Saturday, March 23, 2013

What Would You Do?

Forced into Polygamy: Would you intervene? This is an older clip but well worth watching. Now that we know so much more, what would you do?


  1. This is an excellent clip. It shows exactly what is going on in general. Most people won't lift a finger or even question this, but some people are willing to stand up to these criminals. More people need to learn to be that way. Being an activist in this cause can sometimes be unbearably discouraging, but to see people willing to get involved like this is truly inspiring.

    1. The good news in my book is that people... people like me that had NO IDEA what the religion was all about, probably wouldn't know what to think before. Ironically, thanks to Sister Wives, and hopefully all our blogs, we've all learned a thing or two and would step in in a heartbeat.
      I once got between a mother beating her child and the child... and ended up being a foster parent because of it. But this religion...cult, so many have no idea what it is about. Knowledge is power, no matter what cult is doing the dirty deed, and there are many different ones out there.

  2. My heart is still pounding from watching this. God bless the women who stepped in.

  3. Could someone please tell me what this is about? Sorry,this clip only available in the USA, and I am in Canada.

    Thank you very much

    1. It's a "What would you do?" Video form ABC, abt, 2010, where they set up a polyg "family" (actors) who are celebrating a 15 yr old getting married to an old man. The gal is visibly upset, and it shows over a course of time over 100 ppl eat and watch, but 4 step in to save the girl.

    2. Try ABC news - look for their segment on What would you do, or on youtube?

    3. It is on You tube. I saw it there before. A couple of years ago I wouldn't have said anything because I didn't have a clear picture about all of it. I would definitely say something, now.

    4. If you go on You Tube and search "what would you do? - poligamy" the video comes up

  4. Great Video. Does makes one think. Honestly, since I work in the education field, I would step in and ask the child if they wanted help. No problem. Laughed so much at the short haired lady-LOVED HER! You go girl!

  5. Whew !!
    Have to say that seeing this brought strong emotion because.....I have held victims of domestic abuse and I have felt their trembling (from relief) once they know they are safe.
    No matter how difficult and scary their new future may be initially, they are **so relieved** to be free.

    What would I do?....exactly what that last woman did.
    I could not sit by and watch that scenario go down like that...despite what legal ramifications could or would ensue.
    For me, It would be a primal instinct and reflex.

  6. Interested in hearing what others would do on here. Honestly, a younger actress would made it better, but a great clip.

  7. Does there version for the mac or is just pc?

    1. The video should play for you on either a PC or a MAC as long as you have a video player installed on your computer. Also, from what another poster said above, you need to be in the USA for it to work.

  8. That brought tears to my eyes. I'm just sitting here crying. I hope that I can be a person who will step up.

  9. Makes you think the next time you see something, doesn't it! This blog is empowering.

  10. I'd probably make a scene. Huge scene. And run with the girl.
    However, if it was near this horrible place called Colorado City, what would the cops do?

    1. This was filmed in Las Vegas, which is only about 2 1/2 hours from Colorado City. If this were happening in Colorado City, and the girl ran, or tried to run, the Colorado City Town Marshals Office officers would have assisted with forcing her to stay. They would apprehend her before she could get out of town. Most likely they would arrest anyone trying to help her and charge them with kidnapping. The girl would then be intimidated into giving testimony that she did not really want to leave, and you would be in deep doo doo.

      Honestly, to avoid having to go through the mess of actual court, after you were properly intimidated by the threat of kidnapping charges, they would eventually drop the case, and you would be relieved. Of course, you would also probably spend the rest of your life wondering about the girl you'd tried to help.

    2. Now that is shocking to me. From Illinois. So really, no one can help a girl in Colorado City. I guess that makes sense with the cameras now, too. What on earth did the govt think back in 1955 when they let all this go? WHY does the President not care his own children are starving? Down below, please give us an update on that.

    3. Shocked: The president of what? The FLDS? The child rapist, Warren Jeffs? I imagine he doesn't care he is starving children because he's a sociopath. Check this interview of one time FLDS spokesperson Willie "the thug" Jessop accusing reporter Mike Watkiss of being a rapist and a kidnapper: Willie was referring to the two girls that Flora helped escape from Colorado City. Both of them were terrified they were about to be married off, so Flora rescued them in the dead of night, and Mike Watkiss came with her to document it. For that, he is accused of being a kidnapper and a rapist. Sure, helping them can be done, but like Flora and I do, I'd advise you to be VERY well armed and to have a media crew with you to document anything if something goes getting caught by the Colorado City cops before you can get out. "What on earth did the govt think back in 1955..." See the FLDS PR spread LIFE Magazine did after the raid. That's what they were thinking.

    4. I guess I'm dumb enough to think the President of the Untied States would care. I am new to all of this.
      You are right, first the raid, then the magazine turned around and made it all sweet. I'm just thinking this should have been dealt with long ago. our forefathers stopped polygamy because they thought it was slavery. It feels like then it was ignored, or actually thought of as a religion, and then spread out of control. The whole thing saddens me and I'm just trying to understand.

  11. Off topic,
    Meri just posted a picture of everyone. Janelle has lost a good bit of wieght. Meri, whoa, what in the hell kind of GD outfit is this?

  12. Doesn't this feed the whole martyr mentality? Vigilante activism validates their paranoia. Do you want to be responsible for whipping up a frenzy that leads to another Jonestown or Waco?

    1. A frezy does need to be whipped up! Thats why it still goes on, not enough FRENZY! You cant get away with raping young girls when there is a frezy going on all around you.

    2. No, I don't think it incites vigilante paranoia. Not at all.
      But I respect your opinion if you think it does.

      The catalyst to "do something" is what the blonde former plyg member was saying as she watched the filming taking place....that if no one at least tried to intervene, then the window of possible rescue would close for that 15 year old.

      Haven't we seen enough situations/ news stories, not just about these plyg radicals, but also where onlookers do nothing and the crime or tragedy plays out when it may have been avoided or at least interrupted?

    3. Are you saying that this isn't important? I think it's a great video, and should make us think.

    4. It's quite a thing to speculate that helping a girl like this will result in a Jonestown or Waco incident. I'd raise hell without hesitation. I'd collect some witnesses together and I'd do whatever I could do. I'm not going to stop helping people in the FLDS because of such an outlandish fear.

    5. Kudos for your comment. I so commend you. I totally agree. Take me to jail. See if I care-I will step in and help others. That is what is wrong with the world. It is now worse than ever with even the general public having a me only thought wave.
      Where I worked, and it was with children, all these "adults" whined and carried on about how these loser parents were sucking welfare. Well, I thought, living like they do, you are begrudging them insurance and food? Our school had a milk break in the afternoon, where each day, a child that had their quarter could get milk after recess. Me and about 3 others were the only ones that made sure each child got a milk. Selfish teachers wouldn't pass a quarter for a kid who didn't have it. That's what's wrong with society in general.

    6. Anony 8:31 - Do you not have a sense of brotherhood of helping the innocent?

      I swear, if we would all take care of each other, and share, love, and be kind, we'd have no messes. It's a
      me" generation, and that is very sad/ To each their own. i believe in God, and wish I had the means to do more for others.

      I believe it's called having character.

    7. AnonymousMarch 23, 2013 at 8:31 PM

      I respectfully disagree. It's just a VIDEO, for crimeny's sake.

  13. I would get the girl to the bathroom. Let my husband take care of the rest, while i had my daughter dial 911

  14. REALLY! What a terrible outfit! Geez! I swear, Christine was losing weight for awhile, but her outfits make her look terrible!

  15. PLEASE save these comments for a post about it tomorrow! Thanks! Let's get back to the REAL topic.... What would you do to help someone you saw in distress?

  16. Macs don't show videos much unless it's on youtube, which it very well might be.
    I would run with the girl. I am very interested in knowing what someone from Utah would say, esp. if it was around Colorado city.
    It's fun to be silly and I love it, but I also love to be thought provoked, and this is a great video.

    1. That's a great question given that according to the SL Tribune, the whole town has surveillance cameras put up for a strange reason...

    2. Given that the FLDS disregard the law for the sake of disregarding it, I'd take my chances on getting the girl to some authorities who are willing to do something. I never want to go through what I went through over Ruby Jessop again. That poor girl slipped through our fingers and spent the next ten years getting raped regularly. I have connections. I could get her to safety. The FLDS typically only intimidate people. If one of them gave me any trouble, I have people I can call who actually care. It would be on the national news the next day. There would be a huge outrage.

      I have many years of experience with people like this. I know how to make them tremble.

    3. Go Cosmo!
      Love you thoughts since you came from this lifestyle.


  18. Before I'm not sure we would have KNOWN what to do. Now, I'd take the girl and RUN. What authorities to go to? Not sure there. I also read where they have the cameras up everywhere. Call the Feds? Not sure, I'd probably find someone to lead me in the right direction. Abuse is abuse folks.

    1. That's right. I've spent the last 15 years learning to despise law enforcement officials who sympathize with the FLDS. When children are being systemically abused, you may be their only hope. I'd take the case to the President if I had to. I'm not a nice person when it comes to people who abuse children. I'll destroy them if that's what it takes. The whole world would hear about it and the political ramifications would not be pretty.

    2. Troy, why doesn't Obama see this and esp the bean diet? How can someone bring it to his attention where he can't ignore it?

    3. Shocked, I would also like to know how to bring this to the attention of someone who could make a difference. I believe that it is the State's responsibility first but I could be wrong. I read a book by Flora Jessop and she stated that a Social Worker came to see her regularly and did NOTHING!! He did not appear to believe her at all. TO me it is shocking that he could be in that town so regularly and not see that something was amiss. I believe that people like concerned teachers, social workers, LEA officials, and local courts need to be the first line of people willing to protect these children. It is what they get paid to do. I have trouble understanding how Utah/Arizona can knowingly allow this type of disregard for the law and abuse of children continue.

    4. Cosmo, you can put fear in the law? PLEASE do something about the bean diet! That would be a real hero!!!!! Go for it!

  19. The only thing that gets my family worried about stepping into situation like this and or other situations is people looking for revenge or coming after you for helping.
    I've had people fight in front of my bedroom window when i was younger waving a gun,so stuff like this is so hard to watch and not do something.Making it hard to try and keep everyone in both partys safe and sound should be the first priotry

  20. Any abusive case I'd step in. Doesn't have to be a polygamist. Abuse is abuse.

  21. lets hope we all would! Humanity is a character chip lacking in today'
    s society. Great Video. Makes you THINK>

  22. Religious fanatacism often ends in mass suicide. Especially when threated by out-group.

    What is concerning here is the intemperant approach of "activists" with respect to approaching a closed, fascist society such as FLDS. Storm troopers descending on Colorado City are not going to get children out alive.

    1. No, but the all bean diet might kill them too. There are no wins in this situation.

  23. So 4 out of 100 people at the diner intervened and 1 out of 100 of those who intervened were men. That sounds about right. As for me, yes, I would intervene. At the very least, I would call the police, take photos and video. I would do more if I had to. I've read the corruption is this town extends to the police department; I believe that. That knowledge makes intervention decisions more difficult. The bottom line is I'd have to do something to help the girl or my conscious would suffer.

  24. I hate it when a great little clip like this gets ignored. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE seeing the latest pictures and gossip of the Browns on here, I do.
    but if disheartens me to see so little response to a video like this, when a smirk picture of Kody get 200 responses. And here's why. I work with Domestic Violence victims. And they come from all different sources - man woman couples, woman woman couples, you get my drift.
    This poses a simple question. What would you do? Would you help? How could you help?

    Depending on where you are, I would say. Colorado City is a bird of it's own. Anywhere else, if you didn't know what to do, call 911.
    Sadly, so many police offers could give a hoot about this type of abuse. Pray you get a conscientious one.
    Talk to the girl if you can, and get her name, address, parents names. Even if you are talking like a normal conversation, that gives you something to go to the proper authorities on.

    1. I don't think it's being ignored, Cierra, there's just no fun snark to be had with this video. What's there to say? Yes, I would do something if I saw this, I'm sure many or all of us here on this blog would, but I guess I don't feel badly that we don't have 200 posts saying "yes I wold intervene" that would be a bit boring to read.

      It is a shame we don't have a like button, so we could show our support of various comments and such.

    2. Agreed! I see Cierra's side, but also don't think its being ignored. people can VIEW without commenting.

    3. From experience in the Domestic Violence field, domestic calls are dreaded by the police because so often by the time they arrive on the scene, the victim capitulates and doesn't want to press charges...or they are hearing two sides of the alleged assault and must play Solomon as to whom is the perpetrator.

      Also.....sadly, what the police miss is that once 911 is called, and before the responding police arrive, the abuser usually reverses the violence and pleads with the victim for mercy with promises that it won't happen again (which of course, it will)...
      OR...the abuser threatens the victim or her family with worse ramifications if she has him arrested. Anything from "if I go to jail you won't have any money to feed the kids" to the extreme of "if you press charges, I will hurt or kill you or the kids or your family."

  25. Here's my only issue with the clip per say - how likely is that to happen in reality. Wouldn't they hide the girl away and not allow her to make a public scene like that. As to why more people didn't respond I absolutely can't begin to understand that! I have the extra 'courage' of a husband in law enforcement, so I wouldn't have hesititated. I don't get it.

    1. Google Kitty Genovese Bystander Effect and you will read why some people didn't respond.

    2. Also (addition from Anon 12:59 above), I would have been interested to see the clip where the man intervened to see how that played out differently than the women.

  26. Abuse is abuse. In Indiana, we don't see this kind of thing, but there is plenty of child abuse.
    Luckily, our welfare dept is the best and not afraid to step in NO MATTER what family it is.
    I am a teacher, and certainly not afraid to call them.
    I had a child who acted as normal as they come, and knew of the family through ballgames, etc, your normal small town stuff.
    but she was always hoarse. I sent her to our school audio/hearing guy for a check. He called the cops immediately after her and the nurse checked her out. She was taken to the hospital, where it was found he father was forcing her to "act" upon him, and her little 5 yr old throat couldn't handle it.
    This is a true story. So, esp teacher and child care workers, a child doesn't have to act weird to be going through something. Always stay on your toes.
    And Yes, the man was prosecuted and it was a stink in the community. I wasn't called in since I had no knowledge and had referred her, but glad i sent her to be checked!

  27. Great Video! I enjoyed it. Glad we can think about such things. I'm young and not sure if I'd know what to do, but loved reading the comments.

  28. Anymore, with age, I would take my chances and take the girl if she wanted that. Take her to the authorities. Too many folks in this generation won't stick their neck out for others. Maybe it's if you were raised city VS country, but I'm country, and where I am at, I am 9-1-1 HAHAHAHAHAH Get it? Philism.

  29. After learning about the evil FLDS, I'd try my best to help.

  30. Here's something I just want to add. I live in a small town where we don't see much of this. But along with the fun, I love the brainy part of the blog. I like to learn new things, and think. You never know when a situation of any type might arise. What will you do?

  31. I was in this same situation and i would have run if someone had helped me. I was actually taken to a restaurant, and i cried and did everything to call attention to me. I was 14 and had to marry a 60 year old man. noone helped me. i decided hell was better than this, and ran 5 yrs later, having to leave my babies behind. I never got hem back, since they had no birth certificates, they acted like they didn't exist and the Co. Police didn't help me or any social worker. All that did was get me in trouble where they harassered me.
    yes I am somewhat illerate. But I am rebuilding my life. I have found that Jesus died for our sins, and i can get to heaven with his grace. i also met a wonderful woman, and yes, I did turn into a lesbian and proud of it. After having a grandpa paw you, that didn't care for you, the loving arms of a woman is fine by me and god will forgive me. But if you ever see this, please help the girl out. Giving birth at home with sister wives that hate you is horrible. losing your children is horrible.
    Please don't publish where this came from, but please do publish it so others know it really happens.

  32. Bless you anony Apr 1.
    After the information that I have read through on this blog, I would take my chances and run with the girl
