Saturday, March 23, 2013

Off Topic Saturday 3/23/13

Okay, looks like you guys are eager to dish about the latest picture of Kody and Krew. So here it is...

Remember when Meri tweeted about needing a girlfriend to paint the town red with while the Kodster was away? Well, the lady in Red is the person who answered her tweet, and it looks like she came through with her offer of a good time. I will refrain from commenting on Meri's outfit (jeez louise) but  standing sideways is always slimming. But girlfriend, that is one hot mess of an outfit (OK, I just couldn't resist. Mister Sister, do you agree?) It looks like she's wrapped up in turquoise bandages. The question is, Why?

Glad to see Robyn didn't get rid of her short jackets. And holy moly, what the HE double hockey sticks kind of satin jacket is Kody wearing? Looks like he bought it at yard sale for Liberace memorabilia - and the thing is wrinkled and needs alterations!

Kody, please stay away from double breasted satin jackets! YIKES!!

Janelle is looking casual in all black, and I think I can see some weight loss going on (good for her!)  Christine looks nice, too.

You know, I don't think I've ever seen so many pictures of Truely before. King Sol is cute, but there is something endearing about Truely. Let's take a look...

Oh yeah, Truely's gonna be wearing those markers in about 3 minutes !!!

Just like her brother King Sol, Truely has many moods, too !!

While I'm on the topic of bonus children, Maddie tweeted a picture of Hunter and Logan that was a bit on the risque side. I've decided to show it on SWB, but have made it more acceptable.
Remember boys, Modest is Hottest!!

For some reason, those figure hugging tops look pretty darn good on those guys, don't you agree?

Looks like Meri is sitting this one out. Janelle and Christine look like they are having fun with the Lady in Red. Who's the dude playing the fiddle?

Enough with the Brown Klowns, what's been happening in the Jodi Arias trial?

Wednesday, a court room spectator lost her cookies when returning from the afternoon break, necessitating the Judge to recess court until Thursday morning. I decided to take a cue from the spectator and took a break from the trial until late Thursday afternoon.

So what were the news anchors discussing when I finally tuned in? Well, here's a picture...

Apparently, Arias flipped the bird while listening to a less than complimentary juror question being read by the judge. I don't think it was the question that asked Arias' expert witness if PTSD could be caused by a bad haircut. Now that is the hand with the broken ring finger, but try as I might, I cannot just casually make my middle finger stand out like that.

And before I forget, Kody, Meri AND Christine traveled to the Valley of the Sun on Friday to take part in a Health Expo hawking that green koolaid of theirs. Meri sent out this tweet to her adoring fans...

Now, when has Kody and Meri ever travel on 'business' with Christine? Seriously, where is Robyn? And how long will it take for her to tweet one of her woe is me tweets? Sounds like Meri is actually having fun, too!

I've been checking the weather reports cuz I think hell must be freezing over...

But you know what? When it comes to meet and greet fan notification, Honey Boo Boo's mom has Meri beat by a mile. This was on the TLC official Honey Boo Boo facebook page. Buy some Girl Scout cookies or make a donation for the animal shelter and meet Honey Boo Boo and fam. What a difference from the LIV/MSWC  requests to fill Kody and his Kodettes pockets spiel.  Hey Brown Klan, take lessons from Honey Boo Boo's mom on how to appreciate your fan base!

Remember, you are free to discuss almost anything Off Topic here...Just be sure it's within SWB guidelines!

Please continue the discussion on the Off Topic Tuesday here:

Off Topic Tuesday 3/26/13


  1. HAHAHAHA Girlfriend, if you read my email to you, YOU know I agree! The dress is ok, but the stupid jacket and then the tights? Come on!!! We've already seen your nether regions in the climb up in the swimsuit!

    1. Oh my word, you mean that's a black bolero jacket over that bandage dress? Holy cow.

    2. Did Meri borrow her new bestie's turquoise dress? (and paired it with her own black spanx leggings?) hah! is this new friend a showgirl?? i love how Meri FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER is referring to her sister wives as her "sweet girlfriends." she's been reading here again. lol

    3. That was the Lady in Red who referred to the Kodypendents as "my sweet g.friends"!

    4. gotcha, CJ. yeah - i don't tweet so i get it now looking back at it and re-reading. i was thrown for a loop that Meri was calling them her sweet girlfriends now. should have known that wasn't happening! Something's up w/this red lady wanting to be in the sun w/this group tho ...

    5. i even think something might be up w/"lady" in red actually being a "real" lady! it's vegas ya know!

    6. She probably got forced into a foto op.

  2. What outfits! I am laughing out loud!

  3. Here are some comments from earlier tonight:

    Anonymous March 23, 2013 at 8:54 PM
    REALLY! What a terrible outfit! Geez! I swear, Christine was losing weight for awhile, but her outfits make her look terrible!

    Anonymous March 23, 2013 at 9:22 PM
    Christine does look like she's stalled out with the weightless. At least she is not trying to fit into a size 6 stretch dress like Meri. Heck maybe Meri likes to look like she is pregnant when she's not, who knows. Robyn seems to have developed an attachment to crop jackets. Janelle's outfit is the best. I did not realize how much shorter Janelle was till this picture.

    Lobotomized March 23, 2013 at 9:35 PM
    Either Christine is pregnant or gained a lot of weight back. Maddie tweeted this: We're learning about the holocaust in history. Saddest things I have ever seen or heard." And Kody retweeted it and added: When society has unchecked leader Really Klody? THAT is what you have to say about it?!!!?!?!

    1. He obviously fails to see the irony in that statement. His little society has an unchecked leader named Kody Brown, who has led his people to the "promised land" of Las Vegas and their little cult-de-sac. If it wasn't for him and his need to be in the big city, his society wouldn't be soon on the verge of financial and, most likely, emotional ruin. Granted, Kody is no Hitler, but still an unchecked leader. Remember, he wants his orders, once barked, to be obeyed.

  4. Kodster looks like he was attempting to sew his satin sheets into the shape of a jacket & then it got stuck in the sewing machine & the crinkled misshapen sleeves happened. Meri...just no. The tights are too short & the jacket looks like a scrap of fabric left over after the sewing machine ate Kody's sheets. Robin looks like she accidently dried her jacket on high heat & it shrunk. Janelle's weight loss is noticeable (go girl!) But she looks like she's wearing scrubs. Christine looks pretty decent. They should put her in charge of all laundry and designate her the family stylist to avoid these unfortunate get ups in the future!

    1. To be fair to Janelle, I'd give her a pass. When you are losing a lot of weight (and I've done that, so I speak from my own personal experience) you don't want to spend much money on the clothes you figure are going to be too big soon....I bought as few things as possible at my interim weights..just barely enough to see me down until I had to buy more clothes again. That said, I would get stuff that could be used as many ways as possible. If Janelle is doing that, this is her generic "need to look nicer" outfit until she drops to the next clothes buying level.

    2. I definitely see a weight loss for Janelle. Her tummy is slimmer as well as her face. She is not a tall woman and so the weight loss will be slower to show. I would like to see some low-lights also. She is a stunning lady. She should spend a little money on clothes that make her look fabulous at EVERY stage of weight loss. She deserves this. As for Meri I get the impression that her dress/bolero is a one-peice. There is not pulling or gapping on the jacket (not in the back or around the boobas. It lays too flat to be a separate peice.) It disturbs me more that she bought the dress made like that.LOL My other thought is that Meri looks as though she has lost some weight herself and is tring to show up Janelle. I found that when I lost alot of weight I felt as though I looked slimmer and could were snugger clothes. Fortunately I have a WONDERFUL friend who said "UMMMMM NOOOO!!!!!!!" LOL. She always dresses me and although I am a larger woman I always get complements on my look. (I give all credit to my friend).

  5. I think these ladies are in serious need of a stylist. To think they are selling jewelry is a joke. Look at them! some are over stuffed like sausages, others look like frumpy and dumpy, and Robyn, is that seriously what you wear on a night out? None of them know how to dress. Meri, man, THAT is a look, I'll give ya that!!!
    Kody Kody Kody. Silk Jacket. What is he, Hugh Hefner? Who Wears that out? Such a mess.

    1. I agree, they need to get some help, usually after this many seasons of a show these "celebrities" of reality tv start to put time into how they look and hire people to help them look put together. I think it's time

    2. Caroline Manzo (RhoNJ) calls it the 10 pounds of sausage stuffed into a 4 pound bag look(or something like that). I think Robyn may be going for the Loretta Lynn Coal miner's daughter 1960's long hair look, ready to belt out Fist City or You Ain't Woman Enough (to Take My Man).

      I agree, they need a stylist like yesterday!

    3. LOL... You Ain't Woman Enough to Take My Man! That is seriously funny :)

    4. LOL CJ!! Make me think of the song... Don't be cruel by Elvis, but I'm gonna!!!!!

      I'm amazed how Christine was so afraid of the Christian sharks... yet doesn't mind a plastic doll. If you ask me, (which they didn't!) SHE is the one using them, seeing it as another f-celeb to hang on to and get a bit of a ride!!!!!
      Of course they are falling for it. I mean they are besties after a month!

      Kody's gaga over the boobs and the high eyebrows.

      Kody, the hair is receding. Want a new look? Go bandana and beard.

      Don't put it past Meri to have lipo and botox. At all. you can take the plyg girl out of Utah and Yoming, but you can't leave those noses and chins behind.... To think Robyn lived in Wyoming still amazes me to this day...

    5. Christine looks like she has on an Easter outfit, but she looks cute. Janelle is trying to hide in all that shapeless black, I think someone already called it. That is Robyn's MSWC business suit. Meri, bless her heart. I think she looks good in the face though. They don't know how to dress and that is ok. Many people struggle with putting outfits together and some just have no interest in clothes. I think the only one who really thought she was spicing it up is Meri. Like I said, bless her heart.

    6. I stink at fashion. I have absolutely no fashion sense.

      It occurs to me I should get on TV so we could start a blog t0 mock my outfits (they are truly worthy!) and the blog and I could send the advertizing revenue to Holding out Hope! I mean just, baggy legged jammie pants, hand knit legwarmers, a cloche hat bathrobe driving my kids to school. ;) Now...what thing could I do stupid enough to get myself and my truly sad outfits (hey, I am a Portlander--the dream of the 90's is alive here) our own show? ;)

    7. I stink at fashion too. Finally gave up for blue jeans / white button-up shirt - almost every day! Ha! Okay, that is when I am not rocking the shapeless, furry fleece.

      Y'all are too harsh on the ladies. They look nice and real to me, everyone with their own thing. I respect Mary for going for it with the turquoise dress. I would have done black tights too; I think that was a good choice; like I said I stink at fashion. What would y'all have done if not black tights?

      The Gordon Setter

    8. MS/CJ, I just saw recent photos of Axl Rose (Guns & Roses) and when I saw that Tweet with the Kody pic this morning - it occurred to me that Axl and Kody could be brothers. both chunky and haven't come to terms with their hair loss. However, apparently Axl still can get better looking chicks than the Kodster.

  6. Christine's Grandmother (Rulon Allred's first plural wife) was a tiny bit hefty. She was poor and ddint have access to a verity of foods. I can see Christine in her Grandmothers pictures. She does look Myrtle. Christines mother was a LeBaron, they were large, tall and big boned.

    1. Christine is definitely big-boned. I think if she were skinny mini, she would not look very healthy. Meri on the other hand looks ridiculous in that dress. I think Christine's dress suits her and looks just right.

  7. Why are Caveman Kody's jacket sleeves so long?

    1. I know, I know!

      So his knuckles don't drag on the sidewalk?


  8. it's hard to tell what Janelle's weight loss extent is due to her head to toe black but Christine seriously looks close in size to her now. I thought Meri was ALONE that night and needing a friend to go paint the town red with. How come they're ALL together then? i guess this is a follow-up offer? These guys are seeming desperate for ANY kind of public exposure right now.

    Wonder if Meri's let Kody know that she already asked this new bestie to be 5th wife and she said no, thanks. dammit - for BOTH Meri and Kody! :P

  9. Re the Kody retweeting...
    Kody really should just refrain from commenting on *anything*..period !!
    The man is a wasteland of stupid !!

    I guess the Brown Babes have finally gotten the message of SWB's consensus about their sausage tops w/too tight tanks or ruffled baby doll overtops.
    Maybe they finally realized how silly they looked. least it looks like they are into a new fashion cycle.

    Robin favoring the "I can still wear the same jacket I did in 6th grade."

    Christine wearing her toned down version of a flower child...umm, woman.
    But it IS far better than her usual sausage tops and baby dolls in contrasting neon colors.

    Janelle in safe, camouflaging black on black....!!
    Hint for Janelle, consider throwing a few low lights in your hair.
    It would look so much hotter. You have a great face....frame it !

    And then there is Meri... who just never seems to get it right.
    Black tights with a tight sheath dress?!
    Topped with a super x-small bolero??
    She looks like a matador in drag !! Only thing missing is the cape.

    Would love to see what shoes she is wearing with this getup.
    Can too much green goo mess up the brain cells?
    Or is this actually her version of looking good?

    1. Meri "looks like a matador in drag"
      Kody "the man is a wasteland of stupid"

      LOLOL Amused, You have an incredible way with words, as well as amazing insight on more serious topics...

      Please join the SWB group planning a Vegas trip in the Fall?

  10. I think that Meri and Kody look like two peas in a pod... and the most like a married couple, like they are together. To me, his pics with Janelle always have a "buddy" vibe where he looks distant, with Christine it always seems like there's some beef (maybe her royal birthright is not being appropriately worshipped by the commoners in the family, or she is on a perpetual menstrual cycle) and he seems annoyed, and when he's in a pic with Robyn she reeks of desperation ("love me most! love me most!") and he looks smug.

    And when they're all together, I can mentally hear circus music.

    1. lol - yes, circus calliope music is the perfect background music for this fiasco. it should be played while they read us their mission statement on the show!

  11. long time reader, first time posting, although I've wanted to many times. Meri's outfit? Really, girl can't get some decent panty house, or match colors, or get a more flattering jacket. Then again, her and Kody are so tightly wound they probably go ugly jacket shopping after their group haircuts.

    woo hoo for Jenelle she looks amazing. Christine is trying to figure out why the slimming affect isn't working when there isn't someone behind her.

    Lady in red? Who is this woman?

    Robchin (see told ya I've been reading) just looks out of place completely. There are some very weird height proportions happening in this picture

    1. I agree about the height proportions! I think Kody might be standing on a box. I don't remember him being very tall and I think Robyn might be taller then him. Plus I don't remember Janelle looking so short before.

    2. When I first looked at Meri, I thought she was wearing a black jumpsuit with a blue apron over top. I wondered where all the butterfly designs were. How long has 19 kids & Counting been on? If they get a run like that, then they might have a couple more years of fame. Money, money,money.

      Slept into Debt

  12. On twitter if you click on @elisafurr who's in the picture there are more pictures with our favorite plig family.

  13. Kody's Jacket - look at those sleeves!
    They have lost their way in Sin City. Just hoping to be seen with a somebody.

    Thanks for staying on top of the stories here SWB!


    i'm not sure exactly where to post this, however I think it is pretty interesting given the discussion of the "paw" logo used by these 5 brilliant minds

    1. OMG! Even their paw print is a stolen idea! How can FOUR people not having any creativity at all? COME ON!!!

  15. At least Christine and Jenelle are honoring their belief in modesty. And they look comfortable. Robyn and Meri look like they were going for "hottest" with the least amount of "modest" they could get away with. Why was Kody even there? Because of the tall hot blonde new friend maybe.

    1. I agree about Christine and Janelle, and they are consistent in those modest choices. I don't agree about Robyn. I don't love her outfit and think yellow is hard for most people to wear and not her best color (not sure why this family likes to try to wear that color so much). But I do think the outfit is up to modest standards - I think it's actually even pants. It looks more business casual than night-out-on-the-town to me. Aside from that scene on the beach in CA I think Robyn dresses very modestly. And I absolutely agree about Meri - yikes. That's an unforgiving dress for anyone to wear and you'd think someone in life would tell her honestly that it's not the best shape for her - where was Mariah that night?

  16. That yellow really washes Robyn out. Maybe after Meri hatches from her Easter egg dress she can stay home with Sol for an hour while Robyn gets a spray tan.

  17. Anon 10:46, I thought the same concerning the gal pal.....looks like a showgirl. All kidding aside, the group could use the help of a stylist. Hair, clothes and make-up too. I wonder if TLC has offered. They can maintain their modesty and still look okay if they could just get some fashion help.

  18. Meri looks straight out of "worst prom looks 2002"

  19. I want to hear the real story behind this gal. At least SHE looks good. Kody is so.... swarmy. SWB you are holding something back, I smell a good story coming!

  20. I thought I had commented on this, must be losing my mind! Scoured this blog all day! It's also my guilty pleasure at night. Well, at least they all haven't turned to plastic surgery. Why don't they get busy making a SHOW?

  21. I see six lost souls in that photo. Don't mean to be a sour puss but I was looking at the picture and I felt a wave of pity come over me, for them. I'm sure I will snap out of this mood by tomorrow and be my "good ole self again" but right now I just feel sorry for them.

    1. lol - i'm always saying the old Mr. T mantra re:this group - "I pity the fools!"

  22. Is it possible they went to a formal place where gentlemen (Kody....gentleman..laughable) are required to wear a jacket and this silk monstrousity was borrowed from the establishment's heap of "dinner jackets for self righteous plyg men who think their hair is their best accessory"? Just a theory..

    Meri-- you look like you really gave it your best effort. Her hair had a slightly different style to it. She almost looks like she was aiming for her high school year book fashion.

    Janelle has definitely lost weight. Her face has skimmed a lot. Good for her! Unfortunately, she looks like the CNA of death in this photo.

    Christine looks cute as a button in her dress. I would like to see her with an updo with a simple French twist or curls.

    Robyn just looks like typical Robyn. What is with these chicks and undersized clothes? What Not To Wear could do them all a world of good.

    1. Patsy Cakes - I think you nailed it. Kody's jacket was left there by someone else, and they put it in the pile of "if someone comes in without a jacket, make him wear one of these."

      And I think it was originally left by Hugh Hefner. Or some other pimp.

    2. I had the same thought. that he got there and saw "Jacket required" and got an "emergency loan" one on hand. Let's hope he doesn't really proudly own that thing! but then again - i was shocked at his choice for a motorcycle jacket purchase! lol

  23. Oh ugh, sick of them out having fun. How about a JOB? When is the show starting?

    A good lesson of a great family show with religion would be Duck Dynasty.... Kody, you should watch that show. Mans made multi millions and lives in the SAME house! HA!

  24. I think Janelle is dressed the way most people dress when they have lost a lot weight... still trying to hide there bodies. Still wearing big clothes because they are still feeling insecure. Kiddos to you Janell! What Not To Wear would be great for her!

    1. Janelle kinda looks like a doctor or dentist on her lunch break.

    2. i can tell Janelle's lost SOME weight but it still doesn't look like A LOT of weight. Christine's pretty big herself and is still a little smaller than Janelle (not by much tho.) I thought all people who kept a blog about their weight loss journey like Janelle's doing, ALWAYS included their current weight loss data. She's the first one i've seen not do that, so i'm inclined to believe it's still not that significant given the time and supposed daily regime she claims. There's never any real data given on those things either. I think a ghost writer writes her "generalized" weight loss blog.

    3. "Janelle kinda looks like a doctor or dentist on her lunch break."

      Yep, a dental hygienist in mourning.

    4. Yes, Lol, just lost her patient!

    5. A dentist on lunch break ... Dang that was hilarious!

    6. that's an insult to self-respecting dentists! lol I've never seen a dentist dressed in black from head to toe. Talk about an extra downer to go to one that dressed like that! Like the Grim Reaper dentist! lol

  25. maybe that woman in the red dress is trying to get signed on the show with tlc. she looks like someone they could have even planted there to spice up the show. help take away the shyness of the others

    1. she already said "maybe" to meri and kody's proposal. she's stringing them along for her own purposes. Meri and Kody are so excited right now w/their hopeful "secret!" from the rest of the wives. idiots.

    2. hold on, isn't one of the requirements to being a Brown wife that the prospect believe in AUB/FLDS? or is Kody going for that Big Love story arc where Bill doesn't care as long as he gets the testimony from his pants...?

    3. Dakota, you are the first one to make a comment that made me laugh out loud, thanks! Testimony from his pants is priceless.

  26. Ok - I went on the lady in red twitter page (@elisafurr) and she is a burlesque dancer??? How do you go from a family that barely shows their wrists and ankles to being best buds with a burlesque dancer??? Also her tweets are a little creepy. Making plans to go rock climbing with Maddie? What adult makes plans with a teenage girl? And telling Hunter what meds to take when he tweeted he was sick? This seems kinda stalker-ish.

    1. Remember all the drama about the kids possibly attending some Christian churches and Christine very rudely describing it as throwing the kids to the "sharks?" What has got into these people? Now it seems that anyone with a little fame and success in Sin City becomes "great friends."

    2. sounds like Browns are desperate for public exposure right now and we all know what a great judge of character they are. it seems like they only deal w/shysters like themselves - the homebuilder, mona, that credit repair guy, that weird college professor, etc.

    3. i think once Christine meets you - you're in her besties club. she's pretty needy and pollyanna-ish.

    4. This woman probably offered them something free, ie something for nothing. Otherwise I agree. How do supposedly devout polygamists go clubbing with a burlesque dancer? Doesn't seem like a good fit unless they are not as into the religion as they claim (bingo). Plus she probably trying to get her own show too.

    5. Wow. A burlesque dancer? I'm thinking of Gypsy Rose here. Can somebody tell me if they get...weeelll, naked? Seems like sending the sheep out to the wolves in relation to Christine's thinking. Other Christians are sharks, but a burlesque dancer is just peachy?! Really? In a club with alcohol? How they have changed.*shakes head sadly*

    6. Apparently, Elisa Furr is apparently famous on the Vegas strip for her Celine Dion impersonation. As far as the ICandy review, the ladies do NOT go topless. Bump and grind, yes, but they keep those tops on. Here's a review from August 2012:

    7. Please excuse that extra apparently. I apparently got carried away with typing the word apparently, apparently.

  27. So I'm a bit bored with hubby and kids asleep so I started looking into this lady in red (Elisa Furr) with The Browns. It seems her first twitter contact was Feb 4, they met at 'Jeff's party' and Elisa sent several of the Browns twits to say Hey, remember me? It seems she has done a song for them, not sure if its just a personal thing or maybe for the show because she is a jingle writer, as well as a LV entertainer who is (or was...she twitted she was quitting) in a burlesque revue called iCandy, does a tribute of Celine Dion and has her own show. She also has/had a weightloss business where she created her own weightloss products. The wbsite is down so I don't know if that business is still going. She is currentl designing a website for her new production company. **I told ya'll I was bored lol** They seem to have become friends, she even twits one of the girls...don't remember which one....but she called herself 'Mama Elisa in one of the twits.

    1. Don't feel bad, sounds like something I would do! I really can't wrap my head around the idea that a busy woman with such an interesting resume, who probably has lots of extremely interesting people to hang out with, would try so hard to become bff's with a family like the brown clan. I'm also on twitter, but I haven't done any extensive recon as of yet like many others have here on SWB. But it looks like shes concerned herself a LOT with this family. To the point of nicknaming herself 'Mama Elisa'? She seems to really like them...or the fact that they're on T.V.? If they weren't reality "celebs", I can't imagine wanting to get so close to seemingly creepy people. Lets be honest, that's what they would be to everyone had they not have gone public. As many of us had no clue polygamy still existed in America. I don't know. Perhaps this entertainer is trying to land herself some screen time in a future episode.

    2. @MommaByrnes - she sounds like a twit!

    3. Add me to those who think the lady in red is trying to get on TV!

    4. Due to their huge egos and extreme naivete as well as publicity neediness - the Browns will be clueless to this lady's new smothering friendship and ulterior selfish motives. If that new agent of theirs is worth anything - she will check this lady out thoroughly and not be railroaded by her. But I have my doubts how good their new agent really is. The Browns are clueless really in getting the right people to market them.

    5. I have a feeling this Elisa may know the Brown's agent. Meri tweeting for a galpal and this women suddenly appearing from no where sounds to me like this relationship has been scripted for publicity purposes. I agree with you the Browns need to be more careful about the people they are seen with. I think their church back in Utah must be proud! Hanging out at a club with a woman in red while they say in their lawsuit how they are suffering having to leave their church and Utah. I hope the judge in their court case sees what liars they are!

    6. Their new agent is cute little Truely and all she suggests is they need to wear more marker on their faces!

  28. Fan From AustraliaMarch 24, 2013 at 8:26 AM

    Just want to thank SWB for introducing me to the Jodi Arias trial. I am now hooked and wait with anticipation every day to see the most recent news and trial footage. Appaled that she is wholeheartedly ruining Travis Alexanders reputation and that activites that two consenting adults engaged in is now being used to blacken his name further. Really, any woman who has a brazillian bikini wax is not a shy modest innocent girl. I also have a little crush on Juan martinez, I am loving his method of questioning and the smart and sarcastic comments he is making. You know it's a zinger when the opposing attorneys can't help but smile and wish they were as good as he is.

    1. If you have FB you can go to The State vs Jodi Arias~Travis Alexander murder trial. There is tons of information on there and the posts come on every few minutes. I also found on there the 20 page report from Detective Flores which is interesting to read. These are the people supporting the Alexander family.

      I am so impressed with Juan Martinez...I don't know how he can remember so many details. He sure shredded Slick Dick on the stand. Now the "compassionate" doctor has the weekend to read his files because he sure didn't before he was on the stand. I was embarrassed for him....not really.

      Slept into Debt

    2. Come and join some other JM groupies:

    3. I don't think they are smiling at him.

    4. Anyone ever watched "Monk" starring Tony Shalhoub? His voice and speech pattern sounds just like Juan Martinez or vice versa. So if they make a movie about this case...and you KNOW they will, probably the screen writers have already vote would be for Tony Shalhoub to play Juan.
      My first choice would have been Al Pacino, but he is a bit long in the tooth now. Hmm...maybe not...??
      But a younger Al Pacino would have been a great fit.

      I did read some background on Martinez. Apparently he is not well-liked by the defense attorneys who have to go up against him.
      He is known to be relentless and always super well-prepared and thorough. And he is usually not willing to do plea bargains.
      Sucks to be you, Jodi.

    5. They start filming April 13. The lifetime channel. Sorry if someone already said this. Any thoughts for the part of Jodi Arias? Maybe Robyn. Lol

    6. Lindsay Lohan. Skank playing to type.

    7. You're right, AZChristian.

      A perfect casting !!
      Just not sure Lindsay could handle memorizing her lines.

    8. She could do like Jodi and just make up lies as she goes.

    9. Lindsay looks way too old for her age. Has to be a fresh face. An evil fresh face.

    10. Hollywood makeup artists can do wonders.

      Besides by the time this trial is *finally* over, Jodi may be looking as "been around the block too many times" as Lindsay looks. :))

  29. Is the red dress person a Drag Queen?

    1. Sweet - if so! Kody would be so pissed! either way - this is really how religious plygs market themselves for legality in the name of their religion, right? these people are a serious joke.

    2. yes, that's my vote!

    3. "She's" legit. In some of her tweets she mentions her fiance, etc. She also talks about being involved in her contemporary church in LV as well as a few mentions of what I'm assuming is some of the green goo products. I wonder if they met through that.

    4. Is the person in the blue dress a Drag Queen?

    5. "Is the person in the blue dress a Drag Queen?"

      I was thinking the same thing. It is hard to not feel sorry for someone like Meri but I don't. I think that she is a mean person with her nasty looks at Christine and Janelle when they are talking and her tears. The reason she cries when talking about not being able to have kids is because she is picturing the damage they would do to her house.
      Also, does she ever even sit by Christine or Janelle? Does she hate them so much she doesn't even want to sit by them?

  30. "....but try as I might, I cannot just casually make my middle finger stand out like that."

    CJ, I tried too after reading your attempt. It is an awkward, unnatural position for the fingers to be held in and sustained like that. So I guess the only conclusion to be realized from her finger stunt is that not only is Jodi Arias a cunning, cold-hearted killer...she is also an extremely arrogant one !!

  31. I play "Angry Birds" at times. It reminds me so much of "Sister Wives". Maybe they should develop "Angry Plygs"?

  32. Friday night I was watching "Who the Bleep" on investigation discovery channel and they had a story about Warren Jeffs as told by his nephew. It seems that Warren Jeffs not only raped and abused little girls, but raped and abused little boys too. This nephew and his older brother were both raped by Jeffs multiple times.

    1. that disgusting fact was in Flora Jessop's book Church of Lies about him. He started that in his teens w/both little boys and little girls in their closed community and was getting away with it then. She has always hated him since then and has always known he's a monster product of his environment that allowed it to go unchecked.

  33. Kody would NEVER by choice wear a huge jacket like that covering up his beloved purple shirt!! it's a requirement by the club and a loaner.

  34. I live in Las Vegas. Elisa Furr is a singer who has sung with several different bands during the past years. You can check her out on FB but look under Furr Elisa to find her. She is not a drag queen, as someone asked.

  35. Nokidding, this is from the Kody Brown Family website. Along with TLc, it hasn't been updated in..YEARS.
    We have many dreams, but our biggest shared dream right now is to live in a VERY large house with 4 separate “apartments” or 4 houses side by side, maybe at the end of a cul-de-sac or in our own gated area.

    Guess they got their dream. In no way shape or form, is 4 separate homes like living together for the kids. They can say what they want, but it's not. What does Kody do now, run to each house to say nightly prayers?

  36. Elisa is a Las Vegas social climber, has been for years. She'll do anything for a buck there. Strip to her panties in a mock and poor version of the Pussy Cat Dolls to putting on garb like Celine Dion (I'm saying that like Kathy Griffin does) and sing like her.
    I'm sure she'd LOVE some airtime on their show. After 17 years in the biz, you don't see her on one.

  37. Robyn's smile looks too forced and it is apparent that she is not comfortable being put in position away from her man. Christine is gaining a lot of weight. Either she is pregnant or she is getting fatter. Robyn also looks a little fatter too, which makes me wonder if Kody has both women pregnant. Meri just looks disgusting and looks like she is trying to look sexy. I believe Kody is standing on a step or box or something. I don't remember him being that much taller than Janelle. Janelle is showing her weight loss but I wish she wouldn't hide behind all that black.

    1. Robyn looks uncomfortable to me too. I don't think this has turned out to be what she thought it would be. However, it all comes with the territory, so she is just going to have to deal with it like the rest of them.

    2. I can't imagine Christine being pregnant again. She's emphatically stated several times that she's done! and i believe her. She could be back on anti-depressant meds or in peri-menopause now for her big middle going on. or even a combo of both.

    3. I would like to think that Christine really means it that she's done, however, I wouldn't put it past her to get pregnant in order to get the special attention time slot. Especiallly since they're all living in the cuddle sac, and able to see where Kody is and when.

    4. Keep Sweet - Christine got absolutely NO special attention time slot w/Truely due to Robyn and that would still be the case if she got pregnant again now. Her and Kody's relationship is even worse now than it was back then and Robyn's and Meri's is stronger w/him - in their control arena anyway. I think Christine has finally emotionally disconnected from Kody for her source of happiness.

      I don't see any of the current wives other than Robyn having more kids now. Once Robyn's done, then Kody will probably take on a new brood mare.

  38. I think Meri looks HOT! She is one good looking woman compared to the others.

    1. Meri, is that you?

    2. This might be a tad of a traitor, but I'm not good friends with them or anything. But I've overheard, and they DO come here and read. And post.

    3. ^^ yes - we've logically long suspected that given their "coincidental" tweets and show scripts. We've said hi to Meri or Robyn several times here on various "suspect" posts. :) as they say in Utah, "i didn't just fall off the turnip truck yesterday!"

  39. if the brown family of 4 years ago could fast forward to this picture would they believe it? Vegas has had an effect on Meri. That dress is so different than their former dress style. Would they even know someone like that chick in the pic? im shocked they allowed themselves to be photographed in that environment when their story to tell is so religious and pious.

  40. I have a question. The show is based on their religion.
    If a religion is TRULY a religion, would the church doors not be open to all people? Why such secrecy? I've never seen a church where you can't go unless you are a member. Even the Amish will welcome you to a service.

    1. It's a religion that doesn't actively recruit members. It's membership consists of a chosen few, like Westboro Baptist Church for example.

    2. you can actually attend a service as an outsider in Bluffdale. It's just kind of awkward as not many people do it as they're not interested enough to do so and you obviously stick out like a sore thumb and are a little suspect - and rightfully so when you think about it. After all, they know they're breaking the law and naturally would have a natural mistrust of strangers showing up. I wouldn't be willing to put myself through it just for my own curiosity factor - unless i was semi-serious about becoming a member of an illegal plyg group. The majority of the members naturally have all been born into the lifestyle and that's all they know.

  41. Anon, I Love Duck Dynasty too. Really close happy family and the parents do live in a small, crappy, messy house. They really love each other and Kay got married when she was 16. My cousin lives in Vegas, I need to have her drive near where the Browns live.

    1. i love duck dynasty, however rumor on the street is that phil and kay don't actually LIVE in their old house. You can see in some of the interview shots the background looks different. That house is on their land where all the hunting. fishing, misc antics happen, but they have a home in the same gated community as jase and willie, again, thats just whats floating around on the blogs and such.

    2. NOT TRUE. Look at the property records, and, know the family.

    3. like I said, I had only read rumors online where someone had posted property records and claimed to know the family/live in their town...I love the Robertson family, regardless of their living situation :)

    4. It's been said for a while that the Miss Kay and Phil house is theirs, but that they never show the house they live in. Maybe they built on? Like a lot of Duck Dynasty - which I adore- it's scripted and not 100% real. But Ol' Phil is just stubborn enough that I don't have trouble imagining him digging his heels in and not wantin' to be no fancy yuppie.;^D

    5. When they show wide shots of the house, you can see there are several buildings in that area. Duck Dynasty features very little of the inside of any of their homes, I think they do that on purpose to keep their privacy. I don't blame them at all, actually commend them. They must be a production company's dream. They have several places to film, less permits etc of public areas to deal with.

  42. I started watching the old episodes on netflix and geez, it's like a totally different family all together.

  43. Honey Boo Boo makes me sick. Such bad family values. That kid is off the rails in interviews. BUT give Moma kudos for socking the money in the bank and not taking a bigger house.

    1. Kudos to them for selling almost 14OO boxes of girl scout cookies today and yesterday in a 4 hour span each day - and in the rain no less. they were able to donate almost $600 to their local animal shelter because of their sales just in these two days. (they've actually been selling online and at the mall for months now and have raised A LOT of money for the general fund as well as their own local troop. People have supported them by the thousands. They sign every box they sell and even include an autographed picture of the family for free, too!) That goes a long ways with me in spite of their redneckinize-ness and scripted gross stuff they do for their show ratings. They're uneducated and uncouth for sure but do have big hearts to give to their community. They make the Browns look like the pathetic materialistic and fake people they are. I'll take the Honey Boo Boo clan for neighbors any day over the Browns brand of obnoxiousness.

    2. I agree, at least they are giving back to their community and making plans for the future post-"stardom"

    3. $600 for local animal shelter! Shelters and rescues *always* need money and food.

      The Gordon Setter wags her tail. Thanks HBB and June!!!

      The Gordon Setter

    4. the HBB online GS Cookie sales were stopped by the Girl Scouts. It's against the cookie sale rules because cookie buyers are encouraged to buy cookies from their own local council/troops as the money from the sales is used to finance troop activities such as camping, projects, field trips etc.

      Still think that Mama June isn't all that, because bottom line is that the reprecussions of the notoriety she's putting her daughters through is going to follow them for decades to come, and not in a good way. Just not enough money to make up for that, even if she IS saving it for them (which I doubt, maybe a portion of it...)

    5. DJ - Their online cookies sales have never stopped. Don't know where you got that info. I just ordered some last week from them and they're still taking orders now. :)

      I don't think the Girl Scouts are into stopping the amount of cookie sales these people have brought them. People have been willing to even pay the shipping costs in order to buy from Honey Boo Boo and otherwise, wouldn't have been buying them at all. Also, not everyone has the cookies even available to them locally.

    6. It's been reported that she has set up trust funds for the girls, which is a lot more than many of the fly by night reality stars do

    7. I'd go stick my head in the sand and never look up again if I was outclassed by the Honey Boo Boo clan (as the Browns klowns are)! I agree with Dakota Justice - irreparable harm is being done to these children, especially Alanna, by their exploitatation.

  44. Bad Bad Kody BrownMarch 24, 2013 at 9:14 PM

    I have officially gone over to the dark side.

    I made peanut butter fritos today. Only a quarter of the recipe and still too much.

    I am full of shame.

    1. no thanks. i admit i have flat out "contempt prior to investigation" re:this recipe. it's just gross and so unhealthy and not worth the calories to me even if i did happen to miraculously like the taste. I'm someone who loves to cook and bake too (but from scratch) but these are just no bueno to me. but i admire your courage to go for it in spite of it anyway! and also your wisdom to just make a 1/4 of the recipe for curiosity purpose. :)

    2. Today was obsess over SWB day, so I made these for my kids for afterschool snack. I thought I was terribly clever. They thought I was trying to poison them and asked for a glass of milk and an apple instead.

      My husband on the other hand, thought they should be multiplied AND divided. ;) He, and the dog, ate the rest. (Yes, I'm watching the dog to make sure he isn't sick. I didn't realize he had cleaned off the plates until it was waaaay too late.)

    3. sorry, i am totally out of the loop what are peanut butter fritos?

    4. So are the peanut butter fritos good? I'm afraid to make them because I'm afraid I'll really like them, and I can see the sugar shock and extra pounds molting off them even in my thoughts! Not to mention the diabetic coma which may result..

  45. Yep, Elisa is the one who answered Meri's tweet about needing a friend to join her on a Sat nite. She also seems to have latched onto Maddy and Hunter.

    ‏@MeriBrown1 2 Mar
    Needing a girlfriend to paint the town red tonight! Just sounds like fun thing this Saturday night!

    ‏@elisafurr 7 Mar
    @MeriBrown1 and I am sure you can too. Just let a sista know!! I am here to help you guys settle in and introduce u to people in town!

    @MeriBrown1 7 Mar
    @elisafurr That would be so fun! We should make a plan! :)

    @elisafurr 7 Mar
    @MeriBrown1 trying to send you a direct message but it won't let me. It's private.. :) Special invite for u and S.W. Trust me u will dig it!

    @elisafurr 13 Mar
    @MeriBrown1 @realkodybrown @JanelleBrown117please keep March 21 open 4 special invite u will love!Keep trying 2 get invite 2 ubut been busy!

    1. Someone needs to learn to go out to the sidewalk and walk a few steps to her families homes and ( what a concept) to her "Sisterwives"

  46. As someone who has sold expensive women's clothing, I must say that short over long (Robin's jacket) is still in style. Also, Meri's outfit would be okay without the leggings and bolero jacket. I think Christine is dressing nicely for her size. She belted her dress which is a smart thing to do to define a waist. Janelle needs to wear more fitted clothing, wear belts, get her hair trimmed and reverse highlights. They need to be more careful about the people they befriend. Not sure she is the kind of person to be around their teenagers.

    1. Yes, Anon 11:22, I find it unsettling and worrisome that this show girl woman, or whatever she is, is befriending Maddie and Hunter. they seem to be the children most dissatisfied with their parents lifestyle, and therefore, perhaps, they are more vulnerable to influence by potentially unsavory characters.

  47. this may be off topic but..Flora Jessops story is on tv right now..arnt Robyns kids Jessops? This may have all been discussed before but if the Browns have tried to convince everyone their version of plygomey is different and , dosnt having a jessop in the family bring that close to home? PS meri is trying to sex it up in the blue dress..shes jealous janelle is becoming the hot one.

    1. I'm not understanding your point. Yes Robyn's has 3 children with David Jessop, but they belonged to the AUB, not the FLDS. What exactly do you mean by "having a Jessop in the family bring that close to home"? Christine was an Allred, her mother was a LeBaron. Ervil LeBaron ordered Christine's grandfather Rulon C Allred be assassinated. And David Jessop is Christine's cousin. Jessop, Allred and LeBaron are common names in polygamy circles.

    2. the browns are trying to main stream the pyligimist lifestyle and have it become legal thru a lawsuit. it seems they are all rooted in abusive lifestyles and none of these people are that far removed from a generation of abuse whether its uab or flds. im not privy to every single one of their relations but abuse lay in their lifestyle. the browns are just trying to pick and choose which parts of the religion suits them they have modified it to suit there current beliefs, which seem to be less and less of their foundation anymore.

  48. Good god, between Meri's haircut, bolero jacket, and horrible posture, she appears to be developing a hump Quasimodo would envy.

    Additionally, someone should tell her that wood stain is not an acceptable self-tanning product.

  49. Speaking of the Boo-Boo Child's family, did you all see Mama June on the red carpet? I thought she looked lovely. She's clearly a goofball, with a sense of humor, but her hair and make up styling were flattering and her dress was totally size appropriate. If she lost more weight and possibly had a little nip and tuck around the neck (I'm not one for surgery, but isn't it the case that sometimes you need it to really get rid of the extra skin?) anywho, if she did those two, she is young enough for a hipper dress, but until then, I think her stylists did a great job for her. Perhaps the same people could do a little magic for the Ko-dependents?

    1. The Browns need a make over, more flattering clothing, hair, makeup etc. Someone to teach them how to do things in a way to enhance what themselves, not look like a group of awkward teens. TLC has done cross-overs before with "what not to wear" I think they need to take on the sister wives!! OR work it into a "special surprise" like michelle duggar's birthday last year.

    2. oh wow TRACI - i can't believe they got Mama June looking that good! especially her hair! i've never seen it styled and silky looking. miraculous. if only she could keep that up but i really don't think that's important to her at all.

    3. Anon 2:07--I know, right? I highly doubt hair and makeup is going to be on her regular schedule (it's not on mine and I'm no redneck. ;P ) but it was fun to see her all dolled up like that. She always seems like she's in on the joke, instead of being laughed at behind her back. I haven't watched the show, but I'm a little bit of a clips and interviews junky. Christopher Walken reading Honey Boo Boo show quotes killed me.

    4. Traci I've seen HBB but don't watch regularly bc it's too gross to me. However, I have to say that I pretty much like mama. You summed it up perfectly-she's in on the joke. She is smarter than people think and she's a lot better person character wise than many.

  50. Oh man... a few seasons ago the RHNJ were on Project Runway, I would LOVE to see the designers faced with the needs of the sisterwives!

    1. HAHAA Can you imagine!? If they showed the contestants pictures of their "style" as a starting off point...they would quit!

    2. It would be hilarious! Especially when a designer refused to allow that modest is hottest and did a massive cutout or made the skirt above the knees...the designers are always mega talented but inevitably someone accidentally makes a crotch length skirt!

  51. Wow - here's the Brown's new Vegas friend in one of her burlesque performances. Wonder if she'll give front row tix to all of them to attend together or will it just be date night for Kody and wife of the night?? also, remember how disgusted and judgmental the wives were about the girl dancing on Fremont Street? yet here they're all happy to have this dancing lady as their new friend! surprisingly hypocritical now - NOT!!

    1. It seems like their moral codes change with the wind. The sister wives don't seem to like each other, a couple of them don't seem to like Kody, and the only people who CHOOSE to associate with them are potential green goo sellers, joolry buyers, groupies, and others who need the publicity.

      But really - now they're hanging out in clubs with burlesque performers?

    2. I predict that we're going to see this group start to do some really questionable things, to keep the dinero coming in. They have tasted a lifestyle that they are not going to give up with ease.

    3. AZChristian: I agree on the moral codes shifting with this family. But I guess it's not surprising because their religion is based very much on "feelings." Kody talks of being "called" to live this lifestyle. Janelle and others have talked about their "testimony" for their religion, which refers to have a strong feeling ("burning in the bosom") that it's true. And while the fundamentalist groups like the one the Browns belong (or belonged? are they still members?) do have a right to boast that they follow the teachings of Joseph Smith most closely, they have morphed things along the way based on the shifting guidance of their prophets over the years. So I guess the Browns are being consistent in their inconsistency, and they probably see it as an evolution and behaving as they feel "called to behave" in their new environment.

      I hope the kids do ok. I have to say I'm surprised by some of their tweets and those of some of their friends. I don't have a Twitter account so have just seen their pages now and again, but given some of the language and sexual references, I'd guess it's certainly not the crowd they probably hung around with in Utah! Mariah probably still doesn't hand out with them, given some comments she herself has made and the one Maddie made last season about "not hanging out with a bunch of Mormons, like Mariah" (e.g., couch interview with Kody/Janelle).

      Actually what surprises me most about the kids twitter pages is not the tweets to/from friends, it's the ones at school and to/from teachers. I don't have high school age kids - maybe one of you can shed light on this for me. They seem to tweet a lot with a few of their teachers/coaches. I think that's very strange and if I were a teacher I don't think I'd be tweeting with my students; I think there is a lot of professional risk in that situation. Also, they tweet pictures from class or at least say they're in class when they post it. Why do they have their phones on/out in class??? Students did not have cell phones when I was in high school, thank goodness. How can teachers maintain control if the kids are always distracting themselves? And how does that prepare them for real life? You need self control in life. At work you need to focus on work, and not be texting and ignoring people when you're in meetings, with customers, etc. I think it's bad training. Is this typical or just their school?!

    4. I'm sure they will blame it all on "The Vegas Lifestyle" that has happened since they moved to "Sin City" and it just automatically creates this type of lifestyle because of the surroundings.

      Uh.....maybe one should not have moved to Vegas...I believe Nevada has other cities in it's territory...correct?

    5. I really think this is just a set-up for an episode...the Browns get exposed to the SHOCKING side of Las Vegas ::gasp!:: and somehow get swindles into going to see her, um, "dance," then walk out when they realize what it REALLY is. This episode should probably play in the rotation right after the one in which Janelle and her kids pour their own cement patio, no thanks to anyone else. --prometheamoth

    6. OK. I haven't liked the browns in a long time, and didn;t think anything about them would shock me. But after watching the video of their "new friend" I am ...just speechless.

      (Nothing wrong with the video per se...but I'm not the one dressing myself like a sausage and constantly claiming "modest is hottest". Maybe their mantra has actually changed to "hottest is modest?")

  52. Christine: The dress is OK, but she looks like she gained all the weight back, or is pregnant and hiding it. Her face looks still thin so she may be expecting. Yes she has said that she was done, but things happen. Especially when you lose a lot of weight and all of a sudden your husband can't get enough of you - things happen.

    Meri: trying too hard to look like her burlesque sweet best girlfriend, while adhearing to her modesty principles. Failing completely. There are right ways to look sexy while staying modest, and this was just not one of them.

    Kody: With that hair, that jacket and that shirt, he is a spitting image of the homeless guy that was camping out next to the bus stop close to wal mart, I am not kidding.

    Robyn: She looks very uncomfortable and unhappy. The fact that she is not standing next to her man says a LOT about her current situation. I think reality has hit her in the face.

    Janelle: she definitely is loosing weight. She should get herself a powernet girdle and wear it all day and wear a normal lycra shapewear girdle at night so as to help skin adhering to the muscles and to prevent sloppy skin.

    As far as their new bestie, the burlesque girl, she is just doing anything for attention.

    1. Agree with this post wholeheartedly Lobotomized!

  53. HMMM it's been a busy weekend for me and just saw this post a little while ago!

    the photo. interesting that they would hang out with a burlesque performer. hmmm.

    Janelle's face definitely looks thinner. the other three wives not so much. They still all dress the same way. Kody looks like he's wearing a suit that's far too big for him, and I notice he's standing in front of and blocking a lot of Meri's posterior/backside (the same way that Christine was standing in that photo at the Killers concert in December - when everyone on Twitter or whereever was raving about how THIN she looked. Maybe it's just the giant print dress but she looks like she's gained any weight back and then some.

    I think Kody and Meri are using the same self-tanner on their face...or not using any SPF whatsoever. Meri's always struck me as having leathery skin anyway (of course hard to tell without actually seeing in person...)

  54. I must be the only person who doesn't completely hate what Meri is wearing, what I find tacky is going out with a burlesque dancer and my husband's 3 other wives. I shudder at the thought of who's night it was.

    1. I don't hate it either. I agree the leggins could be replaced with nude tights but I really like that dress on her! (no this is not one of the Browns!)

      I also agree that the company is questionable. I am sure she is a nice woman but they want to be modest and didn't like the Las Vegas night life in past episodes and now they are smack dab in the middle of it.

      My two cents for the evening

  55. I have to say that I like that color on Meri, but the style is.....well, I like the color. Trying to remember what momma said about not having something nice to say. I think Janelle is losing weight. Just think, she could drop nearly 200 lbs QUICK if she ditched the Kadouche! Whoops! Sorry mom:(

    I used to live in GA and would have loved to meet the Boo-Boo's. I watched the first season, but didn't see the second. I love the absolute lack of sophistication and the love they show for each other. They may be a little rough around the edges, but they seem like really good people. And I gotta give June respect for them giving back and also putting money away for her kids and not blowing it on a new home, car, buckets of self tanner, trips....I'm sure you get where I'm going here. Wonder how much the Krew has socked away for the Kodylings?

  56. is it just me or are other people bugged by the spelling of "cool" as "kool"? reminds me of the cigarettes. very Klassy. oi.

    1. No problem here...except when someone spells c(k)ool as 'kewl'. THAT I've never understood!

    2. They BOTH drive me bonkers...and then there's kozy, kountry, etc... :P -prometheamoth

  57. @Lobotomized - I agree with most of your post with the exception of the statement regarding girdles and "helping the skin adhere to the muscles" which unfortunately is a myth. More than likely, if Janelle loses more than 50 lbs and is able to keep it off, unless she's extremely genetically blessed, the loose skin is a given and no amount of girdles or other compression clothes will help that fact.

    Been there, done that, got the tummy tuck...

    1. Of course it doesn´t work in all cases and sometimes surgery is the only option, but it has helped a lot of people, the trick is start wearing it when you start your weight loss program and taking it in as you go - which means sometimes having the size adjusted every week and buying a new one frequently, but it is worth it. If you start wearing it after the fact then yes it is a lost case. Anyway, I am very proud of Janelle. If she only got a "divorce" from Kody, the reason she is overweight will be gone.

    2. The girdles have the benefit of acting as splints for your ab muscles as well--the non surgical way to get a flat tummy! (I know because I did it and lost 3 inches around my waist.) I also understood that splinting helps your body absorb the extra skin it doesn't need...gross, but I think true. :)

  58. As far as the topic of the GS Cookie sales by HBB - I understand that Alana has now become a Scout, so she can sell the cookies. This topic came up on TWOP, and the GS rule is that the girls have to sell the cookies themselves. Also the profits don't go to the NATIONAL organization, but to the individual, local Councils and the money is used to pay for field trips, camping, etc.

    I myself will only purchase from a local Girl Scout.

    From articles that I have accessed on Google, the online sales have ended and they are taking to the malls, etc - the traditional way of selling cookies. IF Mama June is continuing to flout the rules of the organization prohibiting online sales, I think even less of her than I already did. IMO, every single move whether charitable or not is meant to garner publicity and keep the reality show-related money rolling in. She's a VERY media-savvy stage mom.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think I must have been attempting to watch hulu, comment here, and facebook at the same time. I reread my comment in a quiet moment and realized it was a hot mess.

      What I meant to say was our troop bought 2000 boxes of cookies to sell. At $4 a box it would bring in $8000. Of that, our troop earned about $800 for it's own use. The girls in the troop will be donating a portion to their school library and using a portion on something for themselves, but that hasn't been decided yet. Perhaps camp, perhaps a troop event.

      The profit from cookie sales basically runs Girl Scouts at the national and local level. It's the bulk of the income and support the organization gets, so every box you buy, from a local girl or not, goes to support the national organization in a pretty major way.

    3. You are correct, Traci. Only 10-15% max of the proceeds stay at the local level while more than 50% goes to the National Council and the rest to the manufacturer.

  59. I'm unable to "nest" comments - Gordon Setter asked what we would do instead of black tights with Meri's dress. For me - its not the black tights - as much as the fact that they don't go all the way around the foot (like panty hose). She looks like she's wearing her Spanx visibly, or workout tights, cut off above the ankle. Not a good look, IMO. I personally would have gone with nude/tan panty hose but that's just me. :)

    1. Meri wore the same kind of tights several seasons ago when she went on her anniversary dinner with Kody (in Utah - before the wedding, I think). She must like that style.

      I actually really love the color of that dress, love it generally and think it's a good color for Meri. It's the fit that bothers me. On the right body shape it would be a lovely dress, but VERY FEW people would have the right body shape for it. It is very unforgiving.

    2. I agree DK. The tights are a fashion MISS. With the jacket, belly, tights and whatever shoes she is wearing chop her body up. If you must wear the dress Meri ditch the jacket and tights. Put some nude stockings on and call it a day.

    3. They look like leggings that were really popular almost 10 years ago...time to update the fashion. The bolero jacket is from the same time frame, it seems like she was TRYING to go out of her comfort zone and threw in some of her "staples" to feel more comfortable? It would have flown much better with nude stockings like said above, and totally skipping the bolero jacket all together, also a better fitting, um, a whole new outfit.

  60. RanOuttaSWCommentsLooongAgoMarch 25, 2013 at 5:51 PM

    I lost over 100/lbs via gastric bypass over ten years ago. I didn't need any additional sugery. I have a 2-3 inch tummy pooch but its more likely from having four babies than excessive weight loss. So yes, it can happen.

  61. One more thing on the topic of loose skin. Here's the thread from the forum I used to be a mod on before life got in the way - please read the initial posts.

    I can actually identify with Janelle quite a bit as I weighed around the same (265) at my highest and am around the same height (5'4"). There are just too many variables, including the stretched out factor, for girdles, etc to make much of an impact. HOWEVER - that said I would NEVER discourage anyone from losing weight because of the fear of loose skin! I do have upper-arm batwings, and "saggy" inner thighs however they are very strong arms and legs because I strength-train and trust me...guys don't have a problem with them whatsoever. :) The important thing is health and fitness first, loose skin can always be removed at some future point.

    It's shocking to me that I have talked to people (both on the "net" and in person) who are terrified of losing weight because they're scared of loose skin! But at the same time, i hate perpetrating myths and there are lots of them regarding the topic of loose skin.

    just my two cents and I'll leave the topic be.

    1. Congratulations on succeeding in achieving greater physical health and strength. It's such a long hard journey, both to achieve it and to maintain it. Good for you!

    2. I second the congrats! I agree that misinformation is a big problem. but since things like corsets do help many people, I think they are an important part of the total body health conversation.

      I don't wear a corset now--and in fact, since I used the Tupler Technique I actually wore a medical splint--but while healing a diastasis from child birth and/or weight gain, they are invaluable. They can replace the need for a tummy tuck, even if some surgery for skin removal is needed when a goal weight is acheived. :)

  62. Can't nest either, but usually can't once the thread number goes above big deal.

    I agree with DJ about Meri's tights. It was bizarre to see open-foot workout tights under a sheath dress??? I couldn't see what shoes she wore but can't imagine what they were.

    Full tights with high-heeled boots, no problem....a good look.
    But tights above the bare ankle with that dress.....??!! Bizarre!

    1. Sometimes if you refresh the page, the nesting reply link will work again!

  63. Thanks.....tried it but no luck.
    Could be my system..??

  64. notice meri quite contrary wore those tights on season one when her and krody went to that fancy restaurant.

    1. I remember that too..with some old lady sandles..and the dress was flowing not skin tight..with a short jacket. Meri is too thick in the mid section to wear the short bolero sweaters or jackets..isnt that like 2004 or 2005 look?
      and Mariah did her hair.

  65. I'm bugged by the fact that she calls her Sisterwives....Girlfriends and NOT Sisterwives. She should have said her Sisterwives and GF. THEY ARE A FAMILY FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!!! RIGHT!

    I'm sorry, but I think it distance themselves from their plural marriage when they call each other girlfriends.

    By the way, I could really care less if the season starts BUT really do enjoy your blog!

  66. Know what? Screw hanging out with the ex burlesque dancing, drag queen looking, Celine Dion impersonating, lady in red for publicity! Whether or not that's what they were (are) going for, its obviously garnered attention. Viewers don't want or need anymore gimmicks. The Browns have clearly screwed themselves of their perfectly functional, plyg living, religious loving family image! I feel like EVERYTHING past season two is one big friggin sham! The sad thing is that I really felt for these people. I genuinely liked them. I thought they were likeable, honest people that truly believed in the way they were living yet misunderstood due to the bad rap of the FLDS and all the other renegade sects. Now they look and act like a bunch of moronic carnies out to make a quick buck and to remain on the celebrity circuit!

    As a viewer and someone who actually contributed to their family plyg pool by purchasing their book, I can't help but feel like they deceived those of us who actually rooted for them in the beginning. I've been a fan of this blog for the past year. I'll keep coming back here no doubt as I also love the snark. I've learned a lot about polygamy as well. I also admire TSW for her creations and plan to buy! If I'm going to contribute to anyone, it'll be to help those ladies and innocent children get the heck out of that kind of hell they're stuck in! SWB is definitely a guilty pleasure :-)

    Sister Wives however may soon be a different story. If they want to keep their ratings they need to stop with these goofy shenanigans and start being honest! And I really hope the browns read this!

    Meri is a self centered, mean ol' B-word! When the show started many people liked her. She was in school, had a passion for psychology and planned to help kids. WTH happened to that? Now your as fake as your fake tan! Get back on track and drop the green too! I used to sell avon, another company that required a down line to make any money. I made about 60 bucks in three months! Not enough to pay my bills with! Take your sister wives to counseling and salvage whatever else you have left between them and go back work! That would be way more interesting to watch than your outing with 'Mama Elisse'.

    Janelle is someone I want to root for but why? Glad to see she's losing weight and hopefully getting her happy back. But I can't feel much for someone who chose to spend 20 years with people who failed to provide for her a blissful life. Not that anyone's life is 100%, but you know what I mean. Take more control in that family like your doing your with your weight and I may not be so bored with the show.

    Christine makes me want to take my hand and pop her in the forehead like the V-8 commercials! We want to see you wake up and, stand firm with kody and tell him to shape his ass up or ship the hell out! Dedicate an entire episode if you have to! I would watch that! Christine and Kody's relationship does nothing to help polygamy look good.

    Robyn? Yeah, I'm at a complete loss for words. I don't know what to make of her. Shes broken. She needs therapy like yesterday.

    Bottom line...fix your mess or end up like Kate plus 8. Its to the point now where I've forgotten that anyone even belonged to a church! Its hardly ever talked about anymore! Sometimes I feel like forgotten what the premise of the show is even about! Jeez!

    First&Last Wife

  67. Meri's outfit is a hot mess, but I do think she is looking slimmer. I think Christine looks great and Janelle looks pretty good too. Robyn, well... she hasn't changed at all - and that's not a good thing!

  68. Call me crazy, but I would love to have had the extra cash from the show for my family.
    I would enjoy THEM, not out running around. More quality time for the KIDS.
    The LAST thing I would do is overspend and not have solid jobs in place. Kody has no job! Isn't that weird? I would never buy such outlandish houses.

    1. What I wouldn't give to be able to buy an affordable home, with land and space for my family, save money for the future and while, i know that lifestyle change would be inevitable with that kind of attention, keep living in a frugal matter, not over consuming.

  69. One reason this show is dying is because the never film. Look at other shows - Honey Boo Boo.. the Kardashians, Duck Dynasty, even the ones on VH 1, they just keep those cameras rolling. Seems to me that this film production team doesn't even know what to do with this crew. They were supposed to be NORMAL. Nothing they go on and on about ever pans out. They certainly aren't living off the dozen jewelry pieces. I'd say they get about 300,000 a year for filming. Kody has not bothered to get a job, which really perturbs me for some reason. A man with all those kids, wanting more, tweeting about Abraham and Sarah, like he's gonna have kids until he's 100.... no responsibility factor. Robyn seems to of had a miscarriage which I feel bad for her, but PRAY there's not a thousand forced tears from Kody since they are just NOW filming. She's getting older and not popping them out quick. I see a new wife on the horizon. IF HE DOESN'T GET A NEW WIFE SOON, THIS SHOW IS DEAD. Sadly, he should get a younger one to have those kids....

    1. I agree, there is nothing spectacular about them, at first it spiked interest seeing how a polygamist family lived, since then they've regurgitated the same story lines over and over and over. How many road trips filled with flat tires and whiney Browns? An entire season based on a cliff hanger that isn't even suspenseful, or kept under wraps well, a simple google search and you can find out pretty much figure it out for yourself. I only watch after a few episodes have aired and catch a block, and usually while i'm doing other things just to kind of see whats happening, i can't stay focused anymore.

      I do think Robyn had a miscarriage too, I feel bad for her for that, regardless of the situation it is a very difficult situation to deal with.

  70. My gosh they aren't picked up by any news media. They should be THANKFUL you guys keep them alive and going! I'm with the others, I want to see Kody get a job and be responsible, and then get another wife. Where would they put her?

    1. That's true, they're never spoken of even by the comedians of late night. They're not doing anything interesting, I suspect that lady in red situation was set up by someone, possibly production or their agent, to stir up some attention.

  71. I would like to hear more about the Dargers. Although I am against polygamy, I do believe they are much more of a solid family. They don't name their children by the mother. I like that.
