it IS interesting- to me and my husband- but not the MOST interesting thing.)

      The emphasis on "purity" and the sexual habits of the parents (both in this life and the next) really makes an idol out of sex and sexuality. In this kind of sexually charged environment, no wonder Kody thinks all the women he sells joolery to are interested in him in a sexual way.

    5. I Knock Hips With No OneAugust 22, 2013 at 3:42 PM

      EXACTLY Underfunded. Because he's never "off the market" he still sees women as sexually charged. Whereas a lot of monogamous guys in long term relationships start having great friendships and relationships with female coworkers because they have their partner and don't turn every interaction into flirting. Clearly Kody sees the world as Other Guys and Potential Wives...and that's very limiting for everyone.

      Ex Plyg I hope you are out of your depression now & in a much better situation!

    6. "I knock Hips With No one," I am depression-free, loving life, and never regret leaving, thank you! It just pains me to see the sham of other women in that hell, trying to pretend they are happy in it.

    7. Ex plg, I would love to hear your story. I am so proud of you for leaving the lifestyle. Did you leave religion behind as well? Do you watch this show and see your own experiences? I am sure you have insights that most of us don't have as to what is really going on with the Brown's.

    8. baddove, I'm certainly done with any "one and only true religion" scenarios, and consider myself more spiritual than religious now. And yes, for me it's really easy to read between the lines when watching this show. It's a point of faith for these women to be publicly supportive of polygamy, whatever their true feelings, and to try to try to convince themselves of the non existent "blessings" of this ugly way of life. It's so sad really. It's likely that most of them would never live this way if they didn't believe it was their religious duty - even Meri has said as much. For Robyn, it may have seemed initially attractive to be the newest and most favored woman in Kody's life, and to be rescued from her financial responsibilities, but if Kody ever gets another concubine, she'll really begin to know what polygamy is all about - if it's not already dawning on her. Most of all, I can hardly bear thinking about the children in this family who may be sucked into polygamy, and will have to suffer through it, and believe that if they don't they are going to hell.

  43. I wonder if the upcoming premise of Sobbin and something about purity is more about simply pandering to the blog observations that this family has moved far and away from their originally stated religious/moral concepts.

    Since their move to Vegas, the show has focused almost exclusively on material acquisitions and mundane activities. Trips, businesses, McMansions, wet bars, loans, etc. Other than Kody continuing to tell any and all people he encounters that he has four wives and 17 children, there has been little to no reference to their Plyg spiritual values. Nor any evidence or reference that church attendance has occurred at all.
    And this fact has been widely noted by viewer comments.

    Perhaps this episode is an attempt to negate and squash that observation.
    However, choosing Sobbin to be the spokesperson for the attempt at PR cleanup is interesting to say the least.

    1. question - there IS no AUB church in Vegas. To me, having the family gather together isn't "church" they are not a "congregation". For me, church means fellowship with others, outside your immediate family. Family religious time is prayer time. there is no community outside their own family and that IMO is not "church". And of course they aren't doing one VERY important thing that regular congregations do - GO OUT AND HELP OTHERS by doing good works - by that I don't mean trying to convert others, but helping out those who are less fortunate, with real work. And NO, that dosn't mean paying your $30 or whatever to run/walk a 5K and say you're "helping" or going on local TV to spin a roulette wheel and say it's for "charity".

      My mother and her church women's club is spending this weekend baking hundreds of fresh Gravenstein Apple pies (completely from scratch - she's been getting pie crusts ready for weeks now, each one made, rolled out, shaped by hand) in their church kitchen to sell at the upcoming harvest festival - the proceeds will go to help Reading Is Fun, the local Girl Scouts, and art/music programs for local school students. ALL of the wives have ample time to help others, WHY AREN'T THEY???

    2. Please do not take this as me trying to start a religious debate. I know religion and denomination affiliation is a very personal topic for people. I don't think you have to belong to a church in order to worship. By gathering their large family, they are in fact "congregating".

      Luke 17:21
      "Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."

      I know the Gospel of Thomas is highly disputed but I like verse 77: "...Split a piece of wood, and I am
      there. Lift up the stone, and you will find Me there."

    3. The Brown's have been all about helping themselves. I don't know anything about the Brown's church or what their posture is on helping others, or community charity. Given the "finite" resources this family had in the past and their current "blessings" i guess I shouldn't be suprised its all about them, they do have alot of kids to feed, but they constantly refer to their 'blessings" or are "blessed" thats code for we have money now. So yeah, that would be nice DJ to see them reach back and help others with finite resources and do some charity work.

    4. and dressing her up as a bag lady for her "pitch" is a crack up..these people are naturals at BS

    5. DJ, my understanding is that as priesthood holder for his family, Kody is bound to hold "services" or "sermons" to ensure his family follows the religious teachings of Mormon fundamentalism (for their salvation). The wives (like Christine, for instance) have the responsibility to reinforce their children's religious upbringing whenever the priesthood holder is not in the home.

      I've learned that while some religions may require "good works" by helping others outside their community, there are some that don't. Being that fundamentalist Mormons do not proselytize, I'm would not be surprised that any "good works" they do are within their own community rather than outside of it. For example, the "missionaries" of Centennial Park who help build houses and community buildings, perform maintenance and garbage collection for their community.

    6. It's not just fundamentalist Mormons who hold services as a family. Look at the Duggars. Home churches are not rare.

      The family worked with a group helping families leave polygamist compounds. Some of the older kid's helped get a house ready for a family by painting and moving stuff and I thought the adults participated in a walk to raise money? Good works aren't meant to promote their faith. Good works are simply meant to do something for someone else.

      A Disney vacation can't be repossessed. Or a trip to the ocean.

    7. Dakota Justice: Sometimes I am certain that there is nothing more powerful in this world than a band of women with a project. God Bless your mom and her church group. Sounds like there will be a lot of happy pie-eaters and a lot of good that comes from it! And, I agree. I would respect the Brown family a lot more if we were shown them doing something for others instead of the everlasting focus on enriching themselves.

    8. kms - the background to these "good works" was that the show's producers approached some kids who had left polygamy and wanted to make them part of the storyline for an episode. One of those kids said that they wouldn't appear unless some kind of publicity was given to the non profit Holding out HELP that had give assistance to them when they left their polygamist group. As a result, the production crew cooked up the idea of filming these kids and the Brown children working on one of HOH's transitional homes. I'm really glad they did it, but it certainly wasn't a spontaneous gesture - it was simply a ploy to create a new episode to make money for TLC, and Kody and Krew

    9. DJ, You had me at fresh apple pie. I don't suppose they ship? :)

  44. I finally watched the most recent episode last night on DVR. (We had our beloved Yorkie put to sleep on Saturday, and I've been too devastated to do anything more than grieve.)

    There's no doubt that someone from SW is reading this board and other discussions on the internet. AGAIN . . . things mentioned online make their way into the show, and it looks like with the inclusion of a "church service" next week, that will continue. Maybe they've finally realized that we didn't care about the manufactured "will they or won't they get into the houses" drama. We want to see how they deal with daily life.

    Next thing I'd like to see is how Robyn deals with the issue of the lien on her house for unpaid medical expenses.

    1. AZ,

      So sorry about your Yorkie.
      Thinking of you and hoping each day gets a bit better.

    2. Oh Yes! I would love a bit of real - reality on this show and see how Robyn deals with the lean against her house for medical bills. For something good like that, I would look up from loading the dishwasher during the show.

  45. I suspect Robyn is going to talk about her ex-husband. Didn't she say she had been in an abusive relationship? Seems like I remember that somewhere. Anyway, her 'confession' will probably be about not staying pure & picking the 'wrong' dude. Hope she doesn't slam her kids dad in front of them.

  46. I think Robyn is going to confess she really really hates those new King and Queen chairs in the dining room and has been afraid to admit it.....

    1. I Knock Hips With No OneAugust 22, 2013 at 12:14 PM

      LOL that's hysterical. She gave up the purity of her original design concept.

  47. Confidential to Kody BrownAugust 22, 2013 at 10:13 AM

    Robyn will confess she kissed (yuck!! ugh!) Kody before their wedding.

  48. One thing I noticed is that in one of the recent episodes Robyn told Kody to “put on his big girl panties” and deal with it or something like that about working on the My Sisterwife’s Closet stuff (Sisterwife’s is not a good word and makes the business look stooped right there haha). Anyone else catch that? I think that is her true personality showing through. The one she tries to hide behind fake smiles, fake kindness, and even worse fake annoying tears. She let the truth shine through in that moment and it was awkward.

    Also why in the world does Kody think that the “t-shirts” would be a “frumpy” idea? I think it’s a great idea. Free Christine t-shirts and Free Janelle t-shirts. Maybe a “Wet-Bar Fiasco 2010” or whatever, I mean we could have fun with this! They could sell easily.

    Other t-shirt slogan ideas below:
    Orange is the new tan,
    It’s my night,
    “Mid-wife Crisis”,
    McMansion Bound,
    18 kids, 4 wives, and no job -- LIVING THE DREAM

    Oh I am mean.

    1. My question is that who would actually WEAR these T-shirts? I wouldn't.

      the vast majority of folks don't even have a clue WHO the Browns are. at least in my circle of friends/acquaintances. It's not like wearing a shirt for the SF Giants or whoever your team happens to be. and who wants to go around explaining who Janelle and Christine are. WAY more people know who Honey Boo Boo is, because Mama June has been on soooo many talk shows and is a walking train wreck. (yeah yeah I know she loves her family and has trust funds and all that but still...making a mockery of her kids...they have to grow up with this legacy, at least the older Brown kids seem to want to make something of themselves and get out of this crazy lifestyle...)

      I doubt that Kody (or the wives for that matter) will approve T-shirts that basically root for two of the wives to get the F out of their crappy situation. no matter how much money they might make!

    2. Hi Missmaryskilla......yes you are mean aren't you! Wanna get together for coffee this afternoon for an hour long "snark fest" about the sister wives?

    3. "Orange is the new tan"...that is hilarious! I want one.

  49. Robin will give more information about the abuse she experienced during her first marriage.

  50. I watch Honey Boo Boo, to the amazement of my family. Last night I figured out why I like it so much, and dislike the Browns. At least June's crew is authentic. they may not be able to spell it, but they are. June writing her wedding or "commitment" invitations on old thank you cards.
    Stuff like that. No model for any family, mind you... but honest. You know they love each other. All Girls sleep together.No new house for them! Money in a trust fund for the kids.

    Kody's crew. Want Want Want. They deserve. Blah Blah Blah. Fake scenes. Endless review of story lines. Are the kids, without there would be no show, getting paid?

    1. I watched Honey Boo Boo too last night -- for the first time and I agree. The family seems to have real love for each other and as authentic as you can be in a scripted reality show. There didn't seem to be drama for the sake of drama.

    2. So very true!!! Good point!!!

    3. AGREE!!!!

      I actually love the HBB family. It's so obvious how much they care about each other. A day or two ago, TLC aired Toddlers And Tiaras, the first episode that HBB and June were on. I might be overly emotional but I actually cried. Why? Because HBB came in third runner up and June was SO proud of her. The whole family was! And then, the bratty girls who came in second over all (mini supreme or something) and third over all were such brats! Crying and carrying on with their moms being hateful about it all. In a lot of ways, HBB is one of the best families on tv.

      - J

  51. Cynical Jinx, I just crack up every time I see your Sobbyn thumbnail picture. She has that "I am about to cry a river" look. Too bad she's not sporting the infamous white plastic headband too.
    Love this blog!!

    Reposting--I think the apostrophy in my user name garbled it--would like to try again!

  52. When I first started watching SW, I envied the insular life the wives seemed to enjoy and the security the "principle" seemed to offer. Now, as things evolve, or rather, devolve, I envy no more.
    What comes to mind is the lyric from an Eagles' song:
    "Every form of refuge has its price."

  53. My guess: Either she's going to talk about monogamy being her biggest regret.

    Also, I'm relatively new to this blog (though I've been an avid poster since finding it about a month ago!). Is there any info here on Christine's family? We've seen Meri and Janelle's and heard a teeny tiny bit about Robyn's but nothing on Christine. Also, is there more info on Robyn's family? Links to posts would be welcomed! =)

    - J

  54. I'm sure we are meant to think that Robyn is going to talk about losing her "purity"--but I also think that TLC is clever at manipulating their sneak peeks and previews to make things look more dramatic than they are. She's probably going to discuss chastity, yes, but I'd be surprised if this were as dramatic (or as monumentally clueless) as discussing her past relationship with her ex, when her own kids with that ex are sitting right there.

  55. I refuse to watch the show and give them the ratings to fund their shenanigans, so this blog is my source of information and entertainment. Several readers have commented on what Robyn was wearing at their "church meeting." Someone likened it to a "bag lady." Would anyone like to tell those who don't watch, what this looked like, in detail. Thanks!

    1. It's my understanding that TLC has no way of knowing if a specific household is watching the show unless they participate in a ratings poll or television tracking(like Nielsen).

    2. I hadn't deleted the show so I went back and looked at the preview for the next show. Robyn says....she took her purity and gave it to someone who begged for it....she doesn't say I, but she may be talking about herself. Will the young girls even understand what she is talking about. She is wearing a long sleeve black top and a long flowery skirt with black shoes. Then at the end she says I'll be talking about the biggest mistake I ever made in my life. So I guess she is talking about herself. Maybe there was someone before her husband or it is him she is talking about.

      Isn't it a good rule for people who are divorced not to trash the kid's other parent? I hope she doesn't do that.

  56. I wanted to make a note regarding walls in their backyards between the homes since it has been brought up several times... I re-watched Robyn's house tour to find that there may actually NOT be walls between their homes. At least there does not seem to be one between Rpbyn and Meri's house. I paused the video and compared it to the lot pictures from earlier this year and there is definitely not a wall. I originally thought it was dumb for them to have walls in the backyard instead of one giant backyard but I may have been wrong... maybe we will get out answer on Sunday when they burry the time capsule!!

  57. "Time capsule?" Talk about contrived! When will this repository of plyg fabulousness be dug up? Will they take it with them when the houses are repossessed, or will they leave it behind so that the next owners can be thrilled with the knowledge they are blessed by this hallowed object on their property?

    1. The ground is very hard in Nevada..wont be like digging in Lehi..cant wait to see him sweat it out

  58. I suspect it will be about the "abuse" Robbin "suffered" and that ticks me off. My husband has endured over a decade of his ex-wife telling everyone she comes into contact with how she was "abused" and it's a complete and total lie (trust me, I wouldn't stick around if my husband was an abuser). No disrespect to people who have been in abusive relationships, but we're only going to get Robbin's -edited- side of the story where of course it will be all about evoking pity for her. In order to have a victim (her) you have to have a villian (ex or whoever). My stepkids heard nearly daily about how their dad "abused" their mom and my husband has had to try to overcome that while doing the right thing and not bashing their mom to them.

    If they do present only her one-side of the story I will be contacting advertisers to complain for the very first time in my life!

    1. I am so sorry your husband's ex is so mean.. however I am in an abusive marriage and my husband is the sweetest and nicest guy to everyone but me, he treats me like garbage. So you never really truly know.

  59. Gosh - I so remember that episode now. They came precariously close to showing her hoochie, her landing strip, or Kody's bat cave, whatever you choose!
    I'd hate to see a close up of her thigh right to her cooch and Kody rubbing it. Wasn't her doing a groaning like "your doing so good", or "uh huh" something like that.

    Robyn is a showboat, obviously would do anything for TV. Actually, if Kody dumps her, I could see her dancing at a club in LV. Then crying about it.

    At any event, she has managed to only work a part time job for about a year in her whole life. Don't let this girl fool you, she is a liar and a grifter.

    Personally, I think that Kody has learned to "act" a certain way around each wife, in real life a TV. That's why he's always acting like the romantic teenager around Robyn on TV. Don't let that fool you. He's already bored to tears with her and talking to her. He would much rather hang out with Janelle and Christine. He is the most relaxed at their homes. He loves Meri deeper than you think, for unknown reasons. Do I have an inside scoop. To some things, yes. Very close connections. Anyone that works or knows them talks about them behind their back here.
    The wife that Kody would be the most upset at losing? Janelle.

    I have read everything on this blog. Love both writers, but LOVE that you posted these pictures to remind America how she is not so puurree

    1. If the baby isn't born yet in these pictures, where is her belly, it looks flat. Didn't someone say once that they thought the pictures were staged? And who has the long, long fingernails in the belly picture, won't be wearing rubber gloves with nails like that? Does anyone know if it was the real delivery or is it after?

    2. Anonymous 4:29 love your comments. Kodys bat cave being my fave!

    3. Store Bought CaramelsAugust 22, 2013 at 9:31 PM

      Anon 4:29, I don't doubt any of that at all. But GAHHH!! Its just so confusing to me sometimes! Haha!

      Like when you say that he loves Meri deeper than we think, yet, the one wife he would be the saddest to see leave is Janelle, that starts to get so crazy to me. They've always made me crazy but I think that's why I'm still so interested. Like most people here say, its like a train wreck. You just can't look away. I understand ANYONE that would get bored with Robyn. She's a downer all the time. I can also understand being relaxed with Christine because she's such a warm & happy person. But I could never understand anyone who claim to be in love with multiple people at the same time. Not even close friends who couldn't choose between boyfriends and girlfriends. So it looks like he loves Meri & Janelle the most but one more than the other. I could never survive!

  60. I thoroughly enjoy this blog.
    My question, is why is it always about Robyn? she has only been with this family for a few short years, yet she acts like she is an expert with all of the kids (except her own). She is always riding around in the car with Kody. they all had to start the jewelry business because of her. I do not know if they do this for ratings, or this is for real. If its for real, if I were the remaining wives I would putting her in her place. How dare she comment about Janelle and Christine's kids when she has only known them a few years.

    Also, Christine does all the cooking. When they all come over to eat, does the entire meal come out of Christine's grocery money. I know she and Janelle might share or does Meri and Robyn chip in as well. I could see Meri paying exactly for only the morsels she ate.

    Lastly, I pray for Robyns kids. they all appear to be starving for attention. Can you imagine what it must have been like for those kids to go to school after Robyn televised Solomon's birth. Especially the younger ones.

    1. Girls in this lifestyle tend to become little mothers. I am sure Robyn has been raising kid's for quite some time before having any.

      Mariah ate at Christine's even in the Lehi house while Meri had salmon instaed of fish tacos and tater tots, I think there were Tater tots? Janelle and Christine talked about buying bulk, Christine had the food storage in her apartment. It was massive. I believe Meri admitted to taking the last 5 pounds of sugar. Janelle says she tries to pay all the bills as they come in. I think most food may be family shopping and not something out of an allowance. You see this is exactly the little details we want them to dissect and explain to us all. Christine says her kid's sometimes have to wait to get something they are asking for or need and Janelle said the same, but Meri says Mariah gets pretty much whatever whenever. I hope each kid gets x spent on them for Xmas.

    2. Well Robyn did not learn how to discipline children, nor many other qualities.
      Christine had the large food storage many FM have. No Doubt, having a food card she could go to all the food banks and collect, and the church has one itself.

  61. Knowing you, I am surprised you didn't zoom in on them!! hahahaha
    Miss you since you've moved. Love and kisses.

  62. Oh my...I forgot just how much of Robyn we got to see in that episode! The "wives" insist their private relationships with Kody aren't shared between them... but they seem to have no problem putting it on camera! Wonder how Robyn felt when she saw hubby kissing wife #1 while she's in labor 10 feet away? Wonder how Christine felt watching all the thigh stroking of the woman he was courting & kissing while she was pregnant with Truely? What a dysfunctional existence.
    I bet they're extra miserable after watching the episodes because they see exactly what he's up to with the other wives.

    1. Exactly! When I saw the tweet photo of the family watching the season premier at Janelle's house I couldn't help but notice all the frowns.

  63. OMG THANK YOU for bringing up the odd rubbing of Robyn's leg during Sol's birth! I though I was the only one who noticed! It was so uncomfortable to watch. I wondered if she was trying for an orgasmic birth...I remember the Business of Being Born taking about how orgasmic births often accompany home birth or something like that.

    1. Exactly what I was thinking, Anonymous 6:29. I remember, thanks to these pictures, Kody rubbing her leg and talking in a seductive tone of voice, and her weird moans were disturbing. Even though I agreed with many that the episode was cut and pasted together, some recreations, man oh man, she is not SHY in the least. I am not bragging, but I am considered pretty, not super religious, nor shy, but would NEVER have that filmed.
      They had no idea if that baby was in distress or anything. Lucky he was born ok!
      Thank you from me for reminding me before next weeks show just how Robyn acts one way and does another. Another thing-my parents would die if I ever did that for TV!
      Orgasmic Births?
      Wow, that sounds like this religious group.
      I can't wait for the review!!!!

      And also, a note. Remember the pic (You have it on the Oct 2011 section, couldn't post it here) of how FLAT Robyn's belly was after birth in that weird pic of her on the bed, like she couldn't sit up? She wasn't flat, that was photo shop. She has a belly even now. "Don't hate me because I'm thin" can't seem to lose the pudge, even with all that feeding!

  64. Back to the houses, did anyone notice the family names subway signs in Christine and Meri's houses? I love them Does anyone know when to have one made?

    1. I thought those signs were so cute! I'll bet Christine made them She should sell them..I'd buy one. Christine should open an Etsy shop..she's very crafty

  65. ".....and Kody strumming it, in a bizarre way."

    CJ, Love *that* snark. Brilliant !!
    That one still has me laughing.

    For those that haven't seen "THE" birth. CJ is exactly right.
    He was "strumming" her inner thigh !!!
    It WAS bizarre !!

    And then she changed into a new nightie and shooed everyone out of the room, except for Meri..(and of course the camera and sound crew got to stay too.)
    And then offered her still-dilated uterus to Meri for rental.

    Talk about your compelling soap opera....!!!

    1. I can't be the only person who was really put off by Sobbin's post birth rent-a-womb offer. If I were Meri, that would have ticked me off. Here's Robyn with a brand new baby from "MY" husband offering to be a surrogate for my infertile behind. To me, it just highlighted every insecurity Meri has. With cameras rolling, she was left with no choice but to pretend for the cameras that she was touched. You know darn well in the real world, Meri would have burst into tears and run out of the room. I felt this was 100% manipulation on Robyn's part seeking to draw a stark contrast b/t old/infertile wife and new/fertile wife. It really annoyed me and made me feel sorry for Meri which is weird b/c I normally can't stand her.

  66. Why would anyone deliver a baby in bed with all shiny, slippery fabric for bedding? This was just nuts. You would have thought they would have at least removed the fake silk pillows and had something more believable. Delivering a baby is a little on the messy side. It makes you wonder if she already had the baby and they were filming it again for better effects.

    1. I think it was half and half, half real, half re created.
      Which makes me laugh.... did they put goo on the newborn like they do on "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant?"
      I have to laugh when thinking about Kathy Girffin making fun of this show.

  67. I was at the drugstore one day this week, and sitting by the register was a bowl of "CARMELS". I just couldn't help myself, I had to buy some. Poor decision, what a waste of calories. Next time I'll go with Ester Price (sold in and around Cincinnati, don't know if there national) or Russell Stover. My sweettooth was working overtime.

  68. watching season 1 when kody and christine went to las vegas..i love them together

  69. Am I the only one who thinks that Kody is good looking???
